THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY - SEPTEMBER .10, 1919 17 ENGINEER READY FOR SUBMiniNG I Portland's Request for 35-Foot Channel From City to Sea Is to Be Sent to Washington. FULL 'INVESTIGATION WADE Colonel Slattery, in Charge of Work, Says He Has Treated Project With Fairness. Report of Colonel J. It. Slattery. 8. engineers, on tho request of Vortland interests for a 35-foot channel from this city to the sea. will tt ready for submission to AVauhlnyton by the end of the pre tnt month, it wan announced today. For. Hi vurut months tlie engineering de partment of. this district has been mak ing a thorough jvenliKallon of the chan nel conditions, and 1 he field notes on the survey are now nearly ready. The in vestigation of maritime commerce condi tions is also being featured by Colonel Slattery In hit report. Letters have also been written to some f the leading shipping firms of the country, reiuentinr; their opinion on the project for a deeper ship channel. Among the larger firms to reply to tho inquiry is the Blue Funnel Woe. The firm stat ed that a 35 -foot channel to l'ortland would no doubt lend to increase the ship ping business of tho Columbia river dis trict by attracting to it vessels of heavy tonnage. "It Is my desire to treat the channel Improvement project in a mariner which will be fair to the people of l'ortland and fair to the government," said Colonel Hlattery. "To arrive at a Just conclusion 1 ain making an exhaustive study of all material factors entering into the ques tion, such as extent of service to be ren dered and cost which rightfully should be assessed per ton. to justify tha gov ernment in the improvements, . "To get at these figures I have made up a chart which shows shipping condi tions from the year 1314 up to the pres ent time. All costs which have been in curred by the government in building Jetties and maintaining channels are ac cordingly charged to the tonnage bene fited. In order to arrive at a conclusion from tho government's viewpoint. "My investigations have shown that there are some real advantages in favor of the port. It is our desire to carry on harbor improvement rather than aban don it." Colonel Slattery says that rebuilding of some parts of the south jetty at the mouth of the Columbia river will be necessary in the not distant future. The north Jetty will also have to be extended. "Channel conditions at the mouth of the Columbia river, where there is 43 feet of water, are ideal, however. In fact, they are so jjood at this time that even if the powerful dredge Chinook, now at Charleston, were here, there would be nothing for it to do in the way of channel work at the mouth of the Co lumbia," said Colonel Slattery. ALL ALONG THE WATERFRONT Robert Warrack, superintendent of the lighthouse department of this district. TRANSPORTATION ORWAY SWEDEN AND DENMARK A M W en htlp you fat the bM available tpece en any steam. r of any Una, Wa have STEAMSHIP TICKETS la Our Oftlca tar te Fallowing .lni Direct) Norwegian American Lin Scandinavian American Line Swedish Americas Una Via England: Ounerd Steamship Company . White Star Line If ou are lnteiesUd to folna over there, ex bringing anyone from there, call upoe D0R8EY . SMITH, MANAGER.' ORIOON JOURNAL TRAVEL BUREAU The Journal Bid, Pertlend. Oreo TeUphore Marshall 1879. RAVEL' Kkt. rip JfoADMIRAL LINS. S. S. "CITY OF TOPEKA" Sail! t 8 P. . SEPT. 24, for Cooa Bay, Eureka. San Francisco, connecting with steamers to Lo Angeles and Kan Pit-go. Tickets sold to all these point and baggage checked through. Round Trip Summer Excursion Ticket! on Sale te Septembr 30 ONLY. Three steam era each week from Heattle to California Ports. MAKE RESERVATIONS THREE WEEKS IN ADVANCE. TICKET OFFICE, 101 THIRD ST. Main 1466 A-3332 Local Freight Office last 431. PA0IFI0 STEAMSHIP COMPANY. SanFrancisco S. S. ROSE CITY DEPARTS IS IfOOX Thursday. September 19 Frem Alas worth Sock Fare Iaelsdaa Berth and Heals City Ticket OfIce, Id 4k WaaklaftoB Phone Mala S588 Freight. Office, Aim worth. Deck Phong Broadway 868 Sea Fraaelico A Portland 8. 8. Llaa AUSTRALIA NKW ZEALAND AND SOUTH Vis Tenlil and Rarataa, Mall and Passenger tarvle Pram Baa rraMltee Eary ZS Days UNION 8S. OO. OP NEW ZEALAND N , sao Oaltfernla San Franc laoa Oe tssal tearaelila mm4 Balkwaa Atenslea, CHANNEL R OR L ITEAMSri STEAMERS Too Dns nd Wat Porata Sailini TtwdT, TVuradayt, u Saturday, T A, M. DALLES COLUMBIA LWB Taylor St. Dock, Mai a 8065 . - - FAY KING, ON "STYLES," SAYS A LITTLE SOAP GOES ALONG WAY, SOCIALLY By Fay King (Miss King is a Portland girl whose lirst news imper work was publisheU in The Journal hcv rral years ago. She iiu b located in New York The other morning I was watching a young Italian mother and her kiddie walking down by the City Hall. Her head shawl was faded from much washing and her white apron was spot less and edged with crocheted lace. In back of her came some glrla In soiled dresses of the latest cut, and right then and there 1 came to the conclusion that cleanliness is the best "style" of all. What's the use of putting on" everything but the kitchen stove if a bar of soap is the trimming Is making a tour of stations on Puget Sound. Ha will return to Portland this week. The motor schooner Sierra Is reported by the Merchants Exchange to be bound from San Francisco to Portland to load lumber for W. li. Grace & Co. Having delivered 1500 barrels of ce ment at Portland, the schooner Multno mah is taking on lumber at St. Helens for her return voyage to California. Captain F. M. lierpr, a well known mariner, has been named master of the new shipping board steamer Mossabee, assigned to the Columbia' Pacific Ship ping Co. for operation as a tie carrier. Captain Berg was for 10 years promin ently identified with marine affairs of the Hawaiian Islands, serving at one time as port superintendent. TRAINING SHIP TO DEPART Iris Will Sail for Station on Puget Sound Tonight. Following a successful visit to the local port in search of new recruits for the American merchant marine, the U. S. training ship Iris will sail at 10 o'clock tonight for her station on Puget Sound. The local seaservtce Dureau, in charge of Lieutenant H. C. Jones, has aided materially In boosting interest in the campaign. Captain Ansell, In command of the Iris, is especially anxious to obtain for the service young men who have a de of the chart room, the engine room, the decks and the steward's department. When the Iris pulls away from Port land on this trip she will have signed up nearly- two score apprentices, it is predicted. News of the Port Arrivals September 18 75. 