THE OREGON SUNDAY: JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING,, . SEPTEMBER 28,, 1918. 0 i'Ji HEIGHTS terrace; if yoa want to lire long, have good health, try the scenic lade cottage; ftna view nd good fresh air. Hall at ear oa Morrison to 1 3th. 2 blocks wwt Cheap rut. MODERN famished 6 room bonrsicw, furnace and gang. 143 per mouth. 2 K, Weblr, foraw of Montana. POU RENT Nicely funu.hed 8 room house at 81 W. WineheU t. FLATS TO BE5T, roCFTJHSIBHEP 1 FOR TIES T 4-rooTH flat. 66 Fifth it FURBISHED FLATS M UPPER. Clean neatly, furnished 4 room" flat, modern. , Rent reasonable. 800 ' !. 6th N. Union are. 'car. A NEAT 3 room flat (or man and wife. 441 K. Conch t Fhone East 1810. FOLR room fiat partly furnished; privaU bath room. 497 Columbia it. May 2803. APABTME5T8 FOB BEST 41 BELKNAP APT8., completely iuihed room, 118. including light, gas and steam beat. 187 17th st, near Yamhill VmSKft.5K.S.?&KXii for man and wife, no olulden; rent id wages to wife in ex change for chamber work; man can cet work nearby. N-88, Journal. 5 ROOM unfurnished apt, modern, walking distance. East 8397. Cor. E. 7th aad Yamhill. ' UNFURNISHED & room, modern ; all outsjd rooms, front and back porch. HI Glisan at. '1HE STANF1ELD, 204 Porter at; modern 2 room aptn., furnished, reasonable. Main 7392. SUMMER RESORTS SEASIDE fi-rooui furrdsiTid cottage; good lo cation. Broadway 1762. WANT ED TO BEHT WANTED Part with children. oldest 17. 6 room furnished place, October 1. Owner who so strongly object and hate children don't read this, r.ut we nare Col vo live, neier rn-tg. I'll.. nc Broadway 2182. MR. FARMER, do you want to rent that farm of your If to. we can get yon caab rent and wll flint nerannal nron.rtv for cash. We bar a dozen people calling on us very day wanting to rent farm. Sena us your lor quic ikuuu. A i. BENDER. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-S-7 Board of Trade bldg. WAXTt 7 nmui 'modern house, in Mt Tabor, Uow City, Mt. HcoU or Woodstock, not to e-Mt Both l nr are. Will trade untneum bered property and pay aorue cash for a good iuity. Address, Box 3. Jennings Lodge, Or. Phone, Oak Grove 1ZW-X. 1 WANT to rent a house and 2 or more lota in Portland or Vancouver or 1 or more acres with house and outbuildings and plenty of good water, near cariine and within 15 mile of l'ortland. W. U. tlsn, jjui l a. a. Phone 11-1548. WANTED 5 or 6 room unluraianea nouse or fiat in Irvington. Reliable parties, no clilHiren. Any time between Oct, I sua ueo. i. r-ast im.t. WANTED Well furnished home with garage. Will pay UP to giuur lor ngui piece. .-vu Journal WANTED 8 or 7 room house, leasonable. Rose 1,1, I'lITil I I l 1. ......... rf : right. D-636, Journal. W A N TED Modern bout or flat, unfurnished. Will lease. Tabor aw. RESPONSIBLE tenant want leaae on residence for 1 year. Mar YOUNG couple want to rent a S room house near Piedmont ear barns, iibu omini are. RE A I, ESTATE "BEACH PROPERTY 49 Win rat v. Tr lot at Seaside: $78 down and 420 Per month, no interest. Plione after 10 a. m.. East 2743. BUSINESS PROPERTY 68 fill now living in Portland, 1 offer the valuable conmr DOxlOO at the N. W. cor. I'mou ave. and Knott ist. at a aaiTificc; this property baa a store t Jlding ami residi-nce which ought to bring in 7D to per month. If desired can also sell the adjoiumg G0xl35 lot ou Uuion, which wUl gie a frontage of 150 on Union. Would make a very desirable garage site. My foli. oho are still In the house, will gladly show any interested parties through. Address J. H. Juhnston, 914 Lipscomb at.. Fort Worth, Teia. FOR SALE Apartment House. Leae and furniture in excellent condition. V AKEKIKLD FRIES tc .CO. 85 1'ourth Street. FOR SALE Corner lot with a good bnilSing on a business atrut A runm modern flat above, good store room and warehouse with baement below. A srlerdid business corner. See F. I. Mitcheltree, office Anabel station. rnvMlETK nobiic itarase. east side, paved street. $3000. rented for 30, will bring more; fine investment, H. 1L SUub, 1027 Bel mont, week Tabor 219 I AMleavin town ami must sell my store prop- crty Ht-889 Alberta t . near 28Ui. (J. E. Blow. lOflO E. 32d N. Wdln. 8. FOR SALE First class cleaning ami tailoring shop in a good location Call at 572 1st st. GENERAL RFAL ESTATE 63 OWN 3 acres in heart of l'ortland, Powell Val ly and 7r)th st. an investment that is good a long as Portland stands. Must sell. Going at $3500. Call after 3 p. m. 4047 65th st. S. K. FOB SALE HOUSES 1 " BARGAIN AN IDEAL HOME IN THE HEART OF SUNNYS1DE 7 rooms, plumbing upstairs and down, 2 Mocks from school and best cariine in city. Tabor 1809. 1 DANDY HOMES 6-rm. modern bungalow, lot 100x100, good district, 2 block car; garage, tine yard, frutt chioken house, $3."00; $1000 cash. H-rm. modern bungalow, near Peninsula Park, $2800; $500 cash, $25 per month. 5-rms. and sleeping porcfl, strictly modem, $3000, $1000 cash. ' See my arusll houes. 2 to 0 rooms; prices and terms o you cun buy. A. C. McDonald, Agt. 25111 W. Umibard at. Wdln. 6273. ROSE CITY PARK Owner leaving city will sell his 6 room 1 H story bungalow at a very low price if sold this veek; furniture iT desired; about 4 blocks from car south of Sandy; ideal location; good garage; price including all aspesymetits, $4850; be quick. See Mr. Delahunty at office E. 80th and Glisan, or phone for auto. Tabor 3433. Residence, East 2086. SUSS'YSIDE COMPLETELY FURNISHED HOME aulendidlv furni'hed rooms, neat as a pin. .lust move right in. Fuel for winter in basement included In price. Party going to California must pell at once. Who gel tUisr Liberal u-iun. $3650. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. 36th and Hawthorne for real buys. ROSE CITY PARK 352 EAST 42D ST. N $6.00 CASH Drive out this afternoon or after 7 any eve ning and see this fine 2 stoty house; fireplace, buillin bookcases, builtin buffet, Dutch kitchen, full basement, furnace heat, wash trays; streets paved and sewers in: the price is $4000; $600 down; 2 blocks south of Sandy bird. ALBERTA bungalow, 5 rooms on first floor. Pool room and table complete and 1 sleeping room in attic. Full basement. New garage. Fine eorner. Nice lawn. 1 blk. from Alberta car, at 1070 E. lJth st. N.. cr. W.-b ter. Paved street and cement walks. Only $3550. ROSE CITY PARK. $5000 A vary pretty bungalow on the Crest; 50x100 lot, facing toward city; 5 rooms and sleeping porch: term. CARLOS MARSTERS. 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 3517. FOR SALE Small house and 2 lota, large chicken house and cow barn; also 125 white Jetihorn chickens, one cow; all for $1900, $700 oath, bal, as. rent; see owner, 6109 58th av. 8. E. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION A SNAP 656 East 8th st,, cor. Ellsworth, on Brooklyn cerllne, tt room modern house, $2400; cash $500, balance like rent. East 2871. $2650 ONE acre, apples, pears, plums, cher ries and berries, partly finished bouse, 24x30, 3 blocks from car 2614 67th st- S. E. HOL'SE and 1 or 2 lota in Terrace Park, near a good school, shade and fruit trees, terms, bv owner. Phone evenings, Woodlawn 5760. FOR SALE Four room shack. 80-foot paved street, cariine,. sewer, gas, water, fruit and berrfee: $1250. terms. Thone Tabor 1469. IaEEM home, B room modern; sell or trade for acreage; vmua gioou. I'uone 'laoor 2t29. 