THE OREGON DAILY - JOURNAL, PORT LAND, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1919. ' SITt'ATIOSm . KMAI.K - I KITCHEN wall and woodwork washed by expert window cleaner. Hnen, Eat 8734, DREHSMAKINO. 46 DRESSMAKING, plain sewing, alterations, house aprons, drease., children's clothe. reasonable prices. 310 rremoat. East 7807. IF YOU AHMIRE work well don, try Mm. Baton, 1120 Division St., for Iterations, re modeling and making of ladies' garment. Rea sonable price, work guaranteed. Tabor 801 2. ALTERATIONS, refitting and mklng of ladle garment? reasonable prices : work guaranteed, J. Reubtn. Ladle- TaUor. 406 Bob Um bid DRESS 'UAKVifimnd plain tewing of all kind done reasonable East 71 28. '" jtrnE WANTED Sut't for nuilrwork at State Tu berculoid sanitarium. Salem, Or. Graduate not- required; 60per month. Call Tahur 106. EXTKiflENrKD practical nurse wishes case. Will go out of town, Call "fooaiawn o. IM'RNI HHED ROOMS NEW PERKINS HOTEL Fifth and Washington Streets Right In enter of Portland'! activities. Let u ihow you our accommodation. Kate $5 par week op- HART APARTMENT AND LAUREL HUTLL Newly furnished, modern housekeeping and sleep ing rooms. $2.50 up. 2d and Yamhill OCTOBER 1, 4 desirable houselteepiiig rooms; walking ditance: references. East 6931. HOTET7" SARGENT, Hawthorne and Grand. Starting point special car fur Vancouver, KLK.MSHK1) ROOMS PRIVATE FA MIL! ONE nire large sleeping room in private family for gentleman. 455 E. Ninth t. N. I'bone I East 6!08. ROOMY clean, nicely Turnished lower flat. ti-rv rln,e walking distance; adult preferred. En-d, 57K1 JI2 t Harrison t FURNISHED room lii prtvaie family. 369 Wff- lisms ate. Phone East 4323. ROOMS for rent. Working girl preferred. feo8 E. 7th t. N. EURNISHEI) room for one gentleman. 657 Kta rider t. nT)TiMS for rent. 321 titli st. corner of ( lay. BOOMS AWD BOARD THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 30 in.h. for burners girls and students. Marshall 1251. ROOMS AXD BOARD FAMILY -PRIVATE WAN'TKI) One or two children to care for. . Reasonable Sellwood 3534. WANTE1 To board one or two children in priTate family: reasonable. Sell. 3534. W AXTKD-ROOMS AXD BOARD Jl WANTED -Room and bosrd f"f 8 year girl, for few months, near school. t.jve full details in fir.t letter. N 1 52, Journal. HOI SKKFKPINli ROOM S 8 HHMSHKII AM UNKIRMStlED LAKOK office room for rent, with closet, steam heat, electric light, gas, etc. Room 1, at ln.lM, 4th st THE GEM. Transient and 11. K. rooms; 25c a day and up; steam lieat. TRUNKS DELIVERED IN T)WNTOW DIS TRICT KOR 25 CENTS. PHONE E. 0434. HOrSEKEEPI0 ROOMS 7J FURNISHED AND V N !' I R N ISH fcl) PR IV ATE FAMILY JUST what you've been looking for. Nicely fur nished H. K. rooms, water, bath. lights and gas free; between Hawthorne and Sunnyside cars. 1020 E. Main. cor. 34th. Ft ' R N IS II K DT " 3 1 i gh t basement rooms, suitable for bachelors; easy walk to shipyards and ! business section. Call evenings. 321 Broad-1 way. I LARitK, clean housekeeping room for $15 a ! mouth; everything completely furnished. 665 Northmp st Broadway 137H. H. K. AND furnished rooms, near shipyards and mill- IHH.'I Water -t FOR RF. HOUSES II UNFURNISHED FOR RENT 7 risim honse, 1 acre ground; ko.kI road snd r-chool. G. W. Metcalf, 4517 7!'th st S. E . phone Tabor 3652. WHEN " YOU MOVE, USE NORTH WESTERN ELECTRIC LIGHT SERVICE Tenth and Washington. Broadway 580. FOHRENT 7 room house. No 625 E. Ankney st, $35. Henry F. Cover. 64 Union avenue. 8 ROOM house, wet side, gas, electricity. Thomson, 620-21 Henry bldg BAKERY and living rooms for rent. Apply at 146 Grand ave. 0 ROOM house to lease, with some furniture for sale. Woodlawn 2662. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE SS FURNITURE for'salo'cheapi house for rent"; 5 rooms, V1 (10. West Side. 554 Madison, off Chapman. FURNISHED HOUSES X FOR RENT- 3 fti'mwK.,1 flTi Emerson t. Take Alberta' car to 17tb st. I Wsl z blocks north. FURNISHED 8 rooms and 2 sleeping porches. I .ease. 3 US Grand ave. N. 6 ROOM modern home, completely turniahed; for sale. Phone Tabor HHI'.l. FDR RENT - Nicely furnished 8 room house at 1 W Winrhell st Ft.TS TO HEXT. UNFURNISHED 18 FOR RENT 4 room flat. 56S Fifth at" APARTMENTS FOR RENT 43 nf iirnished apt. modern, wu'kimr distance. Fact 8387. Cor. E. 7th and Yamhill. THE STANFIEI.D. 204 Porter st; modern 2 room apts . furnished, reasonable. Main 7392. WANTED TO RENT WANTED Party with children, oldest 17. 6 room furnished place. October 1. Owners who so stroncly object and hate children don't read this. But we have got to live. Refer ences. Phone Broadway 2192. WANTED 7-oom modern house, in Mt Tabor. Rose City, Mt. Scott or Woodstock, not to exceed 50th st. or ave. Will trade unincum bered property and pay some cash for a good equity. Address, Hex 3. Jennings Lodge, Or. . Phone, Oak Grove 1 28-X. WANTED Well furnished home with garage. Will pay up to $100 for right place. Z-245, Journal. YOUNG couple want to rent a 3 room house near Piedmont car barns 1189 Omaha ave. REAL ESTATE BEACH PROPERTY 48 , FOR SALE Two lots at Seaside; $75 down and $20 er month, no interest Phone after 10 a. m.. East 2743. BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE Apartment House. Lease and furniture in excellent condition. WAKEFIELD FRIES A. CO. 85 Fourth Street FOR SALE Corner lot with a good building on a business street 6 room modern flat above, good store roorr. and warehouse with basement below A plerdid business corner. See F. 1. Mltcheltree office Anabel station. GENERAL REAL ESTATE M OWN 3 cre in heart of Portland. Powell VT ley and 76th st. an investment that is good as long a Portland stands. Must sell Going at $5500. Call after 3 p. m. 4047 65th st S. E A CORNER on a business street. 'Tented fot $57 per month. - Price $5000, easy terms Owner. Wdln. 2662. FOR SALE HOUS E S I - ' 1 " - "m sji iciu in xerrace la ra near a good school, shade and fruit trees, terms by owner. Phone evenings. Woodlawn 5760. SALEM home, 5 room modern; sell or trade T8. n6T:45U.U' ,155- Ioona , Tabor '322ASH New 6 rm. mod. bungalow. Price 3000. No mortgage. Owner. 4805 41t . Ke AW. 4.0UU .JJUj-mi cottage. 5430 Powell Valley n.av l.Ve7i: 1, : l. . .no. a " J . -- ,a""lu "", .-..u, o aays only, easy trros; vacant ' BY OWNER 6 room plastered house, cement foundation; gas and water: on county road: 6 9-oc fare; easy terms. Inquire 206 Stark st' $1660 FOR 5 room modern 2 story cottanT lot 85x55 at 185 Bancroft ave. SI7 im"i nd paid. Phone owner. Tabor 8721. 8 HK)M house, near Union are.; closa in- lot 50x125. Pbone East 7030. - Wl ONEJIALP acre. E. MiU at. with modern bun" galow. f.hoice fruit. Terms. Sneer 1- E. 3th. Tabor 386. or 385 after m. TWO HOUSES for sale; one partly furnishT .; one cash. 6225 62d t S. Tabor 944: REAL ESTATE" FOB SALE HOUSES I INVESTIGATE THESE $1000 Three room cottage, electricity, gsa, water, woodshed, 50x100 lot, (rait, cement sidewalk; 2 blks. St. Johns car; clone to school; only $300 cash, bal. $15 mo., including int. See this. (1050 Near Franklin high, 4 room bungalow: fireplace, bath, Dutch kitchen, ce nieut basement, nice lot, fruit; a nice home for small family: part cash. $2275 Wverleigh Hts., substantial 6 room 2 story residence, good condition: bath, gas, 50x100 lot, fruit, nice shrubbery, pared at, sewe; near Division and 32d sts. ; only $500 cash to handle, m $3 1 50 Hawthorne-Snnnyside cars; 6 room home; sleepinz porch, fireplace, nice bedrooms, 5m 100 lot, large fruit pared si ; all improvement paid; a comfortable home for large lainily mighty cheap; clone in on 28tn at.; only $1000 cash to handle. Autos always at your convenience. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Veon jldg. FOR SALE HOUSES 1 IN PARK ROSE. $2550 SUBURBAN HOKE. On 4 acre tract, 1 block from Sandy bird., pared road, 2 blocks to car line, 2 blocks to school, 3 blocks to htore, 4 nice room, attic, big ffre place and bastrnent; ground all cleared and young bearing fmit trees; chicken houses with run, sightly location; this is indeed a good buy; the interior finishing is not quite complete, but place may be occupied while finishing; the fur uitiue u also included, in the price; possession very quickly; terms, H cash. .T. I HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 20S. HunCaVluw tyTc. ultra iuicrn. in mod fi clU'ie part of Irvineton, stucco finish, room", oak floors and sleeping porch; U in pcrin't condition. Term- mn be arrnnjed. VAREKIKIJ. KKIK8 & CO, 5 Fourth it. BUY A HOME Seven room modem hou-e in M-Y district, lot 50115, price $'.'200; room modern cot tage. Brooklyn di trict.. on a corner lot. price $2250; 5 room modern cottage. Upper Albina district, all in fine shaiw. price $2200; al-o 5 room modern bungalow. M V di-tnet, very at- tractive, price $2S5; 6 room modern Ibim. ' ome fruit trees. Kiehmond di trict, price $3000; room etrlrtlT morlern bungaJow. 1 block from csr. pnre $3200 al-o 6 room modern cottage. Mt. Tkr- l,.t ;n a , ; $2000 ft yoiH are looking for a home, come ,v.,v. r,.,- p"tTi t'liyn - to our office at 30.) Stock Exchange bldg., or call Main 7676 and we will show you what we have. BERRIDGE & MILES t ACRE country home with every convenience of the city, 1 blrs'k to car, gas. electricity, full plumbing, house well built and modern, just out-ide the city limits with no city tax to pay. hard surfaced street in and paid, all kinds of fruit and berries, well built chicken house and run; a good place to make one independent, of the high cost of living; price only $3150; $650 cash, balance like rent. JOHNSON -DODSON CO.. 633 N. W BANK BLDG. MAIN 3787. HERE YOU ARB 4 AND 5 ROOM COTTAGES ALL FOR $1600- ALL FORT $1600 Four room modem cottige, lot 50x114, M-V district; also 5 room cottage, M-V. lot 40x100; al-o half acre with 4 room cottage. M-V dis trict ; aNo 6 room modern cottage, close in. Sellwood district: also 6 room modern cot re.gc, close in. Sellwood district. Herridge r Miles, 305 Stock Exchange bldg. Phone Main 7676 $3600 5 ROOM BUN1aIOW Very large living room and extra hie: attic, hardwood floors in main rooms, east facing cor ner 511x100 ft; 3 blocks to Hoe City car; clear of all Incumhmnces : $1000 will handle it J. L. ITtirtman Co.. 7 Chamber of Com merce bldg. Main 208. NORTH PIEDMONT DISTRICT 6-room bungalow with reception hall, living riwm and dining room, well arranged with wide portiere opening. 3 bedrooms and bath opening on to central hall. fireplace, plumbing, nice elec tric fixtures, corner lot with street improvements paid; price $2700: $ii."0 caOi. balance like rent, JOHNSON -DOIlSON CO. 633 N. W BANK Bl.ix;. MAIN 3787. ROSE CITY TARK Owner leaving city will sell his 6 room 1 story bungslow at a very low price if sold this week; furniture if desired: about. 4 blocks from car south nf Sandy; ideal location; good garage; price, including all assessments: $4 850; be uuick. See Mr. Delah'inty at office E. 3!Uh and Clisan. or phone for auto. Tabor 3433. Residence East 20fc. $2000 $300 AND AUTO to $750 down, bal ance $15 per month at 6 per cent; five large room-, attic, bath, toilet, huilt-iiis. base ment, electric lights, gas and cement walk; 1 block to hard surfaced street: near school, car and stores. Inquire at 9:10 Montana ave . Mississippi car to Skidmore, or phone Woodlawn 3 27 7. $350o KOR a 7 room bungalow with fireplace. built in buffet, full basement. Dutch kitchen! garage, paved streets, '2 blks. from Irvingt.irj cai. This bungalow is in fine condition aud only $10O0 oath to handle. Marshall N"l F. L. 510 20 Railway Exchange Irvington $55,00 fnr very fine 6 ron. vtith sleeping porch, fireplace, huffet, all hardwood floors downstairs; kitchen and bedrooms in white; garage. This is one of the best buys in port land. Call and see it at 400 E 27th t. North, between Thompson anil Brazee. H SE CITY PARK 6 room bungalow, hardwood floors, furnace, firelace. white enamel woodwork, cement base ment, east front, new, clean and vacant; lot 50x100. corner, with hard surfaced street and sewer in and paid; price $5000. JOHNSON DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. BANKLDG MAIN 3787. $1750 FOR a fine 1 room on corner lot 50x 100, near Sandy. Owner must sell on ac count of sickness. A fine bungalow in fine condition. Some terms. Marshall S2fl . F. L. 819 20 Railway Exchange. OWNER LEAVING CITVT West side home. 5-room bungalow, on improved street. 1 block to car. 1 block to school, nice district, basement, furnace, house neat and clean; price $2700. $1000 rash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. BANK BLIw;. MAIN 3787. VACANT MOVE RIGHT IN $3800 buys new 8 room horn, completely mod em xocTt fnmaee. never been occupied, rnragt .TO0 cash will handle J A. WICKMAN CO.. L04 RY. EXCH BLDG Main 1094. Open Eveninirs. WHY NOT BUILD' Get n artistic home by an established archi tectural firm at low cost. We build anything; furnish the money it desired. L. R. Bailey Co Inc.. contracting architects. 924 N. W". Bank! FINE home. HiglilaVidaddition large-living" hall, dining, kitchen., three bedrooms, modern' fine baement. furnace, lawn 75x100 comer fruit and shade trees. All for $5500. East 273. Herdinan. 'OR SALE Small house and 2 lots, large chicken house and cow barn; also 125 white leghorn chickens, one cow; ail for $10(10 $700 cash, bal. as rent; see owner, 6109 58th ay. S. E. CLOSE-IN nap. Modern bungalow. 5 rooms first floor, space for 3 rooms upstairs. A gift at $2550; some terms. Owner 45 E Franklin st. - SACRIFICE, must sell, 7-room up-to-date mod ern house, full lot, lots of fruit. Must be seen to be appreciated. Cash or easy terms 1097 Vernon ave. Woodlawn 4 805. Owner -UK SALE by owner, 5-room bungalow in ex cellent conditions. 3405 E. 55th at. one Mock north of Powell Valley road. Phone KENTON . ""T.T-!CU""- lnt 125x200, 16 hering fruit 4038 S-j0 Good Urms- OWeil. Wdln. I FOR SALE Beautiful 6 room hotase, furnace, electric and as. at a bargain. Clear of all debts. E. U Rowley, 1 002 E. Morrison. $1600 FOUR LOTS $ 1600 ' .'?.7om unfln'"hed house, fruit. 2 blocks car; $5o down, terms SMITH-WA;02Eltj o8TOCK EXCHANGE o, -00 100 DOWN$T200 smith war"?",?. 3, room hoU8e. 'mit. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. SfOCK EXCHANGE AN A 1 lu ivr i i, i ii . . - $850er,e?'e-Ma,n"1.3,1Ot- '"buildings, 6 rbomli co.""lT furnished; modern" every reDect: tin. rf, ....... . " . 