THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 21 '1919. 7 HEAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES 1 ' (5500 BUNGALOW HOME (5500 On 100100 corner on. Rodney gve. wroth of t!ia Jefferson hkh Khool with 200 feet of fitting n and pM In fall, I aa attractive typi- cat bungalow with line living .room, tile lire place, core ceilings, (olid paneled dfnlng roa with plate rail and brained ceiling. Dutch kitch en, 2 bedroom, while enamel plumbing, full cement hue mm t with hot . water heating system ; fruit and grape; beautiful fir tree. Thin prop erty cost the owner 17000. Total price for quick ale is $5500. We, have orer 700 photograph j f inirpected homeaMn our office for sale; 12 j experienced salesmen with uUn at your service. BEE FRANK L. McGUIRE to buy tour home ibington bldg. Main 1068. ' Office ftnen Evenings and Sundays. 3400 2 story Lome. 30th uear Sandy, cloae in, copvenient. cement Payment, furnace, 7 rooms ami sleeping porch, in excellent condition, 50x100 lot: thin house is offered at a low fig ure for quirk sale; term, (iioo cash, balance to auit. FRIES A CO.. .1 Fourth St t h k m"c ; r i it k ffSr st i; it Make home buying easy. Yon can come to this of fire and nee orer 700 photograph of homes for aale. arranged in their respective dis trict, with full description. Every home hat been appraised hy an expert appraiser; some remarkable bargain. That U why we sold mrr 600 homes fluff; January 1 this year. ' 1 - ex perienced salesmen with automobiles at your 1 Hrvfce. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE : TO buy YOUR HOME 1 sbington bldg. Main 1068 ; Office Open Evening and Sundays. ; $i5oo Xlberta- iiomk bargain On a corner lot. 1 block from the Alberta air, west of 9th street, is a substantial 7 room home; living room. Mining roum. conven ient kitchen and four bedrooms: good cement . basement; white enamel plumbing, fruit and flowers; concrete garage, $300 down. $18 per month. No mortgage or afreet liens to as- slime. See thin today. SKK. FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main J0CIH. Office Open Evenings and Sunday. use C5ty Park Car VERY MODERN BUNGALOW -$3NO0 KOH SALE BY OWNKIt. I MUST RAISE SOME CASH AT ONCE AMI TO GET IT QUICKLY OFFER MY HKAl TIFUL BUNGA l,OW AT AS EXTREMELY LOW PRICE. CON SIDEMING THE LOCATION. THE QUALITY OK MATERIAL USED AMI THE WORKMAN SHIP TIIIKH'GIIOi T. HARDWOOD FLOORS, ITUKl'I.Ai'K BUFFET. DI TCH KITCHEN. Fl'IJ, CEMENT BASEMENT, ETC. CALL l!r. K. STANTON ST.. CORNER 66TH, 1 rl.Ol'K FROM SANDY. liKlM-? A REAL SNAP MOVE RIGHT IN 6 rnnmi and keeping porch, full cement base ment and furnace, completely furnished, good liirniturc, foil lot, pared sts. in and paid, just 1 '! bids, from Sandy blvd. in Rose CH Park, clear of all encumbrances, now vat-ant: all f,r $1000, rasv terms. O. A HITTER. UIWK A CO. 2013-5 7 Board of Trade bldg. $2700 SINN YSIDI. Five room coftrf-ye, tfuod condition. -Jeepim: porch, fine bath, Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment. tiirnai-B. paved street, sewer, close in. between Sunnyside and Hawthorne cars; only $500 down. GEO, T MOORE CO, J 007 TEON BLTSi. ' ' FOR SAI.E Good 4 room house, 8O.0 lot, close to school riouse: house is a little, run down, but a bargain at $lf00; small payment down, balance like rent. C E ADAMS, 507 Clumber of Com. bldg. Marshall 257.'). ' I AT 420 ROSELAWN AVE. A lovely ft -room house, one square east of I'nirm ave., opposite Walnut Park, paved streets, good houses, good people : must be sold. See owner near by. af105l Rodney ave.. etr. Al bert. Phone Woodlawn 2041 evenings after 5. fOHTSALE By owner, 7-room dwelling, large living room with fireplace, screened- in porches, basement and area way, 2-story garase, 50 J 00 foot lot, on corner, 3 and 5 blocks from rarlines, cement sidewalks, graded streets, (4000; terms. D-4B6, Journal. kOVE right in close in. on the east side. modern u furnished, even linen and dishes; garage, nice fiuit trees; $3500; $1200 down. (40 per month, interest, Marshall 3548. By owner. No agent. ; . WHY NOT( BUILD T I Oet an artistic home by an established aretri- j tectural firm at low cost. We build anything; furnish the money If desired, L. R. Bailey Ga. , Inc.. contracting architect. 924 N. W. Bank, j Is'EAR Mississippi car; price $250, easy terms : i good lot. under cultivation; improvements ; paid. I will loan you money to build good bouse or temporary. Why rent?, 1645 Mis sissippi ave. YJeXVING town must sell small home; two complete apartments, one furnished and rent ed for $22. Just painted and remodeled. V inter wood in basement. East Ankeny, near, ifind. Phone owner. R-1714. No agenhi. Phuuse. "TltOOM cottage, lot 50x100. cement walks, gas. electric lights, bath; walking distance to Franklin high school. Price $1800, $7C0 eash. balance easy terms. F. 1. Mitcheltree, Ana- bel -tatioia, Phone Tabor 2 10. ROSE CITY PARK Bl'NGAIIW Beautiful Graw bungalow on corneT lot, Dutch kitchen, built in buffet, etc. Some buy. $2950. $1250 cash. $25 per month. ImmsyJtate pos- T,K,,r FVfl Owner NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH SCHOOL $3500. Very attractive 5-room bungalow and in fine condition, lot 50x100; owner sacrificing to move ft,.,, eitv GODDARD A W1EDRICK. 243 Stark sr.' IRVINGTON--Nice 6-room home, furnished; fine furnace, concrete garage, corner lot 50s lot); choice location; 1 hhx-k from Broadway ai: for sale by owner Call any time during the' day. 674 Schuyler st. . i-nn SALE Good 5 room house, full base ment, city water and gas, toilet, bath and f cement walks. Lot 54x108 Address. I B. ; Gray. R. A., box 527, Portland. ' iooACR.ES in Clarke county, timber and farm I land, creek, county road, school, church, $20 i per acre; terms. 1296 K. Salmon morning or ' evening. Tabor S621. I 1RVINGTON owner must sell exceptionally high , class 8 room home, plate glass, etc., select material throughout, complete to detail. A bargain at $7500, East H015. FiTr SALE cheap, large piece of ground, 18 j bearing fruit trees and small house, on car j line; fine for chicken ranch. Phone Marsh. 2S22. , ROSE CITY PAKE By owner, 6-room modern bungalow, oak floors, elect fixtures, fireplace, furnace, garage, paved sts., all paid. .-8t ,13d N. Call C-2367. EOli SALE Strictly modem 6 room bungalow with garage. Apply 4 70 lloluian near E. 8th at. N. Phone Woodjawn JI214. No agents. f t)RSALK 8 room house, fruit, chicken house, garage; lot 60x112; terms. 52 E. 75th st. N. or phone B-6101 601. Price reasonable. TO-SELL our home see us at once. JIHIX SON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. HANK BLDG. MAIN 3787. FOR SAI.E 2 lot", good 3 room house; fine location, near Alberta st. ; very cheap. Owner! after 5 p. ni. o" premise. 10t." E. 20th ..-t. N. j J-. SUNNYSIDE Owner going away, furniture and liice home fur sale cheap. Call 95 East 80th. cor. Wash. Phone Last 550j. 4 ROOM house for sale, cheap; or terms; light 5 pass, auto, good sdiapt, 1 heating stove. 7509 -48UiTe. ALBERTA D1ST. 3 room house, nas and elec tricity; $1250; some trms. 1330 Glenn ave. N. Owner. "NEW, strictly modem, 0 room and sleeping torch, good location, 2 ta blocks from cat. Price $3750. Owner.Tahor 6 12H, " 5 ROOM BUNGALOW". $2350. Practically new: uo city liens; one block to ear; $500 ctsb. $20 per month. Tabor 2984. FOR SALE room modern guugalow, on cor- ner. Owner, 1296 E. Salmon euntngs, Tabor 8621. Foir 8 Al.Tliawtliorne district galow, corner lot. $8000 cash Call owner. Tabor 6019. luornm .5-room bun No agents. 8-ROOM modern house, beautiful district, 85x "140; lots of fruit; $680. Owner. 1296 , East Salmon St. Tabor S021. FOR SALE 5-room honse. ground 100x155. Several fruit trees. 4707 48th t. S. E. Tubor 022. ; VVK want to go south and will sell our 6 room honse With 50x100 lot tn good district, for $3750. 1080 Mallory ave. Woodlawn 3520. ( 1 200 good 4-room Term. Sell. 2163. .house; flue -location. $2200 By owuer. 5 room "bungalow. 50x115. Easy terms. Call Wdln. 475. Lot LEAVING city; will sell at a bargain, house hold furniture. 1792 Druid st. $ 1 000 Two-room house, half cash. 955 E Franklin t IHVINGTON Fine 8 room home, beautiful in terior design and finish. Owner, East 2838. $2000 WILL- take Waverly Heights well built 6 room house, with terms.; Call Sellwd 1551. ( CENTRAL b room bungalow, with , or without ' ' furniture and near school. Owner. East 4148. v KOOM flat cheap; aale by owner only. 027 k Hood St., tiear thtpyards. . - ? '.FOll' SALE Small house, furnished, and lot 60S Knapp ave. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES 1 7 ROOM modern bout, with sleeping porch, fall cement basement, extra well built, located cloae in on Kerb? at., which i paved:, 50x100 lot. Tbia bona ia extra well buift, ia owned by non-resident, and la being offered for a abort time at $3500, which la $500 tinder ft value; $500 cash, balance $25 and interest. 5 room strictly modem bungalow, fur nace, fireplace, full cement banement, 50x100 lot, in a good neighborhood, and good value at $3250; $1000 cash, bal ance rery easy terms. 3 room cottage, neatly arranged, with 2 beautiful lota, aet out to fruit, berriea and garden; good value at $2100: $000 eash, balance monthly. 5 room cottage, on etra well located 50 1 10 comer lot. near N. lrvington, paved streets and sewer connection. Price $1800; very easy terms. The lot is worth the money. " room modern bungalow, full cement basement wash trays, fireplace. 50x100 lot, paved street, located near Roue City. 1'rice $2500: $500 cash. Call at the office, or phone for appoint ments. OSCAR OERHAUSER 403-4 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 8075. A SNAPPY Ql'AHTETTE A good, honest 6 room house in Brent wood, cement foundation and base ment, plastered, partly plumbed, nice larse rrutm, ' f,,tl l. (1500- ries, garage and chicken house;' only ' !350- f- 321 near Muirvmeade :ar: an ex ceptions lly KrU built, convenient 5 room modern rottane mi beautiful lot; close in and mighty good buy; $1000 cash re quired. $3750 A $4500 modern 8 room bungalow in Richmond; furnace, fireplace, full ce ment basement, builtins, all improve- merits In and included in price of $1750; $850 cash: immediate action necessary to secure this big bargain. -Splendid modern 7 room residence with sleeping ,K,rch; 1 th st. near Alberta; looxioo with wonderful fruit, berries. grapes, etc. : great, opportunity for a family to reduce the H. C. L. ; only XTtOO cash required. FEEMSTEH, 309 ABINGTON BLDG 3250- R F. $3800 HAWTHORNE HOME RARGAIN A nonresident authorizes us to offer at a re duced price a very attractive 7 room modern home In E, 4 2d at., in the Hawthorne district; living room with fireplace, very pretty dining room, convenient kitchen, full rement "base ment, furnace and laundry travs. .1 light airy bedrooms. white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas. paved street, litns paid in full; $500 down. $15 per month and interest. W have over 700 photographs of inspected homes in our office for sale. 12 experienced salesmen auuw at your service. SEE L. McGUIRE TO Bi:Y YOLK 1IIIUK Abington bldg. M at i rt 1068 Office Open Evenings and Sundays. VACANT "ROSE "CITY CALIFORNIA TYPE HCNGALOW One of Rore City's prettiest, 2 years old, 5 rooms down, o extra bedroom-; in finished attic. itra long living nit., fireplace, hardwood floors In even- room and closet. French doors leading to beautiful tapestry papend dining rm . built-in buffet. ItuMi kitchen, breakfast nook, entire lower floor finished in white enamel, full cement basement, furnace, laundry Iravs. beautiful 50i 100 lot. 10 fruit trees, berries, garden, roses. fin shrubbery, paved sts.. 1 V, blks. Sandy blvd. and car: miner has reducer this wonderful home from $6000 for quirk -ale; $1T,;,I eah will handle. Phone for appointment before it is too late. Geo. T. Moore Co.. 1007 Yeon bldg. $3700 NORTH OF PIEDMONT Very substantial, practically new modern 5 room bungalow tye home, large living room. aiass, window seat, dining room, full white Dutch kitchen, screetid in back i porch, good cement basement with hot water j heating system. 2 light airy bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, large floored attic room ( for 2 bedrooms: r,00 down. $25 per month: i street liens iaid hi full. We have over 700 photographs of inspected homes in our office , tor sale. 1 J experienced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUT YOUR HOME Abington bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. ROSE CITY PARK CAR PARKROSE U. ACRE NIFTY, MODERN HCNGALOW $4800 Folks, if you are in the market, for a real nifty, swell modern .bungalow, with lsrire mrans end exceptional construction, we do want you to see this splendid home. Located on hard surfaced street, beautiful site with lots of fruit and berries. An ideal suburban home with every one of the city advantage This is too great a bargain to remain unsold for any .length oi note. i.ei us, tnereiore, urge you ,to use sueea. Any one ol our o autos is at your dis posal. It'll be a downright pleasure to show you. A. G. TEEPE CO. 264 Stark st, nr. 3d. Main 3002. Main 3.1 16 Branch Office. JOth and Sandy. (Open Sunday). $1 900 EAST OF LAVRELIirRST On E. 53d street, close to. carline, is a ." room house with attractive low r,,,i.i',,, i;. large front porch extending across entire front i or nouse. living room, dining room with plate rail and buffet; Dutch kitchen; light, airy bed rooms, electric light, and gas; good cement base ment. $300 will handle, balance like rent We have over 700 photographs of inspected homes in our office for sale. 12 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE -FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOIK HOME Abington bldg. Main i068 Mff"'e Open Evenings and Sunday. HAWTHORN E RUNG A I. ( ;. RAGE o MOIIKRN 3."00 VACANT MOVE IN 5 rooms Hid reception hall on first floor 1 room up. Another can be finished. Harrhvoixi floors, fireplace, buffet, bookcases, cabinet kitch en, cement basement. Beynton furnace, wash trays, mirage and cement driveway, all' tePt improvement in and paid Located near 4 7th iind Harri;ion sts. Price $3500; terms Suiiday call Tabor 70 19 CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO . 212 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 6752. $29 30 NORTH OF LADD A D 1 1 TION In E. Main st near 20th, which is waiking distance, is a substantial 5 room bungalow cottage: modern plumbing: electric lights and gas; full basement; hard surafce street paid in full: easy terms. We have over 700 photo graphs of inspected homes in our office for sale i- experienced, salesmen with autos at airvi.-e. SEE your L. McGUIRE TO RUT YOUR IIOMK Abington bldg. Main 106S Ottice Open Evenings and Sundays. ROSE CITY PARK 6 room bungalow on comer lot and ixived street. Tins place lias been built two years. Fireplace, furnace, full cement basement, hardwood floors in living room Dutch kitchen, hall, bathroom and bed rooms finished in iiory. S440O; $2000 down. WAKEFIELD FRIES & 85 4th st. CO.. Rose City BongaSow . ms. caoiini uiicnen. oOxlOO corner lot all street impn remeiits in and paid Price $4'-00" $1500 cash. C L K V E i . A M ) H E N D E RS O N CO M2 Railway Exchange Mrtg. Main 67.V. WESTMORELAND One 5 room bungalow, fireplace, cement basement, lot 64x100x72. and is the best buy left in this district. Price $3200 100 will handle. WAKEFIELD FRIES A CO 85 4th St. FOR SAI.E 6-room house, sleeping porch, woodshed, chickenhouse and run; acre', on county road. 20 minutes from city by auto! 17 minutes by Oregon and Southern Pacific ur electric. 6c fare. 30 day ticket. 11c fare 8 mos. j ticket. All cleared and fenced. Price $1800 $300 cash, balance terms at 6, or $1600 cash. Worth $2500. C. Davis. Maplewood, Or. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW . 8 rooms, with large sleeping porch. Large living room, fireplace, built-in buffet Full cement basement excellent furnace. Fruit trees, berries nd flowers. Everything for a complete hunie. Buy my equity. Pay balance on contract at $35 per month, including intere-t. Main 1503. SMALL payment down, balance easy terms boys a 5 room house, in f air-condition, fine lot with several large fruit trees, 3 blocks frtm car. Price $1 750. See Mr. Carlos. INTER STATE INVESTMENT CO., 410 Henry bldg.. Main 1743. $1900 5 ROOMS ON W. ALBERTA (300 CASH 50x100 lot, semi-modern home W. A. WRIGHT. Main 6988. 