. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, ' PORTLAND. FRIDAY, OCTOBER . 10, - 19ip. : GROWERS DEMAND MORE MONEY FOR THEIR: POTATOES FRESH EGGS HELD AT FIRM;, PRICES. HERE; RECEIPTS ."GAINING Kfort. to-Force Values Down" Fall : for the Time Being F. 0. B, Buyers Continue to Offer Up to 64c for . Current Receipts .Portalnd. - ' ' Efforts to depress the piles of fresh eggs hive met with failure In the local trade within', thelast few days, and t. . b. buyers continue to offer as high as 64 cents a dosen for current receipts. although some claim they are not bid' ding- above 62 cents. However, there Is no likelihood ol anyone obtaining' eggs . at the lower price when the higher , values are available to shippers. White receipts of eggs eontinu to liicres. so far a bom (lock is concerned, and further , -shipment -.at being received from tl central west, till the demand eontinus extremely fav orable with both northera aod southern market materiall higher Uian Portland. . While to torn extent ta extreme values reported in out- Me aurketa can be explained by the fact that , trade titer in extra! is confined exclusively to what are called commercial hennery ess here. Then asain Portland fa a primary producing . center and it to but natural that markets which ate compelled to import the bulk of their needs. would be snowing higher values. - BUTTER IS BEING CLEANED- UP Ever, -ordinary auallty butter Is sot showing gnat abuadane to tbe fecal trade and firmer prices' are shown all around. -'Extras continue extremely scare with tbe reoent advanced price well maintained. , ONION MARKET SHOWING STRONG , Msrket for onions Is showing a strong ton locally with nriees held well at country points. Some buying is still reported ia the country at $2.25 per cents! for, .No. 1 stock but most growers are holding bsck. LOCAL APPLE TRADE 18. NOMINAL Nominal trading 1 is showing V the, local wholesale apple market. , Nearby growers are taking ear of practically all Immediate wants of retsUere py peaaunc irom "ore to store, leaving only nominal businei for wholesaler. GOOD CAULIFLOWER VERT 'FIRM ' Coed auaHty caoliriower ia showing a strong tone and well maintained prices ia the local trade. Offerings were shown around 32.28 0 2.60 per dosen. Csbbsge market firm at 3 0 3 He s pound. SMALL HENS DRAGGING AGAIN Lightweight bens are again dragging with general sale not shore 2 80 a pound here. A. few sales are shown at 22o and som at 34c large hen are firm. Snail springs ar firm t 28 030c with large ones plentiful. BRIEF NOTE OF PRODUCE TRADE Country killed bogs oft sgain with lower live- stork. Fane veals steady: heavy calves weaker and Imier. , Comb honey continue unususny scarce at record price. Fruit prices generally ar steady and an changed. Csnned milk msrket is gaining strength. Public 2s f Siting Buying Eggs Supposed Bargains In Fresh Stock Are Really Just Storage Goods. By .Hymen H. Cohen ' The general public.' Is getting stung these days In .the purchase of eggs every time : It buy 6 , supplies at, low prices.: While there Is a law , which prohibits the sale of cold storage eggs as fresh Block. still every day this , measure la being openly violated. . In fact, some of them put big-placards on their eggs of fering, to sell strictly fresh ranch, stock at 62 cents a dosen, when It la known positively that these same Interests can not purchase such offerings In the whole sale market below 688c adosen, witn selected stock even 'higher. Such tactics are not only a cheat to the general public, but It makes It ex tremely difficult for the other retailers to compete by asking regular values for real fresh stock. During a short period of the war the law regarding the sale of cold storage eggs 'was enforced to a small extent. but even then authorities did but little to stop the practice of cheating the public. - - ; . : .. ;. Thoee desiring special information regarding sny market, eftould writ tM Marsat ttaitor. Oregon Journal, inclosing stamp lor, reply. Growers Show Little Disposition at This Time to Let Go Because Trade Appf ars Bettef Some Have Gained, and Some Lost by Ilolding.. ' Potato market is showing a stronger tone locally with little stock being of fered by producers. A few sales are reported at country point tributary to Portland; basis $L75 per cental here for good auallty, but practically' no chipping sales are reported because of the lac of general "offering; ; v . TVrttfa the alleged anxiety ' of grower to sett their potatoes when it, appeared that the market was not going to make any sort of an wnvafri net- mnwmHitl The -firt showing of atapna-th - in tna trade, nraetically closed all s vermes of sal sad growers soon - discovered that they did not want to sell at all at least fc th time being. 1 y -1-; , 1. .-. i Whether this ia a wis saovement remsins to B seen: according Co- leaders of tb nut. Ttum, H. va h,,B immmi ml these have br- reoent one when grower have mad consider- Corn and Oats Up In Early ; Trading y Joseph f. : PrhVcherd . phi-mm. rw 1ft. 11 in a 1 ft..tut was besrih daring th hut boar of the session today and , prioes - were lower for th entire grain list. Losses wen shown ia October corn of le. in December of 0 fee and In Msy of H Ost were hi w He lower. Hug products slab, oued at a decline. Chicago. Oct.-10. (L N.'. S.) J Com opened firm and K H e higher on tight offerings snd scattered covering by overaignt shorts. Higher hogs "and unsettled weather conditions were the principal twllish influences. Opening prices for -cat .were- 0t hlgner In sympathy with corn. "CommUiioo. houses were th principal - buyers, " while there was only scattered sailing.-- rrovuioru wen higher at the start. Chicago rang of prices furnished by United Frees COBN Open High Low Close Dec 124 124 122 122 May ..' 122 H 122 121 121 t OATS Dec 71 Tl T0 70 Uay 73 73 72 72 PORK , Oct 8850 8850 8800 8800 LARD Oct. 2775 2TS0 2750 2780 Jan. 2825 2850 2322 2827 RIBS jam 1760 1770 1787 1760 bulk, ' WEATHER WOTICE FOR SHIPPERS Weather bnresn d vises: Protect shipments during the next 86 hours against th following ' Mintmnm tMnmn tares : Ooing north. 44 de grees; northeast over B.. P. S. . railroad, 81 ' degrees; east to Baker, 28 degrees ; snd south ' to Aihlsnd. 