THE OREGON SUNDAY , JOURNAL, PORTLAN D, SUNDAY MORNING,- SEPTEMBER 7; 1919. 7 REAL USTATx? I'OR SALE HOUSE . 1 FOR SALE '83 home ia Bom City Park. j! 7 homes In Bunnyaide, Hawthorne & Mt Tabor. 4 . 40 Imom fn Hotladay rrrlnctos. ij J 11 homea in Laurelhurst f 18 robm in Piedmont. - 67 home in Waveriy Richmond. 2 homes in Central E. Portland. .10 homo in Kenton. 89 home In Woodlawn. 04 home in Peninsula. 60 homea in Albina, ' 80 homea in Alberta, a 2 homea in Montavill. AS homea in the West elide. 4 homea in Sellwood, ST homea in Wooditock. '. 3 bomea in Mt Scott. !! We bare listed in oar office for .tle the above home, at varfou price, term eild locations. Home wonderful bargain. Photograph of each in the office. 12 experienced salesman with autua to show thine homea. Bee FRANK L. McGflJIRE To Buj Your Home. 1 Abington building. Main 1068. Office open evening and Sunday". , MR. AND MRS. HOMEHEEKER, J I ST LOOK AT THESE ! No. 11 A now, modern bungalow in gciiod residence district, ciout to food car service and in an American district and jiut east of Laurtl humt, for only $3000. No. 2 5 room house, full 50x100 lot, fruit trees, fine garden, food car srrvica and , Just east of laurelhurst in American district For only $1500. .1 bare many others from $2000 to $20,000 on which I can quota a bomeseeker Tery desir able price and term. J. B. H0LBR00K 214-2X5 Panama bldg $21)50 EAST OF LADD 8 ADDITION On K. Carutivra atreet ia an attractive little S room bungaloir with large front porrh; living room 'with fireplace and leaded glass book cases; aolid paneled dining room with plate rail and leaded glass buffet; I hi toil kitchen; 2 light, airy bedroom ; white enamel plumbing: electric lights and gas: good cement basement; pared atreet liena all paid but $80. $300 will handle. We hare over 700 photograph of inspected home in our office for sale. , 10 experienced salesmen with autoa .at your ser Tice. HEM FRANK L. McGUIRE to bi;y your home. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. . Office Open Evenings and Sundays. . prewar rnicE-- $4250 $1000 DOWN TIMS. SLEEPING PORCH-OARAGE ' On fared street and sewer. .All improve ments paid. 3 blocks to Fcrnwood school, 4 block to Rrwo City Park car. Hardwood floors, fireplace, full cement basement and furnace.. A I concrete garage. Make an appointment to wee this place. If. U a good buy (fend is worth the price any time. ' J. L, llansran Company, 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 208. 0-ROOM modern white pressed brick bungalow, on a- corner lot 60x100, just east of Laurel hunt park, thia would hare to be seen to be appreciated, at a low price of $."!0O0. Also sn S room house, on 68th, at., near Belmont, for less than what the lot is worth, -price $3250 7, ROOM strictly modem home, large tot in Hunnyside, price $4500. These must he seen to be appreciated and on reasonable terms and 'pared streets, call at our office, wo have autos to show you. NEW YORK LAND CO. 303-4-5 Stock Exchange Bldg. Phone, Main 7670 $50 Down and $50 per month. Attractive Bungalow. On 100x108 foot lot on E. 57l;h street, east of Iurelhnrst is an artistlo 3 room bungalow witlv attractive lines; white enamel plumbing; electric lights and gas; full cement basement; abundance of fruit, etc. We have over 700 photographs of inspected homes in our office for sale. 10 experienced salesmen with an toe at your service. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy, Your Home. Abington builaing. Main 106ft. Office open evenings and Sundays. ROSE CITY PARK CAR 6 ROOMS BUNGALOW $3750 We do want you to see this splendid bun galow; it's modern extremely en. You will appreciate the big living room with Die Urge plate glass window, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, breaklai-t nook, etc. A home like this for so little nionejr surely will x sold quickly. 1-et us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO. 204 fitark St, Near 3d. Msin 3510. Main 3092. Branch Office, COUi and Sandy. (Open Sunday). $1250 Near Ankeny Car Barns. On E. 2Sth street, near Iine, i a comfort able 3 room cottage with bath, toilet and gas; pared street liens all paid; $250 will handle. We have over 700 photographs of inspected bomea in our office for sale. 10 experienced salesmen with autoe at your service. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington building. Main 1068. Office open evenings and Sunday". $2500 Good 7 -room house on Morrison, near Kerby. easy terms. $2400 5-room modern bungalow on Cay ft, $500 first payment. Bal. like rnt. $1750 Cosy 3 room cottage and east front full file lot. on Commercial st. $2X00 8 room house on Minnesota ave., lot 50x100 feet. $3650 Modern 8-room house, lot 50x125 ft, Stanton, near Union ave. Reasonable term's. OUDEf? & GRAVELLE. 107 Shaver St Woodlawn 202. Splendidly located, fine appearing 7 room resi dence "in best part of Rose City park. Built to accommodate two families. Thoroughly mixi ern. Two sets of plumbing. i'wo sleeping porches. All builtins. Furnace, fireplace and beautiful electric fixtures. Fine fcrounds, fruit, flowers and walnuts. Garage ; paved streets, sew.r, gas. Owner's business compels removal to another city. A fine home and good revenue producer. Worth more. See owner, 650 E. 81m N. Tabor 503: COOK AVENUE -HOME Modern G mom two story house on Cook avenue near Williams avenue, is nicely finished has furnace, cement floor in basement, wash trays and many other modern conveniences. Price Only $3150. ' $600 Cash. Balance Like Rent J. F. HILU 096 Williams Avenue. East 268 VACANT BUNGALOW MOVE RIGHT IN ; $500 take possession of this' 5 room bun galow; also 3 room cottage in rear, steady renter; ground 50x100, about 100 feet from car, bal. like rent. Price for aU $2600. . This Is a big snap. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. Q.NLY $3150 for a brand, new 5 room bungalow. modern and up to date. This ia located prac tically in the center of the city on the wet ?ide. The surroundings are good, close to car line and clow to river; full cement basement, fireplace, porcelain plumbing.- Never before occupied, al ready to move into now. Nothing as chesp on the west side. Only $500 ca-sb. balance easy monthly payments. - it. J. CLOHESSY, Abington bldg. ' WAVEBLY HEIGHTS. $3200 -Substantially built 5 room modem bungalow, furnace, full plumbing, cone. fir. sta tionary tubs, located on comet lot 50x100; both streets paved and paid for.j splendid view, close in, $500 cash. $25 monthly; located S94 Kelly st Shown by appointment only. Fred W. German Co.. 7S2 Chamber of Com merce bldg. Open Sundays anl evenings. SUNNYSIDE BUNGALOW, $1800 Neat 5 room plastered bungalow. 83 1-3x100 ft. .lot. fireplace, full basement, located at H66 K. Morrison st.near 80th; $300 cash, 25 morithly. This place is not en a paved street and baa no hardwood floors, built-in pianos, but has real value. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce bldg. , Hawthorne 43d Street A 5 room bungalow, 1 block to car, on lot 50x100, paved street, fruit and berries. $3375. A small payment down ind $20 per month and interest Furniture included. Main 5456. 115 Gasco bldg. GOOD HOME CLOSE IN 0 rooms, full basement modern bath, toilet, lights and gas, practically new,' ready .for oc cupancy; small payment down, .baL like rent My auto at yonr service to show yon. If you want to see . this good home and several other see E. W. Hughes, 507 Journal bldg. Please dc not phone, come right in. j . GOOD VIEW Will sell this neat and clearj 5 room bun galow, 1 5 minutes' ride on the -west side, close tu school and stores, for $3250. Terms. No mortgage against property. Main 5456. 1125 Gasco bldg. t IRVINGTON HOME Owe of the best home in Irvington. on 22d street corner with 4 lot ; house has 1 0 rooms, Inch-dinc 5 bedrooms; 3 baths and shower; double garage; fine shade trees. Price $25,000, terms. OODDAED & WILDBICK. 21 J Stark st. REAL ESTATE FOR SALEHOUSES 1 $2200 STOP BIGHT HERE Don't look any farther. Yon can't duplicate this bungalow bargain, Just think cf a neat, practically new -typical bungalow on East 25th street, adjoining Alameda park; haa Tery at tractive Una; combination -livina and din ing room, convenient Dutch kitchen, 2 light, airy bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, electric light and gas, good cement basement The total price ia only $2200; no mortgage or treat liena to assume. Small down payment, en tire balance like rent at 6 per cent interest See thia without delay. One of our auto will call for yon. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUT YOUR HOME. