u TIIC OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY, 'MORNING, OCTOSER 1 .1:1: v aTORISTS ' Li" itTT MARKET n.OKISTl 6th and Tm t . 1 its. Cat flower, plant and designs. Sell- 1 Greenhouse. 649 Natulan it. Sell. 1 520. 8WI.SS6"UL COlZpANf" FLOWERS AND PLANTS FUNERAL DIRECTORS I lolman Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors - THIRD AND SALMON STS., ' Mela 607. A-ltlL VFBiLEY&SOIf Progressive Funeral . Directors - - ra fVONTOOMEWT AT FIFTH A -1100 ' Funersl Directors. ' -AO trie Convenience of - Boo WMliwii 1806, 28-250 KIHIngnworfJ . A. D. Kenworthy & Co, . 8803-6804 HD St. 8. E tENTg Phon. Tabor 6287. Horn phon. D-6L. Dunning & McEntee nwwtT mm Awirr f n. - laa; i Phones Broadway 480,' A-4668. FjS r Dunning, Inc. - THE GOLDEN RULE UNDERTAKERS 414 K. Aider St. ' Phon. East 88. B-629 1. RSPS?P. L. UrcT? IN DERTAKERg. B. 11th and Hawthorn. IseENTEE ETLERS. funeral partora with ail th privacy of a boroe,, 16 th and Everett ata Phone Broadway 8188. Horn. A-2183. LSwriNO A' McNEMAR. eueeeaton to Wilson ft E Multneman at X. 7th. Irviagtoa die- trlet. ' Au 84. -: .. ' ft. W. GARf Js 4 CO., XV .' gneoesson to W. H. Hamilton. 1973 E. GUssn. -j-J Phon. Tabor 4811. MILLER A TBACET. independent funeral di reetom Price a low aa 820, 840, 880. Washington at Ella. Main 3881. A-788S. R.T.BYRNES New residence es tabUabment 801 William ave. " Woodlawa 920. - Breeze&Snook IttPl&Effi, A. R. Zeller Gol&53l Skewes Egg iRTTnfo & MOTrfJMEyTW Portland Marble Works 888 4th at., opp. City Hatt. New Broe, lOBLAtSINQ GRANITE C? J ibf-SdO ST. AT MAOHOM i,obt A?ri Formy $ f lot fouowing articiea bar. been found on can of the Portland Railway, Light ft Power Co.. October 10: Pars, pin. 2 pir glove, 6 books, 7 packages, pip., pair ekates, hose, onions, suit slothes, took, eoat, 2 lunch boxes, 8 suitcsse. 3 umbrella, wrench. Ownera buz obtain prop erty at First and Alder streets. LOST from pared poet truck ea. brown inyck intoah, between 416 Going at, and 78ft Wy gant containing Waterman Ideal fountain pen. ale. city tleket nook. Binder call Main 8843. evening, 4 to p. an., and recair. liberal re ward. .. "STOLEN 1 8 II FORT T0CBINO CAR. IJCENSB 74S6. MOTOR 8187848; FROM POIN- f KXTER, 208 SELLINU UlAXi. HAiH RK8IDKNCB, B-7120. , LOST Wadnaadar Brown . handbaf: between Dwiatit and rink on Lombard; port lamina: ro sary and nisoalTaneoaik Phone Oolumbia 4 1. or t'Ot. svi. iwwira, LOfiT Bronse colored silk umbrella with Wory handl., probably in. ladioa rest loom at Meier ft Prank'. Will finder plena phone Tabor liRAf EfFemaW bull pup. whiU with brown spot, lot ear, bob tail: anawen to name of Rene. Reward. Tabor 2780. , I70ST -Mandolin eul tsrPH a wthome and Grand. Kinder pleas, phon. Tabor 8401 and receiTe reward. KJfCTne brlndla bull "pun. about 4 month! eld. whiU streak oa Uc. utu uun 88 reward. 1 COLE 8. rear wheal aad Um. Call Sell- wnod 1481. LOST 2 pain el in Phone Msrihall 8090, Jl6 REWARD for return of whiu-faced toy bnl). Tat, crowe, u-tn, ran, aiain eoug. LOST White Llewellyn setter, name on collar, license No. 1410, 618 N. 28th. East 6842. HELP TAITTEP MALE TTB -want tw. real aalesmea in ear . uaed ear department to assist dur- . tat oar blf remodelinr sale. No ' loafer or hss-beeu need apply. A permanent position if you make food. " Be. Mr. Hurley at The Oreeon, Motor BROADWAT AND BURN SIDE. LTJCET STRIEB FOB T0TJ 478.00 MONTH AND BOARD . ' AND BED. ' ' SUNDAYS OFT. Apply 609 Oreton Bid.. Portland. VfANTED For country office, well-educated man, 28 to 80 year old, experienced in loan, real eetate and insurance business, gut. ace, year In thin line of business, nanus former em ployers, referenoee, salary wanted, married or sta ll. Reply in lone hand. Address Z-874, Jour- Bat - Y ANTED GRADUATE CHEMICAL ENGIN EER. STATE YOUR COLLEGE. AGE. MAR RIED 08 SINGLE: SALARY EXPECTED TO START. ?-02. JOURNAL. TUB Eastern Orsfoni Lumber eompany, at En- - terpnse. Or., has completed plana tor the re aoaetructlon of their double band and ran mill recently destroyed by fire, and K la planned to inl oas tarte force of millwrights and complete the work at the earnest possible data. Timbers m already on nana. ASSISTANT bookkeeper, wholesale house. Com plete knowleda. of boekkaepinf not' required, but must be speedy and accurate and food pen man. OUT. journal. JAMl'itta for apartment house; food vases. steady . place for man who understands the . business; : ain la man preferred. , H-854, Jonr- at - W ANTED Two husky youn men. about 18 year of s e. to line sugar bags. Apply me-riam-r.eTiiie mt vo.. 10m ana Hoyt. WAN"!' ED Boy to delirer packs res and aaeUt ta store. Apply Detmer Woolen Co.. 148 rtn. WANTED For foldin box factory, experienced cutting and crraalnt pre feeder. . Columbia raper Box Co., K. asth and Holladay. WANTED First class auto painter at once. Must be sl around man; writ, or wfre. Art , jieroraung wo., loo Market at.. ManMield, Or, RHKET METAL W0RKR-r-8teady work tor good, all-aroand man. H. Hirchbener Co.. "ST Anseny. nroavway ,. JAMTOa for apartments; fair waeas; Uht wark; good ptet-. for a man who wants steady r'mpmysneiifc A-oee, aonrnai. vJNTED Kitchen porter. , Must nndentand firtrn ruraaoev - Must be clean. Campbell . mil note. MAN wanted to work In creamery aa helperf ateaay ponuon; experience not necessary. Sunset Creamery, First and Jefferson. WANTED Night clerk, out of town hotel, el- darty man preferred, aome erperienoe necw sry. an Monday a. m. 610 tjrefon bMg. WANTtJj Man t contract cutting wood, 1 to a mouse ao. nemi, on share er by the cord. 'ii r. ma as, n. jaeor 2V WANTED Man with, soma .xperiaao. in bei nd saddlery. Apply John Clark Bad- jiery i-p.,- ioe rront m. WANTED A young man to make himself etv .erally useful in office. 208 McKay bldg., cor. S and Stark fta. DRAWFORD, b W homesteada. Call Tsbof 7180. WANTED Machine opmtor. , Apply John ' "re eaoorery ejet, i4 Front at. 5T wanted to learn dental . Mboratory work. PTTERT ,ly wanted; :'S8T Wash et ;- ' MAN with sales nbUltr call between 8 anlTi a. m.. TOO uasco building. See Mr, Plurn adore. liKH wanted for de tec tie work. 'Write J. Caoor, . , rofoKr oTh'iif wuur . lAnma, . ua . ; t.lKL to asaiat -general honaeworki no wishing , nr irorrmg. APiwy morning qB loreoy t. eeper to l5TMr. rters on dehrery. Call Main 45T Palmer. U ROOM bous 8 lota, abed and fruit trees, 86, Phone Tabor 8704. f - WANTED -Carpenter to build garage for gold watch. 'Wnorilawn BS20. I N nted for oommon labor. , good wsjiae. Sellwood. 12. HEtP WAITED M ALB Northwest Labor Bureau 222224 COUCH 08TKANDEB BT- 4k tBE. CO. - -t (htmkout men .... ... ,,, ... . 88.80 High climber., ...... .,..,....... 8.00 . KEBBTLEfK V 2 ehaaara ........... . ............ . 4.00 ehokeraettera ... ..... 8.00 Set UJJer .... J ,$a.Bi), .28 BILTEB lAKE, BT.' aV TBB. OOt ' ' f chockeTMUera 5.80 2bucker .. T. ......... i .......... . 8.80 ' gOtJTH , 2 wnodapUttera .'..... ... .tfi i.0 : eetles bandt, mala Ibw'fi&Z wK:- - - ,AgT ; ; . ; xn .w. caper. . . m ms. .. (Far adranoed) . . "l '. SOUTH " r ' . ltUborata ........................ 