77. 142. 143 and 118. V. S. destroyers. Rose City. American steamer, from San Fran cisco, passengers and general. Departures September 16 Wapama, American tainer. from St Helena, for 8an I'edro. passengers and lumber. Iris, American training ship, for Iuget Sound. MARINE ALMANAC Weather at River's Mouth" North Head, Sept 1. Conditions at the mouth of the river at noon: Sea nmooth, wind west 6 miles, wtather cloudy, humidity 84. Tidee at Astoria wednesoay High Water Low Water S:13 a. m....6.0 feet 1:55 a. m....0.0 foot 7:45 p. m 7.7 feet 1:56 p. m 3.1 feet DAILY ItlVEU HEADINGS si 3' STATION'!. Kt 5 -a 3 I'matilla 25 3.0 -0.3 0.00 Albany 20 1.1 -0 . 2 0 . 00 Salem 20 0 -0.3 0.00 Oregon City 12 .4 -0.2 0.00 l'ortland 15 3.1 Oe.60 (-) Falling. RIVER FORECAST The Willamette river at Portland will remain nearly stationary during the heit two or -three days, except as affected by the tide. AT NEIGHBORING PORTS Astoria, Bcpt. 16. Sailed, at 1 a. m.. steam er Ernest H. Meyer, for 8arf Tedro. Sailed, at 2 a. m.. steamer Dauy MMthews, for San Pedro. Sailed, at 7:55 a. m , steamer Cabeza, for taial trip. ' Arrived, at 8:10 a. m., and left up at 11 a. m., Roxe City, from San Francisco. Arrived, at 7 and left up, at -8: 15 a. ra.. I!. 8. d extra vers Nos. 77, 75, 142. 143. for Vancouver. Wash. Arrived, at 0:55 ax m , IT. 8. Destroyer No. 118, and left up at 10:45 a. m. . for Vancouver, Wash. 8an Francisco. Sept. 16. Arrived, at 8 a. m , steamer Jonas l'oulsen. from Portland. Arrived, last night, steamer Colonel E. L. Drake, from Seattle, towing Barge No. 93, from Portland. Astoria, Sept J5. Arrived, at 1:45 p. m., steamer Blue Eagle, from trial trip. Sailed, at S p m.. steamer City of Topeka, for San Fran cisco via Eureka and Cooa Bay. San Francisco, Sept 15.- Sailed,, pi ra., steamer W. F. Herrin, for Portland. . San Pedro, Sept. 14. Arrived, steamer Clare mont, from Columbia river. Emmingham. Sept. 18. Arrived, steamer .acuejo, irom j-ortiana via snai ana St. 1 nomas. Newport News, Sept 18. Arrived, steamer Wet Narsnaw, from Portland. Or. San FraBcisco, Sept 16. (I. N. S.) Ar rived Sept. 15: Argyll, Seattle. 12 noon; Nu shagak. N'aknek, 12:05 p. m. ; tug Samson, with new steamer Burnwood in tow, Uarshfield. 12:10 p. to.; Martha Buebner, Uarshfield, 12:45 p. m.; Brooklyn, Bandon, 1:55 p. m .; Humboldt. '-on Angeles, 3:S5 p. m.; hark McLanrin. Bristol usy, o:-o p. m.; nara Hecla, fiaknek, 5:45 p. m. ; Bottineau, Tacoma. 7:55 p. m. ; Queen. Los Angeles, 8:15 p, n.; Colusa, Calcutta, 3:20 p. m. : British schooner Henrietta. Savage Is land. 10:30 b. m. ; Washington, Eureka. 11:1.0 . m. ; Colonel E. L. Dnie, with barge 83, Co umbia river, 11:30 p. m. Sailed Sept, li: t". . S. Wenonau. cruise, 11:40 a. m. ; Japanese steamer Kiria Mam, New York, 11:65 a. m.; 1 Brea, Port Hau Luis. 11:30 a. m. : U, S. destroyer Schley, oruise, 12:50 p. m.1 French It. 8. Tiara Ispora, Papeete, 1 p. m. ; Spokane. Loa Angele. 4:20 p. m. ; Wtlhaab F. Harris, Portland, 4:55 p. m. : Helen P. Iirew, Greenwood, 6:05 p. nut Asuncion. Kl Segundo, 6:45 p. m ". Phoenix, Needle Rock. 7:35 p. m,;. Lyman Stewart. Se attle, 16:50 ,, tn FnaDoiaoa, Kept IS tl N H ) Arrived Sept 14. TamaJpaia, VenUra, 3:40 a. aa.; your dress really needs? I ain't boostln' any laundry In particular, and I haven't got the electric iron concession of Man hattan or a soap mine out West; but I'd rather see our American girls dressing like the starchy peasants of Europe than drag ging around in the dirty georg ettes I see. What makes a nurse's uniform so fetching? Its spotlessness. What makes the butcher and the barber look so spic and span ? Not the cut of their coat, but the clean of it. No matter how plain and old styled a blouse may be, if it's fresh and crisp, it's becoming. The homeliest face in the Acme. Bandon, 10:30 a. m. : Chehalis. Grays Harbor. 10:45 a m. ; Wm. F. Hemn, Astoria. 2:20 p m. ; Wostport, Crescent City, 3:20 p. ra.; Fort Brags, Ia Anileles, 4:45 p. m. :a West Inskip. Los Angeles, (1:05 P- m. ; Asun cion. EI Seguudo. 6:20 p. m. : Shasta, Seattle. 10:40 p. in Sailed Sept. 14 Helene, Uray Harbor, 11:03 a. m ; Tamaipais, Hoquiam. 11:45 a m. ; Rose City, Portland, 12:30 p. m.; San Antonio. Mexican porta, 5 p. m. ; Sea Foaift Men docino. 5:45 p. m. Ban Francisco. Sept 16. (I. N. 8.) Ar rived: Royal Arrow, Khacghai, 1:50 a. m. ; San Jacinto, Ventura, 4 :40 a. m. : Frank D. St-mt, Brookings, 5:50 a. in.; Japanese steamer Shinyo Maru, No. 2, Kobe, 7 a. m. ; Sea Foam, Mendo cino, 7 a. m. ; Johau l'oulsn, Aj-tona. 8 a. m. ; Barge Erklne II. Phelps, in tow tux Sea King. 1'crt Bsn Luis, 10:30 a. m. ; Barkentine Centen nial, Bristol Bay, 11:30 a. m. ; Oleum, Portland, 10:15 a. in. Sailed: Santa Monica, Eureka, midnight; Steamet Hatcuie, Antwerp, 5 a. ra. ; Schooner Fred J. Wood, Puget Sound, ports, 9:15 a. in.; Tug Samson, Marshfield, 10 a. m.; Hum- j toldt. I, os Angeles, 10.20 a. m. William 8. Pearson has replaced Randall Rogers as master of the stetuner Mulpua. The steamer Bottineau, bound from Port Towns-!nd for Grimsby, arrived in San Fran cisco late last night for . repairs. Engine trou ble developed on the way down the coast. 