1U THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 28. 1919. HEAL ESTATE FOR KALK HOUSES I 110,000 -BEAUTIFUL IKVISUTOS BLNUALOW In I lie heart of Irvington. on full 100X J0O with H street liens Jieid is a very artistic typical bungalow with tow rambling line: thin )one contain arething that you would put in a new home; there are 8 room bc-ddt the den and music room, S .slerping rooms; has many hut It in conveniences, furnace and fire place, hardwood floors, woodwork finished in tltl ivory and white ena ctr-ynu must see thin place to armreciata it. Beautiftil lawn, flow ers and shrubbery. Tim property eould not be duplicated Unlay for lew Mian $15,000. Would be pleased; to ahow. you this at your convent- FRANK McGUSRE TO BUT TOtn HOME . Abin4n Bulkllng. Mam 1088. Office Open Evening and Sunday. "O AND LOOK AT 800 B. GOING. COR. 2 5S00 TbU i trnly wonderful buy; a part frctly appointed home, largo living room, fireplace, bookcases, exceptionally at tractive dining room, beautiful kitchen Hi.d hood over kitchen range: toilet and lavatory flint floor, breakfast room, 4 large, bed room. 1 practically an in closed sleeping porch; also dressing -roora with 3 full mirrors; exception ally large linen closet, clothes chute, full-Tement basement, wash trays and cement fruit room : this ts an excep tionally attractive home both inside and .nit: Iwrdwood floors: 8O1IOO lot on corner: terms can be arranged. J. A WICKMAN CO.. 204 Rauy Exchange Building. Mam HUM Opel n iJtwiW $1320 HOME WITH INCOME On V.. 80th at., facing on the Montavilla car. U a store and flat building. The ftorc could be changed into a flat. Upper flat consists of 5 rooms; white enamel rlumbing. electric lights and gas; $1(10 down, entire balance like rent; no mortgage or street hem. UNUSUAL OPPOR Tl NITY. We have over 600 photographs of m- -pecU-d hemes in our office for sale; 1 2 eaperi inoed salesmen with auto at your service. See . ur display of over 600 photographs of heme, for .ulv Autos as vour service. SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE To Buy Vour Home. Abington hldg. Main 1068. Office Open Evening and Sundays- BK MM UDER N B I ; N OA WW AM. BOOMS ON FIRST FLOOR VACANT MOVE IN Reception hall with cloak closet, large living loom and dining room, fireplace, buffet, pan eled walls and beam ceilings, large bright cabi net kitchen, 8 bedrooms with ample closet room, hill cement basement, furnace, wash trays anil wood lift; here is a large light exceptionally well built 6 room bungalow with all street improve menu in and paid; located 1 block frcau good car' service and west of 37 th st., at the price of a small doll house; price 84300; $100 cash, bal ance monthly; no mortgage or leina to assume. CLE VELAN l HEN DERSON CO. . 218 ity. Each. Bldg. Main 0732 ""MOOO TKKFEkSOX HIGH" DISTRICT Here is a real bungalow home on a full lot on a paved street. I block north ot Ktlling.s worth. close to the Jefferson High School. Public Library and City Park. Cause to three cariine House Is practically new, built-in convenience ; best Plumbing fixtures; good cement basement; laundry trays. Hopse is equipped with Hector Ga Iladiator system. Tlita i an unusual tmj. Can arrange terms. SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE TO Bl' V Ylil'H HOME Main IOCS Abington bldg. Office Open Evenings anil Sundays $2100 ATTRACTIVE HOME A very linmellkc H rm modern home, large llvinir room, l.retty dining room with haded art glass buffet, sun room, convenient. Mtcbcn. full cement basement. 4 light airy bedroom'., white enamel plumbing, electric lights and tin-. clo.e to school and car. On E. 75th st. neiu Jdirusidc: can arrange terms. We have over 1100 .photographs, of inspected hemes in cor officii for sule; 12 experienced "alesmm with auto at. your service. SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BUY YOl It homi: Abington Building. Muni 1008 office Open Evenings ami H""'"j'l; . $370O ROSE CITY DISTRICT Very autsttantial 7 room modern home on a foil lot with all liens paid. Hardwood floors, fircilace, interior woodwork in oak; massive buf fet; built in conveniences. This house could not be built for $4500. Can arrange terms. We have over 000 photographs of inspected homes in our office for sale. 12 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1 00R Office Open Evenings and nudays. $1700 HoSlBMKE BlINCALOW On an 88x100 foot lot, covered with bearing fruit trees, berries, throbs, etc., is a very comfortable homelike 4 room bungalow with Hood cement oasemem. i.nunu.ni;. fitrvi..' imn and gas; large chicken house and garage block from the Woodlawn car ( an arrange cy term-. DON'T KAIL TO SEE THIS. SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME Abington bldg " Main 10t!f. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. ;i ACRE country home, nicely improved witli fruit, berries, buildings, etc. House is a mod crn 7 room bungalow with every convenience of the city, electric lights, gas. water, nice built-in bookcases, buffet, fireplace, furnace, cement basement, stationary tubs, fruit room, two blocks to car, on good hard surfaced street. Price $0500 $2500 cash, balance straight mortgage. J0HNS0ND0DS0N CO. 633 N. W. Baunk Bldg. J Main 3787 $1800 ItlNGAl.OU- WITH 10tll4 7 On 100x147 corner lot with abundance of 1 1 nit. berrici and garden is a t. t-ronin bungalow, white enamel plumbing, lurpc barn I nnd chicken house: price reduced 7"0 lor uuick ale; can arranst easy term-. W e ht v.-r IOO photographs ct iu'pectrd home-, in 1 our iiffioe for sale: 12 expi rit nccil salusnc n with autos at. vuur service. SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE TO TU YOI U HOMK Ahmet on Hnihiintf. Mb in 1 lifts. Office Open Kren intra and Sunday $.VKT "TAHH VA AN T M O vTT UK "Hit IN .lHH, buy a dandy new modem hnine of T room and bath first floor, 'J bedrooms up, fireplace, hardwood floors in Imne ! iom, dining room and kitchen; bemi, ti!nl iMtt.rh kitchen, full cement hn?e-nit-nt, wajd. tray, newer and sidewalk nt hi id paid ; yon may ha ve seen r number of home, but none better then llii for the money; let u -hoiv ou. .r A. WK'K.UAN t it, Itail way Kvctranije Itund tus. Main 1 UIM )jnn Y .'iiiii VACANT KOSK ITY HOMll $1000 r O M IM j K T K 1 i Y l-t'UMSMKIt- SUO00 Out of town urtiior must well at saerifiee: 6 rooms and tleepintt I Kirch, built in eon v. . cement basement, fnrunre, good furniture, pared M. in ami iaid; iuft 1 1b bloeks from Sandy blvd. You ean't uffonl to mi thin if yon are look uiK for a Kood buy; $1-00 casli wilt handle. liitlaiM'e lone time- A. WAUUlNKIi RITTKIt. MVK ft Ct . L'iM I) . 7 Board of Trade Hide ;t(S0l r. ItlllDI BUNGAUnv erv laige tiriim room and cmi.i 1 hardwood floors in main rooms ii r 50ji loo ft : H block P. east Uo,e facing enr- C. .-a i ; will E handle T of Torn clear of all niruinhra n. 't .1. I.. Hurt man o mrrve bldg. Main 208 $ 1 OOU '1111111... VACANT--MOVE HK.HT IN $3200 buys a new 5 room hugalniv fireplace buffet. Dutch kitchen, lull floored nt tic, full cement Ivisement. wash txay:! M U could not duplicate this house alone ' without lot for less than S34IM); r.- i mires $800 i ah. ! . J A WICKMAN CO.. 204 Uailtvay Exchange lluil lug ' Hl!ILLli2i iJpeu Evenings ; A SNAP- in i:rV I o Dandy il-rimm bungakov, modern, bath, toilet, lights und gas. good basement, furnace heat, tv.n 0m1 lots, lots of fruit, flowers und garden, good 1 garage, handy to car. school and Reed college 1 Only 2500. $500 cash, balance like rent. Se ; it at once. K. W. HUGHES 507 Journal Hldg Phone Main 2S58 ; HAWTHORNE $3500. $oo cash, "balance ! $S." iwr month, including interest; 5 room bungalow, partly furnished, bookcase, buffet, j tireplaci. full cement tvasement; a eozv little' home. CO. 1133 N. W. HANK HI. PC. MAIN :I7S7 NEAR 1. 1 VISION 3 room Ikiusc with bmh ci :; l,iuliful I. i , on Greenwood sv.; an cxcell.-ut buy t,,r the pr;ce: fniit trees, berries ami- ganlVn ; $7o() will handle. GODDARD .1 WIKUKtt'K 243 Stark nt ROSE "CITY PARK By owner, new M-room bnngalow, onk floor, electric fixtures, funiace. naratre. r.aved streets, close to car. Terms. 580 K. 53rd N Call C-296". ROSE CITY l-AKK Ml.NOAi.C 386 Eat 40th st. N., 1 t block eoutli of HatHlj hlvd!., 5 rotiins, tuodjin, finished in old irory, fireplace, furnace, cement baacwtint and jiorch, garage. East 2871. WA VKHLEIGH HKl4rllT8--'t3f(To 877 Tihbctti, near E. 28th. 5 rooms, modern, clian; oiwii today. East 2871. i'OU RALK--PIts mom m.kru boiiM; $llno, on term; Ut, Soott diaUioL labor 6983. REAL EST ATS FOB SALE HOUSES 1 EXCEPTIONAL BUYS $5300 Modem 7 room bungalow, sleeping porch and den, hardwood floors throughout, hot water heat, fireplace, 50th st. near Handy boule vard; (2000 cash. Will take smaller home m ttade. $1750 New 4 room bungalow and sleeping porch; 4 fruit trees, berries and shrubs. uOxlOO, Woodlawn. $2100 0 room bouse, fair condi tion. Quimby at.. West Side. 33 1 3x100. $3000 Good 5 room house. 