14 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, - TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 4919. REAL ESTATE FOR 8A LK4)-HOl SF.S 1 BiW A HOME 7 modern house in M-V district lot 31x115. Trie 12200. . modem cottage. Brooklyn district. ' of m eonwr lot. Price i-'Joo. 5 room modern cottage. Upper Albina. dis trict, all in fine shic. Price $2200. 6 room modern bungalow, M-V district, very .ttrtrtiv. Print $2350. 4 room modern lionwt. nma fruit trees. Rich rend district Price $3000. 6 room strictly modern bungalow, 1 block from car. price $3200. 0 room modern rot tug, ML Tabor, lot, hous Jn good shape. Price 12000 If you are looking for a home, come to our office at 305 Stork Exchange bids., or call Main 767 and we. will allow you what we hare. BERRSDQE & MILES VAC AN f ROS"E fit T CALIFORNIA TYPE BUNGALOW One of Roue City's prettiest. 2 years old, 0 room, down, 2 eitra bedrooms in finished attic, extra lone living room, fireplace, hardwood floor in every room and clown; French doon leading to beautiful tapestry papered dining room, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, entire lower floor finished in white enamel, full cement baaement, furnace, laundry trays, beautiful SOxlOO lot. 10 fruit tree, berries, garden, rose, fine ahrubbery. pared st., 1 blocka Sandy bird, and car; owner ba re duced thia wonderful home from $8000 for quick tale; 12550 cash will handle. I'hone for ap pointment before it in too late. . GEORGE T MOOIIE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. $4750HEAL ROSE fITY HOME On E. 62d at., clone to car, in a very ttrsetive -room modern home; very pleing line; recep tion ball, living room with fireplace and leadrd glaea bookcasee; very pretty dining room with bnilt-in leaded glass buffet: core ceilings; hard wood floors, white Ihitch kitchen, full cement baaement, furnace and laundry trays; 3 light, airy bedrooms and sleeping porch; white enamel plumbing; can arrange terms. SEE FRANK L. McQUMRE tO BUT KUR HOME. Ablngton bids.. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Jsiindgy. ALAURELHUR8T BUNGALOW tf you want a rejil bungalow at a reasonable figure, you'll buy thia one: The living room is unusually large; In the paneled dining room is a handsome built-in buffet. There are 3 bed rooms. 2 of which are very large and beautifully finished in white; the bath fixture are high grade. There is a full concrete basement, fruit room and wash trays, first , clans furnace,' gar age. We forgot to mention the fireplace and hock rase. The price of thia 6 room home is 15750, on easy terms. We believe it's the best buy in Laurelhnrst !OE A. McKENNA A CO. M. 4522. 82 4th si. Board of Trade Bldg. M. 6871. $5180 REAL HOME BARGAIN On a large cornel' lot on E. Washington street. Just south of Laurelhurst 2 blocka from the Mt Tabor and Sunnrside ears, ia a very substantial 7 room modern home; white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas; 4 bedrooms; ean arrange eery easy terms. We hare oyer 00 photographs of inspected homes in oar of , fice for sale. 12 experienced salesmen with autre at yonr services. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUT TOUR HOME. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. 13500 HOLLA DAT - IK VI Xt if ON-! HOME On Clackamas St., on a full lot. is a 7 room Terr modern home; liTing room with fireplace, solid paneled dining room, leaded glass buffet, ore' ceiling, full white Dutch kitchen, 3 light, airy bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas, sleeping porch, full cement bane- j sent furnace and laundry trays. C an arrange terms. See our display of over 600 photo graphs of homes for sale; autos at yuur service. 8EF FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUT TOUR HOME. Abington HIdg. Main 1068. Office Open Evening and Sundays. . $4575 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW On E. 52d St., below the hill, is an attractive typical bungalow, like new ; reception hall, large living room with fireplace and built-in book cases, beamed ceiling, solid paneled dining room with plate rail, inlaid liardwood floors, whit fmteh kitchen, central hall, 2 light, airy bed-! rooms, white enamel plumbing, electric lights am gas; large iioorea attic: good cement base- ment, furnace and laundry trayB; full lot. paved ' street, liens paid in full. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUT YOUR HOME. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. $ 1 500 NEAT BUNGALOW HOME On E. 74th st.. near Stark, dose to the esr and school, on the north Blope of Mt. Tabor, is an attractive 4-room bungalow; built in conveniences; white enamel plumbing; elec tric lights and gas; attractive lawn, flowers and shrubs. Can arrange terms. We have over 800 photographs of Inspected- homes in our office for sale. 1 2 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY TOUR HOME. Abington Bnilding. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. HA WTHORNE-31 ST. $4000 Yes. there are still some good buys. ' Here is one; A 7-room bungalow, built 4 years ago; liv ing room, dining room, Dutch kitchen. 2 bed rooms and t bath down and 2 rooms and sleeping porch upper floor, fireplace, built-in bookcases, lull coment basement, garage, paved street, paid; blok to Hawthorne car. This semi-bungalow was built by owner for a home. It really is one of the best buys we've seen for some time. If you can pay $1000 down you'd better see ft today. COE A. McKENNA A Co. Main 4522. 82 4th St.. Board of Trade bldg. Main 6871. ROSE CITY PARK CAR ' NEW BUNGALOW $3750 Hera it a thoroughly double constructed bnn galow with large living room, extending the width of house. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet complete Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook ce-' inent basement, wash trays, etc. w want to compare the construction with that of houses built several years ago. This is s real buy ank iY aPPrecigte the wonderful value. Termsi l.et us show yon. A. ;. tefpk rr 264 8tark st.. near 3d. Main 35 D3, Main 8092 Branch Office, 50th and Sandy $2630 ADJOINING LAUR"ELHU"rS? ery homelike, substantial R cottage; white enamel plumbing, electric lights i x witn abundance of fruit, flowers and shrubbery; on E. 80th st near Oak, adjoining 1-eurelhurst. A BARGALN SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Bldg. Main 1068 Office Open Evenings and Sundays. " A GOOD BUY IN ' HOLLADAY ADDITION Here is a good, substantial 7-room home, lo vated on 26th st There are 4 rooms on lower and 3 bedrooms and bath on upper floor: fire place, full basement furnace heat, 50x100 cor- I!r,.lSt,f?efmenU P"- The price is $4780 with $1000 cash, If you can find a bet ter home for the price in Holladay we would like to see it OE A. McKENNA A CO. Main 45"2 82 4th st.. Board of Trade bldg. M. 6871. ROSE CITY PARK 6 ROOMS $3500 lolks. you would ne'ver expect to buy a - good 6-room house, located 1 block from Sandy 7.? trw wer assessments paid, for $3500, would your This is modern in every way except hardwood floors. Splendid Fox furnace. Liberal terms of payment, too Let us show you. , ' G- TEEPE CO.. .64 8trk st. near 8d. Main 3518. Main 3092 Branoh Office, 60th and Sandy. R08E CITY PARK .FYVB ROOMS AND DEN $4750 au , .,"" nJy bungalow in a splen- Wkh rt,t,in,J0ifdna bl0fks from Sand, on uOth st. hardwood floors, fireplace, bullet ce ment basement, furnace, etc. Street asaess menta paid in full. Ut tn show ,ou 864 Stark St " Near!; ,U Main 3516. Branch Office 50th and Sandy 8K CITY PARK CAR " xr ?PH'SID BUNGALOW $3800 Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet full ce ment Basement, full lot, You will be delhrhfZt with the interior finish. This a rej J showf "d rth mone SiL 4 Start St,Ni7frB C- Main 3516 Branch Office 50th and Sandy HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW GARAGE SOxlOO LOTS3500 Modern 6 room bungalow. 