The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 20, 1919, Page 14, Image 14

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14 , SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1919.
ortland jMecca for
men 3Uho &re:; of Horldwide prominence
Meeting at Salem This Year Will
Be Important Because of Elec
tion to Quadrennial Meeting.
Willamette University Is 75 Years
Old and Commemoration Will
. . Take Place on October 3.
The twenty-neventh Heission of the
Oregon annual conference of the
Methodist Episcopal church will ,be
held -September 29 to October 6 in
the First Methodist church of Salem.
Bishop Matthew Simpson Hughes,
D. V., Li. L. D., will be president of
the conference.
The conference this year will be quite
Important, as delogates to the quadren
nial conference will be elected. This
election is generally accompanied with
keen competition, as ministers and lay
men consider it tn hono to be elected
to this great conference, where the laws
of the church are made or changed, and
where bishops are elected.
Tb6 Oregon conference this year will
be a little longer than usual, the bishop
being present for six days. The first
two days will be set aside mainly for
the examination of young preachers. The
opening bOBinesa session will be Wed
nesday morning.
Another feature of the conference this
year will be the celebration Thursday
night In commemoration of the seventy
fifth anniversary of the founding of
. Willamette university. Dr. B. L. Steeves
will preside.
Presentation will also be made of the
Centenary work, Kpworth league work,
deaconebs work and missionary work.
Friday afternoon the ministers' wives
will be entertained with a reception.
The bishop will preach, his annual ser
mon Sunday morning.
Music for the business and anniver
sary sessions will be furnished by the
Kimball College chorus, directed by H.
A. Aldrlch.
The complete conference program fol
lows :
September 29
1 p. m. Conference examinations in First
crmrch; all work to be concluded by Tuesday
September 30
4 :80 p. m. Annual meeting of the board
of examiners. Albert S. Hiaey, chairman.
B.80 p. m. Annual dinner of the board of
examiners at the Spa..
7:SO p. m. A sacred concert will be given by
Interdenominational Conference on
8ATUEDAY AT 7:!t P. M.
REV. A. C. DIXON, 0, 0.
formerly paTstor of Metropolitan
Tabernacle, London, England.
"The Consummation of the
Musle by White-Temple Choir
Precentor and Soloist of Conference
Panto r of First Baptist Church,
"The Second Coming and
Christian 'Conduct and
"The Consummation of the
"The Glory of the
Dr. Pence's Sunday
10:30, "The God Whom
We Worship; Are
We Pagan or Chris
tian?" 7:30, "Where Is the
Power for a Strong
Wretmt'ister Quartet City's Best
With Pipe Organ Aocompanirarnt
A Cordial Invitation to the Public.
Sunday Evening, 7:45 o'ClocIc
Dr. Lincoln L. Wirt will show you in Moving Pictures
what he saw in Armenia, Syria and Palestine. Will
tell you the conditions as he found them and what
America ls'doing to meet the situation. Come and see
these wonderful pictures.
Doors Open at 7:00 o'clock. All Seats Free
Morning Service 11 :00 o'clock
: Sermon by
Rev. W. W. Willard, D. D.
First Congregational Church
Park and Madison Streets
2Br.j$lorrison 111 11
Jfill trinity pulpit
at Services Sunday
Dr. A. A. Morrison of Trinity Epis
copal church has returned from the east
Regular services will be resumed Sun
day morning and evening. The first
session of the Sunday school wilT- be
held in the church at 9 :45 a, m.
First Church Now
Back in Own Home
The First Christian Science church
has returned to its church edifice again,
after having completely renovated anil
improved the building by installing a
new heating system. Services were con
ducted in the Scottish Rite cathedral
for several months. First, Third and
Fourth churches have also resumed the
Sunday evening services at S o'clock.
All churches are conducting two Sunday
services except Fifth and Seventh
Meeting for Voters
A special meeting for voters will be
held at the close of the morning serv
ice at the Grace Lutheran church, ac
cording to the announcement of the pas
tor, the Rev. C. H. Bernhard.
tlie choir and soloinU of First church, directed
by Professor John K. Sites.
October 1
9 a. ro. Opening wvion. Address by Bishop
Matthew Simpson Hughes on "The Call of Evan
gelism. " Sacrament of the Lord's supper. Or
ganization of the conierence. Memorial service.
2:30 p. m. Anniversary of the Woman's
Home Missionary society. Address, Mrs. May C.
Bliss. .
7 :30 p. ra. Conference. Missionary sermon,
Charles P. Johnson presiding. Seitnon, George
H. Bennett, D. D. .
8:30 p. m. Anniversary of the Board of
Temperance and Public Morals. Walton Skip
worth, 8. D., presiding. Addresn, utarence True
Wilson, I). P.
October 2
8:30 a. m. Message, "The Gospel of Jeaus
Chrwt, the Son of God." Joshua Stansfleld.
l. O.
0 a. m. Business sexsion.
10:30 a. ni.- Bishop' hour. "The Methodists
of Evangelism. "
2:30 p. inN Anniversary of Woman's For
eign Miiionary S4iety, Mrs. D. C, Devon, pre
siding. Address, . F. Ineson, I). 1.
5 p. m. Seminary wen's banquet Leslie
Church. Secure tickets from Edwin Sherwood,
I). D.
7:30 p. m. Seventy-fifth anniversary of the
founding of Willamette university. Dr. B. L.
Steeves, presiding. Address, "A Voice Crying in
the Wilderness," Justice Henry L. Benson. Ad
dress. "The Place of the Christian College ''
I'resident Carl U. Poney. Address, Bishop Mat
thew 8. Hughes.
October 3
8:30 a. m. Message, "Undervalued Christian
Assets." President H. J. Talbott.
9 :30 a. m. Business session.
10:30 a. m. Bishop's hour, address to the
class, "The Manual of Evangelism."
