15 TO REPUBLICANS Japanese Diplomat vSays Out breaks Against His People Are .. Inspired by Politicians. Tokio. Sept. 20. (U. P.) "Keep cool!" That waa the advice given his countrymen by Kenzo Adftchl, the "Colonel House" of Viscount Kato and credited as one of Japan's Hhrewdent politicians, when he re turned from a tour of Europe and the United States. Outbreaks against Japan now occur ring regularly in the United States, ho. said, were merely for political effect, with the presidential election in mind. The Republican in the senate, he said, do not represent the majority of Amcv lea, and the itenate foreign relatkri.- , committee's PHantung amendment will j not be accepted by the senate. Adachl reminded the Japanese that ! Americans always speak frankly. As for Irish independence. Adachi said for the Japanese government to consider it "would he diplomatically preposter ous." . City Officials Flee From Drumwright to Escape Fury of Mob " - Cushinir. Okla., Sept. 23. (I. N. S.) Mayor Nlcodemus and several of the officials of Drumwright, Ckla., have fled to this place to escape the fury of a mob which late Monday took posses sion of the town. All wires to Drum bright, according to the telegraph com panies, have been taken over or cut by the mob. The mob organised In sympathy with telephone strikers, and, after a picket rmd hwn struck bv an officer, threats of lynchlngs were made. The mayor and other officials were given until 10 .o'clock Tuesday morning to resign. Be fore that hour, however, they had es caped from the tow.n after spending a part of the right In Jail for their own protection. Veterans of 148th Field Artillery Are Now in Organization Organisation of veterans of the 148th field artillery was completed Monday night at a meeting at Central library hall. The officers are : President, Andrew Harr ; vice president, Charles W. Haugsten ; treasurer, William P. Choato ; secretary, Joseph A. Nelsz ; Eergeant-at-arms, Walter E. Wlesendan ger. The name to be adopted for this or ganization will be presented for vote at the next meeting, which will be held at the red room, Hotel Benson, at 8 :30 p. m., October 7. All former members of the organization are eligible to membership . and participation. A Vote of thanks was also taken in he half of the ladies' auxiliary of the 148th field artillery. Former Cannery In White Salmon To Be Operated White Salmon, Wash., Sept. 23. W. I. Spencer of Portland, owner of extensive apple orchard property in the White .Salmon valley, is planning; to operate the plant of the- former White Salmon . cannery, making vinegar and citTW. lie will utillxo cull apples from his orchard and others of the valley. Hood River Woman Hurt White Salmon. Wash., Sept. 23. A car driven by Portland people whose names were not ascertained and in which Mrs. B. Davidson of Hood River was a paosenRer. went off the grade on the Bluff road Sunday evening. Mrs. Da vidson suffered a fractured shoulder and the other occupants of the car were se verely bruised. Portland Men Fined Following Wild Ride Salem, Sept. 23. R. Bailey, H. A. F.eid and Tom Foley, all of Portland, were arrested on a charge of disorderly conduct, Monday night, when they ran wild In a red automobile at the State Fair grounds camp, endangering the lives of campers. They pleaded guilty in justice court this morning and were fined $25 each. This was the only un toward incident in the first day of the state fair. Portland Attorney . Is Admitted to Bar i . Salem. Sept 23. Edgar Freed of Fort land was today permanently admitted to practice of law in Oregon on an order Issued by the supreme court. Permits to practice in Oregon for the probationary period were granted to Oscar G. Liarson of Silverton, who comes in on a Montana certificate, and Ancel C. Jones of Fort land, admitted on a certificate from In diana. Oarston & Earles Buy State Highway Bonds Salem, Sept, 23. The state treasurer's office Monday completed the sale of $2,000,000 worth of state highway bonds to Carston Earles of Seattle. This is a part of the $10,000,000 bond issue authorised by the last legislature . for construction of good roads in Oregon. Two Lines in Oregon Are Short 464 Cars Salem, Sept 23. The Southern Pacific company is short 252 cars and the S. P. & S. is short 212 cars today, according to reports received by the public service commission. Wife Causes Hubby's Arrest Steven D. Powell was arrested this morning at 7S0 Fiske Btreet by Deputy .Constable Vatldns on a charge of as mult and battery preferred by his wife. FAY KING TIPS OFF MILADY AGAINST THE CANNED COLOR MAKE-UP By Fay King (Mim King is a Portland girl whose first news paper work was published in The Journal ev end years ago. Bile now ia located in New York.) Look well into the old reflec tor. Milady, an' don't let' em kid you. If you are accumulating a chin and crow's feet, take the advice of a poor simp and beat it away from the gang before they start handing you any laughs. What's the use of spending your life from one facial make- up to another, and lettin' the old pals that usta crave your smile hand, you rough gaff about being old and fat? What's the use of troubling to smile while they're looking Get $234,000 Intended for Pay roll of Standard Oil Co. of In diana, on Whiting Platform. Chicago, Sept. 22. (U. P.) Three Chlcagroans, accidentally trapped, confessed today to a rob bery of 1234,000 from the .mails. Officers recovered $93,620 of the loot and went in search of th re mainder when the prisoners told where it was cached. With the aid of a postal clerk the men exchanged pouches at Whiting, Ind., last Thursday, taking the pouch con taining $234,000 to meet the payroll of the Standard Oil company of Indiana. The men held are Teo and Walter Filipkowski and John S. Wejka. Wejka is a mail clerk and is implicated in al leged confessions as the man who pre pared the fake