14 THE , OREGON DA1XY r. JOURNALv PORT LAND, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, .1819. t,y s .... . nv.i.r WASTE D F RMAtE- olng ladies ' WASTED.' . PERMANENT POSITIONS .-' BEGINNERS PAID FROM START. ' CALL AT THE ' TELEPHONE COMPANY, ROOM 601. 6TTI FLOOR, TELEPHONE BLDG., PARK AND OAK STS. WANTED WOMEN AND GIRLS. PERMA NENT POSITIONS. WORK IS EAST TO LEARN, WITH GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR .ADVANCEMENT. GOOD PAT TO START WITH. APPLY IN TER80N. TAKE ROSE CITT PARK OR MONTAY1LLA CAR TO EAST 10TH, ST., WALK 2 BLOCKS SOUTH. TROT LAUNDRY CO., E. 1 OTH AND TINE STS. . . WANTED 10 GIRLS. 18 TO .25 TEARS OF AGE. TO OPERATE TOWER SEWING MACHINE. OCR CJIRLS MAKE GOOD WAGES AND ALSO RECEIVE A LARGE ROM'S. WE WILL GLADLY SHOW YOU THE WOHK. A PPLT AMES HARRIS NEVILLE BAG CO . I3TH AND HOTT STS. - At Standard Factory No. 2 GRAND AVE. tod E. TAYLOR ST. Power Machine Operators TO LEARN ON Shirts and Overalls. Mackinaws and Overcoats $13 PER WEEK WHILE LEARN1NO 44-HOUR WEEK Saturday ' HaSff Holiday EXPERIENCED OPERATORS ARE EARNING FROM 115 TO $20 WEEKLY ' WANTED Power Machine . Operator v on 1 Overalls and Shirts. I Beginners ! 8trt at $12.00 per week. day work. Experienced operators on piece work can mm from 00 to 127.00 Weekly. Saturday Afternoon Off. : HIBSCH-WEIS MEG. CO.. .: 205 Burnside St. I.IPMAN. WOLFE A CO. re mi I re. the servicea nf experienced snlesworaen for WAISTS. TRIM MINGS GLOVES CHILDREN'S WEAR. KITCHEN WARE. fcfflT UNDERWARE. TOYS AM' HOSIERY. Also stock girls, messengers ind markers be tween the sge of 18 and 18. Apply superintendent'! office between 9 and 1P30 in the morning. 10 GIRLS between the ages of 18 and 18 to act as cashiers and wrappers. Only those who vtirb to work permanently need apply. Experi ence not necessary, but girli having best edu cation given preference. Rapid advancement. Apply superintendent's office between 9 and 10:80 in the morning. L1PMAN, WOLFE - CO. MAKE A BONUS EXTRA Experienced operators on shirts, pants, otst alls. play suits and overcoats; also, girls ex perienced on 2 needle machine. Three women to do hard sewing on overcoats. We hnve a very attractive bonus system that we would like to explain to you. Apply at office. Mt. Hood factory, 233 Couch st, GIRLS WANTED EXPE R f EN CE NOT NECESSARY. GOOD OPPORTUNITY. WITH STEADY WORK. APPLY IN PER SON. TAKE ROSE CITY PARK OR MON TA VILLA CAR TO EAST 10TH ST.. WALK 2 BLOCKS SOUTH. TROY LAUNDRY CO., EAST 10TH AND PINE STS. OREGON PAPER BOX FACTORY, 245 Vs Stark Girls wanted. HELP WAITED MALE AND FEMALE 19 WANTED Non-union organists with theatre experience; state kind of organ most fa miliar with, . together with last place of em ployment. Give full name, street address and telephone . number. R-083, Journal. s WASTED Man and wile. Dane, Norwegian or Swiss preferred, to go on a stock ranch, who understands stock and -general farming. Call 210 Board of Trade. C. Minsinger. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE pays you while reaming; gives you set of tools; position secured. Write for catalogue. 234 Burnside it., or phone Broadway 1731. FTN. WOMEN, learn barber trade; wagea whiu learning, position guaranteed. Mgr. 22 yra experience. Oregon Barber College, 233 Madison. HlRTLAND Barber College pays you while learning, gives you set of tools free, position sei-nred. Sc- Second st. WANTED AGENTS . CANDY BIG PAY ADVERTISE MEN WOMEN Start one of our specialty candy factories la your home, small room, anywhere. We tell bow and furnish everything. Grand opportunity. CANDY HOU8E 1S19 Ranstead St.. Philadelphia. Pa. KALF.MMEN WANTED TWO LINKS WONDERFUL PROPOSITION. CALL AT THE -BEAVER ELECTRIC CO.. 114 GRAND AVE. s SITUATIONS MALE 8 MAN of middle age, good salesman, yualiiied In meet the public with confidence, seeks "1 ositlon of trust with goina concern in any dt 'irnble capacity where duties win keep nim - busy out of doors part of time ; prime refer ictf. W-412. Journal. i WANTED Work for two crinnled men. Some- ' tmng iney can sit at. Willing to do any thing they can do. Phone Broadway 1683 or .A-7428 or see W. G. MacLaren at 193 Burn side at. ROOF attention I Leaky roofs made as good as new with the original Webfoot tar and as phaltum paint. We remove the mow and do the patching. New shingle roofs. $8.50 ner mnare. charge $1 to gl.-.'.l. Woodlawn 4431. j WAN TED r-Work in big hotel, 3 Frtnchmea, around kitchen. Inquire. 207 Sherman st Oscar Poillter. MILLER A O'DF.LL. cement contractors ces poola and septic tanks a specialty. Phone vin 4224. ' DISCHARGED soldier would like to work eve nings; Saturday afternoons and Sunday. -What have you to. offer? P. A box 886. city. RETIRED blacksmith wants 6 or 6 hours light Work of skv Irinrt O.wna v '! " ' m uui I tail. EMPLOYMENT wanted by experienced finish uuii-ri iiwitr; blc wages. ai-YaUT JmimiL FOR PLUMBING, repairing; gas heaters-and stoves connected, call East 5108. .CARPENTER Experienced, will work in coun" jyojrelty. D-427. Journal. DRKSiiAilNo aa ALTERATIONS, refitting and Raking of ladles' garments, reasonable prices; work guaranteed. I Revthin. Ladies' Tailor. 408 Bush A Lane bid. KUr.jshJj AkING and remodeling, first class, at 355 Holladay ave.. corner Irrabee. 'Vi '- ; NURSES EXPERIENCED practical nurse wishes confine - ment cases. Call C-2203. : FURNISHED BOOMS 1 BART APARTMENT AND LAUREL ' - HOTEL Newly furnished, modern housekeeping and eleep- , nim rqo, ej.ov np. pecona ana xamhuj. XlCf!!rY furniHheti mnins walll Jit... " refvTence exchanged. 894 Everett Marshall 1432. HUtU, SARGENT, Hawtluinin and Orand. Staniiii xou)t special car for Vancouver. . FL'fiaiSUEP BOOMS FKITATE. ' - FAMILY " NICELY furnished room, half block from. 3 carline. 382 Morris st East 2078. comfortable front room,, suitable for two, west -tide; walking distance. Main 9485. BOOMS AND BOARD It ROOM and board for men at reaaonabla rates. Home style cooking. Grand Are. Hotel, 884 Grand are. blocks south of Hawthorne. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 380 10th, for business girl and students. Marshall 1251. BOOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY ' 71 NICELY furnished room with board. 2 young men preferred. Main 1624. 249 10th st MOTHERLY lady wishes little school girl to board. Main 1143. 431 Tailor. WANTED Children to board. Mother's care, ' near school. 1087 E. Taylor. B-2782. WANTED ROOMS AND BO ARD 88 NICE home with prirste family desired by young lady music teacher, employed; best of references given. Call Woodlawn 1691. W" ANTED Home ()n farm' for boy 10 years old. Call 'Tabor O097. or 2838 E. "62d at. S. E. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS " 8 FURNISHED AND V N F V E.N ISH E D THE GEM 1-2-3 room apt", for housekeeping: transient rooms 23c and up; good board by week or month. HHBA 1st st, SHIPYARD district apartments, housekeeping. cottage, furnished, unfurnished; reasonable. Apply 2.)-' Gibbs. AURORA APTS, 392 W E7"Purnide; 2 and. 3 room furnished housekeeping apartments. FURNISHED housekeeping roouia. Th Gil- man. 142S lt. rnmer Alder. TRUNKS DELIVERED IN DOWNTOWN DIS TRICT FOR 25 CENTS PHONE E 434. HOISFKF.KPINO ROOMS 78 FUBMSHED AND INFIRMSHEl) PRIVATE FAMILY ROOMS in priTale family, 2 light, airy rooms nn Montarilla rarlinp, suitable for two young l&riie, working or going to hchool, or man and wtfe. Tabor 9322. FOR KENT 4 tnl?ri7d "lIKroo7n2 block from Peninsula school. 1557 Vincent ae. Woodlawn 2008. THREE furnished II. K. rooms and bath, on ground floor, near carline. No children 291 E. 3th. FOR RENT 2 H. K. roonn. bachelor ferred. 