THE OREGON. DAILY . JOURNAL, PORTLAND; TUESDAY, OCTOBER - 14 '1919. 17 "REAL ESTATE ' JOB BALE HOUSED" - Giro. T. MOWtB ort. TITLES PEBFKCT OB MONET REFUNDED REAR ARLETA SCHOOL. 120006 rut- bungalow, BtUe, geod bath, fairly good condition, good basement, i lot to 47 HxllSs B bearing fruit , trass; 4 block car. cement sidewalks, 1 clou school, no incumbrance to as , ume: only $300 down bat. I away,. ' ' . Jf A WTHOBNE f :' K . 2808 no. bungalow, fireplace, ' buffet, Dutch) kitchen, full basement, laundry ' ' trey, nice, locality, pavad at., ewv. ft fatoeka car. cloaa achool. f 1000 -' - down, with tanna on balance. - ' 6CNNTSTDE . ' 1150 Attractive ft rm. bungalow, cloaa in, between Bunnyaidc and Hawthorn v -'i ears, larga rms., dandy kitchen, full ' bmnt, furnace, pretty lot. paved at., sewer; tf you want a Sunnyside liomt quick, bar it to; 11000 down. l ' ' ' - WILL TAKE AUTO ffftOO Thto dandy a rm. bungalow, newly painted and tinted, fireplace, book rt, bo (fat, baamcd ceilings, white svumrl Dutch kitchen. Haw. dlst. ' Cut 100 lot. garage, paved sta.. -luaa in, ft bike, ieer; fine proposi- titro; take auto put of $1125 tint -, ' iyBt. Hurry. 8UNNTSIDK. 2 BLOCKS CAIl 3T0O 6 tin. house, fireplace, bookcases, , . buffet, Dutch kitchen, S bedroom. V ' bath, cement baaement, furnace, laundry traya, S7ttxl00 lot large u '. fruit trees; pared at., aewar paid; a raal home in fina location; terms, ''-.i. NEAB FRANKLIN HIGH . I 100 Quern Anna 0 rm. bungalow typ. hardwood floor, fireplace, ballet, Dutch kitchen, full eemant basement. . 1 f .. laundry traya, piped for furnace, a .shu. A WIL. - T I.V. i w - via, W(, nws nwHiuuuM school; corner lot 47x100; $1000 t . . cash. ' . . - OWNER LEAVINO CITT ' t00 Hawthorn district, 1 blk. car, one of th moat attraetira 6 rm. bung alowa in thin district, nearly new, hardwood floon, fireplace.; buffet. . liutrb kitchen, floored atttie. cement ' basement, laundry trays, room for " caraa. pared at., sewer; $1500 cash, baL like rent. ..... FURNISHED HOUSE 4300 S room on one floor, large floored attic, furnace. Our. 100 lot. clone in -on East Wide, near 2 carlinea: a rood bo ate, well furnished, in good location. . . ' Antos alwayi at your convenience. SEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yaoa bldg. ' LA UTtKLHURST OVLT THIS IMK I,Rt"T. I hare a 7-roora bourn with den and sleeping rarcn. narawooa rioors tnroagbeut 2 fireplaces, nt water heat, full basement, cement saracs. beautiful rlew. Owner non-resident, orders me to aelt for $7000: 2000 cash wtU buy; can hare ion November 1. If you want a home, ou t past this tip. 10 Ballway Kxehange. . " Manball 26S8 ' Aatoa to show property. laiiOO HAWTHORNS BUNOALOW On E. 87th it., in the Hawthorne district. M corner lot, on pared streets, is a neat 5 toom gray bungalow-cottage ; white enamel plumb ing, etertno lights and gas; 300 wiU handle. kiAL BAllUAIfl, SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BCT TOUB ROMS Office Open Jlnndaya and Krentngv Abington bklg. Main 1068. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. S81B0 Buye-a 5 room bungalow with full baaement, wash traya, electric lights, cos. fireulace. buffet. Dutch kitchen full lot, attio large enough for 8 ad ditional rooms If desired, moored with tint class flooring. Thin ia a wonderfully good buy. Let us show ou. Terms, A, W1CKMAN COMPANY. 04 By. Each. Bldg. Main 1004. $1160 ALBERTA BUNGALOW COTTAGE On a 40x100 lot, on E. 26th st.. close to j th car, la a comfortable 4-room cottage; has bath, toilet, elcctria lights and gas; fruit, gar den and chicken' hbuse. Very easy terms. No t gaertgage or street liens to assume. . - 1 SEE . FRANK L. McQUIRE ... , TO BUT TOUB HOME. . . Office open Sundays and evenings, - 1 ' Abington bldg.. Main 1008. . $2750 On E. 13tb and Alberta. Brand' new - 4 room bungalow. living TOOIH and dining toots 1st on, with built-in buffet. Kitchen, 2 bediwuo and bath; full osment basement, fire- ilaoe, gas and electricity, screens and shades; nterior " finish light oak and ivory. Doable ejenstrueted throughout. It'n get this. BIHR-CAREY CO. MODERN HOMES ONLY. , 210 By. Kxoh, bUlg. Main lnBft. il STOBT A room modern house, hardwood floors beautiful buffet, paved street, sewer, full ee gnent basement, laundry trays, bookcase, fire- 5 lace, den, 60x100 lot; $1600 csh, price 8000. JOHNSON-DODSON CQ. 682-688-684 N. W. Bank Bldg. JU8T EAST 0V IRVINGTON. . 8)2800 buys a 6 rooms bungalow with full ee : . , " ment basement, wash trays, fireplace. pated street in and paid. .Requires lislf cash. J. A. WICKMAN COMPANY, g04 By. Exch. Bldg. . Main 1 004 . k-BOOM hous and close by other buildings. and smalt kitchen, on 2 lots, for sale or lease; easy terms; partly furnished: gas lights and range, to the right party. No. of house S128 86th are. and 824. Oregon City road. i Take the Hawthorne car to the end; go to 82d i at. ana gotn ev. Aaaress or cau jtrs. r. aVhimpp, 23 H Jnraon st, city. Rose City Park Car IDEAL BUNGALOW MODERN Brand new, large living room, bedrooms, fereakfast nook, kitchen, bath, lavatory, - toilet, Baeement: hardwood floors: terms: real ooev bungalow home; 1 block to car'; lot 80x100; real bargain. 747' E. 78d st. X. J tOSB ClTV 6 room bungalow, 66100 lot, sewer, water, - light, gas, full cement basement, fnrnaoa. fireplace, oak floors, fruit room, every thing modem, $8850. $2000 cash. See this Before you buy. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 632-668-634 N. W. --Bank Bldg. $IM CASH . 12600 MODERN 8 R. HOME. CLOSB-W. . S2100 MODERN B, HOME. TAKE LOT. ,0. 0. GOLDEN BEBO. ABINGTON BLDG. 3.1 Tears in Portland." Main 4808. 12300600 essh, $20 per month. 6 room house and bath, lota of treea and flowers, good gar- . bu, asi iron i, a oiocss to car and paving. J0HNS0ND0DS0N CO. 682-688-684 N. W. Bank Bldg. X ' ROOM modern bunulowTlbree (hind ttu- ' fall cement basement, bath, toilet, gas and electricity, double fireplace, buffet, kitchen cab inet. Lot, 60x100, garage. block from car ann pavea street. . 'i'rtcs izsoo, Vi 116 B. 84th st N. A . BARGAIN one acre, Just outside of the city. Good v6reom semi-modern house. with porch, good bam and good chicken house; part nun. rnone arwn. sisn. 3 STORY housr 80x100 lot, newly papered. . wwww,, sw, w.wr tnu oaui. wmisins; atsiance, harry treea. price $2760. half cash. J0HNS0N-D0DS0N CO, 65-e33-634 w. W. Bank Bldg. kXJCIl houses. 2 FOOInSs aBaTAAas. fSl mistiAe4 aas ground; also 2 antoa for sale cheap; to farming tools. US E. 4th st N. Cali BtaeW e fK COZY home in Albert dUtriot. 6 rooms, Dutch pantry, hall, bath, eesaent basement laundry trays, some fruit garden, nice town; must sell v"-', """ii oicy. jan wooaiawn 284. v dame, wui, .uxi omaha ave a gvod 6 roosa modern hotue, lot 50x100 with full alley; tota bearing fruit; 8t Johns, Kenton sou era, , wrpin at SSZUO, EOR HALE I 4-room house, lot 40x122 S Mock to earHne, $750. $300 first payment: sggvasia, - a W v (-aa rv gs MM SPLENDID 6 BOOM BUNGALOW. FINE L& CATION, HARDWOOD FLOORS, FUBNACe! B. 87TU BT. N. CHEAP. EAST 27$L vnnsn. - tongslow electricity, gas. basement - fuU lot, full plumbing, fin condition; 82000. swms 's oiocss car. uwnir. ornaaway 2811. TOB SALE $2260. 6 roots eottage and gang; -AOxl25 ft tot, newly painted. -401 Morrl we., fcast nzBT. . , - 6 ROOM bungalowr modern, eofivenMsnt and reasonabl. 618 64th it K, . Owner. Rose City.- -- , ' , . 6 RM. modere. bungalow and sleeping porch, : jfruit, cliickn park, bam suitable for enrage. Lot 133x128. 181 E. 81tt st N. ' ' SXlR SALE Modern 6 room' bungalow. 428 Sumner, corner 6th; $3000, terms er cash. Phone Woodlawn 8752. " , 230O 5-ROOM Sunnysid house, A-l eondi-boa.