"js-j ' UiMu'i -,!-. . J ivii -.""" a- U .CT'. a. U, oUKurkl "" ." t- ii I . j , .:' i. i. iuij i- JS. A", iii-. TOO LATE TO CtASSFFT BOSK .CITY PARK. $4250 f ' IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ' - Par (000 cub and move In taumt. This i hands-m 7 room 3 etory boas with 4 big living loom, fireplace, all built-in, fall ce ment basement, high (rad f umsce. Located on aved street, close la car. Phone (or auto to tali you wit, COB A. McK&NKA 6 CO. Main 4622. 4th at. Board of Tradejbjdg. 11 LACKELHCBST" AXD EOSE CITT PABK HOMES yi nave aoma art? beautiful bunglnw and home in tbaaa districts. For $3950 we hare a modern 0 room boom on which the owner will adbept f 500 down. Another 0 room bouse with 2 fireplaces, furnace, garage, pared atreet; ean be bought for $460. One of the prettiest 8 room bungalows hare ever seen i prieed at 14760. We are anxious to ahow you out lutings la Rom City Park, Laurelhunt and Irv ingtoa. Just phone Main 4523 and we'll call for you at any time to suit your convenience. COS A. McKENNA A CO. Main 4629. 69 4th st. Board of Trade bide. HURST BUNGALOW- -fOSOO Tliki ia .rally beautiful, 6 room bungalow borne; we believe you'll like it The Urine room ta unusually large. Tbere are two lane bedroom and one smaller. Tbere are hard wood (loon in main rooms. Tbere ia an art istic fireplaee, a handsome buffet large Dutch kitchen; full basement; bot air beating ys tem; (arage. Tbe term are $1500 cash, balance to euit purchaser. COB A. McKENNA A CO. Main 4S22. 82 4th at.. Board of Trade bldg. IUiHE ClTY PARK $4350" Don't you know it ia almost impossible to find a bungalow on a large lot in Rose City I'ark 1 Wall, here is one. and It s a gre-d hm too; a " room bungalow type home with fireplace, all bui.r ins; lull basement, Fox' iuroc, ri.. The !t ia 84100 foet and the street is paved,, the aewer 1a in and paid. Owner require $ 1000 Remember,- thU ia in Rose City Park, witliin 2 bloeka of car COB A. McKENNA A CO. Main 4622. r 8a 4 th at-f wrdif .Fld-: . IM.'ICK four in A-l miming order, Delco atart ing and lighting system, good Urea, one extra. V. 6099.- 644 William, avenue. FORD ear with starter and generator. Will sell or trade fur acreage or city property, call East 8843. COUNTBlTSTORES I have stores, both in Oregon and Washing ton, ranging from $3500 to $8000; will stand investigation. CITY AHAOfe Tlie best that $4500 will buy; good leaaa and location; cannot he best. GROCERY STOKE $3500 buys stock and fixturex, alao filling atation in one of the best locations in the city; runt $30; lease; owner leaving city. RESTAURANT BARGAIN Neat little restaurant aii't lunch .rounter, first ulass locatiou, brick bldg., doing good buainesa; have to leave the city. Call and -name your own price. MEAT MARKET GROCERY $2000 buys a neat little stock of groceries, alao well equipped meat market in connection; rent $-0; good location. CONFECTIONERY Beautiful little brick, lease at $25 per month; doing an elegant business; all rash; best district in the oity; schooU of all kinds ad joining. WATCH OUB ADS. WB GET RESULTS. r. RIERDON RITTEH. LOWE & CO. 201 3-5-7 Hoard of Trade Whig. - ""WfcXCELLEI. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY"" Washington at. cafe; seating capacity 246; re 'ceipu $125 to $150 dally, week days only; rent $125; equipment cost $6000; will sell equipment and good will for only $4800. GODDAKD A WIEDRICK.' 243 8Urk at MKKTXNO NOTICES 41 SOCIAL dance Monday eve ning. Sept 15. Kasw. Side W O. W. ball, Kast 6th and Alder, by Eureka Council Mi. K. and U of S.; fine union music. Cliairmao Augusta Johnson will have liroly floor committee to as sure all a good time. Ad inusion, genu 50c, ladios 85c. iTANliOE HOMESTEAI). Broth erhood of American Yeomen, regular meeting Monday arenlng, Kept. 15. at Masonic temple, 3H8 Yamhill st. Election of officers. A- good attendance i desired. Mrs. E. Karle Keike, Correspond ent. Main 1020. EAST GATE I-ODOE NO. 155. A. F. A. M , will entertain IU soldier members on Monday eve. Sept 13, with murfic and refreah menta. AH members reuueated ta be present Visiting brethren? welcome. Hkuokum mammook. COMMITTEE. PORTLAND 8TAU HOMF.lTEAf NO 42. BROTHERS OV AMERICAN YEOMEN, will entertain with caTds, danre and a cabaret lunch in til. P. (J. T. V. hall, 55 18th. Thursday eve ning, Sept. 18, in honor of their boys who ha v. returned from the service. Yetta Haines, cor reapondent. 205 Aqsky bldg. Phone Main U3B0. R1RKPATHICK COL'NCIli 2227. KNIGHTS & LADIES OF HECCIUTY Installation of officers, and large claw initiation next Friday. All members are requested to eome and be rure and bring a candidate. Help make our council bigger and -better than ever. Visiting members welcome. THEY helped our boya; let'a help them now. Bis benefit eard party for the Salvation Army. . Wednesdey. Sopt 17, In Women of Woodoraft lull, 'given by the Fraternal Brother hood. Plenty of prizes; also prixea foe those who do not play card. 8 :30 sharp. OREGON assembly No. 1, L'nlted Artisans, will give card party and danoe dancing entire evening cards in committee room. Tuesday eve ning. Sept 18. at-W. O. W. hall. 120 11th st Admission free. Zurfluh orchestra. Com. and bring your friends. E. E. Van Alstrln. Bee. ON ACCOUNT of President Wilson' meeting Monday bight, no meeting of Serrire circle Ne. 860, Neighbors of Woodcraft, will be held. A. H. HARRIS, Ouardian Neighbor, i;aiuii, HKMMKIAiAIia, Clerk. COURT SOANDIA NO. 7. Foresters of Amer tea, will give a social evening for members and their' families next Thursday eve.. Sept 18, at Foresters' halL 129 4th at Dancing and re freshments ; everything free. COM. BaWTllCR COURT NOTo Tribe of-BenHur U1 give a dance at Arleta hall Tuesday, "Pt 16; good music. Admission 25c. EMBLEM JEWELRY a spedslty; buttons, plna eharana. Jaeger Bros.. 131-131 6th st nitrlMges.BIrttsl Deaths HEATHS AND FUNERALS 76 0TTMAN In this city, SepL 12. 1919. at her reaidetie, 1B51 N. E. 6th at, Muriel Joy Ottman aged 19 years 6 months 8 days. De ceased ia survived by a mother and father Mr. "a Mr. K. s. Ottman. three brothers. Floyd H., Clifford A. and Lawrenre E. Ottman. also two aisters. Har,el D. and Zella M. Ottman, all of thia city. Funeral services will be held to morrow (Monday! at 1 p. m., at the late resi dence, 1651 E. Cth st N. Friends Invited. In terment fsenily lot. Mt Scott Park eem.tery. Bkewea Undertaking Co. directors. CAYWOOD At the residence. 1204 Haight st. Sept. 12. 1919. Mary Ellen Caywood. aged 68 rears, widow of the late James M. Caywood. motber of O. A. Caywood and Mrs. E. E. Whitcomb of Portland and Mrs. F. W. Monroe and Mrs. W. J. Stephens of Seattle, Wash, rriends invited to attend the funeral service, wtuch will be held at the Portland Crematorium at 3 p.. m. today (Sunday), Sept 14, 1019. , Remains at llolman's funeral parlors until 1 n. m. Sunday ' FESSLER At the residence, 118B Macadam rd., September 13. Martin D. Fessler, aged " years, beloved husband of Theresa Fessler j'm," Edward- Frank. Joseph. Louis, Mary and Theresa Fessler -all of this city; brother . of Frank Fessler of HiJlsboro, Ore. Funeral . services will be, held Monday. September 15, at the St Lawrence church. Third and Sherman sta.',, where requiem mass will be offered at . . m. Interment at Tiitard. Ore. DUNNTn thfi city. Sept 12. Besale Dunn, aged 24 ytars, beloved daughter of Mrs. W B Wilson and sister of Eugene R. Dunn. The tuners I will ',eave A. R. Zeller company's par lor Monday. Sept 1 ft, at 8 :S0 a. m , thence to the Cathedral. 