The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 04, 1919, Page 18, Image 18

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mm woi
Lack', of Cooperative Effort Be
tween ; Denominations Is Held
Responsible for .the Condition,
'ftVifa'--'iPI-.i:; i i.i i ' ' ' i , , '
Scientific Standards Revised for
' Statistical Investigation of JEn
vironment of American Family.
Astoniahlag revelations of Iuw the
HQ or more Protestant evangelical de
1 nomination of the United States have
overlooked Vital religious needs in this
country came to light at a national
conference of religious leaders at Wal
lace Lodge,; Tonkers, N. Y., which has
Just : It was discovered that,
while each denomination had been working-
intensively In Its own fields be
cause of a. jack of cooperation in meth
ods and purposes ' am on them many
fields had been overlooked entirely.
- The conference was called by the In
: terchurch World Movement of North
.America which has undertaken- a com
prehensive census and survey of relig
ious "conditions throughout the world. It
was; composed of the men appointed to
supervise the rural survey In each state.
Although the men came from a great,
. n umber . of denominations. It was re
marked, as an Instance of the spirit of
Interchurch movement that nobody
thought at .the time to"1 find. out which
particular churches were " represented.
' Each delegate was asked to make a
brief preliminary statement of. present
conditions in s his own commonwealth.
Practically without exception they re
ported whole communities, counties and
even larger districts In which Christian
work, la at a standstill and In which
there were no living churches or active
ministers. ' Not Infrequently these would
; be surrounded by communities so full
- Of churches that they got In one an
other's way, but struggled along inef-
: fectlvely without any well developed
sense of community usefulness.
The. discussions resulted, in agreement
" as to all the details of the survey to
1 be made in each rural county (n the
: country. Scientific standards were re
vised for a statistical Investigation of
: the existing environment of every Amer
ican family with relation to alt the re
liglous and social agencies of the coun
try. .
When the census Is complete, the facts
will be analyzed and tabulated. They
will then be available for every denomi
nation. The . interchurch world move'
ment, it was agreed, exists for strength
, entng of every denomination and not for
the weakening of a single one of them,
It : was ; hoped that the , ascertained
facts would afford bases for local, state'
wide and national cooperative efforts
' that would enable Protestantism to see
Its tasks as a whole and undertake them
In a sane and businesslike way.
- Interdenominational advisory councils
were reported aa complete in 29 states
and In process - of formation In the
' others. - More than 200 county councils
' have been formed. Surveys are com
, plete in 28 counties and half or three
quarters complete in more than ISO.
Dr. Edmund de S. Brunner of, the
Moravian - church, an expert on rural
church work and head of the rural sur
vey department of the interchurch world
movement., presided.
The Rev. John D. Rise of Portland is
directing the- Interchurch survey In
Western Oregon..
Be Blessed!
Will It BeJUnder the
4 ' : League, of Nation??
i Bible chronology shows that God's
promise to Abraham to bless all na
tions, so long, delayed, is now due
to be fulfilled. How? He works
through natural agencies. Is He
using the League of Nations for this
Sunday, October 5
3 P. M.
llth St Bet. Waskleg toa aid Alder.
International Bible Student
- 4.
...k VFV Jj'Xf aBi
All Nations to
Very cordially Invite-you and your friends to worship with' them and
'' - - greet their minister; , . ;
Rev. WM T. McELVEEN, D. D.
y - ; This is Dr. McElveen's first Sunday as a pastor In Portland.
His sermon topics will be : - ;
v:il.O0 A, M. 1 Am Ready to Preach the Gospel in Portland."
.n--- , 7s45 P. M, "The Life Emphatic."
1 - i.- Helpful sermons. Good music
- gaaday School Bally, Itit A. M Caristlaa Eadeavor, t:M P. M.
'.Thousands of'chUdren waiting admission to our,
; orphanages. ' Their rags insufficient protection for
coming' winter.", t This is the latest word from Ar-
- menia.i - , , , :
The lives of these little ones may be saved if we
organize, ourj workers "for" a ' neighborhood canvass
- Sunday or. Monday. " 4- . .
1 ; ' v j. handsakefu -.
EMM EL. Methodist
missionary, who Ails
for India on October 30, after
being commissioned by
Bishop Hughes.
.xc:xzi &
Dr. Waldo Announces
His October Themes
Dr. William A. Waldo, pastor of the
White Temple, begins next . Sunday on
a' series of Sunday .morning discourses
on the general theme, "The New Testa
ment Church" first century messages
peculiarly adapted to the needs of the
twentieth century church. These ser
mons will be a careful study of the mod
ern church, dealing with some of the
most practical questions of character,
life and destiny. The respective themes
follow: October 6, "The First Gleams
of the Gospel Day" ; October 12, The
First Pentacostai Blessing"; October 19,
"The First Apostolic Miracle; October
26, "The First Ecclesiastical Trial" ; No
vember 2, "The First Unexpected Apos
tasy"; November 11, "The First Seven
Deacons"; November 16, "The First
Christian Martyr."
Prof. Hering Will
Lecture October 5-6
The First Church of Christ,. Scientist,
in Portland, announces three free lec
tures on Christian Science, to be deliv
ered in the church edifice, Nineteenth
and Everett streets, by Prof. Herman. S.
Hering, C.S.B., of Concord, New Hamp
shire, member Of the boara of lectureship
of the mother church, the First Church
of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass.,
Sunday afternoon, October 6, at 3 o'clock,
Monday and Tuesday evenings, October 6
and 7, At 8 o'clock. Doors open one
half hour before lecture. She public is
cordially Invited to be present
Evangelist to Give .
Bible Lecture Series
Evangelist I K. Dickson will open n
fall series of Bible lectures beginning
Sunday night, October 6, at 7 :45 o'clock
In Chrlstensen's hall, Eleventh street be
tween Morrison and Yamhill streets.
