THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY, OCTOBER , 10, 1919. AN AUTOMOTIVE, SECTION IN SUNDAY JOURNAL COLOR COMICS ON SUNDAY ; . . The Bunder Journal "funny . pare la admittedly tne best and cleanest Issued with any Portland newspaper., ; i - j- -. LOCAL FEATURES SUNDAY. 'The Sondav Journal ot October 13 will contain an unusually larre number of special local feature articles, well Illustrated, 10 . , ....... w 7 Big Trees in Film Soon I at Liberty .f'VaJley'.of the Giants'Ms Re ceived' as One of Wallace., " i - Beid't Best. . EASTERN reviews say that 'Tie Val ley of the GUnta. Wallace Held.' new Faramount-Artcrait picture to Je ..shown at the Ubsrrty tomorrow, la a photoplay that will transport the'specta ""lor into the lands of the bl redwoods of northern California r." TKS story, which is on of Captain Peter B. Kyne's interesting creations, - deals with life In the bir tree country. -There are found fine specimens of man - tiood. strong- In mind and body, as in- T vincible to greed and hatred and dis honesty as th bis; trees themselves. T; i Mr. Reid plays th role of a" young - man who has promised his father to pro- tect. at all personal risks, a beautiful - forest glade known as The Valley of the 1 XJtants, which had been a gift from the " father to his wifa before her . death. - Colonel ; Pennington, an unscrupulous " and cunnjng rival of the young man's father, tries to get possession of this property. - : How the property Is almost lost and - Jhen finally recovered after a series of thrilling Incidents. Is depicted. A love . romance is woven into the story; and it t Is considered to be one of the best in .; which Mr. Reld has been seen in many months. ' . Wftm AUTHOR "ANDPUBLISriER Ellwood Henedrick has many things T' to say about the sense ot smell in the in sect and animal world in on of his ' L assays In his book, "Percolator Paper, - recently published by the Harpers; "But r JerflieB," he says, "which hav th happy ' faculty of postponing their love-making until the end of their da ye, seem' talory In odors. Some species, indeed, appear V to have no less than three kinds. . There " is the protective odor which makes Jlfe : unpleasant for an enemy, and an lnd x vidua! odor which, possibly, encourages their amour pro pre. Then there is the '7 alluring scent which in some species is " given off by the male and in others by " the female. These are so persuasive that : on a fair, sunny day a single whiff is . - supposed to be convincing. Their potency Is proved by the myriads of golden and ? red and yellow and orange and purple '9 wings which flutter away, as with one . accord, to the flowery field where the . 1utterflyjparson llyes. , ,, !$V .' -Ways' and; Mean' -''.- Dr. 'Nicholas Murry Butler of CoTum--',W said the other days . . ...,..,,:. . 2 "Germany- reminds Arne of a woman I who, entering her little boy in a new a school,, said to the teacher: Xe'edle Frltsy- he is deilgate, und so. If be. tea bad t -und he will ve badt eometimoe " Jooat lick der boy next to him, und dat " rill frlghjten him.' " IIS. HAY COULD NOT H : ; WORK TVfr1 We11 nnrl Stroner vw Lydia E. rinkham s Veg-; f etable Compound. J ColnmbU, Pa. "I was very weak, bid run down and had dragging-dowa tains and pains in my back. I could not get around1 to do my work and had to sit down and. rest often daring the day.' I saw Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetablo Convr Eound advertised i the papers and read the testi monials, so I thought I wtrald try it. Now I am V healthier than I ever wgg in my life, ;-vnd can recommend it to any woman Who suffers a X did." Mrs. Eliza 1'. CTH Mat, B. F. D. No. L Columbia, - JPa. , t I . 