CHE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLA'nD, SUNDAY fJORNINO, OCTOBER 5, 1919. '.. A, REAL E5TATB FOB flALK-nOTOES I rose cmr park .-' - : '50- 4 room bungalow a corner lot, .-large living room, - bvffet Dutfa . kitcUen. bmn.. Unndry tmjr. ltt Mocks (toady bld,i - $1260 tub required, ' ,0008 room bungalow, garage, S yeerg aid; cent begin to describe It bans in for yourself; -na mod re eonven twee missing, msny w onee:'60x '. ' J 09 Jot. locsted close In, near the t ' Alameda; call (or appointment; 1fc . . cash bandies. ' J3J60 Now "recent toea. 3 sWy wo ..Iriewe, In fin part of Itoa CHy, ' herdwocd 'floor, fireplace, buffet - Dutch kitchen, beautiful bedroom. . - sleeping porch, atllc. full .eeiaant , baacimnt laundry trays. 60x10(1 lot, paved Mf. sewev. 8 block . Handy bird J $ 1009 cash, balance "! easy tanas. - ' HAWTHORNE DISTRICT ' -30O room n on n ftoot, butlt -In boffst Dutch kltehen, bsse i aornt,. laundry trays, 8 bedrooma " with bath. 60x105 lot. near Olena eve. ; a comfortable, cheap boms, - eloe In. for a large family; only 1400 cash, or will trade for good lot. 3750 -S room hoot ia Hawthorn : bedrooms, bath. 40x100 lot. rooia for sarav, food location, bono la food condition; terra. t (4200 Strictly modera 5 room bungalow, hardwood floor, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitrhea, full cement bese '' meet, funiece. bwndry itray. fine . comer in beet part of Hawthorne district ps red" street sewer, near car and school; terms." 3500 Will take auto a part of first payment, 8 room ' bungalow, food condition, fireplace, bookcase, whit 1 enameled Dutch kitchen, full baso ment. laundry tray. 60x100 tot gang, pared et., ewr Included In price; will Uk auto a part of 41123, flrat -pa-went; eloa to school and ,cr. WA YERLEWH DISTRICT ' S3950 room bungalow typo with sleep " Ijii porch, 0:room on first floor,, hardwood floors, fireplace, bopk- ' caeea, buffet. , Duteh kitchen, fuU . cement basement laundry trays, large carac,- pared tret sewer; , a (in tram. 11850 cash, 120 mo. SSOOO-w-8 room borne, alee locality. targe , rooms, handy kitchen, 8 dandy light bedroom, fin bath, full ee- meat basement fin furnace, laun- dry tray, beautiful lot, bearing fruit tree, pared street, close In and aear car, 11200 down; InresUr (ate this. . m ' - MT. TABOB , $2500 fooai buntalow, buffet, Dutca kHehen, hardwood floor, full base ', sent, BOilOO lot, near M t. Tsbor car: only 00 cash and $20 mo. 13800 room buntalow, aleeprnf JpoJcK, riarawoon noon, ikwimw, Putch . kitchen, cement basement , furnace, gsraaa,' near ear a school. 11000 cash. i BUKBTSIDK D18TBICT ttBOO A fins house newly painted, 7 . rooms, sleeping porch, built-in buf fet, fireplace, bookcases, full cement baarenent, laundry - tray, furnace, , room for carace. cost owner $8000. located an Belmont St., close in; tmprorementa paid; 12000 cash to , aandla and terms. 181600 Toont noose, sleeping porch, bath. ; boilt-in buffet fireplace, brnwrnent, ' laundry trays, ' 80x100 lot, fin . lawn, lsria fruit tree, nice shrub bery, clone to 2 osrllnes, good lo cation, tanproeemente paid, - only 1000 cash and Una. , f 2700 Cottai with B worn and sleep . . in porch, Dutch kitchen, bath, . full cement basement, furnace., . pared street, only 1 500 cash. Autn alway at jrorrr aonrenlenee. GEOi T. IfOOOBB CO. 1007 IKON BUM. 'hAhOAl fr u.mni - a tvlneks from the Willam- ettiTbrfd., "within "walktag distone to th great indtwtrial eenur "of th Peninsula. Is this prac tically new modem A room home, newly tinted J wmtnmA Vhlm 4. A PMl ' .TlllD. Can T- r.nt term. We bar orer 600 photographs of lapetd homes in our office for sale. Twelr sxneriencaS aalauaen with auto at your serrice. . BEB ,. FRANK L. McQUIRE 'TO BUT TOCB HOME Amiftnn Bnlldlng. Main 108S. . . CFFTCB OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS, I2B0 DOWN. ' ' 9nk untimxavs HAfJt 1.2800. TJnusual opportunity to plok up a real bar gala: room , bungalow type house, modern, very homotil: on Killingsworth are., piedmont Iwtrict; H block to car, PraoUeally your terms. W haa are 600 photographs of In spected bora in our oflloe lor sale, 'iweir oimrienoed salmmaB with, autos at your serrioa, b FRANK L. McQUIRE t , , To Buy Tour noma. Ablngton Bldg. Mala 1088 Office Open Rrentng and Sundays. BEAUTIFUL WEST SIDE HOME as THR HEIGHTS Eight rooms, striotly modern In every de tail, and will appeal to th discriminating buyer. Has hot water heat, 3 fireplace, t hatha, ard- wond floor throughout, plate-glass windows, sun rarlor ana many otner attracure leatnrea, lirnu I nraarioallT new and in A-l eouditioa. Nice lawn: garage connected with house. Price tl 8,000. terms If dasirsd. Baa EM. Brown. NEILAN & PARKHILL, 21 ft Lnmbermens Bldg. Fifth snd Stark Bts, 1J825 ADJOINING IHIINGTON Oa a narad street with all liens paid and across th street from Irrington proper. Is a neat 4-roora bungalow cottage; white enamel phimb, inc. eleetrio Ugbta and' gas. 4400 down, bal ano aasy terma. We hare over 000 photo srapha of Inspeotael home in our office for sale, 'i welea axperleswed salesmen with autos at your eerrlee. BKB ,.. FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BUT TOUR HOME. Ablngton bid?. Mats 1088 Offloe .open arenfnge and Sunday. BUJWTSTDB AKTf HAWTHOIUfB CABS ' furnished 'buncalow with 4 nice - rooms, . floored attio, furnace, cement basement, pared street, space tor gar age; 10 minutes' down town. 88150. MUTUAL REALTY CO. Msla 1048. 121 W. W. Bank bldg. Bum a neat bom of S rooms and dew first floor, 9 bedrooms and bath second noor. - eirepiaoa. uorner witn side walks ta and paid. New carpets in lirlng room, aba stair carpets and new Inlaid linoleum go with house. Oarage. Mewiy paintea and aeeorated through, em. -i erms. i 3. A, WICKMAM Ca. 804 B. Eich. bide. "'in 1004 Sunday call Tabor 0817, 9 ROOM bungalow, neat, clean and ready to more into: full plumbing, cement basements rv. block to ear arid rarement, nice neighbor- i ooo. rno sisoo; uo ca-a, ttaiaao mouttUy, ;: Jolinson-Doasoi. Co. K. W. BANK BLpq. - - MA1H 8787, . . - ,v :7- S22S0 i story. 7 room hom. on 80x100 lot; sppte, resrs, raspberries, blackberries, chicken runs, etc.; a block to car. 200 feet to parement, Price i!2u; uq casn, paiaae lute rant. : Johnsoin-Dodsoin Co. W. XT. BANK BLDO. MAIN 8787. HAWTHORN K BUNGALOW BARGAIN 13200 :: Buy a dandy 0 room fcnnealnw wttit attic: fireplace) usual built Ins; street lmproremenra an paid. at us show you. . a. TTi.B.saA-i wu., sua ny. ETcn. bldg. ? -in 1004 Bundar can Tabor A3 17 Compact t-raoraThnnaa. firnished or anfur-usbed: tin furnace; full ";a screens; concrete igarsga; comer lot, 80a i u J ; choice location, one block from Broadway - r. ear eaie, ay owner on premiaas. , 74 mier St. ' el EOOif bungalow, fireplace, beamed eeU, lug. paneled dining roam, full basement, eernegvl , suaes nara surraceu. sewer m; MT ear. th at. 82750,; 8000 cash; ear commisaioD. i,r, aiain tiiv, . 