10 a. m. I -ay electoral conference, univer
sity chapel. President, I. H. Van Winkle. Lay
men's association, president, J. W. Day.
2:30 p. ra. Centenary institute. A. I
Howarth, D. D.. presiding. Address, "Conserv
ing and Developing Spiritual Resources of the
Church., Charles A. Bowen, D. D. Address,
"Christian Stewardship; a Continuous Program,"
J. 1". Marlatt, D. D. Address. "Conserving the
Centenary Financial Pledges," H. C. Burkholder,
1. I). Address, "Enlisting the Laletv in the
Larger Work of the Church," C. C. Day, D. D.
3-5 p. m. Reception to the ministers' wives
and ladies visiting the conference, by the Lrtella
Kimball club, in Kimball School of Theology.
7:30 p. in. Joint centenary. A. U Howarth.
,D. I)., presiding. Address. "Methodism's World
Program." James K. Crowther, D. D.
October 4
8:30 a. H Messier. "A Man Sent ' From
God." E. E, Gilbert, X. t.
9 a. m. Busings session.
10:30 a. m. Bishop's hour. "The Reflex
Influence of Evangelism."
2:30 p. m. Anniversary of the General
Deaconess hoard. Mra. Matthew S. Hughes, pre
siding. Report of deaconea work. Miss Neltre
M. Curtiss. Address, George" W. White, D. D.
4 p. ra. Ministers' Wives association. Ep
uurtli hall. President, Mrs. Charles E. Gibson.
7:30 p. m Anniversary of the Conference
Claimants' society, D. H. Iech. presiding. Ad
dress, "From a Conference Viewpoint," Charles
K Gibson. D. D Address. 8. J. Greenfield,
October B
9 a. m. Conference love feast, 8. A. Danford
D. D., presiding. '
10:30 a. tu. Sermon by Bishop Matthew
Simpson Hughes, D. D.. LL. D.
6:30 p. m. Epworth league rally, 8alem Cab
inets as host.
V.30. p', m'TA ,re,t Tun" People's service,
fc. M. Smith, district president, presiding. Ad
dress, John M. Walters, D. D. ,
October 6
8:30 a. m. Message. "The Glory of the
Cross," Charles A. Edwards, D. D.
9 a. m. Business session.
10.30 a. m. Bishop's hour, "Social Service
and Evangelism."
"Spiritual Bargains"
Sarvlcei Holy Communion S . M.
Morning Prayer and 8ermon 11 A. M.
Enlnfl Pray ar and Add rot! S p. M.
Ha Returned and Will Preach
8unday School Will Reopen at 9:46
Our, Regular Members Are Urged to Com
Strangers Cordially Welcome.
"Spiritual Bargains"
Educational Work Outlined Will
Be Broader in Seopt'Than
Ever Attempted Before.
An educational program, bigger and
broader in scope than anything ever at
tempted by the Christian Endeavor
union of the state, was outlined at the
congress meeting of state officers held
at Estacada last Saturday, and San
day. The program Includes the award
ing of degrees, the earning of which
wfll call for intensive study. Some sub
jects will be classed as major sub
jects and must be Oaken by everyone de
siring to take up the course. A few
elective subjects will be offered. These
electives will be broad in scope and will
fill a long felt need tut better training
for young people.
The following Portland people at
tended;, foiss Faye Steinmetz, state
president ; Miss Elaine Cooper, state
secretary ; Miss Mollie Fettlng, state
treasurer ; Miss Mable Galey, state life
work recruit superintendent; Miss Effie
Torgerson, state intermediate superin
tendent; Miss Viola Ogden, state his
torian ; C. M. Saiz, state social service
superintendent; Miss Joy Aydelott, state
good literature superintendent ; LeRoy
Robinson, Multnomah county president ;
Miss Emma Rehwalt, county intermedi
ate superintendent; Miss Dorothy Grl
fillan. Miss Jennie McKibben, Miss AlUSe
Weatherson, G. Evrt Baker, Lloyd R.
Carrick and the Rev. Charles -W. Hays.
Others in attendance were : Miss An
nabe Taylor of Forest Grove, president
of the Washington county union ; Miss
June Walker of Forest Grove, junior
superintendent ; Lyle Willard of Mc
Minnville, state vice president; Howard
Zinser of Salem, state prayer meeting
superintendent, and Miss Alice Judd of
Salem, state social superintendent.
A farewell was given to Lloyd Car
rick, former state president, who is
leaving for California.
Fourteenth Sunday After Trinity
L'niform Sunday School Lessons
"The Holy Scriptures." Ph. 19:7-1; 119:
9 16. 97. 165; Acta 17:1012; II Tim. 3:
14-17: Heb 1: 1,2
Golden Text: "Thy word is a lamp nnto
my feet, and licht onto my vaUi." ls. 119:
Young People's Topics
Baptiit t'nion "Truthfulness. " Epb. 4:28;
II Kings 5:20-27.
Christian Endeavor "Truthfulness." Eph.
4:25 II Kinss 5:20-27.
.Kpworth league "The Great Companion,
How to Live With Him." Luke 24:13-32.
Vint White Temple, 12th and Taylor Rev.
William A. Waldo. 11. sermon by the pastor.
3, conference on fundamentals, "The Seal of
Incarnation." by Dr. A. C. Dixon ; "The Con
Hummafion of the Ages.." by Ir. W. B. Riley;
"30. "The Second Couiing and Christian Con
duct and Character,'" by Dr. W. B. Kiley.
Kast Side E. 20tb and Salmon Rev. W.
B. Hinaon. Rev. H. T. Canh, associate?. 1 1 . "The
trod for Me'.';. 7:30, "Remember Jesus Christ."
Third Vancouver and Knott Rev. WeWey J.
