-THE OREGON : SUNDAY - JOURNAL, PORTLAN D, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER U 14, .1919. 7 HEW TODAY Inside Property Not only are. inside properties the best form of realty invest ment to secure steady returns but they offer, as well, oppor tunity to profit from natural growth of values. Many of Oregon's largest tor tunes are founded on invest ments in carefully selected inside properties. We have listed Portland's choicest inside properties for sale or exchange, and some can be purchased on the basis of 1915 construction costs. We recommend the following properties at the prices at which they can be purchased as some of the most attractive proposi tions to be found in Portland Real Estate today. fo. t 112,500. 100x100 ft. , corner. Close in on 16th street. Some improvements. No. 2 5.000. Sixth street. 100x100 ft. corner. South of Morrison street and north of Jefferson street. No. 3 $45,000. New modern brick and stucco Apartment " House producing a big rate of interest on the investment. No. 4 $60,000. Near Broadway and Morrison streets. 100x 100 corner. No. 5 $70,000. West Side Mod , em Apartment House. Can be placed under 10 net se cured lease for five years. u i iu.uuu. turner 200. partially improved with well constructed brick build ing; paving handsome return on entire investment, with irrent opportunity for specu lation and development. As inside property specialists we are prepared to give our clients full information regard ing property values, their in :omes and desirability for defi nite purposes. Inside Property Dealer -Ground Floor, Henry Building ESTABLISHED 1802. ON TUESDAY NEXT AT THE BAKER AUCTION HOUSE Masonic Temple Building. WE HAVE RECEIVED THE FUR NISHINGS FROM A HOME IX IRV INGTON, ALSO A FEW ANTIQUES FROM HOYT STREET PRIVATE RESIDENCE AND WILL SELL THE SAME AT AUCTION ON ABOVE DAY. Comprising costly mahogany living room suite in genuine leather viz. daven port, rocker and chairs, this is massive, library tables lr mahogany and oak, genuine Spanish leather rockers, ebony cabinet, oak rockers with leather seats, twji antique chairs, antique rosewood bedstead, rare old vases, etc. Lace cur tains, pictures, one sectional bookcase, glass door bookcases, oak dining tables, ljuffets, china cabinet and chairs. Din nedware, velvet and Brussels rugs. Costly mahogany over mantle, set of encyclopedia in leather, Webster diction ary and other books, large oil paintings, four post mahogany bed, brass bed. white enamel bedroom suite as follows: beds, dressers, chiffonier, chair, rocker. All beds are complete with best steel springs, silk floss and cotton mattresses, piil vs. spreads, quilts, colonial style qtxter-sawed oak dresser and chif fioner. A rare old dresser in ivory ena mel with Italian marble top. AVso table and commode- to match this real furni ture. Steed range, refrigerator, enamel and granite ware, and many other use ful household Items. NOTE ALI THE ABOVE GOODS ARE NOW ON VIEW. AUCTION ON TUESDAY NEXT AT 10 O'CLOCK. ON THURSDAY NEXT We shall have another large lot of household goods to sell. These goods tan be seen on Wednesday afternoon. AUCTION THURSDAY NEXT AT 10 O'CLOCK. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT On Wednesdey 24th next we shall Bell the costly furnishings of a private Jiome In the NobS Hill district. Particu lars later. We buy household goods for cash. Call us up and we will call. MAIN 8332. W. C. BAKER & W. H. DEAN Furniture Dealers and Auctioneers. Masonic Temple Building Yamhill and Weat Park Streets 3fW TODAY BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON The Addition Of Fine Homes 10 Minutes' Drive From Center of the City We "are selling the Hughes estate holdings at reduced prices and on easy terms. They are going fast, but we still have a number of choice corners lOOx 100, inside plrcels 75x100 and 50x100 lots ; most of these lots have evergreen shade trees ; the entire district is highly improv ed with hard surfaced streets, sewers, all in and paid, good schools, car service and the most desirable entrance to the city over the Broadway bridge. There are over $200,000 worth of new houses under construction in Irvington now. Better selectt your future homesite today. Ritter, Lo we & Co. ffll.t-6-7 Board of Trade Bid. Send Us Your Old Carpets Old Bnfs and Woolen Clothing Wo Make Beverilble, Hand-Wovts Fluff Rugs They Wear lite Iron Rag Bars Woven All Sites Mall Orders Send for Booklet Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning zlt Bogs, Steam Cleaned, 11. 10 WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO. (4 Union Are. li. East $il Phones B-H7J TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY DANDY 8 room hiii in San Diego. Take, auto an part payment. East 411. 6 passenger Studehaker; food shape, (250. Phone East 411. Monday. MARQUI83 In thin city. Sept 13. James W. ManiuLw. aged 78 yearn. The funeral services will be held Monday. Sept. IS. at 2:30 p. m.. at Finley's. Montgomery at 5th. Interment at the G. A. R. cemrtery.- SUGARS In this city. Sept. 12, Margaret Ce celia Sugars, aged 56 years, mother of J. I Rugars. of Everett. Wa'h. The remains will be forwarded this (Sunday) morning by J. P. Elnley 1 at non, to l.sstlerprs, wash., where services will be held and interment made. HUGHES In this city st her late residence. 345 48th t.. Sept. 13. Eleanor Huirhes -red S3 yean, mother of Edwin and William Hughes, t sirs. rl. ri. Burnett of Mevler, Mo.; Mrs. W. J. Reese, Newton Hughes of Kansas City. Mo.: Mn. W. A. Jones and Elizabeth Hughes of this city. The funeral services will be held today (Sunday) at 4 p. m., at Finley's, Montgomery, at Fifth. Friends invited. Interment at Mt. Scott Park cemetery. 8HEPPARD In this city. Sept. 10. Thomas R. Sheppard, aged 43 years, late of Fort Wran gle, Alaska, husband of Mrs. Dora Shrpard. The remains will be forwarded Monday, Sept 15, to Washington. D. C, where services will be held and interment made. RUTHERFORD The funeral services of Edna Florella Rutherford will be held Monday, Sept, 15, at 1 p. m., at Finley's, Montgomery, at 5th. Friends invited. Interment at Mt Scott rkrk cemetery. BIG LUMBER HAUL Big lumber company wants man with truck to take long contract hauling; there is 850 per day In this. I will sell you a truck and put you on the Job. Bartlett, 522 Aider st. Call Broadway 2492. $50 A DAY j Long hauling job; good pay; must be taken at I once. K---2, Journal. SPECIAL FORD Elect, starter, demountable, vacuum feed and everything imaginable. SMITH AUTO CO., Park and Couch. 