5-room bom wltj all bnllt-ln; finish and "orKroan-mp su nm class; fun basement: 60s ' 1 lot- Come and look at the tniu-. SXsi b at. 8. near 8 3rd are., aad oooTinc ,r.A,x mas n s roai oargairu vy tn. owner, t v ,. i-it 22d and . Anksney, 2 flats, garages, 3 lots. M HK-ma; 2-3 room. - with - ' mg porco: su luruuisa- Btncuy . modern. KM 11B KOOM plastered how at-MllwaukJe; bath t' i toilet; 1H acre, prtcr (2050; 81000 Harry Ball, 481 Tjamber Ex. bide. API Fire room' modern house: first clam ier; must be aeea w be appreciated. Call 'r R'.'37 arte 7 n. in. Monday. By owner, 'ij lu.t iteeaujui aiva original a roui a at a targma. Owner, East 2838. REAL E8TATK Tr6B SALE HOCSE8 ft EOOK Af THESE One T room on K. ISth N. Pared sta. J a nice place, frtce tlOUO, easy terms. - vnt room nouae near iireriooa; mooem, 7(il00ktl nim . Prica S4200: eery eaay term . . f room buncalow on n 80th at . H. :60(J; axpentkmally easy term. On S room bnutalow on Oarfield ara.. doa ia; very low price and terms to suit - Two modrra hotftea on weet aide, fin places, I4O0O; good easy terra. - llfteea other bona In other dUfereot dl trlcU enaine In orice f rum S4S0 to (3000: term from (SO to. 600. t'aU Tabor 1480. -Re. SV32 50th ate. S. B. ; I230 ADJOINING I.AWtliUlUUaT Tory homelike substantial 6 . room banjcakiw sottace; white enamel phunblnc, electric Uahta ami aas; on SOelOO lot with abujinanee of fruit, flower and shrubbery. On, K. 30th st.. Dear Oak. adjoialnc LttureJhumt. A BARGAIN. We hare over BOO phutoaraph f taapectea noaie in our office for sale. 12 axperlnoed aalasuea witty autoa at youx service. 8KE FRANK L McQUIRE , to but roua iiomb Ablnjrton buiVUua. Slain 1008, Office Open Krenlnc and gundaya. BOSK CITT PARK CAR " , HOOMS AND DEN -4700 -We do know that yen will appreciate tit splendid talus ia this mora than modern, bom;4' hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, eeraent basement, f uniaca, etc ; exception ally larger and airy room. I-et us show you. A, U. TEEPB CO., 384 SUrk St. near 3rd, Main 8092. Mala 8510, Branch office, 5th and . Bandy, -' , (Opes Bunday.) BEAUTIFUL. HOME. $2250 : 2 Tory lam bedrooms, large front room, bub breakfast room, kitchen baa built-in and doa ble laundry Uaya, acroened porch, bath, UabU, S. basement nir jrsrd wftb flowers and fruit, iment walk with curbs.. Close to car and sot far out. Will (ive 1S0 discount for hall MUTUAL REALTY CO. MATJf 148.- 1219 N. W. BANK BLDO. G00 MUST SELL. 0500 Owner left city, order me 16" sell at any brio his mean if leant large commodious rem- denoe at 630 East Ankeny; carpet on floors, winter fuel in basement. If you want a home at a bargain away below tWiat h was offered 4 years ago, look this up. Make appointment to see bouse. Terms. Auto st lour disposal. . TAYLOR 830 By. Ex. Bldg. UarshsB 2688. NEAK WEKTMOREtANXJ, (2150 1800 sash. SIS month. B nice rooms. 2 blocks from Sellwood car. 2 bedrooms large front room, large dining room, kitchen with pantry, bith, ligliU, . gas basement Comer 65100, cement walks. Sewer in and 'paid. Close to MUTUAL REALTY, CO. MAIN 104S 1210 N. W. BANK BtirXS. AAA WTt, a vrY ' room home. 8L John ear. located on 1001 00. imoroTcd with choicest ancles, cherry and pear trees, choice grapes, berries, flowers and shrubbery; 1 good home for anyone needing a moderate priced home. On account of death of owner is offered for 42300; $200 cash, balance easier than rent. jo3inisonDodsoffi Co. 8S8 N. W. BANK BLDO. MAIN S78T. 2525fTl2ANf86itt BAitGlfif On a larae corner lot on ITranels are. ia a S room attraatire home, white enamel plumbing. electric lights' and cat, large tiring room with fire place, s light airy bedrooms: on a pared street Very easy terms. Close to ear. We hat orer 00 nhotoerauh of inspected homes in' our of fice for aale Twelre experienced salesmen, with autos at your service. bi.J'J - FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BtTT TOCE HOME AMnrton BnllcUne. Main 1088. ' 1 OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. !"w WILL" HANDLE 11600 At 800 East 28th st North you will find an honest double constructed 7 room house with sleeping porch and large reception hall; strictly modern, or will trade tor farm. 880 By. Ex. bldg. Marshall 2888. ROSB CITT PARK BCNGAtOW A modern up to data 5 room bungalow with garage, located In the best part of Rose City Park, on sightly bank ; corner lot 80x100. Price 84760: terms, O. A. Wagner Co.. 280 Stark street between 1st and 2d st. . - 927 WILLIAMS AYE. T(mifll C A GIHI ST 176 mrmiw aj a a1 a J NEWImT painted b-rm. modebn. vacant move in. Q..C. GOLBENBERQ Ablngton bldg. Main 4808.; 85760 BOSB CITT 887BO Let ma show von 691 East SAth t N.. where you will find a strictly modem 7 room bungalow, with sleeping porch, alAimps. in and Psjo- lerma. TAYLOR 880 By. Exch. Bldg. Marshall 2893. 6-B. BUNGALOW SNAP S200O Nice 6-r. bungalow, firenlaee. econt- bana- ment, trays, buffet, cabinet kitchen, pica chick en house and run. ended et.. rem en t uik n B. 78d. north of GUsan. Price 82000, 8S00. wmhi miu f, vvr no.. t per cenw-' UHUHB1 BKNNETT 818 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. . IRVINOTOSI PARE (UH CUSS DeaUtUul B mom bmnlm- ftnra. plete and' modern in every respect; hardwood floor throughout, enamel finish, papered walls, furnace, fireplace, brand new linoleum In kitchen and bath: 1242 Glenn eve., near Kenned whonl If interested in something good will he glad to a""1 Ju vwmr, ouDsn joeal, 'Aasc dis. eeuuu. Terms. 8S400 2 -FLAT MODERN tS400 On paved street. 100xi2S lot of St. Johns; newly painted; garage; 12 fruit wees, oernee; cmcaen House, large fenced run; Income 330 per month. .8500 cash, bat. easy. Save agent's com. Owner, O. J. Vesely, 607 is. imuwii si., our. uEwero, hc, ronrm. strictly modem bungalow, plate-glass window In j ran i, an ouuvins, in nest part of Rose City i-ar. dbo il soaay, sou Ei. astn si. BY OWNER 6 rooms. nlutarMt -..Ul. .,. nisnea, eiectna ngars gas, batn, lot SOxlOO to alley. Close to school, a hlnrfrm tn ... - , - ' - a " High, sightly location; $1050; $350 cash. Call at house, 4462 41st are, 8.. E. forenoons, or see Mrs. Ledgerwood. 01 4th St. MODERN7 and 8 room Tt3cudenc on R&ntiv puuivtbUU na mlim a9UI St.. lftlW hAln i-nn. tructod, - B9 tbttm today. - For full particiilavra, Vinwi tonus, eic, w PAER1SU, WATKINS As CO.. 108 Second St. $2700 Beantiful 4-room bungalow, double eon- lot, sewer and pavement, 2 blocks to 2 carllnes; i..ui;beu. aviicLi y uu ui cure: muman,- -., uuuBv wiiua. u osu ny, ijix. nlda WHY NOT BtlTI.nt Oct an artistic home b-t MiiMtM ,m. tectural ffrm at low cost W build anything; .,uuu mi uiwKi u ucureu. i , natiey Do., .v., vwmv,wl,,jk .iciiuectll- VZ4 . W - Hank FIVE! room modern house, 265 Blandena street neighborhood. Small payment down, balance n Miisuw avcHuer car: . Ttavea arr.0t fin. Si., wwresb a&on owner, i-ast , o , . ' ',' ' 1 RKADV TO MOVR rMTft vij-n-w tiudI ,. TIAI MODERN, LOT 60x100; FRUIT OA ....uof vdmt, sssr zia, MlSKOMAN. SSOOft t.l.n ut 'I00, bnwialow not far from Laurellrarst, 60x100 lot. block from car. Pick this up quick. Must hav at least 8200O eaah. Phnn, r.h int. FINE lot. 60x100" . " vi --vw iwv, wiui. u room cottage, xiin- st. splendid apartment site. All " paio, jiw sozoo. Terms. - ' 108 Seoond st ... 82250 BOOMnBUXGW isisif - Neat modern 6 room bungalow, electricity B.HvrH-WAGO?.li:a CO.. Btock Exehaags. MUST sell VeffTMtL.F"ll room hcisiTwitff" or , v.vuu miiuuin; i BiOCg irom ea at: larae lot; reasonabU By owner, lawn 43sv. , . . pa ted Wood - itVlNGfOrT fJttoaern 8 room furnished house, fctnjwood Et 8748 auiowas., eai Jk IblH . , $1200 NOW TACANf " $100 WWJ? . .'. . room eottage, gas. good Int r ellicken hnnw aa n , ." 8THyAG0o2H CO., Stock ' Eichanga. ' v m owner. large 4 room hn -..n.'Tk, ?. f;n'.- ?ent be: Js-ast Main. - , Tam, : ... nv 182 E. 89 th. $00f) 1,5S te?n' Nice 4 rwra kou . fi lot. "J aaa. near ea.l tf n ear. Main 48S EH At ESTATE FOB SALE HOl'SES "IT GOOD HOME BUYS - - Hawthorn. 2S1 Glenn .. 1 room modern house, lot 60x100 ft, 83250, terms. Albert. 7 room modern house, furnace, full basement, wash trays, 50x102, slosa ear. 83500, terms. .- . "f 6 room bungalow, sleeping porch, ttaaerrterit. garage, corner, lot. near car. . 83200.' 1500 cash, baL eaay.' - - ,, . - 4 4 Puota oottage, paM.-tgarsga,.,,''o.v 8 Skidmora st. at 7., Price 81850; tenpa 5 room house, basement. 50x100, on esrtlna, 81780, 8410 cash, balance 810 per mooCh, 1ft. a room cottage, corner kit, ouxiou. near car, minutes out S1800. 