16 flats to nnvr. rXFCKNiSKEU It H-ju-OaI modern upper tint, west side, walking - dimmer. ' Maashall 138U. FURNISHED FLATS H THREE outside rooms, clean, light, airy, new furniture; rent reasonable Adult only. East 745; MUSIC teacher will share her flat with irl who wishes to study mtuic, walking distance, references. Main 8018. APABTME5TS FOB REST AURORA Apartments. 392 tt E. Burnside room furnished housekeeping apartment. -3 CUM PLETELY fur. 0 room apt. Call Wdln. 2138. . BIXfiR APT8.. 489 Clay near 14th., 3 room furnished basement apt.. $17. . , 8, 4 AXb5" rocmfarnibed apt., clone to Northwest Steel. Hell 128. ' STORKS AND OFFICES tl FOR KENT Stall for grocery store in Public Market. Vancouver,: Wash. Inquire Mrs. Hannan, Pacific Market, 6 Wash., Vane. Wash. ' WASTED-TO REST I We Want to List , HOUSES. FLATS AND APARTMENTS IP TOU HAVE ANT VACANCIES, PHONE. HEAVE TOGETHER. CAKE OF NORTHWEST STEEL CO., MAIN 1193. . YoVSii business man want or 6 room fur nished bungalow, or house in Lanrelhurst or TIjm .Cit district for winter. References ex changed. O-030. Journal. WANTED to rent, 5 or C room house. Will nay to $25. Lease if desirable. Tabor 7011 or D-419, Journal. RESPONSIBLE coyle want 4 or 6 room fur nijbcd hmuv or flat; walkinz distance; Al barta district. . i:agt2274. WANTED-tp rent" by- responsible party, S or 6 room modern house with garage. Must be reasonable. Call Main 2007. WANTED Unfurnished 5 room bungalow; will pay 3 months' rent advance. East 1418. 5a. WASTED To rent 4 or 5 room bungalow, - modern. Phone Main 7-901 . - WANTED to rent, unfurnished house. A Kauf- man, 204 9 Multnomah -t., isy. i REAL ESTATE j REACH PROPERTY 48 A BEACH HOME, now at Seaside. Or., st beau tiful "Cartwrisbt Park," at reduced prices; lll'S to $700; easy Installments, 8 per cent; soon to bo connected by all-paved highway with eastern and southern Oregon, which, with proposed 2000 foot pier, wiii make "Cartwright Park" cne of the most attractive spots on- pacific coast Whit. iner-Kelly Co.. 414 Pittock blck, Portland. Oregon, or inquire F. M. Cole, agent. 427 Broadway. Seaside, Or. BCSIN-ESS PROPERTY , GARAGE SITE 17000 200 foot front on Division, 1O0 foot on 44 th end 43th," making an area of 20, WO ajnaro fed. Street work alone co-t $3300 ; $2000 cash or trade will handle. Fred W. German to , 782 Chamber ol Commerce. Open eve nings and Sundays. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 GOOD BUYS IS BUNGALOW'S AND COTTAljES , 6-roonr cottage, Upper Albina district, price $2200; 7-rooni cottage M. V. district. $2200; 4-room cottage M. V., price $1050; 5-room cottage, M. V., price $1600; 6-room cottage, Mt. Tabor district, price $2000; 5-room bun galow, M. V., price $2250. These are all on lots 50x10,0, and improvements ail paid, and very easy terms. If you will call at our office, 303-4-5 Stock Exchange bidg., we have autoa to show you, or phone Main 7(176. ROME CITY PARK " NEW BUNGALOW $3750 You will be delighted with tins exceptionally well con tnii U'd, classy bungalow ; large living room, extending width of house, fireplace, buffet, Initcli kitchen, breakfast alcove, c-emetit base ment, wash trays, etc, 4 if course it has hard wood floors. lA't in show you. A. G. TEEPE CO. 204 Stark st. near 3d. Main 3092, Main 3516. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. Splendidly located, fine appearing 7 room resi dence in best part of Hose City park. Built to accommodate two families. Thoroughly ruod ern. Two sets of plumbing. Two sleeping porches. All builtins. Furnace, fireplace and beautiful electric fixtures. Fine grounds, fruit. Hovers and walnuts. Garage; jiaved streets, sewet. gas. Owner's business compels removal to another city. A fine home and good revenue producer. Worth tmire. See owner, boo E. 61m N. Tabor .'103. HOSE CITY l'AHK BUNGALOW BELOW THE IUL1 $4100 You would never expect to get a bungalow like this one so splendidly situated for so little money. Hardnood flbors, fireplace; buffet, fur nace, large attic, etc. ; street assessments paid. Hurry. ' A. G. TEEPE CO. 264 Stark st. near 3d. Main 3092, Main 331 6. Branch()ffice Both and Sandy. HOME-BUYERS. ATTENTION We have several hundred houses. 5 to 8 rooms, at about $3000, all of which would cost more than price asked to duplicate houses alone, to say nothing of lot and st. imp. It will be to your advantage to see us before buying. J. A. WICKMAN ffCO., 204 Ry. Exchange Bidg. Main 1004. i i Office Open Evenings. SUNNYSIDE BUNGALOW $1800 Neat 5 room plastered bungalow. 33 1-3x100 ft. lot fireplace, full basement, located at Pot? E. Morrison tt, near 30th; $500 cash, &2j monthly. This place is not on a paved street "and has no hardwood flc rs, built-in pianos, but has real value. Krctl W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Cnmnierre bidg. L A DB A DDI f I( ) N SACRIFICE SALE R room hotise, sinhtly location, lot 50x120 with paved alley; walking distance; near car, church and school; ideal for large family. Good garage. Plume Mr. DELAHUNTY. Main 1700 Sun. and evngs. East 2086. 270 V, Stark st. WHY PAY RENT? When you can btiy a desirable rt HOOM MODERN HoVSE Close to car un E. 20th st., S. For $2."i0n Term-. HERMAN MOELLER, 1025 Gasco bidg. Main 1480. GOOD H-ROOM HOME. KOSSMEUE ADDITION FINE CONDITION, HOT WATER IIEf BASEMENT. MODERN HOME, LOT 100 BY 100, STREETS ALL PAID. WORTH $8500 TAKE $7000; OK SELL ONE -LOT. EAST U73, OWNER. 6 ROOM MODERN HOUSE $4250.00. Desirable corner, Close to Jefferson high and Thompson ichols. HERMAN MOELLER. 1025 Ga'ciS Hlflg Main 1480. FOR SALE 5 room modern bungalowj firs - place, buffet, bookcases, Dutch kitchen. 4 ctnjent basement, on paved street, paid; 20 minutes from 2d and Alder. $3000. $1800 cash; balance $30 month. 388 4 7th st Tabor 31)70. LEAVING City will sell attractive little house, 3 rooms and sleeping porch; six fruit trees, berries, cement sidewalks, gas. $1000, $400 cash, balance $15 per montli and interest 6 per Cent No shack. Woodlawu 25S. Corner 15th and Alberta. CLOSE to stores, churches. schooland car S rooms, on cor. lot. 50x100; sewer connected to house and garge and paid: Dutch kitchen fireplace, etc.. $2250; $1150 cash. $15 per month. Tabor 2034. v FINE 6-ROOM HOME. IRVINGTON SIFEP ING PORCH. GRAND LOCATION. VERY MODERN. GARAGE, FINE FINISH. BASE MENT. STREETS ALL PAID. WORTH $7500 TAKE $6500. EAST 273. OWNER WHY NOT BlTILDl Get an artistic home by an established archi tectural firm at low cost. We build anythlng farnish the money if desired. L. R. Bslley Co Inc.. contracting architects. 924 N. W. Bank! SPLENDID. WELL Bl'lLT ROOM HOME HIGHLAND ADDITION: FINE LOCATION fiOOD LAWN." FRITT. STREETS ALL PMI)' MODERN. WORTH $5500, WILL TAKE - $4750. LOT 60 BY 75. EAST 273. OWNER. $1025 4 ROOM COTTAGE TERMS $200 CASH. $15 PER MONTH Irfit 80x100, living room, large kitchen, 2 bedrooms, fruit trees, cement sidewalks, 2 blocks Rose City Park car. Owner. Tabor 51 a 6. 5 ROOM bungalow, stationary wash Tubs, full plumbing. Good location, near car $1500 $500 cash. $20 per month. Sletten. Main' 5429. ' 3. ROOM house with -electric lights and gas, fruit and berries, 5 blks from car. 3 blks tt Arleta school, $700. $85 cash, $10 per month. 6 per cent 5030 60th st S E. FOR SALE 5 room modem house, near school i and carline. $1750. Part cash and balance easy terms, t-none iaoor WOY KWbunralow In I.aurelhurst, just completed priee $5640. 1182 H a s s a 1 o. near 89th". rwner in house. A ROOMS, bath, toilet, elect, light, gas lot . 60x100, $500 cash, terms. 0419 05th ave. B. E. ft. ROOM modern cement brock bungalow, Ken ion district. $2800. Owner. Woodlawn 53 la. J-OR SALE by owner, 8 room housS, bet Union are. and 7th tt Close in. East 7039. ROSE CITY PARK. Modern 5 room bungalow . for sale br owner. 606 K. 57th at N. BARGAIN 5 room ihtxierB hom& a nd fut niture. Phone Wdln. 187. KSTRAL. .1 room bungalow, furnished, nesr school and walking distance. Owner, East 414 8. UmjM all modern house. 