Beaven. 11. "Love? and Service"; 7:30, "The
Tiling We Need.''
Arleta Rev. Owen T. Day. 11, 'The Su
preme Test 6f Christian- Experience"; 8, "The
Suffering Chmt: The Way of Life."
Culvary K. fth and tirant Rev. J H.
TI'ctu.-i" 11. "All Thine Working To'r"tlir for
Good How Can It Be?" 8, "Can We Know
Anything of the Hereafter! "
c.lor.cor E 4-Vh und Main Rev. F ('.
Laalette. 11, "The Christianity for Today";
7:45. "Where the Path Breaks."
Seilwood Bethany Rev. T J. Broomfield.
11, T:30.
Grace E. 76th and Ash. 11. 8.
University Park Rev. . S. Lawrence Black.
11, 8.
Swedish 15th and Hoyt Rev. T. G. Sjolar
dr 10:30, 7:30.
St. Johns Rev. Edgar Burton. 11, 7:30.
Highland E. fith and Alberta Dr. W. T.
Milliken. 11. "An Ancient Church Quarrel";
8.. "The Life Story of an Ancient Pioneer."
Pro Cathedral 15th and Davis Rev. E. V.
O Hara. . 7:15. X:30. 8:45, 11. 7:45.
St Peters Lenta Rev. P. Beutgen. 8.
10:30. 7:30
St- Lawrence 3d and Sherman Rev. J. C.
Hughes. . 8:30. 10:30. 7:30.
St. Francis E. 12th and Pine Rev. J. Br
Black. 6, 8. 9. 10:30. 7:30.
Immaculate Heart of Mary WUliams and
Stanton Rev. W. A. Daly. 8. 8. 9. 11, 7:30.
Holy Rotary E. 3d and Clackamas Rev. E.
S. Olson. 6, 7. 8. 9, 11, 7:30.
St. Rose E. 53d and Alameda Rev." J.
O'Farrell. 8. 10:30, 4.
St. Andrews E. 9th and Alberta Rev. J
Kiernan. 8. 10:30. 7:30
The Madeleine E. 24th and Siskiyou Rev.
George F. Thompson. 7:30. 9, 11.
Ascension E. 7Gth and Yamhill Franciscan
Fathers. 8, 10:30, 7:30.
Blessed Sacrament Maryland and Blanden
Rev. F. W. Black. 8. 10:30, 7:30.
Holy Cross 774 Bowdotn Rev. C. Raymond.
8. 10:30, 7:30.
8t Ignatius 3220 4Sd st. S. E.: Jesuit
Fathers. :30. 8. 10:30. 4.
St. Stephens E. 4 2d and Taylor Rev. War
ren A. Waitt. . 8:30. 10:30, 7:30.
Holy Redeemer Portland blvd. and Vancou
ver ave. Rev. William J. Devme. 6. 8. 10:30.
St. Phillip Neri (Paulist Fathers) E. lth
and Hirkory Rev. W. J. Cartwright 7 30
9, 10:30. 7:80.
St. Clement--3. Smith ave. and Newton
Serhite Fathers. 6. 8. 10:30, 7:30.
Sacred Hert E. 1 1 th and Center Bev. G.
Rob. 8, 10:30. 7:30.
8t. Agatha E. 15th and Miller Rev. J.
Comminky. 8. 10:30, 7:30.
St. Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland and Fail
ing Rev. F. Matthew. 8, 10:30, 7:30.
at. joepn tuerman) loth and Couch
Tlev. B. Durrer. 8, 10:80. 7:80.
St. Michael Italian) 4th and Mill Rev
M. BaVstra. 8:30. 10:30. 7:30.
St. Clares Capitol Hill Father Capistran.
O. F. M. : 8. 10:10. . '
St. Charles E. 33d and Albert ReT. J.
P. O'Flynn. 8. 10:30.
All Saints E. S9th and Gllaan Rev. Father
William Cronin. 8. 10:30.
St. Patricks 19th and Saner Br. Cbrl
M. Smith. Masses 6:30, 8, 9:15. 10:30. 7:45.
First Park and Columbia Rev. Harold H.
Griffin. 11. sermon on Armenian Situation
by Dr. Milton H. Littlefield. national auperinr"
tendent of Congregational Sunday schools : 7:4jj,
"The Christian Equivalent of War." by the
.East Side E.' 12th and Taylor Ber. R. H.
Sawyer. 11, sermon by pastor; 8, sermon by
the Rev. A. E Beebe of, Conn.
Rodney Avenue Rodney and Knott. Rev
S. Earl Childero. 11. 8.
Montavilla E. 76th and Gllsan Re. Her
bert E. Ryder. 11, 7:30.
Woodlawn E. 7 th and Liberty Rer. Joseph
D. Boyd. 11. 8.
Vernon E. 15th and Wygant Rev. R
Tibbs Maxey. 11. 7:30.
Christian Selene
Isaon subject: "Matter." -First
19th and Everett, 11. 8.
Second E. 6th and Hoi ad ay. 11. 8.
Thirt E. 12th and Salmon, 11. 8.
Fourth Vancouver and Emerson, 11, 8.
Fifth 62d and 4 2d btb. S. E. 11.
Sixths Masonic Temple, 868 TarahilL 11, g.
. Seventh Holbrook block. St Jones, n.
Miss Dorothy-Nichols of
Chicago will tell you the story of
Her Conversion to Protestant
ism Sunday, 8 P, M. at the
Church of God, on Failing St.,
between Union " and Garfield.
Take Woodlawn or Alberta car.
oted jWen JUre
Almost m the
CLERGYMEN from all parts of the nation have been Journeying
toward Portland during the past week, and from appearances
members of almost every denomination will be privileged to listen
Sunday to noted men In their church if they desire to do so.