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sunday. tlGAft L- . . . T II...... On E. 63rd street, clow? to the airline, is a 5 room practically new modern bungalow with attractive low rambling Hues; large Iront porch extending across entire front of house; living room; dining room with plate rail and buffet Ihiteh kitchen; light, airy bedroom"; electric lights and gas; good cement basement. $300 will handle, balance like rent. We hare qver 700 photographs, of homes for sale in our office. 10 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington building. Main 1068. Office open jjvenings and Sunda-- OCR SYSTEM REM( V:KXCESSiVb BUILDEIt'8 PROFITS Our homes satisfy you. We finance you by easy loans, actually les than rent. If you have a vacant lot we will build on it and sell your house to our clients, who are now waiting for new homes. Before buying an old dwelling find out what our system will accomplish to get you a modern. economical ana salable bouse. Many borne now under construction or to be built in order to sell. We unite -home-hungry clients With lot-weary taxpayers. PORTLAND HOME BUILDING ASSOCIATION ro. ,' U- Kkotheim, Pres. and Mgr. C28-529-530 Henrybldg. . Main 5190. $2250 Kenton District $2250 - On Minnesota ave., near Morgan, is a very substantial 5 room bungalow home; unusually will built; large, light, airy bedrooms; white enamel plumbing; electric light and gas; full cement basement. Easy terms. We have over 700 photogruphs of inspected homes in our of fice lor sale. 0 experienced salesmen with auto gt your service. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. AbingUm buildinz. Main H0 Office open evenings and Sundays. SJtiuO GOOD 10 room modern house with two full lot, near carline. all plastered and painted, 2 bath, 2 toiku, fine shade trees, in a good neighborhood, near aplenuid school ; $.100 cash balanco ran be paid like rent Well suited for large family or portion can be conveniently rented, making purchaser' monthly payment easy to meet. Selling for Jess than actual cost of house. WILLAMETTE TXMN A INVESTMENT CO.. Owner, 422 Chamber of Commerce. 1'hone Main 44 79. ROSE CITY PARK 5 Room Bungalow, $4250. Folks, hers is one oi those real, nifty bun galows, location 4 2d st. 2 blocks north of Sandy. This is new, never been lived in. Thoroughly double constructed. Exceptionally large living room, hardwood floors, fireplace, boffet. cement basement, wauh trays, etc. Large attio. Very reasonable terms. Let us show yoc. . A. Q. TEEPE CO. 284 Stark St., Near 3d. Main 3516. Main 3092. Branch Office, 50ut and Sandy. (Open Sunday). $2tJ50 Alberta Bungalow -$2H5o! ' On E. Sth street, 1 block from Alberta is a very neat 5 room modern bungalow; newly painted; well kept kwn, (lowers, fruit and ber ries. Termt. We have over "00 photographs of inspected homes in our office for sale. 10 experienced salesmen wall autos at your service. FRANC L. McGUIRE ToBuy Your Home. Abington building. Main 1068. Office open evenings and Sumiajs. $800 A REAL GOOD BUY " "$100 4 lots, clear across block, V A. 4 room house, new kitchen being built on. newly cov ered. 2 big cherry trees in full bearing, 3 apple trees and 1 large walnut also in full bearing Good big barn, city water, teiephoue. etc. Some nice grains, plums, about in corn, food corn, too. Noma berries. On Third sL, near paved st. This is a real snap. $800, $100 down, balance easy at 6 per cent UL1CK SALES LAND CO., W. T. Lewis, Mgr.. PboneBIack 190, 'Res." Red 183. GOOD BUYS IN BUNGALOWS ANtD COTTAGES 5-room cottage. Upper Albina district, price $2200; 7 -room rottaae M. V. district, $2200-4-room cottage M. V.. price $1050; 5-room tu?VM- v- Price $1600; 6-room cottage. Mt Tabor district, price $2006; 5 room bun f ?o ' V ' pr,ce 2-50. .These are all on lots 50x100. and iuiprovemenpj all paid and o7 terms. If you will tail ct our office. dOd-4 5 Stock Exchange bldg., we have autos to show you, or phone Main 7670. 11 A W 11 1 0 R N E DISTRICT CLOSE IN room 2 story and sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace," a real home. Corner lot, paved on all sides. Sewer and all paid; bouse alone would cost $.".000 to build; $900 st imp pauL Lot cost $1200. All for $4250; $1000 cash, balance just like rent. I am leaving town to travel with a sick wife for winter. Place is 2 M blocks to school, walking distance to hieh school. Address for appointment Can show it any time if ciay r evening. B-810. Journal. HERE YOU BAR'; A IN HUNT ERTlSAIIOU.SE WORTH CONSIDERABLE MORE THAN WE ARE ASKING: rooms with bath, toilet sink and some built-m features; with a few change in this house it will make a nice home, or will sell for $S00 more than we are asking, $500 cash will handle, balance easy. This is a bargain you will not find again soon. STEWART & BUCK, 315 NoTthwnstern Bank Bidg. TUP tft1T-iriv fjvaTvxi Makes home buvinr easv. Von n n tins office and see over 700 photographs of homes for sale, arranged in districts ; every one has been appraised: 10 automobiles at your service. This is why we sold over 114 homes in FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUS HOME. Abington Bldg. ' Main IOCS. '"ncc open r.venings ana Sundays. Cook Avenue Cottage Modern 5 room cottage on Cook avenue near iltiams avenue, all improvements in and paid. This is a very attractive httle cottagre, and will make you a fine home. l'rice 2t0 Vory Ea-y Terms. J. F. HILL 096 Wiliasns Avenue East 268. ONLY $2050 buys a brand new bungalow on tne.Ve-J.t Side, practically in tfie center of the city, close to carline and overlooking Die river. Tiii, bungalow is rn, up to date, with full cement baacement, fireplace, porcelain ( ,..u.. olli, (,. imjii woo ouys will be tbe first to iiro in it if they desire to occupy You can MOt E IN risht away. $500 cash, the bal ance easy monthly payments. M. J. CLO- riMoi, AoiUBt. n biflg A SNAP IV irriRTi conff B room, almost new, modern; basement ground 7xlSl, in best part of city, for $3200 $1000 cash, balance time. room, strictly modern, 100x150; garage fruit on Cleveland ave.; $6000; good terms.' Might sell you a farm. SEE HARRY BALL. 431 Lumber Exchange. A REAL SNAP ' ' ' For $1200 6 room plastered house, full base ment. ga lights, city water; about 10 fruit tree and some trees, blackberries, chickenhouse and barn for cow; $200 cash, $15 per month. Apply to 2093 Schuyler st, Momavilla car zL-z!j".. "or"1 oi ojisan st and S2d OWNER Forced sale, poor health, near Lau relhurst park, family cow. chickens, garden, fruit trees, furniture, modern 7 room house i block ground, paved st. all for $3450; S1250 cash. Ground value $2500. Hun right in no agent. B-813. Journal. $1025 Terms $3oo Cash. Lot 50x100 4 room cottage, living room, large kitchen, 2 bedrooms, fruit trees, cement sidewalks 2 blocks from Rose City Park car. Phone Tabor 5196 FO'1 j!ALK, $2000 FOR SALE Modern four room house, bath, full base ment, large attic, fruit trees, strawberries, roses street paved, concrete sidewsiks, all clear 4 block ' Woodstock car. All or part payment See owner 811 E. 28th st S. BY OWNER 6 room bungalow, polished floors. fireplace, garage, enameled kitchen and bath room ; fruit and roses, paved street. S blocka to SeliwoV'.10.8'-00'- 1303 EM 18th,- MODERN 6 room bungalow, one floor, double cont. : garage, wash tntys. fireplace, bookcase .So'nn ln",' ,''al'l : bargain from owner at $3300. 1357 E. 27th st N. Phone Wdln 2054. FOR HALF. In Kenton, modem bangalow 4 rooms down stairs. 1 up: ft Oil 00 PW, fruit and flowers. Easy terms. Call before 12 m., Bdwy. 2600. ' $5000 -TERMS TWO FAMILY HOUSE in KUtJB CITY PARK MUST sell $4 200 cash. Pressed for money! o room modem R. C. P.. block from Sandy. Worth $50OO. Owner. B-812. Journal. FOR alK cheap. 3 room house, full lot good neighborhood. -loee in. Terms, Apply Hoag lin & Bud, 663 H WiUiMa T$ BE At ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES" 1 Wakefield, Fries & Co. 85 4th. St. HOMES FOR SALE ON EAST TERMS $1200 4 room cottage, cor. 11th and Fail ing, 300 down. $1900 5 room cottage on B rases at., cement basement $600 down. $25 per month. Good condition. $3000 $650 down. Cement basement, fur nace. 5 rooms. $3100 $500 cash. $25 per month, 9 room, cement basement, ivory finish, fire place, 50x100 lot. Hawthorn. $4500 0 rooms, sleeping porch, modern. complete. furnace, fireplace, hard '' wood, full lot Rose City. $4400 6 rooms, bard surface streets, fur nace, fireplace, light ak and, white enamel finish, garage, completely modern. Koe City Park. $3200 Modern 6 rooms, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, cement basement. 40th near Taylor. 