18 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, .1919. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL Portland; Oregon Church people of Portland WBl (gather Sunday to Sake Mp atokiaiith jgew "gigor FALL PROGRAMS START WITH FULL til OR DN SUNDAY Services in Nearly All Houses cf f Worship in City Will Be Re S sumed Once Mere. - SSIorkas Header of J?ew4ra JJlovement The Rev. Walter M. Irwin, D. D-. has begun his work at district secretary of the JJ'er' Era movement of the Presby terian church with his office at 454 Alder street His territory will em brace the Btates of Washington. Oregon and Idaho. Dr. Irwin comes from Wichita, Kas.. after having served as synodical superintendent of home mis sions of Kansas for six years, and pre vious to that as pastor of the West Side Presbyterian church In Wichita for nine years. His first Presbytery ap j pointmenf will be with the Columbia i River Presbytery and he will give an address at its meeting next Tuesday Go to Church Sunday' Will Be pht at ontriu. ; Observed on Oct. 5; Sunday Friends Quarterly Meeting Is Held PISCPALI AN TO EXTEND SCOP E RALLY DAYS ARE PLANNED Schools Ready for Winter. Many hearty hand clasps will be jriven tomorrow .us the members of the various churches of Portland gather once more In their chosen pews and before or after the service, tell of their vacation experiences. The September quarterly meeting of the Friends churches in this part of the state is being held over the week end at the Lents Friends church. The business session will be held thw even ing' at 7 :45 o'clock, with H. A. Hinshaw presiding. The young people of the three full fall nrnirram of church ac- i churches of Portland will hold a Christ I.LIi l.llUa (VI l ltj .j n t j v. . - a o'clock. The public is invited. tivtty starts in with full force Sunday morning. ; Nearly all regular church tervicea are to be resumed. Church doors, which have been locked for Ministers to Mest The first meeting in the new year of Nationwide Campaign Will Be Discussed at Conference in New York Sept. 10. lh past few Sunday nights, will be ; tlle p()Itiand Ministerial association will imbolted and the bell in, the spire j be held Monday morning at 10 o ciock in Will once more peel out its note of the auditorium of the Y. M. C. A. The Will once more peei uu ministers of all Protestant Evangelical welcome to any- and all who may . cnurches of the city are urged to be have the desire to worship in its ; I)resent at this opening session. Har- old H. Gr ffis. president : u. J-sier Fields, secretary. eacred Banctuary. i Sunday schools will also commence on their winter's work. In many schools announcements will be made concerning the annual rally day. which may be held frny Sunday between now and the 5th Of October, which is i "Go to Church Sunday." WHITE TEMPJ.K Dr. William A. Waldo, pastor of the tVhit Temple, lias returned from his Vacation hale and hearty and will preach twice Sunday in his pulpit. He spent his vacation visiting with his son, Ralph. In New York city. At the conclusion of the morning service the sacrament of the Iord'B supper will be administered and the hand of fellowship extended to hew members. The Temple quartette Will have charge of the music at both services, rendering special selections. J'IRST CHRISTIAN t WtUl tne, return OI many wornem iiuiu their vacations the fall and winter work it the First Christian church promises to open on Sunday with renewed zeal and energy, particularly in view of the pre parations being made by tills congre gation for the erection in the near future Of , a new and commodious house of Worship. The Rev. Harold. H. Griff is Will occupy the pulpit at both services Sunday. In the morning worship he will discuss what he considers the weakest point of modern church life. At the evening hour a devotional and musical period will be followed by a discourse on "The Conversion of a Distinguished Cltilen." ST. 8TZPHES8 will start the fall and winter schedule of. church activities. The pastor, the Rev. Ward W. MacHenry. will, preach in the morning. Motion pictures entitled "Son of Democracy" and "Through Perils to Victory" will be shown at 8 p. m. HIUHLAND CONGREGATIONAL Full services will be resumed Sunday at the Highland Congregational church. The Rer. Edward Constant will preach morning and evening. The morning soloist will be Mrs. Vogel. and the even ing soloist Miss M. Specht. ROSE CITY PRESBYTERIAN The evening service at Rose City Park Presbyterian church, will be resumed this Sunday. Dr. Robert H. Milligan, pastor, will preaeh both morning ana evening. Dr. Milligan expects that there will be a large attendance of those who have taken a vacation from the church during the summer months. RODNEY AVENUE CHRISJJAN Rodney Avenue Christian church will begin their fall