4 50 If atay.SO day. ...... ...... .... 4.78 8RIX BB08. t ' 4 PnfikeTS . ' . 4 ... ';: V... .e.ee W.00 liABKTN QBEEM , ' '' 4aeta fallen ................. 88.40. 4.00 UiH and yard Jaboren, 8 soara, b. blanket ,..,.. ...-.. lie.. r5? Sactioa nan . ..... ........... 8.00 8 teams, loaf job, ... .. . . . . ...... B.vU BTTSTSTglDB CAMP :-; v 1 ebalnman, aurray crew. ...... .00 ' :' :' - ' -- -:" 'i ;' 'V v : Northwest liibdr Bureau ' V';'-'-' Bellabl. Serrlc Alwaya ' BROADWAT 1881 BUSINESS MEN AND EMPLOYEES Erery man in the aarric - of ear country tare tbt beat he had la oar e&oee. It ta our duty to aire our beat In hia ause, ' We are ready to fumteh hundreds of aoldlan and sailors; aa many men aa yon can possibly employ in roar butineaa or factory. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SOLDIERS AND 8AILOB8 EMPLOYMENT 8EHVICE 884 Taylor atraet Main 8800. 248 Coach street. - Bdwy. 1841. 817S PEB MONTH the year around, the arera. earninc last year af a number of oar salesmen orer 46 yean. This year will be the biff est yet. No axperieac necessary: weekly cash adrauee, outfit farbished. Bla assortnaent soaranteed trees, shrubbery and vines. Ton can do what other in experienced men hare done. Waahiocton Nor aery Co.. Toppenkh. Wash. DELIVERY BOY wanted. 287 Waahlnaton at. HELP WANTED MTSC. 41 Adcox Auto School TJNION AYE. AND WASOO STREET THE SCHOOL THAT'S DIFFERENT ONE WEEK FREE to iDTestlgat out system of teaching Aato. tractors, gas engines, auto electrical and bat tery work. SPECIAL ELECTRICAL COURSE FOR AUTO MECHANICS. DAT AND NIGHT CLASSES. CALL OR WRITE FOR 100-PAOB CATALOG FREE. ASK FOR BOOK No. 2a Typewriting, comptometer, bookkeenln and an other modern business eounea. Day and night achooL Alisky bldg., 3d aad Morrison. Main 824. Hawthorne Auto School 482 HAWTHORNE AVB. xy-aoetylene welding. TUlcanizinf and retreading. opcoej emnmer ratos. u7 ww eTwaio. piaanee WE WISH to hear, from1" lady interested in literary work. Bend na a story, article or poem, typed or naaawntten. u acceptaDie we pay you cah, if appointed on staff will pay salary.- Submit MS to editor. Woman's Nat. Magaiine, deak 8051. Washington, D. C. ' POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKEB Dnfiivrua enr f faff ' dodti twn Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenograpnTn banking, bookkeeping, sec ret naif Free catalog. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Young men and women wanted, i Call 484 Railway Exchange bldg. Splendid opportunity to learn a well paid profession. Free booklet Hallway Telegraph Institute. t YOU are wasting time- If you are not making 310 to 3100 daily; man or woman, start anywhere; materiale coat yon 78 Cents, retail for 846. I made 3220 one day, 31260 one month. CKAXCKOFT. FRESNO, CAU STEEN SITTING SCBtruL Bleek s system of ladies taiioring and dreasmakini tauabt: na- tern cat to measar. Phone East 2888. B-3807. 102 Ursna are., near Belmont. BRAKEMEN, firemen; agea 18 to 35: 6160 to 8225 monthly; experience unnecessary: no strike; permanent positions; full particulara and application blank tree. Kail way, 17 Fresno, Cal. OREGON LAW SCHOOL. Allaky bldg.. 8d and Morrison. W..E. Kichsrdson, secretary. Phone stain vi i. GOING East or South? Household goods shipped at redueed rates; moring and packing. Pacific Coast Forwarding Co., 403 Hoyt at. Bdwy. 70S. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Mis Begin Buck el's private school: indlrld- wal instruction. 122 H Grand are. East 427. HELP WANTED FEMALE TWO needle worker. Saleswomen for needle craft section. One experienced chocolate dipper for candy kitchen. One experienced bakery salesman. Twentv a-irla between th a 1 m mA a tor work in marking room, experience not neces sary out must submit a permit from board of child labor inspectors. Apply Bnrerintndent, office, between t:16 and 10:80 Monday morning. LIP MAN, WOLFE CO. THE OLDS, WORTMAN A KING STORE re- huiiw uw services or expenencea seieswomen for Wftmen'a ktvit nnAw... . n.f V . ; ja ' uv umn psrtments. Apply superintendent's office, 8 to sv.ev sw ns.. " v - - 355 FOR cook who will assist with housework. f No fire to attend. Good home. 243 Cor nell si., neaa of Atari) nail st. Main 5550. . WANTED Woman, for general I housework. siusu umiij, reasonaoie .wage; might con siaer woman with one child. Tabor 6177, PIANIST. eTttariencAd ntntn.. ..1 " l . state references; salary bpected. G-631, m till HM. WANTED Cook and mid, out of town; good waaes, an moaern eonyemenoes. Call 874 Schuyler st.. eorner E. 19 th. Phon. East 2094. WANTED Good plain cook in small l.nn.' Crwvl sum T VrttK t T tK -r--i , WANTED Girt. or woman to work for heri . " uwneiw. isvi xteunont. Tabor WANT MIDDLE-AGED or elderly hdy honse keper; family of 4 adults. No washing, mod- c s gj hwhsj, M sWUT O W t W. MIDDLE AGED or young women for general housework; roM h v good borne, on West jmw. fyrgtmiimi s'pyg, EXPERIENCED girl to do laundry and . aaaUt wit h txawnla4 wan-ar V j ii T 1 mvshc. . J j-rxjnjgisy jjssj 811TJ U iVT . .nst.rU sm swh i . SI?01 bby ona Mcxiad work. hon S'13788a ' , - ? - i.r ANTEDA ' lady to help In dining room and . make beds for her and , husband's board and room. . No objection to on child. Bdwy. 819. SCHOOL girl to 4?ist with' WmwoHT Hay vmvw iot, raw siri. j aiwr av.e WANTED Idy to. keep how nod car. for children; good wages. Tl t. 80ta north. WANTED Good - tailors-, to help on UdTS' v"" yj. - om rtoyai owg. MIDDLE AGED lady aa boOMkeeper.' eo'ob- cnim. wooriiawn GIRLS wanted. Portland rsper Box Co., 82 U1 'iZ toijVVrtce Jiot s aecaasarK CAN USE : 2 t experleneei operator, "also gtock in. i o 1 rront at. upstairs. "'E -."OB Factory" GIRL. t assist -iriUi housework:' good home": i, good accomodstkms. Tabor 0B. ' REFINED nuddle-aged woman to help with hou-w-Kcei.inc in ilea?ent unhwrhan hasae. M. 74 8. WANTED ;itia to work lu'lsetury. 'Oregun Bag Sultcas Mig. Co., 151 and 15$ 4 in. afi-alafcB HELP WANTED rEMALB PERMANENT ; POSITIONS FOR , YOUNQ . -.'WOMEN'-' .... Additional : 'Telephone .Operators.: VAR.-B NEEDED, DUB TO CON- i" STANTLT TNCREASINO BEsJUDiB . .JIENTS OP SERTICE. " , ' PREVIOUS EXFERIENCB NOT KKCZSSABT. a FIRST YEAR'S EARNTNGB AP PBOZDUTTLT t0i " v ', . $83 EARNED XTuRINO FIRST MONTH WHILE LEABNTNG TO OP ERATE AND FROM $6S TO S7S . PEB MONTH AT THE END OF f V MONTHS. " r' "T FURTHER INCREASES . GIVEN , : . tfaTTTJ, 0PXBATORS EABOf rROM . ' $86.60 TO ' $84,60 PEB, MONTH. SUPER VISINO OPSBATOBS EARN PROM $88 TO $14$ PEB MONTH, EXCELLENT OPPOBTtV NTTIES FOB ADVANCEMENT TO STILL ' HIGHEB BALARIED POU TIONS. '' APPLY AT TELEPHONE O0MPANT. ROOM 401 4 TH FLOOB TELEPHONB BUTLD1NO ' ' PABX AND OAS STREETS . GOOD PRICES PAID LIBERAL BONUS IN ADDITION Half Holiday Erery Saturdal Learn a nnalngM that flTM FM tea7 ployment. v - . . . . Experienced operator en Pants, Oreralta, Ceats. Pasesnim. ate. We will teach a limited number of bright girts and will pay yon wtul learning. Call at offis of sit Hood Factory. 