The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 11, 1919, Page 18, Image 18

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    The Oregon . daily journal
Changes in (Occupants of Portland
almost; lafopitcede
Return of Number of - Ministers
.From War Work Causes Gen
eril Rearrangement in Statei
; ' -A. c , . ' . : ;- .
First Church and Central, While
'I in Numerous Cases New Faces
Are tp Be Seen by Members.
' Return of a lar number of rtiin
' litters ' from " war " work to pastoral
tarnrir caused' a general rear
ranfement of. clergymen throughout
' th state. This Is particularly true
'Portland, few of which have the
same pastor now as they had at the
beginning of the world struggle. A
large number of ministers have ar
rived; In Oregon, or are Boon due
here, to assume charge of various
t pastorates. ; The First and Central
Presbyterian churches of Portland
. are still without pastors. .
The Bev. Solomon W. Beemann left
the Oregon City charge the first of the
month to -accept a call to the Unity
v- iTeeoyieriBii cnmui -.-
in the state about 10 years.
' The Rev. B. Trueblood Smith of Moro,
Or., has accepted a call to the Arbor
.Lodge church and expects to begin his
work soon. During the" war this church
had a supply paBtor. Mrs. Smith Is
said to be ardent church worker. .
' The Rev. H. E. Giles of Ashtabula.
Ohio, Is expected here about November
' . m iiVa charES of the Hope ixeeuy-
tertan church. The Bev. W. T. Butcher
has been supplying the pulpit.
The Bev. George Ij. aark of La
Grande has given up his work there and
f accepted the position of student pastor
in the First Presbyterian church of
CorvalUs, where he will assist the Bev,
2. EV Snyder in caring for the Presby
terian young people attending the state
- agricultural college,
The Bev. James M. Cornellson has
returned from overseas "Y" work and
la to take charge of the Presbyterian
work among the Indians on tne umauna
' reservation. He will have charge of the
mission, at Tutullla.
The pastor of the Olendale Presby
terian church, the Bev. O. T. Morgan,
: . resigned his pastorate to accept a posl
- ' tion on the faculty of Albany college.
Me will teach philosophy and Greek.
' The Bev. J. Edward Blair has re
signed" his position as field secretary
of Albany college, and has taken up
' borne mission work under the direction
of the Presbyterian mission board.
; Last week the Bev. Aaron Wolfe, for
merly of Merrill, Or., was Installed as
pastor of the church at Klamath Falls.
' The. congregation at this place antici
pates . the erection k of a '$20,000 brick
edifice. - ; ..
' Announcement was made this week
; that the Bev. Paul B, BaUch is to resign
, as pastor of the Ken worth Presbyterian
-' church of Portland to take np mission
werk in the Orchard district of Spokane.
The Bev. Elmer E. McVicker of Bed-
mond will take .charge of the Presby
terian church at Moro on October 18.
' The Bev D. A. Thompson . of Mlzpah
Presbyterian, church, Portland ; Chap
lain . Gilbert of Astoria, and the Rev.
E.W. Warrenton of RoBeburg have re-
' turned from overseas "Y" work, and are
taking charge of their pastorates.
The Rev. William H. Body has just
y taken charge of the church at Hood
River, which may be formed Into a com
, munlty church soon. He transferred from
the church at Farkdale.' ,
. Professor Coleman Speaker
' V'Professor Norman V. Coleman of Reed
college, recently Teturnea irom irance,
will address" the Sunday evening forum
. .at 'the Church of Our Father. An open
: ' discussion will follow the address. Sun-
day morning the Rev. W. G. Eliot will
. preach. ' " ' ' ...
t . Multnomah Hotel
DR; SHORT Speaks
v Hear the 4 only male quartette
singing regularly in any Portland
church." i V , , ,
You are invited to Join us in
a helpful and human program. -
Don't simply believe a live doc
trine or hold onto a dead one.
: Live to express your life and
faith in good deeds wisely directed.
; There's a -wirm hand-cjasp for
yoy tomorrow morning at
"Cane and Abel"
' Third "in Mrlea ef BlbU efiuso
tan t OK. KOWARB M. FKNCt. th
pastor, is th topic eC a sermon to b
prMchxt ! t :20 Sund&j aicbt
At' 1:8
. ' at. Dr. ' Peace will
"Remembering' '
Bible MTteof at ftrlO.
WTor at :30.
ObHsUan In-
- , TOU. '
fcMWWWWw: llllllUllllillWrMW im
be fca i mi fmri tirnnS " ' 1 1 iiiiiiiiMi iiiiiimniiniiiiiiiiiniiri irr-n r i T"rT--tii--r-riiiiniTiniiiniiiriiniiiiirriiiiriiinia-n--kTf,i'itt1li lnfr-wnsri mm .
Orficrrs or the newly organized M ul Inomah . County ' Inlcrmediale - Chris . tian union., Left . to" right Miss Ger
trude Lannlno, wecond ke president; Mfss Doris Ogden, secretary-treasurer; Howard Stansbury, first vice
president; Vernon P. Duncan, president. - . Y, j
Church Jotes Jfrom the pastors
Cain and Abel wilt be discussed by Dr.
Edward H. Pence Sunday night, this
being the third in a series of Bible char
acters to be featured by him at West
minster Presbyterian churchi: The ser
mons on Bible characters are proving
very popular (and are being largely at
tended. In the morning at 10:30, Dr.
Pence wil preach on "Remembering."
The pulpit of the First Christian
church will be bccuplled Sunday by the
Rev. L. F. Stephens, during the ab
sence of the pastor at a church con
ference in the east. .
Tuesday evening a reception will be
given in the parlors of Vernon Presby
terian church to the new pastor and his
wife, the Rev. and Mrs. Bruce J. Giffen.
The" pastor will conduct both services on
Sunday. Special music has been pre
pared for both services by ; Miss Rey
nolds. The Lord's supper will be ob
served followingthe morning sermon.
