t -k i W W .av w f .wAw rv.aii rmTR - FOR. SAIK-HOISES 1 $27i0-$650 CASH - Artistic Haw. bong., blk. ear., paving pd., 5 fc, attic, cement humL, modem. . $2000 $300 CASH . B r. mt. eottage. near 30th and fitark. - $2850 $300 CASH Ha, (well 6 . bans., full banufc. floored ttle. eor. paving PL. 8rage, UnuMk glumbing, built-in. . ' " .$3250$500 CASH 5 rm. banc, lust vacated, modem. 87th firepl , mod.; nap , $2500 $250 . CASH . 6 r. bunng.. lust vacated, modern, 67 th, Mk. r.HMn. . $2100 $150 CASH p. staple home, 78 th, St. modern, fruit, $0x125; blk. car. $2400-$650 CASH On E. Gliean. S r., 60x100. firepl.. mod ern, paring pd. $3750$850 CASH 8 r.. Boh City, srisp. hdwd. throughout, turn., blt-ine., pared bik. ear, $4750 $1200 CASH ' Th prettiest well oonstructed bungalow, wert ef Laurel hurst; all up to the mlnnt. $5250 TERMS Wonderful R. C P.. T rm., den, 8. P. T. and F.,hdwd. fir., gorgeous Interior wd ex terior. , - $3250-$700 CASH ' B rm, typical Cillf. bang.. firepL, etc, mod. mt. 2ui and Kvarett. -'.$3150""$ CASH Alberta snap. O r., furnace, oak fir.. Ilk tew, paved .. blk. ear, vacant Uo in, $2250$ fl 00: CASH 8 rm. mod., beat plumbing,- elect, and iu, baamt., 80x130, blk ear. $2200$200 ; CASH . Nifty 4 r. apt. bungalow, firepl., basmt, enamel plumbing, Dutch kit., now vacating. yr. punt; eieao iixe new; a ova. ear. $2 B 50 $350 CASH r. anap, 10th and AitMworth, modal home; -Mndetfttl chance for someone. ' - CUT OPT THIS AD, IT WILL NOT APPEAR AGAIN "35 Yrs. in Portland" G. C. QOLDENBERQ . Ahington b!dg.v M. 4803 "35 Yrs. in Portland" .HOME BARGAINS $1830 Kern Park. B rm. bnngalow. $800 2500 5 rm. East Mt. Tabor bungalow, hardwood floors, $500 cash, $$000 -Hawthorne bnngalow, - fireplace, buffet, etc., $1000 cash. " $2800 A mi, 100x100 lot. Woodman, Ml Scott. $500 cash. 822807 raj., 00x100 lot. 6th st. Powell Valley road. $700 cuK $$254 B rou., Hawthorne, full lot, mod i - em. $1200 cash. $38005 rm,, sleeping porch, absolutely modern, $1000 cash. $3700 5 ran., Waverlelgh Hot. modsra bungalow, terms. -$$800 6 rm.. near Jefferson high, saw, a dandy. $800 cash. 84200 -8 mi. 100x100 lot.' Jonesraore Add., $1000 cash. $46005 rm. bungalow. Boa City, mod ern to the minutes term, $48508 rm., near Laurelhurrt, 3 story residence. $1000 cash. $60006 rnu.. Mt. Tabor bungalow, garage, term. $5760 6 rma.. Hoe City Park, east front, $1000 cash. $6300 7 rm, Rose City Park, 78x10$. near Sandy, terms. . $876010 rnu., Irvington. corner, big bargain, terms. , photograph at office, come ta and let os explain few of our best buy; sutos always at your service, GEORGE T. MOOBB CO. 1007 TEON BLDG. MR. AND MBS. HOMESEEKER, JUST LOOK AT TIIESB FOB DESIRABLE HOMES: No. II 9 ROOM RESIDENCE. DOUBLE CON STRUCTED, AND MODERN IN ETEBT RESPECT. BEAUTIFULLY LOCATED IN MOST DESIRABLE PABT OB" BOSE CITY PARK. ONLY $5230. .-No.-2 .... ',i BOOM MODEBV REBIDEXCE. CLOSE IN. ON 19TH 8T.. BETWEEN HAWTHORNE AND BUNNTSIDE CABS, AND BUBBOCNDED BY GOOD HOMES. ONLY $3750. TH13 13 A BAKOAIN. ' I- HAVE MANY OTHEB8 FROM $2000 TO $9.000. ON TOICH I CAN QUOTB A HOMESEEKEB YEBY BEASONABLB PRICES Atl) TEKMS. J. B- HOLBROOK 214-315 PANAMA BLDO.. ; REAL BARGAINS In, modern booses and bungalows, good lots with fruit and berries, clow to school and car. Small payment down. ' balance best of terms. 4 rooms, 3 lota, $1300 B rooms, 1 lot, 1460 . 7 rooms. 1 lot. 1800 rooms, 1 lot, :. 2000 7 rooms, 8 lots, 2200 ft rooms, 1 lot, 2650 10 rooms, 1 lot, 2700 ' 7 rooms, 2 lota. 8100 T rooms. 4 lots, 8500 Before you buy calL and see as. We can sav yon money in buying a home. Sunday all Tabot 8873. C. J. OTJLLISON CO., . 205 V Uorriaoa St, $1600 RARE OPPORTUNITY - last east of Laurelhnmt, on K. 03d St., oa the west slop of Mt. Tabor ear, surrounded by Attractive modern homes, is an unusually home like little bungalow eottage which ha Just been repainted in ivory, with white trimmings, newly k also mined: hag white enamel plumbing, patent toilet, electric lights and gas; hot and cold water;- living room, dining room, kitchen, large sleeping perch, graea lawn with roees and fruit. Caa arrange terms. TOO photographs in our office of inspected homes for sale. 10 ex peritaced salesmen with auto at your serrice. SEE .. E? ff A M it' n KlM -m, t w r ,m m 4,ti& Me ai ikx sw a vg- TO BUY YOUR HOME. Ablngton building. Mala 1068. Office Open Evening and Sundays. ' ' ROSE CITY PARK BOOM BUNGALOW $4450 Folks, yen will have to hurry if yea want to pick up this genuine, bargain; a real .clasy bungalow with 0 room and sleeping porch on one floor, hardwood floors, fire place, buffet, cement basement, furnace, etc ; st. aasta. paid. Bear in mind, too. that this is right in the very beet part of Hoe Cy. Call 42$ K. 6th N. or call . Mr. Geddes- at Main 8093 or Main 8516. A. . TEEl'U CO. 284 Stark St.. near Third BOSK CITY $4000 Kt'KNISHED $4000 9lx rooms and sleeping porch, full cement temnent. furnace, paved streets in and paid. GOxlOO let, east front, about 1 H blocks from ?acdy blvd.. full uventory of furniture can bo aeea at our office; $1200 cash take pos session, balance long time. O. A. WARRINER, . RITTER. IAWB & CO., 201 8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. r-$2500 EAST MT. TABOR B Room Bungalow Vacant. Her' a real nifty, cheerful, well bufU little bungalow. KuQ basement, large attio, many wthec feature. Right