THE OREGQN DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER . 1. 310. ' -' V i u f oil RLNT 8 room bouse, clow to ear end school. 33. Ah 4 rooms, tint floor, with stove; and 9 roes, 2nd floor, tost ear nervio. ioil R.L.VT ? toon hour. I cr ground; nod, road and school. U. W, Metclf74517 7ttl t. B., phone -Tsbor 9652, - ' WHEN TOU MOVE. USE KORTH 'WBMTEB! -EI-TOTRW LIGHT 'SERVICE Tenth snd -Washington. . Broadway 80. HOUSES FOB REVT FTJBSITVKE FOR SALE tf ROOM AT, igrnaw, firetileo and sans. Best modern furniture for mI t sacrifice. Ilmt erceptionsHy reasonable. 1 East 7293. FURNISHED HOUSES M notictt Rood Horn to rant, all furnished. '. 56 88th it, I block Kmth; no eblMrwj rt eponslbU, tWa people, tedy. . ANTED Orris to char"' furnished house, oa east aide; rent reasonable. Call Wdln. 269, Wednesday or Thursday afternoon. ' S'l LNIKHKD koui, 8 room. 3 porch bed , -rooms.' W ilt lease. 988 Grand art. N. - APARTMKITTB FOR BEWT 48 ft ' noOMnnfurnihd apt; lift. Tabor 7828. ' 'BOOMS WAHTEd" M WANTED Room within walking dietanc of North Pacifie college. List yours. East 2471. STORKS AHD OFFICES' II STORE for rent at Parker, Or. .Write for In formation to E. Ziclesch. Parker. Or., bok 295. WAWTED TO BEJfT WANTED Party with chjldroi. oMaat 17. v. room fnratahad piaec, October 1. Owner t wliii ao ttronily object and hata chHdrea don't Ttad UiU But wa hart lot to lire. . Refer encet. Vhaot Broadway 292. : REAL ESTATE FOB SALK OR EXCHANGE, REAL ylSTATB 88 ft BOOM houae, 2 lota, on 40x120 alley; 1H ' blocka to ear, 81400, terms. 6824 Bstb arc, Trrmont itatlon. Tel. Tabor 8 1 6 0. GENERAL REAL ESTATE 61 A CORNER on a bosUua atreet, renud for 887 pr month. Pric. 83000. aaay terma. i Owner, tVdln. 2662.- BUSINESS FBOPERTT 68 ' ' '8Tt .000 FINEOTfrXlFLA "VTast Sid. on UJtlaan at., near 23rd it; 6 ' room on 11 rat floor. 6 room on aecond floor; team beat, tange, ete. BITTER. LOWE A CO.. . 201-8-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg, tVOinS.iI.E 1 Mock, 200x230. with 6 room bldg. en Milwankte at., cloae to Reed eol Irge: good for boilneaa or realdeoce. -.Very rea . eonaBl. By owner. Z-242, Journal. - K- For tale, reasonable, excellent opportunity, j Call 180 3d Jtt., ; - REAL - ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 61 ' f J ROOM houae, til on first floor; fire place, fine basement, garage and lot ; - i 80x100, newly tinted and painted and . In fine shape, nloa. in; terms 1500 i. down, beta tv- like rent, price 63150. . WAKEFIELD, FRIES A CO., '88 Fourth 8V . - ROKK,CITY PARK : NEW BUNUALOW 84106 Here in one of those real fond looking bunge rwa. located on corner of -'Slit and Klskiyou, Ficenti anally large llrfhg room, hardwood; floors; firerilajM. buffet. Dutch krtcben, breakfast nook, awnent basement, etc- Street asseesmenta paid in full. Liberal term. Let us show you. . A. Q. TEEPE C0- S64 Bterk sr.. near 3rd. Main 3.11 8. Mala 8092. Branch office, 60th and Sandy. . Rose City. Bungalow - Tula bungalow waa built for a home, not to sell I It ia attractlre. exceptionally well built. - with double construction throughout, up-to-date " and aa neat as a pin. Besides 6 rooms it has - a receptio hall, aewbig room, bath and laundry; . also hardwood floors, big fireplace, fall cement - basement and furnace ! a dandy good proposition. Price 83000; terms. .Lueddemann Company, -. 013 Chamber of Commerce. ' ROSE riTT PARK , 6 ROOMS 83600 : ' Folk, you would nerer expect to boy .6 . good 6-roora house, located 1 block from Sandy. with street and sewer assessments paid, - for t 83500, would you? Thle ia modern In every way elcent hardwood floor. Splendid Fox f umaoa. Liberal term of payment, too. Let - na snow -you. .-A. Q. TEEPE. CO. 184 Stark St., near 3rd. Mala 8516. Main 8092, , Branch office. 80th and Sandy. : . s 7 ROOM ftnuae: We can sell this place r: : for 82750; ha garage and lot 80x. 107, has good basement and Is in good condition. Fine terms. 9400 down and - f balance 825, per month, including in- - tcrest. ;..,. WAKEFIELD. FRIES V CO.. " , , 85 Fourth Bt . ROSE CITY PARK ' . FIVE ROOMS AND DEN 94760 reiki, her. is a nifty bungalow in a splen- did looatton. located two blocks from 'Sandy oa 60th St., hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, ee 4 ment basement, furnace, etc. - Street axeea. , taenti paid in full 11 mi show you. 'A. G.. TEEPE CO. . '284 BUrk C. near 8rd. Main 3516' - , i Branch, office 60th and Sandy. "BOOMS NICE " BUNGALOW Fine 6 room bungalow, electricity, ga. fire . v place, an builtina, eement basement, laundry tray, cabinet kitchen. 8 bedrooms, all on one floor, attic, lot 60x100; price 83250. 31000 . caaa, 28 month; on E. 63d U mar Gliaaa, N. ,Mt Tabor. . " GRt'SSI BENNETT. ' -SIS Board of Trad. Bldg, - Main T462. - - , 831006 ROOMS, FULL LOT East Hoyt, near Laurelhunt and East 28th at. eloa to oar. aU improTcmente in and paid; easy .... terms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., , 218 By. Excu. Bldg.. .. Main 6762. A GOOD BIG SNAP ' S room modem house, now recant; V U l fine shape, 100x100 corner; 2 blocks to school. 3 blocks to Mr Scott car; 8400 cash., balance 820 per month. r. Now w bare one 7 room modern boms ia ItonUriUa, vacant, on lot 60x115, ." newly painted and best .of ' condition. . Price 6K200. ' Now we hii t A room cottage, Tseant.; close to Mississippi car, corner, 80x100; best of shape at 32200. - BERRIDUH MILES 806 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 7676. " , r - r Auto to show you. IRE you looking for a roadster T We hare one. Clfl048ceitherihone: irVou wantailgSttburln car why not Iaok , at our Maxwell, equipped with new tires and in A-l condiUon. 354 East Broadway. Either phone C-1W48. - H!ew is THREE ROOMS 3100 DOWN 925 a month, includes interest; chjckenhoUM fruit; macadam street. . HMmi-WAOONEB CO.. STOCK EXCHANGE. S2J00 HAWTHORNE 6 ROOMS- 32600 SOxlOO. hard surfaoe; garage, fruit, sewers; easy terms. Near 44th, riMITH-WAQONKR CO., STOCK EXCHANGE. ' WELL WHAT A SNAP ' A 10 room modern bouse, close Jo; a' Htm buy at" low price of 13800, partly furnished;. on paved street; walking dis tanec, Berridge A Miles, Main 7676. : We have autoa to show you,-, 809 Stock Exohange bldg, - VACANT - MOVE RIGHT IN 83000 buy a new 6 room bungalow with bath. gas. eleetrie lights, buffet. Dutch kitchen. fuU basement, wash trays; never been oeca , pied; 3300 cash wiU handle! Main 1094. - Onen - . V ACAKT UAVL- nii-u , 93200 buys a new modern bungalow, usual built-in. HrepUoe, full cement basement . wash trays, large floored attic; 8500 cash will handle. . A.VWCK1IAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exeh. bldg. Mam 1094. - . Ooen Fnl - A I.HV.RTi Kcvr.ltiuir k. . r.. . ... 8200 buy a dandy room bungalow with at ,al' basement. Wash trays. 60x100 lot ith alley; jiieely papered and decorated throughout; 850Q,rbalane terms. N . . - mortgsce to assumes . V?.WKMN 204 Kxch. bldg. Main 1094. . I One EhsIm. ;S50 and we mean just what w say. Delay If yen like, but some on is going to get t an absolute bargain; owner . going cut. Living room across entire front of house. 1 bedroom and bath room; 8 bedrooms up. , . , Full floored basement, wash trays, nte lawn and flowers, Easy term. ... -J. A. WICn-MAN CO., 204 Ry. Exeb. bldg. ' Main 1094. , Open Evenings. , for RE ITT. HOUSES UNFURNISHED 1 MR. HOMESEEKER -. J look at, , thaw for desirable homes and medium priced property: ; ; : v , :s - No.