TKE OREGON DAILY- JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1919., 12 help antt: nut AND FEMALE ft ( 11 OLE B BARBER COLLEGE " rT you whii. Iwmluc; give ym Ml of toots twition secured. Writ, for catalogue. 234 J . iirniilo st, or pboas Broadway 1781, LACE.' icrita. Marquisette curtains band Isttn- aeicd. Called Int. del East 6196. WASTED Mu and if tor laundry work ia n in-tltution. Main 6T. r - ' f 8ALESME WANTED ',8 . CUKw managers sud solicitor! ; W. band la auarantaed Dublieationa only. Hlahcat com . miwlons no red tap write for samples and . territory etaie whether wort ln alone ' or i handling crew1. Manager, (10 Farnhass bldg.. f Omaha, .Nab. '' -c- 'rt-' - .,-.-.. f-ALESMEN wanted to aell out 'complete liaJ of nunwry stock. Outfit free. ' Casta wtkljr. Tarltal City Nonary Co.. Salem. Or. SITUATIONS MALE WANTED To bear from man who want a man to take eht r of hi place, eattla, hogs, bay, bops, (rain or -anything ha vithw. to raiaa: Place suy b Urga or entail. Bar bad years' experience.-8 year with oh man. Give 'me tt place and I wilt ia th rest Hilary 3100 t Mart. Writ 103 10th at, or call D. Barber, Main 4038. 1GUNU man. ambitious, steady . and'''ieUable, Jim computed : bookkeeping . course, desires position ss bookkeeper or aasurtsnt bookkeapaf with tutor of advancement. Beginning salary, t'.'O per week: references aa to ability and char acter eneerfuliy given. ' n-870, journal. VUI'K') KinW roan with family desire few hour' work in evening or Honda y Work; ean do surveying, mapping. lettering and genersl of fice filing; neat penman- and accurate at figures; reference. I-hl2, Journal. . - '- -WANTED Oment wort of all ktnda. , bouses ; rsisrd and ba-naeote enlarged, Marshall 2127. Ak for landolf. -- - '-' -r MAX with family; wishes position on atock or grain ranch; bare nad year's experience; ean handle tractor. 0-688, journal, i blN'GLE man. 25, wishes to accompany party to Ban. r rstirisco m automoous; Deal of ret- enees. B-860, Journal. . . ROOFS REPAIRED , ROOFS Roofs tarred and waterproofed. Tabor 6300. DAVk your ear repaired "it'your garage by com petent medianto. Phono Esst 6387. fAINTIJWl, paperhan'glmr ndaatlBv7Ba5 hour. Tabor 7 8 5. AI-L kinds of carpenter work dona; etmaU firen fret.' Call Kaat B38. r ElOOPR ' reSi'Scled and . repaired and painted, with fuctnry guaranteed paint. Call KmI 638 UARPEXTElilNa, repairing gad , NmodelogT Tioor 234. SITrATIOJiaW-rBMAMS "COMPKTKNT - bouaekaeper with 2 - children waiita poaition, Tiear city preferred, or would rook fop aaretal men. MarahaJl 2002. 1852 t lJ.S aa Uuu.waeeper syuere tliere are rhf)drB to ears for. C. 8. preferred. K-77, Jnnmel. CoMl't'IENT woman wants- day work where can take 3 years nany, practical nursing pre ferred. - Mr. Meyers, aiOT 07tn ave. K. B. I'OS IT K)S wanted as bouaekeepcr on ranch by English woman with dauirhters, Mrs. Cal Isgher. 429 Market st. Portlsnd. WOMAN would like day work. Call Tabor 8712. ' DRESSMAKING 46 DRE8SMAKIVO, plain sewing, alterations, bouse aprons, dresses, children's clothes, reasonable prices, 810 Fremont East 7307. fr TOO" ADMIRE work well done, try Mrs. Bstes, 1120 Division St., for altergtiong, re jmodeting and making of ladies' garmenta. Rea eonsble prices, work guaranteed. Tabor 6012. ALTERATIONS, refitting and making of ladles' garment!, reasonable prices: work guaranteed, I. Bsabln, Ladles' TsUor. 408 Bush Leas bid, LADIEnATTENTlON Relinlng ladies' eoaU; tailored buttonholes specialty. 60S Hwetland bldg. . . -. . . TtrnitE ; 8 S'CESE. beat of references. Will take patienU in ; my home; confinement caxea preferred; light,- airy rooms. Phone East 8663. FCBS18HEP BOOMS ' ... r.. NEW PERKINS HOTEL .TUth and Washington Btreets Right In f enter of Portland's activities. Iet as show you our aooommodstions. Rates $9 per week up. . ' - NICE sleeping rooms, modern conveniences : furnace beat for ladies or gentlemen ; kitchen rvivilegee to Udiet employed. Harsh. 1433. 684 Everett . "HOTEL SARGENT, Hawthorne and Grand. Starting point special csr for Vancouver. FtBSISHED ROOMS PRIYATK j FAMILY 76 FOR RENT Furnished room and sleeping porch, - suitable for 2; hot and cold water; phone. Msirt 6397. 770 M Johnson atreet FURNISHED room In strictly modern borne, with or without board. Apply 469 E. 84th St., pear Division. ' . WITHIN walking distance, neat front bedroom for rent, reasonable. . 561 Irving st, Broad way iiiaa, 1 LARUE front room, bath, electrio lighU, i gentleman, as per week; z, 4 per weak. 20(KN. lKth st. Phone Broadway 6078. 2 FURNISHED rooms, privilege of light house ' keeping, . 1484 H E. Htark. 2d floor. Flat B. GOOD basement room rent free; man to tire furnace mornings and evening. 855 11th. BOOMS AND BOABD IS HARRI80N hotel. Good table board $6 per week, outside rooms $2.50 per week. Front nil ninnoB siren.' DO TOtT want good board and mom. If ao come to Grand Ave. hotel; $8.00 to $9.00 per week. 334 Grand ave., eot. Mill. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 880 10th. for boslnees giris snd students. Msrshan-1251. BOOMS A2TD BOARD FH1YATE ' FAMILY 71 VA.TED 2 gentlemen to share room with board: heme privilege for the right party. tvuvdiawst VANTEp One. or two children to care for in tw4 il fmilw IMMnakU B.ll IKfi FLHNI8HED room and board with private fam ; ily i young man preferred. 788 Overton st ' CHILDREN to board la privaU borne.' 8l r Halaoy. East 8446, HOT7SEKEEPI9U "ROOMS 8 . FTfBNISHEP AND TjyruBxigHEP $0.50 PER MONTH Clean, furnished H. K. moms, stesm heaV laundry, not- and cold water, electric lights. 406 Vancouver ave. Bear ' Broadway. -.- ' room furnished housekeeping suite, $18 Includes electric lights, water, phone and bath t clean and desirable, west aide, walking diatanee. 4 80 College si Msin 6248. Marahall 8848. ' TUt'NKS DELIVERED isl' DOWNTOWN' blif TRICT FOR 25 CENTS, PHONE E. 6484. -. HOTJSEKEEPIirO BOOMS 7 Flt&SlSHED AND CNVURN1SHED fitlVATE FAMILY $21 2 LARGE light furnished Al. K. rooms 542 B. 37th, st Richmond car to 27th, 1 UtVrVal THJUVUs - FURNISHED H. K. or single rooms, cloa. in; , ni preferred. 864 Grand are, N., cor. E. 15 Two furnished H. " K. rooms, sink, hot and eold water, electric light. Call 651 E, Morrliion. ' ' r " TWO clean 11. K. rooms, nice location. ligSt" water and phone. Cell 167 N. 22L TWO furnished bousekeeping rooms, lights and water. $15 month. 204 H McMillan. TWO newly papered IL K. rooms. 410 4th. rnone sisrsnaii is,' . rOB BENT HOrSfES IS UNFURNISHED , -i house, creek, . spring, fine for garden: hard surfs road, 1- mile from- Burlington, on Cor- rww. jj-ov, journal, -r j v .... WHEN TOD MOVeTuRE NORTH- WSaTERN ELECTRIO LIGHT SERVICE Tenth ahd Wahington. Broadway 580. SMALL house, 8 blocks southwest Ryan Bta- tiou. 0,4 R. 5e: fare. Eng. Coney, Bslrd Lane, Lauretta ave., evening, bo children. bKVEN ronnr house 'for rent, 864 E. 8d st iiiviair 000 on inena as, - HOCSES FOR BENT FURNITURE FOB 8AI.B St liil 8K for rent furniture of 8 rooms for sale. inquire aiw gonqay, rnone Msin T465 FURNISHED -HOUSES 38 II f 5 ROOM, bandsomeur fnrnkhed in' it modern duplex house in Portland, with or c , wen srae lower oeignca. wttn a lovely view of the city. Will lease for 8100 per month. ". renreuwo ' ouuna, x none aiaia 102s. . 1 IJ RN ISUEI) bouse, - 8 room. 2 porch bed- room. yv 11 1 jease . - aoo urana eve. N. FUBNTSHED FLATS s !Ui0 large furnishwl H." El. rooms,: electric itgnts, gaa, oaui, pnone. a, week. 889 TH REE room .furnished apartment with private nam. 1 1 o Aioine ave. - APABTMENTS FOB BENT' 43 sTAXFIELD APTS.. 204 Porter t., jnodern j -room apt. - .lurnuoea, . reasons Die. . 4 AND 5 room auartmeoU; reut cheap, hell wood 126. . , . ... .. 