THE BEST OF THE 'FUNNIES" IN THE JOURNAL ; '; 5 . HOW ABOUT ; YOUR FURS? i' Lady Duff Gordon la The Journal next Sunday devotes hir spaee to a discussion of tne season' newest things In the way of furs.: It'i lnterestlns;. t ' LABOR IS HARD TO GET 'Ton know IV Rene Bach In the Magaslne of next Sunday's Journal tells how you .can set along; without a paperhang-er. You ought to know.".-.-::,-'- ', .. ' . . " features men "Prop" in New Serial Worth A ' " - t ' ' ' , , i Fortune ReahRadium. Featured in Making " Of: New Serial Soon to Be '. " Released. BORROWING $180,000 worth of ra dium from Joseph M. Flannery. the nttoburt multimillionaire, who controls 19 pes cent of the world's output of this precious element, waa the first stunt necessary for Frederick Bennett to per form, before the Pacific Producing; com pany could proceed to film his story of The Oreat Radium Mystery" for pre sentation as a serial, to be released through? Universal. Mr. I Bennett was for years an X-ray " technician - and succeeded In obtaining he use of the radium from Mr. Flannery for the portions of the serial In which It was essential, and thereby has lohleve4 'for himself the distinction of aavlnr ;-employed the most expensive, "prop" that was ever used In a motion picture. - , There Isn't much of It only one gramme--but - at the market rate of J60.000.000 per pound, It represents a raJuatiort of $120,000, and incidentally there Isn't? a full pound of radium In xlstence in the world today. . The luminous metal was carefully guarded in a bis? safe In the studio while 4ri" possession of the serial di rector, and the strange radiation through (he walls of the safe, sufficient to photo graph the safe Itself as though It had keen : rubbed with phosphorus, had an ancanny effect upon those in charge of it There wasn't any real fear of a burg-fcry-wfor. radium is something: that a purglar : couldn't get away with, . as it sas a habit of severely burning anyone - ah handles it with unlnstructed hands : and furthermore there isn't enough radt am in the world to make It possible for anyone to get, away with as much as a rramme witnout us loss neing instantly letected and there isn't a "fence" In the tame who would be willing to receive stolen radium, knowing that every Irac Hon of a gramme in existence is known, snd no scientist or physician would buy ft without certification. , s :T- v Chehalis Theatre Sold Chehalis, Wash., Oct 9. The Liberty theatre has been sold by T. K. Metz a Bon, Ray Meta, to W. I Doudleh f Seattle, a film salesman. Heiliff Open Tonight "Oh Baby," a "girl show," opens to- ilght at the Heiliff for an engagement f three nights and Saturday matinee. b Armand EftCOMPLEXlON POWDER. 2hQkrUrtL PINK G wWffi'BCKES - THERE'S one war tnd only one, tor you to icnow that 'Armand complexion powder is . at wonderful as we claim and ,thatitotryit Go to any of the better f hops . and buy a box of Armand. ' Bouquet of Paradise is a me dium powder, Amabelle a light powder, and Aids a dense, cold cream powder, different from any other face powder" made. Or send 15c and your dealer's name for three guest room boxes one each ol the above powders. , Address - A R HAND Des Moines bJtui DID YOU EVER USE SLOAN'S? Keep it handy to promote prompt relief from rheumatic pain's and aches. VfHEN yu lalow what loin's .Lin .: intent. wilt' do, as thousands of men and 'women theT world: over know., you. too, will keen it handy. You will use it for those "twinges of rneumativ for relieving that lame back, muscle stiffness and soreness: aches, all sorts of external pains, and exposure aftermaths. Only takes a little, applied without rubbing, boon penetrates, scattering tne congestion. Bringing merciful re . lief to the throbbing, lumping part.. Three sizes 3 Sc. 70c, $1,40. Any druggist has it. If not, we'd like to know his name. ; For Superfluous Hair - v DCE.ATOHB -TULa4ia Safer fas 10 YaMv , QUICK- SURE-SAFE RELIABLE Um Pnean at Wanud , Ask Teer Desler He Kaowe MADGE KENNEDY fa "Leave It to Susan," a clever photo play in which an equally clever and popular star .is ap . - pearing for the week-end at the Majestic. "Leave It to Susan" i& comedy-drama. ' t , . ..'