THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1919. i 1 V GOOD WITH LOAD OF BULK WHEAT West Islay Reaches New York With Cargo Intact, Says Re port From Captain F. S. Bierd. TERMINAL BIDS ARE OPENED Automatic Carrier System for Public Docks Proposed at Commission Meeting. The first steamer to leave the Co lumbia river as a bulk grain carrier, the "West Islay," is making splen did progress, according to a letter from her master, Captain F. S. Bierd, read at a meeting of the commission of public docks this morning. Tim question of whether or not grain could be carried in bulk cargoes fFom tli in coast for long distances has occas ioned much discussion among local Bhip jjlnpr interests, but the success of the "West Islay" in this work, according to C"aptaln Bierd, would not seem to leave much doubt as to the feasibility of car rying grain in this manner from the west coast. The "West Islay" sailed from Astoria early in July, and reached New York by way of the Panama canal on Augunt 22. Heavy weather was encountered in the Caribbean sea, but occasioned the ship no trouble. At New Tork, Captain Bierd said, the grain inspectors made a most thorough inspection and afterwards said that they had never seen a grain cargo in bettor shape. The ship received highest com mendation from the inspectors because of the efficient manner in which rec ords of hold and air temperatures were kept and for the ventilation system. The cargo whs closely watched during the voyage, but there was no heating and not a trace of skin sweating, Cap tain Bierd reported. The carpo has now been consigned and sold in St. Nazaire, France, and the vessel Is now on its way overseas. Bids for further work at the St. Johns municipal terminal were opened at today's meeting of the commission. Among these were bids for paving the roadway, submitted by K. O. Ijunstrum and the Warren Construction company, for electric dock trucks, tractors, cranes and batteries, far a charging plant for storage battery trucks, and for the in stallation of a sprinkler system. Bids on the latter ranged up to J46.000. All of the bids were referred to the commis sion engineer for further Investigation and report. The commission also took tip the matter of extending the St Johns car line to the municipal terminal and it was stated that the public service com mission will give a hearing at 4 p. m. October 10, at the courthouse. The con struction involved covers about one mile. The shipping board applied for permis sion to build an open shed for housing shipbuilding equipment at the Orant-Smith-Porter property on Bradford street in St. Johns. The board decided to investigate a suggestion from 1 C. Knapp in regard to establishment of automatic carrier systems on the municipal docks to take the place of the present, hand truckage. LONGSnORKMKN STRIKE ENDS Pickets Withdrawn and Police Re lieved for Duly. Waterfront conditions Merc nearly re stored to normal again today as a result of the ending of the joint strike of the cereal workers' and longshoremen's unions Wednesday. Work was not resumed until this morning, when picketing had ceased and the polk-e guard was removed. The res cat workers and grain handlers met "Wednesday afternoon and at the con clusion T,. J. Wteinford, their business agent, announced a termination of ttie strike. The longshoremen, who struck in sym pathy with the other organizations, re turned to work today as soon as the ships were available for loading. No agreement in regard to the new SHE WAS TOLD HER CONDITION IT But After Taking Tanlac Feels So Fine She Thinks Nothing of Walking Forty Blocks. "It's certainly wonderfui to wake up every morning: feeling so well that you're just glad to be living, but that's what Taftlao lias done for me." said Mrs. K. Montgomery of 1329 Laguna street, San Francisco, Cal., a few days ao. , "I have suffered from Indigestion and stomach trouble ever since I was a grirl," she continued, "but about two years ago I began to have acute attacks and I went down from 168 pounds to 108. I wasn't able to eat anything without ter rible suffering: afterward and I was so weak that for one whole year I speut almost all my time in bed and lived on nothing but malted milk. I suffered constantly with pains around my stom ach and heart. I was so nervous it was almost impossible for me to sleep and night after night I'd sit propped up un til almost morning, but thanks to Tanlac I'm now well and happy. "I read In the papers about Tanlac doing so much good for suffering pe.o ple and now I know it's the most wot derful medicine in the world. I bepan to get relief before I'd f intoned the fit 3t bottle and now, after taking a fv.ll course, I have a splendid appetite and can eat any kind of food and never suffer the least bit afterwards. I never have a pain of any kind now, and I haven't been able to way that for 10 years. I've already gotten back 14 pounds and I Bleep the whole night through and get up in the morning feel ing refreshed and full of energy. Why, , I think nothing now of walking 10 blocks and I'm doing all my own , housework again. Tanlac" has certainly been a blessing te me and I feel it my duty to tell the public about it." ' Tanlac is sold in Portland by The Owl Drug company. Adv. NO SEROUS Horses May Have Struck Against Use of Trucks Horses that did not know the flour mill strike was virtually ended started a strike of their own early today. The pasture lot at the frot of PettygTove street was the scene of the demonstration. The horses had been relegated to the pasture because of the fractious ness they manifested toward nw teamsters who had temporarily re placed the olrf teamsters. Trucks were then called Into play for 6. 11 very purposes. At night the trucks were parked in the pasture with the horses. This morning the truck drivers found their machines badly muti lated. Sides were dented and bat tered, wind shields were broken, mudguards were twisted and paint was rubbed off. Iron shod horse hoofs showed plainly in all the dam age, dissipating the first suspicion that the striking teamsters migbt have had a hand in it. conditions sought by the grain handlers seems to have been reached, inasmuch as the strike had for its object the enforce ment of the closed shop policy and this was not achieved. The operators of the mills say that no conferences were held with the labor representatives and that no concessions were made. The West Munham began today load ing flour at the St. Johns terminal. The West Cheswald was shifted today to the grain elevator to load a full cargo and the steamers vv est Pocasset and West Siletz have been assigned for October tlour loading. Increase in Rates Asked San Francisco, Sept. 25. (I. N". S.) Declaring that an analysis of its earn ings and expenses for the seven months ending July 31. 