5 rooms on first--. Poor, 1 room up, fireplace, buffet bookcisei eoeption hall, cloak closet,' full cement ; ment wash trays, cabinet kitchen. ""hI ! rarJZe SOxlOO. lot all street impro,em,,t. m and "id MSOO cash IUwthorn ve : price $350o', CLEVELAND HENDERSON CO .-513 Railway Exch. Bldg Main ft75, KENTON 5 6 room house, lot 125r200. 16 bearinz fmit tree. $2500. Good terms. Peart ONe W'n FOR SALE ! ' Beantlful 6 room house, furnace, electric and gas, at bargain. Clear of all debt. E. M ltowley. 1002 E. Morrison. " " AN ALBERTA BARGALN- Neat cottage. 50x1 On lot. fruit, outbnildines fSOO: tewms. Main 5231. (9 ROOM home, completely furnished: modern in every respect; fine district; terms. Phon Tabor 8849. MODERN 5 room cement Mock vungatow. Price ' rxtuoed to $27BO. Owner, Wdln. 5313 'iCE lrg lot- B-room house, close to shipyard" west aide. Tabor 8529, SEAL ESTATE FOR- SALE HOUSES fl IN PARK ROSE. 2550 SUBURBAN HOME. On 14 tcr tract, 1 block; from Sandy bird., paved road, 2 blocks to car line. 2 blocks to school. 3 blocks to store. 4 nice rooms, attic, big fire place and basement; ground all cleared and young bearing fruit trees; chicken bouses with runs, sightly location; this is indeed a good buy; the interior finishing is not quite complete, but place may be occupied while finishing; the fur niture is also included in the price; possession very quickly; terms, S cash. 3. T- IIARTMAN COMPANT, 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. $3700 ROSE CITY DISTRICT Very substantial 7 -room modern home on a fnll lot with all liens paid: hardwood floors, fire place, interior woodwork in nak; massive buffet, built-in conveniences ; this house could not be built for $4 300; can arrange terms. We have over 600 photographs of inspected homes in our office for sale; 12 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUT TOUR HOME. Abington bldg., Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. $Tsoo Bungalow With ioox147. On 100x147 corner lot with abundance of fruit, berries and garden, is a neat 4 -room bun galow; white enamel plumbing; large barn and chlckenhouae; price reduced $700 for quic-: sale; can arrange easy terms. We have over 600 photographs of inspected bomee in ' our office for sale. 12 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BI T YOUR HOME. Ablngton building. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. PARK ROSE HALF ACRE VERT NIFTY BUNGALOW $4800 Folks, if you are in the market for a real nifty, modern, exceptionally well built bungalow, ideally located on hard surfaced street, we do went the privilege of showing you this home. Located Just beyond Rose City Park. Must be sold at once. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 trk st., ne.r 3d. Main 35 10. Main 3092. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. MOVE RIGHT IN OPEN WEDNESDAY FROM 4 TO 7 P. M. 5-room semisuodern bungslow, large porches, j fine bathroom complete, 5 yrs. old, snd new ' garage. block from the car, cement walks. ! concrete foundation, good basement, fine living j and dining rooms, nice kitchen and pantry, sta- nonary tuus, noi-.snu coia water in oeoxooms; one of the best buys in the city; price $2350; terms if desired. 7114 52d ave. S. E.. or call Tabor 1485. .ROSE CITY PARK NEW BUNGALOW $4100 Here ia one of these real good looking bunga lows, located on corner of 5 1st and Siskiyou. Exceptionally large living room, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement basement, etc. St. assts. paid in full. Liberal terms. Let us show you. A G. TEEPE CO.. 264, Stark t, nesr 3d. Mum 3516. Main 3092. Brsnch Office. 50th snd Sandy. $3000 5 ROOM BUNGALOW Very large living room and extra hie attic, hardwood floors in main rooms, east facing cor ner 50x100 ft.; 3 blocks to Hose City rjr; clear of all incumbrances: $1000 will handle it. J. L. Hartman Co., 7 Chamber of Com merce bldg. Main 208. ROSE CITY PARK $3500 You'll be surprised to learn this 6 room house is located on 4 8th St., south of Sandy bird. There are 3 large rooms down and 2 and bath on upper floor; fireplace, good base ment, 50x100 lot, fruit trees in bearing. Yes. ' the street leina are paid. If you can pay $2000 i cash see this at once. j Mam 4522 C0E A. McKENNA A CO M. 6871 ' E2 4th st.. Board of Trade bldg. i HERE TBI ARE ' 4 AND .1 ROOM COTTAGES ALL FOR $1600 ALL FOR $1600 Four room modern cottaee, lot 50x114, M-V district: also 5 room cottaee. M-V. lot 40x100-1 also half acre with 4 room cottaee. M-V district - I also 6 room modern cottage, close in, Sellwood i district. Berndge U Miles. 303 Stock Ex-I change bldg, Phone Main 7676. BELMONT STREET SNAP Good 5-room 1 H -story cottage, bath, electri city, gas, all new pllmbing. good basement, house in No. 1 condition, city liens all in and paid; on Belmont street, near 32d. Price $2100; $500 caxh. $25 monthlv. GRL'SSI & BENNETT. 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. ACRE with beautiful 6 room bouse, all kinds of bearing fruit trees and berries, best of soil for garden, chicken house and runs, hard surfaced street. 1 block to car. This place has all city conveniences. It is iust 50 feet out side of the city limits. Price $3150. $650 cash, balance like rent. ' JOHNSON-DODSON CO 633 N. W. Ban k B Idg. Main 8787. $3350 -NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH If you know the value of property see this: fi rm 2 story double const'd residence, extra large rms., built in buffet, full basement, 60x100 lot, fruit, berries, grapes. 3 blks. Jefferson high, 3 blks. Peninsula Park, 4 blk St. Johus car. 1 blk. Mississippi line, $1000 cah, bal. easy payment. Geo. T. Moore Co.. 1007 Yeon bldg. SUNNYSIDE BIG SNAP ' Good 6 room house, electricity, nice bath, full basement, corner E. 30th and Alder; worth $2800; will sell for $2250, $500 cash and $25 per month. Photo At our office. GRUSSI & BENNETT. 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 74 82. ROSE CITY PARK Owner leaving city will sell his 6 room 1 H story bungalow at a very low price if sold this week; furniture if desired: about 4 blocks from car couth of Sandy; ideal location; good garage; price, including all assessments, $4850; be quick. See Mr. Delahunty at office E. 39th and Glissn. or phone for auto. Tabor 3433. Residence. East 2086. $1950 QUEEN ANNE BUNGALOW Located on 54th st.. near Franklin high, rooms, living room, fireplace, bookcases, bean 4 beamed ceilines, fine kitchen, full cement basement laundry trays, dandy lot, fruit trees, berries, nice lawn, close to school and car; $1000 cash, balance terms. GEORGE T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. ROOMING house for sale by owner, located in the business district of Vancouver, Wash. Has 21 nicely furnished rooms which are always rented. This plsce is clearing $200 per month. Will stand closest investigation; would consider I selling furniture snd renting building to respon ! ible psrty. Inquire 308 W. 8th -t., Vancouver, Wash. $2000 $300 AND AUTO to $750 down, bal ance $13 per month at. 6 per cent; five large room, attic, bath, toilet, built-ins. base ment electric lights. . 'gas and cement walk; 1 block to hard surfaced street; near school, car and stores. Inquire st. 930 Montana ave.. Mississippi car to Skidmore, or phone Woodlawn 8277. 5 ROOM bungalow, with sleeping porch, fire place, bookcases, buffet, full basement, close to car, a cozy little home: $2800, $1000 cash, balance easy. JOHNSON DODSON CO. 633 N. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. NEAR PENINSULA PARK A real good buy.' $2400. $1400 cash, bal ance monthly ; 5 rooms on first floor. 1 bed room and store room upstairs, nice lawn, fruit and flowers, near car. JOHNSON DODSON CO. 033 N. W. Bank Bldg Main 3787. toil SALE by owner. 