.r.r -, -x I H -'' 4 Z ,t ''," v I 1 m'"vzTy .r-M r: -"AM" ' I X7t.v. hit --- 1 I t '?? S-v u c -"V' M 1 TTHAT unless our sense of smell is JL playing us false some local laun dries are using formaldehyde to cleanse the clothes. ; I ta That probably - your nose ; has no ticed the same thing. That we have a reader down in a Fifth street realty office. I 1 ; That we trust that his disposition is sweeter than his name. That, the young sorority persons, who "broke Into the movies" out on the east side last night, didn't get home until break of day this morn ing. That there's a little bit of bad In every good little girl. That we shall decline all invita tions to go airplanlng until such time as we get good and ready to "hop off." That it's good to see a, fellow from your old home town. That the police station won't give you the time, any more. We That up in police court the judge is still prepared to give you 30 days or more. M l That streetcar conductors parked their cars In the middle of Yamhill street at Broadway last evening, while they made up their reports on a minor collision. j - 14 That within a few minutes traffio was tied up for three blocks In four directions. fcsj . 1 That a fanfare of klaxons voiced the protest of motorists. - " . That it sounded like the signing of the armistice. . 1 That the Girl With the Green Eyes ' stepped on a tack. f ' - Who WK-at- nnin ttrtrwc HEILIG Brotdway at Taylor. HOh Bby"; mnatcal comedy. 8:20. Mitinra Saturday, 2:20 . . PANTACES Broadway at Aider. Hit clan vaudeville ana phottftby featurea Afternoon and Tcainc Itucisa chanced If ooday aft. etnoen. . HIPPODROME Brotrtwiy at Yamhill. Aeker- mas nma, , vaudeville sad puotopiar lev nm, Altemoon and stent, liif nRiiiA'rm - stock BAKER Broad way between Morrison and Alder. Tne Baker Stock company tn "Tne Thir teenth Chair." 8:20. Matinees Wednesday ana Saturday, .2 :ao. Mnsic.AT. mMicrtT ALCAXAB Kle-renth and Morrison. Mirtcal Comedy Btotk company In "The Three Twins.'; 8:20. IltUaes Wedaeiday sad Saturday. 8:20. . LTKIO k'onrth and Stark, v Moidcal farce. "111." . Matinee daily. 2: slghta. 7 and 0. rUUTUfUAXB '- . COLUMBIA Sixth and 8taA. 'Enid Bennett. In "8ttine-Oat' 11 a ta. "-tm 11 a. m." LIBERTY Broadway at Staric ISoceae O'Brien in "The Perfect Lever." 11 a. ta. to 11 p. aa. 1CAJKSTIC Washington at. Par. Madaw Ken nedy, in "ToUla the HUla." 11 a. as. to U ra ... J. PEOPLES West Park and Alder. Uadae Kea- . .Bedy. la "Leava tt to Boaaa.", 11 11 a. a. STAR WaaMnrton at Park. ' Kitty Gordon ta -FUythinaa . of Paaatoa." 1L a. a S 11 t. m. !"- STRAND Washington VHweea Park and West rara. -nert Ljtell m 'LoaibardJL U4" 11 a. m. to ii p. m. CIRCLE -Fourth and Washtnctoa. ' JEtbal CUy ton in TTha Uyatary OirL" j t a. as. to 4 "clock the foUovhna 8UN8RT Wanhinctoo aad Broadway. Kane W o . .Oreya "Tha Border Lagloa."! 19 a. la. to i!.h a . . , - Portland Surprises Him Walter W. Kreuger, banker of Phillips burar. Mont, is at the Carlton hotel. It has been 12 years since Kreuger has been In Portland. Kreuger expressed his amazement at the wonderful growth uw t-oruanu ua iimuc enm i and ts thinking s seriously of locating here. Cr edit That IS a CREDIT CHERRY CHAT- To be able to secure credit at Cherry's is something very much to your credit it , means that you are a person of good standing it places you in the same class with the best people of Portland, who are Cherry customers. There is only one qualification