- 1031 E. Salmon. Tabor 8586. HEAL ESTATE JOB SALE HOUSES IT To7VTiIrrt" ' tJlOOW COTX)SUL $14,000. " rRTEfQTO.fS CHOICEST LOCATION. " KNOTT STREET. Wo eannot aa rt vnnh to innreas wmn you tha teal worth of this splendid horn. Ton narer would expect to buy each a Quality nous in tba very choicest part of Irringtea for a little Hioucr. - sou wui oe mora tnan pieasea wun the interior ai rsnaeinent ; - axcectiariallT large rooms, bright and cheerful; very ten tiring room; nret floor: lanre noeptian -halL- lirtng room extending th width of th boos, aun porch, dining room sad kitchen; eeoopd floor, roar taisa oearooma ana sleeping porea ana mta: inira iioor. ntui room and Data: narawooa floors on first and second floors; -finished in rich old Ivory And wbito througbout. - Bear in mind too. that thla ia an 80x100 nomar on Knott street with all assessments Mid. Tea. there is a garag. 83000 caab will handl and balance at 0 per cant inter!. Probably never again will yon have an ocportunlty like tba one. It'll be a down riant nleaanra for aa to show yon ana you u n unaer ao oouganone. mis tba first time advertised. In our clniively for sale. A. o. fmvs CO., 264 Stark at, oaax Third. Main S083 Main fttlO. Branch office, 50th and Sandj. ' Ewnlngs, phone Tabor 8721.- ROSE CITT PAREf SPLENDID BUNGALOW ItSAO Polka, do tmt thla- down an vour list. Here to a new house now eompleted and iresdy for ooeupsncy. this one a tnoragray oooDie aon strurtod. Eiocptionsily large liTlng room; bard wood floors, fireplace, buffet, cement base ment, wash trays, beautiful kitchen with breakfast alcove; large attio in which' ft more rooms could be finished; Bring and dining rooms beautifully papered. Coma let us show you. A. 3. TEEPE CO., 264 (Stark at., near Third. Mala 8003. Main 8316, Branch office. SOth and Randy. Evenings, phone Tabor S2SA, or 0821. 8TOHI LOOK AND L18TEN! Slot) at every one of the Bihr-Carcy ads: look them over thoroughly and Uaten to what they say, for ovary one ia a good one. LET'S GO. $40008 room bungalow in Bos City Park, and a beauty, S blocks from the ear. Strictly modern. Hardwood floors, living room, dining room, with built in buffet. Dutch kitchen. 2 nice bedrooma. furnace, fireplaca, ; bath and toilet full cement basement. On a 80x100 lot. This U a rattling good buy. Tie your bat on if yon want to ride with us to see this bungalow, beeause the ehanc&k are H will be gone tonight. BIHR-CAREY CO. 210 By. Erch. bldg. Main 1886. 6 BOOM BUNGALOW PAKKK0SE, $3750 ALL BOOKS ON ONE FLOOR 8 bedrooms) ; Bedrooms in Whits enamel. ' Dutch kitchen, tire place, cement basement and furnace: grounds nicely improved; roses and fir trees; lattice fence at rear of yard; terms, $1250 down, balance straight monthly contract: fuel in basement at invoice. J. U HABTMAN COMPANY, 7 Cham ber oi commerce. Alain oh. " THE McOUTBB 8THTEM Makes home buying eas). fou can come to thla office and see over 700 photographs of bones for sale, arranged in their respective dis tricts, with full description. Every hem has been appraised by . an expert appraiser; some remarkable bargains. That is why w sold over 000 homes since January I thla yrar. 12 ex perienced salesmen with automobile at your service. BEE) FRANK X. McQUIRE TO BUT TOUB HOME Abington bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. $2685 In Irvington Park. 4 rooms, but very large. If buyer desires owner will Imme diately build extra bedroom for $30; 48x100 lot; reception hall, lirina room, dining room. kitchen, pantry, bedroom and bath, gas and electricity, screens and shades all over the place 4 fruit trees and shrubbery. There ia an alley her. One block to Alberta car; $1000 to swing it- This is in first class condition with no mortgages or liens against it. BIHR-CAREY CO. 210 By. Exch. bldg. Main 1086 PSNIN"SULA BUNGALOW $2800 EA8T TERMS $2800 5 rooms, full semi-cement basement, fire place, bookcases, Dutch kitchen, in good shape, full lot garage, 1 short blocs' to paved streets and carline, eiear of all encumbrances, $300 cash i:i Handle; balanne eaty monthly payments. WATC11 OI K AD8-WE GET RESULTS C. A. WARRINER BITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-8-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $232S 5 room bungalow, on E. 28th and Alberta, near car. 40x100 lot .living room. dining room,- kitchen, one bedroom on first floor with bath, on bedroom up: full cement basement; $400 will handle, rest easy at 6 per esnk BIHR-CAREY CO. Win Hit anrthine from .82000 rm. but must be, modern. 219 Hy. Exch. bldg. Main 1686. NICE HOME $2250. Two extra large bedrooms, lsrge front room, breakfast .room, kitohen with pantrr, bath, lights, gas, double laundry trays, basement, nice yard with fruit and rosea, cement walk; close to library, stores and oar. Would consider Ford car aa part payment Main 1643. Mutual Realty Co., 1219 N. W. Bank bidg. LOOK AT THIS NICE HAWTHORNE CORNER Ground 872187 and 7 room house, abundance of fruit trees, all street improvements paid. This ground slone is worth more than wa are asking. Finest building sit on Hawthorn ave. Price $0000. Terms. 88th street O. A. WARRINER BITTER. LOWK A CO.. ' 201-3-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $300 DOWN. $25 PER MONTH buys this 0 room bungalow on 80x100 lot liv ing room, dining room, Dutch kitchen, ft bed rooms and bath, good basement, elecDrie lights, gas, etc, 3 blocks to carline. Price $2500, terms $300 down and $25 per month. LUEDDEMANN CO. - " 918 Cnsmher of Commerce. Main 6067- tS50 CASH will handle a good modern bunga low close to Peninsula park; large porch oa front side, 6 rooms, fireplace, good town; thia will make you a beautiful home and to a fine buy at $2700. JOHNSO'N-DODSON CO. 623, 633. 634, N. W. Bank bldg 12400 6 ROOM HOUSE $500 CASH On 24th St.. 50x100 lot garage, macadamed street white enamel plumbing, electric and gas. A anap. Main 6988. 417 Abington Bldg. Sellwood 1355. NEAR Jefferson high school, on paved street 1 '4 story, 7 rooms, lot 60x107, 1. bedroom down stairs, owner anxious to sell, price $3200, $1500 cash. CO. 682-633-634 N. W. Bank Bldg. $330 CASH. $20 per month, extraordinarily watt constructed 6 room residence; bath, elec trio light, gas, eemant basement, laundry trays, splendid fireplace: price only $2750, actual value $8500; 50x100 corner lot; looks fine and to fine. 282 7 2d tt N. MODERN residences being constructed on Sandy boulevard and K. 28th st. 7 and 8 rooms arch. For prices, terms and all other particulars sea us. See the house .today PARRIBH. W ATKINS A CO.. 10 Second t , ' $3000 Dandy- 6 room bungalow with sleeping porch, half -block to car, 60x100 lot; not farther out than 69th st Key st office. East SOth and OUVan st, or' phone Tabor 8433. Evenings, Kat auan. LOVELY home, abundance of fine fruit berries and rosea, paved streets, 80x100 eorner lot 6 rooms, bath, electric light, gas, basement, 2 blocks to -ear; price $2860, easy terms. Call after 3 p. m., BIB Rodney. FOB SALK-r-8 rooms and bath, large screened in back porch, gas, electricity, good baaement. fruit trees, two blocks to good car service. Deal with owner; $1200 caah; evenings. 804 ft Montgomery. s $856o BARGAIN $3506 ' ' 6 room bungalow with oak furniture; -house in fine condition, garage with cement driveway, fina location, 1081 E. Caruthers st, near 84th st $1000 cash. baL term. By owner. $850 CASH. S-reom house on 40x100 lot, 2 tt block to car; east front- J0HNS0N-D0DS0N CO. 623. 638, 684,' tt. W. Bank bldg. $1630 LOTS OP FBUIT $1650 . 1 100 down. $25 month, -4 lots and 4-room old house, 2 blocks from car. Great bay. SMITH-WAGONER CO., 8T0CK EX FOB SALE Park roe four-room house, fi-aora; fruit treea, all kinds of shrubbery and berries. Furnished or unfurnished. . Henry Wenttel, eor ner Park berry and Braiaard. - MODERN 4 room bouse, fireplace, full 4 room bona., fireplace. ' ment and attic, full lot. gars, chicken bouse and fmii treea, linoleum and stove; prioe $1875. eeoo -casn, pejaac axe rent- Beuwooa zozi $2 8 50 A beautiful 6-room bungalow on WU- lamette boulevard, overlooking Willamette river, paved street; part cash, balance like rent owner. Qft f Vt - WUllsms ave. Koran 1 0. 