22d and Vaughn at., W. 8. 50x8. $5300 Two 5 room and sleeping porch flats. Hawthorne district. $1200 earn will handle. $2500 'rood C room house and garage, fruit and berries, 55th at. near Powell Valley; 60x100. $400 cash. A. W. LAMBERT & SON 404 East Alder st. SEVEN room modem 2 story bungalow type, close in on Kerby st. . sewer, paved street in and paid. 50x100 lot, handy to 2 cor lines: is a well-constructed, roomy house and excellent value at $3500; $5io cash will handle. Five room modern bungalow on East U'a hington st., full ba'cment. fireplace, some built-iu feature. :i3xl(Ki comer lot. streets paved and paid; good value at $2X00, 800 ca5.h. Five room strictly modern bungalow (except furnace lieati. nearly rifw, 50x100 lot, .street graded and puid. beautiful lawn and 'garden -pot, full concrete basement, law? unfinished attic. If interested in something that is up to date and in good order, look this over. Price 2S50 eay terms. room modern bungalow in tin east- ern p,trt from car, It. .-e City di-tn-t. 1 block 50x100 lot. irraded streets and idewalk: good vuiue at 2N0tl, NU0 cjsIj. I'iv,. mom modern cottage, 2 block-, from car, KMixlWO lot. 'ct out to fruit and ber ries, sonic hade trues, ' nice lawn, chick- u house, garf.at; price $2000, (500 csli. balance easy terms. OHr-Aft OEHHArSEIl 403 4 Stock Exchange Bldtf Main 8075 $240(1 PENINSULA BUNGALOW BARGAIN ! On Gay street, I block north of the Kt i .lolins car, in the heart of the lvnii,,nlu ,ii. I net. is a real bargain in a modern bunealow. ; : unusually attractive lires. J om repainted Bud I j retintvd, larg- living room, -olid paneled dining '' I room, plate rail, convenient kitchen. 2 light. I airy bedroom.',, white euani-1 ttluiuhing. electric lights anil 2ai. good cement, basement and floored ! attic. Vacant. Immedinfe possession Small 1 oovvn payment, entire balance $20 per month at i ' N" iiiortiMge or -treet Iun. ! i DON T I AIL TO SEE THI.i LITTLE ROM K I inspect our display nt over HOO nhntoirronhs of ' homes for sale. SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME Abineton bids'. Main 1068 Of lice Open Eveiihigs ami Sundays. 5 7 .". ( ) E A S 1 M O H E I. A N I HOME in I'.astmorelaiid. one of Portland's beautiful borne di tnots, jut south of the college atnd adioining the municipal golf most Heed link", very very distinctive . room home with pleasing, attractive lines, on a lartre corner lot: mutually large living room with fireplace; very artistic paneled dining room; hardwood tloor,; white Imtch kitchen; screened-in back porch; 3 t light, airy bedrooms; sleeping porch; full cement baieruent ; furnace and laundry trays: very pretty lawn ; abundance of flowers and shrubbery Tins is an unusual bargain; can arrange term. SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE TO B1V Y01R HOME I Abington bldg. Main lotiS. 1 Oft ice Open Li i mugs and Sundays. i HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW 7 room modem hnngaiow. located 2 blocks Irom Hawthorne ave. m choice part of this dis trict; a large living room extends across entire front of house; cluuk closet with beveled plate glass mirror door; pressed brick fireplace with bookcases on either side; the dining room has paneled walls and beam ceilings and a beautiful 1 I buffet ; hardwood floors; cabinet kitchen; the large bedroom, hath and toilet on first floor; 3 bedroom on second floor; full cement base ment, furnace and wash travs: a larze front porrb full wtdtli of hou-c with brick piers; this liou-e is exceptionally well built and worth much ; more than $4200: ahont Vb cash required : I there is -pace for lmru and garage. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., 212 U. E.xcli. Blili, Main 0732 2S00--AD.IOININ Very attractiv- (i room , low home on a full lot ; PIEDMONT lonial type l.tmru - conveniently ar- ranged. lloue like new. Vacant. ."i00 down, entire balance at $25 No mortgage or street, liens. See We have over 000 photographs homes in oiir office for wle. 1 2 salesmen with autos at your service. Move in. per monl.li. this today, f inspected experienced SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BUY YOU HOME Abington bldg. fajn 1068. Office Open Evening, anil Sundaya. $380(1 DISTINCTIVE" iHVINfJTON '"llOMlf On E. 12th tt., near Stnnton. on a naved stn s i t, "itii all li.'ii- i .aid. i a very modern witn all !t,'it. Urinr. living "in u-'t,i ljiviiiac; p:in-t-ill hut'fo! ; ronvelli. nt iM'illT.om- ;,, .-le- pinn full e.'iii'-nr hii-cra. nt : trays; a;ti.. olive lawn: pled dining room; 1m kitc!et ; i lilit . ivr:, porcb ; hardivoud floors furnace mid laundry abundance of tlow-'rs and arrange terms. SEE shrubs; it rag.'. Cun FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME Abington hldg .Main 1008. Office ipen Evenings and Sunday. $270b- NEW nUNGALOW--27oo' On Stafford street. iiit east of Union ure mic, is a .". room artistic hmualow, just re cently ooini'let.'d ; living room with tir plare : dining loom, while Dutch kitc'i-'ii; 2 hi-iii-onins' .iiit - cnarm-l plumbing; full cenieht hascineiit! T.'im-. Might consider a I-'ord as part dinui , 'i:ni. nt. We iuvc over 1100 photograph of oi pt-eti'd homes in our ffice for ;ai,'. 1 ' , I'lienccd salesmen v.itli autos at your .frtiit. "'FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME , Abington bide Office Open Main 106N. and Sundays. Evenings $1 50 DOWN $1475 fOMFORTABI.lt C-OTTAGE ; (In E Oak ! . mar S5t.li. just. ea.st of Ijiur. I i liurst. t n 3 n.o.m cliage with 37HslOO io'. I I't'tent toiU't. electric light, newly paint.. I street liens paid in foil; practically your own terms; ive hare on, 600 photographs of in I peered home- in our oftioe lor al- : 12 -v. I'lTi.nc'il 'al'.'inrn witli auto- al .voir -.rvio.'. S" FRANK L. McQUIRE To Id Y YOUR HOME 1 Abington Ituildutg. Mam lnl'v i I f fire Open t;Tenirgs i,,l .Sundays. I '-!l,.0 --NOltTir OF I.ADD AOlHTfoV i On Eat Main street. nar 20th. whi.li is i "Hiking distance, is a substantial 5 room bun ; gaiow cottage, modern plumbing, electric lig'it-l i and gas. full baeincnl.. huri surface street "paid i i-in full; easy temia. We liar over p,()0 photo-i ! giajilis of inspected homes in our office 'of sob. j 12 .'vperieneed salesmen with autos at your I j service. SEE l i FRANK L. McQUIRE j 1 TO BUY YOUR HOME ' Abingpm bldg. Main 1068. Oft ice 0nI.ci,inEs aMd Snndays. GOOD HOME. C!."osk"iv vTi iAT 6 large room. 3 fine .-Iccpinz room, upstairs,! reception hall, livinij-room. dining room and i kitchen, full eeinnt basement, laundry trays ami vvijod lift, modern. Path, loilel. lights and gas, i good lot. hmidy to cm. solos. 1 and high Miiool'' Right here in tin- edge of Ladrt. Addition. It i- newly painted inide ami out, ready tor imnvlialc I occupation. Only $3750 $5un cash, balance ' iili'llthly linyjn.'itts like rent. ' ' i: w. numiES 507 Journal Bldg. Phone Main 285S $3150 $750, $,'15 nice sewiiii! room, windows, making lioir lull. sliniLitH. etc.. lines. ntontoly ; tire-place. 0 rooms and furnace. laige ! d light, lot ,"( t.. u.ar lv.u car 1 tl JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 33 N. W RANK HUD.;. MAIN .'t7s7 $300 CASH Eas terms, lu.' cement basement, and xublie school, tensou, lntcrslate bldg. Main 1743 .- iin excellent 5 room house. ' beBUtifol Ism,, ner Calhoiie Price S2HOO. tsee Mr. Chris ' lnestnieiit Co . 110 Henry j SACRIFICE, mils! s""il. eru house, full lot. lot to be. appreciated. Cash Vernon ave. Woodlawn 7 loom up to date mod- of fruit, M.t be seen or easy terms. 1O07 805.Owner. AVE. -t 1750 plumbing, no encum txnl li'kuig h.uie KKMLWORTH 6 room house, full hraure; $500 ca-.li. O GODDARD & WllIDItlCK 24 3 Mark HI FOR .SALE Nin tauJ; bargain. toim iwt, walking dis 26 Hall at BE At. ESTATR FOB AJ,E-r-HOCSES "il 12250 8 IWXM HOUSE $2250 A 9 room bouse, food basement, bath, 'etc, built-in china closet, large pantry; in fine con dition; 60x100 corner tot. If you are looking for a dandy borne on easy terms let ns show yon this. fgOO down, bal. $20 per month, in truding; 6 per cent interest. 