fori opening a credit account at Cherry's that is a good moral character anl reputation for meeting your obli gations. No matter how little money you have. Cherry's will gladly ex tend every accommodation of terms ! to you and enable you to secure the finest, most 'fashionable of apparel on small monthly payments. Cherry's sells nationally advertised makes of Quality apparel for both men ana women. Cherry's, 3 9 Washington. Adv. brew??? Why don't they can common tea "vannn . - - ' . ..a- ' brewr or something -like that? People would then know it for what it is, and would steer clear of it. Now, really, when fine tea actually costs less per cup than common tea what's the use of drinking the common tea? ' Don't you believe it? Try a paqkage of Schilling Tea; and get your money back, if you don't think we're right v : - 'There are four Haven M Schuline, ' v Tea Japan, Ceylon India, Oolong, 'English Breakfast. All one qnantt. In , parchmyn-lined mobtnre-prooi packas;a At grocers every ikeie. ,, A Schilling & Co San Francuce fir! fxJ f""P- City Concert Is ToBeGiven Sunday. Wayor Hopes for Urge Attend ance at Second of Series at The Auditorium. rpHE second musical concert elren In X The Auditorium will be held Sun day afternoon. William R. Boone will be at the organ arid A. E. Davidson. baritone, will . render selections. Mayor Baker hopes for larger attend I ance than marked the opening , concert of the winter series Sunday. Expenses were not covered on that occasion, but the mayor, believes that with knowledge that the programs are under way, bet ter support will, be forthcoming, utner elties, .he argues, send thousands to the , concerts. - r Sunday's program follows: Ma.rcb "SolMinnlta.' . . , (Tmarl "Hutlinc of Spring". (Bindlnf ) The Uighty Deep'" . (Jude) Mr. KODIIMOD. "In tha Oanlen" f root "Rustle Wldlna 6mphonj ..... .1 ........ (joMmark) 'Serenade" .....( Driso) ";iny lx)T gone" (Herbert) Irish ir. "Athloiie-' Selections from "Ctrmen" .......,...( Bizet) Kitten Kite High up where I can see It sail. - Against the blue, My kite is playing with its tail As kittens do. What fun it is to own a white And restless, playful, kitten kite! Bandits Dressed In Dark Clothes; Victim Sure of It Police have a new clew as' to the Identity of hold-up men who have been particulary active of late. They now know the bandits 'wear dark clothes. A. J. Bishop, 204 Columbia street, 'told them so. He surrendered $60 to them at Second and Columbia streets at 10 :30 o'clock Wednesday night. "I was too frightened to notice anything else about them," he told the police. "O Wad Some Power 1 Prom Cartoons Haaasina Tattered Temperance Orator Now, comrades, look at me! Three years age I was a broken down, useless sot; a thins- to be dropped in the gutter, and trampled on, no use to anybody. Now, what do you thlnk na8 worKCd this won At.-fni chanre in me? The Inevitable voice - Wot change. guVnor? B by.CarlysleR The Flint Stone INKER BOB was more than anxious J. to know what the Flint Stone had to telL And the Beautiful Creature waa 1 more pleasing every time he was taken away in the basket. These were wonder ful sights he had been seeing and he liked this kind of life very. much. Tak ing the Flint Stone from his pocket, he tapped It against the large gray one and the Beautiful Creature again stood by his side: Tinker climbed Into the basket and. before he 'had time to think, he heard the loudest screaming in the top of a cherry tree.. ' There he saw Mother Red Robin flit ting through the branches - calling for help. Tinker knew from the excitement that something waa the matter. At first he could not Bee what it was, but on looking carefully, he noticed that Mother Red Robin's nest had been robbed and destroyed. This was sad, indeed, to think anyone would be so cruel as to destroy