1 The reason Lydia E. Pinkham"g - Vegetable Compound is so succesBful 1n overcominff woman's Ills is because it contains the tonic, strengthening - properties of good old fashioned roots " and herbs, which act on the female organism. Women from all parts of the country are continually testifying 2 to its strengthening, curative Influ ence, and the letters which we are constantly publishing from women in every section of this country pfove be yond question the merit of thlg - mous root and herb medicine. . " it ill Ml ' f fttl wak, rttMlowa. et wnea taey are .... Lib tadiwhe mibtreailr build ehcekedl. strong sad healthy end rr. When the Iron ae frm th Hood of wemca. thalMalUiv stew of youta leaves their akiavaM their (.".irni SB a viTKuy vnmn. n vm soon f nuum m . jnoo refumii. At el) Vy . gaoddraiglta..' e i ,-; oiHti) lt;lv ' iiii V XT ILLIAJM FARNUM; one of the strong taen of Ae screen, Vy J who has a master part in the new production, "Wolves J : of the' Night,? to be f eatured on the program at the Strand, beginning tomorrow. ; : i u ";-.". . -t nr - r V : f ( I rpHAT our-friend who bet his week's X paycheck on Chicago to win the series looks rather anaemic this morning. That back in the Rocky mountains, in the .town In which we; grew up, . , there's another "Stroller.'; - That he is the real thing. i Is laa That were it not for hinx we would - not be : here. i in r That he reads our stuff and re cently in his "colm" he noticed: Is That the Stroner in The Ore gon Journal says that the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that wears the wedding ring. ., .;. lsa i : : "That Is not always the case. Boy. Don't you remember when you were -kept-busy in that line of $workf -V1- -Mi'- ' -"That was in the good: old. home days, in your good old home town." '' - - That we'll ay that w remember, " Dad, and we'll say. too, ' that they were the good old home days. I Ra j That the baby gets mad every time : she bites her tongue. ' I . , That a theatre down the street Is growing quite an attractive hang " tng garden. . )tn Ts . h That some persons who "write pieces for the paper" are more to be pitied than censured. . t . tta .ia ; That there's a $10 hat on many a six-bit head. Singers Are Needed Vancouver. Wash.. Oct. in a inar of - the newly organized TCllra riu Club will be. held this evening at 7:30 ociock inuie kiks temple. Professor Hanscom'of the Vancouver high school is in charge. More singer are needed. irfker BbK liy Carlisle V' J The White Stone - rpiNKEB BOB was learning fast the X great story of life, and it pleased htm. : He was much interested in the work and troubles of these new friends and hoped he might always be with them, .. ,-(., He took the -white stone out of hla poctest.: -:'ati Jooked so, puri and clean that he hated to rap O? against the gray one, but he knew that was the only way to nna out its story. - f As he, tapped the stones In his desire toigp' forth and know more,! the Beauti ful Creature tood at his side ag-aln-this tim In a .robe of white, all decorated with sparkling jewels. i Where do we: go?" asked Tinker, as he gased upon the matchless beauty of the Creature, . t ;.. -U" "'- 3-- 4To hear a beautiful story, came the answer. . ";: . It was no more 'than said until they- were away, ,Ana'in an instant Tinker found he was standing; by the side of a farmer's garden, .wall. In the garden were flowers of all kinds, waving their heads In the, morning breese. - . ' Tinker heard.' a.falnt cry.) It sounded close to; the wall! t He listened quietly and ha heard ft arain. - . XiOoking caro fuliy along the wall, tola eyes beheld a terrible BlghUThere was i the Garden Adder with Brother Toad In his mouth. Xiet me gol" cried Brother Toad. What did I ever do to your - 1 The Garden Adder Just grinned and held fast -r ' - Tinker Bob was sorry tot think there had, been a. Quarrel, between the Adder and Brother. Toad. - ! ' Just at, this moment the- fanner came along, digging the weeds away from the srarden wall, He-jaw .at once the dassrer which Brother Toad was in and said: -iMow.uii is saa, indeed. I gave both or you uuvngnt to Uve lnav rardan. and now, Mr. Adder, you are. trying: to kill Brother Toad. WSat does this at) mean . e. 1 Then Mr, Adder tf led to run aay, ut the farmer steeped on hla talL -1 - nsrother Toad was eating all of my crickets," said Adder. "Is that a good reasoiTi-Ky you should kill hlmT" asked the farmer. - , Mr. Adder let -Brother Toad go and V - it v Is,''- t lit r.L ' I 'I '" r S -A i s Wko- -at- ROAD SHOW HE0.1G BnMdwajr at Tjlor. -"Oh Babr" ma.iical eomedy. 