288 Couch street, and we will explain our bonne system to you. .- - . - WANTED S GIRLS, 1$ TO 28 YEARS .OP AGE, TO OPERATE POWER BSWTNO MACHINE. - - . OUR GIRLS MAKE GOOD WAGES, ALSO RECEIVE A LARGE BONUS) THE WORK 19 EASY TO LEARN. PLEASANT AND STEADY. WE WILL BE GLAD TO INTERVIEW TOO. APPLY ' . AMES-HARRIS NETITXB BAG CO. 16TH AND HOYT. STEADY WORK FOB THE WINTER Good pay, short hoars, dean, light factory. Chance for gdraneament Young women and girla. Writ our employment manager for in terriew. V-228, Journal. - THE OLDS. WORTMAN It KING STORE re quires th. serrices of experienced saleswomen for women's knit nnderwesr. Apply Superin tendent's office, 9 to 10:30 a. m. THE OLDS. WORTMAN V KING STORE re quire th sel ice of experienced cashiers nndJ uiuuer sria- Wlj myciuiwHiwi w..w, to 10:30 a, m. , WE HATE PERMANENT POSITIONS FOB GIRLS AND ELDERLY LADIES: WORK NICE. CLEAN AND EASY TO LEARN. WITH HOOD PAX. APPLX AX OU Bf AUILNti Bi-nU., AFTER 8 A. M., OR FROM 4 TO 7 P. M. liOOsOEXEPERS. stenographer, typists, diet. phone operators, bul clerks, accountants, etc register with as lor employment. we can Dlso. ron oromotiy. Reeiatratlon fee 32.00. Wm. E. Gibbon, 680-531 Railway Exchange bMg. Main 456. A GOOD reliable woman not wrwr 40 to care -foe two children and do housework In a plain home; family- of '4. Must be neat housekeeper, wages $40 per month. Call 288 Weidler or phone K-T877 TO UNO single woman, most lire with parents, hars some knowledge as bookkeeper, also anick'and accurate at figures; permanent posi tion. Giro phon. number, age. expenenoa. , C- luu, journal. WANTED Girl for general housework, not orer 40, $35 per month; 2 In family, no wash ing, time off, an May place, nothing to do about half th time. Phono Tabor 4056, Monday ana arter. rtesiaence. in a c Main. YOUNG WOMAN for dramatic road show; itn mediat. enaagment Ambitious amateur witu some exprieno. eonsiderd. Richardson as T al bert Attraction, Ueil Harlin Ta Inert, Main 4115. after it a. m., or write k-4. Joormu. WANTED Fire bright capable ladies to trareL demonstrate and sell dealers. $26 to $60 per week. Railroad fare paid. . Write at once. Goon ncn 1 nig jo.. Dept. umilis, Nebr. GIRL who can operate typewriter to workTS th. afternoon from 1 to 6;30 a, aa. In factory offtoe. Stat, experience ana wages. COMFORTABLE noma, within walking distance: for refined high school, business college or womng gin in exenang , yortv light serrices. nll Eul !M9 SALESLADY to sell boys' clothing and tarnish ing; good, opportunity for the right person. Apply to Mr. LesTitt, LenTitt' Store, 4th and HELP-WANTED MALE A.-U X KIH ALE 29 i TJCsnv' urr r fvsiif" Increase your salary aame time, remodel yout a,yning classes lor business women. Mr. K 1 Rose, grad. of WotfSh's InstttuU. N. Y. rity. 406 E. 11th St., Sellwood car. Brook- ayn u siihh uiTTixntya tmMi-iiii.n" - - u vuvniujaw . A "ill TYPEWRITING SCHOOL,'29 14TH. NEAR TT-i?pcrTtaTaf . -T-T . r' trTii-f. ZiJZZr .max AAQ evk- AN KXXj. - 4w 881VPw I IX. " Xinr W tt 1 Tttl'win ' ir eVJJ'wi is assssaaswsaanwA pay yon whil toarning;.glre you set of tools; position secured. Writ for catalogue. 284 ""uw or pnowe Proaaway 1711 MEN. WOMEN, learn barber tradet '.kiu leMntag, position guaranteed. v Mgr. 2 yea, experience. Oregon Berber College. 888 Madison. PORTLAND Barber- Collage pays y ' whili WANTED AGENTS LTiw J?"rfi w.?T FURNACE CAR. rvaajyvtt VV. AJlsil AVO, UfiatO. LADffiS 32.60 an hour aethng guaranteed waterproof kitchen apron. Need no launder Ing. SrU to erery horn. Dainty, durable, eo. nr ;Pl- f Tnonta AG E.N TS Bis Be aad trmm .n( K;l- TTT- dueing wonderful new gasoline Barer, pnoc. .r00'-. Hogs and otrier eco nomical auto necessities. Outfit frea. iv Bn, way, dept. 422, LcWulay ET. : B,n"Lr"81r?Urt,il mrention-: lun??J'JKi? Pai ur Sayee gasoline. " Bk1,wiia"ri.r. Sjsire territory. Aget.t tw,. ,Ubito Mfr Co- ck 2144, AGENTS Reversible i raincoat am rZSZ?TZ-T:: !,''..!MrfT " wirket before. r-TinS, ?i-!Ya?nT?- t- lUincoat ' i.irg sr.. xssytow. Uliio, auan-is .00 hourly absolutely guaranteed. I'SSOlme 2 eallaw. , Sf i,.a. WlitiedeT1 Lnemical . Works. 20 w. Jack. svwe yiiUMti. A GENTS gl.SO an hour. Newest kiteUa' too 11 n- "i 20 times daily. Easy vvws, UhMs. VfASTtn AOEKTS 'GO WHERE MONEY FLOWS TH. tamer ha th. money today. We have what b. needs. Yon shew it to hint and 9 out of 10 will bag. Oar Aladdin kerosene mantle lamp create a sensstion wherever introduced. Fir time a bright a lectrio eare one-half on oiL Four sales day mean a yearly Income for yon of 88,000. No experience needed. Over night trial conrloeea. Excellent spare tiaa. and ertning seller. mg or auto neceseary. CAPITAL REQUIRED. ; Sampln aent for 10 days' trad and giren free when yon take up tli. work. ExclusiTe territory. - Get particoUrs. Mantl Lamp Co.. Dog. Alaodin CiOg.. roruaad. Ur. CHARLK3 MARSHALL gaad. $1?0 first 19 boors. Ton can make $1$ to $20 day sure on car special plan. Greatest aaeeeas ere known. "America s ran in uie nmo War." lntrc4wetion by General Persmng. uniy authentie story. Profusely illustrated. Men or women, w nol. or span um opeciai sersss. Freight paid. Credit giren., Ontfit ire, tni- renal House, FBUadeiphttv AGENT8 make big profit selling our extract, nerfnmea. cold creams, face nowders, Hatces. medicines, etc BesuUful nigh grad : Jin. Ex- cluslr territory, nampin op ires, .isnain Co.. Dept. 141. Bt. uaau. mo. AGENTS MAKING 320O WEEKLY, keeryooe wants it- Formnlaa for 200 home made be- erages; book form. Send $1 for copy and ter ritory proposition. , Buyers Export Agency. Ins 447 Broom, st-, N. T. -, - - - - - ' - AGENTS $ 2.50 an hour for spar time. . More money paid to foil trra. workers. Writ Gusr gnteed Hostery Co.. 1922 Bath St., Dayton, Ohio. SALENMPTN - WANTED 88 BaLESMAN Wanted hish-elass man, between 25 and Z, . to represent tn. intrnattonai Corraspoadeno schools. Established territory in Portland. - Experience sot kbeolately neces sary but must posse unusual energy and de termination. Will pay right nun 8250 per month. Bond And reference reqeuran. n. . r. Snyder, 191 Broadway. Hsilig theatre bldg. Salesmen' .Vew carbubetor for ford CARS. Sirnpte. not a moring part. Installed tn $0 minutes; guaranteed to double- year mile age and (tart tn aero weather without heating or" priming; IS day FREE trial, Our St, Louis man sold gooo in 11 montna, dsk um wj man mad $1200 in one week. Writ V. ft J. Carburetor -Co.. 605 W Jackson bl4., Chicago. WANTED A wideawake trareUns salesman for State of Oregon to sell nons orastss ana anron on commission. Kxeeittni ussiau apisw did opportunity for th Tig mi man. Apply to o. . &antman at xioua neww, suMuar, tober 1$, from 8 to 10 a. m. SIDE LINE SALESMEN .We hay an attraotly lin. of premium assortments for lire salesmen. Commision from $3 to $20 per order. If yon want an up-to-date line, - writ today. CAN FIELD MFG. CO.. 400$ Broadway st. Chicago, SALESMEN wanted to sell our complete Una of nursery stock. Outfit free. Caah weekly. Capital City Nursery