1919, shows a loss to the company of 1166,463.29. tho Pacific S. B. company has replied to the state rail way commission for an order author izing an increase in freight rates. Returns With Same Freight The steamer Hose City wJH bring back to Portland all the freight bhe took to Kan Francisco on her last trip when she returns tonight. The Itose City was able to discharge only passengers and bag gage and autos that were carried on the deck, because of the longshoremen's strike at the Golden (jatc. The Rose City will continue on her run in spite of tho strike, her operators say, accepting freight, subject ,o delay. Channel to Re Improved Aberdeen, Wash., Sept. 25. The chan nel opposite Grays Harbor city will be increased from 150 to 200 feet and deepened to 22 feet at low tide by the dredge Seattle, which has been sent here. Stcanicr Reaches Port San Francisco. Sept. 2.r. (I. N. S.) The Coob Bay Lumber company's steam ship Johanna Smith, which was in a collision with the steamer LaPrimera Tuesday in a dense log, arrived yester day under her own steam and proceeded to Bay Point to discharge 1440 feet of lumber. Captured Sub Coming Here San Francisco, Sept.' 25. (I. N. K) Tho captured (Jerman submarine U-88, which has been undergoing repairs at Mare Island, is again at her slip. She leaves Monday for Portland and Seattle. ALL ALONG THE WATERFRONT The steamer Waikikl, recently com pleted at Astoria, is making her trial trip up the river today, ana upon ar rival will be loaded for the Columbia Pacific Shipping company, to whom the vessel has Deen assigned. The West Cheswald was shifted to the cicvator dock at 8 o'clock this morning to load flour. The fishing bark Berlin of the Alaska salmon fleot will go into drydock as oon as work is completed on the steel freighter Waban. Because of delay in the completion of the hull, launching of the Forest I'ride, one of the four barkentines now being built by the Grays Harbor Motorehip corporation, which was scheduled for Saturday of this week, has been post poned for another week or 10 days. News of the Port Arrivals StpUmber 25 Colonel E. E. Drake, American steamer, from San Francisco, oil. MARINE ALMANAC Weather at Riser Mouth North Head. Sept. 25. Conditions at the mouth of the rirer at noon: Clear, wind north 20 miles, sea smooth, weather clear, humidity 54. Tldss at Astoria Friday High Water N Low Water 2:83 a. m. ...7.4 feet 9:10 a. m....l.6 feet 2:4 7 p. m....S.3 feet 9:44 p. m 0.0 foot DAILY RIVER READINGS 8 :00 a. m. , Pacific "summer" time. STATIONS. -3 K 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (-) EaUine. RIVER FORECAST I The Willamette river at Portland will re I niain nearly stationary during the neit two or three days except as affected by the tide. AT NEIGHBORING PORTS Actoria. Vt 25. Left np at :30 last night. Jteamer Colonel E. K Drake, from San Fran cisco. Sailed, at 11 last night, steamer Waahte naw, for fort San Luis. Arrired down, at 1 :30 a. m., schooner Alumna. Sailed at mid night, steamer Aspiuhill. for United King dom, from Grays Harbor. Arrired, at 10:05 a. m., steamer Kose City, from San Fran oico. Left lip, at 10:30 a. m. Sailed, at noon, schooner Alumna, for Sydney. Monterey, Sept. 24. Sailed, steamer William F. Herrin, for Portland. San Francisco. Sept. 24. ArriTe4. at noon, steamer Oleum, from Portland. Astoria. Sept 24. Left up, at noon, steamers laremont and La Primera. Sailed, at 1:10 p m.. steamer J. A. Chanslor, for GarioU. Ar rired, at 5 :30 p. m., steamer Colonel E. L. Drake, towing barge 93, from San Francisco. San Francl-co, Sept. 25. (I. N S ) Ar rived: Gold Shell. Los Angeles. 8 :15 a. m. : Sea Foam. Mendocino, 6 :SO a. m. ; Jap steamer Penria Mam. Orient. 6:55 a. m. ; Wahkeena, Redondo. 1015 a. m.; Bark Star of England, Bristol Bay. 11:30 a. m. Sailed; Oleum. Portland. 5 a. m. San Francisco. Sept. 25. (I. N S.) Ar rired 24th: Olenm. Astoria. 11:50 a. m. Hclene, Grays Harbor. 12:45 . m.; Johanna' Smith. Multifield. 1 p. m. ; Raymond, Los Angeles, 2:20 p. m. ; British bark Rona Well ington. 2:40 p. m.; Admiral Schley, Un An geles, 3:45 p. m. Sailed 24th: Barge 91 in tow for EI Segundo. 1 p. m. ; I large Erakine M. Phelps m tow for Port San Luis, 2:45 p m Schooner Fearless. Port Towneend. 3:15 p m La Br., Port San Lais, 4:25 p. .; Aia! Seattle. 'p. m. ; Raymond, Ortys Harbor. 7:15 p. m. ; Humboldt. Los Angeles, 7-20 p. ra. Store Brings $10,000 Raffaele Bonofiglio was given 810,000 for his store and lot at Fourth and Sheridan streets by a Jury In Circuit Judge Gantenbein's court In the con demnation proceedings brought by tl.o city of Portland for the acquisition of property for public playgrounds in Mar quam gulch. Imatilla 1:5 i.6 -0.1 Albany 20 0.8 0 Salem 20 -0.6 0 Oregon City 12 4.2 -0 1 Portland 15 .4 rt . 8 Brewer Funeral To Take Place in Woodland, Friday The funeral of Frederick O. Brewer, who died Tuesday in this city, will be held at 10 o'clock Friday morning at the Woodlawn M. E. church, with final services tn Castlerock, Wash., The Skewes Undertaking company will have charge of arrangements. Mr. Brewer was for eight years a grocer in Wood lawn. s He was a native of Mount Mor ris, N. Y., and was in his sixty-first year. Before coming to Portland, he re sided for a number of years at Castle rock and held membership in the A. O. U. W. there. Mr. Brewer Is survived by his widow, Mrs. Sophia M. Brewer, two daughters, three brothers and one sister. Edward C. James Funeral services were held this after noon at the chapel of the Skewes Un dertaking comWy for Edward C. James, who dierf Wednesday at his home, 409 Collegd street, at the age of 36. The Loyal Cyder of Moose, Port land lodge, No. 291, had charge of the ceremony. Interment was in Riverview cemetery. Mr. James was a native of Wales and had resided in Portland since 1890. He was a blacksmith by occupa tion. Surviving relatives are his widow, Mrs. Arzeila James ; father, J. J. James ; brother, George James ; sister, Mrs. Charles Moll, all of this city. - Mrs. Mary E. Barden Mrs. Mary Klizabeth Barden died Wednesday at her home, 271 College street, at the age of 78. She was tho widow of the late Rev. Henry A. Bar den, who died in 1909, and who was chaplain of the G. A. R. Mrs. Barden was borri in Maine and had resided in Oregon over 30 years. For the past 25 years she had lived at the above address. Two sjsters survive her, Mrs. Sophia A. Towns of this city and Mrs. Grace V. Hannah of Topeka, Kan. Funeral services will be at the JJricson