REAL ESTATE TfTfi. SALE HOirSES HOME AT " 485"SKDMORE ST. ' FOR SALE Flra rooms, modern, electricity, a, bath, full tired cellar, pavement and sidewalk ill paid. Lot 60x100. This to a corner kit with an abundance of room- to build' another house on the rear, making thia property an untwustly good invest ment. For full, particular Inquire . of i. D. 3118 Spitzes- Bldg. Toledo, Ohio nvT.T 18000 bnvi thia iantfnt borne: no better location In the city of 1'ortland; elose in on E. Main at-. I a nnxjern s room oouae, verr substantial! trailt. with every convenience desired; fireplace, full cement basement, beat kind of furnstie. all of tb fixture and equip ir.ent in or around the liouae are tbe best and 0 the bicheat class. There ia a full lot, nice shrubbery, flowers and fruit ia full bearing. Fine Kara". If you are looking for something cloae in. in a fine district, with high-class improve ments aurrounding it, just ponder over thia. Half cash will handle this. M. J. CLOHE8SY, ABiNGTON BLDG. SPLENDID BUY Wi!fl!asTni3 Ave. Home Modem 6 Mem. 2-tory houaa nn Williams are., between bliaver and Mason sts.. baa 0 lame rooms, food, plumbing, furnace, cement floor in basement and many other modern im provement. It a wonderful bu, Price $ddoo. $500 etf,h. balance to suit ypo. Interest 6 per cent J. F. HILL, 89 Williams are., Kant 268. Irviogton Residence $8260 fur one of tbe finest homes of 7 rooms, with sleeping porch. '2 fireplace, all hardwood floor, fine garage, on E. 18th. Thia was built (or a home and has all tbe bout in convenience to mnke a home attractire. We hare others at $5500 and 17600. Marshall ""''F. L. BLANCHARD 5192(0) Ry. Exctn. Qanteiniibeflui Avenue Modern 7 room house on Gantenbein arenue, iselose to public and Jii-h school. Large lot. street improvement In and paid. If you are looking for a good substantial home " thia will suit you. Price $34 00. Eajy terms. J. F. HILL $98 Williams are. East 26. ONLY $3 ISO for a brand new 6 room bunga low, modem and up to date. This is located practically in the center of the city on the west side. The surroundinrs are good, close to rarline and close to river; iuu cement basement fireplace, porcelain plumbing. Never before-qc cuDiad: all ready to move into now. Nothing cheap on the west side. Only $500 cash, balance easy monthly payment. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. BY OWNER 7-UOOM MODERN HOTT3E Bath, toilet, electric lights, hot and cold water, gas, laundry trays, newly painted, tinted and papered, linoleum on kitchen and bath room floor; close nu hear car, school, stores, vacant. 38 Failing. $300.0 $500 DOWN, BALANCE TO SUIT Will Take Liberty Bonds PHONE EAST 6476. EMERSON STREET HOUSE SNAP Good 6 room house, cement basement, electric lights, good bath, 3 bed rooms, full lot 60x100. , city liens all paid. Price a snap. $2000: $500 cash and $20 per month. Emerson, sear 10th. .Look at It its a big snap. GRUKSl BENNETT. XI 8 Board of Trade bids. Main 74 62. INDUSTRIAL CENTF-B Broadway bridge, new boulevard shortens dls tance 1 V miles. Two carlincs put you to any work in the city. It s truly the industrial renter IK" small houses, close to carline., $600 to $1600. Large lota. On terms that you can buy. A C. McDonald, agent, 296 W. Lombard, Wdln. 6273. $3500 FEW DAYS ONLY 6 roonu, large ground, lots fruit, garden space for year's supply vegetables, space fo chickens, gas, good electric fixtures, best plumb ing, Dutch kitchen, large bath, 3 bedrooms, large living room, lots closet room, close in ; no in cumbrance. Address or call owner, 011 - Carl ton hotel. MT. TABOR HOME 7 rooms, all modem, substantial, paved street, furnace, fireplace. built-ins, ma.sive buffet, sleeping poreh, sttic. basement, double plumbum, garage, fruit; arranging to leave town, $4050. Owner, Tabor 8824. SUNN YS IDE BIG SNAP. Good 6 room house, electricity, nice bath, full basement, corner E. 30th and Alder; worth $2800; will sell for $2250; $500 cash and $25 per month. Photo at our office. GRCHSI & BENNETT. 31ft Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. ONLY $450dthis i ia Rose City Park dis trict, a corner lot with store and living rooma upstairs. The building is new and modern and in first class location for any person desiring to enuage in business and have a place to live as well. About half rash will handle this, M. J. CLOHESSY, AB1NGTON BLDG. FOli SALE- House of 6 rooms and toilet, porch on 2 sides, full basement, sewer and sidewalk in. corner lot. 100x105; on Tabor carline: elec tricity, gas and phone; large cherry, apple and peur tree; abundance of berries, rosea, etc. Price $2500. term on Bart. Inquire of owner at 1072 E. Yamhill st. or phono Tabor 2B87. PORTI-AND HEIGHTS By owner; splendid site for residence or apart ment house; beautiful view of river and moun tain, temporary houe. Price $4000, $1000 down. $."0 monthly installment. Marshall 33Q7. GOOD 6 ROOM HOME. HOHSMERE ADD! TION, FINE CONDITION, HOT WATER HEAT. BASEMENT, MODERN HOME. LOT 100 BY 100. KT11KET3 ALL PAID. WORTH 8.100. TAKE 7000; OH SEL ONE LOT. EAST 273. OWNER. FOR SALE tulEAP Rest litUe 23 bbl. flour mill in Willamette valley. Fine watcrpower, dwelling and eiiftit acres with it. A real bar. gain for $3500. lay $2500 down. Terms on bal. Inquire owntr, I.. W. K., 117 Bryant at Phone O-1101. $1000 Buys a 4 room plastered bungalow, all fur nished, garage, lot SOxlOO, fruit trees, berries and garden, pure rash, rest easy payments. Take Mount Scott tar, follow wooden Eidewalk south from track. V. McMilitn, S21 80th st8. E. MODERN 5 loom bungalow, hardwood floors throughout, a Dutch kitchen, fireplace, lots of built in conveniences, cement basement, laundry trays, etc. Verv complete, attractive lot 50x100, 2 blocks from carline and pave ment Call r.KTur at Tabor 1G32. 7 ROOM iiouj-e. 100x100 feet of land: fruit, garden and chicken lot; rea-sonoble price. No phone. Take an M-V car, 3d mid Morri-on. anil como out and look at it; get off st E. 75th st, 1 block north; ISO E.' 75th st N By owner. REAL bargain, S room mod. home, near Jef ferson high school. Would cost $3200 to build, sacrifice for $2800, $800 will handle. and 2 altie rooms, electric lights, ga-s. cement basement, sewer, fraction lot. on liard surface , st; $1300. 468 Spokaue ave. HMTWiLOAMS AVE. C . ' " (III. 111' L tv,lBl,C, ,'1' J f. I 111 O , 1 ' may take lot. Go look. Main 4803. $1800 $1 R00 $1800 6 nem house, $800 cush. $19 per month; price $1800. Car stops at door. Pearl O Neil. Wdln. 4088. NEW 6 room bungalow, 5 SO 53d N.. close to . Alameda; oak floors, eight fixtures, window Vhadea, garage, all complete. Call owner. O 2307. FOU BALE By owner, 7 room houiei well built, basement size of house, lot 60x120; chicken prk, nil kinds fruit. $2200; terms. No agent. 6525 Woodstock are. $500 CASH, balance ou terms, for 5 room bunealow. gas, electricity, good basement, dutch kitchen, corner lot, immediate possession; sold by owner. 1168 E. 12th st N. FOR BAIJJ Good concrete public garage, on Madison st. size 83 1-3x100 feet Will take. $3000; a bargain. H. H. Staub. 1027 Belmont B 1351 or Tabor 219. $1800 wtill buy my 7 room bouse and 2 lots, 100x100. fine fruit, berries and garage. 61 IB 4 2d ave., near 62d st Mt Scott ear; H cash, very liberal ditconnt for ll cash. ws A BARGAIN For sale by owner, lanre 6 room house: bare: R lot, centrally located at St Jchn; good garden. Call Col. ZH3. . 4 ROOM houe: Mijaissipni ave.- close to school, etc.; lot 25x100. Price $1500. $700 cash, balance like rent Call 511 Railway Exchange. KlV'fc room bouse, ground 100x155; several fruit trees; $2000. 4707 48th st. S. E. Tabor 822. $3? 50 -Just completed, classy 6 room bunga low, on good location, dioces irom car. Owner, Tabor 6128. A SNAP A good house and 2 V acres 5 ger station: $2750; terms. Main 612. Metz- FOR SALE-a-p room house, $1700. 745 Min nesota ave. . SWELL bungalow, on Palatine road, with garage; $2000, c-y terms. IM6B. Joynial. BARGAIN Honse and 'lot for eale. Plume Co lumbia 2TI, or inquire 1868 Woolscy st Olbnia mMero 11800. 