The subject for the opening lecture will
be "Men or Monkeys Which? Did" Man
Come From the Garden of Eden or From
a Zoological Garden?' This topic will
be handled from the standpoint of Bible
prophecy. Special music is being pre
pared . for this opening service by Prof.
I. C. Colcord. The public Is invited to
attend. Seats are free.
Dr. Mackay Again to
Preach at Central
Dr. Donald D. Mackay, former presi
dent of Whltworth college at Spokane,
Wash., and who has just returned from
a year In war work,- will, again occupy
the pulpit of Central Presbyterian church
at both services Sunday. Sunday, Octo
ber 12, will be "Rally day" at Central
church,' the feature of which will be a
stereoptioon lecture on "By Canoe and
Caravan Through the Heart of Africa."
Over SO scenes will be displayed.
Quarterly . Meeting
The Quarterly meeting of St. Paul's
Lutheran church will be held at 8 o'clock
Monday night. The Bev. A. Krause will
preach Sunday morning and evening.
Miss Dorothy Nichols of
Chicago will tell the story of
Her Conversion to Protestant
am '"Sunday, 8 P. M., at Third
United Brethren Church, 67th
street, near 32d Ave. S. E.
leek South.
A". .V Or A ,V," f JJ-. . -- V. .W.-.'.-.-.'J. -X. -J c
Foreign Missionary Organization
of Methodist Episcopal Church
to' Be Important Gathering.
The Columbia River branch of tha
Woman's Foreign. Missionary society of
the Methodist Episcopal church, which
comprises Montana, Oregon, . Washing
ton -and Idaho, will hold its annual
branch meeting In Portland,' October 9
to 12. Prominent Methodists from all
Mparts of the Northwest, who are .Inter
ested in the foreign mission cause win
attend this meeting.
Mrs. Matthew Simpson Hughes, wife
of Bishop Hughes, is president of this
branch, which was organized In Portr
land in 1892. During Its existence it has
sent out 24 missionaries. Four more are
also under appointment. These are en
gaged in medical, evangelistic and edu
cational work in India, China, the Phil
ippines, Korea, Africa and South Amer
ica. About 150,000 is to be raised by
the women of the Northwest this year to
promote the work.
There are 11 branches of the organi
zation in the United States. This year
also marks the golden Jubilee of the
formation of the general organization.
This was formed in 1869 at Boston.
Bishop Hughes will address the meet
ing on October 9. Mrs. Ellen Warner
Fox. who was the pioneer missionary
in Burma, will .be present. . Also .Miss
Anna I. Godfrey, who is on furlough
after spending five years In India. Miss
Aetna L. Emrael, under appointment to
educational work in South India, and
Miss Elizabeth Carlyle, a trained nurse,
will be in attendance. MisS Emmel,
will sail for India on October 30.
Bishop Hughes, will decorate her with
a service of commission on the closing
night. - The names of several local Meth
odist ministers appear on the program.
Mrs. Uri Seeley is vice-president;
Mrs. A. R. Maclean, recording secretary ;
Mrs. A. N. Fisher, corresponding secre
tary ; Miss Nettle M. Whitney of Ta
coma, treasurer ; and Mrs. William
Rouse Keene of Spokane, secretary of
the home base.
Realization League
Services to Start
Sunday the Realization league will be
gin its autumn series of services. The
speakers-for the next ew weeks, are
the Rev. H. Edward Mills. T. A. Harper,
Miss Laura G. Eaton, Dr. George D.
Wllcoxon. The general subject of the
series Is "The Common . Ground of AU
Great Religions and Philosophies." The
Rev. Mr. Mills will preach at 11 o'clock
and Mr. Harper at 8 p. m.
Sixteenth Sunday After Trinity
Uniform Sunday School Lessons
Review: "John and peter Become D-dples
of Jen-, John 1:39-43.
Golden text: "Jesus ttith ante him. follow
me." John 1:48.
Young People's Topies
Baptist Union "Our Relation to Othera,"
TV tord World-Rmtherboud. Luke 10:23-87.
(Ccniecrtion mac tint.)
Christa Bsdeater "Oar Betktleas to Oth
rr," IV. Toward World Brotherhood. Lnke 10-S3-ST.
(Consecration meeting.)
Epworth XntvM "Tralninc In Citlseaibip."
I Peter 2:11-20.
First White Temple. 12th and Taylor Rt.
WillJam A. Waldo. 11, "The Pint Uleants of
the Gospel Day"; 8. ."A Crooked Woman Made
Kt Bide E. 20th and 8almon Rev. W.
B. Hinson, Rev. K. T. Cash, associate. .11. "A
Man la Known by His God." followed by com
tnunion seiriee and reception of new member;
l :su, a. uan bo roor li Has No ttod."
Third VinrnnTfr and Knott ReT. Wable J.
BeaTen. 11. "The Way of Failare and Success";
7:30. "Spiritual Extravagance."
Arteta Rev. Owen T. Da. 11. "Hid With
Christ in God"; , "Tha Re -relation of the
Soulay School Teacher te Youth.'
C'slrar -K Rtn and Orant Ttas 1 R
Thomas. 11, 8.
r.lmnv V. 4 .th 'l.ln n.a V f
Lavlette. 11. "When Faith Brought Results,'1
followed by communion service and reeeDtion of
new members; 7:30, "Tha Uniren-l Cry of
Humanity." -
SeUwood Befttany 11, 7:10.
Grace K. 76th and
Ash. Bar. Chirlei
Waehlta. 11, 8.
UniTersity I'ark Ker. . Lawrence Black.
11. 8.
Swedish lfith and HotU. nt T n aui.
de. 10:30. 7:80.
Bt Johns Rer. Edgar Barton. 11, T-80.
Highland E. ffth and alkaa fa. W "P
UOIiken. 11, 8.
Pro Cathedral lBth and TJarla Rev. HL V
OHera. 6. 7:15, 8:80. 8:45. 11, 7:45.