8:20, 'Matine Sataiuay, 8:?0. - . ., .. ' TATOEVnAB FAVTAGES Brradway at Aider. Hlrt din TudtTllI and ptiotlar fnture. Afternoon nd Taninc FrocraA changed ICooday aft ernoon. , . , i HIPPODROME Broadway at TamhlH. " Ackrr man A Harrii, TaodeTiUe and photoplay fea tana. Afternoon and. nigbt. , r DRAMATIC STOCK .- BAKER Broadway between kiorruoa and Alder. The Baker Stock company in , "The Thir teenth Chair.': 8 :20. Matinee Wedneaday and Saturday. 2:20. MUSICAL COMEDY ALCAZAR ElerenEh and Uonriaoa. Mnfcal Comedy Stock company in "The Three Twins. 8:20. liaUnea Wednesday and Saturday, 2:30. LTKKJ JTonrth and Stark. Musical farce. "777." Matinee daily. It; nichts. 7 and &. . PHOTOPtATS . COLUMBIA 6 lith and atark. : Enid Bennett .SUS.t5Wtaf 11 m. to U p. m. LIBERTY Broadway at Stark. Icngene O'Briea in "The Perfect Low." 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. MAJESTIC Waahlmtoo at Park. "Tin Shep herd of -the Hilla." 11 a. m. to II p. m. PEOPLES Wct park and Alder. Madge Ken nedy, in "Leare It. to Baaaa. 11 a. a. to STAR 'WMhfnctoB at Park. Kitty Gordon la "Plaything, of Passion." 11 a. m. to 11 n. m. - STltA VD Washlnrton between Park and Wert '- mn a.yiau in ixunoaroi. Ltd. 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. CIRCLE Fourth and TVaahington. e Pauline Fire1?I1?kJn "Sspso."- a. au-to 4 o ckok toe following morning. SUNSET Washington and Broadway. Can Greys "The Border Legion." 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. The Snowflakes The fairies called snowflakes all dressed up in white. They went to the dance, and Were danc ing all night And now they lie tired, where sleep chanced to o'ertake them. Step lightly, speak softly, take care not to wake them ! RHolcbmb,. he hopped over to a plantain leaf and began to eat of it. "Now what ahall T AnV a air a A rhn farmer, , "Don't hurt Mr. Adder." said Brother toad. "You see !". said the farmer. "Rmthr Toad 'is kind, but you are cruel. Now Mr. Adder let- Brother -Toad : flo ami he hopped over to al plantaa leaf. I will make Brother Toad "king- of my saroen Docause ne ts gooa, ana I wul put- you out of - my garden to wander around and get something to -eat as best you caaJ ;--. -.. - . . ; ... ' "Oh -don't put me out of your- srar den!" cried Mr. Adder, 111 never do It again.". , , , "But' you did . It ohce," said the farmer, "ana you will likely do it asrain. and everyone that does wrong will be punished sometime."- t'' Then he -picked Mr. Adder up by the tau ara u wra .u xu- a be could oyer the walL : Never again could he enter the garden.' Tomorrow Brother . Toad . Goes To Work. " . French Ward Writes 'Dad IsHQmB,; Little , Araine's ; Utter Comes to Thank Portland Jewish Women, Her Foster Mothers. ADOPTION .of i three war 'orphans, two Belgian and one French a lit tle girl by the Council of Jewish Wom en of Portland, has been characterized as a fine bit of patriotic work. . . Chairman of the committee to collect funds for this purpose is Mrs. Milton E. Kahn. - A " pleasant correspondence ' has sprung up' between her and the little foreign children. Ariane Perrotln, the little French girl, who is now in Brus sels, has written of the return of her father from the-war. She had lost her mother of tuberculosis. Adrienne Hen detgucht wrote a polite note of thanks for a box of bonbons which Mrs. Kahn sent her. Yvonne Bansg wrote interest ingly of her