on Mt Tabor oarline best ear service in city. Oct busy. Immediate poeaemmion. Cell owner. Broadway 421. TTtOOM ho. full corner totE. C 3rd and Hoyt $2000 Easy terma I0001 htme- m1l lot E. 84th near Tm 11L $2000. Easy terms. t , , .?Zm. honse. fuU Jot, B. 6th Bear Harrison. $2600. $760 cash. I G. DAVIDSON. - 1B Chamber of Coramerco $3000 v $3000 n a wiuiu You should sea this attractive 6 room home, en corner lot, near Laurelhurst Park; $1000 cash. It' a bargain. - . R. F. FEEM3TER. 800 Abington Bldg. A SNAP In Vancouver, 10 room modern nouse, Mock, rooms on first floor, 4 rooms on second floor. tuU basement, fur nace heat, all kind fruit and shade, large porches, barn, close in. Can be arranged for 2 families. ir sold in 1 next 15 days yon can have it for $3800. See owner at 4S28 84th m.vf OW VACANT $3250 877 Tibbitt. near E. 28th, 6 rooms, modern, clean, bard surface t. imp. in and paid, open today, sea Uu. , . 2871. , REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES . $3ii750wSEn GOrN'G TfTEUROPE Here is a & room, double constructed home, erected by tlie owner.: who is a builder. The only reaaoa for selling Is that ha hi leaving for Europe. Reeeotioa hatl. living room with flrepiaee, bookcaaea, dining room with -- Plata rail ; ana tmllUn buffet: raU I Hitch utcheo. A-l fait eement basesaittt. lanndry trays, two light, airy bed roe au. white enamel Dlumbinsr. electric lights and gas; good garage, This is your epportanltfi . can arrange terms. Oa Franklin street, aaar $ 3d. 7 00 photographs of inspected noma in our office for sal. 10 experienced salesmen with auto at your service. FRANK McQUIRE TO BUY 191'S HOME. ' Abteftnn building. i Mala 1068. m-ic Open Evening nd Sundays. GOOD HOME BUYS , 7 room modern' bangalow, heat and clean, fine condition, garage, 60x100 corner; $2650. term. .- -' - 6 room eottag. flee attic basement, modern. paved sr., close in. S. S.; $2850; furnished complete-, sduo, term; a snap. , basement, 60xl0O eoraer; $2500, half cash. j t 4 room modern cottage, attic, ban meat, abed for garace. Alberta: S1850. half cash. Hawthorne 8 room modern, etna inf a choice homo in a chcioe location; $4850; terma. West side 8 room eottage, 630 Mill st, at 16th St.: $4700; terms, 6 room bancs low, one floor. 100x100, paved R. 11. GAtEWOOD V CO., 105 4th st. $3000 1 00x200 ON CREEK $8000 - REAL HOMB HAMOAIX Cntwaal bargain. Just south of Westmoreland. on 100x300, practically H acre, with huge uoetaattai I room modem noma, gaaariva line, white enamel Dtnmhina: electricirv and rat: 4 bedrooms; a dandy live, clear creek about IB feet wide run through-fear end of property; eeald he made Into private trout pond. This place ha wonderful possibilities and could be mad into a beautiful home. Yoa couldn't build the house for $4000. : On . 2 1st st. Mortgage FRANK- L. McQUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME Ablngton Building. Main 1068. Mirioe upea jgvening and Bundaya. , $5600 ARTISTIC LAURELHURST S BUNGALOW , Now 6-rootn very distinctiva attractive bungalow. Just being completed. Purchaser can select interior colors. Lara livina room with artistic fireplace: French doors lead into a j ,wuun miuni room wirn ouutin our fet, hardwood floors; very convenient Dutch kvttben with breakfast alcove; 2 light, airy bedrooms, best white enamel rlnmiin tvnd ttio, good cement basement, furnace and laun- ury uay. garage; au atreet lien paid in full; no mortgag to assume, Cn arraag terms, SET, FRANK ; L. McQUIRE :-: TO BITY YOUR HOME Abington Bldg. ! Mala 1088. Off ice Open Evening and Sunday. . OSE CTTY CAR 8 BOOMS BUNGALOW $8780 We do want yon to see this splendid bungalow. It' ; modern extremely so. You will appreciate the big living room with th largo plate glass window: hardwood floors, f ireplaca, buffet. Dutch : kitchen, breakfast nook, etc A. home like this for so little money surely will be sold quickly. Let as show you. , A. G. TEEPE CO. , ..284 SUrk at., near 8rd. Mala 8616. Main 8083. Branch Office. 80th and Sandy. (Open Sunday) $3800 ARTI8TIO HAWTHOBNB HOMK On E. 4 2d st. in the Hswthorne district fn nausually attraotiv modern bungalow type mm. 8 rooms, very large living room with fireplace and bookcases; paneled dining root, whit Dutch kitchen, full eement basement, furnace, laundry trays. 2 light airy bedrooms, one with dressing room; white enamel plumbing, ieetrio tights and gas; $500 down. $15 per month and interest: Unusual opportunity. W bare Over 600 photograph of home for sals to 2?v office. . 10 auto at yonr service. EK - FRANK, L. McQUIRE TO BUT YOUR HOME. AWnrtrm Bldg. Main 1068. ' " " ' . - "'I v aaiivg oiuiuaja, $3400 WAVERLY HEIGHTS HOME" 8 room typical bangalow, fireplace, many built-in convenience; white name! plumbing. purree irpen Evening and Hnndays. paved street, lien included In prlea. On 85th " "7r' "wawara. ovw aown, entire rjat ance Ilk rent 700 photograph Of inspected home ia ear offioo for saia 10 xperleaced alemen with auto at yonr service. see FRANK U McQUIRE TO BUy YOUR HOME. Ablngton building. Main 1008 Offioo Open Evening and Sunday. T . THE McGUIRfi SYSTEM Kiskes home buying easy. Yea can earn to this office and see over 700 photograph of home for sale, arranged in district; every one ha been appraised: 10 automobile at your service - eV lTondhbinCMay W' "M FRANK L. McQUIRE .fcta. T,9. BCY YOUR HOME Ablngton Building. Mala 1068 i Office Open Evning and Sunday. TllE McGUtRE SYSTEM maxea noma hnvln, Mn v.... . . ' ' j mmwm vune IW U11S offie and ee over 700 photograph of home ""-"seu in oisincu; every on ha been appraised i 10 automobile at your service' FRANK L.' McQUIRE 1H,ri. T.9, BV lOUB HOME Abington Buiidtog.. - Mala 1888. i.i. imn evening and Ban days. MANY NEW HOMES prio? t W build .to sell. ., W'e finance your building, -m-h'wZ r' lookiB fot modern home, 5T??an"I,HOM12MBtTiyma ASSOOIATIOW $2850 firrvuvBTTiR wl( h .ii0 .JJK nark; beautiful eoraer with paved street. ; Good room house. This 1 a choice location and a dandy buy. a ar rnti. iA 214 Lumbermen Bldg, ; $300 CASH $2000 . 