program with a new pastor, the Rev. S. Earl Childers of the Kuirene Bible University faculty. Dur ing the past week the Rev. Mr. Childers accepted the call of the church. Special music has been prepared by the church choir under the direction of Mrs. Maud Watkins Sammons. PIEDMONT PRESBYTERIAN The Rev. A. L. Hutchison, pastor of Local leaders- of the natlon-wld campaign of the Protestant Episco pal church In America have received notices from the Rev. Robert W. Patten, director, of an important meeting Of the national committee to be held in New York city on Wed nesday, September 10. This confer ence will be the only meeting of the committee prior to the general con vention of the Episcopal church in October, when a comprehensive pro gram for extension of the church's activities at home and abroad will be presented. "All the preliminaries of the nation wide campaign are practically com pleted," says the call for the conference. "The time has come when a definite program for the active campaign must be determined on, and the manner in uhiph the findings of the survey are to be presented to the general conven tion. "These, with other considerations, es pecially the fact that the outlook for ih i-amnaicn is better tfian our best exoectations. show that it Is impera tlvely necessary that there should be a meeting of the national committee not only to confer about matters connected with the campaign, but in order that there may be full and complete under standing with regard to all its details and that the members of the national committee may be . informed before the general convention meets, so that they may render the service which they should render there." The membership of the national -committee numbers 125 of the leading cler gymen and laymen of the church. Church federation Committee DR. ROBINSON WILL STAY OVER SUNDAK First Presbyterian Again to Hear Noted Chicagoanj New Choir to Sing. New Vigor Attends Resumption of Work The Fourth Presbyterian church is beginning its work for the coming year with new vigor. The pastor has re turned from his vacation at Ocean park and will be in his pulpit Sunday morn- inr in the evenine George H. Street will tell the story or his years wors. with the Italian army. Mr. Street went to Italy under the direction of the Y. M. C. A. and had charge of the com munity sing work with the entire Ital ian force. He found the Italian army had little of the spirit of song that meant bo much to the American army. Mr. Street sang his way into the life of Italy and left the whole nation sing ing their national and folk songs. His story is full of interest. Front row, left to right Rev. R. C. McAfee, R. J. Paterson, Grant Pheg ley, Rt. Rev. Walter Taylor Sumner and. Dr. Joshua Stansfield. Back row, Mt to right Rev. II. L. Cox, W. D. Whittomb, John A. Ham mond, E. B. Clarke, H. A. Goode, Dr. E. H. Pence and Robert M. Tuttle. In addition to those in the picture, the committee, is composed of: James F. Ewing, Buford C. Darnall, Samuel Lancaster, Cornelius Tonseth, Pro fessor N. F. Coleman, Will II. Daly and J. R. Ellison. Virginia pastor 3fs Ooming Here The Rev. J. W, Byrd of Virginia has been transferred to the Oregon conference of the Methodist church and will become pastor of the First church of Portland about September 20. The city in which he has been pastor is not known by the Rev. James T. French, pastor for the past three years, , who has been trans ferred by the bishop to the Pacific con ference of California. The Rev. Mr. French does not know the charge he is going to be assigned to. He will take his vacation between now and October 8, when the Pacific conference meets at Fresno. The presiding elder tias re quested Dr. French to conduct the Sun day services here for the next three weeks. Assistant Begins Work Miss Laura G. Henry began her work as pastor's assistant at the Fourth Presbyterian church last Tuesday. Miss Henry Is a graduate of the Chicago Bible Training 'school and has served in large churches In Detroit and Spo kane, coming fromSpokawe to the West minster church, Portland. She has for some time past 'been secretary of the Y. W. C. A, at St. Johns. Speeial Lecture Sunday Special lectures will be given Sunday atternoon and evening at the First Spir itualist church. East Seventh and Has salo streets, by Mrs. Loe Elmore of Se attle. The subject of the 8 p. m. lecture is "Man Limitless." Will Speak Sunday The Rev. Ralph McAfee, executive secretary of the Portland Church federa tion, will- speak at 11 a. m., Sunday, at the Kenilworth Presbyterian church. He will answer the question, "Why Should the Christian Churches Federate?" In the evening the Rev. Paul W. Gauss of Parma, India, will preach. The well known Chicago scholar, Rev. George L. Robinson, D. D;. will continue his ministry Sunday at