-l. 1 worn, ' strictly modern, hardwood floora, furnace and fireplace. In v Bom. City j Park. Only -18290. " ' 1 '-No..2 : 7 room bungalow, 8011 SO ft. lot, Just mat of Laurelhunt beautiful lawn and flowers, and In fin condition. Outy 68500.. - .No. 3 0 -Worn wttage, ' 89x1 oO fC tot; fruit and flowers:, just east of Laurelhumt: only $1600. I have many other homes.' from 82000 to 820,000. on which f oan quote a homeseeker vry reasonable prices and termm. J. B HOLBROOK - 214-2I8 Ptnimt .bMi. " 1 ' : SPECIAL' SALE MODEB! e -STOUT BUSOALOtTr ROOMS FINISHED COMI'IJCTE. HAHD ' WOOD KLOOKS.' EXTBA KKM rr.rMnnro. iiurflace, buffet, EI.K0TKICITT AND CAS. FULL CE MENT BASKMK.NT. ' KPRXArE, NUT. GEOUND8. LOT 80x100; FKTJ1T AND .' FLOWERS, 8THEET IMPROVED ON , RICHMOND CARLINE: EAST TERMS. t SEE OWNER FOR SPECIAL PRICE. 1142 CLINTON ST.i RICHMOND CAE-" LINK, NEAR 88TU ST. PARK ROSE HALF ACRE VERT NUTT BCNGALOW84800 Folks, if you are in the market tor a real nifty, modern, exceptionally well built bungalow. raesuy looatea on Bara sartacea street, we ao went the privilege' of showing you this home. Located )ust beyond Hose City Park. Must be told at once. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. " 264 Stark sr.. near 3rd. Main 3616. Main 8092. Branch office, 60th and Sandy. R04E CITY PA BE CAR NEW BUNOAIXW ;38750 Here is a thoroughly double constructed bun galow with large tiring room, extending the width of house. - Hardwood, floor, fireplace, buffet; complet Dutch kitchen with .breakfast nook, ce ment basement, wash trays, etc We want yoa to compare the construction with that of bouses built eercrat years ago. This is a real buy and you will appreciate the wonderful Talue. Term. Let u show you.. A, G..TEEPE CO. . 264 Stark it., near 3rd. Main 8510, Main 3092. Branch office, 60th and Sandy. PRICE .REDUCED . , IMMEDIATE IOHRESSION ONLY 82250 In order to make quick sale. I hare just cut the pric. on this & room bungalow to 32250; Jf you want a wonderful bargain get busy. A cteerful, well built hove. Large attic, full batement, laundry tray. Dutch kitchen, A-l liliimtJing fixture. Located East Mt. Tabor, right on Mt Tabor earline.-in good neighbor ly od. Best eaV service in the city. See owner. 213 Lumbermen1 bldg., or phone Broadway 421, ask for Hill. . -HAWTHORNE-J1ST 34000 Yes, thnre are still some good buys. Here b one: A 7 room bungalow, built 4 years ago; living room, dining room. Dutch kitchen, 2 bed rooms and bath down and 2 rooms and sleeping porch upper floor, fireplace, built-in bookcases, full cement basement,' garage, paved street, paid; block to Hawthorne car. This semi-bungalow was built by owner for a home. ' It really is one of the best buys we've seen for some time. If you can -RsjrlOOO down you'd better see it today. - COE A. McKENNA A CO. Main 4522 nz 4th sr.. Board of Trade bldg. Main 87l NORTH PIEDMOXT DISTRICT 8 room bungalow with reception hall, liv ing room and dining room, well arranged with wide portiere opening, 8 bedrooms and bath opening on to central hall, fireplace, plumbing, nice electric fixtures, corner lot with street im provements paid. Price 32700. 9620 cash, bal ance like rent JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. BANK.' BLDG. MAIN 8787. ROSE CITY PARK. 642SO ; PAY 3600 AND MOVE IN This fine 6 room home; the living room ia unnsnally large, there are hardwood floors in main rooms, there are 8 bedrooms -and bath on upper floor, there ia a . big warm basement, a high-grade furnace and wanh trays. The loca tion is good, within 3 blocks of ear and school. COB A. McKENNA A CO. Main 4522. S2 4th St. Board of. Trade bldg. ROSE CITY PA KIT Owner leaving city will, sell his 6 room 1 H atory bungalow at a very low price if sold thi week: furniture if desired; about 4 blocks from ear south of Sandy; ideal loeatiotr good garage; price, including aU asseesmenta. 84850; be quick. 8m Mr. Delahunty at office E. 89th and Glisan, ft P. for auto. Tabor 8433. Residence, East 2088. 81500 WEST SIDE BUNGALOW 81600 View of River and Mountains Do you want an apt -and be by yourself? If you do. here it is: 3 rooms. Dutch kitchen, bath, good plumbing fixtures, elee.. gas. The in terior finished in white enamel, newly painted, ready to move into: vacant; house less , than 3 .year old. 40x100 lot: easy terms; Fulton car to Pendleton, 1358 Front st. Owner oa pfem ies Thursdsy and Friday. IRVINOTON PABS, First class beautiful 6 room bungalow, com plete and modern ia every respect: hardwood floors throughout, enamel finish, papered walla, furnace, .fireplace, brand new linoleum in kitchen and bath: 1242 Glean ave., near Kennedy school. If interested in something good will be glad to "" you. Owner, Robert Beal, East 535. 820006800 AND AUTO to 3750 down, bai ance 315 per month at 6 per cent; five large rooms, attic, bath, toilet, built-ins. bsse ment. Iw-tr4 1 i .-I-, n. i - . . . block to hare! lurfteed street: near school, car , ,"" "mure at a Montana ave.. 327 10 Bkidmon- OT Pnone WoodUwn GOOD BUNGALOW 32750 " ' One block from. Mt Scott car; 7-room bun galow newly painted and in fine condition: streets graded: concrete walks. uuiwaku er WIEDRICK in btk street S.NAP 82400 home for 8200. soms trsdel some cash, balance 825 monthly: cash dis count; - rooms, modem, closets, attics, basa- , - . viu, ovuemv wbjks, iruit. garden. Call after S n. m. ,n,T a k.w - " .. w . , K V X , vvyi n. fc a. 8"ROOMS, 80x100 lot, Mt Scot car. 32650-: t7ftQ -4aati ntrvsw as Lien... TS 1 m ' m;.v. -zr,&r " -we - J0HNS0ND0DS0N CO. a iw. BANK. BLDG. MAIN 8787. 33250 HAWTHORNE"diitrict. modern 6-room ,,T ' . uiiuui room. beam ceiling, four kind of fruit; st assessments ' Jk;"" "-S"'.-" iilB Stephens T - - - -- wuiuii - Get an. artistic home h en .... vn.i. . L, . . . - -' HWBisum arcui- teetoral firm at low cost We build anything; furnish the money if desired. L. It. Bailey Co.. Inc.. contracting atchiteets. 924 N. W. iBank! - SNAP-t HAWTHORN B AVE. SNAP" room houeV 292 E. 43d. Fruit trees, garden, girage. . Will saarifirs my equity, 81400 Setoff- rSS. r Mf' KENILWORTH JIVENUfe 8f?50" . 6-rnom hnn full Mh,.wi. . , - . ' .....1. , ci iwn loos ing; no encumbrance. 6500 cash will handle. UUUMAHD A WIEDRICK 2B stark street BIGHT fat bard surface, close to school. 2 blk V fr,m ST room Plastered house; bkth, toilet, electric light, gas, eement basement, barn, chick lonbSfi.nfr?,lt t2.5tS'J,J,I??.L0. Call at s ww-ca t. A. UVIW OtUWgtW t X I XTjy CAT a"'vww-4JJ' "' f V DAAAE x 1 KJ T ALA Modern 7 nxnn . . henue. Riijhmond diatrlct. I00 Jr W0 feet. Tnn. CU Hin i sty, mgr p ;oi p,- n. ROOM DKMlcrri bungalow. aU funusbed. eor lot nice tome. Price 33760; 8120O casLCar: land, 201 3d cor. Taylor, ; ' T - CLOSE-IN snap. Modern bungalow. 5 room tJl HJ iol ms -uprtairs, A 'fnnkH. .eBB -"" Oenser.- 948 E ROTsAsT TnA.rJ" ..Ii "1 """ - .dutiful lotjbiloTErWeTci fSSff: HAWTHORNE bungalow, 6 rooms. iireDlaraT psved so. furnished if desirwni, goimr away, iraraedUte possession. 88100. 8500 east? including furniture. 1128 CatherTT 11.ROpHS. furnished, can be rented in hoaai. East 8m. ' ? J -d' FhoB $3?jk rooms, kitchen.. dining" Uviug and batih all ground floor; hard rorfac treet; garage.; 6280. Phone Colnmhw 86 , AN ALBEH 1 A BARUA1N ' 1 tt-1 outbuildina. WILL , 1 oksaain nswfat A It" aod-Srirwood' liiT Vi' ' f-n included: C ROOM bungalow. .tricUy modern throughout": platagUna windows. 