The Rt. Rev. James Wise, D. D., bishop of the Episcopal church in
Kansas, is in the city, and will be one 'of the special speakers at an Epis
copal mass meeting Sunday afternoon. . This service will be held at the Pro
Cathedral. B. Finney, a leader in the Brotherhood of St. Andrew, will
also be in the city. The Rev. Mr. Wise preaches Sunday night at St.
David's church.
Another meeting which has brought a
group of notable clergymen to the city
is the conference on Christian funda
mentals, which is being held at the
I White Temple and Sunnyside Congrega
tional churches. Those who will be In
the city are Dr. A. C. Dixon, recently
pastor of Spurgeon's tabernacle in Lon
don ; Dr. W. B. Riley, pastor of the
First Baptist church of Minneapolis, and
Arthur 'W. McKee, noted song leader.
The famous Persian missionary, the
Rev. E. T. Allen, is in the city and has
been engaged to take both services at
the First Presbyterian church. During
the greater part of the war Mr. Allen
was engaged in Armenian relief work in
Mesopotamia. Mr. Allen and his family
were stationed in Urumia, on the border
line between Persia and Russia. They
saw a,' . great part of-the. war and went
rthrough many exciting experiences. He j
win leu nis siory in two sermoiia. oev-
eral years ago Mr. Allen was assistant
pastor of the First Presbyterian church,
The annual session of the Pacific Swed-
ish mission conference has brought
many Methodist Swedish pastors to the
city, as well as Bishop Matthew Simp
son Hughes. District Superintendent
A. E. Lind and G. E. Kollstedt are also
in attendance upon the conference.
The regional conference to be held in . Wjn be in charge of the Rev. R. G.
Portland by workers in the Armenian Sumerlin and at Fourth church in
and Syrian relief cause has caused an- j charge of the Rev. Mr. Clark "of Day
other influx of church workers. Among I ton, Ohio.
All churches Wednesday. 8 p. m.
First Park and Madison. Dr. W. T. McBl
veen. Preachinc by Dr. W. W. Willard. 1 1 .
"Meaning in Human Life"; 7:45. lecture by
Dr. I I, Wirt on church work in the "Near
Sunnyside E. 32d and Taylor Rev. J. J.
SUub. 11, "Where and What Is the Church
of Jesus Christ?"; 7:30. song service led by
Arthur W. McKee of Chicago; 7:4 5. "The Sec
ond Coming of Christian Conduct and Charac
ter,'' by Dr. W. B. Riley of Minneapolis.
Atkinson Memorial E. 2th and Everett.
Rev E. E. Flint. 11. "The Return of Jesus";
7:30. "The League of Nations."
Highland E. 6th and PrescoM Bev. Edward
Constant. 11. "Does God Answer Prayer?";
7:30, "The Divine Art of Human Reconstruc
tion.'' Waverley Heights E. 33d and Woodward
Rev. Oliver P. Avery. 11. "The Eife of Ad
venture"; 8. "Life's Oppositions."
Laur.-lwood 4 5th ave. and 65th st. S. E.
Mrs. Alice M. Hundsaker. 11.
Pilgrim Missouri and Shaver. Rev. Robert
f Murray Pratt. "The BeautV of Covetousness" ;
7 :45, "Sisters of Eve. '
Finnish MisRion 107 Skidmorc Rev. Sam
uel Nevala. 6, 7 :30.
t'niver-iity Park Haven and Lombard Rev.
C. H. Johnston.
St. Johns S. Ivanhoe and Richmond Rev.
J. T. Merrill. 11. 7:30.
Danish-Norwegian E. 23d and Sumner
Rev. Ole Torgeen. 11. 7 :30.
First German E: 7th and Stanton Rev.
George Zoclier. 11. 7:30.
Second (.erman E, 8th and Skidmore Rev.
Henry Hugelganz. 11, 7:30.
Zion German K. 9th and Fremont Rev.
J. H. Hopp. 11, 7:30.
Tarkrosc Rev. P. D. Holfman. 11, 7:30.
Church of the Brethren Borthwick and
Brainard Rev. George C. Carl. 11, 8.
Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen tha Martyr
13th and Clay Rt. ltv. W. T. Sumner, bishop.
Ver- Hfff T. T. Hick, dean. 7:4 5, 11,
7:45. '
Trinity 19th and Everett Bev. A. A. Mor
rison. 8, 0:45, 11, 8.
St. Ivid E. 12th and Belmont Rev.
Thomas Jenkins, rector. 7:30, 9:30, rally day
in school; 11. "The ' Difficult Way"; 3, rally
day in Mount Tabor school; 8. preaching by the
Rt. Rev. Dr. Wise, bishop of Kansas.
St Marks 21st and Marshall Rev. J. G.
Hatton. 7:30. 9:45. 11, 8.
St Andrews Hereford st, Portsmouth
Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 9, 11, 7 :30.
Grace Memorial E. 17th and Weidler Rev.
Oswald VV. Taylor. 8. 11.
Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham
Rev. John Dawson, 11, 8.
St Michaels am' Afl Angels E. 43d and
Broadway Rev. T. F. Bowen. vicar; 8. 10, 11.
Church of Our Savior 60th ave. and 41st
st 8. E. Rev. E. H. Clark, vicar. 7:30. 11.
Bishop Morris Memorial Good Samaritan
hospital Rev. Frederick K. Howard. 7. 9:30.
St Pauls Woodmere Rev. Oswald W. Tay
lor. 4.
AU Saints 25th and Savier Her. Frederick
K. Howard. 10. 11.
St Johns Memorial E. 16th and Harney,
Seilwood. Rev. H. Clark in charge. 11. 7:30.
8t Matthews Corbett and Bancroft Bev.
W. A. M. Breek, vicar. 10, 11.
First E. 6th and Market Rev. E. D. Horn
sohuch. 11. 7:30.