6 room modern house, 2 lots, on paved Oregon City highway; garage, hr.using for 250 chickens. Price $2500; $760 cash handles. Balance $20 per month, in cluding interest st 6 per cent Phone Tabor 2089. Call 6418 82d st 8. E. SNAP $24 00 home for $2200. some trade. some cash, balance $25 monthly; cash dis count; 6 rooms, modem, closets, attics, base ment, furnace, porches, concrete walks, fruit garden. Call after 3 p. m. Owner, 4047 65th s. S. F. $3250 HAWTHORNE district, modern 6-room bunaglow, lot 50x100, panel dining room beam ceiling, four kinds of fruit; st assessments paid. $1750 will handle: call at 1118 Stephens at. Phone Tabor 0555. 4 ROOM house, close to car and Peninsula Park has gaa, bath; price $1050. $150 cash, bal ance easy. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 683 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3tt WHY NOT BTTTT.nv Get an artistic home by an established rchi tectural firm at low cost. We build anything; furnish the money if desired. U R. Bailey Co Inc.. contracting atchitects. 924 N. W. Bank! FOR SALE Small house and 2 lots. large chicken house and cow barn; also 125 white leghorn chickens, one cow; all for $1900, $700 cash; bal. as rent; see owner, 6109 58th av. S. E. CLOSE-IN snap. Modem bungalow. 5 rooms first floor, space for 8 rooms upstairs. gift at $2550; some terms. Owner. 945 F Franklin st SACRIFICE, must sell, 7-room up-to-date mod ern house, full lot lots of fruit Must be seen to be appreciated. Cash or easy terms. 1097 Vernon ave. Woodlawn 4805. Owner. li ROOMS. furaished7n7berete iionie keeping rooms or nsed for boarding bouse- very Ci!".n,M5; $600. terms. West side. Phone FOR SALE by owner, 5-room bungalow in ex cellent conditions. 3405 E. 55th st. one iTl ""'a of Powell Valley road. Phone HOUSE and 1 or 2 lots in Terrace Park, near a good school, shade and fruit trees, terms. vj u.isn. t "one evenings. Woodlawn 6760. FIVE room bungalow, corner lot, 85x100; take ut cm part payment U330 K. 50th 8. E. HEAT. ESTATE "FOTl SALE HOUSES v THE McGUIRE SYSTEM Makes noma baying easy. You eaa) come to thia office and see over 700 photographs of homes for sale, arranged In tbeir respective dis trict, with fnll description. Every home has been appraised by an expert appraiser; ' some remarkable bargains. That is why we sold over 600 homes since January 1 this year. 12 ex perienced salesmen with automobiles at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUT TOUR HOME Abington bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. BUY A HOME Seven room modern bouse in M-V district, lot 50x115. price $2200: 6 room modern cottage. Brooklyn district, on a comer lot, price $''250; 5 room modern cottage. Upper Albina. district, all in fine shape, price $2200; also 5 room modem bungalow. M-V district, very attractive. price $2350; 6 room modern house, soma fruit trees, Richmond district, price $3000; 5 room strictly modern bungslow; 1 block from car, price $3200: also 6 room modern cottage, Mt, Tabor, lot, house in good shape, price $2000. If you are looking for a home, come to our office at 305 Stock. Exchange bldg., or call Main 7676 and we will show foa what wo have, BERRIDGE A MILES. $il00 NEAT BUNGALOW HOME On E. 74 th st. near Stark, close to the car and sehool, on the north slope of Mt. Tabor, is art attractive 4-room bungalow; built in conveniences; white enamel plumbing; elec tric lights and gas; attractive lawn, flowers and shrubs. Can arrange terms. We have over 600 photographs of inspected horow in our office for sale. 12 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE ' TO BUY YOUR HOME. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. SlTlHTlNfrrONUNGLdW On a full corner lot on Broadway, west of 20th. is a 9-roim attractive typical bungalow: living room with fireplace; paneled dining room; beamed ceiling; convenient kitchen; 5 bedrooms; white enamel plumbing: electric lights and gas; full cement basement; furnace and laundry trays. Can arrange terms. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BI T YOUR HOME. Abington bldg.. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. V HAT ' I.sTot BA NS W E It ? Continue paying rent and remain forever homeless, or today investigate Walnut Park's plan and own a home of your own? Many are building beautiful homes in Walnut Park, WHY NOT l'Ol'i Lot 50x100. with 15 foot alleys; streets paved and paid for; convenient to 6 carlines; also Jefferson high school and library, j located in Walnut Park ; extra Inducements for i 5 more homes THIS week. WILL YOU BE 1 ONE OF THE FIVE! Save commission by dealing 'with owner, W. M. Killingsworth, of fice 114 9 Union avenue. Office hours 10 to 12 a. m. Phone appointments to Wood lawn 3304 or Woodlawn 951. $2800 ADJOINING PIEDMONT I Very attractive 6-room colonial type bungalow home on a full lot; very conveniently arranged; house like new; vacant; move in; $500 down, entire balance at $25 per month. No mort gage or street liens. See this today. We have over 600 photographs of inspected homes in our office for sale. 12 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington bldg.. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. FOR SALE BY OWNER 7 ROOM HOUSE IN SUNNYSIDE. GOOD CONDITION. DESnt ABLE HOME. OR CAN BE MADE INTO FLATS. TERMS REASON ABLE. 1113 BELMONT ST. 11119 E. 57TH N. I Just beyond Laurelhurst. ) There is a pretty ' 5 r. bungalow on 50x100 fct ; blk. to car, which is an unexcelled vaL for $2600. Has baa'L, attic, built-ins, enam. plumbing. Run out and look it over. G. C. GOLDEN BERG, Abington Bldg. "35 Years in Portland." Main 4803. 5 ROOM bungalow, modern, full basement, fur- nace, fine view on Tabor side, on Taylor St., close to carline. Lot 125 by "0 feet. Price $3500. Liberal terms. 7 room house, modern, lot 80x125 feet, fine fruit, close to carline and school; sewer, side walk in, all paid for; terms. $2750, $300 down. $2(1 per month, 6 per cent interest. Cf.rner 7th and Pine in Montavilla. O. P. Potto. 1980 East Stark st Tabor 3O0. ROSE CITY PAKK7$42!To PAY $600 AND MOVE IN This fine 6-room home; the living room is unusually large, there 'are liardwood floors in main rooms, there are 3 bedrooms and bath on upper floor, there is a big warm basement, a high grade furnace and wash trays. The loca tion is good, within 3 blocks of car and school. COE A. McKENNA & CO. Main 4522. 82 4th t.. Board' of Trade bldg. $3600 MODmS "RESIDENCE Located in fine locality on Waverleigh Hts. This 2-story 6-room home, fine Urge rooms, 3 beautiful bedrooms, fine bath, large handy kitch en, full cement basement, laundry trays, fine furnace, beautiful lot with fruit, fine ahrubbery. walking distance to Franklin high, 1 block Richmond car; terms. GEORGE T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. $1800 FIVE room bungalow, water, light, gas, concrete foundation, basement, house double constructed and in good condition, 1 block to car and paved street, 1 H blocks, to school, good location; $400 down, balance $20 monthly and interest JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N W Bank Bldg. Main 3787. fiUATR l'rtvivp mn n.-s ...... ...... . ..... 1 V , , . 1 J 52Zo0 You must act quickly to get this real bargain. Six rooms and bath, with fur nace, full basement wash trays. Nice lawn. A real home and worth considerably more Terms. J A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 RT. EXCH. BLDG. Main 1004. . -.r,i, 5 ROOM BUNGALOW $1200 $250 cash. $15 and interest monthly, buys attractively built 5 room bungalow type of cot tage; 4 rooms plastered, good sink, patent toilet large sleeping porch; all fenced, good garden" close to school in Montavilla; don't hesitate about this. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham oi vum. upen gunaays and evenings. FOR SALE R !..;. .72 rrrTTrr- . . v -uiij, euosian- tial house, dandy view; fruit tree, full lot worth $4000; 5 large roomi. big attic, full ce ment basement, furnace; would cost about $3000 to build; close to Broadway and Steel bridges price $5750. including $16o0 worth furniture' for quick sale. Call East 7295 after 5 p. m. ' HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS $1150 Neat, well built 4 room cottage with builtin cupboards, in splendid condition, 5 assorted bear ing fruit trees, 2 large rows of raspberries big chicken house, covered run, good woodshed- $400 cash, $10 monthly. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. Open Sunday and evening's. A SNAP One 7 room modem house near Mississippi car. close in on eaat side. aU improvements paid for: a nice home. Want to go to Idaho and will take trade for half on houe; price $3900 nte Ray Arant, Jennings Lodge, Or. Phone Oak Grove 128-X. oo V"ACANT MOVE rTgTItTn $3800 buys new 8 room home, completely mod ern except furnace, never been occupied garage. $500 cash will handle iTr KMAN CO- 1:04 BY- EXCH. BLDG. Main1094: Open Evenings. FOR SALE by owner, 6 room modem house, 2 lots, on paved Oregon City highway; garage housing for 250 chickens. Price $2500; $750 cash handles. Balance $20 per month, in cluding interest at 6 per cent Phone Tabor 2689. Call 6418 82d st. S. E. BEAUTIFUL PIEDMONT HOME 8 rooms, oak floors, modern. 89x100 lot improved streets, all paved, 12 bearing fruit trees, shrpbbery. roses and flowers. 7 blocks Jefferson High school. By owner, 1167 Cleve land ave. Phone C-2419. VACANT MOV E RIGHT IN $3200 buys new 5 room bungalow, with attic fireplace, all built-ins. full cement base ment, wash trays, $800 cash will handle I, wwraotAw co., 204 rt. exch bldg". Mam 1094. Onen F.nl FIVE room bungalow, fireplace, beam ceiling . .PV'V diniriff room, full basement comer lot! streets h rd -surfaced . seweT in, M. T. car 64th at $250, $600 cash save commission. Owner A. H. Bell, 231 H Morrison st. ' " STOP. LOOK AND LISTEN 2250 5-room cottage close in; walking dis tance; fine lawn, 50sl2. lot garage, shrubbery; near Union av.. i block to best car service, 407 Morris st East 6287. ERROL HEIGHTS BUNGALOW $1650 5-room plastered bungalow and bath, lights gas. water; large garden, enough vegetables in ground for winter. Near car. Terms. F. Kellev 7402 Wildrake Bt. cor. Henderson. FOR SALE, Modem 5 room bungalow, 2 bed rooms, living room, dimng room, Dutch kitch en, cement basement laundry trays, terms. 1034 E. Caruthers st, owner. FIVE room bungalow, newly tinted and painted. full plumbing, Dutch kitchen, basement porches, full-'i'-e lot 920 K. 30th S " V,' blocks car; $2000, terms. Broadway 2986 $4750 SEVEN rooms, bath and gas, peaeheu, grapes, prunes, cherries, apples and Denies, garage, bam, chicken houses, etc. 1 acre "614 67th St. S B. FOR SALE 6 room modem bungalovrrTarage. price $2500, $800 down, balance terms. 470 Hoi man street Phone Woodlawn 62.1 4. ABOUT finished, 7-room bouse, all modem, in a very desirable location. Owner, East 324. $1150-r-FOUR room house, tin location", garage, fruit Terms. Sellwood 2163. SEAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS It - ROSE CITY PICK-UP Dnady east front lot on K. 60th; paved street, sewer, between 2 fine nouses; a real snail at $1050; terms eaxh. ' HITTER, I.OWE CO., 201-3 5-7 Board of Trad Bldg. PIEDMONT DISTRICT for sale two choice lots, alt improvements. Will sell one or both. Phone owner, Wdln. 6213. FOR SALE East St. Johns, 4 lots on cgrline. $700. East 4317. ACREAGE $7 5 ACRES all improved, 3 room house, good well, gasoline pump, close to school and carline, close to Base Line road, on hard surface road, close to store, ehnrch and post off ice; terms, $2650, 1-3 down, balance to suit purchaser. 5 acres, 2 miles from city limits on Section Line road, all improved, small house, close to school; can have Bull Run water; terms, $2000, 1-3 down, baL terms. 6 " interest. O. P. POTTS. 1080 E. Stark. I'hone Tabor 300. FOUR THOUSAND CABBAGES 1 5 acres, located 4 miles from city limits, all under cultivation. Good new 5 room bunga low, barn, chicken house, large orchard, ber ries. 10 acres beaver dam land, tiled and drained; can be irrigated from creek. Price $4200. with hay, vegetables, crops, good team, chickens and large line of machinery. Terms on part. Personally inspected. Photo at office. An exceptional buy. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. ONLY $39 CASH Three acres, located close' to city limits, on good macadamized road. 7e commutation fare. Easy walking distance from station. An under cultivation. Garden land. Water piped to the house, gas main being extended to this district Price $2190; balance on easy terms. Personally inspected. Photo at office. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. FINE LITTLE CHICKEN RANCH 2 acres. $1400. $100 cash. SIS month buys neat 2 acre tract with 4 room cottage and com plete set of buildings, including hen house, brood er house and numerous colony houses; woven wire fencing; located at North Plains, about 22 miles from Portland. This place originally cost $3100. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. Open Sundays and evenings. RIGHT AT ELECTRIC STATION 1 acres, fine creek bottom garden land, all under cultivation, orchard, berries, nice grounds, good 5-room bungalow with fireplace; well, chicken house. This property only half a block frtm the pavement, ( lose to city limits. Price $16110. $500 cash. Personally inspected. Photo at office. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. CLOSE IN IMPROVED ACREAGE We now have over 300 places, any direction; some on improved roads, with buildings and or chards; some close to electric transportation. All personally inspected appraised and photographed; photos at office. Four efficient salesmen with autos. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. ACRE-T 'RACTLOSE-TN Six blocks from Bell station. AU nnder cul tivation. 11 fruit trees, some berries, 7 room plastered house, wired for electric lights, gas, ! watei piped to house; shed garage. Price $1650, $500 rash. Personally inspected. Photo at of-' lice. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. j $T60DOWN $15 MONTHLY 10 acres of rich black loam land, all in culti vation ; good sized shack : 1 H mites from the electric: total price $1000. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Open Sundays and evenings. $50 IXTWT$T750 MONTHLY ! Fine level 20 acre tract of loeged- off, nnlm- ! proved land, vicinity of Hillsboro, $87.50 per acre; fine soil, running stream. We have three of these tracts left. Fred W. German Co.. 732 ! Cham, of Com. Open Sundays and evening. LOGANBERRY LANDS j Two acres, near station, at Garden Home, sidewalks, water and gas. Can be bought for $150 down, balance $10 per month with in terest, from owner, 4 23 E. 16th st. N. 25 ACRES for sale by owner. 18 acres in cul tivation, the very best of land; on msil route, phone line, H mile from school, 3 miles from Mill City and one from Gates. $70 per acre. Ed. Wolf, Gates, Or. SALE OR 'TRADE 2 acres with 2 story house. unfinishej; will trade for auto, Buick or Oak land. 1I or '17, cr will sell equity for $7H0. N-93, Journal. FOR Oregon City line acreage, improved or unimproved, see John Brown, 324 Railway Exchange bldg. Marshall 3331. 