1 in Tabor 884 9" maa- Phone 3 bkck?Jromri6I467th st. T K T ' - IV L room modern bun a , trees, berries $" no for sale, fruit rjj le, -100, by owner. N-3. Jour- IRmts"l'Il;r" b bild'' 27gjgjUg 'bear, kJI iiETiaigM block tmngsTow. Price reduced to $2750 Owner. Wdln Mix STIT r , u-ut car part payment 6330 E. 50th S. E. REAL EHTATK FOR SALE HOUSES 1 WHAT IS YOUR ANSWER? ' CONTINUE PAYING RENT AND RE MAIN FOREVER HOMELESS. OK T DAY INVESTIGATE WALNUT PARK PLAN AND OWN A HOME OF YOUR OWS f Many are building beautiful homes in Walnut Park. WHY NOT YOUt Lot are 50x100 it. with 15 ft alley, streets pared and paid for. Convenience of 5 carlines, also Jefferson high school nd library. Extra inducement of 5 more homes this week. Will you be one of Uie 5t Bare commission by dealing with owner. W. M. Office 1149 Union are. Office Hour. 10-12 a. m. Phono apts.r Wdln. 8304 or Wdln. 651. Hawthorne Bungalows l2500 for a 5-room..on E. 30th: bath. toOet full basement, large attic and porches; improred street; I block from car; $500 cash. $3700 for a fine modern 7-room, on 40th; hardwood floor, fireplace, buffet; pared streets; north of car; $1200 cash. $3500 for a modem 0-room. on first floor; hardwood floors, firephage. buffet; $1000 cash. $37O0 for 5-rotan, ow Market: fireplace, buf fet, garage, large lot; $1500 cash, balance time. Phone Marshall 829. F. L. BLANCHARD 619-20 RAILWAY EXCHANGE. THE McGUIKE SYSTEM Makes home buying easy. You can come to this office and see over 700 photographs of homes for sale, arransed in their respective dis tricts, with full description. Every home has been appraised by an expert appraiser; some remarkable bargains. That is why we sold over BOO homes since January 1 this year. 12 ex perienced salesmen with automobiles at your atrvice. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME Abington bldg. Main 1008. Office Open Efenings and 8undays. EXTRA VACANT FOR IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 7 room, nearly new modern bungalow. Terr hm S. . ii s wiJIV" 'ir S'.' ,j ' " fruit mH tLeri t i, . - c,ffrMi Mt liiii Ti,l.. ihi- I. Toinn raeli Kslonn. .1,1.. : j ' ' 1 . . . "i inuuLiia. ii j rousiaer nine nniu .r first no vmnt rnnnKU OSCAR GERHAUSER 4 03 4 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 8075. $2M0 FOR a 3 room with garage, lot 132! xJOS. on E. 39th. 100x100 in berries, lots oi room lor garden and chickens, $300 cash. $3000 for a fine 4 room, fine lot 50x20K. on paved t. and only $300 cash. Bal. like rent $2000 for fine 5 room bungalow, on E. 37tii. full basement, built-in buffet, $1000 cash. Bal. easy. Phone Marshall 829. F. L. 51 9-20 Railway Exchange. Irvington Residence SHL'eO for 0ne of the finest 7 rooms on E. I Sth. with 2 fireplaces. 2 toilets, living room i c ear across the h.rri.onH fte I ana aown; large basement and a residence built for a home. Something out of the ordinary for the price. Phone Marshall 829. F. L. BLANCHARD 619 20 RAILWAY XCHANGE. FOR SALE BY OWNER 7 ROOM HOUSE IN SUNNYSIDE. conn CONDITION. DESIRABLE HOME. OR CAV 1 rir, malik I.NTO FLATS. TERMS REASON ABLE. 1113 BELMONT ST. Irvington Residence $7500 for fine new modern 6-room on cor ner: hardwood floors, plate-glass windows, large closets tn windows: no saraae. This was buih for home and the price is right; half; cash i none Marnaii F. L. 510 L'O RAILWAY EXCHANGE. 5-ROOM bungalow on 40x110 lot, 1 block from paved street and carline. no incumbrance of any kind; has lawn, trees and shrubbery, usual plumbing, conveniently arranged and double con structs, o rooms all on one floor, attic and additional lots if desirous; I price $1800. $400 cash, balance monthly. JOHNSON DODSON CO 33 N. W BANK BLDG. MAIN 3787. Hawthorne Bungalow lot, 4,11 iVi. tne nnest fr,,if . ..i. V. ri, " I - muhit , use. i iiis is on i.ienn ave.. lacing east: $10oo cash, bal time. Mar. 829. F. L. BLANCHARD 510-20 RAILXVA YEXCn.VNGE. R SE CITY PA RITbUNGALOW 5 rooms with all built-ins. hardwood floors, woodwork white enamel, furnace, fireplace, buffet, new and ready to snore into immediately, lot 50x 100. street hard surfaced, aewcr connections in and paid; pnee $4 750. JOHNSON DODSON CO., 633 N. W BANK BLDG. MAIN 8787. 5 ROOM BUNGALOW $120f $250 cash. $15 and interest monthly, buys attractively built 5 room bungalow type of cot- rage. . rooms plastered, good sink, patent toilet Xll .owrTr. Xf i.. "if'!1, ' garden : close to school in Montavilla: don't hesitate ar.out tins. r red . German Co . 732 Cham, of Com Open Sundays and evenings. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS- Iti s Neat, well built 4 room cotta.e with h..iiti cupbonrds, in splendid condition, 5 assorted bear ing fruit trees. 2 large rows of raspberries, big chicken house, covered run. good woodshed; $4 00 cash. $10 monthly, .red W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. Open Sunday and evenings. ROSE CITY IrRJTCAR IDEAL BUNGALOW MODERN Brand new. large living room, bedroom, break fast nook, kitchen, bath, toilet, basement, hard wood floors; real sacrifice. Tabor 1'34 or .M ! A SNAP One 7 room modern house near Mississippi car. close in on east side, all u ,"i.niB .home- ,'ant to go to Idaho nd un ira iiiu on nouse; price $390O. Write Ray Arant Jennings Lodge. Or. Phone FOR SALE by owner. 6 room modern bouse 2 lots, on paved Oregon City highwey; garage housing for 250 chickens. Price $2500' $750 cash handles. Balance 120 per month, in- DO YOU WANT A REAL HOME? S large rooms on north slope of Mt Tabor worth $10,000; take $7000 for quick sa". terms; 75x134. beautiful view. lawn, trees ,ni flowers. See it for yourself. Sellwood 2706. $11 250, terms $25Casf 5 room house: lot 100x100 Bearing fruit trees, fine garden aoU. 45 K. 86th t.. Mt Tabor car. VERY excellent home, ready to moti'intdrclose to school, Irvington, large living, hall, dining kitchen, four bedrooms, sleeping porch, modern. Lawn, 50x100, fruit, garage. East 273. Herd- FOR quick sale. Account of leaving the city will sell my home in Rose City Park a rooms, full basement, furnace, fine lavrn fruit t'bo' 1318 g4ra6' in good loction; $3700. FIVE room bungalow, firei.lace. beam ceiling .erLa.neld'' fl,n basement, comer lot oharnocfrfaCTd- "eWer in- M i c" 6th t ERROL HEIGHTS mvi:.lmv . , o ' 5-room plastered bungalow and bath. lights gas. water; large garden, enough Tegetables in 17X2 xx-nr. "i"'"- Ner Terms. F. KeUey. SP,L?,NID b0D,e Rose Cit P;" large livijf haU, dining, kitchen, fine basement, four bed room, sleeping porch, modern. Lawn 50x100 large fruit trees, close to street car See it' Only $5000. East 273. Herdman. . FOR SALE Modern 5 room bungalow, 2 bed roctus. living room, dimng room, Dutch kitch en, cement basement, laundry trays, terms. 1034 E. Caruthers st, owner. $250 CASH $1100 TERMS " 6 room house, g. electricity, bath side walk In, paid, block to car on 79th st rii Tabor 8364jafter 3 p. m. A-l HOME Irvington. living, dining, trfil 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch, basement furnace lawn. 50x100, choice shrubs, fruit trees, caran See this. East 273. Herdman. 