1275 E. Taylor. Tabor 0075. pre- CLEAN 2 room II. K. apt. Montgomery St.. corner 5th. for adults. :93 FOR RENT HOI'SES L'NFLRNISHKD 1$ 11 MONTHS paid up lease on fire room house for sale;, some furniture. $175 173 K. Serenth, cor. Yamhill. E. 8387. WHEN YOU MOVE. USE NORTH WESTERN ELECTRIC LIGHT SERVICE Tenth snd Wsshington. Broadwsy 5 80. FURMSHED HOUSES 1$ SCENIC LODGE COTTAGES 524 Heights Terrace. 2 and 4 rooms, large porch and trees, fine riew of mountains. Hall st. car on Morrison to 13th, west 20 minutes' walk to heart of city. CHesp rent. 6-KOOM elegantly furnished, garage, near Leurel hurst Park. $05; 3 months adrance, or will sell house and furniture on terms. Phone Main 4864. LARGE, well furnished house on west side. close in. L. T. Newton, 600 Gasco bldg. Marshall 4 00. , FOUR room house, fur. complete, with gas and ' clectrw- and hath. 504 East Clay. cor. 1 Otli. E'U'RNISHED"- house to-rent. Tabor-5376. on 06th sU S. E. Take Mt, Scott car. FLATS TO RENT. UNFURNISHED 1 THREE rooms with garage, Union avenue near Russell; adults only East 2195. FOR RE.Vf 5-rvom vfier flat, west side, walking distance. $18. Wdln. 6148. FURNISHED FLATS S$ MUSIC teacher will share her flat with girl who wishes to study music; walking distance; references. Main 30 IS. $20 AND $23. 2 room and 4 room furnished flats. Richmond car to 27th and one block south. 642 E. 27th st. $8r 4 ROOM lower flat, newly papered, Adults, 727 E. Stark. East 3310. I W"EST SIDE. 0 nicely furnished rooms ; large ! porches, finest view. Main 7K3o. 5 ROOM furnished upper flat, lichts, water and gas furnished. $20 32 V,. 70th 3 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 43 THE JEFFERY 3 rooms furnished, $18 per month. No objections to children. Cor. Russell and Kirby. between Misiippi amd Wil liams ave. APTS. completely furnished, everything nice and new, including piano, light and clean; walk ing distance, west side, suitable for man and wife. 551 Second st.. near Lincoln. NICELY furnished -'-room steam heated apts., $27.50 and $30 per mo.; adults only. Main 1377. Lincoln Apts.. 4th at Lincoln. ONE three room and one two room apartment, modern, freshly papered and painted. 173 E. Seventh, cor. Yamhill. 3-BOOM modern nicely furnished Apt. for rent 560 Couch, Apt. 4. 2 'ROOM furnished apartment. Harrison Court. 394 Fifth street. VTA.NTEP-TO RENT 7 We Want to List HOUSES. rt-ATS AND APARTMENTS IP YOU HAVE ANY VACANCIES. PHONE. HEAVE TOGETHER, CARE OF NORTHWEST STEEL CO . MAIN 1193. WANTED To rent 4 or 5 -room bungaiow, un furmsherT, clean, good district, near carline, 3 adults; will pay $25 rent per month, with view of buying within year if satisfactory. V 411. Journal. 2 OK 3 unfurnished housekeeping rooms or small house, near East 34th and Francis ave. Phone East 4 634 after 9 a. m. Monday or Tuesday. REAL ESTATE BEACH PROPERTY 43 A BEACH HOME, now at Seaside. Or., at beau tiful "Cartwright Park." at reduced prices; $25 to $700; ea--y installments. 6 per cent; soon to be connected by all-paved highway with eastern and southern Oregon, which, with proposed 2000 foot pier, will make "Cartwright Park" cne of the niwt attractive spots on Pacific coast. Whit-mer-Kelly Co., 414 Pittock blck, Portland. Oregon, or inquire F. M. Cole, agent, 4 27 Broadway. Sea-ide. Or. , BUSINESS PROPERTY 6 Mr. Investor There are many money-making opportunities in Klamath county today. Here ia one of the very best. Klamath Falls will justify one of the best apartment houses between Portiand and San Franci-co. I have the choice location, 1 block frota cen ter oi business district, with income of $400. Desire to improve with modern building, and want right party with S 15.000 to take half in terest, or would tell outright on present valu ation adjoining properties provided same is handled within 30 days. Investigate - this at once. Address X-6, Journal, and give refer ences. FACTORY' site. West SWe waterfront, with trackage: bargain. Owner. 1421 Northwest arn Bank bldg. FOR SALE HOI'SES CI WANTED Your house to paint or iaper Tle better kind of work for a lair price. No phone yet Drop me a card and save moiwy. John ' ' ". Uim iri r,Ia.f,. SIX room cottage, Richmond district, handy to K?!?,J htll -80. 300 cash. Owner. n'LT.OX wrifiirftooo. 9 room homT. ' J -ai. l 31, I UiJT OrjIJO w ucu, mien construction, etc make offer. Owner. F st80l 5. GOT TO MOVE LOOK'hERE 'iilnoT.V.k"1 food neighborhood. $1400, $150 cash. Sellwood 2706. lOVlVl'THV Modern 8 room furnished house. 15th st East 8741 437 E. FOR' SAUK cheap from owner. 5 rom hmie 289 Ulenn. are. Phona Tabor 780 for owner.' BE AX ESTATE. FOB SALE HOUSES IT 1850 5 room, bungalow, reception hall. Urge , living and dining rooms, bath between 2 bed room J. Dutoh kitchen, halt, base ment, lauwdry trays, 40x108 Ipt with . ' alley, 8 blocks to Mount Scott car. Kern Park : $60O cash handles. - - v ' $2200 7 rooms, on Powell Valley road, 4 bed rooms, fine bath, built-in buffet,- Dutch kitchen, bafcemeur, 68x100 tot, 18 foot alley, garage. close to grade and Frank lin high school; Hawthorne car; $1400 cash. ' $2500 $500 cash puts you into possesi'ion of tli it neat 3 room bungalow, hardwood floors, fine buffet. Dutch kitchen, full basement. 50x100 lot; half block fo Mount Tabor car. Here's a dandy, fee it soon. $3000 Hawthorne bungalow: rooms, extra long living rocm. fireplace, fine kitchen. 3 bedrooms, cement basement, laundry trays, fine Int. 4 bearing fruit trees, carafe; street pared, sewer, close in, 3 blocks to car. close to school. Where else can you get all this for $3000? Hurry. $1200 cash, balance monthly. $3700 Waserlcigh- 5 room bungalow, large flwred attic, fireplace, hardwood floors, built-in buffet, white enameled Dutch kitcliin. full cement basement, laundry tray. SOslOO lot, fine shrubbery. 5 hearing fruit trees. Owner learing city. Close to csf and school. One of our prettiest home. - Geo. T. Moore Co. 1007 YEON RLDG. FURNITURE GOES ClTH PLACE (PIANO) $26.10 REAL RIG SNAP SUBURBAN HOME IN PARKROSE Sightly location. 100x150 ft. of ground. A nice 4 room bungalow with attic. Extra good, large and expensive fireplace. All rooms plas tered. Interior not quite but almost com pleted, purchaser could occupy place (as present owner is now doing) whils finishing. This is really a bargain. Fruit trees and chicken houses. Terms, half ca.sh. J. L. Hartman Company. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. 4th and Stark. Main 208. . $1750 l.NPARALELI.ED LAURELHURST BARGAIN Very modern, attractive 7 room borne on a full lot. with all street liens paid, good garage will' cement runwav; lirinc room. firpHce. h'ult in bookcases, artistic dining room, massive buffet, den. hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen. 3 light, airy bedrooms, sewing room, fuH cement base ment, furnace, good location; $750 down. $40 l-cr month, which includes j per cent interest. This U a real bargain. SEE FRANK L-. McOUIRE TO BUT YOUR HOME. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. BARGAINS $28505 room bungalow besides 3 finished rooms in attic; fireplace, full basemant; located en 52d sL ; convenient to high schooL $3000 Sunnyside, close to lAnrelhurst Park; beautiful corner; paved streets; good 6 room resi dence $2050 ." room bnncaloiv besides 2 finished rooms in attic; cloc to Hawthorne ave. You will have to hurry. A. K HILL CO. 216 Lumbermen bhlff. $3750 PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW On two large lots, covered with fieautifuT fir trees, on Fern avenue, close to the Heights car. i a 5 room low, rambling bungalow with a large porch extending across the entire front and side of house: large living room with fireplace, din ing room with beamed ceiling, convenient kitch en, two light, airy bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas; vacant. Imme diate oos-ession ; $500 will handle. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. ROSE CITY PARK This is one of the few real good buys in this beautiful district. A semi-bungalow of 0 rooms, den and sewing room, hardwood floors, fireplace in den and in bedroom on upper floor, full basement, new furnace, new gar age, built to match bungalow. This home is practically new and in the best possible condi tion. The price is $4650, on easy terms. Let us repeat, this is a real bargain. COE A. M.KENNA & CO. Main 4522. 82 4 th st. Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY HARK $4250, $700 CASH , See a picture of this really fine borne in our window. It has a big living room with fire place. dinng room, Dutch kitchen, 3 bedrooms and bath, built-in effects, an unusually large basement, high-grade furnace, fruit room, wash trays, 50x100 lot, paved street; close to school and car. Buy this and move in tomorrow. CtkE A McKENNA A CO. Main 4522. 82 4 th St., Board of Trade Bldg. Hawthorne Bungalow A modern 7 room bungalow, 1 bedroom down, 3 up, large living room across front of house, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, full cement basement, furnace and washtrays, room for garage, located ,in best part of Hawthorne," close to car. Price $4 200: terms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., 212 Railway Exch., Bldg. Main 6752. FurnSshed Cottage $1500 Furnished cottage. 5 rooms, 50x100 lot, alley, woodhouse. fruit, berries, flowers, street improvements in and paid, excepting pav ing, cement walks, electricity, very cheap, $550 to handle, balance like rent. Phone Main 2534. 328 20 Henry bldg. CLASSY BUNGALOW $4500 Splendid bungalow, hardwood floors in every room, fireplace, buffet, bookcases, Dutch kitchen with breakfast alcove, cement basement, furnace, etc. ; street assessments paid. Let us show you this. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Bttrk st., Near 3d. Main 3092, Main 3516. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. Irvington Car Home A big, roomy, well-built 7-room house, cement basement, furnace, paved streets, 3 blocks to Irvington car: an excellent buy at $3500, on very easy terms; about $500 cash. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 6752. CAN YOU BEAT THIS HAWTHORNE IrtSTRICT BUNGALOW FOR $3250? Good 6 -room house, nicely finished with built-in features, lot 50x100, on paved streets, 4 kinds of fruit trees. Go and see it at 1118 Stephens st, rhone Tabor 9553 or call at ST&WART A BUCK. 315 N. W. Bank bkig: FOR SALE 7 rooms. 5 rooms 2 or 3 rooms. 1 or 2 rooms. By owner. 1220 East Main st, corner 41st. Hawthorne car. 6 ROOMS, sleeping porch, finished in French gray and old ivory, new Boyntoa Turnace, beautiful electric fixtures, walking distance Broadway bridge, grammar and high school: $3500. with adjoining corner lot and several kinds of fruit trees. $4500, or will sell at tractively furnished, no incntnbrance. Owner, 46 Shaver st. Phone Woodlawn 1590. HAWTHORNE CAR HOME 100x100. BEARING FRUIT Good, substantial b-room home, cement base ment, large living room, velvet lwn, all kinds of bearing fruit, beautiful shade trees, 1 block from Hawthorne car: price X'2750; terms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO 212 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 6752. WAVERLT HEIGHTS TiTofifir Substantially built, 5 nn. modern bung., fur., full plumb., cone, foundation, sta. tube; located on cor. lot 50x100; both streets paved and paid for, splendid view, close in. $300 cash, $25 mo., located 894 Kelly it. Shown by app. only Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. 100x100, WITH gra'pt Tineard.h"errier7na apples: best garden spot in Portland: 6 room house with large closets. Dutch kitchen, linoleum, gas. electricity; clean and in fine condition: walking distance. Might consider some trade, or. easy terms. Address owner. Room 611 Carlton hotel. $1650 Practically new 4 roord bungalow, sleep ing porch, 6 fruit trees, berries, lawn, east front, walks paid, close to school, 6Sth at Powell Valley, Hawthorne car; $200 down, $16 month. Owner. Tabor 3268. . . $4800 ROSE CITY PARE $4800 8 rooms and. garage, modem every respect, full cement basement; 2 fireplaces. Exceptional bargain. Owner, Tabor 6807. $100 CASHT$20 mo. buys neat 4 rm, cottage home, located at 5404 89tb. This is a good buy. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. bldg. 6 ROOMS with all conveniences, completely furnished, piano and all, on beautiful cor ner. 80125 feet. Owner invalid widow. $2850 $500 cash. Tabor 2934. WORKING HAN, save paying Irtgh rent; buy a 0 room byuse near car, convenient Frankliu High, fine new library and school. See owner, save commission. 880 E. 4 2d. Hawthorne car. Ai.REn.TA ivn kpai mvtv s u A real bargain, corner, 2 lots, fruit trees, chicken run. 4-roora house, toilet, light and gas, terms to smt Owner. 078 E. 26th st. N. ROSE CITY PARK By owner, modern 6-room bungalow; full cement basement: gat age. $4300. 13S1 Han orck. Comer of 50th. MOVING to Chicago; before going will sell 6 . .room house tor C1800. cn terms: lmprove menta and sewer in end paid. Tabor 2934. 0 ROOMS, corner lot 100x100 feet, for sale cheap, or trade for Seattle house. Answer. 4419 56th ave S. E. Portland. " VACANT, NEW 6 ROOMSrYlSSO Hurry, we this beautiful 5 room modem house, $300 cash. Sellwood 2708. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE- HOUSES (1 :.' . HOMEBUYER8. ATTENTION i It frequently happen that we advertise a real bargain for several days without anyone ap parently taking any interest in same. Suddenly It is sold, then several people wake np to find they have overlooked one of the real bargains still for sale. Can you take a hintr $2350 buya a dandy 5 room bungalow, in first class condition, electric lights, bath, gaa, full basement, 50x100 tot, 1 block to car; terms. , $3550 for a bungalow type home of 5 rooms and attic, all builf ins. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, wash trays, fireplace, 47x115 lot; st. imp. all in and in cluded in price; terms. $4500 buys 8 rooms and sleeping porch in Rosemert- that i on East 37th at, I1C P. car; strictly modern, hdwd. floors: prie place. buffet. Dutch- kitchen. One bed room down or can be used as den. 2 bed rooms and sleeping porch up: furnace, full cement basement, wash trays. Tenu. It will pay you to get in touch with us. We have some wonderful bargains. J. A. WIUK.MAN CO. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg Main 1094. $2200 STOP RIGHT HERE. Don't look any further. You can't duplicate this bungalow bargain. Just think of a neat, practically new typical bungalow on E. 25th st.. adjoining Alameda Park; has veny attractive lines: combination living and dining room, con venient llutch kitchen, 2 light, airy bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas, good cement basement. The total price is only $2200; no mortgage or street liens to assume: small down payment, entire balance like rent at 8 per cent, interest. See this without delay. One of our autos will call for you. SEE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Bldg. Main 1008. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. HOSE CITY PARK A REAL BUNGALOW HOME $6000 Here is a liome away above tbe ordinary; steam heating plant, an exceptionally 'ell con structed bungalow, with large living room, fin ished in white throughout ; hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet. Ihitch kitchen, etc.. steam and shower bath: you will never appreciate the real worth of this home until you see it. Y'es, It has a garage. Let us show you. Yon prob ably couldn't duplicate the property today for $8000. A. Cr TEEPE CO.. 204 Stark ft.. Near 3l. Main 3092. Main 3516. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. $1600 MODERN BUNGALOW A very neat 4 room bungalow cottage; living room, dining room, convenient Dutch kitchen, tank, electric lights and gas, light, airy bed white enamel bath, patent toilet, sink. rTot water rooms, good cement basement; $200 down, en tire balance like rent; no mortgage or street liens. Woodstock car. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUT YOUR HOME. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. ROSE CITY PARK 6 ROOM BUNGALOW r $4 4 50 Folks, you will have to hurry if you want to pick up this genuine bargain; a real classy bun galow with 6 rooms and sleeping porch, on one floor; hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, cement basement, fun. ace, etc.; street assessments paid. Bear in mind, too, that this is right in the very best part of Rose City. Cail 423 E. 50th st. N.. or call Mr. Geddes at Main 3092 or Main 3516. A. C. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark St.. Jear Sd THE McGUIRE SYSTEM makes home buying easy. You can come- to this office and see over 700 photographs of homes for sale, arranged in districts; every one has been appraised; 10 automobiles at your service; some wonderful bargain.-. That is why we sold over 100 homes in May. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Bids Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. MANY NEWlHOMES- Being built by our association to sell at actual price of lot and cost of construction. We build to sell. We finance your building. Jf you are looking for a new, modern home, see us. PORTLAND HOME BUILDING ASSOCIATION 528-29-30 Henry'bldg-. O. H. Skotheim, man ager. : Main 5109. $3250 TE1S $3250 West of Laurel hurst Here is a very swell bungalow in an ideal I lativn. Has fireplace, cement basement, j or laii. plumbing, built ins. 50x100. paved sts. Very - nobby and a real bargain. Main 4803, Main 3730. G. C. Abingtx.n Bldg. '35 Years in Portland." ALAMEDA PARK BUNGAiLOW $4J50 Folks, here is a nifty bungalow, splendidly lo cated in beautitful Alerneda Park. Must be sold immediately or property will be taken off the market; hardwood floors, fireplace, Dutch kichen, furnace, etc.; street liens paid. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 IStark ct.. Near 3d. Main 3092, Main 3516. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH On paved street near school, a - good sub stantial home of 7 rooms, fireplace, French doors between living and dining room; plastered basement: This home is double constructed and is in fine condition. The price is $3500 and you need pay only $500 down. COE A McKENNA & CO. Main 4522. 8 2 4th St.. Board of Trade bldg. $11650 $1650 MONTAVILLA 5 room well built cottage with cement base ment, gas. sewer, sidewalks, 50x100 lot, chicken houses, etc. Easy terms. A. II. AKERSON, 420 Henry Bldg. On West Alberta St. 6 room bungalow, hardwood floors, built-in kitchen, paneled dining room, laundry trayi, 50x100 lot. paved street. $3250; $750 cash, $25 month. EDWARD A. BROWN CO.. 303' Railway Exchange bldg. Main 2693. OWN A HOME of your own; let us-build it. iW( furnish easy payment loans like rent W ruild according to your plans and pocketbock; sketches free ; our system saves you money and avoids risks. PORTLAND HOME BUILDING ASSOCIATION. ISO. 829-630 Henry bldg. Main 8198. AN 8 ROOM bungalow type' house, ready for immediate occupancy. 1 block from car. gar age. A genuine bargain at $5500; good terms. Other houses similar to this are commanding $6500 or more. Act quirk. Mr. Brown, 270 Y Stark st. Main 1700". Tabor 59. $2250 Woodlawn $2250 5 room modern bungalow, built in buffet, bookcases, Dutch kitchen., full basement, 50x 100 lot. Very easy terms. A.H. AKERSON . 420 Henry Bldg. WOODLAWN BUNGALOW $2100 5 large rooms, full concrete foundation and basement, large porches, 8 large fruit trees, good chicken house and 2 runs, splendid garage, lo cated 654 Liberty st. $400 cash, $25 monthly. Fred W. German Co,. 732 Cham, of Com, bldg. 995 E. 2 Est North T room bungalow, basement, paneled dining room, small buffet, paved street. 2 blocks south Alberta car. 3150: $600 cash. Main 2693. WHY NOT BUILD I Get an artistic home by an established archi tectural firm at low cost We build anything; furnish the money if desired, L. R. Bailey Co.. Inc.. contracting architects. 924 N. W. Bank. A BIG SNAP LADD ADDITION 8 room house and garage. Large lot with all improvements paid. Phone me about it. Tabor 3483. Mr. Delahunty. LOTS OF GROUND $200 casn. $20 mo. buys 5 rm. bouse with 118il79Vj of ground, large chicken bouse, gar den, berries of all kinds and 4 young fruit trees. Total price $1700. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Corn. MCST sell, leaving town, our 2 acres. 7-room modern bouse, garage, large bam, cherry, apple, prune, pear trees and berries, all bearing, close to Hawthorne car, grammar and Franklin high school, beautiful view. 2614 67th sL S. E.. just off Division st. Terms. ROSE CITY-PARK BARGAINPfERMS Modern, attractive. 8 room bungalow, with sleeping porch well built, very convenient, all built in and up to date features, fine location, good garage, shade trees: must sell, leaving city. Price $2850. Tabor 6559. $1025 4-ROOM COTTAGE Terms $300 Cash. Lot 50x100 Living room, larg-- kitchen, 2 bedrooms, fruit trees, cement sidewalks. . 2 blocks tfrom Rose City Park car. Phone TVbor 5196. FOR SALE By owner, a new, exceptionally well built 7 room house, on a 100x100 corner lot, or 50x100: hardwood floors, fireplace and built -ins, cement basement, laundry trays, paved sts. and tewer. &4 Mason st. 4-ROOM not modern house at 224 E. 86th st. 50x100 lot. plenty -. fruit, cheap at $800; $800 down, $10 mo. 1892 Thorburn are. Ta bor 8033. 8 ROOMS, fireplace, built-in buffet, den. -.full basement Corner lot, 1 block from Broad way ear. walking distance, east aide. Owner Tabor B4a. FOR BALK Large 6 room bouse, barn. 2 chicken houses, garden, fruit, 5 lota. Phone Tabor 6814. HAWTHORNE district. beautiful bungalow, $3750: also love'y borne,. 7 rx ens.' Owner. East 8015. 7 ROOM house for sale, reasonable. Inquire H2 li 47tU St. Tabor 3468. HEAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES t LAURELHURST y 8 Booms and Sleeping Porch $4958 Folks, here is your opportunity to get a real pickup a genuine bargain in rar opinion. This is one of those real elasay, downright mod ern Laurelhnrst btgnee, and you will be de lighted te find so complete a home for so little money; hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, ete.: finished In white throughout; we want to show this to those of you who have looked and looked and couldn't find what yon wanted for the money; mUst be sold this week: owner has, ro.riicmi price for quick sale: don't delay don't hesitate. Get busy wttb the phone or send a messenger after us. i Several of you are going to be late and downright disappointed.' too, when you learn that this has been sold. Again let us urge quick action. A. G TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark at.. Near 3d. Main 8O02, Main 3316. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. $2800 $500 CASH 8 room house, lot 100x100. 15 fruit in first class condition; all kinds of shrubbery, an ideal home; owner must leave Portland. Thia is a rare bargain. $2500 $500 CASH 8 room bouse, lot 50x120: near Sandy blvd. Fireplace, all built ins, uon resident, must sell. $1100 $150 CASH 6 room bouse, Woodstock district. $950 $150 CASH Lot 80x100. all fenced. 2 rooms, bath, and woodshed. $1300 $400 CASH 3 room house, furnished, 50x100. street graded, beautiful yard, all kind of trees and shrubbery. A. H. BELL. Mulkey Bldg. $3000 100x200 ON CREEK $3000 REAL HOME BARGAIN Unusual bargain, just south of Westmoreland, on 100x200. practically acre, with large sub stantial 7 room modern home, massive lines, vhite enamel plumbing, .electricity and gaa. 4 bedrooms; a dandy live, clear creek about 15 feet wide runs through rear end of property; could be made into private trout pond. This place lias wonderful iossibilities and could be made into a beautiful home. You couldn't build the bouse for $4000. On E. 21st st. Mortgage foreclosure. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOLK HOME. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Erinings and Sundays. ROSE CITY "CAR 5 ROOMS BUNGALOW $3750 We do want, you to see this splendid bun galow. It's modem, extremely s. You will appreciate the big living room with the large plate-glass .window, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook. etc. A home like this for ao little money surely will be sBld quickly. Let us show you. A. O. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. Near 3d. Main 3092. Main 3316. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. $2700 BUYS modern 0 room 2-story house. 150 ft. from St, Johns car. lot 50x100, contains cherry, apple, pear, peach. English wal nut trees, all bearing: house in good condition: hall upstairs and down and large bathroom: wide porch across front; $500 down, rest on terms. Sale by owner. Col. 7 68. FOR SALE LOTS IS $1200 ACRE TRACT $10 DOWN $15 MONTH PARKROSE Sidewalks, gas, electricity, pres sure water, finest garden soil, fir trees.' 4 blocks from Sandv bird and carline. J. I . Hartman ' Company. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th at ' Stark. Main 208. I $9 IXiWN $9 MONTHLY Splendid 100x100, near new 76th st. via duct, total price $360. This pruerty was taken by foreclo-ure and we have no use lor it Fred W. German Co. 732 Cham, of Com bldg. LOT ON PAVED STREET $410 REAL SACRIFICE, ROSE CITY PARK CITY LIENS, $85. PHONE TABOR 5196. ACREAGE 57 lome 2 ai res, lo-td 'H: pavem.-nt. He -oinii uta tion fare. Close to electric dnnot. Gas, city water available. Lots of fruit trees, berries, uiie grounds. Pries $3700 wi'h latj Ford car, piano, dining room set, bedroom furniture, kitchen furniture, chickens and everything. $1800 cash. Fine place, well furnished. John Frr-gu-cn. Gerlinger bldg. Fine Chicken Rapch 4 H acres, at the depot. Tigard. All good soil, under cultivation. Good bearing orchard. Creek, well. Large chicken house, runways, brooder house and feed hoiue. New 5 room house, plastered. Price $2525; $650 cash. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. . 4 ACRES, $100 DOWN Fronting on macadamized street, near paving, less than 9 miles to 4th and Washington, near good car service; sightly, best of soil, light clear ing; neighboring land has sold for $2000 per acre. Price $1600 for 4 acres, easy terms. J. C. CORBIN Ct)., 305-6 7-8 I-ewis bldg. Only 7c Carfare 2 and -acre tracts, located close to Errol station. All under cultivation. Good soil, wa ter piped to house. Close to school. 3 room house. Price $2200, $600 cash. John Fer guson, Gerlinger bldg. Oregon City ILine Acre tracts, cicse ro Oak Grove In nat i-il shade trees. Nice buildii g place. Paved load. Pri'-e $1000 per ai.re. SoTe on macadamise road for $900 per acre. John Ferguson, Ger linger bldg. ACRE TRACTS CT.OSE IN All under cultivation and some in bearing fruit trees. Half mile from city limits. 6 He fare. Gas and city water this fall. Close to Red electric. 20 minutes out Price $900 per acre, 1-3 cash, exceptionally good soil John Ferguson, (rerlinger bldg. Only $300 Down 1 acres, close -in, Oregon City line. One block from car Fruit and berries 4 room i ouse. electric lights, ga. well. Price $2500 John Ferg:ison, Lerlil ger bldg. FOR SALE 80 acres of fine timber and water power, in the N: E. quarter of section 29. T. 3 N.. R. 3 W.. Will. Mer. Washington county. Or. Frank Barnes. R. 1. Custer. Wash. FOR Oregon City line acreage, improved or unimproved, see Jchn Brown, 324 Railway Exchange bldg. Marshall 3331. FROM one to five acrea extra choke land for sale, near the Hawthorne line: come and see it. Amanda B. Dwier, 1860 Division st FOR SALE FARMS 17 AT A SACWnPM SPLENDID FARM Because of death of my wife. 1 will sell at a sacrifice my farm of 148 acres, 70 in culti vation, seven room - house, barn 50x60, also necessary outbuildings, family orchard; spring water piped to house and bam; all well fenced wit'n high wt.ven wire except piece of timber: main body tilled land drain tiled; on good rock road, 6 miles from Oregon City and 12 miles from Portland, on telephone, rural delivery and cream route. School on farm, 40 rods from house. In Stafford neighborhood. Price $102.50 per acre, $5000 or more rash, balance to suit purchaser at 6 per cent. John Ander son, Oregon City, route 4. - Phone Oregon City S5-F-12. CHOP, STOCK AND EQUIPMENT 90 acre-, located in Jo-ephine county. Ore gon. 3 V mile, from railroad town, 80 acres un der cultivation, 10 acres pasture,-5 acres alfalfa; r shot soil ; creek and well : county road, rural conveniences; 5 room house, barn, chicken house; 3 acres orchard; good fences. Price $5500 with crop, 10 cows, 3 Iicphu, 2 calves, ; hogs, bull. 00 chickens. 29 turkeys, 3 wagons, mower, 4 ploughs, cultivator, harntss, hay raae. harrow, 0 horsepower gas engine on trucks and 600 feet galvanized pipe for irrigation; all tools; $1750 cash, balance on easy term:. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. CHELATCHIK PRAIRIE RANCH 62 H acres, 50 under cult., bal. timber and rasture; good well and large creek. 6-r. .use, larg bam, one 2 yr.-oki colt 1 biooj sow, 4 doz. chickens, 9 cows. 1 2-yr.-old heifer. 8 l-yr.-old heifers. 3 heifer calves. 2 veal catver. 3 mares, mower, rake, disc, harrow, Iks, cult, 2 wagons, hack, cream separator and all small tools. Total price $7500. $2500 ca.-h. bal. 5 years at 6 per cent CheWtchie Prairie is one of the garden spots of the en tire stato of Washington and ia only about 4.1 mi. from Portland. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. - COLUMBIA RIVER DAIRY RANCH 120 seres, located 3 miles North of Vancou ver, Wh. ; all bottom land. 40 acre3 under cul tivation. 70 acres pasture, orchard. nev house, barn 62x80, dairy home and silo; good fences; boat binding on place. Price $87.50 per acre, half cash; pernally inspected. 'Anderson, with John Fergu on. Gerlinger bldg. 20 ACRES, Tualatin valley, 14 miles southwest Portland, 4 miles from 2 electric lines, 80 bearing fruit trees, all kinds berries, good house, bam. outbuilding. fine water, stock, chickens, implements, hay: mile fine school. Price $4500. Owner, B. J. Barnhill. K. 3. box 102, Beaverton, Or. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE To settle a v. jstate will sell 360 acres on tbe South Saatiam, between Lebanon and Sweet home, where land is selling for $100 an acre and Up. Will take $50 an acre for quick sale. Day ton HarrR 238 Wet Tyler t.. St. John-. 