Co.. gales. Or. SITPATION-fyMAlE YOUNG business man, 8$, now employed v de- ncderatand retail and whohnale bnainess and a qualified merchandise and advertising man. Fif teen yean -experience selling and a sales mgr. Good appenraneev favorable personality. Per manent connection desired with opportunity for advancement Interview will con vine) yon of my ammy. Answer ana interview wiu v. ubshcu confidential, E-82. Journal. TUB T. P. A. 4tr t ssxmT '- poritton for several experienced sWemen. PboB Main 4848. Ac $321, or oall 430 Morgan bldg. EiPEBiKvrj'n nolnnid ehanffenr want posi- tion with private family: can furnish the best or city reference, isass pyua. WANTED A ob of painting and paperhanging. reasonable prices, and most - nay wors once. 822 H First fU corner Ckty. , XSTt'.fj An eaimentar work, reoairina. finishing and re mode ling, .in city, or country. Tabor 19ZT, CARPENTER work and roof repairing, garage and nement work don. ax raasona.pi. prices; all wo anaranteed. Woodlawa 4020. CARPENTER wants repairing, bouse raising. concrete, roofs, iiet my prices, a-ioid. PLUMBER and steninfitter wants work; refer- ences. East ZB8. - ACCOUNTANT-BOOKKEEPER deairea several more seta of books to keep. x-o7Z. journal. t. y-ii-. t-q firsiTtirn . nnAicA v. . j r.v n.ftn WILL IJO your carpenter work by day or eoniracfc mam o.o. PAINTING and tinting reasonable. Woodlawa ana . -v, .. XVOBK wmnUd tor lirn trnck by th ton vr vjr vsasw .ni. . AUTO driver wtshs position driving car. Phon. joiamoia iii, , ELDERLY MAN wants position as Janitor or houjcman. T-471, Jonranl. ; BRICK contractor, estimates given on all kinds of brick work. N. B. leaner. Kast asoi JANITOR or working watohman. 4709 East fOUR CAR repaired by mechanio at yout f- nce or nouse. . r an sao. .htNle&S Berkey Bros., ifar. 1784. fi? ahindintf and repairing; estimate given. HIGH school boy wishes work after school and Sat. Pkona fcast oius, AUTO repairing ,at your bom. or office. I East eao i. i. . - - -. -CARPENTERING, repairing and remodslin. Tabor 284. - BTTTTATTONS FKM ALB REFINED American - woman of middle age, i i 1. vnvtMM - in ' different lines. WTWI. . " r - - - --- - . - , - and caretaker of whatarer angaged in; wishes a first class position ra a nice nome. a. su""" could leave Portlaod. if necessary. - E-80, Journal. FIRST class accountant with extensive business experience desires position, xusn areas eau cation nith executtv experience. Fair atenogra pher. O-0Z4. journal. EXPERIENCED piano teacher wishes pupils. Lessons will bo given at pupil's horn if de sired. KastiaiB POSITION AS STENOGRAPHER desired; law or timber office preferred. Bom. experience. ... a 1C--. ELDERLY LADT to help in kitchen and aleep noma. cjwi swoi. LACE scrim marquiaett curtains dered; called for. Eaat 4100. laun. DRESSMAKING 4$ DRESSMAKING, plain sewing, alteration, no aprons, dresses, cnuaren eiouies, xwasooaoie prioea. giu gTenwni. - svbk au. IF YOD ADMIRE work well, done, try Mrs, Bates, 1120 Division at., for alteration, re modeling and making of ladies' garments. Rasy feonabl prlcea. work gnaranieea. isoor wu, sr t tli tion " nflttins and making of Udiw garraants. reasonable prices;-' work guaranteed. 1. Rewtrin. Ladies' Tailor. 404 Bosh Lao. bid. DRESSMAKING,' .sowing, alterations; will also make children's clothes; reasonable price. 1193 E. Taylor. Tel. D-1061, 1 ISa JV. JtlJIVH n. ej - T t WANT plain sewing. CMWren'a hlootners, 20e; ... . . . n- i. tr ilka quut tieinn, quo. vu -".. 44 WANTED By grsdusU nun. Canadian nr4.t. tnatitntinul nnnina. best of ref erences supplied; stranger in city. Phon Mar- ahau 81. 77 Kearney street. EXPERIENCED practical nurse, illness, in valid,' elderly or any kind of nursing. Marshal 260. . ' ' - - ' - wrrnvisnsn mmWA - ' , . x tianiongm .... ... - ROOM foid home comlorts for lady employed, 810 month. 353 Ross, $ blocks east of Broadway pnor - - . I HOTEL SARGENT. Hawthorne and GraosV SUrting point special car lor Vancouver. ' FCBJUSHED BOOMS PB1VATB FAMILY .4 MODERN corner room for gentlemen who ap preeiate a nie heme with young ooupie; walking disunca; Mock east of William are., corner Broadway. 444 Victoria., FOB RENT Nicely ftiraiher downstaira aleep- or two Aen, .Call at 116 E. 12111. Sunny eniv . - . H0 CLEAN well furnished room, us of sitting room if desired; walking diatajwe; lady pre ferred. . SS7 Montgomery sx. y A-FURNISHED roonjin modern bom. Haw. only. OaU Tabor 20t4. - . t w.f w '! 'T5vteTvn'"MM. '.' l&lx ' n.ntM. bein, crnr Albert, near Jeffsrson high and ear pant. K1CELY FURNISHED larg. - tetrphone, wstkic dbtaaoa. Reasons bk. Uen- tleman only. , r sat in zy Broadway bridge.' $61 .; Wbealer, jhalf block sontn oi snaunj nrVl V ITTlVTSHICn mom H. K nrtvDns. - for rent to lady employed, $ 1 6, 477 & East nrars. cst ii?. r . , t STRICTLY .modern sleeping rooms. lo house- ' aeeping.. peovie r vmiwj uuhu, wsji ssia- ueuni ihrviiw ' . - .... NICE 'clean sleeping room fog 1 or 2 genUs- men, aa- ist sr. - ' BEDROOM in modern' horn, for one (gaiag. -Nov. !).- K. 7 nw. CLEAN. 1 we 11-furnished room in private horned Hall st near Park st, aiarMiau 8401. NICE LARGE FURNISHED room, close to: rent res-vmsble. 7 E. n. norxn. TWO nicely furnished rooms. - Furnace . beat. - 167 E. 29th aC, elf Belmont 1$ FOR RENT 2 bus. unfurnished rooxaa. Good ..view of rrvar, o west aide, .room fflis, FOB KENT 6 rooms, nnfurruahed. $19 '. MHttH lilt IT... TI.mUh. . A - monta. lllTEaat Hrnson t. ' ' FOR RENT $ or 4 nnfarnlshed rooms, in-cladlns- stove. '. 448 Hall st. - s BOOMS AND BOARD II THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 884 10th. tot ueineaa tins ana stnaenta. Afanbell 12B1. - BOOKS AND BOARD FB.ITATB r - . -' - . - FAMILY t WILL take amall child into my horn to cr for. Na' other small anildrea. 8826 Powell aUay toad. Hawthorn ear so , 47th. South to roweu. SlCELY furnished room and board, private nome. near Broadway bridge. 408 Benton st. OUTSIDE room, board $8 week ap; tabi board $5.. 284 Main rt. ' - . ; . . --v CHILDREN TO BOARD in privat horn 386 ; Haleey st., phone Et 2444. ' . ,. v . WANTED BOOMS AND BOABD $9 WANTED- Clean furnished room, with er with. on boam, .ny young man. in tn vnanay of 8 2d and Woodstock or Lent district. A-429. JtOITREKEEPING BOOMS -S PTJBNISHED AND TJNFUBNISHED 2 FURNISHED ' hounekseping rooms 'on th ground floor: nice big yard: nrio 820. .. 41a 4tn et. corner Half st. 8 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, bath and gaa light: 8L John enruna. , 1619 AUven at Peon. Gortrmbla 11T5. FURNISHED ' rooms ' for - bousakeerjinx s . ateai heat, modsvn -conveaienees, cheap. 184 sjnerman st. Atarsnau gs. SINGLE housekeeping room, completely fu? nisnea. slot water. aa main at. klCB WARM single rooms, -on or two. paopln, Very reasonable. .655 Flanders. . TRUNKS DELIVERED IN DOWNTOWN DIS TRICT FOR 25 CENTS. PHONE K. 6444. fiOtTSKKEEriNG rooms, close to markets, $59 and' 33 per week. 204 'h 4th t, CLEAN H. K, children admitted. 