mall pouch and ar ranged matters so the one containing the money could be identified by Filip kowski when tossed from the train Whiting. Automobile Thieves Get Jail Sentences; Parole Ineffective "In the future automobile thieves are going to spend some time in jail," said Presiding Judge Oatens Monday, as he sentenced George Davis and C. W. Whit tier to 30 days each in the -county jail. Both men had pleaded guilty to theft of -several automobiles. "Paroling men for these offenses has not proved effectual in the past," re marked the judge. Coal Shortage Has Paralyzed City of Vienna Vienna. Sept. 23. -(I. N. S.) This city is completely paralyzed by the coal shortage. The tram cars have stopped runtung and the factories are threatened with a shutdown. Half , a million work men are compelled to walk to and from their work. The horse cab drivers are threatening to strike, demanding $10 as the minimum fare, no matter how short the distance. Ford and Son Edsel Now Sole Owners Detroit, Mich., Sept. 23. (I. X. S.) Charles E. Corenson. general manaper of the Ford tractor plant, announced this afternoon that Henry Ford and hia eon, Etlsei, are now the sole owneui of the Ford Motor Company, Mayor James Couens the only minority stockholder having aold his stock to Mr. Ford today. The price paid for the block waa not given out. Rub-a-Dub-Dub! The Boy Scout fife, durn and bugle band, wlftch sprang into being last spring, has commenced practice, meet it. g twice a week. The next meeting will be held in The Auditorium Satur day at 1 :30 p. m. A. P. Goes has been employed as bandmaster and James E. Brockway predicts membership of the band will soon swell to from 150 to 200. BUILDISG PERMITS M. It. Hall Repair 1 story frame garage. 0.1 S East Main, between B. Slat and East S2d st. ; builder same, $20. Thomas P, Brown Erect 1 story frame res idence, 7S1 E. 27th st N., near Fremont builder, same, $3200. , S. A. lleas Erect 1 story " f rem residence 10140 SOth ave. S. between 101st snd 102d sts.: builder same. 1900. First National bank Alter I story brick or- CHICAGO ROBBERS RIFLE MAIL POOCH and sniffling when you're alone at night, thinking back on the good times you had when you were a queen in the deck ? What's the use of kidding yourself? The bloom is gone and canned color never fooled anybody. But Xoo York ain't the only place. You may not stack up very favorably with the youth and beauty of cafe life around here any more, but Noo York asks the freshest and most flaw less youth and beauty. There a great big part of the little old U. S. that starts west of Jersey and there are a lot of guys out there waitin to lead a dinarjr marine auppljr hont. 122 1st at, be tween Alder and Washington; M. W. Lorenz, builder. S400. IHmd Keck Erect 1 atory frame garage, 067 E. 22d at., between Powell aud ouuuer tame, au. ; Joseph Panne Erect 1 H atory frame reai denne. 81?'Patton ave., between Failing- and ShaTer; buildera, Kiecker & Walton, S4200. First Inrestment Co.--Kenair 2 story store, 172 4th at, between Slorriron and Yamhill, Grind Sheet Metal works, builder. $500. P. O. Rinehart Repair 2 story frame resi dence, 282 Monroe et., between Williams are. and Rodney at; M. P. Sennas, builder, $175. Rt.. Francis In Test men t Co. Repair fl story brick ordinary apts.. 132 N. 2 1st st. between Uliun and Iloyt ; M. F. Smith, builder. $200? James L. Ferree Mite 1-stnry frame faraire to 227 E. 47th at, between . Madison and G. Salmon; morer, same, $25. O'Sliea Bros. Repair 2 story brick ordinary hotel, orer stores, 409 Washington, between 10th and 11th ts.; J. C. Bayer, builder, $1300. May estate Repair 2 story brick ordinary store, 246 Madison st. between 2d and 3rd sts. : J. ('. Bayer, builder, $160. 0. E. Nicholson Krect 2 story frame chicken house, 840 Rerby st, between Prescott and Skidmore; builder, same. $50. M. Seller A Co. Repair 2 atary frame res idence, 87 N. 5th st.. between Everett and Flanders; John Anderson, builder, $100. W. B. Nutting Repair 1 story frame garage, 215 E. 3Srd st. between E. Salmon and K. Ttylor; builder, same. $25. W. B. Nutting Repair 1 atory frame resi dence. 215 E. 33rd at, between E. Salmon and E. Taylor: builder, same. $100. It. It Morris Repair 1 story frame resi dence. 1437 Wisteria are., near E. 54th st ; J. J. Kadderly, builder. $240. Ukase Inrestment Co. Erect 2 .story mill garage and factory, 21-55 N. 15th between Burnside and Couch; Stebinger Bred., builders, $60,000. K. O. Rauh and H. Jscobson. erect garage, 843-847 Wasco, between 28th and 27th; build er, II. II. Shiimway, $350.00. I.. K. Davis, repair residence. 141 W. Hum bolt, between Denver and Gay; builder same, $150.00. M. Selling, wreck three residences, 387 F.. Tamhill, between Union and Grand; wrecker, Cares Wrecking Co., $100.00. Conrad Htark. repair residence. 555 Tamhill, corner Chapman: builder same. $100.00. A. S. Farquharson, residence. 441 41st St., between Hancock and Tillamook ; builder, C. H. Greene. $3500.00 L. E. Meadows, repair residence, 605 46th st, near Beaumont; builder, I,. W. Ilesg, $180. L L. Appleton, repair residence, 1167 Rod ney, between Killing sworth and Church; buildar, U W. Hesa, $190. R. T. Driskill, repair residence. ST9 E. First N.. between Broadway and Hancock; builder, L. W. Hess. $220. H. R. Ketel. repair residence, 1124 Princeton, between Buchanan and Burr; builder, 1.. W. Hess. $200. Alice A. Pitts, repair residence, 725 N. Wil lamette bird., between Catlin nd Trumbull; builder, E. John. $5. Mrs. Marie Beasley. garage. 336 E. 41st N between Halsey and tjsndy; builder same. $100. Frank A. Read, garage. 516 E. 10th St., be tween Brejtee and Knott; builder aame, $400. Frand A. Read, residence. 016 K. 10th st N.. between Brazeo and Knott; builder same. $6000. II. I', (irimrn. repair store. 