1 block from car. $5500 7 rooms, sleeping porch, hardwood floor, cement baaement, furnace, 100x100 lot Piedmont. Wakefield, Fries & Co. 85 4th et $1400.00 5 room cottage. Needs paint and papering. On Mt Tabor car. A little money spent on this place will make -a nice home for someone. Small payment down; balance on easy terms. BIG BARGAIN $3000.00 Large 8 room house. Full corner lot. 60x100. On Rodney ave. No furnace or fireplace. 4 bedrooms. I-arno basement; outbuildings for garage. Street improvements are all in and paid for. Price only $3000. 'ash down, $300. Balance on easy terms. $3000.00 Modern f room bungalow. One block from Kenton car; near Lombard st Has Urge attic with space for 3 rooms. Corner lot 50x110. Fireplace and built-in buffet Improvements in. No incumbrance. JOHN MALONE. MeCLPRE SCHMACCH CO.. 306 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 1503. GOOD HOME BUYS 6 room modern house, sleeping porch, gatagc. corner, fruit, flowers, near car; $3200, $500 cash, baL easy. 7 r. bungalow, on one floor, modem, garage, corner, neat, clean; $2650, $1250 cash, baL' easy. 6 r. modern house. 2 story, lot 160x 112 ft, chicken house, fruit, hemes, flow ers. This is nice; $4500, $1000 cash, baL $50 mo., including interest. St Johns 5 room cottage, 100x100 ft., corner, lots of fruit and nuts; $2300; any reasonable terms. 6 r. house, cement walks, sewer in, fruit trees, 50x100 ft comer; $2300, any reasonable terms. 0 room, modern house, double construc tion, furnace, fireplace, S. P., full base ment, paved st, corner lot. near ear in Hawthorne district; $4000; good easy terms. R. M. Gatewood & Co. 1C5H Fourth st 6 ROOM MODERN HOUSE Bath, toilet, lights, hot and cold water, gas. Full cement ba.iemcnt, laatidry trays. Lot 100 i xlOO. Garage. PRICE ONLY $2600 take $500 cash. Balance to suit W. W. JORDAN with Inside Property Dealers. Ground Floor. Henry Building, 83 Fourth st Marshall 892. $5000 UNUSUAL BUNGALOW HOME This u truly a beautiful home situated on the west slope of Mt Tabor, being 100x110 corner, with beautiful trees, flowers, etc. ft is very modern, most conveniently arranged and unusually well built It has low rambling bunga low lines; large screened-in parch extends acroijS entire front and sides of the house; has solid paneled living room with tapestry paper, and i an art tile f lrepiaee : leaded glass oooacases ; ! very artistic music room: hardwoc?d floors; solid paneled dming room with massive leaciea glass buffet; Dutch kitchen; 3 bedrooms; full cement basement with furnace. Total price includes street liena. Only $5000, just $2000 less than the owner's former price; easy terms. We have over 700 photographs of inspected homes in our office for sale. ' Ten experienced sales men with autos at your service. SEE FRANK LJ McGUIRE To Buy Your Home Abington bldg.. Main 1068. Office oien evenings snd Sundays $3675. Owner Going to Europe. Here is a 5 room double constructed home, erected by the owner, who is a builder. Hie only reason for selling is that he ts leaving for Europe. Reception hall; living room with fire place; bookcases; dining room with plate rail and built-in buffet; full Dutch kitchen; A-l full ce ment basement; laundry trays; two lirrht. sirv bedrooms: white enamel plumbing; electric lights and gas; good garage. This is your opportunity. Can arrange terms. On Franklin street, near 33rd. We have over 700 photographs of in spected homes in our office for rale. 10 ex perienced salesmen with autos at jour service. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington building. Main 1008. Office open evenings and Sundays. ' ROSECfTY PARK BUNGALOW $3960. $500 CASH WILL HANDLE. Here is a nifty, new modern bungalow, thoroughly flexible constructed and a type of bungalow that appeals to the modern house wife. Large living room, hardwood floors, fire place, buffet, cement basement, wash trays, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook. etc. Finished in old ivory ami white throughout; street and sewer assessments paid. us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO. 264 Stark St., Near 3d. Main 3516. Main 3092. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. (Open Sunday). 9"tOOMEDhouse, lot 1 00x120 feetTloof roses, fruit eta. Concrete side full length and ' end of lot Toilet bath. etc. Telephone. Good ; house on brick foundation, can't be built at the ! present price for $2500. On paved street on i Second street. Newberg. Comer lot The beat buy in Newberg. $1500. $500 down, balance ! easy payment at 6 per cent Just as close in ss you want it to be an attractive home. The prettiest miiple shade trees. A real home. Loca tion the best This Is a real snap. UUICK SALES LAND CO., W. T. Lewis, Mgr., , Newberg, Or. Phone Black 190. Res. Red 1S3. GANTENBEIN AVENUE. Modern 7 room house on Gantenbcin avenue, close to public and high school. lArge lot, street improvements in and paid. If von lonkinir for a coed substantial home I this will suit you. I Price $3400. Easr terms. J. F. MILL $96 Williams ave. East 2. EASY TERMS Six room house. 265 Blendena st (Williams ave. car), on hard surfaced street, gas, elec tricity, full basement, nice neighborhood, small payment down, balance monthly like rent HOUSE with line Wcation and beautifully ar ranged for private home, with income enough to meet all expenses. This is good. Owner. East 7 267 or East 2299. 5 ROOM Sunnyside home, sleeping porch, laun dry trays, fruit trees, roses; 2 blocks to car. Price $2 800. Payment down, rest like rent Call trwner. Sunday oniy. Tabor 3121. . 3 ROOM house with electric lights and gas, fruits and berries, 5 blks from car, 3 blks to Arlcta school, $700. $85 cash, $10 per month, 0 per cent. 5080 60th st S. E. NEW modem 8 room bungalow and garage, 1179 E. Ankeny, near Laurelhurst park. East 7358. 100x200 FRUIT 5 room modern house, full basement: garage; 2 blocks to car. Cheap by owner. R-509. Journal: FOR SALE by owner, 8 room house in Irrmg ton: corner lot; double garage; $5500. $2500 cash, balance to snit 'purchaser. East 2583. TWO 50x82 lot,, 2 and 8 block 0, East Hoyt, bet. 30th and 31st $800 each. Owner, 2050 Helladay. 9 ROOM house, 5 rooms modern, on first floor; 4 rooms modern on second floor. Haw thorne district: easy terms. - 386 E. 47tli st. FIVE room house, west side, near 19th and Overton st: $2200, term. Graham, 825 Railway Ex. bldg. FOR SAIi by owner. 5 room bungalow, gas, electricity, Dutch kitchen, full basement, cor ner SOsJOO. term. 1160 E. 12th I. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH t roomed cottage, attic, Yi41&, tiei- RE AIi ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES 1 $2800 CNCSOAJa HOME BARGAIN . On a large lot os Franklin st, in the Waver leigh Height district, ia an unusually attract! 7 room bungalow type borne, very homelike. There is a Urge living- room, solid paneled dining roam with Plate rail and maaaive built in buffet, whit Dutch kitchen, good cement basement, furnace and laundry tray. 8 light, airy bedroom, convertible sleeping porch and white enamel plumbing; recently tinted This is an unusual bargain. You will say to when yon see it Beautiful fir trees, fruit and flow er. No Mortgage or street liens to assume. Easy terms. Don't fail to see this house. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE $2250 BUNGALOW BARGAIN On E. 7th street, near Bryant, is a dandy 5 mom; practically new bungalow with pleas ing lines, and among the cool fir trees, 3 blocks east of Union arenue and 3 north of the Wood lawn car; living room with fireplace, porch ex tends full widtk of house; paneled dining room, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen; white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas. Terms. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Bldg. Main 1008. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. NEAR SANDY QUICK POSSESSION $700 CASH $700 5 rooms and full floored attic, full cement basement, fireplace, built in Dutch kitchen, linoleum and range go with place, paved sts. in and paid, H block from R. O. car. Price $3700. C. A. WARROiER. RITTER, LOWE it CO., 201 3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. ONLY $4500. On the business street of the city of Portland, on 6th st, only 1 bolck from the Lincoln high, only three bloeks from the City Auditorium. Can you beat it? A six room house with lot 25x08 ft The bouse is old, to be sure, could not be otherwise for this price, but it has a full set of porcelain plumbing and the location with the lot ought to be enough said for the small sum of $4500, and we will even give you terms. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. 