44$ HoeZ - HOrSEKEEPTNO BOOMS ' 1$ FtT&SISHF.D AND UNFURNISHED . . PBITATB FAMILY 2 ROOMS, newly renovated, gaa. electricity, bath and phone, neat Northwest Steel, $4. . 180 Sherman st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms with 'or wltli- out garage, pnone xaoor U7. ioa aft, isyior. 2 UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms: - caifl After 1 p. m , and beforn 7, 997 H Belmont rt. Tabor 8678. ' THREE FURNISHED H. K. rooms; privat residence: walking dietaao; -water ana gas; nee oi nam, ,gzu a xaontn. ' tsaat ai. 9 FURNISHED EL ' BL rooms on first floor. Blocks from Broadway bridge, - bum i;roaoy st, FOR RENT Housekseping rooms. 171 N. 17th st. Bdwy. .229. LARGE furnished H. K, room. $20. 162 17th, comet of Morrison. Broadway 2241. SMALL clean roora in betement for housekeep ing, $8.- 294 Jefferson. -' LARGE furnished, room for light housekeeping. U. B. preterred. 414 Ho lis day ava. TWO anfnrnatihed housekeeping rooms, rrn- sortsbie: pnvaf TSmlry. in E. lztn north, THREE NICE BASEMENT rooms, partly for- LARGE, pleasant H. K, rooaa. a S. preferred, "414 Holladay. afOB BE1TT HfJTJSESJ cnvubniIhed MEIER At FRANK'S 1NTORVATION AND - RENTAL BUREAU : Reliable, np to date Tiers af desirable vacant nousee. aparrment ana net rttn aefinim tail ar ms tion pertaining to each. Neweomen to Portland wTO find tab barwa ef great vain in helping Qem get propsriy gad WJ.1S ns.nn a 6311 1116 EIGHTH FLOOB Bungalow, mostly furnished, six rooms and music room, son parlor and breakfast roomy aottbi garage; swimming pool in basement; big garden. 474 East awta St.. comer. Division. FOR RENT By owner, modern 7-roora house, bam and chicken house; 4 sores; plenty of fruit; gas. electricity, city water: 2 block to eat! close in; payed street Marshall 2700. 44$ E. EIGHTH street, near Caruthera, $18 per - month. See Frank L. MoGuire, Abington bldg. Mam loos. WHEN TOD MOVE. USE NORTTL WESTERN ELECTRIO LIGHT SEHVICB Tenth and Washington. Broadway 680, FOB RENT House and 4 a. land; house and barn, 10 a. land; house and 1 a. land; house nl garden on Base Line road. Call Tabor 2402. FOB RENT Five room partly furn ixhed house. 4 block from Alberta carlin; chicken house ana irutt tree, luio Gleun are. N. FOR RENT 8 -room cottar. Eaat 14th and Woodward. $12.00 per month. Inquire 49 LARGE room in pretty private home, vicinity Harrison school, lady employed; may hav nome privileges, mm bdzd UUIUO VIIVlMlf c ar nsa as uus, v. 4 ROOM bungalow, with garage, adults only, will po vacant aoont, uct. is. pnone pen, it T'ROOMED hous for rent. 864 E. 3d. Inquire nun etepnen. 7-ROOM modern hons for rent. 421 Going stl. corner eta st,, 40. Gau is nor 4909. MODERN 4-room hoase. yard, fruit tree. 600 saasnoiia St., eorner lutn. wooaiawn oar. bv. 6 ROOM hous for rent. Cell Tsior 4766 HOrSES FOB RENT FTJBNITTJKE FOB SALE 31 UNUSUALLY attractive privat horn, of six rooms, fitted 4 months ago, furniture nice: delightful chance for newcomer or anyone want ing nice home, near In, west side. Main 8825. COMPLETELY FURNISHED flat for rent; furniture for sale. 1042 Division St., or. 4za st nd Hawthorn, ava. FURNITURE for aato; hous. for rant. Call 405 Broadway; walking distance FOR SALE Furnished - flat; piano, fond 6 rooms. 402 H K Market. HOUSE for rentTforaitare for sale. Main 7787. PTJBNI8HED HOUSES $$ WILL lass, for t year 4 room oottage, nicely furnished, larg garden, room for 200 chick ens, rent 828 per month, or will sell on easy pay. menta $1400, 6500 cash; will trad for high- grade auto; located Bouui Portland. A -Oils Journal FOR RENT Furnished 6 room house, ana-hal block from carline, one room to be reserved for present occupant on aunnyside cariine. Ad dress 168 E. 84th a.,.' -- .? ! WILL tent for th winUr ' beautiful Laddlrl Add. home. 7 rooms, completely famished; references. Call at 605 Orange st,, near E. 16th. FOR RENT Modern 5-roora furnished 'hoosa. na Children. B9 K. gist. . FOR BENT 6-room nicely - furnished bouse, 840 month. 81 WfncBeu. NICELY tarnished house, including" piano, $85, 208 E. 87th st. ' Tabor 717. . FLATS TO BEWT. CNPTJBNriSHBD IS BEAUTIFUL 3 Is res unfurnished flat, privet home to man aad wife; references exchanged. 666 E. 35th g. Richmond car, REMODELED store, $ room and bath. Tgbof 2510. 4 ROOM unfurnished upper flaic - nMrcsad. Mississippi car. - 930 Com- FOUR room lower floor, privat . residence; garage, light, heatand gas. Tabor 420V - FLAT FOR-BENT 782 4th t ,KV at 27$ - Hooker st ' ' :- FUBN1SHED FLATS $9 FOR RENT Furnished, 7-room flat, piano, sewing mschina. 440 CeUsg st,' comer 18th; 848 per month. . . LOWER 6-room modem fist; completely fur- nfc-bed. piano, sewing machine and garaga, $50 month; adult. 767 E. Stark." NICELY FURNISHED 8-room flat, 1043 Gan tenhein, corner Alberta near Jefferson high. APABTMEBTS FOB BENT 43 FOUR APARiTMENT hous. building:- good rn coreo. 15 minnte .walk new postofficev Aiw 1 00x1 00 with improvement and good income, on 10th and Hancock. Irrington. Intmlre, 814 H Eugen. t, take WA car. Qwner. -8TANFIELD apt.. 204 Porter at, asoderB 2 room- apt. ynrnssnea: reaeonaoie. Mara lavz. MAGNOLIA APTS.. 148 E. 3d. furnished-5 room apt. steasa heat ' Adnlta.- ? - HOUSEKEEPING apartmenta suitable for gsn- tlemen. Grand ave. i G rooery-stor. STORES AWT OFFICES It $8.00 PER MONTH, desk room. 825 Cham ber of Commerc. Telephone Main 6406. WANTED TO BENT WANTED to rent bt responsible party, 6 or 0-mom hense, prefer went clop. Ut Tabor. Wilhng to pay six month' xwnt in advaoov. 'irrjor oi WANTED November 1. 6 room bout alow, niP farnished, near, caruue, by deeirable ounpie. References. Call East 861 en Snnday or -before 1U :H0 a. in. rm week days. - GENTLEMAN wishes room near ." Richmond school. Phona East 7243. . , . . ryFUKIflftHEB BOOMS WAfyTETt TO RETf T TO MR. AND vi R a i iniiR.ri Are yon laavtng the eitr f Then why not let na oar for your property during your ah- ! . Yon will fxod our xsmtal dautsaont n great eonveniertca to you. -' . SMITH-WAGONER GOV STOCK EX WANTED By November 1. amall house or . thr. or TOBSwennni n. ! . In Ten. maron oartnet; no anudnn. g-073. Journal. WANT TO BENTTI ycarv 2 to 10 cre near REAL ESTATK WANTED, CITY P&0PEBTT 87 WANTED Beat 6-6-roombunglow thaf $ S 5 00 to ov wm buy in Overtook. J-422. Jour nal. -, ,- BUSINEBS PBOPEBTT 44 EXCELLENT- APARTMENT OB OARAGE - B11SW ' ' Hawthorn, at Tadd lawu ua Twelfth atmee. rten ll AAO anneen . fanl iw 300 fast street frontage. Also alley. . A Bargain at ii,ooo. Term M 4 par eemt. - ' wm nejp nnancv Buiiauig. .. . -.. w aw. Hay hurst, owner. 244 Sbuk . T0B SALE HOUSES 41 BE AUTTFTTEr MT. ' TAR0B BOMB AND GROUNDS. 100x160, ecment tatahv tng walla, eeraent gang; 10 beautiful rooms, 4 fireplace. 2 sleeping porches, 2 -baths, with extra wash bowl in bedrooms. This 1 on. of th beat constructed hoaeea in th city of Portland and it would, cost $30,000 to dopUoat it at prent pHcaaj ground ar worth $5000. If you want your money' worth, but thi propartiy tor , : $22,900 on easy terms. -. CALL ON 7JS. ' H. .H, TJRDHAL CO. (TJfa) . Main 4252. 