1 hx acres of ground for sale. Sellwood 14."0. $430 3-ROOM house, noodihed, well, at Oak Crove. 431 ('haraher of Cointnerca. REAL ESTATB FOB SALE HOUSES 1 FOE SALE 38 home in Roee City Park. 97 homes in Sunnyiode, Hawthorne and if t Tabor, 46 homes in HoIUday, Irrlngton. 1 1 home in Laurelhorst. 1 3 homes in Piedmont 67 homes in Wav.rly-Richmond, 62 homes in central East Portland. 10 homes in Kenton. 30 homes in Woodlawn. 64 homes in Peninsula. 95 homes in Albina. 60 homes in Alberta. S' home in Montarilla. 85 homes on the west side. 03 homes in Sellwood. 87 homes in Woodstock. 92 homes in Mt. Scott. We tare listed in our office foi eale the abore homes, at various prices, terms and ioca Hons. Some wonderful bargains. Photographs of each in the office. 12 experienced salesmen with antos to rhnw these homes. SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE "To Buy Your Home," Ahington P.ldg . Main 10(18 Office Often Evening and Sundays. OUR SYSTEM REMOVES EXCESSIVE BUILDER'S PROFITS Our homes satisfy sou. We finance you by easy loans, actually less titan rent. If you hare a vacant lot we will Jhuild on it and sell your house to our clients, who are now waiting for new homes. Before buying an old dwelling find out what our system will accomplish to get you a modern, economical and salable house. Many homes now under construction or to be tuilt in order to sell. We unite home-hungry clients with lot-weary taxpayers. PORTLAND HOME BUILDING ASSOCIATION O. H. Skotheim, Pres. and Mgr. S28-520-530 Henry bidg. Main 8199. $3400 BUNGALOW BARGAIN $3400 On E. 35th f-t, near Woodward ave., on a paved rtrect. with all liens paid, is a 5 room typical bungalow, with large front porch; living room with fireplace, built in bookcases, dining room, Dutch kitchen, good cement bahement, 2 hsht airy bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas; $500 down and entire balance at $25 per month. No mortgage to assume. Vacant Immediate posee-ssion. This is a real bargain. We have over 700 inspected homes in our office for sale. Ten experienced cale-men. with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE TO RUT YOCi: HOME. Abingtmi Building. Mam 1008. Office Open " Evenings and Sundays. LOOKING FOR A HOME READ THESE $3650 0 room modern and garage, Hawthorne district. $2600 5 room, east of I-aurelhurst. fruit and berries. $800 cash. $2500 5 rooms. 50x100. Sellwood car. $2000 5 room 64x100, Sellwood car. $400. $2000 i room and attic. 60x100, Sellwood car.$2100 4 room, modern, 61st St.. M-Y. car. $ 050 3 room. Tibbett st, 60x100. $1900 6 rooms, west side, $400 cssh. $1900 B rooms, Jefferson high. $500 cash. $2250 5 room, cor. paved st, Kerby st WRIGHT & JACQUES, 4J7AJingtmldgMaui5S8 ; Sellwood 1 855. 6- ROOM modern while pressed brick bungalow", on a corner lot 50x100, just east of Laurel hurst park, this would have to he seen to be sppreciated, at a low price of $.")000. Also an 8-rooni house, on 58th, St.. near Belmont, for less than what the lot is worth, price $3250. 7- ROOM Btrictly modern home. large lot in Snnnyside, price $4500. These must be seen to he appreciated and on reasonable terms and paved streets, call at our office, we have autos to show you. NEW YOEK LAND CO. 303-4-5 Stock EichanjM Ride. Plume, Main 7078 HERE IS SOME SNAP 6 room house on paved streets, all paid with lot 50x120, witli fruit trees and berries, chicken house, on 21st st. south of Division, for a low price of $1800 if told at ouce. Also 8 room modern hoiLse, with 100x100 corner in the Ml Scott district, close to good school, all in fine shape, vat-ant. ready to move into at a low price of $2200. and very easy terms. NEW YORK LAND CO. 303-4-5 Stock Exchange Bidg. Phone Main 7076 ROSE CITY PARK 6 ROOM $3500 A splendid home within half block of Sahdy. below the hiil; exct-ptionally well built; fire place. Fox furnace, etc. Don't come too late. Hurry. Seldom are juti offered an opportunity like this A. Q. TEEPE CO. 264 Stark ?L near 3d. Main 3002, Main 3510. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. CHOICE BUYS $3000 Hawthorne, f room bungalow, beside 2 finished rooms in attic; fireplace. Iutch kitchen ; paved btreet, close to Hawthorne a venue. $2050 Ihiiidy 5 room bunffalow, besides 3 finished roorn in p.ttic: f-replace, etx?. A. K. HILL CO. 215 Lumbermen bidg. ROSE CITY PARK. $4250 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Pay $600 cash and move in tomorrow. This is a handsome 2-ftory house with a big living room, fireplace, all built-ins, fur! Cement base ment, hich grade furnace. Located on paved street, close to car. Phone for auto to take you out. COE A. McKENNA CO. Main 4522. S24th ?t. Board of Trade bidg. $26W Alberta BargaSn! ,n room bungalow, basement. 50x100 lot, modern plumbing, nice electric fixtures, gas, block to car, west of 19th St., in very good con dition. Edward A. Brown 303 Railway Exchange Bidg. Main 2S93. ROSE CITY PARK 5 room bungalow, fireplace, hardwood floors, built-in buffet, bookcases, cement basement, wash trays, 50x100 foot lot, garase, 2 .blocks to car; price only $3300. $800 cash, balance $35 per month inc. int. See Mr. Farnswurth, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. 410 Henry bidg. Main 1743 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $3800 buys 0-rooui comer bungalow, strictly modern, furnace, fireplace, usual "built-ins, hard wood floors, full cement basement, wash trays, garage, street imps, all in and paid. Owner leaving for Seattle. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Ry. Exchange Bidg Main 1094. Office Open Evenings. 7 ROOM HOME $350 CASH 7 room modern home, 3 blocks to Irrlngton car, paved sta. , full cement basement, furnace and wash trays, builtin conveniences, 50x100 lot. fruit and hrubbery: a splendid buy at $3500: $350 cash, balance easv. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO. 212 Railway Exchange Bidg. Main 8752 $125.00 CASH Balance easy terms, buys an unfinished new 4 room bungalow, on William avenue. Price for quick fale, $1500. Mec Mr. Christenson, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. 410 Henry bidg. Main 1743. ROSE CITY PARK. $3150 buys 5-room bungalow with) living room across entire front, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, full basement, wash trays; requires $1000 cash J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exchange Bidg. Main 1094. Office Open EveiSfogs. 3 ROOM HOUSE, $1100; $150 CASH. ' 3 room house, electricity, plastered, garage, etc., lot 50x100. on East 09th street, hi block from East Glisan and carline. Price $1100; $150 ca?h and $13 per month. GRUSSI & BENNETT, 318 Board of Trade BIrttr Main 7452. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS $3250 Buys 5 rooms and sleeping porch; hard wood floors, furnace, fireplace; paved street paid. Remember, this is west side view proierty. Terms. I A. WICKMAN CO.. Min loaa !Q4 Ry. Kxch. Bidg Office open erenimfs K nOOAf rilTT 1 i:f om . trtr Nice 5 room cottage, electricity, bath, cement basemftit, in fir-t class condition. On Minnesota avenue, near Killingsworth. Price $2000; $200 casl $20 per month. .GRUHSI & BENNETT. 318 Board of Trade Bidg Main 745" $1800 BUYS fl-rbom .house at Orunn rs. elec. lights, gas. bath, toilet, fruit house' chicken house, city water, lot 105x132, lots of fruit, terma See John Brown. 324 Railway Ex. bidg. Marsh. 8331. -ii! 'iF7"By owner- n". exceptionally well built 7 room house, on a 100x100 corner ot or 50x100; hardwood floors, fireplace and bi.ilt-ms. cement basement, laundry trays, paved treetiand sewer. 54 9Man st $1000 BUYS five rooms.-batb507l0b jot .mj kinds of fruit trees; $1R0 cash down. , . J. A. WICKMAN CO.. -04 Ry. Exchange Bidg. Main 1094. sluice (.ipen Evenings. BEAUTIFUL WESTMORELAND$3250 " 5 noma, large atria, fireplace, polished floors, garage, full basement, east front; will sell furnl ture. Bee tt. Sellwood 2708. ROSE CITY PARK Strictly modern 6 room bungalow for sal. at a bargain. Tabor 234. WEST SIDE 5-room house in A-l condition": st, bet 6th and Broadway. Vl)' : Joom house . west side, near 19tb and Overton st. ; $2200. terms. Graham. 