15th and Davis sta.. where services will be held at 0 o'clock. Friends Invited. Interment Mt. Calvarv rm..trv DUN KIN September 7. Jesei. B. Dunkin, late , .- - 1 . jrs, reiaieu San Antonio, Texas. Funeral services will be - iiu au I'unmni c atcr.niee funeral parlors today, September 14, at 2 p. m. Interment uiiiniMn rsrs cemetery. . g nenaa invited. RAHOU In thia city, September 6. Mike Ra- .wu. wvu rcsn. e unerai services Will be held at Dunning A MrKntee parlors, Broad way and Ankeny at, Monday, September 18, at S p. m. Interment Mount Calvary cemetery. ISAACS In this city, "Sett 12. 1919, Isadora Isaacs, aged 68 years. Friends invited to at tend the funeral services, which will be held at Holraan's chapel at 9:80 a. m. today (Sunday), Sept 14, 1919. Interment Beth Israel cemetery. FEORISTB LIBERTY MARKET FLORIST. 6th and Y.m hiil sta Cnt flower, plants and design. 811 weod Green bouse, 649 Nehaleq ave. Sell. 1520. CLARK BROS , florist. Merriaon (tTbet 4 th and 6th. Phone Main A-1805. Fane flow er nd floral design. No branch itorea. MARTIN A FORBES CO.. florist, 854 Wasn ingtea. Main 260. A-1269. Flowers for au occasions artistically arraaged. PEOPLE FLORAL SHOP, 243 Alder. D7 eigne si decorations, phone Marshall 6923 SWISS FLORAL COMPANY ' FLOWERS AND PLANTS MAX U. SMITH, florist. 141 H 6tbt M. FTTITEKAT. DIRECTORS Holiron Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors i THIRD ANT SALMON 8TS, . Mala i Ml, Art la- .P.HM.EY&S1 Progressive Funeral Directors Mats t MONTGOMEHT AT ITJTH Dunning & McHntee Broadwey and Ankeny sta. Ltdr Aselrtgnt. Pbenea Broadway 4B, A-4651. F. S. Dunning, Inc. THX GOLDEN BULE TJNpERTAKKRS. 414 E. Alder St, Phone JIaat 63. B-S226. CHAMBERS CO.. Funeral I H rectors. All the conveniences ' of a bone. Woodlawn 1308. 248-250 Killlngswortb are. A. D. Kenworthy & Co. 6802-6804 82D ST. S. TENTS Phone Tiber 1247. Home Phone D-4)t. gaM, P. L. Lerch Utx UNDERTAKERS. E. 11th and Hawthorne. McR.VTKE A EILER8. funeral parlors with ell the privacy of a home. 18ta and Everett sta. Phones Broadway 2183. Home. A-216S. MILLER TRACEY, Independent funeral dl rectorra Prices as low as $20, $40, $80. Washington at Ella Main 2691, A-7885. DOWNING McNEMAB, successors to Wilson A Itoea. Multnomah at E. 1th. Irrington dis trict. E. 84. R. W. GABLE eV CO.. Successor, to W. H. Hamilton. 1978 E. Glisaa. Phone Tabor 418. R. T. BYRNES &EuSx Williams tve. Woodlawa 220. nAArrAje.6rnnAfU Ta. 1288, B-2846 aS Sfea.fcWkJiinwuin, 1047 Belmont at AeR.Zeller Co. Ee2io18uucMi 3 IUoro ONDERTAklNGnBq. M. .16. 3llCeWeS A-2821. Cor. Third and day. nOUCMENTS Portland Marble Works 288 4th st., Opn. City Haq Wen Bros. RtaLAESING GRAMITE C? I jJtl a6y-3RO ST. AT MAOiSOM . 1 LOST AND FOUND tl For return of Boston bull dog, male; name, "Monty." Ixt Sunday night at 6th and Jack son sin. White mark on head, has one white foot. Tbe same reward will be paid tor. any infor ms tian leading to the recovery of thia dog. Any person keeping this dog after 6 days of publication of . thia notice will be proaecuted to the fullest extent of the law. . License is registered at city hall. Phone Mala 4804, Main 850 or main 2895. 280 Morrison at No questions asked. HAS T0UB NEIGHBOR A NBW DOG? My dog TERRY is lost, strayed or stolen. He ia a small Irish terrier with a smooth red coat; has iark eyes and long head and has white markings on breast I want him back and will pay reward for any information leading to bia recovery or the name of anyone keeping him & days after publication of this notice. My name and phone number is on his Collar. Paper boys and delivery boya. look around for him. Call me at Broadway 963, Portland Boiler Works, or Broadway 1155 at night TOM N. MONKS. THE following articles have been found oa cars of the Portland Railway, Light k Power Co., Sept 12: 2 purses, 2 pins, letter, S books, 2 pairs gloves, 2 auto licenses, rubbers, 2 basketa, 8 coats, 8 packages, 4 suit cases, 6 htnch boxes, 4 umbrellas. Owners may obtain property at 1st and Alder sta. LOST In one of the large department stores, lavalier containing a number of diamonds set in platinum; liberal reward will be paid for return of same; no questions aaked. Communi cate with Marshall 1818. LOST Tuesday afternoon, key ring with two keys, look box and desk key, between 2d and Morrison and N. W. Bank bldg.. or in Meier A Frank's store. Finder please return to owner at 6610 6 3d ave., a. K. LOST Old-fashioned gold brooch, between Stevens building and 2d and Yamhill, valued as keepsake. Finder please call Wdln. 3081. Reward. IHT ninHl. hull hit. nn n .KmI Any one caught with thia doc after 6 day of this notice will be prosecuted; reward. Wood- lawn 4384 COST, between St Johns and Laura Ihurst, extra .rim and easing for Chandler car. Finder will receive reward by advising P. O. drawer 750, Portland. LOST Lady's gold wrist watch, between 1st and 5th and Stark. Kinder pleaaa notify Miss Billy Bingham, Tabor 6604 and receive reward. LOST Gray lynx fur. at Lincoln high gym- naaium, Thursday p. m. Will the teacher who took the above call Fay Barnes, 66 Eaat 41st st NT Tabor 6238. LOST In Thruman's grocery on Yamhill. Sat urday, gray leather handrjag. butterfly palntrn on side; papers or value inside, ateturn to l rum st. KewaM. LOST Gray leather .oblong purse at Meier & Frank- Thursday, lltn. ruider please return to Itae Jackson, u. a. National bank. and receive reward. LOST Part of brasa sprinkling outfit with 2 nozzles weight about 2 lbs. Return to T. W. Sharpe, 701 Stevens Bldg. Suitable reward. LOST Friday evening, downtown, black leather bill fold containing currency and paper memo randum. Tabor 2903. LOST Near Grand ave. and Eaat Alder, gold rim glasses, open end case. Phone aat 491. A. W. Livingston. LOST White Spits male dog, blind in one eye; collar on with last year's lioense; name Beauty. Howard- Y-67, Journal. LOST On Hawthorne ave, car, Sept 10, 4:30 p. m package from Ben Selling's, containing suit of clothe. Finder call Eaat 988. Reward. LOST Sept 7. at Columbia. Beach ball, bill pune and money. Call Wldn. 41T and re ceive iioerai lewsni. LOST A leather wallet, about $23 and other articles; reward finder. H. C. Thompson, Z4 Morgan mag. REWARD for return of blue silk umbrella left in Meier A Frank's 6th floor washroom Friday evening. Tabor 9329. LOST Collie dog and previous 2 years' license on collar; linger please pnone Woodlawn 6238. LOST 2 fish license book. Notify commission or Wdln. 2524. fOUND Camera. Call Broadway 1276 and Identify. LOST Cameo brooch set in pearls; keepeake. Finder call Main 6209; reward. HELP WASTED MALE WANTED 3 discharged soldiers or sailors; steady work; salary $4 per day. Apply only Sunday, 11 to 12 a. m., room 836 Hotel Mult nomah. WANTED Boy over 16 to work in factory and learn business; excellent opportunity for the right boy. The Columbia Mills, Inc.. 346 Vs Morrison st, 4 th floor. YOUNG man to work in factory and leans busi nes. The Columbia Mill. Inc. 846 Mor rison st, 4th floor. WANTED Logger and equipment ts log oH the Umpqua river: "good contract Write Staple investment., Keedsport, Or. LABORERS wanted, street work; $5, eight hours; at E. 13Ui and Linn, Take Sellwood CASING man and first dam daughter house butcher, $30 to $40 per week and board. r rnna l.. umitn Meat Co., 228 Aider t. BOY WANTED Permanent position; must be over 18 year. North Paeiflo Lumber Co., ft. of Sherlock t WANTED Cabinet maker and finisher at once. Call at factory, 600 E. Lincoln st, or phone East 706. 