417 Abington bid-. Sell. 1355. THREE lot with bouse partly fanished, located about six block from end of King Height carline, for only (1000 and give term. SAMUEL " DOAK 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 8 ROOM house in South Portland. It k 162 Boundary ave. ' Will accommodate two fam iliesone Bp and one downstairs; (30 per month. Harry Ball, 431 Lumber Exchange. ' (850. LIKE RENT Nice 4 mom fcouss-flr ; lot, 63.S3 list. ear 63d . JUi S4AvJ BEAL ESTATE FOB BALE HOUSES $1 $2800 FOR 4-roora, with bath, toilet and base ment, on lot 60x208, on E. 39th t; lot of fruit; only $300 caxb $3000 for a fine 8-room, with bath, toilet and concrete basement, with garage; lot 132x- 208, on E. 2tb; $300 cash, bal. terms. $4800 for 1 acre and fine 5-room. genuine modern bungalow; all in bearing fruit; $1000 cash, baL terms; on E. 40th. $5500 for an acre on Powell Valley, with fine 5-room bungalow; lots of bearing fruit trees on this. Phone Marshall 829. F. L. BLANCHARD 519-20 Ttallway Exchange. Hawthorne Bungalow $2500 for a 5-room semi-modern on 86th; $500 cash, balance easy terms. $3200 for a very fine 7-room bungalow on Division; (1000 cash, balance terms. $3750 for a very fine 5 room on E. 49th. This is a good buy at half cash, balance terms. $3700 for a modern 7-room bungalow, hard wood floors, fireuiace. buffet, concrete Base ment, on E. 49th: $1000 cash, balance Umu. Phone Marshall 829. , F. L. BLANCH ARB 519-20 Railway Exchange. A SPLENDIDLY BUILT This was built for a hne, has 7 nice rooms, in A-l condition throughout. 50x100 lot. im provements in and paid. This ia a real buy, is surrounded by nice homes, $800 cash, (3600. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. 36th and Hawthorne. Not Open Sunday. S28i50 $2m MC8T 8ELL THIS WEEK Owner moving. Look at 1003 E. 18th st. N. and for the fir.t tue put on the market you will find a dandy 0 room bungalow with white enamel bath, built-in features, garret, basement, garage, everything to make a dandy home. Sold on easy terms. TAYLOR, 330 Railway Exchange. Mar. 2633. Sunday or evenings, E. 6845. ROSE CITY DISTRICT ATTRACTIVE BI NGALOW This is a little beauty: 5 rooms and enclosed back porch, could easily be made into a sleeping porch, hardwood floors, all built-in conv., fire hut lot full cement basement. I furnace, abt, 1 ',4 blks. from car and Sandy blvd., quick possession can be had. $1200 cash I will handle. Price $300. 0. A. WARRINER RITTER. LOWE & CO 201-8 .V7 Board of Trade bldg frvnnigton Residence $8250 for one of the finest homes of 7 rooms, with sleeping porch, 2 fireplace, all hardwood floors, fine garage; on E. 18th. This was built for a home and" lias all the built-in conveniences tn make a home attractive. We have others at $5500 and $7500. Marshall 82. F. L. 519-20 Railway Exchange. BY OWNER 7 ROOM MODERN HOCSE Rth toilet, electric liehts. hot and cold water, gas. laundry trays, newly painieo. iimeu : and paiwred. linoleum on kitchen and batb room tioor. rioe in, near car, scnooi, biam.-. 388 Failing. $3000 $500 DOWN. BALANCE TO SLIT. Will Take Liberty Bonds. PHONE EAST 5475. 4 ROOM BI NGALOW FI RNISHEI A neat little bunsiilow, completely fnrnt-ihed I (new. even to a piano. I,ocated on i-a st Requtres at least $10011 cash. A. ;. TEEPE CO . 264 Stark St. near 3d. Main 3092. Main 3516. Branch Office, .'.Oth and Sandy. ( Open Sunday). ROSF--CITY PARK Leaving city; will sacrifice my beautiful 7 ; room bungalow; has large riving room with j ifreplace. dining room with built ins, Dutch ! kitchen with breakfast alcove, hardwood floors, : full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, full lot. several kinds of bearing fruit tree. I house is vacant. Move in at once. Phone j Main 1503. for appointment. Terms. CLEVELAND AVE. NICE HOME Fine fl room house, elect, full cement base ment, laundry trays, buffet, cabinet kitchen, 3 bedrooms, corner lot 50x100, paved streets, ail paid, some fine fruit tree- and small fruits; chicken house and run; 94 8 Cleveland ave. cor. Prescott Price $3700. $1000 cash. GRUSSI & BENNETT 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452 FOR RENT OR SALE 5 room newly furnished cottage, gas, bath, patent toilet. 2 large corner lots. 2 blocks from Mt Scott car; 9.1th St., Oth ave.: will be va cant 'Oct. 14; sell for $1750 or lease for $30 per month; particulars today, 4507 70th, Mt. Scott car, or 12X 1st. near Washington, Monday or during week. ALBERTA BUNGAIW NICELY FURNISHED . , 5 rooms, a-ood full basemen t, all in good shape! and good furniture, abt 100 ft. from ear and ! paved sts., completely fumuned. lor .ii, or j without furniture $2,100: terms. i C. A. WARRINER RITTER. IA1VVE & CO 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg $1050 QUEEN ANNE BUNGALOW Located on 54th st. near Franklin High, 4 rooms, living rm.. fireplace, bookcases, beamed eeilings fine kitchen, full cement basement. laundry trajs. dandy lot. fruit trees, berries, nice lawn, clos-e to school and car. $1000 cash. bal. term. Geo. T. Moore Co . 1 007 Yeon bldg. FOR SALE A cozy 5 room bungalow. 3 blocks of Alberta car, 50x1 0(1 lot. full cement basement, fireplace, bookcases, window seat, white enamel. Dutch kitchen fine hath, screened in back porch. This is a good buy Priest 2200. $500 cash, balance ! monthlv nasiments. C E ADAMS. 507 Chamber of Com. bldg, Marshall 2575. BUNGALOW BARGAIN VACANT $2500 Don't fail to see this at once. Right on Mt. Tabor carline. East Mt. Tabor. Good neigh borhood. Cheerful, well built 5 room bunga low. Good basement and attic. Dutch kitchen. A-l plumbing fixtures. See owner. 213 Lumber men's bldg., or phone Bdwy, 421, ask for Hill. IN-ALBERTA at 1034 East 21st st N., ready to move into, modern 6 room bungalow, hardwood floor, buffet, enamel kitchen, bath, pantry, full basement, furnace, trays, lot 50x 100, hard surface streets, sewer improvements paid: H block to A. B. car. 2 blocks Vernon school; price $3200; terms. Phone Wood lawn 1194 mornings. $325(0 A " room bungalow, well located, handy to car, shrubbery, furnace, improvements all paid. This place was built for a home and lias been well kept. A bargain, and terms can be ar runged. Ed P. Mall, 309 Cham, of Commerce. SNAP FOR CARPENTER. Go look at southwest corner at 39th and E. Main, between Hawthorne and Sunnyside car; 5-room cottage; 50x100 lot; improvements in and paid. Party here from California instructs us' to get quick action on this property. Come in and make us an offer. Hawthorne Realty Co.. 3tith and Hawthorne. $3500 IS price asked, ground 100x120 ft Owner will consider reasonable offer on 6 room house: cow. calf, chickens and one ton of hay: fruit and vegetables. $4100, modern 6 roora honse in Overlook. $1200, 5 room house, full lot. very easy terms. Ogden A Gravelle. 107 Shaver st. t- ROSE CITY BARGAIN $4000. 6 large rooms, well arranged and in fine con- 1 . dition, large porch, sewing room and sleeping i porch 50x1 OO lot. near .un ana nroaaway; a fine' home fi.i little money; easy terms; furnace, fireplace, built ins, etcr- J. C. CORBIN CO, 305-6-7-8 Lewis bldg. NEW HCVlNGtON BUNGALOW si l-roe .irv rooms and breakfast alcove : .v w., n.rr.d and decorated thronihont: fireplace, furnace, best of plumbing, full cement basement, ivory ttnisn. garage, open toaay. ui E. 18th N. Price $6500. Owner Tabor 56"9-l or Tabor 2124. STOP! LOOK! A SNAP 7-room double constructed modem home, den. built-ins, fine fixtures, bath, 2 toilets, full basement; furnace, wash trays, lot 50x102; f rait. Must sell, going on ranch. Want a real buyer for this real home. Call Owner. Wdln. 4805. NEAR Jefferson high, $2500, $300 cash, bal- ance $2,1 monthly. 5 rooms and bath, con- j Crete foundation, cement bssenient. paved street, near school and car. JOHNSON DODSON CO., j 633 N W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. FOUR lots. 5 room bungalow. West Linn, near new schoolhouse: chicken house and cow bam; all fenced. $1800 cash within week. Mrs. L. D. Knight. Oregon City. FOR SALE An 8 room house, in Piedmont; hardwood floors and garage; 12 large bearing i fruit trees and flowers; Dlocga trom jenerson high. Call 1167 Cleveland ave. Phone C-2419. FOR 8AL Dandy 3 room furnished cottage and 5 lot; must sell at once: near schools and on carline; $500 cash down, $25 per includes 6 per cent J-614. Journal. $500 DOWN buy this $2500 home. See it today, near school and carline; hard sur faced street Owner, East 4050 FOR SALE; 4-room house and 50x100 lot. (1500; some oasb and automobile, or part cash and time on balance. O-620, Jonmal. (1500, TERMS. ROSE CITY PARK CAR Modern 4 room bungalow, electricity, gas, fuU nlnmbing. fin lot, etc. Tabor 6359. WE HAVE client waiting: to sell see us at once. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 3787. . REAL ESTATE office for aale. Cost (250. Will take (75. Call Thor 1212. J-ROOM modern cement block bungalow, Kenton aauv caan. nous, gsia, ; I Rose City Park Car j $2200 I HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOCHEf $1 GOOD HOME BUYS Hawthorne 2S1 Glenn ave., 7-room modem house, lot 80x100 feet; $3250; terms. Alberta 7-room modem bouse, furnace, waah trays, good basement, lot 50x102 feet, 1 H block car; (3600; terms. 6 -room modern bungalow, sleeping porch, full basement, garage, corner lot, 1 block ear, 1 8 minutes out; (V200; $500 cash, -balance easy. 5-room house, fireplace, wash trays, basement, chicken house, lots of fruit, lot 85x162 feet; price $2700: good terms. 4 - room cottage, garage, paved street. No. 448 Skidmore, at E. 7th, .North; price $1350; terms. 5- room bouse, basement, lot 50x109, near car; $1645; $325 cash, balance (10. with 7 per cent interest; a snap. 5-room bungalow, modern, basement, 4 bear ing fruit trees; this place is neat and clean; $2600: $500 cash, balance $20 month. 5-room cottage, corner lot 50x100, near car, 23 minutes out; (1800; (4 50 cash, balance (15 month, including interest. Hawthorne 7 rooms, sleeping porch, paved street, on Glenn ave., near Hawthorne; $5000; $1000 cash, balance $25 per month. 7 per cent. R. M. Gatewood & Co. 163 Vt' 4th st. Open Sunday. Main 8291 REAL BARGAIN. 6 -room modern house, batb, toilet, lights, hot and cold water, gas, full cement basement, laun dry trays, lot 100x100, garage, fine shade trees; only 2 blocks from Woodstock car. INSIDE PROPERTY HEALERS. GROl'ND FLOOR HENRY BUILDING 83 FOURTH ST. MARSHALL 892 ONLY $2S.0 and listen to this: Practically in the center of the city of Portland on E. 12th st.. a paved street apd every street from the business center leading Ut this house is paved. Only three blocks west, of the Irvinirton carline between Failing and Shaver st. Here is a full lot, the street paved, cement side walks, cement curbs, cement steps nd cement sidewalk around the house, everything in and paid for. Here is also on thL. lot a practically new, no better constructed fl room house, mod em, in all of I'ortlaiid, with a full cement basement with plumbing that you cannot replace for less than $1000; a basement you cannot build for less than $1000; a house without the plumbing and basement you cannot construct for less than $4 000; a lot without the house with the improvements in and paid for you cannot buy for lese than $1600. All right, here i what mean to replace thia proper! it stands. $7600. The bank owns this proi aw'.y and they are willing to give it away. Taki it all before somebody else gels it for $2850. tlie full onrchase price with an absolute title. All the bank want ia $."00 in cash, pay the balance : monthly pavmenta at 6 ier cent interest. M. J. CLOHESS Y, ,.an ynlt 5(,lt it on earth? Abington bldg. j-ROOM cottage, corner lot ROilOO. with mod ern plumbing, on Ainsworth; tins is a bar gain. Price $2750: terms. West Side furnished bungalow, hardwood floors and sleeping iioirh; lot appraised at 000; house cannot be duplicated for $10,- 50O; will sell for $11,500 or will sell hmist and furniture separate and give 20-year on lot:: beautiful view, roses; owner must leave city on account of business. CAM, ON TR. H. H CKPAHL CO Una). Main 6252 322 Abington bldg. $3950 REAL BUNGALOW HOME An ideal bungalow with low rumbling lines, on a large lot with paved street lien paid in full; has 6 rooms, music room, living room with fire place. Tery pretty paneled dining room witb massive buffet, Dutch kitchen. 3 bedrooms, white enamel plnmbing, electric lights and gas, full cexnent basement, furnace and laundry trays; woodwork finished in old ivory and white enamel; attractive lawn. Abundance of fruit and flowers. Located in the Hawthorne-Richmond district, east of Ladd addition. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME Abington bldg Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. HOME BARGAIN DO YOP KNOW HOME VALUES? 6 room, strictly modern home, oak floors, fire place, furnace, large, rooms, nicely tinted; only $4200. terms. tut jyn rr; C TTrf-h ""!fi TIT TP VAJT a J lU'iVUldO llU OIUU II H0uj Pretty bungalow under construction; let us flni?h jt tf) jt S3S00. terms. B F POND REALTY CO. The Ideal Home Builders 1230 Sandy blvd. Tabor 3825. Offic Open Sundays and Evenings. SPECIAL BARGAIN. $800 CASH BALANCE 6 PER CENT. - 7 nice rooms, on 65th st, S. E. ; electricity. ', gas. laundry trays, half basement, fruit trees. . flowers, close to car. school and stores; $2800; , $800 cash, balance 5 to 7 years at 6 per cent, j Owner leaving and must sell ' C H. WOODWARD. RITTER. IXiWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade building i f"OR SO2"room cottage with water in ! house; lot 34x100; 2 "4 blocks from Kenton ! car on Terry st. Price $650. Small payment down, balance at $15 per month. Have small ' 1 aecsv r-mw will vol I r Vl rv JOHN M ALONE. McCLURE & SCHMAUCH CO. 306 Railway Exchange building Main 1 503 Or View hotel, Kenton. " $1500 THIS BEATS-RENT 1NG $1500 3 rooms, bath and screened in back porch, can be used for sleeping porch, elect, and gas, good basement, fruit trees. 2 short blks. from car. $375 cash. bal. easier than. rent. Alberta dis trict near 7th st. C A WARRINER RITTER, LOWE & CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 6 rooMb0ngalow " Lot 104x1152 39TH STREET Main 5456 BEAUTIFUL 4-room bungalow. combination lning and dining room. Dutch kitchen at bpthroom enameled white, sleeping porch, base ment, gas and electricity, all newly apinted, tinted, woodwork enameled in white a.nd ivory, nice lawn and shrubbery, fruit and berries; all for $1750. By owner, 6020 50t.h ave., 8. E.. near 60th t. Mt Scott car to Stewart station. REITYnDISTRICT A strictly modem 7 room bungalow style home. 60x100 lot. hard-surfaced street, sewer, hrjdwood floors, garage, ? blocks from car. E. 42d and Fremont Price $4200. on easy terms. This place is cheap. EDW. P. MALL. 309 Chamber of Commerce. $250 CASH 1119 E. 57TH N. NEAR GL1SAN ST. SNAP! ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW 50x100 HALF BLOCK TO CAR PRICE $2500 ; IN Rose City Park, the best part of it, on 53d ; st, is an up-to-date, modem to the last notch la 5 room bungalow, sleeping porch and every- i thing else that goes with it, with a new, wp- to-aaie ounaaiow ami a imi iou rice i umj 84400; $2000 cash will handle it. M. J. i cLoHESSY. Abington bldg 5 Rooms, $11500, Terms flood home, 2 blocks of business district. Sell wood; lot 75x100; fruit, berries, grapes: yoor own terms Owner. BRUCE GODDARD. 502 Conch Bldg. 4-ROOS1 cottage, with bath and sleeping porch; electric lights, gas; H basement cement; 90x100 lot. Price $1750: terms. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN -REALTY CO.. 248 8tark st. Slain 3429. WEST SIDE Good view, close to car. school and stores; 5 room bungalow in perfect condition; (3250; terms. Main 6882, Main 5458. 1125 Gasco bldg. RICHMOND BUNGALOW $2150. 6 rooms, fall basement, gas, electricity, good plumbing, 60x100 lot, on corner, hard surface on both sides; all for $2150, with $600 down, balance easy: vacant now. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 305-6-7-8 Lewi .bldg. KENTON SNAP Five room bungalow, like" new, fine lot. basement, fruit Just1 painted. Don't wait if you want a nice home cheap. Price $2200, 8500 cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 033 N. VV. BANK BLI;. MAIN 3787. $2800 A dandy buy, $600 cash wiiThandleT 5 rooms and sleeping porch, good bath, gas. electricity, etc.. buffet laundry trays, linoleums, gasplate, big garden, fruit and shrubbery; easy term. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 683 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. J2600 5 ROOM RUNGALOW AND GARAGE $600 CASH 50x100 lot; Sellwood carline. W. A. WRIGHT, Main 6988. 417 Abington bldg. Sell. 1355. COTTAGE. CLOSE IN $2600. 