5m ngalow typo, paneled dining room Plastered and tin tod, newly painted outside: cement walks . around house, fine elect no fix lure gag, nice lawn, 60x100 lot with 4 bear tog fruit treea. 128 W. Wygaat .t, near tenver ava Owner. r ' BOOMS, sleeping porch, finished in French v ,Bd, ' "M iery. w Boynton farnace. v!o rmiS?d'X' , tra"atT Wh school; S3 500, with adjoining eorner lot and aaveral kimh of fruit trees, $4800, or will alu i IS tracrively furnwhed, inenrnbrnnce. Owner. 48 Shaver st. Phone Woodlswi. iKOft ' OPE! SUNDAY J-Ste8 P M. 00 $100 CASH $1200 Hon ha front porch, liring room, bedroom. ?.ihe?.i?U.ibUtUPteJlt toilet and room"; bath, fair aized chicken house. Take Mt. Scott car to 2d st., go south to 6715. Monthte loav. ment about $20 per moath ' "MMJ P SMITH-WAGONER CO.. BTOCTC EXCHANGE VAVERLYHEIGHTl3200 Substantially built. 6 rm. modern bung., fur.. fuU plumb., tone, foandation. st. robs; located on cor. lot 60x100; both streets paved and paid for. splendid view, close in. $500 cash 2a mo., located 894 Kelly st Slmwa by P onr! Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. CALL AT OTTTCE POH TTFDRIIATIOV ' $2600 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $2600 room and bath, electricity and gas, full cement basement. 60x100 lot, garage, hard ur fac street and sewer. 1 block ta Hawthorn ear, near 48d. Essy terms. SMITHWAGONERtXJ8TOCaEX AN 8 ROOM bungalow type house, ready for immediate occupancy. 1 block from ear, gar age. :A genuine bargain at $5600; good terms. Other bouse similar to this are commanding $6500 or mora., Act Quick. Mr. Brown. 270iaT Stark t Main 1700. Tabor . -- 8 ROOfmodera biinalow.'TmrdwSoafloori fireplace, full eement bajmaeat, Dutch kit Sht,uiith. bnffft. Mt Tabor carlln. Price $2000: $750 caah. Maia 842. Rogers, 248 Splendid home, N. W. eorner Hawthorn ave. 1 84th t Look at it and eome see owner. 275 Pine st . .. FOR SALE 7 room house. 100x100 lot." '$0 ,ood,'rui trMB nP t $1650; 5 tdoeka frdra Woodlswn car. Terma, Phoa Tabor $100 CASH. $30 mo. bay neat 4 rm. ottag home located at 5404 80th. ThU i a good fred W. German Co.. 733 Cham, of T rVLtt mm M it a - ." 11 On Durham ave., Woodlawa car, fuU bsse- t&-"u?.SiA' , 60 " . I. N. Richards. 828 Main .. rvenipg. " -. ' BY" OWNER " SfOflTT 9 MMi kn Inu I .u , , tar. ay payments. 888 Failing t. East 6475! tooou. MODERN 6 room well furnishFhouse. , 2 earlin. North Portland. Terms. Owner. Wo agents. C-80. Journal. ' ; - e??? V??'a Jbrangatow. good location, $1501). giiOO caah. bal. to suit. Wilbur F, Jottno, Henry bldg. - - - ' FQ"R" isALK Motfera' evenroom nmiaji ' Laurelhurst. HbfiO. Eart 8163. . V HEAL ESTATE FOB SALK HOUSES 61 . $2400 OUR APPRAISER aid this houe 1 osa of the best buys we bav had ia the of flea for a year, and would have bees a bargain under old price before the war. It m lust like new. - Very diatine tive lines, a 7-rewm bungalow typo homo, newly tinted, largo light airy bedrooms, builtin con veniences, whita etutmel plumb ina, etectrio rigLta and gaa, - dandy cement basenunW lull lot, H- block to ear. - Easy terma. Vacant; move Irt SEE FRANK: lU. McQUIRE TO BUT YOUR HOME. Abington Bldg. Main 106. ' Office fpn evenitie and Bnndsvs. 1 . CLASSY BCJJGALOW $4500 Splendid bangalow, hardwood floor la every room, fireplace, buffet, bookcaaea, . Dutch kitchen with breakfast aloove. eement basement, furnace, etc.; st. aasta, paid. Let a how yon this. A. G. TEEPE CO. 264 Stark t, near $rf. Main 8092. Main SS1C Branch Office. 80th an4 Sandy. - (Open Bunday) : , ONLY $6000 This la a magnificent home and tli location la the best in the city. Cine fn on E. Main at Her is a modem, up-to-date 8 room house, . very substantially built with every eonvenienca desired. It ha fireplace, full cement basement, -Hi best furnace, and all other fixture and equipment in; this house is of high class- - There la a full lot nice shrub bery, flower and fruit in full bearing. There is a fine garage. If you want to live in a line autnt wiui nign class improvements sur rounding it, close in. Just consider this. , Half cash will handle it M. J. CLOHESSY. 4fbing ton bldgr BEAUTIFUL BUNGAIW , , BOSS CITY DISTRICT -Very attractive C room bangalow with hard wood floors, fireplace, built in bookeases and buffet, full eement basement, fttmaeo, full lot about 1 H blocks from Sandy blvd. ; f ina loca tion T price $8800. $1200 caah takes posees atoa. be la no like rent C. A. WARRINER, RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-8-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BY OWNER Northwest eorner 100x100 with 0 room house. 