825 Railway Ex. bidg. $3fi50 FULLY modem 6-room blmgTlrV Waverley Height. S550 cash. Main 6127. , I?- BEAT ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES 61 MB, AND MRS. HOMESEEKEB JLWsT LOOK AT THESE: No. 1 A new modern bnngalow in a good resi dence district, close to good ear service, and in American district, just east of Luiselliarst, for $3500. No. 21 6-room house, full 80x100 lot, fruit trees, fine garden, food car service, and In good America n district, for only $1500. . I have many cers from $2000 to $20,000 on which I can quote a. bomeseeker very de sirable price and terms. J. B. H0LBBO0K, 214-215 Panama Bidg. $1500 $1500 , $1500 $1500 , $1500 $1500 This is not a 2 or 3 -room shack but a well built 7-room plastered boos in good repair; has bedroom with closet downstairs, large living room, dining rotsn, kitchen and pantry, 3 large, well lighted bedroom and bathroom (no plumb ing) upstairs; has cement foundation -and good basement, large front and back porches with cobble stone piers; gas and city water; nice, large, level lot 80x100, fenced and set to fruit and berries; has chicken house and garage. To responsible party will take $250. balance $25 per month, 6 int On ML Scott line south Tre lnunt station. Absolutely the best buy in a cheap home in Portland. The house alone is worth $2000 to build it. Call owner. Mar. 4138. FURNISHED HOME; REAL SNAP IN HAWTHORNE Double constructed 6-room bungalow, full basement, beautiful fireplace, built-in library, bookcases, fine buffet in dining room, white enamel Dutch kitchen, modern bath, toilet, light nd gas, wood lift and laundry trays, fine lota with garage, facing east, paved streets, city sewer, handy to car, school and high school, neatly and completely furnished, including fine piano and grafonola, only $4750 for complete layout ready for housekeeping; pay $1500 cash, balance like rent. Let's see it at once, Mr. Houseless Man; my auto is at your service. E. W. Hughes, 507 Journal bidg. For appoint ment phone Main 2858. $2400Now Vacant ALBERTA BUNGALOW COTTAGE Six large rooms, clean and neat as can be; wonder.ul cement basement, finest plumbing; block car. ONLY $300 CASH G. C. G0LDENBERG Abington Building. Main 4803.. 35 Years in Portland. 14 LACRELHURST AND HOSE CITY PARK HOMES We have some very beautiful bungalows and houses in these districts. For $3930 we have a modern 6 room house on which the owner will accept $500 down. Another 6 room house with 2 fireplaces, furnace, garage, paved street; can be bought for $4850. One of the prettiest 5 room bungalows we have ever seen is priced at $4750. We are anxious to show you our listings in Rose City Park, I-aurelhurst and Irv ington. Just phone Main 4 522 and we ll call for you at any time to suit your convenience. COE A, McKENNA & CO.. Main 4522 82 4th t,L Board of -Trade bidg. $2700 NEW BUNGALOW $2700. On Stafford i. Just east of Union ave., is a 5 room arti-tic bungalow, just recently com pleted: living room with fireplace, dining room, white Imtch kitchen, 2 bedrofcrns. white enamel plumbing, full cement basement. Terms. Might consider a Ford as part down payment We havee over 700 photographs of inspected homes in our of lice for sale; 10 experienced salesmen with antos at your service. SEE FRANK L. - McQUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Building Main 1 068 Of tire Ot'en Ev-nmgs and Sundays. $2500 6 ROOM BUNGALOW VACANT EAST MT. TABOR A cheerful, well built home, right on Mt. Tsbor carline. in good neighborhood; convenient to chools, stores and churches; be.-t car service in city. This- bungalow )ias large attic full basement, laundry tray, Dutch kitchen, white porcelain bath fixtures, etc. If you want a real buy, get busy. Immediate possession A. K. HILL CO. ; 215 I.umbrmens hide. ROSE CITY PARK. $4300 Don't you know it is almost impossible to find a bungalow on a large lot in Rose City Park! Well, here ii one, and it's a good buy, to; a 5 room bungalow tyie home with fire place, all built-ins. full basement. Fox furnace, garage. The lot is 84x100 feet and the ftreet is Paved, the sewer in and paid. Owner requires $1000 cash. Remember, this is in Rose City I'ark, within 2 blccks of car. COE A. McKENNA CO. Main 4522 82 4th st , Board of Trade bidg. IVATKBI.Y HEIGHTS. $3200 Substantially built 5 room modern bungalow, furnace, full plumbing, cone. fir. sta tionary tubs, located on corner lot 50x100; both streets paved and paid for, splendid view! cloe in, $500 oah. 25 monthly; located 894 Kelly n. Shown by appointment only Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Coin nierce bidg. Open Sundays ami evening oi)0 , $1000 CASH buys a 5 room bungalow on a 100x100 corner lot. paved at, sewer and sidewalks; fruit, yes and berries, too, and on E. 9th Bt. Fireplace, built-in kitchen, modern plumbing, electric and gas; lot is worth $2500 and you can buy it for $3500. Don't say price is high, but come anil see. WRIGHT & JACQUES. 417 jfain 5QSw. Sellwood 135o! ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW 5 rooms, clivf to the Alameda, and only 1 H blocks to Broadway car; hardwood floors, fire place, furnace, all builtins. street improvements all In and paid. A beautiful home for $4750, terms. CLEVELATfD-HENDERSON CO 212 Railway Exchange Bidg. Main 6752. ON EAST LINCOLN ST. NEAR 39TH A 5 room furnished bungalow. Price, in- peluding furniture and st. improvements, $3000. Possession can be had within a very short time. MR BROWN, L". 31tth and Gltsan sta Tabor 3433. evenings Tabor 59. GOOD INVESTMENT Four houses, rented tor $120 month- lot 1O0.V100 ft. situated E. 11th and Washing ton; $18,000. $0000 cash. bal. 6 per cent, long time. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO., 165 Mi Fourth street. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW 7 rooms and reception hall, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, all builtins, beautiful corner lot, located 2 blocks north of Sandy near 40th St., all street assessments paid; price $4500, reasonable terms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO 212 Railway Exchange Bidg. Main 6732. FURNISHED HOME BARGAIN $3500 Buys a completely furnished home of 6 rooms and sleeping porch. This is a dandy house and close in. First class furniture, nothing shoddy. We will be t'leaed to show you. J. A WICKMAN CO.. Main 1094 204 Ry. Exch. Bidg Office open evenings. BY OWNER rooms, partly furnished; elec tricity. gas, bath, lot 50x100 feet to alley sightly location. $1050. Call at house No. 4452 4 1st ave S. E. forenoons and evenings or tele phone Mrs. Ledgerwond at Main 220. FOR SALE LOTS 16 FOR SALE in MeUger acre tracts, 8 lots 50x 100, in lot 1 block 41. 3 blocks from Metz ger station. Or. Best of soil, all in crop; corner lot. plank walk on two sides. Price $125. $50 eash. $3 per month at 6 per cent interest on de ferred payments. M. C. Stewart, Rt 6, Van couver, Wash. ROSE CITY DICTRICT, the last block of lots in this neighborhood; can make attractive price on these ten lots as a whole or 50x110 feet for $323 each: can build neat small cottages, facing Stanton st, between 68th and 70th. See Mr. Jenks at 88th and Sandy blvd. phone 0-1553. $7 DOWN. $7 MONTHLY Lot 7. block 3. Brockton addition; 80x100 Total price $348. This lot was taken by fore closure and we have no use for it. Fred W German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce bidg Open Sundays and evenings, ONE or 2 lota in Irvington. Broadway district 50x100, or 75x100; give terms and month ly payments. See owner at East 8559. Lots kiss vii uiu ii., ueir Anon. 50 BY 100 Corner, cement walks. 