11 rXlft KE.NT Store, 52 J Dirwion atreet; good . location; ean be aMd aa. Uring room. In quire 474 K. 11th at ; -,";- WAXTEpTO BE5T WANTED to rent, a pleaaant 5 or room home, : furniahed, tor monthgt commencing KoV. 1; 3 adulu only; beet of referencea; prefer Alameda or Beaumont. Cell Woodlawa 6240. U'K and two rooms, for housekeeping, neatly farniihed. rtnm brat, all ennrenieneea, 186 nrerman nr. nxme atarnball'IVnS. WANTED KurnUhed two or three room apart ment; etrliange painting, papering, eto. Broadway' 3038. --V:. - ".4 . ,x-: IWANT"to rent 1000 a. or more in K. Oregon b raaponaible farmer. Will buy outfit. V-66i. Journal , ' SEAL ESTATE BUSITf ESS FBOPERTT BLoINKHS PHOPRRTT rOK I JCA8E , Bl lf.DIX BUILT Tt SUIT ; : ,8EB Ot'R I.KA8INO WCI'ARTMKNT . HiifTH WAGOXKB CO., HTOCK EX. F FPU SAtE HOUSES 1 3250" IJOWN" v,t 12800 M OUTRAGE SAIJE I2S00 Unuhual opportunity to pick np a real bargain; 3 room bnngalow type horrje, modern, very borne like; on KUIhtarworth arenue. Piedmont diatrict, block to ear; practically your terma. Wk hare ever 600 pbotographa of inaneeted homea rn our office far sale. 12 erperieneed aaleamea with antos at you eerrlce. 8EK FRAN Ki t. McQUIRE , TO BpT T0DB BOMB. i. Abington bWg. i . Main 1068. Office Open1 Keening and Sundays. a IRVINQTON HOME ' 16500 T room modern home, remptloa hall and large ' living room, with firenlaoe, dining roaat, iJanel walla and beam willing, paa pantry and, ktteliea, 4 bedrooms and bathroom: full concrete bawtnent, with fumai-e, laundry traya and Ruud initantanetroa gaa heater, text front lot. 80x100 ft. choice location. E. 8th at. enuth of Btaatoo; hard aurface atreeta ia and paid for, , Terni. WEBSTER L. KlXCAID ' v 62d Henry, bklg. MiB 7S.' : 3282S ADJOINING IRTt.;TOH T On pared street with alt Hens paid and across the street from ImingUin proper, is a neat 4 room bungalow cottage; white enamel plumb ing; electrio lielits and gaa; $4(10 down, balance easy terms. We hare erer 600 photographs of Inspected homes ir? onr office for sale. 12 expe rienced aaleemen with autos at your aerrice. 8EE FRANK L. McOUIR'E - TO BUY YOUR HOME ' " Abington bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Krenlngs and 8andaya. S2400-TERMS - NIFTY B ROOM BTJNOAXOW COTTAGE IN ELECANT CONDITION. BEST STATE Oe REPAIRS; CLOSE , IN; EXTRA , FINE Monona i , i.nuu.u, -... PAVED HTi; SEWER: NEAR - 80T AND Q. C. OOI.DENBERG, . , ABINGTON BLDG. ' "35 Tears ia. Portland." Main 4803. , $200 WIIX HANDLE 6-ronm home on St Joluis car; located on 100x100, improved, clioioart apples, cherry and pear trees, choice grapes: berries, flowers and shrubbery, is good home for - anyone needing a moderate priced home, on account of death of owner .is offered for $2350. - $200 cash. balance like rent JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 688 N. W. BANK BUXJ. : Main 8T87. IRVINGTON REAL HOME $9700 Perfect throughout large living room, 2 fire places, four B. B. and 8. P., garage, fine lot natural trees, au draperies, stair runner and Ruud heater included ; will take Liberty bonds or cash up to $4000 for first payment. And two other beauties at $12,500; exclusive. East 419. HERE ia your chance to buy a nice, attractive 5 room cottage, 1H blocks from one of the but carlines of the -city, for $1800:. basement bath, toilet, hot and cold water, electris hzht: newly painted irurlde and. out ; chicken house and yam; -lot ouxiou. email payment down, bet ance monthly. 88 E. 74 th N. Inouirs at 1. J. Otder'a, corner Grand ave. and K. Ankeay it $3400 2 FLAT MODERN 88400 On paved street, '100x125 -cor. lot heart of St. Johns; newly pslntedi garage; 12 fruit trees, berries: ctucaea house, large fenced run Income 838 per month. 3500 cash, bah- easy. Safe agent's com. Owner, C. J. Yeeely. , 607 B. Hudson st, oor. Oswego, Bt. Johns. ' EMERSON ST. HOfSE SNAP Good 6 room house, cement basement, electrio lights and good bath, 8 bedrooms, full kit 60 by 100. city lien all paid: price a snap. $2000. $600 ca-h and $20 per month. 508 Emerson near 10th. Look st it. It's a big snap. GRl'HSI A BENNETT - 318 Board, of Trad Bldg. Main 7452 HAWTHORNE AVENUE 4 room bungalow, rooms light and welt ar ranged; bath gaa and electricity, full basement; givoo, geoo cash win handle. ' JohiisonDodson Co. 683 N. Vf, BANK BLDG. MAIN ST87. MODERN 5-roorn bungalow, . paved streets, Vi block to car, close In; house in good condi tion, $2800, $850 caxh. $25 per mo. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO. -4 Successors to Hlettea A Jones). 248 Stork at. - Msin 6428. BARGAIN 7 or 8 rooms; 5 rooms on lower floor, answering a o-room bungalow: while up stairs we have a sleeping porch, one bedroom; the rest aU finished: everything strictly modern. fireplace and garage; cement floor in basement and garage. HUB E. 20ttt st 82800 31000 CASH" T" 8 room bungalow, with sleeping porch, fire place, bookcases, buffet, full plumbing; 2 blocks trom car. , JohnsonDodoii Co. ; 688 N. Vf. BANK BLDG. MAIN 8787. 1RVINGTON Well built, compact 6-room house! furnished or unfurnished; fine furnace; full lfngtlj screens; concrete garage; corner lot 5 Ox lo; cnoice locauon, one blocs Rom Broadway car. For sale py owner 00 premises. . 074 Bcbuyler st BY OWNER 6 fooraa, plastered, partly fur- natiied. electrio ltghu. gas. bath, lot 50x100 to alley. Close . to school. - 3 blocks to ! ear. High, sightly location; 81950; $350 cash. Call at nouse, oz i ave. . m., (orenooaa, or see Mrs. Ledgerwood. 9 1 4th st MODERN 7 and 8 room residenoa. on Sandy .boulevard and East 2to at. now being con structed, see them today, t or full parUculais, prices, terms, etc, see - tTAaxuan. waiaisa at wH 106 Second St BEAUTIFUL PIEDMONT HOMB 8 room, oak floors. modern. 89x100 lot improved streets, all paved. 12 bearing fruit trees, shrubbery, rosea and flowers, 7 blocks' Jefferson High school. By awner. 1167 Clave land ave. rnone ozeiv, FIVE ROOM bungalow, fireplace, beamed , ceil- ing, paneled dining room, full basement corner lot; atreet hard surfaced, sewer in; MT car. 64th st 82750. 8600 cash: save eammliiion. Owner, Main 4878. -, w RIGHT ON HARD surfsce close to school, two 010c irons oar, s-room patsorrea nouse, oath, toilet electrio iigttta. gas. - cement basement. fine chicken house, fruit trees, etc; price 81750. t ail at huh rowcH y hciiw ood 717 NICE 7 room residence with 50x50 foot lot. located 473 Juenuwartn are. Beer Uivtatoa St. Jaay terms. Price (3350. 1 PARRISH. W ATKINS & CO, - 106 Second at i FOR SALE By owner, leaving city. " sacrifice and room houses, croae in. Inquire 704 B. Ash. A oargain. ur -n-Bos, journal 89x105 corner bouse, woooiined,' new chicken park. $2200, .6600 cash, balance, terma. No trade. , 3 blocks from Arleta school. . Te nor- Slit, 1 FOR SALE By owner, nice 3 room house with . garage, sot 112 by 208 ft. nice berries and iruit trees., un paved atreet. 82000; terma. vox &. avm ac a. FOR SALE Good 5 room house, full basement city water and gas, toilet, bath and cement walks. Lot 64x108. Address F. B. Gray. Si. A., 00. Btfi. aee t-ine Toao. 8750 BUYS 8 room house. "lot 40x106.' wUa -. cement basement ia. for a bungalow, street graded - ana aiaewaia m. vau 721 or 9z aeinm at. . h 6 ROOM bungalow, lot 80x100. Are yon look - ing for a hornet . This b the place. Come and aee it and make me a cash offer. 8552 65th St 8. K. - FOR SALE 8 room modern. $2800, .5 4pom- tnodern, with garage, $2800.' ...-... LAl'ER REALTY CO, 8018 72d at, Mt Scott ear. RICHMOND bungalow. 1179 Ivon street W mediate -ntle ; $3UUil. caah 6100O, Owner, Kvenings; Tabor 7uoo. .. FOB SALE ; BT OWNER 8-roome4Tliouae. . Hswthorne. district -Good condition. Inquire ax jooi sk tancoin. - FOB SALE New C- room house. - Hardwood floors, buffet full ' basement Lot 60x100, 4686 41st ave.; 8. E. ' 1111111111. X TttAm rti-itiassa rrm rat ar hiAH 14 fruit trees, 3100 cash, balance like rent inquire 1819 Haven Bt 8t. John csr. FOR 8ALK t room cottage. 2 lots. 18 fruit xrees, eiectnciur, water, gaa; oivvv.i email payment 4 Sellwood 1208. -v-1' , $2700 ftiiproved half acre, modern bungalow um maw. crnn, oueer. l.j ovtn. isnor . -evenings !0. A BARGAIN One 4-room fursished home with cellar and woodshed. 