6 ROOM NEW BUNGALOW. $500 CASH Brand new 5 room bungalow, just finished, on corner lot: no liens to asbume, no . mort gagee. 1 block to Glisan at car. just beyond Iurelhurst 8. W. corner E. 66th and Flan ders sts.; price $3150, $500 cash and $20 per roonuij o per cent V scant, act quick. GRUSSI A BENNETT, 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452 $2b00 FOR a 5 room bungalow, full basement and attic, toilet, bath, hot and cold water, gas and electricity, lot 63x208, on El 89th st; $500 cash. baL terms. Phone Marshall 829. F. L. 5192 Railway Ex. BY owner Mrs. Homeseeker, would you like to on a new well constructed modern home, that would every month bring you some extra money? You will have 4 large rooms, besides pantry and bath, for self; second floor has living and dining room, kitchen. Bleeping porch and toilet; and rents unfurnished for $15 per month; full cement baaement and wash trays. 1070 E. 26th N. Alberta car. Main 8177. $3500 FOR a very fine 7 room bungalow, with fireplace, buffet, garage, pared streets, 2H blocks from Irvington car: good terms. Marshall 829. F. L. BLANCfiARD ' S 1920 Railway Ex. ON EAST LINCOLN ST. NEAR 39T1I A 5 room -furnished bungalow. Price, fn eluding furniture and st. improvements. $3600 Possession can be bad within a very short time. Mil BROWN, K. 39th and Glisan st. Tabor 3435, evenings Tabor 00. FOR SALE BY OWNER AND nt'II DKR By owner. Alberta new modern bungalow at coat price; 4 large rooms, cabinet kitchen, white enamel, built-in bookcases, laundry tubs, lull basement Fnce $2500, half or terms 14th and Jarrett Call Wdln. 51T1 or 1207 E. 13th N. FOR SALE 5 room modern bungalow fire place, buffet, bookcases. Dutch kitchen, 4 cement basement, on paved street, paid; 20 minutes from 2d and Alder, $3600, $1S00 cash, balance $30 month. 388 47th st Tsbor 39 76. FOR SALE Modern bungalow, furnished or unrunusbed; 4 large rooms, large attic, fire place, full basement, corner lot 50x100, in goo J" location, one block from Miss. ave. car, two blocks from Peninsula park. Price $340o! Pay $1500, bal. like rent Inquire owner, 117 Bryant st or phone 0-1191. CAN Y7Jberit? WM sell my pie, ln st Johns, lot 60x100, 3. room house, electric lights, piped for gas. for $850 cash, if sold quick, or will consider trade or terms. 711 Princeton, st between Mohawk and Tyler Phone Columbia 44 9. ; WHY NOT BUILD T Get an artistic home by an established archi tectural firm at low cost We build anything; furnish the money if desired. L. R. Bailey Co ' Inc.. contracting architect. 924 N. W. Bank.' BY owner, 5 rooms and bath, cement basement, gas. lights, water, hi block to caf; improve ments in. near good school and grocery stores newly painted; a bargain at $2500; terms. 142 E. 45th st Tsbor 44 7. . FOR SALE 4 room house, doubie constructed, bath, built-in buifet. small cellar, concrete foundation, close to carline, $1600, $400 cash. KENNEDY & TILLMAN, Lents, Or. Mt Scott cap. BY OWNER 0 rooms, partly "furnished elec tricity, gas. bath, lot 50x100 feet to alley sightly location, $1950. Call at house No. 4452 41st ave S. E. forenoons and evenings or tele phone Mrs. Ledgerwood at Main 220. A REAL gVVAP 6 room modern bungalmr. lot 50x100 in Fulton. Price $2500; must be sold right away, as the owner is leaving the country. See ma at once. 837 E. 11th st S. No agents. FOR SALE by owner. New 5 room bungalow. nice lot, fine, shade; lot 100x60, near school and store, nice gatage. House finished in white enamel. Price $2750 for days only 1031 KILLINGSWORTH AVE. MODERN 5 ROOM BUNGALOW Hardwjiod floors, fireplace, full cement base ment, all built-in conveniences. Full lot on Mt Tabor car, S2600; terms. ROGERS. 248 Stark st Main 5429. GOOD 7 room residence, cor. E. 39th and Hol gate, 2 blks. from Woodstock car. 45x100; gas. sewer, electric lights, good cor and good house. Worth $4500. Will take $3000. Take good lot on deaL Owner, East 3225. FOUR room furnished bungalow, dandy little place; fine plumbing, hard surfaced st, sewer all paid. E. 25th near S. P. car shops. Owner' East 3225. FOR SALE $6500. 1 modern 6-room house with 1 acre, fruit trees and berries of all kinds; will make nine large lots. 8ellwood 1599. FOR SALF. Modern 5 room bungalow cement basement, laundry tfcys. Ihitch kitchen, bath, coved ceilings. See this before buying. 1034 Esst Csrutbers st Owner. $immi 4 rooms furnished, $100 down Partially furnished. Alberta. Gas, electricity, sewers, hard surface streets SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCHANGE. FOR SALE Modern 4 room house fcirnished 3 lots, fruit, berries, etc. All improvements paid. $2500. Terms. 6321 43d st S E Inquire 6329 43d st. S. E. ' I GOOD 9 room .semi-modern house, on Powell st Brooklyn district; let 51x190: fruit trees, ber i ries. flowers, paved streets; no incumbrance i $2500, terms. Phone Sellwood 2488. 7 ROOM strictly modern house, furnace, wsh trays, lots of fruit Will take an luasunable offer. Must sell. See owner, luul Vernon ave. Take Alberta car. WEST SIDE rooming house, 10 rooms, 7 sleep ing rooms, furnished. 5-room house, lot 60x100, on carline. Call owner, Broadway 868. $1200 3 "rooms $Tob "DOWN Gas, patent toilet. nice lot fruit trees, macadam street. $17 50 ir month. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCHANGE. FOR SALE $1200. 4 room houseT2lotson Sbth st Chicken house, run, fruit trees. See owner. 271 E. 29th near Hawthorne, or call Tabor 34b4. Ask for Mrs. D. r. EARLY new two rooms and sleeping i-orch, near school and car, Kenton district. Price $800. Phone East 4638. between 8 and 5 ex cel t 8onday Terms. $1200 THREE ROOMS $100 DOWN $17.50 per month; nice fruit trees, gas, good roads, chickenhouse; Mt Scott car. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. Stock Exchange. THREE room furnished baths and toilet, sewer and st paid; on E. 24th near (Brooklyn shops, $1600. Owner. East 3223. A SNAP 8 room bungalow style house for sale cheap at 1292 E. Yamhill Call Tabor 5777. BY OWNER AU modern, lot 65x05, garage; terms like rent: $500 down; price $4500. 268 E. 35th st. Tabor 1555. 5 ROOM bungalow by owner; large fireplace, basement and attic 1022 E. 3 nth iu Sell wood 3024. MODERN home in Richmond, $3500, $500 cash. 1016 Woodward are., cor. 34th. $2000 4 ROOMS and sleeping porch. , in. bath, gas, near car. East 8013.' Clo. FOR SALE LOTS 1$ ONE or 2 lot in Irvington. Broadway district 60x100, or 75x100; give tenna and month ly payments. See owner at East 0559. Lots are on 20th it. near Knott LOTS almost given away. 0 lota. Alberta car. at a great bargain. 6128 52d at Woodstock ear. FOR SALE LOT. 60x90, northwest cor. Broadway and 3 5th st. ; $700 cash. J. D. Mairs, owner. Woodlawn 6452. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON LOT. $1900 Corner E. 19th and-Stanton, all improvements paid. Dove & Gardner, 410 Board of Trade. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 1$ SWINTOJf LAND CO. ABE SELLING OUT THE FEW REMAINING UNSOLD LOTS IS THEIR TRACT AT BIO DISCOUNTS. IS ORDER TO CLOSE TITEM OCT AT ONCE. LOTS THAT FORMERLY SOLD AT $900 CAW BE BOUGHT FOR 1300 WHILE THIS SALE IS ON. TERMS AS LOW AS $30 DOWN. $6 MONTHLY. THEY ARE WELL LOCATED, BEING CONVENIENT TO PORTLAND'S CENTER, VANCOUVER, ST. JOHNS, KEN TON. ALSO NEAR HIGH AND GRADE SCHOOLS. CITY LIBRARY AND PARK. INVESTIGATE AT ONCE WHn.E THEY LAST. REMEMBER. $900 LOTS $300. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 033 NORTHWEST ERN BANK BLDG. PENINSULA PARK LOVELY HOMESITES This property is located between Interstate ave.. Minnesota ave. and Ainsworth are. and Portland blvd., from 3 to 7 blocks of one of the most beautiful parks in the Northwest. Convenient to churches, schools, stores and street cars, Jefferson high school walking dis tance, lots SOilOO, $500, terms $50 down, $15 per month. As a special inducement I am offering 8 lota for the price of 5, $2500 cash, nearly an acre in one of Portland's last and best building locations. Discriminating people will investigate immediately. Mississippi ave. car. Get off at Ainsworth ave. Office 4 blocks west. Paddy Powers, agent. Woodlawn 2 1 10. Sunday and afternoons. I specialize in Penin sula and Kenton property. A REAL SNAP Ground equaling three lull lots on Mel rose drive and Overlook boulevard, street on three sides; improvements in and paid for. Price only $1500. Investors look this up. E A. UNDO REN. Savon Land Co.. 933 N. W. Bank bldg. EASTERN lady, owning lot 12, block 4. Seventh Street Terraces, 4 oil 00 feot, muft sell and will accept the highest cash bid made. This lot has positively the best view in all Portland, having two frontages, and only 20 minutes' walk from Morrison and Broadway. Also for sale, Oiegon timber land, see advertisement in today's paper. Address Zell B. Haynes, Smiths Grove, BUILDER'S OPPORTUNITY HAWTHORNE BARGAIN 66 2 8x100, N. K. corner E. 51st and Haw thorne, room for two houses; price reduced to $1 ?,00. The biggest snap in Portland. Act quick. RITTER, LOWE & CO , 201-3 5-T Board of Trade RMg $350 down $15 month. 