1?EW TODAT ESTABLISHED 1893 Special Auction On Friday Next AT PRIVATE RESIDENCE. 749 HOT T STREET, NEAR TWENTY - THIRD STREET. AVE HAVE BEEN FAVORED W I T H INSTRUCTIONS FROM MRS. S. J. MAYER TO SELL THE BE A UTI I'll AND COSTLY FURNISHINGS OF HER PRIVATE HOME AT ABOVE ADDRESS, comprising very elaborate living-room suit? in pan plush cover ings, viz., overstuffed davenport and four easy chairs, high-grade library table. Tiffany e 1 e t r 1 c table lamp, andirons, gas log and fire guards, sev eral artistic paintings and pictures, im ported repp drapes and curtains, several sections of mahogany bookcases, large hall mirror, dovn cushions, hall rugs, brass unbrella vase, etc The dining room suite is old English as follows; Table buffet and set of eight chairs, in cluding two arm chairs, cut glass and other glassware, ailver ware, china din ner ware, large pier glass. THE BEDROOMS ara AS FOLLOWS: Twin bratis bed complete with box springs and hair mattresses, .mahogany Sheraton dresser and chiffonier with chairs to match, hair-stuffed couch and cushion, large mirror, velvet carpet, en ameled bedroom suite, rocker and chair, complete with springs and mattresses. Mulberry carpet, 9x12. Maid's room Iron bed, dresser, table and chair, carpet, pictures, etc. Bronze and marble statues, Vienna chairs, portieres, etc. In kitchen refrigerator, table, chairs and utensils. AUCTION ON FRIDAY TfEXT AT 18 A, M. (SHARP) AT 74S HOYT STREET, NEAR TWENTY-THIRD STREET. TAKE TWENTY - THIRD - STREET CABS. W. C. BAKER ft W H, DEAN, Artrlioaerrs. Offices Masoale Templa Bid?., Yamhill and West Park Sts. Send Ua Your Old Carptv Old 3nrt aad Woolea Clothlag Wa Make Reveraible, Haad-WoTca Fluff Rugs Tsey Wear Lisa Iron Bag Bags Woven All Slaea Man Orders Send for Booklet Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning 1x13 Bags, Steam Cleaned, $ WESTEBN FLUFF BUO CO. 14 TJaloa At. N. East CSls Phoaei B-147S AUCTION TOMORBOW AT WILSON AUCTION HOUSE, 169-A 73 2d at. Bale at 10 a. as. MEETIXO WOTICKS 41 OPENING DANCE Tuesday evening, Columbia, hall, 2d and Oat sts. Wanted One hundred food dancers. Hall newly renovated. Oood floor, best music. Intro duct ions, , Cut this out and tell jour friend. By M. E. Hawkey under new management. COURT. SCANDIA NU 7. Foreatere of Amer ica, will give a social evening tor members and their families next Thursday , eve.. Kept IS, at FareateniaU. 120 4th at, ; Dancing and re fxaahmeBtM everything free, . . COM. - lcTfea. world Is attractive when it's scrubbed and shined. But Heaven forbid the faces you see on Broadway that are caked with powder and paint, and you want to get at with va chisel and see what there might be under the excavation of enamel or rouget The reason that men always look so nice is because they dress plain an neat. Frills are awful when they look tired and soiled. Many a little girl dtes her washing at night; but you've got to hand it to them they look spic and span and spotless. A little soap goes a long way socially! MKETI5U HOTICE8 41 NOTICE! The regular annual meeting of the stock holders of the Big Uill Coal Miaing Co. will be leld at Room 410. Behnke Walker blcig.. 4th and Yamhill sts., at 8 o'clock p. m., Wednesday, Oct. 15, 1910, for the purpose of electing a board of directors and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before mo meeting. y. o. WEEKS, Pres. a J. W. COLDWELL. Secy. CAMP meets every Wed nesday evening ra W. O. W. Temple. 128 11th sL All members requested to attend. Visitors welcome. H. O. DREW. C. O. HERMAN SCHADJB. Clerk. A PALESTINE LODGE No. 141 A. k". & A. M. Stated com munication Wednesday, September 17. 7:30. V. C. deirreea. Visit- ors welcome. ' Arleta Btation, Mt Scott car. W. S. TOWNSEN'D. Seo'y. HAWTHORNE LODGE NO. 111. A. F. & A. M. Special com munication this (Tuesday) eve ning at 7 o'clock. Work in the IX. M. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. C. E. HltXKR. Sec WASHINGTON LODGE-No 46, A. F. A A. M. Special com munication tomorrow (Wednesday) evening, J :30, U. 8th and Burn- side. M. M. degree. Visitors wel come. Order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND. Sec'y. Samaritan updge No. 2, l o. O. V., will hold its regular meet- 3)g this Wednesday evening at 8 iuiru aegree. visiting brothers welcome. K. A. Kealand, N. ;.; Jease T. Jones. Sec. A SPECIAL conclave of Wash ington commandery No. 15, K of I., will be held This (Tues day evening at 7:d0. Kehearsal. A large attendance is desired. G. P. EISMAN. Recorder. OREGON ELEt'TRIO Council. Royal Arcanum, will meet tins nuesaay) evening at 8 at Masonic Temple. All members invited. O. O. Hall, secre tary, 853 K. 10th street. THSY heloetl our boys; lets help them now Big benefit card party for the Salvation Army. Wednesdey. 8ept. 17. in Women cf Woodcraft hall, uiven bv the Fraternal Brother hood. Tlenty of prises; alo for those who do not play cards.) 8:30 sharp. EMBLEM JEWELRY a specialty: buttona, pins. ehersBs. Jaeawr Bros.. sl at. HEATHS AND FUNERALS "i 1NGMAN Seutember 14. by accidental drown ing. Eugenia logman, age 17 years 4 months and 17 days, late of 304 Monroe street; beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Julius Ingman, sister of Arthur, Albiu, Edwin, Lydia and twin sister of Vircinia lncman. . Remains at Pearson s i n dertakinc parlors. Russell street at Cnion avenue. Funeral seivices will be conducted Wednesday, September 17.