poor Red Robin's home. On looking about,; he saw Thomas, the House Cat Just walking away, llcktng ms chops and saying to himself : , "That was a good supper I had." "I. am sorry for you," said little Mrs. Wren. "Jerry, the Jaybird, picked all or my esgs and now I have to live all alone." . ' "I would get even with him." said the Sparrow, "if I had to drop an apple on his head." ' ."I will pay him back for all he has done, said Mrs. Red Robin, sorrowfully. With all of her grlefBhe went about gathering- twigs and straws and hairs to rebuild her nest. And Thomas, the House Cat, went away to find a place where he could sleep In peace. Tinker Bob was sorry to think of the sadness that must be In Mother Red Robin's heart, but he waa glad when he heard that sh would pay the House Cat back for all that he did. He was anxious to see Mr. Thomas punished for what he had done. All of the bird friends of Mrs. Robin were anxious to see him pun ished. too. Mother Red Robin worked and toiled long, building her nest that Mr. Thomas Will Establish H K K . 1 1 1 : 1 w - To Accommodate All Aircraft New York, Oct 8. The state of Ore gon has officially recognised the neces sity for establishing aviation landing fields at once, so that municipalities may be ready to accommodate freight and passenger carrying aircraft which, ac cording to Governor Ben W. Olcott, are to be real factors in the practical life of the future. In a letter to the Manufacturers' Alr- A BOUT every Pierce-Arrow Car there x is an atmosphere of distinction which has nothing to do with workman ship, or machinery, or materials, but which is. rather the fine realization of a definite conception, an ideal of a car successfully and consistently carried out . CHAS. C. FAGAN CO, Ninth at Bumside Street, Portland Holcornbj 5? 'I would get even with 'him" the' Sparrow. Mid had broken. Finally It waa finished and she sang Joyfully again.- ? Then one day Mother- Robin saw Mr, Thomas, the Cat, asleep by the road, and down the htghway came a Strange Dog. ' ' ' ' ' - "He wilt chew Mr. Cat up,M eaid the Sparrow. :..., ,., "He ts an ugly Doc," said Mrs. Wren. But as the Strange Dog crept slowly upon Thomas, the Cat, Mother, Robin took pity, and screamed- at the. top of her voice. This-awakened Thomas, the Cat, and he ran away and the Strange Dog did not get blm ' after alL , , . . "Oh. now I am very sorry I robbed your nest," said- Thomas when he saw how Mother Robin saved his life. "I will never do it ajrain.". .- "I will keep this Flint Stone." said Tinker, for bo was glad to see how Mother Red Robin repaid Thomas, the Cat Tomorrow The White Stone, Landing Fields craft association. Governor Olcott' tells of the' remarkable service obtained , by the aerial fire patrol by means of which millions of dollars' worth of timber lands have been protected. "With our millions of acres' of tim bered area, the possibilities of development- of a practical aerial fire patrol system became at once apparent," be writes. "The J genuine enthuiasm of Inc. Oregonians . resulted In prompt enlist ment of the support of the . army air service; and for many weeks Cuttles as well a De Havlland planee have been maintaining regular aerial patrol serv ice over routes which touch a greater portion of our heavily timbered sec tions. 