'JANITOR and shipping clerk. When answering state experience and salary required. G-828 Journal. BOY to run errands, deliver invoice, etc. Ap ply Hughe, Blake McFall Co., East 3d and Ankeny. WANTED Competent ahoe finishing goods man. capable of taking charge of departments. Write or call MUler Mercantile Co.. Newberg, Or. WANTED Assistant janitor. See janitor. King Albert apt., 385 11th. ' WANTED A man for general farm work: nil year round. E. Zieleech, Parker, Or. GOOD man wanted by landscape gardener. 425 Sacramento st Phone East 6746. WANTED Boy, to deliver" a"n4 work in gro eery store. J. L. Gastln, 4170 Detains ve. WANTED A bandy man wl t h tool to suov a small house, D-419, Journal, ' $20-REWARB HELP WAWTEBMALB WANTED AT ONCE Boys over 16, with wheela. Pleaaant work, good pay; alao food chance for advancement We wflTpey either asthtry or commisaion. Our hustle ra now making $6 to $8 per day. This work givee yew valuable boxineea ezperienoe. Can en Mr. 1oap. care Western Union Tel Co., 76 Third at H0PPICKEBS WANTED At onoe. good yard, about two weeks' picking ; excellent accommodations ; located on Oregon Electric railway. Pay $1.25 per hundred. Call 512 Panama bldg., or phone Mar. 4282, today, Sunday and Monday. 10 a. m. to 0 p. ta. U.' S. ' MERCHANT MARINE Opportunity is presented men to secure FREE TRAINING In preparation for license ex s ruination a DECK OFFICERS and ENGINEERS At schools of tb V. 8. Shippinf Board. . FREE COURSE IN NAVIGATION, aix week fits for third mate' license or nigher; open to men of two years' deck experience, ocean or coastwise, or equivalent in fisheries, or on taxe, bay or sound. FHKK UOUKHK IN MAKIKIIS LiIDUt;.n- TNfl one month, fits for third assistant en gineer's license, open to men of mecnameai ana engineering experience, including locomotive and etnas, cradnata of technical schools and marine oiler, and water tender. Navigation schools at Seattle ana roruena. Engineer's school at University of Washington, Seattle a Apply - to W. J. Gramba, at 406 Electric rrm fling, Tin ana t Hive, eg roe. THE MEIER ft FRANK COMPANY requires tbe service of; Experienced salesman (or the boys' clothing department 2 experienced salesmen for the house fur nishings department Several boys between tbe ages of 16 and 18 for the delivery department Apply Employment Bureau, Mtier Frank Co. Sixth Floor, LTPMAN, WOLFE It CO.: require the service of a young man loc aaaiatan to we pay master. Apply to Mr. xnompson, iu iioor, londy morning. r $175 PER MONTH the yea around, the average earnings last year of a number of our salesmen over 45 rears. This vesr will be tbe biggest yet No experience necessary; weekly cash advance, outfit furnished. Big assortment guaranteed trees, ahrubbarr and Tinea. Ton can do what other in experienced men have done. Washington Nur sery Co., Toppenish, Wash. THE OLDS WORTMAN V KING STORE re- onirea the service of delivery boys. Apply superintendent's office, 9 to 10:80 A. M. AN established concern of prestige in Washing ton, a town of about 10.000. desires, the services of a good clothing salesman, capable to trim windows and also understands tne handling of men's furni&hinga in general. Good position for right party. State experience, refer ences and salary expected. i-ni. Journal. FUR CUTTERS WANTED. STEADY ALL YEAR WORK. GOOD CHANCE FOR AD VANCEMENT. GOOD PAY TO RIGHT MAN R. W. DREW FUR CO.. 11TH AND BROAD WAY. TACOMA, WASH. WANTED AT ONCE Young men over 18, with wheels or Cleve land motorcycles; good pay, pleasant work. Call on Mr. Loop, Western Union 'let uo..' o no su MAN to drive Reo truck, must know city and be experienoed with automobile, motorcycle and bicycle repairing; also bandy witn electricity, etc Steady job for the right party. Levin Hardwrare At Funiture Co., 221 Front St. MEN wanted to carry briquets from truck to basement; 8 hours; wagea from $4.50 to $5. Apply N. E. corner 2d and Flanders sta.. Portland uas c tjoke co. EXTRACTOR man wanted. American Laundry, 140 E. 3d at N. FIREMEN, brakemen. baggagemen, $140-3200; colored porters, by railroads everywhere. Ex perience unnecessary. 729 Hallway Bureau East St Louia, 111. WANTED -Cigarmakers, steady employment year round. Factory condition are good. Com municate with Hood River cigar Co , inc.. v. u box 224. Hood River, Or. WANTED Boys with wheels or motorcycles; men and girls for telegraph messenger; no packages to carry, o oours per day, good wages. Apply pubial. ir-.Li.-ijAm.it; w., i2 oa t. AUTOMOBILE top man and trimmer wanted at once; good shop and light work; will pay 75c per hour to Bight man; give reference in ap plying. G-324. Journal. RADIATOR repair man wanted to do simple radiator repair as well as brazing: will pay 70a per hour; give reference. Apply G-325 Journal. J PIEDMONT DISTRICT 2 choice adjacent lots which are part of my lawn; will sell one or both. Phone owner. Woodlawn 6213. MAN to work thia city retmishing chandeliers, brass beds, automobiles, by new method. $10 daily without capital or experience. Write Gun metal Co., 151 Elm, Decatur, III. WANTED Experienced man to contract on year around lumber haul and with capital to pur chase truck. Call Main 6076 or write T-846, Journal WANTED Truck driver, one who knows the city. Portland Brazing Machine Works. 3d and G risen. HELP WASTETJ 3ITSC. 41 LEARN A TRADE We ere giving a apeeial course in automobile, gas tractor, truck, stationary and marine, oper ating and repairing; also ignition, carburetion and battery repairing, for $75, with a $25 discount to discharged soldier nd sailors. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS, INCORPORATED Scott ear at 2d and Alder its. to E. 20th. Scott csr at 2d and Alder sta. to E. 20. WA NTED Prospective auto and gas engine students- to know that our tuition fee goes tip on September 16; enroll now and save $40; learn auto, tractors, gas engines, auto elec trical work; state allows honorably discharged soldier and sailors $25 per month while at tending school; night school begins Sept 29. Call or write at once for free big lOQ-page catalogue. Adcox Auto A Gas Engine School, Union ave. and Wasco t Pbon East 7446. Typewriting, comptometer, bookkeeping and all ether modern business courses. Dsy and night tchooL Aliaky bldg., 8d end Morrison. Main 824. Hawthorne Auto School 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. Antomobilea, trucks, tractors, ma.hiniat trad, oxy-aeetylen welding, vulcanising and retreading. Special summer rate. Day and evening class a. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKEB BUSINESS COLLEGE. PORTLAND Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, tecrctariai. Free catalog. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Yen rig men and women wasted. Can 464 Bailway Exchange bids. Splendid opportunity to leant a well-oasd profsuoin. Free booklet. Railway Teleerapn institate. STEEN 2 TYING SCHouL Bleek' system of ladies' tailoring and dressmaking taught; pat tern eat to measure. Phone East 23501 B-3307. 102 tirana ave., near xseimonr. HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE Washington at 10th; enter now. day, am. ning, all commercial b ranch e. Broadway 1811. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Mia Begin Bucket' private school; indivld aal instruction. 122 H Grand ave. East 431. MISS MATTINGLY'S Shorthand. Typewriting Ac boot, $ month. 36 14tb near Jefferson. Ual 8991 OREGON LAW SCHOOL. Alisky bldg, StJ and Morrison. W. E. Bicnardeea, secretary. Phone lain 7J, GOING East or South r Household good shipped at reduced rate: moving and packing. Pacific Coast Forwarding Co.. 408 Hoyt st Bdwy. 70$. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED -Experienced operator on cuffs, and an experiences potty ironer. appiy to A. a. I jremore, Gresham Steam Laundry. WANTED--An experienced marker and orter! Apply Gresham Steam Laundry. HIGH aclwol girl to assist with work. East 2742. HELP ' WANTED EEHALE ' : t PERMANENT POSITIONS j FOR YOUNG WOMEN TELEPHONE OPERATORS NOW EARN APPROXIMATELY $800 DURING FIRST YEAR A SALARY OF $52 13 PAID DURING THE FIRST MONTH WHILE LEARNING TO OPERATE. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NOT REQUIRED. APPLY AT THE TELEPHONE COMPANY, BOOM 60ft 6TB FLOOR TELEPHONE BLDG.. PARK AND OAK STS. LADIES Between the ages of 18 and 40 TO DEMONSTRATE A VERT ESSENTIAL FOOD ARTICLE. experience Not Necessary. Work Healthful. Pleasant and Educational. Requires calling on Housewivea, SHORT HOURS and - GOOD SAXABT W. R. .HADLEY. Boom 803 Stock Exchange Bldg.. (Third and Yamhill. WANTED 10 GIRLS. 16 TO 25 YEARS OF AGE. TO OPERATE POWER SEWING MACHINE. OCR GIRLS MAKE GOOD WAGES AND ALSO RECEIVE A LARGE BONUS. WE WILL GLADLY SHOW YOU THE WORK, APPLY AME3-HARRIS-NEVTLLE hAO CO.. 15TH AND HOYT STa WE ALWAYS LEAD IN ORDER THAT OUR HELP MAY HAVE THE MUCH NEEDED REST THAT THEY DE SERVE, we have roNCT.nnFT, to oper ate OUR PLANT ON A PLAN OF 5 DAYS A WEEK WHTCH WILL GO INTO EFFECT SEPT. 18, 1919. THIS MEANS YOU Wn.L HAVE SATURDAY AND SUNDAY TO YOURSELVES. WE NEED EXPERIENCED POWER MACHINE OPER ATORS B'OR MAKING SHIRT WAISTS. WB CAN ALSO USE A NUMBFR OF HAND SEWERS FOR FINISHING AND PRESSING WE PAY THE HIGHEST PIECE WORK PRICES IN THE CITY. APPLY ALL WEEK TO BALL MFG CO.; ATH AND JDOCCH. THE MEIETR A FRANK COMPANY require the services of: Experienced saleswomen for the coat and suit department. 2 experienced saleswomen for crockery de partment. 2 experienced saleswomen for the Jewelry department 1 experienced saleswoman for drapery depart ment Girla between the age of 16 and 18 for wrapper and inspector; permanent positions. There are also opportunities for inexperienced people in onr emergency section on the First Floor salespeople in this department are sent to all departments of the store. Apply Employment Meier A Frank Co. Bureau, Sixth Floor, GOOD PRICES PAID LIBERAL BONUS PAID IN ADDITION HALF HOLIDAY EVERY SATURDAY Learn a Business That Gives You Steady Employment Experienced operators on Pants, Overalls, Coats. Play Suits, etc We win teach a limited number of bright girls and will pay you while learning. Call at office of Mt Hood Factory, 233 Couch st, and we will explain oar bonus system to you. EXPERIENCED saleswomen for ladies cloak and suit silverware, stationery, ladies' neck wear depte. Girls between the ages of 16 and 18 years for work in marking room. Messengers for millinery dept, stock girls for cioaa ana suit uept. Apply supt 's office be tween 9 and 10:80 Monday rooming. LIPMAN, WOLF3 & CO LEADING retail candy store has opening for experienced woman to take charge of dept Exceptional opportunities. Must hin i-n- tlve ability. Write P. O. Box 747, stating ex periences. Give phone No." TODNG lady .cashier who luiderstands double entry bookkeeping, paying and receiving, mak ing denogita and payroll; give references, experi ence a Ad tata salary expected. Z-225, Journal WANTED Five bright capable ladies to travet demonstrate and sell dealers. $25 to $50 per week. Railroad fare paid. Write at once. Goutt- rich Drug Co.. Dept 825. Omaha. Nebr. HOUSEKEEPER to take charge 3 children, school age; mother dead. No weshine: irrw-.fi home; own boss. Call Sunday. 9A6 Divislrm st. R. M. car to 31st SCHOOL teacher for country school, Douglas Co., Oregon. 8 months term. 24 pupils; sal ary $100 per month. A. W. Caswell, clerk dist No. 55. Myrtle Creek, Or. HIGH school girl to assist with light house work in exchange for room, board and small wagea. Call Tabor 4105. WOMEN and girls for dinine room, for serv ing, pantry and for laundry. Good Samaritan hospital. 23d and Marshall. GIRL for general housework, wages $0 Wo ply 836 E. 41st st N. Rose City Prk car line. GIRL for light office work, splendid opportunity for right party; statf experience and salary to start with. B-18, Jonmal. MIDDLE aged or elderly woman for light house work: 3 in family; wages $25. Call today. 18 E. 81st st. WANTED Chocolate dippers; permanent posi tions. Apply the Hazelwood, 368 Washing ton st. WANTED Lincoln high school girl to assist with housework and care of small boy 8 blocks school. Main 4075. Apply 610 Market COMPETENT piano teacher wanted. Call bet 1 and 6, Gardner Progressive School of Mu sic. Columbia Building. WANTED A young woman for office work. Prefer one that baa had experience. Apply ""i""i mu & at ozi Henry bldg. EXPERIENCED solicitors to assist with-home library work. Call evening after 5 p. m. 31 Savier. ' ATTRACTIVE home offered refined. Christian woman for some assvtance in small household fn 11 tmwl ... J nn . . ' - ".n ww.m trTOTiuta- xj-oo. journal. WANTED Experienceed mangle girl also 20 inexperienced girls. National Laundry. East 8th and Clay. GIRi8 WANTED To work in paperbox fa tory; steady position. Apply at F. C. Stettler v- . cagt- guu oi pteel Bridge. i ILL GIVE Wusio lessons for sewing or fancy (MRL for general housework; email family. East WOMAN to assist with housework; good hon small wages. 0-495, Journal. WANTED Widow ladyf take homestead; state age, phone number. S-16. Journal WANTED Lady for housework. earV of ebii: dren; good wages. 711 E. 80th North. A WOMAN to take 'are of dining room. ' In atltBtioiial Main 67. DICING teacher. 03EflebMtTTt4th ag, sftsi vu y uuinjftOa T TabMsVO X(XTi"u:e4 Piano aceompanist GIRL or woman for general housework: aood home; good wagea. East 7607. LAPY to care for 2 children from 8 to 6 East 4714 or call 418 Stanton. tV ANTED Experienced gown finishers and W yienUo. 301 Flekiner Bldg. JTEIVP WASTED FEM ALTS THE OLDS WORTMAJf V KING STORE re quire, the aerrice of an experienced biller. also experienced glove (tUeawotoAa, easbiora fa miliar witb Rational Ketruter aaa general aaie women for various departments. Apply superin tendent's office, 9 to 10:30 a. m. LIPMAN, WOLFE A CO. require the service of an experienced candy saleswoman. Apply opt 'a office between 9 and 10:30 Monday morning. LIFMAN, WOLFE V CO. require the services of a lady bookkeeper in piano dept Apply to Mr. Thompson, 7 th floor, Monday morning. THE OLDS WORTMAN A KING STORE re quires the services of experienced waitresses. Apply superintendent office, 9 to 10:80 a. in. YOUNG LADY to stay rn rtudio 8 afternoon a week in exchange for muais lessons. Call bet 1 and 6, Gardner Progressive Schoo of Music, Columbia Building. ' HELP WATTED-MACE A?fD FEMALE 29 aide. v HOPPICKERS WANTED At onoe, good yard, about two weeks' picking, excellent accommodations; located on , Oregon Electric railway. Pay $1.25 per hundred. 