180 ACRE farm in Willamette valley, close to school and railroad; well fenced and all tillable land. Small payment down and balance long time at 6 per cent See Wt--r Kincaid, 526 Henry building. Ftioqc Main 473$. RFAI. ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS II WASHINGTON COCNTT FARMS 40 'acres. 20 acre under cultivation, balance in good pasture' with some timber; good 5 -room house. cwbam. new horaebarn. chicken house, hoghouse, gangs, cellar, smokehouse, good well, 3 overflowing springs; 1 -acre family orchard of variety of fruit, including some English walnut tree. 2 acres in potatoes and 18 tons of hay; located 1 mile west of laurel and 8 miles south of HilUboro; daily, mail, and phone in house; price $6000; will accept 4 or 5 -room house in Portland as part payment. 78 acres. 50 acres under high eiate of cul tivation: 5-room house, barn, garage and chic ken house, all buildings practically new,; good well by the house, fine spring, creek runs SO rods through the Isnd. can easily be dammed to o serf low 1 S acres for fish pond; 1 H acres Italian prune, apple, pears, etc.; 10 acres sowed to Hover, 12 tons of bay fn bam. small tools and all kinds nf new machinery; 0 rows. 2, good hor.-e. harnesses, wagons, etc. This farm netted $3000 last season, milk and cream brought from $150 to $210 per month; this year's pruna crop worth about $300; plenty of fine cedar and fir on the place: located 1 mile west of Laurel and 8 miles aouth of Ilillsboro; daily mail service and phone in the house; price for the land alone $$000, with stock and im plements. $10,500; terms. E. A. LINDGREN. SAVON LAND COMPANY. 935 N. W. Bank Bldg. AT A SACRIFICE SPLENDID FARM Hfi-iu e of death of my wi e, I will , it a sacrifice my farm of 148 acres, 70 in culU wtii.n. seven room house, barn 50x00. sis., ntcessary outbuildings, family orchard; si.iins v-Her piped to house and barn; all well fci.red vith high woven wire except piece of timber: main body tilled land drain tiled: on good rock road. 8 miles from Oregon City and 12 l.iles from Portland, on telephone, rural de-hvt-ry and cream roiitf. school on farm. 40 r.ls from 1 on. In Stafford neighborh.Hi. Price $102.50 per acre. $5000 or mora cash. laUnce to suit purchaser at (i per cent John smler-on. Oreg-in City, route t. Plume Ore gnnCitv 35-F-I2. SEE Vvelster X K ujcaid5 2 Hen ry W Tiding for good house tinys and cheap Willamette valley farm lands. Ma.n 4 735. FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY SS IMPROVED farms, with or without equipment. If priced right we are pleased to advertise and show them. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg Portland. Or. TIMBER IS NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIM BER. GENERAL LAND OFFICE Washington. D. C, August 4, 191$. Notice is hereby riven that subject to the conditions and limitations of the Act of June 9 1916, (39 Stat., 218). and the instructions of the Secretary of the Interior of September 15. iuii. u.e iimoer on me roiiowing landa will be sold September 18. 1919, 10 o'clock a. m., at public auction at the United States land office at Portland, Oregon, to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised value as shown by t: is notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior. The pu rebate price, with an additional sum of one-fifth of ones, per cent, thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time oi sale, money to be re turned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber which must be remov ed within ten years. Bids will be received freni citizens of the United States, associations of such citizens and corporations organized nnder the laws oi the United States or any state, ter ritory, or district thereof only. Upon aiml - tion of-t qualified purchaser, the timber to any legal subdivision will be offered separately befors being included in any offer of a larger unit T. 5 S-. R. 4 VI.. Sec. 27. Lot 1. red fir 133 M.. not ! be sold u,r lew man al.tiu per M T. 1 S.. R, 5 E.. Sec. 21, N. E. V4 , 8. W. hi. yellow fir 1800 M.. N. W. 8 W. yellow fir 2200 M.. S. W. 8. W. K. yel low fir 600 M.. N. E. "4 S. E. . yellow fir 500 M. N. W. 4 8. E si, yellow fir 1000 ., not to be sold for less than 31.50 per at T. 2 8. 11. 5 E.. Sec. 19. 8. E. 'i N. W. H , fir 1900 aL. cedar 60 M , N. . 14 8. W. fir 1805 M., cedar 30 M , ben-tock 75 M.. N. W. Vt S. W. , fir 835 M . cedar 83 M.. hemlock 140 M., none of the fir to be sold for less than $1.25 per M., and ncn'e of the cedar or hemlock to be sold for less than 50 cents per 11 (Signed) Clay Tallman, Commissioner Gen eral . Laud Office. NOTICE of sale of government timber General I-and Office, Washington. D. C, Aug. 25. 1919 Notice is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the act of June 9. 1916 (39 Stat.. 218). and the in structions of the secretary of the interior of September 15. 1917. the timber on the following landa will be sold at 10 o'clock a. m. on Octo ber 9, 1919. at public auction at the United States land office at Lakeview. Or., to the high est bidder at not less than the appruized value as shown by this notice, sale to be subiect to the approval of the. secretary of the interior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one fifth of 1 per cent thereof, being commis sions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber, which must be removed in 10 years. Bids will be re ceived from citizens of the United States, asso ciations of such citizens and corporations organ ized under the laws of the United States or any state." territory or district thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered repa rately before being included in any offer of a Inifcrr unit. T. 4 1 8.. R. (I E. . Sec 11 N W V4 N. E. . yellow pine 290 M.. red fir 80 M. : N. W. x N. W. yellow pine 230 M. ; .!.:. N. W. V, N. . H. yellow pine 820 M ; S. W. Vi N. W. li. yellow pine 430 M.; N. E. S. W. hi. yellow pine 325 M., red fir 60 M ; N. W. S E. s . yellow pine 360 M.. red fir 100 M., none of the yellow pine to be sold at less than $8 per M and none of the re I fir to b old at less than $1 per M. CLAY TALLMAN, Commissioner. General Land Otfiee. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. REAL ESTATE 85 FOR SALE OR TRADE for Coos county dairy land, 2 15 acres in Waldport, Or., 2 miles from oil well ; fine view ot ocean and Alsea bay; small fruits, house, good water, $2500. F. R. Overlander, Waldport, Or. GOOD country store; land and buildings; fine location and grmd business; live one. lor ca-sh or good farm. ZX-437. Journal. FORTRADE-Two lotsrmall ""house, fet to fruit; for horses and cattle. Main 2164. EXCHANGE REAL E8TATV, $4 ii!Y client has 820 acres of wheat land. 310 acre in cultivation. He crys exchange it for c:ty or c'-ose in acreage that be can handle, as I.e lives In tho citv. 218 Henry Bnilding GOOD lot in Windsor Heights, n improvements in and paid, also five passenger auto for 4 or 5 room bungalow; would assume some. Call 389 East HoyC st. TRADE $500 equity in 7 room house and acre for smaller place, or equity in smaller place on car. U 946, Journal. PORTLAND lot In trade for West Seaside lot 1105 E. SOtb it N. WANTED REAL ESTATE 81 AN OUT AND OUT CHALLENGE We challenge any brokerage office in the U. 8. to show a record of bouse sale equal to the following: 618 House Sold Since January 1, 1919 104 Sold hi May 82 Homes Sold in July 114 Homes Sold in August Over $375,000 in Sales By Frank L. McGusres Sales Force of 10 Experienced Real Estate Salesmen. Undisputed Record For the U. S. Naturally, we need new listing more borne to tell. We have been established since 1880. We adver tise extensively, are in touch with the majority of buyers, have a very effi cient selling organization. Tbe Mc M'GUIRE SYSTEM gets result-.' Every hotuee listed is personally in spected, photographed and the photo graph of your house is placed on display fn our show ron in ita re aiiective district. If yon bave a borne for sale LIST IT WITH US We will get quick and etiafaetorj result for you. SEE FRANK L.