5 ACRES$fl20 Improved. 81 fare Portland. Half cash. Claude Cole, 21.5 Lumbermen. bldg. A RARE BARGAIN Prunes, pear, cherries. 24 acres. 1 mile of station. 84000 crop last year. Price 35000, terms. 215 Lumbermens bldg. 6 Rooms Fyrnsshed j 330 UNIVERSITY PARKs CLEAN Will lease. Garden. Lovely home. Call Sell wood 25152. Call 502 Couch bldg. Spot Cash PaSd for PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS PIANOS AND ORGANS Newman's Exchange, 128 FIRST. aiAi: 4S, XAIHU S798. NIFTY P. TNG A LOW CLOSE TO SANDY BLVD. 5 rooms and enclosed back porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in bookcase and buffet, Dutch kitchen and pantry, full cement base ment, furnace, all in fine shape: just 2 'short blks. to car. Price 33800, 81200 cash will handle, bal. like rent. This is a little peach. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER. LOWE It CO. 201-3-.V7 Board of Trade bldg. IRVINGTON HOME 35250 8 room", fine furnace. 4 aleeping rooms and bath on 2d floor, maid's room on 3d floor, beautiful trees. fruit and shrubbery, fine hiftnes all around, east front, near E. 18th and Broadway. 82000 down. RITTEB. LOWE ft CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT A completely furnished 5 room bungalow, including piano, on a pared street, with all assessments paid and in a good neighborhood, for 83600. Terms. See Mr. BROWN, 270 H Stark st. Min 1700. Evgs. Tabor 50. 8TUDEBAKER. 1918. G-cyL, 7 passenger, good condition. Selling account returning-to Texas oil fields. S-5. Journal. DANDY grocery, A-l location, doing a fine bus iness of about 830 to 340 a day; brick bide Nice 5 room flat over store; rent only 840 for entire bldg.; fixtures at 8400 and invoice the stoak. Act quick to get this bargain. TO BUY A BIT IN ESS SEE BI SINESS SERVICE 317 Henry bldg. Msln 7T. 31800 Good little restaurant and grocery, near Sen wood ear bams, doing a business of about $35 a day; could be greatly increased if handled by right party. ; Rent only 812.50, including 2 nice liv ng rooms furnished. Price 81600 or will invoice. TO Bl'Y A BI SINEHM SEE . BUSINESS -iKUVICE 1I flewi tdUfc lteU7BZ. i "TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY $65 A34 ACRE, WILLAMETTE VALLEY ' 280 acre, 190 under cultivation, all (nod land, fenced sad eras fenced, Ursa creek, fin aet of farm buildings, located on good road one nil from 8. P. railroad town In heart of the ralley. , Weist St Dollarhide, 510-511 Lewi Bldf. $80 AN ACRE, NEAR SALEM 700 acre, nearly all under cultivation, . good et of farm buildings, fenced and croe fenced with wire. Located 2 miles from B. B- and town. Weist & Do.larihi.de, 610-151 1 Lewis Bide. G RES HAM, 10 ACRES All garden land oa Powell Valley Road, fair buildings, this k a real bay. Price 14000 term. Weist & Dollarhide, 510-511 Lewis Bldf. PACIFIC AGENCY, Inc. SUITE 514 to 519 SWETLAND BLDG. ALBERTA DISTRICT 7 room modern house. 1 H block off car line. 93000; terms 11600 cash, balance easy terms. WOODSTOCK Close in, 6 room bungalow, right on carline; $3600; f750 cash, balance $36 a month. ALBINA Snap. S4000, lot 100x100, 4 room house, on carline; hardwood floor. See this. Some terms. WEST SIDE 7 room bungalow, 4 room house, lot 100 100; $5000, 1300 cash and rent will handle payments. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 0 room modern bouse, lot 88x98, garage, 4 blocks off carline; 34 500. LENTS 12500 7 room house, lot 100x200. This will make a fine suburban home; fruit and berries. IRVING DISTRICT 10 rooms, modern, 1 block off good carline. If you are looking for a nice home see this; 38000: 33000, and $00 per month. A snap. SEE US FOR BUILDING LOTS IP YOU WANT SOME SNAPS PACIFIC AGENCY, Inc. 512-13 14 15 SWETLAND BLDG, A CHOICE HOMESITE 50x100 lot on Idaho street. South Portland, half block to car and pared street; 3500. Executor, 424 Abington bldg., Sunday. Phone Marshall 1633. ROSE CITY DISTRICT I A strictly modern 7 -room buncalow stvle home, 50x100 lot, hard surfaced street, sewer, hardwood floors, garage, 3 blocks from car, E. 42d and Freemont Price 14200, on easy terms. This place is cheap. EDW. P. MALI.. 309 Chamber of Commerce. $3230 A 5 room bungalow, well located, handy to car, shrubbery, furnace, improvements all paid. This place was built for a home and has been well kept. A bargain and terms can be ar ranged. Ed. P. Mall, 309 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE by the Mohfwk Rabbitry and Ken nels. 1.121 Asbury St.. Indianapolis, Ind., high class rabbits, all breeds; Guinea pigs, ferrets, pig eons, hunting dogs and blooded hogs; raise stock for us; we furnish the breeding stock and buy back all you raise: send for prices and terms; 10c for booklet and circulars. YOUNG Hartz mountain canaries; singers, 35; females, 25e. 752 Albina ave. AUTO SHEET METAL WORKS HARRY LEECE J. C. WRIGHT RADIATORS FENDERS Windshields repaired Beats cut down for carap beds Acetylene Welding All Work Guaranteed 3."4 E. BURNBIDE At the Bridge. East 7249. ROSE CITY PARK SPLENDID BUY 6 room 1H story bungalow with garage; fine location; nearly new; phone for appointment to inspect or call at office. East 89th and Glisan st. Tabor 3433, evenings East 2086. A REAL BARGAIN 6 ROOM MODERN HOUSE Bath, toilet, lights, hot and cold water, gas. Full cement basement, laundry trays; lot 100x100. - garage. Price only 82500 Take 3500 cash; balance to suit. W. W. JORDAN, WITH I.VSIDE PROPERTY. DEALERS GROUND FLOOR. HENRY BLDG. 83 Fourth st Marshall 892. 32100 SEMI BUNGAUiW 32100 EASY TERMS 6 rooms and sewing room, 1 bedroom, on first floor, full built-in Dutch kitchen, full base ment, semi-cement, hi block from Irvington car, 2 blocks from school. ,C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. CLOSE-IN. EAST SIDE EASY WALKING DISTANCE 6 rooms, fireplace, full cement basement, fur nace, paved Mieeta in and paid, good garage, full lot, iust 1 blocks from Broadway car. See us about this and make an offer. C A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE 4c CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. LARGE ROOMY BUNGALOW S250O EASY TERMS 32500 5 rooms and full floored attic, full semi remcnt basement, fireplace, large full built-in Dutch kitchen. 