5 room, near E. 19th and Washington . sts. ; cottage iu food shape; easy -walking distance; (600 down. $35 per month. . - - J. O. OORBIS CO. 0--7- Lewis Wdfc ; REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES (1 $7500. $2500 CASH BEAUTIFUL IRV4NGT0N HOME 8 rooms, right near Millionaire Row, on 15th sc., near Knott, facing east. This home was built by Rice for owner, "nuff sed." and has large entrance hall, large living and dining room and cosy library, kitchen, pantry and lavatory on first floor, four large bedrooms and bath up. Fine plastered attic and maid's room finished in selected fir, all oak floors down and abso lutely modern. "Garage, you bet.'' Let us show you. M il. C. MCRPHT, 1314 Sandy bvd. Tabor 499. ROSE CITY PARK. $4 850. This is a handsome 6-room, 2-story bun galow type home. There is a large Uvtng room with fireplace, dining room with built-in, large Dutch kitchen. On the upper floor there is an unusually large bedroom with fireplace. 2 medium-sized bedrooms and bath ; a full cement basement, tumace and wash trays, large garage, full lot, several kinds of fruit in bearing, street paving paid. See this today. It's a good buy Terms. COE A. MeKENNA A CO Main 4 522. 82 Fourth St.. Board of Trade Bldg HAWTHORNE $405o. Say. Mr. Bargain Hunter, here is a good buy: On 31st St.. close to car, a 7-room bungalow with big living room, fireplace, built-in book cases, Dutch kitchen, full 'cement basement. There are two bedrooms down and 2 bedroom and sleeping porch on upper floor. The rooms on Tipper floor are arranged for light house keeping. We almost forgot to mention the garage. Yes, the street paving is paid. If yon can pey $1000 down, Fee this quick. COE A. MeKENNA i CO.. 82 Fourth St.. Board of Trade Bldg IK YOI 'VE BEEN LOOKING for a home, yoa know real bargains are scarce. Here is one of the best we ve een. A hand some semi-bungalow of 6 rooms and bath big living room with fireplace, good basement This is close in, only 15 minutes by car. The price is $2950; if you can give references we'll help you make the first payment; pay $300 cash, balance monthly. Now hurry if you want this. COE A MeKENNA A CO. Main 4522. 82 Fourth St.. Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. $4750 The interior of thia bungalow is beautiful; in the big living room is an expensive- fire place; in the dining room is a massive buffet., the bedrooms are finished in white enamel ; there are liardwood floors in the main room ; there is full cement basement, furnace heat; we want yon to see thia lovely home; the terms are $2000 cash, balance monthly. COE A. MeKENNA A CO. Msin 4522. 82 Fourth St.. Board of Trade Illdg PAY $600 AND This fine 6-room home; urustully large, there, are main rooms, there are 3 on upper floor, there is a MOVE IN the living room is hardwood floors in bedrooms and bath big warm Irtwment, a hia-h erade furnace and wash trays. The lo cation is good, within 3 blocks of car and school. COE A. MeKENNA A CO Main 4522. 82 Fourth St.. Board of Trade JNfhr I-HAVE a lot in the "lrvington district, valued at $1100. 1 want a 6-room house or bun galow in Laurelhurst or Rose City Park. $4000 to $5000 Will turn in lot and $100 cash and pay $60 monthly. Owners please phone eve nings Tabor 8159. $27oo rankOn"Tgh school D1ST On a full lot 50x100, H block to the car is a very attractive 5-room modern bungalow with at tractive lines; living room nith fireplace, solid paneled dining room with built-in buffet, con venient kitchen. 2 light airy bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas, full cement basement with laundry trays. Only $300 down and $20 per month. A REAL BAR GAIN. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME Abington bldg Main 1068. Office Open Evening" and Sundays. ATTRACTIVE LAURELHURST HOME A new house, 5 rooois and bath downstairs, alt modem conveniences; hardwood floors, plate class windows, nice futures, eemtnt basement, good furnace, nine garage, street improvements in and the house fares one of the widest streets in Portland. Price $5600. E A. L1NDGREN. Savon Ind Co. 935 N V. Bank bldg. montavYlla sn"ap Ground 100x115, good 8 room house, abund ance of good bearing fruit trees, shrubbery and berries, 1 blk. from car, owner leaving city must sacrifice. $500 cash will handle, bal. like rent. Price $2800. WATCH OIK ADS. WE GET RESULTS C A. WARRINER RITTER. I XIWE & CO. 201-3 .V7 Board of Trade bldg. HAWTHORNE BUNGAI.OW SNAP Nice, large 5 room bungalow, electricity, bath, basement, newly painted and tinted: lot 50x100; paved street, all liens paid; a fine location, some fruit and garden; 405 Marguerite ave. near Lin coln: price a snap. $3150; about $1000 cah and $25 per month. GRUSSI A BENNETT 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 74 52 R. C. P. $3750 Typical California bungalow; all liardwood floor, furnace, beautiful buffet, en. plumbing, full basement; hard surface sts.; blk to car; terms. Main 4803. G. C. GOLDENBERG BUNGALOW IN BEST PART OF ROSE CITY I"A RK For sale by owner. See it today. 4 86 E. 44th st N. ROSE CITY PARK $5250 buys a nifty 6 room bungalow in the very choicest part of Rose City Park, only iii blk. to car; corner lot ; imp. all pd. ; requires half cash. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Ex. bldg. Main 1094. ON KEARNEY st., on the West Side, in the center of the city, where property is valu able. Here is a tood . room bouse with one of the finest full cement basements to be loiind, furnace, everything in this house that the city can furnish and the price is only $3250. SI. J. CIOHESSY. Ahiii;rton bldg. MT. SCOTT A cozy 4 room house on a 40x120 foot lot, near car; can be had on easy terms. Price for immediate sale $1100. See Mr. Cbristenson, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO , 410 Henry bldg -jMain JJ 4 3 . FOR SALE 5-room bungalow, on E. Glisan at.; comer lot; paved street; modern plumbing, gas and electricity. Price $2650; cash down $500, balance at $33 per month. JOHN SI ALONE. McCLURK & SCHMAUCH CO. 306 Railway Exchange building. Main 1503 SACRIFICE my cosy home. Suruiysile, 5 rooms, fine bath, large floored airy a:.tic, all Ju-st painted, tinted, inside and out, five fruit, 2 walnut trees, all bearing, roses and shrubbery, paved street one block to car, 2 blocks to school; for quick sale only $2675. Tabor 1913. sT'NNYSIDE 6 ROOM SNAP Nice 6 room house, 3 bedrooms, gas. elect, bath, basement, lot 33 1-3 by 100, paved st All liens paid. 108 E. 33d near Washington, Price $2500; (1000 cash. bal. to suit GRUSSI & BENNETT 318 Bord of Trade bldg. Main 7452 $7.10 CASH. (35 MONTHLY, PRICE (3150 6 rooms and sewing room, fireplace, furnace, full 50x100 lot, flowers, shrubbery, etc, near two, on E. 16th st. N. ; can move right in. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. S1AIN 3787. 23dand YamhiSS$E450 40x100 with ready cut new house IknTjcked down) ; all improvements in and paid; makes 3 good rooms and batb; (300 cash: terms. Main 6947. INDUSTRIAL CENTER 12 houses, 3. 4 and 3 rooms, from $750 to i $1800 each, on term that you can buy. If this does not uit. will build you a little house practically like rent. A. C. McDonald. 296 W. Lombard st Woodlawn 6273. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW $4700. 7 rooms, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, II hiiilt.ins den: near 4 1st and Sandv: snlendid condition and worth much more money; $1000 -,riil handle ,t. J. C. CORBIN CO , 305-6-7-8 Lewis bldg. $1200 3 ROOM COTT AG E (1200 $100 DOWN $22.50 PER MONTH Fine fruit trees, gas. toilet, good lot, paved street No phone information. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. Stock Exchange. SUNNYSIDE bargain, $1550, $400 down. 4 room cottage, lot 40x109, paved street, 2 blocks Laurelhurst Park; a snap. H. H. Staub, 1027 Belmont Week. Tabor 219. SUNNYSIDE snap, $2600. very neat and clean 5 room bungalow, ,) block from Belmont paved street and iiaid; terms. H. H. Staub, 1027 Belmont Week. Tabor 219. $750 TWO room house. sleeping porcli, 50x100 lot, fruit trees, chicken house and shed. W-S car. get off at 52d st 5127 64th ave. S. E. SACRIFICE new strictly modern 5 room bun galow. 1080 E. 19th st N. See owner today from 10 until 3. After today phone Main 8199. (34 75 Eight room house, easily divided for 2 families, lot 100x00, garage, frnit 1 block to 8-S car. 176 E. 45tb. Tabor 2,729. Term. (200 CASH $2500 Four rooms and sleeping porch, modem, large kit. paved street near car. labor NR24 NORTH IRV1NGTOX "S room P." O. house, garage, 865 E. llQi SO minutes' walk fm , . . A, CI, fsaj . Iiia 04L $2500. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES Absolutely the Biggest Snaps in Portland for-the Money $2360 bays a bungalow of 5 rooms and bath, with additional room for storage: bath, gas, electric lights; full basement: new shades: attractive electric fixtures; newly painted; doubly constructed. Easy terms. Near Laurelhurst park. (2500 buy a 5 room home, all on one floor; exceptionally large rooms, and so ar ranged that you can have three bed room If desired; bath, gas, electric light; full basement, wash trays; st imp. all in and pd. ; no mortgage to as sume. (2250 Would yon expect to get a 7 room home west of 39th st and near beauti ful Laurelhurst park for so little money? We have it, and will be glad to show you. but don't delay. Thi is your rhanee for a real bargain: full basement: full line of plumbing; east front; no st imp. and no mortgage to assume. (2350 buys a dandy home of 6 rooms and bath. Plastered, electric lights, gas, full base ment, wash trays, furnace: nice lawn; place in dandy condition and only 1 blks. to cr. IVuVt overlook thia wonder ful bargain. Terms. (2500 buys bungalow, 5 rooms and attic, fire place, bookcases, buffet. Dutch kitchen, electric lights, gas; garage. Terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. Main 1091. 204 Ry. Ex. bldg. Open even., closed Bun, j 5-ROOM strictly modern bungalow, well lo- j cated half block from the car. with a large attic, large enough to finish three rooms, al most new. Price (3250. 7 -room bungalow, large lot, fine shape, price $2750. Mr. Tabor district 5-room modern bungalow, full cement base ment, garage, lot 100x100. lots of fruit and berries; price $3000. Mt Tabor district. 6 room modern house, all id fine shape, Sunnyside district Price $3000. 7-room modern house. M. V. district, all in fine shape, price $2200. These are all good buys and nice place and on reasonable terms. New York Ind Co., 305 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 7676. $5250 ROSE CITY PARK. HOT WATER HEAT. Beautiful 6-room bungalow house, especially well built; selected paneling and doors, attractive living room' and dining room, beautiful Dutch kitchen and breakfast room, good basement and garage, attic space for another room and sleep ing porch. See thia one; it's good. MR. DARING. Union Safe Dep. A Tr. Co.. 284 Oak st. ROSB CITY HOME AND INCOME Here is a nice large Rose City home, nicely fitted up as a two family flat, nice sleeping porch to each, and 2 baths, all neatly arranged, fireplace, built-in conv.. full cement basement furnace, full lot. good garage, abundance of fruit trees, walnut trees, lawn and shrubbery, paved sts. Price $5000; terms. V A. WARRINER RITTER. IXWE & CO. 201-3 5 7 Board of Trade bldg. TAKE your choice of these bungalows, one for $31 5p. the other $29.10: brand new; never occupied; ready to move into; close in to the business center, on the West Side. One Is a 5-room and the other is 4. double constructed, cement basements and fireplace: nice electric fixtures: near to the car line: walking distance. Only $500 in cash in either case is all you have to nv down, the balance monthly. j M J.CIyOHESSY ABINGTON BLDG. ! 5 ROOM NEW BUNGALOW, $500 CASH Brand-new 5 room bungalow, juat finished, on comer lot. no liens to assume, no mortgages, 1 block to Ghsan st car. just beyond Laurelhurst S W. comer E. 56th and llanders sts. Price $3150. $5O0 cash and $20 per month, 6 per cent Vacant, act quick. GRUSSI A BENNETT 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452 ONLY $4500 for a corner lot in Rose City Park ; on thi comer i a store building with 5 living rooms upstairs. This building i new and modem and ready for occupancy. '. You can run a business and make money downstairs and live upstairs free of charge. About half cash will handle it. M. J. CLOHESSY. Abington bldg. EMERSON STREET HOUSE SNAP Good 6 room house: cement basement; elec tric lights; good bath; 3 bedrooms; full lot 50x 100. City lien all paid. Price a snap. $2000; $500 cash and $20 per month. 508 Emerson near 10th. I-ook at it it's a big snap. GRUSSI & BENNETT 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 74 52 WISH to sell two nice, attractive Rose City Park houses near E. 4 9th N. and Sandy boulevard. One $3750, the other $5250, and will give terms. SAMUEL DOAK. 1202 Northwestern Bank bldg. TWO FAMILY HOUSE $3700 A wonderfully well built 2 story 7 room house, close in on east side: large, light, airy rooms with all kind of built-in convenience. 2 toilet. 8 large assorted bearing fruit tree. X1000 cash. $35 monthly: photos at office. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Open Sundays and evenings. $250.(0)0 CASH Balance easy terms, buys a dandy 4 room bun galow, 50x100 foot lot, cement walk, f rait and berries. Price only $1750. See Mr. Chriaten son. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. 410 Henry bldg.. Main 1743. iliVINGTON CAR $4800 Beautiful home. 7 rooms, hardwood floors, paneled dining room. H selected wood; built in conveniences, fireplace, furnace. 3 good bed rooms in white: excellent bathroom; garage; paved streets, all paid; very good buy. ALAMEDA INVESTMENT CO.,, 805 Corbctt bldg. Mar. 635 SEVEN room house. $2500: terms. 4 room modem house, $1350: terms. 2 room house, $600; terms. Lot, 80x125, 2 room furnished house, $1150; terms. 6128 521) ST. Woodstock car BY OWNER Leaving city, will sacrifice my 5 room mod em house. Has large livyig room with fire place, full basement. $3300. xtiOO rash. $35 per month. Take Montavilla car to 78th st. 148 76th st N. BUNGALOW FURNACE FIREPLACE $2300. 6 rooms, good plumbing, full basement 60x 100, large porch, in good district near Kern park ; can give immediate possession. J C. CORBIN CO.. 305-8-7-8 Lewis bldg. 12-ROOM strictly modem house, now vacant ready to move into, in North Portland, west side. Tihs house is modern and make a good rooming house or private sanitarium New York 1-a.nd Co, 305 Stock Exchange bldg. Phone Slain 7676. HERE IT IS, $3150 10 rooms, Alberta district, for 2 families, or apartment, bath, etc., furnace beat; Just 1 block to car. JOHNSON-DODSON CO, 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH 5 or 6 room bungalow, in Rose City Park, Laurelhurst or lrvington. Must be well located and worth the price. Positively no agent. Price not to exceed ' $6000. Phone evening between 6 and 7. East 2088. 6-ROOM cottage and bath, electric lights, ga. ' full basement; 67x128 lot; fruit, berries. roses, garage, chicken house and runs; on paved! street; $2750; terms. I SCAND1NAV lAN-AMKKit A to., 24 8 Stnrk st. Slain 5429, PARTLY finished 6 room house, near Kenton, on comer lot it It fruit; plumbing is in: full basement This is a good buy at $1700; $1000 cash, balance mortgage. JOHNSON DODSON CO., 683 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 3787. SUNNYSIDE COTTAGE: $2830. A rooms, in first-class repair, not thoroughly modem but eood substantial home, with eras. electricity, bath, good plumbing, 7 fine bearing fruit tree, nice lawn, hard surfaee treets. on block from best car in city and near school. J C. CORBIN CO.. 305-6-7-8 Lewis bldg. (3630 C ROOMS AND GARAGE No. 269 45th st. H block north of Haw thorne ave., full basement, electric, gas, enam- eled plumbing. Go look and come see W. A. WRIGHT, 417 Abington bldg. Slain 5988. Sell. 1355. COMFORTABLE 6 room house. 5 lota, rich garden land, plenty fruit arranged for keep ing cow and chickens, in Woodburn, sooth of Portland. Will sacrifice for (400; terms. Woodlaavn 5068. UNION AVE. CAR 6 rooms, all on one floor, on 60x125 lot, double garage, located on Sacramento st, near Union ave. Price (2500. $500 eash, bal. easy. MoGUIKE A RIELS. 545 Union ave. N. CLOSE IN 8NAP $2100, H block to car. 40x 108 lot. fruit, shrubbery, paved street, every thing in and paid; (700 eash, (25 monthly and Interest JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 638 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN (787. SEE Crockett A Starker. 208 Washington bldg., ns on a 7 roam house witb 1 to 4 lot, nice fruit, easy tctms. COMFORTABU", 6 room house with full lot, on paved street, in splendid location. Price (2400; (500 down. G. W. NELSON. 288 Russell st FIVE room bungalow, newly tinted and painted; 2 porches, basement Dutch kitchen, full plumbing. 30th. south. 