Two subjects of interest ' Xo- Bible
students will be discussed Sunday morn
ing and evening by Dr. J. 3. Staub at
Sunnyside Congregational Church. In
the morning he will discuss the relation
of Christ to . the Christian, and id the
evening the place of prophecy In Chris
tian thought. The reorganized choir
will sing.
The hour of the Sunday evening serv
iee( at Mount Tabor Presbyterian church
has been changed to 7 :30 olclock. Two
reels of moving pictures, entitled "Th
Son of Democracy," will j be shown
during the evening service.!
A, large and attentive audience greeted
the Rev. F. W. Starring, inew pastor
of Grace Baptist church, at his first
local services last Sunday. He will also
preach this , Sunday morning and eve
ning. Prospects for the coming year's
work are bright.
The social vlsitatSn of its whole ter
ritory by Piedmont Presbyterian church
"has proved very gratifying. The vis
itors met with a very kindly reception.
with just a. few exceptions, demon-S
stratlng the wisdom of the church going
out to find and cultivate people of the
community. Sunday at Hi a. m. and
7:30 p. m. Dr. A. L. Hutchinson, pastor,
of the church, will speak.
Rally day will be observed Sunday
evening in all .departments! of Waver
leigh Heights Congregational church. . A
narrative of hymns will be given at 8
p. m. The Rev. Oliver P.! Avery will
preach in the morning.
The Rev. Henry V. Morgan of the
Universalist church of Tacoma will
speak Sunday, Monday. Tuesday and
Wednesday evenings at the First Divine
Science church. 'His week sight subject
Is "Tour Mind and -How (to Use It"
The Rev. T. M. Minard will preach Sun
day morning.
- !;
Old Home Sunday will be. observed at
Pilgrim Congregational church Sundav.
Special features will mark the evening
service, a newspaper will be orofluced
In the Christian Endeavor meeting . at
e :su p. m. . -
A Columbus day service is to bA heM
at the Highland Congregational church
Sunday night at 7 :S0. when the castor
Rev. Edward Constant, .will speak on
7 First i'
.Congregational "
Park and Madison Sts.
Rev. Wm. T. McEIveen, D. D.
Pastor ; . s
11:00 A. M. "First Uuon. in
RdeUty."- ,
7:45 P. M.,. Desirable Thought
Dr. McElveen will have a mes
sage that is worth while, and you
will enjoy the services.
Come and worship! i with us.
Stranjjers in the ' city -specially
invited. i
5. S. 9:43 A. M. C.E. 6:30 P. M.
- -
ndeavorers Jlame
"America's Debt to Christopher Colum
bus." The address will be preceded by
a song service. There will also be
other excellent music.
Twelve new members were received
into Glencoe Baptist church last Sun
day. This Sunday the Rev. F. C.LasIette
will preach both morning and evening.
The newly ' organized orchestra, under
the direction of J. T. Meyers, will play
at the evening service.
Missionary To Tell
Adventures in Egypt
Rev. J. ,11. 'Boyd, missionary of the
United Presbyterian church to Egypt,
will speak Sunday morning at the
United Presbyterian Church of the
Stranger. The Rev. Mr. Boyd is on fur
lough after spending 14 years in Egypt
The Rev. S. Earl Du Bois, pastor, will
preach Sunday .evening. Sunday eve
ning the Rev. Mr. Boyd will preach at
Kenton United Presbyterian church, of
which the Rev. George N. Taylor Is
Seventeenth Sunday After Trinity
Unuorm hunday school Lessons
"JVhsri r Men." Usrk 1:14-20.
GMea text: VJwus mid oato ikta. com
r at tr me and I will maka roa to- baeenia
fif-her ef man.',' Mark 1 :1T. .
Young People's Topics
Baptfat Union "Traininf in Citisenshlp." Pa
ter 3:11-20. (CitiMMhip dar.
Christian Endraror "Trstntne in Citizen-
ship." Peter 2:11-20. ' (Citizenship day).
Epworth . Lcafue "Christianity and the
r-ralth of America." Esek. 47:1-12.
First White Tempi, 1 2th and Taylor- Bar.
William A. Waldo. 11, "The First Pente
costal Blessing;" 8. "Giant and How to -Fight
Tixm." '
East Side E. 30th and Balmon-i-BeT. W.
B. stinson. Ht. H. T. Cash.- associate 11.
"America's Need -I a Kinef 7 JO, "Whea the
Son of God Waa Uoet"
Third VaneouTer and Knott Bev. Webley 3.
Beren.. 11. "lsaorM from the Pattern
Prayer;" 7:80. "Tha Call of the CWW."
Arleta Bev. Owen T. Day. 11. "With the
Heirs or God;" 8,-"The Souls that Sianeth."
CalTary E. 8th and Grant B. J. B.
Thomas. 11. "Our motto for the Coming
Tear;' 8.- "If God Bo for Ca, What?"
Oncoe E. 4ftth and Main Ret. ,F. C.
Laslette. 11. "Stewardship;" 7 :30. ' "Middle
Agtr. and After."
Bellwood Bethany 11. T:S0.
Grae E. 7th and Ash. Bt. F. W. Star,
rhur.. 11. s"Tho Conqnetioc Christ;" 7:80,
"The King's Heroes." v,
CnlTeraity' Park Re. Lawrenca Black.
11. 8.
Swedish 15th and Hoyt Bet. T. G. Siolar
def 10:80. 7-30. . .
. St.. Johns Bet. Edgar Burton. 11, :.
Highland B. 6th and Alberta Dr. W. T,
Milliken. - .11, "Bnt:" 7:80,- 'Hjpnotiim and
Modern Religious Phenomena," .
Pro Cathedral 15th and TMtte Ret. E.
O'Hara. ft. 7:18, 8:30, 8:45. 11. 7:46.
St. Peters Lenta Ret. P. Beotgen. '
10:80, 7:80. .
8C Lawrence 3d and Sherman Bet. 1.
Hughes. . 8:30. 10JJ0. 7:80.
' SU Francis E. 12th and ne Bet. 1.
Black. - -e. 8. . 10:80. 7:80.