Clay Street 10th and .Clay Rev. Jacob
Blocker. 10:45, 8.
Swedish Tahomacle N. 17th and Gllsan
Rev. C. J. Ledin. 11. 7:45.
Frea Methodist
Central E. 55th and Flanders Rev. E. L
Harrington. 11, 7:30.
First E. 9th and Mill Rev. 6. H. Upton.
11. 7:S0.
Alberta E. 30th and Vfygant Rev. Alex
Beers. 11, 7:30.
8t Johns East Richmond and Hudson Key.
E. D. Blackman. 11. 7:30.
Lenta Rev. S. H. Upton, acting pastor. 2:30
First E. 35 th and Main Rev. Homer L.
Cox. 11. 7:45.
Congregation Beth Israel 12th and Main
Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Reform synagogue.
Services. Friday 8 p. jn., Saturday 10:30 a. a.
Coneresration Ahavni Sholom Park and tTay
sts. Rabbi R. Abrahamson, Friday, H p. m. ;
Saturday, 8:30 a. m.
Congregation Nevah Zedeck Talmud Tons
6th and Hall Rev. Abraham I. Rosencranta.
Friday, 8 p. m. ; Saturday, 9 a. m. ; Sunday, 10
a m., religious school.
Latter Day Saints
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
E. 25th and Madison: Heber C. Iverson,
mission president; 10, 7:30.
St. James W. Paix and Jefferson Rev.
Win. E. Briniman. 11. 7:30. ,
St Pauls E. 12th and Clinton Bev. A.
Krause. 9:30; 10:30, "I Believe in the
Holy Ghost"; T:30. "Three, Reasons Why the
Christian Mut Walk in Good Works."
Our Savior E. 10th and Grant Rev. M A.
Christermen. llfc (Englfedil "The Gratitude
for Forgiveness"; 8. song service.
Trinity ( Missouri Synod) Williams and
Graham Rev. J. A. Rimbarh. 9:15. school;
10:15, German service; 7:30. English service.
Bethlehem Norwegian 14th and Davis Eev.
WUhelm Petersen. 11. 8.
Grace (English). Mason and Albina. Rev. C
H. Bernard. 9:45, "The. Great Physician at
Bethesda"; 7:45.
Bethel Norwegian (Free) Wygant and Rod
ney. Bethany Danish Evangelical Union and Mor
ris Bev. L. P. KJoller. 11. 8.
St. .Johns Peninsula and Kilpa trick Rev. L.
f.odwi. 10:45, 7:30.
' 8wedish Ancustana Stanton and TtnAns
IjBev.-V;. G. Ogren, 10:45, 7:45.
lmmanuel- lti and Irvine Rev. A. V.' An
derson. 11, 8. -
Trinitj (Norwegian) - Lovely and Fortune
Rev. B. A. Stemeth. 10:80.
Zion Evangelic-si ( Missouri Synod) Chap
V nd . SalraoB Bev. IL H. Koppelmann.
9:15, 10:15. 7:45.
Methodist CpleeopeJ
Centenary E. 9th and Pine Rev. J. C.
Ronina. 11. "The Supremacy of th Spiritual";
7 :30, "The Horrors of the Armenian Masaa-
them are Clarence P. Burgess, general
field secretary of the American commit
tee for Near East relief ; Dr. Milton L..
Littlefield, national superintendent of
Sunday schools of the Congregational
church ; Dr. L. L. Wirt, a widely known
Congregational minister ; the Rev. A. E.
Beebe of Norwalk, Conn. ; and the Rev.
E. T. Allen. Mr. Burgess will speak at
Sunnyside Methodist church in the
morning and at Centenary Methodist
church in the evening. Dr. Littlefield
will speak at the First Christian church
In the morning and at the First Meth
odist church in the evening. Dr. Allen
will take both services at the First
Presbyterian' church. Dr. Wirt will
speak at the Church of the Stranger
(United Presbyterian) on Sunday morn
ing and at the First Congregational
church at 7 :43 p. m. The Rev. Mr
; Beebe jji occupy the pulpit of the First
; United Brethren church at il a. m., and
j win speai at the East Side Christian
j church at 7 :45 p. m.
In the absence of the regular pastor
from the city in attendance at the an
nual conference, the pulpit at the Second
United Brethren church will be sup
plied Sunday by the Rev. P. O. Bone
brake. The services at Third church
cres." by the Rev. C. P. Burgess,
Central Vancouver and Fargt
-Rev. A. R.
.unclean. il, 8.
Clinton Kelly E. 4 0th and Powell Rev.
John Parsons,, 1 1 .
Epworth 2Hth and Savier Rev. J. Stanford
Moore. 11, "The Word Have I Hid in My
Heart": 8, service by Mrs. Helen Msnley, a
traveler in KgypL - s
First 12th and Taylor Rev. Joshua Stans
fieJd. 10:30. S.
First Norwegian Danish 18th and Hoyt
Rev. Elias Gjerdins. 11, 8.
Garden Home Rev. A. B. Calder. 10:30.
Leurelwood- E. 63d and Foster. Rev. A. C.
Breckenbury. 11, 7:30.
Lents Lucien R. Jones. 11. 7:30.
Lincoln E. 52d and Lincoln. Rev. F. A.
Ginn. 11.
MontavilU E. 80th and Pine Rev. Hiram
Gould. 11. 8.
Mt. Tabor E. 61st and Stark. Rev. E. Olin
Eldridge. 11, "The Centenary Pageant at Co
lumbus." by Miss Nellie M. Curtis, superin
tendent of the Methodist Ieacnness home; 8,
"Christ and the New Era," by the pastor.
Rose City Park Rev. D. Lester Fields. 11,
7 :30.
Seilwood Rev. W. S. Gordon. 11, 7:30.
Sunnyside E. 35th and Yamhill Rev. W.