1T6 E. 4 Mb. $3no CASH 'New 6 rm. mod. bungalow. Price $3000. No mortgage. Owner, 4605 41st ave. S. E. FOR SALE A modern 6 room house, also fur .niture. If. wanted inquire owner, 948 JL Taylor. - GOOD 5 room cottage, 5430 Powell Valley near franklin high; $2250, 5 days only, easy terms; vacant HAWTHORNE Furnished bungalow. pared street, fireplace: price $3200, $500 ckh; Tifcant. Tabor 6080. ' FOR sale by owner, doubl hou-r. m-r ami aowertlata. wita xnrnlture. worn. 42U. REAL ESTATE COB SALE HOtTSES - ON'LX 2s50. and lb ten to Uiis: Practically in the center of the city of Portland on E. I2tb at., a paved street and every street from the bminese renter leading to thia house is paved. Only t blocks weet of tha Irrington cartine, be tween ratttnf tad n haver its. Hen u a tou Int. the ttreet paved, cement sidewalk around the bouse. Everything in and paid tor. Here is also, on this lot, practically new, no better constructed 6 room house, modem, in all of Portland, with-' a full cement basement, with plumbing that yoa cannot replace for ka than 1000. A baxemant yon cannot build for lens than 11000, housa without the plumbing and basement you cannot construct for less than 4000. A lot without the house with the im provements In and paid for ou cannot, buy for wsa tnan iinoo. AU right, her is what it means to replace thia property as it stands: 7600. The bank owns this property and they are willing to give it away. Take it all before somebody else tela It for 128.10. the full pur chase price with an absolute title. All the bank wants is g.100 tn caeb: pay the balance in ttionthly payments at V per cent interest. Can you beat it on earth? 11. 1. CLOHZ88T. AB INOTON BLDG. $2100 REAL BUNGALOW BARGAIN 2 blocks south of the Mount Tabor car. on a full 60x100 lot. is an attractive traieal bnnca- low with large living room, panel dinina room china closet, Patch kitchen, 2 light, airy bed room, whit enamel plumbing, electric light and gas; good cement basement, small down payment, entire balance like rent. No mort- mortgage or street lien to assume. Bargain like these are few and far between. We hare over 600 photograph of inspected homes In out office for sale. 12 experienced salesmen with autoe at your service. BKR FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. 5-R00M" cottage, comer lot ROxlOO, with modern plumbing, on Alnsworth : thia 1 a bargain. Price $27 SO; terms. West side furnished bungalow, hardwood floor and sleeping porch; lot appraised at $6000: house cannot be duplicated for $10,500 will sell for $11,000 or will sell house and furni ture separate and give 20-year lease on lot beautiful view; roses. Owner most leave city on account of business. ' CAM, ON US n. H. UKJJAHL CO. (INC.) r Main 62&2. 322 Abington bldg. LAURELHUKST 6 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. GARAGE, ALL AHSTS. PAID $5500 TERMS. Here is your opportunity to get a down right bargain; a genuine snap. Price has been reduced for immediate sale. This is an exceptionally good home right up to the minute iu every way. Exceptionally large living room, hardwood floors, fireplace . bnffct, cement basement, furnace, etc. Splendid garage. Near oar. Just think all of that for $3500, and on terms, too. Probably never again an opportunity like this one. A. G. TEEPE CO . 264 Stark St.. near 3d. Main 3516. Main 3092. Branch Office, 5 Oth and Sandy. (Open Sunday.) $3500 HOLLADAT IRVINGTON HOME On Clackamas at, on a full lot, is a 7 room very modem nome; living room wttn fireplace, olid paneled dining room; leaded glass buffet cove ceilings, full white Dutch kitchen, 3 light airy bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas. sleeping porch, full cement base ment, furnace and laundry trays. Can arrange terms. See our display of over 600 photographs of homes for sale; auto at jour service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home Abington bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sunday. ROSE CITY PARK CAR SPLENDID BUNGALOW 300 Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, full cement basement, full lot. You will be delighted with the interior finish. This is a real charming home and well worth the money. Let us show yon. A. G. TEEPE CO , 264 Stark at., near 3d. Main 3516. Main 3092. Branch Office. 60th and Sandy. (Open Sundaj.) HOSE CITY TWO-FLAT RESIDENCE This is your opportunity to get a nice borne with an income, 8 rooms, 2 sleeping porches. 3 baths, etc., fireplace, full cement basement, fur nace, lull let. nice lawn and shrubbery, abun dance of fruit trees, good garage, paved sts. Tins is a real buy, all for only $5000. WATCH OUR ADS WE GET RESULTS C. A. WARRINER RITTEK, LOWE & CO.. 201-3 5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 5 ROOM bungalow on 40x110 it lot. 1 block from paved street and cariine, no incumbrance of any kind, has lawn, trees and shrubbery, usual plummng, conveniently arranged and double con structed; five rooms all on one floor, attic and basement. Can have two lots additional if de sirous Price $1800, $4 00 cash, balance monthly. JOHNS.ONDODSON CO 033 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 3787 ROSE CITY PARK. 7-room bungalow, hardwood floors; all built-in features; full cement base ment and hot water heat: garage. Let us show you this beautv. WAKEFIELD. FRIES A CO., 85 Fourth st. 0 ROOMS and sleeping porch. Hose City Park uisinc-t, iiiniaca, rirepiace, screened in pore off kitchen. Price $4250, terms. CALL ON US. H. H. URDAHL CO. (INC. 1 Main 052. 322 Abington bldg. WHY WORRY ABOUT INCREASED RENT $2.r00 buys 2 family flat. 5 rooms and bath on 1 floor, now rented at $17.50 per niuuui; o rooms ana oath upper flat, now rented at $14 per month: lire in one and rent the other; easy terms; no mortgage to assume. .1. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Railway Exchange Building. Main 1004 Open Evenings BIG BARGAIN NEAR BDY. BRIDGE Ground 50x130 and 2 good house, on rooms and one 6 rooms; hard surface at, in and paid: ground alone worth price we are anion, eoouu. or win sen separately. Term. . A. WAKHINER RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3 .". 7 Board of Trade Bldg. $25005n CASH 5 room hnngalow, H block from Sellwood car, duiiuu lot, alley in rear; garage; A plumbing, full basement. W. A. WRIGHT, Mam 5088. 417Abington bldg. Sell. 135,'i I.EAVINO (J1TY V.UI sacrifice my beautiful nose uif nome; lias been built 2 years has all the modern conveniences; built-in buffet nrepiace. Hardwood floors, breakfast alcove Dutch kitchen: 7 rooms in all; improvements are all in; nice yard and shrubbery; several oeanng iniu trees. .-so agenta need apply V 1 A Q 1 "I a--"' ' O i si UU1 Ileal. ONLY $4 500 for a corner lot in Rose City i in. ii um corner is a store building with " .vww,- uiuiiiN. i ma uuuamg ia a new and modern one and ready for occupancy. You can run a business and make and live upstairs free of chart;. About half ca-so wiu nanine it, M. J. CLOIIESSY, AU wi.iu.i ni.iw. FOR eALrj Small 2 -room house in Kenton lot 34x100. This U . tar... Small payment down, balance on monthly pay- JOHN M ALONE. McCLURE & SCHMAUCH CO.. .396 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 1503. MULTNOMAH STREET kaann B room bungalow, very large sleeping porch screened ana glassed; furnace, fireplace, hot water connection in rurnace; 6 bearing fruit uBrnrn ana enruen on lot OUX2S5; terms. uouuAuu ee v 243 Stark St ePh.CLALi bargain In Alameda Park. Coiy iwiu uh;hj muuem, peauuiui, new decora tions: price, including all fit uaMammt. $6000. It would cost $7500 to duplicate it tc day. I.octed at S99 E. 80th tt N. Broadway jr. oiicr av an uoamoer oi torn. Main 5256. A SNAP One 7 room modem house near Mississippi car, close? in on east side, all improvements paid ,,i Want to go to Idaho and jvill take trade for half on bouse; price- $3000. Writ8,,Bay .Pi. Jennings Lodge. Or. Phone 2r"IJ - BEST buy In Portland. Nearly new 4 room plaH tfXd.i'?'t plnrnbing in and some garden. C50. $200 cash, $10 per month and Interest Tabor flHflil. or come to 4iV' av nnd fij Court, 6 blocks north from 6th ave. on Mt Scott cariine. R. Bmglley. 