8500 cash, bal. like rent at U per cent C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 32400 BUNGALOW 32400 MT. TABOR DISTRICT Ground 60x44, well built 5 room bungalow, good painted chicken house, about 8 large bear ing fruit trees, abundance of berries and shrub bery, nice lawn. This is a snap for price we are asking. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C A. WARRINER, RITTER, LOWE A CO., 201-S-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. BELOW HILL 33700 NEAR SANDY 33700 ' 5 moms and floored attic, Dutch kitchen, range all connected and linoleum go with place. Full cement basement, paved streets in and paid, lust hi block off Sandy blvd. 3700 cash, lial. like rent. WATCH OCR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. IXWE A CO , 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. REAL BARGAIN : PENINSULA HOME 6 rooms and large sleeping porch, built-in bookcases, fireplace, full semi-ccment basement, nice lawn, fruit trees, garage, full lot. about 1 00 ft from paved streets and car. 8800 cash Kill handle. Quick posKession. Price 33500. C. A. WARRINER, BITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. HOSE CITY PARK 84000 COMPLETELY FURNISHED 84000 This is now vacant You can move right in. All good furniture. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, built-in buffet and Dutch kitchen, cement base ment, furnace, full lot, east front, paved streets in and paid. Jusr. lhi blocks from Sandy blvd. 81200 cash will handle. Rsl. easy. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER, LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. PIEDMONT BEAUTY This is a real home. 7 rooms and large music room, strictly modern, hardwood floors, bnilt-in bookcases, buffet fireplace, full cement base ment, furnace, nicely floored full attic, large living room, full 50x100 lot. garage, lawn and shrubbery, paved streets in and paid. 2 blocks from car, short distance to others. This Is an exceptionally well built home. Price $7000 Terms. C. A. WARRINER. RITTEB. LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. ALAMEDA $5250 REAL BUT $5250 T rooms, strictly modern. 1 bedroom on first floor, hardwood floors, all built-in modern con veniences, full cement basement, furnace, paved streets in and paid, nice iawn and shrubbery, just 2 blocks to Broadway -car. This is located among Alameda fine homes. Terms. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 7 : $850" - Will bay a dandy little grocery an east side, good location; nice, elean stock and fixtures: doing a good business; rent only $25. Price $850. TO BUY" A BUSINESS SEE BUSINESS SERVICE 817 Henry bldg. Main 0797. A SNAP A dandy little restaurant in good location, doing from $30 to $40 a day; rent only $35. Good fixtures. Price $450. , - STO BUY A BUSINESS SEE jlf TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 2 GOOD young milch cows. Price 355 and 375. Auw good milch goat and kkL 345. 806 Powell Valley road. Woodstock car. WANT kitchen cabinet and s as heater, tabor 4203. MAXWELL. 1914. 3250; good mechanical con dition. 901 Tibbets St. Phone Sellwood 3760. YOUR chance My 5 pass, car, sacrifice ; quick ; 3200. D-450. Journal. 1910 STEVENS Salient Six, 4 pass- speedster; 5 cord tires, bumpers, spotlight, mirror, al most new; bargain. Woodlawn 5439. FORD delivery, mechanically perfect, easy terms, good tires. East 7000. FORD panel delivery car in perfect condition; terms. 392 E. 45th N". FOR SALE McCaskey Register, good as new; price reasonable. 700 Wuh. st Main 7227. 1H It P. "Gray" stationary gas engine. VVdln. 2284, apt 20. 2 WOOD and coal ranges, with coil ; 1 gas range, 1 ice box. 1 heating store. 122 19th t, Broadway 2651. WILL TRADE some good work horses and some fresh cows for light automobile or truck. 89 Powell street, Woodstock car. WANTED Light automobile; have equity in 5 room hout-e near Division street and some cash. Will girt good deal. Sell. 717. RHEUMATISM We get it every time. We are equipped with the hot and the electric and every other de-ice that puts rheumatism on the run. RHEUMATISM SPECIALISTS East 1577 82050 PENINSULA BUNGALOW Just north of Columbia park on a full lot is a practically new modern 5 room bungalow ; built-in conveniences; white Dutch kitchen; 2 light airy bedrooms; white enamel plumbing; electric lights and gas; good cement basement and laundry trays; easy terms. We have over 700 photographs of inspected homes in our office for sale. 12 experienced salesmen with auto at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE - TO BUT YOUR HOME Abington bldg. Main 1068. 83750 PIEDMONT DISTRICT On Rodney ave. near Alberta is an 8 room home; living room with fireplace; beamed ceil ing ; leaded art glass bookcases ; convenient kit chen; cement basement with furnace and laundry trays; 3 bedrooms; white enamel plumbing; newly painted. We have over 700 photographs of inspected homes in our office ror sale. 12 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME Abington bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays $2800 ADJOINING IRVINGTON On Graham ave., 1 hi block west of Irvington, I is a substantial modern 5 room bungalow cot i age; electric lights and gas. No mongage or street liens to assume. This is close m property. We have over 700 photographs of inspected homes in our office for sale. 12 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. SKfc. FRANK L. McGUIRE TO RITY YOUR HOME Abington bide. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and 8nndaya $2100 REAL BUNGALOW BARGAIN 2 blocks south of the Mt. Tabor car on full lot. BOilOO. is an attractive typical bunga low with large living room : paneled dining room ; china cloet: Dutch kitchen; 2 light airy bed rooms; white enamel plumbing; electric light and gas; good cement basement; small down payment, entire balance like rent. No mortgage or Btreet liens to assume. Bsrgains like these are few and far between. We have over 700 photographs of inspected homes in our office for sale. 1 2 experienced salesmen wicn autos at your service SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY TOUR HOME Abington bid.. , Main 1068. Office Open Evenmgs anJtandays GIRI. AtTeai.tr5-ears"oW and 2 years high school for office work evenings and go to day school. Call Main S700. Branch 33. EXPERIENCED CHAMBERMAID at the Hotel Hoyt, 0th and Hoyt. EXPERIENCED stenographer and general of fice rirL Good penman. Give age and salary expected. B-512. Journal. GENERAL "office girl, must be accurate and a good penman. Good chance for advancement. Give age and calary expected. R-513, Journal. A-l ACCOUNTANT and credit manager open for engagement Married, live wire, thorough ly experienced. Call Tabor 14S7. SMALL sleeping room, walking distance, refer ences. Main 3018. REDUCED RATES 33.00 WEEK Large two-room fully furnished housekeeping suites; free phone, bath, lights, etc. "The Free port," 230 Larabee, corner Holladay. East 567. These are right MODERN FLAT 53 80th at., car. 815 per month. Monti villa WILL SHARE my flat with girl who withes to study music, walking distance, references, reasonable. Main 3018. ALAMEDA SNAP Beautiful building lot near the carline on paved street, all paid up, for 3900. Alameda Investment Co.. 605 Corbett bldg. Marsh. 635. 8 hi A. near Vancouver, high state of cultiva tion, good buildings, on paved road. 86000 with equipment, terms. Kenney, with Wilbur F. Jouno. Henry bldg. $50( HANDLES THIS 14 A. in cultivation, joining city limits of Vancouver, with buildings, 8 blocks from elec tric car. Only 83800. Kenney, with Wilbur P. Jouno, Henry bldg. 2 ACRES, modern house, 8 miles out, close to car. 9 cent fare. Price $2800. $1000 down. 35 acres near Forest Grove on Gales creek, all fenced, house, bam, 12 acres cultivated, $3500, terras. Graham. 325 Ry. Ex. bldg. 60 ACRE FARM AU under cultivation: house and barns; 2 miles north of Forest Grove: 2 elec. railways This is the best farming section in the state. $200 per acre. Front on a good road and one of the best places for the money. Alameda In- Testment Cn ROR Corhptt hldir Marshal 635. ! 225 A., 70 A. in cultivation, npar Clackamas, with good buildings. Rent $500. Wilbur t. Jouno, Henry bldg. 45 A., 30 A. in cultivation, near Vilo ytation. Personal property $1300; terms. Wilbur F. Jouno. Henry bld. IF YOU W A NT to rent your farmi transfer your lease and sell your personal property. t send description to Wilbur F. Jouno. Henry bldg. 12 MILLION and more Yeflow Fir and Cedar on 160 acres close to wagon road and rail road building. Cedar could be cut into shingles at once and hauled to the railroad and pay for the whole in a few weeks. Price $0000 cash. D. A. DoneLson. 447 Sherlock bldg, Portland. HAVE $500 cash as first payment on modern 5-room bungalow; can pay $20 per month with interest: win not consider a place over $2500. D-447 Journal. WANT to purchase lot 50x100 with small- sized house, strictly modern, at South Port land, north of Marquam Gulch. Phone Tabor 812. WE HAVE clients waiting for 3. 4 or 5-room houses. List them with us; if they suit our erients. can sell at once. 201 Alisky bldg., 3rd and Morrison sts. WILL PAY CASH and 1 acre for equity in house and lot 8 ell. 2C3. $35 BUYS a cleaning shop; cheap rent; fine location: with plenty of work. Call at 102 N. 3rd st LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS CASH PAID FOR ANY ISSUE OF BONDS. FULL MARKET PRICE. LOAN ON WAR SAVINGS STAMPS. YOU CAN BORROW CASH OF US ON BONDS AND SAVINGS STAMPS, OR TO FINISH PAYING FOR VICTORY BONDS. SEE E. BURKITT. PRESIDENT, OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO. 212 SELLING ULDG. (2ND FLOOR). CASH FOR AUTOMOBILES. YOU BUY OR SELL A CAR. WE FURNISH THE MONEY IT IS PERFECTLY SIMPLE. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO . 212 SELLING BLDG. GOOD WORK team, sound and gentle, 2 miles east of Lents on Foster road. Box 408. MUST SELL my team, black mare and gelding. 8 and 10 years old. 1100 lbs. each; heavy breeching harness; good breaking plow; double section harrow; 3-in. farm wagon; all for $165. This team has worked together for 5 years on the farm and they are in good condition. I hare no more use for them, i no place to keep them. 632 27th st north, large tent house. Broadway car to Stanton st, walk 3 blocks east and one block north. Mrs. Richardson. 40 ACRES 22 acres cleared, on rock road 1 hi miles from 'Foster road (hard surface) and from electric line. Buildings are usable but not of- much value. Orchard of over an acre is good as ia the rest of the land; no rock-or travel. Stumps on 16 acres have been shot but not pulled, making it a simple matter to clear the rest of the place. 11 miles to the court house in Portland. To settle an estate this place will he fold for 8700O on ca-y ternn. Adtlresa Executor, 424 Abington building, at Suudajr UlMhci M.r.h.11 16.2. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW 34200.00 Formerly 34500.00. 6 rooms and sleeping poren. l ma Dome not large enough for present owner, who j has purchased larger house and mint ' aell this at once. Large lmng room across entire front, fireplace, dining room with buffet, one bedroom down j or can be ' used as den if desired : ' furnace, full cement basement, wai.ii i trays, hardwood floors, ia fact mod ern throughout. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1094. Office Open Evenings. Closed Sundays. 82350.00 buy a 6-room home; bath, gas, tier trie tights, furnace, full basement, wash trays, nice lawn. attractive home. You would expect to pay much more. 8550.00 cash will han dle. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1094. Office Open Evening. Closed Sundays. 32500.00 buys a dandy 5 -room home all on one floor; bath, gas. electric light, paved street, paid. Garage. Close to I-aurelhurst park. 3500 cash. No . mortgage to assume. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 Ry. Exch. BMg. Main 1094. Open Evenings. Closed Sundays. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW $5250.00 buys a dandy corner bungalow, only hi block to Sandy boulevard. S rooms all on one floor, strictly modern in every detail. Shown only by appoint ment, and requires half cash. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. Bklg. Main 1094. Open Evenings. Closed Sundays. FURNISHED HOME BARGAIN $3500.00 bays a completely furnished home of 6 rooms and sleeping porch. This is a dandy house and close in ; first class furniture and nothing shoddy. We will be pleased to show you. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Ry Exch. Bldg. Main 10B4. Open Evenings. Closed Sundays. $3300.00 Here, folks, is a truly wonderful home, elaborately finished, swell bnf- fet, full basement. 4 rooms and bath down, 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch im. Only half block to Alberta car. This (s really worth considerably more. I ,et ft how you J. A. WICKMAN CO . 204 Ry Exch. Bid Main 1094. fpen Evenings, Closed Sundays. Wn.LAMETTE HEIGHTS $3250.00 buys 5 rooms and sleeping porch; hardwood floors, furnace, fire-place, paved street, paid. Remember this is wet side view property. Terms. J. A WICKMAN CO . 504 Ry. Exch. Bldg Main 1094. $300 HANDLES THIS 4 room modern' bungalow at Kenton, 50x100 lot. for only $2 200. Jorden, with Wilbur F. Jouno. Henry Wdg. 5 ROOM house, on Union ave.. $1875. $500 cash. bal. to suit Jorden. with Wilbur F. cmno. nenry mag. $800 FOR a 60x100 lot. near Kenton school and car. i none wain. zona. 6-ROOM house in Sunnyside. furnace, fireplace, all built-m features, very neat. $3950, $500 down, balance like rent 4 room modem house, 10x100, on WW carline, fine view; lota of fruit, $2700. $300 down. GRAHAM. 325 Ry. Ex. Bldg. PARK ROSF ir-n v SWELL BUNGALOW $4800 Ton certainly will want to avail youaself of this opportunity. Surely a real home won ,J7ir!y constructed ; located on a hardsiirfaced street. This is no ordinary home, and you will hare to 'See it to appreciate its wonderful value; never offered for sale; now get busy. ct at once, probably never again an appor tunity like this one. Of course, it has furnace, fireplace, buffet, garage, etc. A. G. TEEPE OO.. 264 Stark st, near 3d. Main 8092. Main 3518. omn ana s&nay. Open Sunday. nnsir tv i Vic- Bungalow Below the Hill $4100 Ton would never expect to get a bungalow like this one, so splendidly situated, for so lit tle money; hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet furnace, large attic, etc, street assessments paid! Hurry. A. G. TEEPH CO., 264 Stark st. nsar 3d. Main 3516. Main 8092 Branch Office. 60th and Sandy. Open Sunday. ROSE CITY PARK 6 ROOMS $3500 A splendid, home within hi block of Sandv be low the hill, exceptionally well built; fireplace. Fox furnace, etc. Don't come too late, hurry. Seldom are you offered an opportunity like this. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st. near 3d. Main 3092. Main 3516 Branch office. 60th and Sandy. Open Sunday. USED CARS 1917 Hupmobile, in dandy shape, 5 pood tires, seat covers, complete $1075; some terms if desired. 7 passenger Paige. Continental motor, oper ates like new. Will make bargain price tor Quick sale. INTERSTATE MOTOR COMPANY, 111 13th st, near Washington. USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN Will take your Liberty Bonds at face value. 1918 Mitchell. 5-paas., 6-cyl 1918 Mitchell, 3-pass., 6-cyl 1918 Mitchell. 7-pass.. 6-cyl. 1918 Overland. 5-pasa., 6-cyL SeTeral others to select from. MITCHELL, LEWIS ' & STAVER CO.,' Broadway at Oak -st Phones Bdwy. 515, A-3343. FOR SALE 33 homes in Rose City Park. 97 homes in Sunnyside, Hawthorne A Mt Tabor. 40 homes in Holladay, Irvington. 1 1 homes in Lanrelhurst. 1 3 homes In Piedmont 67 homes in Waverley Richmond. 62 homes In Central East Portland. 10 homes in Kenton. 39 homes in Woodlawn. tt4 homes in Peninsula. n5 homes In Albina. S6 homes in Alberta. 52 homes in Montavilla. 85 homes in the West Sidr 63 homes in Sellwood. 37 homes in Woodstock. 92 homes in Mt Scott.. We have listed in our office for sale the above homes, at various prices, terms and locations. Some wonderful bargains. Photographs of each in the office. 12 experienced salesmen with autos to show these homes SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington bldg. Main 1068. Office open evenings and Sundays. THE McGUIRE-SY8TM makes home "buying easy. You can come to this office and see over 700 photographs of homes for sale, arranged in districts; every one has been appraised. 12 automobiles at your service. This is why wc suld wver 114 homes In August SEE - . . FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. ' Abington bldg. Main 1068. Office open evenings and Sundays. . $3850 REAL BUNGALOW HOME On Hawthorne avenue on 93x100, very aightly location, is a typical . bungalow with large frdht porch extending full width of house; brick col umns; living room with fireplace; beamed cell ing: solid paneled dining room with leaded beveled glass buffet; hardwood floors; beautiful hand-rubbed woodwork; full white Dutch kitch en; 2 light airy bedrooms with large closet; white enamel plumbing; electric light and fa'; full cement basement; furnace and laundry trays. This is a double constructed, very mod ern and a well built home: best material and workmanship. Terms. We hava over 700 pho tograph of ' inspected homes in our office for sale, 12 experienced salesmen with auto at yonr service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE, TO BUT YOUR HOME. Abington bldg. Main 1068. Office open evenings and 8nndoys. TEAM of bay horses, weight 8000 be., best of workers , and gentle ; also nice young team, weight 1900 Ib,, good workers In every way; also 4-year-old bay uor-e. iv.i.ht 1100 lh priee $85. , Call 8.6 Powell Valley road, Woodstock TOO ATE TO -.CLASSIFY 1928 BU1CK TOURING MUST BE SOLD SUNDAY SURE ' f $1250 ' - I OWNER MUST RAISE MONEY Tires almost new, also spare tire, spotlight, perfect running order, appearance like new. Terms: Part down and 1 year on payment. 