250O ANOTHER DANDT BUT $2500 A 6 room bouse, xmall basement, bath, etc. ; in A-l condition; vacant; which means im mediate; possession ; 2 lots 45x100 each; make your terms. $3000 ON MORRIS ST. $3000 A 7 room house, good basement, bath. etc. : in first class condition; laundry trays, screened porch, 40x125 ft. lot: street improvement tn and paid: terms; near Union ave. $3000 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $3000 A 5 room bungalow, cement basement, wash trays, floored attic, fireplace, builMna, Dutch kitchen, paneled dining room, beamed ceilings; 2 bike. Hawthorne car. TERMS. $3500 CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW $3500 A nifty 5 room bungalow, furnace, fireplace, all built-ins, cabinet kitchen, oak floors, sleep ing porch, garage, etc.. lawn, rosea and shade trees; Mt Tabor district. Its a real Cali fornia bungalow. Terms. $4000 ROSE CITT PARK $4000 A 7 room house, good basement, waah trays, oak floors, furnace, built-ins; large pantry; fini.shed in ivory and white enamel throughout. Terms. Rt'MMELL & ItLMMELL, 274 Stark St. $1500 NEAT BUNGALOW HOME On E. 74 th st. near Stark, close to the ear ami school, on the north slope of Ht Tabor is an attractive 4 room bungalow, built in conven iences, white enamel 'plumbing, electric lights ani gas, attractive lawn, flowers and shrubs. Can arrange terms. We have ovef 000 photo graphs of inspected homes in our office for sale. 1- experienced salesmen with auUis at your service. SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE To Buy Your Home, Abington Bldg. Main 106S. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. $ 2 3 2 5 ADJ O IN IN G IRV INGTON On a paved street with all lien paid and across the street from Irvington proper, is a neat 4 room bungalow cottage; white enamel plumbing; electric light and gas. $400 down, balance easy terms. We have over 600 photo graphs of inspected homes in our office for sale. 1 2 experienced salesmen with autos at your serTice. SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME Abington bid; Main 1068. Office Operf Evenings and Sundaya $2150 REAL HOME BARGAIN On a large comer lot of E. Washington St.. just south of Laurelhurst, 2 blocks from the Mt. Tabor and Sunns-side cars, is a very sub stantial 7 room modem home; white enamel plumbing, electric light and gag. 4 bedrooms. Can arrange very easy terms. We have over t00 photographs of inspected homes in our office for sale; 12 experienced salesmen with unto st your service. SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BUY YOl'Ii HOME Abington Building. Jlnin 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. FOR SALE A modern 12 on L". Pine st, ; walking income on this place will I room dupiex bouse, distance from city; iy it out; improve ments in and paid for; no incumbrances. Pnce 4750; i teVms. smalt payment down, balance on monthly JOHN McCLCHE & Railway Excli. MALONE SCHMAl'CH CO.. bldg Main 1003. 306 -ADJOINING I.AUUEUIC'RST ! RiRht across the street iroiu liurelhuit ou j K. SU-rk street, facing the park, is a substan- i tial attractive 5 room modem bunipalow; full cement bajement; 'J licht airy bedrooma; white euamel lumbine: electric lights and gas. Small down payment, balance easy terms, or would take mortgage back; unusual snap. SKE FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME Abinston bide. Main 1068. Office Open Evening and Sunday. $2160- closeTn home On Ivy street, near Williams a r(. , on a 41x 100 lot, on a hard surface street, with all liens paid, is a substantial 5 room bungalow cottage, modem plumbing, etc. Easy terms. We have over 600 photographs of inspected homes in our office fur sale. 12 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington Hide. Main 10G8. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. ROSE CITY PARK $4200 Go look at 530 E. 37th N. : immediate possession : if you want a real good buy In this desirable district, here is your opportunity; 0 rotgns and sleeping porch, 1 bedroom down can be used tor den if desired; 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch up, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors; must be sold by Mon duj ; make us an offer. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. -04 Railway Exchange Building. Main 1004 Open Evenings ROSE CITY PARK Bl'NC.ALOW BELOW THE HILL $4100 Here, folks, is a splendid bungalow home. Nicely located, one block from Handy, below the hill. Hardwood floor?, fireplace, buffet, furnace, etc. Must be sold at once. Iet us show you. A. O. TEEPE CO.. L'64 Stark st., near 3d Mam 3516. Main 300'J Branclii ,Office, (Open 30th and Nutuie . ) Handy. HALE AntK fountr li t wit ii erer. eonvc!ii to car. sa-;. electricitv. en.-f i;t th. c'ty, 1 bhv full piiimf'ii:r' , house well built outside tli1 '!! limits with m hard.-urfarrl -treet in and paid and modern; ju-t ,eitj tax to pay; all kinds of fruit and berries; well built chicken house and run; a good place to make one independent of the high cost of I j Ting. Trice only $3150. $650 rash, balance like rent. JOHNSONDODSON CO. 033 N. W. BANK RLDG. MAIN 3787 $2500 NEAT RUMLVLOW $2500 $500 DOWN $500 5 rooms and full floored attic, fireplace, full built in Dutch kitchen, full semi-cement base in. 'tit. full 50x1110 lot, out of town owner will make ,'iv reasonable terms on balance. WATCH OUR ADS WE GET RESULTS C. A. WARHINER HITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Hldg. TAKE, vour choice of these bungalows, ol.u for . :-! 1 r. 0 . the other $2050. Brand new, never occupl.'il, ready to move into. Close in to the business center on the we.sl side One is a 5 room and the other is 4. Double constructed: cement basement and fireplace., nice electric fixtures, near the cariine, walking distance. Only $."00 in cash in either ase is all you l.ave to pnv down; the balance monthly. M. J. CJMIHKSSY. ABINGTON HLDC. $4050 ALBERTA $40 50 LARGE GROUNDS AM) HOUSE Ground ini10(l corner, abont 14 good bear ing fruit tree. alnin.Unee of berries, good vvell, built 7 room liou.se, paved sts. 'in and paid, on cariine. Terms. C A. WARRINER RITTER. LOWE & fit.. 201-3 ."i7Board of Trade Bldg. ILXV ITIOUNE SSROo! $1000 ca5h."!aia"nee. m i. .". room bungalow with two additional n " in- up-tain, fireplace, bookcase, buffet, full e nn nt baseni. ut. lot 50ill6. hardsurfaoed street included in price. JOHNSONDODSON CO. 03H N. WVBANK HLDG. MAIN 3787 IRVINGTON $9750 If ou are looking for an ideal home with -paeious ground, exclusively located, ask us uh. ml. this beautiful si room re-wlonce with mudo rcum and very large living room: hard wood fars, builtjn-. etc. : hou-e has just, been newly dcoratcd ; shown only by appointment: let 75vlo0. UDDAHDJrWrEDRICK. 213 Stark st $2350 buys a 5 rcm home, bungalowstylc.-on paved street, finished in white-enamel. nicely tiapered. in fine condition, full basement, furnace; terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 2U4 Railway Kxchauge Building. Mam Uil'l ' Open Evenings OUTSIDE city limits. $1600 for airthisAbout 1 acre. 3 room house, barn, chicken house, hay. wood, garden. lKjtatoes. 50 chickens, 2 cows, .lut in; gas to ciok ivit.li; water m in.' house. 4 ducks, fruits. Will sell cheap without cow and chlckenn. Owner must go away U McMillan, MaplevTood. Or. I ROOM house close ti car and Peninsula park" ha, gas, bath. $105i $150 cash, balance I J(H)IHJNKON 33 N. W. BANK BI.Im;. MAIN 3787 PORTLAND HEIGHTS $.1000 will buy 7 room house on three- well located lots with beautiful shade tees and eio-o in; shown only by appointment. WDDARD & WIEDRICK 24 3 Stark St $10 per month buys a beautiful residence lot near Union ave. N. See Mr. Chrintenson, In terstate Investment Co., 410 Henry bldg. Main "$12003 room" cottag'e $1200 $100 DOWN $20 IKK MONTH I ' File fruit 1 ttreet : no pii BALlTii-WJ trees. as, toilet, good lot. pared plioue information. AGUElt CO., Stock Jkxdiange. REAL ESTATE FOB SAI7E HOUSES 1 6 ROOMS-Nearij" new and in food condition. Near Launelhnnt park, walking distance to Washington high school, other good convenience, and a real bargain. $3000, easy term. HENRT P. COVER. 