..St. Peters Lenta ReT. p. Beutgen. 8,
10:80, 7:30.
St, Lawrenes 8d and Kli.miiy- H J n
Hughes. 6. 8:80, 10:30, 7:30.
8t- Francis K 12th and Piiunv I n
Black. . 8. 8. 1(1 .80. 7:80.
Immsenlste Heart of Msry Williams and
Stanton Rt.' W. A. Daly, 6. 8. , 11, 7:30.
Holy Rosary E. 8d and Clsckamaa Est. E.
S. Olson, . 7. 8. 9. 11. 7:80.
8t. Rose E. 63d and AUmeda Bar. J.
O'FarrelL 8. 10 80. 4. r
8t Andrew E. 8th and Alborta Be. 3.
Eiernan. 8, 10:30. 7:30.
The Madeleine B. 24th .and SlskijoQ Bar.
George F. Thompson. 7:80.' 0. 11.
Ascension B. Totn and lam U1I1 Franctsoaa
Fathers. 8. 10:80, 7:80. .
Blessed Sacrament Maryland and Blandena
Bar. F. W. Black. 8, 10:30. 7:80.
Holy Cross 7T4 Bowdout Ber. C Raymond.
8. 10:80. 7:80.
St Ignatius 8220 4 3d at S. E. Jesuit
Fathers. 8:80. 8. 10:8O, 4
8 b. Stephens E. 424 and Taylor Be. War
ren A. Waitt. 6, 8:80, 10:80, 7:30.
Holy Bedeesiep .Portland bird, and Taneony
ver ae. Re. William J. Darine. . 8, 10:80,
St Phillip Nert (Pasdis Fsthersl E. Ith
and Hickory Rer W. J. Cartwright 7:80,
t. 10:30, 7-30.
St Clements 8. Smith a. . and Newton
Sorbite Fathers. , 8. 19:80, 7:80.
Sacred Heart E. lltk aad CenUl ReT, G.
Bob. 8. 10:80. 7:80. ,
St Agatha E lBts end MiIlaT--BT. J.
Commlnsky. 8. 10:80. 7.89.
- St Stanislaas (Polish) Maryland and XaO
ine Be, r. Matthew, 8. 10 JO. 7:80. -
St Joseph (German) 15th aad Coocb
Be. B: Doner. 8, 10:80. 7:80.
8t Michael (Italian) tfh and i Mm Be.
M. Balestra. . 8:30, 10:80. 7 0. -
St - CUre Capitol Hiii Father Captains,
a F. M.s 8. 10:18.
St. Charles E. 8Sd and Alberta Be. J.
P. OTlynn. 3 8. 10:80. , ''
An Saints B. 89th and GUsaa Ber. Fatheg
WUliam Cronia. 8. 1040.
St. Patricks 19th and Batr -Bev. Charier,
M. Smith. Masses 8:80. 8, 9:16. 10:80. 7:46.
' . - OhrlaUan . ,
'-Flrat Pat and Colombia Re. Ttsmld H.
Oriffis. 11. "The ' Possibilities of the Modern
Bible School"; 7:4 S. "Tha lactiea at the Chrf.
Una Fight" , .,,-,,. . .,....-..
Kast Bide rE. 1 2 th and Taylor Bet. H. H,
Sawyer. 11, 8.
Kodne Aenna Bnriney and Knott Be.
B. Earl ChiWers.ll. "Why Go to Chnreh"; 8.
, Montartila E. 7th and Ulisan Me. Her-
Woodlawn E. 7th and Liberty Re. Joseph
D. Bora, ii, s, . ,.
VernonE. 15th -and Wyfaat Ba. B.
Tibba Maze. 117 JO. , ... i. . . , ...
ade.vMcat the Sriterchurch
$61y Communion5 to" ?3e' Observed
Bresbyteriah Service T&i Special
, Fall holy communion services will be
observed in almost every Presbyterian
church of the city on Sunday morning,
this being the first Sunday of the month,
i At the First Presbyterian church the
Rev. W. W, WlUard, D. .D.t .will begin
a month's supply tomorrow. In the
morning- a ' communion . service will be
held,. Dr.? WUlard will give a brief
communion message.' . In the evening at
7 :15 ' Edgar E. Course n will give an
organ recital with the following pro
gram': .
"Processional March". ......... . .Merkel
"Moderate" Merkel
As "a feature of the evening service
Mrs. Virginia . Spencer Hutchinson Will
sing , "The' Evening Prayer", by Costa, i
) New courses of study will be given in
all departments and classes of the' Bible
Bchool at 12:15. A cordial invitation is
extended to all who wish' to spend this
winter in Bible study. , Classes are con
ducted for. all ages.
i Piedmont Presbyterian church will
observe the annual Rally day Sunday,
beginning with the Bible school session
at 9 :45 a. m., at which time City Com
missioner C. E. Pier will give the rally
day talk. '
I At ,11 o'clock the autumnal commun
ion" service will be observed. At 6 :30 p.
m. a special rally of the young, people
win be held for fellowship and reorgani
zation. At 7:80 p. m.j Dr. A. L. Hutchi
son, pastor, will give the second sermon
in his new series on "Types of Christians
Among the Twelve Disciples." Begin
ning this i week, the mid-week service
will be held hereafter In the church par
lor on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock.
! The Lord's supper will be celebrated
at 11 a. m. Sunday at Forbes Presby
terian church. At this service five
newly elected elders wHI be' installed as
members' of the church session, four of
whom will first also be ocdained. Sev
Mr. and Mrs. Eliot
To Hold Receptions
i The Rev! and Mrs. William G. Eliot
desire to- meet all the people of their
congregation' at Informal receptions
Monday of each week through the com
ing months, from 8 to 10 p. m af their
home at 681 Schuyler street. Instead
of issuing a general Invitation for one
evening, they have divided the parish
alphabetically and will Invite a group
at a time. Newcomers in the city are
Invited to attend any meeting.