14th and Alder its. Phone Bdwy. 240. $365-ROSE CITY BUNQALOW-$3650 todern In every way. Terms. INVESTIGATE 1314 Sandy blvd. ROSE CITY PARK READ THI8 6 room home, lot 68Hx98H. on paved at All assts. paid. Full cement basement, laundry trays, fireplace, 10 large fruit trees; a real home. 1 hi blks. from Sandy, below hill. $4200, 8500 cash. bal. $25 per mo. and int. Call at 1314 Sandy blvd. BY OWNER, IN KENTON DISTRICT Nifty 6 room modern cement block bunga low. $2800. Only $600 cash. Wdln. 6818. $42506 room modern house, with sleeping porch, on 2 floors, interior beautifully deco rated, fireplace, furnace heat, large light base ment 60x100 corner lot, nice lot and garden pet. A complete home that must be seen to be appreciated. OSCAR GERHAUSER 403-4 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 8075. $3250 A beautiful bungalow of 5 rooms and music room, all on one floor, fireplace, panel dining room, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, fine porcelain plumbing, good light fixtures, extra large light basement, cement floors, hot air furnace and wash trays; excellent value. $1000 cash, balance easy terms. OSCAR GERHAUSER 403-4 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 8075. $2600 5 room modern bungalow on corner lot in Hawthorne district, streets paved and paid, fireplace, full basement, all necessary built-in features. A beautiful little heme. Terms, $1000 cash. $2000 8 room semi-modern cottage, nicely finished up inside, full concrete basement, 2 niee large lots, with plenty of fruit and sha4e. Garage and chicken hoii"e. tsoo cash OSCAR GERHAUSER 403-5 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 8075. SPECIAL BARGAINS, TIRES AND TUBES GUARANTEED FIRST GRADE BRUNSWICK AND INDIAN TIRES TIRES, NON-SKID TUBES ' 30x3 hi Clincher $16.10 $2.86 30x3 Chlncher $14.25 $2.70 32x3 hi S. 8. $18.75 $3.05 32x4 S. S $24.75 $4.00 33x4 S. S $26 25 $4.20 34x4 S. 8 $26.75 $4.80 35x4 hi S. S $36.79 $5.70 36x4 H S. S $37.60 ' $3.80 33x5 Q. D 385.00 35x6 S. S $44.60 $7,00 37x5 S. S $45.50 $7.60 PORTLAND RETREAD & VULCANIZING WKS. 420 Stark St. Portland. Oregon. Between 11th and 12th sts. FORD OWNERS 8pecial sale on 30x3 Non-Skid Gordon tires. Guaranteed 6000 miles. While they last $14.25 each. RETREAD WKS. 429 Stark St. Portland, Oregon. -Between 11th and 12 th Sts. 250 BOYS THIS It's in good condition, has new tires on. the rear and new battery. It's the biggest bargain in the city. And we have a late model Reo 4, 5-pass., a Reo 6. 7-pass.. just overhauled and painted: a Hudson Super Six; a 1918 Chandler and a Maxwell. NORTHWEST AUTO CO.. Alder at 18tb. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO TR A Dl! A BUNGALOW FOR GOOD WASH INGTON LAND I want to trade land near Olympla, Wash., for a 5 or 6 -room modern bungalow; 10 acres in cherries, pears and raspberries Just coming into bearing; a money-maker for someone. STEWART A BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg.. WANT to buy 6 or 8 roomed flat or small rooming house, food furniture: will pay cash D-44 6. Journal. SMALL rooming hon tot sale Jn best in dnstrial part of Portland; income is $72.50 per week; rent is $55 per month. Modern' plumbing, steam heat, hot and cold water in some of the rooms; also so roe housekeeping rooms. Small payment down, balance on terms. 8-7, Journal. HATE a $1200 contract on modern Rose City bungalow. Will discount same; need the cash. Phone C-1259. 644 East 67th N. .- 2400 LBS. team, with good wagon aad harness, for aale cheap. Have no use for them.. 25$ Meade it, South Portland car. 3200;BS.tVam. full brothers, with good heavy harnees. and Mi 11 burn wagon. If yon want a good team see these. Phone Marshall. 4085. 10 ACRE, near Aberdeen. Take good team a part payment Tabor 7828. G-82f, JwnrnaL TWO gentle family cows. 145 each: au 1 S-year-old Jersey Hobtein. heavy milker, to freshen in few days. 751 E. Ash. THREE mil k goa ts for sale. 1245 Halaey tt GOOD family cow, 4 gaL per; 2 mites east o? WUH DB X WICK ram. DQK 1UO, WILL SELL a few thoroughbred Cotawold sheen at a bargain. Call residence phone, - Main 4283. or see Wolfitein, 408 McKay bid g. $350 CASH bungalow, in good condition; cor. lot 66x100: not far out, near the Sellwood car and near a good school. $1800, balance very ALAMEDA INVESTMENT CO.. ! foicoitattSviidtBg., mu. ea TOO LATK TO CI.ASSIFT $3700 R08E riTI DISTRICT ery substantial 7-room modern home, ow a full tot with all liens paid; hardwood flooras fireplaoe; interior woodwork in oak; massive buf fet; buUt-in conveniences. This house could not be built for $4600. Can arrange terms. We hare over 700 photographs of tnepeeted homea in our office tor sale. 12 experienced sales men with autos at your service. SEE " FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUT TOUR HOME. Abington Bldg. - Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. 83000 BTTSINRSS PROPERTY On Itilwaukie ave. ia a food store buiMtng with apartments above. Right on the Sell wood carlinea, near Brooklyn at Paying good income. We have over 700 photographs of in spected homes in our office for aale. 12 ex perienced salesmen with autos at jour semce. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUT TOUR HOME. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Evening! and Sundays. $4500 HEIGHTS BUNGALOW On a 60x125 foot lot with a view -of the city is a neat, very modern new typical bunga low; large living room with fireplace; leaded glass bookcases; eoeh doors lead into an ar tistic dining room with built-in buffet; hardwood floors, indirect light ; white Dutch kitchen with breakfast alcove; full cement basement; laun dry trays. 2 light airy bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas. $500 will handle. Street liens paid. Wa have over 700 photographs of inspected homea in our office for aale. 12 experienced salesmen with autoa at your servioe. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Evening and Sundaya. $2650 $100 DOWN $20 AStfi INT. MONTHLY Rose City car, 5 room' modern bungalow. MR. DARING UNION SAFE DEP. A TR. CO.. 284 OAK INSPECT THIS ONE Best part Rose City Park, well-built, attractive 6 room bungalow, attic; $5250. MR. DARING, UNION SAFE DEP. A TR. CO.. 284 OAK. 644 HOMES SOJD SINCE JAN. I. 1919 60 homea in January 52 in February In March 69 70 in April May 104 May June 72 84 July 114 ONE HUNDRED AND FOURTEEN 114 In August. We find from our salea that the demand ll for modem home- under $8000, in food dis tricts. Naturally, we need new listings more homes to sell. We have been established since 1880. We advertise extenatvely, are in touch with the majority of buyers, hava a 7f" dent selling organization. THK MeUUJHE SYSTEM get results. Every house listed I personally inspected, appraised without charge, photographed and the photograph of your bouse it placed on display In our show room in it respective district. If yon have a home for sale LIST IT WITH US We will et quick and uitUfactory results for yon. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Sell Tour home Abington Building. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundaya. MUST BE SOLD TODAY FINE MAHOGANY UPRIGHT PIANO HALF PRICE 4507 70TH, COR. 45TH AVE. MT. SCOTT CAR WHAT 1AE YOU TO TRADE FOR TODD CHECK WRITER, MECHANICAL TOOLS. MANDOLIN. OLD VIOLIN. SUIT CASE, WARDROBE TRUNK, OLIVER TYPE WRITER, TENT. HEATING STOVE, BICY CLE, COFFEE URN, CREAM SEPARATOR, BUFFET. BOOKCASE. 1000 OTHER USEFUL ARTICLES FOR SALE OR TRADE NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE MAIN 4496. TABOB 678. 128 FIRST. NEAR WASHINGTON GODDARD HAS REAL BARGAINS 16 rooms, $775; IB rooms, $1200. 12 rooms, steam heat, anap. 14 beautiful rooms. White Temple district. 46 rooms, $25O0; 45 rooms. $3250. ALL SIZES. ALL PRICES. Get in My Automobile AND I WILL SHOW YOU BRUCE GODDARD. 502 COUCH BLDG. 1919 Indian Electric $850 1918 Indian Electric $300 1918 Indian Electric 3250 1918 Herley-Davidson Electric $300 1918 Harley-Dandson Electric $-j0 1917 Henderson $225 1918 Dayton Electrio "5 We also have many others for lea. Will give you terms to auit INDIAN MOTORCYCLE & BICYCLE CO. 204 8 THIRD ST.. MAIN 6130. ... iirvTvari i nsTtriaiM A non-resident client authorir.es us to Mil this neat 5 room modern bungalow on a 57 hi X 100 foot lot at a sacrifice price; white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas. cement base ment; just north of Columbia park, fcaay flown payment, entire balance like rent. No mortgage or street liens to assume. We have over 700 photograph of inspected homes In our office for aale. 12 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. Bee FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUT TOUR HOME iM.itm Ride Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS BUT ONCE I am going to put on another good salexnan and if you are really willing to work, here is your opportunity to make $500 to $700 a month aelling house. Our office ha sold over 600 borne since the first of the yer and over 100 last month. Will furnish you with the buyers and the property to sell. Mut hve a good personality, know the town and have your own automobile. SEE FRANK L. M'GUIRE, Successor to H. D. McGuire Co. Established in 1880 Abington Bldg; Main 1068. flTOO EAST OF LAURELHUR8T 1 In E. 53d st.. close to the carline. is a 6 room practically new modern bungalow with at tractive low rambling lines; large front porch ex tending across entire front of bonse. living room, dining room with pJ' ra'l and buffet, Dutch kitchen, light, airy bedrooms; electric lights and gas; good cement basement. $800 will handle, balance like rent. We have over 700 photo graphs of inspected homes in rtr office for aale. 12 experienced talesmen with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUT YOUR HOME Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Bnnday $2250 UNI-SUAL ALBERTA BARGAIN Just hi block south of Alberta at. west of 12th. is a real bargain in a typical 3 room bun galow; has large front porch, living room, dining room, Dutch kitchen, 2 bedroom, white enamel plumbing, electric lights aad gai, good eement basement, laundry trays, street liens all paid; -ery attractive home. W have over 700 photo graphs of Inspected home hn our office for ale. 12 experienced salesmen with auto at your service. -SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY TOUR HOME Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Evening and Sunday $10 AN ACRE Down the OoramMa, 8 mile to "boat landing. 200, 400 or 00V acre lagged off land at 810 an acre. Fin creek. Road. Make fine dairy or stock ranch. Term, quarter cash, balance to suit W. G. Cox. 221 Falling bldg. Main 6383. ROSE CITY CAR $265-$2650 $650 CASH Dandy 5 room modern bungalow on corner lot 60x100, 3 blk. to ear. Thi surely beat paying high rent ' I know the food buy in Row City Park district WM. a MURPHY. 1814 Sandy blvd. $950SNAP ' Building that can easily be remodeled into bungalow, v. Located on K. Davis st., between 68d and 65th at. Good foundation, floor, wall, roof, window sash, some plumbing In alao. gas. Lot 45x100. Real ana I'. $950, $350 cash, bal. easy, bee awner, 18145 siaady blvd. ItMC A8l ; TOO tATJB TO CLASSIFY - r. . S4S0--NIW ALEHTABnNGALOW Just completed. Here 1 a typical bungalow -nr artistic line; new, modern and Just -what you hava always wanted for a noma, fcxtartor painted in aoUd Ivory, bulltin bnffet, convenient . Dutch kitchen, 2 light airy bedrooms, whlta en amel plumbing, full cement basement with lautw -dry trays. Vacant Never occupied, lmmeiliat, poaseiwio n. Terms. SEE : - FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUT TOUR HOME ' v ' Abington bnlldlng. Main 1063. , Office Open Evening and Sunday. $1800 EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN This Is the one bargain you have been looking for. Attractive bungalow home on a Wrg tot; living room, dining room, convenient kitchen, 3 . light airy bedroom, white enamel -plumbing, elec trio liehta and u . h ..-. i. . .. , -ai-imb iuu wiow oi nouse; aounaanc or flower and shrub. Owner live in South Dakota ' ' and authorise u to offer aame at this remark-"" ably low price for quick sale. Easy term. On 1 S TStk a ..... . . . - 1 J , FRANK L. McGUIRE V TO BUY YOUR HOME , " Abington building. Main 106$. Office Open Evening and Sunday; ' $1500 MODERN BUNG ALOW COTTAGE On E. 48th t. near 46th ave.. on the Wood tock car, it a comfortable 6 room cottage; whit enamel bath, patent toilet, lavatory and gas; full . lot; fruit, etc. Garage. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE ' TO BUY YOUR HOME -Abington building. Mala 1068. " Office Open Evening and Sunday. $3700 ROSE CITYDISTRICT -- Very substantial 7 room modern bom en -full lot with all lien paid; hardwood floor, lire- -place, interior woodwork in oak, massive buffet, built-in convenience. Thi house could not ha 1 . built for $4500. Can arrange term. W hava over 700 photographs of inspected homea la our of flea for aale. 12 experienced salesman with autos at your service. SEE FBANIr I MrOITBPP .. . . i ... i. . . . ' ' ill , , i iii n r . . - TO BUY YOUR HOME Abington building Mala 1068. Office Open Evening and Sunday. MR. RANCHER AND MR. STOCKMAN Here is a good ranch for farming or (took raia. ing; 280 acre of fine toil, mostly level, aomn rolling; 160 acre in cultivation, unlimited out range, good 6 room house, 2 barn, spring, and well water. Close to schools. Thi i a food stock ranch or general purpose farm, and the price ia certainly low. Only $15,000. No. 2 225 acre ealley farm; 170 anrja la frala and hay. etc. ; balance pasture and timber: iprind and creek water. One fine road. Only I to 4 mile from two railroad nation. In a goad farming district good buildings, food aell, food neighbor and only $65 an acre, I have many other farm, improved and un improved, on which I can quota a rancher of lockman very reasonable price and term. 2 1 42 IS Panama Bldg. MR. IIOMESEEKER . Jnt look at these for desirablg home and medium priced property. . NO. 1 6 room, strictly modern, hardwood floors, furnace and fireplace. In Uo City Park. Onlr $3260. No. 2 . 7 loom bungalow, 50x120 ft. lot; lust east of Laurelhtirat. beautiful lawn and flowers, aad In fine condition. Only $8500. NO. 8 0 room cottage, 80x100 ft lot! fruit and ' flowers; Jut east of Lanrelhurst: only 8160M. : nave many other homes from 82000 to 820,000, on which I can quote a boiacseeker very reasonable price and term. J. B. HOLBROOK, ' , 214-215 Panama Bldg. MR. HOME8EEKER. I have some beautiful ruburbsn homes, with all modern convenience, jnch a electric light, gas. bath and toilet, etc. On the Oregon Electric and Oregon Oily ear line. With these you can have all the modern convenience of a city bom and tha beautiea ' of country life. J. B. HOLBROOK, -l.-lQ I-A. AM A BLDG. $270O--NEW "BUNGALOW $2700 On Stafford st, just rait of Union avt ia a 6 room artistic bungalow. Just rec.ntly com- ; listed; living room with fireplaoe, dining room. c. . whlta Dutch kitchen, 2 bedroom. whita r enamel plumbing, full cement basement Terms. Might ooiuidft a Ford a part down payment V . b mv... inn ..i. . . i , 1 . home in our office for aale. 13 experienced sale-men with autos at your aervie. BEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. . :. AblnJf5, bld io. Office Open Evening and Sundays, The McGUIRE SYCTEM make home buying easy. You can come to t lit office and ee over 700 photograph of honitM for ale, arranged in district. Every on hag keen appraised. 12 automobiles at your perv- SEThi U Wh " M 114 taomM A lira-1 FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington bldg. Mln 1068. Office Open Evening and Sunday. $2800; ADJOINING LAUHELHURBlT Right ecroa the street from Laurelhurst on " E. Star at, facing the park, ia a substantial, ' attractive, 6 room, modern bungalow; full cement , 1 basement 2 light airy bedroom, whit enamel ... ..... I " UllllWEnHIII Dl UHlMfflM i-mmuiui, ui.uu-io uuu ktid gas; small oown payment balance easy term, or would take mortgage bark. Unusual snap. SEE ' FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUT YOUB HOME. Abington bldg. Mala 1068. Office Open Evening and Bnnday. $2950: EABf OF LADD ADDITION ' ' On E, Caruther st. U an attract! v little 6 room bungalow with large front porch, Bvinf ' room with fireplace nd leaded glaa book cares, solid paneled dining room with plate rail ' and leaded glass bnffet. Dutch kitchen. 2 light " airy bedroom, white enamel plumbing, electrio V lights and gas, good cement basement, paved street, lien all paid but fftO. $500 will handle We have over 700 photograph of inspected ' liomaa in our office for "safe. 12 experienced salesmen with auto at your service. REK FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUT YOUR HOME, Abington bldg. Main 1068.' titri 1 1 pen Keening, and Hnnlava, $"2750 MT. TABOR ROME $2756 On 100x100 corner, with abundance of fruit, etc , 1 a 7 room home with white enamel plumbing, electric light and gas; full cement baaement, also garage. Terms W have over 700 photographs of Inspected home in onr office for sale. 12 experienced salesmen with auto, at your service. 8KF, FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Evening and Sunday. $1476 EAST OF LAI REUIURST On a 87x100 lot, faring on Stark street with paved atreet lien all paid, is a 8 room cottage with patent toilet, electric lights, and with a little work could be made Into a comfortable home. $180 will handle. Might consider seme trade. We have over 700 photographs' ef inspected horn, in our office for tale. 1 2k experienced salesmen with autos at your ser vice. BEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUn HOME. Abington bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Evening and Sunday. $ 3 8 25 ARTISTIC B UNOALO W On E. Clay treet, near 45th, 1 block (mm the Hawthorne car, Is an unusually attrartiv typical bungalow with low, rambling line.; large living room with fireplace and built-' in bookcase; paneled dining room with bnffet: Dutch kitchen; 2 light airy bedroom; good cement basement Can arrange term. Very distinctive bungalow. We have over 700 photo graph of inspected home, in onr office for ale. 12 experienced salesmen with autoa at your service. BEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington bldg. - Main 1088. Office Open Evening and Sundays. $400 HAWTHORNE HOME- On Marguerite avenue, on a 60x141 lot, wtlh fro It, grape, and flower, I a very substantial, -well built modern 7 room home with garage; living room with fireplace and built-in bonk- ; case; solid paneled dining room; leaded glass ' built-in buffet, cove ceiling.; convenient kitchen; full cement basement; laundry tray; 8 light, Iry bedrooms; paved street, liens paid In full. Terms. W have over 700 photographs of in- spected homes in our office for sale. IX ex perienced salesmen with auto at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUT TOUK HOME. Abington bldg. Main 1088. " Office Open Evenings and Sunday. $385 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW 'L On a 55x100 corner lot in tb Rose City district, is attractive 5 room modern bun galow; fireplace, built-in convenience, whit , enamel plumbing, electric light and gaa; food -cenentvi-arnent Can arrange terms. Ke.1 bargain. We have over 700 photograph of fas pected borne in our office for aale. 2 ex- " perienced salasstea with autoa at your servie. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE' TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Bldg. Main 1G8. , Olflca Open kvsn-ncs and Sunday. .