F. Ineson. 1 1.
St. Johns W. Leavitt and Syracuse Rev. J.
H. Irvine. 11. 8.
Swedish Beech and Borthwick Rev. Abel
Eklund. Annual session of Pacific Swedish
mission conference. Bishop M. 8. Hughes presid
ing. 11. 7:45.
University Park Fiske and Lombard Rev.
J. T Albert 11. 8.
Vancouver Avenue Norwegian Danish Skid
more and Vancouver. Rev. C. J. Rynning.
11. 8. "
Westmoreland Rev. F. A. Ginn. 8.
Wilbur Multnomah hotei Rev. Francis Bur
gette Short 10:30. "The Great Home Coming
of the Saints."
Woodstock E. 44 th and Woodstock Rev.
L. C. Poor. 11.
Woodlawn E. 10th and Highland Rev.
Kloster. 11, 7:45.
District superintendent. Rev. William Wallace
Toungson, D. D 691 E. 62d st N. Tabor 2790.
M. E. 8outh
First Union and Multnomah Rev. J. W.
First E. 10'" and Weidler Rev. J. T.
Lilt. 11. 7:30
Seilwood E. 9th and Spokane Pv. Weaver
W. Hejis. 11. 7:30.
Brentwood 65th ave. and 67th st Rev.
C. V. Fowler. 11. 7:30. -
Highland Park E. 14 th and Killingsworth
Rev. W. P. Keebaugh. 11. 8.
Scandinavian Kev. J. C. Bringedahl. 11,
First 12th and Alder. Preaching by the
Rev. E. T. Allen, Persian missionary. 11.
"The Martyred Church of Persia"; 7:45. "Feed
ing 50,000 on Faith."
Westminster East 17th and Schuyler Rev..
Edward IL Pence. 10:30. "The God Whom We
Worship; Are We Pagan or Christian?"; 7:30,
"Where Is the Power for a Strong Light?"
Central E. 13th and Pine. Preaching by
Dr. Walter H. Irwin, northwest superintendent
of New Era movement 11, 7:45.
Calvary 11th and Clay. Kev. Frank J.
Meyer. 10:30 a. m.
Mt Tabor E. 55th and Belmont Kev. Ward
MacHenry. 11, "Now Is the Day of Our Sal
vation"; 8. illustrated sermon, "The Church's
Task of Today "
Vernon 19th and Wygant Rev. Bruce
G. Giffen. 1 1 , "Loyalty, the Foundation of
Religion"; 7.30, "On Taking Things Up."
Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett Kev. A. L.
Hutchinson. 11, "God's Sort of a Work
man": 7:30, evening service adjourned to con
ference on fundamentals.
Fourth First and Uibbs. Rev. Monroe G.
G. Everett 10:30. 7:30.
Kenilworth E. 84m and Gladstone Rev.
Paul E. Ratsch. 11. "My Church and I"; 8,
demobilization of service flag.
Hope 78th and. Everett Rev. Mr. Giles.
11, 8.
Rose City Dr. Robert H. Milligan. '11,
"The Refusal of Responsibility" ; 8. "Decision
and Indecision."
Forbes Graham and Gantenbein Rev. Ward
Willis Long. 11, "The Race Course"; 8, "The
Law of Unity."
Trinity Virginia and Nebraska Rev. Theo
dore P. Smith. 11. "Christ the Prophet";
7:30. "The Man Who Believed in Family Re
ligion." Anabel Rev. F. H. Mixwefl. 11, "The
Cure for Care"; 8, "The Pathway to Peace."
Millard Avenue Bev. W. Lee Gray. 11,
"The Power of the Spirit" by tiie Rev. Bou
dinot Seeley, superintendent of Presbyterian
missions in Oregon; 8, "Crumbs Swept Up,"
by the pastor.
Marshall Street 17th and Marshall Bev. A.
J. Hanna. 11.
Mixpah E. 19th and Division Rev. D. A.
Thompson. 11. "The Dynamic o Christian
Life, or the True Source of World Power";
7:45, "Jesus, the Social Arbiter."
Sevsnth Day Adventist
Note Regular services of this denomination
are held on Saturday.
Central E. 11th and Everett L. K- Dick
sca. pastor. 10, 11:15. ' .
Tabernacle 6th and Montgomery E. H.
Emmerson, minister. 11.,
' Montavilla E. 80th and Everett Eider J.
A. Gerhart 10, 11.
Lents--B4tli st and 58th ave. Elder W. D.
Huntington. 10, 11.
St. Johns Central ave. and Charleston i
Elder A. K Folkenberg. 10, 11. '
Albina Skidmore and Mallory Elder A. A.
Meyer. 10. 11.
Scandinavian 550 Alberta Elder O. 8. Lee.
10, 11. . ' . ?
Salvation Army
Corps No. 1 S43 Ash st Adjuta nt Heary
R. Cosens, 11. 8:15, 8.
Corps No. 412814 1st Captain Willises
G. Smith, 11. 3, 8.
New Church Society 331 Jefferson Kev.
William R. Reece. 11. "The Almighty Power
of God; in Yon."
Church of Our Father Broadway and Yam
hill. Iter. W. G. Eliot Jr. 11, "The Divine
Mercy." ,
Social Visitation Work Will Be
Observed During Next Seven
Days in This City.
Social visitation week or rally
week will be observed during the
next seven days In a large number of
the PreBbyterian churches of the
city. :
At the ML Tabor Presbyterian church
the Rev.' Ward W. MacHenry will preach
an appropriate sermon at 11 o'clock.
In the afternoon the members of the
church, organized in districts, will visit
strangers, the sick and friends of the
church, announcing the services of the
church. Preceding the evening service,
motion pictures 'on the life of Abraham
Lincoln will be shown.