8450 cash, bai. Hi .r Inrludlng interest. -HAWTHORNE. T fnomii. ahM-rfna- coreh-. furnace, fireplace, pared ., on Gltnn are. neat Hawthorne,' 80000, 11000 caah; eaay. : -v Alberta. 7 r. house, modem, newly painted. close to car, on 19th st. 83260; terms,; , i Hawthorne, 9 room modem, furnace, fire place, fadwd. floors, wash tray, full cement base ment, jiicsjDuiinus. pared st. scar ear; 47at. R. M.' GATEWOOD & Co. 65 hi 4th st. Open Sunday, Main 8201. $6730 EA8TM0RELAND HOMB . ' lit Baetmoreland. one of Portland' t-Miat bean- Hful home district, just south of the Heed col lege and adjoining ti municipal golf Una is a rery disUnctir 7 room home with very pleas ing lines -mi a large corner lot. . Unusually bug Iirln room with fireplace, very artisUe paneled duupg room, hardwood floors, whit Dutch kitch en, screened tin back porch. S light airy bed- rooma, sweriuir porch, lull enMBt MtemsaU luraace ana uundry trays, rery pretty lawn. Abundance of flower and shrubbery. This ia an unusual bargain. Can arrange tarma, We hare over " photographs of .inspected home in our office for sale, 12 axprrienccd salesmen with autos at your eerric. BEE 4 FRANK' L. - McQUIRE to Btnr rotB home A.blngton building. . Main 1088.. Offioe Open Evenings and Sundays. 84575 ROSE CITT BCNGAIOW - v On E. BSd street, beknr the hill, la an attractive typical bungalow, like new; -reception uaii,- iarg urmg room . witn --iirepisea and built-in bookcase, beamed celling, solid -pa-eltxT-dining room with plats rail, inlaid hard Wood Hours, white tttch kitchen, central hall, v iignr. aury oearooms, wiuta enamel plumb ing: electric Ugbts alui zas: large floored atUo. good , cement basement, furnace and laundry trays, full lot, pared street hens paid in full; W hare over 600 photographs of i hupeotad homes ia our offlca for naln. Twain eroriBnoad Salesmen, with antoa at soar mmtrn RKK FRANK L. McQUIRE'. . : TO KtlT TOnR HOUR Ablngton bldg. : Main 1068. Ulrica open evenings and Sundays. 82100 BEAU BUNGALOW BABGAIN . fuU 60x100 lot, ia aa attractive typical bunga low with large living room: paneled dinina room. china closet, Dutch kitchen, 2 light airy bed- rooms, wn)t enamel plumbing. . electric lights and gas. good cement basement; small down paymeo t, antira ; balanea like rent. No mort gage or street Bens to assume. Bargains Ilka these ana few and far between. W hare over 600 photographs of inspected home. In our offlca for sale. 12 axpenenosdr salesmen with autos at your service. BEE L. tm urrv VAre xirwjxr Ablngton building Main 1088. Office Onen Evenlna'and Bundava. " 82250 UNUSUAL HOME BARGAIN" On E. Morrison, street, close to - the ear. on a S7HxlOO' foot lot is a room bom: large. uent, airy rooms; wtute enamel plumbing. eleC' trio lights and f as. furnace. Vacant Imnudi- ate possession. Very aeay terms. We have over OUO photographs of Inspected homes in our of fice for sale, 12 axperieuced aalasmeB with autos at your service. SEB FRANK L. McQUIRE . TO BUT TOCB HOME Abincton Building. slain 108R. OFFICE OPES EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. 8-ROOM COTTAGE Bf E. 28TH. 8T.. - This is a neat little cottage with ' ' basement and aa east front on lot 40x. 100 ft. Cement sidewslks. This ia a complete little home ia every xaspeet. V Can be bought for only $1600, $300 . cash. Call at 1121 E. 24th at. N. el t phone Woodlawn 4807 and ask foe Ms. , emith. . . . 81800 BUNGALOW WITH 100i14f On 100x147 'corner lot with abundance of fruit, berries and garden is a neat 4 room bun galow; white enamel plumbing; large barn and chicken, house. ; Price reduced 8700 for ouick wis. , Can arrange easy terms. Wa hare over 800 photographs of Inspected homes In mt of fice for sale, 12 experienced salesmen with auto at your service, BEE FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BUT TOtJR HOME Ablngton building. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. , $1260 ONLT $800 CASH 4 hies rooms, bath, eleetrio lights, large corner lot with barn suitable for garage; cement walk; close to pared st. Mt, Tsbor car. MUTUAL REALTY CO. " Main 1643. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. : TAKE your choice of these bungalows, on' for 83160. the other 82980. ' Brand new, never occupied, ready to mora into; clos ia to the business center on the west side; one is a 6 room and tae other is a 4 room: double structed, cement basement and fireplaces, nice electric fixtures; near to t& ' car line, walking distance; only $500 in cash In cither ease ia au you have to pay down, the balance monthly, m. j. viAinMii, Aoington mag. . 8-B. Cottage. DrviOs'gCXifNrp Nice 6-r. house: elect, bath:- rood basement. aQ is pink of condition; full lot 60x100, paved , au .uena pauii line lawn, roses, trull and walnut 'trees, small fruits: splendid location on Kenil worth are.; Bear Division, 1 block to ear. I'rioe a snap -42500, $600 cash and 14V per mo., 9 per -cent ; ' UKUSH1 4k BENNETT tlS Board of Trad Bldg. Mala 7462. COMPLETfiLT FURNISHEO ALBERTA CAR S27nO , 6 rooms. S larae bedrooms. lit-h Htofue good basement all furaitun. nu , -ana. gaa heater, heating stove, kitchen utensils, every thing included in piic of $2750. If yon have $800 cash see this at one. It ia a wonderful Bargain, .. , . 41. 067I UOH A. McKEA ft CO U. 4522 bj etn St., -Hoard ofTrade bldg. $14B Each, 3200. Cash . T have twn 7. room iinnu. nn n,ifMiW-tM a paved street, sewers la and ail paid; bouses are plastered; have full . basement; working man' W. A.WRIQHT Main 8988 417 Ablngton Blvd. 811. 1855 9 BOOM house- in HoTladav addition, aor , ner lot This is a fine bous and mod era. Two -firoplaees. Coma fat and tea us about this. Price $8000. Terms. -WAKEFIELn, FRIES A CO.. 86 Fourth St. FIVE ROOM bungalow almost completed,' mod- era m .Tvrv wit: narnwrwui tinm-, ri,mr,a. fireplace, buff et. ' Dutch kitchen witJi hmakfamt nua, lun cemeut Daaemeni, ana located close in on me -ast staa among the one homos, one oiocs irom car line. - rnee ssssv, $1000 cash. caiance uae renv rnone owner, Cut 689T 83250 New 6 room, bungalow; Richmond district No. 4328 Clinton, near 43d: , frill basement Dutch kitchen, fireplace. .v bookcases. ouiiefc iioorea atno, good plumbing, no city liens, small down payment 826 par month with interest Richmond car. Owner, J. H. Mo- Hsnon, i-eoo ri 43d. Pboa Tabor 63 at; IS ROSE CITT PARK, the best Dart of it on 68d St., is an up to date, modern to the bet notch o room, bungalow, sleeping poixh and everyuinc else mat . goea with it with a a up to data bungalow, and a full tot Price only 84400. $2000 caah will handle it " If. J. CLOHESST, Abincton - bldg. $ll00 4 room house, 1 block . SeUwood ear Una, $4 so - cash. baL $20 par month, in cluding Interest at per cent. - Winter's sup ply of wood goea with place free. 689 Baral ava. - - - - . - . GOING tAS ktfsf 6EL1, ":' T 'room ham.: on lit - Tabor; modera in every respect; street improvement aad paving in, paid for; garage. Be. ttus place Buaday. 154 E. 68th st, block 8. Beirnont Owner. 8 ROOM modern bom, lot 50x104, lawn. 1 i run, - rosea, etc, vacant uct id! azooo only $500 cash;' terms to suit I E. Stein met, jju o -jerimgeT oiog. main sitsi or lapor aaaea. BEAUTIFUL 8 room bungalow, modern. V. ac. - fruit terries and shrubbery, bard gurfaea road. Phone Tabor 7051 after 1:30 'dock Sunday; reasonable. P. B. Bcbnider. ; ' . .. " ; g4O0O TURKS .. . : Six room modem. ' bungalow, furaac. asrace, nice lot 70x100, nMloiteaota ava, ; Inquire' at eui Mmweoia ava. - - $T0 0DlSCOTJNT on $920 contract 7 per cent. 6 room modem Hawthoorna buogaiow. lion- gage aiuou. Lj-04, youruai. KXCEPTIONALLT. well built bungalow; four rooms and bath; Ureases, Dutch kitchen, oe- nient basement, etc. 1173 fc. J 3th st ft. loll SALE Homs, by - owner; -modern, veil built o room bungalow., fireplace and built- ROOM house. 