68iJ 01t st, I... E. Y. 8. ear. REAL ESTATE ' TOR SALE HOUSES 1 ! Walnut Park New l Modern bungalows Thaw bunt-low are etrtctlv modern in every detail, having 6 large rooms, breakfast room and attic, hardwood floors, fireplace, Dnteh kiterien, cement floor In basement, fine electric fixtures, etc. These little homes will be completed by the 15th of thia month. They an located on View street, between Vancouver arenue and Williams arena 60 out and look them over. They will please you. Pric $8700. Very Easy Terms. J. F. HILL 696 WUiams Arenu. East 268. BG8B CITY PARE CAB BUNGALOW tSROO Splendid bungalow, located northwest earner 66th and Stanton. You will be downright de lighted with the arrangement and Interior fin- lsn. It couldn t b better. A real modern, light. airy, cheerful bungalow of modern tyne. Hard wood floors, fireplace, bookcases, wonderful buf fet, jjutcn Kitchen, full cement basement, etc. The owner iust must sell at once. Can Ton aiiora not to see trust A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark St., near 8d. Main 8002. Main 8616. Branch office. Both and bandy. Open Sunday. $4760.00 BUNGALOW $4750.00 6 room bofigalow with room upstairs for 8 mora room, floored and ready to divide. Th downstairs ia attractively built with hardwood floors, good plumbing and in good condition, ce ment basement with wash trays and good fur nace. Located near car line and on improved street You will find all conveniences in thia bouse. Price 84760.00. 81760.00 cash, bal ance good time at 0 per eent. Tucker ft Shreck, opaiumg Ding., Mam 801. HAWTHORNE IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Modern 6 roam hiina-sln hn,idM tvn fin. ished rooms in sttio; close Hawthorne are. paved streets, sewers, etc. all uaid. Don't an a tnis buy. A. K. HILL CO., 218 Lumberman's bldg. 6 ROOMS: NICE HITNfiALOW Pine 6 room bungalow. Kleetricitv. ess. finmlaee an DUllt-ins. cument basement launrlrv trays. cabinet kitchen, 3 bedrooms; all on one floor; sine; 101 ouxiuii. l'nce $3250, 810O0 cash, $25 month; on E. 63d St., near Glisan. N. Mt. iaoor. GRtlSSI eV BENNETT, 818 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452 Home Snap 4 rooms, oartlv modem, noarlv new fiiml. hire, including piano 60x100 lot, fruit and asraen. uruy sjjtio B. F. FOND REALTY CO. "The Ideal Home Builders.' 1Z80 Sandy blvd. - Tabor 3825 yiiiceupejj Sunday and Evenings. $3000 for a good 8 room house in good neigh borhood, near oarline, $500 cash, balance In easy monthly payments; Just vaeated. ready for occupancy. Will consider trading is? a small farm or dwelling cioee in, payinmfference if any can. it will pay you to look this up. nn,uuijia UIAS & I.NVE81MKIST tX).. 4 22 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 4479, 6 ROOM BUNGALOW LOT 104x152 On paved street: several, kinds of fruit and Dernes, near 30th, 2 blocks to car. Price eazou. lerms. ilain 6882, residence; Main "jo. 11:0 ojo bias. HOUSE SNAP 5 room cottage, comer lot, 60x100 ft Ex tra good car service. $1800; $350 cash. bal. $15 month Including interest Open 0 to 11 a. ra. aunaay. R. M. Gatewood ft Co., 165 H 4th st FOUR room - bouse on beautiful lot improved with 8 fruit and one walnut tree, berries, chicken house, wood shed, paved street, on car line, 20 minutes on car; $1500, $600 cash, balance like rent JOHNSON -DODSON CO., 033 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN8787. COLONIAL HEIGHTS $8000 7-room bungalow-roof residence, on corner lot 50x100. on E. 22d, '1 block from car; hardwood floors, white enamel finish; fine loca tion. ONLY $1800 for a good 6 room house with two big lots. This house is located in a good district and has all of the city conveniences; fine assortment of fruit in full bearing; $700 in rash will handle it M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG ' MODERN HOME in Richmond, located 101 6 Woodard ave. ; 0 large rooms and den, hard wood floors, fireplace, paneled dining room, Ihitch kitchen, cement basement, laundry trays, fixturea and shade. Thia is on paved atreet and good location. Richmond car. KENTON DISTRICT 6 rooms and sleeping porch, rooms well ar ranged, full basement, furnace buffet, east front, perch extending across front, close to Peninsula park. $8250. $850 cash will handle. JOHN SON DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. BEAUTIFUL WEST SIDE HOME $10,000 North nip st. cor., with 8-room residence; the most expensive liaht fixtures, built-in of all kinds, hot and cold water up and down stairs, 2 bath and toilet, furnace and fire place. GODDARD ft VIEDBICK, 243 Stark st ONLY ,$4400, in " Rose-City-Park, a modern 5 room bungalow, full cement basement, fur nace, sleeping porch; eerything up to date in one of the best sections of Hose City Park. About half cash will handle it M. J. CLOHESSY, abington bldg. hXwthorne Coxy 5 room bungalow, full plumbing, full cement basement choice fruit, fine lawn, and roses, on hard&urfaced street, included in price; price $3000. $700 cash, will handle. JOHN-SON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. VACANT $2600 Cheerful, well built 5 room bunga. low. right on Mount Tabor carline. This bar gain will please you. Immediate possession. See owner. Jia l.umbermens bldg., or phone Broad way 421 or before noon today. Tabor 3058. TIIKKE big bargains. 6 room bouse in good condition, near Laurelhunt park, $3000. 7 rooms, a good home, at ltith and East Ankeny. $3500. And 7 rooms, strictly good, at 17th on Burn side st. $5500. Henry F. Cover, 04 Union ave. BARGAINS IN HOMES. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION We have homes from $900 up to $40,000 on easy payments and immediate possession given. see us. r. ruchs, 40 Chamber of Commerce. $2600 HAWTHORNE HOME $2600 6 rooms, modern, full cement basement. garage. 50x100 lot several fruit trees, hard surface and aewern., Terms to suit SMITH WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCHANGE. ONLY $3150v, on Market 'it. onthaw est side", close in to the library: a 6 room house. The lot alone is worth more than we are asking for all of it Tbe luiuse has reasonably modern conveniences! and $1000 cash will handle it. M. J. 0LOHES8Y, ABINGTON BLDG. It you wsijt a real bargain in medium priced house wipi enough ground almost to afford a good Kving with fruit, berries, etc, I can ac commodate ; you. I SAMUEL LOAK. 1 20 2NorthwternBankWi! LOT 60x100. 7 room house, cement walk paid. noo, terms. 4 room modern house; $1350, terms One room house; $000. $200 down. Six lots, .Alberta, $1000' cash, terms. Lot al most iven Way161281 62d st Wood.stoek car. FOR SALEsp5 room cottage; "furnished. Lot nuxiuw, Close to franitlin school. ft.3h Price 1 sin Sn. . or 10, office at l 000, $4 50 cash. bal. $1 Mitcheltree. I Phone Tab Anabel station. 5 ROOM modern bungalow, hardsur'aeed sts.. y block to car, near school, $2300. $400 cash, $25 per month. x SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO 24 8 Stark st Main 5429. WEST SIDE RESIDENCE A most artistic home on Overton street; good locaOou: hot water heat and all modem ap pointments; shown only by appointment CrODDARD&jyjEPKKjj243 Stark st Sl'NNYSIDE, Belmont st, extra bargain from $4060 to $4250, fine modern 7 room resi dence, with garage, suitable for a doctor also. Owner moving away and making sacrifice. If. JL Staub. 1027 Belmont. Wek Tabor 218. CLOSE IN HOME I 6 room snap. $2100; 40x100 lot. fruit, basement, chk-kea house, etc. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 3787. MOXTAVILLA bargain, 4 room house, 60x100 . let. cherry trees, bam, hed, all for $900 JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 3787. FOR SALE, by owner, modern 7 room house all bnilt-ins; ivory kitchen, furnace and fire place, $9750, term. II81J Iron at, near 89th Richmond ear. FOR SALE by owner, modern 6'room bongs --ol?.; ?, C4ty p. price $3600, half cash. 726 E. 6th st. N. Tabor 6027 $5000 buys new up-to-date Sungalow of 6 rooms finished, 2 unfinished, in Laurelhurst jaioen tiaraia, ixss fx. gtti st FOR BALE Modern t reotn bouse? by owner, near high school. 958 Kerby st Wood lawn 4757. SAVE flommisaura., buy a fl room cnrnforfabla furnished home from owner. Wdin. 4849. i'OR ALE---$2O00. room house, furnishedT Term. Call Tabor 8197, BEAU ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 1 1 'FEW bargains en th corner of Hohnaa and 9th at. near Ainsworth; house with Plas tered and finished basement, large windows. 