40 degrees. Minimum' temperature at Portland tomorrow about 40 ae frees. WHOLESALE PRICES I?T PORTLAITD t Thes are th prloe retsilers pay wbokssiers, except as otherwise aotea: Dairy' Product I .BOTTER Selling price, box lots: Creamery . ndm. unhnnit wraoDed. extras. 68e per IK: . prim firsts, 5e: tirsU. 62c per lb.; smaller , tots at an advance. Jobbing priees: Cubes, "extra, 62 lb.; prim firsts, 4 0c: cartons. 1 ' XtBUTTEHFAT PorOsnd deUvery hssii,'et T2c; country sUtiims, 67 0 680 H. OLEOS1AROAK1NB Local brands, SO 060 lb.; tubs, 82c; 1-lb. cartons, 89c; 2-lb. , cartons. 85c: Nntmargarlne. 1-ib. cartons, 81e lb. CHEESE -Selling price: Tnismook, fresh Oregon Isncy eresm triplet. 8884e; Toung America. 34 035c Price to Jobbers, f. o. b. '' Tillsmook. tTiplet. 80; Toung America. 82c Belling price: Bricks. 4042c Buying price of Coos aod Curry triplets, 29c? Toung Amer ica, 80o lb. t. . h. Myrtle Point; block Swiss, 48 049c; Limbu'ger. 40042c. . rnui n.in. nrles- Current recsmts. 62 m 84c dosen: candled basis, 65e; selling price, candled, 68c; select. 70 0 72c. - " LIVE POULTRT Hesvy hens, 28 080c ft.; light hens. 23o per lb.; broilers, 28f 80e per lb.j . eld rooster-. 18017 lb.; SQUSbs. 38.00; duckt, - 26 0 850 lb.; pigeons. 81.6002.00 doa.; tur nkeys, live, 28 80c lb.: geese, live. 15c lb. ' Presh Vsostables and Pratt v FBESH FBUrT Oranges..85.0 0T."O -per box: bananas. e ! s",?V,if. a.60 per wte: Florida grapefruit. 88.80 08.75: CaUfoVnla srrapetruit. 6 "Su 8125 0 8.00; watermelons. 1 0 2 e lb.-r Call fola.fl"; V.51.60; peaches, 80c 11.00; pears, 32.00 0 8.00 : grapes.' MslagM, 8 0 8 e. Toksy. 6 0 loo lb. I Muscats. 7 lb,; Concord, "25e bskct 8 lbs. ";L.... BERRIES Blsckberries, 32.00 per erst; , ii., I SA SA MV KHaVwl hflSL' HIIW'il -w.v-r 1 - - , iSk 1 APPLES Various I i varieti, , local, i 1 9 8.25 per bo; orabapples. 32.29 per box. DRIED FRUIT Dates, Dromedaries, 88.7B; Fsrds. 38.78 per cot; raisins. 8 '' Muscatel, 16o per lb.J-s, 35.00 per boa of 60 6-os. package. , - - . . . ONIONS Selling priea to Tetsilsri: Oregon. 88.60 per cwts aaoeiatioB selling pnee, car . load. 32.25 f. o. b. country; garlic, 8 40e, green onions. 40c per dos. bunches. POTATOES Belling price. 82.50 p-v evrt t Duyrng price tor fsncy large sise, 31.75; ordl hart. 81.50 per cental; sweet, 8 07 H. . VEGETABLES . Turnips, 32.75 perssck; csrrtHn.- 81.78: beets, 82.50; esboage, Oregon, ' 22 e lb. lettoee. 60 000c dos.; cucumbers, 0c81.:B dos.5 tomatoes, 60065c box; egg plsnt. 7o lb.; eanliflower. 82.50 per - do. borseradisb. 15e lb.: beU .peppers. 7c: peas, 9c; string bean. 5 0 8c, lb.j green corn,. 25 0S5 "per do.; Hubbard,, squssb. 202o Ber lb. . V ;- '. - MsaU and Pwvlslori ' 1 fC0TJVTBTMKATS SeUing prieH Oonntry heg '-tc per lb. tor top blockers; beat veal, Ster' W- V"l UeJSt.'- -j - SMOKED MEATS Ham. 28 087 per lb. I hreakfast bacon, 87.041c; picnics. 28c; cottage WllLaBD Kettle rendereelf 88 c; standard. Sic; tic roe basis, compouno, 25c Fish and Shell'ltR - ' FRESH FISH Sslmoei, Chinook, 2o Tn. ; C sllverside. 17 lb.; haUbut. frh, 16018 lb. i sturgeon. 20 lb. black cod. 10 Uj- lb. silver . irw. Ih i Mimas trout. 20 0 25 lb,: kip pered' salmon. 82.66 par 101b. basket; kippered od,- 32.88. SHELLFISH Crab. 33.50 per dos.; shrimp teat. 55 per lb.; lobsters, BOO per id. . -- Orrhs 4-ri ' SUGAR Cube, 810.80; powdered. 810.28; (mlt snd hern. 80.65: yellow. 89.05: grams-' lated. 30.85; beet. 80.55; eitra C. 39.26; golden V, 88.15. a.-'- ,-9,., HONET New. 87.50 0 8.00 DM ess. - K1CE Jspsn style. No. 1. 14c; New Orleans kwl. lBUot Bios Rose. 14 H Per Ih.' SALT Coarse, haU ground. 100s.- 817.00 , iter ton; 80s, 816.50; Ubl dairy, 60s, 826.50; pales, .iswo.bb; isncy uioie bbv? - oturj, 11 an- rnmn rack. 828.00 cer ton. BEANS OregoB (ssle by Jobbers) : ' Lady Washington, 708e P Tb-; pink, 7 e lb.; Umaa. 14: bayou. 7 c; red. 7c; Oregon beans. Buying pries, wmin - - CANNED VIU.K Carnation, 87.25; Borden, 67.15; Teloban, 87.05: Mount, Vernon, 87.18; " Haselwoad. 87.1 P ease v " COFFEE Boasted. 87 0 61c, In t saqks , ot . drums. . - Nona CRACKERS In bulk. IBe per lb. NUTS Walnuts, 85 040 par lb; alSBooda, AMERICA7T LIVESTOCK PRICES Omaha Hots 818.60 Omshs. Oct. 10. (I. N. S.) Hogs Re ceipt 2500, active. 18 25c higher 814.25014.75: tops. S10.6O. . Tattl ReeelpU 5000, generally steady. Sheep Receipts 8000. steady.' Chleao Unas S1B.80 "Chicago. Oct. 10. L N. 8.) Hogs Re- eeint 18.000. Slow and steady to zee nigner; hnik aia-flnrBls.fiO: tons. 818.80: heavy- weight, 814.50 015.80; medium weight. 314.75 af i. u.i.n.h til 7fl1S 75: light. lights. 814.25015.25; heavy packing sows, smooth, - f 19.70W1S.ZO: pacmng sows, rouiu Hi OH 7R. nin. 113.75015.00. - -Cattle Blow to lower: calves, BOe lower. ftar staers. choice and crime. 816.75 018.75 medium and good. 3110018.78; lhrhght, mvI snd choice. 814.50 018.60: enmmnn snd medium. 8a.00 014.50. Butcbet ..!. h.if.r. 8h.B0A14.O0: cows. 86.25 0 12 75; bulla, So.UO W J.1.U". tenners ana nw. .nd heifers. 85.28 0 6.25: eanner itsers. 86.60 07,75: veal ealvea (light and. handyweight) , S10.au w 1 i.a; "'T. 87.25018.00; stock er steers, 86.25010.26; stocker cows and heifers. 36.00 0 8.00; stocker oalves, 87.50 0 9.50. Western rango gattla, beef steers, 310.78 015.00; cows and hySfers. it tn All SO -vr BhMra Receipts 16,000, native lsmb BOe lower: sheep, steady; lambs 184 pounds down) 812.75015.65; lambs, culls snd common. aft ft0ff12.50: yesrllng wethers, 89 00011.00 ewes. 86.50 07.60; ewe, culls snd common, 88.0006.00; breeding ewes., si.uuwis.io feeder lambs. 310.7012.75. ' Dnvr Hogs Si 4.76 TV.rer Oct. 10. tTJ. P.) Csttle Re ceipts 2500. weak and lower: steers. 811.00 0 . - a 1 : M a T A A O OK . atAnsr ' 1 V 111! ws.S ann rtl 1 tWV-vs SB a .uw bw y. a V . srs,rs,aa- ers and feeders, 37,00 011.00; calves, 38.00 Htgs--Becipts 50, steady; tops. 314.75; bulk. 314.00014.78. ' , , , sheep Receipts 17,000, steady: lambs, 813.60 015.00; ewes, 86.00 0 7.00; feeder lambs.- 412.50 018.60. . tattle Hogs fjie.00 Seattle. Oct. i0.-r- (I. N. . Hogs Re ceipts 201. tower; prime lights. 815.00016.00; medium to choice. 814.00 015.00; rough heavies. 314.000 16.00; pigs. 813.00 014.00. Csttle Receipt 44. steady; best steers. in HOmil.OO: medlnm to choice. 