3reat quantities cheme. apple, plums, peaches, (ftrarirbettie, black berries. Loganberries, etc Caah or. terms. On block from car line. 802 E. Burr at, E. St John. Colombia 848. . I ' $2889 FOR A brand new bungalow .on the west aide, practically la the center of the etty, close .to the carllne and overlooking the river. Thl bungalow is a modern, up-to-date, with full eement bssement, fireplace, fuH porce lain plumbing; never ha been occupied. You can mov in right away. $500 cash and easy monthly payments. , UVJ. CLOHESSY. ABING TON BLDG. Willamette Heights $8650 for a vorv fine 5 room, commanding a fin view and only $600 cash, balance easy. Marshall 820. . , F. L. . BLANCH ARD 5 1 9-20 Railway Exch. 6wh' a home" of your own; let a build it W furnish easy payment loan like rent We Nil Id according to yonr plana and poeketbook: ketches free; our system saves yoa money and avoids risks. . PORTLAND HOME BTTTLDINQ ASSOCIATION. INC. 680-860 Henry bldg. Main 8100. LOOK AT 007 EAST CARUTHERS $3660 for this dandy 5 rooms and attic in first class condition. Strictly bunga low type. To look at this means to buy. Lot 47tyxll6. Hardsurface St., Imp. pd. Easy term. 3. A. WICKMAN CO.. t 204 By. Exch. Bldg. Main 1094 82400 FOR a 6 room bungalow, full basement and attde, toilet, bath, hot and cold water, gas and electricity; lot 63x208, on E. 30th st; $600 cash; balance terms. Phone Marshall 820. , F. L. BLAN CHARD 51920 Railway Exch. $3000 FOR a very fin 8 rooms and sleeping perch, on Broadway near 28 th, This all modern. , $600 cash, bsL terms. Marshall 829. . F.; IU. BLAN CHARD 519-20 Railway Exch. $2250 : Woodlawn $2250 6 room modern bungalow,- built in buffet, bookcase. Dutch kitchen, full basement, 6Qx 100 lot Very easy terms. A. H, AKERSON, 420 Henry Blda. A REAL BARGAIN t , "8 larg rooms, plastered, toilet, '; gaa, sink, elect Ho lights, good street large lot Price $1050; term $300 cash, balance $18 per month, including interest Williams Realty Co.. Grays Creasing. ' Tsber 4934. WOODLAWN BUNG IW $2100 6 large rooms, full concrete foundation and basement, largo porches. 8 large fruit trees, good chicken house and 2 runs, splendid garage, lo cated 664 Liberty st . $400 cash, $25 monthly. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. bldg. WHY NOT BUILD? Get an artistic home by an established archi tectural firm at low cost We build anything; furniah the money if desired. L. ft. Bailey Co., Inc., contracting architects. 934 N. W. Bank. FOR SALE 4 room cottage, with bath, dec- trio light and gas, upstair floored but un finished, fall eement basement located 2 block from Kenton car. near Peninsula Park, on 60x luo lot J-B&. journal. $2850 BY OWNER Six room cottage, kitchenette, bath. Olectrto lights, lot 80x100. located 427 E. 10th at, between Sherman and Grant Close in. Good ear service. Call East 2161. $71650 Practically new 4-room bungalow, aleep Ing, porch, 8 fruit trees, berries, lawn, east front, walks paid, close to school, 68th. at Powell Valley, Hawthorne car; $200 down, $16 month. Owner, Tabor 8268. . $28506 room bungalow, lot-80x100. Iota of fruit berries, grapea. garage, chicken house and runs, near high and rrade schools. 6 min ntes walk' to car, l'hen. Tabor 8242. " TOO FAR FROM-CAR ' fog some bat a real bargain, good 6 room bona, complete, bath, etc.; 8 block from G li mn. 26 minute out; no city liens. $1280, $250 cash. Tabor 2834. 8 ROOM modern; ground 90x140; beautiful district; hard surface, psid; apples, pears, cher ries, berries. West Tabor, $6000. Terms. Owner. 1208 .. Salmon. Tabor 8021. , May sell my o room oungaiow. a bio snap LADD ADDITION i -8 room bense and garage. ,Lrse lot with all rmprevementa paid. Fuobo me about it Tabor list. air. ueianumy. T"BOSE CITY" PARK I . ' : By owner, modern fO-room bungalow; fuU eement basement; rarage. , $4500. e 1381 Han-Ct-ck. Cnrwr of 60th, A 6-ROOM, weU arranged house, No. 1005 K. Washington st, for $3000; terma, and you ar welcome to see. Henry F. Cover, 64 Union ave. Phone East 243 or East 7683. W ANTED Your bous to paint or paper. Tbo : better kind of work for a fair priee. No phone yet. Drop me a card and aave suoney. John Hardin. 122 Shaver street. : $2000 WILL BUY a modern 6 room bungalow. full basement, full 60x100 city lot; looatad 3 blocks from Mt Tabor carline. Address owner. itrwctta tyiiyt ints wtstion, Kt. a. Box 758. WILL sell cheap for cash, good modern 8-roorn house, gas 'lights, nice yard, fruit, outbuild ing with chicken park, . Price $900. Call at 8716 68th t S. E. FOR SALE By the owner, 7 room modern house, hardwood floors, full eement basement, fireplace, ail built-in conveniences; 2 blocks from eohooi. Phone Tabor 3067. i N EAT, well built 8, 4 room new plastered bung a kw; more lots adjacent cheap, if wanted; 81450; terms. 245 Kilpstrick, 2 blocks west aventcra oana. vrwner. 8 ROOM strietly modern house, fine condition. sx tn. xiawuiorne ear. inquire 1357 asm n., ait. Dcott. $1600 Five rooms and bath, cottage. 4fiX i menu, oemes, nr trees,, pared st. Hswthorne.- Main 1108. COMFORTABLE 6-room shack, lot 100x120 in walking distance of the Albina car shop. Owner. East 4287. No agents. - SIX-ROOM houee, eorner lot; toilet, water, gas, electricity, $650. $250 cash, 416 Stock evrhenge. Main 8270. FOR SALE 4-room bows, 3 lots; price $1200. g9QA .sh fti.l im mm, . K .V T r:..w r , h.vhv . . - maww eltsee. Anabel station. ! Phone Tabor 210. $3000 -TERMS, from owner. Hietliorn. JU. trict; lot 66x100; 7-roora hsuw;. paved street 1251 E. Main st Tabor 6668. S'iKICTLY modern (except furnace) bunga low, splendid condition. . 