3900. all cah. Call Tabor 0440 or g to 6325 62d ave. 8. E. NEW bungalow in Laurelliunit. WU1 take good jot as part payment 1102 tiaasalg. ; STORES AKD OFFICE REAL ESTAT FOB SALE HOUSES I ROSE CITY PARK 129504 room, bungalow oa corner Jot,' big nrtng room, ouiiei, iflucn ajicueu, basement, ktandry trara, 1 H - blocks Band bird. 31250 caab required. - $6000 S room bungalow, garage, 8 yra, d; we can t begta to ' aeaeriDe - n nera. See for , yoursenV , Ma modern eoa reaienee mianing; many new .onea. SOilOO Jot. located cloae In, near the Alameda. Call foe appointment. . Ilaif 8523ft.No want. 3 - room. 2 story real . dsnre, tn fin part of Koee tiyr, nam- : '.' wood ' noon, fireplace, muter, jsutea ' kitchen, 3 . beautiful bedrooms, absent ting porch, attic, fuU cement basement. ' laundry tray, eOxtOO Jot, pared its., sewer, 2 blocks Sandy bird. $1600 each, bat ' easy temrv v . - . HAWTHORNE DISTRICT.' '' 33004 rooms all on one floor. buJK la , bulfet, Outch kitchen, basement,-laun. dry trays. 3 bedroom, with bath: 30z ,,105 lot. near Glenn are.: a comfortable ' cheap home,, close ia, for a large faca- , iiy. muy atuv caan, or wiu uaoe for Bood lot ,, $3750 6 room house oa Hawthorne ave., 8 bedrooms, bath: 40x100 lot, room lor garage, good location, bouse ia good condition. . Terma. , ;! $3500 Will , use auto aa part of first pay- - - ment A room bongaww. good cormi- Uon, - fireplace. bookcases. white enameled Initch kitchen, full basement, laundry traya, 60x100 'lot, garage, pared st. sewer . included in price. WiU take auto aa part of $1123 fiat payment. Close school and car. Autos always at your convenience. ' CEO. T. WOORK CO.. Ig307 Xeoa bldg. " ' SSOO HULUADAT-IKTUtGTOX HOMK . us (.lackamas . atreetw an -a roil lot ia a T room very modern home. Urine room with fire place, solid paneled dining room, leaded (lass buf fet, core ceiling, fuU white Dutch kitchen, 8 light, airy bedrooms, -white'-enamel nlumbina. electric Hghta and gaa, sleeping porch, full eemeat Basement, furnace and laundry traya. Can ar range terma, get our display of orer 800 photo graphs of homea for gale. - Autos at your serv ice. RI.IS - - ' , FRANK U McQUIRE TO BCT TOUB HOME ; Abington bklg. .Main 1068.. Office Open Evenings and Sundays.- . Hawthorne Bungalows 12500 for a 5 room. bath, toilet, full eement basement lot 40x100 with garage. 3500 cash. 85 aeres for a fine 6 room with hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet. 81000 cash. 53700 for a fine 5 room, very clgsay., in the finest of shape. One-half cash, balance terms. 34200 for one of the - finest .8 room bun galows with fireplace, built-in buffet, hardwood doors, lot 60x100. A snap, $1000 cash, bal ance monthly. Marahall 829. F. L. BLAN CHARD . 519-20 Railway ; Exchange. 1 R O K ZJV 1P1 T IIAUP SlSflini On a large corner Jot on F'raneis avenue ia a room attractive home: white enamel Dlumb- inr. elect rie liehta and aas. large living room with fireplace, 8 light, airy bedrooms, on a paved street; Very easy terms 1 close to ear. We have over 600 photographs of inspected homea in our office for sale.. 12 experienced waieamen -wita autos at your service. ot-lS FRANK U McQUIRE TO BUY YOUR BOMB Abington bldg. Main 1668. Office Open Evenings and Sunday. Irvineton Residence 35700 for a fine 8 room with aleeping porch. hardwood - floors, fireplace. . 2 toileta, garage. Facing east between Theaspaon and Braaee. out' of-town owners. Must seU. . immediate pc eion. Marshall 829. F.-L. BLANCH ARD 319 Railway Exchange. - 36500 MUST SELL 68500 Owner left city, orders me to sell at any price his magnificent large commodious rest dence at OSO East Ankeny; carpet on floors, winter fuel In basement If you want a home at a bargain away below what ha waa offered 4 years ago, look . this up. Make appointment to tee house. Terms. Auto at your disposal. - TAYLOR v 830 Ry. Ex. Bldg. - Marshall 3688 $6500 ST. JOHNS borne, by owner. 7-room house, full cement basement caa and elec trio fixtures, toilet and bath, - furnace, side walk and sewer. T lots, barn, henhoue, 2 1 bearing fruit trees. This is a bargain. gftSftO fi.mnm . nttm ThW i a svm4 one. Full eement basement, 24x44. Gas and electric fixtures, toilet and bath.. 9 lot, bam henhouse, 20 be ring fruit tree, iddewalk and sewer ia and paid. See J. S. Downey at 933 N. 9Syracue t, St John. Portland. 32250 1H story. T room home oa 80x100 lot: apple. peers, rapberrlee, blackberriea, chicken runs, eta.; 6 blocks to ear. 200 -feet to pavement Price $2230; $300 cash, balance like rent JolinsonDodson Co. 63 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 8787. $FOO CASH for a fine S-room with garage; lot lsiiivs ana oniyvasuuv, on avtu u $800 for a fine 4-room with bath, toilet ce lt ent basement, lot 50x208 with fruit, fcr $800. Marshall 829. F. L. BLANCHARD ; 819-20 Raflway Exchange... A REAL bargain oa a beautiful 8 room modern home in lrvingtoa Park, on 75x100 lot, with alley, natural trees, shrubbery: full plumbing, furnace, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, hardwood iioora. Johnsonpodson Co. 683 N. W. -BANK BLDG. - - MAIN 878T. SUNNY8IDE BARGAIN Modern 8 room cottage, cor. K. $7th and Main sta. : street improvsmeBta tn Bad paid: $300 cash, balance monthly. See owner. .1101-2 Bpaldlng bMg. NEAT 4 foon bungalow 00 8t Johns car. witn fireplace, bookcases and buffet, bath, toilet. lavatory, shrubnery and fruit ' mce 621V0 3 1000. caab, balance saoo yearly. ' Johnson-Dodson Co. 683 N. W. BANK BLDG. - MAIN 3787. KENTON" ' 8 room modern house, streets paved and paid lor, 4 Biocas trom bans; iivuu, uu caan, rooms, lot 100x125; 31600, terma, 8 rooms, well built: 8800. terms. We have some rest classy ones, 'from 84000 to 37000.' Pean M Netl, Wood lawn 4088. 8 ROOM bungalow, neat dean and ready to move into: full plumbing, eement basement: one block to car and pavement nice neighbor hood, price sibuu; gave easn, balance monthly. JolinsonDodson Co. 638 N. MT. BANK BLDG. MAIN 8787. 82700 Beautiful 4-roora bungalow, double con . strncted. , strictly un to dste: basement cor. lot, sewer and pavement, it oiocas to z earunea; house vacant; terms. Key at 830 Ry. Ex. bldg. Marshall 8888. - " . ,. . WHY NOT BCILDI Get an artistic bom by an established archi tectnral firm at low coat We build anythine furnish the money u desired. U -B, Bailey Com Inc., contracting aiemteeta. 824 N. W. Bank. 8 ROOM BUNGALOW 32600 On S6th. 1 block from car. AU improvements in and paid. Stairway to attic, full basement with laundry traya. Complete, plumbing. -. & resident owner. - Tabor -2084. -v. FIVE room modern house, 285 Blandena atreet - Williams avenue -ear; paved atreet, fine neighborhood. Small' payment down, balance like rent, with interest. - Phone owner. East g!5Y. r - - - - - . . . 33000 A dandy little B room bnngalow not far from Laurelhurst, 50x100 lot, H -block from ear. Pick this up quick. Must have at least $2000 cash. Phone Tabor 8438. ' - ' FINE lot, 60x100 feet, with 6 room oottagel 427 11th at. - Splendid apartment site. AH assessments in and paid. Price 85250.-... Terms, - PABR18H. WATKUSS as CO., - 106 Second st 100x100, HOUSE of 4 rooms, 8 bearing fruit trees, city water. Price 3000,. terma. Take Eaatmoreland and Brrol Heights ear to and of una, inquire at store for tteinemaa place. " - . IRVINGTON Modern 8 room furnished huusa. hardwood floors, fireplace, luxnace. S7 : v 15th M, East 8748. FOR SALE by. owner, large 4 room house, modem, all convenieneea. full eement base ment; 4 blocks to Mt Scott car. Price $1800. .address bsv ottn st. o. a,. HAWTHORNE bungalow 3 rooms, fireplace, .- paved ate., furnisbad if desired; owner going away; smmediate pomesrion. 83100, 8500 cash, including furniture. 1183 Caruthers st. -'' : FOR SALE 8 room modem bungalow and 10 roam modem bouse; terms. For information write to B-867, Jqumal. ..; - : 58x100 LOT. 2-room plaatered house, 42oA - down, fcal. easy terms. Call Sunday an til 2 o'clock. 5480 64th ave. S. E Woodstock. OWNl:R must seU at saerifice. only $226o", roomed house. Doat fail to aea this. Sell wood 128.- ... . . . , . WILLELL CHEAP, new 4-room plaataixd bouse, take light ear in finjt payment; aarill give good deal. Sellwood -717. ., 7. ROOM modem houiie and garage; walking dia- - tone; East Side; 34500; bargain. Owner, 66 E. 18th i st S Phone Esst 1922. : f FOR SALE House and lot, newly painted. - H block front Montarflla earlintx 91 East 72d N. . Tabor 9072. - . -j' ;i - 6 ROOMS, basement bam, fruit trees; 10 Jots. close in: 32500. terms. Woodlawa 4088. 