the First Presbyterian church. Each service at which Dr. Robinson speaks attracts greater crowds than the pre ceding service. The Thursday eve ning Bible lectures are proving so popular that it has been necessary to hold them in the large church audi torium. It was soon found that the chapel would not hold the crowds which are thronging to these lec tures. The subject next Thursday night will be "The Christ of the Old Testament." On Sunday Dr. Robin son will preach both morning and evening. A new choir will begin Its ministry at the First Presbyterian church tomor row. Edgar E. Coursen will preside at the organ but the ch,oir will be directed by Otto Wedemeyer. Mr. Wedemeyer also will sing bass in the quartet, the other parts of which are soprano, Mrs. riinnr-ln. Williams Fecersien ; contralto. Mrs. Virginia Spencer Hutchinson tnnr. J. MacMuian Muir. The missionary "pictures will be con tinued at the Sunday school of the First Presbyterian church tomorrow. In the older room Jamep F. Kwing will lecture on David LivUJ&stone the apostle of Africa, and in The younger room. Miss F.lizabeth "Caxothers will speak on Ado r.iram Judson, the apostle to Burma. iff $ Church Has Moved The Divine Science church, which has been holding its services in the Tilford hniMincr has moved to the church at East Twenty-fourth street and Broad way. The Rev. T. M. Minard announces that the first service in this place will be held .Sunday morning. The building was built by the Universalist associa tion, and was recently occupied by the Portland Pentecostal assembly. Will Occupy Pulpit The Rev. William G. Eliot, minister of the Church of Our Father, has re turned from his vacation and will preach Sunday morning in his pulpit. The Sun day school will resume its sessions at 9 :45 a. m. There will not be an evening service this Sunday. Dr. Lewis to Speak Dr. Lewis, one of the Centenary preachers, will occupy the pulpit of Cen tral "Methodist church Sunday morning and evening. The pastor has been called to attend a funeral service in Southern Oregon. Hhinday to Schools kserve&allyBay 3n the Jear Jfuture Rally day will soon be observed In the Sunday schools of the city, and as usual the various superintendents will be looking for new ideas to make their program attractive. At a recent Sunday school institute held by the Multnonjah County Sunday School association the following suggestions were brought forth by the speakers. Appoint all committees early. Appoint at least three committees as follows : Invitation, program and decoration. Let the decoration committee take into con sideration the season of the year and secure corn stalks, pumpkins, etc., for the decorative scheme. The program committee generally know about their work. Let the invi tation committee see that no one is missed when the invitations are given out. After the invitations are given out, the committee might be made a follow up committee, providing for a program for the Sunday following Rally day. They should also see that those who attended Rally day merely out of curiosity become regular attendants. The speaker advised the superinten dents to get out a letter to his teachers and officers Informing them of his Rally day plans. "A great general always advises his officers of his plans," he said. It was - also suggested that the school choose a motto for each year and adopt IL ' FN BE FEATURE OF : FALL SERVICES Several Churches in City Haver Secured New Choirs for Com ( ing Winter and. Spring. SPECIAL PROGRAMS PLANNED Beautiful Singing Will Be Heard in All Portland Houses of , Worship Sunday, J: Young Collegians To Conduct Service DU. trAL.'htrtorl'in V1ir'h PYnPPI -The evening service will be resumed j uit Say at St Stephen's pro-cathedral on Sun- , and after bei absent day. the hour being 7 p. m. Other , gund He suijtained an services Witt be : Holy communion at . :4U . . . o ... has MnAe I him in his work. . The hour of the even ing service has been changed frem 8 to a. m. and preaching at 11 a. m. by Dean Hicks. Holy communion will also j be celebrated every Thursday morning! at 7 :30 o'clock. l'IR8T COSGREGATIOSAI V . Although their new pastor can not arrive in the city until October 1, the First Congregational church will com mence its fall work under the leadership Of Dr. W. W. Wlllard, who was acting pastor of the church for six months. The new pastor, who is expected here about October 1, is Dr. W. T. Mcblveen, D.D., of New York city. The Bible school will begin its sessions again Sun day, all departments meeting at S :45 a. m.. under the supervision of J. I.. ISowlby, the superintendent. The women's 7 :30 o'clock. The Thursday evening prayer services have taken the form of a serifs of cottage meetings in the homes of the people. The plan Is reported satisfactory. The women's missionary