4923 86th Court $3?00 NEW 5 roomed -hnngalow. fullbase ment. fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen; good district near good schools and car service- Uo number fine bldg. lots; house No. 4828 Clinton' near 43d st Terms. Owner. J. JL McMlhon 2006 East 43d Tabor 6861. cuaaon, ERROL HEIGHTS BUNGALOW $1650 5-room plastered bungalow and bath, lights, gas, water; large garden, ennngh vegetable in ground for Winter. Naar ear T..n,. v v.u 1 '402 Wildrake st. eor. HendersoaT UAL BTSTATB FOB SALE HOUSES 1 INVESTIGATE THESE CLOSELY Be convinced. Let us show you these and other. Each one priced beknr the market. Title perfect or money refunded. $1000 Three room cottage, electricity, gas. water, wooasneo, ooxiuv kot, iruih cement sidewalks, 2 block St. John car, clow aehool: only 1300 cash, balance $lt month, including in terest. He 81950 Near Franklin high, 4 room bun galow, fireplace, bath, iraten kitchen, cement beaement, nice lot. fruit, a bice bom for a amaU fam ily; part cash. $2273 WavefWgh Heights, substantial room 2 story residence, good condi tion, bath, gaa, 60100 lot. fruit, nice shrubbery, paved street, sewer, near Division tt; only $500 cash to handle. $8150 Hawthorne-8 nnnyside care, 6 room name, alaeptng porcn, fireplace, nice bedrooms, 50x100 lot, large fruit tree, paved street, all im provement paid, a comfortable bom for Urge family mighty cheap, close in on 2 8 Ui st ; only $1000 caabto birder- 88380 Near Jefferson high, 6 room 2 story dooble-oontucted residence, buffet, large kitchen. S ftae bed rooms, 50x100 lot. fnsit. H block St Johns oar, 1 block Mississippi car, 3 block Jefferson high or Pen insula Park; only 81000 caab to handle. 88800 Beautiful 5 room bungalow, large floored attic, hardwood floors, fire place, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement laundry trays, exceptionally fine 50x100 lot 6 bearing fruit trees, paved street. Woe in on Waverteigh Height. If you hav $1000 aa down pay ment, don't fail to see thia bargain. $3500 Two aTe. 5 room bungalow. within 2 miles of city limiu, near Powell Valley road, nice bungalow with large rooms, paneled dining room, wired for electricity, stable, wagon shed, tool house, good well, 2 acre all under cultivation, H acre potatoes, com, bean and vege tables, 20 fruit tree of different varieties, chickens. 3 tons bay, 8 cords wood. Jersey cow, horse, wagon, buggy, harness. 5 hogs. Here's the acreage home yoa have wanted. We will gladly show you this splendid property. Only $1000 cash required to handle. $4000 Beautiful 8 room bungalow tpe house, large bring room, Dutch kitchen, 2 bedrooms and bath first floor. 2 bedrooms and den second floor, full cement basement with fine rurnace, 30x100 comer lot, double garage, located on hard surface street near 82d. Here is a wonderful buy for someone want ing a home in the suburbs. Only $1000 cash, very easy balance. $4300 Five room furnished cottage, large .floored attic, could finish 3 more rooms good furnace, well furnished. fiOxlOO lot close in near E. Burn side; $1800 cash and terms. $4600 Eight room house arranged for 2 families, on corner lot 125x100, paved street and sewer paid. A fine place at price of lots without house. Fruit and nice shrubbery. $2000 cash to handle. . $5500 Here's the Irrington home yon have been wanting: Two story, b large rooms, sleeping porch, recep tion hall, hardwood floors, fire place, beamed and paneled dining mom, white enameled kitchen, 3 fine bedrooms, beautiful bath, full cement tawmsnt. Fox furnace, laundry trays, 50x100 lot, garage, centrally located, handy to ear and school. You luiven't aeon a real bargain until Qou have seen this. ' Some term. Shown by appoint ment only. $6000 One of the moat artistio, well- built o room bungalows In the city, located among Rose City Park's finest homos, living room 25x14 ft. fine fireplace with cozy built-in seats, hardwood floors of finest qual ity oak, 3 seta French doors, extra large suu porch, built-in buffet and many other conveniences, white enameled Dutch kitchen, 2 fine bed rooms, plate-glass windows, venti lated closets, cement basement, fine furnace, laundry trays, 60x100 lot fruit. 18x22 garage. 3 blocks north of Sandy blvd . all improvements in and paid; $3000 'cash will handle. Here is a real home among borne. Call for appointment Auto always at your convenience. GEO. T. MOORB CO . 1007 YEON BLDG. ROSE CITY PARK 6 ROOMS $3500 Folks, you would never expect to buy a good 6 room house located one block from Sandy with street and sewer assts. paid, for $3500. would youf This is modem in very way except hardwood floors. Splendid Fox furnace. Liberal terms of payment, too. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Start st. near 3d. Main 3316. Main 3092. Branch Office. fiOth and Sandy. (Open Sunday.) A SUBURBAN HOME IN THE CITY A most beautiful place overlooking the river, mountains and city; a wonderful view; on cat line: street imurovements paid. Beautiful shrubbery, flowers, fruit trees, nuts and berries. House double constructed, consisting oi re ceDtion hall, lirins room. den. dining room. kitchen and lavatory room en first floor; four light and airy bedrooms and bath on secona floor. Full basement, fruit room, furnace, fireplace, laundry trays, 2 toilets, 2 lavatories, large porches, built-in conveniences; place fac ing on two streets. Sis 5 lot; handy to school and Reed college. A real homey home. If you have an eye for the artistic see this. (From owner.) Price right. Sell. 1370. ROSE CITY DISTRICT ATTRACTIVE MODERN BUNGALOW 5 rooms and enclosed back porch, modem to the minute, hardwood floors, fireplace, built tn bookcases and buffet, full cement basement, fur nace, only 1H blocks from Sandy blvd., full lot, quick possession can be had. Price $3800; $1200 cash, balance easy. C. A. WARRINER RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $2800 FOR a 8 room with garage, lot 132 x208, on E. 39th, 100x100 in berries, lots of room for garden and chickens, $300 cash. $3000 for a fine 4 room, fine lot 50x208, on paved st. and only $300 cash. Bal. like rent $2900 for fine 6 room bungalow, on E. 37th, full basement, built-in buffet, $1000 cash. Bal. easy. Phone Marshall 829. F. L. 519-20 Railway Exchange. FOR SALE BY OWNER 7 ROOM HOUSE IN SUNNYSTDE. GOOD CONDITION. DESTR ABLE HOME, OR CAN BE MADE INTO FLATS. TERMS REASON ABLE. 1113 BELMONT ST. irvin $7500 for a fine new modem 6-room, on cor ner; hardwood floors, plate-glass windows, large closet with windows; no garage. This was buili for a home and the price is right; half cash. Phone Msrsliall 820. F. L. BLANCHARD 519-20 RAILWAY EXCHANGE. 5-ROOM HOUSE, $2150. Near Westmoreland, this aide Bybee st; 1 block to school; bath, gas, lights, base ment, sewer; comer 65x100; cement walks; $J50 discount for half cash. Mutual Realty Co., 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 1643. SEVEN-ROOM house in perfect condition, near grammar and high school; furnace, garage, fruit trees; walking distance. Price $3000. Fin furniture, also at great sacrifice; winter fuel in basement A real borne, absolutely clean; on car line. Half cash down. 46 Shaver st Phone Woodlawn 1590. 6 ROOM BUNGALOW $1200 $250 cash, $15 and interest monthly, buys attractively built 5 room bungalow type of cot tage; 4 rooms plastered, good sink, patent toilet, large sleeping porch; all fenced, good garden; close to school in M onto villa; don't hesitate about this. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. Open Sundays and evenings. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS $1150 Neat, well built 4 room cottage with builtin cupboards, in splendid condition, 6 assorted bear ing fruit trees, 2 large rows of raspberries, big chicken house, covered rangood woodshed; $400 cash. $10 monthly. Fred W. German Co., 782 Cham, of Com. Open Sunday and evenings. FIVE room bungalow, newly tinted and painted, full plnmbrng, Dutch kitchen, basement, notrhea, full- 4- lot, 028 K 80th S . 2 V blocks car; 2000, term. Broadway Z980, 47 Ml SEVEN room, oath and gaa, peaches, granes:. prune, chcrrlt. apples and Berries. -hicken house, sto, 1 gyre, 2914 7th at. S. & " V BEAT. ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 1 GOOD HOME BUYS Hawthorne. 251 Glena ave.. 7 room modern house, lot 50x100 feet; $3250; terms. Alberta. 7 room modern house, furnace, full basement, wash, traya, 60x102; eloa car; $8800; ttou eaan. room bunralow. slseoiu rxrreh. basement. garage, comer lot. near car; $3200; $900 cash. balance easy. . 4 room cottage, paved street, garage; No. 448 Skidaora ft, t 7th; price $1850; terms. ft room house, basement, 80x100, on car line; $1780; $410 cash, balance $10 per month. 7 per eent B room cottage, corner lot, OOxlUU. sear ear, 22 minutes out; $1800; $450 caah, balance $15 month, including interest Hawthorne, 7 rrxgaa, sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, paved street, on Glenn ave. near Haw thorns; $5000; $1600 cash, easy. Hawthorne, strictly modern bungalow west of 4 2d st; 7 rooms, furnace, fireplace, hard wood floor, builtins, pared street; $4500; term. B. M. GATEWOOD A CO., 165 H Fourth. Open Sunday Main 8291 MR. HOMELESS MAN Here i a furnished home ready for yon to go right to housekeeping. It is a beautiful bun galow, 5 room on tint floor and 8 sleeping room upstairs. It has hardwood floors In living room, dining room and reception ball, beautiful fireplace, bookcases, buffet, fine white enam eled Dutch kitchen, modern bath, toilet light and gas, full basement, leundrv trays and wood lift rood lot oaved street city sewer and ga rage. Only $4750, including furniture, piano and Grafooola. It is handy to car, scnooi ana high school and i a snap at this price. $1300 cash will handle, balance arranged to suit your convenience. See it at once. My auto is at your service. E. W. HUGHES, 507 Journal bldg. Main 2858. HERE is one that should interest you: 2 big apartment on a comer lot There are 38 room in these two apartment. The location tt on 6th t. on the west side, close in, not as far south aa Harrison st, practically in the center of the city. There is at present a good inooms from these apartments. It can be dou bled when the lease expires in December. The owner offers everything for aale at a figure which we will not Quote here, but sufficient to say that no better investment for a man and wife or single lady who is e"cperienced in conducting apartment bouse can be obtained. It I' a corner and a great bargain will be given In the sale of this property. Call and inquire how cheap you can buy this. M. J. CLOHESST, ABINGTON BLIKJ. $2500 UNPARALLELED BARGAIN , On a larva corner lot 70x128 feet is a neat substantial 6 room bungalow cottage; newly 1 tainted and tinted throughout Good cement basement built-in convenience, white enamel plumbing fixture, electric lights and gas. On ' Rodney ave. near Detum, just north of Pied- mont; $500 down, entire balance lnre rent. io mortgage or street Uens to assume. SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abincton bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. ALBERTA BUNGALOW BARGAIN $2300 We claim that this is the nicest finished botne in the city for this money ; beau tiful paneled dining room, swell buffet elegant electric fixtures, full cement basement, 1 bedroom and bath down, 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch np: own er has moved to Seattle; now vacant; easy terms; let us show you. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Railway Exchange Building. Main 1094 Open Evenings $5250 ALAMEDA HOME $.'200 VACANT MOVE RIGHT IN 7 room?, strictly modern, 1 bedroom on first floor, 3 above; fireplace, built in bookcases and buffet, white enamel, Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, full cement basement, furnace, paved sts. in and paid, nice lawn and shrubbery, just 2 block from Broadway cariine. Quick action necessary. Terms. C A. WARRINER RITTER, LOWE CO.. 201-3 3-7 Board of Trade Bids. Hawthorne Bungalow $3200 for a fine 5-room, one of the finest lota 49x112, with shrubbery, grapes, bearing fruit and poultry house. This is on Glenn ave., facing east; $1000 cash, bal time. Mar. 829. F. L. BLANCHARD 619-20 RAILWAY EXCHANGE. TWO NEW bungalows for sale by owner. One has combination living and dining ruom witli nice fireplace, two light airy bedrooms, bath, kitchen with built-ins, cement basement with laundry trays. $500 down. Other lias six rooms, living room with mantle, dining room, both having hardwood floors, three bedroom". Dutch kitchen, bath, cement basement $1000 down. Terms. Wdln. 3074. WEST SIDE. $4000 A double constructed home: fireplace, fur nace, hardwood floors, 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch,-double garage; lot 150x100; all varie ties of bearing fruit and large English walnut tree. All improvements in and paid. No in cumbrance. Only $1000 cash required. CARLOS M AUSTENS. 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 3517. MT. TABOR DISTRICT BUNGALOW Neat 5 room well built bungalow, full semi cement basement, ground 50x144, 8 good bear ing fruit trees, nice chicken house, only $2400. Quick action necessary. C. A. WARRINER RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board, of Trade Bjilg $1450 $250 CASH, $15 PER MONTH 7 room plastered house, 30x100 lot; sewers, sidewalks, all paid. 10 - minutes' walk from East Broadway. Main 5988. 417 Abington bldg. Sell. 1355. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW 1 Vt story 7 room bungalow just completed, ou comer lot 50x100; hardwood floors and furnace; immediate noseessiou of a strictly mod ern home at so low a price as $5750, is an opportunity you cannot af'ord to miss. GODDARI) A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark st. FOR SALE by owner, 6 room modern house, 2 lots, on paved ' Oregon City highway ; garage. houBing for 250 thickens. Price Z2000; li.iO cash handles. Balance $20 per month, in cluding interest at 6 per cent. Phone Tabor 2689. Call 6418 82d st. S. E. WE HAVE FOUND ONE 6 room house, hardwood . floors, fireplace, built-ins. full basement, 50x100 lot. This is located on the eat slope of Mount Tabor, and the price is only $2500; terms, of course. Main 5988. Ben H. Jacques, 4 17 Abington bldg. DO YOU WANT A REAL lIONfE? 8 large rooms on north slope of Mt. Tabor, worth $10,000; take $7000 for quick sale: terms; 75x134. beautiful view, lawn, trees and flowers. See it for yourself. Sellwood 2706. $ 1250, Terffsii$250 Cash 5-room house; lot 100x100. Bearing fruit trees, fine garden soil. 245 E. 86th st. Mt Tabor car. VERY excellent home, ready to move intoclose to school, Irrington, large living, hall, dining, kitchen, four bedrooms, sleeping porch, modern. Lawn, 60x100, fruit, garage. East 273. Herd man. IRVINGTON Nice eroorn htTuie furnished; fine furnace, concrete garage, corner lot 50x 100; choice location; 1 block from Broadway car; for sale by owner. Call any time during the day. 674 Schuyler ft FOR quick sale. Account of leaving the city will sell my home in Rose City Park. 6 rooms, full basement, furnace, fine lawn, fruit trees, new garage, in good location; $3700. Tabor 1318. FIVE room bungalow, fireplace, beam ceiling, panel dining room, full basement, corner lot, streets hard-surfaced, sewer in. M-F car 3th st; $2750. $600 cash; sars commission. Owner, A. H. Bell. 231 H Morrison at. $1900 1H BLOCKS K. C. PAHK CAR. Furnished 4 -room bungalow; new furniture; living, dining, beds, bathroom, kitchen, electricity, gas,, dandy 50x100 lot. fine location; must sell quickly, leaving city; terms. Tabor 6359. BY OWNER 6 room plastered house, cement foundation; gas and water; on courUv road; 6 3-5c fare; easy terms. Inquire 206 Starfc t FOR SALE New bungalow, ready skii; block from car. block from Irvington; $3600 half cash. Phone Tabor 78S2. MUST SELL, leaving city, 7 room plastered house, electric light, gas, fruit, berries; only $2600, easy terms. Phone Tabor 6433. $1650 FOR 6 room modem 2 story cottage lot 35x56, at 185 Bancroft ave. St hups, in and paid. Phone owner. Tabor 8721. FIVE room modern bungalow for sale, fruit trees, berries, $2100, by owner. N-S3, Jour, nal. ( $3200 7 ROOM house, lot SOxJOO, fine lawn, 7 trait tree, rosea, furnace, paved, basement; half block off Alberta car. 1070 E. 25th st N. $2000 WILL take Waverly Heights well-built 6-room house, with terms. Call Woodlawn 5072. IF YOU want a good modem house, call up Tabor 142. Lauer Realty Co.. 5018 7 2d st It. Scott car. BY OWNER 5-room house, bath and toilet, gas range included, $2000, $500 cash, bal ance on terms. 