100x24 1 ft , On Sandy bird. jut out-ide city limits; paved streets and cement sidewalks (no assessments) ; gas. electric and water connections. J. L. Hartman company, 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 208. IRVINGTON IRVINGTON IRVINGTON East front lot on East 17th st. 80 foot street, all improvements in . and paid ; price $1250. easy terms. RITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Hl.lg FOR SALE in Metxeer acre tracts, 8 lots 5(ix 100. in lot 1 block 41. 3 Mocks from Mets ger station, or. Best of soil, all in crop; corner lot, plank, walk on two sides. Price $125, $50 cash, $3 per month at 6 rer cent interest on de ferred payments. M. C. Stewart, Rt 0, Van couver, Wash. THIS1 LOT WAS WE WILL DISCOUNT . . $900 1 . . 00$ j tot: pay $300 $30 cash, $6 monthly, cerlainly a bargain. Investigate at once. Johnson-Dodson Co., 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. $7 DOWN. $7 MONTHLY Lot 7. block 3, Brockton addition; 50x100. Total price $348. This lot was taken by fore closure and we hare no use for it Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Oten Sundays and evenings. PIEDMONT PICKUP SOxlOO on Moore arenue near Holman, $000; cement walks and curbs, one block to pavement drily 3 blocks to Peninsula nark. RITTER, U)WE CO . 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BROADWAY CORNER TOR $250 80x100 on E. 5bth and Broadway, no re strictions; east front; save rent some snap. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Tnuli Bldg LOTS located convenient to Portland center, Vancouver, St Johns and Kenton. 50x100, on special sale at $300. formerly $900; $30 cash, $6 monthly. Johnson Dodson Co., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg.. Main. 3787. WE have some lovely building lots north of Peninsula park, which we are celling st big reductions; ROilOO foot lots, that were $900. now $300; $30 cash. $6 monthly. JOHNSON-DOItSON CO. . 633 N W Bank bldg LOT SNAP 4 good 50x100 lots in Woodlawn, $350; small down payment and vour own terms on baUnee. JOHNSON-DODSON CO, 033 N W. HANK BLDG MAIN 377 FINE lot. Alameda iark. $800 including streets Johnson-locl-on Co . 683 N W. Bank bliig $1250. 1 H lots. E. 27th and Hancock, $100 cash, bal. 5 year at 6r. Owner. E. 2052. ACREAGE CHEAP ACREAGE Five acres, $250; $10 down, $5 month buys 5 acres of land between Portland and Centralia, on the main line of 3 railroads; 1H to 3 V4 miles from good little town; sawmills and log ging camps in immediate vicinity; some of this land is partly cleared: running stream; some bottom and some bench; this acreage priced from $25 to $76 per acre. Can give you any kind of a piece yon want CHARLES DELFEL 318 Railway Exchange bldg. 10 ACRES PLASTERED HOUSE CROP $3500 Located 10 miles from' Portland, land lays fine, 8 acres in crop, good plastered house, painted Inside and out good barn and chicken bouse, spring water in barn yard, well at bom, all fenced and cross fenced; paved road to Portland except 1 Vi . miles. Price $3500; reasonable terms, LTJEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. NEAR TIGARD Six acres, located 1 mile from Tigard. All under cultivation. 3 good springs and creek. Close to paved road. Exceptionally fine soil. No gravel or rock. Small house, woodshed and root cellar. Personally inspected. Price $1950. $550 cash. Jnhn Fergu-on, Gerlinger bldg. 12ft, ACRE ranch tor sale. 15 or 20 acres in cultivation ; 5 acres in fruit, with a good crop of prunes. On daily mail route, 4 H miles from Sandv. 3 miles from Bull Run railroad station. Fine soil and a good outside stock range. Only$8 H00. E. R. Leaf.Sandy,Ore. $1800 FOR all this: One third of an" acre". three room honse. one Jersey miich cow, 1 year-old calf, 8 ducks, 100 chickens, hay for the winter, potatoes, garden, some wood, run ning water, gas. to cook with, close to 3 sta tions. M. McMillan, Maplewood, Or. ONLY $4 00 PER ACRE OREGON CITY LINE Acre tracts, half mile East Itothe station, county road; nice building place, 1-3 cash. Easv terms on balance. John Ferguson, Ger linger blug. C1.ACKAMAS RIVER FRONTAGE 18 acres, all under cultivation except small strip along river. Good soil. Fine view. All fenced. County road. 2 room house. Only 1 0 miles from Pcrtland. Price $200 per sere. Very easy terms. John Ferguson. tHThnger bldg. 2 h. Oil f acres, all seeded, best of soil, no buildings; gss and water in street, $850 per acre; easy terms; is h mile to Errol or Stanley station. 25 minutes' car ride. Miller, Sellwood 1714. FOR SALE-1-20 acres fine ash beaverdam on highway, pavement in front 25 minutes to Vancouver; part in potatoes; lays fine, $3000. Part cash, baL monthly payments, 6 . A. W. Parker, '1019 Failing st. Portland .Or. 5 ACRES cultivated, 250 chickens, good chicken house, house and outbuildings. 2 cows, 2 pigs' and implements. Jennings Lodge, Oregon City carline, 2 blocks east from station, 2d house on left. $10 TO $35 PER ACRE Cut over lands and old burns, 40 miles down the Columbia; tracts 10 to 160 acres; running water, roads, school; easy terms. F. B. Hol brook Co.. 214 Lumber Exchange bldg. ONE large acre, 7 room house. 37 fruit trees. This i sure snap, only $4500Y It's on 61st and Division ft Call at 1620 Division st. owner. Take Hawthorne car FOR SALE 80 acres of fine timber snd water power, in the N. E. quarter of section 29. T. 3 N., R. 3 W.. WilL Mer. Washington countj. Or. Frank Barnes,, R. 1, Custer. Wash. LIST your bouse, lot or acreage for sate or exchange with Scandinavian-American Realty Ci Main 5429. 248 Stark st Ground floor GOOD ACRE, 2 blocks Metzger station, with new 4 room house, only $1600; terms. C. H. Johnson, owner. Main 5295. ONE acre near city limits at Errol station. Estacade carline. $1250. easy terms. Call np Miller. Belt 1714. FOR Oregon City line acreage. Improved or unimproved, see John Brown, 324 Bailway Eichtsse bldg. Marshall 3331. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE $7 i 00 ACRES. 14 mile - from Vancouver. 40 acres in cultivation, good building, running end well wster. 3 oows 5 heifers, 2 calve. 2 hones, 2 boo: all implements, etc Only $6600. Consider email home as part payment. 5 seres, all under high state of enlti vstioa, dandy 5 room bungalow, cement fruit ; house. dandy barn and chicken plant; Oregon City road. A high claaa place: at the low price of $4800. Term. 4 seres with dandy bungalow, fine barn and outbuildings, near Beevverton. Will sell cheap or trade in on a email dairy farm. 7 acres, 0 room house, fireplace and basement good outbuildings. 2 acres bearing orchard. 2 wells, 200 feet from R. U. sutkn, 12 miles out in Tualatin valley. $3l00, easy terms. . W carry a large list of acreage. A. W. LAMBERT & SON 120 Grand ave. corner Alder. East 040. 120 ACRES ,r- r,ri!am.V . V. l. mmA V. - ' , vu uiNa awu wtwsrai i Portland and Seattle; 35 acres under cultiva-J tion; balance in stumps and timber, best of soil spring and creek, new 7 room house, new barn 60x00,: other necessary buildings; horses, cow and all farm implements go with the place at $12,300, 1-3 cash, the balance on long tune. TUCKER & SiRECK 602 Spalding bldg. YAMHILL pOLNTY RANCH 10 acres near Amity, part in cultivation, fine running water, part fenced, all good laud, enough of timber on the place to pay for same. $1000. $200 down, baL 0 Per cent 12H acre, near Amity, about 10 acres in cultivation, school close, 2 acres of timber, woven wire fence $1250. $500 down. baL H pt-r cent. Fine loganberry laud; spring. Sea Wood Realtv Co.. 8 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Cheap Chicken Ranch Fire acres, 5 blocks East Durham station. Ore-go-i Electric; 12 cents confutation fare; 2 acres under cultivation, balance rocky land in pasture, but can be cleared; 4 room house, good barn, garage, chicken house and runways, well; county road; rural delivery. Price $1290. $540 cash, balance long time at 0 per cent John Fergu son, Gerhnger bldg. FINE LAND CHEAP The fertile valley of Central British Columbia are making houRs for thousands of satisfied peo- nln th(.t m-mlri not flnri ,h.t t, u-unC.1 .1... where, healthful climate, good croris and fine j cattle; $10 an acre and 10 yean to pay W me or call at once for literature, and full par ticulars W. G. IDE. e 024 Henry Building. Portland, Oregon. 