4)22 Abfngton lUdg. , ROSE CITT PARK S Room and Breaktaat- Nook v Rera a dandy. The roughly double-constructed bungalow with hardwood floor, fireplace, buf fet, complete Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, cement basement, wash trays, etc. Exceptionally urge living room, sxtonding th. .width of th. Douse. Largs plat (las window la rront. X' gyt n snow you. ; A. Q. TEEPE C0 244 SUrhr St.. near 3d. Hstn $092. Mate $514. Branch office, 60th end Sandy. (Open Sunday), Bucdaya and evenings, phon Tabor 932L Tabor g66. - ' x -. ' - T ROOMS :;. ALAMEDA DRIVB Sua parlor; big Uvtng room; 3 bedrooraa. Thia beautiful home ' k finished In old ivory and whit enamel; complete in every detail; (a aaatui system, call us tor appointment. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of commerce xtiog. jaaia nun. $2800 WOW1 HERE'S A BEAR 6-room bungalow, oa 41st, near DlvisloBi 40x190 lot; paved street; . cement walk and sewer; living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedroom end bath, full basement; get thia: Hot water heating plant: laundry traya, gaa and electricity; 1 block from oar. 6800 will handle. Rest easy. Don't pat thia aft until tomorrow; get it to- BIHR-CAREY CO., tl$ BY, EXCH. BLDG. MAIN 1684. MODERN WEST SIDR HOUSE On Height overlooking- city, corner lot, all Improvements paid, 4 rooms, hardwood floors throughout, hot water heat, 2 fireplace, aaa parlor, garage connected with bouse, all In per fect condition and practically new. Hous lone oould not be reproduced today for $16,000. Yon can buy U new, lot and all. for $15,000. The lot Is worth $6006. See E. M. Brown with NEILAN & PARKHILL, zin Loniierarin bldg.. tn and Star: st. IF YOU . ARE LOOKING FOR A HOUSE IN A GOOD DISTRICT AT A SACRIFICE: SEE THIS: i ... Sir larg Poem on 40x100 lot. all improve ments tn and oaid 1 - bath, toilet, element base ment:. 3 block front good car aervicei -close in. Prion 32500 on good' term or wiU dis count 10 per cent for $1600 cash. TbU is going to; b sold at one so you had better hurry. STEWART Ac BUCK. BIB KoTUiweetern Bank Building. IT'S A FACT Tar a look t 622 and 824 E. Davit street- two 5-room cottage on ear line: 64200 for tna two, or sea separately for 8Z20O. OLEVEEAND-HENDERSON CO.. 219 Ry Exoh. bldg. Main 6752. A $3600 HOME FOR $2500 6 ROOMS MODERN . Close in Eaat aide. Hard surfaced street paid for. Easy terms. HERMAN MOELLER. 1025 Gsaco bldg. Main 1480. " 5 ROOM bungalow with sleeping porch, dr- pisoe. oout-in leacurea. soarenseat to oax. coxy home. f v Johnson & Dodson Co. . 482-433-484 N. W. BANK BLDG. SACRIFICE my coxy home, ' Sunnyaide; fine rooms, tin hstn, urge Iloored, airy attic; fast painted, tinted tnsid. and out: 6 fruit and 2 walnut tree, all bearing, lawn, rosea, 1 block to car, 2 blocks to school. On war toe vine dry. Only szvie; iv a. aa. i. ( p. m., aaxa as. xaxa- mil, near 47 th. LBVINOTON Wall built, compact 6-room noose. furnished or unfurnished ; fin furnaee; full length screens; aoneret garage; eorner tot, 60s 100; ehoic location, on block from Broadway ear. r or sj y ownr oa premise, 074 jMmryier st A GOOD INVESTMENT ' ', " Fin. double flat residence, containing two 4 room modern flats, doubt, aaraa-e. Well located. close to school and car.- Good Income and a nic lac to lire. . Special price. Se owner. mil ai, aoa ev. n. YOU CAN MOVE RIGHT TN ... $28504 ROOM BUNGALOW 82850 - Fireplace, basemenb, lanndry traya, built-in work in kitchen; nice porch. 60x100 lot, and only on tuoex to car. r.say payment. . SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. t ROOM 'cottage, with Beoeesary closets, wired - for gaa and electricity, toilet and bath, double fixtures, fall basement, 9 full lota and fruit trees, lota of shrubbery. brn for cow and hen- hooa for chickens, $6500,. half cash. J. r. Down, 989 N. Syracuse, . Johns. Or, LEAVING city, will aacrtfic 1 acre. H in berries, bsiance i trees sad garden: 6 room hous. bath, ga. chicken . house and - barn. Frio. 32800, 6B0O cash; terms, owner, f008. journal. 32760 It STORY bouse. Urn lirinc room. fin. builtin kitchen.' 2 bedrooms, bath, lOOx 108 ft, lot. plenty oi fruit, fine garden soil, up-to-date chicken house. Owner, 1170 Schiller st. WS ear to 48th av. Sellwood 1826. THE SNAPBF THEAGE. FINITTh6ME, 6 ROOM BUNGALOW, FINE LOCATION; MODERN, 87TH ST., BASEMENT, FURNACE. HARDWOOD FLOORS, AWAY BELOW COST. CALL FOR SURPRISE. EAST 278: OWNER. BEFORE ' closing a real estate purchase, la- QUire about title tosurano. no delay, no abstract . requirwl - TITLE TRUST CO.. 91 th St. 4 ROOM hotts. Rose City Park district $ blocks to car. lot 76x100. walk in and paid. 61960; $400 cash, rent term on balance. , SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO. 248 BUrk -St. ' - Main 6429. FOR. SAXE Good 5 room boa oa 96th and E, Oak; one block from Baa Una.- Fruit berries, garden; $1060, Owner, 19 E. 78Ui N. ' - -1 FIVE room modem boiiee, 2J35 Blsndena n., William ave. ear; paved street, fine neigh borhood. Small payment down, balance like rent with interest. Phone owner. East 3187. FOR SaXE Nic modern 4 room bouse; hard wood floors, gjt built-in, full basement, fur nace 1 H blocks to ear, near 8, P. shopv Call owner, Ben. J 4 so. 7 ROOM residence, lot 35x100 feet No. 344 wasoo st,: envy term, pne goouo. PARR1BH. W ATKINS ft 0O r 104 Second st ' 4-ROOM8. hath, electric lishu. gaa, basement 50x100 comer lot Abundance fruit; rose. rived street, (paid), close ia; pric only 42850; 860 cash. $25 month. - 916 Rodney av. - FOR SALE 7-room bouse ; rnrner tot: all im - provemeut pW. Price $85O0. Phone owner. Tabor 492. 3500 down and 32- per month.' TWO FURNISHED noose in Roebarg; eU cheap or trad. for noma ia. Portland. , East 4325. ' ;-. : y .- - ,: - . - 2-R06M furnished home, ready to niov. In; 2 . fin lot for garden; on ar Ub. $1100, easy terms. CaB 1151 K. Lincoln st. ' Tshor 2223. ) 6-ROOM besse, gar&sa, farnilura, for sale, H - block 1. paved street and car. - Call D-1811 wr Inquire 6021 4 3d v. 6. E. OWNER'S aacTtfiee, vacant 1174 Iron st, Richmond btrngslow, 33000; cash $1000. Evenings, Tshor 7085. 141 E. 60th at. N. MUST SELL, having city, 7-room furaislied hooee; etectrto light; men; trait; $2800. - Terms, v Tabor 48B. $2000 WILL tak Waverly Heigbm weU built - 4 room boos. with., torxa. Call Woodlawn S07Z. MODERN 7 room hous with garage, cloa in, good location, reasonable term by etnwt. Woodlawn 1935. .- FOR SALE 100x1 65. 7 room noma, lots of fruit and flowers; owner leaving city J, terms, Inqoir at 1974 E. Aider, cer. E. 78th. ' . 66x1 OA. 2-ronm platcr-d kmna, 6200 down, 1 per Brrnth. S0 04th ave S. E. $2500 5-ROOM SanByaid Waw. A-l ond tion, 1031 E, Salmon. Tabor $584, KEAL ESTATE FOB HALE HOlsES 41 6 S (T''Tb km- plastared bumfsiow, $0x120. ?IWl electric lights, aratog, beamed cell, had: naat place. $100 cash: falk. Wood stock car. ' , 4 rm. artistic bungalow, ntax 9ta and Tib bets: $400 cash. Rf Ryg T rm. modern home, nic lot, neat i?lOJ T6th and Glisaa; $500 cash. 1 1 sTilfB modern bung typ home, n ii'AavW of L-ursihurst: 40x125; $150 cash. $2400 cant Wk " g'jBmifB 9s. awd. bong.: why paintad; a ePXatJ cant. 927 William ava.; $100 calh. May tax lot- S2600 $30 rr"? CTTRifll Bungalow; 5 larg rm., attic ! e iPAiJW rnant bast, fireplac. built-in: paved sts. Beat bar in Sunny sU dist., 2 block omr. $600 cash. e ITtTtitn Richmond dist 1 blk. car. classiest fww bungalow in thia section. $1000 Q5lffl - Albert brings H blk. car; P'" paving paid. 8460 caah. CTrfThPTetti bungalow la R. O. P. for th money. 