6 room on main floor, i room iinisnea in in attic 2 lot 100x106; 17 bearing fruit tree. Thia is worth looking Intel Only $2600; term. 100x100, corner of Ainsworth are. and 14th St., lot of bearing fruit trees, 5 room modern bungalow; $3800. or one lot $3400; xuuu cash, balance long time at per east. West side apartment cite lot, space 6400 square feet; now on the property one 10 and one 7 room bouse. This ia close In property and is splendid value at $14,600.00; easy term. Hare a good plan to offer yon in bunding your new borne: have some 6 per cent money. We have a list of customers wanting prop erty, so list your property with ns for ready sals. Antoa always ready to ahow property. Coma and; see na THE THOMAS VIGARS) CO. 270 Stark. Main 8062. Besidenc Tabor 7681. $5000 TERMS TWO FAMILY HOUSE IN ROSE CITY PARS Splendidly located, fine axmearing 7 mom reel- dene in best part of Rosa City Park. Built to accommodate two families. Thoroughly mod ern. Two sets of plumbing. Two sleeping porches. All bull tins. Furnace, fire place and beautiful electric fixtures. Fine ground, fruit, r lower ana walnuts. arage; pavea street. sewer, gas. uvrner cosiness compel removal to another city. A fin heme and good revenue producer. Worth more. See owner. 656 . 61st N. Tabor 603. 12950. EAST 22t 8T. Her lg a real California semi-bungalow of rooma, big living room with fireplace, dining roomi kitchen, 9 bedrooms and bath. Biz room bungalow at this price are mighty scare. You'd better see this at once. Owner will take $300 to $500 down, balance monthly. COS A. McEENNA at CO. Main 4522. 82 4th st.. Board of Trade Bldg. YOU WOULD BE PROUD to own this attractive, eoay appearing 6-room honse, built on a high lot and surrounded by beautiful lawn and artistic brick retaining wall; high-class neighborhood ; only Vx block 1 to car line. Can give immediate possession. Price only $4oU0; easy terms. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 018 Chamber of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL, modern 9 room home, best part of Ladd add. Furnace, hardwood floors, fireplace, complete In every detail, all lien paid, $9000, $3500 cash, bal. to suit. Modern 7 room home. Rose City Park, ga rage, corner lot, fireplace, furnace, sleeping porch, $5250, $2000 cash, bal. terms. If you want a cheaper house we hare on good place at $3600. Bee Mr. Taylor with L. K. Moore,v817 Board Of Trade. $5m GASH 995 E. 2 1st North 6 room bungalow, floored attic, paneled din ing room, small buffet, basement. 60x100 lot, paved street. Non-resident will sell for $3000. Now vacant EDWARD A. BROWN CO., 903 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 2693. NEAR 2 1ST AND PRESCOTT . 6 ROOM BUNGALOW $2760 Ton will appreciate the real value in this home. Fireplace, buffet, cement basemen, Dutch kitchen, etc. Let us ahow you. A real bargain. Terms, too. A. O. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark St., near 3d. Main 8516. Main 3092, Branch office, 60tb and Sandy. Open Sunday. Cook Avenue Cottage Modern 5 room cottage on Cook avenue near Williams avenue, all improvements in and paid This is a very attractive little cottage, and will make you a fine home. Trice $2(300. Very Easy Terms. J. F. HILL 606 Wiliam Avenue. East 268. ' HAWTHORNE $3600; $1000 CASH, BALANCE MONTHLY Owner, leaving city, has instructed us to sell his 7 room bungalowMyp. home. 5 rooms and' t floor, .U built-in features, f ire-) ssterpd rooms in attic, full cement bath on first place, two plastered rooms in attic, full cement basement, lot 60x110, hardsurfaced street in cluded in price. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. BA N'K BLDG. 6 ROOM NEW BUNGALOW. $500 CASH. Brand new 5 room bungalow, iust finished, on corner lot; no bens to assume, no mort gages, 1 block to Glisan St. car, just beyond 1-e.urelhurst, 8. W. corner E. 66th and Flan ders st. ; price $3160. $500 cash and $20 per month, 6 per cent Vacant, act quick. GRUSSI ft BENNETT, 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. FOR SALE One lot 50x82, on Grant near E. 30th. for $700, $100 cash, balance on in stallments. One lot, corner, 41x115, on E. 30th and Grant Paved street, $1000. $300 cash, balance to suit the buyer. Five-room house, lot 41x116, on E. 30th. Paved street. $1200. $500 cash, balance to suit tbe buyer. See Noren Hardware, Grand ave. and East Clay. Wli EN you 'are ready to build your new home we can save you money and trouble. Look up our plan; over 80 years in the business of suiting people with new homes; now build ing two fine homes in Laurelhurst Com in and take an auto ride out and see them. See how we build. The Thomas TTgars Co., 270 Stark st. Main 8052. Tabor 7681. $235 Near Division and 32d st, extra well built room cottage, full cement basement trays, fine plumbing, sewer, beautiful 45x110 lot with fruit, berries and shrubbery. A rare bargain. S1000 cash. R. F. Feemstcr. 300 Abington bldg. $3500 Five-room modern home on 60x100 lot, three blocks from car. Two bedrooms, living ronrn. sewing room, kitchen, pantry and bnth. Hardwood floor in living room. Gas heat and for cooking. Electric lights. Full cemeut besement with laundry travs. One-half cash, balance payments. Owner, D-452. Jour ri al STRICTLY MODERN RESIDENCE $8000 On J.ovejoy, an 8-room home on lot 60x100; all hardwood floors, extH toilet, vapor heating plant; 2 bedrooms .on 1st floor; house alone cost over $8500. Will sell adjoining lot for $3000 additional GODDARD ft WIEDRICK, 243 Stark t DON'T MISS THIS I.OVELY NEW HOME Well lighted rooms, large attic, breakfast nook, fireplace, oak floors, fine built-in work; ivory pnauiel finish. See owner Sunday at 400 E. 44th North near Sandy blvd. 23d and YamM!l$I40 40x100. all imps, in and paid, with ready cut (new) house 14x40, knocked down: makes 3 good room and hath; chance to save rent. $300 cash; terms. Main 0047. MUST LL, leaving town, our two acres. 7 roora bouse, garage, large barn, cherry, apple, prunes, pear trees, berries and grapes, all bearing, near Hawthorne Park gra aimer school and Frank lin High school. Beautilul view. 2614 67th st, 8. E.. jit-t off Division, on terms. $4500 PIEDMONT $4500 a scai uiny uuuaaiow, oeauinui onca mantel t eoiuo, itio easii, oalance like rent. .70HN fireplace, furnace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, fruit ! SON -DODSON CO., 633 N. W. BANK BLDG room, 05x100. east front lot. hmbbery and fruit. JOHN SON -DODSON CO., 633 N. W. BANK BLIKI, MAIN 8787., ' $300 CASH'J-$2600 Just east of Laurelhurst, 6 rm. bungalow, modern. 119 EAST 57TH Jf. . MAIN 4S03 INDUSTRIAL CENTER Kenton and Piedmont districts, 12 strictly modern bungalows, $2100 to $3000, on terms that you can buy. A. C. McDonald, agent 200 West I-ombard. Wdln. 6273. $500 CASH, $25 per mo., inc. int. kkiys 4-room house, 100x125 ft lot; 1 blk. to car. Price only 2100. ' See Mr. Famsworth, INTER STATE INVESTMENT CO., 410 Henry bldg. Main 1743. 6 ROOM bunga(pw. east of LaurelhurstT 6 blocks 1 1 a 1,1 v . ,. - i,.. k .... 11 ., (fniit trceg. price t2750 $300 f25 ,nd ,nt- monthly. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N w BaDk bldg Main 3787 5 ROOM house and good lot on Union are., at a bargain. 6 rooms on ground floor, lot 100x100. on Eat Stark st Plenty of fruit Investigate. J. J. FISHER. Tabor JJ531. SUNNYSIDK, small" home bargains, $1200, V, cash, good 3 room cottage, near Laurelhurst $1550, $400 down. 4 room cottage, lot 40x 10'J; paved sts., lot wortli every cent; 2 block to Laurelhurst. H. H. Staub, 1027 Belmont $25 CASH, $25 MONTH, 7 Buys 4 room cottage on 75x100 lot; street im provemente all in. Price $1650. 0-492, Jour naU . EY OWNER 5-roopi bungalow, modern; fire place, beamed ceilings, sidewalk, alley, $2S00. 4608 East 62d st Call owner. Main 7273. Ecsy terms. 7-ROOM bungalow, newly painted and in-fine condition, 1 block from car; lot 50x100; sis. graded; garage; price only $2760. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stork t Wild. Bell at your price. 8 room house, out houses, 3 lots, fruit; aLso 2 cows, chickens, ducks, for sale. M. McMillan, Maplewood. Or. WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS $8160 77Tib bitt near E. 28th; 6 rooms, modern, clean. Open today;-see it E. 271. ' SOUTH Portland, 6 room cottage, bath, gas and basement Price $1100; terms. John Singer, 420 Cham, of Com. bldg. FOR SALE Semi-speed model motorboat, has high speed marine engine. Need money' for school. Best eash offer takes it Tabor 7704. -4 NEW 6 room bungalow at 25th and Killings- worth, t inched ui old Ivorr and white. Own er on premises today. FOR SALE by owner, modem bungalow, hard wood 'loora. Dutch kitchen. Mt Tabor ear line. Call at 2198 E. Morrison. 