Imaaenlata Heart of Mary Wffliams
Stanton Bet. W. A. Daly, 6. 8, 8. 11. 7:30.
Holy Rosary-sr-E. 3d and Clackamas Ret. E.
S. Olson, ft. T, 8. . Jl. t:S.
" St.' Rose K. B3d and Alameda Bet. - J.
OFarrell. 8.10:80.4.
St. Andrews E. 0th and Alberta Bav'X
Kiernan. 8. 10-J0, T:80. : A
Tha Madrleine E. -24th and Siskiyou Bat.
George F. Thompson. . 7 :30. 8, 11. .
Ascension E. 7Cth and Tamhill Franciscan
Fathers. 8. 10:30. 7:30? ' TT5"
Blessed Sacrament Maryland and Blandena
net. w. ittacg. s. l:ao, 7:30. -
. Holy Cross 774 Bowdoin Btt. Ci Raymond.
8. 10:307:30. . ; 'T
St. Ignatins 8220 43d at, : 8. B. JesuK
srainers, o:u, i :o, . . .
St- Stephens E. 4 2d and Taylor Bet. War
ren A. Waitt. ft, 8:30, 10:80. 7:30.
Holy .Redeemer Portland bltd. ead Vaneoo
ter ate.- Bet., William J.' Djrrae. a, 8, 10:30,
7:80. - -
St Phillip Neri (Psulist Fathers) E. 16th
and Hickory Ret. - M. U 'Ferry. - 7:80. .
10:80. 7 -.80: .,
St. Clement S. Smith are. and Newton
seroita Fatnera. . a. l:ao. 7:30.
- Sacred Heart E. 11th and. Center Ber. O.
noo. . o, jh:ou. :w. . ,
St. Agatha E. 16th and MiDaP Bar. y.
Commlnsky. 8, 10 :80. T:30. -
St. Stanislaus . ( Polish ) Ms rjland and Tan.
in Bat, F. Matthew. . 8. 10:30, 7:30.
St. Joseph (German) 15th and ' Couch
net. a. imrrer. t a, is :sv, j - : .
St. Michael (Italian) 4th sod - MElt Bet.
oi. stares ijapitoi iu rauier uapfstna.
w. r js.; n, ,
St. - Charles B. . 33d and Albert Bet. J.
r. unynn. , iu:il - -
All Saint E. 0th and Glisan Btr. Father
William Cron in. 8. 10:80. .
' St.. trick if 1 9 th and Barter Bet. Charles
ax. omna. atssses o:au. 8. S:la, 10:30, 7:40
Christian ,
First Park and Columbia Rat. Harold H.
Ortffis. II. "The IMrino Magnet;" 7:46. "The
r aunoia - uoapes ; preacnuig . by , Hat. Li. F.
Stephens. - -
East Side E. ' 12th and Taylor Bat. B. H.
Sawyer. - 11. 8., .': .-,
Rodney A terra Rodney and EnoU. . Bar.
S. Earl Childer. II. 8.V
MontatUhv E( fth and GiisaBi Bet. Har-
kert-K. Ryder. -11. 7:80. .
' Woodlawn-E. 7 th and LibeTty Ber. Jasepi
D. Boyd. II. , : . . .
Vernon E. .1 Bth and Wygan Bet. B.
Tfbba Maxey. 11, 7:80. ' t
ChriatlM tctono -,
Ivemon aabiects "Ant Sin. Dtoeaa) and Death
First 19th and Eterett. 11, 8. -
Second -E. 6th and Holladay. "11, g. .
Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11. 8.
" Fourth Vanoonter and lvmersoa. 11, g.: ,;
Fifth 2d and 42d at. 8. E. 11.
Sixth Masonic Temple. 868 YamhilL -11,-85
Aew fficers
it iin mm ,
Jfirst iPreskyterian
Classes ill ail
jFormed by Sunday
The Bible-school of the First Presby
terian church will meet Sunday with
all classes organized for winter work.
The young men's class is having a series
of studies on "Christian Americaniza
tion," which Is arousing interest Judge
Wallace McCamant will speak this Sun
day morning to the young men.
The preaching services will be con
ducted by the Rev. W. W. WiUard. The
new quartet choir under the direction
of Otto Wedemeyer is rendering splen
did music Sunday this quartet will
sing at both services. Preceding the
evening service, Edgar E. Courseh will
give an organ recital.
The Women's Missionary society will
hold a meeting on Westminster Guild
day, October 14. This win be a recep
tion to new members and to Miss Julia
Palmer, who is about to go to Alaska as
a missionary. Mm. Forest Fisher has
made arrangements for discussion of
current events.
Setentb Holbrook block. St. Johns. II.
All chare hes Wednesday, 8 p. m.
; Conoraiatlotua i
PirsU-pgrk and Madison. Dr. W. T.' MeEl
tean. It.-JFlnt Lmsom In Fidelitjf' 7:45.
Desirable Thought Trarrtferanoe."
Sunnyside E. 8 2d and Taylor Bet. J. 3.
8Uuh. 11. "Christ Present Relation to ths
Belierer;" T:45. "The of Prophecy in
Christian Thought and Experience."
Atkinson . Memorial E. . 29th and Ererett
Bt. E. E. Flint. 11, "The Reconstruction of
On Faith;" 7:45. forum, "Europe aj I Saw
It." by J. G. Kilpack.
Highland E. 6th and Preacott Ret. Edward
Constant. 11, "'Prayers Without Words ;' 7 :80,
"America's Debt to -Columbus." . ,
Waterleigh Heights E. 33d and Woodward -Ret.
Olirer P. Atery. 11, 8, annual rally
oat. aerttea. -
Laurel wood. 4 Bth ate. and 65th at.
S. E.
Mrs. anca M. Handsaker. 11.
. Pilgrim Missouri and Sharer. Bet. Robert
Mnrray Pratt. 11. "The Echoes of Life:" 7:30.
"Home Sweet Home."
Finnish. Minion 107 ' Skidmore Ret. Sam
uel Netala. ft, 7:80.
rnirentty Park Haven and Lombard Bet.
