The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 05, 1919, Page 11, Image 11

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Captain Le Roy Hunt Won Med
i als of Distinction for Conduct
r! In Camnalirn last Ypar.
Soldier Took Part in Belleau
P Wood, Near-Chateau-Thierry,
V.i Overseas.
.3 ,
"Wearing: campaign ribbons denoting
1 participation in iflve battle, possession
of a French rotx do guerre with palm
end star, American distinguished service
cross and a general headquarters cita
tion (or bravery. Captain Le Roy Philip
Hunt assumed command last week of
the marine corps recrutUng station.
' Hunt returned 'from overseas with
.the Fifth regiment, marine corps where
, he commanded w Seventeenth company
jflurlnr the war, after the armistice gain-
jrig a commission as major and assum
ing command of the first battalion of
' The new recruiter arrived overseas In
July, 1917, in the following months com
'mandlng' the Seventeenth company "at
i Belleau Wood, s near Chateau Thierry,
' fiotssons. St. Mihiel. Champagne, Meuse-
. Argonne, , After the armlstke he went
'with his regiment to Germany, Joining
i-the army of occupation. He was there
even months. ' . .
'. Hunt' received' one wound during the
:- trying campaigns of the celebrated Fifth.
' Many another time, he says, he narrowly
, escaped the fate of scores of other men
t. in his regiment
Abe first day Of the allied counter f
: tensive near Solssons. July 18, 1918, and
pieces of the shell ' lodged In his left
shoulder and chest. . Hunt went down
for the count. It is for this he wears a
gold wound stripe on his right arm.
- ? Some of the hottest fighting he saw.
Hunt believes, came when the Second
division, of which the Fifth regiment
of marines was a part, was, detached
from the American army and operated
with the French at Champagne. The oh
Ject of the attack -was to relieve the
.... kt.UA t)k.lH. rj.W 1-
7 In staging an offensive at Champagne
In HIS lost 60,000 men. but the com
bined French and American attack, in
which Hunt participated, was successful.
"I started that night with nine of
ficers besides myself and 185 - men,"
the local mart say. "Only one officer
besides myself . and 85 , men returned."
' His clothes were1 torn, he had a bullet
bole In his helmet and a piece of shrap
nel burst and .struck him behind,
x. Because Hunfs company took a Oer
. man machine, gun stronghold at Cham
jpagne. October J, 1918, he' won hja crolx
deT guerre.? iFofcy leading a attack and
taking ; ridjre. near .St,v Btlamie on
October .V 1918, America, gave hum his
distinguished service --cross.- J
ceossed rsiE p jr ;'" ! '
The general headquartera citation for
bravery vwaf - awarded v for heroism in
crossing the ; Mouse river under heavy
fire November 10, 1918. Hunt declares
the Fifth ' regiment of ' marines,' the
Eighty-ninth division, and another divis
ion he aoea not. know, tried to . cross
. the river ? In" the , face of heavy fire.
Only the first 'and second battalions of
the marines succeeded in getting over..
Five hundred casualties were suffered hv
.the Americans in, the one movement.
Captain Ralph Wilcox, a Portland
man, was with Hunt in some of the
fighting during the Meuse-Argonne cam
paign He acted as adjutant of a marine
. battalion. ,' - , '
. The new director of marine corps re
cruiting in the Portland district succeeds
- Ueutenant Potter, who will retire from
the marine corps after. 11 years of serv
ing Hunt ll-H hi RrlrtTv fea
attended (thi'- University of California.
;He fiat been In' the marine cotjps three
. years. t',-- ', - . .- '
' si-" '?f 1
V J '
Captain Le ' Roy Philip ' Hunt
Portland Proposal ,
IstoBeTaken Up
Astoria, Oct,, 4.ClaUop post No. 12,
American Eegion, Is expected to approve
the plan proposed by the Portland post.
to organise a' civilian reserve to assist
in combating1 Bolshevism and L W. W.
ism and to main tat t -order in case of
emergency, according. to President Hin
man of, the local. post. He said that a
resolution similar to the , one proposed
by, the Portland post would' be Intro
duced at the meeting here Monday.