1099 E. 28th N. 8 ROOM house, near Union ave. (10x125. Phone East 7038. cloos in; lot 5 ROOM modem bungalow, $3200, "and 8 room modem, 90x144 ground. Tabor 8421. FOR SALE Five room bungalow in Hawthorne district, by the owner. 357 Glenn ave. KENTON district for sale by owners $1700, new 4 room house Woodlawn 6317. $2375 HERE is a snap! $200 cash. 5 rm neat bungalow, 827Wms. ave. Vacant TWO HOUSES tor sale; one partly furnished; one cash. 6225 62d ave., 8. E. Tabor 9449. FIVE room bungalow, eorner lot 85x100; tak light car part payment 6330 E. 60th S. E. SEAL ESTATE JOB SALE HOUSE I e MB Two room shingled shack cottage at P MUwaokie; $10 dowa. $10 monthly. S3 Sift room frame cottage; small lot, &0f nr. Lenta. $160 cash. 810 monthly. fTTwfh Good atsed mnpartitioned plastered 'vVVf cottage: concrete foundation and basement; 845 down, 813 monthly, J"fNO Neat 8 room cottage at 1778 Berth nU wick ,t.; $200 down. 820 monthly. $SSlfn room cottage and lot 67x92; some 5s fruit; fine soil; $300 cash. $10 tnouthly. 7STS 4 rm. unfinished cottage: cor. lot; -'v plenty of material to finish the place; small garage; $100 cash, $29 monthly. 376(01 rm. nam cottage : electric JtV uht; 60x100 ft lot; St Johns line; $100 cash, $16 monthly. $?(( S room frame cottage, celled and OuVy papered; gas lights; small garag near Arbor Lodge school, St Johns; $350 cash. $Q PTfh 6 rm. ceiled and papered cottage on OCV macadamized it. 1 block to Eaaton school, Mt Scott line; $230 cash, $10 monthly; 8 more lot adjoin ing may be bought for $500 addi tional by increasing the monthly payment $10, with no down pay ment $ $ $ tfMMIl Neat S rm. cottage; 50x100; St ysJNUf Totras line; newly painted; $250 cash. $15 month. Ojfllift Neat 8 rm. cottage, 60x100 lot; in condition ; $230 cash, balance easy monthly payments. 4 room plastered cottage at 13S1 Swift st, St Johns; $100 down. $10 monthly. 2 story 6 rm. ceiled house; bath and toilet; good sink; lot 33 l-3x 110; fine garden, good woodshed St Johns; $100 down, $12 monthly (5 11 tl A fT Neat 8 rm. plastered cottsee with JJ 11 il f1V bata jjjj toiirt; completely and newly furnished; near Reed Col lege; $373 cash. $15 mcntliiy. Cfl fl s(T Well built 4 room cottage at 1808 P11 lli1V Foster St.. St Joins line: built-in cupboards; good sink; 5 laxge bear . ing fruit trees; 2 large rows of raspberries; big chicken house and covered run; good woodshed; $450 cash, $10 monthly. 5 fl rPfflMfto Well built 6 rm. plastered bunga (A,W iow type of cottage: electric lights gas; conorcte foundation; small basement; good sink: patent toilet; and fine garden all fenced; close to school; at $250 cash, $15 monthly. Vt acre of land, and good 5 rm. og cottage; plastered on the inside: wired for electric lights; good sink; big shed: $200 cash, $10 monthly. A 5 rm. cottage at 11 W. Hum boldt, near Piedmont car barns; lot 50x100; 7 large assorted bearing fruit trees; house In poor condition; .$73 cash, $17.50 monthly. Here is your-chance, Mr. Handyman. 511200 $ 11 350 t acre of land and 5 room plus- red cottage: Dutch kitchen; patent toilet: mar Lents; T500 cash, $15 monthly. $11 Th a '""y oet Httle nom for the old gas; located at 6438 7 2d st. S. E. ; $300 cash. $20 monthly. $tl fHluT) close-In 5 rm. cotts, with bsth JlO'sJ'U' an1 toilet, located at 602 Ross St., Lower Alblna; rot In he best of condition, but Is good buy; $?00 cash. $1500 4 acre tract near Lents; 3 room plastered shack cottage; splendid garden, all kinds of fruit, berries, grapes, rtc. : chicken bouse, wood 'lied and small bam. $200 casfi, $12.50 monthly. 11 (fTWril A f"001 - Plastered cottage 4 I' i lyvj) plvei st. tn Fulton at 87 Nebrsi n sebrssVs st. : 5 large assorted bearing 'riiit treci; strett liens all paid; nfo cash. Sfl (DyThfl) A well bunt 5 rm. plastered cotUee: U fun basement: ronorete foundation: patent toilet: located on the N. E romer of 14 th and Failing St.: $200 cash. SIS morthlv. We have photographs of all of hee and hundreds of other properties, and plenty of sslesmen with macMnes to tske care of vou Fred W. German Co., 7S2 damber of Com-men-e Open Sundays and evenines. V A CA NT Y A CA N T ' BEAUTIFUL ALBERTA BUNGALOW $3450, Terms iff Desired $3450, Terms iff Desired HOUSE ELEGANTLY CARPETED INCLUDED IN PRICE 1079 East 25th St. No. Modern 5 room bungalow, full basement, cement floor, furr.ace, electric fixtnres, shades, screens, paneled dining-oom. Dutch kitchen, plumbing complete, built-m effects, east front lot 10 ft alley, 100 rn-e bushes, lawn. 5 fruit trees, half block to Alberta car. Deal direct with owner. Open fir inspection 1 to 5 daily. Phone East 0516 until p. m. for appointment REST BUY IN PORTLAND PRETTIEST BUNGALOW IN ALBERTA Hawthorne Bungalows $2500 for a 5-room, on E. 86th; bath, toilet, full basement, large attic and porches; improved street; 1 block from car; $500 cash. $3700 for a fine modern 7-room, on 49th; hardwood, floor, fireplace, buffet; paved streets; north of car; $1200 cash. $3500 for a modem 6-room. on first floor; hardwood floors., fireplace, buffet; $1000 cash. $3700 for 5-rocsn, on Market; fireplace, buf fet, garage, large lot; $1500 cash, balance Urn. Phone Marshall 829. F. L. BLANCHARD 519-20 RAILWAY EXCHANGE. THE McGUIRE SYSTEM Makes home hnvinv p. bv Y mi ,un this office and see over' 700 photographs home for ssle, arranged in tbelr respective dis tricts, with full description. Every horn has been appraised by an expert appraiser; som remarkable bargains. That is why we sold over 600 homes since January 1 this- year. 12 ex perienced salesmen with automobiles at your service. SEE EAST BURNSIDE CORNER 8 room residence with furnace and fireplace, newly decorated and in fine condition; pur chaser with small family can rent sufficient rooms to make $75 per month and make the property pay for ttielf; $1700 will handle; a re lly gnod buy. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Sisrk t L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOMR s Abington bldg. Main 1008 Office Open Evenings and Sundays. NO PROFITEERING HERE 65x100; good big square house, 8 rooms with 4 lovely bedrooms. The place is in finest of con dition (no furnace) ; fin fruit trees and lawn; all improvements in and paid; next to comer of Hawthorne, between 4 3d and 40th sts; posses sion at once; only $4500, small payment down. Thia will appeal to party who wants location and value. JOHN MALONE McCLURE SCHMAUCH CO. 306 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 1503 SPLENDID home Rose City Park, large living. uuiii's, miicneii, ime oaaement, lour bed rooms, sleeping porch, modern. Lawn. 50x100, large f rait trees, close to street car. See it Only $5000., East 273. Herdman. 5 ROOM bungalow, lot64xl00, electricitT!, bath, woodshed, on corner of Colfax and In terstate ave., for $1800. 750 down, balance easy term at 6ffc, C. R. Richards, 1203 Gay st.between J ess up and Killingswortb, BEAUTIFUL Hawthorne district, 8 roonTmodTB home, lot 45x140, fruit trees, shrubbery, etc. This is a real home at a bargain. $4500, $1250 cash, balance easy terms. This place must be teen to oe appreciaieq. f none Tabor 1540. FOR 8 A LIS Modem 6 room bungalow, 2 bed rooms, living room, dining room, Dutch kitch en, cement basement, laundry trays, terms. 