V :' A HISTORY NSTRUCTORS OBJECT TO THOMPSON TEXT BOOK NOW USED Superintendent Grout Heads Off Scheme to Substitute Other Authors for Study. books for the fcstt. and 1 -cannot have it We only aim to have about two reference books of a kind in each library. The pupils are then assigned topics to look up in different books land report on In class. Augur was strongly in favor of retaining Mussey's test last year." The attack on the Muzzey text was led last year by Judge Wallace McCamanL Objection to the high school history text adopted by the school board a year 7 sko for use In the city schools after a j storm of oppoHltlon to Muzzey's history then In vogue, by the Daughters of the '-! Revolution and others; are shaping Into I form by certain history instructors-who. i a -fltnilnir n 1 Vl A 4tilrHOl 1 1 1 1 f rcf- erence books. , Superintendent D. A.- Grout Tuesday headed off what he took to be an at tempt to substitute other books for the text written by Charles Manfred Thomp- '' son, when he vetoed requests by Herbert . Augur of Jefferson high school and E. E. ; Schwartztrauber of Lincoln high school, for reference history books by Forman & West In numbers of from lu to 110 '' copies. Ml'ST HAVK UHOTTT'8' APPROVAL All requests for library books are sub mitted by Miss Mary' Frances Isom to Superintendent tlrout for his approval before being, filled. ' Otejectioriu to the Thompson text center . in the greater stress placed Upon the in- dustrlal history than usual.'. Instead of , dealing with-the political history alone, the text also considers the industrial and ' social history. Thompson is a professor i of econornlcs in the University of Illinois. 1 The book has been adopted for four ! years, leaving three more years during j' which it must be used, according to the j contract. J HISTORY HAS NO LIFE ; Schwartztrauber says the book is a I splendid history of its sort, but that the ; ' history that has VI fe in it and which ap peals to the students is omitted. "The text is only a basis upon which free pse Is made of reference books. But 1 believe in giving the children access to a great many books rather than restrict them to one or two. I believe the move ment is an effort to substitute the other Furniture Making Is Purpose of New Portland Company Salem, Sept 18. Manufacturing and dealing in furniture and lumber prod ucts is the purpose of the L. R. Kollock Manufacturing company, which has filed articles of Incorporation. The Incor porators are 1... R. Kollock, John K. Kollock and John B. Hibbard and head quarters of the corporation will be maint.-.ined in Portland. The capital stock is f25.000. . The Aetna Garage, with headquarters .at Portland, has been Jncorjxrated by A. J. Montgomery, Lee O'Hanlon and W. W. Churchill. The capital stock of the company is $5000 and the purpose Is to conduct a general garage business. The Paul Sales company has been, In corporated by rFank Welles. I-. W. Cro nan and Maurice Zeitz. It the purpose of the corporation to manufacture and deal in merchandise. The capital stock is 125.000 and offices will be established and maintained in Portland. Charles J. erFguson, Charlton Cqrrin, William Wood, George J. Walton and O. D. Burke, all of Klamath alls.F have In corporated the Southern OreRon Drug company. The capital stock is $25,000. The Hudson St Gram company of Portland has increased its capital stock from $60,000 to $100,000. SENATOR JOHNSON IS GOING TO NORTHWEST WITH HIS TREATY FIGHT Opponent of League Speaks at Duluth Friday and at Minne apolis Friday Night. Lincoln. Neb.. Sept 18. (U. P. Sen ator Hiram Johnson planned today to carry his fight against the treaty to the Northwest He leaves for Duluth to night He will speak there Friday night and at Minneapolis Saturday. Despite a heavy rain here Wednesday night, 4000 persons crowded the audi torium to hear the' Californian'e argu ments. President Wilson, in