1357 46th and Lin-f-f In, Mt. - Seott car. - FIVE-ROOM bungalow. East Kelly street; $3500 iurnished; $3000 unfurnhed. . $500 down. 6 ROOM bungalow.- 50x100 foot lot- doft. in 16th st. S. Partly furnished. . Price X8000; 2 KOOMS, kitchenette, bath. a. lighu, tele phone, 2 blocks Union ave. 449 E. Lombard. Woodlawn 1577; BEFORE ' buying property or building yoa . should have it surveyed. Nicholas Bros 71$ oreeonian nine, siam waaa FOR SALE Larg 6 room house, barn, 2 chicken houses, garden, fruit, 6 sot. - Phoa Tabor 6814. t: -- - - -. - - f -. FOR SALE 2 good 4 ream bunyalaws. each 60x100 lot, at Maryland ave., 3 block from car. Terma, Phoa Tabor 692 REAL ESTATE 1 FOR SALE HOrSES 61 6"LY $900 in .cash. Do yoa know of aay thing or have yoa ever heard Of a bargain Ilk tbist la the center of tbo city on the east side, fn the best district on K. Main at. not any farther out than 15th st Her te a eorner lot of which no well Informed person will place a leas value thast $6000 tm. the lot alone. On this lot is an 8 room boose. Very substantially built; built in the day when hon est thorough workmanship prevailed ia first clam construction. This bone was not bout this year, hence the statement made. It baa all of the city convenience and the interior is of the very best and most costly material, giving the place a rich looking aspect Tm house today, to be duplicated, would cost at least $3000. : All right her is $14,000 good value for the property. - There is a mortgage on this place of only $4000. The 8900 ia cash over and above this, mortgage we want make $4900, the full purchase price for this inside ' downtown high chv district - M. 2. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. . Hawthorne ; Bungalows $2600 for a 5-room. bath, toilet, hot and cold water, full basement and attic; lot 40x100. With garage; $500 cash, bal. term. . $3209 for a modern T room, with hardwood floors.buffet. fireplace, paved at.; $1000 cash, bawr.ee term -."- $3500 fox a modern 6-room. first floor hard wood floors, buffet, fireplace, on 41st; $1200 cash. baL teams, $3750 for one oa Glenn ave,, of rooms with den, S. of car; lot 49x112; garage, fruit, poultry house and yard; $1500 cash, bal. term. Phone Marshall 829. F. L. BLANCHARU r 5 ! 920 Railway Exch. t GOOD BUYS AT LbW PRICES 5 room modern eottage, cor. 50x100, in North Albina, Price $2200. In fine shape. room cottage, Albina, large lot, price $1600.-. ..i - v ..-;.-,., 4 room modern . cottage, en paved at. Al berta t. cor. lot 60x100; fin shape. ' 6 room bungalow in Montavilla; fin ahapa, Price $2350. - 7 room modern bungalow. Montavilla. V Price $1850. -. 4 room bnngalow, Montavilla. Price $1050. These are all on easy terma : , NEW YORK LAND CO.. 803-4-5 Stock Exchange bldg. -. Auto to show you. Can Main 7676 or evenings. Tabor 8289. $1900 EAST OF LAURELHURST On E. 53d st, close to the carline, I a 8 room practically new modern bungalow with tttractive low rambling lines; large front porch extending across entire front of house ; living rnorn. dining room with plate ran and but let. Dutch kitchen, light airy bedrooms, -electric Lrhts and aa. good eement basement: $500 will' handle, balance like rent We have ever 700 photographs of homes for sale in our of fice. 10 antos at yonr service. SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. TO BUY YOUR HOME. Office open evenlnc and Smnw. We have a few bungalows left, soms close in. Prices from $8250 to $4000. One just re ceiving finishing touches. Do not wait, prices advancing. We can fit yon out with a few good bargains in house, choice location and best of car service. It will par yon to see us before yon buy. They are going fast MITCHELL & RIPPEY 828-29 HENRY BLDG. Main 2884. Kveninga and Sundaya East 2916. $2280 KENTON DISTRICT $2250r . On Minnesota ave.. near Morgan; is a Very substantial 5 room bungalow borne; unusually well built; largo light airy bedrooms; white enamel plumbing; elect rio light and ga; full cement basement Easy terma. SEE . FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BUY TO URHOME TO BUY YOUR HOME, Atifnirt-nn Rnitriinj, 'SC.ln lnlta 'Office Open Evening and Sunday. "" Look at 39 east S7TH st. n. Then Make Us An Offer. $4500 asked for this dandy 7 -room and aleep - Ing porch. Fireplace, hardwood floors, built-in, furnace, full eement basement wash trays. OWNER MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY. If yoa have no ma chine call us and we will gladly show for you. It place yoa under no obligations. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. - Main 1094. Irvington Residence $2000 cah fot fine, modern 6 room with sleeping porch, 2 toilets, hardwood floors, fur nace, fireplace, buffet, the kitchen and up stairs in white enamel;, all in first class condi tion, facing east; has garage, all for $5500; bet ter hurry en this. Phone Marsha, 829. F. L. BLANCHARD . 