parlors. Twelfth and Morrison streets, Friday at 2 p. m., Rev. W. A. Waldo officiating. Interment will be in Green wood cemetery, G. A. It. section. Accused Faces Two Federal Hearings I tarry Nudelman, free on $5000 bonds until his appeal from sentence to Mc Neil's island for 13 months is heard, to day faces a further charge of aiding in theft of government property. It is al leged he removed 13 bales of government wool from a warehouse. fo( which charge two others are now in jail. United States Commissioner Drake Wednesday set his bond for the latest charge at $o000. Nudelman was sentenced August 4 for stealing automobile inner tubes owned by the government NEW TODAY Send Us Your Old CarpeU Old Bags and Woolen Clothing ' W Maka BeTeriible, Hand-Worea Fluff Rugs Tney War irke Iro Rat Bogs Woven All SIras Mall Order oend for Booklet Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning ill Bogs, Steam Cleaned, f l.S WESTEBS FLUFF BUG CO. it tlmlon Ave. X. East tilt Fhones B-I47i Capitol Hill Special For the next 30 flays the owners of Capitol Hill property will offer to home builders a spe cial inducement in small tracts: 1 acr for $900; Vi acre for $600; V acre for S300; 1 lot 50x100 for $200 and up. This property is on the Oregon Electric rail way, 5c car fare, Bull Run water, gas and elec tricity arailable. Also good schools. See owners. 301 McKay bldg. Phone Main 1004. JOURNAL "WANT" AD RATES DAILY OR SUNDAY Per line, per insertion. 12e Three consecutire insertions without chaw of copy for price of two. Each subsequent consecutire insertion without change of copy, per line flo Count 6 arerage words to the line. ' Phone for Solicitor for Contract Rates. PHONES MAIN 7173 A-6051 FOR SALE THE BEST LOCATED FUEL YARD Doing a good business, with plentv of future orders on the books. This propo sition will bear the closest investigation. Good reason for selling. CAMPBELL-PHELAN LAD CATTLE CO. 301-3 Conrh Bldg. ATTCTIO SALES TOMORROW AT WILSON S AUCTION HOUSE. 160-173 2d t. Sale at 10 a. m. MEETING TTOTICES 41 AL KADER TEMPLE. A. A. O. N. M. s.-stated ses sion Saturday, September 27, st 8 o'clock p. m. Masonic temple, west Tark and Yamhill sts. Visiting nobles cordially invited. By order of the po tentate. HUGH J. BOYD. Recorder. MULTNOMAH CAMP NO. 77. VV. O. W.. meets at its hall. E. 6th and E. Alder, every Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Visiting neighbors elways welcome. J. O. WILSON. Clerk. HAWTHORNE LODGE NO. Ill A. F. AND A. if. Special communication this (Thursday) evening at 7 o'clock. Work in the E. A. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. C. B. MILLER, Pec. ruttiLAXD LODGE NO. 55, ATI F. &. A. Jf. Special comm'uni- ! cation this Friday evening at 5 ' o'clock, Masonic Temple. Work t in m. M. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. By order V. II h. j. houghton' sec MT. HOOD LODGE NOw157. A. A A. M. Special comovnni cation tomorrow (Friday) evening t 7. Work in M. M. degree. Visitors welcome. Order W. M. EU C. DICK. Sec. SbLLWOOD LODGE NO 131 A V An a r J . , - JL ix ( I j meeting thj (Friday) evening at 8 O Clock. Vinitnr. t. order W. M. y J. IT. BUTLER !ec Ul ALBERT PIKE IXiDGE NO. 102" jCbi A-. f; A. M. Special com- CGEX51- n,"nicat1'" iUjr eienine. Sept. AVA v?'..;' "8Iock- c- degree. r "V- s ' ureuiren welcome. G. W. COO IT. LFttttUU.-X COMMANDER V K T. No 1. Sd.i -...i. toniaht. 7:30 o'clock. Order of the Temple. Tonr attendance re- qnesceo. J. r. WIEGAND. Rec. L O. O. F. Arleta 216. L O. O. F.. will put on the initiatory degree Friday Bight, Sept. 26. at Arleta station, Mt Scott car, W. O. W. hall. Come and brin a brother with yon. A. J. CapL MASONIC DANCE; the main ball room. Masonic temple, Thursday evening, September 2.5. Masona, their families and friends invited. 41 WEBFOOT CAMP NO. . W. O. V?., every Friday night is W. 0. W. Temple, 128 11th it Members re quested to be present. Visitors welcome. H. L. Bartonr. Clerk. EMBLEM JEWELKY a specialty; buttons, pin charm. Jn' Bros.. 1SI-18S 'h Xlital Statistics marrtagcs.Hfrtbs. Dzothz MARRIAGE LICENSES Clarence Hoard, legal, 737 Clatsop t.. and Ruha M. Brown, 18, 733 Clatsop at. L T. FabJberg. legal. Imperial hotel, and Lil lian Westman. 18, Imperial hotel. Arthur Curtis, legal, Brookfkld. Wash., and Anna I Agee. legal, 497 VancouTer are. A. J. Cody,-legal, 1100 East Madison at., and liable Seudder, legal, 167 17th st Aubrey K. Bennett, legal. 1038 Multnomah at, and Phyllis N. Miller, legal. 402 HoHaday ate. Walter L. Lovjoy, legal, Aberdeen, Wash., and Julia P. Cleland. leeal.-329 E. 11th st Jamas 1. Fedetm. legal. 86 H Alberta street, and Mabel Short, 18. 131 Eleventh ,trSTid t. Henning. legal. 219 East Eightieth street and Lillian M. Smith, legal. 374 Third atreee. Thomas S Gar. legal, 185 Thirteenth street, and Mm. F. S. Fleming, legal. 19 Thirteenth street William 1.. Houk, legal, route No. 1, I.innton, nr.. and lYances K. Older. 18, 1012 East Eighth street. Frank Prohl, legal, Mayo apartment, and Mildred Becker, IS, 89 North Eighteenth street. Theodore A. Lllestad, Corralli. Or., and Marie Myers, legal, 413 Larch street. Antonie Cotonzarite. legal, 427 East Forty sixth street, and Millie 1 'arise, legal. 418 East Forty-eighth street. Raymond A. Adney. legal, McGreear, Idaho, and Ethel Schulz. 18, 205 Tillamook street. Cart H. Wickiuna, legal, 9"'S Kirby street, and Gerte Jactibson. lecnl, 7U6 Minnesota avenue. , BI RTH ! DIRK To Mr. and Mrs. C. J. nin 1116 E. th st. V. Scut. l.". a dauiihU-r. LA HAKE To Mr. and Mrs. A. N. I Bare, .riH31 37th are. S. K.. Sept. 10, a daughter. STl'.l-nnxs To Mr. and Mr?. U 11. Stephens. 613 ntli St.. Sept. 19. a daughter. 8TAYSA To Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Staysa. 441 V, 44th st,, Sept. 17. a sou. YOI NG To Mr. and Mrs. Hoyal Youne. 74 E. 7t.l. t, S.. Sept 19. a dRuiiliter. DE ilAU.V To Mr. and Mrs. A. K. DeBnun, T.'l K. "titli st., Srr- IS, son. TILLlt: To Mr. and Mr. '. . Tillie. 742 Oterton st.. Sept. 1 i), a son. CYItfS To Mr. and .Mrs. William !. Cyrus. 0717 notli St.. Sept. I'd, s dauelitor. ' 8CH.U.KI.K To Mr. ami Mr.. K. S. Kchalkle, 102 Vniim are. X.. Si'pt. 19. a con. CH Kf'KI'A I'M To Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Trees- I'Miim. 0716 30tli ai., S. K., Sept. 11. a iiaui:litf r. DAY To Mr. and Mrs. !. V. Ts. 4033 6.'.th ft. S. K. , Sept. 12, a nin. MATSfMOTO To Mr. and Mrs. Y. Mataumoto, 4o9 Broadway, a son. Kt MASlIiro -To Mr. and Mrs. K. Kumaahito. K0S N. 3d st. Sept. 13, a on. CARLS IN To Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Carlson. 171 ltu-tn 8., StT't -1, a mii. BHK.NNKK- To Jlr. and Mrs. B. Brenner. 