04 Union ave. KENTON" 6 room house, lot 125x200, 16 bearing fruit trees. $2500, Good terms. Peart O'N'eil. Wdln. 4038. FOR SALE Beautiful 6 room house, furnace, electric and n. at a bargain. Clear of all debts. E. M. Rowley, 1002 E. Morrison. $2750 6 ROOM bungalow, abundance of fruit, convenient to car and schools, $1700 cash will handle. Owner. Tabor 6242. FOB SALE LOTS 1$ LOWER HEIGHTS: $1786 $650 cash, balance to suit Walking distance, being near the City park. This is a perfectly leTel and sightly lot with view of Mt Hood and the city. Some of the finest modern home in the same block. Hard surface street and all im provements paid. Account of living in the East can't nse it and make this enormous sacrifice for Quick sale. Z-236. Journal. HIGH CLASS LOT, $350 Northeast slope Mt. Tabor. Fine location, be ing on E. Burnside st, near Thorbum ave. Pretty trees, he fine, wcnderful view. All liens paid. To close an estate must sell quickly. It's certainly a present. KA8ER & RAINET, 823-6 Gasco bldg.. Mar. 312.". $1000 LOT FOR $600 Dandy north front, paved street, sewer, water, everything in and paid for, near Fernwood school, close in on Tillamook st This is a real pick-up, owner says sacrifice. RITTER, LOWE k. CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. A FINE view site, right on brow of hill in Ala meda park, almost two full lots, streets paid, only $2500. Terms. Remember it's a beautiful view lot. They are scarce. JOHNSONDODSON CO. 633 N. W BANK BLDG. MAIN 3787 WEST SIDE; WALKING DISTANCE $1600 $500 cash. Km 60 ft lot on paved street, restricted district, all improvements paid. Fine view, lereL An enoimous sacrifice. H-101, Journal. $50 DOWN $10 MONTH Dandy building lot on E. 11th. near Emer son, close to schools, storea, four carliues, no restrictions as to building. RITTER, LOWE ft CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WE are Belling a few lots S3 1-3 cents on the dollar. See our ad under new today, this section. J0HNS0ND0DS0N CO. 633 N. W BANK BLDG. MAIN 3787 V BLOCK $3500 j Cor. E. 21st near Sandy, clear of incum- ; brance. suitable for apartments, factory, light i manufacturing or something of that kind. ' I HITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of 'Trade Bldg. LOTS while sale 1i on discounted 66 2-3 per cent. See our ad in this section. JOHNSONDODSON CO. 633 N. W BANK BLDG. MAIN 3787 WOODSTOCK. QUARTER BLOCK 100x100 on 49th ave., near 58th at; out of town owner will take $600. RITTER. LOWE ft CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. OWNER wants cash at once therefore offers fine Hose City corner lot for $000; good location. JOHNSONDODSON CO. 033 N. W RANK BLI0. MAIN 37S'! ALAMEDA PARK lot. streets paid. $S0. JOHNSQNDODSON CO. 633 V W BANK BLDJ. MAIN 37S7 50x100 LOT, Kenton car. just north of Peninsu lar park, $500. $50 cash, $10 monthly. JOHNSONDODSON CO. 63 3 N. W BANK BLDG. MAIN 3787 SEE our Swinton lot ad this section. Classifica tion, new, today. JOHNSQNDODSON CO. 63 3 N. W BANK BLDG. MAIN 3 787 YOU should read our ad. this section, new today. JOHNSONDODSON CO. v)33 N. W BANK BLDO. MAIN 3787 CHOICE residence lot, 50x125, with fruit trees, near Hawthorne car; bargain for cash. In- ctulre 2932 02d st. 3. K. FOR SALE, cheap, corner lot 9. block 9, Or chard Home add. See owner, 5405 64th st. S. E., city. PIEDMONT DISTRICT For sale to choice lots, all improvements. Will sell jne or both. Phone owner, Wdln. 6213. TWO fine lots, also house, lot for sale or trade grocery store. Phone Eat 1610. LA CRELHURSTlot for snecheap7 Phone Tjbor 1)585. ONE or 2 lots, corner Willamette blvd. and Delaware; beautiful location. Wdln. 54. KtlK SALE Ea."t St, Johns, 4 lots on cariine, S.700. East 4317. ACRKAGE CHEAP ACREAQE Five acres, $250; $10 down, $5 month buys E acre? of land between Portland and Centralia, on the main line of 3 railroads: 1 H to 3 hi miles from good little town; sawmills and log ging camps in immediate vicinity; some of this land is partly cleared; running stream: some bottom and some bench; this acreage priced from $25 to $75 per acre. Can gire you any kind of a piece you want. CHARLES DELFEL 318 Railway Exchange bldg. 12 ACRES BEAVERDAM LAND WITH CROP, STOCK AND EQUIPMENT 15 acres, located 4 miles from city limit; all under cultivation; good new 5 room bunga low, barn, chicken house, large orchard, ber ries; 12 acres of this land tiled and drained and can be irrigated; creek. Price $4200 with 4000 cabbages, hay, potatoes, fruit, vetch, larg line of machinery, team, chickens and every thing. Personally inspected ; photo at office. Anderson, with John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. fTNESUBURBAN HOME ' Located on the pavement, close to electric line. 2 big acres, lot of fruit, apples, prunes, pears, tihniii and berries. Nice grounds. 5 room bun galow. Plumbing. Fruit basement Water sys tem. Large chicken house for 1500 chickens. Garage. Price $3800. $1500 down. Personally inspected. Photo at office. John Ferguson, Ger iinger bldg. ' f i n e'TJttiTe'ThTc k e nra n c h 2 acres. SI 400. $100 cash. $13 month buys neat 2 acre tract with 4 room cottage and com plete set of buildings, including hen house, brood er house and numerous colony houses; woven wire fencing: located at North Plains, about 22 miles from Portland. This place originally cost $3100. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. Open Sundays and evenings. ACREAGE 'BARGAIN Owner is. anxious to dispose of beautiful acre and a quarter of ground, close in. 5-c. nr. far. . Bull Run water, elefrtric.ty, ga', fine Foil, g.o.l view, many beautiful tries. Ideal for country home. Owner, Main lOll.'i. 500 Cham, of Com. Re.. Mar. hall 865. ONLY $300 DOWN 10 seres, located 2 miles from Sherwood. Or., on cininly road: close to school: al) the Liicl can be cultivated; over half under cultivation: 4 room house, Hmall bam. well and creek. Price $1350, $300 down; personally inspected. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. ONLY 5 MILES FROM PORTLAND 23 acres, located close to 82d street ; nice, attractive building place; creek and shade trees; 18 acres under cultivation, all can be culti vated; orchard. Price $4500. $1000 cash: personally inspected. John Ferguson, Gerlin ger bldg. CLOSE IN IMPROVED ACREAGE We now have over 300 places. Any direc tion. Some on improved roads, with buildings and orchards; some close to electric transjiorta tion; all personally inspected, appraised and pho tographed photos at office; four efficient sales men with autos. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bdg. ONLY0"NE FIFTHDOWN 4 8-10 acres, located close to ''Stanley station. On good hard surfaced road. Close to school. Convenie-nt to car. In a district of evd bom- . Price $2500 on very' easy terms. 6 Ce Interest. High class district. Personally inspected. Photos at office. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. ACHE TRACT, CLOSE IN Six blocks from Stanley station, 11 fruit trees, berries, good soil ; 7 room plastered bouse, wired for electric lights; gas. water pied to house ; shed garage and outbuildings. Price $1N5'. $600 cash. Personally inspected; photo at office. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. 5 ACRES with a modern 6 room house, close in; city conveniences, barn, chicken house and a splendid place for hot house proposition. For price and5 terms see V. I. MITCHELTREE Office at A nabel . Station. $100 DOWN $15 MONTHLY 10 acres of rich black' loam land, all in culti vation; good sized shack: 1H milea from the electric: total price $1OO0. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Open Sundays and pruning. 25 ACRES for aale by owner. 18 acres in cul tivation, tile very best of land; on mail route, plione line, H mile (roni school. 3 miles from -Mill City and one from Gates. $70 per acre. Kit. Wolf. Gates. Or. 5 ACRES logaijterry land. 1 H miles from Ger Tai; $00. -182. Journal. ' HEAL ESTATE ACREAGE $7 ACMES TRADE AU level. 15 in cultivation, balance nice grove of timber: all good new buildings and all painted. 6 room house, good truck barn, good hog 1 touse. good chicken house, good storehouse, cellar and wood bouse. 2 good wells, 1 at bouse and 1 at barn: mile to electric line: 1 mile to store and shipping point ; 4 mile of Oregon City, on fine road; this is a dandy little home well located and wort,b the money; price $6000: owner ha a $2500 equity; will trade it for a house and lot, but it must be clear; some tools and crop go with the place. What have you to offer! E. P. ELLIOTT & SON, 7th and Main sts.. Oregon City. Or. 20 ACRES 311 27 miles from Portland. 8 room house, barn and root cellar. 3 acres in cultivation, 3 acre seeded to grass, young orchard, 8 tons of hay. some garden and potatoes, running water, close to scnoo ; one-half cksii 44 ACRES $12 22 miles from Portland. miles from elec- trie line, tine -oil; $200 sh. balance to suit. 20 ACRES HIGHLY IMPROVED 8 miles from Portland, 10 acres, in cultiva tion, 4 room cottage, orchard; price $225 per acre. BENDY, 215 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. MODERN 12 ACRE COUNTRY HOME FOR DISCRIMINATING BUYERS With 5 -room plastered bungalow, fireplace, wood lift, Dutch kitchen, concrete basement, good bam, garage. All painted alike. Fine stream of water. Splendid well with cement bottom, walled up with brink. Fine dark loam soil, all in cultivation, except a amall corner, where creek run through, with 12 or 15 big fir trees along the creek, furniah fire wood for years. 