1034 E. Caru tlier st. owner. $250 CASH $1100 TERMS 5 room house, gas, electricity, bath, side, walks in, paid, block to car on 79th st Call Tabor 8364 after 3 p. m. A-l HOME Irvington. Bving7 dining-ban."" 3 bedroom, sleeping porch, basement, furnace, lawn, 60x100. choice shrubs, f rait trees, garage! See this. East 273. Herdman. ROSE CITY PARK 6 rooms, garage, modem every respect: 3 bedrooms, full cement basement exceptional bargain; owner leaving city. Tabor 6807 7-ROOM plastered house: electricity, gas, side walk, fruit trees, 2 lots, $2250, terms. Also furniture for aale. H-A car to 67th. 8544 66th st FOR SALE 7 room'house, lot 60xl007arae. 868 E. Pin BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES 1 WHAT IS YOUR .ANSWER? CONTtXUE PAYING RENT AND RE MAIN FOREVER HOMELESS, OR TO DAY INVESTIGATE WALNUT PARK PLAN AND OWN A HOME OF YOUR OWN ? Many are building beautiful home in Walnut Pars, WHY NOT YOU! Lot are 50x100 ft. with 15 ft alley, streets paved and paid for. Convenience of S oar lines, also Jefferson high chool and library. Extra inducement of 6 more homes thia week. Win you be on of th 6 Save commission by dealing with owner. W. M. KILLINGSWORTH, Office 1149 Union ave. Offioe Hours. 10-12 a. m. Phon-j apt., Wdln. 3304 or Wdln. 051. UNUSUAL VALUES $1500 Brentwood, Mt Scott line. 8 rooms. rlasured, sewer, modem, gaa and city water. 2 lots, fruit garage. A first Haas home for the money. $250 ca-h. $1500 Omaha, near Lombard. 4 room bun galow, garage and chicken boose, ai)x 100 lot All cah. A nice home. $2350 H2d st. near Division. Nice well built r room cottage, full basement, cement lloor. beautiful lot 45x110. fruit, etc. Don't overlook Uli. $1000 cash. $3800 Hawthorn Richmond, fl room modern bungalow, hardwood floor, bookcases. fireplace, buffet A beautiful horn at bargain price, $1000 rash. Fractional lot B. F. FEEMPTER 309 Abington bldg. Marshall 809. $2500 ROSE CITT DISTRICT On E. 68th st. north of the ear. is an artis tio 5 room bungalow, living room, solid paneled dining room, masaivs built-in buffet whit Dutch kitchen: soreened-in back porch. 2 light airy red rooms, white enamel plumbing, good attic, full cement basement, laundry trays. Can ar range terms. We have over 600 photographs of inspected homes In our offioe for sale: 12 ex perienced salesmen with autoa at your service. Seo our display of over 600 photographs of Domes for sale. Auto at your service. SKE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. . Abington bldg. Main 1008. Office Open Evenings ind Sundays, $3950 REALBUNGALOW" HOME An ideal buncalow with low ramblinz lines on a large lot with paved street Urns paid in tnu. Has 6 rooms. Music room, living room with fireplace, very pretty paneled dining room with massive buffet, Dutch kitchen, 3 bedrooms white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas full cement basement; furnace and laundry trays woodwork finished in old ivory and white enam el. Attractive lawn. Abundance of fruit and flowers. Located in the Hawthorne-Richmond district East of I-add addition. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home, Abington Bldg.' Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. PRICE REDUCED IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ONLY $2250 In order to make quick sale I hav just out the pnee on this 5-room bungalow to $2Z5i) If you want a wonderful bargain get busy. A cheerful, well built home. l.arge attic, full basement, laundry tray, Dutch kitchen, A-l plumbing fixtures. Located East Mt. Tabor, right on Mt Tabor car line, in good neighbor hood. Best car service in the city. See owner, 215 Lumberuieus bldg., or phone Broadway 421, ask for Hill. EXTRA VACANT KOH IMMEDIATE POSSKSSION 7 room, nearly new modern bungalow, very i:lon in, on paved street, lull basement, furnace heat, close to school, 2 blocks from 2 car lines, some fruit and berries. This house is offered at $2250 if taken this week. JlOOti cash, balance monthly. May consider little smaller first payment to responsible party. OSCAR GERHAUSER 403-4 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 8075. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW 6 rooms with all built-ins. hardwood floors, woodwork white enamel, furnace, fireplace, buffet, new and ready to move in to immediately, lot 60x100. street hardsurfaced. sewer connec tions in and paid. Pri-e $4 7 50. JOHNSONDODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787 PIEDMONT BEAUTY This I an exceptionally well built home. Win have to be seen to be appreciated; 7 large rooms, strictly modern, "a inch hardwood fcloors, fire place, built in bookcases and buffet, good base ment and furnace, paved sts. in and fiaid. full east front lot, garage, nice lawn and shrubbery. 2 blocks from car. Let us show you this, price $7000. Terms. C A. WARRINER RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $2500BUNGALOW EFFECT$2500 Lot 80x125. several fruit trees heavily laden, terries, garden, chicken house, etc: dwelling in splendid condition, practically modern ; very i r-try homo See photo in our office Terms. MITCHELL & RIPPEY, 323 29 HENRY BLIx; , CPU. 4TH AND OAK Irvington Residence $8250 for one of the finest 7 rooms on E. 18th, with 2 fireplaces. 2 toilets living room clear across the front, hardwood floors upstairs and down; large basement and a residence built for a home. Something ont of the ordinary for the price. Phone Marshall F. L. BLANCHARD 510 20 RAILWAY EXCHANGE. BIG SNAP LARGE GROUNDS AND HOUSE 8 room well built house in fine shape, ground 100x11 about, 15 good bearing fruit trees, abundance of berries. OwneT leaving city: mnst sell. Just one block from car. Price $2800; $500 cull will handle. Balance eauy. C. A. WARRINER RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5 -7Board of Trade Bldg. THINK OF"THIS YOU WANT YOUR MONEYS WORTH You will certainly find it here; strictly modem nome wim sleeping porcn, auxxuo lot, only of'41"'0' t-rau; B. ft POND REALTY CO 1230 Sandy blvd. Tabor 3825. Office Open Sundays and Evenings. BEAUTIFUL modern 5 room bungalow on cor ner lot SOilOO, situated in the choicest part of Rose City Park; ba hardwood floors, . fire place, furnace snd Dutch kitchen, etc., also enrage. This place has not been on the mar ket before and should be seen at once. Call evenings at house No. 414 East 47 th treet North, comer Hancock, or sec C. A. WAGNER. 230 Stark ft. $2350$750 CASH P.1153 a modi:rn7 room bungalow in Mt Scott district This place cost $3000 to build it Come in and see it W. A. WRIGHT, Main 5988. 417 Abington bldg. Sell. 1353. MULTNOMAn H ACRE AND BUNGALOW! Fine H acre. In fruit, garden, etc. ; good 8-room bungalow, electric lights, 4 bedrooms, garage, etc., at Multnomah station, on west side. Price $3000, about $500 cash and $25 per month, O per cent Ask for Mr. Currie with GRUSSI A BENNETT, 318 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. FOR SALE By owner, leaving city, substan tial honse, dandy view; fruit trees, full lot, worth $4000; 5 large rooms, big attic, full ce ment basement furnace; would cent about $3000 to build: close to Broadway and Steel bridges; price $5750, including $1600 worth furniture, for quick sale. Call East 7295 after 5 p. m. FOR SALE Furnished 4 room house, move right in $1650, 300 down. $20 a mo. snd interest Near ear and school. Also have modern 5 room house for $3200, $300 down, reasonable terms. Call Sunday 5520 70th st. and Millard ave. Mt Scott car. 7 ROOM howe, 100x100 feet of land, fruit, garden and chicken lot; reasonable price. No phone. Take an M-V car, 3d and Morrison, and come out and look at it; get off at E. 75th st. 1 block north: 169 E. 75tii st N. By owner. A BARGAIN For sale by owner, large 6 room hou?e; bam; 3 lots, centrally located at St Johns ; good gs.rd.