1425 Dekum, be tween 6th and 7th: builders same, $40. Orsley Athrey, repair residence, 336 Lom bard, between C.arfield aud Rodney; buudcr, II. U. Grimm. $170. Ncls H. Johnson, garage, 322 Fessenden, be tween Hudson and 8mith av., builder same, $80. I,. Sumner Taylor, garage, 131 E. 32nd at, between Alder and Morrison; builder same, $100. j. j. Nquiuane, garage, 444 r;. Z4tn st-, be tween Sherman and Caruthers; builder, G. Carl son. I15U. Guy W. Long, repair residence, 119 Hazel- NEW TOD AT Send Us Your Old Carpets Old Rags and Woolen Clothing We Hake BeTerslble, Hand-Wotem Fluff Rugs They Wear like Iron Bar Ron Wore- All Sites Han Order- end for Booklet Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning 1x19 Bags, Steam Cleaned, $141 WESTERS FLUFF RUG CO. ,44 Union ATt. X. East il6 Phones B.147 Capitol Hill Special For the next 30 days the owners of Capitol Hill property will offer to borne 'builders it spe cial inducement in small tracts: 1 ecre for $900; , sore for $600; 4 acre for S00; 1 lot BOil 00 for (200 and up. This property is on the Oregon Electrlo rail way. So car fare. Bull Run water, gas and elec tricity available. Also good schools. See owners. 301 McKay bids. Pbone Main 1004. JOURNAL . "WANT" AD RATES DAILY OR SUNDAY Per line, per insertion I2e Three consecutive Insertions without change of copy for price of two. Each subsequent consecutive insertion without change of copy, per line. . . 6e Count 0 average words to the lines Phone for Solicitor for Contract Rates, PHONES MAIN 7173 A-6 051 I swell looking dame like you right up to the altar and watch you spend their money. , They may not be the sporty dress suitors, but they are real guys, with the right idea, and they'd be prouder of you for a wife than these birds around here were of you as a sweet heart. You'd have everything your own way in some little town cause they think a lot of "know in' how"; and, with your New York style and manner say, you'd be a leadin' lady in the burg! So, why stick around here? Go West, young woman, go West by rail, not gas! fert, between Flanders and Gli5an; builder same, $23. W. J. Trunpley, 589 E. 26tb jr., between Knott and Stanton; builder. Moore Bros., $4000. II. P. Ellis, repair residence. 257 Farragut, between Vancourer and Williams ars. ; builder me. 11JO. S Thos. Mann, repair store, 44V E. Burnside, ! between E. 7th and E. 8th; builder same, $100. j Bohler Estate, repair residence. 426 E. Ever- j ett between E. Cth and E. 7th; builder same, j AnU- it..io. r.f.f. i roa r.- - ' , nA "... v '1 1.11- rrW-.n.HSSS Hancock; reward i-.eieu, ut-iween r.. uiu anu c. I kn, ouuuer same. $150. . W. S. Klein, garage. 1284 E. 20th. between Tolman and Clayhonie; builder same. $50. ATTTTOX SALES TOMORROW AT WIUSON'S AUCTION HOUSE, 169-173 2d st. Sale at 10 a. m. MEETING NOTICES 41 PORTLAND TENT No. 1, The Maccabees, will give a smoker at their hall. 409 Alder St.. cor. lltb, Thursday evenine. Seutem- 1 her 25. A fine program, includ- ! Inn bozing bouts and ciears. All members are earnestly requested to be present with a prospect. It's free. Jtty order of rommittee. CAMP meets every Wed nesday evening in W. O. W. Temple. 128 11th at. All members requested to attend. Visitors welcome. H. (!. DREW. C. C. HKKMAN SCtiADK. Clerk. PORTI.AND OiI;F; No. 55. A. F. A. A. M. Special communi cation tomorrow (Wednesday) eve- niiig, 7 o'clock, Masonic temple. Work in E. A. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. By order W. il. ! H. J. HOI GHTON. Sec'y. HAWTHORNE LODGE NO. 111.1 A. F. & A. M.- Special com- j mutucation thn (Tiiesclay) eve ning at 7 o'clock. Wrk in the M. M. degree. Visiting breth ren welcome. U. E. MILLER. Sec y. SAMARITAN LODOE NO. 2, L O. O. F. The officers snd mem bers are requested to attend the fu neral of Brother O. V. Tlunirstx to- dy (Tuesday), Sunnyside M. E. " church, 2:30 oclock. K. A. NEALOND, N. O. JESSET. JONES, Sec'y. ORERON Asbembly No. 1, United Artisans, will hold cloed meetinc at W. O. W. hall. 128 11th St.. Tuesday evening, Sept. 23. The of ficers and degree team of Liberty assembly will put on the initiatory work. All Artisans are invited. Refreshments will be served. Usual entertainment after lodge. E. E. VAN ALSTINE. PRIZE WALTZ Big dance for the public tonight, W. O. W. ha'l, 128 1 1th st., given by Anchor council No. 748, K. and L. of S. Everyone in city invited. Dandy music. I -a rue floor cienmittee to see you "sve the time of yonr life. Admission 35c. MASONIC DANCE: the main ball room. Masonic temple. Thursday evening, September 25. Masons, their families nd friends invited. EMBLEM JEWELRY a specialty; buttons, pins, e harms. Jaeger Bros.. 181-iy 8tb et. DEATHS AND FUNERALS 71 BRUMBY In this city, at her late residence. 615 E. 18th st. N., September 22, Frances A. Brumby, aged 53 years, wife of P. S. Brum by. The funeral services will be held Wednes day. (September 24, at 1 :30 o'clock p. m., at Firiley's, Montgomery st 5th. Friends invited. Keriices at the Portland crematorium private. Please omit flowers. TURGESEN In this city, September 22. Laura C. Turgesen, age 40 years; beloved wife of O. O. Turgesen of 6567 Ninety-fifth street south east. Funeral services will be held tomorrow, Wednesday, September 24, at 2:30 p. m.. from the funeral parlors of A. D. Kenworthy" & Co.. 5802-5804 Ninety-second street southeast, in Ints. Interment at Mount Scott cemetery. ROSSITER The funerafrricelT-- late Mary Lucy Boasiter will be held Wednesday, September 24, at 2:30 o'clock p. m.. at Fin ley's. Montgomery at 5th. Friends invited. In terment at Riverview cemetery. CARD AtTthe residence. 205 North" Eighteenth street. September 20. lit 19, Mr. Myra Card, aged 5B years. Remains at Holnian 'h parlors! Third and Salmon streets. Notice of funerai later. BARGER At the residence, 803 Twenty-third street north, September 22, 1910, Rebecca J. Barger aged 94 years. Remains st HoUnan'a funeral parlors. Third and Salmon streets. Fu neral notice later. - PAYSON At the residence, 4 7 0"-ElsTTfgh ty sixth street north, Arthur U. Payson, aged 47 years. Remains at Holman's funeral parlors. Third snd Salmon streets. Funeral notice later. FLORISTS LIBERTY MARKET FLORIST. 