3800 eash, StPifh 1 tm. artistic, gfl ooav.i Baatunont; 4iBTBf Nw classy bung. H, O. P.. an modV '' a? vn con v.. Incorporated. Term. S&OSnMTn wt Bide enlonoiaJL 4 rm., np to the minnte. Q. C. QOLDENBERQ. ABINGTON BLDG. MAIN 480$ ' A PEW GOOD affartnn for Randan -Bungalow of 7 room just off Ainawonh re.. 2 lota 100x106. lot of fruit, Why Er high rant when yon can buy a pUo thai for $2360; terms. , . Oomar of Ainsworth nd 14 th gtrnet. a first-class buncslow of 6 Tooma, full . cement basement, finished attio, splendid bathroom, 2 toilet, 2 lota 100x100, lot of fruit. $8800. Ton ran hav the cor ner lot for 88400: $1000 cash, loaf Urn for balane at 6 per cent. . - '- S room, lot 80x100, n Gofng t TM t atoo a good an for $2160: $$60 eash. bal easy. . . THOMAS VIQARS CO.. 270 STARK ST. Mala S08S Tabor T6S1 . f. ' KENTON - New, seven rooms, bath and flespteg porch, hardwood floor, fall basement, furnao. fire place. Lot 50x100. Garaga. All improvements at ana paia lor. : $6500 $1004 cosh, balane. easy terms. Nsw, seven Yoom nd ' bath, hardwood Hoots, full basement, QrepUoe. Lot 50x100. All Improvement !n and paid for. 1 $4500 $1000 cash, balane easy term. Hav eT1 old Bouse ranging from $900 to 32000. Prices based on ousts when built. Small payments down and y terms. W. KEELER. 99 H Kilpatrick St. Phone Woodlswn 2858. $S2S0 ONE ACRE ON 89TH STREET Bight in city, dose to car, with good T room '.hous. cement basement, garage, on hard 'surface st ; 100 bearing - fruit trees, berrtae end ehickan houaea, Thhr i a tremendous bargain and can be pur chased en good terms. . WAKEFIELD, CRIES CO. 85 Fourth 8t XJMJRELHURST HOME, 9 larg. rooms. breakfast room, den and sleeping porch, foil cement basement; ' all atreet Improve ment, paid, finished attic. " Prioe 87000. Term. CALL ON US, ' ' IC B. -CRTHAL CO. (INa Main 6252. 322 Abiiigton BW. - , . - ' THESE ARE NEW - NEAT AND ATTHAnTTVIB Only $8800 bays this strictly modem S room bungalow, just 1 1 block from Sandy boulsrsrd. all built-in conveniences, hardwood . floors, f ire ptooe. full cement bssement and furnace, full lot: auick possession can b had; $1200 cash, balane lis rent, Yon will task a iniatak if yon don't sea wis. C. A. WARRINEB BITTER, LOWE At CO. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade Ride. beautiful' irving Ton' parkScngaL6v ' ' ' STXLhi HOME - 4 ' room . and music room, . hardwood floors, ffrSwlace, furnace, bookcases, buffet,- whit enamel built-in kitchen, screened back- porch. Full cement floored basement; .beautiful aet ttng among pine, dr and -dogwood tree; 76x 100. tot, $4800, $1500 cash. beL easy. ' Johnson' '&-: Dodson. Co. - 482-088-684 N. W. BANK BLDO. " ' HAWTHORNE- ' $3150 Modern 4 room bungalow. In ehoic location, elo. ta Hawthorn, are. ' Paved street. It yon want a bargain get busy, . ,. A. K. HILL CO. 216 Lumbermen bldg. 6-ROOM bungalow and attic floored, let 60X100. oa Greeley street. Just off Kiuingsworth ava.: street paved. Thia ia a dandy bay for $8500. WAKEFIELD, FRIES ft CO., 88 FOURTH ST. Betatifal 4-room bungalow. 2 blocks from i-rooin bung slow, 2 Hawthorn ear. fireplace, builtini, attractive in terior decorations, cement basement, farnaoa. porches and bniirjn garage. TKKlld. WAKEFIELD, FRIES ft CO. 85 f ourth st. " $2666 6ROOM BUNGALOW $2500 'Comer lot. 80x126. several fruit tree, berries. flowers, - chicken hoase, . fine ' condition; owner leaving city and very anxious t sen; save iuuw by baying this nic horn; call ewner Sunday, Tabor 2158. or ses u Monday. MITCHELL & RIPPEY, $28-29 Henry Bldg.. Oak and 4th. Main 2664, : "ToORTaT THIS . VirP! TfAWTIfORNE CORNER Ground 87x187 and 7 room house, abondsno of fruit trees, all atreet Improvements paid; true ground alone fa worth more than we are asking, finest building site on Hawthorn, ava. Pric 66000. term. 8bth st. - ' 0. A, WARRINER RITTER. LOWE ft 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade BIdf. '" luir.r.sT EiiiCirs UrMiMfT LOT 100x100, BTREET PAVED AND PAID The boas is a 0 room bungalow, au m gvoa condition. Owner writes a from Ohio to sell this place at $8500. . Hawthorn district Be E. M. Brown with - -- NEILAN & PARKHILL, 214 Lambermen bldg., 6th and Stark at. BOSS City bom. of 8 room with furnace, fir? puce, hardwood floors, eorner tot, 50x100; everything in snd paid for; a beautiful home for $5000; $1600 handle it. Johnson & Dodson Co. 6$2, 638. 434 N. W. Bank Bldg. $22005 BOOM BUNGALOW $2200 -MT. SCOTT CAR, NEAR FIRLAND STATION Five roots bsineaiow, elactricity. gas, - bsse BHmt, fuU lot, low fruit, garage; 8500 Msh, 820 per -month. y HM rl H-W A'v7.t X. K mwa s- On aera, iwt esrtside of the city. ood 0-room - semi modern house, with sleeping porch, good barn and good chicken noose; part cesn. Phone wniwn. Blew, 5 Re. Lot 75x100, $1500 . 4 Meek of bank in Sellwood; 14 fruit trees, tarries grapes, etc.; corner; newly papered and BRUCE fSobPABP, 602 COUCH BLDO. MONT A VILLA 4 room bouse, 60x100 lot. 10 fruit tree; chance to get in a born for the Winter: $460 eaab, $ 1 6 month, Johnson & Dodson Co. 432, 638; 484 N. W. JBanfc Bldg. ' A FINE modern well baTlt borne, aOuilt in conveniences, fireplace, fuU basement, lot 60g 100. A splendid buy t 88500. Com and a, for yourself at 5861 45th st B. E., near 83d sve.. or see j. st. wom. in pen? ima. FOR RALE Six room ; botue,. near park and etoa ia; fireoUc, furnace., electric and gas. wash tray. cawiy painted, fin lawn, garden and amalf chicken b cross. .. See it 14 E. 30tb at,- Phon. rtB0. .UxlOO FEET with eottag, 427 Flth at; fin - apartment nw au .imuasoieDw, jmnu .-... srsp $5250: easy terms. . " PARBJSH. WATK1S8 A 0wi . 104 tieouod si. -,-"'-' y a ttisnilv For sal by owner, iarg 4 mom boa; bam: 4 loU, oentrslly Ineated at Bt- Jobaa; : good ' .rf.n . - . . BMrtj-n. v.'i '.... FOUR rocs .eottag. gaa, electricity, valuable lot, central, east aid, $1b50, terms. Owuar, E. 6131. 96t00 -Two family fist, snceme gKO monthljr. Owner, X. 7820. 689 E. Aktor at Esy trsat - , . , . BE At ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES' 3 $8262 ttxnm shmgled shsck eotUg at UO ' iiu uuwn, 819 month. - $8504 room' trams aottaga, small sot, neat ; Lenta; $160 , $10 moatrd - $400 Good sited vnpartMoned plastand eot iiV a """crew lounaation and aaasmentf $45 down. $15 saonthly. . - $500 Nest $ w, cottage at 1TT8 BoHfc. :. -" ew oowa, 329 moulhiy, :. . , sms sw; uu caan, 319 monthly, ,7?l.re? n?n,,W wrtoxga, eortatr lot; , r"" uawnai so llnlsB t. plao.1 ; ' wnaU garage; $100 cash, $34 aetlthly: - VBn,-v'iy.,00 Joan cart . $100 nash, $15 aumUUy. , e 80Wn!aJ,KA S . rJlIilJ'w oea cliari lot of assorted rearing fruit trees and amall froiu; 4100 cash. 810 monthly. . ' ,,5Zi. J!00" 5"?." wn4 ,'v3r"V 5 "'"i mU faraga, near : Ari Lodge ecliool. fiu Johns, $860 85 r? e0ed and Papered eettag na rr 1 .ir1."