-McGUIRE TO SELL TOUR HOME Abington Building. Main 1868. Office Open Evening and Sundays. CASH BUYERS roll BUNGALOW'S Alio, money to loan on first ortgagea. Our service. bet in city. Reliable Long Established. A. K. HILL CO.. 218 Lumbermen bldg. BUY for ca ll. Lot in Albert Dit. Mt b nti. K'-I2, Jorimal. . - nTTik i iUBT " ivri CAN SELL TOUR OME EDW. A. BROWN, 303 By Et Main 269$. REAL ESTATE WANTED REAL ESTATE II I SPECIALIZE in hoa.se Selling and have buy er waiting, s Your house might suit All listing given proper attention, t . WATCH OUR ADS WE GET RESULTS. . C. A. WARHINER. - BITTER. LOWE A CO.. 01-a:3:tBoa,rl rf JTrade Bldg. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED Price mu-t be right and very ea-y trrm V bate sold ever 400 borne in the last year. If n want action, see Fred W Or man IV. CV' n Com Open evening i end Bnndavs rWANT a bargain in -a fractional (t with or without bousw, aouth of Montgoeaary street, bat ween th and 20th sts. H-78. Journal. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES t$ WE BUY STOCKS LARGE OR SMALL SPOT CASH . FURNITURE 0 and General Merchandise FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO 174 FIRST STREET. ' MAIN 4633 IF YOU arc considering grocery, confection ! ery. pool vonm. restaurant business, it will i pay you to look over mv li t. I SIMMS. 431 Chamber Com i Main 6127.- j FOR SALE" Shooting gallery, w II sell very cheap : good2 location, doing fine business,. located at 278 Vs IIUT IISKIT. rOR SALE Confectionery and ir cream par j lor, good location and good bil-mess; wilfi stand investigation. Address Bo 1 133. !ltw.-oJ5 " EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for a plumber witfi,tl a few hundred dollars to c(t hiio a t" 4 k paying business. 220 Pine st, GR'K'ERY store ami butcher shop corn bin ed ! close m nn East Side. See Welster L. Kin I cam. O.'H Henry building. .Main 4 735. IIAl.F interest lor -ale in a god paying ga rage and blacksmith shop Owner must go qn account of health. M V4.". Journal. WANTED Partner to Mart in gsrage business. Phone Oak (.rove 4 M evenings. DIMNESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED BUSINESS opportunity wanted, $300 cash and j a 3 room house, near 17th and Alberta t., ' for a grocery stock. Phone 312 Vancouver.! Wash. 1 MONEY TO LOAN REAL r,3T.TT: tl OUR installment plan is tbe best and surest method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 36 months; or $21.34 for 60 months; or $15.17 for 90 months, pays $1000 loan and interest. Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property. Or for building purtioses. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark at.. Portland. Or. BUILDING loans on city or suburban)roperty, money advanced a work progresses. V G Beck. 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 3407. $300. $400. $300. $600. $750 and up. lnV est rates, qnick action. Gordon Mortgage Co.. 631 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1370. $300, $400." $500r $750. $1000 end "up at lowest rates: quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. Main 8445. MONET tu loan In amounts of $100 to $5000 nn city property. I A. H. BELL, rooms 10-11. Mnlkeybldg. MONEY for mongage-loani," "$500 to $6000". 6and 77e- Fred S. Williams. 92 ' lt t. 1 SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO 2?'J Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. M O R Tl i A C, rTT.0 A N S T 8 "and 7pe Fee n t. Louis Salomon A Co., 408 Selling bldg tZ00' TO 3 0 007 no commlsshm! Main 11 fin". F. H. Deslion. 615 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 7 IDRTI AND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS N. . Pbone Broadway 910. 394 Stark Street, near 10th. Loans on diamonds, watches. Victrolas, .pianos, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musical instruments and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF- PORT LAND TO TROTECT THE BORROWER City and county warrant cashed for face value. CARRIE MYERS-HERMAN. Manager. 1 DO YOU NEED MONEY l.oans made on automobiles, diamonds, pisnos, household goods or anything of value. Secnrlty nsnally left in your possession. AlJiO to SAL ARIED PEOPLE on their note without security. It your payments to other loan companies or on , furniture or automobile contract r larger than i you can make, w will pay them up, advance you I more money if necessary, and you can repay us i in small monthly payments to suit your con van 1 ience. i I EGAL RATER NO DELAY BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND 1-OAN COMPANY (Licensed) 306 307 Dekura Bldg. . Marshall 3280. Salary- IOANS WE LOAN MONEY Chattel On short notice to salaried or worktngmen en ' their own notes. Weekly, semi-weekly or monthly ! payments. Each transaction trictly confidential j NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSE. R. ; ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY 1 W also loan on household furniture, pianos. I eta., without removal. ' CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY 1 (LICENSED) 218 Failing bldg. MONEY to loan on diamonds, tewalrv Wil rates; all article held a year; established sine I 1888. Dan Mrx. 283 Washington st j LOANS WANTED $ ! FIRST MORTGAGES for sale. $500 up F. ! H. Deshon. 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg.) SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE-677232 I Chamber of Commerce. 4 th and Stark. I FINANCIAL .1 j LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS. If you mu"t sell your liberty or victory bond', sell to us. If you can buy more liberty or vic tory bonds, buy from us. We buy and sell liberty and victory bonds at the market. YOU CANNOT DO RETTER YOU MAY IX. WORSE. Wi r.' today paying th following prices for United States government liberty and victory bonds, which were the closing New York market prices, plus the archied interest. N.-Y. Market Interest Total 3 Vis $ 09.94 $ .75 $100.09 1st 4s 94.30 80 95.10 2d 4s 92.70 1.19 93 89 1st 4 Via 94.36 91 95.27 2d 44 4 92.88 1.20 94 14 3d 4 ss ... 94.82 1.97 96.79 4th 4 .... 93.26 1.62 94.88 Victory S4-. 99. 4 l.Ofl 100.52 Victory 44s.. 99.52 1.85 100.87 In purchasing liberty and victory bond we deduct from the above prices 87c on g $50 bond and $2.50 on a $1000 bond. In selling liberty and victory bonds we charge the New York market price pins the accrued Interest. ASK ABOUT THE MORRIS BROTHERS PLAN. Burglar and fireproof tafe deposit boxe for rent MORRIS BROTHERS. INC.. The Premier Municipal Bond House. Morris building. 309-311 Stark at., bet. 5th and 6th. Telephone Broadway 2131. Estab li'hed over 25 years. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS CASH PAID FOB ANY ISSUE OF BONDS FULL MARKET PRICK LOAN ON WAR SAVINGS STAMPS YOU CAN BORROW CASH OF US ON BONDS AND SAVINGS 8TAMP, OH TO FIN ISH PAYING FOB VICTORY BOND8. SEE E. BURKITT. PRESIDENT, OREGON BOND A MOHTGAGE CO., 212 SELLING BLDG. (2D FIXKIR). CORNER OTH AND ALDER STS. I WILL BUT ANY LIBERTY BOND 4$ 99 PER CENT OF FULL CASH VALUE (All due coupon interest Included.) J. H. KEATING. 