7-ROOM plastered house; electricity, gas tiiiZ walk, fruit trees, 2 Iota. $2250. term. Also furniture fog gale. H-A car to 67th. 3544 66th st I IV E room bungalow, newly tinted and painted full plumbing. Dutch kitchen. basement rorrhea. full-sire lot. 926 E. .10th H 2 44 btock car; $2000. term. Broadway 2986 '$4 750 SEVEN rooms, bath and gas. peachec grapes, prune." cherries, apples and berries,' rreg. barn, cluck en houses, etc, 1 acre. 2614 67th at. B. FOR SALE 8 room modern bungalow, price $2500. $800 down, balance terms, 470 Holman st. Phone Woodlawn 6214. $1154 IfoUR room . house, fine location, garage, fruit Term. Sellwood 2163. FOB SALE HOUSES SIX BOOM MODERN BUNGALOW ALL ROOMS OS FIRST FLOOR , VACANT MOVE IN Reception hall with, cloak eloset, larg tiring room and alining room, fireplace, buffet, paneled walls and beam ceilings, large bright cabinet kitchen. S bedrooms with mple closet room, full cement basement, furnace, wash trays and wood lift Hera is a large, light, exceptionally well built 4 room bungalow, with all street im prorementa in and paid, located 1 block from good car aorrire and west of 37th st, at the price of a small dollhouse ; price $4500, $1000 cah. balance monthly; no mortgage or liens to assume. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO. 218 Ry. Exoh. Bldg. Main 6752. HEIGHTS TERRACE Cot $9000. Magnificent riew of city and mountains; oak floors up and down. 2 fire places sleeping porch, steam heating plant, porcelain bath fixtures and shower. Here is an opportunity to obtain a palatial home on the we?t side, walkinr distance from the heart of the city, st one third of it actual ralue. WAKEFIELD. FRIES A CO.. . 85 Fourth st OWNER LEAVING FOR EAST $23.50 You must act quick to get this real bargain. Six rooms and bath, with fur nace, full basement wash trays. Nice lawn. A real home and worth consid erably more. Term. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 RY. EXCH. BLDG. Main 1094. Open Evenings BEAUTIFUL borne on Broadway, 5 rooms and large sleeping porch, oak floors, fireplace, built-in conveniences, cement basement, furnace and laundry trays, garage and paved street: the nome you nave been looking for; price S370U. $1700 cash. JOHNSON-DOD80N CO.. 633 N. V. BANK BI.DO. MAIN 3787. FOR SALE By owner, leaving city, substan tial house, dandy view; fruit trees, full lot. worth $4000; 5 large rooms, big attic, full ce ment basement, furnace; would cost about $3000 to build; close to Broadway and Steel bridges; price $5750, including $1600 worth furniture, for quick sale. Call East 7295 after 5 p. m. STOP. LOOK AND LISTEN $2250 5 - room cottage clote In; walking dis tance; fine lawn. 50x125 lot, garage, shrubbery; near Union it., block to best car service. 407 Morris st Eaut 6287. VACANT- MOVE RIGHT IN $3200 buys new 3 room bungalow, with attic, fireplace, all built-ins. full cement ba mnnt. wah trays; XKOO cah will handle, .1. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 RY. EXCH. RLIX. Ma:n 1Q94. Open Evenings. FOR SALE LOTS 11 CHOICE midmra lot, 5(hl25. with frail tree. I near Hawthorne car; bargain for cash. In "", 2d St. 8. K. PnO Qll ? . . t. . 1 . . t V. T &. n i v uici iui o, ukjvr v. j i - chard Home add. See owner, 5405 04th st. I S. E., city. riEDMONT DISTRICT r or sale two choice lots, all improvements. ! Will sell one or both. Phone owner. Wdln. 62 1 3. FOR SALE East St Johns. 4. lots on carline. $700. i-ust 4317. ., ACREAGE FINE LITTLE CHICKEN 2 acres. $1400. $100 casl neat 2 acre tract with 4 room cottage and com plete set of buildings, including hen house, brood er house and numerous colony houses; woven wire fencing; located at North Plains, about 22 miles from Portland. This place originally cost $3100. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Open Bnd." "a .Tenines' nnaays and evenings. 6 ACRES with a modern 6 room house, close in; city conveniences, barn, chicken house and a plendid place for hot house proposition. For price and terms see F. I. MITCHELTREE Office at Anabel Station. $100 DOWN $15 MONTHLY 10 acres of rich black loam land, all In culti- ration: good sized shack: 1H miles from the eiectnc: total price iuoo. t red . German Co.. 1.11: cnam. ot com. Open Sundays and , evenings. $50 DOWN $12.50 MONTHLT Fine level 20 acre tract of logged off, unlm- aef,inuenL. of these tracts left. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Open Sundays and evenings. LOGANBERRY "LANDS Two acres, near station, at Garden Home, sidewalks, water and gas. Can be bought for I50 down, balance $10 per month with in j terest. from owner. 4 23 E. 16th st. N. 25 ACRES for sale by owner, 18 acres in cul tivation, the very best of land: on mail route, phone line, Vs mile from school, 3 miles from Mill City and one from Gate. $70 per cre. Ed. Wolf. Gates, Or. SALE OR TRADE 2 acres with 2 story house, unfinished: will trade for uto, ltuiek or Oik land. 11 or '17. or will sell eouitv fnr 7.S0. N-93 Journal. FOR SALE 1 acre of very best land on Ore gon Electric. 18e commuter's fare: 30 min ute ride to Portland. $325 cash. Clear title. Mrs. Sydaek. 29 K. 7th st. FOR Oregon City line acreage, improved or unimproved, see John Brown. 824 Railway Exchange bldg Marshall 3331 tt. ; -,. - v in r,n ' r.sMu nouse on i tnuii, o acres cleared, one-half mile from Boriug. for sale or rent. John Knbik, 552 Indiana st 4dVTfES"goofT land, 4 '4 miles west of Oak land. Or.; 20 acres cleared, rest in timber; $550. terms. 6640 E. 89th St. S. E. 5 ACRES loganberry land, 1 t, xuilea from Ger rais; $600. N-132. Journal. SUBURBAN ACREAGE 7 FINE HALF ACRE Near 82nd st. and Mill. Will sacrifice account sickness for $7o0. Cost me over $1200. ft, sure nd investigate this. 1314 Sandy bird. , Tabor 4 99. FOR SALE Beautiful 2 acre tract inside city limits, on paved road. 1 mile from steel bridge on Fourth Plain road, ready for garden, beautiful shade trees on front, water, big pas ture adjoining; only $375 per acre, terms. No agents. Come and see me. Mrs. G W. l-ow-den, Rt 2; Box 45, Vancouver, Wah. Pbone 31 F4. SUBURBAN HOMES Q.G.McCorniic Co. Moves The G. G. McCormic Co., formerly located at 418 Fenton bldg., have moved their real estate offices to 242 Washington street, on the ground floor, at the corner of Second and Washington. FOR SALE FARMS 17 43 ACRES. 35 acres in high state of cultiva tion, very best of loam soil, no rock or travel: lay almost level, watered by spring creek, well at house, 6 room honse. good barn enulpped with hay fork; all necessary outbuild ings, large family orchard in full bearing; all kinds of small fruit and berries; a grape arbor that produced 2 ton of grajiei last year; to gether with 9 cows, about 35 tons of hay' nd other crops. Only 'J miles from good town on Pacific highway in a thickly settled and prosperous community only 4 mile from school Price $6000, half cash. THOMPSON A SWAN 3d and Main sts. Vancouver. Wash EANCIFdDlSALE 320 acre wheat ranch and" all equipment good house, barns, well, orchard in front of house 120 acres in summer fallow; 4 mile south o? Arlington. Or., on Columbia highway. Will sell land, including all machinery, for $15 an acre providing the buyer buys the stock at an agree" able price. One half down, rest on terms at 6 per cent JOE TATONE ARLINGTON. OR. ONLY $15 PER ACRE 1 60 acre fruit and stock ranch, half tillable ; about 8 acres in cultivation, fruit and berries; last year sold berries for $400; good goat fence, fine springs, box house, fine cellar; lo cated one mile school, mills and gravel road, a gift at $15 per acre. Come on next train if jou want a farm; we can suit you. GIBSON, LEAVENGOOD A CO.. LEBANON. OR. FOR SALE: 0 acres. 