5 fl920 Railway Exch. Hawthorne v Bungalow $4200 for "a very fine tip-to-date. 8 room, hardwood floors, buffet dresser, fireplace, fine Dutch kitchen, in white, fine garage; larg at tic and basement $2000 cash; this is one of the most complete and best buys in the city. Owner going in business. Phone Marshall 829. F. L. r 51920 Railway Exch. GREAT BUY. 7-room modern home, one block from 15 th st. Irvington car; 3 nice bedrooms and bath room: all whit enamel dining room, beautifully paneled, hardwood floors, fireplace, full basf ment ; furnace, . garage, every modern conven ience, paved streets; this bouse is beautifully finished and in excellent shape. Only $4900. Alameda Investment Co., C05 Corbett bldg. Marsh 635. NEAR BENSON POLYTECHNIC FURNISHED BUNGALOW B rooms, furnace, full 60x100 east front lot, hard surface street ia and paid; price .$4600. terma. Call at our office and we will show you complete inventory of furniture. C A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE at CO.. gQl-a-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. North - Irvington $3500 for a fine' 6 room, 2 atory residence ta very fine condition and must be sold, $1000 cash, baL monthly; now vacant Marshal 829. : . F. L. BLANCHARD s 5 1 920 ; Railway v Exch. - ROSE CITV PARK RrrvGALrtw $4500 A lovely home for some one. 6 rooms, living room 13x20, strictly modern, furnace, linoleum on kitchen and bath, water heatcrr,- newly tinted, ' enameled and painted inside and ont, paved street. 660 East 65th at N". Tabor 7093. - Modern Home. 6 Rooms $2250 ' - On paved street Good terms. Can yoa beat it 1 You can not ' - - - .. CLAUDE COLE. 215. Lumbermen' Bldg " .' . '. T""f15r sale ' ' 6 room modern cottage and 1 acre land in Milwankie, on good auto road; prioe $2700, om terms. . 5 room modea eottage and 8 lota, near school; price $2500. eood terms. MBS. JOHNSON. Milwaukle. -Phon 61M, or 65W. ' $3500 FOR a very fine 7 room bungalow, with fireplace, buffet and garage, paved a tree U, 2 H blocks from Irringtoa car; good terms. Mar shall 829. L . F. L.i BLANCHARD Si 920 Railway. Exch. ONLY $1800 for a home of 6 rooms with two big lata on the Montavilla Carline. eement sidewalks in front and around the house. City water, gas and electrie light at the place. Tbie property ia located on 63d et; $500 in cash and the balance in easy monthly paymenta. M. 3. CLOHESSY, Abington bldg. FOR SALE cheap, lovely 6 room semi-bungalow, all modern conveniences, nicely arranged, ce ment basement, fireplace and also furnace; lot 50x90; some fruit and berries ; located on Broadway. Price $3650; $1000 cash Will handle. CaU 625 Alder at west , EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD value, modern 8 -mom boose and sleeping porch;) full eement base mer.t ; wash tray ; everything up-to-date. Must be seen to be appreciated; price $8160; terma. 1076 East 28th st N.i H , block to Alberta par t 'sn Bin in 1T7. $1500 MOUNT SCOTT CAR HSftO ' 8 room, eemimodern house, 4 block from car; nice lot, and a nice home; $200 down, balance $15 per month. Phone Tabor 1485, or call at 8932 66th ave. 8. B. , $2000 "Y MT. SCOTT'T"' $2000 At FirlancL 0 room modern bungalow. 60x0.00 lot garage, Turna.ce. $8VO cash. A very" ex ceptional bargain. See it, B. F. fee mater. 800 Abington bldg. ' J . WORKING MAN, save paying high rent; buy a i room house near ear. convenient Franklin High, fine new library and school. See owner. save commission. - au ai. eaa. Hawthorne ear. FOR HALE by owner, 10 housekeeping room at a sacrifice' if sold this week. - Call or address 347 Msrket at, phone Marshall 8138 after 1Z:3U p. m, FOR SALL By owner; 8-room house in Irv. rngton; corner hrt, 60x1 OO; double garage: pared etreeta; walking distance, $5500, $2300 caaii, oainnce vo suit pnrcnaser. r.ast z o o a. v I HAVE the best buy in 6 and 6-room house that is ia Alberta, all modern. 801 4 Al berta st. room 2, npstairs. BOOMS, gas, electricity,, bath; 10 varieties of fruit; lot 100x100. paved street. Price $2200. 680 Dckura ave. Woodlawn 2187. RE iL ESTATE FOR BALE HOUSES 61 $1400 Small payment down, mora than one lot, 8 room hoaae. on Belmont " at This a wonderful bay on o- eoont of location. Will appeal to ' v the man who know value. $2000 Just think what yoa can bay for ' - $200O. 7 - room, good bona and lot at 44th and E. Salmon st, $200 1 , caah down, balance $15 per month, -If yoa want bargain, investigate thia, $2100 Close ia snap. 4 rsom-- hooae. on Monroe St., near Williams ave. ' Improvement in and paid for. $25006 room modern bungalow oa Mississippi -ave.. modern plumbing. Fnmaoe, Improvements all in and . r paid for. $300 cash down, balance , . on easy term. . ' $3000 Modern 4 room bungalow, 1 block front Kenton ear, near Lombard st. Has larg attie with apaee for . 8 room. " Corner lot 60x110. Fire : place and bailt-in buffet Improve- - meats in. No Incumbrancsa. JOHN - M ALONE, . . , MeClur eV Schmauch Company, $06 Railway Exchange Bldg. , Main 1603. 82900 TJNTJSUAL HOME BARGAIN -On a large lot on Franklin st, in the Wsv erleigh Heights district is an anusually attrao tive 7 room bangalow typo house; very home like; there is a large living, room; aoHd naaeled dining room with plate rail and massive built-in leaded glass buffet; white Dutch kitchen; good eement basement; furnace and laundry trays; 8 light, airy bedrooms; convertible sleeping porch nd - whit enamel plumbing; recently tinted. This ia an unusual ebargain. Yoa will say so when yoa see it- Beautiful fir trees, fruit and flowers. No mortgage or street liens to as sume, f' Easy term. . Don't fail to see this house. 