5th and Yam hill sts Cut flowers, plants and designs. Sell wood Greenhouse. 4 Nehalean eve. Sell. 1520. CLARK BROS.. rioristsTorrlseB st. bet, 4th snd 5th. Pbone. Msin A-1805. l"k flow ers sod floral designs. No branch stores. MARTIN & FORBES CO., florists, 8S4 Wash ington. Main 26ft. A-1269. Plovers for an occasions artistically arraasad. PEOPLE FLORAL SHOP. 345 Alder. fs7 efajns aerd decorations, Pbone Marshall 8922 " SWISS FLORAL COMPANT ruinttis AND PLANTS MAX M. SMITH, florist. 141 H th st. rUERAX DIRECTORS BreeseSnook tMiS? A.R.Zeller Co. &f;z 5lrA3A7e liNOkRiAsVlNU GO. M. 18. iJACWcS A-232L Cot. Third sad Ua. I f CAMP 4l , FIT ERAI. DIRECTOKS Holnian Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors third and saT-mow sts. Main 607. A-181L, J. P. FUILEY & SON Progressive Funeral Directors Main VONTGOMERT AT FIFTH A-1SOO F. S. Dunning, Inc. THE OOLDEN.RTJLE UNDERTAKERS. 414 K. AMrf St ' Pboc. East 53. B-52JS CHAMBERS CO., Funeral Directors. AH the conveniences of a home. WeoT1awn 8306. 248-20 Killlnrwrtb it. A. D. Kenw & Co. 6R02-S804 02D ST... 8 K.. I.KNT8 Phone Tabor 6267 Horn. Phone D-61. Dunning & McEntee Broadway and Ankeny at. Lady Assistant. Phones Brosdway 480. A-4S58 B-1B88 East 781 P. L. Lerch Mrs. Lerch Assistant UNDERTAKERS. E. 11th snd Hawthorne McENTF.E A EILER3. funeral parlors with all th. privacy of a home. 18th and Ere rat t sts. Phones Broadway 21 88. Home. A-2188. MILLER TRACEY. lndroeo.lent tiineral di rectors Prices as l"w as 320. $40. $60. Washington at Ella Main 2891. A-788B. DOWNING ft McNEMAK, successors to Wilson A Rosa. Multnomah at E. TU. Irvington div (Hot. K 54. R. W. GABLE ft CO.. Successors to W. B. Hamilton. 1978 B. Clisan. Phone Tabor 4S1S. R. T. BYRNES LMSsr.S? WiWams ave. Woodlawn 220, XOItrtNT Portland Maribfie Works 266 4th t.. Oop. City Hall. Nen Bros. RBLSESiRQ GRAhlTE Co li. at7-3BP ST. AT MADISOM . LOST AND FOUND SI THE following articles hare been found on cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co.: Sept 20 2 purses. $5 money order, ring. watch, pin, key. 2 books. 2 pair gloves. 8 pkgs.. 6 suitcases, 1 box, 3 lunch boxes, baby carriage, 2 umbrellas. Sept 21 2 purses, 2 books, pin, 2 keys, j lavaner, a pair aiuea, v i"., 2 iron tods, shoe, 3 lunch boxes. Owners may obtain property at 1st and Alder UOivF Sept. 23, one brown hand satchel and tools, between 197 25th st. N 203 V, 4th ft and California st.. Portland, consisting of one 18-inch Talmo pipe wrench, one 14-inch and one 6-inch wrench, one machine hammer marked with 4 dots in diamond shape, wrenches and trxls for Ford truck. Liberal reward. South Portland Express, 203 V, 4th st. Phone Main 575 6. L. A. Hood. TAKEN t'P A brown pup about. 7 iiKrthi old, white streak on brent Owner call for samo at 100 j E. 34th st S. I has. E. Wood ward. STOLEN $50 reward for return of late model Ford car. Gal. license 130047; motor model T 3031565. No questions asked. r.(233 Couch at., and we will explain our bonus I. Blackerby. 544 Commercial court LOST Sunday evening in Strand Theatre, ladies' black purse containinR money, spectacles, etc., Keep money and return contents and purse to Journal office. LOST A black handbag containing porketbook. some money, papers and trinket.", valuable to the owner: between Troutdale and Horsetail I alls : ion Jol. Migtrway. i-none r.at on. LOST Silver friendship bracelet, between Arleta ! and 66th st Return and receive reward from , Mrs Nettle E. Ritchey, 6328 66th et 8. E., City, j v osT White-cat.-" tnaltew" spots "head "and f VinH.T nlpav ..11 at ,(" ' ' MUCH. - i on Alberta car. Sunday I 'LOST Lady a purse, evening. Finder keep money. Please mail i bank book or call Woodlawn 3025. , LOST Brown sweater, partly finished, on Ter- j viuiger Dlvu. or on mjiiiway 10 .M-wm-it -ua.u 5062. LOST A seal handbag in Meier A Frank's, Sat urday evening; reward. East 7057. LOST Ladies' Swiss wrist watch and bracelet. Finder please call Tabor 3704. Reward Ft)l'NI Fi h basket. Hull, 5 1-t st Columbia highway. W. LOST Diamond ring; finder please call Mar shall 2K8Q. Reward. LOST n 13th stTTn Sellwood. pink silk cro chet ramisole. Call Sell. 1031. Reward. HELP WASTED Its LE WANTED Good, live from J7i to $125 i men who .can make week. Call at Beaver Elect. Co. lit G rand a re. MEN wanted to carry briquets from trucks to basement; 8 hours; wages from $4.50 to $5. Apply N. E. comer 2d and Flanders sts., Portland lias & Coke Co. WANTED Cigarmakers. steady employment year round Factory conditions are grwwi Com miniieate with Hood River Cigar Co., Inc.. I. O. hex 224. Hood River, Or. CASING mar and frvt class slaughter hou butcher. $30 t $40 per w-eS and bi,ard Frank T. Sr Mest IV. 22K Alder st BI'SIIEUIAN wanted. Write or wire Bauer & Baurr. Corvalli'. Or., or see M. IT. Bauer, Im perial hotel, Sunday. 12 to 3 p. m. WANTEDMan "vrittTtruck and trailer to haul logs all winter, just 4 mile haul. Call Woodlawn 2341. WANTED A competent retoucher and finisher. Sowell Studio, 420 Washington. Broad way 3242 . WANTED Men who understand laying hard wood floors and scraping, etc. Call Wood lawn 6313. DRIVER wanted for retail milk wagon, wages $4.50 per day. lUverview Dairy, 1003 Bel- mont. TEAM for grading; also two concrete men. 31st and Presrott st. Northeast, Broadway car. Call Woodlawn 6313 LABORElOT WANTED Street work. $5.00. 8 hours. 13th and Linn. Sellwood car. WANTED Man to care for invalid man. W. Gardner. 9128 Woodstock ave. D. AUTOMOBILE trimmer and top maker wanted, apply Rpbinson Smith Co . 