612 Panama bldg., or phono Mar. 4262, today. Sunday and Monday, 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. WANTED Apple sorters, packers snd pickers, about September 24; quarters only provided with stoves ; you furnish bedding, etc ; good wages; 4 weeks' pack. Write C. W. Dewey, LyIeWash. MOf.ER BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning; gives you set of tools; position secured. Writ for catalogue. 234 Burnside t., or phone Broadway 1731. BEN, WOMEN, learn barber trade; wages whlU learning, position guaranteed. Mkt, 22 yr. experience. Oregon Barber College. 233 Madison. PORTLAND Barber- College pays you while learning, eives you set of tools free, position sernred 38 N Second st HOP pickers wanted; good hops, good accomo dations. Phone Bdwy. 4 54 WANTEDAGENTS MAKE $30 next Saturday. Agents, salesmen. district manager, brand now invention selling like wildfire. Sell speederator for Fords. So good it's used by 17 officials of Ford Motor Co. Makes any Ford run like a Packard. Stops stalling and bucking. Put on quick; no special tla ar hnl tn hotvi. Intant satisfact:on. Litton: Make money quick sell JO to 12 a day easy. McAllister. Ills., sold 4 lirct atternoon; orofit 812. Helton. Utah, makes over $800 every week. Dane. W. Vs., 55 a week spare time only. Hurry; write quick for details and exclusive territory. Adlrea Perrin Co., 102 5J1 a ywood bldg , Detroit, Mich. "AMERICA'S PART IN THE WORLD WAR." Introduction by General Pershing. Authentic story of America's proud record in world's great est conflict Greatest success ever known. Pro fusely illustrated. Wonderful opportunity for money making, returned soldier and others, men or women. Special terms. Freight paid. Credit given. Outfit' free. Universal House, Phil adelphia. ' . AGENTS 200 profit Wonderful little ar ticle. Something ew ; sella like wildfire. Car ry right in pocket. Write at once for free sam ple. Albert Mills, (Jen. Mgr., 241 American bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. AGENTS : Big-pay- and free automobile intro ducing wonderful new gasoline saver, punc tureproof, five-year spark plugs and other eco nomical auto necessities. Outfit free. L. Ball- wey. Dept. 022 tiouisnue, ivy. AGENTS MAKING $200 WEEKLY. Everyone wants it Formulas for 200 nome made bev erages; book form. Send $1 for copy and ter ritory proposition. Buyers Export Acency, Inc., 447 Broome ft. N. Y, YOU ARE WASTING TIME if you are not making $10 to $100 -daily; man or woman, start anywhere; materials cost you 78 cents, re tail for $45. I made $220 one day, $1250 one month. CRAYCROFT. Fresno. Cal.i AGENTS Get particulars; wonderful Mystic Chemical cloth; one application on cab and streetcar windows, rain, fog, snow vanish ; money back guarantee. Mystic Sales agency. Box 2548 city. LADIES $2.50 an hour selling guaranteed waterproof kitchen apron. Needs no launder ing. Sell to every home. Dainty, durable, eco nomical. Big money. 8ample free. Thomas Apron Co.. 6021 Po st, Dayton. UMo. AGENTS Wireless Umbrella. I'll pay hustlers $2 an ho-ir to take orders for this newest in vention. Write for fire style outfit Parker Mfg Co.. 3141 Wall at. Dayton. Ohio. AGENTS wanted to sell the Best Inhaler, quick sales and huge profits. Sell on sight Write P. O. 651. C. Holther, distributor. Portland, Oregon. AGENTS $6.50 a day to start seling newest hosiery. Guaranteed to wear 12 months. Big ger money for full time workers. Write Guar anteed Hosiery Co.. 121 Ames st;, Dayton, Ohio. AGENTS $5 hourly absolutely guaranteed. Gas oline 2 cents gallon. Money back guarantee. Write Federal Chemical Works, 20 W. Jackson, Chicago. AGENTS $1 50 an hour Newest kitchen tool. Everv woman will use 20 times daily. Easy seller. Rig profits. Thomas Mfg. Co.. 1521 Bath st, Dayton, Ohio. SALESMEN WANTED 88 OPENING at once for salesman of demon strated ability, fitted to take charge selling to trade, commercially proven new product man ufactured here; must be prepared to make sub stantial iriver-tment in qualifying: distinct special ty, unlimited, waiting field; sells easy and re peats: favorable opportunity to get in at outset participating in increase; reply only if fully capable, stating capital avaiiatiio. ti-ozi. jour- r.al. SALESMEN New carburetor for Ford cars. Simple, not a moving part, installed in 30 minutes;, guaranteed to double your mileage and start in zero weather without heating or priming. 1 5 day FREE trial. Onr St. Louis man sold 2000 in 8 months. Salt Lake City man made $1200 In one week. Write U. A J. Carburetor Co.. 505 W. Jackson blvd.. 'Chicago. SALESMEN Earn more money. We give you the opportunity tt earn $10 per day, no cap ital required. You can do it with the Vairuette non-electric and the Begins Electric cleaners. I They are household necessities. Every bouse- wife wants one. Sell them on easy terras. Beaver Electric Co., 114 Grand ave. SALESMEN coining money. "Wonder Spark Intensifier. Fits any car. Every car owner buys. Retails $3.50. Sample $1.00. Special price for county and state distributors. Won der Mfg. Co., 915 Andrus Bklg.. Minneapolis, Minn. BIG earnings Quick-selling auto special ties. 6 startling inventions. Experience un necessary. Credit allowed dealers. Wonderful op portunity. Write quick. Desk 1164, Jubilee Mfg. Co , Omaha. Nebr. COAL shortage means big money for territory salesmen. Collect and keep all money. Gas fires in stoves from kerosene. Wonder Burner Co, 2 5 Nth st, Columbus, Ohio. SALESMAN Sell farm tractors in counties near Portland; 2 well known makes; good sellers; mu-'t have car. G-217, JournaL SITUATIONS MALE THE T. P. A desire to Moure positions for several experienced hasmen. Phone Main 4643, A 1321, or call 330 Morgan bldg. LIVE energetic man. experienced salesman, also familiar with real estate business, shipping and various lines: 40 years of age; have Paige car. What have you to offer? G-215, Journal. WANTED Work in big hotel. 2 Frenchmen. around kitchen. Inquire 207 Sherman st O'rar Poillier. WANTED Position as caretaker or chorean or watchman; capable elderly man; excel lent reference-. M-870, Journal. WANTED Light indoors work, elevatora or . caretaker, by an elderly Christian man. 8 19, Journal. HIGH school boy would like position driving car after 2:80 week days and on Saturday and Sunday. Call Mar. 1C84. , STATIONARY steam engineer wants position in sawmill in eonntry near school; references if required. Z-230. Journal. OLD MAN wfchee light work of any kind, ineide preferred. What have you to offer? D-451, Journal. BOOKKEEPER, lumber and railroad experience, wishes to connect with concern where ability counts. State salary. Q-489. Journal FIRScTTaSS tailors wanted, best pay in town. 8. Weiss, 128 10th st. CARPENTER and cement work at reasonable price. Sea 37 58. HIGH SCHOOL boy desires work on Saturdays in office, store or shop. B-17. Journal. CONTRACTOR and builder, repair or new work. Tabor 7982. R. D. Crow. EM PLOTMENT wanted by experienced finish lumber grader: state wages. M-788, Journal MAN of good appearance wants position to take tickets at theatre. D-620, JournaL PAINTING and tinting reasonable. Wdln. 8324. MT TJ ATI03TII M AM? HOUBES WANTED TERMS OR CASH WE CAN SELL THEM t. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 4th and Stark sta. Main 208. ONE trustworthy elderly man wants some kind of work, as elevator man or watchman, or some kind of work for respectable man; good reierencea. h-b. n. Journal WANTED Position as janitor or aouaea elderly man. D-818, Journal. by SITT7ATIOHS FEMALE COMPETENT OFFICE WOMAN ACOU3 TOMED TO MEETING PUBLIC; ACCOUNT ANT, CASHIER. DESIRES POSITION. MAIN 4382 FORENOONS. a STRONG, experienced woman wanta day work. Tabor 8749. LACE curtain hand laundered by expert, called lor ana deuvered. Kaet ttlutl. HAIR dyed at home, reasonable, by experienced l .1 .. 1 1 n .-. ' WOMAN wants work by hour or day; reliable reierencea. Wdln. 49T5. SITUATIONS WANTED M ALU AND FEMALE It 3 OR 4 fine neatly furnished housekeeping floor, Portland Heights. 481 Chapman cor. Clif ton su DRESSMAKING 46 ALTERATIONS, refitting and making of ladles' garments, reasonable prices: work guaranteed. i. Keubtn, L4idlea Tailor, la ttusn txsae Old. ALL kinds of ladies' negligees and underwear and bungalow aprons, mad to order. 668 Couch St., . apt 4. DRESSMAKING at home. 496 E. 17th st Phone Sellwood 2265. SPHSES 46 WANTED Practical nurse for out of town po sition. Q-494, Journal. GENERAL nursing wsnted by under graduate. Call Mr. Hosmer, Woodlawn BBS. ALL kinds of plain sewing done reasonably, emidren a elotnes a specialty. tast lua. FUBWISHED BOOMS LARGE, bright furnace -heated room, with eon venient bath for gentleman, in private family. Use of phone, $15 jer month. One block south of Hawthorne ave. Must give reference, fun xw 38th st Phone Tabor 6268. HART APABTMENT AND LAUREL HOTEL Newly furnished, modern housekeeping and (I ing rooms, $2.50 up. Second and YgmhuX NICE front room for rent to lady employed; us of kitchen: ail conveniences; reasonable. East "128. LARGE furnished housekeeping room. 295 E. 49th. Tabor 318. FURNISHED sleeping room for rent, 224 Hal s.-y street E. 6305. WELL FURNISHED front room in private home near 83 car. $16.00. East 4256. HOTEL 8 ARGENT. Hawthorne and Grand Starting point special ear for Vancouver. FURNISHED ROOMS FB1V-ATE FAMILY 76 FURNISHED front room, second floor, suitable for 'two gentlemen, telephone, bath, hot and cold water; splendid neighborhood. Broadway 5073. 206 North 19th st PRIVATE family, Portland Heights, ha desfr able room for rent with breakfast if desired; reasonable; gentleman preferred. Phone Main 6861 NICE front room with .quiet, elderly couple, bath, phone and beat 468 E. 8th N. Irv inston. NICE, large front room, suitable for two gen tiemen, cbums, only H blk. from Alberta car, south. 1031 East 15th North. PLEASANT basement room for rent cheap; part payment to fire furnace morniags. 355 11th st, come Mill. T LARGE, clean, furnished room in private flat walking distance, plenty of steam heat and hot water, reasonable. 71 N. 18th at. ' TWO CLEAN neatly furnished rooms with kitch enette, lizht. cooking gas, bath furnished, $20. 182 East 23d. all E. 7074. MODERN furnished, clean room for gentlemen. 529 Everett st DESIRABLE furnished room, light and beat tot 2 gentlemen. 761 E. Main. Two carlinea. FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen. S69 Wil liams ave., near Broadway. East 4323. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 16 WANTED Gentleman to share modern home with bachelor. Ail conveniences. Beason- able. East C963. THREE empty rooms, water, $12 30 month. Vwo people, Americans, occupying house. 168 Car- ruthers.. ROOMS AND BOARD 16 THE MARTHA WASHINGTON, 380 10th. for business girls and students. Marshall 1261. THE HAZEL "Good place to live" excellent eats reasonable rates. 385 Third. ROOMS AND BOARD PRITATE FAMILY It WANTED 1 or 2 irirK school age. to care for; good care. Sell. 8f34. $10 PETl MO. Care and board. 14 and under. 611 Mt Hood st, Oregon City. : WANTED Small children to board, good borne, mother' care. Call 476 E. 10th South. CHILDREN to board, private home. Phone East 2446. 866 Halsey. WANTED ROOMS AKD BOARD 69 FATHER with boy 7 year old wanta room and board where boy will be eared for during day. D-617. Journal. ; A PLEA 8 ANT room, board, private family, by man and wife. Main 4 688. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 FURBISHED AND UNFURNISHED NEAT and strictly clean H. K. rooms,, comfort ably furnished, for desirable emp. person; ea.iv walking dist and reasonable rate. Del Monte. 167 Stout st, near 20th and Wash ington. ' SHIPYARD district, cottages, housekeeping apart ments, furnished, unfurnished, reasonable. Ap ply 252 Gihh. NEAT, clean housekeeping rooms, 293 Vt Union ave., 1 block south of Hawthorne, also single sleeping room. HOUSEKEEPING room for bachelor and work ing people, cheap rent and close in. 98 Knott st BUSHMARK, 565 H Washington at , . one snd two room front apartments; light." modem, close in, steam heat reasonable. LARGE well furnished H. K. room with or without piano. 294 Jefferson. $15 for 2 room furnished apartment sink and running water, adults only. 505 R Market FORT HE-iT 2 furnished housekeeping rooms. 308 16th street Bet. Clay and Cotmmbia. 3 LARGE housekeeping rooms, very pleasant, on carline, $12; adults. 6141 45th ave. 8. E. TRUNKS DELIVERED IN DOWNTOWN DIS TRICT FOR IS CENTS PHONE E. 6434. HOUSEKEEPING ROOM?! 71 FURNISHED AND TJNFURN'fSllED PRIVATE FAMILY SHIPYARD district, elegantly furnished bouse. fruit, high elevation, reasonable. - Apply 252 Gibbf.. THREE large, clean unfurnished H. . rooms, -good district walking distance, to couple. 170 N. 18th st Gall Sunday. 4 ROOMS, unfurnished or partly furnished, and garage, electric lights, gas, bath, phone. East 1311. . 2 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, $30 per month. 410 Park et Marshall 1941. FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED If LAURELHURST; HOW Modern 8 room Lauroihurst borne, bull tin ef fects, furnace, fireplaee, hardwood floor; 1 blk. to carline: on of finest home in thsr district Rent $60 per month. Will lease for terja of years or sell on reasonable payments to i-mpoe-ible party. For appointment call and M. Mo phone call ans. PACIFIC AGENCY, 514-19 Swetlaod bldg. THREE extra large rooms, partly furnished, $17.50. 5 rooms $25. Old house, with bam, garage, $15. Barn $6. Garage $$. Apply corner 89th and E. Stark. Mt Tabor (jtfT 88U) car to end. 4 blocks north, 1 east ' . TO RENT 5 rooni modem bouse. . Call 414 Bristol st,- St. John, or phone Col. 69.4. Adults preferred. WHEN YOU MOVE. USB NORTH. WESTERN ELECTBIC LIGHT SERVICE Tenth and Washington. Broadway ggx 5 ROOMS. 4 furnished, 6th room and bath shared jointly with owner opetair. $35 per month. 408 K. 37th t. corner Grant, B-1007. HOUSE 6 room and bath. 488 WlUUm r- nue. G. W. Nelson. 288 Russell st 6ROOM house. 61 8.60 per montn. 1222 E. Main st 4 ROOM flat. Gasoo; fsc.es St. Helen road. op. posite st jonn. gaat yaii. 916 East Ysmhill, 6 lovely room, would Baka fine boarding house. . . F5B-BENT S room house, J66 E. 16th bear Bel out; $20 per month. East 1207., II 1TEIEB t FRANK'S INFORMATION ' AND CENTAL JJUHEAU Reliable, -us to date Ilsta of deairable vacant bonse. apartments and flat with definite tuier caattoa pertaining to each. Hewcom.r to roruana win find thia bureau at great value ta helping Uwnt get properly and tuiskly located. EIGHTH FLOOR WEST SIDE r 8 room house. 146 Whltaker st. $28 per month, John Sinter. 