- feom the Augustana Lutheran church, corner Rodney avenue and Stanton street at 1 :30 p. m. Friends invited. Interment at Rose City Park cemetery. NIELSEN In this city, September 14. Sam Nielsen, age S4 years, late of 10 Prescott street; beloved husband of Minnie Nielsen, father of Andrew Nielsen. The deceased was a member of the Danish Aid society. Funeral services will be conducted Wednesday. September 17, at 3 p. m.. from Pearson's Undertaking parlors, Rus sell street at Union avenue. Fr wads are invited Interment in family, plot at Rosa City Park cemetery. MILLER In this city, at his late residence, 781 Pettygrove st. Sept 10, Charles F. Miller aged 60 years, husband ,of Mrs. Rose L. Miller of this city; father of Mrs. Harold Werre of Alberta, Canada; brother of John C. Miller. Dave Miller. Mrs. Mary Mountain, Mrs. Alice Powell and Mrs. Matilda Wintiey of Spokane, Wash. The remains are at Fmley's. Montgomery at 3th. Notice of funeral hereafter. FIGINI In this city. 8pt. 15. Aagekt Figini aged 33 years and 11 days. The funeral services will be held tomorrow (Wednesday), Sept 17. at 2 o clock n. m.. irons Nt. Plnln Neri church, corner lGth and Division sts. Friends invited. Interment Rirerview cemetery. Renixins ar at th funenl parlors of Walter C. Keaworthy, 1532-34 East 13th, SeBwood. McGREW At the residence, 988 Union avenue north. September 18, Phoebe McGrew, age 74 years; beloved mother of Mis Jessie K. Ball and Wise Florence McGrew, both of this city; Mrs. Mable Briner, Mrs. Curtis A. McGrew, both of Talent Or. Funeral service, will be held Thurs day, September 18, at S p. m., at the chapel of Miller A Tracey. JOHNSON At the family reeidenc, 414 Wasco street, September 15, Hsrri.t Elizabeth John son, daughter of Mr. and Hire. R. A. Johnson. Remains are at the parlor ef Breeze A Snook, Belmont and Thirty-fifth. Notice of funeral later. PATTERSON la this city, Sept. IS. James R. Patterson, aged 66 years, husband of Mm. Elizabeth E. Patterson and brother of Mrs. Mary Chapin of Skn Francisco, Cal. The remains are t Flnley's, Montgomery at Sth. Notice ef fu neral hereafter- TTHKANXER In thii city. September 16, John Tuhianner, aged 67 lean. Funeral ser vices will be held today, September 18, at 8 p. a., at the chapel of Miller V Traces. Interment at Juultneaoan Park cemetery. ALLENWJm this, city. Sept IS. Ben V, Allen, late of Clerellnd, Ohio. The remain are at Finley's. Montgomery at 50t. ' , HOLLAND In this city. September 15. 119. Mrs. Luther Holland, aged 70 year. Remains at Hodman,' chapel. Notice of funeral later. PERKINS In this city, Sept, 15. Charley Per-. tras. late of Freewater, Or. The remain are at Fun ley's, Montgomery at Sth. KELLY t In thia eity. September 15, 1919, Ida Kelly, aged 68 year. Remain g Hol mu ehapel, Notice of funeral latex. FLORISTS LIBERTY MARKET FLORIST, Stb aaoj Yata ku it. Out flower, plants and. designs. SU wood Greenhouse. 648 Nehalora are. Bell. 1520. LLAKK BUus , florists. Morrhow at. bet. 4th end 5th. Phone Main A-1803. io flow er nd floral design. No branch (tore. MARTIN eV rOBBES CO.. florist 154 Wash locton. Main 269. A-1369. flowers lor ell occasion, artistically arruated; PEOPLE FLORAL SHOP, 244 Alder. ! decorations, pboo Marshall 9Wi SWISS FLORAL COMPANY IfLOWKHS AND PLANTS MAX M. SMITH, florist. 1414 th el FUNERAL DIRECTORS fiolman Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors rerun asd salmon sts. SOT. A-1S11. P. HM.EY & SON Progressive Funeral Directors Main MONTCQMERY AT FIFTH A-1500. . Dunning & McEntee Broadway and Ankeny sts. !. Awtstant. Phones Broadway 480. A-45S8. F. S. Dunning. Inc. THE GOLDEN RULE DNDKRTAKERS. 14 E. Alder St Phone East 58. B-5223 CHAMBERS CO.. Funeral Directors. An the conveniences of a home. Woodlawn 8306. 249-2S0 Ktllingswarth m A. D. Kenworthy & Co. B.02-.1S04 92D 8T. 8. E.. I.ENT8 Phone Tabor 6287. Horn. Phone D-61. B 1888 OB B otrvlle. Mr- peh East 781 IT . fl-f. L.erCO Assistant CNDERTAKEHS. . 11th and Hathorne. McKNTEK A EII.ERS. funeral parlors with all the prirscy of a home, 18th and Everett sts. Phones Brosdwsr aiaa. Home. A-8 183. SlIT.t.EK & TRACET. Independent funeral di rectora. Prices as low as 820, 840. 460. W ashington at Ella. Ms in Str. A -T8S5 . boWNINC McNEMAK. successors to WUson A Boss, Multnomah at E. 7 th. Irrinatoa dis trict. E. 64. R. W. OABLE A CO., Boceessors to W. H. Hamilton. 1978 K. Gliaan. Phone -Tabor 4818. R. T. BYRNES ZVuZi Williams are. Woodlawn 320. Breezs&Soook Ta. 12.18. B-24 1047 Belmont st. A.R.ZeMer Co. JSTioVs": Cl-nna DNDERTAKISQ CO. U. 41SA iSlKeWeS A '23ai. Cot. Third ani Clay. tOKCNT Portland Marble Works 28 4th st.. Opp. City HalL N;q Bros. l.BLAESIfiQ GRAWITE Co I fJ 2t)7-3PD ST. AT MADISON . J lost asp Focnn Si For return of Boston bull dog, male: name. Monty. Lost Sunday night at Sth and Jack son sts. White mark on head, has one white foot. The same reward will be paid for any infor mation leading to the recovery of this das. Any person keeping this dog after 6 days of publication of this notice wiU be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. License is registered at city hall. Phone Main 4 804 Main 350 or main 2395. questions aked. 280 Morrison tt. No THE following articles have been found on cars of tb Portland Railway. Light &. Power Co.. Sept. 13: 3 purses, glove, 6 package, shoe, coat, 2 auto licenses, rope, sprinkling can, 4 lunch boxes, basket, 3 suit cases, 5 umbrellas. Sept 14 3 purses, camera, ring, key, 2 gloves, overalls, 4 packages, 5 suit cases. Owners may obtain property at First and Alder its. LOST la one of the large department stores. lavaller containing a number of diamonds set in platinum: liberal reward will be paid for return of same; no questions asked; Communi cate with Marshall 1S13. LOST Brindie bull dog, white spot on chest Any one caught with this dog after 5 days of this notice will be prosecuted; reward. Wood lawn 4334. LOST A black loose-leaf notebook containing $100 liberty bond. Owner's name in book. Jdain 5729. Suitable reward given for return of same. LOST At Lyric theatre handbag with money, bankbook and valuable papers; liberal reward. Mrs. L. Easling, care American cafeteria on 5th st. LOST