8EE - FRANK L. :McQUIREiT ' TO BtTZ YOUR HOME Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. ONLY $4600 On 6th St., the business street of the city. Only 1 block from the Lincoln High, only three blocks' from the city Audi torura. Can yoa beat ft! A S room bouse, old of coarse, but it ha- been made modern so far a full new porcelain plumbing. The lot baa a 25 ft frontage on 6th at, with 68 ft depth. Any person can afford to buy this property in its present location and truthfully say to himself that fa has practically doubled hia money the . moment he buy. Where can yoa get anything on 6th St., only 0 block from the Portland hotel ana post office, on the best business street in the city ef Portland, paved, everything in 'and paid for, for only $4500? Say, come running, before yoa lose this. M. J. CLOHESSY. Abington bldg. $3450 NEW ALBERTA BUNGALOW Just completed. Hero is a typical bungalow; very artistic lines: new. modern, and iust what you have always wanted for a home. Exterior painted in solid ivory: living room with fire place; dining room with built-in buffet; con venient Jjntcn kitchen; z ugnt airy oearoom; whita enamel plumbing; fall cement basement with laundry trays. Vacant Never occupied. Immediate possession. Terms, SEE ; FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Off io Open Evenings and Sundays, 6 BOOM eottage, eorner lot 80x100. with modern plumbing, on A in worth. This is a bargain. Pries $2750. : Terma. '- West Side bnngalow, T rooms, beautifully fur nished, hardwood floor and sleeping porch, in excellent condition, good view, shrubbery, fruit trees, prise winning row; Including furniture. Price $11,000. CALL ON US H. H. Urdahl Co -Inc. Main 6252. 822 Abington bldg. $3760 PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW On two large Iota covered with beautiful fir trees, on Fern ave., close to the Heights ear. Is a 6 room low, rambling bungalow with a larg porch extending acros the entire front and side of house: large living room with fire place, dining room with beamed ceiling, convenient kitchen, two light, airy bedroom, whit enamel plumbing, electrie lights and gas; vacant, im mediate possession: $500 will handle. SEE FRANK; L. McQUIRE TO BUY .YOUR HOME Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. 4 ROOM house, pat toilet, on Improved street, .near carline. $1050; $180 cash. 6 room modern house, lot 62x148, la fruit and garden near Arista achooL $1600; $600 caah. . 6 room modern hooae, 2 larg let in fruit and gardea. $2800; $600 cash. T room modern house, 2 large lot In garden. Thl i an extra well built house. $2800; $600 cash. NEIL SMITH 6514 Foster rd. NORTH IRVINGTON REAL BUY 6 room and sewing room. aS In good ahapa, full built-in Dutch kitchen, one bedroom on first floor, two bedrooms on second, full semi cement basement half block from nr. 2 blocks from school; price $2100, $500 caah. bal ance like rent C. A. WARRINER. : RITTER, LOWE CO, - - 201-3-6-7" Board of Trade Bldg. " ROSE CITY PARK $8150 Buys a dandy 6 room bnngalow with living room acrom entire front, fire place, usual built-in. exceptionally large bedrooms. Full basement, wash trays. Require $950 cash. Call Monday; not open Sunday. -J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1094. $2600 DUTCH COLONIAL HOME" On K. Washington St. Just south of Learel hurst Park is a very substantial 6 room home with attractive lines; white enamel plumbing; electrie lights and gaa. Easy terms, SEE FRANK : L. McQUIRE Abington Building. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sunday. $2700 BUYS modern 8-room 2-stery bonne. 150 ft from St John car, lot 50x100, contains cherry, apple, pear, peach. English wal nut trees, U. bearing; house HI good conditions ball upstair and down and larg bathroom: wide porch eroea front; $500 down, rest on terms. Sale by owner. Col. 768; FOR. kaTvT 7 room. S rooms. r2 or 3 room. .. .. l or 2 rooms. By owner. 1220 East Main st. eorner 41st Hag4-tltTis aak LOTS OF GROTINn . . $200 cash. $20- mo. buys 6 rm. house with 118x179 14 ef ground, large chicken house, gar den, berries of sfl kinds and 4 young fruit trees. Total prk $1700. Fred W. German Co., 733 Cham, of Com. MUST sU. leaving- town, our 2- acres. 7-room modern house, garage, large barn, cherry, apple, prune, pear trees and berries, all bearing, close to Hawthorne car, grammar and Franklin high school, beautiful view. 2614 67th st S. E., jurt off Division t Term. BY OWNER Small house on full 60x100 lot on E. 17 th st. near Airmworth are. Clear of incumbrance. Berries and bearing fruit trees. $1000 cash or $1100 on term. Cell at 1189 E. 18th t N. FOR SALE By owner, a new, exceptionally well built 7 room house, on a 100x100 corner lot, or 60x100: hardwood floors, fireplace and bullt-ins, cement basement, laundry trays, paved st. and sewer. 649 Mason st GOOD 4-room house bam, chicken house, fruiT, - garden, close to Mt. Scott ear Une, $1100, cash or terms, or will trade for place with more land near Lents. : See ownerr60l$ 86th st S. E. v. . . ... -. SPLENDID WCOMEnpROPERTY $16000" Two building on corner lot near Lsorelhurst Park, T furnished flata, will pay 14 per cent oa the investment. Dove V Gardner, 410 Board of A WW, TTvr?575r . - .v. . . ask -T-mam wn.l.M X 1.. l l . rt . hviw. ... ,u. inn, uum, tor naoe, fireplace. 