'Armenians to Be Aided
Astoria, Oct. 4. The Astoria Ki-
wanta club will do all in its power to
help the Armenians, - At a luncheon
Friday '- Dr. -Taylor of Portland spoke
and the club: voted , unanimously to in
stitute a - drive' for clothes : for the
sufferers. ' '
Your Breakfast
- 1!
Working .Men :to Maintain .New
Standards oM.mngr: Safety -:
Council Is Advised.
Cleveland. Ohio. Oct. 4. (I. "N. S.V
"The steel . industry- must' be human
ized to save Itself from industrial rev
olution. , .. , " '
This was the warning, sounded today
by Phillip Stremmel, superintendent of
the National' Knamellng1 & Stamping
Co Granite City, EL, to the metal
section of the eighth annual congress
of the (National - Safety council. -
"Capital will simply invite destruc
tion if it Vttempts - to maintain the
old order," Jie continued, v fThe ; old
days ; are gone and it is . no longer a
question of returning .to pre-war con
ditions, but a question of working out
the demands, the ideals , of labor In
an orderly process. It is either evolu
tion or revolution. - -
Four , steps 'are necessary . to ", solve
the crucial situation - confronting: the
steel 1 Industry Mr. Stremmel declared.
1 Confidence must ' be restored-' be
tween employes and employers.
2 All concerned must learn the les
son ef cooperation. ' - ,
J The steel ; industry must be .hu
4 Realiiation of the part the United
States must . play In world reconstruc
tion.: -
Teachers' Sessions Close
' Roseburg,' Oct. 4 One of the most
successful teachers Institutes ' held in
Douglas county closed ' Friday evening.
State Superintendent Churchill and City
Superintendent Aubrey a. Smith were
among the day's speakers. Meetings of
the alumni f the O- A. C and the U. of
CV. were held Thursday evening. v-
-'-'Bocks Sot Womtn' tttr" t
- Seaside. Oct. 4,Rocks In front ef the
Labbe cottage at Seaside helped save
the : life ' ot Mrs. Susanne D- Muncey.
while bathing in the surf with Mrs, J,
O. Hunter of Portland. A huge nave
struck Mra Muncey, knocking her down
and bruising her.
Henutitching 10c Yard
BOOTH'S k f::.? J
Perfect Tone Control Is An
Exclusive Cheney Feature
"With a. simote tnnc adiustmcnt method it in
kSJ. J possible to get any eraktion of tones on the
j Cheney that ycu. peter. Yot can modulate to
the j soft, wntspers ot at Uiliabyor: itoccasion
demands you can augment; the vohune enough
to 11 a laie dance halL Z -'.J-
Tba - Fear of Indigestion Often
PrempU One to Start the Day v :
s Wron.' Eat What You like, 4
ii as: a Stuart s uyspopsia
- h TeWet nd Yon'ro
Breakfast offers many of the most
savory dishes of ail the things we eat
And yel - more people than otherwise
go without breakfast save a roll and
cup of coffee for fear of indigestion,
if you like a fried egg ,or some buck
wheat or sausage for breakfast go to it
and follow with a Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablet: Yeu'll have no trouble. The
average person who neglects breakfast
will be hungry before noon. Most men
smoke to kill the appetite, or munch
on soraethisu; to carry on till lunch time.
An empty stomach under these condi
tions is not storing- up energy, but on
the contrary, is susceptible to many-influences
that may work hardship for
the next meal.
- It is advisable to eat three good meals
a day and digest them. If the stomach.
seems to do wean, to neip u or give it
assistance is the rational thing to do.
Try a good breakfast and follow it with
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and you'll
soon learn that regularity ot meals fol
lows a natural tendency, not an acquired
one. You will find Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets on sale In almost all drug stores
throughout the United States and
IP- i
j; lgiig1 J ;..