88.600 8.60: common "to good, 86.00 0 7.00; best cow and heifers. 87.26 09.00; 'wramon to good cows, 85.0007.60; bulls, 80.uusyi.ou; calves, 87.00 0 14.00. ' I Sheep none.: . Chleago Ailry Prednee Chicago. Oct 10. (L Nj 8.) Produce msrket Butter, receipts 8081 tubs: t cream ery. - extrai . 68o; extra firsts; 68 0 58 : firsts.- 82 062e;ipacktag stocki 42044c Kggs KeceipMr 0OZ eases: curreni re ceipts, 47 53c; ordinary firsts. 48 047c; firsts, 6406BHC; extras, onus ici nno onai'),' riirties. 80e38o. Cheese, . twins, arw, i""p 29Ho; Toung Americas, so e su c; . og- borns, 80 0 30 He; fries, sc 1 w nminrv. rnrievs. aue: i cmcsena, . w 84c; springs, 82 c; roosters, 18 He; gesse. 22e; ducks, 27c OTATO MARKET HAS A STRONGER TONE; IS SELLING LIMITED able money by holding: and -there have been many when they ore rata red a good market, no abetter bow high th prio went, they wanted n o re. Specialty Shares Are Advanced New York: Trading - STOCKS CLOSK STRONQ New York, Oct. 10 (I. N. S.) Th stock market dosed strengr today. Steet eommon from tts high of iftK tfcaee at 111. ethlehMn Steel B raacted neariy X pelnts te tU etaslng f'107, while Baldwin from Its high f 147 reacted to 144. PIroarrw advanced nearly neinU to ee( Studebaker 4 t 12SVs and OenaraJ 88etr 4Vs to e7. a drop ef from 1 te S point was netd In the ell sharaa. INexIcan Ptroium am finally t4S; StiMtak 41 1 Banerel Ktaetrte, 1T4t ttouthv era Pacific 110 A, and Tetvaoee pvwducta, 104. Sale 1,700.600 share: ban, 81228,000. MAD7LT nfil'M Lit A HALF DOLLAR IN N; . PORTLAND YARDS Further Depression . Is Shown Ilere With Extreme Top at $16 and it Is Difficult to Get That Buyers Flflht Shy or Steer Alleys. HOW HOGS BTJXED , Toes. Portland s ... 616.66' CMeage . . " Omaha . . . . !- Denver . . . . ..................... 14.7 PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN WHEAT PREMIUM IS ILK AMONG- NORMSTJRADERS Denials and Confirmation , Are ' Posi tive That Higher Values Exis'. for Soft Wheat-BoIders of Bdrd Wheat Name Own A'alues.5 - ' 518 178 55 . ... 205" 117 .... 301 120 84 14 172 624 781 121 714 808 71 12 210 1450 "173 . ... 173 618 178 6 .... 845' 8 4 311 New Torit. Oet. 10. IL 5. S.) A strong ton prevailed at the stock market opening to day, with the- specialties attracting' most atten tion and advancing from 1 to O points. , General Electric row 6 point to 174: Btromherg Carburetor points to 104 and Westinghous Electrio J,, U 57. Th steel stocks war "steady. " 8teel common w 14 to 110: Baldwin Lececaottvw to 144 and Bethlehem 8tml - B to 107. Ksvsfona Tire advanced nearly 6 points to 67. Stnts . Motcjs on the ether band reacted S points Irom its violent aavanee os rmcnu; w 135, while flsnersl Motora reacted to zbs. Southern Tsciflc led the sails witn an aa- vtnc of over 1 point to 108-. Mexican Petroleum advanced t to - 248: American Tobacco ever 2 points to 808 and United Retail Store .to 117. j. Th ton wai' strong' in the hit forenoon. Steel common rose nearly points te 111: Republi 8teeL 4 to- 102 ; BthIehm Steel B.- 1 Jto 108 : Pressed Steel Car. 8 to mnat nmiml Kleetria to ITS: Mexican Petroleum to 244 t Chandler Motors, 7 points, to 806 ; ' United Retail . Stores nearly - 3 to 118. Bad Union Oil wn I point to 43. . n.n nf v .Task smhs rfimMMd bv 0t- heck Cook Co Board of Trade tmUding: -. OESCBtPTloRj Friday Week age ....... 2 weeks ago ... . , 4 weeks ago . ....a Tear ago ...... 3 years ago ...... 8 years ago ...... 4 yar age....... Hogs showed further depression In th local trade for the day. although . a sligrhtly improved tone was indicated in eastern markets after the recent snarp slump .there. However. Portland con tinues to top all nationally known hog markets. . v There waa a farther drop of 50c in th hog division of th North Portland market during the day; tops commanding no more, than 816 and were reajly weak at that. There was a fair supply of 618 head reported ha th alleys overnight and trading was extremely slow. General bog range: ' Prim mixed ..815.60 016.00 Medium mixed 10.00015.60 Rough heavies 18.00 0 14.00 Pigs 14.00015.00 :, OsOtie Sltnatlen Qsh , While there wss only a small . additional sup ply reported ia th cattle alley of North Port land at the opening of th day activities, th msrket in general reflected dullness. Cows were considered about steady at th previous price rang but It was like palling teeth to even get a Boysr to wo at a bunco of steers. General cattle rang: Best steers 8 8.50010.80 Coed to choice steer ......... Medium to good steers .. , .. . ... Fair to food steer Common' to fair steers ......... Choice cows and half eg Good to choice cows aad heifsra. Medium to good eows snd heifers. Fair to medium eows and heifsra. Cannera ................... Bulls .. ..... . Best light calve Heavy calve ............... Stocker and feeder .......... Mutton Market Quiet No arrivals at all were shown ia th mat- ton alleys at North Portland for tjb day's trade Business ia general is considered fairly steady with former value la ellect. General sheep market inns: - Best Mount Adams lambs 811.50 0 12.00 Stocker and feeders ........ 8.00 0 0.00 Valve lambs , 10.50 011.00 Yearlings 8.00 0 0.00 Wetter 7.80 s 8.50 Ewes 8.OO0 V.OO Thursday Aftornoen Seta STEERS Pendleton, Oct, JO. Pendleton leeal "grata dealers take exception to the state nest that soft wheats are commaadlBg o 'premium at present. Five carloads of vnaer eae elnh, ahont 8800 bushels, were soId here Thursday at 3 eents above the government price. Other sales at 1)4 .cents premlsni are reported. NORTHWEST-GRAIN RECEIPTS -Cars- Portland. Fri. . Tear age. " 73 he son to Cat.. .z Year ago .. .875 Tacoms, Tbura. , . . 86 Year ago. , . .26 Season to date. . . l wz 1 Year ago. ......1892 Seattle, Thar... 87 i ear ago. ...... 27 Season to date... 1011 Year ago. ..... .2194 0.00 8.60 8.000 0.00 7.00 0 6.00 5.50 0 6.60 . 8.000 S.S6 6.500 7.60 6.600 6.50 4.760 5.75 3.00 0 4.00 6.00 0 6.50 14.00 0 16.00 8.00014,00 7.60 0 8.25 Stocks, Bonds,' Cotton Grain. Eta. 616-S1I - Board : ef - Trade Bafldlaa, : Overbeck&CookeCo. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES ' Ugmhtrs Chicago Board of Trade Corresrondents Ci...r Logan '--Bryan Sow Tor 21 50 63 06 06- 67 187 69 87 82 114 76 H 43 142 111 99 Vi 808 138- 23 H 70 82 147 41 109 SOW 27 .52 1511151 ." fllherta. S0e in sack lots: peanuts. I6e: Deosns. 