8th and Madison. CEMENT finisher wanted. Boring. See Mr. Ilagen at WANTF,I Oement man. Sell. 128 HELP WANTED MISC. 49 Adcox Auto School UNION AVE. AND WASCO STREET THE SCHOOL THAT'S DIFFERENT ONE WEEK FREE to investigate our system of teaching Autos, tractors, Gas Engines, Auto Eleetrlc-al and Rat terv work. SPECIAL ELECTRICAL COURSE FOR AUTO MECHANICS. DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES. CALL OR WRITE FOR 100 PAGK CATAHX1 FREE. ASK FOR BOOK No. 2B. LEARN A TRADE We are giving a special coarse in automobile, gas tractor, truck, stationary and marine, oper ating snd repairing; also ignition, carburetion end battery repairing, for $75, with a $25 discount to discharged soldiers and tailors. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS, INCORPORATED fleott car at 2d and Alder sts. to E. 20th. Scott car at 2d and Alder sts. to E. 20. Typewriting, comptometer, bookkeepings end all other modern business courses. Day and night school. Alisky bldg., 3d snd Morrison Main (24 POSITIONS ASSURED EVERT GRADUATE OF BEHNKE WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE. PORTLAND Enroll any time. Telegraphy stenography. bsnkir. bookkeeping, secretariat. Tree catalog. Hawthorne Auto School 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. Aotomobiies, trucks, tractors, machinist trade, exy-aretylene welding, vulcanising and retreading. Special summer rates. Dsy snd evening pleases. ' LEARN TELEGRAPHY v 41 ng men and women wanted. Can 43 Seaway Exchange bldg. Splendid epportonity to learn a well-paid prof essoin. Free booklet. Hallway Telegraph Institute. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Use Resins Buckets private achool; indirtoV eal instruction. 122 hi iimni eve. East 417. WANTED At once, 2 men to learn automobile repairing and gasoline engineering. Cell et 432 Hawthorne ave. MISS MATTINGLY'S Shorthand. Typewriting School. $ month. 26 14U seer Jeffereaa. Main 8898. OREGON LAW hCHOo:.. A lksk y bldg. 2d and Morrison. W. E. Richardson, secrstary. Phone Main ear. ' GOlNUst or Sooth f Household foods shipped st reduced rates; moving and packing. Pacific Coast Forwarding Co., 40S Hoyt at. Bdwy. .70S. HF.LP Vf AWTEB FEMAtE PERMANENT POSITIONS rOK T0TJWG WOMEN TELEPHONE OPERATORS NOW EARN APPROXIMATELY $800.00 DURING FIRST TEAR A SALARY OF $52.00 IS PAID DURING THE FIRST MONTH WHILE LEARNING TO OPERATE. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NOT REQUIRED. APPLY AT THE TELEPHONE COMPANY, ROOM 001. 6TH FLOOR TELEPHONE BLDG.. PARK AND OAK STS. WANTED Several la- j dies for housetohoue , demonstrating work; i straight salary, $2.50 to $3.50 per day and car fare. Inquire303 Stock Exchange bldg., 3d and si r n o i " 1ACEIIMAW (MI MAKES ATTENTION OCR MACKINAW FACTORY STARTS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29. EXPERIENCED OPERATORS APPLY NOW PLENTY WORK GOOD PAY OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS BRANCH 244 Ttl SSELL ST. NEAR WILLIAMS AVE.. GOOD TRICES PAID LIBERAL BONUS IN ADDITION ' HALF HOLIDAY EVERY SATURDAY LEARN A BUSINESS THAT GIVES STEADY EMPLOYMENT YOU Experienced operator! on Pants, Overalls Coat. Playiutto, etc. We will teach a limited number of bright girls and will paw you while learning. Call at office of Mount Hood Factory, system to you. GIRLS WANTED APPLY TRU BLU BISCUIT CO. East Sixth and Davis. WANTED Two waitnses. 5." per month and board first month: $65 per month and board second month and thereafter. Work C fiy, ltet WP1.k and as late as J2 p. m. : good clmnce for promotion to girls who apply them- selves. Apply Broadway Hazelwood, 127 Broad- after 9 a. tn. STRIKE ON IN LAUNDRIES NON-UNION girls wanted for first .class po sitions. Learn work in few weeks. Best of wages paid while learning; permanent positions. Crystal Laundry, East 21st and Sandy, Rose City car. WANTED g irlsT 8 to 18 yrs. of age to al- tend sewing machines; opportunity to learn to operate machines later. Work is steady ar.d not hard. Apply Ames, Harris.Neville V, 1 ''ind Hoyt. RESPONSIBLE" woman for house work, WiT- llamette Heights; 2 adults- and baby in family: wages $50 or over for right person. Main 2415. GIRL for general housework; no waliing; $50 month; good home and a Dire room. Apply 162 Hazelfern place, or to Mr. Levitt, comer 4th and Washington, in care of Ivitt's store. WANTED High school girl to work for room aud board. Small wages. Family privileges. No children. In Jefferson high school district Woodlawn iiM'i. WANTED High fchool girl ti) assist with housework. Goo-I home: carfare and salary. 0118 K. 8-'nd st. N. Tahor 54 as. WANTED EXPERIENCED CASHIER. NO OTHER NEED APPLY. Powers Furniture Company. MARRIED couple, lady to help chsmber work in hotel, for light housekeeping rooms and some pay. 422 Washington. MIDDLE aged woman; small wages and a good home by the year: light work. Address W. If. Davis. Hwct Home, Oregon. WANTED Chambermaid and waitress ; refer ences required. Apply St. Helens UaJl, 13th and Hall gts. WANTED A competent retoucher snd finisher Sowell Studio, 420 hi Washington. Broad way 8242. EXPERIENCED lady solicitor can make $35 to $40 per week. Give age, previous experience and phone number. F-733, JournaL WANTEDi Housekeeper for widower with one child and one fur bachelor. Phone or write f0 mtternouse, unnton. LVVANTED Good girl or woman for general r house wsrk: good wages. Call at 560 E. Madison st. ' WANTED Cook and maid, out of town; good wage-. Call 874 Schuyler at. corner E. ItHh. LADY or girl to assist in light housework-"half day every day. Call at 470 E. 44th st. N. OPERATORS on power sewing machines; presser; good wages. 187 1-t st. also WANTED A reliable girl for cooking and some general housework ; good wages. Main 2928. WANTED Girls to do-embroidery work";-also helpers on gowns. -105 Fleidner bldg. WANTED Millinery apprentice business thoroughly. Wiison's, to learn the 180 10th st. COMPETENT Portland hotel. worker for hairdreaaing parlor. Main 5301. GIRLS wanted. Front st. Portland Paper Box Co., 92 GIRLS wanted at once, Columbia Paper Boi Co.. K. 23th and Holladay. WANTED Errand girl in Northwestern Bank bldg. gown aliop. 