C. H. Johnston.
St. John 8. Irinhoa'tnd Bichmoad Bar.
J. T. Merrill. 11. 7:80.
Danish-Norwegian E. . 2 3d and Sumner
Bet. Ole Torgeseen. 11, 7:80.
First German E. 7th and Stanton Bar.
George Zoehet. 11. 7:30.
Second German E. 8th and Skidmore Bev.
Henry Hagelganz. 11. 7:30.-
Hon German R. " Wh and Fremont -Bst.
J. H. Hepp. 11. 7:80.-
Parkroae Ber. P. D. ' Holfman. . 11, 7:80.
' Ounkard
Churrxi - of tha Brethren Borthwick and
rinrd Bet. George C. CarL 11.8.
' 'ii ' . '. Episcopal ' -
Tro-Cathedral of St. Stephen tha 'Martyr
Bt. Beti- .W. T. Sumner, bishop; Very Ret. R.
T. T. Hicks, dean. 7:45. 11. "And Te Would
Not;" :45. "Our Csndlei-tick."
- Trinity--18th and Eterett Ret. - A. A. Mor
rison, 8.-. 11, 8. ' '
Sli: Darid E. 12th and Belmont Ret.
Thomas i Jenkins., rector. Sertiees in charge of
Ret. Walter Gray. 7:30, 0, 11, 7:30.
Bt" Marks 21rt and MsrshaU Kr.' J. O.
Hatton.1 7:SO, :4B, 11. 8.
St Andrews Hereford st., Portsmouth
Archdeacon Chambers in charge. fl. 11, 7:30.
Grace Memorial E. 17th and Weidler Iter.
Oswald W. Taylor. 8, 1 1
Good Shepherd Vancouter arid Grahan
Bet; John -Dewson, 11, 8.
St. . Michaels anr All Angels E. 43d and
Broadway Bet. T. F. Bowes, ticar; 8, 10, 11.
- Church of Our Bstior 60th ate. -and 41st
St. 8. E. Ret. E. H. Clark, Ticar. 7:80, 11.
Bishop Mprrh Memorial Good . Samaritan
hospital Ret. Frederick - K. Howard. 7, 8:80.
St Paula Woodmero Et. Oswald. W. Tay
lor. ,- j -
All Saint 25th and Satier Bet. Frederick
K.'-Howard. j 10. 11. : . .. ;.- .
St J ohns MsraorUl E. - 1 6th . and Harney,
Sell wood. Bat. JL Clark In charge. 11, 7J30.
St Matthews Corbett and Bancroft Bat.
vr. a. -si. xsrecg,;. ticar.j iv, 11
'y ' i ' i Eranaetlcal
' Fif-d-t E. 6th and AUrket Bet. E. D. Horn
schuch. , 11,- 7:30. - - - . :
Oiay Street 10th mud". Clay Bay. , Jacob
gtockvr; .10:45; .(6rmn) , ; "Th - Fan of
Man: ' ..' (EngU). Th, Whole World Guflty
Before' God." : ' -. - - - ' . . -.
Swedish Tabernacle iH. 17th and G&aa.
Bet. (Xi J; ;tdin. Tl 7:30. w - a ,
- Til .. f. - ff Methodist r . - . ;
f Central E. 56th and, Flanders Rat. E. L
Harrington. 11, . 7;80. - ,
, First E th pd MUl-Bet. 8.,"H.- Upton.
i. Albert E.-. 80th , and Wygt4-Rt. AJax
andet Beeni. 11. ' 70, 1
- bt, jonns ast ruenmona man tiuoson uet.
BL I Black man. ll.lje.s r
Lents liat. 8.,It, Upton. acUng pastor. Sao,
8:30. i ' :. v ... . . . . ' . .
I ... , Friand '
FlritE. 35th and Main Bet. Homer t,
Cox. - 11, "A New- Testament Church," T;4S.
. ! . - Jewish r
-Congregation Beth- Israel 1 2tli and Main
Rabbt Jonah-. B. Wis.. - Reform synagogoa.
Serticaa, Friday 8 p. m., Saturday 10:30 a. as.
. CorvrecaUon Akatni Sholonr Park and Clay
at. Rabbi R. Akrahamaon, Friday., 8 p. a.;
aturday. - 8 :30 a.
Concregstinn Netah- Cedeck Tarns nd To rah
6th and Hall Rat.. Abraham I. Rosencranta.
Friday. 8 p. m.; -Saturday, 8 a. m.; Stinday, 18
a. av'. nUaistj aehoai, -v . ..
baUar Day aainto
Clrarrh ef Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint
E. 35th aad Madison; .Hcberr C -. Itcebob.
miasioa preaideot; 10, 7:30.
. Latnaran ' - -
' tt James V. Park and Jeffeaoa-4-Bta,
Wm. E. Brinkmaa- 11, T
St Pauls E. 12th and Clinton ' Ret. A.
Kranse. 00, 10:30. "The Holy Gho-t Has
Called Me Br the Gospel"; 7:30. -How to
Weapon Ourstltes, Against Olfense in the Cross
of Chrirt."
Our Sartor E. 10th and Grant Bel. M, A.
Chrutanaea. .11. Norwegian) "Tha Bertie
ad Blessing of ChrisUsn Unng." - .
j,. Trinity (Missouri Stnod) Will la ma and
vriuuar-nev . a, umoaea. 9:19. school;
10:1, i German- serVfe; i 30.: Engliah '-aerrice.
. r -L , X
Organization -Takes Plaqe r at
Sunnyside Congregational
Church; Duncan President-
Determined not to be outdone by
the senior and junior Christian En
deavor organizations In the county,
the- Intermediates organized a union
of their own at a rally service held
in the Sunnyside Congregational
church September 27. '
During the ' evening the constitution
was! adopted. A nominating committee
proposed , the , following . names, all of
whom were .elected : .President, Vernon
Duncan of First Presbyterian church ;
ice president. Howard 'Stansbury of
Woodlawn Christian churchj second
vice president' Miss Gertrude Lannlng
of First Congregational church, and
secretary-treasurer. Miss Doris Ogden of
Sunnyside Congregational church.