84th East Wasco. Clear of all debt, $350. Terms. ruone, xaoor sisio. ROSE CITY PAFK lot, 50th and Broadway lies level, with sidewalk; nothing better: paved streets, paid, $1200. Main 6127. FOR SALE "LOT. ' 60x90, northwest cor. Broadway and 85th at $700 cash. J. I. Marrs. owner. Woodlawn 5432 . . ACREAGE 67 3 ACRES, 6-room bix house, barn, woodshed chicken house, well;., land all in cultivation; near Courtney station tMOrgon City carline; $2600; $600 cash. $20 per month and interest. GIBSON. 268 Stark. Marshall 12. aiA TO 111 DTD A ' U I.' Cut over lands and old bums, 40 miles down the Columbia; traclalO ,to 160 acres, running water, roads, school: easy terms. F B. Hol brook Co.. 214 Lumber Bxchsng. bidg. GOOD ACRE, 2 blocks Metager station, with new 4 room house, only $1600; terms. G. H. Johnson. owner, Main 5298. OR Oregon City line acreage, improved or unimproved, see John Brown, 324 Railway Exchange bidg. Marshall 3381. FROM 1 to ' acres extra choice land for sale, - near tha Hawthorne line; come and see L Amanda B. Dwier. 1860 Division si. RE AI ESTATK ACREAGE CLOSE LV ACREAGE LITTLE DOWN From 1 acre np. paving all tit way, itsm than 9 mile from 4th and Washington, near good car service: good soil; price from $375 per acre to $650, 10 per cent down. Near school, easy clearing, neighboring land has sold aa high as $2000 per acre. Yo can keep a cow, raise chickens and garden, but The land itself is below its actual value and Is certain to advance. J. C. COKBIN CO. 305-6-7-8 Lewis Bidg. 40 ACRES. milt off hard surface road. Capitol highway, near Sherwood: all high state of cultivation except acre: good ti room house, large barn, other outbuildings, family orchard, good quality; 10 tons hay in barn, 4 tons straw, SO bushels seed wheat, 100 bushels oats, 2 horses, 2 cows, 7 brood sows, IB pigs; price for all $12,000; $3000 cash, balance terms to suit. 6 . GIBSON, 268 Stark. Marshall 12. CHEAP CHICKEN RANCH 5 acres, 8 blocks from Durham ttation, Ore gon Electric; 12c fare; 2 acres under cultiva tion, balance rocky land in pasture, but cao be cleared; 4 room house, good well, large barn, chicken house and runways; county road, rural route. Price $1290. $540 cash, balance lung time at 6 per cent. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bidg. 15 ACRES, located 1 14 miles from town, 18 miles from Vancouver, Wash. ; all good land, no gravel; black loam soil; 12 acres under cul tivation: spring and well; 5 room house, good barn, county road in front of property. Price $2500, $500 down; long time cn balance at 8 per cent; might take vacant lots for part jonn Ferguson Gerlinger bidg. Acres. OA t.nU. V,. 1 Q ......... . . -J ... . u. U. U I Ul'IU CSUII1, t acres slashed. 7 acres very easily cleared, springs and creek. A-l soil, close to neighbors and school. $225 cash, balance 3 years. 6 interest. BUNDY. 215 RAILWAY EXCHANGE. ONLY 8 MILES FROM COLiTHOUSE 14 .cres on macadamized road, all good land, no gravel or rock. Cieek and well. One acre loganberries: other berries and fruit; 7-room house, chicken house, wood shed. Price $4500, $1500 down. Personally inspected. John Fergu son, Gerlinger bidg. One and H acres. Close to electric depot. Oregon City line. Fruit and berries. 4 room bouse, electric lights. Gas, well. Price $2500. Easy terms on balance. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bidg. C1.ACKAMAS RIVER FRONTAGE 18 acres, all under cultivation ; fine soil, good fences, county road, 700 feet river frontage: only 9 miles fnni courthouse, l mile to elec tric line; 2 room house. Price $4000, $1000 cadi, balance long time at 6 per cent. John Frrcu on. Gerling'-r b!dg. A REAL BARGAIN 8 1-3 acres, fair house, good barn, family orchard; all fenced, M mile electric car. V? mile to -team road. 27 miles from Portland. Price $2250 Owner, 72G Tliurman st. Phone Broadway 5725. GOOD GARDEN LAND 2 6-8 acres, located close to electric line, all under cultivation, fine soil, close to good school, small house, water piped to house, close in, 7c fare. Price $2200. $G00 cash. Personally in spected. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bidg. 8 ACRES 'FOR $1000 This is all first class soil. 7 srres In cultiva tion, running water, on good road. 4 eniles from city limits; price $1000; r.nly $200 down. DRAPER & CALWAY. 520 Chamber of Commerce. B 2 ACRES, good ."-room house, family orchard, in Sherwood, near depot; bargain for $2000, tt cash, balance 0rr. GIBSON. 268 Stark Marshall 12. SUBURBAN ACREAGE ON THE CLACKAMAS RIVER. IS A 4 mile from yClackantas Maticn. 10 mi. frrm Portland; 17 A. in cult., on-r SOo hc-t variety apples; 5 0 peai-h trees just bearing; 4 room lloil-e: 2 large bjrn.; i;u, d l?am: jtT ey cow; 2 wagon", di.-c harrow. ppw. .to. Good road. This is a snap at $6500; $2500 cash. Terms on the bal. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. Ojen Sundays and evenings. $30 CASH. $10 MONTHLY. $350 Nice level half acres at Bell station, 30 min utes out: gas, water and electricity may be had. C. Marsters, 202 Wilcox bidg. Evenings East 1193. SUBURBAN HOMER 79 FOR SALE- Double constructed bungalow. 4 rooms and batii, modern plumbing, septic tank, fall cement basement, with cement floor; electric lights, gas, water, modem chicken house, barn, 2 lots 50x120 each; 15 fruit trees; plenty of berry bushes of all kinds; close to tchool, postoffice and store; 5 minutes' walk to Maplewood station, on O. E.. 18 minutes out, for $2230. Some terms, by owner. Also Jersey cow and 2 tons of hay. H Olson. Tigard ON. THE PAVEMENT Two big acres, lots of fruit trees. 70 Spitzen berg apples, S years old : 30 other apple trees, cherries, plums and berries. Good gsrdon. Nice grounds. Five room bungalow, gnod plumbing: fruit basement, water system. large new rlnrk-n hou for 1500 chickens, garage. Price $4000; $1500 cash, long time cn balance. Pei-onally inspected. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bidg. FOR SALE FARMS 17 FARMS 80 A. 13 cleared, good house, orchard, fair barn, running water, all level, best of soil, close in; old people ow n this, can't handle it: $1500 fine timber. . Price $5000. $2000. balance time. 10 A. 1 cleared, on main road; $800. $400 cash, balance time. 22 A. 8 cleared. 30x4 8 barn, fair house. 50 good trees, just beginning to bear; 4 good- cows, plow, harrow, drag-aw cul tivator, 1 horse; $3300. $1000 cash, balance time. 295 acres open ftump land, close to Sandy. level,- running water, $27 per acre; all ha to go to settle estate. 56 A., 17 cleared, two barns, fair house, $4500, $2000 down, balance time. These lands are first class, lay good, best of soil. Write Geo. Beers. Sandy. Or., or call at Clarckamas Co. bank. 18 MILES FROM PORTLAND MIST BE SOLD AT ONCE 77 acre, 30 acres rf this is black bottom soil in a high state of cultivation. This bottom soil will produce as much as the average beaver dam land they are a-kins S3O0 to $500 per acre for. This land will produce I OO bushels of oats to the acre. 10 tons of cabbage, 4 tons of hay and all other products in proportion. There is a 6-room house, barn with silo, fruit, running water, R. F. D., telephone, milk route; price $S00O; extra good t-rnis. DRAPER & CALWAY. 520 Chamber of Commerce. 80 ACRE ranch, 14 a. in cult., fine black loam soil; 2 creeks, 2 prints ; young orchard; berry patch. eh bit. 2 r. hou-e: barn. 25x40; good chicken houe; 9 miles to Monroe; 24 miles to Eugme. Total price, $31011; no paved roads, no elec. line within a block rr two; no fire places, hardwood floors or complete plumbing in the bldgs. 12 photos of this place at office of Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Com merce hide. Open Sunday and evenings. Qackainnias County Fannni 80 acres. 2 miles from Aurora: 40 acres under cultivation. All the land can be cultivated Good orcliard. 20 acres isture; graveled road, tt mile to school; houje, barn, chicken house; fine soil, rural conveniences. Price $9000, $4000 cash. John Fergu on. Ccrling?r bidg. $2W DOWN . 