25th and Belmont Tabor 199 XTAl ESTATE I OK , SALE KOt'SKS 1 ' FOB 8AIJE HOUSES AND LOTS 825 -2 mora shingled shack cottage at " - atUwaukie; $10 down. $10 mootU- ly s,-? fc f, -i - ' - - .1504 toon f rams eottsgs, small lot, 'Bear Lenta; flOO cash. $10 " 'mouthly. 400 Good sited' unnartitionsd plastered . eottage: eonerete foundation and: -, basement; $45 down. $19 monthly 00 Neat S room cottage at 1778 $200 duwa, 429 -v: Bortbwtek at; monthly - 650 4 -room cottage and lot 67x92; soma fruit fine Soil; $300 caah, " $10 monthly. 760 - room unfinished eottage. cor . aer lot:' plenty of material to finish'- th Placai small fang;. , $100 cash. 32$; monthly. 750 Neat 8 room frame eottage, elec tric UgbU;,i0xl00 ft lot; 8t Johns cari'. $100 casta, $19 SnonShly. 800 6 room, cottage, located at 224 K. . 80th St., lot 60x100. good cellar, lota of assorted' bearing fruit tree. and small fruits; $100 caab, $10 monthly. $50 S room frame eottage. ceiled and ; . papered, gas-lights; small garage, . near Arbor Lodge school, 8t - ohus; $350 cash. 1 ' . v 850 0 room ceiled sn8 papered cot tag on macadamized street: 1 V block to Easton school, Ut Scott . line; $250 caah, $10 monthly. Three mors lots adjoining may be bought for '$500 additional by increasing th. monthly payment , . $10 witii no "down payment i- f r - 900 Neat S- room eottage: 50x100; . Bt Johns line; newly painted; $250 - cash, $18 mo. . , 900 Neat S room eottage, 60x100 lot; In good condition; $250. cash, bal 4 anc asr monthly payments. $1100 6 room bungalow type of cot-. tage, plastered, lot 60x100, good bath and toilet cement ' block foundation, Dutch kitchen, newly - painted and ealcimined; $837 -.".' cash, $15 monthly. B I . " 's- . . $115 Well built C- room eottage at 1806 Foater at., fit. Jolinn Una: built-in cupboards, good sink; 6 .;. v large bearing fruit trees, 2 large - ' rows of raspberries; big chicken i,i nous and covered run: good wood- Shed; $460 cash, $10 monthly. $1200 j-Well-buflt S room oottage plas- . tared oungaiow type, eiectno iiguts and gas; concrete foundation, small basement; good sink, patent toilet; fine garden all fenced, big shed; . $250 cash. $10 monthly. $1200 H acre of land and good 5 rm. log cottage, plastered on the inside; wired for electric lights; good sink; big shad; $2uo caah, $10 monthly. $1250 pUndid 100x100 well built 2 room shack, 1 block from two electric lines, 6 -cent fare,, seven assorted bearing - fruit -trees and . , berries. Good woodshed and barn; oa the west' side at Fulton;. $75 down. $10 monthly. $155 0 H, acre af land ' and 6 room plaa- sereu cottage; uutcn Kitchen, pat ent toilet; near LenU: $500 cash, $15 monthly. $1350 A veTr weat Uttlehome tor the aid yolks aof 8 rooms, electric lights and gaa; located at 8433 ,72d st S. JB.;-$300 cash, $20 monthly.' $11004 xeom cottage, with splendid view sot, on ia ana uauiomia sta., Ifui "W lot 48x142; $100 down. - $lu monthly. ' $1600 A. close-la S room cottage, with bath and toilet located at 502 Boss st. Lower Albina; not ia the beet of condition, but is food boy; $200 cash. $1500 acre tract near Lenta; 8 room juasiereo. snaca cottage; splendid garden; all kinds of fruit, berries, grapes, etc.; chicken house, wood- r shed and small bam; $200 cash. J $12.50 monthly. $1500 A good 0 room plastered oottaa ija paved street in Fulton, at 87 Nebraska (t; 5 large assorted bear- , f7itttei eet lieaa all paid; $500 cash. ,. We bar sbotogranhs of atl f ihm .a and hundreds - of other properties, and DieatT of iiliml ifh n,..hj-.. car of you. fiiRKD W. GERMAN CO. i, 782 Chamber of Commerea. ! Open Sundays and Eveninga. I5S00 DISTTVnTlVF. tKVlvaT,lv a.irn- Oil E. 12th at. near fttann . street with liens paid, is a very modern o-room bouse; living room with fireplace, pan eled dining room, built-in buffet convenient kitchen, four light airy bedrooms aad sleeping k..v.u, ini.i ikjots, rmi cement basement ''"' i ami unary trays; attractava lawn, acunaanoa OI uowera and ahrnha. ru ananga torma. Wa have over 800 .photographs " a,Mro. iu iw viiujv iur aam. X a eaimmea wra autos at your, service. FRANK L.v.;MdCIUIRE ! TO Rrnr taiti unuK ABingtoti i -bldg, Mam 1098. ii ice open erenrng-fvana Bundaya. $3500" HOLLADAT-IRVTKnTOV Wfivm On Clackamas street oti a full W. u i T room Terr : modern home, livin mm. wi.i, Place,, solid paneled dining room, leaded glass ww. ,-n, wtw ciunn, run wmte lAKen citcben, 9 light -airy bedrooms, vbib. nni ninmM.. eleetrio light and aa. sleeping porch, full cement uMcjuent, rurnace ana ttunary trays. Can sr ruia tffim. Has one riinnlae r3 m aaa iiuwviiim ox nomcs xor aaoe. Autos at your FRANK L. McQUIRE Ta Ttnv Tim, Hnm. AblngtoB Bldg. , Mais 1088, wince yipen xyvgningg gag Bnndays. WEST BIDE bungalow furnished, hardwood " " .HHi-? lePing porch; lot appraised 0v'-5??we !U,M 5 -upltcatad for $10,500: wiU,seU for $11,500 or will sell house and furniture separate and give . 20 year lease '.on lot: beautiful view; row. Owner must leave city on account of bual- CALL ON TJS. , 1 tt tt UROAHL CO.. ixa Main ,6258 $22 Abingtoa bldg. ' THE MeGCIRE SYSTEM - 1 " " 1MkJ5 noma, buying easy. You can coma to tola office and um mm AAA nt,n.-M.i.. homes for sale, arranged in their resoeetiva districts, wita full description. Every homa bak been sppr&ised by an export appraiser. Soma remarkabla bargains. That Is why wa sold over AO homes aino. January 1 this year. Twelve experienced salssmea with aqtoa at yoor'sarvice. SEB i FRANK L. "McQUIRE ! TO BUT. TOCB HOME. Abincfira bldg.4 Mala 1088 - Office open avertings and Sundays. BOSS CITY BUNGALOW 8 -room modern bungalow, Dutch kitch en, built-in bookcase, full basement ca, ..This neat bungalow has all modern cob ment sidewalks, berries aad shrubbery, veniences with 60x100 ft lot at the law ; prioe of $2800. $600 cash, $28 h.J?u Tabot t 1 - ' " J $44 00 rRVTXG TON $4400. . '" rooms aad bath 1st floor, 3 rooma and sleeping porch 2d floor, full ttetntnt baaamsnV fireplace aad fur. i nae. . .' MUTUAL REALTY CO. Main 1843.'-, .1219 N. W. Bank bids. $500. CASH 31 Si) - 8-rooaa btrftgalow hardwood, floors, firaplaaa. bookcases, writing desk, Duteh kitchen, paaelta dining-room, full cement basemsnt wash trays, bedroom, - batlt and kitchen ara white eaaaaaled: oae block to ear. . EDWATO A. BBOWN CO. 808 BaBway Exchaage Bldg. - Mala 2693 8 BOOM bouse hi -HUareTharwi J Hard- wood floor, built in feabuns, fire, place, and fumaee. fuQ cement basement Priea 66000: $i00ft will handle m WAKEFIELD, FWKS CO., t 8$ Fourth ,8t $2400 , , " 6-rom bungalow, enameled kitchen, bnflttn cupboards, bufteta, large cast .front porch, attic bawiDeut laundry traya, U. V. cat. $24w0. RH4L ESVATK. "FOB, SALE HOTCStSL .1 BUTSGALOWS. MORJB BtTSOAtOWS 60x108. garage; a big sacrifice P4 .3" . S room modern. Kicbmond; lot 40x100. aU in fine- shape; low price of $8200. . S room modem. Aioena, w"i $3000. - 8 room morrn, oa Kart Bnrasid 4-4t, Mount Tabor: 100x100 lot gang, lots of fruit trees. A big srisp if taken at once. Price . j 7 room modern, lot auxiuu, on f i o st. Mount Tabor: Una home, price 525l.- The are all a paved street with asaessmeats sS paid, and a aasy tarma. , ' ' A GOOD Btft SNAP . AAW UkTM.-UlaT NftW VACANT . ALL ISVlNB HAPK;.10X100 CORNER, utfi,-cii aiunni. a MrM'Kft TO MT. SCOTT CAB J $4 00 CASS. BALANCB $20 PER MOVTH7 N'OW WE HAVE ONE T ROOM MODERS HOUSE IN MONTAVILLA VACANT. O.V LOT 60X115. NEWLT PAINTED AND BEST Or CO.OITIO'. PBU .a. WK HAVK A 6 KOOM , COTTAfiB VACANT, CUlSK TO MISSISSIPPI CAB, CORlsUl 60i. 100. BE8TV Ok fiilAl-li, ai .