81 r BOARD OF TRADE -BONDS BOUGHT , SPOT CA8H 8POT CASH ' MARKET PB1CE CASH far RECEIPTS W win LOAN yon money on BONDS. W. 8. S., or to mak PAY MENTS en BONDS. T per cent 724 Ga-co Bldg., Fifth -and Aider. CELLAR8-MURTON CO. HORSES. TEHICLES. ETC. 1 HORSE, name and express wagoav iri first class order; alio a 8 V isclt farm wagon. 191 Arthur st. Main 2724. S. Portland. HORSE and wagon, $L60 per day; 2 "hone and wagon. S3, i. Cohen. 54 V Front Main 3308. ' J HOaSES VEHICLES, ETC . - IS ' TP Tl" A 'tr . in " 1 ' .- it Mi JflMR SALE ' ; JOB INCLUDED .' ' I Pii0lb team, mten yesr okb. nuking $11 a day; on toady oork ; Job goei with tesrt., ?-J.M-wm A' ms"';'"n tWO teams of horses, weigh 2800 ad300Q fbv.s one Man of bl.s-ky mares, 2600 !b.. snftab'a tor orchard work, also a few other lighter hor.es. 1" . c,,;',: wagons and harnes.. corner nf East 9th and Hawthorne. Phone East 810. stock Is all guaranleed. Good workers and gefttle. 2450 7.B t ea in . r"and8 "years oldT ViTiTTooU - harness: 3'. Mitohell wagon; best ,,f workers; ' have no use f..r them; sell 51 Meade st- . W. Portland car. . PAIR of .hunks. weliTiFDToo lbs', work single . , Z ""U1- """" snd light r.rm wagon. $183. Thr.r 6634 5'J4 hOth n Mt. Scott TEAM f mure "Minn usl .-uY. 1 1 - '". ' .' Harness, .. no use mr ttiem SSI 1( us sell M nesrl nion ave. BLACK mole rolt. 4 month- ,,kl. cheap or trad for a work l.or.e. 80s Russell si near In ion ate. , 14 00 rot 'ND hrnw'n-miTre." m.t in frouYH the tarm. fat nd -runil. true and g-ntle Com. makean ffer 331 Russell stne.t Union ave, FOR SAI F. --Cheap, wood '-s" . tj.mborseT aod harness. Call T.h.r 347'..' between 7 and t P m. or call at 63 I;, stith. FOR SAIX- CmI. -p. in team, with or without! harness. Phone Tstmr 4 DEAD horses and animals in tiled "sway free. Call Woodlawn 2O3 Portlan,! Rendering Co $55 BUYS 1100 tHiiind lT,.rr; 'So,"ii"nl gentle" also good hariKM snd buggy Tabor 34. LIVESTOCK $S. FINE MILl'ii GOATgmg milk ndTom7ng fre,h. $4.s, , iint Toggai'hurg buck. IN months old. r,tra larg. . eligible In rrguler 3.11 llu-sell -1. n.'ar Union ave lull SALE Two Jersev and Hol-lctn tows, me jtl t fre-li; good fami-; g.utl... Kirby -t Mississippi car I.. Ittissell M. Nun 1.,-orge. FOR SALE 3 tlmrouijlibre.l lhirbc Jersey boars, '! II lUll I T , M ', I I ; ItlalK h,.,!' Hi-'1"' J'L 30 HEAIi-ofll" t.T 1 ekiV;i.rVigBcTowe" Hu.-alr it.-., iouth ..( lor road, lu-yi.nd Lents. ' Foil SALE--A 2 -7nl, . liol-teln bull. from, good stnclk ( all Main 7 670 H'ESII 5 gallon row for saU. Take Kenton er. 1 113 E Wlnehell t 5 HEAD young fresh cows; also three heavy springers. 75 1 East Ash st SEVERAL head of extra fllre milk covva Tlr ale. 1 24 5 llalsry st. WANTED Beet, veal and hogs. Tabor "3720." TO! I. TRY AND RABBITS 17 PI LLETS-e-We ..tier you Harreri Rock. While Wyandotte-. Black Orpington and Rhode .Is land Red pullets $123 to $2 60 according to. a?.v and strain Northwest Poultry Con... 2uJ si . 73rd to 71th are. S E "TIP TOP RARRITHY Closing Out K'lemi-h tiiants and New Zee land Reds. 6523 45th ave. S E. Arleta sta tion. ONE Collie pup. 6 months tild. .'i0 R . It' chickens, 1 Ketitucklan came rooster. -14 9 Admiral st. South Portland ar VE W ILL Pay ou highest i-aslirice for April May hatched pull.-t. ny b'n-ed - North- Ponltrv Corn, lent- Ore BUFF and White" Leglion? an I " Kh.Kte " Island Red roostrn and oilier poultry for sale or trade. Woodlawn 2970. CLEAN cracked' wliTal.-" $;t.'J.", ! scrap h $T; cacaiing nu n, lice dope. Woodlaun 4344. 2 FLEMISH GIANT Bucks, Brown.s sunk J 1 2 5 E 33rd -t . ornvr Emrrson. 10 BLACK MINORCA" liens $1.50 each." 1892 Thorburn ave. Tabor 9033. WHITE Leghorn-pu!lets7 Tattered and English strain. 413 .lessup. "Wdln 4344. PEDIGREED New Zealand rabbit. E. HOth st Main 5673. Cheap. 74 3 DOCS. BIRDS, PETS, ETC. 4$ ROSE CITY CATTERY Four studs at strviir, .lack Frost lwlilt, Sunburst orange ) . Daylight (silver ami Bonny (black .Prlncel. Orange kittens for sale Phone Tabor 727 4. 250 E. Morrison st IIOSTON III LI. puppies, tired hy Stuart's Mac Gregnr. F.n-t 1210 ' BEAUTIFUL St. Andrv.aehur'g roller and rage. $10, East. 4 680 CHOICE canaries at "The Canary Rift1 Shim." 1 r. Singers guaranteed. 1151 E 28th N. C-2217. FOR SALE Angora guinea pigs. 25c each". Phone Oak Grove 12H.V AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES) 44 DODGE ROADSTER lood shape CA'IU, 622 ALDER feT. HDWY 24D2 1917 MAXWELL TOURING This car i being reflnihed and runs and looks as good as new. Price, $573, some deSin, balance easy. Call 523 Alder st. Al AUTO WORKS Sloe Used Cars .AK NO MISREPRESENTATION Covey Motor Car Co. HUDSON SUPER SIX t'sed privately. In best of condition, late 1918 model, good tires, a bargain at $1900. . Consider trade on smaller car, balance terms. 88 Grand ave. North, near Bumside. " " FOR SALE OR TRADE ' 101 8 liaynes, 3-p., in A-l mechanical condition. Will consider bungalow io good dis trtct Call Wdln. 511)1. OVERLAND SIX. fine condition, run onlv fbOO s-oiln. owner must hsve- money; car cn '$160)1; will sacrifice for $950. I none V do. 24 70s ' $1250 CASH OR TERMS BUYS MY 191 CHALMERS HOT SPOT 3 PASS. CAR. A 1 CONDITION AND REPAINTED. CALL TA BOR 8o. - BRING us your csr today ami aet ur money tomorrow. Our name i" Speed. 404 DAVIS. Near Tenth FORD delivery. l"5 1 t. in good ineeh.jucal con dition, good tires, a bargain at $4 7fi. Sonic terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near iBurnside. A B Bf iW DETROITT'elecTric-lights enSlrtrr. $530. 404 DAVIS, Near Tenth 1917 FOHD touring in fine shape for ?al today. Bring $396 cash end take the car. 84 7 Mitwauitle. Phone Sell 2655 IK jou want e""good 3 jasa Mai well, we have several to select from. 404 DAVIS. Near Tentli, OVERI ANl)touring. 1 91 H. in good" running condition, t bargain t $27." Some terun 80 Grand v. North, near Btirn-lde VK have two go,sl t'udillac. .-nd 7 an ger. Both tn go-1 wc Itanirsl shape. 404 DAVIS. Near Tenth. it'h'd'TIRES- W'e save you aioney on new mil Oaed tire; vulcanizing and frtrndlng. Vulcan Tire Shop. 41 Grand ave, Phony East 4808. WE do honest auto repairing, all make of ears; work guaranteed and- prices reaaonabaa. Call at 849 Williams ave. BTUDKBAKKH F.rtir. 1918 titiring. newljr painted, good tires, a bargain i: $97'5. Soma term. 30 Grand ve. North, near Burnside. OVERLAND TtourTng! lllTx"."" in" awl cf TttWi.-. good tires, a bargain at $000: som term. 80 Grand v. North, near Hurnside. DUBKLILLE TOP COMPANY 9th it Oak. Brosdwty 1884. p MAX WELL louring. 1917. "newly painted, good tire bargain al wiiu terms. sv ilniut .m Nnrtii nr Burnside. FORD touring. 1914. in good condition, wifi ses at ss.r9 ana trim.. v unuu a . No jrtrf . near Burnside. WINTON for tU or trade, fine Condition, new ly pa mud. What have you of 41 value-? Owner. Tahf f 033". llfSSf iTlEBAKEK " Si, a real aai7rob!u7. 404 DAVIS. Near- Tenth. Foil Dtou ring car. ftne-atiape. Used 7iiHntK $475 cali. Call evenings. 447 8. Broadway. MICHIGAN, touifn;:, new iinr"job. $300. 4 04 DAVIS, Nea Tenth. ' XI 50 Maxwell ruid tcr. In running oritur, good top. V. 2 7 Front St. 1913 VVINfON Wi t. some car, 464 DAVIS. Near Tenth. $300 UOADSTERi. good lire. He today. Lillian apt.. No 4. BUGS OI'AU.' DESCRIPTIONS 484 DAVIS, Near Tenth.' f . laid SUPER . Hudaon. eosd tin. 121 Ib. Alder Broadway 2493 1917 VITt Ugtt i. fin order. T. " 404 DA VIM, Near Tenth. SHIP WOKKER leaving city, mast sell nearly new I'hevrolet clieap for cash. Tabo'r $778. 1918 SAX ON Six Guaraateetl m every way. 46 DAVIS. Near Tenth. (Co-ttaBcd ob Eollowiar Fasti VA.lwr