. .
Glencoe Building
I Fund Is Growing
: The $4000 campaign fund of the Glencoe
Baptist church Is reported to be growing
rapidly, which means that .the boys
club will soon be started. The new
church orchestra will play Sunday eve
Christ Ian Selene
; Leswa subject: "Unreality. '
i First lth and Everett. 11. 8.
Second E. th and Holladay. j 11. 8.
; Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11. 8. .
: Fourth Vancouver and1 Koierson, 11, 8.
Fifth 62d and 4 2d a. 8. R. 11.
: Sixth Masonic Temple. 888 TamhiU. 11. 8.
Seventh Bolbrook Mock. St Johns. 11.
! All churches . Wednesday. 3 p. m.
V - Oonavatatlonal '
Flrat--Park' and Madison. Dr. W. T. McEI
Teen. 11, "I Am Beady to Preach Uie Gospel
in Portland"; 7:45, "The Ufa Emphatic.'
Sunnvaide E. J25 and Ter.v Kev J. J.
Staub. 11, "Christ's Death and My Salvation."
followed by communion service; 7:45. short ad
dresses by four delegate to Seabcck Missionary
' Atkinson Memorial E. 29th and Everett
rlc7. K K. Flint 11. "A "Onod Investnwn :"
7:30, "CondiUons in Europe," by J. G. KJ1
pack Highland E. ftth and Prescott Bev. Edward
Constant 11. "Sacramental Values" and com
munion; 7:30, sacred concert.
Waverley H'iglil' E. 33d std Woodward
Bev. Oliver P. Avry. 11, "Two Vision of
Jesus,' followed by communion service; 8, il
lustrated sermon on "Running Down.
Laurelwood 6th ave. and USth st S. E.
Mrs. Alice M. Handsaker. 11.
Pilgrim Missouri and 81iaver. ' Bev. Bnberl
Murray Pratt. 11, "Eye Bight March" 7:30.
"Young People' Musical Evening."
: Finnish Mission 107 akidmoro Rev. Sam
uel Kevala. 0, 780.
: University Park Haven and Lombard Bar.
C H. Johnston.
St Johns 8- Ivanho and Richmond Be.
J. T. Merrill. 11. 7:80.
Danish-Norwegian E. 2 3d and Sumner
Bev. Ola Torgessea. 11, 7:30.
First German B. 7th and Stanton Rev.
Geon Zocher. 11, 7:80.
Second German E. 8th and Siidmore Rev.
Henry Hagelgsna. 11. '1 :30. .
Zion German E. 9 th and Fremont Rev.
J. H. Hopp. 11. 7:30.
Parkro Bev. P. D. Holfman. 11. 7:80
' Church of the Brethren Borthwick and
Braina rd Bev. Georga, C Carl. 11.8.
, f . tplsoeesl
?ro-CatMdrat of St Stephen tha Martyr
Rt Rev. W. T. Sumner, bishop; Very Bev. B.
T. T. Hick, dean. .7:45, 11. 7:45.
Trinity 19th and Everett Bev. A. A. Mor
rison. 8. 11. "The Birth of a New World";
8; 'Visions."
St David E. 12th and Belmont Re.
Thomas Jenkins, rector. Service in charge of
Bev. Walter Gray. 7:30. 9. 11. 7:30.
St- Marks 21st and Marshall Bev. J. O.
Barton. 7:30. 9:45. 11. 8.
- St Andrews Hereford rt. - Portsmouth
Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 9, 14. 7:80.
Grace Memorial E. llth and Weidler Ber.
Oswald W. Taylor. 8. 11.
i Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham
Be. John Dawson, 11. 8.
i St Michael ant' all Angela E. 43d and
Broadway Rev. T. F. Bowen. vicar; 8, 10, 11.
Church of Our -Savior 60th are. and 4lt
st 8. E. Rev. E. H. Clark, vicar. T:30, 11.
: Bishop Morris Memorial Good Samaritan
hospital Bev. Frederick K. Howard. 7. 9:80.
i St Pauls Woodmere Rev. Oswald W. Tay
lor. -.4.
All Saints 25 th and 8a vie r--Rev. Frederick
K. Howard. 10. 11. 7"
St Johns Memorial EL 15th and Hamey,
SeUwood. Re. H. Clark in charge. 11. 7:80.
8t Matthew Corbett and Bancroft EeT.
W. A. M. Breck. vicar. 10, 11.
i Cvaneolteal ,
I First E. th and Marks Be. IE. p. Hora
chuca. 11. 7:30.
; Clay Street 10th and Clav Be. Jacob
Stacker. 10:45 (German) ''What Think Te
ef Christ t" 8. service at the "Altanhaim". a
Exposition of the Letter to the Boasaaa. "The
Test of Diseipleship."-
Swedish Tabernacle K. 17th -and Glhan.
Kv. J. xswin. n, t:o. ;
I, Frae lAeUiodlst.
Central E. 66th and Flanders Rev. E.J.
Harrington. -:; 11, 7:30. - t
: First E. 9th and Mill Rev, 8, H. Cptoa.
II. 70.-. "-.v -- -
t Alberta E. SOtB and Wvcant -Rav. lb.
Beers. 11. "The Criminal Extravagance of tha
a ".. - - v. ., t .
St Johns East Richmond and Hadsoo Bar
E. Ik Blackmen. , 11. 7:30. - an.
;Ijta Bav. . Hj, Upton, acting pastor. SA9.
- Frand, , "
i WraAV.Mtk and Mala Bar. Hoaar U
Cox. 11, 7:45.
Jwwlstt '
I- CoaresHoB BetV Israel 12th and Main
- vn o. ' n se. - naiorm synaaoraa).
Services. Friday 8 p. m.. Baturdav 10 7TV'
Saturday. St30 a. la.
a.v:-n57?Jt."in TiT Tjlmnd Torh
iS, . VZ : "smrmra a. Koatncrantx.