4 13 10th st.. Sept.. 1. a dausliter. HAMPSoN' l'n Mr. and Mr. A. A. Hampon, M.'7 (Juimhv. Sept. 19. a daiiehter. ISAAC To Mr. ana Mrs. S. V. laaar, 518 E. 34t.h ft. Sept, 1H. a son KKI-LAM To Mr. and Mrs. IT. S. Kellam. 1103 Belmnnt. st., SepL lo. a son. MiDONNKU. To Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McDon nell. 699 Irring sL. Sept. 16, a son. OLKXX To Mr. aiid Mrs. K. I. Ulenn, Brain Tree Apts.. S ot. 1 , a daughter. rOWEI.I, To Mr. and Mrs. K. J. l'owcll, 678 V.. 74lli st N,, Sept 16, a son. L1NDLEY To Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Lindley, 507 K Polk st.. Sept -'O. a dausliter. KERNS To Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Kerns, 126 Al legheny, Sept. 17, a son. TltOXEI. To Mr. and Mrs. K. I Troxel. Falls City. Or.. Sept. 13. a daushter. SMITH To Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Smith. 84 5 1'nion are. N., Sept 14, a daughter. K(n;kRS To Mr. and Mrs H. I.. Rosers. TrouLdal. Or., Sept 18, a danshter. SHUTA To Mr. and Mrs. Ikuyi Shota, 30 's N. 3d st. Sept. 11, m daughter. DKRRIt'K To Mr. and Mrs. Ira Derrick, 413 W. 'Jnd St., Sept i:0, a son. HENNESY To Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Hennsey. K99 Everett st. Sejit. L'3. a son. POWERS To Mr. ami Mr W. P. Powers. 40r. nttttl n mrr Hani 11 u ,ldii,Tlitr Plin.MPPI To Mr! anl Mrs." It. I,. Philiippi, E. .'7th st. N. , Sept 1." a son. COt'PE To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coupe, 827 V Central, Sept. 1 6, a daughter ZAKOJI To Mr. and Mrs. K. Zakoji, 85 N. 9th St.. Sept. 1H. a daughter. DL'LIS To Mr. and Mrs. Oecrzn Dulis. 190 K. Hth st. Sept. 16. a daughter. KOLSE Edward Rouse, 647 First t. Sept 22. a daughter. DEATH AT FT"VF.RAL 7i BltFWER "this city at liis resilience. 14 Yu'can street. September 2:'. ltllil. Frederick G. Krewvr. nc"'! years 5 months 8 rUyis. l.'fea.ed is survived hv a widow, Mrs. Sophia i M. Brewer, two dauKhters. Mrs. K. U Little 1 airi Miss l3Zel I. Hrewi' three brothers. It. and C. W. Brewer one sister, Mr. J. He was a meniher and V". -V. all of Portland, of Vtinrouver, Wash., and W. Woodruff of Spokane. ot A. O. I". V. of Castlerock, Wah. Funeral services will he held tomorrow .Friday) morn inz Ht 10 o'clock fr"in the Womilawn M. E. church. Friend and member of the above lodgu invited. At the conclusion of the serv ices the remains will be tnken to Castlerock, Wash., accompanied ly memlers of the family, Mherc interment, will take place. Skewes Uu derta'itinz Co.. dirc lors. llOliTKXSKN Sept. 21. Marius Mortensen. aced 2S years, helovrd brother of Lars Mortensen, 3s( Hoss st.. and Mrs. Jennie Simonsen. 53)4 4.tli st. S. E , this city. le ceased was a member of the locai boiler makers tinion. Funeral services will be con ducted Saturday, Kept. 27. at 3 p. m. at Pearson's Undertaking parlors, Russell St. at 1'nion are. Friends invited. Interment Rose City Park cemetery. NELSEN In this city. Sept 4, Tetrene Nel sen. seed 3ti years, late of 6717 30th ave. S. K., this city, beloved wife of Eldor Nel- fen. iTineral services will be conducted t n day. Sept. 26, at 2 p. m., from the above resi dence. Interment, Multnomah cemetery. lie mains at Pearson's undertaking parlors, Russell at Union. HANSEN S-pt. 23, st his late residence. P31 . I livision i'eter Hansen, aged n years, be- j lovcd husband of Alberta Hansen and father of Phorleif ami Mathew Hansen. Mrs. Alheru ! ,: VT s.T..r i. . 1 IVter Ernct Hansen. Remains at Peareotfs I undertaking parlors. Riisseil arid Union PAYSON -At the residence. 470 E. 81th street North. September 22. 1!10. Arthur I". Payson, aged 4 7 years. Friends invited to attend funeral services at Holman's funeral par lors at 2 p. m. tomorrow (Friday). Sept. 20. lilli). Interment Multnomah cemetery. BRAAK The funeral serviCtV. of this Late Uheinliard O. Brnak will be l!eld Friday. Spt. 2th. at 2 -30 o'clock p. m.. at . . Finly's. Montgomery at 5th. Friends invited. Inter ment at Ixme Fir cemetery. Dl'NSTrPtiiis city, Sept23"! 1919. Arthur V. Dunn, wired L'l yi-irs - Frif-M,!-- iritil t attend services at Holman's funeral parlors at t p. m. tumorruw i-iiUi, t-;.i. 26. n, trnnent Rose "it y I'ark cemetery. B A KG E It RThecca-j" Bar73lj"3"2 3rd St., Sept. 22. 04 years. Gastritis. ROSSITEIt Mary Lucy Rossiter. 6028 39th av. S. E., Sept. 21, 41 years. Pulmonary hemorrage. FERGESEN Laure C. Fursesen, in ambu-i lance, Sept. 22. 4K years. Ecalmpsia. VYSCaT?UF' .FV,cesA'-5no'1- St: '?cf ts I HORNSTROM Helen Homstrom, St. j osepn Home, Sept. 23, 87 years. Apoplexy NONIK I-eah Jame Nonik. Good Samaritan, Snpt 23. 77 years, cerebral hemorrhage. PHILLIPS George King Phillips, fe E. 7th t. N , Sept, eulosis. 54 years, pulmonary tuber- I bjilili Edward Barney Smith, Sellwood hos pital. Sept. 21. 2 years, fracture of skull, ac cidental. BOLDING George Clinton Bolding. 1687 Clar endon St., Sept. 21, 66 years-carcinoma. RICHARDS Mildred E. Richards, 705 Lovejoy, Sept. -1." 67 years, cerebral hemorrhage. MITZEL Mary MitzeJ, Juliana Apts., Sept. 19. 73 years, broncho pneumonia. BYRNES James Byrnes, 714 Water sL. Sept. 16. 50 years, anemia. GOVORKO Karl Govorko. 91 Mortis, Sept 21, 4 years, ptomaine poisoning. CARD Myra C. Card. 295 N. 18th st, Sept. 20, 56 years, mitral regurgitation. WEBB Norman Alexander Webb. 2 E. 8th st N.. Sept 10, 76 years, chronic nephritis. McORATH Patrick McGrath. Pattern home, Sept. 20, 77 yearsi. apopleiy. GUM Lee Gum, 67 N". 4Ui st. Sept 10, 34 years, empyema, 1 HUGHES Cameort S. Hnghes, 476 E. 48th N.. Septal. 38 years, pulmonary tuberculosis. HAIJSEB Carrie O. Hanser. 564 E. 35th st, Sept. 19, 51 years, chronic nephritis. PILZ Anton Johan His, 561 E. Madison, Sept. 1!, 68 years, valvular disease of heart. PLATT Martin E. Piatt. 643 2d St. Sept 20, 10 months, acute enter eolitia. DULETTE Charles M. Imittte. oOO Magnolia. Sept 19, 76 years, valvular heart disease. FLORISTS SWISS FLORAL COMPANY FLOWERS AND PLANTS MAX M. SMITH, florist, 141 Vs 6th at M EE TWO JTOTICE5 FLORISTS LIBERTY MARKET FLORiSt. tfe awl Yeea-" am eta, Cot flower, slants sad designs. Pell wood Greenhouse. S4 Nehalaea av. Sell. 1520. CLAKK BROS . florists, Morrteoa it. bet. 4th ad ith. Phon Main A-1805. Floe flow ers and floral design. Me branch stores. MARTIN FOBBES CO., florists, 854 Wast tagtoa. Main 26. A-12G8. Flowers for til occasions artistically arranged. PEOPLE FLORAL SHOP. 245 Alder. DsT teas eavd decorations. Phone Marshall It? 3 FU7TERAX. DIRECTORS Holtnan Undertaking: Co. Funeral Directors THIRD AND SALMON STS. Main SOT, A-1SJL. P. FOTJEY & SON Progressive Funeral Directors Main MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH A-ISOO. F. S. Dunning, Inc. THE GOLDEN BULK UNDERTAKERS. 