attempting to have the United States ratify the League of Nations, assumes to put the world in a straltjacket wherein there can be no movement lor betterment progress or humanity. Johnson declared. In referring to the president" address at Omaha. Johnson quoted him as say ing, in effect: "The American people must accept the foreign document which I present to you, without Investigation, analysis, amendment or reservation. "When did the president of the Unit ed. States possess the power to say to its people and its congress, 'You must? " Johnson asked. "When the league was discussed in Paris, Great Britain would not he a party until Great Britain was given five voces, and in this manner she amended . "France would not subscribe until she was given an offensive and defensive alliance with the United States, and thus she amended it "Japan declined to' sign unless given Shantung with its 38,000.000 Chinese. The president yielded and thus Japan amend ed the league. "Just one country is denied the privi lege by Mr. Wilson of protecting itself, its treasure, its blood, ips future, and that country is tne unitea states. Cases Delayed by War Are Heard in Supreme Court Salem. Sept. 18. The supreme court Wednesday heard arguments In two cases delayed because of the war. Both actions were brought by mothers of Austriana, at the time alien enemies, killed in a railroad wreck in a camp of the Western Cooperage company, Sep tember 13, 1915. The plaintiffs are Yozo Ljubickj mother of Xuro Ljubick, and Marja Rjacick, mother .of Mjo Rjacick. The suits were brought In Multnomah county. Mrs. Rjacick was awarded a judgment in the original trial but the court dismissed the Ljublck case on the ground that the Austrian consul had no right to permit the mother of the dead man to appear as plaintiff. Government Files Briefs in Actions Oversale of Land Salem, Sept 18. Government briefs in the cases brought by Andrew B. Ham -mond, Charles J. Linton and the Booth Kelly Lumber company to recover ap iroximately $300,000, which they assert they paid under' alleged illegal contracts vith the'Oresron California' Railroad company for lands; were received .Wed nesday by Attorney General Brown andJ will be filed with the. supreme court The. briefs were prepared by S. W. Williams, special assistant United States attorney general. The chief interest of the government is to seek to protect itself frcm loss of half of the proceeds of the sale of the lands, which Is threatened if the plain tiffs win, it is said. Oregon and coun ties in which the lands lay are inter ested to the extent of $76,941. -JO each, and as a result. Attorney General "drown appears as amicus curiae. Brown to Address V. C. T. U. Salem, Sept 18. Attorney General George M. Brown has accepted an invi tation to speak at the annual state con vention of the Women's Christian Tem perance union in Ashland. October 9. His topic will be "Law Eenforcement" Sir Robert Borden Reccvrring Ottawa. Ont, Sept. 18. (U. P.) t Alarmist reports as to .e health of Sir Robert Borden, prime minister of Canada, are officially stated to be without foundation. He is not gaining strength rapidjy and is unlikely to re-! turn to his duties until next week, Dut no fears are entertained for his recovery. Lady Foster Is Dead Ottawa, Sept. 18. (U: P.) Lady Foster, wife (of Sir George E. Foster. Canadian minister of trade and com merce, died yesterday afternoon. "Oh, This Is So Easy" "Why didn't I get a Royal before?" The Royal saves you from so much hard yes, needless work that it's hard to understand how any. woman will delay in getting it. Simply connect, the - Royal Electric Cleaner with any electric socket and, presto, the dirt disappears. Sold on easy payments so small that you'll never miss the money. Reach for the phone. Call Broadway 1696. Let us call and demonstrate. No obligations. - ELECTRIC CO SIXTH AT PINE ' ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES FOR THE HOME ' LENNETTE in the selec fall supply and timbre Is Submerged tion of her of gloves las. SHE KNOWS you know what makes a smart toilette accessories but do you know that I ENNON S IS SHOWING the latest thing in Glovedom Strap and Slip-on Gauntlets? In all suit shades, 8 and 8-button lengths from $3.50 THESE ARE IMPORTANT KEA a TURKS of the street costume. Developed in Chamois, Mocha, Cape, washrite and French Kid. Decidedly chic ! T E ALSO HAVE 1 and 2-olasp Mocha, Cape and Glace gloves in street shades. UMBRELLAS combine usefulness and beauty this season. The Plcadllly model has wooden stick and crook handle. The Jockey Club at tractive new design, leather strap and Bakelite trimmed handles, tins and ferrules to match. ColOred and silver rings and trimmings.. ;A1I best quality silk, irom $5.95 309 Morrison St. and THK WAIST SHOP Portland Hotel Court V. Berg, Vice Pres. and Mgr. OGUE Patterns! X t Lennon's Vogue Uition Suits from 95c to $4.25 Now is the time to get your winter underwear at remark able prices Soft, fine cotton knitted gar ments, well-tailored and fin ished, all sizes 95 Out sizes $1.15 0xfinest grade wool union suits, exactly as above the soft,, clingy kind that defies colds . and damp weather. Regular sizes $3.95 Out sizes . . . . .$4.25 St Morrlsoa Street and THE WAIST . SHOP Portland Hotel Court ChtM. F. Berg, Tlce Prei. k Mgr. Vogue Patterns, 4 City and Out of Town Mail Orders Filled by Experienced Shoppers and Forwarded Same Day as Received 1 We Give S. &. M. Green Trading Stamps With Purchases Amounting to 10c or More An Additional Cash Saving You Should Not. Overlook Filled Stamp Books Redeemed, Third Floor Portland Agency for SweepenVac and Hoover Electric Suction Cleaners See Demonstration, Third Floor Portland Agency for Gossard Corsets and for Carter's Knit Underwear Buster Brown Shoes For Boys and Girls Buster Brown Shoes will Keep the children's feet .strong and shapely and prevent foot ailments of all kinds. See-display in Shoe Department, First Floor. HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS ARE USED by Millions OF- WOMEN BECAUSE THEY GIVE BEST RESULTS The Standard Store of the Northwest Olds, Wortman & King Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods TRUNKS SUIT CASES AND BAGS RELIABLE MAKES AT REASON ABLE PRICES 3D FLOOR Our Basement Store Is Ready for Fall ready with great stock; of desirable merchan dise at the lowest prices. You can save many a dollar by coming to our Basement for fall needs. Fall Fashions Find Fullest Expression At This Store Here you may choose from the largest stock of women's suits, coats and dresses in the entire northwest Women's Shoes $5.95 Girls' New Fall Apparel Hundreds of beautiful new gar ments fresh, new, pretty coats and frocks in smarter styles than most dressmakers could think up in styles iust suited to the ages of the girls who will wear them. See them at once. Exceptional! Children's Coats In Latest Styles Second Floor For girls to years to intermediate ages we show an ex cellent range of the new fall coats in every desirable material and col or. Priced $14.75 ur to $75.00 Ne w C orduroy C oats For Little Tots Second Floor These Coats are made up in splendid quality cordu roy in season's newest styles. Sizes 2 to 6. Moderately priced, $12.98 Girls' Dresses $9.75 to $39.50 Second Floor Smart new Fall Dresses of serge many smart styles priced $9.75 to $36.50 New SilTc Dresses in beautiful models priced $17.50 to $35.00 New Velvet Dresses $23 and up. New Fall Hats We now have an attractive show in of new fall hats for little tots. Felts, velvets and velours. Ask to see them. Popular prices prevail. Smart New Fall Dresses Women's New Ripple Sweaters Second Floor A new lot just received. Popular style with rip ple peplum, tuxedo collar and bell shaped sleeves. These are very smart it worn witn