38700.. Tbw bestbuTin Portland. Pnone East 2838. " MODERN1 b room cement blocs vuncalow Pn ... w.wK TT U in tOW. raed to 32760. Owner. Wain. 331.3 ?KL1! lot. 8-room butt, ' close to Jtupyaii wast iM TsKne lloa , . " . 'ju, 6200 DOWN on 82600 modem cottage. aleW ing porch, paved street Tabor 8824. , FOB SALE -HOUSES REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 1 VACANT VACANT BEAUTIFUL ALBERTA BUNGALOW ALL ' BOOMS " ELEGANTLY CARPETED pf- - -. CLUDED. - 1079 E. 26fh st N. Albert Car The nicest 6 room modern bungalow in Al berta. - block to ear. east front lot, with .10 foot alley; has furnace, full basement, cement floor, enamel plumbing, electric - fixtures, gas, etc., , Duteb kitchen, built-in effect; paneled dining room, etc.; -100 rose - bushes, : 6 fruit tree, lawn. See this today. Owner there 12 to 5. daily or phone C-11S2 Home or Pacifie phone evening or East 6516 during. day. YOU? WILL LOOK NO FURTHER T IF T0U SEE THIS. - . . THE McGCIRK 8TSTEM Makes borne buying easy. Yea can come- to this office and see over 700 photograph of homes "for tale., arranged la tbeir rctpectlTg dis tricts, with full description. ' Every noma ha been appraised by an expert eppraiser; some remarkable bargains. That k why we sold ever 600 homes since January 1 thai year. 12 ex perienced .salesmen with automobiles st your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE . Tf snv vntra nnvr -m . Abington bldg. , - .Main 1068. Office Open. Evening and Sundays. : A LAL'RELHCRST BUNUALOW If you want a reel bungalow at a reasonable figure, you'll buy thi one: The living room is unusually large; in the paneled dining room is a handsome builMn buffet .There sre 8 bed rooms, if of which sre very large and beautifully firfc-hed In white; the bath fixtures are high grade. There is a full eonereto basement, fruit room and wash trays, first-class furnace, gar age. We forgot to mention the fireplace and book rases. The price of this 6 room home is 83750, on easy terms. , W believe it s the beat buy in Laurelhunt COE A. McKENNA A CO. . Main 4822 2-4th st. Board of Trade bWg. Main 6871 81700 i HOME - LIKE BUNGALOW On an 88x100 foot lot. covered with bearing fruit trees, berries, shrubs, ete.; is a very com fortable, home-like, 4 -room bungalow, with good cement basement, plumbing, electric lights and 8sa, : large chicken house and garage; 1 block from the Woodlawn car. Can arrange easy terma. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS. SEE ; FRaANK L. McGUIRE ' TO BUT YOUR HOME Abington bldg. .. , Main 1068. Office Open Eveningsand Sundays. WHAT IS YOUR ANSWER? Continue paying rent, and remain forever homeless, or today investigat Wslnut Park's plan and own a borne of your ownt Many are building beautiful homes in Walnut Park, WHY NOT YOUf Lot 50x100. with 15 foot alleys: streets paved and paid for; convenient to 5 carhnes; also Jefferson high-school and library, located in Walnut Peak : extra inducements for 5 more homes THIS week. WILL YOU BE ONE OF THE FIVE? Save commission by dealing with owner. W. M. KilHngsworth, of-fii-e 1149 Union avenue. Office hours 10 to 12 a. m. Phone appointments to Woodlawn 8804 or Woodlawn 951; '- . . - - ROSE CITY PARK CAR SPLENDID BUNGALOW 83800 - Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, . full ce ment basement, full lot You will be delighted with the interior finish. This ia a real charm ing home and well worth the money.' Let ut show you. -. . . A; G. TEEPE CO. 264 Stark st. near 3rd. Main 8516. R ranch office. 50th and Sandy 82630 ADJOINING LAURELUUR8T Very homelike, substantial 5 room bungalow cottage; white enamel plumbing, eleetrie rights and gas; ou a 60x100 lot with abundance of fruit, flower and shrubbery; on E. 80th st near ua. adjoining Laurelhunt A BAKU A IN. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME Abington bldg. Main 1068, Office Open Evenings and Sundays. A tiOOD BUY IN HOLLADAY ADDITION ' Here is a good, substantial T room borne.' lo cated on 28th st There are 4 rooms on lower and S bedrooms and bath on upper floor; fire place, full basement furnace bees, 60x100" cor ner lot, asseesmenta are all paid."' The price is 34750 with 61000 cash. If you ran find a bet ter home for the price in Holladay we would Kim in. 1 COB A. McKENNA A CO. Main 4B22 83 4th st. Board of Trade bldg. Main 6 7 1 6 ROOM bungalow, modern, full basement, fur nace, line view ion Tabor side, on Taylor st. Close to canine, lxit 12s By 70 feet Price saouw. Lateral terms. 7 room bouse, modern, lot 80x125 feet,' fine iruiT, close to carune and school : sewer, side walk in. aU paid for: terma. 32750. 8300 down, 820 per month, 6. per cent Interest corner Totu ana Fine in Montarilla. O. P. Potts, 1980 East Stark st, Tabor 800. 81800 5 BOOM bungalow, water, lights, gas. concrete- foundation, basement; home is uouoie constructed and In good eondiuion; 1 mock 10 car ana paved at, 1 blocka to school; good location; 8400 cash, balance 820 per mo, and Interest - . alOHNSON-DOPSON'CO. 638 M.- W. BANK. BLDG. MAIN 8787. RASH riTV did v e a iaa -: Yon ll be surprised to learn thai 6 room "fUf is located on 48th st. south of Sandy blvd. There are" 8 large rooms down and 2 and bath on upper floor; fireplace, good baae memy 60x100 lot. fruit trees in bearing. Yes. the street Bens are paid. If you can pay 82000 rash, see this st once. j Main 4522. COB A. McKENNA A CO.; M. 6871 o em sr.. Mnara or Trade bldg. H ACRE with beautiful 6 roonaWiouse, all kinds of bearing fruit trees and berries, best of " ""L cuicsen nouse ana run, hard- surfaced street, 1 block to car; it ia Just 50 ft outside the city limits, with all city conveniencee: Si C't' .Jf ly- PWeB 33160. 36S0 cash, vesamssxevsa a ISV I VJJ1 1. J0HNS0ND0DS0N CO. 341 t wy w . w 638 N. W..BANK BLDG MALV 8787. i X, ALU YV w 7,. 5 , . " urepiace;; oag floors; built-ins; full cement basement; gas ir neater; lot 0UX1U0; paved treet benaU paid: on E. 68th t. near Thompson. Price 33700. 81260 cash and 835 per month, including interest. Act aoick. GBCSSI BENNETT 818 Board of Trade Bldg. Mala 7452 8260 cash, 81 8 and interest monthly, bnys attractively built 5 room bungalow- type of cot tage; 4 rooms plastered, good ink, patent toilet Urge sleeping porch; an fenced, good garden: close to school in Montarilla; don't hesitate about this. Fred W. German., Co . 782Cham. of Com. Open Sundays and evenings. 6 ROOM bungalow, with aleeping perch, fire ".I Plc. bookcases, buffet full basement, close t,."i I . 32800; 81000 cash. DODSONCtfV 638 N.W. BANK. BLDG. ' MAIN 3-787. HOWE Ff in ttie! nt n wuitc-o - - -. - . v-aj9 ex a ov mJi. we,U bHflt A room eottage with bufltia cupboard, ia splendid condition. 5 assorted bear- itTviilnmi- ta7 of Pberriea. big chicken bouse, covered run. good woodshed; 3400 7 " . vib ounuay ana evenings. 2 STORY, ft rrvfatTi eM M.mrr 1- '.' w ... mran was v VM W.8ABtf VB CssC" line: can rent all your rooms; good income f"; COxlOO lot, 85250; get an'iaj ternE JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. BANK. BLDG. MAIN 8787. MODERN'7"room house, full bsiemehtTfulrnacT; Irat flfffl 4 mnm slsww1 4TlM- o mad tATUeU U.Bmrf olcmeto. wived for "elec- tneirv ma . . u .... n .. i . ... ... . vicivy oa gas. an connected;, 7 lot go with l..VS $W0Hl ' J- r- n. 933 J vaev, Uw. tUUUOt Vr. - GREENWOOiTif l!.. NEAk DIYISl0 ' vihre?"r!0J2 house- with bath, very eosy; all r GODDARD WIEDRICK;' ' Z48 stark Street 5 ROOM.eottage. with neeesaan eloata. for an and electricity, toilet and bath, double flxtursefnll basement, 9 fall loU and fruit treev lofa of shrubbery, barn for cow and hen house for chicken, 38500, hall cash, J. F. Down.' 083 N. Syracuse. St Johns, Or. r BEAUTIFUL PIEDMONT-HOMS " 8 'rooms, oak , floors, modem, 89x100'' lot improved streets, all paved, 12 bearing fruit tree, shrubbery, rose and flowers. 