Tuesday will be conference night be
tween the official boards and the rest
of the church. Short talks will be made
by S. W. Lawrence.- George Vath and
Mrs. R. H. Tate. Wednesday the wom
en's society will have a rally meeting
with special music Miss Elsie Lewis
will furnish a violin solo; Miss Agnes
Symington will speak on her experiences
at the Seabeck missionary conference,
and Miss Orll E. Henthorne will alk on
"After the War Activities." Miss Hen
thorne served in France for 27 months
with the Y. M. C. A., aiding wounded
French soldiers. She spent seven
months In Germany with the army of
occupation. She has recived a Croix de
Guerre from the French government.
Thursday evening a pot luck lunch and
complimentary dinner to the choir will
be held at 6 :30. This will be "church
night." A short prayer service will fol
low at 7 :45 p. m.
The Sunday school orchestra, under
the direction of Eflton Shaw, will pro
vide the program for Friday night. Talks
will be given by Miss Violet Johnson
and Miss Henthorne. Social hour and
games will follow.
Rally day services will be held at the
United Brethren
Conference superintendent Kev. G. E. Mc
Donald. first E. 15th and Morrison Rev. Byron J.
Clark. 11, preaching by the Kev. A. E.
Beebe of Norwalk, Conn.; no evening service
8econd E. 27th and Sumner Rev. Ira
Hawley. 1 1, preaching by Rev. P. O. Bone
brake; 8. preaching by B. Lee Paget on Ar
menian relief. J
Third 67th st and 32d ave. S. E. Rev. E.
C. Shepherd. Preacliing by the Rev R. t;
Sumerlin at 11. and 8.
Fourth Tremont Rev. C. P. Blanchard
Preaching by the Rev. .Mr. Clark of Dayton.
St. Johns (old constitution) 446 Jessun
Rev. Walter Reynolds. 10. 7. 8.
United Evangelical
First E. 16th and loplar Bev. J. A.
Goode. 11, 8.
Ockley Green Willamette blvd. and Gay
Rev. H. H. Farnham. 11. 7:30.
St Johns Kev. A. P. Ijiyton. 11. 7:45.
United Presbyterian
First E. 37th and Hawthorne Rev. H V
Given. 10:30. "The Kind of Wages 'God
Pays": 8. "The Only Secure Investment"
Church of tit Stranger Grand snd Wasco
Rev. 8. Earl Du Hois. 10:30. "The Iind of
Sorrows." by Dr. U I. Wirt; 7:30. "IlldW
nating Contrasts" by the pastor
Kenton 120 West Lombard Rev. G-eorf
N. Taylor 11. "Prophecy Why?" 8.
"Jailed, Released, Tried and Flogged.
Christian and Missionary Alliance E,
and Clay Rev. John E. Fee. 11, 8.
Realization League 18d 5th stev. H Ed
ward Mills. 11, "Putting to Use Our Neg
hcted Powers.";
hri tadelphiao 621 E. Washington. 10:30
Church of God 363 'failing Harry NeaL
11. 7:30.
Gospel Hall E. 29th and Stark.
Men's Resort :4th and Bumside Rev. Levi
Johnson, superintendent 8.
Iivine Science K. 24th snd Rrosdway Rev.
T. M. Minard. 11. "Mini Unveiling"; 8.
"Man's Atmosphere."
Universal Messianic 318 Abington building.
Pentecostal. First .and Washington Rev
Will C. Trotter. 11. 3. 7:30.
Glad Tidings (Penteeontal Mission) 246
1st. 2. 3. 7:30 week days except Monday snd
Saturday, 8 p. m. '
Pentecostal church E. 20th and Ankeny
A. W. Smith. 11. , 8.
Volunteers of America Mission 224 Burnside
Meeting every evening except Monday at 8
o'clock, and Sunday, 3 p. m.
Portland Ecclesia (Chrintadelpliian) 4597
Belmont George H. Tilling, secretary. 11.
Peniel Mission 288 1st 8, 8. Services
each night at 8. t
Church of Christ E 79th and Gllsan. 11.
Spiritual Church of Eternal Light 1340 Di
vision Rev. May A. Price. 8, Message by
L'hsilrs D. OliltMin.
First Spiritualist E. 7th and Hassalo Rev
A. Scott Bledsoe. Lecture by Mrs. Mary A.
Congdon. 3 and 8 p. m. Evening subject, "The
Value of Spiritual Knpwiedge. "
Second Spiritualist AUsky hall Bar.
Max Hoffman. 8. 8. 2 -
10:80 A. M.
"The Martyred Church of Persia"
Uii F. M.
Id 25 yearsJuvenile Delinquency has increased in the U. S. by 200.
Only, 5 of these" ever went to Sunday School
What do you want of your boy or girl?
Tomorrow b RALLY DAY in the School at
:S ' " " '" East 12th utd Belmont
A Doubled Membership Is the Motto This Year
9:30 A. M. At 50th tad Division Su. 3 P. M.
rotate Convention of
baptists to J3e J)cld
rom ct. 21 to 25
The annual meeting of the Oregon
Baptist state convention will be held
October 21 to 25 in the East Side Bap
tist church. Oliver J. Irish of Eugene,
president of the association, will be the
presiding) officer. Dr. O. C. Wright is
executive secretary.
Men prominent in the denomination
are scheduled to attend. Among them
are Henry Bond of Brattleborough. Vt.,
who was president of the Northern
Baptist convention for two years; Dr.
Gilbert M. Brink of Philadelphia, execu
tive secretary of the American Buptist
Publication society; Dr. E. T. Tomll
Son of "New York, secretary of the board
of ministers and missionaries' relief;
Mrs. Katherine Westfall of Chicago,
general secretary of the woman's home
missionary society ; Dr. Samuel G. Neil
of Philadelphia. Bible and field secre
tary of the publication society ; Rev. W.