Friday.' I p. a; Saturday, 9 a. m-: Sunday, 10
1- ., .- aattar fa Salute .--r
j Cfaareh of Jeu Christ of Lssr Day UbU
- ' ,;M.i ..-;'.,
eral new members win be received. At
J0 p. tn. the young people meet In a
special session prior to their meeting on
Monday night, when they- plan to organ
ize a young people' society The pas
tor, the Rev. W. W. Long, will preach
Sunday? evening. 'Special music has
been provided t or the. regular services.
The new pastor of Calvary Presby
terian church, the ; Rev. I Bowrlng
Quick; will also observe the communion
service-Sunday morning. A 1 - -'
Reception will be"(g1ve to new mem
bers and communion service will be held
Sunday morning at the Fourth Presby
terian church. Mrs. George Hotchkiss
Street will sing "Behold The Master" by
Hammond. In the .evening Mr. Street
will sing. "O Jesus. Thou Art Standing."
by.Nevln. The evening service with the
community sing feature's ' Is attracting
large, audiences; A personal visit will
soon be made to every home in South
Portland to acquaint them with the so
cial features of the church. A gymna
sium, shower baths, and. club rooms are
being' placed in the church for the ben
efit, of the people In the community.
At Kenllworth Presbyterian church
the quarterly communion service win be
held at 11 a. m. The pastor will give a
communion meditation. At 7 :30 p. m. J.
J. Handsaker, state, director of the
American committee for i relief In the
Near, East, will speak. r
The Rev. D. A,- Thompson also an
nounces a communion service for Sun
day -morning at. Mispani Presbyterian
church. He. will preach morning and
evening. -
Rally day. will be observed Sunday at
Trinity Presbyterian church. At ,10 a.
m. the Sunday, school opening exercises
will be conducted. At 10:30 the special
program will be given la the church.
The Rev. Theodore P; Smith, pastor, will
preach at 7 :30 p. m. . ,
ning. The ordinance of the Lord's Sup
per will be . administered at the morn
ing service, and the hand of fellowship
will be given new members.:: Last Thurs
day evening the annual banquet and roll
call was held in the basement. Reports
show that over 60 members united with
the church during the: year. The Rev.
P. C. Laslette Js paetoc .
4 -v. - .
Special Mission Rally
A special' mission rally will be held
Monday evening in Our Savior's Luther
an church. "Among the speakers are the
Rev. Sigurd Knutson, recently installed
pastor of Trinity -church, Portsmouth,
and the Rev. B. E. Bergeson of Seattle.
Special music ' has been - provided for.
Friends of the church , are invited.
Ministers Meet Monday
The October meeting of the Portland
Ministerial association will be held Mon
day morning at 10 :30 at the Y. M. C. A
auditorium. The special feature of the
program will be a paper and forum dis
cussion on "Antidote to Bolshevism,"
conducted by H. P. Lee
- Lutheran
8t Jam -W. Park and Jefferson Btv.
Wm. E. Brlnkmaa. 11. 70.
St Pauls E. 12th and Clinton Bev. A.
Krause. 9:80. 10:30. "The Holy Gbort Has
Called M By the Gospel"; 7:30. "How to
Weapon Otirselvet Against Offense la tha Cross
of Christ"
Our Savior' E. 10th nd Grant Rev. M. A.
Christensen. (EnglBib) 11. "Christ's Victory
Over Death": 8.
Trinity (Missouri Synod) Williams and
Graham Bev. J. A. Rim bach. 9:15, school ;
10:15, German service; 7:30. English service.
Bethlehem Norwegian J 4 th and Deris Bev.
Wilhelm IVttr-tcn. ' 11, 8.
Grace (English) Mason and Albraa. Bev. C.
H. Bernard. 8:45. 7:46.
Bethel Norwegian (Free) Wygaat and Bod
ney. Bethany Danish Evangelical Union and Moo
ria Be. L. P. KJoller. 11, 8.
St John Peninsula and Kflpatrick Bev. L.
Ludwig. 10:45. 7:3,0.
Swedish Augnstana Stanton and Rodney
Bev. V.-O. Ogren. 10:46, 7:45.
Immanuel 1 9th and Irving Bev. A. V. An
derson. . 11, 8.
Trinity (Norwegian) Lovely and Fortune
Bev. 8. A. S tense th. 10:80.
Zion Evangelical (Missouri Synod) Chap
man and Salmon Rev. Ii. 11. KoppeUnaan.
0:15. 10:15. 7:45.
Methodist Episcopal
Centenary B. 9th and Pine Be, J. C.
BolUn. 11. 7:30.
Central Vancouver aad Fargo Rev.' A. R.
Maclean. 11, address by Miss Oils Grace Davies;
7:30, address by Mrs. Mellinger.
Clinton Kelly E. 40th and PoweS Rev.
John Parsons, 11. "
Epworth 28th and Ba-rier -Rev. I. Stanford
Moore. 11, 8.
First 12th and Tsjlor Bev. Joshua Stana
fieW. 10:30. 8.
First Norwegian Danish 18th and Heyt
Ber. Ellas dealing. 11. "Doing What We
Can"; 8, "To Whom Shall We Oof
-Garden Home Rev. A. B. Calder. 10;30,
7:45. ' .,
Laurelwood E. 63d and Foster. Bev. A C.
Breckenbury. 11, 7:30. : -
Lent Locien R. Jones. '11, 7:80. I
Lincoln E. 6 2d and Lincoln, Bev. F. A.
Ginn. 11.
Mouta villa E. 80th and Pine Rev. Hiram
Gould. 11, 8.
Mt Tabor E. 61st and Stark. Bav. E. Olln
Eldridge. 11. service for Sunday school and
address by Miss Nellie Johnson; 7:30, illustrated
lectors by Rev. Lucisn Jones of Aligarh, India.
Rose City Park Be. D Lester Fields. 11.
SeUwood Bev. W. S. Gordon. 11, 70.