414 E. Alder St Phon. East 52. B-5325. CHAMBERS CO.. Funeral Directors. AH the convenience of a hen. Woodlawn 8S06. 248-250 KtHtnrwnrtB ae. A. D. Kenworttiy & Co. 6802-8804 02D ST. S E.. TEXTS Phone Tabor 8267. Horn. Phon. D-61. Dunning & McEntee Broadway and Ankeny its. Lady Assistant Phones Broadway 430. A-4658 B-1888 O B H otrf,TU Mrs. Lereh East 781 IT L.. ft-SrCIll Assistant UNDERTAKERS. E. 11th and Hartbcrn. MeENTEE & FILERS, funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home. 16tb and Everett sta. Phones Broadway 2133. Heme. A-31S3. MII.LEH A TRACET. tndepen-lent funeral di rectors Prices as low as $20, (40. 180. Washington at Ella Main 2691. A-788.V DOWNING A McNEMAB. successors to WUsoo & Boss, Multnomah at E. Ith. Irsington di trlcu E. 64. B. W. GABLE A CO.. Successors ta W. H. Hamilton. lt7 E. Olisan. Phon. Tabor 481S. D T IQVDMCC! New residence I. U JU a I11UCJ ublishmenL 801 Williams ara. Woodlawn 220. B reeze&Snook "tiA; A Ol Z'llli. C B93 Williams - r4ir.i!siiKii E. 1088. C-1088 uni3ertakinucj. M. 4162. uia& wta 4-2321 Ooe. Third and Clay. Portland Marble Works 268 4th St.. opp. City 1U1K New Bros. V BLAKING GRANITE C? L J a67-3PO ST. AT MAPiSOM . LOST AND FOT7.VP SI LOST Sept. 23. one hrnwn band satrliel and tools, between 197 25th St. N.. 203 'i 4th st. and California st., Portland, consisting of one IS inch Tahno pipe wrench, one 14-ineh and one C-iueh wrench, one machine hammer marked with 4 dots in diamond shape, wrenches and tools for Kord truck Liheral reward. South Portland Express. 1103 Va 4th st. Phone Main 07 SB. L. A. Hood. DROPPED Pocket book. containing currency, also i-hei k. in front of residence. 6HJ ln-t Broadaay; return to this address. Ijist S0(i3. iteManl. STOLEN r6 reward fof retnrn of late model Ford ear. Cal. license 130047: motor model T 3051.pi6S. No qtiestions asked. F. J. Blackerby. 544 Commercial court LOST (Jold scroll watch fob on black ribbon; initials ;. U. H : lo.t down town Monday. 22nd. Return to Geo; It. Merd, 348 Couch st. Broadway 3043 Reward. VVII.L the lady who pickedBB boy's batli ing suit, in Peninsula PStk about 1 p. m. Sunday last, notify The Journal office, Vancouver, Wash. Party is known. LOST Knr at- Strand theal re. Sunday eve ning. Sept 21. Kinder please write Mrs. A. Johnson. 821 Mississippi are. LOST l ady's blue sene suit jacket, near Viola. Finder please call Woodlawn 2385 or Last ROM LOST Small brown terrier; last seen on Mis- siasippi are.: sninil white mkjl In head. An- swima to name "llillie." Reward. BdwyS40. LOST ed raid a j Fi rst N ationa 1 bank wallet containinc rh-ks and currency. Reward. Address lTihaw, Y. M. C. A. LOSTSilreT friendship bracelet, between Arleta snd 6tith Rt Return and receire reward from Mrs. Nettie E. Ritchey. 6320 6th st- 8. E.. City. l.tiST- While cat. maltese Fpots head and Mdes; name of Romey. Finder please call at 32 2 Hancock; reward. LOST Brown sweater, partly finished, on Ter- wiliiser blvd. or on highway to Newberg. Main : 502. . r -r ; ZL1 r.; LOST-Brown tokp.w suti.rf nr.tN. Ui'nal Bank of Oregon City. Liherul reward alien. Call East 6200 LOST Small black pure. between Magnolia and Emerson, on 0th. Finder please return to 498 Magnolia at. Reward LOST Blue sweater, on 1 4 Hi street, ne Madison. East S363. Reward. LOST Tair of eye glasses, call Marshall 6177. Will finder kindly LOST- - .a rife cameo pin, initials on back. Find er pleaso call Tabor 564 7. Iteward. LOST Aseai 'handbag" in Meier & Frank's" 8at urday evening: reward. East 7957. i I OCT I.arif' Swi wrist wnt. h anrt bnil(.t hinder please call Tabor d(04. Reward HELP WA7TFt nuLt WANTED. Competent man to take contract for making concrete foundation, 1sf house in country; must have a concrete mixer. Fred Dundee, Broadway at Flanders. WANTED Bright ambitious office boy by large cereal mill; bicycle furnished; salary $55 per month to start- Address P. O. Boi 718, Portland. Or. MEN wanted to carry briquets from tniesi to basement; 8 hours: wsges from 34. SO to $5. Apply N. E. corner 2d and Flanders sts.. Portland Gas A Coke Co. Ari.t r nark K.nt.d also party of four to pick and sort apples. House, stove and cook- in ntesils furnished. Good wages. Start Oct 1 w'rite H- w- . Lyle. Wash. TWT men to do common labor in connection with bnilding house in country. R. It. fare paid. Must furnish own blankets. 107 N. Broadway. CASING man and ftrvt class slaughter houa butcher. 130 t $40 per wek and board. Frank T. Br M-at 'o.. 22M Alder t WANTED Man with truck and trailer to haul logs all winter, just 4 milo haul. Call Woodlawn 2341. WANTED An assistant janitor; must be single. See janitor at King Albert Apts., 11th and Montgomery sts. WANTED Two first-class autoinohile painter Apply Covey Motor Car Co . 21st and Wash in pi on Sts. WANTED A boy, over 16. u learn good trade; good chance for steady bov. Apply N-13!Jouriial. DESIRABLE opportunity for young man to undertake general office work ; state salary ei rected. age and references. N-444, Journal. WANTED Typewriter interested in homestead; value $3000. $250 required. N-133. Journal LABORERS WANTED Streetwork7$5008 Sellwood car. WANTED Man to care for invalid man. W. Gardner, 9128 Woodstock ave. D. AUTOMOBILE trimmer and top maker wanted, apply Robinson Smith Co., Cth and Madison. WANTED Timber cruiser for work on 16 sec tions, more of less. W"ANTED Cabinetmakers. Acme Fixture ' Co. Sll N. 16th. WANTED At once, wood saw, by hour or by the load; steady job. Call Broadway 986. EXPERIENCED machine man in furniture fac tory. 652 2d st WANTED Firat ciasa auto washer. Apply Portland Garage, or Mr. Davenport, 531 Alder. HELP WAWTED MISC. 4 Hawthorne Auto School 462 HAFTHORN'E AVE. Automobiles, trucks, tractors, machinist trade, oy-aeetylen welding, vulca luring and retreading.' Special summer rates. Day and evening classes. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Tonne men and women wanted. Call 434 Railway Excliange bldg. Splendid opportunity to learn a well paid profession. Free booklet Railway Telegraph Institute. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Mia Regina Backet's private school; individ ual ins traction. 122V4 Grand ave. East 427. WANTED At once, 2 men to learn automobile repairing and gasoline engineering. Call at 4 32 Hawthorne ave. OREGON LAW SCHOOL. Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison. W. E. Richardson, secretary. 