25e; Brazil. 80c; filberts,. B3e lb, nwa. r-smiM, whs RfiPF, Sisal, dark. 18 c; white, 20 lb.: Standsrd manila. 23 He. ' - ; I.I?ior.t.t VUj mv, Don.. 4.in ., sew boUed, bbl. 33.18; riw. case, ss.zo; neuea. cases. s.anper gsi. t - . . ... COAL Olir water wnna, m arums or iron hbls., lle gal; case. 24o gaLv GASOLINE Iron bbls.. 23 o: case, S4; engine distillate.' iron bbls., l0i case,. 26 c WH1TB Uiau ion- iocs, iaoi ovv ioe., 13 c per'"lb" ;':i TUBPENTElE-Tanks. 31.91; sv 33.01; 10 esse lots, le Is?. , T ;-' -.p' . WiBK HAIWJ bsmo price, Hops, Wool and Hldeai ;J HOPS Nominsl. 1919 crop. 76o par lb, H1DKS No. i i salt-cured hides, 8Q lbs. and up. 84c; NO. 1 , part-cored Mdes, so - lbs. and up, 32c; No. 1 green hides, 80 lb, and up, :80c; No. i salturedj bulls. 60 lbs. and - np, 25o; No. 1 part-cured tmus, oo lo., ana up, ac; No. 1 green bulls. 60 lb, snd up. 21c; No, 2 hides, lo per lb. !." ' ' ;. - CALF AND KIP BKTN8 lc 1 skins np to 16 iba-K OOct NoT 2 calf akin up to 15 lbs.. 80ej No. l.kip. 15 to 80 lb.. 60c; Nc 8 kip akin. IB to- 80 lbeBBc v. . r ... - ? - UBX xtiuias iry wmw nraos, i id, ana up, siw.- Ar flint -calf, under 7 lba.. 80c: dry fUnt bulla. 280; dry salt; hides, 7 ibs. and up. 24c; Bry salt call, under I Jos., isc; cry gait puna, mic ir Mill hide and skins half DTiea. - HORSE IHUKS Large, good take-off.- with heads on. .from S to 810 each; small er poorly taken off. half -price; hide with head oft, 50 . PELTcWBtv loai'wool pelta, per m., 86e; dry medium wool ewlts, per ll 80c; dry shaar n.mlta. - 60c 3 LOO each : salt kmc; wool pelts, '82.00 0Bt5O each; salt mertlnm wool pelts, 5 1.60-0 2.50, each; salt sneering pelt, 6ue0 31.00 each.- . ' " -; - ' .. , , MQHAltt Long , staplaaOe , pc lb.; short Ux!2lwVaN1J GREASE No? 1 talloir. ISei No. 2. 13c;.No. -l, To, 10c; No.- ntat, 8 per-lo, ,-... r ' -r- GBrmV OR'CASOABA. BART Nw peel. Ho per lb." -' ,- - : WOOL Valley half -blood Merino aad Shrop shire, 60e; Couwold-and-Lincoln, ,40 0 45c; matted Cotswold. 80 0 85e; timber stainad, ' fie per lb.-leas; lambs' wool 4o pat lb. lees. . Eaatera Oregon. Eastern Washington - and California Wool ilermo and Saropahire, 88 0 4Qe; half blood Merino, and Cotswold. 87 042o; Shropshire, - 87 0 42c: Costwold and - Lincoln) straight and mixed, 32 035c; hurry, 5o par lb. lew; taml' 4o per lb.- less.. v . r-. . -. ilne Wools Merino combing and carding graaes, iiiitfafie. ; ' - Alaska Gold ...... . 2 Ailis - Chalmers. . . .1 50 AUoy Steel --... 53 Amer.'Agr. Chem. . 63 "Am, Beet Sugar. 84 Amer. Can, c. . . . 68 Amr. Car Fdy . . . . 188 Amer. Cotton, Oil. . 68 Am. H a Lea., e. 87 Amsr. Linseed, C. . 81 Amer. Loco., ..,. 118 Amsr. Bmelter. e.. 74 Amer. Steel Fdy,. 43 Amer. Sugar, c. ... 142 Am. Sumatra Tob.. 111 Am. Tel. & Tel... 90 Amer. Tobacco. . . . 305 Amer. Woolen. c..tlS7 (American Zinc. . . . . I 28 . Anaconda Mining Co 69 va Atchison, c 91 Baldwin Loco., e. . 148 Halto. Ac Ohio, c 41 Beth. Steel. B. . . .1107 Brook. Bai. Trans.1 20 M Butt and Superior.) 20 Uah Petroleum, c. 52 Canadian Pacific .. tCenrrsl Leather, e. 108 Chandler Motors . . 800 j Ches. Ohio .... 69 1 C. Ut, Western, c.j.... . l.. M. A St. Paul. I 44! O. A AN... t ... . v. 03 ChU Copper .... 23 Cbino Copper .... 44 V Col. Gas V Elec. . 67 Continental Can . . 95 Colo. Fuel ft Iron . 4 Corn Products, . e. . 88 Crucible Steel, c. . 241 Oubsa Csne Sugar. 43 D. V B. U.. c... 8 Erie, com. ...... 16 Gaston Williams . . 82 General Cigars . . 85 Geneeral Klectrio. . 160 General Motors ...208 Granby Cons. .... 68 Ot. Northern Or. 46 Gt. Northern - Ry.. 8 ' Greene Cananea ... 48 Gulf States Steel. 65 Ice, Securities ... ,48 , Illinois Central . .'. ..... Industrial .Alcohol. 145 Inspiration C. .... 61 International A.- C. 28 I International Her.. 1148 int. Mere, Mgr. a. I 2H International Nickel 28 K. C. So., conv ..I 19 Kenneeott , fjopper. i is H Ickswanna Steel. I 85 Ihtgh Vslley,.,.. 48 Maxwell Motor, e.l 47 Low Clo Mex. Pettroieum. . .243 Monttna Power.. v.l 64 Miami Copper. . . I 27 Midvale Steel..,..! 68 Mo.. Pacific, r. ...I 29 Nstlonil Enamel... I 84 National Lead,....! 86 Nevada Cons. .v. . .1. . . .-. New Haven ...... .1 88 H N. TAir Brake... 1127 N, Y. Central I 74 Norfolk ft Western .11 03 Northerp- Pacific., .1 87 Pactno Man...... Penn. Railway : . , . People's tias ...... Pierce Oil Pittsburg Coal., e', P. Steel' Car, c. . . . Pullmsn . t .. . . . . . Bay : Cons. Copper . Ry. Steel Spring. Reading, e........ Rock island, e . . . dopfd.-"B" .... Retail Stores . . . . 81oss Sheffield Southern Pse. . . . Southern By., . St. I ft S. F. ... Bwift ft .CO. . . , ... Tenm. Copper " , i . Texaa ' Oil. t . l sxaa raw.' . . , , . 107 883 59 45 88 24 45 68 98 48 80 - 244 43 16 84 87 175 298 68 H 46 80 44 67 48 M 63 29 148 63 28 20 80 7 48 47 250 5t 27 48 80 84 86 84 ri29U 74 102 87 3 50 j 52 95 94 66 186 08 S4 0 113 74 43 149 109 99 805 186 23 69 hk 91 143 40A 27 61 161 105 299 68 . 44 J8 1s INS 166 94 46 87 240 41 9 16 82 85 109 293 68 VI 46 85 48 64 48 - No. Ave. In. Price. 12.... 786 8 6.75 1..,. 850 7.00 8..,. 900 7.60 COWS ..,.1020 8 7.80 I 1. X..,. 700 4.60 X. 16.... 887 7.10 2. BULLS 1. .1.1086 f 6.75 1. HOGS v a.. n tuu fSva, ser-v a atvwj. 1....1000 8.00 760- 7.00 . . 850 8 6.50 .. 880 6.26 ..1186 S.60 .. 690.6 6 0 li 61 27 : 146 61 27 194 f ? 48 46 241 64 27 52 29 84 85 . . A. 83 Vi 126 74)4 102 87.-1 3 60 61 90 94 66 186 -68 68 H 80 114 75 48 199-J 110 08 806 137 23 70 91 148 41 107 r20V 38 52 151 t05 837 6 10 44 W 92 23 44 ,69 94 .46 88" 240 41 9 16 38 85 178 97 68 46 85 42 $7 93 145 62 ' 27 145 62 27 4... 2.., 88... 4.., 61... 45., 15.. 233 314.50 215 15.50 175 212 237 318 180 15.00 18.50 16.00 16.00 16.00 LAMBS 2. . .. 260 815.50 1..., 310 5., 59.... 16.,.. 1..., 244 219 318 180 WW. Barley. Floor. Oats. Hay. IS. 1 20 .13 ... a -4 117 892 28 t 559 678 469 802 1023 ... 2 4 1 9 60 ... .' 83 S00 19 ... ' 71 498 1 6. 117 214 316 500 30 621 223 1039 figure I still bi th hich yielding crop aver age of the. last two years, though an Improve- Rini art, in, muuil oi m nnaui mso. . i - Moderate .temperatures ana plenteous - ranis in SapUmber greatly benefited all crop except I gralna. wuca war toe near ssaxonqr. ... rr . Saa Traaclo Cash Grain - ItsrVs ftnot fewd. Ber ntmtaL 12.90 0 101U: shinoinar. St.O0S.lO. , - ut iie leeo, 1s.9usj.19; seeo. a.vw 6i.1V. - " ' - , ' . - . " , , , ,. , Saa . Fraaelseo Penltry Market Saa Francisco. Oct. 10. I U. P.l Poultry: Broilers. 