35 minutes' run on electric west of Portland. 1 block to station on good road. Price $6000. Some cash, balance to suit at 6 per cent See Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 7 Chamber of Com merce Bldg. YAMHILL, COUNTY RANCH 10 acres not far from Amity, running water, part in cultivation, all good land, enough of timber on it to pay for same, part fenced, only $1000, $200 down, balance $100 per year. 6 per cent. 12 H acres 3 miles from Amity, about 10 in fine cultivation, 2 acres in timber, apring. good woven wire fence, school across the road, fine soil, $1250, $300 down, bal. $100 per year, 6 per cent. 40 acres at Sheridan, about 36 acres in cul tivation, some timber, good land, only $2000, make termft 8 Chamber of Commerce SEA-WOOD REALTY CO. 5 ACRE TRACTS Fhe miles from the city limits of Vancouver; $000 each, 1 half mile from Electric line; line soil; $50 down, balance monthly. 1(0 ACRE TRACTS Eight miles from Vancouver. 1 Vi mile from Electric line, close to paved road; $1000, $30 down, balance like rent. 40 ACRES 35 miles from Portland, 5 miles from-R. R. and Electric line, close to sawmill, lots oi work, land is fine and lays well; price $1000. $100 cash, balance easy. SEE THE OWNER AT 215 Railway Exchange bldg. COLUMBIA VIEW ACRES, just east of the fort at Vancouver, Wash. We have 22-acre tracts that overlook the Columbia river; one mile out of the center of the city; beautiful su burban home tracts. Price $650 each; easy terms. CALL ON US. H H U'RDAHL CO. (INC.) Main 6252. 322 Abington bldg. CREEK BOTTOM LAND Located on the pavement, 3 blocks from elec tric depot, 2 miles east of city: 12c commu tation fare: frontage on electric line: 6 and a fraction acres; all under cultivation, creek bottom land, not subject to overflow ;' all can be irrigated; over 100 bearing fruit trees, apples, pears, prunes, peaches, loganberries, currants. 4 room house, baru. garage, chicken house; also small 2 room house; fine loganberry soil. Price $4 700, $2000 cash. Personally inspected: photo at office. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bdg. ATTRACTIVE 7llOOM BUNGXlOW Large bungalow, fineplace. good plumbing, water system; one acre in fruit trees, apples, pears, peaches and rrape arbor; located conven ient to Oregon Electric station, 12c commuta tion fare; count road: exceptionally fine place. Photo at office: personally inspected. Price $2800. half cash. It would cost $4000 to build this bungalow today. John Ferguson, Gerlinger hide. 10 ACRES FOR SALE BY OWNER, $4000. FIVE MILES EAST OF PORTLAND, ON THE ROAD BETWEEN PORTLAND AND GRESHAM; HARD SURFACED ROAD TO PLACE; H ACRES IN CULTIVATION, 3H IN TIMBER. NO 1 SOIL: ONE HALF CASH. BAL. ON TERMS AT r INT. THIS IS A SNAP FOR YOU. AS IT MUST BE SOLD AND AT THIS PRICE. H 822. JOURNAL. " RIGHT IN TOWN EAST OF GRESHAM Ijocated on good road, 5 acre, all under cul tivation. 4 room house, barn, henhouse, good well with force pump on porch: large orchard and all kinds of berries which have been given the best of attention; fine place, located con venient to electric depot and all A-l soil. Price $3150; terms. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. CO' S -CH I C K EN S HOG S HO II S E 4 & acres of good land, located on good road, convenient to electric depot. Ner Gresham. All under cultivation. Large orchard of apples, pears, plums and berries. 5 room house, barn, woodshed, chicken house und rabbit hutches. Iits of wal nuts. Price $31.7" for everything, including good cream separator and rabbit. .Some terms. Per sonally inspected. JohnFerg.ison, Gerlinger bldg. lfrGHTAO;LECtRIC STATION 1 Vi acres, fine garden land, all under cultiva tion Orchard, berri. s. Nice grounds lioul a twm bungalow with fireplace. Well. Chicken house. This is only halt a oioea irom uie pmemeoi.. 1 M miles from city. Price $1600. $500 down. Personally inserted. Photos at office. John Fer guson. Gerlinger bldg. FOR SALE by owner, an attractive place of 4 acres, with neat 4 -room house, also out- buildings. There is a goo.rt selection ot mm trees, also berry vines; have go.xl water sup plied by two rumps. Price of place $4900, und is located on Oregon City cariine about 3 blocks eust of Ashdale station. "LOGGED OFF LANDS Tracts 5 acres up, located within 30 miles of Portland, on railroad; good soil, no rock, plenty of water; woik ; buy on vour own terms. 913 Chamber of Commerce. $50" I KVV N $ 1 2 50 M ON THLT Fine level 20 acre tract of logged off. unim proved land, vicinity of Hillsboro. $87.50 per acre- fine soil, running stream. We have three of these tracts left. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham of Com. Open Sundays and evenings. "WW 4 ROOM BUNGALOW One acre of gixsl land, located in Metaaer. onvellient to car: good well: plastered bunga low of 4 rooms; attractive place: photo at office. Price $1000. $500 down : pt-r.-oiially inspected. John Ferguson. Get linge r oldg. " LOGANBERRY LANDS Two acres, near station, at Garden Home, sidewalks, water and gas. Can be bought for $150 down, balance $10 per mouth with in ure!, from owner, 4 23 E. 16th t. N. 40 ACRES-of A-1 upland, about 2 5 acres in cultivation; good road, near MolaHa ; a bargain at $1800. J. R. WOLFF, 415 HENRY HLDG. SLE OR TRADE- 2 acres with 2 story h.m-t . unfinished: will trade for auto, Huick or "Oak land. '16 or 17. or will sell equity for $7 iO. N-93. Journal , $75 PER acre buys 40 acres of gore! level land near paved road. 0 miles from Interstate bridge this is worth looking up. J. R. WOLFF. 415 HENRY BLDG. DESIRABLE coiner acre. 2 blocks .J-ctnc sta tion, with new 4 room house, $1000, on terms or good .li.-'-ounr tor an can. ... ii Johnson, .owner. Met-Zger FOR SALE 1 acre of very best land on Ore gon Electric. 1 3e commuter's fare; 80 min ute ride to Portland. $325 cash. Clear title. Mrs. Sydaek. 20 E. 7th st. FOR Oregon City line acreage, improved or unimproved, see John Brown. 324 Railway Exchange bldg. Marshall 3331. 10 ACRES 6 room house on cariine, 3 acres cleared, one half mile from Boring, lor sale or rent. John Kubik, 552 Indiana st. 40 ACRES good" land. 4 miles west of Oak land, Or. : 20 acres cieareo, rest in timDer; $550. terms. 6640 E. 89th st. 8. K. gr BURBA ACREAGE 76 PORTUsND HEIGHTS ACRE $2100. Terms. Big sacrifice. Beautiful sightly acre, some beautiful trees, part rleare.1. wonderful view, no rough land Faces on paved road No liens Short instance Council Crest car KsSK.R . RAINKY. 823-6 Ga-co bids., Mai shall 312a. Near R2nd 'I snd Mill. V ill sucr-fice a. count sickness for $750. Cort me over $1200. Be sure and investigate Uuf. 1311 Sandy blvd. I Tabor 499. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN ACREAOE j1 : ACREAGE 19 acres mr Heard, all under fine state of cultivation, the beat of aoU. smooth, with slope to the amat: spring. 4 -room box bouse, good bam and chicken bouse and some fruit. Price $3500, with $500 cash and balance on easy terms. TUCKER & SHRECK 52 Spalding Bidg. FOR SALE Beautiful 2 acre tract inside city limit, on paved road, 1 mile from steel bridge on "Fourth Plain road, ready for garden, beautiful shade trees on front, water, big pas ture adjoining; only $375 per acre, terms. No agents. Come and aee me. Mrs, G. W. Low den, Ht. 2, Box 45, Vancouver, Wash. Phone 31F4. A REAL PICKUP HAWTHORN B SNAP 66 2-8x100 corner on Hawthorne near E. 50th. Price $1300. Suitable for two houses. Act quick. BITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3 5-7 Board of Trade bldg. SUBURBANS' HOMES 7 RKJHT at Riverdale, close in to the business center of the city, on the Red cariine and only 4 blocks from the river. Here is a big acre of land with a good 6 room house; Uie house is modem enough for any person looking for a suburban home. This location being on the iriest nide in an exclusive high class district where property values will always, be maintained together with yearly enhancement of the same, on a paved highway leading, from the business center, one of those scenic drives where it is a delight to travel. There is in this house all of the city conveniences such as city water, gas. electric light, bath, toilet, lavatory, plumbing all of porcelain; there is an orchard of a nice assortment of fruit for family use. Say the price of this is the smallest thing connected with it. Only $4500. $1500 cash, the balance to suit. M J. CLOHESSY. ABLNGTON BLDG. OUT Riverdale way, on the west side, right at the station on the Red ear line, river front home, a beautiful place. It happens to be a case where Uie owner is obliged to sell and that without unnecessary delay. Under this stress of circumstances offers to sacrifice this beautiful river front home, improved to suit the taste of any person who admires the natural; mere a,. 