society held the first after-vacation meeting 'at the manse on Wednesday afternoon. WAVEBLY HEIGHTS All services will be resumed Sunday at the- regular hours at the Waverly Heights Congregational church, accord ing to an announcement made by the Rev. Oliver Perry Avery, pastor, who announces that he will preach at both services. DIRECTORY OF CHURCH SERVICES IN PORTLAND A unique service has been planned by Rev. S. Earl DuBois at the United Pres byterian Church of the Strangers on Sunday evening. Four young men and four young women are going to college this fall from ,thls congregation. It is planned to make this a farewell service for them. Different persons will give helpful five minute talks on "Keeping Yourself Kit," "Selecting Companions," "Your Religious Life," "Special Message to Boys," "Special Message to Girls," and "The Home Hopes and Prayers." All college students will be welcome to this service. Bishop Sumner to Be at St. Davids Bishop Walter T. Sumner will speak at 11 o'clock Sunday morning at St. David's Episcopal church and the Rev. C. H. L. Chandler in the evening. There will be no early service. The Rev. Thomas Jenkins, pastor, is in Alaska conducting a champaign for the Armenian-Syrian relief fund. He expects to return to Portland soon. .Communion to Itc Held Communion will be observed at the Glencoe church Sunday and 12 new members will receive the hand of fel lowship. The choir and chorus will ren der good music. Strangers are wel come. association will also begin its fall work. meeting eacRWednesday from 10 a. m. I FIRST 1-'RIEDS until 4 p. m. I Ilesular .services will be held at the tVEST.MIN'S'TF.R 'First Friends church on Sunday. The summer schedule of mid-week prayer meetings is closing with the largest attendance in the history of the church. II any members of the First church are expected to attend the September quar terly meeting, to he held over the weeR- Lents. Jtev. After -a vacation at the beach.- I y. K.dward II: Pence, pastor of Westminster I'resbytei'ian church, has returned home , ' end resianed the w rk of his pastorate. During his absence Dr. Daniel K. Williamson of Peoria. III., was in charge. lr' """' 1 J u Vr. Pence will preach twice Sunday, in ?!,d at he Second church in the morning discussing first century ,omer Lox f ,r"t ch" morning discussing lirst century and twentieth century religion. In the evening he will answer the question, "Can We Learn to Pray." t'EIf TE3TARY At Centenary Methodist church pastor. Dr. .1. C. Rollins, will occupy his pulpit in the morning for the first "-Sunday after his vacation. Kxcelleut music has been arranged by the' choir. All interested In th-a work of the public ' xchools for the coming year are invited to hear Dr. Rollins Sunday evening. MT. TABOR PRF.SBYTKRIAN church wiU ad dress the meeting. Sunday afteifnoon T'rof. Kirk of Oregon City will give an educational address. The business session will be held this evening, H. A. Hinshaw presiding. The young people t lie of the three churches in the city will hold a Christian Kndeavor rally at 5 p. in. IMl.tiRIM COXURKUATIONAL The fall and winter program of Pil grim Congregational church wiH be formally launched at a community rally In the church next Thursday evening. The pastor, the Rev. R. M. Pratt, has Sunday Mt. Tabor Presbyterian church returned from his vacation spent t the - Seabeck Missionary conference, and will preach Sunday morning and evening. The church bulletin will be published this year by the Christian Endeavor tociety. SI NXTSimi COXGREOATIOXAl Ir. and Mrs. J. J. Staub have returned from a two weeks' outing at "Arrah Wanna," Dr. Staub, pastor of the5 Sun- nyslde Congregational church, , will occupy his pulpit morning and evening. The choruschoir of this church will be leorganized for the' work of the com WILBUR Methodist Episcopal Church PRESENTS INSPIRATIONAL PROGRAM SUNDAY MORNING 10:30. DR. BAKETEL REPRESENTS S. S. BOARD. DR. SHORT . Prcaehet Ccrmon "Anchored or Drifting?" Th Mile Qnnrtet 1U Spwial Numbers. Worship With l' Sunday Morning Multnomah Hotel Our Church Horn. ing fail and winter. MISS DOROTHY NICHOLS OF CHICAGO Wilt TELL THE STORY OF HER Conversion ' '' ' . TO . Protestantism '. SITHDAY AFTERNOON, P.M AT THE SWEDISH EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH Corner Missouri Ave. and Sumner St. This f is a union service of three churches' and all are cordially invited to attend. ' , ' FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH TWELFTH AJfD TAYLOR STS. Rev. Joshua Stansfield, D.D. PASTOR. 10:30 A. M. Short Address by Pastor on "He for Us, and We for Him" Fallowed by Holy Communion Srvlc. 12:1B P. M. Regular Sunday School Serrice. 