-. ,, " WELL. WHAT A 8SAPI V a vi mna mnAmn hmnML - eloae itli a fin buy at a low price of $3800, partly furnished; on paved street, walking distance. . .BERRIDQK & ivlilUlb& . 805 Stotjt J-tehange Bldg, Main 7678. Buodaya and eranlng. Tabor $2ii. Wa have autos vo snow you. Larue grol'Noh, readt rou cmcats $4200 ' For a dandy S-room bungalow la first class snape, witn mg iwreuw, wis ing room -and dimng'room. also recep- tion hall, furnace. Woikabop suitable for garag; also separate opeu-air sleep ' 'ing room and chicken houses and runs all fenced and cross fenced that would cost you a cool $1000 to- duplicate, with' 100x200 feet sidewalks and grading-, aU paid. Surrounded by homes in the' $!M0 class. This bungalow - alone could not be duplicated for less than $4000; lots worth at least $2000; other iniprowimente $1200. Well, it would cost you at least $7000 to dupll- - vesta this layout Yours for $4200 and requires only $700 cash. Lt ns abow ' you.' ' v r J. A. W ICEMAN CO.. 204 By, Etch. bldg. Main 1094. Sunday call' Tabor 9317. Hawthorne Bunsralows $2500 for a 5 room, bath, toilet, full cement kupniMit lnt 40 v mil with earaae. $500 cash. 85 acres for a. fine o room witn aaruwoou floors, fireplace, buffet. $1000 cash. $3700 foe a fin 6 room, rery aiassy, in the finest of shape. One-half cash., balance terms. $4200 for (me of tha finest 8 room bun galows with fireplace, built-in, buffet hardwood floors, lot 80x100. A snap. $1000 cash, bal ance monthly. Marshall 829. F., L. BLANCH ARD 619-20- Railway Exchange. ... $4000 BABT FARM . On 9fini?4fl-fooS. aita. an the Peninsula, is a very attractive 8 aaom practically new bungalow. This property is under high stats of cultivation and is an unusual, bargain for tha price. This property has 200 feet of frontage op the rail road track and would be an ideal factory site. Wa hav over .600.. jphotographs of Uwpected homes in4 our office for sals. Twelve experi enced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE FRANKS McQUIRE TO BUT TOUR HOME IMnrlm HniMinz. Main 1068. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS ASP SUNDAYS. rose crnr park cab .-i 5 ROOMS. BREAKFAST NOOK-38750 Folks, her is a new, nifty, modern bun galow with exceptionally large Hring room, hardwood floors fireplace, buffet cement basement wash trays, eta. All built-in features, thoroughly double constructed; real value; reasonable terms. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 284 Stark St, near 3rd. Main 3510, Mala 8092. Branch office, 60th and Sandy. . (Opea Buaday.) " CHOICE HOME Look this up at once if you wast a real heme at a reasonable price. Attractive semi- bungalow typev Largo, living room with fire place, 8 aelightrni bedrooms ana sleeping porcn. is,vnM Wt Ti,..h lritthn - AmMT lot with garage, paved v streets, good location ; not far out: close to uuirettrarst rare: convenient to Sunnyside car. Price only $4650. You can't beat it anywhere. See A. K. 1UU. 215 Lum- bermens bidg. Broadway azl. : ' I rvlngton : : Residence : $6700 for a fine 8 room with sleeping porch, hardwood j floors, flreplaee. 2 toilets, ' garage. Facing east between Thompson and Brasee, out-of-town owners. Most sell. Immediate posses sion Marshall 829. , F. L. BLANCH ARD 519 5-Uilway Exchange. ' ; $200 WILL HANDLB I 8-room homa on St Johns ear; located on 100x100, Improved, choicest apples, cherry and pear trees, choice -grapes; berries, flowers and ahrnhberv. la mod home for anvone needing a moderate priced home, on account of death ot owner is Tiered lot assou. aisuu . casn. JOHNSONDODSOH CO. 833 K. W. BANK BLDO. Mala; 787. $6500 ST. JOHNS heme, by owner. - 7-room bouse, full cement basement gas and elec tric fixtures, toilet and bath, furnace, side walk ana sewer. 7 kits, barn, henhouse. 21 bearing fruit treea.- This ia a banaiin. $6500-5-TOom cottage. This is; a good one. Pull cement basement 24x44. Gaa and eleetrio fixtures, toilet and bath, 9 lots. Darn, henhouse, 20 bearing fruit 'tree, sidewalk and sewer in and paid. Sea J. S. Downey at 933 N. Syracuse st. St Johns, Portland. B1WTJTTWTJL rRTTNOTON HOME. MOST artistic borne in Irving ton; never offered for "sal before; this is a (em. Pric $12,600: terms. CALL ON TJS. H. EL CRDAHL CO., INO. Main 8252 822 Abisgtoa bldg. S1 ONLY S1750 Nice, dean, newly furnished eottage, S rooms Including -bath, garage, 2 large corner Iota, Call today between. 12 and 2, 6924 65th at, cor. 60th av,, ,Mt "Scott ear,' or Monday, 128 1st A REAL bargain on a beautiful 8 room modern home ia Irvingtoa Park, on 75x100 lot with alley, nstursJ Trees, shrubbery; full plumbing, fumivce, fireplsce, booAcasas, bullet', aardwood lioors. ... - jdhnson-Dodson , Co. 838 N. W. BANK BLDO. MAIN '8787, -Irv.ngton Residence 88200 for a rery fine 7 room with sleeping porch, 2 fireplaces. S tofleta, hardwood floors, a fine homa and ia first-class condition. Mar- Tl blanchard . 519-20 Railway 'Exehange. ! $300 CASH for a fine 8-room with garage ; lot 182x208 aad only $sooo, on 9tb st t.,00 for a fine 4-room with bath, toilet, ca n ent basement lot 60x208 with trait. . for $2800. Marshall 82ft-, .. , ' . F. L. BLANCHARD '619-20 Railway Exchange. tiasft ' Bnva an 8 room home: bath. electric lights: newly painted aad tinted throughout: vacant movs right in. Very aasy terms. J. A, W ICEMAN CO., 304 By. Eieb, btdg. ' ain 1094- Sunday call Tabor 98 IT, COTTAGE BUNGALOW ACftOO - $200 DOWN One bedroom, sleeping porch, Dutch kitchen. large lot, paved street, near car; make oiler; must sen. isoor sni, foOxllO. 8 -BOOM bouM, all kinds of fruit and bemes, a. snap, at SUV uepaw sa. rnce aaouw; terms reasonable. J. S. Sullivaiv 408 Henry bldg. - . - A GOOD bav. in fine location, near 26th ant Clinton su; 6 rooms and bsth and garage; 50x10 lot on paved street $3250 takes it J. R. Wolff, 410 Henry bldg. 6 ROOM house, oath, cement collar, fine con dition. Lot of fine fruit U yoa want a good buy, look at this -pUce. See owner, 1846 Wcolsey st Phono Columbia 1039. A WISE purchaser of reel estate ha Us 'title - insured. Get a title insurance policy. ,. TITLE A TRUST COMPANT, - -9. 4th street4 '' , MB. ' WORKINGMAN rocam; paved atreet; . . ii-nib. Dew m ,,vvv,. ao mortgage. Bellwood 4 27 06. . . , . . t IIkAA , $300 FOR SALE by owner.- (-room bungalow, in : chiding bsth. and ireeption hall; near .Fran klin high school 840S E. 85th st ! D-I139. ALMOST new furniture for sale and boose for rent, close ia. walking distance of tows. Call East 751)8- WESTMOBELAKD A rooms: corner lot east front; two blocks ear, a acnook vniy asvuu. Terms. BeUwood 3700. 200WrLir" TAKE Wavarleigh Heighte ' well built O-room bouse, with, terma. Call Wood- lawn 3072. WILL sacrifice a beautiful room bungalow, " etrictly modern throngtiotit , Ea-t 283S. .,. BElXWOOT) 8 rooms: paved street bttilt tor home; mutH SeUvrood 2708.. FOR "SALE S room bouse, phone WtCa,' . 4941, REAL E8TATE FOB SALE HOUSES EAST 11TH. NEAR ALBERTA , NttTx" BUNGALOW -$3625 " - Here is a real nifty, up-to-the-mtnut bungalow, If trury just as modern as one could make It. Hardwood floor, fireclace, buffet, eemeot ... basement etc Finished in aid ivory and whit throughout Let us show yon. A. J. TEEPB .CO.. 264 Stark at., near 8L . . Main 8092 Mala 3318, Bra nail Office. 60th and Bandy. (Opea Sunday.). IRVINQTQN HOME $56007 room modern home: reception ball and large living room, with fltvplsee, dining room, panel walls and beam celling, pasa pantry and kitchen. 