?! Binr Eto . chool MtScott lin: $250 eash. 410 monthly. Three more lots adjoining may . ' . 7 be bonght for 3500 additional by in- eraasing th monthly payment $10, wiU r. o down payment, r 3S00 -Nut I room eoUage, 60x100 lag, tn . monthly payment. ( jTT , . 400 Neat $ room eottsgs, 56x100 fet, St sr. gxansa"" 9mmni -u 1100 VrooW tmBgalow typ of rattaga, 1H..1., us auxiuw, gong bath and toilet, cement block foundation. Dutch kitchen, newly painted and Caknminvd; $887 oa h $15 monthly. slBO Wn bnllt 4 room eottag at 189$ b. au iiisu una; emit-ia cup boards, good sink; 6 large bearing fruit trwes, 2 larg row of raspberries; big .., ehlcken bouse and eovered run. good : woodshed; $460 eash. $10 monthly. $1200- Well built 4 room aottaga, plastared bnngaiow type, electrw Ughto and gi concrete foundation, small basetasnt! good gink, patent toilet, fin garden all feneed. big shed; $250 Csah, $! monthly, . 1200 H rr of land gad good $ Mora . og eottage, piaatersa on th Instds; wired for electric light: food atnkl nig abed: ' 4260 cash, $10 monthly, 1 $1880 A very neat little home for th 14 fplk, of three roowi,l electric light and . g; tocated st 8438 72nd C S. K. $800 oash, 420 monthly. $1 BOOA elo. tn 8 room totUt with bath ' and toUet located at 602 Rosa st, lower Alblna; not in the best of aondlUon, but U good buy; $300 cash, . $1600 aera tract near XsyBta. S'rvwm plastered shack eottag; splendid garden. of fruit, berries, grapes. tA chicken boos, woodshed end small baral $200 eaab, $12.60 monthly. ' $1800 A good 4 room plastered eottag aa Pavsd street la Fulton, at 8T Nebmska at, 6 large assorted bearing fruit trees: street liens all paid; $500 cash, $1650 A wry well built, ' 5 reem, 1 Vi atorr eottsgs, nlMtcrad bungalow typ, newly paintd; bath, toilet, concrete foundation and basement; six large assorted bearing fruit trees, ehickan bouse and rn; lo cated at 969 East 24th at N., 1 black to chool; $300 aaah, $80 monthly. . W hav. photogranha of all of these and BSDnreu oc wtner Piuueilian. ana nl.nf v of sales of you. with machine to take, eare Fred W. German Co. 782 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS '"4ddo JeWersAV hlGi SCHOOL. ' Bare is a real bungalow home on a full in, ea a paved atreet, 1 block north of Killlngs worth, alos to th Jefferson high school, pub lic library snd city park. Close to thrs ear lines. . Hmtse la prsctioally nsw. . built-in coa venienoeST best plumbing fixtures," good cement basement, laundry trays; hous 1 equipped with Rector gas .ndiator system. Thi 1 aa unusual bay. Can nrrang terra. ' $8800 HAWTHORNE BOMB 7-room attractive bungalow typ bom; bunt m conveniences ; whito enamel plumbing, good eement basement, furnao and laundry trays. thrf Ught airy bedrooms; paved street, liens paid tn fulL Can arrange tenns. FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BUT YOUR HOME. ' Office Open Evening , and Saadayg, Abington Bldg. Main 1064. 7 ROOM HOUSE CORNER LOT The 100 foot aid. of thia earner is pavsd and paid for, the lot is 66x100, the boose is la more than average, repair and located only 3 block from carlin with quiok service . to West Bid center. If you ar looking for a hous. and really know values, thia - will Interest yon. See E. M. Brown with NEILeAN .-'$& PARKHILL, 214 Lumbermen bldg., 6th aad Stark at 6-ROOM BUNGALOW SNAP $2509 ' . Nloe 'bungalow with $ bedrooms, ail on avst floor and in th pink of condition. emnt base ment, bath, .lectrio, lara. airy rooms, lot 60x80; no liens to assume; ehlcken house and run; torn nice small fruits ea Rose lawn ave nue, near 13th. pric $2600; $600. dwn and $20 ef month. . v GRUSSI ft BENNETT, $1$ Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7462, LARGE GROUNDS NICE HOME Comer lot, 96x100, and well built 7 roots boas, about 14 goad bearing fruit trees, gbune dance of berries, paved street in and paid. 1 1th . and Alberta; tak. a look, pric $4960, term, This 1 on of th finest locations In to dlitrtot, O. A. WARRINEB BITTER, LOWE ft CO. 201-$-6-7 Board of Trad Bid. $1600 FURNISHED COTTAGE $1800 A ii toe little 6 room eottage, furnished, 80g 100, flowers, fruit, berries, small basement ce ment walks, immediate possession; 4 block fsosa Hawthorne car, in 67th st MITCHELL & RIPPEY,- $28-29 Henry Bldg., Oak and 4th. "NEAR JEJPFERSfNHlGK ' ""v $3000 buy a dandy horn of 4 room and bstb, full cement basement, wash trays, far ' nsc, fanprovemsnt all fa and paid, aon. veiiient to Iliuisaippi and Wttnanx ava can; terms. Let us show yon, . J. A. W ICEMAN CO. 204 By. Exeh, Bldg. Mate 1094. HA WTH0RNB?T 960 166" CA4rT" 4 room bonaslow, roosas weft arranged; gna, bath and leetrinlty. . Convenient to both Haw thorne and Mannyi id. osr. Johnson & Dodson Co. 682-683.634 N. W. BANK BLDG. """ GET TOUR NEW HOME NOW 4 ROOM HOUSE AT $2460. MODERN . ' Call and see th new elans of houses located at Flrlsnd station an quarter aor tract. Cos. right in and , see about thee, now they can t . last long we only hav 18 tracts to build aw, SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX, "HrtOSB Clf t PARK ! ', Jost eonxpleted a modem 6 rsnsa bntirslnw- witfe garagw. 7 SO E, 40th St. N., near Klickitat. For sale Df owner, "peas msnaays Treat ,3a a. tn. Week days call Wawitown 1899. TITLE insurance; It your best protection wlian yon boy yoor at Bom. Hav your UUa tnaarsd by TITLE ft TRUST CO.. ,, $3500 New 8 room bungalow, ' full basement , - fmffa riti.h b ll.ku . .' ..m,,a , Clinton near 48d, Richmond car; will tint to stttt purcnaser, uvntf, j.-; is. Jaejfaaoa, Z600 AV 484. Tabor 6861, " -. : t -., - LOOK) LOOK I I hav a $500 bargain mat. room cuBgHKrw, mooetn, in two. Mock of Atberta ear. Smalt payment down, Halanc rfke rent. 1 1 have other good bays, few MUlar. 601 . Aineru at., room t. wpstairs, TITLE xMuranca policy I a guaranta. of th. title to sou? boom. When m bu voatr bom hav the title insured. : .TITLE ft TRUST CO., 91 4th st. - ' FOR BALE By " as ner, 1 824 Omaha av... a good 4 aoom ssodsvn honae. lot 60x100 vrltk a full alley; let bearing fruit: St John. Kenton srxj tncJrros cars; a bargain at 92200. & ROOM bungalow, raudem, convetiieat . and MasnnahtsL - 81 A 04th at- N. Owner ' Xtme aty. StN.VYalDE five-mom house, garar. fnilt - 000. T.TOS. Own, Mala .4007. Taoor FOR SALE or trade, five room 'modern honsa! , will raae live was, a run ar pan, tHrarnt' rncm ithw Term, ixt. k. istn n, - i ' RM. " modem bungalow and sleeping porch. Fruit eiiicken park, bam snitabl tor garaxe. ? aa-.aass m a wv mi a . . n, . - . mb io n, sin n. FOUR room and breakfast room, aU modern, corner lot. 60x100. Cot 1087. 1688 Msevum 4 R.'KM nvodern kome, fuU lot, lot of fruft garaew. 830 E. 40th. Hawthorne. PLAf'K 100x155, , 6 room Lhmi, ' fnitt traej, f 4707 4eth ft S. Bv Tabor 822, $1800.