Earle Smith of Los Angeles, director of
young people's work for" the Pacific
coast, and Miss Meme Brockway of Los
Angeles, general director of elementary
work in the nation.
Bible school of Westminster Presbyter
ian church on September 28, the exercises
starting at 12 :10 p. m. The program as
planned by A. J. Beale, superintendent,
and his staff includes promotion exer
cises in the classes. Dr. Edward H.
Pence will preach Sunday morning and
Kenilworth Presbyterian church is or
ganised under the New Era program of
the church and will observe social vis
itation day on Sunday. The visitation
will be made in the afternoon. The
church will demobilize its service flag
during the evening service. The Rev.
P. E. Ratsch, pastor, will preach both
morning and evening.
Thursday evening at 8 o'clock an en
tertainment and social will be given the
members of Rose City Park Presbyter
ian church by their pastor, Dr. Robert
H. Milligan. The officers of the church
i and their wives will assist the pastor.
Joseph H. McCoy and Walter Jenkins
are arranging the program, which will
consist of dramatic readings amd mu
sic. A social hour will follow, during
which time the women will serve lemon
ade. This is the first of a series of
Ket-acquainted gatherings to ba held in
this jpnurch. The newly organized choir
is composed of Miss Margaret Kennedy,
soprano; Miss Gertrude Hoeber, con
tralto ; Joseph H. McCoy, tenor : Mark
Daniels, bass ; Miss Nina Marie Walker,
Rev. Alexander Beers
May Leave Portland
The Rev. Alexander Beers, paRtor of
the Alberta. Free Methodist church.
Thirtieth and Wygant streets, and for
merly pastor of the First Free Metho
dist church of Portland, has received
an urgent call to take the pastorate of
the Bishop Hart Memorial church In
San Francisco. Dr. Beers has been
considering this proposition for more
than a year and will decide in the near
future as to whether he will accept It
or not. The Rev. Mr. Beers will occupy
his pulpit in the Alberta church Sunday
morning and evening.
Apostle Talmadge
Will Speak Monday
Dr. James E. Talmageof Salt Lake
City, one of th 12 apostles In the
Church of Jesus Christ M Latter Day
Saints, will arrive in Portland Monday
and deliver, a lecture on Mormonism in
the local church the same evening. His
subject will be "What of the Dead?"
The church Is at East Twenty-fifth and
Madison streets. Dr. Talmage Is con
sidered' a fluent speaker. He has just
conducted' 'the quarterly, conference of
the Uhion Stake of the church at La
Grande, Qr.
Fine Showing Made
Wilbur School
. The Sunday school of Wilbur Meth
odist church is making a fine showing,
according to an announcement made by
Dr. Francis B. Short, pastor. The male
quartet is also drawing larger audi
ences to the Sunday morning service.
Dr. Short will preach Sunday morning.
Prominent Men to Take Part in
Mass Meeting to Be Held in
Portland at the Pro-Cathedral.
Steps Necessary for Local
Churches to Take to Make It
Success Are to Be Outlined.
- The first step In the nation wide cam
faisn of the Kpiscopal church will be
taken on Sunday afternoon, September
21, at a mass meeting to be held at th
Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen the Martyr,
at 4 o'clock. The shecial speakers who
are corning; for this meeting; are : Tha
Rt. Rev. James Wise, D. D. of Kansas,
and B. Finney, one of the leaders of
the Brotherhood of St. Andrew. The
purpose of this meeting is to explain
the nation wide campaign and the steps
necessary- for the local churches to take
to secure Its success. On Sunday morn
ing; the speakers for the mass meeting:
will preach In the following- churches:
St. Stephens pro-cathedral, 11 a. m., B.
Finney ; Grace Memorial, 11 a. m.,
BUhop Wise. Bishop Wise will preach
at St. David's church, Sunday evening,
at o'clock, and Finney will go to Ore
gon City for the evening- servioe. Mon
day mornlag Bishop Wise and Finney
will address the clergy. The meeting
will be held In clerlcua room in the
Merchants Trust building.
New York, Sept. 20. With the selec-
tlon of Lewis B. Franklin as director
of organization, the Protestant Episco
pal church han secured the services of
a man who is regarded as probably one
of the most successful organlzatiori ex
perts today in America. Franklin will
have complete direction of the forthcom
ing "Every Name" campaign of th
Eptncopal church, as part of the pro
gram of that church in America, to
stimulate and reawaken Interest in
Episcopal church work.
Franklin is best known as the man
who organized for the treasury depart
ment the machinery that conducted the
four Liberty loan and victory loan cam- -paigns.
The "Every Name" campaign nf the
Episcopal church will culminate on De
cember 7, when every person whose
name is enrolled on the membership llHt
of the church will be personally visited
and urged to a reawakened interest in '
church work, and the responsibilities
of Christian citizenship In coping with
the problems which the nation faces.
Report on Conferencr5
A report on th Seabeck Missionary
conference will be given to the ChrlHtiun
Endeavor society of Waverly Heights
Congregational church at their Sunday
evening service. The Kev. O. P. Avery
will preach Sunday 'morning and even-
Methodist Episcopal
Multnomah Hotel
This church tu packed lt.t Sunday mornlni.
Tha preacher has a human-heart manaafe.
A Coiutant Jor and Bleaatftf
CRIMON 10:30 A. M.
The Great Home-coroinf of th
Saints Meet Your Frinli Hera
"Workers With God"
Rev. Joshua S tans field, D. D.
will preach to a packed bona at
UNDAV 10:30 A. M.
Members Home-Coming
12:15 P. m.
7:4 P. M.
Splendid Quartet and Ctwrot Muilo
Prophe ey
'The Dawn of the Evil Day
Sunday. Sept. 21
3 p. m.
W.O.W. Temple
11th St.. Bet. Washington St Alder