2 block car. (2000. Levins, owner, Bdwy. 2980. FOR SALE WeU furnished 4 room modem cottage, elose to school, chnrche and bust nesa center, 2 block Mt - Scott car; tents to suit lnsiuirs of . owner, 1861 Hamilton . REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOVSE8 (1 (5300 Here. (oiks, is a trulx wonderful buy. A perfectly apiortioned home, large liv ing room, fireplace, bookcases, excep tionally attractive dining room, beauti ful kitchen, with hood over kitchen range, toilet and lavatory first floor, breakfast room. 4 Urge bedrooms, one practically an enclosed sleeping porch: also dressing room with 3 large full-length mirrors; exceptionally large linen closet, dust and clothes chutes, fall cement basement, wash taays. and cement fruit room. This is an exceptionally attractive home both inside and out; hdwd. floors; 80x100 corner lot; terms can be arranged J. A. WICKMAN CO.,- 204 Ry. Ex. bldg. Main 1094. Closed Sunday. Open Evenings. The McGUIRE SYSTEM Makes home buying easy. Yoa ran come to thi office and see over 700 photographs of home for sale, arranged in tbeir respective dis trict with full description. Every home has been appraised by an expert appraiser, some re markable bargains. That I why we sold over 600 home since January 1 this year; 12 experi enced salesmen with automobiles at yqnr service. SEE ' FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME Abington bldg. Msln 1068 Office Open Evening and Sundays, MOORE 8 GOOD VALUE SYSTEM 6- room bungalow. Piedmont, 1 00x1X10, garage. 9 -room modem house, Walnut Park 7- room modem house. Rose City Park. Garage. 9 -room perfect house. Ladd addition. 2 apartment house, Graham avenue, $3500. 10 room modern house. 72d st S. E.. lOOx 120. $3,100. 5- room new bungalow. St Johns. 6 - room bungalow. Piedmont district U K MOORE. 317 Board of Trade bldg. Sunday Woodlawn 1405 Main 8867. KENTON Some Real Home. 6 room absolutely modem bungalow. $4 500; $1I00 cash; hot water heat. 6 room strictly modern, $427 5; $1000 cash. Lot 66x109, 14 ft alley, ptpeless furnace. 5 room strictly modem bungalow, $3000; n to $1000 cash. 5 room modern, $1800; $700 cash. $15 per month. These are nearly new and in the s)nk of condition, and only 1 to 3 block both carline. A. C. M DONALD, W'oodlawn 6273. 296 W. T,ombard. $150 DOWN $14 75 COMFORTABLE COTTAGE On E. Oak st near 55Ui. Just east of Ln relhurst, is a 8 rism cottage with 37x100 lot patent toilet, electric lights, newly painted Street liens paid tn full Practically your own terms. We nave over 700 photographs of in spected homes in our office for sale. Twelve experienced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME Abington Bldg Main 1068. Office Open Evening and Snnday. ONLY $900 in cash ia all you need fo acquire a corner lot and is reasonably worth being so close In on K. 15th and Salmon st., (6000 -I The house Is me of thoe very well and Mib! stantially constructed residences of 9 rooms with i .. . i . t .. . v. . . ; 1 ... . i .. . . HOI ormriii, omneinriib mi luiovir ou i , hen all buildin were well constructed and which today would cost about $9000 to dupli cate. There you have it $15,000 for Hi lot and honse All right, tliere is a mortgage of $4000 that can stand for 3 years. Come around with $900 In cash and take the whole works. M 3. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. $3500 REAL ALBERTA BUNGALOW" On E. 27th st. Just north of Alberta, on a full lot is an attractive 5 room typical bunga low with rambling lines, good cement basement, laundry tray, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas; large living room with fireplace, abundance of flowers and shrubbery. Can ar range terms. S EE FRANK L. McGUIRE; To Buy Y'our Home. Abington Bkig. Main 1068 Office Open Evenings and Snnday. THE LAST BARGAIN- IN IRV TON 7-ROOM. HOME, Between Tillamook. Knott, near 24th carline. Mighty cheap. $4850 Easy Terms. KEATING, 617 Board ol Trade. J. H $4500 WEST OF LAURELHURST On E. Couch at near 30tb Is a very sub slanUal attractive 7 room modem home on a full lot. paved street Hens in and paid in full; kood cement bawment with furnace; white eViami-l plumbing; electric lights and gas; built in conveniences; 4 btd rooms , sleeping porch. Va cant SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME Abington bldg Main 1 068 Office hen Evening and Sundays ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW $4 100 Folks, here's a dandy 5 room bungalow. . I cated below the bill within on block of Sand). Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet. 30x1 on lot. assts. paid. Sounds pretty good for (4 100 in that location, doesn't it T Y'oil would exjiect to pay more. Let us show you A. G. TEEPE CO . 264 Stark t., near 3d. Main 3092. Main 3516. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. (Open Snnday). OWNERS-GOIG eastocWberT POSSESSION AT ONCE. Most sell thi lovely I .add addition home this month. 8 large rooms and attirr, den and alecping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, fur nace. cement basement, Initeh kitchen Willi built ins; bedroonis and kitchen white enameled: up-to the-minute in every way: lot 42x128; paved street and alley; no assessments; neier advertised before Price $5500; reasnnuble terms. Act quick. Owner, phone Sell. 3178. Sundays and evenings. ONLY $sT".0O Tn-the FnisTiTes stTeet- of "the city of Portland, on 6th st, only 1 block Irom the Lincoln High, about 4 blocks from the city Auditorium, a 6 room house on a lot 2.1x68 ft. the bouse Is old to be sure, could not be otherwise for this price; the lot alone is worth more than the price asked. The house i very comfortable to live in and will bring $28 a month rent. It has all of the necessary' things. Easy terms given. M. J. CLOHKSSV, Abington bldg. 5 ROOM BUNGALOW' 100x100 FRUIT" Nice 5 room bungalow, fireplace, basement, eahinet kitchen, 2 bedrooms, sleeping porch, garage, comer 100x100, 9 fine bearing fruit trees, lota of fll fruit, garden, chicken house and run, 1 block to car, on N. W. cor. 44th and 58th ave. 8. E. Price $3000: $1000 cash and $25 per , month. GRUSSI & BENNETT 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7432 IHVINGTON HOME $5230 aft rooms, fine furnace, 4 sleeping rooms and bath on second floor, maid's room on third floor, beautiful tree, fruit and shrubbery, fine home all around, east front near E. 18th and Broadway. $2000 down RITTER. LOWE A CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bid. CALL Sellwood 2252 and let me tell you of Die bargain I have in a semi-modrrn hom ; not far oat; close to car; aell with 1 lot or 2; lots of fruit; house In first-ela condition in-ide and out; 7 Urge well lighted nd iry room, full j basement wash trays, best of plumbing ntsjirs and down: fine light fixtures. It's a cood home, and will make the price right, but must have $1000 cash. A BARGAIN On paved street, sewer in and paid. 50x100 foot lot. fruit tree, etc. A nifty bungalow; H block to ear. Not a penny against this place. Price; $2750, (500 cash, easy terms. See Mr. I Cbristenson, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. 410 Henry bldg.. Main 1743. FIVE room bungalow, oak floor, bookcases, fireplace, living room extending acmoa front; high grade plumbing, cement basement, beauti ful lawn, trees. The house alone eould not tie built for (4000; only (3.V30. (850 cash will handle. JOHNSON IKiDSON CO., 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 3787. . (1000 14 BEARING KttfIT TREES (200 CASH On lota 100x200. 1 block south of Powell Valley road, on 49th at; old bouse but can be remodeled and make nice borne. W. A. WRIGHT, Main 5988. 417 Abington bldg. Sell. 1355 NICE HOME FOB (500 down and the balance like rent; 7 rooms, fire place, Dutch kitchen, breakfast room, 2 fine lots filled with fruit and berriea of all kinds, garden, ran and bouses for 100 ebickens, garage, flower and shade; a mighty nice borne for (3000. J. C. CORBIJ CO., SII5-B-7-S Lewis hide. A 5-ROOMED partially furnished modern bung glow, in Rose City I'rk; hardwood floors, fireplace, full basement, laundry trays, garage with concrete floor and runways; fruit tree ami garden; lot folly Improved; insured: taxes paid and no lien; owner leaving city: (3600; terms. 