, Sunnyside E. 35tb and Yamhill Bev. W.
F. Ineson. 11.
St John W. Leavitt and Syracuse Bav. J.
H. Irvine. 11, 8.
Swedish Beech and Borthwick Bav. Abet
Eklund. 11, T:45. ,
University Park Fiske and Lombard Bev.
J. T. Albert 11, 8.
Vancouver Avenue Norwegian Danish Skid
more and Vancouver. Be. ; C. i. Brnnini .
11, 8.
Westmoreland Rev. - F. A. Ginn. 8.
" Wilbur- Multnomah hotel Be. Francia Bur
(etta Short 10:30.
Woodstock E. 44 th and Woodstock rBev.
L. C. Poor. 11.
Woodlawti E.. 10 th aad s Highland Be.
Kloster. 11. 7:48.
District superintendent. Bev; WiHiam Wallsee
Toungson, D. V.. 691 E. 6 2d at N. Tabor 2790.
. ,M. I. Couth
First- Cnkm and Multnomah Bev. J. W.
Byrd. 11. "The Factors at Christian Triumph";
7 145. "Tb Service Uniform-".!
First E. 10 aad Weidler Bev. J. T.
Little. 11. 7:80
Sellwood E. t)th and SpokAoe Ba. Weave
W. Hess. 11. 7:30.
Brentwood 65th ave. and 67th at Bav.
C U. Fowler. 11. 7:80. "
Highland Park E. 14th and K ulingswortn
Rev. W. P. Keebangh. 11, 8.
Scandinavian Bev. J. C. Bringedahl. 11,
80.,. v . iit.Ml.M ' T' ' '.
rrfwanrsaviaw :
Firat 12th and: Alder. Preaching by Dr. W,
W wniard. 10:30, sermon and communion;
7:30," "What'a tha matter with the world f"
Westminster East 17th and Scimyler Rev.
Edward H. I'ence. 10:80. "The Great Teat That
Wi An Immortal"; 7:30, "Eve, Uw First
Calvary llth and Clay. Bev. I Bouriag
Qutciv 4 10:30." "Chriatiaa Character," cona
mnnkm: 7:80, -Hope." - , '
Mt Tabor E. 65th aad Belmont Rev. Ward
MacHenry. 11. 8. - -
. Vernon 19 th and Wytant Be. Brace
O.' Giffen. 11. "Tour . Thought"; 7:30,
"Walking by Insight" ' "' ,
Ptedmonv 'leeiand and Jarrett- -Rev. A. L.
Hutchinson. Rally Sunday. . 8 :4 5, address by
UotnmMoner iX E Ifer; tl. eommunioa serv
ice: 7 :30. "Tbe Faulty Christian."
Fourth first and 3ibba. He, Mowroe .
G Everett. 10:30, . "Too Heart of BeHgton":
7:80, "Who Are the Lost and Who Are she
Saved f . - , - - - - .
Kenllworth E. ; 34 ta and Gladstone---Be.
Paul E. Bataeh,' 11, commaruon service; 70,
address by-J-
Survey in Episcopal Nationwide
7 Campaign Is Outlined in Let
ter to Diocese Chairman. '
Ban Francisco, Oct. 4. One of the
most Important developments as a, re
sult of the coming of Dr.. Lewis G,
Wood,; associate director of the nation
wide campaign of the Episcopal church.
to the Pacific coast was the appoint
ment of theRt. Rev. George C. Hunting,
D. D bishop of the missionary district
of Nevada, aa the representative' of the
national committee in the eighth
province. - Bishop Hunting has opened
offices at Reno, Is ev.
In a letter sent to all diocesan chair
men, 'Bishop Hunting asks for the early
accomplishment of all. forms and survey
blanks now In the hands of the diocesan
committees. His letter also carries an
outline of the nation-wide campaign to
date. His letter, m part, reads:
"Fifty-five diocesan -surveys have
come In, calling for about 1000 workers
and 825.000,000.,
"Emphasis was laid on the great need
of getting four months' subscriptions to
general church papers.
"Suggested that clergy for the . next
eight weeks preach two Bermons on
religious education, three on social serv
ice, three on missions. Parish training
conferences urged for the training of
parochial committees, outlining 'Purpose
and Plan .of N. W. C. "World's Need
and Church's - Opportunity." . "Call of
Country and Church's Response.'
. "There should be information men,' or
women. In every congregation, and from
noW on one should speak to each con
gregation each Sunday for four or five
minutes, j :
'There will be held diocesan con
ferences, 200- in number w-Hh about 200
leaders. These are now under way.
New Pastor to Take
Up Work on Sunday
. i
Rev. L. Bowring .Quick, who, with Mrs.
Quick and daughter, have just arrived
from Roseburg, - will begin his work In
Calvary Presbyterian churchron Sunday,
preaching both 'morning and evenlftg.
The 'church has long' been without a
regular minister; and the members now
look forward to development of the work
under the leadership of Mr. Quick.
Will Answer Question
The Rev. S. Earl Chllders. will answer
the question, "Why Go to Church?" in
his Sunday morning -sermon at Rodney
Avenue Christian church. Special mu
sic will be given by the choir under the
direction of Mrs. Maude Bowen.
Hop 78th nd Everett Bev. H. B. Giles.
11, 8.
Bos City Dr. Robert H. Ullligan. 11. 'The
Sacrifice That God Detsands"; 8, "Thro An
cient Non-Conformists."
Forbes Graham and Cantenbem Rev Ward
un Long. ii. communion service; 7:80. "Tb
Measure of Duty."
Trinity Virginia and Nebraska Be. Theo
dore P. Smith. 11. special rally day program;
7:80. "An Investment in OS."
Anabel Bv. K. M. MUweU. 11. "Loyalty
to God"; 7:80, "The Expulsive Power of a New
Millard Avenue Rev. W. Lee Gray.
Marshall Street 17th and Marshall Bev. A.