7 blocb Jefferson High school. By owner,' 117 Cleve- NEAT 4 room plastered bungalow with bath, a bargain at 81200. Mt Tabor line, 4 block to car. Easy term. . - tT w CARLOS MA ESTERS. SO Wifco Bldg. Main 8317 - Evcnliwa Emm itat BTVE room bungalow, fireplace, beam ceiling. . panel dinirtg mora, full basement, corner lot street hard -surf seed, sewer ia, M. T. car 64th at 32750, 8600 cah av eommisaion. OwaeV. n. n. pet i. join mormon- st. tutint. uytuirra nrrv,-.1 r.,,. a.. 11 " - -- f lids 6-room plastered bungalow and bath, lights, gas, -water; large garden, enough vegetables ia ground for winter; Near car. Terms, F. Keller. 7402 Wildrske st, cor. Henderson. 4 ROOM bouse, .water piped; 60x100 lot, wen 1 fenced; new chicken park. A bargain at 8650. K. 86th st Mt Srott car. : . . CARLOS MARSTERS, 202 Wilcox Bldg. Main 3517 - - Evenings East 1198 FOB SALE 6 room modern bungalow, garage price 92500, 9800 down, balance terms. 479 Holman street Phone Woodlawn 6214. '. 8250O NEAT room .eottage, fractsoaal lot : 343 Sherman st. We Side; 830O cask), bal ance monthly. JPhone Main 788v - -ABOUT Cniahed. 7-room house, all modern, ia a very desirable location. Owner, East 824. FIXE home, all modern Inaalre owner, ill K. 37(h. near Alder. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 61 FOR SALE -Modem 6 room bungalow. 2 bed- j roc ma. urina room, dimng room. Dutch kitch en, eement basement, laundry trays, terma,. 1034 E- Caruthers at. owner: -- - - , - FOB SALE LOTS it "rose ciTr"TicK CP" Dandy east front lot ra C SOth; paved street sewer, between S fine bouses; a real snap at 91050; term cub. - BITTER, LOWE eV CO., ' 1 201-8-8-7 Board of Trad Bldg. SOME well located lota at 88 1-8 cents oa xhe dollar oft account of closing ap a' company's affairs. J0HNS0N-D0DS0N CO 688 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 8787. VS ARE SELLINCr a few low at S3 1-3 snti oa1 Uie- dollar..- . - J0HNS0N-D0DS0N CO. f 638 N. W. BANK BLDG. 'MAIN" 8787. LOTS. . while sale ia en. discounted 66 2-3 per . cent See us st once. v ' . J0HNSQN-D0DS0N CO. 688 N. W." BANK BLDG. -MAIN 8787. I GRAB IT SACRIFICE I f Dandy east front lot in Belle Crest 1 blocks t oar, street pared, price 8425. Phone C-1182 Home or Pacific) phone, evenings. I TO BUY OR SELL your lot see , 688 N. W. BANK BUM. MAIN 8787. . s, ? 4, ACBEAGE 17 i ACRES ail improved, 8-room house, good I well. r&Holine namn. cloee to school and earline. close to Baa. Line road, on hard surface road, close-to store, church and postoffiee; terms. 826S0, 1-3 down, balanra to suit purcnaaer. ' f 6 acres, 2 miles from city limits on .Section Line rosd. all imoroved. small house, close to school; can cafe Bull Run water; terms, 32000. 1-1 down, baL terms. 6 It interest. . . , - O. P. POTTS. : ' 1080 E. Stark. - Phone Tabor 860. 15 acres, located 4 mile from city limits. ill under cultivation. Good new S room bunga low, bam, chicken house, large orchard, ber ries. - 10 acres beaver dam - land." tiled tend drained; can b. . irrigated from creek. rnce 84200, with hay,- vegetables, crops, good team, chickens and laree Una of machinery. Terms on part Personally inspected. Photo at office. An exceptions! boy. John Ferguson, uernnger mag. ONLY 3390XASH. Three acre, located dose to city limits." on good macadamized road, 7c commutation fare. Easy walking distance front station. All under cultivation. - Garden land. Water, piped to the bouse, eas main, beina- extended to this district Price. 82190: balance on easy terms. Personally i . m . . . ..i inavcwi. ruvvo as viucc. euun m ciiuhju. Uerimger bldg. FINE LITTLE CHICKEN RANCH ' 2 Seres. 31400. 3100 cash. 115 month buys neat 2 acre tract with 4 room cottage and com plete set of buildings, including hen house, brood er house and numerous colony bouse; woven wire fencing; located at North Plains, about 22 mile front Portland. This place originally cost 83100. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chant, of Com. Open Bnnday and evenings. - - FINE-2 acre home at Greoham, with modern 6 i room bungalow, full basement, good 'plumbing, hot end cold water, sleeping porch, fireplace, hen house and fruit trees; 62800. '- ,8 acres near Base Line pavement ' all In cul tivation; S room plastered bouse, good barn, lot K fruit; 88600.; ; K RIDER At ELKCVGTON, Greshsm, Or. RIGHT AT ELECTRIC STATION 1 H acres, fine Creek bottom garden land, all under cultivation, orchard, berries, nice grounds, good 6-room bungalow -with - fireplace ; well, ehicken house. This property only half a brock frren the pavement. Close to city limits. Price 31000, 3500 cash-. Personally inspected. Photo at office. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. - CLOSE' IN IMPROVED ACREAGE W now have ever 800 places, any direction; some en improved roads, with buildings snd or chards; some close to electric transportation. AH personally inspected, appraised and photograptftji; photos st office. Four efficient salesmen with auto. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. ACRE TRACT CLOSE IN Six blocks from Bellstation. AU under cul tivation. 11 fruit trees, some berries, 7 room plastered house, wired for electric lights, gas, watet piped to house; shed garage. Price 81850, 8500 cash. Personally inspected. Photo at of fice. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. . 3100 DOWN 815 MONTHLY 10 acres' of rich black loam land, al) in culti vation; good sized (back; In" mile from the electric; total price 91000. Fred W. German Co.. 782 Cham, of Com. Open Sunday and evening. - LOGGED OFF LANDS ' Tracts 5 acres up, located within SOVmUes of Portland, oa railroad; good soil, no rockpbraty m water; work; rmy on your own terma, LEUDDEMANN CO., 913 Chamber ef Conwnerce. 860 DOWN 812.50 MONTHLY Fine level 20 acre tract of logged off, unim proved land, vicinity of HUlsboro. 387.60 per acre; fine soil, running stream. W hsve three of these tracts left Fred W. German Co.. 72 Cham, of Com. Open Sundays and evenings.' LOGANBERRY LANDS Two acres, near station, at Garden Home, sidewalks, water and gas. Can be bought for 8150 down,' balance 310 per month with in terest, from owner, 423 E. 16th st N. 25 ACRES for sale by owner, 18 seres in cul tivation, the very best of land; en mail rente, phone line,. mile from school, 8 miles front Mill City and one from Gates. 870 per sere, Ed. Wolf. Gates. Or, FOB Oregon City line acreage, improved or unimproved, sm John Brown, 824 Railway Exchange bldg. - Marshall 8831. S ACRES loganberry land, 1 miles from Ger vats; 6600. N-132. Journal. STjBTJRBATT ACREAGE 76. FOB SALE Beautiful 2 acre tract Inside city limit, on pared road. 1 mile from steel bridge ra Fourth Plain road, ready for garden, beau Ufa! shade trees on front water, big pas ture adjoining: only 3375 per acre, terms. No sgents.. Come and see me. Mrs. G. W. Low den. Bt 2, Box 45, Vancouver, Wash. - Phone 81F4. SUBURBAN" HOMES 79 SUBURBAN HOME 6 room bons-alow. sleeping porch, lsrge front porch, full basement, city water, electric lights, gas, telephone, 1 acre highly improved, all kinds of fruit, grapes, strawberries, etc; nice lot of raeee and shrubbery good garage, chick en house and yard.' Located oa rock road near station and school, S mikes from Portland. Owner in business in another town, baa told us to sell this desirable home at once. The price is very treasonable. .TUCKER & SHRECK ,502 Spalding Bldg. FOB SALE FA KM S 17 .SPECIAL 1 i - . . 