5 jTOOM nndern buntrslow en corner. $3300, 1296 E. Salmon. Tabor 8621. BEAU ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 1 HEBE'S BIO NEWS For th fcomeaeeker. Every one a fin borne for the prica.. Titles perfect or money re funded, $1025 Near Peninsula park, 9 nn., lights, gas, water, whita enameled kitchen, 50x100 lot, fruit, berries, chicken house, woodshed, garage, 4 blks (4 - John's car, close Je'feraoo and Ockley Green schools ; $200 cash, bal. easy. $1650 Monta villa. 6-rm. cottage, large rma., fine kitchen, cement basement, chicken house 40 feet long, with compart ment, woodshed. 60x100 lot. some fruit and berrien; 8 blks. Manta villa car; very easy terms. $2500 Well built, fine appearing, T-rm. house, completely furnished, 61x100 bit, fruit, garden and chicken park, near grade and Franklin H. 3. ; only $2500. on terns. $3000 Hawthorne. 6-rm. dbl constructed bungalow type, extra long living nn., fireplace, paneled" dining rm., fin kitchen, extra good plnmbing, 2 fine bedrooms, sImo 4ne rm. could be made sleeping porch; this house is in first class condition and is priced way be low tta value; pared st., sewer, close in. Owner must hare one-half cash. Hustle. $3330 Near Jefferson High. 6-rm. 2-story dbL constructed residence, extra large ran., built-in bnffet. fine big kitchen. 8 light large bedrooms with ampm closet room, full basement, beautiful 50x100 lot, 5 bearing fruit tns. berries, grapes. Look at the location, 3 blks. Peninsula park. 3 blocks Jef ferson High, hi blot 8t Johns ear, 1 blk. Miss. . car; here s a downright bargain, see it at once. $1000 cash will handle. $3500 Alberta. 5-rm. bungalow type, extra well built, every room a dream, large living nn., fine fireplace, bookcase, beautiful dining room, 2 etra large bedrma, fine bath." part cement base ment, laundry trays, piped tor furnace. uuuuv east iront lot, oiock. Alberta car, 2 blks. Union are. lines; vacant; some terms. $8700 Wsverleurh' Hts., 6-rm. bungalow, fireplace, hardwood floors, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, laundry trays, 50x100 lot facing east; fruit and berries: block Richmond car, close in; $1250 cash, bal easy terms. $4000 Beautiful 8-rm. bungalow type borne, located on hard surface st, 2 blks. from 82d st, fine locality, extra large rras., beautiful woodwork fine kiMn 4 bedrooms, sewing room and den,, cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, beautiful 50x100 cor lot, 18x30 garaco. To one wanting a fine home mighty reasonable, here it fa. close Mt. Scott car and school $1000 cash, bal. terms to suit. $4460 6-rm. bungalow, located near 25th and Sandy, sleeping porch. 8 bedrm., hardwood floors, built-in buffet, bandy kitchen, full cement basement laundry trays, furnace, 60x100 east front lot, garage, st paved, sewer, block ..... Ko- City ear. $1500 cash handles. $5500 Iticht on Broadway, in Irvington. an ex bra wen bunt 2-storr 6-rm. resi dence. sWpine porch, la rue reception naU. hardwood floors, fine firoplaoe, den white enameled kitchen. 3 extra large light bedroom, with abundance of clos eta. fine attic, full ceinont bawment. furnace, laundry trays. 50x100 lot with garage. If yon are looking for an Irrington borne 1t will pay you to call ns for appointment to see this splendid bargain; some terms. T.A01,..!!L,WV, 4t "your convenience. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 TEON BLDG. THIS IS NOT A f-TTJPAPT-v urnm oTT-nr but a good substantial 2 story cottage ; 4 large rooms downstairs (1 bedroom), and two nice bedrooms and bathroom (nn ninnhin.i stairs. Cement foundation, basement, lir.. titl'ni 2tf t"nc'4: rf. b house, Urhoodit "s 7rer.cSa from c.7 vt d.l V . viucss irom car. near tisth st. and fiSth ave Mi Rntt w i. investigation. Must sell at once. ,$1500- easy terms. Phone Tabor 4 514. ON WEST LINE LAUKELHURST COR. 32ND AND EVERETT ST. 075 K EVERETT 7 RM. AUTISTIC BUNGALOW REDUCED TO $.1150 NOW VACATED FOR YOUR CONY. EASY TERMS SNAP Has furnace, water heater, range, cement basement, buffet and other built-ins, enamel plumbing. Paved Fts. and sewer paid. 2 blks car. Main 4803. Q. C. QOLDENBERG, Abington Bldg. "35 Tea.n (j, Portland." $2750 FURNISHED $800 CASH Say, Mr. Bargain Hunter, here is your chance to. get a 6 room home, 1 block to Alberta car. Living room, dining room, kitchen, bsth and 3 bedrooms. Hood base ment. All furniture, gas range, gaa heater, benting stove, nig., kitchen, uten sils, everything goes at $2750. Pay $600 eash, balance monthly. Phone owner Main 5252. VACANT IRVINGTON IMMEDIATE POSSESSION , Very attractive home in one of the finest improved sections in iTvington; T rooms u sleeping poreh, hardwood floors, furnace, ftre plare, 2 toilets and lavatories, all biiilt-ins, garage, etc. price only $5750; $2000 cash. It a a bargain and will go quick KASER 4 RAIN'EY 823-6 Gasco bldg.. Marshall 3125 ONLY $14 50 for a good 6 room house "withS lots, only 100 feet from tin Montarilla car line on E. Glisan-st. ; paved all the way to the place. There are cherry trees and other fruit in full bearing. The location is first-class close to school and stores. Only $700 cash will handle it with easy mrm'hlv payments M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. ROSE CITY BARGAIN Strictly modern mid very attractive- 6 room house; reception 1iall, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, firfplace. furnace, all built-in conveniences and lovely woodwork; located on 4 2d st, in prettiest part of park. Price $5500; terms. I.FEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. BUY A REAL HOME With an income and apartment house service, two family flat building, with 3 room basement apt which I ive free for janitor serrice. One flat rents for $50; this an ideal proposition; will sell for less than it coit to build; with or without furniture. Call at 126 E. 34th. or phone Tabor 51 h.S. REAL nice bungalow in Irvington park, 50100. east front lot, garage, music room, fireplace! bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitchen, laundry room, 2 lik'ht bedrooms, linen eloset hath- r,riA MAIN 3787. SUNN Y SIDE BUNGALOW $ 1 SOlT Neat 5 room plastered bunualow, 33 1-3x100 lot. fireplace, lull basement, located at 916 E. Morrison st. near 3Utli. $500 cash, $25 monthly. This place is not on a paved street, has no hardwood floors, built-in pianos, but has real value. I'rcd V. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce; open JSundajs and evenfhgs. HAWTHORNE SNAP Hawthorne, 6 room bungalow house, garage, located at 269 45th st. Go look at this bar gain ami see us. WRIGHT JACQUES. 417 Abington Bide. Main 5988. Sell. 1355. NEAR PENINSUUA PARK Well built 5 room w:tli floored attic, hardwood floors, bookcases, buffet. Dutch kitchen, high grade plumb. nc, 4 block to car; prices $3350. $1000 cash, balance monthly. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 033 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 3787. IRVINGTON HOME Now bnilding 6-room bungalow; will be ready in 6 weeks; will have all modern ap pointments, and garaze; don t overlook the op portunity to secure this for yourself before taken. GODDARD ft WIEDRICK, 243 Stark st 5-ROOM modern .bungalow. hardwood floors, fireplace, ail built-in con veniences, full cement basement, full lot, trees and roses, ebickenhouse and runs, Mt. Tabor car. $2800: terms. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO.. 24 8 Stark st Main 54 29. FIA'E rooms and plastered attic. 80x100 lot, fruit and shrubbery, block to car, 4 to school, Dutch kitchen, wood floor m basement, cement fruit room. $2300. $500 cash, $25 per Lmontii, including interest JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. RANK BLDG. MAIN 3787. MURRAYMEAD IMMEDIATE I'O.-TSLeisloN Strictly modern 8-room residence, beautifully finished; hardwood noors. fireplace and hot water heat A real bargain at $6250. v GODDAED ft WIEDRICK, 243 Stark st. ROSE CITY, and ready to move into; 6-room and sleeping porch, full basement, furnace and fire place, hardwood floors, eat front, in beet part of R. C. $4500. Phones Woodlawn 834 and Woodlawn 2741, -evenings. 6 ROOM modern bungalow, 4 full lots, fruit and berries; large modern chickenhpuses, ideal place. A-l condition, $4000, $1000 cash. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO. 248 -Stark st Main 6429. $3250 100x100 $500 Fine 2 story modern home, beautiful grounds, 3 blks. from Alberta car on 14 th st Good value in this. It. F. Feemster, 809 Abing- tnrf bldg. ROSE CITY PARK bungalow, 386 E. 46th .. 