31 acres, located 4 miles from Sheridan. Or.; 10 acres under cultivation, balance in timber and pasture. All fenced with woven wire. Spring and fine creek. Over 25 acres can be cultivated; 4 room hou?e, bam, chicken house. 1'rice $2000, $200 down. Long time on bal ance. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bidg. VALLEY FARM FOR YOU 1 1 6-acre f arm near Monmouth. Or., tt mile from paved highway: 106 acres cultivated. Land is good: lays rolling but not steep. Family orchard; fair buildings. This is a very good place. Price $100 per acre. KINNEY & CO.. FARM LANDS. Corvallis. Oregon, home of O. A. C. COLUMBIA RIVER DAIRY RANCH 120 acres, located 5 miles North Vancouver, Wash. All bottom land. 40 acres under cultiva tion, 70 acres pasture. Orcliard. new house, barn 62x80, dairy house and silo; good fences; boat landing -on place. Price $87.50 per acre. Half cash. Personally inspected. Anderson, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bidg. FOR SALE Small farm. 1 tt miles from R. R., on good rock wagon road. Good build ings; fruit and good mountain stream running through place. Largs ranch which might be rented in connection: also full equipment of farm machinery, stock, ete., for sale cheap. R. Morningstar. Drain, Or FOR SALE By owner, 143 acres river bottom land, a 90 acres 1n cultivation, good potato roil, pasture and tivnbes20 acres in clover, woven wire fences and KVaf bldgs., 1 mile from Pacifie highway on graveled road; with or with out stock and machinery; part terms. L. A. Bruck ma n. R. 2, Jefferson. Or. FOR SALE 315 acres all clear and and clear title. 180 acres under cultivation balance pasture, all place fenced, fine bowse, good barn, windmill. Man lick must sell. Will take $6,000 including 2 horses, 2 cows, toots, implements. 15tonof hay. A. Belle table. Fleetwood. Ore. WILLAMETTE valley stock ranch; 1100 acres. $35 per were; 150 acrea in cultivation. Well watered, near good town. Cameron & Duboise, 804HaldiugbldgJ FARM FOR SALE 100 acres all in culti vation: fine soil, fair buildings; on highway. 16 miles from Portland. Easy terms, no trade. J-657, Journal. $3200 TWO good houses, good barn. 15 acres, high state cultivation. Wdln. 1634. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 17 VALLEY FARMS 14 acres. 12, acres In cultivation. 2 acres pas ture, good well water, close to Tualatin river; 5 room nearly new house. 80- rods to railway sta tion. 22 miles 'Portland; $4000; $700 cash, balance 6 per cent. This is good value. S acres, 3 tt acres cultivated, balance pasture, fine creek, also well, 6 room house, barn, garage, IoU of fruit: at Tigard station: $2750; $1600 cash, balance 6 per cent A snap. 63 acres, 12 acres cultivated, balance pasture, running water. 5 room house, barn, etc.; $2200, Jerms. SO acres, 20 acres cultivated, balance pasture; running water house, barn. $3700, terms. 81 acres. 50 acres cultivated, balance timber and pasture, choice land. S room bouse, barn outbuildings. 2 Vi milfs good railway town, $125 per acre, terms. 46 acres. 25 acres cultivated, good 8 room bouse, barn, outbuildings, running water. $6300, tenmi; good value. R- M. GATEWOOD & CO., 165 tt 4th St. lSACRES land, 1 mile from depot: 9 acres 8-year-old walnuts, Spitzenberg and Newtown apples; house, barn, garden, corn, potatoes, hay in barn; equipment if desired. Box No. 94, Yamhill, Oregon. FOR RENT FARMS 14 FOR RENT 80 acres. GO cultivated; imple ments furnished. Team, harness, hay. cose, horse, buggy, chicken, etc., for sale. $550 in cluding half rent. C. Forbes. Philomath. Ore. FARMS WASTED RENT OR BUY 88 NOTICE, MR. FARMER Deal with long establLshed and reliable firm. We can sell or exchange your property. Sub mit complete description and best price. A. K. HILL CO. 215 Lumbermens bUtg. IMPROVED farms, with or without equipment. If priced right we are pleased to advertise and show them. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bidg.. Portland. Or. TIMBER NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIM BER. GENERAL LAND OFFICE Washington, I). C, August 4, 1919. Notice is hereby riven that subject to tha conditions ftnd limitfttionB of the Act of June 9 1910. (39 Stat. 218). and the instructions of the Secretary of the Interior of .September 15. 1917, tic timber on the following lands will be sold September 18, 1919. 10 o'clock a. m.. at public auction at the United States land office at Portland. Oregon, to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised value as shown by C is notice, aal. to be subject to the approval of th. Secretary of the Interior The purchase price, with an additional sum of one-fifth of one pet cent, thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time ot Eale. money to be re turned it sale is Dot approved, otherwise patent will issue tor the timber which must b. remov ed within ten years. Bids will be leceived from citizens of the United States, associations of such citizens snd corporations organized under the laws ot th. United States or any state, ter ritory, or district thereof only. Cpon appl a tiou of a qualified purchaser, the timber in any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being included in any offer of a larger nnit T. 6 8 . R. 4 V.. Sec. 27. Lot 1. red fir 183 M.. not lo be sold tor less than K1.00 per M T. 1 S.. R. 5 E.. Sec. 21, N. E. S W hi. yellow fir 1800 M.. N. W. . S W. hi yellow fir 2200 M., 8. W. 4 J5. W. hi, yel low fir 600 M.. N. E. W S. E. hi. yellow fir 600 M.. N W. 8. E. "4. yellow fir 1000 M., not to b. sold tor less than .11.00 per M. T. 2 S. R. 5 E.. Sec. 19. S. E. V, N. W. tt. fir 1900 1.. cedar 50 M.. N. E. tt 8 W tt. fir 1805 M.. cedar X0 M . hemlock 75 M N W. 14 8. W. V. fir 835 M . eedar 85 M.. hemlock 140 M., none of the fir to be sold for less than $1.25 per M , snd ncne of the cedar or hemlock to be sold for less than 50 cents per M (Signed) Clay TaUman. Commissioner Gen eral Land Office NOTICE of sale of government timber Genersl Land Office. Washington. D. C, Aug. 25. 1010 Notice is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations (-t the set of June 9. 1010 (39 Stat.. 218). and the in fractions of Ul" -eir-tarv ; the ti!f?nr if Septmnber 15, 1917. the timber on the following lands will be sold at 10 o'clock a. m. on Ocfo ber 9, 1919, at public auction at the United States land office at Lakeview, Or., to the high est bidder at not less tlmri the appraized value as shown by this notice, sale to be suh'ect to the approval of the secretary of the interior The purchase price.- with an additional sum of one fifth of 1 per cent thereof, being commis sions allowed, must be deposited at tune of sale, money to be returned if Bale is not approved! otherwise patent will issue for the timber which must be ttmutfd in 10 years. Bids will' be re ceived Jrotn citizens of the L'rhied States, asso ciations of such citizens and corporation! 'organ ized under the laws of the United States or any state, territory or district thereof unly. Upon application of a qualified purchaser, the limber on any legal subdivi-iuii will be o!fpreI rejia rately before being included in any offer of a larger unit. T. 41 S.. R ti K . Sfe 11 W tt N. E. tt . yellow pine 290 M., red fir 30 M. ; N. W. x N. W. V. yellow pine 230 M. ; M. ; N V. tt N. W. , . yellow nine 320 M ; 8. W. tt N. W. tt. yellow pine 430 M.; N. E. tt S. W. tt. yellow pine 325 M.. red fir 50 M. . N. W. H S E. tt . yellow pin- 360 M . red fir 100 M.. none of the vellr.w nin to h : sold at less thsn $3 per M.. and none of the . re -1 fir to he old at V-s than $1 per M ' CLAY TALLMAN, Commissioner, General Land : Office. TIMBER BARGAINS and the plain truth about them Will start more than one man to get his first stake to a fortune. UNCLE SAM helped me to my start with the timber claim that others have passed up "because it 'was only spruce." and 12 years ago spruce was not worth anything. Here are some BARGAINS'' to give yon the beginning of a fortune; it million feet and the land 6 miles from railroad, for $5000. 