4 bedrooms and 'bathroom: full concrete basement with, furnace, - laundry trays and Rued tiuttaataneoua gaa beater, eat front lot, 80x100 ft. cholra location. E. 8th L, south of Stantoin hard surface streeU ia and paid for. Terms. t . - a . WEBSTEtt I XtXCATD " 828 Henry bUg. Mairi 4788. - HOLLTOAT ADD1T10S Her k a good subsUotial noma af . rooms and den. Pox furnace, full cement basement, beautiful lot 60x100 feet fruit tree, in beaHnc: upper rooms fitted bp for light housekeeping, now rented tor $S5 ' monthly. , This home ia close ia -en East - wth at The pric is $8160, on term. Co A. IXcKenna A Co., Main 4522. . ' Main 0871. 821 Fourth at. Board of Trade bldg. 82400 BUNOlLoW ' "HOMHi """ very neat praetteaUv new S room maden bungalow, oa 60x100 lot, oa Pardee st aear 2SUi. Unusual , bargain. Caa arrange, Unas, Wa - have, aver 600 photographs of inspected home in our office -for sale. Twelve expert weed salesmen with auto at your service. SKE . FRANK L. McQUERE TO BUT TOUH HOME '.Ablngton Building. , Main 1088. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. PORTLAND HEIGHTS tjscsual oppoaiuNirr. Modern, tightly, beautiful, desirable, nearly Dew residence; near car, location especially good; a real Bargain; v roocas, den, sleeping porch; jiaraweoa iloors, plate-.- glass windows, garage, fuH basement Special bargain. reasonable terms. Pric for quick sate, $11,000, easily wortn aio.uuv. . Address, Aha owners, tr, JoumaL . ... " . . $5600 ROSM fclTt" feftNAAKiSW ' Very attractive 6 room iaodeVa bungalow with many builtta conveniences. On 100x125 foot corner. Can arrange some, terms. -We have over 000 photographs of Inspected homes ia our office for sals. 12 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. ,.. Bitis - FRAN K: AL. - McQUI RE ) TO BTJY I0CB ', HOMB ' r " Abtncton Bnildine. -- Sain8 OFFICE OPEN EVENING8.-.A1SP SUNDAYS. CHOICE BARGAINS $2650 Modern 5-mnra tranaalow. beaidea i finished rooms in attic: fliwolace. full basament tn good BeiKnBorbood: coavenunt to nigh school and car; terms. ? $3130 Close Hawthorn ava.. 5 room bun galow, Besides ,z muenea rooms in stuc; ir- piace, uutcu aircnea, etc ; psvea streets; (erms. Bo sure to look these up. a. a- muLi x., zxo uompermeas Bldg. $2760 Eight room honse and lot 80x107. with rage. This plana is ca. a corner and has 1,5 nice nr trees ana nn lawn; pas a rooms downstairs, living room, dining room, bedroom, kitchen and bath; s : bedrooms upstairs, and (all basement WASJEFIELO, FBI KB VW ROSE CTTTj PARK t, 3 blocks to car a 5-room bungalow. with fnrnace heat, fireplace, garage, 2 lota 4 Ox 100 'each; street paving paid. The price la $4300, on terms of $1000 cash, balarlcs to suit Where fat Rose City Park can you buy a bungalow and 2 lots for this price f Main 4622, Coe A. McKenna & Co. Main 6871.' 82 Fourth st. Board of Trade bldg. ! close in.'.h6m''V':" r Large, cheerful front poreii. reeeotion hall. Bring, fireplace, dining, den, kitchen, pantry aown; X large, z medium oearoom, batn arid toilet up; cement basement hot sir furnace, 6 Ox 100 lot paved streets, all paid; located E. Madison and 2 2d. This is (rand homa and most exceptional buy at $4500; $1000 Cash. - THE LAWRENCE CO.. 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6918. Good 5 room . nlastered cot tarn, with aome? Bice rooms in basement; elea., bath; pared st, sewer and all city work paid, lot 80x100; fine location, iv xees irom ounnysiae car on m, 8Sth, near Belmont Price a snap $2000, auv cash ana zt per month. 4fc BENNETT 818 Board of Trade Bide Mate 7483. NEAT 4 room bungalow a St. John car, with fireplace, bookcases and buffet, bath, toilet. lavatory, aaruDnery ana iron, pnea $2100 1000 casn, balance 00 yearly. JohnsoinDodon Co. 883 N. W. BANK BLDO. MAIN 8787. RENT 60x100. near M. V. ear. 3-rnom nlaatanul bouse, beantiful lawn and flowers, chicken and rabbit house, fruit and garden. - Price 3950, easy terms. S. P. Oabum, 810 McKay bide. an ana etarx, " KENTON V 8 room modern house, streets paved and paid tor, otocKs irom osnx; siuu, auu casn, 6 rooms, lot 100x129; 81600. terms. 8 rooms, well built: 8800. terms. We have some real classy ones, from $4000 to t ivvv. yean untu, wooaiawn oa VACANT. MOVE RIGHT E 8200 For this new modern bungalow. Too aould not duplicate tha house stone for tn money. All built ins, fireplace, large floored attic; full cement base ment, wash trays, connected with sew sr. ttequire csuv cash. EAST SIDE HOME 81s room modern home -on choice corner lot. quick sals only $4000. Terms. P. F. Pond Realty,- 1230 Bandy boolavard. Tabor 8826. orrioe open Hnnday and evenings. 971 RALEIGH ST. 88800 NINE roam colonial. Wast Side; all modern conveniences, practically new. 1 Q. C. QOLDENBERQ ABINCTON BLDO. . fe; MAIN 4808, MODERN 7 room bone, full basement furnace first floor 4 rooms, attend floor 8 rooms, bath and toilet, all necessary closets, wired for alec- and toilet all necessary closets, wired for o fiyraousa, St Johns, Oa. OWNER O0INO. SOUTH, HAS REDUCED HIS $4000 "PLACE, IN GOOD DISTRICT, WITH 0 ROOMS, SLEEPING POUCH AND FIREPLACE, TO $3650 CASH OR $8760' HALE CASH. OWN ER, WOODLAWN 8520. 1030 MALLOBT AVE.. NEAR ALBERTA BT. $ KOOM bungalow, modern, near earllae; also " 8 room house and garage near high school; one half acre, well improved, close in. for sals or exchaage for small farm near Gresham or Hood River; also good reliiuulhme-ta for sale. Tbor 2499. , BARGAIN 7 or 8 rooms;. 8 rooms oa li floor, answering a B-room bungalow: while up stairs we have a sleeping porch, one bedroom; the rest all finished; arerytmna strictly modern, fireplace and garage: cement floor In basement and garage. 990 E. 20th ':'"v' "'"v -6EfT ROOM bouse nicely arranged, lot 50x100, located oa Webster st, one block from car line. This is a good buy and. w can arrange tern. Price $8600. 3. B. HULLIVAN. 408 Henry Bldg. tOVi BALlT&T OWNEft A good 8-room housa with sleeping poreb: erery convenience; also a good barn, garage, with 4 tores lots. Located at 9718 Foster road, 97th street Lenta. Com aad see for yourself . TITLE Insonanc' is your best protection when -yoa buy - your boms. Have your titles in sured by Title A Trust company. 91 4th street StNNfsibl($8i8"orG'i; ela 'aaidera 4- room cottage or bungalow, with garage, on E. 89th st. Owner leaving city. H- H. Btaub, 1027 Belmont Tabor 219. ilV&C sacrifice my 82600 home ' for $1760; lot 100x137 tt. electric lights, city water, talc phone. 3 blocks to gars $1000 cash, baJaaee to suit Tabor 6S02. NICE COTTAQE $2200 ' doa lal $80 down; balance 839 per atoatb. 218 Railway Ex. bldg. - - , $780 BUYS '8 reom house, lot 4 0x10 0, with eement basement fa Tor a bungalow, street graded aad sidewalk ia. Oa Manhall 721 or 882 Morrison st , - - " . 8 ROOM bungalow, lot 803100. Ar ron look . ing foe a hom.T This is the place. Come and see tt aad asaka tm a easts offer, 863 66Ui et 8. E. - '. ' COR SALE 2 room eottage, 2 tots, 18 fruit trees, electricity, water, fag; $1000, small payavent" Kellwooa FOK-S ALE Modern '; 8 room bungalow wTth CaU hardwood floors aad fireplace, garage. Tabor. g4T. ' '", - ITVE yodtn "cottage, " fine lot ' 80il067 and fruit :- 80$ Corbett at. near Gibb. . Main 2S50. ' ' $ ROOMsr baxement bara. froit trawi: 14 lots, eioee in: $2500, terms. Woodlswn 4088. fc-ROO:.! buRftitloW. full basemen! M. fir $2760. $730 easb. Owner, Wood! t31l, BEAl ENTATB -it FOB BALEHOUSES " CLOSETN bargain oa 3 Ota and East Mor- neon: T-room bouae, good ban on the - ' property, suitable to . make a small coUc tage: laraw kit 83 feet by 100; lot alona worth the priea asked, only 8S6OO4 31000 cash, , balance long timet place - ia good for a loan af $2000; walking distance. - Oa' East 9 th and Hoi man, lust north of - Ainsworth. 