420 Chamber or commerce Bldg. Main 9478. HOUiES FOR REWT FURKITUIIK FOR 8 ALU 82 FOR SALE Furniture of five room flat clean and good, close in on l-'tu st. No. 129 H Piano and sewing machine also goes. FURNITURE for sale, house for rent, close in. can Main 1,031. TO SELL furniture of S room cottage, rent $10 97 78tB t. N. Monta villa. FURNISHED UOLSKS .16 BEAUTIFUL 7 room house, furnished, every modern convenience: garage, pan be seen after 2 p. m. Sunday. References. 333 E. 38Uu block off Hawthorne. WANTED Family to rent furnished house and board man and boy, Scandinavians pre ferred. 169 East 80th N. Take Montavilta car. FURNISHED house, 4 rooms and sleeping porch also garage; not modern. 1395 E. Uoyt D-1108. FOR RENT 5 room furnished home on Port land Heights, $50.00 per month, including winter' wood and piano. Call Marshall 214H. WANTED To rent by lady and child. 2 or 3 room furnished ' house, reasonable. Phone Woodlawn 8545. SMALL 8 room furnished hou.se, right at Stan ley station, Estacada line, 9c fare. Phone MUler. SeU. 1T14. FURNISHED No. 28 Bridgeton, gas, 2 room and bath, sleeping porch. Vancouver car. Adults, $24. Opposite Columbia Beach. 4 room cottace. Kast 24th near Uoleu.te street $27.50, phone East 3225. 2 ROOM cottage. $10. lawn ear. 14 05 OneonU st Wotnl- FLATS TO RENT. TN FURNISHED 18 4 KOOM flat for rent, gaa range, electricity, all thing you need, unfurnished. 330 Sherman. FURNISH E D FLATS it LARGE outride room, furnished for 11 K electric lights, gas, bath Included, $4.50 week; use of phone. 896 N. 26th st APARTMENTS FOK RENT 43 CLEAN, 2 room furnished apartment, with pantry and bath; easy walking di-t-ance; n-o-sonable. 247 Halsey st. between ' H. nton and Ross. East 3089. - THE DAVENPORT APTS. keeping room for rent. Phone Main 54 35. Furnished house 605 Jefferson st APARTMENT, partly furnished, with heat and water. Near Jefferson lath school. I-., b. McKlnney, 1061 Kerby st FURNISHED 2 reo- apartment, Adults. 148 E. 3d. Phone East 212. STORES AND OFFICES 11 STORE FOR RENT On Gllsan near 6th st, in brick hotel building. BITTER, I.OWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Bri of Trade bldg. DESK room in office, use of reception room and telephone. $10. Main 2093. FOR RENT Store 20x62. Inquire corner drugstore. 613 Glisan st FOR RENT M1SC KIXJSEOr 3 3 FOR RENT -A repair and rai nt shop in gar age. Call Tabor 21 UP. W ANTE I) T OJRENT We Want to List HOUSES. FLATS AND APARTMENTS IP YOU HAVE ANY VACANCIES, PHONE. HEAVE TOGETHER. CARE OF NORTHWEST blEEL CO.. MAIN 1193. MR. FARMER, do you want to rent that farm of yours? If so, we can get you cah rent and ell that personal property for cash. We have a dozen ieople calling on us every day wanting to rent farm. Send us yours for quick action. A. G. BENDER, HITTER, LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board o Trade bldg. WANTED To rent rooms in private home, vi cinity Graham and Williams avenues, by roan and wife. Permanent Best reference. M-860 Journal. , WANTED to rtnt by rerpon-iblo party, 5 cr 0 room modem house with garatfe. Must be reasonable. Call Main i.'')i i RESPONSIBLE party will lease or rent unfur nished or partly furnished house in good school district Tsbor 7258. WANTS to rent a four or five room moderate bungalow within tlie Richmond or Haw thorne district Call Belt 3194. WANTEp -To rent a 4. 5of' room unfur nished house in good neighborhood. Phone Woodlawn 5379. ilOUSEKEEPINtt room for man steadily em ployed, close to Hippodrome; must be reason- abie. U-62 2 ournal. RESPONSIBLE family, 3 adults. 5 or 6 room house, ea.t or west side, by Oct 1 or soonur. Sellwood 1963. FAMILY of three wih to rent bungalow where excellent care of prouerty uiaku for rea sonable rental Y-66. Journal. UNFURNISHED 6 room house, Alborta district preferred; 4 adults; 6 months rent advanced. Call weok days, from 9 to 6 Malti 4,24-S; WANTED For the season, duck lake or part interest in one. State price and localiim. Z-557. Journal. . STOREROOM for ladies' barber shop, with liv ing room. Notify 320 (,n.an st. WANTED Unfurnished li-tl 4 room flat or apt.: must be central. Woodlawn 140. WANTED Unfurnished 6 room bungalow; will pay 3 months' rent advance. East 141H, REAL ESTATE BU8INF.SS PROPERTY 66 INDUSTRIAL RITE NORTH PORTIA ND 2 choice quarters at $3200 each, nttahle for box factory, shingle mill, oil depot. Excellent building J'K-eUon. 'Trackage Near Up.'hur st Bargain. WAKEFIELD, KIIIES A CO.. 80 4th st CORNER lot. with store 'room, living rooms and garage; on paved street and where car line makes turn; $3500; also stock uf gro- j eerie and fixture for sale. This is a good . location for taneral store. Owner. 4019 43d ave. S. E., cor. of 47tl St. isellwood 522. TO LEASE 68 FOB LEASE More tlian 100x100, corner, on highway; very prominent car and automobile line. Owner. 0-819, Journal FOR SALE HOUSES LAST CHANCE room bouse. $1200. Woodshed, chicken run trees, berries, cement walks, close to car. Hurry, Owner, Main 3272. NICE 8 room cottage, furnished; built in con veniences. 60x100 lot. Price $8100; $500 down, $15 a month. 1186 E. 15tb st N. FLAT FOR SALE 6-ronu aud baUi modern newly lunuiHieu euwiw, . i . juu Broadway. MODERN bungalow and garage. 8-39 68th st S. E., block from Lowell Valley road, $1700. Terms $300, bal. like rent. 5 ROOM bungalow, built-in-i. good district, schools and ear service. 4 328 Clinton near 43rd, Richmond car. Tsbor 6301. ft YiwYvr mrwt.rn house, close in. full lot. caved t. ; 3 rooms now rented fl per montn, $3300; $1600 terms. 6 per cent East 6779. MODERN bungale. Hawthorne dtriet, garage, - furniture; roust sell; save $1000 by seeing me. Tabor 1627; j-ROOM modern bouse, lot 90x140, beautiful district west slope of Mount Tabor. T.nn. Owner. Tabor 8621. ' FOR SALE 6 room bouse and furniture. r- lot 60x100. Inquire of owner during tbe day on premises, 674 Schuyler. A BARGAIN for $3200. Modern bungalow in Hawthorne district on block carline; term. Marshall 262$. WEST SIDE 6 -room house in A-l condition: price is right; deal with owner. 330 Grant St., bet 6tb and Broadway. 927 WILLIAMS AVE. 6 room snap, dear; take lot Owner. Main 4808. $2600. FOUR room bouse. 6104 89th av. 8. E.. lot 50x100. electric light gas $1250. Tetms. BARGAIN Madera room bouse, good Wa tioo; fireplaee and large yard. Tbor 6T77. BY OWNlSlPrdOO. sell or trade, 6 roomaT modern house. 608 E. 22d st. 8 KOOM all modern bouse. 