7 BOOM residence, lot 35x100 feet No. 346 Waaco at; easy terra. : Price $5000, PARRISH. W ATKINS & CO., . . ; 106 Second tt -' ' ' ' ' $1100 $100 DOWN 3 ROOMS $1100 , Fruit, gas, water, toilet, good street i SMITH-VVAGONEU CO., fitock Exauante, ' BEAL TATB FOB BALE HOTJMEA hChfTTiTt park K1TTT MODERN BUNGALOW . - S BOOMS, SLEEPTNO PORCH, -- 'i - GARAGE $6100. -, - ' On of Bow Oitr Park's ehoineat lacatiena. beautilfal eorner with seaUs and eaat exposure; located oa Ala reeds, drive. Folks, there to lots af class and distinction to this anlandid borne: exceptionally well v built: finlihed la ' whit tnrougnout: bardwood floor, f ireolao. outist: (as work of artl eomclet Dutch kitebea wun sreaatast book, a nearaom ana gues en closed sleeDins norcb: cement baaement. furnace. etc . oarsg aoaatructed to conferm 10 style ox house. This place Is in perfect condition. Thia to ao far above th ordinary so much better than the ordinary run of houses that w ean not impress upon yew too strongly to necessity for speedy action. - Ton know there to nothing disappoints on so much aa when they leant the Very pise they wanted has just bee soM. to see thia property costs nothing. Really, tt's a downright pleasure for us to show It Again. let us repeat that thia plso la downright modern Just aa new and modern as tomorrow's sunrise. It's your move. A. G. TEEFB CO., 264 Stark st.. near Third. Main 3092. Main 8S18. Branch office, BOth and Bandy. $1600 WEST SIDK VIEW BUNGALOW Practically new typical bungalow, with low, rambling lines; tons front porch, combination living and dining roam, bedroom, convenient Dutch kitchen, white enamel bath, toilet, sink, hot and cold water, electric lights and gas;. Just repainted and retinied; woodwork finished in old ivory; every convenience; heaaatifully located. with an unobstructed view er th nrer and gaountaint: only Vfc block from Fulton car and paved street Just like a a -room apartment wny pay rent I asy terms, vacant immediate possession. FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BOY TOUB HOME Office Open Sundays and Evenings. Abington bldg. Main 1068. IRVING TON T Booms and Sleeping Parch Garaga $8800 If van are in tha market for a real eood home. a real qualiti house, we do want tha pleasure of sbowina you this snlendid home. Now vacant and ready for occupancy; and, too, it's in perfect condition. It ia modern to the last detail; hard wood floors, fireplace, buffet, cement basement. etc. f inished in old ivory ana whit tnrousn' out Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark at, near 3d. Main 8092. ' Main 3516, Branch office SOth and Sandy. Ewnings. frhon Tabor 3731. ISSod rose " CITY Bungalow Just H block south of th Rose City Park ear. below the hill, is a ver artistic typical bun galow of 6 rooms; living room with fireplace and leaded glass bookcases, solid psaeled dining room, massive buffet hardwood floors, whit Dutch kitchen. 3 light airy bedrooms, cement basement ana -laundry trays; paved street liens inciuaea easy terms, SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BUY TOUR HOME Office Open Sundays and Evenings. Abington bldg. Main 10U8. ROSE COTY PARK CAR 8PLENDID ftrROOM BUNGALOW $3800 Polks, here is one of those real good-looking bungalows, light and cheerful; bardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, uassiva buffet cement basement, wash trays, etc.: beautiful corner with sogth and east exposure; you'll b delighted. Let us snow you. A. G. TEEPE COS 264 Stark at, near 3d. Main 8092. Mala 3316, Branch office 60th and Bandy. Evenings, Phone Tabor 8256 or 0321. $2525 ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW HOME. Verv linmplik. vrftv linneslnw with low. ram bling lines; attractive living room, dining room with massive builtin buffet, Dutch kitchen, i light, airy bedrooms, electric light and gas; best white enamel plumbing fixtures; good oe- menx basement with laundry room. This Is unusual vslue. On Campbell st, near Ains- wortn. 8EK , FRANK L. McQUIRE To Buy Your Home. Office open Sundays and evenings. Abington bldg. Main 1008. $2750 ALBERTA HOME BARGAIN. Unusually attractiv modern 5 rocm, bungalow type home, very pleasing lines; large living room, very pretty dinine room, convenient kitchen, white enamel plumbing, two light airy bed rooms, nood cement basement Ihto is under value. Can arrange terms. Vacant immediate posxevion. SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE To Buy Your Home. Office open Sundays and evenings. ' Abington bldg. Main 1068. Sunnyside$6(M) Cash $27505 room, attic with room; fireplace, cement basement; enamel plumbing; built-in ; cor.; both sta. paved and pd.; 2 blka. car. Main 4803. Q. C. QOLDENBERQ ABINGTON BLDG. MAIN 4803. NICE 5 room bungalow, fireplace, basement cabinet kitchen, 2 bedroom., sloping poroli, garage, corner, 100 100, 9 fine bearing Iruit trees, lots of fine fruit, garden, chicken house and run, 1 block to car, on northwest corner 44th and 58th as S. E. Price $3000, $1000 cash and $25 per month. GRUSSI BENNETT 818 Board of Trad Bldg. Main 7452. SMALL FARM IN TOWN 100x200 corner with modern etV-roorn bunga low; place completely arranged for chicken rais ing, gardening, etc.; only 3 blocks to streetcar line and in fine locality. This will surprise you; it to a dandy. Price only $4200; terms, $1000 cash, balance 6 mortgage. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 918 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. 5 ROOM HOME $2100. ' Two blocks Sellwood car and this tide Bybee street; bath, lights, gas, sewer, base ment, cement walks, comer 05x100; close to school: $300 down, $15 month. Main 1648. Mutual Realty Co.. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. $1800 $100 CASH, balance $ 2 5 per month a good 6 room house in good repair with water, gaa and electricity, on 2 fine 40x100 lota, 15 bearing fruit trees, gooseberries, black berries, logana and raspberries; house has just been painted, only 2 block to car. jlOHNSON-DODSON CO. 632-033-634 .V W. Bank Bldg. $3600 6 BOOM MODERN $3600 On E. 45th st, near Hawthorn ave; piped for furnace, garage and vacant; paved tt in and paid for. W. A. WRIGHT Main 6988. 417 Abington Bldg. Sellwood 1356. $3500 HOME FOR $2500 BOOMS MODERN Close inrawEast aide. Hard surfaced street paid for. Easy terms. HERMAN MOELLER, 1025 Gasco bldg. Main 1480. ROSE CITY home of 8 rooms with furnace, fire place, hardwood floors, eorner lot 60x100; everything, in and paid for; a beautiful home for $5000; $1500 handles it JOHNSQN-DODSON CO. 628. 633, 634. N. W. Bank bldg. ON account of buying a farm, will sell our new 6 room plastered house, ft blocks from carline, for only $1650; $6&Qeah, balance easy terms. Also 3 acres on Btse Line road very cheap. Consider a good farm team in trade. See owner at 890 Powell Valley road, or call Sellwood 717." HAWTHORNE $1900 $500 CASH 4-room bungalow, roosna well arranged; gaa, bath and electricity. - Convenient to both Haw. tuome and Sunnyslde cars. JOHNSONDODSON CO. 623, 688. 684. N. W. Bank bids. NORTH IRVINGTON home for sale by owner; aa exceptionally well built 7 room house on a 100x100 comer lot; hardwood floors, fire place and built ins, cement basement laundry trays, paved streets and sewer. 649 Mason at GOOD 7 room nKudcroe. 472 Kenilworth ave., near Division at; lot 60x50 feet; easy terms. Price $8250. ' PARRISH. W ATKINS At CO.. -106 Second st $1950 Buy an 8 room home, newly painted' . ' and decorated t&rougnout Bath, gas, electric lights; vacant move right in. 3. A. WICKMAN COMPANT, 204 By. Exch. Bldg. Main 1094. $2500 FOB 6 BOOM HOUSE Newly shingled and painted, new double garage, lot aOxlZo, on Sacramento sta.. e block of Union ave. ear. McQUIRE ac REILS. 645 Union Ave. N. 5-BOOM plastered cottage close in on paved street, bath, cement basement; ay $400 equity for $250; remainder $1450. . See my agent Mr. Marstera, 202 Wilcox bldg., 6th and Wash. Main sol? 60x100 FEET with cottage. 