Following the election. Dr. J. J. Staub
of the entertaining church installed the
officers of the first Multnomah County
Intermediate Christian Endeavor union.
He admonished them to hold sacred
their. new trust and to stand firm.
Pour minute talks were given by
Lloyd Reynolds, . Lillian' Wollsett and
Clarke Adylott The Rev. W. W. Long
of Forbes Presbyterian church gave the
main address of the evening. Miss Elma
Rhewalt county superintendent pre
sided. The Endeavor. room was artisti
cally, decorated with green, and white,
the national intermediate colors.
Monthly Business
Meeting Is Held
The monthly business meeting: o'f the
Knights of the Tower class of the Mt.
Tabor Presbyterian church, was Held at
the home of Ellton Shaw, 115 East Fifty
third street on Friday evening, October
3. George Porter. . clas president pre
sided. In an address by C. S. Ronald,
teacher, the work for the coming winter
was outlined. The class voted to pur
chase, a library table and Bible. A
committee was named to investigate a
suitable memorial to be given the. church
In honor of- the young men who died in
the. country's service. Preparations were
also made to repair the class room. A
contest to secure better class attendance
was also inaugurated. James Kintrea
and Glen Muir were chosen captains of
the opposing teams. Leslie Tickner was
named chairman of a committee to se
cure an athletic coach. Following the
business session Mrs. Shaw and Misa
Jean Shaw- served refreshments.
Bethlehem Norwegian 14th ao'd Deris Bet. 1
WUhelm Pettersen. 11, 8. .
Grace (English) Mason and Albina. Ret. C
H. -Bernard. 0:45. 7:45.
Bethel Norwegian (Free) Wygaat and Rod
ney. Bethany Danish Etangeiical Union and Mor
ris Bet. L. p. Kioller. 11, 8.
St Johns Peninsula and Kil pa trick Bet. L.
Lodwig. 10:43. 7:30.
Swedish Augustana - Stanton and Bodney
Bet.- V; G. .Ogren. 10:45, 7:45.
Immanuel 10th and IrtiDa Bet. A. V. An
derson, 11, 8.
Trinity (Norwegian) Lotely and Fortune
net. b. a. Btansetn. . iu:bu
Zioa Etangeiical (Missouri Synod) Chap
roan and Salmon Ret. H. H. Koppebnann.
J:15, 10:15. 7:45.
Methodist Cplseopal .
Centenary E. 8th and Pine. Ret,- Frank
L. Wennett. 11. preaching by Bet. 1. C.
Rollins; 7:30. preaching by Dr. T. W. Lane.
Central Vanconter and Fargo Bet. A. B.
Maclean. 11. 7:30.
Clinton Kelly E. 40th and Powell Ret.
E.' 8. Mace. 11.
Epworth 26th and Satier Ret. J. Stanford
Moore. 11, "The Great Callinf"; 7:80, "Able
to Stand."
First 12th and Taylor Ret. Joshua Stamv
field. 10:8O-8.
First Norwegian Danish 18th ' and Hoyt
Bet. EHaa Gjerding. 11, "How Person May
Know, If the Teaching of Any Religion Be of
God"; S, -"Th Magnetic Christ "
Garden-Home Ret. A. B. CaJder. 10:30.
- Laurelwood--E. 8d and Foster. Bet. A. C.
BrakenAury. 11. 7:80,' ,
Lenta Bet.. F. B. Sibley. 11,7:4.
Lincoln E. 8 2d and Lincoln. Bet. F. A.
Ginn. 11. "God's Plan for Lincoln Church";
7:43 "'The Prodigal Son." f
M out tills K. 80th and Pine Ret. Hiram
Gould. 11. 8.
Mt. Tabor E. ftlst and Stark. Ber. E. G
Decker. 11. 7:30.
Patton Alberta and Michigan, Rer. teorge
It Bennett. 11, "Mystery of the Incarnation ;
7:30, "Columbus Day World Conqueror."
Bos City Park Ret. D. Lester Fields. 11,
Sellwood Ret. W. S. Gordon. 11, 7:30.
' 'Sunnyside E. 35th and Yamhill Bet. ,W.
F. Ineson, 11.
St Johns W. Leatitt and Syracuse Bet,
W. E. Kloster. 11,8.
bwedish Beech and Borthwick Ret. Abel
Eklund. 11. 8. preaching by Ret. A. E. UcJ
district 'superinteadant, lollowcd by communion
fnitersity Park Fiske and Lombard Ret.
1L T: Atkinson. 11. 8.
Vaneouter Arenue Norwegian Danish Skid
more and Vaneouter. Bet. O. J. Bynoing.
11. 8.
Westmoreland Bet. E. S. Mace. 8.
Wilbur Multnomah hotel -Bet. Francis Bur-
etta Short" 10:30.
Woodstock E, 44th and Woodstock Bet.
U C Poor. 11.
Woodlawn--E. 10th and Highland Ret.' J
H. Irtine. 11. 7:45.
District superintendent Ret. Wniism WslJace
Toungsoa, D. D., 1 E. 6 2d at N. Tabor 2700.
- M. K. South
.' fbiWIIMMi ind Multnomah Ut.- J.' W.
Byrd. 11, "Tha Gift of Power and Its Pur
pose"; 7:45. "The Beauty of Obedience."
', Naiaren 't
First E. " 10"- and Weidler Bt. J. T.
I.ittto. 11. 7 :80.
: Sellwood E. 9th and Spokane lt. Want
W. Heea. 11. 7:30.
Brentwood 65th ate. and :67th at Bet.
ft- n. Fowler. 11. 7:30. -
' Highland, l'rk E. ; 14th nd KlUlriaVwotttH
Bat. W. Pi Keebaugh, 11. 8. '
ScaudinsTian Bet. J. C. Bringedshl 11,
i Fint 15th and Alder. Preaching br Dr. W,
W.-WiBard. r0:38. "The Lew of Supply and
Demand in the Spiritual Realm": 7:3d, "Life s
Scala f Values. -
Westsninster East 17tli" had Schuyler Eet.