'Phone Main 977. GOING Last or South t Household goods shipped at" reduced rates; moving and packing. Pacific Coast Forwarding Co., 403 Hoyt st Bdwy. 703. NOTICE TO Advertisers Because of the constantly growing Tolum of claaaified advertising in The Sunday Journal, it i mechanically impossible to set it all on Saturday. In order that The Journal may continue to render good service to all classified adver tisers, it is absolutely neces sary that we have the bulk of your Sunday ads Friday even ing. Therefore Beginning Saturday, Sept. 27 SUNDAY COPY will NOT be Called for After 1 P. M. Saturday He'lp us to give you good service by having your copy ready when the solicitor calls. The Journal HELP WANTED MISC. 49 Adcox Auto School VNION AVE. AND WASCO STREET THE SCHOOL THAT'S DIFFEKENT ONE WEEK FREE to investigate our system of teaching Autos, tractor, gas engines, auto electrical and bat tery work. SrECIAL ELECTRICAL COCHSE FOR AI TO MECHANICS. DAY AND MOHT CLASSES. CALL OU WRITE FOR 100-1 AO K CATAIXXJ FREE. ASK FOR HOOK. No. 2B. LEA UN A TRADE We are giving a special coarse in automobile, gas tractor, truck, stationary and marine, oper ating and repairing; also ignition, csrburetinn and battery repairing, for STS. with a $-i discount to discharged soldier anil nailon. HEMPHILL'H TRADE HCHOOLN. INCORPORATED Mt. .Scott car at 'Jd and Alder sts. to E. 20th. Typewriting, comptometer, bookkeeping and all other modern business course. tay and night school. Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison. Main 324. POSITIONS ASHCHED EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER PI SINKSS COLLEGE. IORTLAND Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalog. HELP WAITED FEMALE PERMANENT POSITIONS FOR TODNO WOMEN TELEPHONE OPERATORS NOW EARN APPROXIMATELT 8800.00 DCBINO FIRST TEAR A SALARY OF $52.00 18 AID DTJRIHO THE FIHST MONTH WHILE LEARNING " TO OPERATE. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NOT REQUIRED. ArPLT AT THE TELEPHONE COMPANY, ROOM 601, 6TH FLOOR TELEPHONE BLDG.. PARK AND OAK STS. CIRI-1 WANTED APPLY TRU BLU BISCUIT CO. East Sixth 'and Davis. WOMEN AND GIRLS WE WANT WORKERS, EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY WE PAY GOOD SALARIES. AND COMPETENT HELP WILL BE AD VANCED TO BETTER POSITIONS. APPLY AT 504 SPALDING RIAKJ.. DURING DAY AND FROM 8 to 8 P. M. THE OIJS. WORTMAN A KINO STORE re quires the services of experienced saleswomen for drugs and toilet good. Apply superinten dent's office, 9 to 10:30 a. m. WANTED 4 girls 16 to 18 yrs. of age to at tend sewing machines; opportunity to learn to operate machines later. Work is steady and not hard. Apply Ames, Harris. Neville Co.. 13th and Hoyt. GIRLS wanted: highest wages, steady employ ment and opportunity for advancement. Ap ply 504 Spalding bldg. KKSl'ONSIBI.E woman for house work. Wil lismette Heights; 2 adults and baby in family; wages $50 or over lor ris-ht person. Main 2415. GIRL for general housework; no washing; 150 month; good home and a nice room. Apply 162 Haxelferu place, or to Mr. I-eritt, corner 4th and Washington, in care of Levitt's store. WANTED Housekeeper by widower on wheat ranch in Eastern Oregon. Must understand eir- of children. Good wages and home to right party. NX-121, Journal. WANTED High school girl to work for room and board. Small wages. Family privileges. No children. In Jefferson high school district. Woodlawn 5522. ANY girl who appreciates courteous treatment and pleasant home will . like this place, lrv ington bungalow ; wages $45. 460 E. 17th N. LADY of good character wanting congenial, at tractive home can render some help in ex change for same. N-181. Journal. MARRIED couple, lady to help chamber work in hotel, for light housekeeping rooms and some pay. ea t w asningion. GIRL WANTETT One going to school, to do light housework for board and room; no chil dren; respectable people. Phone East 9784. WANTED By widow, girl or middle aged woman for companion in country; references. N-137. Journal. WANTED Woman for four hours work weekly, Friday or Hatorday. Phone Tabor 84 72. FEMALE Airedale puppy; 5 months; answers to Gyp; reward. Tahor 2474. GIltl-H wanted. 245 4 Stark. Oregon Paper Box Factory, WANTED Cook and maid, out ot town; good wages. Call 674 Schuyler st. corner E. 18-th. WANTED 5 girls to work in The Bates Dress making Parlors. 1120 Division st GIKL8 wanted. Portland Paper Box Co.. 93 Front et. GIKL& wanted at once. . Columbia Paper Box Co.. E. 26th and HoUaday. WANTED Errand girl la gowa shop. 80$ Northwestern Bank bldg. WANTED Finishers and helpers on towns. 302 Northwetrn Bank bldg. HELP AKTET TEMALE WANTED Two waitresses, nooth and board tint no nth; fs vr month and board second month and thereafter. Work days per 'week and aa late as 12 p. m.; food chance for promotion to girls who apply thn aslvea. Apply Broadway Hateiwood. liil Broad way, after 9 a, so. help vrAirrnn male AND FEMALE l HOLER BARBER COLLEOB pays you while learning; gtrse yon set of tools; position secared. Write for eatalnene. snrnaide St., or phone Bros away 1TI1 fiE!V. WOMEN, learn Urlsr trad; wages whll learning, position tuaranteed. Mfr. 2S yrs. erperience. Oregon Barber College. 2S3Ma4Sev 1-ORTLAND Bartier College pays you wMU learning, gives yon set of tools free, noaitios seen red. SN N. Second st SALESMEN WANTED 88 SALESMAN to call on professional men. Estab lished trade. Steady, permanent income. Also one tor outside citv. State age, expe rience. P. O. Box 121. Philadelphia. Pa. SITrJATIOTfS MALE nousE and timting. We do oar work right; moderate prices. Call Main S8E3. BOOKKEEPER with lumber and planing mill experience is open for position. Q-332, Jrurnal. WANTED Cement work of all kinds; houses raised and basements enlarged. Call Marshall 3127 ; ak for Mr. Landolf. WANTED- Position where speedy penmanship is required; also accurate and swift in figures. N-12.0, Journal. MARRIED man wants inside. light work ; a rea son. HVjkkI, Milwsukie cityL R. a. RErAIR man wants work in garage, floor man, 4 years' eiuerience. Call ltuft Hawthorne. CTiOENTlEir Wants new or' eld wo rk , als o conrrete or house raising. A-1070. WANTED Position as watchman, ilajs pre- fcrrcd. by middle aged man. N 130. Joqnial. A MAN wants light work in suburbs or city lim- it- prelrrred; wajes to suit. Call Eat 6735. TOI'NO man viilies work aa heler on truck; reasonable wages. N 115, Journal. ELDEIII.V man wonts ixmition aa janitor or houroman. N-120. Journal. AT LIBERTY Experienced pistiTt and actum panist. Plione :ol. J91 after 1 p. m. ROOFS REPAIRED"- ROOFS Roofs tarred and waterproofed. Tabor OHO'i. TINTLVO and painting reasonahTy done. Wood lawn 8320. SITUATION FKM AI.E TOPNO ludy wislies po-!t:on in Ktenographer. Phone Woodlawn 1 70H. SCHOOL girl of 15 wili.-s to w rk for rntini ant) board in Elliot district. t ail I j-i 1 liRKKSttAKIMS 48 DRESSMAKINC. plain sewing, alteration-, hoiie aprons, areses. cniiuren s ci'ttnes. rasouanie prices. 