42? 11th st; fin apartment site. - All aiiisamtuto nakL Pnee $6250; eaay termal PARRISH. WATKTNS CO.. 106 Second st A BARGAIN Six room Bouse, good repair, good . -toad barn, suitable for -garage; 78x100 feet; inertgage foreclosure. Moots villa, 76 th st, near tilisan. . 82000: 8250 cash ran nnnVt,t. x etepnon r. eeee. 1 $250 CASH $2250 ..; ." Bungalow cottage,' with sleeping porch, Dutch kitchen, pared St.. large lot. Bear car. ' Tabor 8824. - ' ROOM house, .1 1 6x100 ft lot; 4ruit, out building. ' University Park; .bargain; good i"Ml ". .. :.; . .. ;:'"' REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES . 61 ROOM modern cottage, comer of .Wygaat tnd Missouri, lot 60x100. newly painted tad tinted; price 82200: ready to msve into. T room practically modern house en lot 60 x200. -pared streets, all paid, aloe la; price 30UU. . - t roosa modern, run cement baamBt, sot 0x115. price $3300. ft room modem buncalow. corner lot 10x100. pfte $2400. 6 room modern, eorner lot 60x100, paved streets, price $2300. w e room modern sums, eioae m, Bonn yam, prke $3200. 7 loom, strictly modern, closa in. Sunnvside. pries $4500. . - .. . , ft rooms, strictly modern, walking -distance, price $5500. room striotly modern, walking tUstaaeet price $6600. These are aB good buys and on reasonable terms and well located. We have atrtoa to ahow yon. i. NEW YORK; LAND CO. sva Btoeat Exchange Bldg.. Mam T876; or eve nings cau Tabor 8233. 12400 PENINSULA BUNGALOW , V BABuAIN. On Gay street. 1 block north of the St John car, in th heart of the Peninsula dis trict, is a Teal bargain la a modern bungalow; unusnally attraetive lines, Inst repainted and re tinted? large lirlnar room, solid naneled dining room, plate rail, convenient kitchen, 3 light, airy bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas; good . cement basement and floored altic; vacant immediate poaseation; small down payment, enure balance $20 per monti at O Kr cent Interest; no mortgages or street Hens. N'T PAIL TO SEE THIS LITTLP. HOME. FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BUT YOCB HOME, Office open Sunday and evenings. - Abington bidg.. Main 1068. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW ON ALAMEDA DRIVE. 84200 Folks, we want the pleasure of showing you this nifty bungalow; splendidly located right oa Alameda drtvs; near car; hardwood floon, fire place, buffet cement basement, f arnace. etc. : let us show you. This to the first time we have advertised this house. It will not remain unsold very long. A. G. TEEPE CO., . , 264 Stark st, near 3d. Main 3092. Main 3516. Branch office 60th and Sandy. Evenings. Phone Tabor 8255 or 9821. $315 CLEVELAND AVENUE HOME. Here is a real home bargain. Very substan tial modern 6 room home; large, light airy rooms; built in conveniences. white enamel Plumbing, electric lights ancVaa; full cement basement; paved street paid in full; 1 block from the Williams avenue car; convenient to Jeffenon high school. Thia to a forced sals and a sacrifice. Can. arrange terms. SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE To Buy Tour Home. Office open Sundsys and evenings. Abington bldg. Main iubn. Abi BUY FROM OWNER WE SAVE YOU DOLLARS Pretty B room bungalow, under construction, fine place, oak floors, built -Ins. good plumbing. Let us finish thia to suit you; $3800; easy terms. B. P. POND BEALTY CO.. The Ideal Horns Builders. 1230 Sandy bird. Tabor 8825. Office open Snndays ana) Evenings. $2800 ADJOINING V Very attraetive 6-roqtn col low home on a full lot. ver DMONT lis! type bunca conveniently ar ranged; house like new; vacant mor In; 5(l down, entire balance at. $25 r month. No mortgage or street liens. SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BCT YOUR HOME Office Open Sundays and Evenings. Abington bldg. Main 1068. BIO BARGAIN HOUSE AND STORE $3700 6-room house, sleeping porch, full basement and furnace, corner lot 60x100; also small atore building on same lot; excellent grocery or bakery business can be established. This property ahanged hand 3 years ago for $8500; owner must leav town immediately. Price now only $3,700. LCEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. 3225 CASH SA5 per mo., including int at 6 pet cent buys a 4 room bouse, gas. elec lights, water, etc, on 50x100 ft lot cement walk, in and paid. Near Woodlawn and Vancouver carlines. A good buy at $1075. See Mr. Christenson, Inter state Investment Co., 410 Henry bldg. Main 1743. HAWTHORN E BUNGALOW GARAGE Modern, 6 rooms and reception hall, 6 room or. first floor, fireplace, bookcases, buffet cab inet kitchen, full cement basement, wash trays, bis lot fruit tree, paved streets, cement garsge, only 2 blocks to Hawthorne car; price $3500, terms. Office open Sundsy, 10 to 8. CL&VEUAND-HKNDEKSON CO.. 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 6752. FOR SALE by owner, 8 room, good- house, full cement basement laundry trays, modern batn room, electricity and cas, cement wall and steps, bard surface streets and aewer in; close to car and school. $1600; terms. East 49H9. FOIt SALE LOTS 16 FOR SALE LOTS Lanrelburst Lot 12. block 18. Cost in- eluding assessments over $1800. Price $1200. Ina Park (Alberta district) Lot 3. block 4: graded street, cement walk. Worth $600. Price $400. Bonadair (South ML Tabor) Lot 3. block 2: near car; worth $600. Price $400. Will give terms, accept some Liberty bonds and help finance building on these lota. O. W. Hayhuret. owner, 240 Stark st. IOOxLOO FEET, some rnoome, northeast corner 16th and Overton sta.; fine garage or ware house site. Price $12,300. Terms. ' PABBISH. WAT KIN 8 & CO. 106 Second st LAURELHURST LOT CHEAP FOR CASH Lot 8. block 107, Meikle place near Couch; $1200 net Marshall 1720. or address E-81, Journal FOR SALE Extra fine corner lot, 100x100, 63d and Hasaalo. Tel. Tabor 882. TWO BUILDING lots on E. 65th at; near Gli- san. Call Tabor 2870V ACREAGE 67 OREQON CITY LINE FOUR BLOCKS FBOM OAK GROVE All under cultivation, fruit tree, and some berries 4 room double constructed house, good foundation: gaa. electric lights, built in closets. chicken honse, chicken runwaya and woodshed; price $1800, 8550 down. Personally Inspected. Photo at office. John Ferguson, U-erlrnger bldg. CKEEK BOTTOM LAND 3 acres, located dose to electric depot, at Eagle Creek; on macadamized road; all level land, 19 acres under cultivation, balane pasture, some timber for. wood; creek through plsee; all can b irrigated from creek; 6-room bouse, batn, chicken house. Orchard and berries. Price $3100, $1100 cash. Personally inspected. John Ferguson, Gerlinger b!dg, . CLOSE TO METZQER 8 sores, located close to Mettger, fine beaver meadow. Creek throngji place, located con venient to station. All can be cultivated and irrigated. 8 acres Tinder cultivation. Price $300 per acre. One third cash, balanoe easy terras at 6 pef cent Personally Inspected. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. 4 ACRES near Beaverton. tt anile from elec- trie depot sidewalk to honse, all ander culti vation, 2tt acres beaverdam land; gas, well; city water available; creek through place: S-room plastered house, chicken house, hog house,, tt mile from Canyon road. Price (1800. $500 cash. Personally inspected. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. CLOSE TO ELECTRIC DEPOT. 15 acres of good land, all under cultivation. located near St Louis, south of Portland. Fine section. New house, 14x20, county x road and rural conveniences. Price $1900, $1000 cash. easy terms on balance at per cent interest John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. I CLOSE LV IMPROVED ACBEAGB We now have over 800 nlacea. Anr direction Some on ; improved roads, with buildings and orchards. Poms close to electric transportation. All personally inspected, appraised and photo graphed; photos at office. Four efficient salea men with antos. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. 