376 K. 49th st, North. Tabor 2658. FOR SALE by owner, 6-room : bungalow, mod ern, newly painted. fctng east, on 2 lots. (4500. Term. S40S E. 65th St., 1 block north of Powell Valley road. Take Mt Scott car, get off at Creston station, walk east to 55th st. Phone B-1I89. iOOxlOO CORNER, Bom City district: fruit trees, bemea, large 9-mora anmied burttfa luw. 2 room plastered and double ;' conttrnettsl, new 16x24 chicken hucuw, 12 garig. (100, Term. - aafeoc S1TT, lite 8un4jr. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES WE I1AK a 7 arrr place right In town: good H room plastered bouse, barn, an acre of loganberries in full bearing. Tbi lnd is fine brarrrdam bottom, all ev cept where house stands, which Is on ' higher land, but levsl. Can be sold at right price and, terms. This property -J ia right in Newberg. No- 2 We also have 23 l-( acre, 1 mile from Newberg; highly improved.' all in cultivation, easy term.; good orchard ' on thi place, good spring No., 3 20 acres, 4 mile from town. Vi , mile to school; house. brn. wc., cliicken ' house, well water, small family orchard, pears, cherries, apples, prunes, etc.; bo rock or gravel. Easy terms. i -K No. 4 40 acres, 5 miles from Newberg, 15 acre English walnuts with apple filler; Just beginning to hear; running water, fin ' fruit land: all in cultivation except 2H acre In nice oak grove; small Umber. This place adjoins the famous WWte Sag orchard. Can be sold on easy terras and : the price is right We have a lot of Newberg property cheap and on easy terms. Money to loan. - QUICK SALES LAND CO.. W. T. Lewis. Mgr. Newberg. Of. " Phones: Black 190; res. Red 183. SPLENDID MODERN 8 ROOM JfOMK IHVINGTON; HOT WATER HEAT; CHOliS lBt?TiV?- THW 18 VlSK- BELOW COST. -C.AST 273. Very fine modem 9 room home. lrvington; " hardwood floors; best location: lot 50I00; . hriibs, good lawiw- This is also below cost Tiptop modern 8-room home, lrvington; bet location; lt 50x100; fine lawn, shrubs; rlisa lent buy: conld not be built for the money, - Splendid 7 room home. Rose City Park; mnrb less than It fn be built for; good Uwn. frnit. ' shrubs x . . - Excellent modern 6 room home. High land addition, lot 75x100; this is fine; will take third less tlin worth. . , Splendid room home. Hancock addition, lot 100x100; hot-water heat: cheep; modern ' $3600. TYPICAL BUNGALOW One block from the Hawthorne are, cr oa a nimo lot is a very attractive modem H. room bungalow with low rambling Une; living mom Will, hMmmA ,ill, 1 .. 1 . . , ... W Place, solid paneled dining room with plate rait, : massive buffet. 2 bedrooms, sleeping porch, con. vernent kitchen with breakfast alcove, white enamel plumbing, electric light and gas good basement; $500 down and $35 per month; hard surface street paid in lull. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME Abington bldg ,)n nn,. , OmoeOpsnEvcnlngsnd Sundays. ROSE CITY PARE NIFTY RUNGALOW $3050 Here's a bungalow you'll reallv appreciate- S wood aixed rooms. Hardwood floors, fireplace, uffet Dutch kitchen with hreakfa) .,. ment basement etc. lrge living room. Fin ished in old Ivory and white I hroiiglmut. .l least let us show you. Oh, yes. the street and seWer asst. are paid in full. A. G. TEEPE CO. r"4 Yh'" ''T. 3d. if"''. Mil" 8.H1I. !Lr.hlir!'' J'!!1' ""djjandy. lOpen Sunday I.' $5800 DISTINCTIVE IHVINGTON HOME On K 12th street, nrai Stanton on a laini ' ,,,,, M , L ,, , ... 1 iio ao liens paid, is a Very ttlOdcm 8 room Home, living room with fireplace, pencUd wo,. on loom, mini i imiiet. . oinrnient kitchen, 4 light airy bedrooms and sleeping porvh, hardwood ' floora, full cement basement, furnace and laun- -dry trays; attractive Uwn. abundance of flow. in. ano snrnos. oarage. i n arrange terms. Sm L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. --'.'!?. "I" Evening and Sunday. Room Ml Ai.aihh $32(10 VMI.I, GIVE BUYER HIKE Bookcase, hall-lree, dining room set table', chairs, rockers, buffet, several rug., bedstead. -matin e. Rprinirs. gas range, lusting stove e -W. J. MTKKKTEIt nd J. U. KEATING' nJJ Board of Trade. Main 168. ' (4200 "Formerly" $4 5(107 6""rooms "and "sleep. ing porch. This home is not large enough for present owner, who is pnr chasing large hoinw and must sell this one at. once. I,rge living room jscrns enlire front; fireplace, dining room ami buffet. One hedroom down can lie used lor den if desired; furnace, full cement basement, wash iravs. hdwd. Honrs; in fart modem tliroiitthoiil. J A WICK MA N CO 204 Ry. Ex. bldg. Mull, louf Open Evenings. The McGUIRE SYSTEM , makes home buying easy. You c-au come to till office nd see nter 700 photograph of home ' for sale, arranged In (lnir resectiie dM'trti ' wtth full description Ev.-rv home ha Iw-en ap praised by an expert appraiser. Mime reinjrkablv ' bargains. That, is villi we void over 600 home since January I this year It: e Hrieliceir.ali - , men with iiiti FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOI ft Abington hide f iff ice open Eienines HOME Mam Sundays 1068 an- 3U(I0 $3O0 term, to smt; 5 rooms, cement basement, furnace, good con dition: -Kat Side. Kkidmore We have several small mllam, with price running from $1lmi to $32.10, but terms to mt. phone or come jp WAKEFIELD. FRIES A Co S5 Fourth si $11750 IHVINC'l ON l!T ". On a full i..rner I..I i, Itroudeaj. r, t 2ll'h. i a t loom attractive tf rival ionitiilo .- living rO'.III Hill, tircplar-e. OHIieleet To HI beamed celling; - nnvrni, itl kitchen. .", Ixdlor-lti while em ti el plumbing, electric light, and ; full reinenl In mu l , fiirimcn ,nid llililr trnvs Cbii atTHiige terms Vacant KEF FRANK L. McGUIRE' TO BUY Y if It HOME Abington bldg Maj,, ,, Office Onen Eveimu-s and Mundais $2800"-- ADJOINING" M'niKLIII'lTHt Bight across the street from l.nurelhnr.l. In K Stalk st, facing the park. a Mihstantir! attractive 5 room modern bungalow; fuP -i ment basement, a light airy bedrooms, white . i amel plumbing, electric lights and gas; - -m.- -; oown ia.inieni, nsialic f-H,v Willi- tase mortgage pack: tnm-in o,.o Hl-f FRANK L. McGUIRE TO Bl' Y 5 or IIOMK Abington bMii. Offict ru Kvritihtf and CHOICE BARGAINS (26.10 .Modem 5 room bungalow, beside 3 ' finished room, in at He; fireplace, full basement: -in g(MI neighborhood; convenient to high school and car ; terms. $(150 Close Hawthorne t, . 5 room bun. -glow, besides 2 finished rooms in attic- fire. place. Dutch kitchen, etc.. p, rtrreta; term . Be sure tn look thee ii,,. A. K. HII.LCO.. . i'15 Lumbermen Bldg. FURNISHED SIONTAt Il.l ABI NGAMIW ' 5 nice large room., modern, i-elh, tili-(.- lights and g., batiiirnt. Ku 1 (1(1 ft .' lisrd surface xtres-t. one bl--k to ear, hutkl. to school, neatly furnished reudv t,,r hou keeping. (2650. $500 -,li. ,al. luc rtif ' fltriek possession. See it at once. My auto it.'-'' your service. K. W Hugh-,. 51,7 Joni bldg. Main 28JK :ID) TO l my 7 loom modern bungalow ; will t-,c 220 if old tliw week. ki;oo 1oo bflince -t $150o less than cot today. See it at 7$2 62d ave S K. Owner. j FOR SALE -A 6 room modem house, alf roo-vi - on une floor; larte attic, lot ."lit 144. at, - ,! rosea, fruit trees, berries, .pace for Karilen; wl " block from car end imied str.-ct; siiknvalk i ' ewer, hi and paid for; newly :liitd outlili : nd tinted. $300O; some lerrni if de-lrc; - i Owner, 1403 E. Hoyt i Tabor 3525. 3-ROOSf modern bungalow, on Mt Tabor iTti '' fireplace, hardwood floors, built-in bnffe, ! ' Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, full lo. ;f chicken bouse and rum, tree and roses; $225l;-, terms. ; r SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN REALTY CO., 24 8 Starkt. Mln 54 29. ' $3 2 so rosTTcTt yHbTnga lowI Tv"? 5 rooms, hardwood floor and all modern; built-in, fireplace, full erment. basement, floored 1 attic: can be bought furnished; rented tot (4. . See Wattson. J. C.COKBIN CO.. 805-0-7-8 Lewi bldg. " HAWTHORNE " , 7 room bungalow tyi home, book , fire place, buffet, full basement, lot 50x116, hard- ' surfaced street, all liens paid. Price (3600. (1000 cash, balance easy. JOHNSON-DODSON ; CO.. 683 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN (787. ' (2150 4 ROOM MODERN BUNOALoW'fV 60x100 lot, modern plumbing, electricity, r gas, V block to car. . i ' VV. A WRIGHT, . Main 5988. 417 Abtngton bldg. Sell. 185S FINE complete residenc. Colonial at., over.,' looking river, by owner, now In city; -mile' ell before leaving: cost twice what t ask; n - agent. B-802, Journal. rt.: FOR SALE 5 room cottage. 50i12." foot lot, . 220. 40T laaeil t EMt (28T. - - . ,