65 acres, 80 acres have been under plow,' 50 acres can be fanned; nearly all good land; hat old house; living stream and spring on place; 7 mile from Oregon City, 1 mile to school. 14 miles to eleetrie earline; price 92600; one half cash. This price holds good foe 10 days only. I S. O. DILLMAN. ' Sty, and Main its. . Oregon City. Or. . ... LINN COUNTY RANCH- . - . CROP. STOCK AND EQUIPMENT 168 acres, located near Lebanon, Or. " On hard surfaced road. 60 acres under cultivation. 100 acre can be cultivated, balance good pas ture. Two acres orchard. 6 room house, bara, chicken bouse, silo, sheep shed. Prioe 961 per acre, with 8 cows, 3 mares, Guernsey ball, har nesses. wagon, mower, cultivator, ploughs,- disc .harrow, hay - rake, oca plantar, ensilage cutter, cider mill, fanninf mill, grain drill tad other Implement. 40 ton hay, ' 25 tons ensilage. Terms hn half. ; John Fcrsnaan, Gerlinger bldg. SO -ACREsS-1200 Improved, II fr Portland, half cub. US. ACRESS80G) Improved, cloe, school, town, 9600 cash. - A iRARE BARGAIN Prunes, , pear, cherries, 24 : acres,' 84000 crop last year. Price-85000i : i . CLAUDE COLE. 215 Lnmbermens ' bldg. ' "ONLY 5b00 CASH REQUIRED . 210 ; sere. : located - south of Seio. , Linn ermoty. Or. ISO acre under cultivation, of which 64V acres is beaverdam land, balance good pasture. 4 acre, bearing orchard. Creek and weU. - Goad T room bouse, large barns, nvUk house and- sheep shed. Good fence. - , Price 860 per acre, with hers,.cow, hog,- 89 sheep, CO goat. 158 cb.lckens.-50 Beesev 60 turkey, wagons, cultivators, ploughs, harrows, hamesss and hay.- Immediate possession. John Ferguson. Gerlinger hldg. . C- . ON HARD SURFACED ROAD ' 1 CLOSE TO ELECTRIC DEPOT ' r 80 -- acres, ell under cultivation,; located 25 miles from Portland. Nice level lind. Excep tionally fine eoU. Good 4 room bouse, barn etnekea house, garage. Orchard. Water piped to heaee. CIom to ochooL , Personally rasDected. Price 64250, with about 1 jrwnaJt arain and potatoes. Term oar part John Fr puon, Gerlinger bldg. ; -' - f y. .- ONLY 8150 DOWN ... !"" 't" 18. ST acres, part In . culUvation. good dark soit eloM to highway and S, P. Electrio statioa. Price 1825; 61 down, . Draper Corwax. 526- Cham, Of Com. . - , FARM, 80 acres, 20 seres in cult, 6-room V house, barn, orchard, berries, good sol : price, ineiudmg faro, implemenu and stock, 33000; other bargains, oa rock road, Garland, 201 Sd. FOR SALE FARMS . - HIGH CLASS FARM - ICO ACRES Gentlemen, if 'yon want a firs else propo sition,, this wiU interest yoa. Rich soil, nes ideal. Nearly 'B under cultivation. Perfect location. On Faeiflo highway, short drive from eitr. Right in edge of little viUsg oa main line railway. - Full set good buildings, supplied with electric lights,' pressure water system, etc Crop and 'fttU line equipment included. We ean't tell yoa in an ad all the advantage t thi choice proposition, M b gur to pi w a personal ealL- A. fci. UIU, CO.. 21B lumbermen Daoa. IfflGffKIMEIE ' 320 acre wheat 'ranch and aU Maipzaent, good bouse; bams, well, orchard in front of house, 120 acres in summer fallow: 4 anile south of Arlington, Or., orn Columbia highway. WUl atA land, including all machinery, for 818 an acre, providing the buyer bays the stock at an am as able price. One. half down, rest on .terms at 9 per cent . . - JOE TATONE ARLINGTON. OR . , FIVE MILES FROM OREGON CITY 60 acres, located on hard surfaced road, close to school. AUJ. can be cultivated. 48 acres Under cultlvtior. 18 arte grss pasture, bal ance heavy fir timber,. Good well. Large, barn. Very - desirable location. Price 8100 per acre. 33500 cash, balk nee long time at 6. John Ferguson, erhnger bldg. - J . - FARMS WAKTEP REyT OB BUT 81 WANTED For; client, the best tfairy farm in - Oregon; -no limit to price if value is there: she 4000 acres.' cut over land for colonization. F. Fochs, 420 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED The, best going -valley farm north imt a !Nw amtiiut tso.OOO- for client - Give fullest particulars. F. Fucha, 420 Chamber of Commerce. ( . ''i-: " " 1 -.. WANTEDTo irent, Utm. must be large; will buy stock i must oa good proposition; will leas, from 8 to 6 years.' - Write or. see Bigelow Bras.. Molalia. Or. WANT 'to buy? about 6 acre improved with - good house, sot too far out, on good auto road. Deal with the owner only. 0-445. Journal. i . FOB REUT FARMS 14 FARM FOR RENT ' Must buy eouinment which amounts to 31000. The crop is all In; 40 acres good soil. 80 acre in cultivation. DRAPER A CALWAY. 526 Chamber of Com. EXCHANGEREAL ESTATVJ 84 2 ACRES. NORTH PLAINS 4 room house;, number of fine chicken nouses. 81600, to trade for 4 or 5 room cottage. Will assume. Oscar Alderton, 1952 K. Yamhill at CHOICE Judith Basin ranch for Oregon prop erty What have rout Write M. M. Apple. Lewiatown, Montana. LOT in Laurelhunt will sell or trade for lot and small hoswa ia good district, rnone een wood 1318. - WILL sell cheap, new 4 room plastered house; take light ear.' in first part payment Will give good desi. Sellwood 717 WAJfTED REAL ESTATE 81 A STATEMENT TO PROPERTY OWNERS Wa have had a large business this fsll and have reduced the number of bouses which we had for sale, and are now in immediate need of homey to sell; every dy W are compelled to turn away business i on account of not having the right house to suit our client If yoa have property ta sell NOW IS THE TIME, while the market is good. We invite you to call at our offioe or phone us regarding your property, and we will .be glad to cooperate with you; do it now, while elllne la snnd. - JOHNSONDODSON CO. 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 3787 ' J AM lookirte for the best S room house $2000 will buy. In answering give street nnmber of the house offered and , full description. Abo your address. a-B-843. Journal. I WANT bouses; what have youT t have cash buyers waiting. Your house will be given proper attention. .List now , while selling is good. 5 - WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C A. WARRINER. ; HITTER, LOWE A COl. -A 201-3-5- Board of Trade Bldg. LISTINGS WANTED Quick results on good homes if prices are rht jECKES -r - 608 CHAM. OV COM. MAIN 8043. WILL buy 6 or 6 room modern home, cloae in, furnished or : unfurnished; as first payment will give -gilt edge mining stock balance like rent Call Marshall 2045 after 5 p. m. Creigh ton. : ' " WE want residences to sell. When you want a home see us. CAMPBELLTHELAN LAND A CATTLE CO; 30 1-802 Couch bldg. . Main 808. u. JLXTV.T1 S-raom buncalow. reasonably priced; small' payment down, balance like rent East 1418. . -. ; s WANTED 5 or 6-room bungalow in West moreland, small payment down, 350; purchase from-owner direct; no others need spply. iSell wood 2728. " ' ,; WANT to buy for cash, building lot in Irvington, bet 14th and E, 24th. Knott and Fremont Give full particulars. H-102, Jonrnat ROOMING HOUSEJi, AFARTMESTTS ' AND HOTELS FOR SALE 53 ROOMING hqnse for sale by owner, located in the business district of Vencduver. Wash. Has 21 nicely furnished rooms which are always rented. This place is clearing 820per month. Will stand closest investigation; would consider selling furniture snd renting . building to respon sible party. Inquire 808 W. 8th st. Vancouver. Wain. FOR SALE A 14 room hotel, modem-, clolii. gooa Business. jars, mm twi x w, v.. BUSrSESS OPFOBTTJITIT1ES ' 29 IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL your business, hotel, room or apartment- house of any kind anywhere, see. us. We have buyers for . " . . Grocery stores, 91O00 to 36000. Ctothing stores, 98000 to 950.000. Shoe tore. 95000. to 325,000 Hardware stores, 93000 to 910,000. Hotels, 92000 to 925,000. Garage. 