7:45 P. M. SERMON: ' "What Christ Preached" At both Mrrte the new chonra choir viH alng under tb. leadership of MR. E. ,T. JONES. Alao, the Quartet Thoir best i the Citr -omno?ed of MISS PETERSON - - - Soprano MRS. CHATTEN - - '- - Alto MR. STEPHENSON - - - Baua MR. JONE8 - - - - - Tenor ALU INVITED Twelfth Sunday After Trinity Uniform Sunday School Lessons "The Kingdom of God." Matt. 6:10; 13:31 3. 44-50; 18 3; Luke 17:20, 21; 2 Cot. 10.8-5. Golden Text: "Seek first his kingdom, nd hia righteousnees." " Matt. 6:33. Young People's Topics Baptist t'nion "Our Kelation to Others." Ill "Toward Neighbor and Friends." PUil. 2:1-11. Christian KndeaTor "Our Relation to Oth ers " III. "Toward Neighbors and Fnends. Phil. 2:1 -it. Kpworth r-eague "Milestones and Monu ments of Human Freedom." Josh. 4:1-8, 1!)-'J4. (Temperance Sunday). Baptist Virt Whiti Temple. 12th and Taylor -Itev. William A. Waldo. 11. "The Church ma New World." communion service; 8. "A Wise Midi Philosophy of Life." rsl sid E 20th ami Salmon Tte. Jv B. Hinson, Rev. H. T. Cash, associate. 11, e Threefold Sinn of Christ's Return"; 7:30, "Thi. n-aie-t Sermon Ker Produced ana uie Preacher." a n,jrI Vavriuvr and Knott Re Wesley J. BeaTen. 11. 7:30. Arleta Rev. Owen T. Day. 11, 8. 'Hlvary K. Ml and (Jrant Re. J. E. Thoma. 1 1 . 8. (ilencoe K. 4.'.th and Mam Ee. F. . I.a-lette. 11. 7:4.".. Sellwood Bethany Iter. T. J. Uroomtield. 11 7-3H. Grace K. 78th and Abh. 1 1 , 8. University Park-Rev. S. Lawrence Blmck. 11, . Swedish 15th and Hot Ite. T. G. Sjolar- dr? 10:30. 7:30. St.- Johns Kev. Edgar Hurton. u, i :". Highland E. 6th and Albert Dr. W. T. Uilliken. 11, 8. Catholic St. Peters Lents Bev. P. Beutgen. 8, 10:30, 7:30 Pro Cathedral 15tli and Paris Rev. E. V. O Hara. 0. 7:15. 8:30. 8 4.1. 11. 7 45. St. Lawrence 3d and Sherman Rev. J. C Hushes. , 8:30. 10:30. 7 SO. St. Francis E. 12th and Pine Rev. J. H. Black. fi. 8. 9. 10:30. 7:30. Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams and I Stanton Bev. W. A. Daly. 6. 8. 0, 11, 7:30. I Holy Rosary E. 3d and Clackamas Rev. E. S. Olson. . 7. 8. 9. 1J. 7:30. St. Rose E. S3d and AUmeda Rev. J. O Karrell. 8. 10 :30. 4. St. Andrews E. 9th and Albert Rev. J. Kiernan. 8. 10:30. 7:30. The Madeleine E. 24th and Siskiyou Rev. George F. Thompson. 7:30, 9. 11. Ascension E. 7Cth and Yamhill Franciscan Fathers. 8. 10:30. 7:30. - Blessed Sacrament Maryland and Blandena Rer. F. W. Black. R. 10:30. 7:30. Holy f'ros 774 Bowdoin Rev. C Raymond. 8, 10:30. 7:30. St. Ignatius 3220 4Sd St. S. E. Jesuit Fathers. :30. 8, 10:30. 4. St. Stephens E. 42d and Taylor Rev. War ren A. Waitt. 6, 8:30, 10:30. 7:30. Holy Redeemer Portland blvd. and Vancou ver ave. Rev. William 3. Divine. 6, 8. 10:30, 7:30. St. Phillip Neri (Paul-st Fathers) E. 16th and Hickory Rev. W. J. Cartwrlght. 7:30, 9. 10:30. 7:30. ( St. elemental B. rsmitn are. ana ntwion Serbite Fathers. 6. 8. 10:30. 7:80. Sacred Heart E. 11th and Center1 Rev. G. Rob. 8. 10:30. 7:30. St Agatha E. 15th and Miller Rev. J. Comminsky. 8. 10:30 7:80 Mt Stanislaus ( PoUah -Maryland and FiH-inir-Ttev. F. Matthew. 8. 10:80. 7:30. St. Joseph (German) 15tb and Couch T!. mi-rer. 8. 1.0:30. 7:30. St. Michael Italian) -4th and Mill Rev. t RiWra. 8:30. 10:30. 7:30. St. Clarv Capitol Hill Father Caplstran, O F. M. ; 8, 10:10. St Charles E. 83d and Alberta Rev. J. F. O'Flynn. 8. 10:30. All Sarata E. 39th and Glisan Rev. Father William Cronln. 8, 10:30. St. Patricks 19th and Savier Rev. Charlee M. Smith. Masses 6:30, 8. 8:15. 1U:S0. 7 :3. Christian first Park and Columbia Rev. Harold H. Griff is. 11. "Th Building ot ttie cnureti": 7:45. "The Uon version oi wKmiaaaea vm sen " East Bide E, ,12th andTaylor Bev. R. H. Sawyer. 11, Vwh, Work I"; 8... "Has the World Gone Vad!" - Rodney Avenue Rodney and Knott. Bev. S. Earl Thilder. 11.8. ' ' MontavUla E. 76fh and Glisan Bev. Her k.t v. Rvder 11. 7 :30. Wood lawn E. 7 th and Liberty Rer. Joaeph D. Boyd. 11. 8. Vernon E. 19 th and Wyjant Sat. B. Tibba Maxey. 11.. 7:30. Christian Setsnca Lesson subject: "Man." First 19tli and Everett. (Services tempor arily held in Scottish Rite Cathedral. 16th and Morrison.) 11. Second E. flth and Holladay. 11. 8. Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11. Fourth Vancouver ave. and Emerson. 11. Fifth 62d and 42d ave. S. E. 11. Sixth Masonic Temple, 368 Yamhill. 11, 8. Seventh Holbrook block, St. Johns. 11. All churches Wednesday. 8 p. m. Congregational I'irst Park and Madison. Preaching by Rev. W W Willard 11. 7:45. -E. 32d and Taylor Kev. J. J. 11. 7:30. and Clinton Rev. A. -Rev. M. A Sunnysidi Staub. 11. . Atkinson Memorial E. 29th and Everett. Rev. E. E. Flint. 11, 8. Highland E. 6th and Prescott Rev. Edward Constant. 11, "The Man of Self-Determination": 8. "Dreams and Dreamers " Waverley Heights E. 33d and Woodward Rev. Oliver P: Avery. 11, 8. Laurelwood-4 5th ave. and 65th St. S. E. Mrs. Alice M. Handsaker. 11. Pilgrim Missouri and Shaver. . Rev. Robert Murray Pratt. 