a nar row leather belt. Excellent as sortment of colors, including American beauty, pink, salmon, turquoise, peacock, Chinese iMue and white. Ask to see these. Your choice at only $12.50 Other New Fall Sweaters in a great range of popular styles plain or fancy weaves pure silk, fiber silk or wool. Reasonable At $45 Second Floor Charming frocks for after noon or street wear in a number of dif ferent models, in a feature showing to morrow in the Basement Store. There are straight-line effects ornamented with wool embroidery, beads and braids. New draped effects and high waist-line mod els. Dresses of plain or brocaded satin, crepe meteor, and 'fancy Georgette in combination with satin, tricolet and fiber silk. Excellent range of fall colors. Good assortment at only $45 Attractive Model Illustrated as is of Georgette crepe and satin com bined. Bead embroidered and trimmed with folds. This model also priced to sell at only $45.00- Suit Dept., 2d Floor. Women's Waists Priced Special $1 Center Circle, lit Floor Tomorrow wc place on sale another great lot of dainty lingerie waists scores of pretty styles made up in voiles, organdies and lawns. White, pink, blue, lavender, green, etc.d Round, square, V or high neck, models. Some are lace trimmed, others have plaited collars and are trimmed with tucks. Extraordinary value $1.00 Model Grocery Fourth Floor Experienced telephone clerks at your service 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. We give S. & H. Trad'g Stamps Carnation Milk 15c a Can Royal Baking Powder, OPp 12-oz. cans, special at Otll Imported French Peas, 9Q not colored; 3 5c size can OUR DELICATESSEN Shop is headquarters for cold meats, salads, cheese, smoked fish, pickles, etc.. etc. KC3 V ti, v Formerly Priced $850 to $12.00 Main Floor Can you' afford to overlook this great oppor tunity to save on high-grade, derendable, wanted footwear? Black kid buttoned shoes with cloth topi kid shoes in buttoned and laced patterns a few with white chamranne toppings and dozens of otji er styles. All heights of heels and shapes of toes. Sizes 2 14 to S 'A only. Shoes sell ing heretofore at $8.50 up to $12. Priced spe- QP cial for this sale at DOUO Women's. Boots Special $9.95 Main Floor 'Women's Buttoned Boots, 9 inches high, patent colt vamp with gray cloth tops laced style with high curved heels brown 'kid boots with harmonizing fabric tops, pointed toe, imitation tip, Cuban heel dark brown calf with cloth tops, laced pattern, imitation win military heels. Regular $12 Boots, priced special for this tip. flQ nr sale at D.7J Beads! The Jewelry Section directs your attention to a notable dis play of the new bead necklaces now being featured, 1st Floor. Beautiful French Pearl Beads in white, cream and pink. Plain jr graduated. Several lengths. Prices range 50c to $65.00 New Crystal Beads in topaz, red, amber, emerald, crystal, coral, jet, etc. 50c to $7.50 Fall Coatings In Popular Weaves Main Floor Even with the ad vanced prices of materials one can make a coat for much less than the ready-made garment will cost. New Bolivias, Velours, Polo Cloth, Silvertones, Tweeds, French jmd Tailor Serges, Tricotines, Wool Jerseys, Poplins, Broadcloths. Peach Bloom, Trecosuedes, Velangora and many other popular weaves. Housekeepers' Supplies The Aisle of Cottons has pre pared a list of good savings for those who need new supplies for the home sheets, sheetings, towels, pillow cases, spreads, etc.. etc. Quality Sheetings At Low Prices Grass Rugs Special $1.48 Bargain Circle, Main Floor r Basement Millinery Hat Shapes $3.69 Basement On sale for two days if quantity lasts. Smart new "untrimmed hats tur bans, large hats medium hats in a- large assortment of styles. Black, navy, brown. sand, gray and blue IQ Q elvet. Special at DO.Ul7 (jirls Hats Special $1 r Only a limited numbei in tnis lot. Trimmed hats and tailored hats, also school tarns. Assorted