12 million feet and the land 3 miles from railroad for $0000. 20 million feet and the land 25 miles from railroad, but new railroads surveyed to it, for $8000. D. A. DONELSON. 447 Sherlock Hldg.. Portland, Or. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE U WANT from 10 to. 20 acres improved near city. Will make as first payment Irvington home valued at $4500. Main 1903, Mar. 865, 509 Cham, of Com. 1 9 1 5 5 PASSENGER car! hi good running condition, 4 new tires and good looking; will trade for small house and give difference. Call at 890 Powell Valley rd. N K W 4 room house on E. 34th st., sacrifice. will take light car on first payment. Phone Sell. 717. WILL pay cash and acre close in for modern hon-e. Sellwood 263. TRADE 2 lois for auto or light delivery Ad dress, C. Kitclium, 140 Ea-t 45th -L WANTED REAL ESTATE tl IF YOU want to sell your house, we can assist you; we have buyers waiting; all listings given proper attention. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C A. WARR1NER. HITTER LOWE Ac CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade hldg. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED Price must be right and very easy terms. We have sold over 4 00 homes in the last year. If you want action P.st with Us. Fred W. Ger man Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce bidg. 0;set' Sunday and evenings. i to " i d "acres w anted Have cash bu;, er for small place near Port land; must be near carline. nice house, well im proved. Alameda Investment Co , 603 Corbett bidg. Marshall 635. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED Price must be right and very easy terras. AVe have sold over 400 homes in th. last year. If you want action, see Fred VV. German Co., CVnm. of Com. Open evcnings and Sundays CASH BUYERS FORYOTR BUNGALOW Also We have money t loan. Reliable. Long established. A. K. HIU, CO, 215 Lumbermens Bidg. FARMS AND" ACREAGE WANTED Write or call at office C. E. ADAMS. 507 Cham, of Com. Bidg. TT INTERESTED iii the most artistic new home in La-irellturst. choicest location, that would cost you $15.00n to duplicate, get my price and particular:. Owner. Main 1528. I WANT a bargain in a fractional lot, with of without bouse, south of Montgomery street, between 6th and 20th sts. H-78. Journal. WILL buy your equity for cash. State full de tails or no answer. B-20, Journal. WANTED To buy a good 3 or 4-room-3bCk, spot cash. B-21, Journal. ROOMING,HOUSES, APARTMENTS AND HOTELS FOR SALE iS 23 ROOM, nice, modern place, hot and cold water, sinks, steam heat, lea.se: well furnished; all in H. K. suites; snap, $1600, Other bar gains. H W. GARLAND, 201 3d nesr Taylor. CASH for an apartment bouse. See me. Z-5537 Juurnai. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Collection agency, closed corpora tion. .Well equipped ofices, good business. Established four years. Sickness only reason for selling. Price $2000. No money, no talk. Address BX-814. Journal AL'TO garage: Good storage and repair busi ness; also sell gas. accessories, etc.. located on a good street, only $1275 cash required. Room 401 Dekum Bids. FOR RENT -Stall for grocery store In Public Market. Vancouver, ih. Inquire Mr. Han nan. Pacifie Market, 6 Wash., Vane., Wash ' AUTO reiiair business; good location and fully equipped shop, lathe, drill, etc. ; profits large. Room 401 Dekutu bidg. FOR SALE First class vulcanizing plant 514 Union ave. N. BUSINESS OFrORTirsiTIES v ft , ' CHAS. a FAG AN CO.. Inc., Dtstributori Pierc-Arrow Motors, Cars and Trucks Broadway 4 0113. Ninth at Burmtida WE HAVE WORK FOR FOCR TRUCKS OF F0LU Cl'BIO TARD3 CAPACITY AT THE RATE OF $4 PER HOUR EACH, SIXTEEN HOURS WORK EVERY 24 HOURS. FLAT. LEVEL HAUL. We are open Snnday evening. FOB SALE Baggage transfer aud storage busi ness, 2 Ford delivery trucks, large storage rocm filled with storage; rent $30 per month; location near Union depot; net income over $500 per month. Other business interests reason for selling. Price $1500 cash. No terms Pbone Broadway 1207 for interview. FOR SALE Baggag: transfer and slroage bus iness, 2 Ford delivery trucks, large storage room filled with storage; rent $30 per month ; location near Union depot; net income over $500 per month. Other business interests reason fro selling. lyice $1500 cash. No terms. Phone Broadway 1207 for interview. OLD established profitable fluff and rag rug business, well equipped. 2 months' work on hand: will sell half or whole interest, J. W. Gibson, 200 We-tlake ave. N, Seattle. Wash. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 9 WANT to rent a meat market, fixtures in cluded, and sufficient space for liringrooms in rear. J-656, Journal. MONEY TO LOAN REAL K8T ATE 87 OL'K ins.tallmnt plan is tbo best and surest method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 36 months; or $'-'1.34, fut 60 months; or $15.17 for 9U months, pays $1000 loan and interest. Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property. Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark st.. Portland. Or. BUILDING loans on city or suburban prterty money advanced as work progresses. W. (. Reck 215 and 216 Failing bidg. Main 3407. $300. $400. $500. $000. $750 and np. low- I est rates, quick action. Gordon Mortgage j Co., 631 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1370. $300, $406.$500Tl756r $1000 and up at lowest rates: quick action. Fred W. German ' o.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6445. MONEY to loan in amounts of $100o$li000 on city property. A. H. BELL, rooms 10-11. MtiTkey hldg. MONEY for mortgage loans. $500 to $6000. ! 6 and "rfn. Fred 8. Williams, 92 tt Is st ! SEE OREGON INV. A MORTTT'Te-CO!722J Chamber of Commerce 4th and Stark. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and f per cenLConii j Bslnnr n ft Co.. 408 Selling bidg TO I '.OA N 3 0 0 0 pri v a t e patty ) SjTTirok" ersge. Wdln. 0028. $300 TO $3000. no commission. Main 11HK. F. H. Deshon. 615 Chamber of Commerce. MONK A TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES C7 PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS N. Phone Broadway 810. 394 Stark Street, near 10th. ; Loans on diamonds, watches, Victrolas. pianos, i , kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musical instruments ' i and anything, of value ' i ; I ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF PORT- i LAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER 1 I - I I City and county warunts cashed for face value. CARRIE MTERS-nERMAN. Manager. DO YOU NEED MONEY Loans made on automobiles, diamonds, pianos, household goods or a&ything of vahie. Security nsnallv left in your possession. ALSO to SAI ARIED PEOPLE on their notes without security. Ii your payments to other loan companies or on furniture or automobile contracts are larger thsn you can make, we will pay them up, advance ydu more money if necessary, and you can repay us in small monthly payments to suit your conven ience. LEGAL RATES NO DELAY BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY (Licensed) 300-307 Dekum Bidg. Marshall 3280. j Salary LOANS Chattel j WE LOAN MONEY i On short notice to salaried or workltiaTnen on j their own note-' Weekly, semi-weekly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential NO MORTGAGE. NO INDOKSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household " furniture, .pianos, ets., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY (LICENSED) . 218 Failing bidg. MONEY to loan on diamonds, jewelry, legal rates; all articles held a vear; established sine. 1888. Dsn Marx. 283 Washington st HATHAWAY IxMins on pianos, furniture ami other ecnnties. Ri.im 20 t-hinirl'ni hldg LOANS WANTED 88 HAVE for sale $800 first mortgage, well se cured, running - years and drawing 8 per cent interest. Will make small discount for cash. Oscar Gerhauser. 403-4 Stock Exchange. FIRST MORTGAGES-for sale7 $500 up. f" H Deshon, SIS, Chamber of Commerce hldg. SEE OREGON INV4m6rTGAGE CO.. 232 Chamber of Commerc.. 