1 1 . "The summons of Septem ber"; 7:45. "Love, Laughter and Liberty." Finnish Mission 107 Skidmore Bev. sam n.l N'-.ol., A 7 30. t'nirersity Park Haven and Lombard Rev. C. H. Johnston. St. Johns S Ivanhoe and Richmond Rev. J. T. Merrill. 11. 7:30. Daniih-Norwegian E. 23d and Sumner Rev Die Torgessen. 11. 7:30. First German E. 7th and Stanton Rev. Ge!r?e Zocher. U. 7:30. Second German K. 8th and Skidmore Rev. Henry Ilagelgan7.. 11. 1 :30. Zion German E. 9th and Fremont Rev. J. II. Hopp. 11, 7:30. Parkrose Rev. P. D. Holfman. 11. 7:30. Dunkard Church of the Brethren Borthwlck and Brainard Rer. George C. Carl. 11. 8. Episcopal Wo-Cathedral of St. Stephen the Martyr 13th and Clay Rt. Rev. W. T. Sumner, bishop. Very Rev. T. T. Hicks, dean. 7:45. Holy Com munion: 11. 7:45. Trinity 19th and Everett Rev. A. A. Mor rison. 11. 8. St. David E.' 12th and Belmont Rev. Thomas Jenkins, rector. 9:30. 11. preaching bv Bi-hop Sumner; 8. preaching by Rev. C. L. Chandler. St. Marks 31st and Marshall Rev. J. G. Hatton. 7:30. 9:45, 11, 8. St. Andrews Hereford St., Portsmouth Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 9. 11. 7:80. Grace Memorial E. 17th and Weidler- Rev. Oswald W. Taylor. 8, 11. Good Shepherd aiicouver and Graham Rev. John Dawson, 11, 8. St. Michaels an All Angels E. 43d and Broadway Rev. T. F. Bowen, vicar. 8, 10, 11. o. Church of Our Savior 60th ave. and 4lst at. S. E. Rev. E. H. Clark, vicar. 7:30, 11. Bishop Morris Memorial Good Samaritan hospital Rev. Frederick K. Howard.. 9:30. St. Pauls Wooamere Kev. uswaiarw. Tay lor. 4. AD Saints 25 th and Savier Kev. Frederick K. Howard. 10. 11. St. Johns Memorial E. 10th and Harney. Sellwood. Rev. 11. Clark in charge. 11, 7:30. St. Matthews Corbett and Bancroft Eev. W. A. M. Breck, vicar. 10, 11. Evangelical First E. 8th and Market Rev. E. D. Horn achuch. 11, 7:30. Clay Street 10th and Clay Rev. Jacob Stocker. '10:45 (German), "Knowledge"; 8 (English), "Seven Stages of World Apostacy." Swedish Tabernacle N. 17th 'and Glisan. Rev. C. J. Ledin. 11. 7:45. . Free Methodist. Central E. R5th and Flanders Rev. E. L Harrington. fl. 7:30. First E. 9th and Mill Rer. S. H. Upton. 11, 7:30. Alberta E. 30th ana wygaM Kev. Alex Beers. 11, 7 .30. St. Johmv Last Kicnmona ana Hudson Rer. E. D Blacknun. 11. 7:30. Lenta Rev. S. H. Upton, acting pastor. 2 :30, 8:30. - I Frland First E. 35th and Main Rev. Homer L. . 11. 7.45. 1 V Jewish ' Congregation Beth Israel 12th and Main Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Reform synagogue. Services. Friday 8 p. m., Saturday 10:30 a. m. 1 Congregation Ahavia Sholem Park and Clay ata. -Rabbi R. Abrahanuon, Friday, 8 p. m. ; Saturday, 8:30 a. m. T i Congregation Nevah Sedeck Talmud Toran 6th and Hall Rer. Abraham I. Rosencrantz. Friday. 8 p. m. ; Saturday, 9 a. m-; Sunday, 10 a.: m., rehgious school. Latter Day Saints : Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints t E. 25th and Madison: Heber C. Iveraoat, mission president; 10, 7:S0. Lutheran ! St James- W. Park and Jefferson Bar. Win. E. Brinkman. St. Paul-,E. 12th Krause. 9:30. 10:30. Our Savior E. 10th and Grant t !"itenni. 11. Trinity Williams and Graham (Missouri Synod) Bev. J. A. Rimbach. 9:15. 10:15 (German) , no evening service. Bethlehem Norwegian 14tU and Davis Rev. Wilheltn Pettersen. 11. 8. Grace English Msson and Albina. Rev. C. H. Bernhard. 9:4 5. 11. Bethel Norwegian (Free( Wygant and Rod ney. Bethany Danish Evangelical Union and Mor ris Rev. L. P. Kjoller. 11. 8. St. Johns Peninsula and KUpatrick Rev. L. Ludwig. 10:4 5. 7:30. Swedish Augustana Stanton and Rodney Rev. V. G. Ogrcn, 10:45. 7:45. Immamiel 19th and Irving .Kev. A. V. An derson. 11, 8. Trinity (Norwegian) I-orely and Fortune Rev. S. A. Stenseth. 10:30 Zion Evangelical (Missouri Synod) Chap man and Salmon Kev. II. H. Kuppelmann. U:1S, 10:15,' 7:45. Methodist Episcopal Centenary E. 9th and Pine Rev. J. C. i Rollins. 11. "Smne ( alls .' the Jln.-tpr . ?. hat tne ew i"ay r.M,ec'-s ' i wm m uwiiiui. Central Vancouver and Fargo Rer. A. R. Maclean PieachinK by Ur I-vis. II. H, Clinton Kelly E. 40th and Powell Rev. John Parsons, 11. Kpworth 26th and Savier Kev. J. Stanford Mi r 11. IS, . , First 12th and Taylor Rev. Joshua SUns fi.lii 10:30, "He fnr. IW and We for Hun. ti.!lr.rd hv communion; !, "What Cliri-t I rched." , , . , TT First Norwegian Danish 18th and Host lUv Elias Cording 11, "Always at 'Home" . 8, "Alway st Work." Garden Home Rev. A. B. Calder. 10:30, ' Laurelwood E. 63d and Foster. Rev. A. C. Breckenbury. 11, 7:30. Lenta Lucien R. Jones. 11. 7:30. Lincoln E. 52d and Lincoln. Rev. F. A. GiXIontivilla E. 80th and Pine Rev. Hiram GMt.' Tabor E. 61st and Stark. Rev. E. Olin 1 Id ridge H. Sunday school program; ti ."ThT XSrrld's Ultimata Gol Perf-ction-" Rose City Park Rev. D. Lester Fields. 