5 ACRES loganberry land, 1 H miles from Ger vais; $600. N-132, Journal. SUBURBAN ACREAGE FINE HALF ACRE Near 82nd st. and Mill. Will sacrifice account sickness for $750. Cost me over $1200. Be sure and investigate this. 1314 Sandy blvd. Tabor 490. FOR SALE Beautiful 2 acre tract inside city limits, on paved road, 1 mile from steel bridge no Fourth Plain road, ready for garden, beautiful shade trees on front, water, big pas ture arjoining; only $375 per acre, terms. No agents. Come and see me. Mrs. G. W. Low den, Rt. 2, Box 45, Vancouver, Wash. Phone 31F4. SUBIRBAN HOWES ; G.G.McCormiic Co. Moves The G. G. McCormic Co., formerly located at 418 Fenton bldg., have moved their real estate offices to 242 Washington street on the ground floor, at the corner of Second and Washington. For house and lot in Portland. It is all fine land. 15 acres in cult, the bal. is in nice tim ber; about 200 cords of wood; it faces on a fine road and the location is fine. All of the build ines were built 4 years ago: all well appointed; 2 good wells, one at house and bam. The house has 6 large rooms; good truck barn with hay fork and all in good shape; good hog house, good henhouse and scratching pen; good milkhouse and fniithouse. woodhouse, and there is about $200 worth of grain that goes with the place; wagon, plows, harness and some other tools; mile to carline, H mile to school, 1 miles to store, daily mail, cream route, phone in house, 4 '-i miles of Oregon City on good road; price $6000; the owners' equity is $2500. They will trade what they have in the place for house and Jot; will not rare to assume. What have you' to offer, or will sell the place for cash. Now this is a beautiful little home, A 1 soil and the loca tion can't be beat Get a move on yourself if you want this place. , E. P. ELLIOTT & SON. 7th snd Main ft-.. Oregon City. Or 2 12 MILES OUT All the finest soil, all leTel, 33 acres in cult, the bsl. has some timber on it and most of it is small; wouldn't be hard to clear; 5-room house, large barn and all outhouses; good water, family fruit, some stock and tools, located on a good road, sidewalk most all the way to town. This is nicely located and land in small places all around this is selling from $300 to $400 an acre. We are only asking $8500 for this place and part cash. Now if you want a good piace and well located, here it is. You can't beat it any place in Oregon. E. P. ELLIOTT A SON. 7th and Main sts., Oregon City, Or. LINN COUNTY RANCH CROP, STOCK AND EQUIPMENT 168 acres, located near Lebanon, Or. On hard surfaced road. 50 acres under cultivation, 100 acres can be cultivated, balance good pas ture. Two acres orchard. 5 room bouse, bam, chicken house, silo, sheep shed. Price $61 per acre, with 8 cows, 2 mares, Guernsey bull, hsr nesses, wagon, mower, cultivator, ploughs, disc harrow, hay rake, com planter, ensilage cutter, cider mill, fanning mill, grain drill and other implements. 40 tons hay, 25 tons ensilage. Terms on half. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. ONLY $5000 CASH REQUIRED 210 - acres, located south of Scio. Linn county, Or. 150 acres under cultivation, of which 50 acres is beaverdam laud, balance good pasture. 4 acres bearing orchard. Creek and well. Good 7 room house, 2 large barns, milk house and sheep shed. Good fences. Price $60 per acre, with horses, cow, hogs, 30 sheep, 50 goats, 150 chickens, 50 geese, 50 turkeys, wagons, cultivators, ploughs, harrows, harnesses and hay. Immediate possession. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. ON HARD SURFACED ROAD CLOSE TO ELECTRIC DEPOT 30 acres, all under cultivation, located 25 miles from Portland Nice level land. Excep tionally fine soil. Good 4 room house, bam. chicken bouse, garage. Orchard. Water piped to house. Close to school. Personally inspected. Price $4250, with about 10 tons hay. some grain and potatoes. Terms on part John Fer guson, Gerlinger bldg. FINE FARM Located In center of agate district, wlthm 300 ft of the Punch Bowl, and within close distance to wonderful scenic spots; excellent hunting nd fishing. Furnished house and has finest garden in the district, fresh vegetables whole year; fine spring water piped to the house; postoffice position. Will sell for $4000 if bought soon. T H. Homing. Otter Rock, Or. FIVE MILES FROM OREGON CITY 80 acres, located on hard surfaced road, close to school. All can be cultivated. 43 acres under cultivation. 13 acres grass pasture, bal ance heavy fir timber. Good well. Irge bam. Very desirable location. Price $100 per sere. $3500 cash, balance long time at 6. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. FOR SALE, very cheap for cash. 6 acres good land, fenced and in cultivation, near Raleigh and new state highway; might consider Chicago or Portland improved. A. Coleman, 1909 E. Stark st, Portland. t FOR SALE FA IOI S 17 1 ACRES TRADE I SI ACRES 1 SNAP They say there is 45 to cult., but when you see it yon will say there is over 60 in cult. Part of the cleared land is rolling and part is level; fins soil, fin living water, lots of timber for your own use. There is a good 7 -room house as sound as the day it was built. Good base ment barn, sound and good; good solid stone cellar, good new woodhonse, good granary, -all kinds of fruit, good well at house and barn, H mile ' to school, 3 mile of good store, trading point and good electric line, 9 miles of Oregon City on rock road, cream route, daily mail and phone. This is in a fine farming community; land all around this-is selling at $150 an acre. We will sell this at $6000, about $79 an acre. Listen, ask yourself if you could clear the land at that price; no yo could not, say nothing about the buildings and the bal. of the land not cleared. There is better than $3000 worth of buildings on the place. If you want this bargain get in the game. We will give you possession at once and a good title. Present owner lias had it for over 34 years; price $0000, $3000 down, bal. time at 6 . Be us if you want to make a real investment. E. P. ELLIOTT ic SON. 7th and Main sts., Oregon City, Or. ACRE $800 DOWN All good soil, 22 acres in cult., the bal. has a little timber on it, but the most of it is open land not hard tn clear; good spring water, all kinds of good fruit; 4-room house, bsrn and out houses; 1 mile to school, 1 4 mile to store and carline and a good trading point and shipping point, 7 V4 miles .of Oregon City, all good graveled roads but about 1 H miles. This is a good buy, as chesp ss a good' 10 acre place, only $3500. The buildings are only fair, but let me tell yon something, if you have good soil you can gnake the buildings. Do you want a start, if so let us show you thia place. E. P. ELLIOTT A SON, 7th and Main sts.. Oregon City, Or. RANC1 FOR SAL1 320 sere wheat ranch and all equipment, good house, barns, well, orchard in front of bouse, lio acres in summer fallow; 4 miles south of Arlington. Or., on Columbia highway. Will sell land, including all machine!-', f'r $15 an acre, providing the buyer buys the stock at an agree able price. One half down, rest on terms at 6 per cent. JOE TATONE ARLINGTON. OR. FECIAL 65 acres, 30 acres have been under plow, 50 acres can be farmed; nearly all good land: has old house; living stream and spring on place; 7 miles from Oregon City, 1 mile to school, 1 44 miles to electric carline; price $2660; one half cash. This price holds good for 10 days only. S. O. DILLMAN, 8th and Main sts., Oregon City, Or. FARM, 80 acres, 20 acres Tni cuItT 6-room house, barn, orchard, berries, good soil; price, including furn.. implements and stock, $3000; other bargains, on rock road. Garland, 201 3d. SMALL farm of 1 6 M acres ; 1 0 clear ; 1 2 miles out; small house, barn and large chicken house. Inquire 248 Yamhill st FOR REST FARMS 14 FARM FOR RENT. PERSONAL PROPERTY FOR SALE 19 acres, 16 acres in high state of cultivation, nice stream, through back side of place, all very best of loam soil, no rock or gravel, 6-room house, dairy, extra good barn, on cement foun dation, and all necessary outbuildings, 2 acres in bearTRg orchard ; the following personal property for sale: 5 good dairy cows, small team, wagon, hack, harness, 2 hogs, 30 chickens, plow, culti vator harrow, mower, rake, new cream separator, 25 tons of very best hay, seed potatoes and all small tools, good range, table, chairs, 2 complete beds, kitchen cabinet, dishes, rugs, rockers, in cluding first year's rent, $1750, half cash. This plsce is located 1 miles from small town and cheese factory, 2 H miles from electric li ne and 10 ii miles from Vancouver. THOMPSON A SWAN, 3d and Main sts., Vancouver. Wash. FARMS WAXTF.D OR BUY 83 WANTED For client, the best dairy farm in Oregon: no limit to price if value is there: also 4000 acres cut over land for colonization. I r. Fuchs. 420 Chamber of Commerce. j ! I VANT"lo rent a fanif'alF furnished: xperf- enced farmer, understand cattle and hogs; it must be a farm that can be made to bring In good returns. B-837. Journal. WANTED- To rent, farm, must be large; will buy stock; must be good proposition; will lease from 3 to 5 years. Write or see Bigelow Bros.. Molalla. Or. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATfei ti EXCHANGE or sale 3 rooms and sleeping porch, lot 43x129: three blocks school, 1 to car; garden snd shade; paved street, Wabash ave. Price $1000. Want 3 to 10 acres, some; improvements; within 15 miles of Portlsnd; assume to $2500. 1546 Wabash ave. FOR TRADE Lot in Eastmoreland : street im provementa all in; nicely located near college and carline, to trade for automobile, late model; must be in Al running condition. Address own er. L. E. King. Oregon City. Rt. 6. Box 44 A. SIX room house and bath in best residence dis trict of Newport Or. to trade for auto. What have you? Box 651. St Helens, Or. LOT in Laurelhurst, will sell or trade for lot and small house in good district Phone Sell wood 1316. WANTED Acreage or timber for 15 room apartment house; $7000. Peck, 515 Clay. Marshall 4324. 15.000-FOOT capacity sawmill with timber, will trade for farm. A. J. Lais. Molalla Or. WANTED HEAL ESTATE SI I WANT houses: what have you? I hgve cash buyers waiting. Your house will be given proper attention. List now while selling is good. WATCH OUR ADS WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WrARRINER. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LISTINGS WANTED Quick results on good homes if prices are right ECKES 608 CHAM. OF COM. MAIN 8043 Q.G.McCormSc Co. Moves The G. G. McCormic Co.. formerly located at 4 18 Fenton bldg . have moved their real estate offices to 242 Washington street, on the ground lloor. at the corner of Second and Washington. WE ARE compelled to buy; place we are liv ing in has been sold ; must vacate by Oct. 15; prefer place in Rose City or Alameda; im provements must be in: would prefer to deal with owner N-84. JoumaL SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED Price must be right and very easy terms. We have sold over 400 homes tn the last year. If you want sction, Bee Fred W. German Co.. Cham, of Cum. Open evenings and Tjundsys. WE want residences to sell. When you want; a home see us. CAMFBELL-PHELAN LAND A CATTLE CO., 301-302 Conch bldg. Main 8080. WANTED 5-room bungalow, reasonably priced: small payment down, balance like rent East 1418. WANTED 5 or 6-room bungalow in West moreland, sinau payment qown, eov; purcnase from owner direct; co others need apply. Sell- wood 3728. WANT to buy for cash, building lot in Irvington! bet 14th and E. 24th, Knott and Fremont Gwe full particulars. H-102, Journal. WANTED To buy 5 room modern bungalow not to exceed $3000; have $1000 cash: give full particulars snd price. B-823. Journal. IWANT a bargain in fractional lot, with or without bouse, south of Montgomery street between 6th and 20th sts. H-78, Journal. ' ROOMIXG HOUSES, APAJIT.MESTS AND HOTELS FOR SALE $ FOR SALF. A 14 room hotel, modem; dot., good business. Mrs. Mae Fox, Tonealla, Or. BL'SLSESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Shoe-repairing shop at cost price; everything new; only shop in locality. 1207 Division st FOR SALE Meat xnarket, grocery and small house on lot 50x100. all occupied. "473 Union ave. E. 2991. IF you wish to buy or sell your business call for immediate results at Oregon Business A Finan cial Agency, 44 8 Morgan bldg. WILL SELL part or all furniture of H-rbom house, 4 rooms rented. Close in, eat iide. -rbon d 7.-2(4 Journal. CONFECTIONERY, light lunches; West Side; good location; $700; good for married couple; rent $20. N-147. Journal. GOOD, paying transfer snd passenger business for sale, cheap. Mrs. Stella Jeff cries, Mc Minnville, Or. FOR SALE 15 room flat furnished ; over cafe teria : near steel plant; just sleeping rooms. 627 H Hood st 500 BUSINESS CARDS $1.25 Ryder Ptg. Co., Main C536. 191 H 3d st GROCERY store fo sale, 5 large living rooms, rent reasonable. Telephone Sellwood 3297. FOR SALE -A good paying news and confec tionery stand. B-820, Journal. CASH and carry grocery, brand new stock; owner has other bnsinese. 490 V Union av, GOOD small sawmill proposition near Portland, mgfflnc equipment on ground. Wdln.. 5439. 'FOB SALF FARMS BrSTJTESS OFFOBTTJTCITIES H IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL your business, hotel, room or apartment house of any kind anywhere, sec us. We have buyers for Grocery stores. $t00O to $6000. Clothing stores. $3000 to $50,000. Shoe stores. $5000 to $25,000. Hardware stores. $3000 to $10,000. Hotels, $2000 to $5,000. .Garages, $500 to $15,000. Bead our ads wt give prompt results. TIhe Oregon Business & Financial Agency 448 Morgan Bldg. FOR SALE Blacksmith and wood working shop. 50 miles from Portland, in good business town; equipped with 2 fires and full line of tools; enough work for 3 men, surrounded by the best farming country in the Willamette valley; cheap for cash, or may consider terms. D-422, Journal. PARTNER wanted for wholesale produce house, one desiring a good paying business. Here is your opportunity: doing a large volume of busi ness; $20,000 required to buy half interest. We have the goods to show for it. Oregon Business A Financial Agency, 448 Morgan bldg. FO R 8 A LE-'Chiropractlc pra c tice , d o i ng o ve r $5000 yearly caah business; population 6000 with excellent surrounding country. Good rea son .for selling. Am in city for a short while, write me at once if you wantf particulars. N-134. Journal. FOR SALF. General merenandise store in Cen tral Oregon. Annual sales $00,000. Reason for selling, owner has other business in same town that requires his entire attention-. This is worth investigating. DX-635, Journal. BLACKSMITH with little money wishes to lo cate in business or otherwise at general auto mobile repairing, etc. 7 years' experience. S. J. Cotton. 168 E. 3rd N. i run 9.i,rj ismaii asiry; j cows, norse anu wagon and route; will sell for $2500 or trade for property. B63 Garfield ave., or call Wdln. 4426. Small dairy; 12 cows horse and FOR SALE wagon and route; will sell for $2500 or trade for property. 963 Garfield av.. or call Wdln. 4426. MOSEY TO LOAIf REAL ESTATE 7 OUR installment plan Is the best and surest - method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 36 months; or $21.24 for 60 months; or $15.17 for 96 months, pays $1000 loan and interest. Other amounts in proportion. we loan on improved city property Or for building purposes, No commission charged. ; EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark st, Portland, Or $300, $400, $500, $750, $1000 and up at lowest rates; quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6445. MONET to loan in amounts of $100 to $5000 on city property. A. H. BELL, rooms 10-11 Mnlkey bldg. BUILDING loans on city and suburban property. money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 3407. $300. $400. $500. $600. $750 and up. low est rates, quick action. Gordon Mortgage Co.. 631 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1370. MONEY for Mortgage- loans! $500 to $6000, 6 and 7. Fred S. Williams, 92 H 1st Bt SEE OREGON IN V--MOGa7;"eCOT .22 2 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. I MORTGAGE LOAN'S $:,00 to $6000, 6 and I 7 ft . Fred S. Williams, 92 1st st MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per cent Louis Salomon & Co.. 408 Selling bldg. HAVE $3000 cash for apartment or hotel, open Sundays. Main 3637. 169 Park st $300 to $3000, no commission. Main 1166. V- H. Deshon, 615 Chamber of Commerce. MOSEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES ; PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Phone Broadway 910. 394 Stark Street, near 10th. Loans on dismonds, watches. Victrolas, pianos, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musical instruments and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BT THE PEOPLE OF PORT LAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER. City value. and county warrants cashed for face CARRIE MYERS-HERMAN, Manager. DO YOU NEED MONEY T .fisl TSm miHs nn ant nmnhiloa Aia mnnrla wu I I household goods or anvthinir 'of valne. 