Edward It Peiic. 10:30, "Kemembtruiz'
7 :10.' "Cain and Abel."
vt'jilwry lltn and Clay. Ret. U Botrriug
uick. 10:80, "The Fro"; 1:30. "A Three
fold Saltation." ---.-..-
'Mt.-Tndir--E.' 65th and Belmont Ret. Want
MacHeru i 11, "Spiritual Elittaey"; T:30,
"What Kind of World De isa Lit jot"
Vernon 10U and Wygawt Ret. Brace
rs Aiffasv.-vf 11. "A Christ aTUled Hour." cm
manioc sertice; 1 JO. "Ope WiBdow Toward
Bsalm v, :tr;v .v,-- .
' Piedmont -Cletelsnd and Jsrrrtt Ret. A. L.
HaUchiaaon. 11. "God' Measarn of a Wise
Man"; T ;80. "Sanctified Commercialism."
i'ourtb Firrt and Gibhs.' , Bet, 'Monro CL
O.. Eterett 10:86, -7:30. ' .
' KenHworth E. 84th snd Gladrton' Bet.
Paul E. KatacK 11. 7:30.
- Hop 7th and Eterett' Her. U. E. Giles.
n. a. - - ' - '' :
: Bos City Dr. Robert -L Miiligan.' 1 1,
"Petar Goe Fishing.",.. Xollowed' by communion
rrtic and recrptiM of new members j 8, "The
Myriad-Minded Mas." - - . ;
- Fwbes Graham and Gautenbehv Ret. Ward
WUUa Ixsnc. 11. "What la a Chrbtianr 7:30,
"Sin of Disruption, 'r
i -Trinity Virginia and Nebraska--BeT, Theo
dore P. -Smith, 11.' Sacrament of . th Lord's
Mny New. Pastors Wilt Be Wel
comed and New Moderator
Elected; Work Important.
v The October meeting of the Port
land Presbytery will be conducted
Tuesday and Wednesday of 4 Ahis
week at the First -. Presbyterian
church. The Rev. -Levi Johnson,
present moderator, will preside at
the opening session, until a new
moderator is elected.
One of the most important items of
business at this meeting wilt be the
reception of new members. Among them
are the following clergymen : M. G.
Everett of Fourth church, W. w. Long
of Forbes church, F. H. Mlxsell of
Anabel church, Ralph McAfee of the
Portland Church federation, L. B. Quick
of Calvary church, B. T. Smith of Arbor
Lodge, B. J. Giffen of Vernon church,
G. N. McClusky of the timber belt cir
cuit at Buxton. J. K. Qrlffls of the
Alderbrook church at Astoria and W.
M. Irwin, superintendent of the New.
Era work tn three Northwest states.
The Rev. S. W. Seemahn, who has just
taken up toe work at Unjty church.
does not have to be received, .as the
Oregon Ctty church is In this presbytery.
The conference on New Era work,
Tuesday evening, ' will be an important
meeting.' Three laymen and a clergy
man will give the addresses. Dr. Ed
ward H." Pence will speak n "The Com
pulsion That Rests Upon Us to Raise
Our Full New Era Quota" ; L. E. Carter
on "The Budget; How Arrived At and
Its Reasonableness" ; Fletcher Linn on
"A Business Man's View of Presbyter
ian Responsibility in the New Era," and
James F. Kwlng on "How to Set Up the
Campaign to Raise the Balance of Our
The remainder of the meeting will con
sist of routine business. , A few new
pastors may . be installed, but if not
arrangements will be made to have them
installed later. The Rev. Charles Hays
Is state clerk. The October meeting is
considered one of the two Important
meetings of the church year.
Anabel Church to Cali Roll
Sunday morning service at Anabel
Presbyterian church Will be an "every
member present service," the Rev. F.
H. Mixsell announced. The annual Sunday-
school rollcall will be read by- the
superintendent, F. M. Taylor. Tuesday
evening Mr. Nexley's class will practice
basket ball. In the church. Saturday
evening the Boy Scouts will meet In
the church with Mr. Foster, and the
campfire girls . mill meet at the manse
with Miss Hogg.
Supper": 7:30. "The Old Fashioned Girt."
Anabel Rer. F. H. MaxwU. II. "In Es
sentials Unity in Nonessential . Tolerance":
7:30, "High Land or Low Lend."
Millard Atenue Ret. W. Lee Gray. 11,
"He Meant VVeU"; 8, "Derailed Man."
Marshall Street 17th and Marshall Ret. A.
J. Hanna. It. - . ,
Miapab E. 18th and DiTisionr Ret. jy. A.
Thompson. 11. "At Eas in Zioa"; 7:48.
"Mean of t" plift"
Unity E. 71st and Sandy Rat. 8. W.
Socman n. 11. "Uring Oar Lit Before the
God Wh Is Alit"; 7:30. "Tb Vision of
Lloyd George, England's Great Premier."
fnth Day Adtsntlt
. Note ReguUr nrtfcoe of this denosnhmtlon
are held un Saturday.
Central E. 11th and Ererett U BV Dick
son, paator. 10, ll:18t : t
Tabernael 4th and Montgomery E. H.
Eamersoo,' minister. II,
MonUtilU E. 80th and Errtt Elder J.
A. Gerhart 18,-11.' - , -
Lents 84 tb at and 68th are. Elder W. D.
Huntington. 10, 11.-,'--
St. Johns Central are. and Charleetoa-
EWf r A. U - Folkeaberg. 10, 11.
Albina Skidmor god Msilory Elder A. A.
Mejer. 10, 11. -! .
SoandinariaB 80 Alberta Elder O. S. Lee
10, 11. .
8itilofi Army '
Corp No, 1248 . Ash at-kdinUat Harj
R. Cozens. 11. 3:16, 8. - . '
f, J"T"W N- 12W I Captala WOli.
m. Bmltn. 11, 8, 8. ', ! ', j, . ,
. awadMbarejiMi
;Nr Church Sootety" 881 Jefferson Ret.