4th and Stark. FINANCIAL 51 LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS If you niu t tell your Liberty or Victory bonds, sell to us. If you can buyjmore Liberty or Victory bond, buy from us. We buy and sell Liberty and Victory bonds ot the market, YOU CANNOT DO BETTER YOU MAY 10 WORSE We are today paying the following prices for United Stales government Liberty anil Victory bonds, which are the clo Ing New York market prices, plus the accrued intcre-t : N. T. Market, lnjtere: t Total 3tts P.!l4 .82 JOO.711 1st 4s !(4 M .03 95.73 2d 4s 02.90 1 27 94.17 It 4 tts 94.6 .9!) 1)5. 03 2d 4tt 93.24 1 35 94 5 it 3d 4 tt s 95.10 2.05 97.21 4th 4 tts 03.40 1.70 95.10 Victory 3 s 99.04 1.14 100.7 s Victory 4 tt s 99 00 1 44 101.04 In purchasing Liberty and Victory bonds we deduct from the above prices 37c on a $50 bond and $2 50 on a $100(1 bond. In selling liberty and Victory bonds we charge the New York market price plus the accrued interest. ASK ABOUT THE MORRIS BROTHERS PLAN Burglar and Fireproof Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent MORRIS BROTHERS. INC. The Premier Municipal Bond House Morris building, H9-81 1 Stark n. Between 5th and 6th Telephone Broadway 2151. E t. Over 25 Years. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS CASH PAID FOR ANY ISSUE OF BONDS FULL MARKET PRICE LOAN ON WAR SAVINGS STAMPS YOU CAN BORROW - CASH OF US ON BONDS AND 8AVIXG8 STAMPS, OB TO FINISH PAYING FOR VICTORY BONDS. 8 EE E. BURKITT. PRESIDENT. OREGON BOND Jc MORTGAGE CO, 212 SELLING BLDG. (2D FLOOR). CORNER 6TH AND ALDER STS. DON'T sacrifice your Liberty bonds: we will . give you full face value and accrued interest to date for your Liberty -bonds; any issue. Our plan is best. No discount, no brokerage, no waiting, and 100 cents on the dollar with ac crued interest to date. See the bond man, be tween 12:80 and 1 11) and 5 to 4. Eilers Music bidg., 2d floor, entrance 287 Washington st., between 5th and 6th- I WILL BUY ANT LIBERTY BOND ' at 99 PER CENT OF FULL CASH VALUE (All due coupon interest Included i. H. KEATING. 817 BOARD OF TRADE BONDS BOUGHT 8 POT CASH SPOT CASH MARKET PRICE CASH for RECEIPTS. Wa will tXAN"" you money on BONDS. W. 8. 8 . or to make PAY MENTS on BONDS. 7 per cent. 725 Gsseo Bidg.. Fifth and Alder. CELIJ.RS-MURTON CO. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. H FOR HA I. -1 team of 5-yrar-oIds. SoOO lbs. 1 team of mares, 2500 Ibi Single driving mare. 295 17th st. cor. Columbia st. Boom 5. FIRST-CLASS 3100 lb. team and liamesa. Most sell at once. 302 Front st. ' is ONE span of block horses, welgut $100 lbs., 7-8 year old, gentle and good workers; also spaa of block y mares, weight 2600, good work ers and gentle; also few teams of other horses, wagons and harness, to be seen at the Woodyard tables, cor. of U. 9th and Hawthorne ave. Phone East 6106. TEAM of bays, weight 30OU lbs., best of workers and gentle; young team, weight 1900 lbs., plenty of life and gentle, good workers; harness end wagon go with team; al-o a good young stable horse, harness and buggy. $75. Cail at 896 Powell Vslley road. Woodstock csr. NOTICE Have ffnshed contract. mut pell 10 bead of horses and mares, weight from 1130 to 1600; harness snd wagon, plows, scrapers, tools of all kinds; can b wen at Ka-t 70th and Alder. CARMAl 'f good work horse1!, weight lroin 1500 to 1600 lbs. Warranted good work ers. Pair of gray mares. 2400 lb. Several saddle horses, wagons and harness. 210 E. 8th nnd Main, TEAM of young bays, weight 2()o(llbs . harness snd 3 tt fsrm wagon. Price $225 ; also 5 yr. old horse, weight 110O lbs.. $85. Call at 990 Powell St.. Woodstock car. s $100 Buys 8100 pound bay team, age 9 and 12 years, in fine condition, would make fine logging or dray team. Owner going east and mu-t sell. Joe Grant. St. Paul. Ore. YOUNG pound team, weight 800 lbs., good workers everywhere: too mall for my wurl, will sell reasonable, r tratle for larger leoiii 20th and Powell Vall-y road. WILL sell team, harness, 2 wagons, implements very cheap. 965 L. 29th st. N. Woodlawn 4019 $185 BUYS team. 7 and 24 50 lbs.; g.w-d uagon Mead st,.. S. Portland car. H year old. Wright atul harness. 251 HORSE and wagon. $1.50 per day; 2 horses snd wagon. $3. J Cohen. 54U Front Main 220S. btAll horses and animals hauled away tree7Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. FOB SALE One good dimry or lira lairve 1014 Helnvmt. J.UVFST4 K 35 3 GOOD COWS. 1 Swiss jersey, with her se ouTl calf, 1 Guernsey Jersey, 1 good grade Hol rtein, both heavy milkers, will freshen this month. Woodstock car to 34th st. 5 blocks south to 104 0 Schiller st. 4 EXTRA good young milch cows, some fresh 1 with cair. Price from .'.". to $."i . also goini Toggenherg milk goat snd kid for quick sale, $!.-.. Woodstock car to Iwell st., 3 blocks east to 81)0. MILCH goats, tiiggenbutg-.. one buck, exceptional! well bred. Another younger, cheaper. 2 ds and kids. Nearly alt br.-d. No single does. Stuehck. Peer. Wah. IF you want any fresh dairy cows of any breed at any tune, see Mr. Bruce at the Stockyards. North Portland. Or. 0 NICE dairy and family cows, 7 fresh "l to 7 weeks; 2 springers. 4th and Columbia sU.. or phone 697 J. Vancouver. Wash. GOOD family cow. giving abou!2tt gals milk7 $00 if takeu at once. 29th and Powell Valley road FOR SALE I good Guernsey cow. thorough bred, 1 large dairy cow. 2099 E. Yamhill rr call Tabor 2858 bet. 8 a. m. and 6 p. m. ONE tre.-h cow, Jersey Durham, yelrV old. Price reasonable, 144 5 Milwaukie ave l'OUR fir-t rlass milch cows, all fresh! muTt he -old, prices right. 1 24 5 Ha)ey I "OR SALE Good family cow . toth av... S. K Inquire 10312 FRESH dairy and family cow. take beef cows in exehalige. 751 E. Ash. FBESfl cow with heifer calf ; also uiJch" goat. 30j Front st. FOR SALE 3 brood sows, 1 male: also fat hog. 1684 East 23d st.. Sell 2438. TWO HOGS, ready tiP'biitcher.' market price. 0057. 82d st., Mt. S-ott .ar. WANTED Beet, veal and hpgt. Tabor 3120. POULTRY AND It A BiWTS 87 Now Is Your Chance I-a)ing bin-, pullets, pigeons, rabbits, dogs. pigs. geee. ducks, etc.. st the right prices. 300 E Morrison. PULLETS We of er jou llarri-d Hock. Wb'.t. Wyandottes. Black Orpington and Rhode Is land Red pullets $1.25 to $2 50 accord. ng to s"c and strain Northwest Poultry Corp.. 82nd t . 73rd lo 74tb ave. S E 12.-I RHODE INLAND RED. Ba nTdnTorTT'uT let', $2; young White lghorn; laving hens, $1.40. 1 ! 1 H K Stark, at 75th tt. Montavilla or.Moort Tabor car. PULLETS FOR SALE Barr-d Rock. Rhode 'Islwrd Red and Brown Leghorn. $1.25 up; young Whit Leghorn hens $1 50 each J R. Maguire.7s7 Oregon st, 31 WHITE leghorn pullets and year-old hens, 18 ltarred Rock year old hens, 10 mixed hens. Will sell cheap Also rabbits. 2 does anj 1 buck 0102 85th st. S. E. . Mt. Scott car. WE W 11,1. Pay you highest cash price for April-May hatched pullets, any breed. North we Poultry Corp . !.en. Ore. j SOME dandy Barred Rock pullets for sale. $1 a piece. All good sized pullets. 2150 East Morrison. i 19 THOROUGHBRED White Leghorn and Wyandotte hens si 50 each; wire fencing and coop-. Tabor lOSs. SAVE FEED I guarantee to pick linn layers from your Hock. Tabor 0422. SILVER CAMPINK cockerels 'or -ale. cheap. Young fryers and young rabbits 7."c each. 4 4 78th -t. N. M. V. car. FOR HALF 4 00 Rhode Island red pullets. cheap Phone Milwaukie 74X. WHITE leghorn young hens. Tabor 0895. ! 6348 K4th St. S. E. i CLEAN-cracked wlieat7$3 75 ; scratch7 $4": ! cackling mash, lice dope. Woodlawn 4344. FOirSAl7E-----7ne dozen2 -year-old Barred Rock hens. Phone East 33 80. loo RABBITS, all kinds. St.. Phone Main 6133 cheap. 