'fd-Stria -Pejoiv v' n' :
Ni r -
twtti , rmM .m
LmiljiillllliuiH iimpn
r Cheney Tones are controlled properlv,. at the
t source. There is a? mjfflmg,eft 'softest
tation to the piece.
Every tone is sweet, pure, marvelously rich. For
the Cheney embodies the fundamental prindples
of the Vioixn and pipe organ. It reaches new
heights in beauty and fidelity of its reproductions.
; "The Lon&er You Play It
The Sweeter It Grows"
iJdhnson Piano Ca
147149 Sixth Street, Bet. Alder and Morrison
A Few of the PUROLA Toilet Preparations
PUROLA - Peroao Cream ' ' PUROLA Hair Tonic 1 - PUROLA Skavta r.m -
15pCjrp"lj IVSZtt PoxoTootli Paste , PUROLA Talcum Powder
PUROLA liquid Face Powder PUROLA Roug. t r. . PUROLA B.ndolin. ,
Most-Seasonable PUROLA Medicinal, Remedies
!....l!.hnn!!,frnMiWf!';'..'. ini ' L.fHiiiin'j'i;iiTiwiiiifiirmiiiiiMiii4fAgryi
jjfrayet requisite ' "1 jSn -:x s
Out Autumn Arrivals In New Stb'cks
Include All, of the Season's Styles
Throughout the store,' in every section our shelves and counters are refilled twith. the
corapletest selections of new goodsu. for fall and winter service. . " . 3
Everything in Fall Time Needs Is Here' for Your Examination During
. - - These Opening Days, ;
And while correctness of fashions and completeness in variety leads in every depart
ment, "prices have been held down to the lowest figures consistent with;a fair profit. ; ,i
.Compare These Items Jor Quality and Cost.-
Everything Desirable In
Women's Fall Ready-tb-Wear
The season's, most ex
culsive showing: of La
dies Dresses, Suits and
-'every jarraent t;ctrefuiry chosen model of tttnctlve autumn attire,
In ftylcj exclusively shown by us, and inciudins; all of the modes in
naakinrf. and the fashions Int fabrics, that are : recognized as distinctive
designs fOf falUt The v wide variety of distinctively . different models
vgiTes"i 'splendid tholctto suit every type of feminine attractiveness.
4 ' . '. ' . . . -, -. .. f . . .- -
itsddts, Skirts, Waists
and Dresses
the Best Styles and CO A up O t?
MaUriels-at .......... . . OAU to eDXeVieJ
ItW lllodee to FaeKlen. CI Q QKQllK
ably Rt AU at.. ..... t3XOee7p to 0Ai.D
1W Styles More Beautiful PQ QQ op COC
.Taaa Ever at . . .. ...... .DOe0 to tDaVltl
fl We will certainly be pleased to see you and to five you our most courteous and personal
come, if only to seeyou'll te welcome and not obligated to buy. i
We've a Splendid New Stock of -
Glove Silk Underwear for Particular Women
r y. In All Styles and at Alt Prices
fff High standard Silk Underwear, fashioned and finished In a perfect mannerdistinctive firmentj,
ithat have met every demand for undersilks and have proven" very popular among particular women.