1 acre of ground. for sale, ttellwood 1450. ROSE City ' Park, 6 room bungalow; owner. Tabor 7054, FOR SALE CHEAP 3 room tent nous. ST Nephew, 916 Lombard St., St Johns. FOB SALE House, I block from Broadway car, u 324 Bentus st, POR REWT HOUSES U5FLBSISHED REAL ljTAT15 FOR SALE HOUSES Worth' Remembering ' The other day man or looked like one boldly stated it wa cheaper to rent : than own a home. I looked at him in -astonishment and answered: It all depend , on a man' viewpoint Should a man ' truly love bit wife and children and fully , realize hi exalted position and great re- eponrtbtlity to them, including his fellow ' man. b would never make or repeat that remark, for this statement tneana that be is willing, because of cheapness, to place his wife and children with the gypsy tribe -of moving when you are told to move, bar ing no home tlity can call their own, there by instilling ia the children' mind . roving. unsettled condition, wondering; -what and where next They having no time to riant trees or flower, bene in . the coming year they can remember no place as borne. Shame on the man who state it's cheaper ta rent than own ; hem. Why not use a tent; iff cheaper in dollars and dimes. Coin or money t . only good for the happiness you and other receive in spending it U, tell yon, the '. greatest and most important lesson tli love of home is lost to husband, wife and children who are compelled to drift from house to house; also the love of home and home life is the only permanent, solid, true foundation on which society and the sta- bility of this government rests. I'm truly sorry for a mother or father' vision or . blindness who think it's cliener to rent than own a home of their own. YOUR ANSWER. NOW OH NEVER Continue ptiying rent and remain FOR EVER HOMELESS, or at onre investigate Wslnut Park's plan and OWN A 1IOMH OK VOCR OWNf Many others are build ing in Walnut Park. WHY NOT YOUf P.xtra inducements offered; save coromia- 1 sion by dealing with the owner, FIE MORE HOMES THIS WEEK. W. M. Killingsworth offke, 1149 Union v... Office- Hours: 10 to 12 A. M. Phone Appointments Woodlawn 3304 or Woodlawn 961 ItARTalVf IRVINGTON 7 room bouse, strictly modern." Lot 50x100. Price $4300. ALBERTA Near Union ave., 6 room, sleeping porch, lot 5oxl0U. Price $2250. 7 room bouse, Mississippi carlino bear Skld- more st. 50x100 ft with l)cy. lot of frutt Trio $2500. 7 room hou.se near Vancouver ave. and Rkld more st. 50ill0 ft with alky; rents for $30; fruit trees. Price $'.'00. 5 room house near E. 60th st, aonth of Hawthorne are.. 50x100 ft, modern, good con dition. Price $2000. Same neighborhood, 7 room house, 100a loo it. Price 82760. Alameda Park, 7 room boncalnw, modem throughout, 60x100 ft Price $4230. Laj-y terms can b arranged on any of the. S. B. OLSTAFF, Main 2374. 400 Henry bldg. Hawthorne $2!(K) for a semi modern bungalow of i rooms, earuue. buth, toilet, lot 40x100, on E. Utltli. $500 cjisu. .'2i)( for a 5 room on Glenn ave., with Bn kimi of shrubbery, fruit and grapes, chicken house and lot 40x112: $1000 cash. bal. term. t.17,.0 for a very fine 5 room on r 49UU; a dandy for rash. Marshall 829 F. L. 51192 'Ry. Exch. A BARGAIN Modern 4 room bungalow on Mu lligan Avenue, has good plumbing, electric and gas, basement, chicken houio ami other improvements; the lot is 50.120. Ho sure to inquire about tit la lit t lo .lace, for it Is a hatgain. Price $201)0. Terms. J. F. HILL t0f!Wilirji AvstiUB. East 266. NEW 4 -ROOM BUNTfALbw For hale by owner . 1 offer for sal and immediate possession my new. modern bungalow at less than actual cost I have just moved in, but opportunity to go on fnrni changes plans; 2 bedroom, 2 claiete, I'sth, larce screened in back ivorch. full basement built -ins in kitchen, rang nd wood goes; price $24 00. $500 rafb. bsl. to suit. Come right out nd bring your check book along. 1114 Tib betts st., Richmond car, or see owner at 805 N. W.JBank bldg. Main6448. ONLY $4500. on the business street of the city of Portland, on 6th t, only 1 block from the Lincoln high, only 4 block from the city Auditorium. Can you beat it? A 6 room house, with lot 26x68 ft. ; tb house is old to he sure, could not bo otherwise for this price, but it has s full set of new porcelain plumbing and the location with tbe lot ought to he euotiuh snid for tbe small sum of $4500, and we will even give you terms. M. J. CUMKSSY, ABINUTUN BLDG. $2MVJ0 "FOR a fine 4 ""rouraT wtth lot" S fti u1 with fruit and berries, on E. ROth. Thia t a snap, only $300 cash, bal, terms. $3000 for a fine 8 room with garage, fruit and berry patch of 100x100, lot 132x208; yon can make money on this place; $300 baL terms. Phone Man h29. F. L. BLANCHARD 511920 Ry. Exch. ALBERTA - ALBERTA NEW 5 room modern bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffist, Dutch kitchen, 2 lovoly larce bedrooms, full cement betnrnt Thi a rare bargain. Price $3800, with $1000 cash. Will be in office Sunday from 10 a. m. to 2 p. nt Hiely A Oustafsen. 905 Yeon. ONLY $2960 buys a brand new bungalow "oat the west aide, practically in the center of tbe city, close to carline snd overlooking tbe river, lias bungalow is modem, up-to-date, with full cement basement, fireplace, porcelain plumbing, and the person wbo buy will be the first to lire in It it tbry desire to occupy. Ion can more in right away. $500 cash, tin balance easy I inonthlv tiavnients. M. J. CUHIK.SNY. ABIN'll. j ton BLIiG. ' O R. FIVE HOUSt. FRUIT $500 CASH. Nice 6-r. house, furnace, buffet, bookcase. -cabinet kitchen, full cement basement, laundry trays; lot 50x100, chicken house and run; lots of fruit; on E. 4 7th st. near 61st ave., I block to car. Price $2900, $500 cash and $26 per month. GRUSSI A BENNETT. 318 Board of Trad bklg. Main 7452. ROSE ClTY-PARK CAR FURNISHED 8 ROOM BUNGALOW $2200 Neat little bungalow, completely furnished, even a piano, for $2200. Requires about $1000 cash. A. G. TEEPE CO., 214 Stark st. near 8d. Main 8092 Main 8516. Branch Office. 60th and Saudy. Open Sunday. WELL built 7 room house, bungalow tyl in fine residence district. Bldg. in fin condi tion. Maple floor in part: fireplace, I hitch kitchen, lot of built in euumuiodatiotia ; bldg. newly listed; has full basement, deeping porch, lots of cluKeU. Might consider renting to proe pectir buyer. Phone Tabor 4177, evenings. B PT'.EN "DID. W E 1.17 BU'iLT 8ROOM ""HOME". HIGHLAND ADDITION; FIVE IXCATION, GOOD LAWN, FRUIT; HTRETTH ALL PAID; MODERN. WORTH $5500. WIIJL TAKE . t $4750 LOT 60 BY 75. EAST 278. OWNER. 61 ! lUMfcLHlfR5T HOME 6 rootm and sleeping porch; all white enamel finish; garage. 1'rioe $5750; rcaswnnble Terms. WEBSTER KINCAID 526 KYnry J'idK Phone Main 47$6. 6l6P-3 RtsOMS 1100 Df)WN Gaa, water, patent toilet, nice Jot, chicken house, 11 fruit trees, macadam streets. $17.60 : gMmI-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCHANGE. A BARGAIN For sale, by owner. 16 acres A-l land, 15 miles from center of Portland, close to electric line, close to hard surface road, good building. Phone Wdln. 233, or call at 1000 Cleveland it.., Portland. FINE" 6 TrooM IIOrtri'BViNGTON",-8LEEp. ING PORCH, GRAND LOCATION, VERY MODERN. GARAGE. FINE FINISH, BASE MENT. STREETS AIJi PAID. WORTH $7600. 'JAKE $0600, EAST 273. OWNER. FOK SALE Five room houa ; barn, chicken fruit trees, ber house; comer bt 100x100: ries; quick rain. $1250. Inquire 245 East 84us st Mt Tabor car to 86U. walk four block sonth. FOR SALE by owner, one lot, 8 room plastered house: semi-modern; gas, woodshed, etc. $0; mall t -ay merit down, $10 per month. Mt Scott csr to Firlsnd station. 4827 76th et.' S. E. WHY NOT BuiOn Get an artistic bom by an rtab11hed archi tectural firm t low cost W bnlld anything; furnish the money if desired. L. R. Bailey Co, Inc., contracting rcfatteets. 924 N. W.- Rank. .GOOD 5 room bungalow, thoroughly modern. JJuach kitchen, full basement lot 128x148: nearly all kinds of fruit, garage; near Mt Soot csrliue. Price $8000, $1600 Saab. 6361 H 8 tist. 8. E. FOR SALE" by owner. 6 rooms, en and Kail; hardwood floors, nice fire grate, large sleep ing perch, full cement basement, hot water heat, concrete garage; comer 100x160: 87000 Tabor 8944. ' : why" pit bEwf r ' , Fine 6-room r evidence, lot and half in on Bolmont; $600 rash, balance like - to suit Phone Tsbor 268. FOB 8ALE--5-room bonse, 100(100 lot, WoU atock. near acbool and car, $ 2 2 80: i .r lift UU" h WmU'' FOR SAIJE liouse 4 Joti .01 Satpp i