13 ACB.ES ON SCAPPOOSE CREEK 8 miles above gcapijoose, 600 feet from sta tion and school; land lies level; creek crosses place, very rich soil, no rock or gravel; 3 room shack, good spring,' 1 acre cleared, 20 fruit trees; work in logging camp handy. Price $1300; terms $5O0 csh. balance to suit I.l'F.llliKMAXN COMPANY 913 Chamber of Commerce. ONLY 5c CAR FARE Nearly 2 acres, under cultivation, some lruit trees, good ganlen, 30 chickens, house, barn, chicken house and store house. Good soil. Creek. City water, gas. Price $1875. $050 cash, personally inspected. John Ferguson, Gerlin ger bldg. CUSE IN" ACREAGE. I have several small tracts ranging from 27 to 4 acres that are offered at a bargain price on German town over the hill from St Johns ferry. Price $100 per acre; enough cord wood to pay for clearing the land that is not under cultivation; at price quoted this is sure a sacri fice. Edward P. Mall, 809 Chamber of Com 8 ACRE GARDEN TRACT 7 acres in high state of cultivation on rock road, near Tigard. 11 miles out $1000. $200 down. Also 2 high class acres, only 17 minutes out 3 blocks to station, l'rice $1250. $300 down. DRAPER A CALWAY, 620 Chamber of Com, PENINSULA PARK LOVELY HOMESITES Acre tracts. 4 blocks from Peninsula park and street car. $2500; equal to 8 city lots, 60x100 eaclu They won't last long at this price. Paddy Powers, Woodlawn 2119. Mississippi avenue car, get of at Ainsworth. 4 blocks west A REAL BARGAIN 8 1-3 acres, fair house, good barn, family orchard: all fenced, A mile electric car, H mile to steam road, 2 7 miles from Portland. Price $2250. Owner, 723 Thurman st Phone Broadway 5725. IDEAL HOMESITE. Beautiful homesite of an acre and a quarter of ground; 5c fare, Bull Run water, gas, elec tricity; fine soil, many beautiful trees, gHd view. This is a bargain Owner. Main I9K3, SH9 Chamber of Commerce. Evening. Marshall 805. oreoonTcityline"" 1 H acres, close in and 1 block from station, all under cultivation, fruit and berries; 4 room house, electric lights, gas, well. Price $2500, $300 down. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bidg. LOGGED OFF "LANDS ' Tracts 5 acres up, located within 30 miles of Portland, on railroad; good soil, no rock, plenty of water; work; buv on vour own terms. JLEl'DDEMANN CO.. 9 1 2r Chamber of Comgnerce. 10 ACRES 8 miles NE from Vsneouver. 2 mile from electric line and graded chool, close to paved road. $1000; from the owner; $200 cash, balance monthly. Frank T. Berry, 215 Railway Exchange bldg. $1800 BARGAIN. 40 acres of fine land, near ly level, all tillable; about 25 acres in cul tivation, on good road, near Molalla; the mak ings of a dandy ranch; some terms. J. R. Wolff, 223 Henry bldg. $500 ONE AND ONE FOURTH ACRES In North Tigard addition, near electric line, all cultivated. $100 cash. Balance to suit S MITH-V AGONE R CO., Stock Exchange. BARGAIN, sightly acre, Powell Valley aind'Buck ley ave . very fine location for suburban home. Cash or terms. Main 4462. Monday, Marsh. 3205. 14 ACKE5? joining city limits of Vancouver. 8 blocks from electric car. Only $3800, $500 down, bal. to suit Kenney, with Wilbur F. Jouno, Henry bldg. 1 hi ACRES CLEARED. . 8 blocks city car, $1200; easy terms; will fur nish money to build. J C. CORBIN CO.. 305-8-7-8 Lewis bldg. GARDEN tractji. West Side, city water and gas, for $350; $25 cash, balance $10 per month. M. H, 05 Cprbett bldg. 20 ACRES. 11 acres in cultivation, with builcf iio;. near Hoibrook: tenna. Kenney. with Wi'-toir F. Jouno, Henry bldg. FROM l'to 5 acres extra choice land for sale, near tne Hawthorne line; come and see it Amanda B. Dwier, 1860 Division tt CHEAP chicken snd goat ranch of 20 acres; on pared highway; rough land; $400; good terms, owner, T-842. Journal. 10 ACRES cn t'olumbiaiiighway. cl,e So-cn amusement center. Inquire 302 Oak st TWO 5-acre tracts close In; will take small house as part payment Phone Wdln. 4 567. SUBURBAN ACREAGE 7 ON THE CLACKAMAS RIVER 18-A mile from Clackamas station, 10 mi. from Portland; 17 A. in cult, over 600 best variety apples; 50 peach trees just bearing; 4 room house; 2 large barns; good team; Jersey cow ; 2 wagons, disc harrow, plow, etc Good road. This is a snap at $6500; $2500 cash. Terms on the bal. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. Open Sundays and evenings. SUBURBAN HOMES ONLY $5000 buys all of this. 5 big acres of laud on a pared highway to the gate from the business center. There is more fruit on this land of the finest quality than you ever saw before on 5 acre. The income from the fruit alone from now on should be yearly enough to pay the entire purchase price. The berries alone and -you know what we mean when we ay berries at the prevailing prices and the anxiety of canners to contract for this crop for 6 years in advance means something. All right here are more than S acres of berrffe alone and the income from that source could not be estimated less than $3000 per year. Let all of this be as It may, take the land, the house, the barn, the big chicken house and all of the fruit for the small snm of $5000. Come around with $2000 cash and that's aU you will ever hare to pay outside of what the land will produce. M. J. Clobessy. Abington bldg. AT JENNINGS LODGE, right at the station. ynu go all the way from the business center to this place on a paved road. Here you have it. 4 big acres of land in the very highest state of cultivation with a large assortment of all kinds of fruit In full tearing; there is with this land a C room modern house with a fun cement basement, it has running water, gas and elec tricity, bath and two toilet, the plumbing Is all of the best class and the only reason for selling ia that the present owners are leaving this section. Everything goes for $8500. U. J. Clobesay. Abington bldg. 13 ACRE BARGAIN ON HIGHWAY Rich soil, spring water piped'; beautiful grove native trees; right on north side highway, convenient drive to city. ln neighborhood of prosperous surburban homes. See this at once if you want aomething choice. A. K. HILL CO.. 2 1 5 Lam barmen bldg. AT GARDEN HOME 214 acres, finely improved, 5 loom house. R acre.', 0 room honse. For appointment. Main 8480, S. L, V. Gilmaa, today. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN HOMES . it ON THE Columbia boulevard, right in the city, close to a carline. -Here are 4 big acre of land, very highly improved. There are 2 hi acre of this tract in full bearing fruit large and imH, of the very best varieties that grow in Oregon. The cherry crop alone sold last year for mom than $1000. Thar are pears, prunes, plums, quince and apples in wholesale commercial purposes. There are now about 300 boxes of Spitienbergs, read (or harvest. There is a good substantial house of. 8 rooms, modern; has a full cement basement, furnace, wash trays, bath, toilet, electricity: ln tact everything that you have in the city, city water included. Take it from us. this place is offered at a great bargain. It is ln the right locality down where ell of the big works in the city are located, and only 0 blocks from the carline. Where can you get anything like this for the small sum of $12.0001 Half of this land alone is worth more than the price, without buildings, fruit or other improvements. AU it take to handle this Is $5000 in cash, and the person who buys it can pay tbe balance of the purchase price from the income of fruit alone in leas than 3 years, otherwise they are no managers. Yon will have to move quickly if you want this great fortune. M. J. CLO HESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. ON the Lake road, on the paved road from the business renter. Here is one of those beau tiful gentlemen's ennntrv homes, with lake front. for lor,. H...n Tkl. i, tl,.. 1 . . . , . , . ... uiku cias. U U 11 1 lH I! U TBI'S OU lB CaSV, ftlCie, about 1 mile from the carline. There are 13 acres or more of the best hind in Oregon which goes with this place, all of the natural tree are there in a grove. There is an orchard in full bearing of every kind of fruit of the best quality. This is a location where the boat ing pleasure ia combined with all other con veniences. On this 13 acres of land is a practically new 0 room house, hardwood floors, fireplace, paneled rooms, sun parlor and sleep ing porch, full cement baaement, fine furnace, electric lighta, running water. This place i such a place as would interest a person desiring a beautiful suburban home with all of the city conveniences, and at the same time one in wbich considerable money can be made from Hie land itself. Call and inquire about tin place if you have in mind an investment to make wbich means upwards of $20,000. U. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. ONLY $"i07O00. right at Milwaukie, you can not get off the paved road from the business center to this place. All right here are S li big acres of land, all of it in cultivation, all of it ln ready money; the fruit crop alone of the larger fraitt is immense of tbe very best qual ity; there are almost two acres in grapes and you know what that mean in a dry one. That alone is a ray of the greatest hope. J'his place .e every inch - of it to charm the person who wishes a view of mountains and valleys unex celled by any other location so close in. There are building of a sub: i nitial character and numbers of them. The house is a plastered house, large and roomy; it hi rn'iulng water, gas and electricity. You ar.- I i. c-lvol ''n,, not 'r ,r?m the rarliin P'i- "lac" is going to be sold even though it i sj nfieed at less than half its value. Call In an! if will tell you the terms on this place. M. J. Clo hessy, Abington bldg. ONLY $6500 is aU we ask for this rirer front home. Here are 2 big acres very well ,im prcved with a good substantial 7 room house, rustically designed and constructed. This is on. of those beautiful suburban homes on the river front, out the Riverdale way, in a district whic h Is known as the high-class and elite settle ment Everybody in this district owns their owii home. This place is on the Red carline, right at the station; you walk from the station across the road onto the land. Thus carline gives excellent service. It is one of thcise pieces which a person desires to reside in. being on the west side. You drive to it on a paved road. It combines all of the city con veniences a well as being located on tlie nver front in the highest class suburban district. This house has city water, gas. electricity, nothing more to be desired for three times the price askeiL When we say this place is a great baigain we mean all we ssy. About. $3000 ca'h will chance ownership. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABLGTON BLDG. ONLY $2950 Why should this place nut be im mediately taken? Here is one big acre of land on the highway on the river road, the paved thoroughfare from the business center, right at the atation. practically in Milwaukie With the land wo throw in a good substantial 6 rooms, all of them plastered, all of them larce. all of the city conveniences you can have in this house, such as city water, gas and electricity. There Is an immense speculation outside of a good home to live in at the price this place is offered at There is a large quantity of fruit of fine quality on the place. The English walnut crop ia immense ; the land alone from the way it lies should sell in lots for at least $4000, mi everything else yuii get for nothing and we don't want $4000 for the land or improvements, $2050 is the price for everything. $500 cash, balance on easy terms. M. J. Cloheasy, Ab- ingtcMi bldg. 3 BIA1CKS SOUTH of Wilcox s magnificent c yintry home. Just a step from Council Crest, on the west side, in tlie best part of the Tuala tin valley. Here are 8 big beautiful acres of land, if you don't want all of it for a suburban home there Is ready sale for what you have to sell It is in a district, where vluw will increase as the years go by It is in a di-trict where tlie demand will always be great This 8 acres of land, all in cultivation, with orchard can be bought for $12,000, or will consider as part of the price a residence ln Irvington or Laurelhurst M . J t ' I .OH ESSY. A BINOTON BI.DG. ONLY $4400 Nothing like this will be picked up soon scsin; 8H big seres of land; half of this tract is beaverdam land. Its location is where you want It. right in the city of Tuala tin, only about 4 blocks from the station and business; there is a hew 6 room bungalow with a branci new chicken house large enough to ac cemmodste 600 chickens; there Is a large or chard load"d down with apples, prunes, etc Ytm drive to this place on tile delightful iiavccl high way Capitol highway. Half cali will handle this. M J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDC-. ONLY$ 500lorl acre"land"no "richer oil to be found, on the river road and on the paved highway. This place is finely improved. all kinds of fruit in full bearing, a large num ber of English walnut trees coming into full besring; there is a poetically new 7 room bunga low modern and up to date in every respect, sieei ing porches, fireplace, beamed ceiling, screened in back porches of large dimension, a double garage, barn and chicken house. The pre--nt owner is leaving this part of the state and offers this beautiful suburban hour very much under its value, $2500 cash will handle this. M. J CLOHErvSY. ABINGTON HMX. ONLY $5000 buys 25 big acres of land close, in on the Estaeada carline, 17 acres of this is in cultivation; there is a Urge orchard with a well 8eelctad variety of fruit in full bearing; there is a house, barn and chicken house, plenty of water of the best kind on this place. You drive to it on a paved road nearly the entire dutanre. The roads in front of this property are hard surface; this property i being offered for bout one-half .the price you can buy the cleared land alone for. The owner is obliged to sell on ac count of leaving tlie state. $2000; cash is sll you have to hsve. M. J. CLOHESSY, Abingu n bldg. ONLY $5500 will buy tins place, a most mod ern suburban residence, clow ln to tho bii I ness center, out tale Capitol highway, only three- blocks from the ttatton with a 5c cartare and about the same distance from a city school. Ilcrw is a very up to date 7 room house doubly con structed, hot water heating plant, full foment basctnent hardwood floors, delightful fireplace. It is such a home as you find in tlie hcvi city district, you hare all of the city conveniences combined with tlie suburban living About $3000 cash will handle it M. J. ClXillESSY. Abington Blclg FOR SALE Double constructed bungalow, 3 rooms and bath, modern plumbing, septic tank, full cement basement, with cem' floor; electric lights, gaa, water, modern ehiekeW house, bsrn, 2 lots 50x120 each; 15 fruit trees; plenty of berry bushes of all kinds; close to echool. postoffice and store- 5 minutes' walk to Maplewood station, on O. E., 1H minutes out, for $2250. Some terms, by owner. Also Jersey cow and 2 tens of bay. II. Olson. ONLY 3900 for ail of this, right at Courtney station on the Oregon City carline, 1 big acre of land with an abundance vt fruit in lull bear ing; there i at least aero of g rapes ; the crop now s immense With this goe 7 room plas tered house, bath, electric light and gas. The rooms are large and the house Is very well con structed; there is a bam and chicken house, about $1000 ca'.h will handle it M. J. CLO HESSY. Abington bldg. " TIGARD ON THE PAVEMENT 2 big acres, all in fruit, 70 Splticnberg ap ples, 8 years old, 80 other apple trees, cherries, plums and berries. Nice grounds, 6 room bun galow, good plumbing. Fruit basement. Water system. I-arge chicken house, for 1500 chickens. Garage. Price $4 000. $1500 cash Person ally inspected. John Ferguson, Gerlingef bldg. " "A-1 8 U B tJR B A NH 4 K. A 5-room classy home with 5 acre of ground, separate sleeping room and separate room for Jielp; this bungalow and ererything in best of con dition and if you are thinking of a country home do not fail to see tills. l'rice is risht and the terms can be arranged. Edw. P Mall. 309 Chamber of Commerce, FOR SALE A good 10 room house, also pantry and bath and 8 13 acres of land, 3 acres of this is good bottom land, located on a railroad in a good little town, for $2500. House cost this amount itself. Ralph Hansen, Buxton, Or. ONLY $1200 for more than acre of land with m good enough 3 room bungalow, out the Capitol highway, close to two boulevards, elose to city school and station with 6c carfare. This house has city water, gas, etc M. i. CLO- HE88Y. Abington bldg. 4-ROOM house, in good repair, practically new, with lot about 60x150, 3 block from Kendall (tation, iuat outside the city limits nn Johnson creek; Ideal place for chickens and berrie. Price $1850: $850 rash. GjpDARIA W1EDRICK. 