-n. Call Col. 23 2 MODERN 6 room bungalow, fireplace, builtin bookcases snd buffet Dutch kitchen, cement basement with laundry trays. $3600. Cash $1500. Owner 246 K. 63d st 6 ROOM home, completely furnished; modem in every respect; fine district: terms. Pbon. Tabor 8849. IEVlS'GTON specialist on borne and building lots; have anything yon want, cheap. East 78. W. H. Herdman. ONE-HALF acre, E. Mill tt,.. with modem bun galow. Choice fruit Term. Speer, 182 E. 39th. Tabor 38. or 589 alter p. m. FOR SALE 6 room modem bungalow, price $2500, $800 down, Bala nee terms. 470 Hohnan st. I'boW Woodlawn 6214. $1150 FOCR room house, fine location, gang, fruit. Term. Sellwood 2168. REAL EftTATR FOB SALE HOUSES 1 Rose City Bungalow - $1900 Completely Furnished 4 -room plastered bungalow only 1 W block from Rom City car near 72 nd. Ha gas, elec tricity, niee garden, shrubbery, berries; only 4 year old. Furnished rotnplet. including piano, dining set, range, gas plate, everything, and prac tically brand new. Must bo (old before Monday night: owner tearing for the East Must hav $1000 cash. Call early Monday or the place will be gone. It'a easily worth $2750. G. G. McCORMIC CO., 242 Washington St. 7 ROOM modem house, large lot, near ear line; luo; iao casti. 6 room modern house. 1 acre in fruit, on county road, across th street from city limits. private water supply, a bargain for gsooo; $1000 cash. . 5 room modem bouse. lot 41x141. in fruit, 1 block to car line; $1850; $500 cash. 4 room plastered bouse, patent toilet, cement walk paid, large lot in garden: $1250; $250 cash. 3 room bouse, furnished, hot and cold water, near car line; $1000; $200 cash. 2 rexgn house, lot 40x120, in fruit, on im proved street: $650; $200 cash. NEIL SMITH. 6514 Foster road. Tabor 1931. BUNGALOW 3h Street Lot 104x152 $5250 MODERN BUNGALOW 52D$3150 Main 6882Main 5456 . IIIM(CTN uS Bungalow type, ultra-modem. In most rx- elusivH part of Irvidgton, stucco finish, 6 rooms, oak floors and sleeping porch; all in perfect oondition. Terms can be arranged. WAKEFIELD, FRIES A CO.. f 5 Fourth st BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME Moot artistic home in Irvington; never offered for aale before. This is a gem. Price $12,500, terms. CALL ON US. H. H. URDAHL UO. (INC.) Main 62 5 2. 322 Abington bldg. $2830 ADJOINING LAUREliU.'RBT Very homelike, substantial 5 room bungalow eottage; white enamel plumbing; electric lights and gaa. On a 50x100 lot with abundance ot fruit, flowers and shrubbery. On E. 80th st. near Oak. adjoining Laurelhuret A BARGAIN. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington blda. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. ROSE CITY PARK 6 room bungalow, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, white enamel woodwork, cement b-e- I ment, east front, new, clean and vacant; lot 6Ui 100 comer, with liariHirfac cd street and aewcr in and paid. Price $5000. J0HNS0ND0DS0N CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787 $2650 KAST 62D STREET Mr. Horn sleeker, you sure are making a great mistake. If you pass this up A modern bungalow of 5 rooms, besides a large attic with 3 finished rooms. Yes, it baa a full basement and is convenient to car and school. Always consult us when loing for a home. A. K. HILL CO., 215 lumbermen bldg. SHtOOM-BUNGA'fW".- foOx 1 OOT'FRUIT' Nice 6-room bungalow, fireplace, basement, cabinet kitchen, ' bedrooms, sleeping porch, garage, comer 100il00. 9 fine bearing fnsit trees, lots of fall fruit, garden, chicken house snd run, 1 block to car, on N. W. corner. 44th snd 58th ave. S. E. Price $3000; $1000 cash and $2 5 per mntb. GRUSSI A BENNETT, 318 Board of Trade Big. Main 7452. $200 CASH $200 : -BALANCE LIKE RENT 7 rooms, part basement, elect, gas, severs! good bearing fruit Trees, full lot, about 2 blocks from car. Price $1500. WATCH OUR ADS VK CET RESULTS C. A. WARRINER RITTER. LOWK A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trad. Bldg. NEW modern bungalow, 5 rooms, hardwood floors, white enamel finish, fire-place, all built in effect. Dutch kitchen, screened back porch; double constructed, builder bought the material under the market and Ls giving you the benefit. Price $3750, small jiaynvnt, six per cent on all the balance. O. W. Bryan, 509 Cham, of Com. Main 1903, Sunday and evenings Mar shall 80.'. Six rooms, strictly modern (less furnace). rine condition, fine limrd-surface streets and paid. E. 40th. a beautiful lot and nice surroundings ; 3!iin tcrm MITCHELL RIPPEY, 32 29 HENRY BLDG. MAIN 2534. OWNER leaving city dedies to m:11 Wot Side home, 5 room bungalow on improrvd treet one block to car and school, newly painted and tinted, basement, furnace, muni plumbina. bouse Is neat and clcnn Price 2 700 $1000 cash. JOHNSONDODSON CO. 633 N. W BANK BLDG. MAIN 37H7 ONLY $300 DOWN Four room buncalow. located three blocks from Alberta car. 60x100 lot Shade trees, 2 fruit trees hprrv husht. Price tllOISk flood ltn. tion. Easy terms on balance. John Ferguson, Gerlinger Bldg. $17fi0 FOR a fine 4 room on comer lot 50x 100, near bandy. Owner must sell on ac count of sickneAs. A fine bungalow In fine cond tion. Some terms. Marshall 829. F. L. BLANCHARD 6 19 20 Railway Exchange. MODURN 7 room double-corc-tructed house, ga rage, other outbuildings, 2 cultirsted seres, fruit. )ust outside city; near school, cariine and Improved otreel; bet plumbing. 2 toilets. Fox furnace. Price $6000; includes winter's wood, range and linojeum. Term or trade. Owner, 80115 6Sth ave S. E Tabor 4476. A-WELL built room house, near school, 80s 100 lot The house Is vacant, can more right in. Price $1500. Small payment down, balance like rent C. F ADAMS. 607 Chm. of Commerce. Merihall 2675. ' PORTLAND- HEIGHTS " By owner, splendid si'c for residence or apartment bouse, beautilul view of city and mountains, tcmiwrary houe. Price $4000; 1000 down, $50 monthly installments. Mar- shall 3307. SACRIFICE BY OWNER 11 room bouse and lot 60 by 106, on comer of First snd Whittaker streets. South Port land. $5500 takes It if sold this week: terms. Write D. T. Bernath, Marion he tel. First and Madison sts. FOIlTsALE BY OWNER Modern 4 large room house, toilet, bath, front porch, fruit trees, berries, flowers, 'i basement; $1800; $600 down, balance $30 per month, 7 per cent in terest 64 30 70th st, S. E. WHY NOT BUILD f Get an artistic borne by an established cbi tectural firm at low cost. We build anything; furnish the money if desired. L. R. Bsiley Co., Inc.. contracting architect. 924 N. W. Bank. FOlfATjEBY OWNER, MODERN 7 ROOM HOUSE; ALL BUILT-IN IVORY KITCHEN. FURNACE AND FIREPLACE; $3750. TERMS, lis" rVON ST. NEAR 30TH. RICHMOND C A it . i FINE home. Highland addition, large jiving, hall, dining, kitchen, three bedrooms, modern, fine basement, furnace, lawn 75x100 eorner. fruit and shade trees. All for $5500. East ' 273. Herdman. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE! Modem 7 room kouae, corner lot 100x100, oak floor and fireplace. Hsrd surface street ail paid for. All built-in conveniences. Owner leaving the city. Phone Woodlawn 3229. 0 ROOM modern, with fireplace, furnace, near park and 2 ear lines; central East Hide; standard lot, nice lawn, garden and chicken houe. Owner, East 8590. $1500 TERMSROSE CITY PARK ("Alt 4 large airy rooms, elecriclty, bulb, gas, full plumbing, nice larg comer lot fine garden, shrubbery, etc.. vacant Tabor 6659. COME OUT and see my modem b-roous bungw low for sale. $3100; $700 down. 491 E. 87th st W. R. car. Call Mr. or Mr. Warner. E. 1040. 