coP ? Afl Priced special DJLeVVr ors. 3? Main Floor An even hundred of these good rugs offered for tomor row at the abovft special price. Size 27x54 inches. Very handy to have about the house. Reg- j-1 4Q ular $2.00 grade. Sale DJ-.'iO FANCY PILLOWS a special lot selected from our regular stock, un derpriced for Friday at the Bargain Circle. Covered with cretonne in attractive patterns. On d1 AO sale while they last DJ-.'0 Bleached yards wide. Bleached yards wide. Sheetings, Special at on Sheetings, 2J4 Special at on Sheets fy70C t75c Carpet Hassocks Special at $1.79 New Cretonnes at 68c Yard Main Floor Carpet, Hassocks or Foot Rest, as some people call them. Various patterns and colors. Well made, from Jiigh-gVade carpet. 83 of them on sal? Friday I- HQ at the Bargain Circle 15J-. V Main Floor Several hundred yards new cretonnes specially priced for Friday's selling. Large assortment of light and dark patterns. Regu lar 90c and $1.00 grades. CQp Priced special at, the yard "Ov S2.00 48c Special Sale of High-Grade Hair Switches Second Floor Newest style Switches and a perfect match is assured, because of the wide range of shades shown, Women who know the quality of hair goods we sell will be quick to take advantage of this sale. Note the REDUCTIONS! $2.00 Switches $1.67 . $7.00 Switches $550 Switches. CJO 99 at DdtOO Bleached Sheets of good heavy quality. One dozen to a 11 QA customer. Size 72x90 DJL.i7l Sheets 81x90 ins. now at Bleached Sheeting for sin gle bed. Special at, yard Pillow Cases Bleached Pillow Cases of heavy linen finish muslin. Size 4 5 9Q x36. Priced special at only OIV Pillow Casing, 42 inches Q! wide. Priced special, yard t- W Pillow Casing, 4 5 incites 9Q wide. Priced special at, yard OOC Bed Spreads Crochet Bedspreads, in large size, hemmed, neat patterns. QO'OC Priced special now at only 3l0J Crochef Bedspreads, scalloped and corners, large size. oj i c Boys' Suits at $6.75 Very Special and we haven't a great number of these suits, so act promptly. Good, serviceabale dark colors for school wear. Smart waist-seam style with full lined pants. Broken assortment of &f rff sizes 6 to 18 years. Sale price PU I Corduroy Suits At $8.50 Main Floor Dark color corduroy suits with full cut knicker pants and belted coat with buckle. Sizes forAboys 8 to 18 years. Extra values $3.50 Priced special $4.50 Priced Switches. IQ ftA special at wUiUU Nestle Hair Waving $5.00 Switches. 2Q ryr Priced special at DO. l O S6.00 Switches. &A PA Priced special at O.tfU is a charming mode of dressing the hair to bring out its nat ural beauty. The Nestle method (fives a permanent wave that will withstand dampness, fog, bathing, etc. Beauty Shop, 2d Fl. cut corners, large size Priced special now at only Comforter Batts Wool or Cotton Fine Soft Wool Batts (JO fA 1 pound size on safe at .JiJf Fine Soft Wool Batts AA 2 pound size on sale at tD'xaVIU Fine Soft Wool Batts I A A 3 pound size ort sale at DUJvr Stitched Cotton Batts I- PQ 3 pound size--on sale at DXJO Wool Finish Cotton QO PA Batts priced special at D.OU Domestic Department Main Floor TS8.50 Boys' Stockings In a Sale Main Floor Heavy ribbed cotton stock ings with double heel, toe. Sizes 8-11 LOT 1 45c and 50c Stockings 30c LOT 2 60c and 65c Stockings 43c 1st Dept., Floor Men's Winter Underwear All Weights Let us suggest you come in tomorrow and look over our new fall and winter lines in men's underwear on display. Vassar Union Suits wool and wool mixed $4 to Vassar Cotton Union Suits now priced $2.00 to $6.50 Vassar Silk Union Suits $16 Carter Union Suits in light, medium, heavy, $210.50 Mens Sweaters $350 to $1850 Main Floor Wool Sweater Coats. Wool Jerseys and Sllp- Ons in all the new and de sirable styles. Some have large shawl collars. Now is the time to get yours and have it ready when the cold weather comes. Popular prices. Men's Outing Flannel Night Shirts ranginj $1.50-$2.50 1