8-KOOM bimsiUiw. full basement bath, fireplace, ; $2750, $760 eaJi. Owner, Woedlawn 6313. HEU FSTATat FOB SALE HOUSES 1 C I (fiV CASH 8 rooms, plaatered, plumbing. 0x120. fruit near Woodstock car. 82250. -wont last. Kfk CASH 5 room artistic bungalow, gt aPeaJ' tic. basement., plumbing.' built-in. electrio light: 50x100: lork car; adjoinioc Laarelhurat 3200V. - 11 E. 67tB PJ. STfThlOl CAHH 4 rooma, newly painted: fuU &ilVJ basement modem plumbing; elertricty and gat; paved street- Snap. Vacant 82375. 927 Williams avenue. , . S'TlTfifh CA8H 6 room Alberta ' bnngalow. &$W T,ry nest place, modem; vacant; block ear. $2400. 1100 E. X5th N. , .. , jk eifi CASH 6 room attractive bungalow, 4Hrai modem; real snap; 50x100; paved streets: ao debt; balance monthly. - .1032 K. lath N. k- CA8H 6 rooms and attic, fireplace, full cement basement built-ina. comer. paving and sewer paid, room for garage. $2750. lot ail 4tn, cor. wasrungum. .-v - Q. C. GfOLDENBERQ Abington bid ' ' . k Main 4803. "35 years In Pertland." $4750 REAL ROSE CITY HOME On K. 62d street. dose to the ear ia a very attractive 6 room modern . home; very pleasing Unas; reception hH. living room with fireplace and leaded glsas bookcase. Very . retcy dining room with-builtin leaded glass buffet, cove ceil ings, hardwood floor, .white Dutch kitchen, full eement basement, furnace and laundry trays, 3 light, airy bedroom and sleeping porch, white enamel plumbing. - Can arrange terma. - We have over 600 photographs of - inspected homea in ear . office far ssle. 12 experienced aaleamea with autos at your service. SEE FRANK- L. McQUIRE x ' v TO BUZ TOUR HOME Abington bldg. ' ' - Msin 1068. Off we Open Evenings and Sunday.: A , GOOD BUY. ESPECIAIX.Y FOR INVEST' v . UKS DOWN atCUHINlfi WAI 400 acre. 8 -O aerea in See. SO, and 90 acre adjoining in See. 29, Tp. 18 S., Range 3 W., W. M. : 80 acres has been cultivated, all fenced and cross-fenced. Es timated 4000 cords oak timber and 2.0000,000 feet virgin, fir. Located miles aerath of Eogene. Price $50 per acre.. WiU consider Portland or , Eugene property in trade if good and 'priced, right - E. A. IJNDflHEN - Savon Land Co., 939 N. W. Rank Bldg. THE MeGUTRlS ' STSTEM Makes home r baying easy. . Yon ean eorae to this offtcs and see -over 700 photographs of homes for sale, arranged in their respective dis trict, -with full description. Every borne has been appraised by an expert appraiser; some remarkable bargains. That is why we sold over 600 homes since January 1 this year. 12 ex perienced salesmen with ertomobile at , your eervice. ofc-t; - . FRANK LelMcQUIRE ' .- TO BUT TOUR HOME Abington bldg. ' Main 1068. Of floe Open Kvenings and Sunda vs. 3200 WILL HANDLE 8 room borne. St. Johns ear. located on 100s 100. improved with choicest annles. cherry and pear trees, choice grape,- berries, flower and shrubbery; hi good home for -anyone needing - a moderate .priced home. On account of death of owner is offered for $2300; $200 cash, balance easier iaan rent. JohnsonDodson Co. 833 N. W. BANK BLDG. ' - MAIN 3787. HAWTHORNBfAVENUE BUNGALOW 83500 6-room modern.-bunaalow. pleasant living room, dining room, kitchen with con venient pantry, 8 bedrooms and bathroom, con crete basement with furnace and laundry trays; east front lot 00X100 feet . Choice location. E. 47th at. sooth of Hawthorne ave. Hard aurface streets in npaid for. ' Terms. . WEttSTKB 1- JtU(UAII, 626 Henhy bHg., Main 4735. I rvinkton Residence ' 88200- for a very fine 7 room with sleeoinc porch, 2 fireplace. S toilets, hardwood flnors. a fine home and in first-class condition, afar Mall 829, - F. L. BLANCHARD 519-20 Railway Exchange. STANTON ST. SIX ROOM HOUSE Nice 1 tt story house witn S bedrooms, fur nace, electricity, gas, full eement basement nice bath, laundry traya, fine lot 40x183, some bear ing fruit - trees, small fruit ; good close-in lo cation on Stanton at between, Williams and anoouver are., walking distance from west side. race a snap st 88700. some terms, GRUBS! A BENNETT 818 Board of Trade BMg. Main 7452 BEAUTIFUL acre with 6 room modern noae, all kinds of fruit and berries, fine sou for garden, chicken house and runs: hard sur faced atreet, one block to car; a home you will be proud to own. . Price 83150: S6S0 cash. nuance like rent JohnsonDodson Co. 838 H. W. BANK BLDG. ' - - MAIN 8787, 83750 ROSE CITY 3S7BO Let aae show yon 691 East 38th t N. rhere you will find a strictly modern 7 room bungalow, with sleeping porch, all imps, ia and paio, xerms,- TAYLOR 880 Ry. Exeb. Bldg. Marshall 2633. UtVIXGTON PAR. . First class beautiful 6 room bunaalow. com plete arid modem in every respect; . hardwood floors throughout, enamel finbh, papered walla, furnace, fireplace, brand new linoleum in kitchen and bath; 1242 Glenn ave., near Kennedy school. If interested in something good will be glsd to snow you. owner, stobert Beat. Ksst 035. 84600; terms. IT500 WILL HANDLE 11600 At 606 East 28th st North von will fin an honest double constructed 7 room house with sleeping porch and large reception hall; strictly muuciu, or wiu- craae lor xarm. TAYLOR - 380 Ry. Ea. bldg. Marshall 2633. 83500 FOR X FINE 7-room bungalow, on - E.' 16th; -fireplace, buffet garage, paved street. 3 Vk blocks from- Irving-tony A very fine place in the finest of condition. Oniy $120O cash, balance term. Marshall 829. i'. F. L. BLANCHARD 619-20 Raflway Exchange bldg. , . - . BARGAINS. 6044 41st ave. S. E., 5 rooms, furnace. .$2500 1111 E. 19th st N., 6 rooms, furnace. . 8250 925 E. 20th N rooms.... 8500 262 E.58d St.. 8 rooms modem. . . . . . 4050 POINDEXTER, 208- SELLING BLDG. OFFICE MAIN 1800. - RESIDENCE B-7120. FOB SALE LOTS 16 BUILD your own home. Fine corner, good . MRS. G. B. PALMER, rsranurst Apartments. LOT near 88th " and B razee, Kossmere addi tion, improvements in and paid for, . Owner. DANDY Laurelbuxst -lot for sale, all improve- meats in and paid. aiSOO Owner, 1088 E. Stark. LAURELHURST lot for ssle. rhen lt a block 107, 81200 cash; aU taxea and 'city ucua i .hi. . junnui iuv, FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL comer lot close in 8. W,, cer.' 80th and Pacific sta,; for sale cheap or will trade. Phone Tabor 4553. NICE comer lot, 100 ft from cariine. in good neighborhood; - 8 1st and Emerson; cheep. 48TH SllUSET IoV $500 cash, Including hard uno j sy. mag sewer paid lor, xabor 8246. ACREAGE 87 40 ACRES fine land 13 Bides from Port-V-Una, and only 2 miles off the New berg paved highway. 83 acres cleared. 8 . aerea , beaver dam land, some timber on tract, near road. A small stream runs through the place, making it an easy matter to irrigate - the whole tract at very little expense,. Fair house and barn. Only $175, ' per acre and terms to right party. - W. U BOBB. , Whitgner-KeUy Co., 414 Pittock block. - FOR SALE , . CAB WAITING STATION. CTGAB AND .: COXFECTIOXRIIT BTfiP-T , : - One af the best confectionery, cigar! and sta tionery stores; b ear waiting station ia the heart of city; oldest eetabttshed ear waiting sta tion ia Portland;, $1600; "soda fountain, show eases, safe and aU other fixtures; one of the best bargains ever offered to. the pubbe for com plete store i.$1450.. This is a -good buy. OREGON BUSINESS A FINANCIAL AGENCY o Jsoraan piqg. 10 -!. orchard, balance cleared, 6-rowi -unviat, nun, gamge, at sta tloa lO miles out near Base Line road. Place ia A-l condition, ready - to move' Int 85250 $750 cash, long time on balance. ,'' t SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REAUIT 130." - ; tjuceessors to Slettea JeneS) . 248 Stark st, . - - -i: - : . Mija ggia. xw mile from station oa f. E.. best land f or berries, good standing timber f ot eordwood. enough wood to pay fog land; 81000 8800 cash, balance 815 tJerno. ' iu". . valINAVIAN-AMERICAN REAtLTT CfV . UB Stark at " , Mai. aa 2$"t4 ACRES All in cultivation 'm I toad : no buildines: near Gaston and 'Red SP0 f ie; aaie prioe ; 35500.Tabor rtrEPTin!i:it. . ji -.' , vimacuii : xo acres near Eugene: good .v buildi .IVr! oatshard;. $3500. terms. - Owner. 