1 blks. south of Sandy bird. ; 6 rooms, modern, 'finished in old ivory, fireplace, furnace, cement basetii-nt 'ml p-reli; a and ready; fsrag; see this today. East 2871. ftFAU ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 6-ROOM bouse, garage sod sleeping porch; with full complement of buiii-in. ex cellent woodwork; p4pc' for furnace: in Rose City Park district, 2 blocks from Sandy boulevard $3000; .term. -room cottage, corner lot 8O1IOQ with modern plumbing, on Ainsworth; this is bargain. Price $2790; terms. West aide, furnished bungalow, hard wood floors and sleeping porch, lot ap praised at $6006; house cannot be dupli cated for $10,500; will sell for $11,500. or will sell house and furniture separate and give 20-year lease on lot; beautiful view, rose; owner must leave city on 'account of business. 1 Call On TJ. H. H. URDAHL CO., Inc. Main 6252. $22 Abington bldg. WAKEFIELD FRIES ft CO., 8 4th st We have several attractire booses and bungalows in Hawthorne, Rose City Park and other part of the city that can be purchased on easy terms; term $500 down and $25 per month. Why pay rent when you can buy a home with the same amount of ex pense T Come in and let as show you. WAKEFIEIJ3 FRIES CO.. 85 4th st 8OTJTH PORTLAND On 8d at, near Lincoln, choice 50x100 lot, 6 room house, good condition, on car line, 7 minutes from heart of city. Must sell immediately. Don't wait. WAKEFIELD FRIES ft CO., 85 4th st $3W CASH$23W Piedmont Car Barn 2 M blocks from M-A car. near Alberta, 4 rooms, on 100x100, with dogwoods and firs. Do a little tuning up and make $500 803 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 2F193. DON'T FAILTb LOOK THIS UP 54 acre farm, located at Eagle Creek, on Estacada carline. 25 miles from Portland. 22 cleared, 10 acre easy cleared, rest pasture land, 800 full bearing fruit trees; good 5 room house; good barn, 2 chicken houses. The owner is sick and must sell, his loss, your gain. The price is only $4250, half cash, rest lone time. WRIGHT JACQUES. 417 Abington bldg. Main 6888. Selh1355. COOK AVENUE HOME Modern 6 room two story house on Cook avenue near Williams avenue, is nicely .finished baa furnace, cement floor in basement, wash trays and many other mod"rn conveniences. Price Only $3450. $600 Cash. Balance Like Rent J. F. HILL 696 Williams Avenue East268. IF YOU WANT A BARGAIN READ THIS: 7 rooms, $1250, $200 down, $25 per mo. 7 rooms, $1250 $200 down. $25 per mo. 8 rooma. $1250;- $200 down, $23 per mo. This property is located right ou Russell st. Just think, it is walking distance. If you want a good home for a little money don't fail to see this. WRIGHT JACQUES. 417 Abinstton bldg. Main 6988. Sellwood 1355. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS $600, lot 60x100, hardsurface streets, sewer, gaa, fine view. Must sell. WAKEFIELD FRIES ft CO.. 85 4th st ONLY $2800 buys a very nice 5 room hoi. e, close in on E. 37th st-This is in the Sunny eide district and close to carline. The house has a full cement basement, small furnace heated hv ffiLs rsrlialAirs. This orouerty is offered at a low price considering its location. About half cash will handle it M. J. CLOlitsa 1, abi?u TON BLDG. IRVINGTON SNAP $94 50 Substantial borne, modern in every respect oak floors, beamed ceiling, elegant condition, and in restricted district A home to be proud of. Photos at office; will be pleased to show you. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. BANK BLDtL MAIN 3787. ONLY $900 in cash acciuirea this valuable in side city property. It is a corner lot with a very substantial well-constructed o room Douse. This property is located on 15 th and E. Salmon sts., and it is being offered for less than half its true value. Call at the office snd ascertain the particulars concerning this property. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABIN 01 TON BLDG $4100 Five rooms, sleeping porch and breakfast room. fumace. fireplace, hardwood floors; location Overlook. For terms call at 107 Shaver st, or phone Woodlawn 202. OGDEN ft GRAVELLE. 4 ROOMS, bath and sleeping porch, eftnenl basement lot 90x100. Price $1750. Terms. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO.. 248 Stark st Main 5429. OR SALE LOTS I EASTERN lady, owning lot 12. block 4, Seventh Street Teiraces, 4 5x100 feet, mu-t sell and veil! accept the highest clsh bid made Thj lot has positively the best view In all Portland, having two frontages, and only 20 minutes' walk from Morrison and Broadway. Also for sale. Oiegon timber land, see advertisement in .today s psper. Address Zella B. Uaynes. Smiths Grove, Ky PORTLAND HEIGHTS The choicest corner, 85x100, on Elm st. suitable for high class apartments, one of tbe few corners left in this district Lew prices for short time only. HITTER. LOWE ft CO 201-3-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MT. TABOR-ONLY $375 Fine view lot, 60 feet frontage on Improved E. Burnside st, on Mt Tabor. Pretty trees; lays fine; wonderful view; convenient to car and boulevard; all liens paid; Kaser ft Rainey, 823-6 Gasco bldg. Marshall 3125. REWARD OFFERED $25 reward for th first arrest and convic tion of any person carryim: away, destroying or mutilating any of our "For Sale" signs in Irvington or other districts. HITTER. LOWE ft CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. S9 DOWN. $0 MONTHLY Splendid 100x100, near 7th st. viaduct Total price, $360. This property was taken by foreclosure and wo have no u-e for it. Fred German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. Oitn Sundays and evening IRVINGTON Between E. 11 Hi snd E. '24th. TI lie mock, and Fremont, lots $1200 to $2500. All improve ments in and paid; evergreen shade trees; easy terms. RITTERi LOWE CO. 201-3-5-7 ioard of Trade Bldg. SALE Lot 23 and 2C ."block 32. Hyd FOR SALE Lots' 23 and 2C. block 32. Hyde Park, Rose City car to 72d st. go 1 block north, on east side of st. , lots between two nifty bungalows, $275 cash or 5300. $200 j down, $100 in 6 mo. Address dd houth Graud ave.. Long Bear . IF you ever expect to live in Irvington, you should secure lot now. We re selling the remaining portion at low prices and attractive terms. BITTER, LOWE ft CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LAURELHURST LOT A real snap t $1200 cash. Everything paid: cheapest Irit in the addition: near Park and 39tht H. G. Child. Main 6244. SACRIFICE Lot in Overlook and Capitol "HiiU See me at Paulson's. 5335 87th it., S. E., Sunday and Monday. Neiien, owner. Tabur 1392. SACRIFICE Lot in Overlook and Capitol 1111. See me at Paulson's, 5335 87tu st fi. E.. Sunday and Monday. Nielsen, owner. Tabor 1878. GOOD lot in Irvington, Laurelhurst and West moreland, for sale cheap and for trade for automobile. Webster Kincaid, 626 Henry bids. Phone Main 4735. WILL build to suit on lot 1. bloock 11, Men tone. Large comer lot 59tli ave. and 99th t S. E. Call 407 Fenton bldir.. weekdays. 100x120 CORNER. th and Harrison st. Ore gon City, lots of fruit Pric $1200; terms. East 6779. TO BUY or sell vacant lot see JOHNSON DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. FOR SALE 60x120 ft lot. choice location. for $250 cash, at Maplewood sts., on Ore gon Electric Call Columbi 448. CHOICEuildTng lot in Denrer are., near Kilf- ingswortb; sidewalk, water, electricity and gas; .sacrifice for $350: terms. Wdln. 5068. 