8 rooms, plastered and , finished - in basement; fear good rooms on mala floor, 2 finished rooms in attic, , two lota 100x108, iota of fruit and br ties. This ia a good corner. Pric $2650: tarma. Corner f A ins worth aad 14th street -fine modem 6 room bungalow With a ,; lot 100x100, fruit and berries. This ban gakrw has full basement flaa bathroom, two toilets, finished attio. v auai lavs, v iita vu.v 319 tarc 8052. - ,, gaooo mhtchrh ' Oa a 70x2U0-foot sito. with beautiful trees. flowers, shrubbery, fruit etc., is a very minis. n tial 5 room modern bungalow, while enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas. good eement oaaement- uouaa eouia avt be built Tor tn. money. Situated north of Piedmont - Caa ar range terms. , ' A real bargain. - We have over 600 pho tog raphe of inspected homes ia our of- nee lor sale. Twelve experienced, aaiasmso witn autos at your service, aus - FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BCT TOUR HOME . Abinxtoii Building. Main 1088. OFFICB OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. 34000 JEFFERSON HIGH LfAaTRlCT Hera is a real bungalow home ca a full tot rm a mtmmI u.mS.. 1 nnrln nr Klllintra. worth, dose to the Jeiterson Uiga school, public library -and city park.- Olos to three earunes. House is praetickUy new; built Ja convenience best nlumbina fixtures i good eement basement Uundry trays: bouse is equipped with Rector gss radiator system. This is an unusual buy. tan arrange terms. We hare over 600 photograph of inspected homes in our office for sals. Twelve experienced salesmen with auto at your serv ice. Ha,K ' '. ,!!' -. : FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BUT TOUR HOME. Ablngton bldg. Mala 1081. Offlca opea evenings and Sundays. J. A. V ICEMAN CO.. 204 By. Exch. bldg. Main 1094 ' Sunday cell Tabor 9317. $2350 Let oa show you this remarkable bar gain. Seven rooms and ath; Jiving room acrvea me emire irons 91 svuivi . Duteh kitchen, buffet, furnace, full basement, wash trays; 1 bedroom and bath down, 3 up; terms. Only 1 block to ear. This can't be beat for the money and soma ona is going to get tha bar gain of a lifetime. Terms. 3. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Rr. Exeh. bldg. Main 1094 .Sunday call Tsbor 9817, 82500 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW 32500, On E. 3 7th at in the Hawthorne district on a corner lot on paves streets is a neat, o room, gray bungalow eonasTeu white enamel plumbfhi electric liahta and gas, $300 will handle. REA BARGAIN, We have over 600 photographs of inspected home in our office for sale. Twelve experienced salesmen with antoa at your serv ice- , tas FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BUT TOTJR HOME. Ablngton bldg. v Mala 1088. Office opea evenings and Sundays. ROSE CITY PARK Six rooms and paved street In fine loca tion. Go sea this place at 849 E. 61st st N. Has garage, full cement basement, fur-, usee, fireplace aad built-ia featuree. Pric $4200. , WAKEFIELD, TttlES A CO. 85 Fourth St ; . BIO BARGAIN HOUSE AND STORE $8700 II mm home, aleeoina ooreh. full ment and furnace; corner lot,, 50x100 i also good store building oa same lot; excellent grocery or bakery busiiieaa can be established. This property changed hand. 8 years-ago for Cttaoo; owner m leave town unmeoiawsiy. Price now only S7io. ; -- Ll'EDDEMAN COMPAST, 918 Chamber of Commerea. " "fU wTIIORNE" " AVENUE BUNGALOW $3600 8-room modern bungalow, pleasant urine room, dining room. kitchen with veoieat pantry. 8 bedrooms and bathroom, eon erete basement with furnace and laundry trays Mat front lot 60x100 feet Choioe location, E. 47th at, south of Hawthorne ava. Hard surface afreets in and paid for. Terms. WEBSTER L. KIN OA ID, 820 Henhy bldg.i Main 4788. 80x100 WITH 8 room cottage; corner lot aa Ainsworth- ava. It is a bargain. .Priea $2700. Terma " CALL ON rS. ' H. H, UBDAHL CO., TNrj ' Mala 6262 822 Abingtoa bldg. CIXISE TOCa REAL ESTATE DEAL QUICK LT without annoying details through our tttlo inmranc and escrow departmanUj ukker ser Tice aad leas tspeaso than through tha old ab attract meniod. ' " .w4" TITLE TBCST COMPANT. 91 4th street - - HOUSE AND TWO LOTS, 31800. Essy terms: SeUwood district: 18 full bearing fruit treea, berries, grapes, ate,; corner, six blocks of bank, three blocaa of school; newly painted snd papereM; real noma for little mwney. BRUCE GODDARD, 502 Conch bldg. LOT 80x100, 2-room furnished house. $1850. terms. Tmi almost -erven away. "' Lot (5x135; 4-rooa modem housa. $1800 12$ 82nd St, Woodstock ear. HAWTHORNE bungalow, 6 rooms, fireplsce. paved sta.. furnished if desired f owner going away; immediate soeseseion, 88100, $500 cash, Including fnrnitare. 1182 Carut'Aers et 100x100, HOClE of 4 rooms, 4 8 bearing fruit - trtas, city water. lrice $900, term. Take Eastmoreland tnd Erroi Height car to and of line. Inquire at store for Reweman placa. RIGHT ON HARD surface clos to school, two blocks from ear, s-room piararwa nouae, dsui, toilet eleetrio light, gas. cement bssemont, fine chicken honse, fruit trees, etc; price $1760. Call at 890 Powell st Bellwoed 717. POR- SALE Am leaving Portland, 7 room tanu srith fnrnitniw. naved street, near oarline: fruit trees, rosea and other flowers; winter's wood: terma easy; no .incumbrance, Phone Bell. 883. -" ' ' ' FINK o-boom: HOME. IRVINGTON, mod ern. I-OT 60x100: OARAGE; BLEEP rNO "POBCH: WELL BUILT; LAWN, fiHRCBS, EBtlT, CHEAP, EAST 873. herdman. ' " "' KtlcHkONfi a.wnnM modern honse. large basement Una dry trays, lot 80x100: fruit tree and shrub- . a a a a uiA v. -i JL ; street 38800 81500 cash dowa. 80x103 corner bouse, wooashed, new ehioken park. 82200, 8500 cash, balance terms. No trade. 3 block from Artete school. Ta Hgr- fin, . . - . , .- . ' fOR fiALE--Toom iiraM intiii city limit f - n jrtt. . i ...a a .a, bor 8114 gl-n.-r.sts UrM ffruf-t nlt.m Price $1678, very aasy terms. Caa 1198 Seat Lincoln or phone Tabor ton ' -, POR SALE $-room henno and. lot $428: balf easb: bat a nc $10 monthly, at, 6409, 71st st . K. Kfy at 0416, same street M0DEB Irvington bom; must tell In 80 dsve, $ rooms, attic, full basement fireplace, Fox furnaos, beat condition, only $4000. - Phone East 7481. ... ,. FOR SALE, By owner, nice S room house with garasa. lot 132 by 208 ft, nice berries aad fruit trees. Oa paved aUeet $2600; terma, 782 E. 89th et g. -fga-SALE Good 6 room house, full basement city water snd gss, toilet, bath and earnest walks. Lot 64x108. Address . F, B. Gray. R: A., box 827. Base Line road.' nanftAlN Close in a room housa. lodera, nM fin. view.- Sea this at one. 1 block Wood'toofe eaf ; 82 900 email payment sown, rest like rent 790 Brooklyn St. near 34th. -X ItAlViAlN One 4-room furaUhed noma witn seller and woodshed, ' $900, all cash. CaU Tsbor 9449 or go to 0323 02d ava; B. E. -frnn aAi.L A toom modern bungalow aad 10 - room modem house: term, for laformatloa write ta B-87. Journal. 4-RM, modern bungalow, gas, electricity, wash trays, etc; good J"tion near esr.$l3: $1000 dowa. term. $29 Leo av. Belt 1189. MODERN 7-roora bouse 'in food' location, with garage: close in. Owner will sell on easy bnu.. Woodlawn 1935. 7frwvr ' hmnini. aood esndition: f'ralt. reas aad oemeat sldewalis. Owner, 7103 41t ave., M. B. ' " j. . i .... xVinOlj(TT. (9-nea nlastered bouse..- $200 dowa, baL aasy terma., Call Sunday untfl 3 o'clock. 8430 4th eve. 8.- K.. Woodstock. OWNft must seU at sacrifice, only $22(0. roomed house. Doo't fall to tea this. Bell- wood 128, - ' BOSECITfPAEX $ room modern buna-low, bor 7S. ;- - ;Atea.wwaa,r Ta- W 1 1.1, SELL CHEAP, aew 4-rooa plseterwi house, take light car' in first tayaicnti wU gfvo good -deal -Sellwoed 717."'-- . -y 7 K(K1H modern "house end aarace: walking die- - tence: East .Bide: $4600; bargain. Owner, 8 E. 18th et Phone Kast 1922. t'0& SALE House and lot newly painted. A block from MoataviUa carlln. 