Suitcase, Sept. 13. and contents, on street, from Wasco and 8th to Washington t to 3Ut to Rehuont to 34th to Main. Return to 1040 Mailt Tabor JlUifwaNl; LOST, between St Johns and Laurelhurst, extra rim and casing for Chandler car. Finder will receSre reward by advising P. O. drawer 750. Portland. MAN who was seen picking up lady's gold wrist watch in front of Lyric theatre please return same to Miss Billie Bingham, Lyric theatre or call Tabor 6604. PARTY finding lady' purse containing about $21.00, bunch, of keys, papers and a letter addressed to M. A. Landram, .keep the money please and return the rest to Box S14, Portland. LOST In rellnirt park Sunday evening. Dslon months old. Reward. Phone Tabor 486S. Ad dress lit!) E. Ankeny. LOST, in Majestic Uteatre, Saturday evening, small brown leather handbag; at least please mail highly Talued baby's gloves to 316 Spaldiug bldg. Reward. Phone Woodlawn 2064. LOST or stolen, a "pocketbook with Liberty bonds No. 5733239, 8188543 and 10703101, lost by laborer. Mm Frame, Mil waukie. Or.. R. F. D. No. 2. phone Tabor 3401. LOST Lady's black hat beTween Hawthorne bridge and Division ; st.. on 12th. Reward. 169 E. 68th. Phonel Tabor 8015. LOSTWs tch It'b, monograni E. T. B. Re" turn to E. J. Brown, Pacific Paper Co. Re ward. STOLEN from 214 E. 28th st. North. Da ton bicycle No. 173544: reward and no questions - sked. East 1813. LOST 38x8 General cord tire mounted on Firestone rim, serial No. C 8189. Reward $25. Phone East 0401. LOST Small scat brooch, keepsake, on Rus sell, Williams or Graham; reward; Phone East 8058 or 315 Graham ave. LOST On cast sid, child's white woolen coat, hand embroidery and tatting. Reward. 1102 E. 25th N. x LOST One black leather hand bag, between East Alder and Siith st Call or leave at Clifford hotel. Reward. BLACK NOTEBOOK, about 4x8, containing one $100 4th Liberty Bond and letter ad dressed N. W. - Electric Co. Reward. REWARD for return of blue silk umbrella left in Meier A Frank's fith floor washroom, Friday evening. Tahor 6329. LOST At Gresham fair. Monday, child' leopard fur neckpiece; reward. Tabor 7099. fcOST Jersey cow, in vicinity of Gilbert station. Call Tabor 4277 and receive reward. LOST Collie dog and previous 2 years' licence oa collar; finder please phone Woodlawn 6238. LOST Bank book and some valuable paper. Return to 411 Union ve North. Reward. LOST Brown beaded bag, valued as keepsake. Call SaUberry apt 24. Reward. LOST Lady' gold watch, Friday, business dis trict Mrs. L, Masirri, Bamapo hotel. LOST Eastman camera in highway bus Sat urday P. m. Call Wdln. 56. Reward. LOST Large bunch of keys. Pleas call Tabor 1588. HELP WA7TFr SALS FIREMEN, BRAKEUEN, 8150-8200 monthly, experience unnecessary; write Rairway Associ ation. DX-949, Journal. . LABORERS wanted, street work; $5, eight hours; at E. 18th and Linn, Take SeUwood car. CASINO, man and first clas slaughter nous butcher. f30 to $40 per week and board. rTank u. nmiui sveai in., zyw AKigr st MEN wanted to distribute circulars; stestdy work. Apply 7 30 tomorrow morning. Keliey Oa. 88 V. 1st st PILING peeler wanted: tree fallen. Bevem. Gervais, Or. George TEN men at $4.7. 8 hour.' Take St. Johns eat to Portsmouth sL, walk 1 block north. WANTED-A Janitor at" tag " Royal Bakers, ilth and Everett. WANTED Bos d ' delivet.and work in. a gr-' eery store, a. Ij. uastra. 7U uekum ave. mm i WASTED toxtel. Call Maiu J 36, ' HELP WAyTEP MALE ", WANTED AT ONCE Rnn aMT 1. with wheel. work, good par; alae good chaae lot advancement Wa will Par either salary or commission. Our hustlers now making, St to SO per day. This wort' give you tb mania expetlenoe. Call on air. Loop, care Western Union Tel. Co.. 75 Third st BIO LUMBER HAUL Bif lumber company wants man with truck to take lone contract hauling; there ss 850 per day in this. I will sell yna a track and put you on the job. BarUett. 522 Aider it, fall Broadway 2492. $50 A DAY Long hauling job: good pay; must be taaea at once. B 22. JoarnsL . M' A N'T ED Two waitresses. 855 per month and board first month. 80S per month and board second month and thereafter. Work 0 days per week and as late u 12 p. in. Good chance for promotion to e'rU who apply themselrea. Apply Broadway llazclwood, 127 Broadway, after 9 a. m. FIR CUTTERS WANTED. STEADY ALL YKAR WORK, JM1 CHANCK FOR AP V AN CEMENT. (lOOI) PAY TO RIGHT MAN. It V. DREW Fl it CO., UTU AND BROAD WAY, TACOMA. WASH. WANTED AT ONCE Young men over 18, with wheels or Cleve land motorcycles; good pay. pleasant work. Call on Mr. Loop, Western J?nion Tel CoJNJ 3d st MEN wanted to carry briquets front trucks to basement; H hours; wages from (4.60 to S3. Apply N. E. cornet 2d and Flanders its., FortlaiidMJas A Coke Co. W ANTED Cigarrassnrs. steady employment year round. Factia-y conditions are good. -Com-mutiicate with Hond River Cigar Co.. Inc., P. U. box 224. Hood River. Or AUTOMOBILE top man and trimmer wanted at once; good shun and light work; will pay 75c per hour to right man; give reference in ap plying. 0-324.' Journal. RADIATOR repair man wanted to do simple radiator repairs as well as brazing: will pay 70c per hour; give reference. Apply U-35, Journal. FOR SALE A first class vulcanizing plant and stork of used and new Urea. Phone Last 786 J if you mean business. WANTED Expert salesman to handle acre tract. Good proposition. Liberal com mix lion. 810 Washington st. Vancouver, Wash. I-WANT 3 discharged soldiers or sailor; per manent positions; good pay. 309 Stock Ex. bldg. HELP WANTED MISC. 4 LEARN A TRADE We are giving a special course in automobile, gas tractor, truck, stationary and marine, oper ating and repairing; also ignition, carburetion and battery repairing, for S7B. with a 823 discount to discharged soldier and sailor. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS. INCORPORATED Scott car at 2d and Alder at, to BL 30th. Scott car at 2d and Alder st. to S. 20. WANTED Prospective auto and gas engine students to know that our tuition fee goe up on September 15; enroll now and aave S40; learn auto, tractors, (a eagiirea, ' auto alec tricul work; state allows honorably discharged soldiers and sailors 825 per month' while at tending school; night school begins Sept. 29. Call or write at once for free big 100-psg catalogue. Adcox Auto A Gas Engine School, Union ave. and Wasco st Phone East 7445. Typewriting, comptometer, bookkeeping and all ether modern business eonrse. Day and night cboot Alius y bldg.. 8d and Mornaon. Main Hawthorne Auto School 483 HAWTHORNS AVE. Automobiles, taaeks, tractors, machinist traA. oxy-acetylene welding, vulcanizing and retreading. Bpeetal na rate. Day aad evening claase POSITIONS ASSURED BVERT GRADUATE OF BEHShK-WALKEB BUSINESS COLLEGE. PORTLAND Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Fre. catalog. LEARN TELEGRAPHT Young men and women wanted. Call 41 Railway Exchange bldg. Sndendid opportunity to learn a well-raid profestoia. Ft., booklet, Railway Telegraph Institute. HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE Washington at 10th; ante now, day, eve ning. U commercial branch. Broadway 1881, EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Hi Regina Bucket t private school; Individ gal instruction- 122 V Gaand ave. East 427. MI8SMATT IN GLY'S rrthaaMlTTypewritlng School. $6 a month. 269 14th nui J.ffereoa. Main 3898. OREGON LAW SCHOOL. Alisky bldg. 3d and Morrison. W. K. ttwbardson, secretary. Phone Main 977 , GOING East or South f Household goods shipped .1 NIKCU HHtB, IBUllim WUU IHB. CSClil. Ooant Forwarding Co., 403 Hoyt st. Bdwy. 70J. HELP WANTED FEMALE LADIES Between the agea ef 18 and 48 TO DEMONSTRATE A VERY ESSENTIAL FOOD ARTICLE. Experience Not Necessary. Work HealUjful. Pleasant and Educational. Requirea calling on Housewives. &HORT-410URS and GOOD SALARY W. R. HADLEY. Room 303 Stock Exchang Bldg., Third and Yamhili WANTED Several la dies for house-tohquse demonstrating work; straight saiary, $2.5 to 33.50) per day and car fare. Inquire-303 Stock Exchange bldg.. 3d and LEADING retail candy store baa opening for experienced woman to take obarga of dept. Exceptional opportunities. Must hav execu tive ability. Write P. O, Box 747, stating ex periences. Give phona Ne. WOMAN a bouaekeeoer or 8 mall children; mother is confined; good 80th N. 711 JC WOMAN to assist in housework for few hour dally; basement nouaeteepiBt room I small wage. S87 12th at WANTED A middle-aged woman for house work, anil be aa one of. small plain family; $20 per mo. Call alter p. m. raaor 2890 WANTED Cheeolatg dippers; perraanent posi tions. Apply tn ttaxeiwooa. ssa washing ton st. EXPERIENCED womaai would lik. day wark Thursday and Ssturoay. laoor U4. WOMAN to' keep ' ho'ue and car for 9 etui dren; mother employeof Woodiawa 2121 GIRLS WANTED Oregon Paper Bog Co. 245 V. HUrk at LADY barber wanted at onoe, corner Sth. -i 2 1 Gliaan, H'uX GIVE masie lesson for tewing or fane work. Mala 3018. HELPER sadie' akirt lOtb it. HELP WAKTET rBSIALB PERMANENT POsJITIOXS FOR YOUNG WOMEN TELEPHONE OPEBATOB8 MOW EARN APPROXIMATELT 1800.06 DCBINQ riSST TEAR A SALARY OF 132.00 IS PAID PURDIQ THE FIRST MONTH WHILE LEARMUiO TO OPERATE. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NOT REQUIRED. APPLT AT THE TELEPHONE COSIPANt. ROOM 601. 6TH FLOOR TEIPUONE BI.IX., PAKK AND O.CK STS. JUOOD PRICKS PAID LIBEBAL BONUS PAID IN ADDITION HALF HOLIDAY EVERY SATURDAY LearP a Busmen That Gives You Steady Employment Experienced operator on Pants. Overalls, Coats. Plav Suits, etc. We will teach a limited number, of bright girls and will pay yon while learning. Call at office of Mt Hood ractory, ?33 Couch st. and we will explain our bonus sytem to you. WANTED Knprrienceed mangle girls; also 20 inexperienced girl National Laundry, East Sth and Clay. HELP WAKTr.D MALE AW D FEMALE tt 'afOf.ER BARBER COLLEGE pay you while learning; give yon set of tool; Sositton tecured. Write for catalogue. 234 iurnside st, or phone Broadway 1731. MEW. WOMEN, lrara barker trad; wages whIH learning, position guaranteed. Mgr. 22 yrs. experience. Oregon Barber College. 283 Madison. PORTLAND-Barber-College pays you while learning, gives you set of tool free, position cnrt SH N Second t. HOP PICKERS wanted, good yard, good coom-modafio-i; w iy railroad fare to yard. Phone Bdwy. 4."4. WASTED- AGENTS AGENTS Get particulars; wonderful Mystic Chemical cloth; one application on cab and streetcar indows, rain, fog, snow vanish : money bark guarantee. Mystia Sale agency, Bex 2648 city. SALESMEN WANTED 88 SALESMAN Sell farm tractors In counties near Portland: 2 well known makes; good sellers; must hve car. G-217, JnnrnaL SITUATIONS MALE ONE tru-itworthy elderly man wants soma tlnd of work, a elevator man or watchman, or some kind of work for respectable man; good references. H-840, Journal. WANTED Work la big betel. S Frenchmen. around kitchen. inuuire 207 aUienaaa st Ccsr Poillier. BOOKKEEPER, lumber and railroad experience, wislitia to connect with concern w lie re ability counts. State salary. U-48II, Journal. YOUNG married man wljhee position In whole sale house, where there I chine fbradvanoo- ment Z-222. Journal. WANTED- Position as janitor or houseman by eiderly man. D-S18, Journal. WANTED Work for 1 -ton Ford 0-474. Journal. truck by week or month. CONTRACTOR and builder, repair or new work. Tabor 7982. R. D. Crow. ELDERLY MAN want position as Janitor or houseman. Z 218. Journal. GALBBAITH. the Paints: W hang paper light tide up. Woodlawn 1484. PAINTING tinting, papering ; practical painter. Call East IMIH Benson. AUTO repairing in your garage; work guaran- teeo. t-ast B3ST. MAN of good appearance wants position to take tickets at tneatre. D-620, Journar PAINTING and .tinting reasonable. Wdln. 8328. SITUATIONS FEMALE POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER for widower. No objection to children. Am 40 years old G-214. Journal. EASTERN HOUSEKEEPER, good cook, wid- ower's home or small family, city or out. Moderate wages. G-608. Journal. LACE curtains hand laundered by expert, called lor ana aeiiverea. r.ast iv. WOMAN wants, work by hour or day; reliable reterenoes. Wdln. 4575. DRESSMAKING 48 ALTERATIONS, refitting and Biaklnj f tarlUs- garments, reasonable prices; work guarantMit, J. Rcnbin. Ladie' Tailor. 