2 FULL lots, 60x100. no incumbrances, $400 each or $750 for both, terms. A. J. I'ep ping, 4 339 New teed ave., St Louis. Mo. 50x100 CORNER lot. East S3d st N. and Prescott st Sacrifice, $600. Asses, paid. Tabor 9885. ' FINE-EaTT, Hose City' Park, for sale cheap. Es-y tmns. Phone East 8. SACRIFICE Choice east front Overlook lot, $750; only $400 cash. Owner, Main 7636. CHEAPEST 100x100 corner lot in Irvington park, 3 tat and Janet st FOR-SALE Very choice lot in OrerlooanLui owner. Marshall 1133. REAL ESTATE -a. FOR RAI.F LOTS) S3 DOWN: BALANCE EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS 60 X 117 FT. BEAUTIFUL LOTS NORTH BEND, COOS BAY (Th City of Opportunities t -North Bend has mills, factories, shipyard and many ether industries that give the city a large payroll. Timber, coal and an ideal climate are factors In c.ty building and North ' Bend is bless, d with abundant natural resource REAL ESTATtt IS ACTIVE IN NORTH BEND We are placing on the market a few well located lots. Only a few to sell your oppor tunity. Let us tell you about them. Call or write for booklet THE INTERSTATE INTESTMENT CO. 410 Henry Bldg. Portland Ore. DO YOO WANT A $9m LOT FOR 3? If you want to make a buy for which you pay 33 cent for $1.00 worth, investigate this proposition. We are closing -out the unsold lots in Swinton Addition without regard to former price, as the Swinton Land Cbmpany bare decided to dispose of them at onca They are exceptionally well located, convenient to Port- laud Center, Vancouver, 8t Johns, Kenton and the water front Remember our offer $000 lot, now $300, $30 cash, $6 mouther. yon save xoou. investigate. JOHN SON -DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. OUR LOY BARGAINS The following price include all city lien paid: LAURELHURST ; $900 ALAMEDA PARK. 800 ROSE CITY 850 LRVINOTON DISTRICT 650 BEAUMONT 750 KENTON CAR 800 ST. JOHNS CAR 250 WEST SIDE ;a 700 JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bklg. , Main 3787. ROSE CITY PARK LOT East front Corner 50x100. All improvements in. 3 blocks to car. .Fine location for a home. Price $1000. J. L. Hartman company, 7 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Main 2 0. I HAVE 2 lots. 50 by 100. at 26th. Jut off Knott st This is very, choice and I will sell cheap with some down. bal. monthly, or take auto in trade. See owner at 5H8 E. 26tU st East 6559. ACREAGE 67 READ THIS CAREFULLY WE MEAN IT. We have been instructed to sacrifice this im proved property for one reason only: the owner eennot occupy it longer and ia taking his loss for quick action. Just think of it, 8H acres under high state of cultivation, with lots of fruit and berries; right at the station on Ore gon Electric and only a few blocks off Pacific ltiphway; good buildings and fine well of water. Cost the owner $6500 and will sell it for only $4250 if sold within the next few day. He needs the money. KASER ft RAINEY, 823-0 Cssco hklti Marshall 8125. MOLLALA BOTTOM LAND 20 acres unimprored, very easily cleared, stumps off for. ship knees, some buildings, on county road, 1 '.4 miles east of Mollala, pric $1500; $550 cash. ALSO 20 acre unimproTcd land 00 county road, 2 H miles south Magers, down Columbia river, price $750; terms ALBERT HARALA 122 N. 6th St ACREAGE . WITH EQUIPMENT' 10 acres, locaU'd on hard suriaced road, 4 miles from B envoi-ton. All good land. Small amount under cultivation. All. can bf culti vated Good 4-room h'Hiie. with sttic: framo construction and painted. Barn, chicken house and woodshed. Price $1650, with horse, har ness, w .g.m, cow, hog, 30 chickens; $800 cash. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. SNAP ON EASY TERMS I am offering on Kajt Stark . treet this side of 60th st.. a beautiful piece of ground 00x260. Hard sunace, sewer and sidewalks) all in and paid for. Place now in hearing fnjit of all kinds and berries. $1200 is the price and it can be oougrit on e..-.y tf.-rrns. E. HOWARD, 31 S Chamber omraTce. CHICKEN RANCH 5 acres, all cleared, goi-d new 5 -room fum Ldied lioue, ne.w barn, chic-ken and - brooder h nw, go.,d joung horse, new harness, 390 W. I chicken-, price for all $8500. terms. 16 miles out Albert Uarala, 122 N. Gth; st. CI SEI Nl MlTt"V Eli At f IEAGE " .tt, ...t, aiu cuiec- tion. Some on improved roads, wdth buildings We now have irver 300 placei. Any direc- and orchards. Soma cloe to cluctrtfc transport tion. All iersonsily inspected, appraised and photographed. Photos at office. Four efficient a!jnien with autoii. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg 3 ACRES. ALL CULTIVATED Near electric R. H. station, adjoining city limit, good orchard, 6 room house, bam, woodshed, root cellar, etc. Price $2400. TUCKER & SHRECK 502 Spalding bldg. CLOSE TO DEPOT. IN TIGARD i Over 3 acres, all under cultivation,, excep tionally fine soil. Crt?k, well, 6 room plas tered house, with bath loom, chicken house and bam. Clos to pavement Price $2090. $1190 cash, balance long time at 6 per cent Pernon uliy in pect"d. Photo at office. John Ferguson, Gerlinccr bids. ONLY $300 00 DOW N 2 AI RES 17 MINUTES, OUT $1250.00 buys 2 choice acres only 17 mln-uti-s fr.ini the city. Remember 2 city lots will cost that much or more. On macadam mad, 8 "blocks, to car. Be. t kind of soil. $300 down. Drainer & i'siway, 526 Chamber'of Commerce. 4 ACRES $6dM) 27 mile from Portland, fraall cabin, some fin timber, loins good farm, spring creek, close to ( -school and neighbors. $100 cah, balanee to unay, :ia ltauway txenange hldg. LOGGED OFF LANDS Tracts a5 acren up. located within 80 miles of Portland, on railroad; good soil, no rock, plenty of water; work; buy on vcur own terms. LEUDDEMANN CO., 913 Chamber of Commerce. 10 ACREfs AT JENNE STATION $5000 All In cultivation snd easily irrigated as .lonr.son cnen runs tnrougn. jiany ocaurttul buildinr sites GOHDARD lETiRICK. 243 Stark ft. 10O ACRE O. ft C. RELINQUISHMENT. S8 miles from Portland; land easily cleared, sTiriiig creek; will make a fine stock ranch; AtX soil. Price $160. Bundy, 215 Railway Ex change bids. $300 CASH, bal of $1000 payable $20 month ly, including interest 6 per cent; acre land, bungalow, garage, chicken bouse, 2 blocks Jen nings Lodge station. Oregon City car. Ask for Meyers. ARE YOU Lxikirg for one or two acres near Metzzer. 25 minutes' ride: running stream all year; ckfee to school and stores. X-4S5, Jour til 12 ACRES ON E 82D $3800 AH in cultivation, including cherry orchard In -fine condition. GODDARD ft WncriRICK. 248 Stark . $T2 60 PER ACRE S7 acre logged off land near station; soil, lies well, owner. Tabor 8824. good FOR SALE by owner, 5 acres, large hoiu. furnished, garage. 160 chicken, 'i cows. 1 pig. 7 miles from Portland. D-453, Journal. FROM 1 to 8 acres extra choice land for sale, near the Hawthorne tine; come and see it Amanda 14 Ifwier. 1S6Q Division st. - j 120 ACRES in Clark Co.. on county road, -fine creek, fir and cedar tree and farm land, $20 per acre; terms. 1296 E. Salmon. Tab. 8621. FOR ' Oregon City line acreage, improved or unimproved, see John Brown, 124 Hallway Exchange bldg. Marsh II S881. 40 ACRES level land, 9 mile from Interstate bridge, only $75 per acre; investigate, i. R. Wolff, 228 Henry bMg. ' $1800 buys 40 acres of good land near Mo UHa; about 25 a. in cult , on rounly foad; terms. J. R. Wolff. 228 Henry bids. i REAL ESTATE ACREAGE . S725 18 mile tram Portland, ase ft Boom oabln. S acres slashed. 7 acre easy cleared, spring and creek. A-l soil, close to neighbors and school, $226 .eash, balance 8 years at 6. 40 ACRES; $1000 - S3 miles from Portland, on rock road, 4 res in cultivation. 10 acres bottom land, fine creek. Thia is a anp, $350 cash, balance to suit. 40 ACRES, $1200 32 miles from Portland. 2 mile from elo- trio line, fine soil. $200 cash, balance to salt 40 A. Easy Terms, $1000 . 86 mile from Portland. 20 acres almost cleared and ready for th plow, good spring, fin for stock, $350 cash. 40 A. .3000. Easy Terms 24 miles from Portland. 83 acre in cultiva tion, fine spring, old bouse, $1000 cash, bal. to suit BCNDT. 215 Railway Exchange Bldg. SPORTSMAN'S PARADISE For $480 on terms of $50 cash and 610 monthly you cap buy 35 acres of stump land having a frontage on the Cow lit river, about 11 mile from Yscolt Wash. If you wish to establish a little bunting lodge, her la the place. Fish and game of all kind abound In this sec tion. If tbe contemplated water power project goes through this prrgwrty should be worth thousand of doliaT instead of hundreds. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. EiTUA CHOICE, highly lmproreJ 12 acres, including complete act ot good buildings, fin water system and also running water, abundance of fruit berries, etc.. and is located in fine clos in district in sight of Portland. Property nnin- cbmbered, well stocked and equipped, a positive bargain at $8000, on term to suit liars similar proposition of about one-half Oils is for little more than half this price, and also many other good and attractive propositions. IHlAh.. 1 202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. CHICKEN RANCH 12 H seres near Amity, Yamhill county, about 10 acre In cultivation, spring; 2 acres In tim ber, woven wire fence, school across the road. good sou; Iiznu, 30U down, Dai o per cent 10 acres close to Amity, part enlt, fine run ning water, enough timber on the place to pay for same; fins view; $1000. $200 down, bal. $100 per year. 6 per cent Sea-Wood Realty Co. 8 Chamber of Commerce. 