1 . . . IS TS REST -IS KEEJT "Our municipalities have displayed the keenest interest aid rivalry In helping to - develop navigation tn the, air ana landing fields have been prepared In a ..imV.. iham Wa raalls that atrial navigation In Oregon is still In its tn- fancy, but I -venture the suggestion that the keen interest which has been mani fested will result next summer In the establishment of suitable landing fields In practically all of the larger cities and towns tn the state and In many of. the smaller towns. , No difficulty has been experienced In convincing the people of Oregon that aerial navigation Is . to be a real 'actor in tne practical lire or the future.,. and ' that the airplane Is more than merely a toy for exhibition pur poses." A machine for splitting logs, using inv Arrilnarv nsin for In nou'ir. has been invented by a resident of Spokane. NERVOUSNESS MADE I in Tried Or. Williams' Pink Pills And His -Nerves Regained ; Their Strength. "My nerves were so shattered," relates Mr. H. J. Maxwell, of No. 17 West 4th U Oklahoma City. Okla.. "that I be came very sensitive of my affliction and withdrew from acquaintances. I felt 111; at. ease in company for I had shaky spells and sometimes became so dlsiy that I had to sit down until the attack passed . away. I didn't have any am bition and could not sleep. My appetite was variable and food didn't seem to build me up. "I read of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and began the treatment. In a few weeks I could see that my nerves w(ere becoming stronger. With this encour agement r kept up the treatment until I regained .my strength. I sleep nor mally now, feel refreshed in the mom Inr and have a good appetite. I no longer have nervous or dissy spells and can mingle with my friehds without em barrassment. I can't speak too highly of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as a tonic for they certainly helped me." Dr. Williams'- Pink Pills for Pale Peo ple are sold by your own druggist or will be sent direct by mail, postpaid, on receipt of price, SO cents per box, six boxes for 2.60. Write to the Dr. Will iams Medicine Co.. Schenectady, N. T., fbr free nerve book. Adv. HI Si! FR D DS fltlUtlTHS AMUSEMENTS - " -::v.. ' emwe thi eaeiesi T JTI ttT OUR MAIP WORRY. nf TODAY II TONIGHT )KjffiMJ thurs., rm., tT. LEIGH, DE LACY AND COMPANY Sidmplittlnc Fam, "KXCItt AQQAOE" WENRICK AND DALE runnj Talk and ToStral Boon. HUOH. JOa . SHtRNUR AND OIOROe, AND ROSK, Mirth Virifty and Melody. Itencen. walicr eoa AND and walzir, pceav. Nifty rrwlUt Noomom. KcoU. PRETTY BESSIE LOVE 'TMi PIOHTINO COLLKIN" rrt Your Troublt at tha His. ITICRET OFJICK HALE 1 0W OVEJf HEILIG Broadway at Taylor Mala 1 and A-11M. 3 .Sswo TONIGHT, 8:15 BARGAIN PRICE MATINEE NEJCT SATURDAY i;a aa;6 QUEEN OF ALL DEAUTY SHOWS CATCHT MUSIC FUN "SSZ. ETE'S411 to ,6c. SAT. MAT f 140 to tie. AT HIILIO THKATRI. THI atlSTU IN VAUOIVILLI NIhUi Sun SI on., Tue., Wed. 1Se io S1. 4 MaU. I ua Mon Twaa,' Wtd. 1o 4e Tea. ALBERT1NA RASCH Comfort A K Int. Noroood A Mall, Khartim, Melnotta Due, Boh Tlpp Oo., Kin, grams, Topics of the Pay. "SWEETIES" s .JAMES J. MORTON mm TOMITK TONITI -3- TWnNS : A qiaantlo Wuiloal Oesneay WltS MABKL WILMCH anS the ALCAZAR MUSIOAL PLSrtM ARaAIN MATtMI iATUROAY. "ler We-l-',MAV"AHIAIir,"' 7 CIRCLE FOURTH AT WASH. TOMORROW PAULINE FREDERICK ta SAPHO PANTAGES i MAT. DAILY 2 130 Ther Amuatment Oe., Ino., fr aunts "HONIVMOON INN." The latest New Tot alnakeal Coa4yOemnsny with Jloward I'ifaott. Hlen 6e?ald. Ctaarisa R. Touos and Six Little Bridesmaids. . v e oTMtR ia aots e Three Pertomancee Daily. Micas Uurtsins at ana w. . BAKER TOOK OOMPAMV TtmUht Ail Week -UaU. Wed, C3L Greatest Sensation la steak., TNIRTSKNTH OHIN i A drama of thrills, mysUry and laasatac. - W..t nub HTk. IWfutM StjMMla W . MUSIOAL OMKOV Mai. Oally at tt Nlthtt at T and . DILLON . 7 77 rRANKS WHS 20 Pfatty ftoaebad Olrts A Blot of Fun. Crint and lluia CHORUS SIRLS' CONTCST PRIDAV RIOHT. DANCE AT : RINGLER'S COTILLION rortlasd's Larrest asd r I Flsest Ballroom. PtTBLIC 1NFOBMAL8 BEST, MV91C BEST ETKRTTHIHfl .. MOST WOSDRHFCi ' . BALL-BEAB-ISO smiSQ FLOOB. " Dancing School; : - rrlvate aad Class Vet seat Dally. f '- Profesaloaal Isstrsetore Osly. . CfllLURKft'H CLASSKI SA'TURDATt , : fearteeath street. Off atslafloa. . , Broad war ' mm mm mm, LB V