408 Bush A Lena bid. DRESSMAKING at home, 496 K. 17th t Phone Sellwood 2265. NURSE 40 GENERAL nursing wanted by under graduate. Call Mrs. Hosmer, Woodlawn 896. FURNISHED BOOMS HART APARTMENT AND LAUREL HOTEL? Newly furnished, modern housekeeping tad fleet lng room. $2.60 up. Second nd YambuX HOTEL SARGENT. Hawthorn and Grand Starting point special car for Vancouver. FURNISHED ROOMS PKIVAXE FAMILY NICE front room -with quiet, elderly couple. 463 E, Oth N. lrt. bath, phono and heat ington. SMALL sleeiilng room. walking distance, refer- Main 8018. SLEEPING-ROUM suitable for bachelor aparV menL Main 2718. FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen. 889 Wil liams ave., near Broadway. East 4328. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 THREE mnty rooms, water, $12 30 month. Two people. America ni, occupying nous. 188 (Jar ruther BOOMS AND BOARD IS THE MARTHA WASHINGTON, 880 10th. lot business girls and stud.nt. Marshall 1211. BOOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 71 LADY with one little boy would oare for child not under four. Good home and mother's care 51 E. 17th N., bet. Dsvi and uoucn sts. $10 PER MO. Car sod board, 14 and under. 011 Mt Hood st, Oregon City. CHILDREN to board, private borne. Eat 2446. 865 Ualsey. Phona HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS S FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED REDUCED RATES $3.00 WEEK Latge two-room fully furnished Uoum keeping suites; free phone, bath, light, efb, "The -Free-port," 230 I .ara bee, corner lloUadaj-. East 567. These are right SHIPYARD district, cottage, housekeeping part meats, furnished, unfurnished, reasonable. Ap ply 252 Gibbs. NEAT, elesn hoonekeeping rooms, 293 V Union are., 1 block south of Haathoroe, aba aingl sleeping room. ONE NEWLY FUR., ! E i rooms, $20. 411 Hail st i , TRUNKS DELIVERED IN DOWNTOWN DIS TRICT FOR CENTS, PHONB . 6434. ONE H. K. room oa ground floor, tverytlung free, kitchenette, $12 per month. 326 Hall t HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 71 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILT S LARGE light II. K. nooms. well furnished, privet bath aad phone, 10 minute to city. Also 2 H. K. room same location. For par ticular phase Wdln. S8(K fVO LARGE furnished housekeeping rooms, well lighted, large closets, walking dint ace; also UeepiDg rooae. no cniMns. Meli. Izl. NEATLY furnished room, ferred. Can do light Glisan St. rmpl yed ladie pre- ho use keeping. 775 ONE fur. IL K- room, walking distance, fin for working peoftle. private entrance. - Eaet 4826. No. 344 E. 2d it N. ligiit, gaa gad bath furuubed reggoiutbi. Call East (Ufa. FOB RENT HOUSES IS UN FURNISH Ep TO RENT S room modern house. Call 414 Bristol St. St, Johns, r phon CoJ. 94. ianitt prererreq. WHEN TOO MOVR, USE NORTH WESTERN ELECT RIO LIGHT SEHVICS Tenth and Wathington. Broedwy SS6L HOUSE, on one acre Us en lot, for rent, with pgvUege of nuytng; fruit. tbor ggg. 80 Tiast YauihUl, lovely ruonw, f&)4 Saakg a uae puaiuikg butis. :. roB BB7TT HOUSES -M UNFURNISHED - -THREE extra large rooms," partis,' furnished', S1T.89. S rooms 133. Old houaa, W4U, Urn. Canute, it. Barn SS.' Uaraae SS. Apply comer SWth and K. Stark, alt Tabor iUt SaiaJ ear w eng. 4 block aorta, X eaet. - FLATS TO RKXT, U5 Kt UXIgHKla MODERN upper flat ' S room and deeping mediate poaaeaalon. 121 K. 2ttU .. Ms. porch, splendid looatioa, 130; must take Inv Tabor car, " BEMODEi.KD store. 5 room, oath. tto. pton Tabor 2815. FURNISHED FLATS WILL SHARE my flat with girl who ta study music, walkius dislauce. rafaraapea, ntaaunabl. Main 801 8. THREK B4M1M furnished fast. $28. 1 958. 70S Vancouver ave. Woedlawa STOKES AN D OFFICES 11 STORK F&BTbENT On GUsan tirar Sth at, in brick hotel bulldlnaV HITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3 S t Board of TraOa bids. DESK ROOM in clean, nicely furnished otto: rfeoeiiUon room, Main 2698. FOR RENf -Store 2(1x82. SIS QUata at, Inquire corner drugstore WANTED TO RENT We Want to List f HOUSES. ri-ATS AND APARTMENTS. T YOU HAVE ANY VACANCIES. PHONB. HEAVE TUUETHKH. CARE Oa NOBTHWKSf STEEL CO.. MAIN 11WA MR. FARMER, do you want to rent that tana of yours r If so. we can (t yon oasb rent aad 1 ell aunt personal property (or cash. Wa have a doaea people railing oil us avery day wanting to reut farms. Send lu yours for quick aotkua. A. J. BENDER, RITTKK, LOWE A CO.. 801-8 5 7 lloatil of Trade bHg. . W A NT ED TO KENT or"T room' furnished home near Portland. Or., from some broad minded man or woman tliat doe not consider It a crime tu have childr.n. J. M. Nail, of Naaapa, Idaho, the best town in tb beat county In the beat stateoMha V. a A. WANTED TtTrent rootris in private home, vi uinity Uraham and Williams tveuuea, by snaa and wife. Permanent Beet reference.. M-880 Journal. WANTED To reut a 4. 