302 WANTED Finishers and helpers 802 Northwest Bank bldg. on gowns. WANTED Girl for general housework housekeeper, small family. East 761.1. HELP VTATTTm MALE AND FEMALE ft MOLER BARBER COLIJBGB pays you while learning; gives yoa set of tools; position secured. Write for cstalogae. 284 Bqrnside St.. or phone Broadway 1781. UE5T. WOMEN, learn barker trade; wages wMU learning, position guaranteed. Mgr. 22 yrs. experience. Oregon Barber College, 283 Had 'son. PORTLAND-Barber College pays you whiU learning, gives you set of tools free, posltioa secured. N 8ecnnd st t WA-TTKI) AGENTS 6 AGENTS Get particulars : wonderful Mystic Chemical cloth; one application on cab snd streetcar windows, rain, fog, snow vanish ; money back guarantee. Mystic gales sgeocy. Box 2548 etty. SALESMEN WANTED 88 SALESMAN' to call on professional men. Etab liihed trade. Steady, permanent income. Also one for outside city. Htste age, expe rience. P. O. Box 121, Philadelphia. Pa. yiTFATIOXS MAM; WANTED Cement work of all kinds; houses raised and basements enlarged. Call Mefshall 2127; ask for Mr. Landolf. WASTED Pdsition where speedy penmanship is required; also accurate and swift in figures. N-120. JoumaL ELDERLY man wants position as Janitor or houseman. D-421, Journal. MARRIED man wants inside, light work; a rea aon, O. H. Wood, Milwsnkie city. R. 2. CARPENTER Wants new or old work, also concrete or house raising. A-1670. AT LIBERTY Experienced pianist and accom panist. Phone CoU 201 after 6 p. m. ROOFS REPAIRED ROOFS Roofs tarred and waterproofed. Tabor 6200. MAN with dragaaw wants wood cuttinc iob. any place where there are wages, B-ll, Journa.) TINTING and painting reasonably done. Wood - jawn 33ZO. SIT17ATIOXS MAI.K .'"MOUSE PAINTING. and Heating. We do our work right, modsrata price, ("all Main 8888. BOOKKEEPER with lumber and planing mill experience ia open for position. 0-833, Jctirnal. LACE CURTAINS hand Uundered by ' experts; called tor and delivered. East 0100. SITUATIONS FEMAlB RELIABLE woman ttiuti care of home where people are away (or the winter; reference. Call Tabor 2478. W A N TED Child to board during winter. Ref erences. Tabor 4 8 SO. EXPERIENCES woman would lik. day. work. for ltiurwuy and Friday. Tabor U34. WOMAN wants work by hour of day. reference. Wdln. 4575. Reliable SITUATIONS WAITED MALE AM) FEMALE IS WANTED Poaition aa car. taker by respon aible man and wife of middle age. Call Tabor 8484. JiREKSMAKIXU 40 DRESSMAKING, plain sewing, alterations, house aprons, dresses, children'! clothes, reasonable prices. 810 Fremont. East 780T. IF YOU ADMIRE work well done, try Mrs. Bate.. 1120 Invision at., for alters tiona, re modeling and making of ladies' garment. Rea sonable prices, work guaranteed. Tabor 8012. ALTERATIONS, refitting and making of ladle garments, retteonoble pricea; work guaranteed. J. Ktobin. Ladies' Tailor. 408 Bush ft Lan. bid. MttSKS fiO SITUATION wanted for nursing anyone desiring care it their own home for 'confinement Call on Mrs. F. M. Court.. "experienced practical nurse." Call at 998 H Commercial at Telephone Broadway 200. or A 6701. FT1R7H8HED BOOMS Hart a tart m en T and laurel HOTEL Newly furnished, modern housekeeping and sleev ing rooms. $2.60 up. Second and Yamhill. BOTKlT- 8 A r5bNT Hawthorne end Oraad Starting potnt special car for Tanoouver. FURNISHED ROOMS FRIT AT K FAMILV T? TWO SLEEPINt; rooms for ladies or gentle men employed: nicely furnished; bright and airy; electric lights, bath and phone; short walk to business center; West Side. Main 7304 during day forarPointment FURM8HEilrroni. for l"or 2 gentlemen, in private family. Pbone East 4323. 869 Wil lis nr. ave iisms are. ROOM and board for two young men. close in. Call 703 E. Pouch. FTrN ISffED rooms, reasonable, in private fam- A FURNISHED room at 362 Morris st East ouwo. ROOMS AUD BOARt II HARRISON HOTEL Good table board $6 par week; outside rooms, per week $2.50. Front and Harrison sts. NEW, pleanant, airy room with board. Call East 2075 or 866 E. 7lh N. THEMAETILVA8HlN6TON. 380 10th. tot business girls and students. Marshall 1281. ROOMS AND BOARD FAMILY -PRIVATE BOARD and room, home cooking, strictly Amer ican. Call and see us. Grand Ave. notei, 334 Grand ave., corner East Mill. WOULD "like-" to-rent room with privilege of breakfast where boy of 7 years may be cared for. J 611 1, Journal. ROOM-aiid-board in private family near 8. P. slioi. Inquire 605 Haif st. near East lOtii 8. rjione Sell. 340.'. CHILDREN "to board'in'pr'ivate home. 3o5 ilaT- sey st. near Union ave. East 2446. B-8, Journal. WOULD LIKE one or two school girli to care for; reasonable. Sell. 8534. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 FT RMSHKI) AND t?NH RNlSHFD SHIPYARD di-trict, cottaces. housekeeping apartment. fumMied. unfurnished, reason- ab! Apply Gihhs. ONE 3 mom furnished apt.; 1 2 room fur- nisl.ed apt.; free light, eas. phone ana wsior. 693 Johnpons LOVELY, large, airy housekeeping room, $13 per month. 347 Market st LARGE, loveb; suite, dean as a pin, a.50 per v..'k; adults only. 841 Harrison St. i- HOOM8, intern. 23. Kinall child or adults. 5330 Powell Valley Road, Trunks dfi iVfcuKi in downtown dis trict FOR Sft CENTS PliONR R 4. HOUSEKEEPIO ROOMS 71 FURBilSHED AM) UXFLRXISHEl) PRIVATE FAMILY 2 FURNISHED" houaekeeplng rooms for rent, reasonable, walking distance. 5,29 Yamhill. ONE LARGE1 ( uroisheTHri7"rooin, bath, phone, electric light. 6S1 E. Morrison. 688 WATER 4 housekeeping rooms for rent, partly furnished. MarsbaU2319. 3 OR""4UNFURNISHK.D housekeeping rooms for rent; private entrance. 