2 acres of land fronting on the river, running back to the cariine and road. Ail of the natural shrubbery, some of it rare, which does not arow J on other places, this place contains. There Is truit of all kinds In bearing, the soil Is ex tremely rich ; there is a good 7 -room bungalow, 'the fireplace built entirely of stone; all of the modem city conveniences such as city water, ga-s. J electric lights in th house. About $6500 is all we will ask aud about half cash is all we want. M. J. CLOHESSY. Abington bldg. ONLY $5500, on the paved highway, practi cally to the gate; only 2 blocks irom the river and 3 blocks from the station. The big scftool right at your door' here is one of 1 0c prettiest suburban places to b found on the Oregon City cariine and here is what you get: 1 V4 big acres of land, improved and eultivsted to the pink of perfection, all kinds of fruit in full bearing, including am orchard of English walnuts; there are grapes and berries and a rose fence 500 feet long; there is a good modern very substantial " room bunealow, sleeping I'orehe-,, fireplace, every convenience that an up-to-date city home has this plaoe possess,..-.. There is a garage, barn, chicken houses and posi tively no richer soil can be found on the Ore gon City cariine. About, half cash is all you need. M J. CMTHEjlSY, A RING TON BLDG. ONLY $2050 buys 1 acre of land, on the River road, the paved highway right at the station not any further out than Milwaukie. This place is very well located; there is a big orchard of the very finest variety of fruits in full bcering ; there is an immense crop of English walnuta. This place can have all of the city conveniences, such as city water, gas and elec tricity. We throw in for the price a good Mihrtaiitial 6 room plastered house of the old tylt with a stone foundation and basement. This place should be worth $4 500, but all we a'k is $2050. and a cash payment of $800 is all you need. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABING- TON BLDG. WHAT do you think of this? How would you like to have a suburban home virtually ad joining the Wilcox's magnificent conn try hotne. Out Council Crest way on west side Kilose,' to the boulevards in a higli-claas district, one in which Uie values will increase faster than any other section outside of the city. Here are 84 big acres of land, all of it in cultivation; there is an orchard and about half of this tract no better soil to be found in the Taulatin Val ley. The owner is compelled to sell and there fore offers it at a great sacrifice. A good modern house in Irvington or Laurelhurst will be con sidered for a good deal of the purchase price. Bring in your proposition. M. J. CLOHESSY, Abington bldg. Spot Nr. Only 51450, $300 cash, buys this 1 1-3 acres on fine road and one block of Pacific high way. Some very fine big oak trees and maples, a real paradise. About 1-3 in cultivation, very rich soil. In a high class restricted district among beautiful homes. A wonderful snap. KASER A RAINET. S23-6 Cbsco bldg. Mnr 3125. ONLY $6500 buys all of this. 2 big acre." of land, very highly improved; more fruit end of different kinds than you ever saw before on such a piece of land; this place is located on the cariine. ou the paved highway right at the station on the Oregon City cariine ; with this land goes a good substantial modem up-to-date 6 room house, with all of the city con veniences To own this place Should fulfill the d -aires of aay person wishing all conveniences with lots of land in the right locality. About $2000 cash is all you need. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. ONLY $1300 buys all of this: Nearly 2 Vi acres of first, class land on the cariine and on Uie i paved highway, on the west side; there is a j very neat 2 room plastered house with a small i ham and a garage, city water, gas and 2 acres in cultivation. This place cost the present owner almost twice what it is being offered for. ' lie is giving it away for the reason that, he is living in another town and cannot look after it Come running for tlii. All yon need S700 cash M J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON" BLDG. TIG ARD 5 acres improved, 25 fruit trees, running water creek, well, 6-room house, barn, garage, chicken house. Price $2750. $1600 cash, bal ance mortgage, 6 per rent. A real snap in a nice home. II M GATEWOOD & CO,, 165 4t.h St. T j t Open Sunday Main 8291. j SACRIFICE SALE near Meldrum sU. on Oregon j City cariine, 8 room modem pressed brick bungalow, fireplace, furnace and built-in effect1!, fine porches, full baement, Dutch kitchen, brick walks, 36 different kinds of fruit treci in full i bearing, also rmall fruit, chicken house and runs, ' 1 1-3 acre of excellent land, 460 feet east of i Meldrum sta. Terms: Price $5700, H down, bal. eay payments. By owner, Alexander Gill. 5 acres in cultivation, 24 fruit trees, ber ries, W acre 4 year asparagus, com. potatoes, hay in barn. Jersey cow, pig, 25 chickens. 4 room cottage, barn, well water; price $3700; $10110 to $1500 cash, balance 6 per cent: a good buy. R. M. GATEWOOD A CO . IH5V, Fourth. Open Sunday Main 820! 3 0 ACHES. 5 orchard, balance cleared. 5 r.smi modern bon e, fireplace, bam, garage, at sta tion, 10 miles out near Baseline road. Place in A I ccndltion, ready to move in, $5250; $750 cah, long time on balance. SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN REALTY "CO Main 5 4 211. 24 S Stark St. i Successors to Sl"tten & Jone. 1 ONLY $ 2 5 0Ofor 25-acres ofland out Gresham way on the Estacada cariine, 1 7 acres in cultivation with a big orchard of all kinds of fruit in full bearing. There is a small house and a barn and other buildings neetssary which we throw in for the price. About $2000 cash is all yon need. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABING TON BLDG. ' ONE acre, high state cultivation, fruit, berries. large bungalow, new; can be made into 7 rooms, full cement basement, small bam, fenced: near 9 2d t. lights and gas, $2750; will con sider good vacant lot part payment. SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN REALTY CO Main 5420. 24 8 Stark St. (Siipceasors to Slettcn A Jones, i BETWEEN 82D AND GRESHAM 665 acres, 400 cleared, balance rough pa ture land, 2 good houses, spring water. 3 bonis, bog and chicken bouse, silo and farm iinplc ments: an abundance of fruit. Will sell all or part Phone Tabor 2240. 1033 Oregon t. ONLY $1200 buys a cute little bungalow of 3 rooms and with a bungalow goes almost, a half acre of land with more apples than 10 families can use. This place has city water, gas dose to city school and station, with a .1 cent carfare. L J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLIWj. MODERN bungalow, 4 rooms and bath, cement basement, water, electric light, gas. white kitchen, house, bam snd wood, ground 100x120 feet; fruit trees and berry bushes; close to school, iwstoffice and store: 5 minutes' walk to j Maplew.l station on O. E., 18 minutes out ! Price $2230: some terms. See owner. H. Olson. 10 ACRES, i mile to station O. K.. toad level land, with fine timber for cord wood, $1000 $300 cash, long 4ime on balance. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO. Main 542f. 24H Stark St. 1 Suctseesora Slettcn m. Jones. I G.G.McCormic Co. Moves The O. G. McCormic Via., formerly located at 41S Kenton bldg., have moved their reel estate offices to 242 Washington street, on the ground floor, at the comer of Second and Washington. f tj, aTmikS,- k mile from IVnurtney sli., "en gravel road, well improved. $2500. tkme terms. B. Ingram. 