310 FtemonL East 7307. ALTERATIONS, refitting snd trtskfn.- of ladies garments, reasonable prices; wurk guaranteed. I J. Ktuhin. Indies' Tailor. 408 Bush A Lane bid. FOR PLAIN sewing or dressmaking hII Sell wood l'MIO for paiticulaxs or cull 114 E. CaniUiers st DRESS MAKING and plain sewing of alTkindi dune reasonable. East 712H. IHSKS 60 HOLY ROSARY TRAINING SCHOOL, Ontario, Or Young ladles, between l'.i and 30 years of age, who wish to train a nurses, are re Queiited to write to Mother Superior for infor mation. Good health, one or two years' high school course and good retcrence requested. SITUATION wanted for nursing anyone desiring care at their own home for confliieiiini Call on Mrs. F. M. Court, "experienced practical nurse." Call at 9118 H Commerrlsl st. FtTRJITSnED ROOMS NEW PERKINS HOTEL Fifth and Washington Streets Right in enter of Portland's activities. Let na show you our accommodations. Rates $3 per week np. HART APARTMiT-ANiy LAUREL HOTEL Newly furnished, modern housekeeping and sleeie ing rooms, 32 50 up. Second and TamhllL WELL furnished rooms with or without meals. Dezendorf Apts. Marshall 2305. HOTF L SARGENT Hswthome andOrad Sterling point special car for Vancouver. FURNISHED ROOMS FRIT ATE FAMILY 7 TWO SLEEPING rooms for ladles or gentle men employed; nicely furnished; bright and airy; electric lights, bath and phone; short walk to business center; West Side. Main 7304 during day for appointment. PLEASANT, clearn. airy furnished room with bath, for lady or gentleman. Phone East 6B76. 368 Knott t. PLEASANT clean, airy furnished room wiTFi hatb. for ludy or gentleman. Phone Eai-t 0I7. 368 Knott it. FURNISHED front room; three windows; 1-1-phone, electricity, bath, in private home. 1!'!8 North 10th st Broadway 5078. FURNISHED rnonn, reasonable, in private fam ily. Phone East 4073. 347 Grand ave. I NFl RMSHED ROOMS 1 3 UNFURNISHED rooms with large hall; heat. light and water furnished; use of phone and basement Isundry; SL'.V Phone Wdln. 501. BOOM AND BOARD IS HARRISON HOTEL Gord table board 8 per week; outside rooms, per week $2.30. Front and Harrison sta. THE MARTHA WASH ING TO N , 880 loth, fof baslncs girls and students. Marshall 1261. ROOMS A5P BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY WOULD like to rent room with privilege of breakfast where boy of 7 years may be oared for. J H01, JnumaL WANT to board a child from 2 to 9 years, IIS per mouth. Call Tabor 2394 or call 0917 Woodstock ave. CHILDREN to boa'taflji private home. 865 ISP scy st., near Union ave. East 2446. B 8, Journal. HOrSEKEEPISO ROOM1 FURNISHED AND LNFURMSHED SHIPYARD ditrirt, cottages, housekeeping apartments, fnrnished. unfurnished, reason. able. Apply 25 Gibbs. 4 ROOMS' modern S23. Small "child or adults. B330 Powell Valley Road. 4 UNFURNISHED If. K. roomi. upstairs: no children; rent (12.50. 1119 E. Grant st- tkunks Delivered in ilwNf6wNmi? TRIOT FOR 2ft CENTS P1IONK K A4S4. HOrsEKEEPI-VO ROOM) 71 FCKMSHF.I) AND IT 7f FURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY UNFURNISHED H. K." rooms, every modern convenience; (10 month. Call 103 Water ht. 30 R A U N Ft "RMS 1 1 EDTTiowklTng rooms for rent; privste entrance. 748 Vaughn sC FOR REIfT HOUSES rifFCHHISHED II MEIER A FRANK'S INFORMATION AND RENTAL BUREAU Reliable, up to date lists of desirable vacant houses, apartments and flats with definite infor mation pertaining to each. Newcomers to Portland will And thla burean of great value in helping them set properly and quickly located. EIGHTH FLOOR FOR RENT 5 room cottage, at Greenberg sta tion., Oregon Electric, So minutes ride. Call Tabor 2032. WHEN TOO MOVE. USE NORTH WESTERN ELECTKIU LIGHT SXRVICB Tenth and Washington. Broadway ft. 3 ROOM house, (10 per month; some rabbits and furniture for sale. Woodlawn 0234. HOL'SES FOR RENT FCBSITURE FOR HALE j NICE 3 room flat, for rent, furniture for aale. Price 1200. 769 E. Broadway. Call after 6 p. m. FURNISHED HOUSES SMALL HOUSE, furnished' or unfurnished: on Oregon City electric: not over H mile from car line. Address M-878. Jonmal. FOR RENT Nicely famished modern 8 room house with garage, near E. 12th and E. Mor- rison. See A. W. Ismbert A Son, 404 E. Alder. 5 -ROOM house, nicely furnished. 836 Tilla mook Phone East 8084. 6 ROOM modern home, completely furnished; for sale. Phone Tabor 884t. F It MXHF.D FLATS i APARTMENT, completely furnished, including piano and sewing machine; light and clean; West Side; walking distance; for man and wife. 551 2d at:, near Lincoln. APARTMENTS FOB RENT 41 UNFURNISHED 5 rooms, modern; all outside rooms, front snd back porch. 561 Ulixan st AFARTMEJXS roll ItEyf 4t f DEU MAR apartraenti; 409 vf ETTBumalds ! st-. t2; a-rooin apta.-; st.aip heat; adults. 2-ROOM apt. for rent at private residence; terj ' reasonable. taU at 167 North 2d at. ROOM unfurnished apt., SIS. Tahor STORES A TII OFFICES 11 WANT realtor to share office; well furnished and I e lea n. Phone. Main 2ll8. WAWTEls TO RE XT We Want to List i hocses, flats a!d apartme!t8 if tou have ant vacancik. phone.) heave together. care of northwest 1 TEl CO.. MAIN 1193. MB. FARMER, do you want to rent that Vprm of yours! If so. ws can get yon cash rent and sell that personal property for cash. We have a dozen people calling on us every day wanting to rent farms. Send us yrmrs for quick aotibav' A- ti. REN DEB. RITTER. I.OWK CO., 01-8-o-7 Board of Trade bids. j WANT 5 or 0 room house, unfurnished, not over 0 minutes from city; would pay several months' rent in advance It desired. l(esonstbla arty and care of property. K-187, Journal. WANTED To rent 5 room modern bungalow, (asyily of 2 : city employ : can give beat of references. Phone flcllwood :ia3. WANTED - Furnished, one large room kitchenette; most be clean: south of Jeffer son; close in. N-106, Journal. WANTED By elderly lady, housekeeping room or nwm with use of kitchen; Albma preferred. Phone Kat 2067. WANTED Sm a 1 1 partly furnished house rea- sonable rent ; child. J 42, Journal. WANTED MoiTn 4 or 5 room furnished cot tatsa, October 1 ; bet references. Tsttor ft4RX. REAL ESTATE jj K S E R H UK A r . E ST ATE t 85000 3 ACRES, l'owcll Vsll.-y and 7(h et if icld at once. Call after 3 p. in. Owner, 404; tl.Vh t. E FOR SALE HOUSES 1 IBVINGTON BUNGALOW e..