86 082e; large hens, 84 0 16c; best 1 ducks, Zlc , Htaaeanells-SalaU Plax MlnnssDoll. Oct. 10. -IL N. 8.1 Flsxl seed, 64.44 W4.4J; April 8 42 04.4o. . 'PdathJ Oct. Tfp.--tl.w. S, jux OeO. well known at ' Eugene, Medford and as Ta u V ' -, .,. I Boaeburg. Association to ; : Send' Delegate : To.Tokio Meet Centralla, . Wash- Oct 10. The - Lewis County ' Interdenominational Sunday School association has started a fund to send Mrs. - Millie Wilson, Its secretary, to the world's Sunday school convention In Toklo in 1921, Mrs. Wilson attended' a similar lueet- in Dwiucriana in int.. Resolutions' Passed to Have Pro posal . Placed; on : Ballot - at . : Special Bond Election. Seattle Frnit Harket " Seattle. Oct 10. (tl. P. ) Peach Eastern Washington, 70ej81. Pears Bcurre Hardy, 62.26; d' Anions, 380 8.00; U Butur, 82.30. Amm V- Staielair . AsIIass San Franrisco. Oct. 10. December barley. c5nVn-nt1 58.00 hid, 88.09 ask, ...; SU Loals. Metal Market - St Louis, Oct. 10. (L N. , 8.) Lead, steady, 86.00.- v.--.. ' Spelter, strong, 37.3007.85. THREE AIRMEN FROM WEST TIE (Contmued From Page One) , Oregon Flyer Progressing Des Moines, Iowa, Oct. 10. Lieuten ant El, C Kiel, who nloleted an airplane in the Oregon fire patrol service last summer, la. Included among the ' con testants .who are in the great trans- He was among the first of the aviators to reach Cheyenne, Wyo on Thursday and he reached Des Moines field at 10:18 a. m. today. - . Racer Pendleton Man , 7 Pendleton, Oct. 10. Corporal Earl Nntter, passenger in the Smith plane In the transcontinental air race. Is a Pen dleton man, and the aon of Mr. and Mrs. B. B,' Nutter. He was overseas In the air service and recently visited here while on, furlough. . nounced in this order: Captain I H. Smith, No. 68. at 1 :46 :40 j mother living in Loe Angeles. Wales Mather Student San Francisco. Oct 10. (I. N. S. Lieutenant E. V, Wales had been a stu dent, at Mather field, near Sacrsunento, from where he entered the tranecon tinental race. He is survived hy a All exchanges were open today In the grain trade and the result Is a resump tion of business generally. Just why the local , trade has been so bearish regarding Northwest oats is a mystery to outsiders especially as tney havb been . forced to purchase stock elsewhere for their requirements. - Regarding the statement thst premiums ar not being naid for club and other soft wheat. a message came to Th Journal from an in ferior miller daring the day, stating that not only bad a premium been - offered and paid there all through th present season for all wheat, hut that the premium fa) farther increased by th fact that many of th buyer ar actuallj grading lower grade stock a something better. Then appear to be mocn controversy re ga ra ins this reported premium for soft wheat: tome ef th local buyers being indignsnt at th report, claiming that not only were they abl te purchase all th soft wheat they wanted at lb government pasts, not r actually Being offered mors than they could us. In th mean time there is no question as to the huge pre miums available for hard wheat: holders being able to name almost their Own price. Pacific coast crop report of th weatnei mt- Kiel. No. 63, at p. m. Lieutenant E. C, 1:48:20 p. m. Major a Spatg. No. 61, at 1 :48 :50 p. m. , Departures west were : Lieutenant 'Alexander Pearson, No. 8, at 1 :53 :50 p. m. Lieutenant B. M. Manileman, No. .59, at 1:68 p. m. : , Airmen Pass at St. Pawl St Paul. Neb.. Oct, 10. (U. P.) Captain H. C. Pray ton, westbound, and flying second to Lieutenant Maypard, arrived here at 10:25 a. m. from omana. He left for North Platte at 10:57 a, m. Lieutenant It. a Worthington, No. 60, caatbound, arrived at :08 a. m. and left at 6 :89 for Omaha . . O.v-. 78 81100 1 4T..-. 67 1.... OO 11.25 1 1.... 120 .41.... 89 11,25 I 34.... 68' 65. ... 79 .11.25 I -EWES 8.... 103 8 8.00 I 8 120 , 7.... 107 6.00 7 152 1.... 110 3.50 1 10.... 138 TEA RUNG 8 5.... 90 3 8.00 1.... 110 WETHERS 1... '. 110 3 8.50 . Friday Morning Sal STEERS No. Ave. lb", rrice. I No. Ave. lbs. 6. . . . 710 810.00 COWS 1. J.. 980 8 TOO ikk:s .... 2T8 315.001 3 450 LAUBS 100 810.00 2 . . . . 85 68. . .. 76 311 50 I KWES It. ... 180 8 8.00 4 8 144 WETHERS 2. .. 170 8 7.50 I , Utah General moderate rains Cat soil in excellent condition tor plowing, seeding aad germination of winter wheat. Nevada Killing frosts siigntly damaged al falfa, except in extreme south', whs re Do frost occurred.' Threshing nearly completed. Idaho Copious rains in tb south softened the soil, plowing begun. , Washington Gentl showers in middl ef week moistened th soil for fall plowing and winter grain seeding. Bom winter wheat has come np and b looking fine. aySever frosts at close of September killed all eorn not already matured, cnt and shocked. - Harvest and threshing of grain practically completed ia all hat vers late localities. ' Orrgon General rain fore part of week faciliated plowing snd will start wheat where sown, but retarded late hayiag. -flalifarnia. Rain In early wart of week dam aged alfalfa. A good crop of com is being cut. Much plowing and seeding of barley and whest don. - - nmR Rellinc nrica. acre eroe: Willamette. 811.15; whole wheat Oonr, 310.28: Willamette valley, 810.16: local straight. 810.00; bakers' local. 810.90 011.15; Montana spring wheat ritent, 811.15: 'ue flour. 810.10; oatmeal, 18.00; graham. 814.00. Price for city delivery in fiTtvailal lots. - ' HAT Buying price, aew crop: Willamette timothy.', fancy, 827.00: Eastern Oregon Washington, fsncy timothy, ( ) alfalfa, SkOOO: vallev vetch. 824.00: cheat. 818.00: 18.00 1 straw, 810.00: clover, 824.00; grain, 322.00. 10.00 I vGJIAIN fcACKS Nominal. New crop, delivery, 16.001 No. 1 Calcutta, 17 ia eat Iota, Us amount bigner. 1 MIIXSTCrTS Mixed run at mills, sacked. 338.00 039.00. ROLLED OATS Per tea. 860.00 061.00. ROLLED BAR LEX Par too, 366.00 0 68.00. . CORN Whol. 879; cracked. 381. FOLLOW JXCAL MARKET LEAD ' Merchants' exchange bids: , FEED OATS Oct. . . . . 5150 BARLEY 6200 6300 CORN . .