40 ACRES" $1400 EASYTERM9" room house, running water. North Bank highway, near school and station. 46 miles Port- taou. J. C. COBBDt CO., 805-6-7-8 Lewis bldg. $800 PEB ACRE TIGABD. 3 acres, close to electric depot An good land. $100 per acre, cash and very long Urn on balance at o per cent Personally inspected. Jotin rergnson, Uerlmger bldg. FOB SALE FAHMS 17 ON THE PAVEMENT Near Tigard. 20 acne, nice lying! land, good soil, ideal building place, tone iron tan on th highway; Price only $300 per acre, om very easy terms, a-exssnaiiy inspect, joon s ergosoa. oesunger oiog. ....... r r .. ,FABM ' 20 acre, rent er sale,- all h - cultivation. 14 acres garden land. Cow Orchard, Yamhill county; all bnplementa and buildings. Cell ave- , . 1AIA TTvmt f.mK.M . '..'v. FOB SALE near county seat HUlsbora. 25 78 acre, silo filled, crop, stock, wuchinttry, etc., goes with place; running spring water year aronnd. Bight on highway. Price $9500. AL Vandebey, KB AL ESTATE FOB SALE FARMS 17 .- Br ACRES; ., ' READ THIS AD We want you to take V0 into considera tion: If yon are looking for a farm. It to nice to buy a place that to a real farm and- the same - time a real investment W have both right here. This to all level ' and every acre tillable. Yen need no tile. Ton can farm It 12 months of the year, and you need not worry about having to wait to get your crop in. . Thia' to all faO toad, and fall .crop art th one that pay. Fifty-fiv acre in culti vation. 8 acres ia timber, all ef the balane to opes land, only aa oki, rottea log or stump here and there. Then are about 2S aerea f this that are extra easily cleared. Can be hinder plow in a . short time. County road on two aides of the place. Fin living water (hat never fail and doe not make any waste land, no- draws. Good rem boose and outhouse, toige barn, all kinds f fruit fine maple shade trees around the house and barn. - Tbto place n o mue of Oregon City, on the tfoleUa road, one of til basfc-travelar! rosd in tha county. all graveled, and the time toh't tar oft when tt will be paved. On mfle to aleetxio line: 2 mile of store, sawmill, grist mill, and on cream route: daily mail; telephone in house. Thia place to admired by all passers-by, owing to It location and the toy of the land. Land all around this fc selling at $160 an sore. Wa are offering this for $14,000. $7000 down, balance 1 0 vnra at B nr m( Think nt less than $103 an acre! The man that rbuys this place some day will double his money. a It rtaa man, ImUiM . nrl tli. MM.nt da- mand for farms to roing to raise land value t Tery. high price. You must remember land oas oniy started to move. What will it be a year from now See oa fog tarma and inveeV uuuti., as we nave botn. K. P. ELLIOTT SON Seventh and Main St. Oregon City Or. VALLEY FARMS. 813 acres, extra choice, rolling high land; 80 acres high state of cultivation, ba lanre tim ber; creek, spring, well, orchard, walnuts, etc, hopyard, hophoose, 7 room dwelling, bath, toilet, hot and cold water, 2 bams; 21 mile Portland. a mum newoerg, 1 ft mil railway ataUon. Tula farm to on of th vary beat in th valley. Price $140 per acre. 615.820. terms. 820 acres. 220 acres in cultivation, balane timber and pasture; running water; new bunga low, barn and outbuildings; 40 miles Portland. 2 miles Yamhill; $76 . per acre, and worth it; terms. 80 acres, 31 acres in cultivation, balance pasture and timber; rolling land, creek, spring. 6 room house,' barn, outbuildings: 19 miles Portland, 1 mil rved highway, railway p.tatioo IK miles, 2 Vt miles Sherwood; price $5250. half cash. This to an exceptionally good buy; 50 minutes out of Portland. 30 acres, 20 acres in cultivation, 8 acres pasture, 2 acres timber; 7 room house, . 2 barn. rootnouse, level, cbotoe land; 1H miles Keed vilie. 15 miles Portland: $6500, $2000 cash. Portland: $6500, $2000 caab, it Beavrtnn, Or., half dear, ; 4 roonr house, barn, chicken oaianc mortgage. l O . acres near balance pasture house, creek, well: price t$2000. half cash. 8 1 acres choice land, 50 acres cultivated, balance timber: running water, fruit; 8 room house, barn, outbuildings; near good mil way; price $125 per acre, terms. 85 acres good land, 23 acre cultivated; small house, near good railway town, mile to store, achool, grants hall; $3500, terms. A snap. 48 acres. 23 acres cultivated, balance timber; running water, 8 room good house, barn, out buildings; a choice home; $6500, terms. R. M. CATEWOOD A CO., 163 H 4th st S0 ACRES Twenty acres in cultivstion. quit a lot more easily put in cultivation; some good tim ber, fin living water, cood 7 room bouie tail painted) . fine basement barn, fin solid con crete cellar (mouse-proof), good wood house, granary, chicken house, good well at house. all kinds of fruit 8 lsrge cherry trees at th house: on mail route, cream route: phone in bouse. Thla to 10 miles of Oregon City. All of the roads bat 1 tt miles are graveled, and that to planked. This place to 4 miles of carline and trading point. There are at least Sdouu worth of buildings on the Disc. The land ia only costing you $1400. less than $20 an acre. lou couldn t clear the 20 acres in cultivation for leas than $160 aa acre today. What do you want for your money? Now, if you want a farm, you will sure buy this place, a it ia lust the place for man with email means. xou wm pay no more for tins place than you wiU for a good 20 acre place. Only 0 an acre. They are aking that for stump land. Are you aware of the fact Price $4400, $1700 down, balance at 6 per cent E. P. ELLIOTT & SON Seventh and Main SK Oregon Clt. Or. ONLY FIVE MILES FROM PORTLAND 48 acre.- located 14 .miles from Portland. This side of Oregon City. 30 acres can be cultivated. 20 acres under cultivstion; rolling land; large orchard; creek and 2 fine springs; prioe $5500 with young team, 6 oow. 4 heifers, brood sow, 70 chicken. 20 ton hay, kale, vece- taDies. wagon, mower, cultivator, 2 plonghs, 2 sets harness, hay rake, cream separator, hack. buggy and farm truck. 'Terms on part Prop erty located on good graveled road, close to the pavement John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. 66 ACRES, located close to electric depot: 22 miles east of Portland, 80 acres under culti vation, 10 acres pasture; all tha land can be cultivated, balance easy clearing. ' All can be irrigated from spring; galvanised pipe installed ror distributing tfte water, crert on place, good B,roora honse. with complete plumbing; large barn and silo: orchard of assorted fruits; some walnuts: price $8000 with some crop, chickens, team and equipment Personally inspected. Photos at office. John lerguson, Gerlinger bldg. NEAR OREQON CITY 37 acres, located on good macadamised road. 14 miles from Portland. S miles from Oregon City. Close to school; 8 acre under cultivation and in crop; all can b cultivated; some timber. Good fences; new 6 room house, barn. Price 83500 with small team, harness. 4 acre po tato!- and other equipment $1500 cash. Per sonally Inspected. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. 