9 miles- out of Bend. on good road. 1 miles to school, 2 churches. This place Is well improved; buildings all new and painted; outbuildings, large concrete cistern, fenced and crosafenced; 30 acres in cultivation, 10 acre pasture. It is good alfalfa place; lays well. Price $3750. About $1760 cash, balance terms to suit purchaser. Will ell fully equipped if desired. Everything clear from all incumbrance. Apply owner. Route 1, Box 35, Bend, Or. FINE FARM Located In center of agate district within 300 ft of the Punch Bowl, and within close dL-tance to wonderful scenic spots; excellent hunting and fishing. Furnished house and ha finest garden in the district fresh vegetables whole year; fine spring water piped to the house: pos toff ice position. Will sell for $4000 if bought toon. T H. Horning, Otter Rock, Or. FARM, 80 acres, 20 acres in cult, 6-room house, barn, orchard, berrie,. good soil: price including fnrn.. Implement and stock, $3000; other bargains, on rock road. Garland. 201 3d GREATEST FARM BUY IN nRtr.nn 1072 acres near university, all stock, crops .MwiniMt, urmcvu ior eou.UUU. II r- ticulara by F. Fucha, 420 Chamber of Com merce. FOR SALE, very cheap for cash. 5 acres good land, fenced and in cultivation, near Raleigh and new state highway; might consider Chicago or Portland improved. A. Coleman, 1909 E. Star- st. Portland. 160 ACRES. Liseola county: trade for auto and some cash. See Haaetn. McKay bldg. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE FARMS 17 2 ACKE8. all tillable; 3 acre in high state of cultivation, balance slashed and aaeded to pasture, rich loam soil; fenced and cross fenced, mall creek through the back part of place,- 200 cords of first growth red fir timber. excaUerr orchard in full bearing of assorted frulta. small irmtg and shrubbery of all kind. 4 room bouse, with porches at front and rear, good well at back door good barn equipped with hay forks, new machine shed, new chicken house. h honaa and yard, root cellar, fin si .an of Perch eron mare weighing 1500 lbs. each. 4 cows, registered Jersey bull. 5 hogs. 12 full blooded Silver Laced Wyandotte chicken, new manure spreader, new disc drill, plow, harrow, disc har row, roller, mower, rake, grindstone, hack, uew wagon, good set of harness, new Delaval cream separator., about 35 tons of hay in barn, acre of -potatoes. 2 acres of cheat. 2 H acre of corn. 4 H miles from Pacific highway and good country town; on good auto road with all rural advantages. Price $5250. $2500 cash, bal ance to suit THOMPSON SWAN 3d and Main st. Vancouver, Wash. $100,000 LBS. LOGANBERRIES From 14 jcres rivtr bottom sandy loam soil, near Lebanon. Linn county ; .all sold ti Libenun cannery for tic the pound; $M0; cot of production, harve-UiU. etc., $2000, netting owner $0000 , This is true; w' can prove it We sold an improved 20 acrosjiico, same kind land, for $0000. 'F Yet we offer you a 100 acre farm. , same soil snd locality. 75 seres in cultivation. 6 acres strawberries. 1 acre family orchard, good 9 room house, good barn, gravel road, only 4 Vs miles from Lebanon. Grab this and make your fortune growing loganberries. Only $150 per acre. W hare low-en priced farms, large and su:all. in valley. Don't waste time writing; come and see. GIBSON. I.EAVENOOOD & CO.. LEBANON. OR. SMALL farm of 10 H acres; 10 clear; 12 miles 1 onsl ',Z ?r. oai v "II,', . cu,c"n FOR RE7T FA KM f 80 ACRES, half clear; running water; cash or shares. 1088 E. Grant st. FARMS WANTED RFKT OR BI'T SS WANTED Small chicken ranch. 3 to 5 acres. Call East 7255. WANT to rent small country place with chicken house by reliable party. 783 Brooklyn at EXCHANGE- REAL ESTATY 24 EXCHANGE or sale 3 rooms and sleeping porch, lot 43x129: three blocks school 1 to i car; garden and shade; paved street Wabash are. Price $1500. Want 3 to 10 acres, some 1 improvement-: within 15 miles of Portland; assume to $2500. 1546 Wabash are. FOIt TRADE Lot in Eastmoreland; street im provements all in; nicely located near i-ollege and carline, to trade for automobile, late model; must be in Al running condition. Address own er. I.. E. King. Oregon I'ity, Rt. 6. Box 44 A . SIX room house and bath in best residence dis trict of Newport, Or, to trade for auto. What have jouf Box 651. St Helens. Or WANTED Acreage or timber for 15 room apartment house: $7000. Peck, 515 Clay. Marshall 43.4 n xrJ"i"fTi? f . . 10r.JR: rzrS am 21-. miles N. E of 1 Klamath Falls, on county road. What have : you? i o 1 Oregon st. r"mT SALE or trade for small house, three fine build- h ill niik hn ing lot farine I"" and Clinton streets; side h, $1.3 month buys wa,k ,wfr wgt(,r joo, Ilo st 15.000 FOOT capacity ""sawmill with timber, will trade for farm. A. J. Lais. Molalla Or. WANTED REAL ESTATE SI 686 HOMES SOLD Since Jan. 1, 19119 By our well organized force of 12 skilled sales men. Karli sale brines us a new purchaser lor our listings have all been personally insiwcted. nuu .ppi-iseti siuiiiim cnarge. K A II E ESPECIALLY IN NEED OF MORE" LISTINGS IN THE HOSE CITY AND HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. u yon home is for sale List It With Us "e will get uuick aud satisfactory result for ' SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE j TO SELL YOUR HOME Abington bldg. Main 1068. Office Oiien Evenings and Sundays. I WANT houses: wliat have you? I hare ca?h ' buyers waiting. Your house will be given proper attention. List now while selling is gooo WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WARRI.NKR. R1TTER. LOWE A CO.. 201 3 5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. G.G.McConnrcic Co. Moves The (i. G. McCormic Co.. formerly located at 41S Fenton bldg . have moved their real estate offices to 242 Washington street, on the ground floor, at the corner of Second and Washington W ILL pay $1000 down on a good 5 room" bungalow, located in good district: modern : prefer large lot. State full particulars itb i price. No agents. -4.t. Journal. WANT to buy 5 room bungalow, modern, with good si"1 lot. close to car. not to exceed $.1600. Will pay $1500 cash. , Give location and particulars. N 75, Journal. WANT to buy 4 or 5 room bungalow inRoi8 City Park district with garage; will py $S00 down. Give particulars with terms. N-74, Journal. WANTEI To buy 5 rveun modern bungalow not to exceed $3O0O; have $10(10 cash; give full parti-ulars and price. B 23. Journal WANTED 3 or 4 room cottage, not over $1000. N 7. Journal. WA-NT best 4 or 5 room bungalow around $26i) cah. F. Kurlis, 420 Chamber of Commerce. ROOMING HOUSES, APARTMENTS AND HOTELS FOR SALE S3 BET buy, 11 well furnished II. K. rm-;dea: direct Owner leaving; $800, part cash. 370 1st st. WANTED Rooming house, 12 to 25 rooms, paj cash. Tabor 5206. FOR SALE A 14 room hotel, rn elem :doti7, good business. Mrs. Mae Fox. Toncalla. Or. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES It WE HAVE a buyer for s clothing store or dry goods store up to $25,000 in city, suburbs or valley. We have a buyer for garage. Would con sider prtner or buy outright up to $2 500. We have buyers for booming businesses. 448 MORGAN BLDG. MAN" to purchase 3 Vx ton truck with dump body, for short mn, gravel haul in town: dou ble shift: about $70 per day. with extra time if desired. On completion of this work have fine haul out of the rain belt, and good for all winter; pays about $70 day, double shift; extra time. Call Purdy, Broadway 1572, R a. m. to 6 p. m. Tabor 1344, 7 p. m. to 10 p. m. FOR SALE -Blacksmith and wood working shop, 50 miles from Portland, in good business town; equipped with 2 fires and full line of tools; enough work for 3 men, surrounded by the best farming country in the Willamette valley; cheap for cash, or may consider terms. D-422. Journal. FOR SALE $1500 cash buys baggage transfer and storage business, 2 Ford deliveries, 1918 models; lea-e on large storage room filled witn baggage and furniture; $250 due on storage located near Union depot: gross income last year $8900. expense $5100. net profit $1800. Phone for interview Broadway 1207. FOH SALK Chiropractic practice, doing over $500O yearly cash business; population 6000 with excellent surrounding country. Good rea son for selling. Am in city for a short while, write me at once if you want particulars. N-134, Journal. lull SALE Confectionery, soft drink, ice craam, cigars and tobacco; six living rooms. This place is clearing from $200 to $300 a month; right beside moving picture show. C. C. Cain. 6517 Foster road, Arleta station. FOR SALE General merchandise store in Cen tral Oregon. Annual sales $90,000. Reason for selling, owner has other business in same town that requires his entire attention. This is worth investigating. DX-635, JoumaL FOR SALE Small dairy; 1 2 cowshors and wagon and route; will sell for $2500 or trade for property. 963 Garfield ar., or call Wdln. 4426. FOR SALE Shoe-repairing shop at cost price; everything new; only shop in locality. 1207 Division st CONFECTIONERY, light lunches; West Side; good location: $700; good for married couple; rent $20. N-147. Journal. GOOD paying traiuter and passenger business for sale, cheap. Mrs. Stella Jefferies. Me Minnville, Or. FOR SALE 15 room flat, furnished; over cafe teria: near steel plant; jit sleeping rooms. 627 Hood st 500 BU8INESS CARDS $1.25 Ryder Ptg. Co.. Main 6536. 191V 3d st FOR SALE A good paying news and confec tionery stand. B-820, Journal. CASH and carry grocery, brand new stock; owner has other business. 490 V Union ave GOOD (mall sawmill proposition near Portland, logging qui rowit on ground. Wdln. 5453. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 1 IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL your business, hotel, room or apartment Hons of any kind anywhere, see us. We bar buyers for Grocery stores. $1000 to $6000. Clothing stores. $3000 to $50,000. Shoe stores, $5000 to $25,000. Hardware stores, $3000 to $10,000. Hotels. $2000 to $25,000. Oarages. $500 to $15,000. Read our ads we give prompt results. The Oregon Business & Financial Agency 448 Morgan Bldg. MONKY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE !7 OUR installment plan is the best and surest method of paying a loan. $32 26 per month for 36 months; or $21.24 for 60 months; or $13.17 for 96 months, pay $1000 loan and interest. Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property. Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark st.. Portland. Or. $300. $400. $500, $750. $1000 and up at lowest rates; quick action. Fred W. German Co . 732 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6445 ' MONEY to loan in amount of $100 to $5000 U4 on city property, i . ii n t - . r . . , , , a. i . pcijl, wui iv-1 i aauutey Dlug. BUILDING loans on city and suburban property, money advanced as work progresses. W. . Beck. 2 15 and 2 1 6Failing bldg. Main 3407. $300. $400. $500". $600, $750 and up, low est rates, quick action, Gordon Mortgage Co., 681 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1370. MONEY for mortgage loans. $500 to $6000, 6 and 7 r . Fred S. Williams. 92 Vj 1st st SEE OREGON TNV. & MORTGAGE CO.." Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. 22 MORTGAGE LOANS, d and 7 per cent. Salomon A Co.. 408 Selling bldg. Louis HAVE $3000 ca-h for apartment or hotel, open Sundays. Main 3637. 169 Park st. $300 to $3000. no commission. Main 1106. F H. Deshon, 615 Chamber of Commerce. MONET TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES J PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS N. Phone Broadway 910. 3f!4 Stark Street, near 10th. I-oans n diamonds, watches. Victrolas, ptsnos. kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musical instrument nd anything of value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF PORT LAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER. City and county warrants cashed for face ' value. CARRIE MYERS HERMAN. Manager. DO YOU NEED MONEY Loan madr on automobiles, diamondii. Dianoa. household rood or anything of value. Setruritj ' usually left in your possession. ALSO to SAL- A HIED PEOPLE on their notes without secur ity. If your payments to other loan companies or on furniture or automobile contracts are larser than voll can make w will r. tk,m up. advsnee you more money if necessary, and you can repay us in small monthly payments 10 sun your convenience. LEGAL RATES NO DELAY BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY (Licensed) 306 307 Deknm Bldf. Mar-hall 3286. Salary- LOANS Chattel . ' . " r' Z,;ZT1rLr:il.i. !. . .ll-ur incubator Co.. 415 payments. Each transaction strict I confident!.! NO MORTGAGE NO 1NDORSER ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANT f LICENSED) 218 Failing bldg. MONEY to loan on diamonds, jewelry legal rates; all articles held a year: established since i .-7- ' . .--r1- . - i ' "A K r 'n Won,7 00 household food. I-egsl rate. Tabor 3f06. LOANS WANTED 3$ ' FIRST MORTGAGES for sale. $500 up. F. II. Deshon, 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO. Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. 32 riNANCIAr. 1 LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS. If yon must sell your Liberty or Victory bonds, sell to us. If you can buy more Libeny or Victory bonds, buy from us. We buy and sell Liberty nd Victory bond at the market. YOU CANNOT DO BETTER YOU MAY DO WORSE. On Saturday, Sept. 27. 1918. we paid th. following prues for United States Government Liberty and Victory bonds, which were the clos- j ing New York market prices, plus the accrued nterest. N. T. Market Interest TM.1 $0 03 96.36 95 89 96.63 i 04 ! l3 P6.38 101.24 3'i:S $100.02 $1.01 1st 4s 95.20 1 16 21 4s 940 1 49 1st 4 'is 95.40 1 23 2d 4'4s .... 94.16 1.58 3d 4 s .... ! 46 .17 4th 4 Us .... 