900 to 916.000; ' Ilead-rour ade we give prompt Jesuit. The "Oregon Business & plnancial Agency 448 Morgan bldg. FOR SALE Blacksmith and wood working shop. 60 niles from Portland. In good businw towar equipped -with 2 fires snd full Una ' - tools; enough work for 8 men, surrounded by the best farming country in the Willamette valley; cheap for cash, or. may consider terms. lzz, journal. one 'desiring a good paying business. Here your oTiPbrtunity; doing a. large volume of busi ness; 820,000 required to buy half interest, Wl have the goods to show for it Oregoa Business Financial Agency. 448 organ piug. -r FOB SALE Chiropractic practice, doing over SOOOU -yearly eaan ousrae ; sovuni with excellent runoundin country. - Good Tea son for Milin.;, Am in eity for V thOTth,if' writ ma mt one it you waat partJcuh-, N-134, JournaL BLACKSMITH wit- little money wishes te le cats in business or otherwise at general aato mobils repairing, etc. , 7 yeatf' experieuce. S. J. Cottoa, ; 168 E. 8rd N. - FOR SALE . ' ,-CAB WAITING STATION, CIGAR AND CONFECTIONERY STORE ? . One of the best confectionery, cigar and sta FOR SAE Small dairy; 12 cowi. horse and wagon. and rente; wUl sell for 82500 or trade for property. 96 Garfield avfc. or oaU Wdla. 4I. GABAGE for rent concrete building, equipment - for gale' cheap if taken at once; pump all in stalled; rreryth g ready for business. Call 1040 K. 21st st. I. MIDDLE-AGED man with ordinary intelligence :n , , tinA..tul , , Li . in a lowing btiai- nes.. Must stand semtiniaing. B-84 1 , Journal - I REQUIRE Ui partner for truck bsuling prop- ' OSltlOU -WHJI Haowu mwv ,p .w msm Davenport at Broadway 8914. 893 TAKES a fine grocery, dandy location. - good stock And fixture ; living room. Big bargain for someone. See Peters.16 N. 6th. FIRST CLASS- complete barber- and manicure of oca. outnt at a a .,.ai 1546. IF yoa wish to bay or sell your business call for immediate results at Oregon Baaines Fines cial Agency. 448 Morgan bidg. x. BUTCHER for a good locatioti;' will rent or sell half interest to right man. v 294 Larrsbee. East 228 TENANT wanted for eloseia east aide.garaga, VI r eiiwii wm. 600 BUSINESS CARDS 81.25 s-aTt. ifl: Main. 6536. '191 K M mt. GROCERY store for sale; 8 large living rooms, tent reasonable. Telephone Sellwood 9297, . BrSIJVESS OPPORTUNITIES U f IF YOU WISH TO , BUY. OR SELL your business, hotel, room or apartment home ef airy hind aaywhers, sm as. W have buyers for , . - i, '.-',---:i"''- Grocery store, 81000 -to 36000. T Clothing stores, 83000 to 860.000. ' Shoe stores. 85000 to 825.000. ' . , Hardware store. 83000 to 810.000, - ,s , Hotels. 62000 Ao 826.0O0. Garages, 8500 to. 615.000. Bead out ads w giv. prompt results. The Oregon Business & ' Financial 'Agency 44l Morgan Bldg. '.-: tioaery stores; but ear waiting station ia the heart of city, oldeet established ear watting sta tion in Portland; 81600; soda fountain, show eases, rafe and all other fixtures; one of the beat bargain ever offered to to punue iot oom nlete mirtm: SI a. Ml. This is a rood buy. OREGON BUSINESS A FINANCIAL AGENCY 448 Morgan ttldg. I MUST sell my busy corner grocery store. If you want a np -can tsoot oobi. - MONEY TO LOAN BEAL ESTATE, tt 6800, 8400. 3500, .3760. 81000 and up at lowest rates; quick action. Fxed W. German Co., TSZ Chamber of Commerce.- slain B44 3. BUILDING' loans on city and suburban property, money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 215 end 216 Failing bldg. Main 8407. $300. 3400, 3500. 8600, 3750 and up. low ' est rate, quick action. .Gordon Mortgag co., usi cnsmDer oi commerce., msvu. 1 b i u MONEY for mortgage loans? 3600 to 86000, o ana i. l"Tea a. wuiisms. t)i V, isc st SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO., 222 cnamber. of commerce. 4Ui and Stare. MORTGAGE LOANS 8500 .to 86000, 6 and i ft. r reo a. vtunams. 1st st, MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 7 per cent Louis Salomon Co., 408 Belling bldg. HAVE 83000 cash for apartment or hotel, open sunaaye. Mam 3037. 1 on fare st 3300 to 83000. no commission. Main 1166. r'. H. lsesnon, 615 Chamber of Commerce. M05EY TO LO AW CHATTELS, SALARIES . 87 PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN AS3N. Phone Broadway 010. 894 Stark Street, near 10th. TM im riltmnnili m,i4m Vt,tmU. nlaiua lodaks, shotgun, furniture, mosical instrument and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BT THE PEOPLE OF PORT LAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER. City and county warrants cashed for face value. x , CARRIE MTERS-HERMAN. ' , Manager. DO YOU NEED MONEY Loans made on automobiles, diamonds, nianoa. houseliold goods or anything of value. Security usually left in your poaaeesioa. ALSO to SAL ARIED PEOPLE on their notes without secur ity. If your payments to offter loan companies or - oa furniture qr automobile contracts are larger than you can make, we wnl pay them up, advance you more money if -necessary, and you can repay ns in" small monthly payments to suit If our convenience. J LEGAL RATES NO DELAY . BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY (Licensed) 806-307 Oekum Bldg. Marshall 3286: Salary- LOANS ' WE LOAN MONEY Chattel On short notice to salaried or work in rm en oa their own notes. Weekly, semimonthly or monthly payments. Esch transaction strictly confidential NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSEB , ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also Ins on household furniture, pianos, etc., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY (LICENSED) ' 218 Failing bldg. MONEY to loan on dlsmiond, jewelry, legsj rates; sli articles, held a year; established sines 1888.. Dsn Marx. 288 Washington st CEO. HARVEY loans money on household goodZ i Legal rates. . Tabor 8806. - ' BOOMING HOUSES, APARTMENTS AJTD HOTELS FOR HALE it s Get In My Automobile and I will quickly and comfortably show you the best buys in rooming and ainrtment homes in Portland. BrnceS) Godqard, 502 Couch bldg. Mod. Rms$I700 Hot and cold water, heated, newly decorated, clears 3125 month; provides good home. God dsrd, 601-602 Couch bldg. . The Best In Portland Little apartment house with hot water heat hot and cold water in rooms, electricity, clean as can be. BRUCE GODDARD, 502 COUCH BLDG. WANTED Rooming, houses, 12 to 25 rooms. I have cash buyers. Main 3669. II- W. Gar land. SOI srd. LOATS WANTED 39 WANT 32000 On 84000 improved property. Al loan. ,7. No agents. Frank L. iio Gnire, Abington bldg. - Main 1068. ' FIRST "MORTGAGES for sale. 8500 nn. ?. H. Peshon, 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. SEE OREGON INV. 8c MORTGAGE CO.. 232 . Chamber of Commerce, 4th and Stark. FISAyCIA- 81 " LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS. If yoa must sell your Liberty or Victory bonds, sell to us. If yoa can buy more Liberty or victory bonds. Buy from us, w buy and aeS Liberty and Victory bonds at the. market YOU CANNOT DO BETTER YOU ILkY DO WORSE. We are today paying the following price for United States Government Liberty and Victory bonds, which were the closing New York market price, plus tne accrued interest N. T. Market Interest Total 8 M . ... . ..