6-ROOM furnished bungalow and 100x100 lot 3 blocks from M. S. car Iki. at Woodmer. station, $2700. Harold 8. Gilbert, 884 Yam hill it. FOR HALE 88500; 5 room house, lot 50x125, Sacramento st near Union ave. Owner, East 8009. FOUR rooms and breakfast room. H dem, eomer lot 60x100. Fhoo Columbia U087. BEAI, ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES IT $4878 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW On E. 6 2d st, below the hill, is an srtrscti'e typical bungalow, like new; reception hail; large ' living room with fireplace nd built-in bookcase: beamed ceiling; solid paneled dining room with Plate rail; Inlaid hardwood floors: white lutch' kitchen; central hall. 2 Unlit, airy bedmont, white enamel plumbing. eW'trio lights and gas., large floored attic, good cement basement, fur nace and laundry tray; full lot; paved street, liens paid in full. .We hare over 600 photo graph of appraised homes for sale. Autos at' your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE' To Bur Your Home Abington bldg Main 1068. Office trpen Kvanlngi Ind Smi.larv i IN PARK FOSE. $2630 SUBURBAN HOME. On H acre tract, 1 block from Sandy blvd.. paved road, 2 blocks to car lin. 2 blocks to school, S blocks to store, 4 nice rooms, attic, big fife place and bis. men t; ground all chared and young bearing fruit trees; chicken houses with runs, sightly location: this is indeed good buy;, th interior finishing ia not quite complete, but place may be occupied while finishing; the fur niture is slso included tn the price; poasessloa very quickly; terms, ! cash. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. HEIGHTS TERRACE Cost $9000. Magnificent rum of city and mountains: oak floors up ami down, 2 fire places, sleeping porrh, mi.-ihh (mating plant, porcelain bath fixture au.l mMr. Here is an opportunity to obtain a pain tin I home ou tin west side, walkiiu? distance from the heart of til city, tt one third of It actual value, WAKEFIELD. FRIES 4 CO., 8 3 Fourth st. NORTH PIEDMONT DISTRICT 6 room bungalow with reception hall, living' and dining room H nn'tienl. with wide pr tierre opening, three I . -.t i . . . m . ami bath opening on to central hall, fireplac, plumbing, nice elec tric fixture)., corner ht "Hli ulrt'et Improvement paid. Price $2700. $050 t,aah, balance like rent J0HNS0ND0DS0N CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg.'. Main 3787 SfWCTLY MODERN BUNGALOW Fine l,i nlry rooms; every convenience; 501 Hit i t 'iTth st near Thompson in It .wa rn -r- I ."roo. A beautiful home MITCHELL & RIPPEY, :f.M :' hi HV BLIm; , roll. 4TH AN D OAK i3'76 CASH $87.1 BALANCE TO SUIT II,-. i-. a neat 3 room cottage and bath, u-.i.'-l in back porch can b. ued for wn ini! i.h, good basement, some fruit, two short l.l.'f k, to car. This has anything beat JoI Inn. iter seen. Price $1500 ' A. WAUIUNUU RITTKIt. LOWE A '0 . 201-3 5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. I'I.KVE!.A.D AVE. NICH HOME"! I'ine tl room house, .lee. full cement be)- nl, laundry trays, buffet, cabinet kitchen, bedroom, corner lot. 00x100, j.aved streets, all paid, some fine fruit trees nn.l small fruits, chicken house and run; 948 Cleveland are., . Prescott; prici $3700, $1200 cash. GRUSSI BENNETT, 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7488. NICE BUNGALOW $2250. Only 22 minutes out on Mt. Scott car; large front room, 2 large bclroAms, dining room, kitchen, pantry, hath, lights, gas, laundry trays; nice yard with fruit; c - ment walks; 8 block to car; $150 dis count for half cash. Mutual Realty Co., 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 1G43. 995 E. 2 1ST NORTH $475 CASH$2975 Siv vnnm bungalow, floored attic, full innnt; vacant use pass key in rear door? paved ureet 60x100 lot EDWARD A. BROWN CO 303 Railway F.xc1ing. Bldg Main 8688. NEAR LaI'REI.HURST PARK $2500 buft's a 6 room h.siie all on one floor, ex ceptionally large moms and so ar ranged that you can hae 8 bedroom If desired; full bssement, wash trayng, paved street paid; garage; no mortgage to assume. .1 A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Railway Exchsngs Building. Main 101(4 Open Evenings $3600$500 CASH 6 room, 60x100 lot, full cement basement ; piped tor furnace; paved st all paid; Hawthorne diotrict. W. A. WRIGHT, Main 6988. 417 Abington bldg. Sell. 1858. "$4650" Here is a delightful Imme of 6 room and sleeping i-orr. fireplace, furnace, gsragc. comer lot. paved atreets. Choice location, cloa. In Laur.lhurst park, convenient to Sunnyslde car. It's sure to please you. Look it up. A. K. Hill Co., 215 Lumbermen bldg. $3800 buyia beautiful new strictly modern r.wim home, exoept furnace: nerer le-n occupied; this home cmld not b duplicated for the money and $5U0 ra.h will handle. J A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Railway Exchange Building. Msln ion; Open Evenings - $3500 FOR a 7 ruom bungalow with fireplace. ' built-in buffet, full basement, Dutch kitchen garage, paved ftrcets, 2 bias, from Irvington cui. This bungalow is in fine condition and only llioo ciuth to handle. Marshall 020. F. L. BLANCHARD 519 20 Hallway . Exchange. Irvington Residence $(5500 for a very fine C roru, with sleeping 1 porrh. fireplace, buffet, all hardwood, floors 1 downstair : kitchen and bedrooms Jn "white; ?" on u,e T,',",!,1 land. Call and see it at 4H E 27th U. North, between Thompson and IN ROSE CITY PARK, the best part, of It. on 5:td st , is an up-to-date modern to the last notch 5 room bungalow, sleeping porch and everything else that goes with It, with a new up-to-date bungslow and a full lot. Price is only M400 $2001) cah still handle it. M. i. 4'fOHK.SSY. ABINGTON Bl.arG . 5 Room House $1500 Comer lot 75x100, 16 iargo fruit treea, 100 feet of sidewalk -ld for, berries. grajMss, rbiM to S llwood chnol and bank; easy temr. Bruce iWP1s.riI.502 j;'ur!i bldg. 32 '. ) A L I '.E iVt :A B A IK : A I N $ 325V Fine large modern 2 story bonne with sleep- ' tng porch, full basement beautiful grounds 100g 100 et In fruit, grape and berries, near Al berta on lfltn lit. $500 ca'b You ran t b-at this. R. F. FEEMSTER. 309 Abingtonjildg. FIVE room bungalow, inod. rn, near cariine. Alo 6 room licine and garage, near high school, hi acre, well fmproted and close in. For sal or exchange for small farm ner Greilurii or Hood Itivfr. AIo 3 good relin quishment I'bon. Tsbor 2400 IFT07fKrNOfnr cy home seeTTlIS: Lot 6112-3x110, 3 rooms, small kitchen, bath. 10 bearing fruit trees, grapes, chicken run. Cement walk. gas. St Johns car. Price $1450. Some terms. 3i0 Syracuse St. FOlt SALE FurnWied 4 'room house, fiatS room, half bajfemrnt. garage, chicken. Lut SOxlOO. Cash price $2000 or $10OO, balance ea y terms. 124 Weet 30!u st, Vancouver, Wash. A RARE CHANCE Crmer FaM 9tb and Elbw irth st, 8 room, modern house, lot 60x85; pric (2000; caab 5o0, bal. like rent; b qnick. East 2871. IOVE A GARDNER. 410 Board of Trade. STOP. LOOK AND LISTEN $2250 5-room cottage cloee in; walking dis tance ; fine lawn, 50x125 lot. garage, shrubbery. near Union sr.. bbxk to beat oar service. 4 07 Morri t Eaot 6287. FOR 8AIJC by owner, 5-room bungalow in ex cellent conditions. 3405 E. 55th t, on block north of Powell Valley road. Phone M1M, SCNXYSIDE bargain. $2750, wltfTifToO down, good 6 room house, very Urge sleeping porch, lot 50x100. Imit trues, between both car line. II H. Staub, 1027 Belmont, week Tabor 219. GET IN to" THE REAiUHkStATB BtSINtSS Office for sale iu Miburh for $73. French windows; cost t2.rU build Cn Tabor 1212. MODERN 5-room "cottage in Peninsula Park dl trict $250 down, balituce like raid. Take Mis sissippi csr 1240 MinnirsotA sr. RAItC;AL" $1400 7-roora house and lot, half block K 11 wood car line; fireplace, fruit tree, etc. Terms. Owner, 639 Rcedway t NOW VACANT $2900 C room hott. newly painted, in excellent shape E. 30th and Biintside. Open. East 2871, FOR SALENS- room hmi. M 100x100: $2250; $500 down. Phone Sellwood 5428. , FOR HA1.E Houie, 6 rooms, price low. Owner, Phone Mar. 682 Momlay. - . $1600 buys 6 room modern bungalow at Itv. , mont. Owner. Tabor 'g70Q MODERN 5 room cement block bungalow, fiu rdooed to $2790. Owner, Wdln, 6818. 1 1