141 East 69th FOR SALE 5 acres improved. 7 room hou-iT. . ban.cntbu ldinga, perrie.; 1200 fewt froa. r-'"-"'"" . A'station, Addrem HEAL ESTATE 17 'ACBEAGE k'tiOja 1 to 5 acre extra enoiee land for sale, mr the Hawthorn, tin.: come and see It Amanda -B. 1wier, 1800 L".ri.iion at FOB SALE FABW8 17 i 150 ACRES PER f ACRE iw 11a la cultivation. 10 acres beaver dam. AU gwod land: free front atone, good house. bam and alio, r amiiy arcnaro. waterea oy ereea and well at house. 1H miles to electrio cariine. Land in this locality aaQing for 6150 per acre. Owner going to Florida. Will sell for quick sale at 3100 per acre. Small amount eash. balance long tiiss at low rate of intercut. v - , , ' Eighth and Main Sta, Oregon City, Or, W2Vi ACRES $130.00 PER ACRE AH lerrf fine bottom land. S mile, from Canby, 34 acres in cultivation, 18 acres more slashed and easily cleared. A - dandy 7 room bungalow with good well; also bam 20x40. Good root house, 2 chicken houses, and machine shed, nice family orchard. Yon cannot beat this buy, .,-.. - h Ji.. A. HEATER . . .... Eighth and' Main Sta.-1 Orrgoar-City, Or. .. FARMS , S4000-l80 acres. 27 cleared, good bam. fair house. . ' $4200 86 acres, -17 cleared. S barns, small bouae. -'.'.;.-:'... ; V . i-,'"..-v . . 3280040 - acres. K cleared. several ' mill housss. - 87001 acre, chicken ranch. ' fine house. chicken 'house...-. ' . - These plseea lay good, free from rock.' oa main road, dose to Ssndy; easy terms. WRITE GEO. BEERS, BANDY. OR. ' . GOOD CIA'U COUNTY FARM 93 acres, 7 miles from Lebanon, on gravel read, R. F. D., cream and phone route. 80 acre of good black loam - soil in cultivation. 5 acres timber for fuel, family orchard, good S-room house-, large bam and outbuildings; V mile to echooL . thickly settled lommunfty: cheap at $5000; terms $3000 cash. Personal property and crop included at a fair price. This Is worth more, eome on and see it: we ean suit you in farms, either large or small at from $40 per acre up. See ,na at once. GIB SON-LEA VENGOOD ft Ca, LEBANON, OREGON. V'!ACI0 S miles to Oregon City, 2 miles to store, on rock road : ' 28 acres in cultivation, one-half level, balance gently rolling;- 6 acres heavy tim ber,. 5 acres pasture with good spring; also 6 room bouse with well at door; bam 82x50; 2 miles to stars and electric line. R. F. D. and cream route by place. Price 45250; $3000 cash, balance 8 years 6 per cent . H. A. HEATER Eighth and Main St. Oregon City, Or. DAIRY FARM i - 155 acres Columbia river bottom land. 140 acres ready for the plow, family orchard, good 6 -room house with hot and cold water, bam 40x80 full of hay, all fence. 1 V4 miles to high ehool; 1 team. 1 eoR, 13 milch cow, 1 Holstein, registered bull. 2 brood sows, silo, separator and alt other farm implements. This place ia Just coming under dyke and is one of the finest dairy ranches in this locality. Price $18,000. easy terma, W. L. STRONG WOODLAND. WASH. Woodland Real Estate Office, Next Door to . PreitofMce. - 65 aerea. 80 acres have been under plow. 60 acres ean be farmed: nearly all good land; has old nouse; living stream and spring on place; 7 miles from Oregon City. 1 mile to school. 1 i miles to electrio cariine; price $2600; one half This price holds good for 10 day only. S. O. DTLLMAN. 8th and Main st.. Oregon City. Or. . -FOR SALE : Some of the best farms in Oregon. We handle farms and atock ranches, cattle, - aheep and goats. Campbell Phelan ; Land :&Cattle Co. ; 801 Couch bldg. Phone Main 8089. Portland, Or. IRRIGATED farm lands. Eastern Oregon, main line Union Pacific system,' elevation 600 feet, plenty of water and .sunshine, mild winter, bumper crop of alfalfa, corn, fruits and veaa- table; ideal conditions for home, - grade and full cours. ' high school, best of opportunities for dairying and raising bogs and cattle. Let me show yon a country of prosperous and satisfied termers, uut u G. Jtodgera, 248 Stark, st. roruano. . FRUIT AND GRAIN LAND ' -. 820 acres. 800 acres cultivated. 20 timber. 40 scree of roll ins - land, ideal for fruit; protected and baa good air drainage; the balance of the land, too is well drained and fine soil. This place, cannot be appreciated untu seen, put ws believe it is a rare bargain at ofo- per acre. KINNEY St CO.. . Farm Lands, Corvallis, Oregon, Heme of O. A. C 5 ACRES- AH level, ' 18 acres in cultivation, all fenced, 1 ant berries, 2H miles Oregon City; extra fine spring, can irrigate most ot place. Price 34500. Very easy terms. H. A. HEATER Eighth and Main Sta. Oregon City, Or: 1250 ACRES STOCK AND FRUlfFARM Located to Southern Oregon. Right at the station, on main line of 8. P.J also on Pacifie highway; good six room house, slao four room bouse, bam, garage and outbuildings. Cash price, 535,000. Might exchange tor Southern t4WAA OTulaV. - - -, . - , - i . Weist & ' . : 510-611 Lewis Bldg. lOOasACRE FARM NEAR GASTON This farm has about 15 or 20 acres in culti vation, with plenty of good running water and lots of good timber, with bouse and beta and other outbuildings and good family orchard, gome oi wtucit lies ' rolling out au good land, st a low price ot gtouu oa easy terms. - BERRIDQE '& MILES 80S Stock Exchange Bldg. Phone Main 7676. FARM' BQMENT 88 acres, 40 in cultivation, 12 acres seeded to clover good house and bam; mile to school. Bent 8250 per year. Team, harness, 18 tons nay, so tons straw; an msenmery ior giuvu. 1 n O. liUjljalAJv - -Eighth and Main Sta. Oregon City. Or. 80 ACRES 9 under cultivation, enough piling timber to pay tor place; near good county road; four miles from Columbia Highway; .5 room house, bam and : outbuildings: one acre orchard; A-l condition. Price $3000. $1200 cash, long tame on balance. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN BEALTY CO, (Successors to Slettea A Jones. ) 248 Stark Street Main 6429 BARGAIN - ! . Five aerea of good land, practically all tn cul tivation. 8 miles southeast of Hillsboro. Or. Very good small house and outbuildings, all kind of berrie, some fruit trees. For 51000 easy terms. If you want a good pace cheap, come and look at tnix wo agenta. . J. Hancock, Hillsboro. Or., B. P. a. Box 99. lBO ACRES land. 40 acres clear :.cood soil 'balance timber 'enough to pay for 'land tip to 820 or 825 per aer.; saw sntil on place adjoining; all level. 850 dot acre: 8500O cash will handle. Also 5 room bouse in good condition located in SUverton, 81200. Write to or inquire S. H. walker. Btivenon, ur. ; ' ' CANADIAN FARM LANDS Cheap land, rv . marks biy easy terms. Landekenr excur sion party leaves Portland for Calgary, Alberta, Saturday, October 1 1th. Reduced , rates, For further particulars see Canadian Pacl'e Railway rr.mpsny, 208 Railway Exchange bldg.' U P. Tliornton, dintrict tepreatntsuve. an A (THE fin In th. Washoucal country. . acres in full bearing prune orchard. 28 acres in other cultivation; bouse, bam and other buildings; all fenced; good neighborhood; close to - schooL roes ' tuuv: . terma . u ; aesweo. Write 3-860, Journal - s--v fl'ST SELL in 80 day. Sickness the cm' S83 acre dairy, stock and timber farm. to R.' R. station;, a beautiful home.- Bottom, bench and bill lsnds on a creek. -, No fake. - If interested come, your fare if I've bed. 810,000 take it- cb-iBl w. J. nnuer, .nary, ir. as' arms farm sMf Gresham. eood aoiL bouse. . barn, apple honse, water system; 8 good cows, good team, harness, wagons, implements; 8 bogs, 110 chickens, 18 tons hay, 3 acres potatoes and garden truck: plenty ot trait; aoou. , .. KRIDER A ELKINGTON, Gresham. Or. Enhna'O onl 828 per 'acre. Part . in eul ttvation; buildings, 1 acre in orchard, close to R.. D., neighbor and school. 6 miles to town. Soil l good. Running - water. Fine for poultry and berries. Price 3800. Box 87, Castle- rocs, win--"!'"-:.- "' . . 2I ACRE FARM.- 4 cleared, lays good, rannmg - water. 380O, - Barn, . plow, cultivator. r- xli.rd rrt ' .11 , t HUhL - l0O. . 