J. Henna. 11.
Miapah E. 19th and Division Be. D. A.
Thompson, 11. "The lxrds Service.' followed
by communion; 7:45. "Wheat or Tares."
Seventh Day Advantlst -
Not Regular service of this denomination
r held un Saturday.
Central E. llth and Everett U K. Dick
sen, paUor. 10. 11:18.
Tabemacl 6th and Montgomery B. H.
Emmerson,' mintater. 11.
MooUvilla E. 80th and Ereratt Elder J.
A. Gerhart 10. 11. v
w Lents 94th st and 68th ave. Elder W. D.
Huntington. 10. 11. -
St Johns Central ave. and CbsrUetoo
Elder A. B. - Folkenberg. 10, 11.
Alblna Bkldmor and Mallory Elder A. A.
Meyer., 10. 11
Scandinavian 680 Alberta Elder O. S. Lee.
10. Jl.
Bslvatlon Army
Corp No. 1 243 Ash st Adjutant Hsnry
R- Co sens. 11, 8:16, S.
Cf rP' No. 41284. 1st Captain William
G. Smith. 11, 8. 8. .
"New Church Society 831 Jefferson Bev.
William It Reeve. 11, "Our Divine Parentage:
God the Father of Every Man."
Church of Our Father Broadway and Tarn
hill. Bet. W. G. Eliot ., 11. "Worship Aa
a Sacrifice"; 7:45. open forum. "Japan and
World Problems " by William D. Wheelwright
United retiwen
Conference superintendent Ber. . G. E. Mc
Donald. First E. 16 th and Morrison Rev. Byroa J.
Clark. 11. '"Coming Homo"; 8, "Dead Gold."
Second E. 27th and Samnsr Kev. Ira
Hawley. 11, "Worthy Because Ha Hath Re
ceived"; 8. "Egotism Subjects a Man to a Fall."
Third 67th st. and 82d a. 8. E. Re. E.
C. Shepherd. 11, "God's Word"; 8, address by
Mis Dorothy Nichols of Chicago, "My Conversion
to Protestantism." ...
Fourth Tramont Bev. C. P. Blanchard.
11. "This One Thing I Do." 8.
St Johna (oM constitution) 448 Jesrap
Rer. Walter Reynolds. 10, 7. 8. .
United tsaofwUcai
First E. 16th and Ioplar Bev. J. A.
Goode. 11, 8. -
Ockley Green VOUmette blvd. aad Gay
Bev, H. H. Farnham. 11.7:80.
. St Johns Rev. A. r. Layton, 11, 7:48.
' UnKad Presbyterian
First E. 37th and Hawthorne -Rev. H. F.
Given. 10:80, Rally day service; 7:30. "Th
Old troepel Ever New." '
Church of tha Stranger Grand and Wasco
Bev. 8. Earl Iu Bois. 10:30, observanca of the
Lord's Supper; 7 -.80, "Our Biggest Mistake.
Kenton 120 West Lean bard Bev. George
N. Taylor. -1 1. 8. . - -
Christian sad Missionary Alliance E. 9th
and Clay Rev. John E. Fee. 10. 11.' 7:80.
Realisation League 186 6th Bev. H. Ed
ward MUls. 11, "The Great Aha of All"; 8,
"Prograaston, of a Blrdsey View," by X. A.
. riicsdelpblsn 821 E. Washington. 10:80.
Church of God 863 Failing Harry NesX
11, 7 JO.
Gospel Hall E. 29th end Stark.
Men's Resort (th aad Bamsid Rev, Levi
Johnson, superintendent 8.
Divine Science E. 24th and Broadway Rer.
T. M. Mhmrd. . 11, "Life"; 8.. "Come Lnto
Me." .' . , -' -. -
Universal Memianic 818 ' Abingtoa building.
-Penti KMatal First- an d Washingt ) - Be.
WiU C Trotter. -11. 8. 7:3b. -:
Glad Tidings (Pentecostal Mission) 248
1st 2, 8. 7:t0 weak day except Monday aod
Saturday, 8 p. m. .
Panteeastal ehnrcb E.- 20th and Aakaay
A. W., Smith: 11. 8. 8.
Vol an tears of America Mi-don 224 Burnslde
Meeting every, evening axoept .Monday At 8
'dock, and Sunday, 8 p. as.
Portland Ecelasia (('hfisUdsTphUa) 4597
Belmont George H. Tming, eeratary. 11.
, PeaJel M-sioa 288 1st, 8. ; 8. Service
each night at 6. -
Chnreh of Christ E. 79th and Glisen. It.
' Spiritual Chnreh of Eternal Light 1340 Di
vision Bv. - May A. ..price. 6, Massage . by
CJMMC 1. 4ltllM in... - v .
- First Spiritualist B, 7th and Hassalo Bev.
A. Scott Bledioev Lector . "Psychological Event
of Vie Time'. by James B. Metoalf, followed by
message by Mrs. Etta 8. Bledsoe; 8, ''Natural
Phenomena,- by Mrs. Bledsoe, ' ...
Second , SpJrituaUst 129 4th, - Ber. Max
Hoffman. 8, 8, "8pirltia With 1U Message
World Conference!
.-, . . , ' i s- - . -
SONy who is conduct
ing a study into the life
of Christ at the Portland
training:: -school for , church
workers, . -
Opening Session of
Training School Held
The opening sesalon of the Portland
training school for chufch schoot work
ers last Wednesday evening at the First
Methodist church proved to bo a pleas
ant surprise - for the directors of the
school. One hundred and thirty-four
church school vorkers from various
parts of the city Joined the school.
They, came from 31 churches and rep
resented 19 denominations. The school
is being conducted under the direction
of tbe) Multnomah County School asso
ciation, and the Portland Federation of
Churches. Prominent local church peo
ple are teaching; the study classes.
Among; them are Professor . Norman F.
Coleman, Mrs. Clara. 3. Eason, Rev. It.