school e . Mrs. Herbert Armstrong1 is a guest of Mra Helen Ekln Sterrett this week. While in the city Mrs. Armstrong is conferring With oducators on matters concerning elementary education. She believes the home, and school should be coordinated, -through the department of home economics and courses in home nursing, and that grade and high school teachers should have the - same advan tages in preparation and be paid equal salaries.' : , ' Mrs. Armstrong Is a graduate of the University of Oergon, department of so ciology and was formerly with the ex tension division of that university. Mrs. Ktmrratt hu InvitAd th a mtmbari of tha committee on education of the Associa tion of Collegiate Alumnae to meet Mrs. Armstrong in informal conference Fri day afternoon at her home' on Sher wood drive. "Oh, Baby," at Heilig Offers a Variety of Fun Fun,. frolic, mirth and melody are of fered in the "Oh, Baby" musical novelty show opening at the Heilig last night to run through tomorrow night with mati nee tomorrow afternoon. The chorus in the company is good looking and is cos tumed! in a variety of changes, bright and colorful.: There is plenty of dancing, solo and ensemble, and a number of happy sbng selections, well sung and given with good, effect. There are two acts and 15 scenes In the production, which runs along happily and gaily with out serious consideration to plot. The opening performance was well at tended. '.; . ' " " VKul " ' Fashion, Hint frvpatad wpectallY r2ka'? i - Very Chie and Simple TI8 one-piece frock is developed to a combination ot smart (materials upon very simple lines. The long waist la ot self figured satin, while the skirt is of duvetyn. . Buttons of self material trim the skirt, which Is unstitched along the upper edge at the sides to produce the prevailing widened elfect, A narrow belt, vest, collar" and cuffs of duvetyn complete the details. Medium size re quires two and three fourths yards 36 Ijnch satm and one and one fourth yards 64 inch duvetyn. ' Dress No. 8 SIT. SUes, it to 44 Inches bust. Prices 27 cents, i J Send Order to Pattern department, Oregon Journal Be sure to give size. write name and address plainly, ' ' ladles, your old. beaver or velour can he blocked up to -date.-Paris. Hat Mfr. Co-. Fisher Bros- IVL Alders Main 071. i The JtaraeT Dros Co. Kemediee sw new en tale .bf leadinc drassMa hi Portlaad. Try toyrmi 1NFLUKNZA CAPSULES to rnt Cohia. Grip . Infiuenm noscaly. a ixl pierent - bad aianr . eiieeca. i ney eonuaa eemlae. eviatea or inrarkma droea. To cart couch, try OLYCKROLE LOgELIA. It contain : Be ' injurious - dross and is - the een coucn aaeqiruie ioc auaata, eulana adult. Ad. Mne MISS MABEL WILBER prima donna of the Al- cazar. Stock company, and a Portland favorite. - 'Jk "';. 4 ; r -' '' " . J trWiitviffllWli ill mmmammm The musical - extravaxansa, "The Three Twins." the attraction at the Al cazar theatre ' this -week. Is a musical play with many catchy songs, plenty of laughs and a number of electrical nov elties. Miss Mabel Wllber, in the role of Kate Armltage, has a art that she plays exceedingly well, and she has several song numbers. -Her singing of "Cuddle Up a Little Closer" Is one of the delights of the performance. The last performance of "The Three Twins" will be on Sunday night. . To Relieve Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafness . And Head Noises ' Persons auffexmg from catarrhal deaf ness,' or who are growing hard of hear ing and have head noises will be glad to know that this distressing affliction can usually be successfully treated at home by an internal medicine that In many In stances has effected complete relief after other" treatments have failed. Sufferers who could scarcely hear have had their hearing restored to such an extent that the tick of a watch was plainly audible seven or eight inches away from either ear. Therefore, If you .know of