'security! usually left in your possession. ALSO to SAL ARIED PEOPLE on their notes without secur ity. If your payments to other loan companies or on furniture or automobile contracts are larger than you can make, we will pay them np, advance you more money if necessary, and you can repay us in small monthly payments to suit your convenience. LEGAL RATES NO DELAY BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY (Licensed) 30U-307 Dekum Bldg. Marshall 3286. Salary- LOANS WE LOAN MONET Chattel , On short notice to salaried or workingmen on I their own notes. Weekly, semimonthly or monthly i payments. Each transaction strictly confidential i NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSER ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household furniture, piinot, etc.. wuno.it mov.,. rnr.rCfRix t7(-vt muSivv (LICENSED! " 218 Falling bldg. MONEY to loan on diamonds, jewelry, legal rates; all articles held a vear; established since 18SR. Dan Marx. 283 Washington st. ! GEO. HARVEY loans money on household goods. Legal rates. Tabor 3 800. LOANS WANTED 30 FIRST MORTGAGES for ssle. $500 up. F. II. Deshon. 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. SEE OREGON INT. A MORTGAGE CO.. 232 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. ri?'AlCIAT, al LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS. If you must sell your Liberty or Victory bonds, sell to ns. If you can buy more Liberty or Victory bonds, buy from us. We buy snd sell Liberty and Victory bonds st the market. YOU CANNOT DO BETTER YOU MAY IX) WORSE. We are today paying the following prices for United States Government Liberty and Victory bonds, which were the closing New York market price, plus the accrued interest. N. Y. Market Interest Total 3 'is . $100.06 $1.02 $101 08 95.30 1.17 96.47 1st 4s 2d 4s 1 st 4 M s .... 2d 44s 3d 4 4 a 4th 4 s .... Victory 3 i s . . Victory 4 s. . 94.30 1.50 95 80 95.66 1.24 96.90 94.50 1.5W 96.09 96.64 .18 6.8 94 38 1.9.". 96.33 99.92 1.35 101.27 99.94 1.72 101.60 a purchasing Liberty and Victory bonds we deduct from the above prices 37c on a $50 bond and $2.50 on a $1000 bond. In selling Liberty and Victory bonds we cliarge the New York market price plus the accrued interest ASK ABOUT THE MORRIS BROTHERS TLAN Burglar and Fireproof Sate Ieposit Boxes For Rent Open until 8 p. m. Saturdays. MORRIS BROTHERS. INC.. The Premier Municipal Bond House. Capital, $1,000,000. Morris Bldg , 309-311 Stark st, bet. 5th A 6th. Tel. Brodwy 2151. Established over 25 years. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS CASH PAID FOR ANY ISSUE OF BONDS FULL MAR ET PRICE LOAN ON WAR SAVINGS STAMPS TOU CAN BORROW CASH OF US ON BONDS AND HAVINGS STAMPS OR TO FINISH PAYING FOR VICTORY BONDS i sr.i: r.. ni.UB.iir. I ti r.rt I r,. i "KrjlHJ, Mli; A.M' OK MAI,t, I II. 208 SELLING BLDG. (SECOND FLOOR) T BONDS BOUGHT SPOT CASH SPOT CASH MARKET PRICE CASH for RECEIPTS. We will LOAN yon money on BOND8. W. 8. S.. or to make PAY MENTS on BONDS, T per cent 725 Gasco Bldg.. Fifth and Alder. CELLARS MURTON CO. 1 WILL BUY ANY LIBERTY BOND AT 99 PER CENT OF FULL CASH VALUE AI1 due coupon interest included. ) J H. KEATING. 617 BOARD OP TRADE fSH paid for mortgages and tellers' contracts on real estate hi Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble, 318 Lambenneai bids. 't HORSES. TEtTICLESs ETC. WILL sell my team. Just ia from the farm; 2450 lbs., chunky and fat; with plow, har ness. S tn. wide ttr farm wagon, good double section harrow, 14-ta. plow; art for $185. or will sell any part. Call at one and get a bargain. Mrs. Rlrhardson, 368 KusseU st. near Union ave. Phone East 0601. Also 2 tine milk toti. be fresh won. 12 HEAD of mares and celdtiix, weib from j louu to inotl ins., all good workers and gentle; some good, blorky msres among them; also a few sets of single and double harness, wagons and buggies; also 4 year old familt Jersey cow. To be seen at corner of East 9th and Hawthome. Phone East 3227. MUST sell at once, span of sorrelsmsle and gelding, age 6 and sound and well matched, very gentle. Best of workers, weight about 2450 lbs. Will like $125 if sold this week. Mrs, Lock, 892 Knott St., nesr Union ave. FOR SALE cheap, several good farm horses and mares, weight from 1300 to 14 00 each, also some farm implements, harness, v-agons, etc. 4 80 Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE Good farming outfit. horses, wagons, tools, ti. W. Metcalf, 4517 "Olb st. S. E. FIVE-months-old mule colt for sale cheap or trade for work hor.se. 351 Russell t . near Union sve. WANTED Ssddle pony and tock saddle for cash or will trade spring wagon, heifer. chickens, etc. Hot 34 0, Portland Mar. ,'.H(4. THE registered jack plowboy" " cheap, orw7ii take cattle or horses in exchange. 302 Front st. 2SOO-LR. team and harries: sell cheap; guaran teed. "Wood Yard, 327 Front st. DEAD horse taken quickly; cash paid for dead j animals. Tabor 4 23. HORSE and wagon. $1.50 per day; 2 iiorses sna ! wagon. $3. J. Cohen. 546 From. Main 2208. , DEAD horses arid animal hauled away free Call Woodlawn 20 Portland Hendering Co LIVFSTOCK Si FOR SALE 1 00 good grade coarse wooled and black faced i bucks. Want good fall and winter pasture for ; 500 sheep. E. 11. Myers, 680 E. 61st N. Tabor 8024. i ! o.. ui liie uice.st 2-year old standard-bred fillies I in the state, cheap or exchange for good de j liverv hormee. 302 Front st. I IF YOU want any fresh dury cows of any breed Stoct ; nt any time see Mr, Bruce st the 1 Yard, North Portland. Or. ' 15 "CHESTER White pig"," 0 weeks old. for ! sale by lieorse Nabel. on Staflord road. 3 li I miles from Osw,g,,. I Kfrit-Li 'heap, good oung Jersey cow. Call 2d house south of Mcl.'ov. on 7 2d su, Mt Scott, car. ONE Jersey-Ouernsey cow. 7 years old, 3" gal lons per day. 1227 Lombard st- Call Co lumbia 283, after 7 p. m. DANDY milk goats for sale; don't miss this chance. 3103 53d st 3. E. Call Tabor 6147. 4 7 EWE SHEEP to lease on shares E. 0. Spencer. Oregon City, Or., Rt. 2. Box 54. i 7 MONTHS Jersey heifer, some hens and small auto for sale. 6128 54th ave. S. E. BEAUTIFUL thoroughbred registered Jersey cow, just fresh, for sale. 1343 Glenn av. N. A NO. 1 S. E COW Call Ix'ni.s, 101st-4Hth ave. TWO Jersey cows and calf, Woods st. ." gallons milk. 92 JUST arrived, fresh dairy and family cows. Take beef cows in exchanije. 751 K. Ash. FOCI, TRY AND RABBITS 87 YOUNG White Leghorn hens, hoganixed and guaranteed heaey laying stock, $1.50 each. Barred Rock and R I R rulleta, $1 25 to $2. RABBITS Flemish, New Zealand, White Angora and Himalayan; good stock and cheap. J. R. MAGUIRE. 787 Oregon -st. 150 BARRED ROCK. Rhode I. Reds. White Leghorn. March. April. May pullets. $1.25 up to $2.25; 50 voting White leghorn hens, laying, $1.35. 1918 East Stark snd 75tb st. Montaviila-Mt. Tabor car POULTRY--- PUPPIES PETS WE SPECIALIZE ON THEM CASH PRODUCE COMPANY 300 E. Morrison New Management Eat 6122 MT-S (T. REDS-made almost a clean sweep at Oregon state fair. If you need pullets, trios or male birds 1 have them. A. J. Raney, Rt 1. Oswego, Or. BUSTER'S RABBITRY All breeds for sale. A fine gift for your boy. 10005 45th ave. 8. E. and 100th st.. near Lents. 6 SILVER CAM PINE laying hens and rooster for sale. 44 78th st. N. near Bumside. M V. car. LEAVING the city. Canneaux pigeons snd a few rabbits for sale cheap. 1217 Omaha ave. St Johns car. SAVE FEED I guarantee to pick non-layers from your nock. Tabor 6422. 20 LAYING young mixed hens, some tborugh- breds, and Rhode Island Red rooster, $1.10 each. 5215 73d st. S. E.. Firlandstation: WHITE Leghorn arid Barred Rock pullets; also a few fine cockerels. Master Incubator Co. Woodlawn 4344. SCRATCH feed, best made. $4; cackling mash, beef scraps, etc. Master Incubator Co., 415 ! Jessup. Wdln. 4344. SO PULLETS 7rr.m 7,Wo"$r!25 each. 1806 rosier pi, ot, tfoiuio v.-... ANCONA cockerels tr..m excellent layers. free range stix-k. Main 7671. WE pay the highest cash price for pullets, any breed Tabor 4 203. THOROUGHBRED White Leghorn pullet for sale $1 apiece. 