74 8 Vaughn st H K and Sleeping room, at 229 12th t. FOR RE WT HOUSES UNFURNISHED It WHEN TOO MOVE. USE NORTH WESTERN EI.ECTRIO LIGHT 8BRVICH Teeth and Washington. Broadway 4 ROOM hou'e for rent; not modern. No chil dren. $13. IiHiuire 871 E. 2Gth L after 1 0 1 1 o'clock 4 ROOM house. Stanley station"! $T5 month., 25 mrhutes' rid on car. Main 7927. UN FURN 1 SH V. D house- for rent 442TS. Shef man corner 7lh. Phone Sellwood 1088. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FORSAI.E JW FOR RENT 6 room modern house, furniture and piano for bale, close In; 8 rooms rented. 282 Holladay ave. HOURE1 Tor rent, furniture for sale. Apply 864 Front St. FURNISHED HOUSES 8 SMALL HOUSE, furnished or unfurnished; on Oregon. City electric- not over H mile from car line.. Address M-878 Journal. FURNISH ElTS rooms and two sleeping porches; lease. 8HK Grand ave. North. 1 11 V I N ' J TO V rTora home, fairly nice, piano, furnace. im.d I'lume Ev.t 273, Herdman. CLEAN 4 rooiu' t range; adults, n Ished flat, electricity r- gas 't 1st S. FLATS TO HEN T. t'NEURNISHEH 1 LOWER FLAT, 5 room, elec. ilghl.s. gas, bath. on paved it. west side, near Fulton Park, 12 minutes out. Car at 2d snd Morrison, $17.30; water paid. 1205 Cor belt st. Fl ItWIHHF.n FTiATS 6 APARTMENT! completely furnished, including piano snd sewing machine; light and clean; West Side; walking distance; for man sod wife, 551. 2d si., near Lincoln. 0 ROOM uiir flat., furnished; walking distance. S73 K. Salmon st. APARTMEST8FOR RF.lfT 48 THE STANFIELD. 204 Porter sL Modern 2 room apartments, furnished; rea sonable. Main 7802. DEL st. Tar anartmenta. 400 H E. Burnside 822; 2 -room apts.; staam heat; adulu. WANTFT) TO RENT We Want to List HOUSES. FLATS AND APASTMEWTS. Tf YOU HAVE ANT VACANCIES. PHONE. HEAVE TOGETHER, CARE OF NORTHWEST STEEL CO.. MAIN 1108. k?R. FARMER, do yon want to rent that farm of yours T If so, we can get yon cash rent and sell thkt personal property for cash. We have a dose a people calling on as every dsy wanting to rent farms. Send us yours tor quick action. A. fi. BENDER, RITTER. LOWK ft CO., 201 3-6-7 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED To rent at once, unfurnished house, apt. or flat; must be modern. Have one little girl 6 years old. Al references. Phone Tabor 8822. WANTED Housekeeping room, father and son. where son can rae breakfast and lunch; not over blocks of 17 to and Pine 11 E. 14th L N. WANTED to rent, unfurnished bungalow or flat, 4 or 5 rooms; will give best ef ear and references. Call Tsbor 86. WANTED Small partly furnished Louse rea sonable rent; child. J-42, Journal. REAL ESTATE FOR HALF HOUSES II $200 CASH 5 room modem, vacant, tin look! 027 Williams ave., $2375. STORE, housekeeping rooms, garage; on hard surface street; terms. Usrner, Marshall 287. 1850. LIKE RENT --Nice " room house, fine lot 6323 71st, near 63d ave. Main 8438. 5 ROOM modern oement block bungalow, Kenton district. (ZBUU, anuu rash. Wdln. 5818, FOR HALE 5 room cotuge, 60xl25foot lot. szzeo. vi morns sr. cc qzst. -L j 1TAKPX room buugaiow. J(io. East' 2 Hi BE AIi ESTATE FOR fcALE UOLSEK t : TP25"A&TISTlC BDSdXCSwT On K-- Clav t aKK 1 t,l.k, tmnrm thm , Hawthorne car, ia aa unnsuaUy attractive typieI ' ""Jv""" ramuung lines; targe iiring , foom urtth fireplace and bnilt-ln bookci. pan- led dining room with buffet Dutch kitchen. 3 light, airy bedrooms, good cement basement; can arrange terms; very distinctive bungalow. W have over 700 photographs of inspected borne in 1 ur officii for sale. 1 2 experienced aaleataatf ' wita autoa at ymir service. SEE F1UNK L. McGl lHR TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington bldg. Main 1068. , Office Ojien Evenings and Sundays. . HAWTHORNE 18T ST. $4000 Toe. there are still some good bura. Her h one: A 7 room bungalow, built 4 yean ago; p. imng roi-tn, atning room, i Mitch kitchen, 2 beo- I rooms and bath dawn and 2 moms and sleeping i porch upper floor, fireplace, built-in bookcase. ran cement basement, garage, pared street, -d; i block to Hawthorne car. Th semi-bungalow i' waa bnilt by owner for a home. It really is one 5 of the best buys we've seen for some time. If ' : you can pay $1000 down you'd better as It today. COE A. McKENNA A CO. Main 4522. 82 4th st., Board of Trade bldg. i $1 500 NKAT BUN'GAIOWHOMIi!. On E. 74U) at., near Stark, close to the ear , and school on the north alopa of Mt, Tabor, i -is an attractive 4 -room bungalow; built-in con-1 venienoea; white enamel plumbing, electric light and gas. Attractive lawn, flowers and shrubs, j Can arrange terms. We have over 700 photo-1 graphs of inspected home in our office for sale. J 1 2 experienced salesmen with auto at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE. TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abinron bldg. Main 106i. Office Open Evenings snd Sundays. RMECITY park 6 ROOMS AND SLEEPING POHCH $4360 Must be sold by October 1. Splendid bungalow with hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, oement j hart-mont furnace, etc. The chanaes are this ' will be sold immediately. You'd better hurry Sui.day and evenings phone Tabor b253. A G TEEPE Ctl. 204 SUrk st, near Sd. Main 3092. Main J51. Rranch Office 50th and Handy. , $285 $2850 Sft'RT SFI.I. THIS WEEK Owner moving. Look at 1003 K. IStli st. f. i and for the first tne put on the market you ; will find a dandy tj-room bungalow with whit enamel bath, built-in features, garret!, basement, i garage, everything to make a dandy home. Sold on eay terms. TAYLOR. 330 Railway Exchange. Mar. 3683, Sunday or evenings, E. 6848. j HAWTHORNE BUNJAUW OARAGB BIX ROOMS MODERN $3300 VACANT MOVM IN Five rooms aisn reception hall on first flooe. 