5 or 8 room unfur- 'nlslied hue in good neighborhood. Woodlawn A370. Phona t'Ni'CRNISUED 6 room house. Albert district preferred: 4 adults; l months rent advanced. Call weekjisvs. from fl to 0 Mailt 4'J4S. WANTED A 4 or 5 room modern houaa F careful teuant T 844, Journal. WANTED TO RENT flat 4 or 6 rooms. Unfurnished bungalow or Call Tabor 8990. STOREROOM for ladies' barber shop, ing room. Notify 825 Glisan st REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOt'SES TI 83KK5 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW On a 55x100 corner lot. tn the Muse City district. Is an attractive 5 room modern bunga low; fireplace;- built-in convenience, white enamel plumbing, electric light and gas, good cem.ut basement; can arrange teruis; real bar gain. We hav over 70U photograph of inspected homes in our office for sale. 12 xjenenced salesmen with auto at your service. FRANK L. McQUIRE . TO BUY YOUR HOMES. Abingtnn Bldg. Main 1088. Office Open Evening, and Sunday. HAWTHORNE. $1ST $4000 Ye, there arc some good buy. Her i aa. A practically new 7 room bungalow, with S room down and 2 cm upper floor, ftreplasa. built-in feutun-s. big living room., garage, iiav.d street paid, block to tlawtlionio oar. This iui-buri-galow wa built by the onuer for a huiua. If you pay $1000 rash see this quick. COK A Mi EENNA A CXI.. Main 4522 R2 4th SI Board of Trade Bldg. ! tAIV K SHERMAN ST. 5 room double oonatsucted bungalow, long living room, fireplace, paneled diuing rues, tiaa white enameled Dutch kitchen, cement base ment, laundry tray, beautiful lot, 8 benrtnS fruit tree. grag. pa street, no lien or mtg. to assume; owner must hate $1606 cash; beat value in town for $3000. ' GEO. T. MOOHK CO.. 100T Yeon Bldg. $3300.00 Here. folk, la a truly wond.rful horn., elaborately finished, aw.ll buf fet, full li.wn.ut, 4 rooms aaul bath down. 8 bedruom) and eping noreb up. Only lutlf block to Alberta cr. Thl is really worth comudarablr nora. Let u show yon, J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ity Exch. Bid Main 10S4. Open Evenings, Closed Sundays ROSE CITY PARK $42.10 IMMEDIATH IMSSESHION Py $600 cash ad mov in tomorrow. Thl ia handwme 2-tory house with a big living room, fireplace, all built Ins. full oement base ment, higli-grad furnace; laoated on pavwl street, clot to cr. 1'hun for auto te tea you " COK A. McKENNA A (V) , Main OJ!. , 82 4th Bt ,0!L-2, Trad Bldg. 7 ROOM MODERN HOME 24th and E Davi living room 80 ft long, fireplace, rornaca. full cement basement, street pvd "nd paid. Tli. house la double-constructed throughout tod shews exaeptlonslly fin workmnhip. The price. $4. ',00, is $1000 under the market. Call Mululay if you want this one. Cf.KVEf AV'D HKVHKR'V C S 2 Railway Exch. bldg. Mala STSB. ' P ROOM NEW ll NGAl-OW," $500 tlASlI"" Riand tew a-room bungalow, iut flnisMad, aa (omer lot. uo liens to H.npi e, l3 niortgageg, I block o Glinun t car, just beyond LaarslbUrst, S. corner E S(1H (lid FUndaM t J Tic : 1 .Oil, g.'iUU ruh i'ul $20 per month, 6 pet cent. Vacant set tniiok. i - tJHI'SS" A BENNETT. ' 318 Bord of Trade bWg Mala T4SS Mivnxliu iiiodcrn Iirue, Vit 40I00, paled slruvt.. pue $:HHMI; Ui 7 room ruedera Bouse, lot .'." 1 Oil. i.sted . streets. lose in, in Sunny Mi.e, prir.. si. ",0(1; also H roouis strictly mofl.m corner lot ."il I '. ou IVwt 11 tit St., walking distaure, price $5 fill (I These are all nlo home si.d a big sacritit-e andr easy term. nw vara Land Co., 805 Stock bldg. Pboc , 7676- We have auto ta show you. WALKING PI8TANC"" 6 room modern house, hot water heating sys tem, full cement basement stationary wash tab. larg. living rooms, clear of encumbranoe, price only $3700; $560 down, balance $35 par month, Including tntorest at 9 pr oant, U a) a rare bargain and a good horn. RIELX ULBTArSOW. 005 Yon Bldg. Marshall I486. BUY A REAL HOME With an income and apartment boas ervtee, two family flat building, with S room basement apt which I give free for janitor Mrvtee. One flat rente for $50; that I n ideal proportion; will sell for lea than It cost to build; with or without furniture. Call st 126 a). 34th, or phona Tabor 5188. 927 WILLIAMS AVE. $2500 NEWLY PAINTED MODERN 5 11 M COTTAGE SNAP. VACANT. EASY TERMS. SEE THIS BY ALL MEANS. Q. C. GOLDENBERu Ablngton bldg. Main 4608. SUNXYSlblTTlUSOAlAlW-$1800 -Neat S room pUuttetd bungalow, 81 l-Stl lot. fireplace, full basement. located at SIS M. Morrison st. near 80th. 8500 cash, $25 monthly. This place i not oa a pvd itreet, has no hardwood floors, bnllt-ln piano, but haa real value. Fred W. German Co., 782 Chamber of Commerce; open Sunday and QvenRig. $1500 TERMS ROSE CITY PARK CAB Modern 4 room bungalow, electricity, gaa, rxmplete plumbing, nk uU ht $50 worth g( den ttnff: qnk-k possession. Tabor 6S5S. FOR SALE S room eotteg. furnished. L4 0x100, ck to Franklin school. .Price $1600. $410 oasb, bat $10 per xnoata. F. L Mltcheltre. Pboa Tabor 210. office at An be! nation. , ; FOR SAI Rmall 2 room kous In Xesluq. lot 84x109. 2H block from atreetoar; jsrloa $650, email payment down, balance at SIS per month. John Mai me, McClure A aVehmgUoa po., 11 sin 1 808 , View hotel, Kenton. FOR SALE by owner, 6 roams, V aad' half ha id wood floor. nk Mr grata, large. ln Ing porch, full cement basement, hot wstet heat, concrete garage; oornei lOOaJSO; 17800, Tabor 8944. SlSOfl $1800 $1606 6 room honae $800 cash, 18 pey month: price $1800. Car stjupg at door. Peart O'NeU. ' Wdln. 403S. "BEAUTlFUl, WESTMOREIKD, $2l6 '" 6 loom, modem, urge finished attic, garage, east front, leaving city. See thl aad rvu, rUj buy. Bellwood 2 TOO. ' klODEHN bungalow and garage. $589 68th at S. E, block front foweU Vllei w4,. MfOO, Terms $800. bl. like rent FOR HAI.K S rooaa house ana furaiture. lot tOil 00. Inquire of owuef during Uw , on premise. 674 Schuyler. . . $3750 -Just completed,' classy' B rooaa TOT low, en good looatioa, 8 btecka from car. Owner. Tabor gizn. 6ROOM bungjow for sal; take light cat g pert payment, weep a. wvtii s. ct. RriM modern bungalow on roraar. $3 S01 1296 E. Salmon. Tabot 99, S27 WIU.IAM8 AVE 5 room n.u,;i2S0fL clear; Use lot. trwner. Ham gttua. FOR SALE Moo. S roem houaa. furabiAei '' Term. Can Tabot IHI(-t'V'' , ' . R6SB City Park, 8! Toons.; bungalow; owner. Tabor t684,, - :' ' (CoatlBBe ee FeUewisf rsfu .7 r-i