10 ACRE'S PLASTERED HOlJSE CROP $3500 Located 16 miles from Portland, land lays fine. 8 acre in crop, good plastered house, painted inside and out, good barn and chicken bouse, spring water In barn yard, weP at home, all fenced and cross fenced; paved road to Portland except It miles. Pries $3600; reasonable terms, LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 813 Chamber of Commerce. ACREAGE 10 acres near Tigard, all under cultivation, fenced, well and everlasting spring, good or cliard: 4 room bouse, good barn; near Capitol highway. In fact a very complete and attractive home in a splendid settlement Price $3500; $600 cash and balance on easy term. TUCKER ft SHRECK, 502 8paldlug bldg. Main 881. Cheap Chicken 'Ranch 6 acres, 6 blocks from Durham station. Ore gon Electric. 12o fare. 2 acres under eullivs tion, balance rocky land In pasture, but can le cleared. 4 room house, good well Urge barn, chicken house snd runways. County road. Rural route. Price $1290. $540 cash, balance long iin,. . , a nAr .i' Vwn'iUa CiUniipr 1 bldg. A FAT CIIANCE Fifty-seven acres of land near Cberryville. with over one half million feet of cedar, be sides some first growth fir. A big' shingle mill will soon be started nearby, so that this cedar can soon be sold. Price $2500; will take suto as part pay. Also 80 acres. 16 acres cleared, 16 more easily cleared. Good barn, fair house and bearing orchard. Price $4000. Will Uke auto part pay. F. P. AveneU Cberryville. Or. I AM offering for sale 1 beautiful view acre located near Evergreen station, Oregon City car line; small house of 2 rooma, good wetl, city gas, outbuildings and a number of fruit trees. The price ts only $1280. $260 will handle. JOHN E. HOWARD, 818 Chamber of Commerce. 6 8-10 ACRES. 300 feet east of Wilson, on Estacada line; also faces Foster road. 2 miles east of tenia Junction; 2d bonse east of ce ment bridge. All in cultivation; no rock; Johnson creek goes through th place. 120 bearing fruit trees, acre of berries, grapes, currants, 1 14 acre spuds. . 1 acre sweet corn, 4 room hou-e, 8 chicken houses, barn, other build ings. Sacrifice on account of sickness. FOR QUICK BALE I am offering 8 acre, ail in cultivation, with 8-room bouse, barn, chirk en house, fruit trees and berries, on fine auto road, 9 miles east of city, close to oar. Price only $2350. $800 will handle. JOHN E. HOWARD. R 1 8 Chamber of Commerce. FOR-SALEAcre tract close to PortUnd;-4 room house, chicken park, woodshed, garage; mftht consider team of horses and good milch rows np to $500 or $600, bL cash. B 10, Journal. ONE acre eat of Mt Tabor, beariug fruit trees; can be bought cheap. Call Tabor 1711. SCBIRBAN ACHEAfJE 7$ PORTLAND HEIGHTS ACRE Beautiful sightly acre. 4 block Council Crest ear. face on paved street; city water, electric Bglits, no liens: not a foot of rough land, "prac tically all duo red, no stumps; very wide extenive view $2500 takes It If sold within next few days. Call 823 Gasco bldg.. or phone S123. 81'BVBHAW HOMV- 7 -OUT Council Crest way, on the west side, a neighbor to the Wilcox maguuiceui coumry home, on good roads, in the coming blab class suburban home district, with one of hose rare i y.Tn qt tile Tusiaun vauey. nn i. o tXVautiful acres of land in garden and orchard .1,. Jh owner desires to give away, as t&at is what it means when we quote th pric for this admirably situate-!,- constantly increasing in value property. Only $12,000 buys all of tills place and the owner being a woman with no means to further Improve and BsMples to caro or work the place, is Inclined to accept for all or a part of this purchase price houses in Irvington or Ijiurellnirst. Bring in your proposition. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTNJiD' 'j ON THE Oregon City carlihe. right at Jen nings Lodge Here are 4 big acres of land, cultivated in the best possible shape, w! ' 1 large assortment of fruit in full bearing. ' this land gov a six room modern hou. full cement basement It has runninii v.i.f, gas and electricity. The plumbing t of the best porcelsin. The owner has good reason tor selling and offers this place for at least $4000 less than its real worth. $2000 In cash will lian dle it M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. "ATTRACTIVE SKVEN ROOM BUNGALOW latrge bungalow, ziripiacc, guuu piuuium, water system, 1 acre In fruit trees, applj, peam. peaches and grape arbor. Located convenient to Oregon Electr station. 12c commutation fare County road. Exceptionally fmo place. Photo at office. Personally inspected Price 2800. half eash. It would cost $4000 to build this bungalow today. John Ferguson, Ocrun ger bldg. . TIGARD ON THE PAVEMENT t big acre all in fruit, 70 Spitzenberg ap iIa. it vaafi old. 30 other apple trees, cherries. t'ums and berries. Nice grounds. 6 room bunga low, good plumning. rmil oaseroeuv. nir tem Large chicken house for 1500 chickens. Garage. Price J000. $1500 cash. Personally inspected. J','5fl,i?0"i. rUnger bldg ONLY $3300 for all of this 11 big scree of land; the hind lies level and is located on the Powell Valley and Tmutdale road; Our ts a young oreliatd of a well selected variev" of fruit; there is a large chicken house; there are 9 acres of the 11 well cultivated: everything on the place goes for tbe price. M. J. CLO HFSSY. AB1XOTOW BLDG. BETWEEN 82D AND GRE8HAM 685 acres, 400 cleared, balance rough pasture land. 2' good house, spring wster, 3 barns, bog and chicken bouse, silo and farm imple ments, an abundsnce of fruit Will sell all or pi rt Phone Tabor 2240. 103$ Oregon st. ONLY $120O boys a out little bungalow of 3 rooms ; with the bungalow goes more than H of an acre of land and the apple crop on the place should fill 200 box: the buns low. hss such conveniences s city water, s, etc. $6O0 csi, will banal tt. M. J. CIAUHC8ST. ABING TON BLDG 13 ACRES On north side highway. Rich sou, peaentifnl grove native trees; spring water piped. Colum bia river cloae; convenient drive to eltyv A. K. Hill Co.. 21 Mimoermsn oiag. FOB SALE A good 10 room bou. also pantry snd bath snd 8 1-S acres of land. 8 acre of this is good bottom tend, located on a railroad in a good little town, for $2500. House cost- this amount itself. Ralph Ha man, Buxton, Or. ; NEW 4 room plastered bouse and H acre st Stanley 'station, $1700; or 1 V acres, same, with bam and creek, $2500. Pnon Sellwood m and Miller. res with 1714. SIX acres with 5 room bungalow, only J. ciocxs from Ramapo station. Young orchard and berries. Oarsge. $500 will handle. .qODPABD ft WIEI-tUCK. 24 8 Btark et 6 ROOM bouse.-. 00x1 00 cor., 2 block from depot in Comclms, at sacrifice price; 11300. Terms. J. R. Wolff. 228 Henry bldg. 11FAT, ESTATE SlBI'RBAJf IIOMK THE MOST IDEAL PLACE ,. ' FOB BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL MEN For a suburban home, close In. na th river. ' on th west aide, ia in GLEN MORRIS. where yon can plrnio In the big orchards and i turner ua oss ana luun trees 01 Ulen-: " morrie and enjoy the wonderful view of moun tain and river. Thar will be no aaleameri there (o bother you. W want son to know how beautiful it I ' and fliat it 1 highly developed with fine roads. " orchard and carefully parked woods, and to sea the fine home which have been built It . has been subdivided into tract of 1 si tot acre with restriction requiring residence shal cost not less than $3500. The rout of th Pacific highway from Oswego has bean changed so that it runs through th center bf Glen morrie, th grading ha been finished and -paving will be don ear.? next summer, giving a paved road all the way and only a 35-nlnute drive. Drive an oyer it on it fine road -and if any tract appeals to you w will be pleased to quote you a bargain price, as we are instructed to close out the rmaining tract at a big as. rifice. Beautiful tract a low as $1000 par : acre. Drive out today er any time yon lik. fl out either Macadam or Corbett street along tb river road to Oswego- through Oswego and eras bridge, 160 yard beyond bridge, turn to right, at Glenmorrl sign, which is the beginning of Glenrnorrie. Drive through tile entire property . to th top of th hill and you will be repaid by enjoying the most wonderful view in Oregon. " KASER & RAIN'EY. 828-6 Gasco bldg. Marshall 1135. ON THE Columbia bonlevsi,!. inside th cltf of Portland, close to the cat line and close to th big works are about 4 Va big acres of land, and now listen to what there Is on It About half of this la devoted to fruit alone. All of it