(lim. (liiini CASH 0 rooms snd slfepina iiirr! The living j room and dining room are ep-ially beautiful ; j there are harduoed floors in main rooms, a' handsome built-in buffet, an artistic fireplace; r." ana nooacases. a lull cement basement, a not-air. heatiog furnace, a claimed tu rear porrh. Street1 ai liens all paid. We fortrot to iBenftoti the almost ' . new garage 7 room bungalows in this district ' priced at (5000 are uiighty varce. You'd bet-' ter see this today COE A M.KKNNA A Co Main 4622.' X2 4th t.. Hoard of Trade bldg. LAUHELHURST BUNGALOW 15800 This is really besiiflful: 6 room hunfslnw -hotne. We believe you'll like it. The livine ' room is unuMially tars"; tln '-e srj 'J large beO - j rrttm snd one smaller; there are hardwood ; floors in main rooms; there is an artistic fire-1 lilace. a liundsumn buffet, large Dutch- kitchen, i -full batement. hot air hrating system, garage. The teiius are tl.'OO cash, balance to suit pur-1 chaser. COE A. MiKENNA A CO. Main 4822.' 24th St.. Hoard or Trade Bldg. . RICHMOND CAR 121150 v . - Close in on E. 22d st, a 8 room semi hunts-1 low with big living room, fireplace, 8 bedrooms j ' and bath on upiier floor. This is an unusually . good hsjrgaln- Remember the location, only 1 5 ' minutes to car; owner will accept (80O cesh.y If yon can give references we will help you make the first payment Hurry. COE A McKENNA A CO. Main 4522.. 82 4th St.. Board of Trade Bldg. 13500 ROSE CITY PARK 1 You'll be surprised to leain the location of I this 3 room home. It. Is en 4Mth st belutfi the hill. There are three rooms snd reception' hall on lower, and two ami hath on upier' floor; fireplace; good basement; some fruit trees j In bearing. This home has Just been painted . and papered and is In fine condition. Owner' must hare at least (2000 rash. COi; A. M.KKNNA A CX) , Main 4522 N'J Fourth ht. Board of Trade BMg. ROSE CITY PARK (4200 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Pay 1600 cash and move in tomorrow. This! Is a handsome 2 story house with a big living I room, fireplsce. sll huillin. full cement tiaae-, meut, high grade furnace, located on. paved st, ' clone to car. Phone for auto to take you out. COE A McKENNA A CO. Main 4 522. 82 4th St, Board of Trade Bldg. ( FOR SAIJS Beautiful Irvlngton rrtsldcnce, TKtt" 100 lot. 7 rooms including 4 bedrooms audi sleeping porch; sll hardwood floors, worth 114.-. 000. but- will be sold at a sacrifice on term. ' Inquire 1207 Gawo bldg.. or phone Main H3H2 . durine day. Evenings Tabor 185. This 1S" a real bargain. "(50 DoWN712.50 MONTHLY -Fine level 20 ai re tract of logged off un-. improved land, vicinity of HilUboro, (87.60 per are. fine soil, running stream. We have three' of these tracts left FRED W (JERMAN CO.. 732 Cham, of I 'can. Office 0en Sundays and Evenings. ' T7 ' 0 0 R OH E C FT Y I A R K - -18700 Fine modem G room hunyelow. site 2fis4,. . excluding large porches; fireplace, reception hall,, paw halls; built In', full cement basement, fur nace, laundry trays; fine big plaf'Ted attic; i paved st. paid; one block off Sandy bird. Tabor 351. FOR SALE Modem-cU.y home , !l rooms, 4' iirKo bedrooms, hall, bath and 6 eloseU: full I com rrte basement, liardwood floors, large covered) porch, 100x100 comer, garage, choice fruit trees, pnvrd streets; all modem city conveniences! in h'ghly restricted residence district Prim (10.000. Deal with owner. 127, Journal. MAiXORY-AVE. COTT A JK (Ti 00 1 Ni'O 0 room cottage, electricity, bath, base-, mint, paved street, sewer sll field. Mallory itp.,. near Mason. Price 1 1801); (500 rash, 115 iroiilh, li per cent Gltl'HSI A BENNETT 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7432 ' SEVEN-ROOM house in ierfect condition, near grammar and high school; furnace, garage, i mm trees; waxaing niHianee. rnrs aautiii.i Fine furniture, also at great sacrifice; winter! fuel in basement A real home, absolutely clean;! mi ear line. Half cash down. 46 Sliavor eti Phone Woodlawn 15B0. 6 ROOM modern bungalow, liard surface streets;! half block to oar; (2500, (350 cash, balance I (25 per month. SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN REALTY CO (Silceessory to Mletlen A. Jones. ) 248 Stark st Main (420. j (23.10 S330 CASH Neat 5 room buugal"r. full cement basement, wash trays; wet of Mississippi near Hkidmorel sta. Plenty of fruit. CARLOS MARSTERH. 202 Wilcox bid. Main 8517 East 1J03 ( 1 50i MT. SCOTT - BRENTWOOD (13001 A good sub tantial 0 rr.m plastered house,, cement foundation, basement, city water, and gas, lot SOiIOO, fenced; garage, fruit and bernei;l very s-y term. FKEMSTER , AbingUm bWlg. Ma rshsll 4138 4 RfMiM SHACK (J.'0 (0x100 lot. well fenced vlth garden and new) chicken park. A bargain. 1200 cash; Mt Scott! car. CARLOS MAK8TEBH. 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 3517 East. 1 1 113 ONLY 3300 DOWN Four room bungalow, located 2 blocks front Alberta car. 60x100 lot. shade trees, 2 fruit trees, berr bnshes. Price 1 1 100: good location; wn.- rtuy Jotin rergiison, uerilnger bldg. MT. TABOR view property, B rooma" andTbatlt lot 50x185. fruit berries, flowers, tardea space. 2 good poultry bowse, four yards, neat car. (2000. Owner. Tabor 3426. - ' FOR SALE Modern 6 room bu nga7ow 2bed room, living room, dlmeg room, Ihitch kitch en, r ineni baeeuient, laundry tvays, terms. 1034 E. Cariithere st. owner! IUOO 0 ROOM house, part down and 10 per month, 0 per cent interest; Iota of fruit. P0 lot) lot place for chicken, close to car.' By owurr.CaJI 2201 K. Ash. tSke M-V Depot car. MCiTfNOMAli office right at station! Come Saturday and Sunday and select your hou-e or building site. Main 8480. Mala 4253. S. L.. Giluutn. ; SUNNYSIDE HOUSE 8 rooms, easily divided! for two families: lot 60x100; garage,' fruit i trees; 1 block from 8. S. car, on K. 45th:' (3175; term.. Tabor 2720. ' , 6 I(NJ1 Immc. completely furnished; modern In'l eveiy reipev-t; fine district; terms. Phone 1 Tabor 8840. - I IRV1N(;T0N specialist OS homes sad .building I lots; have anything ; jow want, cheap. JCactl 278. li. iieraioan. NEW. strictly modern. 6 raonts and aleepms porch, good location, blocks from cai. Price (3750. Owner, Ttbnr 6118, -ilGSO Fs5R 5 room madern 2 story cottage lot 85x55. at 18S Bancroft are. St imps, in and paid. Phone owner. Tabor 8731. A NICK home, modern. 7 room bungalow, wefj located, with all the conveniences. Owner, (27 5o. Woodlawn 8794. 1000 E. 12th N. (3750 JUST completed, eiaesy 5 room bungatcw iu good locaUuo, -2 blocks from car. Owner, Tabor 6128 132007 ROOM house, lot 8O1IOO. fine lawn, 7 fruit trees, roses, furnace, paved, basement: half block off Alberta car. J070 E. 26th U N.' 6 ROOMS and bath, bard surface street; bar gain 186 Flskset 8-92 E. 2 1ST, N.. 7 room bungalow, east front, paved street; 82875: terms. ItOSE-CfTY modern 5 room bungalow, floored attic. Tabor 7654. 8 ROOM house, near Union ave.; close in; kit 80x125. Phone East 7 08 9. DANDT 4 room bungalow. 1 180 A. East 8 3 8 (CaatJived rUwlB rifil 'I i