740 Minnesota ave. ONE-year old Wliite Leghorn hens for ssle. Phone Tabor 6895. DOGS, BIRDS. PETS. ETC. 4 EXCEPTIONALLY fine pedigreed Persian-kittens for sale. Main 5450. Hillsdale. Or , Box 22. THOMPSON'S Bird store, romer Prescott 057 Mississippi ave. Big sale on canary bird. ! 5ll and $2 CHOICE canaries at "The Canary Bird Shop " Singers gusranteetL liaj E 28tn -V c-zgn. j AT(VH:Thirddo"gforsale. Sellwood 1 672. I AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 MAXWELL 1919 touring, used very little; looks ! and runs like new; auust sell at bargain st 4 $975. with terms. SO GRAND AVE.. NORTH. NEAR BURNS4DE. MOTORS! gears." bearings, wheels, axles; we wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at half price. David Hodes Co.. North Broad way and Flanders FORD TOURING 1918 MODEL Fine condition. $4 7'.. Half down, balance easy. Mar hall 398U MAXWELL touring owner must sell 1917; good paint and tires; a bargain at $025, with terms. SO GRAND AVE NORTH. NEAR BURNSIDE. CHEVROLET roadster. Just overhauled snd re , painted: good tires; will sell at $650 and) give terms. : 30 GRAND AVE .'ORTnNRAR BURNSIDE. FRANKLIN 1918 touring car; just iike new.' $2100. Will consider terms to responsible! panics. Phone, owner at East 6803, Port- land, Or. : JEFFERHft SIX This car cannot h told . tr;m tu vr Five cord fir's. Must sell this week, $1100. R. E. Gorcx. owner. I'hone, East CMKt, Portland. . I $3O0 iVoWN WILL BT'lr MT 19 1 9 MTx I WELL: HI S AM' I.1MJB.B l.ltvr, r.v; 5 GOOD TIRES; 10 MONTHS ON BALANCE CALL JTABOItJ130. CHANDLER touring. 1917, in best of condi tion; used privately; good tires; will sacrifice at. $1350 with terms. 30 GRAND AVE.. NORTH. NEAR BURNSIDE. 1918 MITCHELL. $440 down; guarantee and free service; enough said. Portland Car Sales ! Co 5th and Tsylor. HAVE a 1918 Iodgc, In elegant condition. Iodgc, would consider s good used I ord ss part pay ment, balance long easy terms. Marshall 14 28. 18 10 PAIGE light six. 2 cord tires, others good; put light and bumper; $1.1nO, terms; will ti-ido for lighter cr. J-LJIH. "L DO IxTE "delivery, good as new; over-sbee tires; terms, $985. States Auto Sales Co., 480 Burnside. CHEVROLET touring car. $700; terms. States Auto Sales Co., 4 30 Bumsid. LATE model Saxon six. just overhauled; seat covers, cord tires. Cell East 8438. MUST sell late model Ford touring, good con dition, good Ures, $3M. It-BZS, Journal i918 FORD truck. Just like' new. Bargain. Run 3 months. East 5552 HOW "about "a1 91 ." Paiire roadster for $476"? 4 04 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. OVERLAND touring. $100 duwn. Call East 7756. CHEVROLET 1919. A-l condition, used three months. Main 7161 CHEVROLET All new ures Call t 1306 K 2d N just put on. t PASS, family car, good mechanical condition. I'hone Woodlawn 2488. 766 K. 6th at N. 1918 SAXON 6 touring car, good looker and ia fine condition: $75. N-140, Journal. CASn tor 95-4 Overland; state price D-625, Journal 1918 SU1EB 6 Hudson, ft cord tire. 622 Alder. Broadway 2492 fTpASSENGER Dodge "in first-class condition. liHiuire 908 East Conch t,t USED tires nd rebuilt tire The Finch Vul caniring Co.. 389 ' Stark bet 9th and 10th. GAKOI.INE 22 CENTS A GALLON, OIL8 AND GREASES. PIONEER PAINT CO., 186 1ST. FOR SALE 1919 Ford, 6 pas.; like new; some term. 647 Failing st $40 HUDSON, A-l condition. Call Main 6493. AUTOMOBILES AWP ACCESSORIES 44 1 f' ' " nans ' an in m i ijn i i sjlin i S i USED ' : CAR .-ff Heo Sir, completely overliaulrd, new top witll ' Plate glass )n rar. spare tira with tire cover; -has Just been repainted dark blue body with cream wheels. l.uolts 4ike a new ear. Ther at a mighty low price on it, too. A, late model Chandler Just overhauled en repainted is also offered at a bargain price. V Hudson Super Six in good condition is tn other goo,) ny. Also a Reo Four, 5 passenger... Northwest Auto Co. Alder at 18th. SECTIONAL GARAGES CN BE SHIPPED ANYWHERE Modern Construction Co. 315 E. 1Mb tt Phnne East 5114. 1918 Dodi-e. 5, pass. 191 S Maion Six. Just painted. 1917 Oakland. 1918 Dodge. 1917 Bui.-k 8ix, roadster. 1915 Maxwell. 6 pass. 1916 Maxwell, ft isss. 1016 Ford roadster. 1917 Ford roadster. 1916 Ford touring car. 1918 Ford touring car. 1918 Ford light delivery. 1918 Maxwell sedan. 1015 overland roadster. 1912 Huh k chassis. 1912 Franklin. 1919 Dixie flyer. 1912 o passenger Packard. BUTLER & WOOD, East Approach of Burneide Bridge. East $21. USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN JORDAN. MITCHELL. CADILLAC. OV Kit LAN DS. CHEV ItOLET. SEVERAL OTHERS TO SELECT FROM. WEST RIDE SALES ROOM. . MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO. BROADWAY AT OAK RT8. Phones Iltoadway 515. A-8343. USED CAR BARGAINS jSHlfflT: 1 Light Buick 0 $950 1 Oakland Sedan 950 2 Buick 4s, 16 and '18 750-800 1 Franklin series 7 ; . r0 1 Dodge '. 750 2 Overiands 40,0 500 2 Chevrolet roadsters 40W-42S 1 Chevrolet touring , 4 $0 5 Fords. 2B0-4 5O 2 Ford deliveries SttO-875 8 cars, all run 50-200 Accessories and parts for most til can. 25 spotlight at $5 each. LONG & SILVA 4 62 Hawthorne. 1918 BUICK ROADSTER FOR HALE Proposals will he received up to 10 a. in, October 6. 1019. and then publicly opened, tor the sale of a 1918 Buick roadster automobile, which may now be inspected at the Portland garage. 5th and Taylor sts. Car and tires tn good condition. Sale to he for cash to the highest bidder Right is reserved for rejection of- any or all bids. Detailed Information and proposal blanks furnished hy supply and sales division. Emergen y Fleet corporation, room 509 Northwestern National Bank bldg. Tele plrone Marshall tlOtlO; GARAGES Price on application. Ready Cut Houses MTLLMAPE CONSTRUCTION -COMPANY 1601 Uunlon av. N. Woodlawn 24 IS. WILLYS SIX -New top. new paint, and new tires: i feet car fur $950. terms. 421 Bumside. for Jones. rer Ask I CAN n your Ford If you ean use my new Rrucoe. Phone Cruikshank. Sell. 8024 or Bdwy. 24 92. DODGE SEDAN Iooks likt new. Run 40O0 mile. Good tires. Bdwy. 24 92. Open Sundays. BartletU HAVE some Maxwells snd Chevrolet we caa make good price on CART, 522 Alder st Brodwy 2492, SERIES -9" Franklin, like nw; $1975. CAR Y, 522 Alder st Broadway 2493. 2 FORD TOURING CARS CART. 622 Alder st Broadway 2493. IF YOTre looking for a T5l 9 Cole Aero 8, why not try 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH . 1919 I-; I ; I V six, new, $500 less than new price, n.vi. r m-e(D money quickly. rtUnd Car Msles Co , fttli and Taylor. WilEREcn you find 1915" Studebaie?" for $4 85 r 404 DAVIS. N EAR TENTH. FORD touring, 1917, excellent shape and tires, $475, term to reliable party; less for cash. PhonB 105 m LATE fi'l 7 Grant six. used very little, $820 down ; guarantee and free service. Portland Car Sales Co.. 6th and Taylor. 1918 OLDSMOR1LE eight. $620 down ; gtisr ant-e and fre service; nnf ced. Portland l ir BiIctJ'o.. '.th anHTylor. $300 '"DOWN HrlUYH 1918 MAXWELL TOUR ING rAR. A-l CONDITION I REPAINTED. CALL EAST 1962. 1918 I -OKI i ros,d-',r. $210 down; guarantee and free service. Portland Car Kale. Co., 6th and Taylor. 1917 HUPMOBILE. thoroughly overhauled and painted ; new pantasote top with plat (lass; good cord tire. $1150. term. GUI. Mar. 3400. CHEVROLET. 1918. like new. $875; discouit for cash. 329 4 til t. WHCTwanS f 9"lT"aiwen"eieapT """" 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. ' DODGE late 1817. take Ford in trad or sell cheap. Tabor 4573. CAN you use a, 191 3 Cadillac If price I right? 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. ' OVERLAND .80. in good condition, reaf briy"at 60. Vixltict Grag-, Sandy bird,, at J8th st DO YOU want ' Hnbmr.bile bug foTT2S0f ' 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. $275 TAKES Overland-79. self . sLarter an4 light, if taken t once. 373 W. Ruasett st - WHAT do you think of Font roadster t 1336 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. , . mm V