1715 E. llts at. HEAL ESTATE SUBURBAN HOMKW 71 HERE i on that to within the reach of almost any person of moderate means who desire a suburban borne in one of the best localities ix a district which every person would be pleaned to live. On the Lake road on the paved highway all the way from the business center to its gate here are nearly 7 acre of land, every inch of it in cultivation, with a large assortment of choice Irmt in full bearing. This place runs hack to the lake from the paved roa.L It combines the l ic ur i.h ooatma ami ii lung . as all of the city conveniences, such as city waier (Bull Run), gas and electricity. It is cJcwt U the car line; it is in a district highly improved and no land adjoining it can b bought for twice the price that we will sell this place for. Nothing that we offer or any other person can offer that compares with this beautiful suburban home jnst the right air.e for a family who desires enough Und to make them independent and accumulate big income yearly besides. It is elose to school aud high school and only SO minutes ride from the business center. The price we will not mention here as we do not desire to cheapen proprty in .this high class 'district M. J. CLO HESSY, Abington bldg. ON THE Base Line road, on the paved highway from the business center to the gate. Only 3 blocks from the Electric cariine. Here are 10 big square acres of land, all of it improved and in cultivation. There is a snujl house, a large bam, chicken house-and other necessary buildings. There is a small family orchard in bearing, a good well on the place, plenty of water lor all purposes. This is an unusual op portunity for a family to acquire a beautiful home and live independently in one of the best sectiens of the county leading out to the bust ness center. The price is only $6000, which is very much less than anything in this neigh borhood can be bought. The owner is willing to sell for a small cash payment down of $500. and the right party should make the place pay out the balance of the purchase price. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON H LDtL WIDOW sacrifices 6 acres, house, other im provements, auto road, adjoining city. Makes nice home ..r I'.ntting proposition Going eal in October. $3000 will handle. Particulars. 1380 E. Taylor st. Ilurry. FOR SALE FARMS 17 159 aci: 11215 Acres in Cultivation Tractor. Farm Imptt'm'ts 34 acres of pasture and timber besides 125 acres in cultivation: 2 acres in orchard; spring piped to house and bam; 7 room house, large barn, team, wagon, harness, tractor, plows, bind er, mower, rake, drill, 174 bushels of oats, 50 bushels wheat, 1 7 tons hay ; on good roid 4 V4 miles from railroad; school on place: there is 30 acres of this plowed, ready to seed; this is a farm that is a farm; let me show it to you; price $1,000; part cash. A. C HOWLAND. Sth and Main sts.. Oregon City. Or GOOD BUY 20 acres, all in cultivation; new buildings; 7 room house; one barn for cows. 40x60; one for horses. 30x40; one machine shed build ing, built new three years ago; 2 Mi mile, from Dayton, Or., on good gravel road. Price $6000. GOOD FARM 150 acres. 100 cultivation, rest in pasture. 5 acres timber, 75 English walnut tree, bearing; all kinds of fruit for family; soil black loam,, running water in 4 places; woven iro fences; good II room house, good bam 50x40: plenty j outbuildings; 2 Vs miles south of Dayton, Or. ; Good gravel road. 'Price $22.501. W. S. HIBBERT. Dayton. Or j 80 ACMES I $100 AN ACRE I All lies fine and all good farm land About 4 5 acres in cultivation. All of the balance but about 6 acres is not hard to clear There is some new slashing just burnt and the balance all light brush. 5 room house, harp and out houses. Family fruit. Good well at house and bam and spring in pasture. Place all fenced with wire. It is b miles of Oregon City in a good district. Land all around it, sells in. in $125 an acre and up. Price $8000. Part cash, bal ance lime. E. P. ELLIOTT & SON, 7th and Main sts., Oregon City, Or 40-ACRE WELL EQUIPPED FARM. $4000 8 milk cows, 4 heifers, bull. Big work team, wagon and harness. 4 hogo. 30 chickens, 80 tons hay, big lot of kale: incubator, separator; all farm tools; 5-room house, water piped in; new barn; hay fork; good soil. 25 acres in cul tivation, balance in pasture and timber. lo cated in McMinnrille district. See Ham Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ONLY $15 PER ACRE 160 acre fruit and stock ranch, ialf tillable, about 8 acres in cultivation, fruit jand berries; last year sold berries for $400 1 good goat fence, fine springs, box house, finf cellar; lo cated one mile school, mills and travel road; a gift at $15 per acre. Come oti next train if you want a farm; we can suit you. GIBSON, LEAVENGOOD & CO, " LEBANON. OR. 20 ACRES DANDY HOME ATI in cultivation, lies fine, has fine Jiving water that runs the year around. 6 room hou e, good bam. fine family fruit, good w.11 at the Ijonse. school houe at the place, a mile to glectric line. 6 miles of Oregon City on u good road. This will make someone a dandy little home and the soil is A-l. Price $43011 IM51I down, bal. time E P. ELLIOTT A SON, 7th and Main. st... Oregon City, or 5 ACRES $1200- Improved, $1 fare Portland, half cash. 15 ACRES$ Improved, clime school, town, $501) cash. A RARE BARGAIN Prunes, pears, cherries, 24 acres. $4000 crop last year. Price $5000. CLAUDE COLE, 215 Lumhermens bldg. CLOSE IN'FARM" 20 seres, located on the Coster roa.l. 10 uiii- from Courthouse, or 8 miles from rily limits All good land, no waste, 12 acres under cultivation, balance pasture. Large orchard. Macadamized road, rural conveniences. Good fences. Attrac live 6 room house Water system Gas engine for pumping. A fine attractive place, tn good locality. Personally iiii-cted Photo at office. John Ferguson. Gerlinger Bldg 15 1-3 ACRES All level, over half in cultivation, good 5 room well-painted Ism-e, bam 36x40, 2 good wells, 40 fine fruit tree. p!s'-e J1 fenced witli woven wire, mile to electric station. Bar gain price of $2H50, $1000 cash, balunce, at 6 per cent. II A. HEATER 8h and Main St. Oregon City, Or. BEST wheat land buy today in Oregon. 800 acre ranch, center of Sherman county. 5 mile from town, go! buildings, good well. 25H to 300 puminerfallow. Und yields Irom 20 to 40 hit., surrounding lands held and selling from $50 to $100 per acre Price for quick turn. $4 2 per acre. GO00 cash. bRl. Vi crop pay ments at 6 per cent. I.. K. Moore, 317 Board of Trade. J FINE FARM Ix-atcd in center of agate district, within 30l ft of the Punch Bowl, ami within close distance to wonderful noenic smI-; ccellent hunting and fishing. Furnished Ihu-c und baa fine t garden in the district, frr h vegetable wh.de year: fine spring water niptd to the house; po toffice po.-.itirm. Will sell t. r $4MHI if bought oon. T H. Horning, oiler Horn. Or. FARM-B ARCS" A IN" 53 acre farm located 25 miles from Portland, on E-ta.-adii line. 22 acres cleared, rest brush and pasture Und. good 5 room house and barn; price $4 250, terms. . BEN If JACQUES Main 598H 417 Abington bMg POLK COUNTY FARM 120 acres, good improvement, orchard, near 2 towns, good land: everything goes with farm teams, wagons, buggies, ail fanning implements, cows, hogs, chickens, Imy in bam. corn in field, feed vab-. seed ot.. iee wheat in granary: $125 JMr sere, terms", mut be Mild. J. H. Moran. Monmouth, Or YOUR choic- of 50 acres of this farm of 100 level acres: 40 acres in 7 year old riBiniir cial orchaid. balance hay and general farm Und; set of buildings; good water: on county r.nl near neighbors, echo, I, etc. Plenty of outrange for stock adjoining farm. Your 50 acre-., $5500. Terms $1O0 cash, balance to suit C, H. K-to. White Salmon. Wash. "lots A RES. 7 miles from Portland, on Cor nel! ried, in high state of cultivation ; v era! kinds of fruit trees, all kinds of berries, good deep rich sH). nice neat, bungalow, chicken houses and runs. Land has nice gentle kl..t.e. beautiful view. Excellent, buy for $4 800. Ala meda I n vestment. ' , 6o5 Corbett bMg " WHEAT Y.A ND 320 acres 7 miles from Islington, Or.; 275 summer fallow ready to seed this fall ; water on liiace. Price $23 an acre. Terms, $2500 cash, balance on time. More land adjoining, either rent or buy. ll",e Union ave. N. 90 A FAHM7 4 mile Corvallls. 1 mile" elec tric station and school; 4 5 a. In cultivation, bal timber and pasture; fair buildings, orchard, spring water; $85 per a., $2000 mtg ; terms or part In trade. Bo 157. Albany, (ye. 159 ACRES on WiUametl river, IS mile, irmn Portland, .wi On-gon Electric ttUn. 30 acres tnwlcr plow. 10 acres beaverdam; brg,.iu. $14,000 cash. Call Sellwood 2X05 SMALL farm gf 1614 acres; 10 clear; 12 miles out: small house, bam and large cbicken house. Inquire 248 Yamhillst. WHEAT" ranch." COO "a. or more, by farmer veho knows the business; east of Mts. only. Will buy outfit. N 03. Journal. CALIFORNIA farms for sale;wrTte for lwt. E. It. Waitc. Kliawnee. Okie. jy 20OT"HEl47iinii roved, 85 in irMtivaUun. near VaabcTill. Or., cheap. sYlioaa Tabot 9289. RF. A L KHTATB OB KAI.K FARMN 17. FOB SALE. 100 ACHR niiur nivnn 100 acres. 75 acres in cultivation: rron, stock and equipment; 700 bu. grain. 80 tna .' of bay.. 4 hones, 7 cows and all kinds of farm Implements; Key Wana water syntern it h(rn and barn. room house, barn 80x60 and hay, barn, hog house, granary: l mile to shipping station, ruilk and cream ronl: H. K. D., tele phone, gravel rued; a fine ranch. Price $12.