$100.00 81.03 3101.03 1st 4s 93.20 1.18 96.38 2d 4s ..' 94.14 1.5T 93.65 1st 4 lis. ... . 95.60 1.25 90.91 2d 4!4i .. 94.28 .1.61 95.89 Sd 4Kl .... 96.22 .19 96.41 4th 4H .... 94.24 . 1.96 96.20 Victory 34.. 99.90 e 1.37 101.27 Victory 44. . 99.94 1.73 - 101. 6T In purchasing Liherty and Victory bonda we deduct from tb above prices 37c on a 850 bond and 32.54 oa a 81000 bond, e In selling Liberty and Victory bond we charge the New York market jaric plus the accmed Interest , , ASK ABOUT THE MORRIS BROTHERS PLAN. Bhrglar and Fireproof Safe Deposit Boxes ' XS' : For Rent-. ' 'v. Open until 8 p., m. Saturdays. MORRIS BROTHERS, INC., The Premier Municipal Bond House.' Capital. 81.OO0.00O. Morris Bldg.. 909-811 Stark st. bet 5th A 6th. Tel. Broadway 2181. Established over 25 year. LIBERTY AMD VICTORY BONDS ' CASH iPAlD ' FOR ANT ISStB OF BONDS -A FULL MARKET PRICE LOAN ON WAR SAVINGS STAMPS " TOTJ CAN BORROW CASH OF t'S ON BONDS AND SAVINGS STAMPS OR TO FINISH PAYING FOB VICTORY BONDS i . - - '.,: - ' SEE E. BURKITT, PRESIDENT OREGON BOND -AND MORTGAGE CO.' ' 208 SELLING BLDG. t SECOND FLOOR)- i 'BdNDS'fiOUCHf SPOT CA8H ,-' SPOT CASH ' j MA RKHT PRICE " CASH' for RECEIPTS. We will LOAN you money on BONDS, W. S.,S-. or to make PAY MENTS on BONDS. 7 per cent 723 Cue Bldg.. Fifth aad Aid." CELLARS-MUHTON CO. I WILL BUY ;ANY LIBERTY BOND ; .: fPER CENT . -OF FULL CASH VALUE - ' I All due -coupon tntereot included.) : J H. KEATING.- 617 BOA R D OF TRADE CASH paid for mortgage and sellers' con tracts en real estate to Wash in rt oil or Oregon, H. E, Noble. 816 Lumbermeae bide ' - -- '-- ' HORSES. VEHICLES.' ETC 18 ONE of the nicest 2-year-old ataadard-bred flllie ; ia the state, cheap or eachange for good de- Drery aersea. " oz Front at 2 8 00-LB. team and tarnees; sell cheap; guaraa- Teea. . worn Isro. sz j rvonr st D AD bene taken quickly; cash paid for "Seed annuaia. raoor zu, HORSE and wagon, 8L60 per day;'3 horse and . wagon.. 68. J, Cohen, 546 Front Main 2206. DEAD horses and animals "hauled away ftew. C5 - Woodlawa 20. Portland Rendering Co, HORSES. VEHICLES, ETC. 18 12 lihrAD of niarea and geldlngsL weigh from . 1000 to 1600 - lbs all aood Workers and gentle; some good, blocky snares among thm; also a few set of auigl . and double barn, wagons and buggies: also 4 year old family Jersey eow. 'To be aeen st corner f East 9th and Hswtnorne, Phone Esst 322T SaX'ST tell at coot, span or sorrels, male and retting, tg 9 and g, sound and weU matched, very gentle. Best of wortsrs, weight about 2450 lbs. WIU take 3128 if sold this week. Mr. Lock, 302 Knott St.. near Union ave. - Ir. Lock HEAD . of good loung horse, weish from 1000 to 1600 lbs.:, all (nod: workers and a-antle: harness and wagon; reesonebl.; will trade 'for eattle- or light car. Call at the old dairy bun. c rvn . wooQsroca car. . ... FOR SALE, cheap, team Weighing 2600. and 7 year eld. low and chunky, with nearly hew harness and wagon. Have come here for winter and have use for them. - Mrs. West 808 WK SALE cheap, several good farm horses ana ytttsres, weight from 1300 to 1400 each; also some 1 arm lmuumenu. narness. .waeooa. i vow mwumnie are. THE reg tered jack "Plowboy" cheap, or will take cattle or horses in exchange. 802 rront sc. 2400 LB. TEAM, good wagon and hsrness, sell . eneep or trado (or cow. 253 Mead. at. M Portland car. MUST be sold at once, 3 good work teams, har .nes and wagon for alL Call 900 Powell t Phone Sellwood 717. . . . 3150 TAKES 3125 home, bay, 1100" lbs., good driver,' 6 years old; 6100 buggy, 929 cart 832 harness. -Glenn Welsh, Sherwood. Or. LIVESTOCK St FRESH caw and 2-year-old heifer calf, milking gallons per day; Holstein snd Jersey fresh 7 weeks, milkira 3 V4 eallons ner dav Brown Swiss, fresh November 27. Sell very cneap. vo fowell at Woodstock car. FOR SALE - 100 good trade coarse woo led and black faced bucks. Want good fall and winter pasture for 500 sheep. E. II. Myers, 689 E. 6 lit N. Tabor SB2I. IF YOU want say fresh dairy oow of any breed at any time see nr. tsruce at ine otooa Yards, North Portland, Or. 15 CHESTER White pig. 6 week old, for sale by George Nabel. on Btaflord road, S H miles from Oswego. FO R 8A LE Cheapl good young Jersey cow. Call 2d house south of MoCoy, ob 7 2d st, sit seott car. ONE Jersey-Guernsey cow.' 7 year old. -8 gal- . Ions per day. 1227 Lombard at Call Co- mmtiie 28S, afur 7 p. m. DANDY milk goats for sale; don't miss this chance. 8103 03d t S. E. Call Tabor 6147. 47 EWE SHEEP, to leas, on shares. E. C". Spencer, Oregon City. Or.. Rt. 2. Box 84. 7. MONTHS Jersey heifer, some hens and small amo ior sale. iss 64tn ave. n. . FINE fresh eow and calf at 28th and Holgete eta. Buckner. BEAUTIFUL thoroughbred registered Jersey cow. just fresh, for sale. 1343 Glenn av. N. TWO Jersey cow and calf. 5 gallon milk. 92 ooa t POULTRY AJfD RABBITS 87 YOUNG White Leghorn hens, hoganised and guaranteed heavy laying stock, 31.60 each; Barred Itock and R. I. H. pullets, 31.25 to.2. RABBITS Flemish. New Zealand, White Angora, and Himalayan; good stock and cheap. J. R. MAOUIKK, 787 Oregon M, POULTRY PUPPIES PETS WE SPECIALIZE ON THEM CASH PRODUCE COMPANY' 800 E. Morrison New Management East 6122 BUSTER'S BABBITRY AH breeds for sals. A fine gift for your boy. 10005 45th ave. S. E. and 100th at, near Lents. FOU SALE 5 4 acres improved, 7 room bouse, barn, outbuilding!,, berries; 1200 feet from Kore-t Grove highway, Aloha station. Address owner, C. Thomiwon. nuber. Or. SAVE FEED I guarantee to pick -non-layers from ' your flock. Tsbor 6422. WHITE. Leghorn bens. B. Rock, It L Red pul lets; I deUver. 6348 84th st S. E. Tabor OnA tVH IRU. lBl nMW, . .'"'S wan,,, beef scraps, ete. Master Incubator Co., 415 Jenup. Wdln. 4344. . - - WK pay the highest cash price for pullcta, any breed. Tabor 4203. - ONE year old Whtte Leghorn hens for sale. Phone Tabor 6893. POOS, BIRDS. PETS, ETC. 48 iXCPTIONALYfine pedigreed PersfaaTit. tens for sale. Main 0460, Hillsdale, Or., Box 22. THOMPSON'S Bird store, corner Presoott. 887 Mississippi ave. Big sal. oa canary birds, si. no ana z CHOICE canaries at "The Canary Bird Shon mm , a ess a A iiL r at A 6 1 t Binffen rorsnv. noi , 4om iw. u-ja FOR 8AJE Pediffmd Bull Terrier pnp fe- TToObD btrddog for sale. Sellwood 1672. AUTOMOBILES AJTIT ACCESSORIES 44 PAIGE Liawood model. You will want this. Saxoa Six Jut painted, teat cover. Maxwell Touring 1918. at a price that will I1 ease you. . ' , Chevrolet Touring Pep and power. ; Ford Touring. Spend a little time today at USED CAR EXCHANGE Open evenings and Sundays. ; S. W. Cor. 15th and Washington. . JUST THE CAR FOR A DOCTOR Kissel Kar Roadster with all-year top; run only 1700 miles. It's soma buy. USED CAR EXCHANGE 8. W. Cor. 15th and Washington. . MOTORS, gears, bearings,' wheels,, axles; we wreck all makes of cat and sell their part tt half price. David Hods Co., North Bread-. way and FUnders. FORD TOURING 1918 MODEL - " '.:.' Fine condition, 8475, half down, bslsnee easy. sisnrisir s FRANLIN i9l8 touring car; juat i- new, 32100. Will consider : terms to responsible parties. Phone owner . 