11, 7 Sellwood Rev. W. S. Gordon 11 . 7 :30. Sunnysidt E. 35th and Yamhill Rer. W. F. Ineson, 11. . . St. Johns W. Leavitt and Syracuse Rev. J. M Swedish Beech ' and Bortbwick Rev. Abel EkUnivers1ty' Park Ftske and Lombard Rev. J. T. Albert. 11, 8. Vancouver Avenue Norwegian Danish Skid more and Vancouver. Rev. C. J. Rynmng 118" Westmoreland Rev. F. A. Ginn. 8. Wilbur Multnomah hotel Rev. Francis Buf gette Short. 10:30. Woodf lock E. 44 th and Woodstock 3ev. L' WorJlU "wn K." 10th and Highland Bv. K1 District1 superintendent. Rev William Wallace Toungson, D. D., 691 E. 62d st- . Tabor 2790. M. E. South rst Union and Multnomah Rev. Sir Bird J. T Nazaren and Weidler- -Bev. Col. First E. 10''i I'senwood-E! eth and Spokame Rev. Weaver W B"en?wood-675t3h ' ave. and 67th Rev. C V. Fowler. 11. 7:30. Highland Park E. 14th and EiUingsworth Rev W. P. Keebaugh. 11, 8- Scandinavian Rev. J. C. Bnngedahl. 11. 7 :30' Presbyterian , First 12th and Alder. Preaching by Rer. GeorgTL. Robinson of ehtcago. 11 . "Why Christianity Is Worth Propagauns ; . io. A Two Fold Portrait of Jesy. . . - v.t 17tli and Schuyler Kev. V' j u Pence. 10:80. "The Question tf vt Hrst cl I Stffl the Question of the lwentieth": 7:30, "Can We Learn Pray? CerTtna-E. 13th and Pine. Rev. Orlando B. Ptcilvy lth and Clay. Frank J. Mw?r. 10 30 a. ra : . w,rrl Ait TaDor x uui uu - ----- VacHenrr . " Viciom. Circles and Straight Ltos,??8. 'Through Perils to Victory." mouou P An 19th and Wrgant-4B.r. 3. It Lands borough. 11. :30- Piedmont Cleveland and Jawett Rev. A. L. IUCurrU-F1r;.nd30Gib.. Rer. Monroe C. O Everett. 10:ou. o. wiiareu KSrS T4.h and Gl.oUn.;- Rev. Fsul E Rlt-h. 11, "Why Sluld th. Chwtu cluwhi. Federator'' by Kot. W C. ilcAIa.; R, nreaching byRev Taul W. Ganss of larma, Idaho. 1lor- E. 78th and Everett. Preaching by Rev. W. T. Butcher. 11. 8. Rose City Dr. Robert H. Milligan. II. "YoMi Should Go to Church"; 8. "Pilgrims and. Strangers." Forbes Graham and Gatvtenbcin Rev. Ward Wili Iinff' 11 "First Things First": 8. "An Ini-rimir.ating Confession. " I Trinity Virginia and Nebraska Rev. Theo drre P. Smith. 11. "The Triumphant Fact of the (impel": 8. rnusir.l and evangelistic sernc.1. Anabel Rev. F. H. Miisell. 11, 'JSour , Grapes or a Study in Ilerlity. followed uy ct r-trregational meeting: 8. "Fundamentals." Millard Avenue Itev. W. I-e Gray. 11. 8. Marshall Street 17th and Marshall Rev. A. J. Hanna. 11. ' Mizpah E. 19th and Division. 11. Seventh Day Adventlst Note Regnlar services of this denomination are held un Saturday. Central K. 11th and Everett L. K Dick sen, iia.-tor. 10, 11:15. Tsbernacle 6tb and Montgomery E. H. Emmeraon. minister. 11. Montavilla E. 80th and Everett Elder J. A. Gerhart. 10, II. I.cnts 94t!i t. and 58th ave. Elder W. D. Huntington. 10. 11.' St. Johns Central ave. and Charleston Elder A. 11. Folkenberg: 10. 11. Albina Skidmore and Mallory Elder A. A. Meyer. 10. 11 Scandinavian 550 Alberta Elder O. S. Lee. 10. 1 1. Salvation Army Corps No. 124 3 Ash st Adjutant Henry j K Cozens. 11. 3:1ft. 8. Corps No. 4 128'i 1st Captain William G. Smith. 11, 3, 8. 8wedntorgian N- Church Society 331 Jefferson Rev. William R. Reece. Services discontinued una til September 14. Unitarian Church of Our Father-. Broadway and Yam hill. Rev. W. G. Eliot Jr. 11. "The Firtt and Second Words of the ;opel of Chrt-t." United Brethren Conference superintendent Itev.- G. E. Mc Donald. . First--E. 15th and Morrison Rev. Byron J. Clark. 11, Christian Endeavor Convention ser mon. "The Joy of Service '; H. union service. Second E. 27th and Sumner Rev. Ira Hav-ley. 11, "Entrance and sExit" : fc, svroc? at First church. Third 67th at. and 32d ave. S. E. Ilev. E. C. Shepherd. 11, "Jesus, the Man of Sorrows' i V, servii-e at First church. ' Fourth Tremont Rev. C. P. Blanehard. 11. "A Priceless Religion '; 8, serrice at First' clturch. I St. Johns (old constitution) 44 6 Jessup i Rev. Walter Reynolds. 10. 7. 8. j United Evangelical ; First E. 16th and I oplar Kev. J..A. j Goode. 11.8. J Ockley Green Willamette blvd. and Gay Bev. H. H. Farnham. 11. 7:30. 8U; Johns Kev. A. I'. I-ajton. 11, 7:45. , United Pretbytarlan First E. 37th and Hawthorne Rer. H. F. filien. 10'30. "The De-drabla Christ"; 7:30. ", Woflttwwle ;(-pei." i Church of the Stranger Grand and Wasco We S. Earl I'll Bois. 10 :30. "Filling Out tiw : I'ian of Life"; A. special servica for young: l-eonle going to college. Kenton 120 West Lombard Rev. (George ' N. Taylor. 11, 7:45. Miscellaneous . ' Cliristlan and Missionary Alliance E. 9th and Clay Rev John E. Fee. 11. 8. Realization League lf.d 5th Rev.- H. Ed- 1 vsril -Mills. 11. "Seeing Through Appeaiances. " Chriatedelphinn 621 E. Wasliington. 10:80. ' Church of God 363 Ffiling Harry NeaL 11, 7:30. Gospel Hall E. t!9th and Stark. Men's Resort 4 th and Burnside Rev. Levi Johnson, superintendent. 