7 Easi 72d N. Tsbor 9072. E1NE home with income, modern flat 10 mln uti' walk new puetoff'ce; unusual value. $11 osa sr. taat sa. aaoov. isrms. E00'4 boose, lot at 1074 Bolgate at RBAt ESTATE FQR'SACe HOfSES" , SNAPS! ,$100 CASH, S room, black raving, 4 y blocks Woodstock car; -120x1201,,-anap. Fruit outhnUdlngs.-ata.: modera plumbing. $225". ... 82UV CASH, 8 room nest bom, newly painted; modem en bow. vacant ". will taaks ytu an Ideal homa, lark . , S1?? JSl 2-78. , 927 Wtlliama tra 4 3800 CASH, modern 8 room bungalow - 8 wlt Moored attic, cement basement. " , enamel plumbing, electricity gad gaa, . built Ins; 60x100. black car. 119 E. - , .. 67th st N. j , CASH: $2400, roott anodern - Albert bungalow;' block car; ow vacant , -' $700 CASH: $2600. 100x100 aea Jnloa and Alberta; fruit; T room -snodwn plumbing. . - -j $T0: $$400. SOxlOO corner; paring . paid: 6 bedrooms: 8 oomplx.' rooms; modern, ebeerful borne, clos : la; convenient to ear, school and 4 stores: bow vacant. Go look. $20 . Sailing st Main 40$ , . Q..C. QOLDENBERQ, : Abingtoa bldg. "88 years la Partlsnd." 5 ONLY 6 room modem home, bath, - telle. BghU, hot aad cold water, gas, full ermcnt basement laundry trays, Una grounds. 1 00x100 ft corner, garage, J blocks from carline; InimMliata poa : sesnioa caa. be obtained. Will take t-sen. oaianoe 11a. rent- y H05tia :' round Floor. Henry Bldg. 38 4Ui st Marshall $92. , 88500 BKAITTIPUL BUNOAU)W TTntUatlalllw 1 ) I . - n -.. vj i rayii puniunr. Ver nrwtt.v Hrlnw MW,. . .. .1 1 1 . M 'a wookoases; -paneled dining room with mss uuiuv, mil wnive xuuso gitcnen; a light airy bedrooms; white enamel plumbing; full ce ment basement. laundry trays and a real fur nace. Oa a fun lot 60x100, located close ta the car In the beautiful Irvlngton Park. Terms. vte naye over buu pitotegraphs of tnsiiected home. In tMie irriM- fw nr 1-. eiiced saUsmen wRb autos at your serrkra, 8KB JhKANK L. McQUIRlu, TO BUT TOCB- HOME ' ArtltivfAM llniMisiit - tj.4 ntimm pmCK OPEN KVKMNG8 AND SUNDAYS thU office in. im orer TOO photompb of BOmil fuf Ult. amHfarl Im tKaas ateasu1 - 41... - 1 - , mmm vuvi s sngycvMrV SAUW trie ts, with full description. Every heme has oesa appraisea by an expert appraiser; soma 4"k0l bargains. That why we sold aveg 00 homes sines January 1 this year. IS ea- DcrwnGAil m laiman itt iai.saK4id - a . ierrics. BBS FRANK L. McQUIRE -rr. nrrw vatid u-i Abtogton.bldg. : Msln 10st' Office Opea Evetiing and Bundava. MONTA VILLA SNAl-wuTJiuTT IN - - -- ., ,wwu ijuw-j, , iu umm nui. -toilet. light and gas, fine basement big 100 ;-". --"-. wmi au ainoe or oeanna iruii, berries and fine garden, city sewer, cement sfd cuiuiua. u city uens paid. Btrse car passe the door. Handy ta schools, atores and KallM-MW. libd. T . . . . . - -, T. T " -w hww w come right in. Thi. is mi ,no worth looking at Bee E. .V llushaa S(7 liaim,! kMw ti.. Mala 8884V ' ' ', "w $5500 If you want the biggest bargain ia the city in strictly modem turn, we have ft Eight rooms and bath wise everything that your heart could wish for. Call up and let us tell you snout it 81000 cah ia all that 4. sary. If yoa only , want on. of the lute 1 can you a lower price. 3. A. WICKMSM nn ona w. rr.-u s.a. - - " "r " -v,, wti , AMAvu. ulna, - Main 1094 Sunday oaU Tabor B317 Tmr,T,-k,.- ??f! illrt, 5- rooms.. ...., 32800 1J1I E-.lh 8 rooms .......... 8260 '11 S- W00" ....,..,. 8500 262 E 68rd st. rooms 4060 OREGON BOND AMOBTO ACE CO. - 808 Selling Building. Msi 1800 ; We write Fire and Auto Insurance, 44 . Evenings and Buaday phone B-7120 ladustrlal Center. Modern 7 room bungalow, $2300; $500 to $1000 cash. Modern a room irangslow, $3000 cash. Modern 8 room bungalow; $1960: vsry cheap. SO to 80 Semi-modern hauaae and hnnlnw. largo loU, fruit Prices and terms so you caa buy sll tile above. Places are near both earllne. . A. C. Mclanald, 296 W. Lombard. Wdla, 8273. iRVTVfiTO'a tiTiiTaS" CORNER ON HANCOCK IT. - -$6500. , Eight rooxas, 4 bedrooms, bath, full attfn. good furnace, fall eement basement: $1009 down, i be lot la worth $3900. Don't over look this rest bargain. HITTER. LOW4 A ft - S01-8-3-7 Board of Trade bldg. WHT WOBBT 0VKB INCREaSED'BENTIT" $2600 Buys two flat building with 8 room aad bath first floor, tt rooms and bath . second floor. Building in good eon . dltiou, now rented at $17.60 sad $14, Ton can bay this with $600 rash, easy monthly payments. 3. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 By. Exeh. bldg. Main 1094 Bandar call Tabor 9317. BOSB! CITT PARK, 0 rooms. 1 tt Story bun galow with sleeping Borah, furnace, fireplace, screened ia porch off kitchen, built fa bullet. Price $4250, Terms, ' CALL ON "TJS. H. H. UBDAHL CO., INO, Mate 8262 $23 Abingtoa bldg. A BASOAIN 8 room, 9 story honse, eement floor a base ment, with -wash trays, lot 60x60. close in. east side; prioe $2700, terms. ' JT. J. OEDEB, -' Grand are. at East Ankeny at, iTsdoiiAoo mn 1 -. 8 roam bungalow, with sleeping porrh, fire, place, bookasaes, buffet full plumbing; 3 b looks from car. . . Johnson-Dodson Co. 888 It. W, BANK BLDO. MAIN 878T. $8300 FOR A FINE 7-room bungalow, an v E. 16th; fireplace, buffet garage, pared street 3 tt blocks from Irvington. A err fin place ia the finest of eonditloa. Only 81200 cash, balance terms. Marshall $2$. F. L. BLANCHARD--" 819-20 Railway Exchange' bldg. "TRvTffGTO? KaL 0m iTTfi fflr Perfect throughout, large living room, 3 fir, ' Elacee, four. B. B. and A. P., garage, fin t nttural trees, alt draperies, stair runnel and Bind heater included; will take Libert) bonds or cash tip to $4000 for first payment And two ether beauties, at $12,500; exclusSssjl East 81$. , - , HERR is your chance io tiny a nice, attrsetJv 6 room 'eottage, 1 tt block from one of the best earllne of the eity, for 81800; fcaseseent bath, toilet not and cold water, eleetrio light newly painted instd and oat; chtcksn hoiue and yard; lot SOxlOO, Small payment down, bal ance monthly. 88 E. 74ta N. Itiqulr at 1. 1. Oxter's, corner Grand ave. aad E, Ankeny eti 12200 " Buy a (fve rwia tome on full (OTio'5 ' ... lot with paved street; fruit, t'sa of additional lot for tardea and chicken. i'-"', - Clos In: term, .-.. 3. A. WIC'KMAS CO.. 304 By. Exch. bids. Main 1094 Sunday eel! Tabor 98fT. BEFORE closing a real estate purchase inqairs about title lnuranck( Wo delay, no ab stract rennlred. TITLE TRUST COMPANT, , s ' M th street . ' ' S HOOt eottsge, with aaeeesarr elneau, wirel for. gaa and electricity, toilet and bath, doable ' fixtures, full basement, 9 full lota and fruit trees, lota of shrubbery, barn for cow end ben house for chickens, $0900, balf gash.- , V. Down, 088 N. Syraruse, Bt Johns, Or. TBEiUTirOL PIEDMONfTff OMS, " " rooms, oak floors, modern, - $9x10$) lot, improved streets, all paved. 13 bearing fruit teres, shrubbery, rosea end flowers, ' 7 blocks Jefferson High school. - By owner, 1187 Cteve land ave. Plicae C-3419. fiTCE 7 room rolence with 60x30 root lot located 473 Kenllwofth ave. near inrUion' It. Easy term. Pric 83260. - PAUUIRTf WSTEIVS S. M ' 104 Seoond st FOR SALE" By ewaer, leaving -eity, ear rifles $ and ream houseav etoe. in. I squire 704 E - Asb. -A bargain. Or B-808, JonrnaL FOB SALE 8 room"niolerB, $2800, ; , ; , 7" a rvuw mrnwa, wwrmtw e.ovv, - LAC EE REALTY COl, 3018 72d at-; Mt Scott ear. 31600 LE8S than the actual value will buy - a T room up-to-date, awdem bouse, must sacrifice to get money; eaay term. 404 - Ky, Exchange. Phone Main 81 09, Owner. - lUCHMOND bungalow, lit "iron street '" li mediate ssle $8000 cn4 $1000, - Owner, EnmnfL labor 703a. . - - . 100x100 $ room bouse, garage, chicken run, 14 fruit tree, $100 eaan, balance hke rant Inquire 1919 Haven st ' Bt. John ear.-. , 1INE borne," aU modem eonvenlauees, lucjulra " ' "2S t'-l 1 1E. 87 th. Bear Alder. . - ;. . SEW bungalow in LauraUmrvt. WIU Use Cooi lot a part paytnanL 1183 Xlassalo. .-