94.44 1 94 victory 34s.. 99.90 1.34 Victory 4 lis.. 99.92 1.70 101.62 In purchasing Liberty and Victory bonds we deduct from the above prices 37c on a $50 bond and $2.50 on a $1000 bond. In selling Liberty and Victory bonds we charge the New York market price plus the accrued Interest ASK ABOUT THE MORRIS BROTHERS FLAN. Burglar and Fireproof Safe Deposit Boxes For Rent Open until 8 p. m. Saturdays. m MORRIS BROTHERS. LNC. The Premier Municipal Bond Houae. Capital. $1,000,000. Morris Bldg.. 309 311 Stark L, bet. 6th A 6th. Tel. Broadway 2151. Established over 26 yean. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS CASH PAID FOR ANY ISSUE OF BONDS FULL MARKET PRICE IAAX ON WAR PAVINGS STAMPS YOU CAN BORROW CASH OF US ON BONDS AND SAVINGS STAMPS OR TO FINISH PAYING FOR VICTORY BONDS SEE E. BURKITT. PRESIDENT OREGON BOND AND MORTGAGE CO. 208 SELLING BLDG. (SECOND FLOOR) BONDS BOUGHT SPOT CASH SPOT CASH MARKET PRICE CASH fnr RECEIPTS. We win LOAN yon money on BONDS. W. 8. S., or to make PAT MEN TS on BONDS, 7 per cent 725 Gasco Bldg . Fifth and Alder. CELLARa-MCKTON CO. I WILL BUY s ANY LIBERTY UOND AT 99 PER CENT OF FULL CASH VALUE (All due coujion interest included.) J H KEATING. 617 BOARD OF TRADE CASH paid for mortgage nd sellers' contract on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble, 316 Lumbermen bldg. HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC. 18 12 HEAD of mare and geldings, weigh from 1000 to 1600 lbs., all good workers and genUe; some good: block y mare among them: also a few sets of (ingle and double harness, wagons and buggies; also 4 year old family Jersey cow. To be seen t corner of Eaat 9th and Hawthorne. Pbone East 8227. 1J1 SALE cheap, several good farm horses and mares, weight from 1300 to 1400 each; also seme farm implt-a lent, lump, wagons, etc 4 30 Hawthorne ave. RANCH team, weight 2100; good doable bernee and light farm wagon. $135 for all. Also single harness and boggy, $20. 6647 65th at S. E. Woodstock car. FOR SALE Good farming outfit, hone, wagons, tools. G. W. Metcalf, 4517 79th t. S. E. FlVE-month-oid mule colt for sale cheap or trade for work horse. 851 Buatell st. near Union ave. LIGHT spring wagon, as good as new; eU at a bargain or exchange for anything I can use. Phone Tabor 7548. 156 E. 87th at, N. WANTED Saddle pony and stock (addle for cash or will trade spring wagon, heifer. chickens, etc. Box 349, Portland. Mar. 6894 HoKhE and wagon, $1.50 per day; 2 hone and wagon. $3. J. Cohen, 546 Front. Main 22 O 8. DcAl uor-e. nd uiml hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. GOOD team, wagon and harnea for ie; a bar gain. E. 9th and Flanden. N. DEAD horse taken anVefcly; cash paid for dead saoor t.v. i HORSESy TEHICLES, ETC ' 1 WILL sell my team, just In from the farm; 3450 lb., chunky and fat; with plow, har ness, S in. wide tiro farm wagon, good double section harrow. 1 4-tn. plow: all for $185., or will sell any part Call at once and est a bargain. Mr. Richardson, 868 MuaseU st near Union are. Phone Eaat 6661. Also 2 fin milk goat; be fresh soon. MARES AND HORSES Wo carry a larg supply of the very best horse and mares that money can buy. It will be to your advantage to come and look oar stock over and get our price before you buy. Sanitary Stables. 865 Union ave.. cor. Stevens. - LIVESTOCK $i ONE" registered Hobrtain cow. fresh; calf by fi. bred by Albert Johnson. Scappoose. Or. Heavy milker. Abo one roan Durham, fresh, heavy milker. One young Jersey 8 years old, $75. H. Smiths Phone 29-J. Milwaukie, Or., 21st and Adams St.. by 8. P. depot Milwaukie, Or. ONE registered Holstein cow and calf, 8 gals! Take Vancouver car to Col. blvd. station, go one block north. JUST arrived with 15 choice dairy cows. Hul stein, Jersey and Durham. John Schinao- der. 1681 Westamia t. St, Johns car. WOULD l:ke to buy old lumber. Lumber that lias been used in house. Write to Peter Ackermann, Mlrwauk-ie, Or. THE registered jack "Plowboy" cheap, or will take cattle or horses in exchange. 2U3 Front t ONE of the nicest 2-year-old standard-bred fillies in the state, cheap or exchange for good de livery hdVsee. 302 Front st. IF YOU want any -fresh dairy cows of-any breed at any time see Mr. Bruce at the Stock Yards. North Portland. Or. TWO gixl tsmily cows. 70 snd $80 Rich milkers. Us-Ud. Also layinr hens. ML Scott car to 57th ave, west to 6686 DANDY milk goats for sale! doiTt rai-t this chaiio. 3103 53d st. 8. E Call Tbor 6147 . 7 MONTHS Jersey heifer, some bens nd small auto for sale 6128 54th ave S E. JERSY iKirham cow. 5 rears oidT high test. J. Blautuer. 4604 &0tb st. S. E. PLENTY food for chickens, hogs, cows, horse. Come and get free of charge. 4 48 Hall st. A NO 1 COW. S. E Call Ient-.. 101st46ih ave TWO Jersey cows nd calf, 5 gallons milk Woods st. COW $65. rich milker; must sell, tested. Woodlawu car to 2-d. Tuberculosis JUST arrived. frerh dairy and family cows. Take beef cows In exchange. ,51 r. Ash. POULTRY AND RABBITS 8 7 YOUNG White leghorn bens, bogsnized and guaranteed heavy laying stock, $1.50 each; Barred Rock and R. 1. I! rullett. $1.25 to $2. RABBITS Flemish, New Zealand. White Angora and Himalayan: good stock and cheap. J R. MAGU1RK. 787 Oregon st 150 RARRED ROCK, Rhode l7"Reds. White Leghorn March, April, May pullets. $1 25 up to $2.25: 50 young White leghorn hens, laying. $1.35. 1018 East Stark and 75th st. Montavilla Mt. Tshor car POULTRY PUPPIES PETS WE SPECIALIZE ON THEM CASH PRODUCE COMPANY 300 E. Morfison New Management Eaj-t 6122 BCSfElTS R A B BITRY -AU breeds fvr sale. A fin. gift for your boy. 10005 45th ave. S. E. and 100th St., near Lenta FORlALlrSockVreiro; A. C. BrredPly mouth Rock. 200 egg strsin; also cockerels of the famous Oregons, $3 each. Mrs. Ernest Werner. Aurora, Or., R. 2. )R SALE At once. 80 bred White leghorn laying hens and pullets, cheap. 1845 Mississippi ave., after 6 p. m. 6 SILVER CAM PINE laying bens and rooster for sale. 4 4 78th st N. near Burnsidt M. V. car. LEAVING the city. Canneaux pigeons and few rabbit for sale cheap. 1217 Omaha are. fit John car. i RABBITS for sale, all kinds; must sell at once. Call evenings after 5:30 or Sunday. 561 Mall st. Sellwood car. SAVE FEED I guarantee to pick non-layer from your flock. Tabor 6422. WHITE Leghorn and Barred Rik pullets; also a few fine cockerels. Master Incubator Co Woodlawn 4 3 44. i SCRATCH feed, best made. $4; cackling ma.b I JeHsup- "din. 4344 I 30 PULLETS from 75c to $1.25 ech. 1806 Foster st. St Johns car. ANCONA cockerels from excellent layers, free range stock. Main 7679. Y. pay the lnglie t casn price for pullets, any breed. Tabor 4 J O :v FOR SALE White Leghorn chickens. Phone Tabor 7654. FOR SALE Rabbit hutch and chicken house. 3630 64th st. 8. E. Phone Tabor 5744. THOROUGHBRED White leghorn pullets for sale $1 apiece. 749 Minnesota ve. ONE year old White Leghorn bens for le. I'hiXe Tabor 6895. DOGS, BIRDS. PETS. ETC. 4 'IHOMTSON'S Bird store, corner Prescott B57 Mississippi ave. Big sale on canary birds. 50 and 2 CHOICE canaries at 'The Canary Bird Shop " Ringers guaranteed. 1151 E 28th N. C-221T. . I lOMitHILKS AXD ACCESSORIES 44 1918 BRISCOE ROADSTER CART, 522 Alder st BroaJwy 1492. STUDEB AKER FOUR Lonk and runs fine. Two new Roy! Cords. 