in fuJ bearing, all of it in the best variety. A commercial orchard where th cherry crop alone this year sold for more than $1000. -There are ie.ars. prunes, plumbs, uulne In , larg quantity. There will be more then 800 boxes of the Bpltxenbura apples on this place t son to be hsrnUrd fits fall. There s a, r good substantial low c of room, uiodsrn; has full cement basement, furnace, wash trays, bath, toilets, gas and electricity, city water; ill fact ; everything you have in the city this place con- , j tains. It is offered at a gnat bargain, and it Is in the locality where sinal lot have sold for $700 per lot The price Is the smallest and should be worth more than the price w ask, say nothing of tbe buildings, fruit or other improvements. Only $12,000 buy this place and places the buyer in the most iadepepdent pontion; $5000 in csh will handle it M. J. CIAH1ES8Y, ABINGTON BLDG. , OUT RIVEKDAI E WAY on the river front on, the wtvt ede, right at the station y , here ere f"o bl( acre of hind improved aa you would want it to make it one of those 1 superb 11 t ul rustic places. It has enough of He niv hot quality of fruit of dlffemut var 1 uc In full bearinl for family use. It ha 11 1 . i'.ioi t'.mt of Uie rarest natural shrubbery v.hic'i l -unifies this magnifiemit river bom to fie i' r ct taste of those who love the natural. AM right, we havn been talking about the land; ti' r- U on tliis land one of those coxy 7 -room Inn ig -lows with all the modem city- conv-nlenoeiH U'isetlier with one of those charming fireplace. Yo.i have in this place, combined the river front -home, the city home, the home located 00 Pined highway as well as being right at th 1 il,,u and v well as being surrounded on all it ts Tiew and nn residential aooaev. Tl wonder is tliat thta tilace is offered for aip m ru. 01117 uirn- . i.-i a hhw platns It alL It belongs th a lady who lis !"cn recently left a widow snd is nnsble 1o earn for the plae. Th price for all of t)it Is only $6500, $8000 cash, the balance on easy terms. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG, RIGHT AT RIYERDALE. -lose to the rtrer In' one of tbe best suhnrban district lut oen sidn of the city on the w-st side, tn a srer highly Improved neighborhood where all of Ui improvements are of positively Uie best char acter. Here is a big one halt acre of land with a aix-room house; this house is modern enough for any person and as much so a the average suburban borne In an exclusive district ears ho found. It has running water, bath. trrll"U, lavatory of porcelain; it has gas nd electricity. A nice assortment of fruit for family usei In bearing. It location Is sulwrb. Now,, then, all of you People who desire to reside In Uie RtverfUle district on tb west side on the Red car line with fine ear service, rim to the river, here 1 what you hare been looking for st a eery moderate price. Only $4 600 takes the whole works; $2000 rash is all you need, the belaneo you can have plenty time. M- J- CIWE8SY, ABINGTON BLPO. ON-THE Lak road, on the paved lilgliwayj you cannot g-t off tin road from th busi ness center to the place. Hers r mure then 8 Vt acre of land, all in orchard and garden: the grapes and other fruits on this plane should pay the entire purchase price in three years: them are substantial buildings of the old vintage very comfortable to live in. Th house' can have all of the city conveniences, such a city water, gas and electricity. H Is clone -to schools and high schools, close enough to th carline, , and Its location is th best In Milwauki from a view point To b brief, this place belongs to a widow who ran neither cultivate, harvest or care for tbe place in any sense of the word, therefore, she offer It fur sale for about half of its true value. Come around aud determine the price. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. ONLY $5500, and where can you get anything like this! 1 H acres of land, no richer soil to be found, on the river road and paved highway you might i-ay. You go to It all the distance on such a road. Close to the Oregon City car line, not any further out than Oak Grove, close to the river, highly Improved, fruit in. abund ance for a dozen families. With this goe a practically new 7 room bungalow with sleeping porches, fireplace, all of th city conveniences, such as running water, gas and electricity. There is a bam, garaue. chicken houses; everything goes for the price. About $2500 In cash will put you Into posbesslun of this beautiful subur ban home. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. , ONLY $5500 buys this high class suburban boma. on the west side out on th Capitol Liigki way. only 3 blocks from a station with S cent carfare. Here you have it. a most modern H room house, very substantially built with all of the f xiiigs which go with an up-to-date city . home such a hot water heat, city Water, gas,' electricity, fireplace, a full cement basement with a full complement of up to date plnmbing: then 4tr lota of land, its location is superb, af superD, ajr untsim) vO ly 17 miV fording a view unsurpassed of mount valley. This suburban h.,me is only iites' ride from Olds. Wormian ft King's store; $2500 in ca-sb is all you need to talk a boat it M. J. ClAHIESSY, A ft INGTON BLDG. ' HERE Is "tie with 25 big acre of land. 2i acres in high state of cultivatkm. This plsce Is located in Grosham district; there la a 4 -room boue. witli ivther neeertMsry buddings, and yos hav all of this for the pric: 4 at res in pota toes, 24 tins of hay. 1 Vi acres In Itubhera squash, 2 acres of corn, two cows, 1 team . horses, wagons and all of th farm Implements; there are two acre of orchard on this place. It is all loentM in the nuht direction Slid It means to the man that buys" an independent living with an everlat-ting Income. The price is only $9500; libcml teflns given. M. 4.. CLQHl.gHY. ABINGTON BLlL - $4800 FOR an aire and 6 room bungalow with 31 apple,, 20 cherry, 6 walnut trees, quinces, prunes, plums and 'apricots, grape and berries, on Powell Valley, near E. 89th. This is a rare opportunity, with all bearing fruit, and only $1000 casb, bal. monthly; about $200 worth of apiie on the place at present No ptiou call on this. F. L. 51920 Ry. Exch. ONLY $1800 for a big H acre of land out on the Capitol bitchway, close to the station, close to the city school, close to two boule vards, only 1.5 minute' ride, from tise bum nes center with 5c car fare; there is a good uhitr.ntial 4 room house, barn and chicken h'ru.r, a variety of fruit coming into bearing. This bouse ha city water, gas, etc. Only $700 in cash i all you need. M. J. CLOHESSX, ABINGTON BLDG ONE of the finest places In Oak Grove, Port land's best suburbs. A 5 -room house Uh gsrage, on a large corner lot, near the station. This place is modern in every way; bath, full basement, large attic, gas and electric service. Just off the hard surface street; terms. Un furnished. $4000. Compltely fnrnl-hed, in cluding piano, $5300; $2000 cash will hsndl this. See Krum at Oak Grove, or phon Oak Grove 154 W. FOB SALE Double . constructed bungalow, 4 rooms and bath, modern plumbing, septic tank, full cement basement, -with cement floor; electric lights, gas, water, modern chicken hou,'. barn, 2 lot 60x120 each; 18 fruit tree; plenty of berry bushes of all kinds; close -to school, postoffice and store: 6 minute' walk to Maplewood station, on O. E., 18 minute out, for $2250. Some terms, by owner. Al'o Jersey cow snd 2 tons of hay. H. Olson. ONLY $15(50 for i acre of bund, the very ' richest kind of soil, only 4 blocks from tts station end car line; there Is a 8 -room house, nut entirely finished, but a good substantial Item to move into. If you haven't th cask) to pay e will Uke anthing of the above slue you offer in trade. Wesild prefer an aiitnmohile truck of two tons capacity. M. J. CLOHESSY, . ABINGTON BLDG. ONLY $.'i000 for 25 acre of land close in on the Etacada car line. 1 7 acre of this land , is hi full cultivation; there Is a large orchard , with a- well selected vsriety of fruit In full , bearing; there is a bouse, bant and chicken bouse; plenty of water on the place, aod road leading to it, the entire distance. $2000 cash will handle it M J CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. .. --, ,. , S'ACRES ground and 6 rosea honse, all Kind of- fruit lily pond, nursery, Courtney station, Oregon City tine. Oak Gror 29 W. Keaaonabl price. ,