M. Pratt, Mrs. E. Earl DuBois, Mrs. J.
Farl Else, Mrs. A. B. Slauson, Mrs. M.
B. Meacham, Professor James F, Ewing;
and Walter Jenkins. The study in the
biography of Christ' Is being; given by
Mrs. Eason. '
Special Speakers to
Conduct Services
AU regular Methodist miniiters of the
city .being In Salem over the week-tnd
attending the annual Oregon conference
of -the church,' special speakers will ap
pear in several pulpits, while others will
be occupied by prominent laymen in the
church. Miss Olla Grace JPavia, super
intendent of the Portland Settlement
center, will speak - Sunday morning at
Central Methodist-church. Mrs. MHlin
ger will address tbe congregation at
7 :0. Christian Americanization will be
studied by the Epworth league at 6:1G
for the next six weeks. I D. Mahone.
newly t elected president. ' will lead Uie
study . class. Vincent Howard will con
duct the devotional service. Special or
chestra music and an address by Miss
Nellie Johtieon of the 'Alblna mission,
will feature the Sunday morning service
at Mount Tabor Methodist church. In
the evening an illustrated lecture will
be given .by Rev. Luclan Jones, mis
sionary and Instructor in the industrial
school at Allgarh, Indlal
Will Hold Rally Day
Rally day for the Sunday school will be
observed during the school and church
hour Sunday at Waverlelgh Heights
Congregational church. The Rev. Oliver
p. Avery will also administer . the sac
rament of the Lord's supper during the
morning service. The evening sermon
will be illustrated with a chart.
Pastor Reappointed
The ' Rev. Ellas Qjerdlng was reap
pointed to the First Norwegian-Danish
M. E. church of Portland 'for the fourth
year at the session of the Western con
ference, which closed last Monday in
Seattle. Bishop M. S. Hughes presided.
The Rev. Mr, Gjerding will preach Sun
day morning and evening. - 4
returned from conference last night,
and will preach tomorrow morning,
at 10 :30 Subject .- '
"Gripping the Situation"
Multnomah 'Hotel
f : f , o ?N t :
f ; . y i
I ''), I..
UaLsiiW iiiii-n MSMmmesmsMmmemmes i
"Men or Monkeys-Which?
Sunday Night October 5, 7;45 o'Clock . t
"t: -J. v'-- h ,' - :i "'..-.'"m -f t- f'.., - p -.fefh-.i,: J,-;;"---i jf j,-r.
: . llth Street, Bet. Morrison anid Yamhill" , ?
Publiclnvited .1- :f- iBIG SlNG!i!f
; PUAonr: QiiwnAvS
uimiiuL ouiium
. - ...... ., i,
- -.:.' :
First Congregational Church's
n--- rs.iiij fit
rasior Arrives m roniana rn-i
day Night From New York.; .
Arrival of Prominent Leader, of !
. Society to Be Made Gala Event 1
by Members of Organization.',
pr, vniiani T. McElveen, until j
recently pastorf ht Manhattan
Congregational cfiurchoft-NftWTor .
city, arrived in Portland Friday jv .
nine to assume the regular pastorate r
of" the First Congregational church. .
Tomorrow will be observed as "red .
letter" day In the church," th congregs.
tton being elated' to realise ' that theyj.
have at last found a permanent leader. I'
As" many ministers of fered ' themselves !
to the government for war work during j.
the past few years the officers of tha
local church were unable, to obtain a.
suitable man until after the close of the '
war. Mrs. McElveen came jwlth her hua-1
oana. . . -
Sunday morning Dr. McEfveen wfll'l
preach on the topic. "I Am Beady to i
Preach th Croapel in Portland. Tb
j unusi SJV a VX" HI ss V , savs ijr i .
exercises at 9:45 a. m., with, graduation I
of children. Dr. McElveen will glv hla I
first talk as pastor to the school. -;
Dr. McElveen was born s In New Tork
city, was graduated from the public
schools and became-a. student at th
Collisr of the Cltv of New Terk. In
ooltege he eked out his support as a re- 1
porter for the New York Herald. After !
graduation he was It correspondent at I
Albany. , - 4
He entered Union Theological semi-.
nary and later did special work at New .
York university. While at th seminary
he had charge of the Mariners church, J
a Presbyterian organization la tha lower ' .
part of the city. He later -became pas-1
tor of Emmanuel chapel, a branch of th 1
University Place Presbyterian . church. ,
Before his graduation from Union he .
was called ! to th pastorate of what '
later became the North Nw Tork
church. At this time Dr. Charles Park-
hurst wan fighting Tammany control
in New York city. On account of his j
newspaper experience. Dr. McElveen be
came an officer in Dr. Parkhurst's so
ciety and toured the state several times'
in behalf of the work of that society.
After nine" years service In North 1
New York he became pastor of f he New
England church. Brooklyn,- wiiere h 1
was very successful. He then want to
years, and then to Evaniton, Hi, for '
nearly 10 yeare. '
He was twice president of , the board I
of trustees of th state . conference,
served upon th board of the City Mis-
alonarv society and fcclrted make th
Chica0 Congregational Training School !
for Women possible. He was president 1
of the high school board of education of 1
Evanston for seven years. (
'All in all he is undoubtedly on eft
the strongest and best qualified men ,tn 1
the denomination. His outstanding .
characteristic has been hi Christian op
timism. It will make him a power fort
righteousness in tbe environment, th 1
Congregatlonallsts and Advance of Feb-
ruray, 1918. says of Dr. McElveen. , ' t
'.'.'" '-' s
First Presbyterian Chnreh
Rev. W. W. WIL
1;S0 A. ej.
T-30 . M.
"What'a th Mat.
ter With the
Van are car ally
Invito I te aUan
1t IMa - Sebeet
m 11:1S. It a a
ftsiltien f r all
H ' ' i I
j I a. : .
e J
a - . . '
Evangelist L. K. Dickson -