8SOO ea-h. TSm on I balance, t; Write George Beets, Sandy. . Ore.' HIGHLY improved 2 8 -acre fruit and poultry - farm; suburb of small town; prune and ap ple orchard.. 200 pullets, feed. Write owner for vrin and details. - Oscar Olson. Marion, Or. SACRIFICE Willamette foothill SO. improved! ' excellent soil; immediate sale 1V4U, -lenaa. Owner, evenings, 141 Last 60th north. . REAL rSTATE FOB SALE FARM b 11 ' PP -STOCK EQUIPMENT - This ia - 'Whew yea can gaa mere than- Is erming to you. Think of 281 screa. of which 100 acres ia In cultivation, fine crop this year in bin and barn goes with place. Good soil snd grass land; no flat or white laud; well drained, spring and creek, fine for stoca and dairying. Good 7-room painted hows, with fireplace, fair barn with stanchions for 20 gews and other buildings. Fata family orchard, only SVk miles from, town, on county road. It F. D- cream and phone route. ' - - -. --.,-' Personal property which goes: 30 grade Jersey -we, 7 grade Jersey heifers, rag. Durham ball. 1 bead young stock. 30 bead ahoata. two line teas: cream sepsrator; fuB farm implements tow numerou to mention: household and kitchen furniture..; Everything complete for 817,000; half cash, or will sell farm bare for 311.500. This ia, a good tray, see it at once, Ws have the best bargains in farms, large and small, $25 per acre up. Tell as what , you want -1 CmSON-LEAVENGOOD CO., LEBANON. OREGON. b7 ACRES, 75 acres tillable, 43 in high sUU of cultivation. bet of loam aoft, no rock or gravel, all fenced and cross fenced, fine spring, creek through place, spring water st the house" snd barn, large family orchard tn full bearing, almost new 5-reom house with .basement barn 39' 63 and nH necessary outbuilding, together with 8 horses, 8 cows, 3 heifers, 8 hog, 80 chickens, turkeys, bees, harness, wagon, buggy, plow, harrow, binder, mower, disc, drill, hy lake, silo, 25 ton of bay, 256 bushels af eats, and all small took, 1 acre of kale, 4 acres - of potatoes, 4 -acres of corn, located on main highway with all rural advantage., only 8 H miles from Columbia river town. - Price $12,000; 87000 cash; balance to suit ' THOMPSON A SWAN, 3D AND MAIN STS-, VANCOUVER. WASHINGTON. 8 ACRES good garden land, all improved; ' good buildings and water, on Salem Uleotrie, 39 mile, from Portland. Or will trade for a S or ' 6-room . modem .-trangakrw. ..r Owner, 833 Hafght ave. fob Hetrr farm s 14 FOR SALE 14 acres, 4 acres cultivated, baL timtber. on good auto road, 15 miles from Portland, all level, nice o-room plastered hoose, bsm, well and .creek; price $4000; cash and terra, wain. oB. . .- - FOB BENT 10 or 12 aerea of good garden land for 4 or 6 years. - Can Sell wood 548. . FORKENT 50-sere dairy 'farm, good loca- lion, r-rea tson, uemieraca, wun, FABMS WANTED RFWT OB BUT 18 WANTED From 40 to 600 acres of kxced-off land la .western Washington .or Oregon.. - -. ; CHARLES DELFEL. : SIS RAILWAY EXCH. BLDG., , . . - PORTLAND, OB. IMPROVED FARMS ' WANTED With or without ' stock and eauinment. We are selling them. When priced right We pay over ' 850O- per month for advertising and are iiicmsea to taveraw - ana . woe jou proswrLy. Joort rerguson, Oernnger bldg, WANTED To rent dairy or stock ranch; good ret,: owners only need answer. Bigelow Bros., Molalla. Or.. R. No. 1. HOMESTEADS $300, 40 acres homeatesd, 28 miles from Port land. ZVt mile to hishway and good town: some cleared; timber; creek through place; bouse mie. L-8 9S, joumsi. TIMBER 38 160 ACRES Fine timber. Douclas county close in, good stock ranch when timber re moved; 33500. or will trade on Portland resi dence. 0-03. journal.- , - WASTED In Tpa. 17 and 18 S.. ranges 1 E. and 1 W., reuable estimate and lowest price. K. A. LIN DG KEN. Savon Land Co.. 985 N. W. Bank bMg. FOB SALE OR EXCHANGE. BEAL ESTATE 81 6 ROOM bouse. 2 lota. on. 40x120 alley: lw7 blocks to car. 81400, terms. 6824 68th ave.. jremoni station, xei. isoor stow. 82000 80-acre Tillamook ranch. Will eon aider small place in trade. , Box 183;. Beaver. ur. - - - EXCHANGE BEAL EST ATV Z tXCEPTluNAL ooportuoity: 80 acres. 87Mo" near electric: orchard, buildings; profit from timber mad. into wood clears place; investi gate immediately; accept $4000 residence. Owner, evenings,. Tabor 7053. 141 East 69th north. 40 ACRES 34, miles from Portlsnd, to trade Tor vacant lot. . SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO., (Successors to Sletten A Jones.) 248 Stark Street - Msin 8429 HAVE 6-ACRE apple orchard in Dufuf. Or. 10 years old. . I would like to exchange for baudmg lot or little bouse, or late modul automobile. - Inquire at 161 Griswold t - 3 ACRES nesr 8t Msry's; near electrio line exchange for used car. Inquire at 123 K 6th st. CRANBERRY bog for Portland property. Splen- did location in best district. L-874, Journal. 2LOT8 in exchange for 1918 model Fori Honck. 110 10th. - LOTS and cash, want improved place. Speer, 132 East 89th. Tabor 380 or 385. WANTED BEAL ESTATE WANTED. HOMES AND BUYERS If yon waat to buy a home in Portland, see u ; we have places from 3800 up. If you wsnt to sell your boms list it with - as; we can aell it Campbell Phelan Land & Cattle Co. 801 Couch bldg. Phone Main 8089. Portland, Or. BUNGALOWS T I you have a modem bungalow for sale 84000 to 80000, Rose City. Laurelhurst. lrvingtoa. Alameda, Beaumont - or Piedmont ' see Poin- dexter, 208 Selling bldg. Main 1800, Res- Menee jwizo. LISTINGS WANTED Quick results on good homes if prices are ngnu - , ; ECKES ' . 008 CHAM. OF COM. - MATN 8048 . WE SELL WHERE OTHERS FAIL, MODERN. HOUSES WANTED NOW. Many buyers waiting: some with cash. G. a G0LDENBERG. ABINGTON BLDG. 88 Years in Portland" -- Main 4803 WILL buy 6 or 6 room modem home. .In. In. furnished or unfurnished; as first payment wiu give gin cage mining stocc. Balance like rent. Call Marshall 2045 after 6 P. m. Greigh- VOB, . - WE want residence to sell. When yea want a nome see us. . , CAMPBELL-PHELAN LAND It, CATTLE CO. 301-802 Conch bldg. - Main 8089. WANTED- 6 or 6 room modem bungalow. In - Irvington Park or Piedmont district not over suuo; d caan. - remainder monthly - pay ment. ' Phone Woodlawn 6281. WANT to buy about 5 acres improved with good house, not too fsr out, .on good suto -road. tieat witn tne owners only. o-44o. Journal. WANTED S-roora bungalow, reasonably priced small payment down, balance like rent 1418. - " -; -. '--.--- WANTED 6 or 6-room bungalow . in ' Wet- . tnoretend, emeu - payment down, 850 per month; purchase from owner direct; no others need apply, seuwood 3738 WANT residence ; give Improved farm, beauti ful acreage, v desirable lots; aanume. Owner, Hi ism atn street north. Tabor 7003. iOTS I tn exchange for 1918 model Ford. Hooek. 119 Third st. ROOMING HOUSES, APARTMENTS AND HOTELS FOR SALE 81 FOR SALE A, 14 soera hotel.-modem: don good vustness. r Mrs. use rox, rosea ua, vc 21 ' ROOM 3 Arranged in 2 roomed apt. 31500 264 Jefferson. FOR SALE Rooming bouse, Gamge and abop In connection, rnone Jbast- tali BUSINESS OFPOBTITNITIES 18 FOR SAL. SmaU dairy; 13 eowa, berw aad wagon aad route: will seU for 82500 or trade for property . 8 Varfleld ave- or cau.wnin. 4426. "- : - ' - ' BLACKSMITH shop, doing food business: ia an i Columbia river highway, the only shop ia town; good chance to ran a garage ia conaee. tmn. - Aditee P. O. Box 186. Moier. Or FOR SALE Grocery and hmoh, good - loea tion, low rent, clean atock: fixtures and some household , eflecta. BeUwood aiteg P. m . - . . - i YOUNG xoaa or woman to play part aad Invest . some money for nan Interest in established road shew,. Good proposition,. Giro phone. L-367. Journal -. - ---- - LEAVING eit. selling my aew baaotiful elee . trio Butter Kist popeam' machine. - - See this and save mosey. A bargain if taken at once. Phone Main 6878. v,-: ';' FOB SALE Grooery atock and fixtores, klBOO cash; doing 384 a day ; n 420. 558 Wil liam ave. 80x100 CONCRETE garsgs ami black.mRh shop for sale, lot., of work; owner leaving state. B-674. Jon rnsX'-" ry yon wish to buy or sell year binrtnss call foe fqrmediato results at Oregon Business A Fioaa cbfl Agency, 448 Morgan bldg. - ' - - -FOR SALE Grocery and meat market , Good - location. 