24S Spark St. FOR ' 4 or 5 room bungalow or choice building site at Multnomah (tation. See Mrs. Ryan, or call Main 4253 v REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN" HOME "sT 6 the Base Un Road on the main highway to the Columbia highway. Here are 0 biT acres of land on the ' paved street and on tle electrio carline a welL This place is oner of those suburban places in which a family of large proportions can acquire an independent living a well as money benidea. You have all of the city convenience oa tliis place and the dis tance from the business center is only about T miles; there is a food 6 room house with a full cement basement, barns, garage, chicken houses, oonorete milk house. Take it all for tlie small sum of $5800, about half cash Is all you need. M. J. Cloheasy, Abington .bldg. 6 ACRES, acres cultivated, balance IKksture; lots of fruit, running water, 0 room bouse, bam. garage; near Tigard - station, O. E. Ry. $2750; $1600 easb, balance 0 per cent 7 seres level land, all cultivated ; good mad, $ niilea from heart of city; $1500, terms. One acre at M.Uger station, price $400; our own terms. R. M. Gatew6od & Co. 105H FOURTH HT. FOR KAI.E-S-FAKM8 17 VALLEYT'ARMS 14 acres. 13 a. ln cultivation, 2 . pastures good well water; close to Tualatin river; 6 room, nearly new, bouse. 80 rods to ry. sts , 22 miles Portland, $4000. $700 cash. baL 0 per cent This is good ralue. 5 a.. 3 hi a. culticated, bal. pasture; fine crtek, also well; 0 r. house, barn, garage, lots of fruit, at Tigard sta., $2760, $1000 cash.. baL 0 per cent; -a snap. 03 a., 12 a. cultivated, bal. pasture, running water, 6 r. house, barn, etc.; $2200, terms. 80 a., 20 cultivated. baL pasture, running water, house, barn; $3700. terms. 81 acres, 60 a. cultivated, baL timber and pasture, choice land, 8 r, house, barn, 'out building. 2 miles good ry. towns $125 par acre, terms.' 40 acre. 25 a. cultivated, good 8 r. house, barn, outbuildings, running wster, $6600, terms, good value. R. M. Gatewood & Co. 168 Mi Fourth st T O full acres. 4 room housed dandy good barn, track, rope and fork, all doors on rollers, patent stanchions, barn snd roof paint ed, hog home, Mnoko house, chicken house fenced with bog wire clear around plane, aandy good well at bouse, ju-t outside city limit. 24 large prune trees in full bearing, apples, pears, cherries and plums Telephone. (Juite a few prunes this year Would oxt half the price of place to build the bam. to say not lung of the fruit, fences, houses.- etc. Price $1600. $50O will land it Balance eaty terms to suit at 0 per cent QUICK SALES LAND CO., W. T. l.ewis, Mgr . Newberg, Or. Phone Bluck 11)0 . lies . Red 183. RANCH ALL FOR $3500 4 3 scree, north of Sheridan. 0 mom house, barn, well, running water". 10 acres in cilltt vstion, 4 acros slashed, all good land, sawmill on the- place set up and rupuing, orders enough tJi keep tho mill running. Team, wagon, cow. hav in the bsrn, all implements, everything goes. Only $3500. $2500 liiawn, bal. easy. 40 a. res acrocs the county road from the 4 3 ucn. Part clear, fenced, fine timber, no wsstn land. Only $2000, or sell 80 acres for $-1000. Itest of terms. 8 CHAMBER OI COMMERCE. Sea-Wood Realty Co. Foil SALE -- FARM 180 acre stock or dairy ranch ln Benton county on the C, A E. It. It., B miles north nf Summit station. About hi bottom land, 85 acres in cultivation; good soil, creek, unlimited outrange adjoining place: good house, large barn, close nciulibors; 2 large mares, wsgon, harness, plow, harrow, etc ; 2 cows, 1 cslf. Price $8500: some cash, liberal terms nn bal ance. C. G. IRVINE, Owner, Independence, Or. HTOCKOIt DAIRY FARM -$6500 205 acres, 1 hi miles from Castlerork. In Western Washington, about 60 acres 'cultivated, balance, brush and some lanber, large part could be tilled when cleared; trout stream across place; g.sici 5-room house, big modern dairy bam. fine family orchard. Price $6000; takes 1 1 DUO cash, balance 6 . LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 013 ('handier of Commerce. IRRIGATED FARM 119 acres, 80 a. in high state of cultiva tion, part easily cleared, is. Orchard, some bmlcfiings, land lies good, ditch constructed. Water on land ready lor use. Price $100 per acre, including wau r nghu LocaLed in Mar ion county. ALBERT ItARALA. 122 N. tlth Ht Broadway 4181. LEBANON, OKEliON. Only $1600 Cash Required to handle this 60 acre ranch, one mile southeast of Ibanon ; 7 room house, large; all cultivation, small orchard; $5000; $1500 dofj tlie balance 6 years at 0 per cent Write or see - M. U SOUTHARD. Ibanon. Oregcpii. FINE Vgill.I.AMETTE VALLEYfTp.M 150 acres within miles of Pnrtlsnd, close to station.; 125 seres In cultivation, all nearly level, exceptionally fine aoil, no flat land, rock or gravel, u(mm1 big honse. bam and otitbulldine. In good condition; fruit for family use. Price $17,500. II'KDDEMANN COMPANY, M3 chamber of I 'oinrnerc VALLEY " FA RMHR YOIJ llfl arm farm near Monmouth. Ilr., Mi mile from paved highwa) ; 100 acres cultivated. Ind i good; lays rolling but riot steep. ' Family orchard; fair building. This is a very good place. Price $100 per acre. KINNEY A CO . FARM LANDS, Oorvallia, Oregon, home of O A. O. 40' ACRES $10oVf $300 ah, Rslaic. Monthly 85 miles from Porllsnd, on rocked road; some In cultivation; fin running water; about 12 acre good bottom land SEE OWNER, FRANK T BERRY. Railway Exchange Bldg., Room 215. ' $250 CASJH! 73 acre, clearings; good house, . barn ' and outbuildings; plenty outrange, first class for stock raising; rock roeI, rural advantage, 6 miles nut; eicellent well water and creek for stock; $2500; $260 cash, long time on bsltfnce, interest. M I. I1ARR. Carrolls, Wash., It F D Washangton County 4 0 acres, located 16 mil northwest of HM boro. Or. All good land, fine soil, no gravel 4 miles from railroad town. 10 acres under cul tivation, balance timber Good 4 room house, barn, chicken hou, orchard, all kinds of berrie. Prle. $160,0. $1100 cash, balance in 1922. .lolm Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg "64 ACREs7"s7uThcVrof IfllUboro. near Acntl mile to chool; 1 mile to (tore; all in culti vation; good house: fair barn; family orchard; no nun p.r, aiii rClllippVII. J TlCe, 9ilOU. Will take Portland dwelling up to $2500. Terms can b. arranged on balance. . We hsve several good bnys on th highway" For Information, address A. R. England, HiUs- boro, Oregon. " COLUMI;TARi vEirDAIItY "ranch 120 acres, locatvd 6 miles north Vancouver, Wh. All bottom land. 40 acres under culti vation 70 acres pasture Orchard. New house, barn 2ii0. dairy houe and silo. Good fences. Host Isndinc on pise Price $I7 50 hm acre Half ea,sh Personally inspected. Anderson, with John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. OPPORTUNITY OK LIFETIME" 87 acres, fine oil, all in cultivation, gbod Im provements, abundance of fruit, fine water, 8 mile out. Want good Lou, 6 per cent cash, balance on or before 20 years. This is an 00 poriunity of a lifetime to make a farm pay for itself. R. F. BRYAN, 509 Cham, of Com. FOR S.U'.E-SmaTl farm. linmU" from If. H.. on good rock wagon Toad. Good build ings: fruit and good mountain stresni pinning through place. T.atge ranch which might be rented in connection: also ft I equipment of farm machinery, stock, etc.. for I cheap. It. Morningstar, Drain, Or. A GOOD buy, 90 sere farm near Molalla, good soit lies just right for good drainage, on fine auto road, alrout 35 acres In cult, bal. pasture and tlrntx -s, springs and creek, 8 room house, barn, well, orchard, phone line. R. F.i D., cream route, for only $4500; terms J. It. Wolff, 228 Henry bldg. 20 ACRE'S, located 3 hi miles south of Byea mor tatlon; turn south at Grang ball; 14 acre in cultivation, good soil, creek, 2 wells, crop and 1 cow goes; on good road. No stent. A. OsUrback. Owner, Boring, Oregon. Route 8. FOR SALE Two desirable, close in farms, under Ochoeo Irrigation project ; 1 00 acre in stubble, 80 acres now cropped with alfalfa and wheat For information a to prices and terms, write R. W. RKA, PRINEVII.LE. OREGON FOR SALE J 60 acre farin. 20 miles from Portland, equipped and ready for work, Could be divided and make 2 good farm; also 20(1 acre of good timber, 3 V. mile ot R. R. ; good mill lte. Bon. 134. Sherwood. Or. "A'RAREBARO 24 acre prunes, pears, cherries; mile town; $4000 crop last year. Price $5000. terms. 213 Luirbe-rmeri bldg TS ACKESTand, 1 milTlr'omdepot; 0 acres T-year-o!d walnut, SpiUenlwrg and Newtown apple; house, barn, garden, corn, potatoes, hay in barn; equipment if desired. Box No. 84, Yamhill, Oregon. HOMESTEAD relTruiuishment 16 acres; enrne improvements; near Castlerock. Wash. For ...... t . . a, . .... r. n o Portland. Sunday afternoon or after 0 p. m. during week. Wli.L"AMETTKvaile7stock"rachTlT0d aereST, $35 per acre: 150 acres in cultivation. Well watered, near good town. Cameron 4k DubolM. 804 Hp Ming bldg. . $3200 TWO good hoiiies, good barn, hifi state cultivation. Wdln. 1834, -.A .