9 -at esus. Forte land, or. iiFFERii 'SCf This iar oanooi U Ud from new. Five cord tires. Mast Mil this week, 8U00. R. E, 8orrz, owner. ; 4 Phone East U8U3, roniano. 1918 CHEVROLET - mAlO . ' : This is a private touring car, in good oonditlon, good tires, chains, spot light vacuum feed! 9860. term. - 626 Chamber of Commerce. 9300 DOWN WILL BUT MT 1919 MAX WELL; RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW; 6 GOOD TIRES: 10 MONTHS ON BALANCE, CALL TABOR SO. early 1019 Chevrolet, soo down; guar WHO can afford to mus this opportunity of buy ing a .1910' BUKa- - at tneir own price! OVERLAND tourlns. lUIVMust like aewi ear's bargain -at 81000. with liberal terms. 80 GRAND AVE.. NORTH. NEAR BUBN8IDE, rSU CHALMERS. Pass,, good condition. 8773. Peruana car osiet Co., u and lay for. W HERE can buy a lata UMdel Cad-tae 7ot 317697 - - 404 PAVIS, SIAB TENTH. rSlS'OLDSMOBILB 8," to" fine ertionT820 down i free service. - Portlaad Car Sals Ce 6th and Taylor. f " ; . ;. . - - DODGE, delivery, good as- new. over-fix. tires; - terms; ,1985, v Uto, Auto Sal Cov, . 430 Purwride. "If. ' ' ' ' " '"' "'' 1918 FORD roadster, "' 8210 do a. guarantee - and - free service. Portland Car SaIm Cow svtn ana Taytor. HAVE a iTl 8 Dodge. . ia elegant aondUloa, ' would consider a good used Ford as part pay saent. balance long easy terms. Marine u 142a. WHAT do you think of the Chevrolet touring inr 9vr an eroaaway. itur pnone 0143 AT 834 East Broadway there is a Hudson Super f which is worth . investigating. Call C-194A ou either pnone. - 1819 PAIGE light six. 2 cord tires, ethers good; spotlight and - Jbuatper; 4 1800. term;, erii trad ior rignter car, kssx uzxs. LATE model Saxoa six, just overhauled; teat DovTTw-r core argsy .mn xmm woo, ' fbnn tourlnc. 425. jfee it t 354 But t , L4ta avfteAAu sT1.-! A . . OIVMn "l i y- y -w. s Overland touring, 9100 wwo. call " it 7756. ' ' -.'. 1 - 6 PASS, family ear, good .mechanical condition. Pnone' Woodlawn 2438. 766 . BUl at N 1916 SUPER 6 Hudson. eord tirW ijj Alder, r Broadway. 2492. : - CSED tires and rebuilt tires, The I inch V- eanixtng Co.. 889 Vt Stark bet 9th and 10th. Gasoline 82 cents a gallon, oils and GK--BKH. -l'l.KKW fAUt r CO., IBt) 1ST. CiiEMiOLET touring car, 9700, termi. States a ww aies m,, u rinrnsKie. antee and iiee service 1 enough Mid. Portland Csr Bsles Co., 6th and Taylor. 640 HUDSON,' A-l condition. Call Main 6443. AUTOMOBILES AKD ACCESSORIES 44 USED CAR v; BARGAINS Reo Six. completely overhauled, new top with U glass la rear, spare tire with tire cover; s Juat been , repainted dark blue body with aan .iumIl tjMk, UV. . rm. ... a mighty low price on it, too, , l . " .. - -1 ; , ? t t.11' a .. B. l. . , ..... i. . . . . . uwnunr ;uk ovevnaaiea aaa repainted ia also offered at a, bargain pnoe. fnA,lh A,nt . ! . I. a . ,.,l . . .-". y v ' ta aw no ouiuon m en other good buy. Ake a Reo Four. 6 pass. agar. Northwest Auto Co. " Alder at 18th.' SECTIONAL GARAGES '. CAN BE SHIPPED ANYWHERE Modern Construction Co. 916 E. 11th st Phone East 9114. USED AUTOMOBILES . ; TERMS .GIVEN ' J0RDA". ' ' a ' MITCH ELK CADILLAC. OVEKLANDS. CHEVROLET. "SEVERAL OTHERS TO SELECT FROM. - WEST SIDE SALES ROOM. 'MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO. BROADWAY AT OAK BTS Phones Broadway 616. A-834S. USED CAR BARGAINS 1 Light Bulck 6 ...30 1 Oakland Sedan 99. t Buick 4. '16 and '18 ......760-800 1 Franklin series 7....,., 950 1 Dodgs . .. 760 9 Overlanda 400-600 ; 2 Chevrolet roadsters , 400-4 2 6 1 Chevrolet touring ................. 460 6 Fords, a ,,250.460 2 Ford deliveries ..,.800-876 " 9 can, all run 60-209 - Accessories and parte for moat all cars. . ' 26 spotlights at 66 each. LONG SII.VA , 462 Hawthorn. GARAGES Price on application. Ready Cut Houm MTLLMADE - . CONSTRUCTION COMPANY v 1601 Uunien av.-M. Woodlawn 2418. - . WILLYS SIX- New top. new paint, and -new tires; . a per-i feot ear for 9950, term, 421 Bunuide. Ask! for Jones, FOUR passenger Willy Sis Club Roadster with Red Seal Continental motor. Built for earn fort, speed Hind power. All tins nearly new; xtra tire and tube. Haa been ran only 7000 miles. Will take smaller car in trade. Terms, Phone evenings. East 6389, FORD ROADSTER with delivery body and deck, shock absorbers and other extra equip-, mcnt See C. G. BLEA8DALK. 630 Alder St Open" evenings. I CAN use your Ford if yea Ma wm my new Briaooe. Phone Crnlkshank, Sell, 8W4 Bdwy. 2492. DODGE SEDAN -. Looks like new. Run 4000 mils. Geod tire. Bdwy. 2492. , Bartlett. I - -: - . V '.. . . HAVE max mm MsrwsD and Chvrolt W MS Broadway 2492. - i aaod nrioss en. CABY. 623 Aids st. SERIES -9" Fraaktta, aewj 91978,' CABY. 622 Alder st, , Broadway 9492. iiiiSp 2 FORD TOUBCra CARS I CABY. 522 Aider t Broadway 3491. Ull 'lllTDMVIi iVMilre Cliii. wit. wlalal Lfina coadUion, ,8320 aowa. fuaraatM 8n4 - service. Portlaad Car Salse C 6th and ya' v . - . - . . . MAXWE-C 1919, touring, just Uk new; aatl , Mil. a barraia at 61000. with terms,- Coo- Lalder maa lier car in trail 80 Grand arcane'?. north. - near Burnsid. ' ' ' " , " - " i7Bt'IC roadiur," 1 being , refinlslied' and ' we wiU reflnish it any color yon pick out; . we have a ml priea en this ana, Ebtrle Gar- . age, II ta; -and Hoyt wa.-: --. -. X-:.yf ?l MAXWELL touring and I 90 per cent new . - in .v.ry way . avnu nwn w. rw f. , with good term, or Feed m part payment. Veil Garage, -11U at. Hoyt et -. - . - YE LIE hag, new epert top and windshield. M,ia awe. new qtvo www wu,u ,, nainV a elau. mmr! 82110 dowa. Portland Car Bale CO.,' Ota ana isyen , WHO will be first to, est thi. good buy ia aa - rwuwri - - 4 04 DAVIS, NEAR TENTH. 1800 D0WK BUYS 1919 MAXWELL' TOt'Ri ING CAR, A-l CONDITION; BEPAJNTEIK Call east i 962. " -- - :- . . - lVlTldXXWELL, like newt 9350 down, soar- -antee aad free Mrric. Portland Car ttalM Co., 8th and Taylor. iilln' BUICK 6 muL. 3800 down: suaranle. and fie. aervices; enough Mid, Portland Car Bales Co., 6th and Taylor. j 1917 COLE 8 roadster, 949 down ana will take mailer car in trade: fto aerrte, PortUod. Car- Sales Oa.. 6th and Tavlar. PUOXB as at C-1948. either swiw, lor a lienioBltr attoa of our 1919 Premier Yemrti- ev step at ao J st n roadway ana sm It ARE you-looking for aa Overland Chummy bug!. juieeina ngoie ana starter. - . - ' . 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH- ' FORD touring. 818otoowa. free'servlee;' Ford touring, 6160 down, free service. Portia ad Car ' Sale Co., 6th and Taylor, - - , CS"VIl 0 CEfTT 9Ti7 ' like new, 1675; dWuai ior eas 829 4ta at I'AX 'io use 19lf CheiroH Vor '9.oT 404 DAVIS, NEAR TENTH, - ' ' DODGE' Ute 1417, ake ford in trad er aI cbap. Tabor 4673, WHAT do you think of a Ford roedeter ai HHi 1 . 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. ' OVERLAND'SO. la good eonditirarea buy at eow. laaow waimg., naa ay Divq., at Beta et WUV wantsTn 91 MsTlTHsneap"! TT , 494 DAVIS.JSEAB TIN'ia -hH TXESOverIan4 7. self ""sUrter"" s'b4 llghta. if token at once. 279 W. Rnt at 1m) YOU want a Ilnumoblle bug for 9260') '"' " ' 404 DAVla. NEAR TENTH. A' BAkGAIN 1917 riper U Hudson";" ei'ccl lent con.ution shoo rash. 4 N. 20th at. CAN :you use a 1613 Cadillac if fric. to riiihtf . ,; . "V id, bAa ILa iU, r ' 4 Mm f s.-