0-4 4 6, Jonrnat - s-.e r 600 BUSINESS CARDS $1.28 Ryder Ptg. Main 5636. 191 hi 3d St. LADY or gentleman, s poeitton real astate office; $300 required, N-453, JuarnaL . ftrSINFSS OPPORTTTNITIES 86 FOR ' SALE Blschsmlt a and wood working shop, 60 ml)e from Portland, tn good buslneas town; equipped with 3 fires and full line of tools; eaougn worn or s wm, Bimmmim the best farming country in the Willaatette valley; cheap for aaab, . eg may consider term. D-422, Journal. ''-"-- "V';"" ;T" '-i OREGON BUSIN ESS A FINANCIAL AUENCi - ., i -t 448 Morgan Building Tf wn wish an hat mr aesl w. have immediate buyers for all kinds of established bnsineaa. If Siu want action list with us for prompt remits, BJSUON BUSINESS A FINANCIAL AGENCY - 44S Morgan vulkitng - . - - OR SALE Chkopractie. practice, doing over 85000 yearly cash business: population 8000 with excellent surrounding oouiiUy. Good rea son for selling.. ' Am ia city for a abort while, write me at ease U you waat particular. M-184. Journal. art ' business requires mors capital, s The In . vestment should be doubled. Let me take yon around and show yon. the amount of busi ness I could do if 1 bad the eapttal. B-868, Journal."-' J'--: - " MUST sell my busy corner grocery store, you want a snap call Tabor 6081. V MONEY TO LOAN BE AL ESTATE 87 OUR INSTALLMENT plan is the best and surest method of paying a loan. - S 32.26 per month for 86 months! at 21.24 tor 60 months; or -- - 13.17 for 96 asontha. nara 81000 loan and interest - , - rfi.f.v.;;,: - other amonnta in proporoon. . We loan on improved city 'property. Or for building purposes, r' No commission chsrnd. 1 ; . , EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Btork st, Portland, Or. 1 MONEY TO LOAN On real estate security at coins rate of interest Otto A liarfcson Realty Co.. 413 Chamber of commerce. MONEY on short loans. $100 to $1000. per- aonal collateral or realty security, private nartsv- .uaii wain. 2701 h,fai .in m m nv after 7 p. m. : '- - -' $300. $400.. $600. $750. $1000 and un at lowest rates: quick action. Fred W. German CO.. 733 Chamber -of Commerce, - Main 6448. BUILDING loans oa city and suburban property. money advanced as work progresses. W. O. Beck. 215 and 216 Failing bldg- M'a 867, MONEY TO LOAN in amount ot 8100 . to boon en city property. A, H. BELL, rooma 10-11 MuTke bMg. $800. 8400. 8500. 8600. S7lFand un. low- est rates. ., quick ; action. - Gordon Mortgage Ca, 631 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1870. mij. c x i or morurage joan. seuo to geuvo. w ana jrrea a. Willi ma, pa 1st sa SEE OREGON INT. k JaORTGAGE COTHS . namoer or commerce. 4tB snd Stark, MORTGAGE LOANS $500 to 36000, ,6 and 7. rreq a. wuiiams, VI s int at. liv.uon, sums to suit, 0-7 per cent. -le com. want. atty.. 407 Bpaldlng bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. and 7per cent Louis patemon at JO., eon nailing bldg. a HAVE 83000 caab for apartment or hotel, open pnnqaya. wain toai. ion rarg tt -i800 to 88000, no commission. Main 1166. ix. ueanon. bib unmrer of Uommero. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. SALARIES 67 PORTLAND . REMEDIAL LOAN ASS N. ' Phone Broadway 910. 894 Stark Street near 10th. Leans on diamonds, watches. Vietrola. rtlsnn. kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musical instruments and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF PORT 1-UfD TO PROTECT THE BORROWER. City and county warrants , cashed fot faos vmiue. CARRIE MYERS-HERMAN. - . - Manager. DO YOU iNEED MONEY Loans made on anton lobiles, diamonds, pianos, household goods or anything of value. Security nsrjslly left in your possession, . ALSO to SAL ARIED PEOPLE on their notes without secur ity. If your payment to other loan companies or on furniture or automobile, contract am larger than you can make, - we will pay them up, advance you mora money if necessary, and yon can repay us in small monthly payments to suit your convenience. LEUAL RATES NO DELAY BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL , PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY (Licensed) SUB-SU7 Uekum Bids. Marshall 8286. , Salary . LOANS . Chattel WE LOAN MONEY ' On abort notice to salaried or workin groan an their awn notes. Weekly, semimonthly or monthly payment. Each transaction strictly confidential NO MORTGAGE NO TNDORSEB ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY Ws also loan an household furniturs, pianoa, sta,, without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY . (LICENSED) 218 Fading bMg. MONET to loan on diamonds, jewelry, legal rata.; sll articles held a year: established since 1888. Dan Marx, 288 Washington st : GEO, HARVEY loans money on household goodat Legal rites. Tabor 8806. LOANS WANTED St FIRST MORTGAGES for sale, 8600 up. F. H, Dsahon, 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO'232 Chamber of Commerce, 4lh and- Stark. FINANCIAL 81 Liberty and victory boeds If yon must sen your Liberty - or Victory bonds, sell to as. If you can buy mora Liberty or Victory bond, buy from n. We buy and sell Liberty and Victory bond at the market YOU CANNOT DO BETTER YOU MAY DO WORSE We are today paying the following prices for United States government Liberty and Victory bonods, which were the closing New York mar ket prices, pins the seemed interest N. Y. Market Interest Total 8Ha, ..... ..$100.06 $1.08 $101.14 lt Ta 96.20 1.28 90.48 2d 4a ...... 94.00 .1.57 : 95.57 1st 4Mb .... 95.46 1.81 96,77 2d 4!iS .... 94.23 1.6J, ;l , ; Sd 4Ht .... 95.99 .25 - 96.21'. 4th 4 Ha 94.28 2.92 86.80 Victory 3 4s. . 99.86 1.43 161.28 , Yictory 4s.. 99.90 1 80 101.70 ! In purchasing Liberty and Victory bonds we deduct trom the shove prices 87e oa a 860 bead and $2.80 on a 81000 bond. In selling Liberty and Victory bonds we charge the New. York mar ket price plus the accrued interest. -ASK ABOUT THE MORRIS BROTHERS PLAN Burglar and Fireproof Safe Deposit Boxes for rent Open until 8 p. m. on Saturdays. , MORRIS BROTHERS, INC. The Premier Municipal' Bond Hongs. Capital. $1,000,000. -Morris Building, 309-811 Stark St., bet Sta and 6th. Telephone Broadway 2 151. Established over 25 years. - jjL ''- . LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS CASH PAID FOB ANY ISSUE OF BONDS FULL MARKET PRICE 1 LOAN fN WAR SAVINGS STAMPS YOU CAN BORROW CASH OF US.ON BONDS AND SAVINGS STAMPS OR TO FINISH PAYING. FOB ; VICTORY BONDS ' SEE J BtmRTrT. PRESIDENT OBXiON BOND AND MORTGAGE CO. tOt SELLING- BLDG. -(SECOND . FLOOR) BONDS JOUGfaf ,, . SPOT CASH SPOT CASH -, , - MARKET PRICE CASH for RECEIPTS.'. We wttl LOAN y-a money on BONDS, W, 8. S., or to make PAY MINTS oa BONDS, 7 per cent 726 Gsaeo Bldg., Fifth end Aider. CELLARS-MURTON -CO,. T I WILL BUY ANY LIBERTY XOD -:99;PER(:Eiw OF FULL CASH ATALUE - fan iln. aniua interest tocroded 1 I H. KEATTNO. 617 BOARD Os TRADE CASH paid for mortgagea and sellers' conusets ' ea real estate to Washington a Oregon, H, E- Noble. 816 Lompermens bldg. - ' HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC. 16 ONE none wagon as good as new; niust be sold to highest bidder by Monday, or sx cbange for anything I can use. Tabor 7548. . FOR SALE-One team eight aad nine years old, weighing 1460 each, and haraeas and wagon, 8875 cash. ' R. Wintermute, Timber. Oregea. 240O LB. TEAM, good waaoa- and harass, seU cheap or trade for sow, 23 , Meade at Snath Portland ear. MUST be 'sola at ance, 8 good work teams, bar-' susa and van aijgvv rowea .st. Sellwood 717 HORSES, harness and wagons tor sale or, bir. Cr8trnEI.I--l good 1250-lb. work hors. 889-Front st DEAD borne taken ooickly; cash paid for deaa Tsbors 4203. HORSE end wagon, $1J10 per day; 2 bones sn3 wagon. 