-. 6000 LIEUTENANT WALES MEETS DEATH O.N MOUNTAIN SIDE New York, Oct 10. (I N, -&) First Lieutenant E. V. Wales, a Western con testant 'in the transcontinental air, race. waa killed at Deer Mountain, Wyo., late yesterday, and - Lieutenant William Goldsborouffh. a member of the Oregon forest airplane Toatroi, wno accompaoiea Wales aa a passenger, waa injured, said a dispatch received at the American Flying club today. Wales and Goldsbcrough wero caught In a enow storm : 'and while blinded Aranhael InfA.ihat tem nt tKa mmint, In. The machine) rolled ttewn the mountain- Qnly Portions Of Roads tO Be Side Into a deep snowdrift. - I. aoldsborouab. although badly hurt. crawled several miles to the Paulson ranch for aid. Searchers went back and found Wales, but he was dead be fore they arrived. Wades and Ooldsboroush were using a De Haviland four machine, driven by a 400 horsepower Liberty motor. 15.50 13.00 10.00 8.50 6.00 5.00 CONCRETE OBTAINED FOR CONTINUING WORK' M CLARKE HIGHWAYS Torn Up Those Which-Will Be Paved This Year. Vancouver,: Wash., Oct. 10. Concrete is now obtainable for pavingthe Pacific FLYING PARSON IS DELAYED highway and the worm can nignway. ACCOUNT MOTOR TROUBLE Care have been, provided for bringing untenant B. w. Mavnard. the "fivinB- the North Bank highway,, and . for th parson,- lost bio lead In the transconti- Pacific hishway .Blverslde cement has ncntal air race here today when serious 1 been orougnt vy ooar. irom tauroniis motor trouble developed in hla D H-4 and is being hauled from, Portland. plane. Intending to start this morning Work is being rushed on both high- for San Krancisco. May nam cuocoverea l ways in an effort to aret aa mucn or me the difficulty when he tried to warm up 1 surface laid as possible' before tbe rainy the motor. A. part of the engine was season begins. If the work is not com brought to a downtown garage for re-1 nlp.ted this fall the roads will be left in pairs. Maynard estimated that he would such oondiUon that it will not be neces sary to use detours during tne winter months, George H. Norris, engineer in be delayed at least two hours.' TOLD CJF WALES' DEATH News of the tragic accident waa re ceived from the control station at. Raw- Charge, stated today. Only as much road as can be completed will be torn up. No. a white ; Standard feed No. 3 blue . . . Nov. 6200 6250 6360 Dec 6200 6800 350 : No. 8 yellow . . Eastern oats and corn, ia bulk: OATS 5750 5500 36 lh. clipped . Price. tS JB. clipped 48 45 22 K 97. 120 V- 28K 102 88 H 28 H 65 117H es 107 J 26 20 184 ISK 286 H 48 46H 22 H 65 H 102 h, 120 38 102 W 84 Vfc 29 68 116 69 110 26 20 184 ISM 31 55m 66 Too. Prod. tl04104 TJ. - P.. e .. . . , . 1123 do Bfd. ii'.., 68 fil TJ, 8. Rubber. e.V. 126 U. B. Smelt. ' Kef. 72 TJ. B. teel.e. .V. 110 O.- S, Steel, pfd 114 Utah ' Ooppsr ... , . 84 V a. Chemical, e... 88 Wabash: 10 Western .TJnioa ,.. ..... West Electrio .... 65 124 68 128 75--112 115 86 5 10 . . i v. 48 44 22 65 97 119 28 101 83 28 65 116 68 107 26 19 tl88 13 284 108 125 ' 68 125 110 114 s 88 10 e e 65 J9 SO 86 48 47 248 y4 i I 58 29 64 85 17 83 127 74 fl02 87 80 48 45 22 64 100 120 23 101 84 28 65 in 69 110 26 19 184 18 288 55 103 124 68 120 74 111 115 84 SS 10 88 56 . Hales. 1.700.600 shareo. Total galea. 812.825.000. - U tEx-di.; 1 per cent. - Ea. dir. per cent. tEx-dlv 8 per cent. IEx-div.,;l V per Cent. - JTaval Stores Market. - . r Sew Tork. Oct. 10. l N. S.) Turpen tine. Savannah. -r 1.5 !4 W l.0; w. I., lioain, Sivannah, 315.60; N. T., 319.50. 85 3 9.00 No. 8 Ji-'llow i No. 2 Com. No. 54 askcl. 6OO0 6160 CORN .... 6050 BARLEt 600 5160 5250 5160 5800 5630 5400 6160 8 yellow, January. -63 6150 hid; DAIRY PRODUCE OF THE COAST FEAR OF FROST SENDS PRICE OF COTTON HIOHER New Tork. Oct 10. II. N. S.) The cot ton market opened firm today with an advance of 29 041 points. Purchasing by eoeamisaion houses after the start, haied on fears of frost, kept the undertone firm end st the end of th first 20 minutes th list showed gsins. of about 37 point. The close was barely steady at a net advance of 20 to 55 points. TjOW. . -S260 Month Open. High. Jan. 8300 3340 Feb. .... March . . , April May....... 8815 8347 8806. Jan .... July Aug. . . . .s. Sept ...... 8225 3220 Oet ....... 3270 . 8310 Not. t Dec. 1 8290, New Tork snot market, 3360, 6318 3342 8293 3818 8380 - 8296 8225 8264 8275 Close. 8315 8300 8810 8310 8315 3310 8205 8265 8216 8288 8285 8305 YAKIMA REPORTS A SLUMP Iir THE HAY MARKET TiMna. Wash.. ' Oct 10. A slnmo in th hav market dn tn falling off la demand from the Sound, has resulted ia stopping practically all shipments snd .putting aa end to Dating eetrvities on th reservation, according to re ports . reaching this city, Th crop . has not hM Kan nov th movement active. Revert come her that there waa an excellent crop ol hay hut up on th Sound this year and that many '-of the dairymen have built ana filled silo and ar using site Instead of hay. t Bay ers ar offering low as $20 a ton for No. 1 alfalfa hay. Except ia a few insUscea grow ers ar refusing ttm offer and ar standing pat for 825 a ton. Local stockmen in ntfcipa- ttaa Of anotner open wuust ua,Ki emu vj lag as heavily as -Usual. . - 1 , Xew York Bond Uarket Furnished by Ovarbeck A Cooke Co., Board ot araoe pug. . . R Atcbbon CeaX, 4. 80 BaL Ohio Oold. 4S ........ Beth. Steel Bef.. 5s ........ 87 Cent pseifie 1st. 4s ........ 77 . B. t a CoL 4s ........ t 95 t Psul tisB'l.. 4' 77 Cbtesgs N. w. uenL, .... J L. 4k N. TJnt. 4 ........... 84 New Tork By.. 6 . J 16 Northern Pacific P. L.. 4a .... 80 Beading Gent. 4a- .......... 62 TJnioa Pac 1st. 4s ..... 85 ' . S. SteeL 5a . ............ 99 100 ITninvt Pac. 1st Ret. 5l . . . 79 80 Southern Pac Coav 5i. ......105 167 Southern Pac Conv.. 4g ...... 83 84 Penn. Conv 4 .......... 92. 98 Penna 1st., 4 ........... 84 85 Che. rsT.i 6s ...... as Ml Ask St 79 89 76 0 .80 81 83 11 80 82 87 On. Short Idhe, 4 841 85 Liverpool Cotton Market" " Liverpool. Oct 10 (L N. S.) Spot cotton opened good asms no : pncea easy; ssies. ju.uuw middlings fair. 28.69: good middlinca. 2L94 foU middlings, , 21.84: middlings, 20.74; low middlings, 18.79; good ordinary, 16.94; ordi nary, !..- Futures opened sjer, . - - San Francltoo Market Ran Francisco. Oci.tTO. IV. P.) Butter Extras, 67c. k. K" I'xtn. T14c: extra nnJleta. 