William H. Reete 10:45.- "Taar Esaeatial
Self: Neither Sinner Nor Saint"
ChureU of Our Father Brotdwty and ttra
hill. Rt. W. O. Eliot, Ja.1. "Optimism,
T and .Realitj"; 7;46.- open forum.
"France as the A. E, F. Saw It" by Professor
Norman f. Coleman. , v , , , , . ,
. Unlud rethrsh
Confereac superintendent bet. G. E. Mo
Donald. .. : ,
r .rir; ,n4 rteon Ret. Byron J.
Clark.. 11, "How to Keep Well"; 8. "Pay
Day. v . - . -
Secfjtid E. 27th and Sumner Ret. Ira
Hawley. 1 1 . ."Power Unsurpassable"; 8, "Tai.t
ing Ueafh for AU Men." . -. V" .
r- T,lif7,,, ft nlSH,t' B. Bet. E.
C. SUephtrd. 11, "Th Law of Sertioe"; 8,
" Out. of th Depths."
Fourth Tremont Kt. ' C. T. BUnchard.
11 serric m charge of Sunday school; 8,
sertle in charge of Christian Eadestor.
St. Johns (old constitution) 446 Jassup
Bt. Wlu Beynolds. 10 7. 8. .
UnrUd gfnsllcal
First E. 16 th and I oplar . Rst. J. A.
Good. 11; 8.' i - -
Ockiey .Greea Will melt bltd. sod Gay
Bet. H. H. Fsrnuam. 1J, 7:30,
Bt Johns Bev. A. P. Lay-ton. 11, 7:45. '
.Vn,u rVasbyterU
. First E. 87tb and Hawthorn Rst. H. F,
Giten. . 10 JO, 1:80. ...
Church of th StrangerGrand and Wasco
Ber. S. Earl l Bo is. . 10;30. preaching by
Ret. J. H. Boyd ot Egypt; 7:30, "Kings, Com
mon sod Uncommon" -
Kraum 120 West Lombard Ret. Gcorg
Jir yk? JI"t "SiueUghU en'a Apostle's
Work "; 70, "Th Ijriiig Word in th Land
of th Pharsohs." Rt. G. .. Boyd . of
Egypt -
. Christian ad kfiasionary All lance E. . Bth
ad C'iay Bet Joha K. Fee. 10. 11. 7:80.
Realisation League IBS Slh ttet. H. Ed
ard MUia. 1 1 "Superlatit Cotwcioosneas'
8, "The Common Elementa in th Great Re
ligion of the World." by Mia Laura i. Katon.
Chrtstadelphian 681 E. Washington. 10:8U.
Church of Cod tti Failing Uarry !.
11, T .-SO. , s . i
Uospet Hall E. 3SU snd SUrb, t
liana Bmort at) aad Burnside Bt..Leti
Johnson,, saperinteadent. S. . -'
' limit Mcsencv H. 24th srul BredwarRet.
T. M. Minani. II. "od, tii Beginning snd
Knd -ef AU Things"; Baddro by Ket. Henry
Victor Morgan, r'fh -4ioal of Ktolotion."
Uniteraal . Ues-danic 31S A bine-ton building.
Pentecostal first aiMl - Washington Bat.
WiU ti, S.-7. SO.
Olad Tiding (feotecosUl Mission) 2t0
1st. 2, t. 7:30 week days except Moadsy and
Sstoraay, S a. sa.
fenteoostal. cborcb E.- 20th sd Snkemf
A. W. Smith. II, S, 8. . .
vohjateers ef America kflasioo 224 Bornside
Meeting tery' eteBing- -except tionday, at, S
'clock, aad Sanday, I p. a, ' - )
ttortlanel Eocleei iCbrisUdelpbiu) 4S97
Belnsont ' Geotg H. Tilling, secrstary. 1 1. i
kernel Miss2es 1st. 1. S. Serttoej
each Bight at S.
Vbareh'of Christ E. 'TSth end CUsen. ' 11.
- Spfrttnsl Cborch of Eternal Light 1S4S In
1wa it. May A. Prk. . S. siege by
Clmitei .. titii-iMi; . - .
v Frist 8tiiitnHt-J-K. 7th snd Hastate Be.
A. Sewtt BleoSo. S, lectnr by Mr. Mary Cong
don, , "The Highest and . Best in Lite," followed
with message by Mrs. EUs Bledse; S, laetntw
by -Mrs. hlrdssw, "Spiritualism Vers and Ma
tertatlaOion." , , '
Fim Spirttual Science 12 Fonrth t Bt.
Max Hoffman. . S.- 8. -- "SDirttnaHsns Ani
kaowledged. by Grasl.gcicnUsta, '
(SeQrge JSannett
Jew$atton pastor
utdoor Student
W few. 4.4. MMMM
Rev. ' George H. Bennett f
Rev. decrrg-e-It. Bennett, lately of thd
Albany. Or., Methodist Kpfacopal clturch,
and formerly profeesor of aystematlo
theology at Portland university, waa as
signed to Fatten church, Alberta, straet
1 . ... . 1 . . . .
conference held in Salem laat week, i Dr.
Bennett will deliver hia rirat sermon to
his new congregation Sunday morning.
For six years a member of the Oregon
conference. Dr. Bennett has held sev
eral Important charge in the state. . He
had churches at Roseburg, Dallas and
Klamath Vails, the former being one he
held before he returned to the Illinois
conference, from which he was trans
ferred; to Oregon.
Dr. Bennett is an author of consider
able prominence in church circles, and In
addition his articles on wild life and the
out-or-doors have been widely published,
Tacoma Missionary-
Worker Will Speak
Misa Nettle M, Whitney of Tacoma,
prominent member and worker in .the
Women's Foreign Missionary-society- of
the Methodist church, will Speak twice
Sunday momlnr at the Swedish M. E.
church, - Beecte and Borthwick streets.
She will talk to the Bunday school fat
10:15 and to the church at 11 a.' m,
Sunday eveenlnr the Rev A. E. LI fid
district superintendent, will preach, also
administering the - sacrament " of the
Lord's aupper. The Rev. Abel Eklund
la pastor of the church.