33. i. Cohen, 346 Front Msin 2208. DEAD bones snd snimsls bsnled swsy free.' Call Woodlswa 20. Portlsnd Rendering Co. GOOD gentle 900 lb, lny and saddic, $33, 302 Front st I HORSES, FEHICLES, ETC. 18 ATTENTION. HORSE- BUYERS r , Just moved to . Jr A i ft f borsea On my hand. 1 do not cars to winter them, aad win sou them at ecrtrkse. - A few deacriptionsi Black gelding, bay mare, wdglit about 8800 lbs.. 8180; span chestnut mare and gelding, about 2400-lbs.. 6125; span aorreUa. about 2100 Iba 868, Several others not mated P. very eneap. These borsss are lost off road work-and everyone g good worker. -Try them oat yourself.- Com. to gas Knott u hhwk- v ihvfw ,,i near Husseti st. FOR SALE 73 bead of matched team, horses . ."en on tne work, ranging from 1200 to 1700; 8100 a snaa un. In. 11.11 Man old. , ' Jt'HJT. worttlnf an highway work all summer, "ill hire to responsible parti by the day. week ' or asonth. - Harnesses of sit kinds, Pair of mules, i Liberty bonds, approved notes o a , 5 passenger Ford taken. Phtt Suetur, ; 286 Frovtt t Phone Msin 108; ; - , ; U, S, STABLES, 248 FRONT Sf , ' Juf arrived, a carload of anod nsu aoraaa . - and mares. Some well matched teams. Weight from 1800 to 1700 lbs., from Eastern Oregon. ' I spaa of males. 4 and 6 rears oM. JCverr . homo said with a guarantee, 41. tt WlllUmwm. u HKAD of good young horses, wslxbt , from i - 1000 to 1600 lb. all. Md wnrk.e. mnit " gentle. and wagon, reasonable; will trade 1 for cattle or light oar. Call at the Old Dairy Bsra.8B8 PoeUt.,Woodjtock car. 2200lJlSrtesm, both mares, fat. blacky bullt'l -- guaranteed to work single or double, wit , good harness and farm wagon; also 8 i in. j MolMe wagon, in good ihape. for mht reasonable. . Tabor 6684. 6624 80th st. M S csr. FOR SALE 240 1b. team. h.roM. 19-lnnh plow, slngle-ahovel 7-tooth enlUvator, force pump, seeder, household gooda. ' Mrs. Jane Klein, O wegn. Or. TWO good, team of 2400 th. farm marss, iiist ' - from Laatera Oregon; must sell st once. 802 I n. BLACK team, weight 2000 lb., beat of workers! wi sen c neap. tiouoatocg car ia B41Q t, 8 'blocks south to square red barn. SMALL horse, wagua aad harness, 885. 802 : Front et LIVESTOCK- IS FOB SALE 60 bead of registered ewss, I regis tared . ram: wilt sell at a bsrasin. Campbell Phelan Land & Cattle Co. SOI Couch bids. . Pbone Main 8088. ' FOR SALE Pure -bred O. t C." pig. 8 weak - old; either aex; large boned, easily fattened type. From the tttaons Blecbschmidt stork. ' Pricg $20 each, F. A. Bennett, Oakvilla, Wash. Box 37. ' .: FIVE good cows, Jersey, and Durham, four itoid wun caive., one to ireanen soon; nesvy . rich milkers. Will sell reasonable. Woodstock car to 34th at. five blocks south to square red barn. . '- FOR SALE 100 good grade coarse waolf aad tike bucks. Want good fall and winter pasture for ouvsnesp, ju. a. Myers, 069 Jbi. 61st N. TlboT TWO extra good cows; must be sold at once, . Holsteih and Jersey, milking 8 gala, - pr ' day; Brown Swiss coming fresh Nor. 2Tj Cell at 896 Powell Valley road. FOR SALE Freeh Jersey cows, or trade for beef eattla. . Mississippi car to Russell. .. 310 Kerby st - .. - . .. .. v . IF YOU wsnt any fresh dairy cows of any breed at any time see Mr. Bruce at the Stosk Ysrds, North Portlsnd. Or. . FOR SALE Cheap, good young Jersey cow,' Call 2d bouse south of McCoy, on 73d at Mt Scott car. - .--,-- .- FORCED to seU a good Jersey ' cow.' given . away for 365. Come, invsstigsta, Call Main 6106. FRESH dairy snd family cows, Hol.telna, Dur. nam, roan imrntm. srseys. 701 Bstt Aslt. FINE milch goat cheap ar will exchange lot good home. 803 Front st 4T EWE SHEEP, to Uase on' sbsres! E. 0L Bpenoer. Oregon City, Or., Rt 2, Box 84. FOR BALE Bevsral milch goat at a bargain: 880 Front at. - . - TOGGENBURO buck . tor service fine milking strata, 295 E. 89tH st. N, Tabor 8469. FAMILY Jersey row, cheap. .- 802 Columhlg st GOOD family Jersey eow. u2 Front st POCLTBY AND BABBITS 37 60 BARRED ROCK pullets, 40 ooekerele for sale; lust what yon. want to win with at win ter's shows; wea first prise cock si I st Gresham fair and first cockerel and second pullet st state fsir; Flemitb Gisnt does snd bucks for ssle;' won ffast, second and third prise st state fair; 8 Roller singers. , H. W. Krupke, 1203 Clinton st. cMy. Tsbor 6814. - FOR HALE Thoroughbred Rufus Red Belgian rabbits from first dam stock at. half price, Satutday ana Sunday only. Prepare for- the big December show. Full ped'arae with each rabbit The Osbera Babbitry, 8628 68th st B. K., bear corner Powell st ' " POULTRY PUPPIES PETS WE SPECIALIZE ON THEM -' - CASH PRODUCE COMPANY 806 II. Morrison Nw Management East 6173 1 OFFER for aaU 150 Utility Villi Legbora won s pr Woodis winning strain; no . culls. - . Phone ws 8869. 1101 Simpson at 400 FINE White Leghorn pullets, just starting to lay, 61000 or 38 each in smaller lots; also 700 yearling hens, 31.60 to 63. EVKRLAT F.GO FARM, The Dalles, Or. ' 8 O. A. 0. Barred Rock pullets, 81.26 each. A -few Bnff Orpington puUets. 20 very fine thorouahbred ' yearling Buff Orpington bens. Must seU. Msrhsll 18T6. P. O. Hot 47. BUStER'S SABRttkT AO breeds for sale. A fine gift for your boy. 10008 46th are, S. X. and 100th st, nesr Lents. . , .... -.- ....... , . 'rtedpullfuj fdcUverfeSls'Stth st B. E, Tsbor 6898. ' , . PUI.LETS-Kin. Barred Rocks snd Rhode Mend Beds,. $1.60 up. J. B. Magnlre. 787 Oregon street -. . - - ' SAVE FEED T . f guarantee to pick ' non-la ysrs trom you flock. Tabor 6422. PAKHAN White Wyandotte eoekersU, " KseU sttsin, $8 escn. Psrmsn PIsos, south of Wichita, on Estacada line. MHwaukie 93 R. ; FOR SALE WhIt.""lihorn and Rhode bland Had baoa. laying. 624 K. 20th st SeUweed rOl.'' '''-'""" "..' . - . - RABBITS, SWAP for chickens. Petty grove t., between 21 t ir.d 1 2d. MUST be sold today. 11 Golden oeabrlgU'Baii tern: your choice 81 eseb. - 894 E. 9th at. BARRED ROOK polleta, so, Uyinsi White Ighor n hens. 418 Jeonp, Woodlawn 4844. 1 WANT White Leghorn pulM. Address 1646 Mtednetpni sve. or Wrtln. 8876 after 6 p. m. - POOS. BIRDS. PETS. ETC. 4S FINE YOUNG guaranteed singers from $2.&7to $10; eight birds to select from. Call evw: nlngs after 7 p. m. or Sundays. 8824 68m gve. S. E. " ' -: " - - 'J-'' fcKTTElf IMK1 for sale, 1 year eld. Price $20.. 8209 W street., Yaneonver. Wash. Phone 710-R. " CHOICE canaries at "The Canary Bird Shop" Slagers gusrsBtosd. 1161 K. 28th N. 0-2317. FOR SALE A Fox Terrier, marked; $16; 2 month eld. 6827 62d ave. S. K. BOSTON ' TERRIER puppies, pedigree!'" E. 67m st N, Phone C-1256. - A DTOMOB ILE8 AND ACCESSORIES 44 FORD delivery, 1814. n side body, good tires 1 , a real , bargain at $328, with terms, $0 Grand ave. near Bnrnside. ' . MITCHELL touring. 1917, in fine ' condition, good tires; a rest bargain at $960, With terma. SO firand ave. N. near Hqrnlde. ' - - FORD -; eoupalet, 1818, electric starter, good Urea, Fisher body; must, sell, 8860, with term. 80 Or sd sve, N. near Bgrrwida. SUBHUILLE . . TOP COMPANY . ' 9tb .at Oak. Broadway 1664. FORD touring, $423. - Bee it at 864 E. Broad- way. EUhet phone. C-1948;' ak for Mr. Beaver.- U it' K CAft, good tires, tw. eonls. with eiir roadster seat, 6160 Mar, ,8832. 12tB and College. ' . KKW 34i4H artowa eovd ribbed, straight rider still to the wrapper, 84$. Call 688 Ankeny at. , ' , ' WHAT kind of a car base yoa to trade Is oa a 7-psssengvr ' Msrmont , -) - iAl tllVtS WOT TS -' ELGIN 6, new top, Hf paint, cord tires. This car As- a bargain. See M at 4X1 jigrnaKM : st- Mr. Jones. - . :'- MAXWELL touring, 1 8 1 7, U fin. ooadlUoa, good tires; must sail; a bargain at 8660, with term. ' 30 Grand sve. ' W. nesr Bnrnside, 1918 OVERLAND 90, good tires, new battoryt 6785. Ms-h.ll 2982. ONE 37x6, 1 84x4, cerd. 2 82x4., cheap. vioonjawn eivo, FOR " SALET-1 914 Oailani,' 'cbcap ' for ' cub. Call Tabor 8173- - --'-- ; 1916 SUPER Hudson 6 eord lire. 623 : Alder, areaqway gegxi- -y y USED tire and rebuilt Urea, The Finob Tul- cantting i.v s n nrerg pewm sna loin. GASOLINE 22 CENTS A GALLON. OILS AND - WKKsara, PIONEER PAINT CO.. 1 86 1ST. FOR BALK Hudson coup '14, $450; tormZ V Phone Broadway 8638. - VCI AUNiriNff' and rTtrsadlngTtrT" sarTgl ' tion. 109 11th st, near Washlngtoa, 8160 MUST saerrfee. 5 pamnger auto, good nmfittg c-dr. f,,waa, ,l"f,rn-l. tC-ubUaaed vi kolivwT.g a'ag-! 4