3 other good tires New tp. Very cheap and easy terms. Pacific Auto Co.. 5 23 Alder St. CASH paid for old cars, condition no object; parts for all inak-s of cars. Oregon Auto Ex change. 129 l.ownsdale at 15th and Washington. Phone Broadway 2668. A 1 AUTO WORKS i 7 Maxwell touring, refinuhed and looks and runs good : low price for rash, hut will give terms. 525 Alder st. A 1 Auto Work. 1918 FRANKLIN Very f lne condition, good cord tires, and a snap at the price: easy terma Pacific Auto Co.. 5 23 Alder at. Broad way 84 1 1 1918 MAXWELL, only mn about 3000 miles. runs smooth and quietly; lot' of power; good tirej. and spotlight; a claawy little car for $790; will give terms. Call Tabor H$0. DO YOU want a roadster? W have a 3 pas. Mitchell, equipped with good rubber, which i snap. 354 E. Broadway, either phones. C-1943. 1915 FORD for le cheap, in good condition. 1 new tire. Studebaker 1913 model, good condition. One Wichita truck in theroughly good shape. Call Sellwood 1136. 553 E. 17th t HUDSON 640. completely overhauled, repainted, good tires; will sell at $1000 and five terms'' consider 'mailer car in trade. 30 GRAND AVE.. NORTH. NEAR BURNSIDE. TRY the Northwest Welding II Supply Co. for broken auto frames and other broken and worn parts. 88 First st. Phon Main 6410, our auto will call. MAXWELL 1917 touring, in fine condition. with good tires; must sell; a bargain at $576. with terms. 30 GRAND AVE.. NORTH. NEAR BURNSIDE. FORI) roadster, with small tall delivery; in best of condition; must sell; a bargain at $395. with terms. 80 GRAND AVE.. NORTH. NEAR BURNSIDE. FORD roadster, 1917, In best condition; good tirea, new top and paint; will aacriflc at $4 50, with terms. 30 GRAND AVE.. NORTH. NEAR BURNSIDE. MAXWELL 1919 touring, used very little; look and runs like new; must sell at bargain at $975, with terms. 30 GRAND AYE.. NORTH. NEAR BURNSIDE. MOTORS, gears, bearing a. wneels, axle; w wreck all makes of cars and sell their part at half price. David Hodea Co., North Broad way and Flanders. MAXWELL touring. 1917; good paint and tires; owner must sell, a bargain at $625, with term. 80 GRAND AVE., NORTH, NEAR BURNSIDE. CHEVROLET roadster. Just overhauled and re painted; good tires; will sell at $650 and give term. 30 GRAND AVE.. NORTH. NEAR BURNSIDE. $300 DOWN WILL BUY MT 1919 MAX WELL: RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW; 6 GOOD TIRES: 10 MONTHS ON BALANCE. CALL TABOR 680. CHANDLER touring, 1917, In best of condi tion; vised privately; good Urea; will aacriflc at $1350 with terms. 80 GRAND AYE.. NORTH. NEAR BURNSIDE. FOR SALE BY OWNER Modern 7 room house, Richmond district, on lot 100 by 100 feet. Term. Call Main 7720. after 6;30 p. m. CHEVROLET, 1918. touring: in fine ounditioa; good tire, good paint; mutt sell, a bargain at $650. with term. 80 Grand are. N. near Burn ARE you looking for an Overland Chummy bog? Electric lights and starter. 404 DAVIS. NEAR 10TH. LATE 1917 Grant six. used very little. $320 down: guarantee and free aarvice. Portland Car Bales Co.. 6th and Taylor. WHO will be first here to get this good buy in an Oakland roadster! 404 DAVIS, NEAR 10TIL 1918 FORD roadster. $215 down; guarant. and free service; enough said. Portland Car Sale ('., 5lh and Taylor. CAN you ae a 1918 Cadillac if price is right' 404 DAVIS, NEAR 10TH. DO YOU want a H immobile bug for $2iul 404, DAVIS. NEAR 10TH. USED CAR' BARGAINS Reu Six. completely overhauled. w top with plate glass In rear, spare tire with tlr oors bu just been repainted dark blu body with cream wheels. look likaj a saw car. Ther at a mighty low price on it too. A late model Chandler just overhauled and repainted is also ottered at a bargain price. Hudson 8uir Six in good eondltion an other good buy. Also a Reo Four, 5 passenger. Northwest Auto Co. Aider st 18th. 02 ; SECTIONAL GARAGES CAN BE SHIPPED ANYWHERE .-"".Modern Construction Co.: 815 E 1 1th at I'bone East tilt. 191 S Dodge. 5 pass 191 H Saion Su, just painted. 1917 Oakland. 1918 Dodge. 1917 Bulc Six. mad-ter. 191 5 Maxwell. A pas. 1916 Maxntll. 6 pas. 1916 Ford roadster. 1017 Ford roadster. 1916 Fori touring car. 1918 Ford touring far I HI 8 Ford light delivery 1918 Maxwell sedan. 1915 Overland roadster, 1912 Bulck chassis. 1912 Franklin 1919 Dixie flyer. 1912 5 passenger PeVrd BUTLER & WOOD, ' Last Approach of Burnsid Bridge. East 321. USED AUT0M0BBLES TERMS GIVEN JORDAN .MITCHELL. CADILLAC. OVEHI.ANDS. I HEV ROLET. SEVERAL OTHERS TO SELECT FROM. WEST SIDE SALES ROOM. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO. BROADWAT AT OAK STB. ' Phone Bioadway 615. A-8341. USED CARS EASY TERMS Our Motto: "Every Purchaser a Booetar." 1919 Peerless 8. 7 pass. With guarantee. 1918 Peerless 8. 7 -pas. Cord tire. 1917 Veil 5 pass Specuil. $000. 1918 Veils Thoroughly overhauled. new tires. 1917 Studebaker 4 cyl. 5 Urea. $750. Model 75 Overland 5 tires. $450. Saxon Light Six Fine condition; snap. Oakland Light Six 5 excellent tire. Open evenings and Sunday. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR COMPANT 58 N 23d st Main 780 USED CAR BARGAINS 1 Light Ruick 6. , $50 1 Oakland Sedan 2 Buirk 4s. 18 and '18. 1 Franklin series 7 1 Dodge 2 Overland 2 Chevrolet roadster . . . 1 Chevrolet touring .... 8 Fords , . . . .760-80i BftO 760 . . . .400 600 400-426 460 . . . .260 46l , . . .800-876 2 Ford deliveries a cars, all run . 60-200 Accessories and parts for most all car. -0 spotlights at $5 each. LONG A 8II.VA 462 Hawthorn. Cars of the Better Kinds Little Bulck 4, 6 passenger; new Urea: a cbarrically Al; for $500. Sr. this. 1918 Ford, shock absorber, speedometer; price la righL Cadillac, cord at around; Ilk new. Grant ail. 6-pasa., Ute '17 model, A-l eoa dition; upholstering good. I Baby Grand Chevrolet, $650 If lakes today. Used Car Palace 61 Union ave. East 771T. GARAGES Price on application. Ready Cut Houae M II, I. MADE CONST RUCTIOM COMPANY 1601 Uunlon a v. K Woodlawa 2411. WILLYS SIX New top, new :int, nd new tires : a per fect car for $950. terms. 421 Burusid.. Ask for J ones. I CAN use your Ford If yon can rue my new Briscoe. Pbone CruUuhank. Sell 8021 of Bdwy. 2492. DODGE SEDAN Look like new. Run 4000 mile. Good tires, Bdwy. 2492. Open Bundaya. Bartletb HAVE some Maxwell and Chevrolet w cab make good prices on. CARY. 622 Alder st Broadway 2492. SERIES "8" Franklin, like newf 11078. CARY, 622 Alder st Broadway 2492. 2 FORD TOURING CARS CARY. 622 Alder at Broadway 2492. '18 HUPP And It looks just new; and we Tlj say K i a good a is in th city and th price i Lucky $1300; terms and bonds at face value or tight car in trade. 625 Alder A-l Auto Works and Psint Cci FORD touring, 19177 excellent shape and tirsa, $475, term to reliable party; leas for oesfe. Phon B 1058. , - ARE you -linking of buying ft 1811 OldsmobS roadster? If so. we have It 464 DAVIS. NEAR 10TH. 1917 COLE eight roadster. $540 down and will take smaller ear in trad; free sen ices Portland Csr Sale Co , 6th tne) Taylor. ARE you in the market for 1917 Dodge tear ing car) 404 DAVIS. WEAR 10TH. 1918 OLDSMOBIUJ eight, $624) down: gur". -antae- and free service; -nut oed. P liana! " Car Bale Co.. 6th and Taylor. 2 TON AUTO TRUCK for tale. BellvedTTSoT. ' dp'iaP-