67a: undTeiwd rmnets. bo e. ... 'lieu. talifornst iUts, fancy. 35c: firsts. BOC, . ''?'. - SeaUle rdarkct Seattle. Oct. 10.w(U. P.) ButterLocal creamery cubes, 65c; do. prick. 66c; to rage, BBC Kin Leva! strictlr fresh. 76e: imllets. 56a pee wees, 43e storagef 6688e:. wo artis mar s Angeles. Oct 10. r(L N. 8.1 Butter California creamery extras. 65c - Egg " Extra. SSe: case count 62c: cnllats. BSC - . Live poultry Hens. CO 35c: broilers. 40e: fryers, sic. Bseatl Marts Seattle. Oct 10. (t N. 8.1 Eggs Select ranch. iaioc; puueu, oue. Bntter City creamery extras. 6O067R. Cheese Jj Oregon triplets, 83 085c; Toung America. SOc. . POTATOES ALL ALOTTfj.THE COAST Le Aneie Msrli, Los Angeles. Oct. 10. -IL N R.l PntslMs Stockton BurbsnkJ, beat, new, 62.80 08. 10, otnerj, s.ou t z. o; tocai, gi.ou per box. Seatttat. Oct 10. (L N. S.) Onions Ore gon. Jc. . Potstoaa Taklma P. ems tll.ASaSSSA local. 638.00 0 40.00; Whites, 2 c; sweets. oe pound. . . . - I ' Sm guMlHa taUpha .. San Francisco, Oct 10. (U. P.) Pots lose Klver white. . 52.00 0 2.60; Salinaa. 83.25 sweets,, it Oniorm Yellow and wliite. IZ.&0 : Australian brewn, 63. Money ' aad Exchange New York. Oct 10 ML N. B.) Call money on th floor of the. New York .Stock Exchange today ruled at per cent; high 8 per cent; low, 8- per cent Tlraa. money waa firm. Bate war 6 per cent ; Tne marset ur prime mercantile paper waa steady. Call money ha London today was 2 per cent Sterling Exchange waa ateady with business la Denser- oui it lilt lor de mand. '. - . : . ceivea irom ino conrxo, nutMou mr slx and eeTen-tenVia miles on the Pa llns, Wyo. Wales nd Qoldsborough j cifc hlghWfty and 3 mllea on the North AZZT, "e Bank highway, were to have been com. iotK im..in wvina-.rinb P!eted this year. did not give the exact time, ntawltns had been substituted as a control station for Green River on account of a heavy fail of snow at the latter place. - Plant to Make Furniture Vancouver; Wash., Oct 10, A state ment, accredited to Merrill A. Reed of Ror-icwPii niane No. B5. flvinsr east the Motorship Construction corporaUon, from San Francisco, was compelled to naa been maaa uiat tne piajit is oemg land 15 miles south of Bitter Creek, in converted into a rurnuure manuiactur Wyoming;, said a dispatch to th head-ling corfcern to be Known as we .need quarters of the Anerlcan Flying club. 1 Bngineermg company. During the war This machine is piloted , by Second this plant turned, out hundreds of llfe- Lleutenant Spencer Hall and earned boats, cannery tenders and other small First Lieutenant W. Bevan aa a , pas- j craft It ia said Portland dealers have nenjer. iatrreed.to handle the plant's furniture Mather nlane No. 59 was renorted to and that about two thirds of the present have dropped out of the race at Bait space win pa aevotao w lurnuure man Lake City. It was flying east, piloted uiactu re. by First Lieutenant Robert Kauch, who carried second lieutenant warren a. Marriage Licenses Maxwell aa a passenger, Vsnmtmr. Wash.. Oct 10. Marrlar Thirteen of the planes that net outl tlMnua tiianail "rlilirartns- t ft - t hrt from mintjoia were, qui w u raww following couples t L. W. Place. legal, day. and Kathern Bmith, lesal, Portland RANGERS VOTE FOR: MILIAGE METHOD OF PAYING ROAD COSTS Oregon City, Oct 10. The . following resolutions were adopted by the Clacka mas County Pomona grange at Its first ' fall meeting in conjunction, with .the Abernethy grange at the latter's hall in Park; place Wednesday :. ,c WlurH. Th srrantra waa the first organlxatlon in the state to favor good roads and nas consistently aavocaieu their construction as rapidly as prac ticable under the pay-as you go system, and Wtiaraaa A st veins- sentiment has de veloped In Clackamaa county In favor of an extensive program for paving cer tain of the principal roads of the county, and '.. '. . : - i -.- . ! ';";;' - " WhrjLv A - nrormsitlon will be sub mitted to the voters of the county ask- , ing for a bond Issue - of 11,700.000 for that purpose: therefore, , - Resolved by Clackamas County. Po mona grange that we opnpse the bond issue for the following reasons j Under the bonding system publta Im provements usually ,X)st 60 to 100 per cent more than under a direct ta, for the reason that large sums expenaeo in haste breed waste and extravagance, especially when pay day seems a. long way off. ... ! . v:"'r,a.a a- The interest Din must oe auueu , to first cost' v .. ''"- ' . . Under the bonding system a mile of paving will cost, say $18,000. plus in terest at 88000. making a total st per mile for the pavement at 820.000. . under tne , nonaing system v, vua spend our money now while labor Is scarce and materials are high. Wheat is Bow $2 per bushel and com mon labor $4 per day. - We would bond the county and do the work on that basia and likely pay for it informal tlnica with wheat- at $1 per bushel and wages at 63 per day, requlringjwice the labor and material to pay the bonds when they come due." - . Measured In days labor and farm products in , normal times, "under tne bonding plan it win cost ii,w ITV . for paving as compared with 8000 to tOAA nu nil, nnllsr th til avstcm. under which the improvements are made . at actual going cost oi isoor .ana ma- Resolved further. That, we favor the paving program and road Improvement substantially as outlined by the com- , mlttee from oiirereni eecuonn i . county, but we favor that the funds be provided by a .tax levy on all the property of the county, which shall be surricienr.