88 7 Thurmsn I WANT pullets, any amount. A C. Miller. Ifi4a Mississippi ave. Woodlawn SS78, sftrr 6 p, tu. PEDIGR FED-New" Zeaandrabbi cheapT74 8 E. 60th. Rose City park car Main 8873. FINE White leghorn trapnestcd cockerels. In quire 894 Francis ave., nesr 29th. DOGS, BIRDS. PKTS. ETC. 46 BOSTON TERRIER, male, white blaze and nose hand, small dark ss.t in white on back of head, eat- trimmed, liiilit .r o;.'l:P-ti t-rnd'e: the possessor of this do; is hereby notified that he is stolen property and should notify nr at once if purc-ha-cd or found. I will pay $50 for Information causing the arrest and conviclion of the art.v who stole him Sept. 3. Hamlet, 6657 i2dj-t..Tal-or4 8S3. '1 HOMPSON'S Rird .tore, roni-r Prccott. 115 7 Mis-i-sipi. ave Big sale on canary birds, l I 50 pTid 2. CHOICE canailes at "The Canary Bird Shop " Singers guaranteed. 1 1 .'. 1 E 28th N. C-2217. HI:i7 CLASS Irish water s)ani(l dogs for sale. Box 51 Multnomah, or. BOSTON HI I I. puppio Grcgor East 3219 FIN E Persian est" for" - l ; AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 Do1m;e sedan, 1918. in be-t of condition, only run a t.w thousand miles, wire wheels, 1 extra: a Dargain at SI Mm, with terms. 80 Grand ave. N.. near Bntnside. T'JT BIK'k LI lilt filX TOURING. Just shipped in from California; a snap. WRIGHT & PERKINS. 335R'irnside St. LOOK AT THESE CARS BEFORE-YOU'BUY! Hudson 7 pass., Paige 5 pass., Chevrolet 5 pass., Studebaker road-ter. Hamilton-Leatherman Motor Co., 330 Buinslde. Bdwy. 3606. FORD delivery car, A-l condition, new tires snd tubes; engine perfect, looks well; bargain. Call Pacific Storage A lelivery Co.. East 1st and Madison. '17 MAXWELL-Touring, runs and lookaIike new, see for yourself. ' Dou I vs.it aa this car will sell quick for $475. 1 09 11th st:.. bet. Stark snd Washington. CASH paid for old ears, condition no object , parts for all makes of cars. Oregon Auto Ex change. 129 I-ownsdale at 15th and Washington. Phone Hrosdw.y 2608. ' MAXWELL touring, 1918. in perfect condition; tires good Will sacrifice at $775 and give terms. 30 Grsnd ave. N. near Burnside. IF YOU want a good 5-pasa. Maxwell, we have several to select from. 4 04 DAVIS, Near Tenth. MAXWELL bug. brand new body, good tires; a real bargain at $375; some terms. 80 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. COLE-8 Touring-car. 1918 model; excellent condition, $1350. Auto Laundry, 4 49 Burn ride. BRING us your ear today and get your money tomorrow. Our name is 8ed. 40 DAvia, ear Tenth. Fold l.S toitrintf road.te 404 DA 18. Near Tenth. ioUD for sale, A-l condition, reaaonsble. 792 Belmont. DOlXili like you wsnt at the price you want 404 DAVIS, Near Tenth. 1917 FORD Touring $375. If sold at once, 847 Milwaukie. Phone Sellwood 1655. 1918 BUICK light four. A pippin. 3 404 DAVIS, Near Tenth. CADILLAC for sale Bargain on 7 -pass.. 1915 model. Call Main 6U76. . 1918 SAXON SIX Guaranteed in every way. - 404 DAVIS, Near Tenth. STUDEBAKER bug. very cheap, in A-I condi tion. Woodyard, 327 Front at. 1913 WINTON light Ma; some car. 404 F'AVIS. Near Tenth. 1918 FORD, lots of eatra. Fact 7283, hOuOK ton ring ear for aale. Tabor 874i. hohses. yeiticlt:s. trc. AUTOMOBILES ASTD ACCESSORIES 44 CAR CO. DEPENDABLE USED CARS 1'ltuM A RELIABLE CONCERN. Second series PACKARD. 7-passeager. CAIHL1.AC, 8-cylinder, 7 passenger. NASH. 6-eylinder, 5-p.asenger. OVERLAND. U-cylinder, 7 passenger 8A.VON, 0-cylindr, 8-passenger. NASH SEDAN. 5-passenger MAXWELL, 5 ssnger. FORD, 5 iissenger. TRUCKS PACKARD 3 ton dump truck STANDARD. 3-ton wood truck. FEDERAL 2-ton. rack body. . JEFFERY 1-ton with eipre body. Your car taken as ;srt payment on any of these cars. SEE WHITE OR JONES "it' 421 Burnside. Broadway 621. ! Cadillac Bog, $265.4 Mifrnnioo Bog, $385.U Ford Toy ring, 11917, $475 . These cars are all real bargains and run well. Pleased to show you all about them. Guaranteed Auto Repairing We do good. bonMt work at fait pricM, GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO. 280 Front st. corner Jefferson USED CAR BARGAINS 1 Buick light six 2 thslge, fgOO 1 Studebaker 6 1 Overland i Buicks. No. 25, 4. each 1 Chalmers roadster 2 KttidehakrT 4s, each 1 Oakland seduli 1 Ford 1 Ford delivery . . . $ 75 and 94 0 . .. 850 Bon 400 . . . 823 Kill ... 1000 . . .. SAO . . . 40(1 ... 1 7,3 . . . 800 . . . 225 200 ... 4 50 .. 600 . . 1 800 . . . 600 . . . S00 ! 1 Overland 1 Utiles -4." 1917 1 Buick No. 37 ! 1 Mnwll ! 1 Chevrolet J 6 bugs. $223 to . 1 2 tt -ton Gerslx truck ! 1 1-ton Buick truck ! 1 1-ton Liupert Stewart LONG & SILVA. 4 62 Hawthorne. WE DEVOTE our energies to automobile financiiii; Time sales contracts purchased. Dealer's unloading loans. Automobile insurance. i haVtel mortgages. Plenty of capital, permanent nrganlzstiqn ; proper collection methods; ssius agreement forms furnished. I all or urite WESTERN FINANCE CORPORATION 403-4 5 Pittwk Block. Phone, Brosdwsy 2414. Portland, Or. WHEN Ton WRECK EM AND BEND EM. SEE O G. GERBER, "THE RADIATOR MAN" builds bodies, repairs ra diators, bodies, fenders snd all auto sheet metal parts, NEW LOCATION UTH AND DAYI8. OPP. THE ARMORY. BROADWAY 1873 AUTO PAINTING We do high grade work and save you money, AUTO ENAMELING WORKS , 75 Union ave. Woodlawn 4807. HUDSON A real ctr st a bargain. Will sell on terms; $275 rash, balance payments. See Jones at 421 Horn-ide MY beautiful 1918 Maxwell, would pass for new. looks almost as fresh and brilliant aa th day it left the factory: run about SOOO miles: lots of power; a car that you can lie proud of. a real snap .at $7 60. Will gir. some terms. Phone Tsbor 8850. 1011 PIERCE-ARHOW, 7 -pas., top snd Up bolstering In fine condition, O. K. mechanical ly; has been used in city only as family car; fine car for auto stage work ; our guarantee) goes with it: $500 cash and $43 per month. Hex at Portland Oar Hales Co . Fifth and Taylor. CHANDLER ix touring. 1917, In best of con dition: good tires. A bargain at $1850. with terras. 30 Grand ave. North near Burn side. MAXWELL 1919. touring, Just like new only run a few thousand miles: will sacrifice at $085,' with term. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. CHE V ROLET-roail. ter7l 018. in best of con dition, newly psinted, good tires, a bargain at $073. some terms. 30 Grsnd ave. North near Burnside. e GRANT I) 17 Good tires and top, upholstering; a Knap, cay terin See Tom. Oregun Auto Top Co.. ,1 4th snd CctTich. FOR SALE By private owner, Chalmers Six', newly painfed and in good condtloo, ,CslI at laurel Rose garage, 2 7tii and Burnside. Phone Es-t 4 090. ' DODGE touring. 1917, in best of condition," good tires and paint ; will sell at $850. some terms. 30 Grand ave. North near Burns, side. ' DUBRUILLE TOP COMPANY 9th at Oak. Brosdwsy 1864. m FORD iouring. demountable rimv. 4 new tires, extra rim and nearly n.w tire, .. her .itraa. Plione Milwaukie 74X. j 1818 STUDEBAKER big 6. guarantee and fre s-rvioe; HOO cash and $120 a month. Port land Car Kales Co., 5 til and Taylot $300"" fxi'VN '"hT'YS 1 18 MAX" WELL TOUR INC. ( Alt. A l CONDITION; liEPAINTl'D, CALL KAsf llioa. . CHANDLER touring. 1917, in bt of condl tion, good tires; a bargain at $1330, wiLa terms. 80 Grand ave. N. nesr Burnside. 191 7 CHEVROLET" touring im firstTciese otm ditiou. $475. Evenings sfter S. $2 AV Emerson St. BXRGaTN IN 191 HUDHt N is PEEDsTE R? A 1 SHAPE. GOOD TIRES AND FINISH. CALL TABOR 680 4- OVERLAND, 1915, touring, will mk a good knockabout car; mu-t sell; a snap at $17$, 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. , WINTON six roadster, recently overhauled, good tires: a bargain at $350. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. AUTO TIRES We save yon money on n.w and used tires; vulcanizing and retreading. Vulcan Tire Shop. 41 Grand ave. Phon. East 4898. HUDSON "SPEEDKTF.K. 1920, ABSOLUTELY NEW ; CAN DELIVER AT ONCE. r-7S-. JOU UN AL. ' f . . STUDEBAKEn 4, 7-passetiger, good condition; ; Dargain. (in fc. nam st, . "TiODGK 1IKAD01'aRt1CB8 4U4 DAVIS, ear Tenth. ROOMY & passenger car in first class shape, hut nr if5 5a v. amis f EaMBLEB touring car. $175. 404 DAVIS, Near Tenth. ' $200 FIVE iwaMnger touting, flue running order, sacrifice. D-015, Jonrnal. , (Contia.ed oa Folio win Vagal