18 ACRES ON 8. P. ELECTBIO Good dark soil, part in cultivation, only 10 minutes' walk to station, price $1800, $150 down. DRAPER COlWAY, 626 Chamber of Commerce. FOB SALE 40 acre farm, small new house, barn, some cleared, ail fenced, 23 acre slashed and seeded ; running water and good well. Easy terms. Phone Tabor 1433. FOR SAJLE fo acres, good room house, 2 tt acres in cniavsoon, mu norm or viarxe Co. farm. $2200, tt dawn. Owner on place all this week. Inquire for O. Psulson. FOB BEKT FA EMS 14 WILL rent 230 acre aonly 21 miles front Port land; 2 seta of bldge. Owner, 834 Tibbeto st Phone Sellwood 2087. FOR .BENT 2000-acre stock -ranch.' some farm land, near Srjringfield. Or. A. L. A damson, Springfield, Or., box 221. FABMS WANTED RIST OB BL'Y- 88 WE have sold several farms recently and have buyers waiting. Send in first letter detailed description of your farm, lowest price and terms of paymenta. If well located and worth th price asked we can tell it E. A. LJNDOBEN, Savon Land Co., 935 N. W. Bank Bldg. IMPROVED FARMS WANTED With or without stock and equipment. We are selling them, when priced right W pay ever $500 per month for advertising and are S leased to advertise and show you property. ohn Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. HOMESTEADS 47 FOR SALE Relinquishment 180 acre b tegs. TX-667. Journal. - FOB SALE OB EXCHANGE. , BB AL ESTATE $ FOB SALE or trade for Portland residence, 20 acres improved farm. Plenty fruit good well; productive so0; all under cultivation. tt mile from Vancouver Bruh Prairie road, 1 miles from Vancouver, $5500. Address SOS Car melita apta, phone Main 5394. - EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 84 1200 ACRES Montana wheat and ttock ranch. Will sell or exchange for ranch in Oregon or ' Washington, Inquire 214 E. 9th st. Van couver. Wash. - . WANT to exchaag a clear lot on Sandy blvdl - for small apartment or rooming boat. Phone P-1057: . v . 820 ACRES Montana land and automobile for trad. What have you to offer f , Phon Wdln. 2388. 1830 Omaha st TO EXCHANGE For modern 4 or 6- - cottage,- oa' car line,-' acreage, lots and aotaa ash. Inquire, room 120, Bt Charles hotel. I HAVE HOUSES for farms and farm for houses. Worfstein, 406 McKay bldg. 10 ACBES walnut for house; prefer Boss City tine, v East 488. - WAKTED KEAL ERf ATE 81 I WANT a bargaia n a frsxrtoaal lot with er smaosxt oen, soota. of ssontgomery atiwet. Biasu etn axes zuto sta. tx-f s. journal. CAN SELL TOUB HOME O. O. GOLDENBERG. ABINGTON BLDG. "85- Yrs. In Portland." v Main 480$. WANTED From 6 to 20 acre within 10 mil . from Portland, went aide preferred; give full psnieuiars, ivoio, journal. . CHEAP homes wanted in N. E. section. If bar gain wiU buy tight Main 4808. WANT ft or 4 rocies boumjip to $1200, $160 : casta, $1S aUOBJ 429 SOU St. ' HEAL ESTATE TVAXTEDBEAL ESTATE THE McQUIRE WAY il makes -home selling easy. No nnneeeasaty de- tauv Our staff of l? reel estate assesmea, with automobiles, working ia a well organised office, backed hy extenaiv advartiairtg, to certain to set results. . Let thia organlxatioa. Which sold f 30 houses ao far thia year, sell yowra. - TM HOMES BOLD -SINCE JANUARY -1 ,191 ft. 8T HOMES BOLD IN SEPTEMBER - - SEE FRANK Le-McGUIRE TO BELL YOCB BOMB. ABINGTON BLDG. MAIN 1068. Office open evening and Sundays. A STATEMENT TO PROPERTY OWNERS W hsve had a large business this fsll andJ have reduced the a umber of house, which we had for sal, and are now In immediate need of homes to salt; ovary day wa are compelled to turn away business' on account of not having the right house to rait onr client If yea have property to sell NOW 18 THE TIME, while the market la good. We Invite yon to cell at our omce or phone u regarding your property, and we will be glad to cooperate with you: do It now. wniie eeiiina la good. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 9T8T. DON'T FORGET that I have the buyers for nouses. I can sell yours; wust nave your Tonr hror will be dven r-mper ttM"iri. WATCH OUR ADDS; WB GET RESULTS A. WARRINER RITTER. LOWE at CO.. SO 1-8-5-7 Board ef Trade Bldg. BUNGALOW WANTED. We have cash for modern bungalow in good district. When you 'Want quick action call a up, sum 0 7a. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exchg. Bldg. Main 6752, SEE W. A. W vWQHT If yoa have a bouse To buy or sell your horns for sale. PHONE MAIN 6988. OR SELLWOOD 1353. 417 Abington bldg: BUNGALOWS If you have a modern bungalow for sale $4000 to seooo, Koce Hy. Laurelhurst. Irvine-ton. to $6000, Rose City, Laurelhurst Irvington. 208 Selling bldg. Main 1800. Besidenct x-71.20. - . SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED Price must be Tight and very easy term W have sold over 400 homes to. the last yesr. If you want action, see Fred W. Germsn Co.. Cl:m. of Com. Open evenings and Sundays. BOOMING HOTJBT5S, AFABTMK5T8 AND HOTELS FOR SALB $3 Corner, White Temple district; furnace heat; swell furniture.' Best corner in district; rooms sre always lull, for $045. Terms. Peters, 15 North 5th st. 17TERS WAITING For hotels and rooming houses, USE YOUR VHONE WE WILL CALK SCOTT-BOWDKN CO, 481 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 6127. Main 6127. .R00MSH5 Brick bldg.. heart of west side. Cheap rent Turns away 20 people a day; all for $1100; term. Peters. 16 N. 6th st. WANTED TO BENT Unfurnished house er ant of 15 to 80 rooms. Anyone having or finding same liotu. reward $50. Ueorg Jack son. 554 4th st. -JZL--- FOR SALE 15 H. K. rooms, all rented. " A bargain if sold this week. Landlady. 288 N. 16th st. 31 BOOMS cheep. $1000 will handl ; easy term if taken at once. Asa leaving city. 48 tt Third st N. H. K. rooms reasonable. Marshall '3216. C 1)5. Journal. HEADQUARTERS for rooming bouses; to buy or sell sea me. Main 8669. Garland, 201 3d. 19 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, clearing $123 month, long lease. East 4171. Rent' $40. BUSINESS OPPOKTrrBlTIES 16 Modern Qarage for Sale ' If von are looklna for an excellent location with an established garage business, look thia up. Modern building, established on main eat side thoroughfare, doing a big business; 40-car storage, first clajw accessory trade and available space for more cars. Excellent opportunity for vnnd vnlcanizina business: best eeauipped paint shop on the coast with plenty of work on hand goes with the business as well aa a machine shop equipped with lathe, drill press, warning outfit, hiacxiKMtn s ontlit ana eii necessary tool. This nlar. will mora than invoice the price asked. Price $0500; . terms. tt-ol. Journal. . Cigars. Confectionery, t Magazines, Soda Fountain Busv corner, iust off Wash. St.; doing $60 a day: will invoice $1500. If sold at once. $1850, termi. Peters, 15 N. 5th St. SALE OR TRADE ' I have a blacksmith flion In the city doing a good business, but I will sell my lease, stock and business and will be able to turn over all my trade tn too. as I am located next door. Have not the t sue to handl th same. Will trade for a 6 or 6-room bungalow and will take of give difference. Call Marshall 2688. - ' FOR SALE Chiropractic practice, doing ever $5000 yearly cash business; population ouuu with excellent surrounding country. Good rea us for aeilin Am in city for a short while, writ me at once if yos wsnt particulars. N-I84. Journal. "DIAMONDS WANTED Full market value for yonr diamonds, NATIONAL JEWELBY CO., 447 Morgan bldg.. 4th floor. GROCERY and meat market doing cash business of $4000 monthly; sacrifice for ukx aaic. E-H3. Journal. BOO BUBLNEB3 CAKVB !. Ryder Ptg. Co.. Main 6680. 191 tt 3d as, BUSINESS OFFOHTTJITITIES . WANTED NEWSPAPERS Practical man wants to buy or la paying plant rwt. joomsi. , MOJTET TO LOAW REAL ESTATE 87 OUR INSTALLMENT plan to th best and surest rwthod of paying a loan. $82.26 per month for 36 month; or $21.24 for 60 months; or $15.17 for 96 months, pays $1000 loan and Interest " Other amounts In proportion. We loan on improved city property. Or for building purpose. No com mission charcd. EQUITABLE SAVINGS LOAN ASSOCIATION 343 Ban t. Portland, or. MONET TO LOAN On real estate security at going rata of interest Otto A Hsrkson Realty Co., 418 Chamber of Commerce. ISOO, $400, $500. $780, $1000 and up at lowest rates: quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 782 Chamber of Commerce, Main 6445. BUILDINO- loans on city and suburban, property. money advance e work progresses. W. o. Beck. 318 and 216 railing bldg. Mat 8407. MONEY TO LOAN in s mounts of $100 to $5000 on city property. A. H. BELL, room 10-11 MttTkey Wdg. $300. $400. $500,; $600, $7o0 and bp, kw et rates, quick action. Oordon Mortgag Co., 681 Chamber of Commerce. Matoy 1370, MONEY for . mortgaggpans. $500 to $6000. 6 and 7 . Fred 8. WUliama, 506 Panama Bldg. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO.. 223 Chamber of Commerce. 4th sad Stark. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per cent Eottto Salomon at Co., sua Beuing oiog. HAVE $3000 caab for apartment or hotel, opes Sundays. Main 3637. 169 Park tt $10,000 SUMS to suit, 6-7 per cent; no commssoin. Ward, Att'y., 407 Spalding bldg. $300 to-$8000, no commission. Main 1160. F. H. Dsnbon, 615 Chamber of Commerce. lalOJIEY IO LOAN CHATTELS, SALABIE8 - $1 DO YOU NEED MONEY Loan mad ott automobile, diassonds, ptoaoa, household goods or anything of value. "Security usually- left hi your rwesaion, ALSO to SAL ARIED PEOPLE on their notes without seeur ity. If your payments to other loaa companies or on furniture or automobile contracts ar larger the you can make. w. will pay fheaa op, advane you. more money af nirssssry. od you caa repay oa ia aatall monthly 'paymeoia tsvgait yonr convenience. : LEGAL BATES NO DELAY BrSTNESS STRICTLY COS FIDENTTAL ' t- PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY (Lietnaed) . , , v $08-807 Dekum Bkig. , , Marshall gS. Salary " IOANS Chattel WE LOAN MONET Vt Oa abort notice to talartod or nillii.a.a ass taetr ess Bote. Weekly, eemlmorithly or BScatMy syxaents. ucn transaction strictly eonrtdeatial NO MORTGAGE NO INDOBSJCB ABSOLVTELT BO SECURITY ... Wa also loan un household fnmitnre, pianos, tc, without removaL CALL AND INVESTIGATE ' COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANT (LICENSED) 1 218 Failing bldg. MONEY to loaa on dtomondsv Je ewelry. legal rstes; su arttclas held a vr: rt bit-bed 1888. P lurv Z8 WsstingtoB at.' ir M02TET TOLOAICHATTELS, ; PORTLAND BEMEDIAL LOAN, ASSltV not Broadway tlo, - ft94 Stark Itreet. sear 10th. Loans on diamond, ws babes, VictroU. psaao, kodaks. shotguns, furniture. , musical mstnuMSts aad anything ef vaiu. ESTABLISHED BT THE PEOPLE Of PORT. LAND TO PBOTECT THE BORBOWEB. City ag4 ' county wtrraata eaahad tor fee talua, CARRIE MTER S-HEBMAN, ' Manager. GEO. HARVEI loans money a hous bold goods. Legal rates. Tabor 8806. LQAWS WAHTKP M FIRST MORTGAGES few aaJ. $500 ap. F. H. Deshoo, 615 Chamber ef Comaseroe bids. bee Oregon' In v. v mortgage Co2 Chamber of Commerce, 4tb and Stark. .riMAHCIAIi 61 LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS. If you mut sell your Liberty or Victory bondt, ell to aa. If you caa bay mora H Parry ot ik tory bonds buy from us. We buy and sell Lib- ri anii vtotorw bnn1 at th. market YOU CANNOT DO FETTER SOU MAT DO WORRR. We are today raying tha following price for United States 'Government Liberty and Victory bonds, which are the closing New York market prices, plus aae accrued Int. rest. N. Y. Market Interest Total 1101.28 96.53 e 95.76 90.80 05.08 96.08 96.23 101.83 Stta . , V vxr.s m .ay a i An ia a l i a 1st 4a ...... 95.20 1.32 2d 4s , 94.10 1.60 let 4Hl .... 95.40 1.40 2d 4 Hi ... . 94.22 1.70 3d ,4 tta 05.74 .34 4th 4 'as 94.14 2.11 Victory 8 . 99.82 M0 Victor 4ia 00 SO 1.00 101.70 In purchasing IJberty and Vlotory rwno. w deduct from th above prices 37o on a 850 bond and $2.60 on a $1000 bond. In salting Liberty and Victory bonds, we charge th New York mar ket price, plus the accrued interest ABK ABOUT THE MORRIS BROS. PLAN , Burglar and fireproof f-denoit boxes for rent open flntil 8 n. tn. on Ssturdays. MORRIS BROS.. INU. The Premier Mnnlcii! Bond "House fiPtTil. (INK Ml 1. 1 ION IJOLLAR8 Morris Bldg., 309-11 Stark St. Bet. 6th and 6th. 'leiepnon uroaowsy Established Over 25 Team. LIBERTY AND V1CTOBY BONDS CASH PAID FOB ANY ISSUE or' BONDS FULL MARKET PRICE LOAN ON WAR SAVINGS STAMPS IOU CAN BORROW CASH OF US, ON BONDS AND SAVINGS STAMPS OR TO FIN18U PAYINO FOB - V1CTOBY BONDS REE E. BURKITT. PRESIDENT OREGON BOND AND MOHTOAUE CO. 208 SELLING BLDG. (SECOND FLOOR) I WILL BCT ANT LIBERTY BOND AT 99 PER CENT OF-FULL CASH VALUE J H AKEATlNfVP6 7faB(U R1)Of'1TRADB RfND 'BOTJGflf" POT JCASH SPOT CASH ' MARKET PB1CB CASBTfor BECEIPTS. We wiU LOAN yon ft., or to xaak tl (noney on BONDS, w. b Tl MM,a wi , mrw ... 726 Cisco Bidg.. Fifth and Alder. CELLARB-MCBTON CO, CASH paid for mortgage sod sellers' contracts en real estate in Washington or Oregon, L E. Noble. 316 Lumberwiens bldg. HORSES. VEHICLES. ETC. 18 FOR SALE Pair of mules. 6 and 7 years old. sound, weight 2700 lbs.; pair mules, 4 yeart old. 2000 Ins., well broks; 50 head of horse f,n tL tn. iu vaaea old weiehin from 1200 to 1600 lbs., $50 up; wagons and harness of all kinds: a few tents loxio: Z Acm oump cans. I.Phii Suetter. 285 Front st Phone Mainj9109. MUST sell my farm stock of 1 team of geldings, a Mm M w.lahinc 8000. cood harness and Stt farm wacon: also team of block y mare weishing 2600. with baraesa. Mr. McDaaiel 6Q5 Front at axon T.R TEAM. 8 and. 9. good heavy bar GOOD TEAM of black Iters, weight 2850 lbs.; best of workers; harness and ft-lncb farm wagon: $265 for all. Woodstock car to 4Ui n nlocxs wmn to intn nrnnirr m.. TEAM, 10 and 12 year, wsigl J00O and 1150 lbs., true: 1 wagon, buggy. 2 sets haraeaa, buggy nam; onject, , jeavma raowt. Price $85. Z-678, Journal. TEAM of mares, 7 and 8 years old. sound and good workers, wsight 3800; juat oil in larm. for sale cheap. $65 union ave., cgracr vi Stephens st WANTED To buy a liht low-wbeeleJ. rubber- tired buggy; DargaiB. r.-.iicii- son. 632 N. 27th at . ONE bay horse, 6 years old. weight lOOO Price $65. 2 good mik-h cows, price $45 and $05. Plyin Sellwood 717. . ' 2400 LB. TEAM, black with harness sad farm wagon; sell cheap or trade for eow. 333 Mead st. South Portland ear. HORE and wagon. $1.60 per day; 2. botwea and wagon. 33. J. Cohen, 646 Front Main 3308. OMCHORSK wagon, Fresno, wheelers sad rooter plows. Be 11 wood I1V8 DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 30. Portland Rendering Co ll 00 La H0BSE. buggy, berneta and light wagon. $85 for all. 6847 65th tt. 8, E. WANTED Cheap horses." 802 Front at. L1TESTOCK 6 FOB SALE: Poland China sow and 8 pigs, or exehsnge for good milch eow: also 40 head of boats. 40 .to 75 lbs. each, -for sal or trade for beef cattle. Bob Lowe, Buckley are., south of the Foster road. 4 GOOD COWS 2 fresh with calves; on will be fresh in a fw day; will nil cheap. Woodstock car to 84th st S blocks south. 1040 Schiller st IT PAYS to breed for milk. Thoroughbred Tog genburg bucks from 7-quart doe for terries. Basement Goat Dairy 296 B.. SOtli at JL Tsbor r.4SO, evening 15 DAIRY cow. Holstein, Durham and Jersey. fresh and oomlne fiw-h soon; big m'lkers. John Schmauder, 1B81 Wwtanna at.. Bt Johns ear.' Phone Columbia 150. FOUR milch goats. 8 doe. 1 buck, .graded stock; 3 doe, bred; extra bargain if all sold torether-, reasoiv stoknra. . W. MeUinger, 426 Arlington place, call weomawn etn. HOL8TEIN FrOodr, 8 years old, gsUoa crow; . 1 high grade, Jersey, a beauty, ft years old. 5 gallon cow. hith test; cows in good ordr and gentle. 96 E. 30th st, cor. Washington. FOUR milch goeta. f inm. 1 buet"grade3 stock; 2 doe, bred: extra bargain If all (old together : reason, sickness. .. W, MUlnfr. 4 2 $ Arbngton Plsce. Call Woodlawn 6489. , . ' YOUNG froth Hoktelos, Jerseys. Rosa Durham, fresh few daytj als aom heavy epringer., 761 B. Ash. FOB SALE clieap, homtoes Toss, do and three doe kids, 4 and 0 noatba old, 1427 OlympU St., K. St John. , BUSINE8S eompeto m to sacrifice on 3tt gai. Jersey and one family eow. Eagle Mar a, Mlaaiuimil ave. and Shaver It. FOR SALE A first-ctaaa yogng Jersey cow. tT. S. Hhannon. Back ley ave. near Foster road, GUberta eUtion, O. W. F. rm Yrtn want an fresh dairy ef any bread at any time aee Mr. Brno at th Stock Vafda. North Portland. Or. 2 GOOD milch cows f sale cheap; slso a bay horse 6 year old, weight 1000 lbs. Price $5. Phnti Sellwood' 717. FOR SALE Three lwraes and four cow. E. i. Callahan Lake road. 1 M. miles eaat of Mllwaukto. on Phon Milwaakie 40-R. TWO A-l milch goats, nor male and fe- rati, -ftiii ed at n. LARGK fresh Durham cow with calf for eel. 117 Fremont at two- naikh goal, aval and tesaato (hornless). f 8111 6$d H IE. FRESH Jersey eow and ealf. Bolstein and Ayr shire, young ana very gewue. tea in. niss w. FOB , SALE Y own cow, Jersey, half Durham, for sal at 77 W. Alberts st O. -W. Adler. FTnETZILCH goat for sale, ebeap. Moving away. grl Mead t. South Portland car -. FCrR8ALE Sows and pigs. Woodlawn 1971. FRESH cow for 'sale. Sellwood 1198. FOtTLTRT AlfD BABBITS 7 BCSTEB'S BABBITRY AH' breeds for sal. A fm gift for yotjr boy. 10005 46th eve. ft. & a4 100th at. T0CN( Whrta' leghorn bens, guaranteed fin fi quality, ' Hoganized atoec, li.ou eacn; Bar red Bock, pullet, $15tf up. J. B. Maguire, 7 7 Oregon at 45 RABBITS, good grade; 2 stands bese, 1$ - Bilveraae Wyandott chickena. Oottett, 104 Warn tCIUineswocth av. WHITE ' Leghorn hen. Rhode Island -Bed and Barred Bock poneta. J deliver. Tbor 6896. 