someone who is troubled with head noises or catarrhal deafness, cut out this formula and hand it to them and you may have been the means of saving some poor suf ferer perhaps from total deafness. The prescription can be prepared at home and is made as follows: r Secure from your druggist' 1 o. Par mint (Double Strength). Take this home and add to it pint of hot water and a little granulated sugar ; stir until dis solved. Take one tables poonful four times a day. . ? Pat-mint to used In this way. not only to reduce by tonic action the inflamma tion and swelling in the Eustachian Tubes, and thus to equalize the air pres sure, on the drum, but to correct any ex cess of secretions in the middle ear, and the results it gives are nearly always quick and effective. Every person who has catarrh in any form, or distressing rumbling, hissing sounds in their ears, should give this recipe a trtaL Adv. FLY THAT IttOg IN AM AIRPLANE ' NOW POSSIBLE riylnf dally at Breemefleld, , Field adkuun( Ho&idpal Golf Groanas. Beaver Flying Corporation iS aiid They Look Gbod 1 -"-y7V AvAi. -T 1 11 ' tier not only' look good, but they fee. goo4 CrfMyKf rH ' v5 Mthey wear well and ?ceep their shape for ? f r 00 " f I T kmt ol-WtTh-tTde, ribbed itlteh - I )IyS yr sweater and the common sweaters that you bay fX'A fMl XJC: in the dark, as it were. Ii I V ll I VXir ."Buy your next sweater or bathing suit care.: I I Hi! J v . hi ' - fully; Iwk at tte l-abeL and if you find the Al 'i I IVy M ' 'Jir "w - .name.Jantien thereon, you can rest assured Mll0! ifT " thatyou are jretting- s garment that ' J 1 yy r I ? riPTT ' lime?31 i Q8 i0T l0D' l0n? If '&fiS& "'''" Tnerf r Jontzen 'dealer in ; WJ-rSJR' JAl C ( ' Baaaoa Co, Ortgea Cltyi Tie Meter ft rrank C. Betnam ft . , . 0Tra ' ' Carrier, 8U iohas, Qr. Portfaiesth Mere. Co.f S. Kesea .7 " YS tott f!at;rorUssl KiltHif CaV Btem IM Xtui it,.;,:....,i;; - i - as.,... , , " i , .. , lne . t j . Fraternal Notes Washinarton lode a ac a. it iw a w . will , celebrate : the - enrollment - of its thousandth member Saturday, night. - J. tx. auermaa wiu speak and confer third degrees. Washington lodge is now the largest in Oregon, members say, and is fast paying the debt on. its new loMge building. Thursday evening bf last week Kentori lodge, A. Jf, and A. M gave a social With Multnomahr ehanfar. ft: W - a co-workers. There was-a musical pro. STBoi ana several special leatures. .The committee in charge wag Ray Baiter, Charles Brown, i Andrew Kugg. VL. 8 Nash and R. F. OelSLrTThe eats were In charge, of. Mr. Browp, who covered himself with dUOnctlon therein.,' - Kiwanda council No. 11. " Degree of rocanontas,..wui. give a social and card party Saturday? night v to ; Allsky ' hall. Third and Mnrr1sn nrWt (a vIiM alt Red Men, their wives and friends are in vited, Invitations, hava been extended by the council to other organisations of rooMen ai vregon 4Jlty, Oswego and several other plaoes In the vieinlty. At Death'sDoor "I was 'talking with hit nelsrhbor. Mr. Webb, the other day, regarding the great trouble his stomach had .given him. He said he suffered seven or eight years, and had been almost at death's floor a number of times, from acute In digestion and bloating of gas, which seemed to shut off his heart action. ' He said he wouldn't have lived much longer if he hadn't taken Mayr's Wonderful Remedy when he did, which made a well man of him." It is a- simple, harm' less preparation that removes the ca tarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and "allays the inflammation which causes practically all stomach, liver and Intestinal ailments, including appendi citis. One tdose will convince or-money refunded. At all drugglsta Adv. . BIG SATURDAY SPECIALS AT WASHnroTOir GREAT BARGAINS Blows Jags, Beg. 75e :45e Blewa Tans hers. Set of . .SSe Near Cat Creamers ......... tie-l&e THE Decorated China Cup and Saucer . . .t. . ... .15c Gold Dust ...... . . .. ., . ... ... 