8. Divine Science E. 24th and Broadway Ken., T M. Minard. It. "kxJ' Gift to Humanity'; 8. "God s Utiiverval Leve " Universal Mesnanic 318 Abington building. Pentecota!: First and Washington Kev. Will C. Trotter. 11. 3. 7:30. Glad Tidings (Pentecostal Mission) 2464 1st. 2. 3, 7:30 week days eicept Monday and Saturday, 8 p. ro. Pentecostal church E. 20th and Ankeny A. W. Smith. 11, '8. 8. Volunteer of America Mission 224 Burnside Meeting every evening excepts Monday at 8 o'clock, and Sunday. 3 p. m. Portland Ecclesia I Chriatedelphian) 4597 Belmont Georga H. Tilling, secretary. 1 1. Peniel Mission 268 1st. 3, 8. Services each night at 8. ' Church -of Christ E. 79th1 and Glisan. It. Spiritual Church of Eternal Light 1346 Di vision Rer. May A. Price. 8. Message by Chailes 1 Oh!iu. ' First Spiritualist E. 7 th and Hasaalo Ber. A Scott Bledsoe. 8. Second Spiritualist Aluky hall Iter. IUx Uollman. S. 8. Service for Aocl A service for the aged people Rt the German home, "Altenhelm," on the Sec tion Line, road, will be conducted Sunday afternoon by the members of the Clay Street Evangelical church. The He. Jacob Stocker will preach. New . musical arrangements ha been made for Sunday In th churches of the city, many of thenj providing new choirs. Where no new choir has been selected, the former choir has prepared special music for this Sunday, when every , church member is expected to rally once more to the work of the church.' At the Klrwt Methodist Kplncopal church Sunday, the new chorus choir, under the leadership of K- T. Jones, will bepin its year's work. Also the quartet choir cornpoBed of MIrs Golilie Peter son, soprano; Mrs, W. H. Chatten, alto; Wulter S. Stephenson, hasa; and 10. T. Jtties, tenor. IT. Joshua Stansfield. liaHlor. will administer holy communion and deliver a short aldress In Ihe morn ing. In the evening he will dbneutut "the directions the Saviour left with um for out present day living." ' j The quartet of Hit- Kiret 'Christian church, directed by Mrs. Fred B. New ton, has returned from a vacation dur ing; the month of Ausunt and- will be rendy on Sunday morning with Kieoial musical offerings, including a baritone selection by Guy Mannan. and the anthem. "By Babylon's Wave" (Gou nod.) Under the direction of J. Hutchison, organist, the quartette of Westminster ! l'.resbyterian church has returned for its j fall and winter work. The quartet is ctmpoed of Mrs. Jane Burns Albeit, Mrs. Lulu Dah Miller. Dom J. Zan and Joseph P. Mulder. The choir of the First Norweglan Dufilsh Methodist church have returned frcm their vacation and will dng Sun day morning and evening. The pastor (the Rev. Klias Gjerding) will preach on two unique subjects Sunday. In the morning he will" speak on "Always at Home." and In the evening, "Always at Work." The Sunday morning service at Mount Tabor Methodist church will be tvirned Into a rally day service. , special Instru mental music being furnished 'by Ihe church orchestra, under the direction of Geo'rge lsraelson. The Sunday school will also give a short program. The Rev. E. Olin Eldrldge will preach fn the evening. The Rev. Theodore P. Smith, pastor of Trinity Presbyterian church, anil Oi Rev. F. H. MIxseHTnew pastor of Ana t.cl Presbyterian church, have announced services of song for Sunday evening at their respective charges. Both mini sters have announced that their ser mons will be evangelistic. First Presbyterian Church 12TH AND ALDER STREETS Prof. CEO. L. j ! ROBINSON A D.D. j j (McCormlck Seminary) ' I 1 i j 10:30 A. M. 11 ! "WHY CHRISTIAN- fS I ITV 18 WORTH I I PROPAGATING" -f 1 ! 7:45 P. M. f ' ' "A TWO-FOLD I i I PORTRAIT OP I I JESUf 1 Come earlr In the J. I evening and hear Or- f i I sen Recital by 8 f Edgar E. Courten at 7:30 t I mi aaiasMsaai'iaaiaJ The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse AND HIS NAME TheRevelator pictures this rider with his armies, all on white horses. ;onquering the world and ruling the nations with a rod of Iron. .This symbolic language describes present events. PCBMC KKCTURK BV N. M. LEWTON Sunday, September 7 3 P.M. W. O. W. Temple llth.St., Bet. Washington & Alder INTERNATIONAL BIBLE STUDENTS SEATS FREE NO COLLECTION HEAR THE HEBREW CHRISTIAN EVANGELIST F. C. GILBERT Of Massachusetts LECTURE SUBJECT "THE PASSOVER SERVICE" Tabernacle Seventh-Day Ad vent is t Church, Corner Sixth and Montgomery (West Side SUNDAY NIGHT, SEPT. 7, AT 7:45 O'CLOCK This kcture has been delivered before many tens of thousands of people from Maine to California. The speaker will have a passover supper spread almost similar to the one served on the night of the Master's sacrifice."' All who are interested in securing a better knowledge of the Bible should not fail to hear this lecture. , Come Early for Good Seat Seats Free. PUBLIC INVITED