6348 64th at S. KV WE "PAY th highest caah price for pultola. any breed.' Tabor auo. SCRATCH 64.' Cackling mash, meat erap, etc Master incnbator Co. i woodlawn 444. W. L. Tascred hen and laying puUeU.-B.B- ; pulltts., . Woodlawn 4844. I WANT WMt: Leghorn pullets.- Address 1446 ' MwHrpl ev-. or WHn. 81TH sftor II y. at. tAUitl AOCX pufiat lotmJ. fas? &08S. . 7 . Oi 6. STABLES, 248 Front St . SO bead of food younat horlea and mares: entn w mstohed teams, weight from 19O0 to 1700.. and 1 team ef mules, 4 aneyb yean-old; com and look over the stork. Every hers sold with a guarantee. O. D. Wfllianoon. ' POULTRY PUPPIES Pa.Tv . WB SPECIAUZa OM THEM . CASH -PROUUCH COMPANY 00 B. Mowtootji New Management East 6129 IVxIlTETEdHffRNTmltoi, Aprilhatoh726ft each.' Weodlawn 6165. v-.r. ; POGS, MIBPS. FETS. ETC. 46 FOR SALfc Black sad "tab. Sliepherd bitch, 10 months aM; Blue Australian Hhephsrd bitch, 6 month old; golden brown (half She herd and half Fox Terrier) with white collar and walnut bobtail. 6 month oM. : Lock Box 191. wrest Oreve. Or. . ' ; - FILL PEDIGREED -aired I. pup. for tale. 60$ ", - Bast 19th. Carl aBoralng and after. to t f, m. . FOR BALE Fox terrier puppies. Address bog 40. rmite 6, Albany, Or. ' CHOICE eaaartea at "Tb denary Bird Shop.'1 , Singers guaranteed. 1181 E 86th N. 0-8817. tilltEij ' singers and on Bt An3tjibr, i a and $10. Tabor T868. ' . " ENGLtHH setter, re isle red, fin. birtldoe; itsl : Broadway 1 1 OQ. AUTOMOBILES AND ACCE3S0BtS - : f i- V.. Some of Our Bargains Maxwell touring. lust overhauled bad .4ia,,,..4t.$55Qi. painted Chevrolet touring . Ford touring . . . .. Buick six, touring 600 - 400 666 Saxon six, touring Hnpmobile touring, ............. ,,. at 806 Just overhauled and painted ....... , . r , , TOO MANT OTHER.. " OPEN EVENINGS AN'P SUNDAYS. ; - " The Used Car Exchange; a. vr, tor. lain ana waimngtosv i t DEPENDABLE USED CARS ' EASY TERMS - - Dodge, 5 pass., new. tires, new top.. -1917 .Btudbsaker, 4 cyl 6 tires. ,' . ' 191T Saxon all, many extras. :. 1917 Velie, Overhauled, 5 tire. " ' 1918 Velie, new tire, A-l condition. C 1917 Overland, model 7$; 6 tlrwk, - 1919 Peerless 8, 7 pass.; guaranteed. 1918 PeerlaM 8. 7 pass.; guerauUcd. " 1914 Valle. 6 pass , good tires. - ' 1916 Beo th 6th;. wonderful cr fa money. , Saxon 8, a good light ear chMp. open Evenings and Sunday. ' VELIE ALLEN PEEBLES , - - 1MSTRIBUTOB8. ?' D. C,. WARREN MOTOR CAR OO., 58 N. 22d. tt -. Phon Mais 780. HT t6V WRECaTT 'EM AND BEND ' 'Ell. SFK O. O. UBRBEA ' "TUB RADIATOR MAN" builds bodies, : reptlrt rs- diatora. bodies, fendsr and ail auto sheet metal parte, NEW LOCATION 11TH AND DAVIS, OPP. THB ARMORY, BUUtUWSI IBIS. - NEW TIRES i , Whst brand of new tires do yew prefer Wa bv them, sll make and its: also w task tha famous O-V-O double tread iwd) ' tin and do all manner of tir repairing. Oregon Vulcanising Co., 833-338 Burnside, nsar Broad , way. - BUICK ROADSTER, LATE MODEL -This light six haa been refintohed and to like new one in every way; soma extras, aad . will plea you if you are looking for one of -these popular cars at low price; take Ford In trade or bonds at face value. See car and owner at Portland Electric Garage, 1 lUl at Ilort tt . ... - 1918 baby Grand Chevrolet. BrV vnew, of arsis, cord tiraa, extra; oompl.taly overhauled : run like new. Prioe teaaoasbi. Term. 420 Belmont East 1376. , . 1917 CHEVROLET 490 good tire; to per feet running eondltlonl looks fin. Frtcg $320, Terms. 420 Belmont Esst 1670., . MARMON TOUBINO This csr is in fine shsne and tha lew pries -will surprise you, especially whea yo tea our Urms. ' ' . i ft 404 DAVIS, NEAB 10TTL FORD touring, 8375, e!l en eaay tanas, . 17 J . II. "1'at ' DtNN J 1052 East 13th st Sellwood 1301. 1918 OLDS ROADSTER Mechanically perfect, all good tires and terms to suit i 404 DAVIS, NEAR 10T1L MAXWELL TOURING. J 918. in very fin eon- diuon. good tire, wiu sariflo . a , 5T7B. with term. 80 Grand ave. N., near Bara id. . ' " .OVERLAND ('HUMMY sW'. ' ' V Electric light end Starter, and good aaeehaaL ' Oal condition. Terms to responsible people. . . ! . 404 DAVIS. NEAB 10TH. ' LODGE touring. f9TT7good" -top and, paint, mechanical condition guaranteed ; owner asust sell; a real bargain at $775. with Ursa, ao Grand ave. N near Bumalde, A 8TUTZ ROADSTER , A real car. See it at 421 Bums id mi fSHLfioTjf-riwrirsi Chevrolet touring car.- first. class nrnnlna 'or der, spot tight and other gxtraa, 8576.' Urms. 526 Chamber of Comm. rc. Main 3640. 19fft MITCHEfX6 touring. 6-pasv. good a new. for $1000. tarma: guarantee and fra . servto; enough said.. Portland Cat .Sales ,C. HeTz 1917 .touring, in fine Condition: owner : leaving town -ana matt sell; for -quick sal. $826. Terms can be arratured. 80 - Omnd as. N.. near Rurruitl. , foiuTbuVJ 3om iTeabLy'" SMITHAUTO-CO' 'I - - t.4 ..ul - . WILLYS SIX At $900. . aid. . . . . . ' Se it t 421 Bora- iioO towN'wiLL : Ui. lots Uki. : WELL i RUNS AND LOOKS LI KB NfcW; ft O0OD TIRES: 10 MONTH ON BALANCE, CALL TABOR 680. , . f FORb R0AD8T EH. new paint and tiraa, in good mechanical eondiUon, must sell; a bargain at sow wtu terms, , uranei .,. M near Burnsidr. -. ". - ';.-iiV klWOIlS, (Mb, bsarinat, wheel, extos; w wreck all tasks of car and sell tliets nana at uaU price. David xlode Co.. North Broad way sad Flaadera. ; V. . , . 1-TON worm driv Ford body eV 1310 model. $750, terms, 431 Bumstda, . . CHANDLER chummy, iot$, in 1 $1850; terms; guarantee and free semice; enough said. Portlaad Car Sales Co.. Sth and Taylor. , - 1917 OVERLAND, saodet tftB, iai' bt"Vf condition, with 3 new tire and three aeod one. For quick tale, at $550, with toss Urms, Tabor 6. - 191 1 "CoLti ft" readauV, " liTT flajta.- ' will take smmllsr ear in trad! tree eseviosv . Port- VOUD roadator with deck or delivery bog, $376. V. U. SbEstiUMB iv'. 090 Aider. FORD' flgh'i deUvery, if 18. first claa aoaditifta! cheap for oath. Cat at 1144 Fransto ava after ft p. go. iggWELL tilled. 1-ton. d vry TittT?, aula m oa m eonaiuoa: a DaraMB,. at wita terms go oraiid avew W.. near Biimslde. 1918 CHEVROLET 'touring', "'$2To down i, guar-, ante and , (re Service; enough said, port toad Car bale 6th and Taylor, y - . ; rrCBBCDXB -T0F COMPANT 9th at Oak. Broadway 1064. FORD tonriag, ' $426. . Mr,. Beaver, CV1943. 884 E. Broadway. " - UfE llr Ford touring. 1 425 for " quick aslev Portland car Sales C., Bib and Taylor. FURD chassis, iust overhauled and ia fin oon ditiori. Hillfster, 886 Everett, Mondy. ftLCAi7L?INJ ani retreading; rTHsl' ttrTrtS toon, 109 11th at, nawr Washltigtott. , ' 1916 FORD roadster, $260 terms; lip-. livery body on back. $92 K. 46th st W, . ' RZO towring car, el5trto equipment, good coe- aiuon, sow. w w. Simpson sc., hois, his. WILL,, pay cash for a Furd, cooxliuan .ao ob- ieet Phon Fst 4896. POULTRY ATTT BABBITS l019 ftCPER - Hudson, 0 aord tir,., 62l Alder. Broadway 2498.,',;-. ' ' ' , OASOLIN8 23 CENT 8 A OALLfCbnil ifH CREA6ES. PIONEER PAINT CO., 168 1ST. ; lftnSALE9Tirtlivrolat car cheap; Sc tires. CJI -Weodhwa ' 1 660. ' ; . TWO $7x6 non-skid tire: a swap. Wain. 4706, , (CoBtiauod STlToUowlo i?:Ji . 1