1 room up. another ean be finished; hardwood floors, fireplace, bufret, bookcases, cabinet kitchen, cement basement lloyntmt furnace wash trays: garage and cement driveway. Au street improvements in and paid. I .orated neat 4 7th and Harrison sts. Price $8500, terms. CLEVEUN1I1ENI)E1180N CO. 212 Railway Kxcli. Bldg Main 8TC2. ( $2250 Would you expect to get a 7-rooin house west of SOtli et and near beau tiful Laurelliurst park for so little money? Wo hare it and will be glad to show .you.' but don't delay. This is your chance for a real bargain. Full basement; full line of plumbing; East front: no at Imp. and no mortag to assume. J. A. W1CKMAN COMPANY 204 Ry. Exchange bldg. Main 1094 Office open evenings ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW $4 100 Folks, here's a dandy 5 room bungalow. In- rated below the hill, within one block of Handy. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, 80x100 lot, assts. paid. Sounds pretty good for $4 100 In . that location, doesn't It? You would expect to pay more. Let us show you. A. fl. TEEPK CO.. 204 Stark st, near 3d. Main 301)2. Main 351. Branch office 60th and handy ; ROSE CITY PARK $4350 . Don't you know it is almost Impossible to find a bungalow on a large lot in Itoao City Park? 1 Well, here is one, and it'a a good buy, too: A 5 room bungalow type home with fireplace, all huiltlns, full basement. Fox furnace, garage;, the lot is 84s 101) feet, and the street is pavwl. the sewer is in and pahL Owner requires $1000. Remember, this is in Hose City Psjk, within blocks of car. COE A. McKENNA CO. Main 4523. S2 4th St., Hoard of Trade Bldg. IF YOU'VE BEEN IXMIKLNU for a home, you know real bargains are scarce. Here is one of the beat we've seen. A handsome semi-bungalow of 0 rooms and haUi, big Irving room with fireplace, good basement. This is close in, only IS minutes by car. Th prlre Is $2650. If you can give references we'll help you make the first payment; pay $300 rash, balance monthly. Now hurry If you want this. COE A. McKENNA & CO. Main 4322. 82 4th st Board of Tisdetldjr Laurklhurst Have you 8750 for first paymvntf If you have yon can purchase a 7 room modem hous 1 with sleeping porrh in Iurlhurat. I will i sightly located and 8 blocks from car. Total like rent). This house is in perfect condition, ' sightly located and 3 blocks from 3. Total, price $3000, whlrh includes all assessments of , every nature. MR. BROWN. E. ;uth and' Glisan sta. Tabor 3483. Evenings Tabor 59. $2350 Buys a dandy home of 8 rooms anil bath. Plastered ; vlwtriu lights: gsa; full basement; wa-sh trays; furnace: nice' lawn; place in dandy condition and only, 1 V blncka to car. Don't orerlook this wonderful bargain. Terms J A. WK'KMAN COM PA NT 204 Ry.Excbang bid. Main 1004 Office open evenings, TWfTFAMff.Y HOUSE $3703 A wonderfully well built 2 story 7 room , house, close In on east side: large, light, airy, ruunu with all kinds of built in convenuiH-es. 2 toilets. 8 large assorted bearing fruit Trn Tees. . 1000 cash t3B tnonthlv: nhntus at office, i Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com.' Open Sundays and evenings, . ALBERTA 6 ROOM HOUSE $2250 ; Good 8-room house, 3 bedrooms, bath, elec- , tricity, gas, baement, garage, lot 40x100, with-1 alley; liens paid; E. 32d near Albert. Price) $2250: $500 cash, $20 per mouth; extra lot if desired. t GRUS8I A BENNETT. 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 70. FKCEi TO ELL: my t 100111 hhmi. m tmnaaiov, ; wui taae soir if sold this week. S60O dnviii. bslsnce ay : $15U0 less than cost today. See it at 782S 62d avn. K (Isn.ir. SUNNYSIDE BIG SNAP Good 6-room house, eleettlclty. nice bath, full basement, corner h. 80th and Alder; worth $2800; will sell for $250, $500 ra'h and $25 per month. Photo at our offire. (.IllHSl A BMNhl 1, 318 Board nt Trade bldg. Main 7452. ROSE CITY SNAP Fine bungalow. 5 rooms, furnace, fireplace . and built Ins. on Alameda, beautiful fir trees: price $4000, $1075 cash, balance at ?,. In quire at 81.0 Spalding blilg. .Many other bar- gains. 6 ROOM modern bungalow, bird surfaced streets. U block to car; 82500. $830 cash, balance $25 per month. SCAN DIN A V I A N- A M K RICA N I! I.ALT I CO. Main C42W. 'J4H Stark Mt. fSncceanor to Hletteo A Jones) 12-ROOM strictly modern house, now vacant, , -ready to move Into, In North Portland, west1 side. Tllis house is modern snd make a i good rooming house nr private sanitarium. New 1 York Land Co , 805 Stock - Exchange bldg. Phone Main 7678. I ROSE-CfTY PaRKTBUNOALOW . Beautiful Graw bungalow on corner lot. Dutch , kitchen, built In buffet, etc.- Some buy. $2850. SIzaO cash, 82o tcr month. . Immediate poe- session. Tabor 36. Owner. 1RVINGTON Nice 6 room house, furnished ; t fine furnace, concrete garsge, corner lot nOx 100; choice location; 1 block from Broadway i car; for sale by owner. ( all any time during the day. 674 Schuyler at ' - UNION AVE. CAR ' 6 rooms, all on one floor, on 80x128 lot, ; double garage, located on Hacramento St., vt wa r "1 . I'nion ave. Price $2800 800 cash, bal. easy. ' McOUIRE RIF.IJs, 645 Pntnn ave. N f 8 ROOM modern -house for sale at Woodstock. , electricity, gas. water, bath, oement basement, nice chic.kenhouse, fruit trees, berry bushes and ' 2 large walnut trees. $2500. Terms. 430$ : 59th ave. H. .. 48d st. $025 TERMS $200 ItftWX 4 ROOM COTTAGE L4)T 60X100 Living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, water, gss, 2 block Rose City Perk car; fruit Uses; real sacrifice Phone Tabor 6188. FOR-BATE by owner, 5 room bungalow, aiod ern. newly painted, facing east, on 2 lots. $4600, terms. $405 E. fiStli st. 1 block north of Powell Valley road. Between and 4 call Main T784 or D 113V. 8KB Crockett A Starker. 203 Washing-ten bldg.. rts on a 7 room house with 1 to 4 lota, nice fruit, easy fasrms. FT5R SALE cheap, large piece of ground, ifi bearing fruit trees snd small house, on ear . line; fine for chicken ranch. Pbone Marsh, 2822. FOR SALE Strictly modern 6 room bungalow with garsge. Apply 4 70 Holman near 10. 8th at X. Pbone Woodlawn 0-1- Wo agents, iidt' ITT in B-room bouse and i Jots; also fur niture for sale. Csil 6228 B5th sL B. E, . gUOOM house, near L'nion ave,. close in; sot . SOxlSS. Phone East 708B. i :y (Continned on FoUHinf Fsje)