- xo carry on mw r rapidly as labor condltlona and, cost of materials will Justify in the opinion of the county court : and r ... . Furtner resoivea, inai a - Hromuuwi of five be appointed by this Pomona grange with instructions to prepare pe titions and see that they are circulated to place a proposition of a o mill tax running for a period of 10 years on the ballot at the special election, thus giving the taxpayers an opportunity o throw ing between the bonding system and the -direct tax plan of financing the pro- posed roaa improvement. J. A. EictaoniVIs , Made Defendant : In Alienation Case Vancouver, Wash., Oct lOr-J- A. Richmond Is being sued for 615,000 dam ages by a, Van Deltnder for alleged ailenaUon of Mrs. Van Dellnder's af fectlona. Van Delinder charges that Rlchmand urged Mrs. Van Delinder to obtain a divorce, offering to and paying the expenses. ' Mrs. , Van . Delinder recently sued Richmond for damages for' alleged breach of promise and obtained a, ver dict for f 5000, which was reduced by the court to 63504 The case has been appealed. ' " r ""!'' , Shortly after that Mrs. Van Delinder sued Richmond for the return of a pair of field glasses. Richmond resides on a farm near, Manor. ", - Earl P. Flmpel, legal, and llasel V, Stokes, legal, Vanoouver; ueorge ii. Cook. 26. Vancouver, and Emma Danne- man, 22. Portland; Ralph W, Halner, 56. and Lovle J. Uiyman, zn Vancouver $ i William O. Harrison, 31, Brownsville, Or., and Mary P. Burton, 18, Sclo, Or. : George K. Marun, zi, ano va roynor, ! 18. Portland ; Dennis J. O'Connor, legal, land Anna C. Bpelt, legaU Portland. BAD WEATHER HOLDING ' SIX FLAXES IN OHIO Cleveland. Ohio, Oct 16. (I. N. S.) Bad weather In the vicinity of Bryan, Ohio, control station, resulted in six of the transcontinental air racers being held at the. local field this afternoon after their arrival from Buffalo. They included the big Martin bomber, piloted by Captain Roy N. Francis, carrying ' five passengera. - Captain De La Vergne, attache of the French embassy at Wash ington, whose , plane; 'was burned two i days ago. la the fifth passenger. ; - Thirteen planes cleared here for Bryan before the ban , waa placed on starta for that field. The planes, coming liere from Buffalo battled a 55 mile an hour gale but only one. No. 6. piloted by Lieutenant Lunt was forced down. They landed neari Mentor, Ohio, replenished their water i supply and resumed the flight without: difficulty. -r ' ' The weather conditions near Bryan may interfere with the expected arrival here late today of Captain Smith, the present pacemaker In the race from the West ... . - Hew York Metal Market New Tork. Oct 10- L-N. 8.) Copper, firm; spot and October. 31 023; November. 21 022; TJeeember, 23023: January. 23 022 ; February and Msrch. S3 0 28. Soelter. firm: snot 6.10 bid : October. 6.10 06.101 November, 0.10 6 30; pecember. .ll0tl.il; January, e.sueyo.ao. Lead, firm; spot, offered, 7 H ; October. ' 7 0 7 ; November, 7 07.60; December, 7.85 0 7.85; January. 7.40 0 7.60. , - V . T-,- ' Jfw Terk Sngsr and Coffee ;? Hew ' To. Oct 10. (TJ. P.) Coffee No. 7 Rio, 16e; No.-4 Santo. 26 c v Sogar Ceatrifagsl. 67.28. , Chicago Potato Market Chicago. Oct 10 (L N. B.) Potatoes Bolpts 86 car; Minnesota aad .Dakota, Ohio, new. z.s.o. . . ' -, . TJtah' Potato Crop SaH Lake. rtah. Oct 10- Utah Wffl prod tic nearly 8.000,000 bushel of potatoes this yesry aocording to th bureau ejerop eatimates. This llaynard Hops Off Cheyenne, Wyo, Oct WMl. N. 8.) After a aeiay or irvo nours aue 10 en gine trouble discovered Just as he was about to resume his flight this morning. Lieutenant W, B. Maynard, westbound leader in the transcontinental air race. took Off at 12 :30 p. sn. from Fort Rus sell en route to salt Lake City. Major 2. C Bartholf, .in the a E-5, plane " Now - 61, arrived In -Cheyenne -at 11 :08 and left for the East 40 minutes later. - , , - . ! Oregon Flyer Is Expert Eugene Oct 10, U. P.) Lieutenant William Goldsborough, who was injured in Wyoming while, making a tran scorn tinental flight, was one of the first avia tors to be., sent , to Oregon -for forest patrol work and was stationed at Rose- burg before headquarters was changed to Eugene, v ' Lieutenant Goldsborough was considered one of the best flyers in the district le left Eugene October t, accompanying - Lieutenant - Batten to Mather field. His wife resides in San Francisco . ' ' -EXEMPT FBOM ALL B0SII5I0K OOVEEKMENT TAXATIOIf $82,500.00 , t ; , Province of Saskatchewan 4 Gold Bonds ! . , BUEi Jaly 1, 1918 " , - A These bonds are a direct and primary obligation of the entire . Province of Saakatchewan and are a prior lien upon all its taxable . property and resources. The full faith and credit of the Province is pledged to tbe payment of interest and principal as they become . due. We recommend these bonds to clients . and Investors. . fi- PRICE: TO YIELD 6:2S UBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS IF TOtt MUST SttL VOUn tiaSRTY Of VtOTORV BONOS, Sf tt TO US s IF YOU OAK BUY MORS tlBtftTV OH VIOTORT BONOS. SUV PROM US Today's evif Hew Tork market foUtrws,..-Thar ar tb governing prices for Liberty and Victory bond all - ever the world, snd th highest W sdvwrtia the price daily ia order that yon may always know lb Sew Tork market sad th xact value of your Liberty sad. Victory bonds, ' ' - , , 1st ' Snd 1st 2nd 8rd " 4U - Tlotory Victory S 4 4s v4 4 4 '4S- . 8,. 4 Market .100.10 98.10 94.10 96.20 94.22 85.80 94.20 90.84 99.84 lnterwst .:..".' 12 L2 l t l.Tt . .30 3.07 1,40 v J-86 Total ,.. ,.101.23 96.88 96.71 96.80 95.98 96.10 96.87 101.80 0t.69 a When haying we deduct 87e os a 880 bond snd 63.80 on s 81000 soad, -W sell st the New Terk market phm th accrued interest - . - , Buraiar and Fkeroef Saf Deposit Bob for Rant MORRIS; BROTHERS, Inc. THE PREMIER WTJKICIPAL BOITO IIOrtE "' CAPITAL ONE MILLION DOLLABl . Vorrl Bids- 889-11 Mark Btrset Between Fifth aad Blxtk Streets Telepkonef jjreadway f 16L -;a E8UMi6hed Over Twsaty.flve Tears Weil Known ia Oregon ' Lieutenant W. C Goldsborough, who was injured in the Wyoming accident waa --with the Oregon forest - airplane patrol force since it first started the beginning of August, said W. B. Osborne Jr forest examiner, who. spent several weeks - making flights for observation purposes. . Goldsborough is especially " . s ........ , . WUson:HeUbron '.' ' . ', '.,'. Announce their acquisition of the , J E. F. HX7TTOW A CO, WIRES A5D SEETICE 1 - ' . .. . and the of f tees at . ' . - . Y f. t9i-ft9-tt9 Railwsy Exehaage BaOdlag - in-, a... direct wire eoaneetlonf with every exehaage In the eesstry, aad wlir bay er eeU aay Railroad. Iadastrfal, Steel, Corper, 4Srala er Cottoa BtotU o Aiosoa traded Is. ' ' T0TJB UIHESSV IS' COURTEOtJSLT SOLICITED. ; Wilson-Heilbroniier Co. PORTLAWn.OBEOO raeasst aiaia THE HEILBROWW EE CO. 1 .T " - - - " - . BatU, Moat. . - -. - Corregpotdestti E. F, BTTTO CO, Hew york CLEMENT, CURTIS A CO, ChIeSg0.i- -f. - HATDEN, STOBE A CO, Boston .