Here you will find all sizes and styles in Envelope chemise. Vests, Combination Suits. Bloomers. Alt are
most moderately priced:
Vests ... .......$3.00. $3.25, $4.00" Envelop. Chemise ....... $5.00. $5.50. $6.00
Bloomers ..1. ......... .S3.50, $4.00. $4.50. CombinaUon Suits ...... $5.00. $5.50, $6.00
In Our Ivmt Underwear section
Just Received A Brand -New Stock of
Phoenix Silk Hose
All Styles and Colors
At All Prices From '
V $1.50 to $3.00 a Pair
We take, pride in having secured such a splendid new
stock pf the celebrated Phoenix: Silk Ilosecomplcte as
13 in all the new and staple styles and colors silk stock
ings which we know to be unsurpassed ia fit, finish and
durability and unmatchable in quality at the following
prices $10, $1.75, $2.25, $2.'J'5 and $3.00 a pair
Come Make Selection While the Assortment Is at Its Best
Women's Fashionable ,
A t $8 DO and $9 DO Pair
Nothing to Surpass Our Showing of 5
All Popular Styles Are Here v " :--"
Trimmed and Finished in a Manner to
Please You You Have Unlimited Choice
; ;at fl.98iat $239t at$249, at $3J9 ,
i'll Jn our Muslinwear Section n the Main Floor we have
Tlaeed'-on "special 'display a; complete hew stock of
U :Womens Outinr Flannel Gowns.; The assortmentjncludes
alljiew and staple styles In whitfrrrplain, colors and neat pat-1
. terns. tAlt have been made, under the most sanitary condi
- tions.and each 'garment has been finished and trimmed in
i 't inost tjleasine manherf Don't fall to inspect these offer
i'lngs: before purchasing elsewhere, r You'll find our values
, to Pf uomatcnabie.
Beautiful Georgette iGyfepcis .
at Half Price Remnants -
For AH Sorts ofj Remnants ln
Our Fancy Goods Section,; ?
In our Easement you will find cor
rect Fall and Winter styles in Shoes
of reliable . quality . and best of work
manship. priced lower than the same
makes .are sold for in exclusive shoe
stores.-: "'-, . -
fl At the above prices we are showing
both button and lace models Irt-j
black and brown vicl kid. and with .
: doth top all sires. They come witH-.
heavy or light soles and with low . or ,
high heels. h !.
OA saving opportunity that dressmakers -f-I
. and housewives will quickly take advan
tage of. Included are all lengths widths r'
I styles and colors In ,..' ' "
Printed and Plain Georgette Crepos
Silk and Cotton Nets in a great variety:
Chiffon and Trimming ' Braids in many
Shadow, Crochet, Filet and Vol Laces
v'f "
Bathrobe, Flannels
At 85c Yard
Q Brand newi goods-r-raore attractive
.',-"than ever before best 'standard
quality. Bathrobe-FJannels in an unlim
ited assortment of styles md colorings.
-Cotton Sheet Blankets
CTA special lot of fine Cotton Blan
kets, 58 by 76 Inchel. They come
In whyie; tan and gray and are espe
cially desirable for winter sheets., -
V Pl njrT a m):..!! m..iu-;: MtnMi wi-i.w-.f . . . ' -
PUROLA Chloroxin . - PUROLA Analgesic Balm PUROLA LaaoUte , -
PUROLA Crystalia . ..
. PUROLA Enca-MimU
PUROLA Master-Oint ' - ' PUROLA MMtkln
PUROLA Inflnens Treatment ' PUROLA Catarrh Balm
MetCs Heavy
. UJSO to S6D0 Pair
Men who, appreciate well-ippearlnf,
y. -'durante shoes for every day wear
will be well pleased with these lines.-r
13 They'. corner In tan leathers with.
. double and heavy single soles and
' are extra well stitched throughout.;
. . All New Styles at 3Sc Yard
tj la onr Drapery Section on the Mala Floor we have
hvl!!l! .--,?eif,a,h?wLnt'JU4 ! of best standard
V wertej? 4 eSpecI11,y df sl'ab,e or ra9s ; d . comfort
Cotton Batts at $1.48
; tJHne 3-lbBatts,-72 by 84
t ..Inches, made in one piece
, a pure white batt,
Cotton Batts at $1,98
1 A ; 3 -lb. Cotton Batt of
i y fine wool process finish
j pure . white comes - In
one flece. 72x84 Inches. . ,
Store ; Opens
at 8:30 AM:
, v"';'..;-" emssasrsmBBm ' 'V:jV
The Most in ValueThe Best in Quality
Store Closes
ai 5:30 P.M.
i at 6 PsM,.
. e