5c Matches by box ... .... ...................... 5c Hundreds of Household Necessities at Popular Prices Bay How for Halloween Come la aad Get Aeqnalated CASH AND CARRY DANCING CLASSES Fifth Floor Dekum Bldg., Washington at Third BEGINNERS Monday and 'Thursday, 8 :00 to 9:15 P. M. ADVANCE D-VTuesday and Friday, 8 :60 to 9 :15 P.' M Latest and Most Popular Dances MISS IRELAND &o Ladies, 8 Lessons $3.00 Gentlemen, 8 Lessons $5.00 Private Lessons Single or Course Lessons Hours, Daily 9 A, Mao 5 P.M.; 6:30 P.M. to 9x30 P.M. Humane Societyto Elect Officers to"' Refill Vacancies Meeting behind locked doors, the Ore gon Humane society accepted the res trrna tinn Thursday alrht of - Albert Cowperthwalt. its president. ; Keelgnation OI U L, rsorne, iiuiiiaun officer, will. be. accepted, it is said, at the jnext meetlnr of the society, v. -A. new president-will be selected from the board ot directors. Otto Kraemer, Circuit Judge-Tucker, .Colonel E, Hot er and Miss Vlola"Oftchlld were named as a committee to select a candidate. - DRESS BETTER AT CHERRY'S CHERRY CHAT , . There are two rea sons why any f man or woman can dress better at Cherry's n one ' reason Is that Cherry's convenient monthly terms , en able , a person to secure ap parel of so much bet ter quality and style than would be possible If they had to pay cash. - another reason Is that Cherry's presents the most interesting assort ment: of styles for men and women, and 'the most remarkable .values you will .see-in many a day. Cherry's is the popular store ot the people the stpre where the best people trade. ? , Cherry's,1., S91 Washington street open Saturday night until S. Adv. FAIR at uth st. IN GLASSWARE Wear Cat Sugars .......... .ttciie Sear Cat Tamblers lie-lSe Berry nappies ...fee-He AMUSEMENTS (TICKET OFFICE SALE ;l how orgir HEILIG S2?ns?:SS, TONIGHT, 8:15 -BABOA1K rHICE- Mate Tomorrow $1.00 50c i a CATCH T trf IKf rfiETTT FUN MVSIO GIRLS EVE'S SU to Me. SAT. MAT- NINO THE BASICS) MT OUR MAID WORNV. IPPODItSMf TODAY TONIGHT TMURS., rRU tT. LEIGH, DE LACY AND COMPANY BldaaplKUn- Fares. "xokss Aooaai- WENRICK AND DALE Funny Talk ana Topical Soata HUOH, JA0K AND atORDC Mlrtb sad Mslodj. SHIRMAN AND ROSK, Variet SanoMs. WALZCR AND WAUSR. Nitr Nonaenaa. OR AND pcaar, Tenatila Scots. PRETTY BESSIE LOVE THI flOMTIND COLL KIN" Seeeet Your Traubles at the Mis. AT MBILia THSATRS. TNI RIITU IN VAUBIkiLLI,, S NlaMa'a au as. . taia . a. a Mau.t Sua, Men., Twee., We. IS to 7. ALBERTINA RASCH Oemfert A Mine, Neemee) ea Hall,' Kharum, ktoinette Due, Tips Oe., Kin, srsnu, Topics ef the pay. "SWEETIES'' JAMES J. MORTON MATINKt 3 TOMORROW A Otantle Miwleal Qewisey With MARtL W1LDBR anS th MUSIOAL PLArtRt BAROAIN MAT1HH SATUROAT. 'Neat Week "HA VgAM IA RT"" ipANTAGE H MAT. DAILY 2:30 3' Ter AmoeefBeni Oe., lee, Pnsaiaj . "HONBVMOON INN." I The latest Nsw York Maaieal Ceneolr OetBSaa " enta uovara ntmow, ueiea utraia, voarlea tL TooDf and 8ii IJttle BrldeemaMt. . , OTHIR DIO AOTS Thtee Perfonnaaees Daily. . Mikt Caitaias st -. 1 and 9. BAKE R aTOOK . OOMfANV Toniaht JUI WeekUats. Wed., Sat, Greatest Senaation la Stock. "TH TNIRTtlNTM OH AIR." ' A drana of thrills, amUry sad laaalttet. Weat wefc-Tlie Oevnwy Oevaln." MUtlOAl OOMBOr S4 NkjM at 7 and DILLON a FRANKS -' With SO Prettr Itaiehad Otrla "V A Riot of roe. Color and Maeie OHORUS OIRLt' CONTEST TONIQHT. VrOURTSJ AT WASH TOMORROW 'FRED STONE la - "JOHNNY GET. YOUR GUN'' DANCE AT RINGLER'S COTILLION 7 -flHALIill Perttasd's Xairet as fisest Ballroom. PrBLIC INFORMALS EVERT KTEKIin BEST X URIC B E STTF. BTTUIHOe most vrojrrifeRFUiv - T BALL-BEASIXO SraUTO FLQ0B. ' Dancing School Private aad Class iseas Bally. , Profeasional Inntrsrtors Only. CHILD RES'I CLAMMKR 8ATLRHAT. A arteeath street. Oil eshlag-toa, Utoadway iris .. i 7n!l queen or AU. I I DEALTTV SHOWS m TWINS Mas. Oaila-at in T f W