-: OO0: $410)0 cash, balance at 0 per cent 31 seres. 2 "4 miles aouUieMt; all in culM-- vatinn . 3 H acres strawberries and other fruit, i0-'. rf'' '" equipment; 7-roora house, barn .. 0V,AI,,,1,.,it. hly 'n,i l'tu" ,10 priced, at $5000; $2500 or $8000 will handle tt. the1 balance tl per cent. Modem home. Just out of city, 13H terWp modem brick veneered house, all built-in fea-i tures fireplace, lath and plastered and tinted I. ham 30x40. high roof, all well painted i shade' trees; 2 acres chemee. If yon want a ftaiea home see this Price $6250; $3250 will teadla . tliLs. balance at 6 per cent I have all kinds of farms, large or small, audi at different prices. I do not list any place! I don t think worth the money. If you want) to buy a farm or a home I think it would 'pay you to see me at 70 Hhermsn st. M L SOUTHARD. I Lebanon. Oregon. I 42 ACRES. u tillable; 80 acres In high atat of cultivation, balance slashed and seeded to' , vesture, neu lom soil: fenced and cross fenced , ," "j" i..ipuu ine.oaca pan oi piaee, uww, cords of first tgrowth red fir timber, excellent orchard in full beartu of assorted frulU, imaUj fruits and shrubbery of all kinda, 4 room house, with porches at front and rear, good well a1 back door, good ham equipped with hay forks.. new niactnne shed, new chicken house, hoc House and' yard, root cellar, fine aiien of Parch. cron mares weighing 1500 lbs. each, 4 cowa, registered Jersey hull R ku II ..! fcl I Silver Laced Wyandotte eMek'ams . n,.n,ir' spreauer new disc drill, plow, harrow, disc har.,'4 row. roller mower rake, grindstone, hack, new, I o. nsrneas, new jieiavai cream separator, about 85 tons of hay in barn, acre, ot iH.tatoes. 2 acres ef cheat, 2 H acre ot com 4 H miles from Pacific highway and aood' country town ; on good auto road with all rural advantages. Price $5250, $2500 cash, bal ance to suit. THOMPSON Sd and Main sts. SWAN Vancouver, Waah. $100,000 LBS, IjOGANBERRIES From 14 acres rivir bottom sandy loam, soil, near Ix-banon. Linn count v: all nM tV Lebr.nuii cannery for he the pound ; $8000:1 s.s ... iMooiicnon. iiurve.ung, etc.. $2000, net.ing owner $10t.O Thi, is true; we can prmo it. We sold an Improved 20 acre place, s:ime kind land, for $6000 Yet we offer yon a 100 acre f.rm. same soil and locality. 75 acres in cultivation, HI acres strawberries, l acre family orchard, good room house, good ham, gr,,el Mad. only 4 i milea from Ibsnon. Grab this and make youft fortune rrowlng loawnbernes. Only $180 nt crr:, "e have lowest priced farms. Urge and small. In valley. Don't waste time wrlUntil come and see GIBSON. LEAVENGOOD CO.. LEBANON, OR. 40 ACMES 18 In cultivation. balaneA tiuhir.. mi.nln i.,swreu nouse; good Para ; near Kiiooi ana town and street cur; one team, two a'uii mux cows, one belter, one hrond sow. three1 I',.""1"11 f tools; on a good road. ITica1 $6000. Terms. 1134 ACRES 75 In cultivation; springs, and water piped Urn house; orchard; 6 room house; barn 60x00;! wood and chicken house; two miles to school m,J .,".r ,mile uwn of Bteeada : good road," si,uuu. ..iiiiiu casn. A J BOCKHOLD Eighth and Main Streets. Oreosm Cltr n.... IK YOU If A V K 15000 WE CAN' PI T Yolf' VA'l,";STA-' FENCED.! . "-' -.i r-yi irrr.u. You would never have to put another dollar In this place after the fin-l payment. There ute1 two sets of buildings, slum! 70 tons ot bay in; ...ins. o , eail oi rattle. 1 of which sre ui'loh cows, registered bull, cream cparntnr. all MncV of machinery to run place. Oil or 70 acres, cleared, nearly all can b farmed If ..in, nave any intention of buying a stock ranch i yon can t heat tlTft for $30 per ior, eierytlittlgl lociinieu. imp u main road, school and Iran -portation About 60 miles down the Columbia' In Washington. STEWART A BUCK ."MS Northwestern ltnnl. hldg HIGH CLASS FARM ACRES omiirnirn, n you want a Ilr-t ia,s nroT slllon. this will lliterrl you. ,.) j id.al. Nearly all under cultivation. I'eHVt locution. on cacitic ruglmaj. slum drive from ciij. iiignt in edge ot little ullage on maX oov io,t. ruI, m j, building-, auijpl'ed oin. eiectnc ngnis, pressure ter .i-tem !. roP and full line equipment in. -hided. tfe can t tell you In an ad all the advautag.a ft vuia cnoire proposition, so be sure to a personal call. A.K- liUi' r. -MR Lumbermen. give bldg. 01 Only $5000""Caslhi Required! 2ln acre-, located south of Soio, Linn mm," Oregon. 1 'c mile, from railroad town. 1 50 scwtl under cultivation, of which 50 acre. i beavefi .nun mmiu, iisisnee goon pasture; 4 acre- bearing: orchard. Creek and well Good 7 room house, ii large Harris, milk house and sheep she.) . Out rangj. Good fences price $60 lwr aire, with horses, low. hogs. 30 theep, 50 gmt, lfi0 eliicsens. 50 geese, 60 turkeys, - wagons, cu!ti-i vat.nrs, ploughs, harrows, harness and hay, tin-' mediate possession. John Ferguson, Geflinaef! Bldg 48 ACHES. 35 acres iri high state of" cultrra uon, very nest ot loam soil, no roc er1 gravel lays almost level, watered by spring creek, well at house, 6 room house, good ham, equipped with- hay fork; all necessary outbuild-' .ngs, large family orchard In full bearing; alt, kinds of small fruits trid berries, a grsp arber tlmt produced 2 ton of grapes lent year; to-1 tether with 0 cows, about 3 5 tons of hay and other crops Only 2 miles from good town of Pacific highway in a thickly settled and! prosperous community only 1 mile from school Price $6000. half rash THOMPSON A SWAN 3d and Main sts. Vancouver. Waah.l RANCH FOR SALE 320 acie wheat ranch and all equipment, gned house, bams, well, orchard in front of house, 120 seres in summer fallow; 4 miles south of Arlington. Or., on Columbia highway Will sell land. Including all machinery, for $18 an acre, providing the buyer buys the stork at an agree able price. One half (Joan, rest on term. at 8 pec cent. JOE T A TONE Altl.ING T IN', OR. B ACRES $10(10 DOWN All level and all in cultivation. Lie tn etty of Oregon City. Sidewalks tn the place. Hly weier ry uie place. an water the Whole place. Electric lights right, st the place. 4 room frame house, good bam. chicken houses, good store hotio itnil fruit house. About 1 acre cf all kinds of fruit Cod well at the house. 1 cow. some chicken and a few tool id with the place. Price $350(1. I noil down, bal time V.. P ELLIOTT at SON, 7tli und M:iin sts . Orecnn City. Or 114 ACRES. 75 ,cre in cult! vetion r lait.t l.roveinent. lot- of fruit elose in graveled iou.1. $130 iter sere. 240 acres. 100 acre in cultivation, balance Ituie and slashed; running wP-r on this tract; fair iiiuir nu ll' : on good graveled road; close in s- $ ! 25 per acre These farms sre two of the best boys la Clackamas county. J. J. SANDSNK8S. faiibs. Or. For rai.k 4(i ir u ,i , -TT; ; BSnT. on good road, 1 '4 miles to school, 2 churches. .... . - . . . v., .. ".j,,, , (Touruuea.) This place is well improved . buildings all new"j .m yij..r.i, o.iLuuitjm(ji, large concrete cistern fenced and crossfenced; 80 acres In cultivation, 10 acre pasture. It is a good alfalfa place; lays well Price $3750. About $1750 cash, behsnce terms to suit purchaser. Will sell fully equliiped if dedred. Everything clear from all incumbrance. Apply owner. Route 1, Box 35. Mewl. Or 8 ACRES 05 in cultivation. 10 -re good timber, hal-; anre easily cleared; 3 running streams and well at the house, good house and barn: lioraas. e.wrs. pig, clriekeni., mnj binder atwl alt other tool toj run the pla.-e; a.. me lwty and oat nd 20 acre' win be seeded. Price $6500. Terms. A J. BOCKHOLD Eighth snd Main Streets. Oregon City. Oregon 5 ACRES AU in cujfjva lion ; good lioui and hirni two wells; plenty of fruit; i-rimiit sidewalks; on a good road; near Oregon City. Oregon. - A. J HOCKHOI.D Eighth and Main Streets. Oregim City. OregOa BY OW NlflT- 'lkiiry trm7 2iT""aore. "tUarle Ci.. Waaii, Near Waahmtgal. K room iicusv, running water in house and ham, about 10l acre of hoUuri land. 1 1 1 acres of upland. Hard surfaee rod 1 mde from place. E. A. Parry owner. 777 Sunds Hoi. D-JI26 . ' GREATEST FARM BUY IN Ol0caO ' T 1072 acres near university, all tocl(, rp ana implements, wr.mn-wi ior aoti.tlOM. Par tirulsrs by V. Fuchj.. 420 Chamber of CotV nierce. ' ' ' FOR SALE 3 1 A4 ncres. euo.1 B room ho." Iarg barn, (food orchard; water piped tp houee; team msrw, o gmxi cows, an tarra tools: na rrL R. F. It : a bargain at $4500; by owner, ' Bon- nil in , i tn i- i , tTIMI. FOR "HAl,K.""ver"y"rfifap-fr cash. 5 acre good land, fenced and in cultivation. ne ItMleieh and new state Inghwiy; might consider Chieag.) or rvruMMi iiunrunea. . a, Coleman, 1 999 ' E. Stark at.. Portland. . .'.."