Minister and Wife
To Be Entertained
A reception to Dr. and Mrs. W. T.
McElveen will be held In the church,
parlors of the First Congregational
church next Friday evening from 8 to
10 o'clock. A cordial Imitation has been
extended to th members of this church
and congregation, arid also to friends tn
other churches of the; city. The, later
Invitation especially includes clergymen
and their wives. , Dr. . McElveen will
preach Sunday morning and evening.
This will bo his second service as pastor
of 'this church. -
' '"-' '
.Loyalty Sunday for Presbyterians
' "Millard Avenue Presbyterian: church
has started off In Its fall work with a
cost that; speaks for B full and most
successful year of activity", says tha
pastor the Rev. W.. Lee Gray. Sunday
will be observed aa "Loyalty Sunday,"
kv keeping with the , program xt . the
Nw Era .movement Of , the church. A
Sunday-school entertainment' was given
FMdar night : " "
Mita Dorothy NichoU pi Chi
cago wlH tell -the .story of Her
Conversion to Protestantism,
Sunday, 7:30 P.; M.. at the
Scotch JBaptist M ission, EJ 42d
and Holgate. .. , - V.-,'
Take Weoktteok Car All Are Oordlally IntrUd.
YiU Christ's
'f 4-. , . i
Through the
'Hear Evangelist Dickson'
prove from Bible how this kingdom
will be established. He will show
whether the League of Nations and
the Return of the Jews to Palestine
have any connection- with -the con
summation of the .Gospel , pM.
v Christensen' Half :,
Eleven tk -Street, -Bet.' Morrlsoa aad
. ; Yamhill
Suncfay Night, Oct. H
, Big. Sine; f i - -pubiio Invited
111 vn
' ' .
-y--- y-- -mnimsjiin riimn n
in iii
W MSB SI BJ SJ ST BBBBT sj sr .. t
Ten v Congregations Will Face;
(Different Pastors Than They .
Have Been Accustomed to,
Appointments Were Made by-
.Bishop Hughes t Conference ,
at Eucene Last Monday. r
,-: Ton Methodist churches In the city
will beglrj i their, ecclesiastical year';
-work Sunday nvornlng with new paa-V
tors in ths pulpits: Et.ven chtircheg.
retained their pastors for another .
year. Tho changes wsra maao oy
Bishop Matthew Simpson Hughes '
last Monday at tho annual con fer
ehce, hel dat Salem. " I v '
One of tha most important changes
was .the exchange, of . pulpits between -Dr.
J. C. Rollins of Centenary church
and the Rev. Frank 1 Wemment of .
Idaho Kalla. The new pastor , has not .
arrived, so Dr. Rollins will preach Sun' .
days morning. n the evening Dr. T-
W. Lane, a former - pastor, will Breach
Tho Rev. J. H. Irvine of Bt. "30hns
church and the eRv. W. E; Kloster of
Woodlawn ' church exchanged charges. ,
Dr. J. T. Abbett of University Park :
church Is' retired from the ministry, lis
Is succeeded at University Park by the
Rev. H. T. Atkinson of Marshfleld. -
, The Rev. Luclen R. JoneB of Lents
church and the Rev, W. E. Kloster of ,;
department of the church. . He will soon "
take up work In China, The Rev. F. R.
Sibley of Enterprise will succeed him.
Mr. Sibley , will also have ' charge , ef
the Brentwood church, -
The Rev. John Parsons was relieved
of the work at Clinton Kelly church in
order that lie might devote more time
to completing a history of the Meth
odist church in Oregon. Mr. Parsons,
who Is one of the oldest Methodist -mln'
i stern in , the conference, Is also assist
ing Robert Hushes In the publication
ot the Pacific Christian Advocate. The
Rev.. E. S. Mace will take up the work i
at Clinton , Kelly church, and also at
Westmorelknd. . Clinton Kelly will have
a morning service and Westmoreland an
evening - service. -
The Rev. F. A. tllnn was relieved .of
the Sunday evening work at Westmore.
land in order that he might devote all
Ills time to the Lincoln church. ' '
Tht Rev.; E. O. Eldridg of the Mount
Tabor church' was transferred to Ses-
slde and the Re v. E. O- Decker of Med-
ford was assigned to the jloca charge.:
The Rev. F. W. Ksagy of Patton
church was transferred - to Roseburg.
The Rev. O. H. Bennett of Albany will
fill this vacancy. - ,
The following Portland Methodist
ministers were returned to their,
churches : A. R. Maclean, - Centenary
church ; 3. Stanford . Moore, Epworth
church f Joshua Stansfleld, First church ;
A; C. Brackenbury, Laurelwood church;
Hiram ! Gould, Montavtlla church i D.
Lester Fields, Rose City Park church ;
W. B. Gordon.- Sellwood church ; William
Vi Ineson,, Kunnysld -church ; ;' F, ,. B.
Short, -Wilbur church, and I J. Poor,
Woodstok chuh. -' "
-':'"': : : ,
Father Kerry In Charge
The Rev. M. L. Ferry has taken charge
of the St. PhlllV rerfe church, succeed
fng the Rev, W. J. Cartwrlght, recently
transferred to San Francisco.
1th snd Atdr SU.
' 1 10i A. t.
rLV sue otMsao
Ti80 P. M.
Bible School t
12:1. with seri-.
nus atndy-af th
Bible tad eonsid-
ersUon of
f'A-New Heavbn
and a:';-
llew Earth'' ;;
The Holy . City descending
from Cod oat of Heaven. -
"Former things, are passed away.
Behold, 1 make all things new.. .,
In symbolic language the Apostle
John ' foretold 4he .world's condition
following the present trouble.
Revelation XXI .explained,
XClJ. LeROY; .
Sunday, October 12 .
'i - 3 P M; .A Ci
tltk SW Bet.' Wssaltf toa asd Aider.
International Bible Students
I ersuon of earnBt
K f A1 :
- , . 1