100x100, paved street $8600. 1042 Union ave. N. T. BARGAIN I TAKE ' KotTceT" ' 50x100 lot for sale this week bv going te N. Dakota, $850. half value; 2 block from Rose City eariine on 25 th t Phoo main iaz, atonasy. tgfl0 BOrife -ClTt frARg HUA 1 11 - 4 rooms and garage, modern every respect, full eement basement ; 2 ftreDlacea. Exaomiimai I bargain. Owner, Tabor 5807. ROOM house, a bargain, $ind near Haw- thorne; 2 toilets. 2 sinks, 1 bath; gas end electricity, furnace, cement basement Tabor 2051. ; NEAR Piedmont for sal by owner; will sell my 6 room bungalow; has furnace. Dutch kitchen. 60x100 lot gangs; a snap if yoo want a nice hcyae. ' 467 Church st. , H RIGHT: CLOSE. IN ' Five room cottage. $2050; 9200 rash. baV ance monthly.' See owner. 215 By. Exch, bldg. FIVE-ROOM modern bangalow. 100x100 lot with bearing fruit, half 5 block from gar. Phone Sunday Tabor 4609. - WELL famished 6 room house for rent 170 Knott st ' BARGAIN 4 Ut. 3 -room house, ga and water, fot le cheap or rent Call Tabor 2859. TtRAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOLIES REAL BARGAIN $300O 0 rooms, bath, toilet, lights, ga. hot and cold water, full cement base ment lot 100x100 oa corner, 2 blocks fpm streetcar, garage, fine fruit and had tree. $5U0 cash, balance to Bit, W. Vf. JORDAN with Inside Property Dealer x Ground Floor. Henry bldg. Marshall 892. $1600 Two room hooae end 6 lots, each 80g . 100: terms; . $300 cash, -. balance monthly payments, $2000 Five room house, lot 50x100; $1000 cash, balance monthly. 80000 Six - room modem bangalow; $500 cash, balance monthly paymenta. $2100 Nine room house, 2 stories and base ment, needs sums : repair. , lot 100X 100. -.-V. -'..-..' . $2700 New 4 room honse and sleeping porch. lot 60x100, en carline. improved street and paid for ia lull; will be sold on - ; easy payments. $8000 New, modern up-to-date residence on . Improved streets, on Broadway; terma .iuuu caao, oa lance montniy. , V William QBeck " M FAILING BLDG. $D AND WASH. INDUSTRIAL CENTER Never been offered before; only one block from carline, near new bonlevsrd: 7 room modern house, 100x109 ; $500 - cash I. .. . . $9600 6 room modern house, 66x109; $$00 cash 2500 5 room modem house, 83x109; $300 cash . ....... . 2000 S room house, 66x109; $30r cash....', 100 4 room honse. 88x109: $204 cash.... 000 2 room house, 88x109; $150 cash...... 750 . Look at our strictly modern houses. Or will build yon 8 room honse, pay almost like rent A. C. McDonald. 298 W. Lombard st Woodlawn - 6278. Office closed Labor dsy. " - Open Sundays. $4790 UNPARALLELED LAURELHURST BARGAIN Very modern, attractive 7 room home on full lot with all atveet liens paid; good gang with cement runway; living room: fireplace; tuilt-in bookcases; artistic dining room: mas&ive rmffet; den; hardwood WTloors ; Dutch kitchen; 8 light airy bed rooms sewing room: full eement basement; furnace: good location. 8750 down; $40 per month, which Include 6 per cent in terest This is real bargain, FRANK L. McQUIRE ,v, TO BUY YOUR HOME ... Ablngton Building. Main 1068. -Office Open Evening and Sunday. $2950 EAST OF LADD'S ADDITION, On E. Carnthera street is an attractive little 6 room bnngalow with large front porch, liring room with fireplace and leaded glass book cases, solid paneled dining room with plate rail and leaded glass buffet; Dutch kitchen, 2 light airy bedrooms; white enamel plumbing, elec trie light and ga; good cement basement; paved street liens all paid but $80. $500 will handle. SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE c TO BUY YOUR HOME. . Abington building. Main 1008. Office Open Evening and gnndaya. $3250 ARTISTIC HAWTHORNE BUNGXOW This 6 room bungalow, painted white, with green lawn and roses, is an on usually at tractive horn; large living room, solid paneled dining room, art glass buffet built-in con veniences : 2 bedrooms with large closets, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and ga. ee ment basement; can arrange terms. 700 pho tographs of inspected home in ur office for ale. 10 experienced salesmen with auto at your service. SEE. -FRANK L.r McQUIRE ' TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington building. Main 1068. Office Open Evening and Sunday. Modern. Bungalow , $500 eash, balance to suit buys a nifty 4 room bungalow; sleeping poreh. . breakfast nook, basement, etc. Price $2000. See Mr. Christenson. ' .THE BRONQ CO. 410 Henry Bldg. Maia 1741 $1800 ADJOININO EASTMORELAND A real bungalow home, like new and on a full 60x100 lot, ha whit enamel bath, toilet lavatory, hot water tank and sink, full bass g'Cnt . electric lights and gas; an attractive little nouie and a wonderful buy; very sightly location, close to car and school ; we have over 700 photographs of homos for sale; ante at yonr servicer $250 down. SEE FRANK L McQUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME ' Abtngton Bldg. - Main 1066 Office Open Evening and Sundays. $4950 MODERN FLAT $4960" On the west side of the river, with sn nnob- true ted view and H block from the ear. fsclng oa Hamilton, avenue, i a modem, very attractive two family flat, in A-l condition. Can be handled on $500 down and $35 per month, anenme eau per montn. FRANK' L. McQUIRE 11V BUI IVUlt liUilfv - Abington building. Main 1068.. Office Open Evening and Sunday. $16150 - . $26SO MONTAVILLA K $ room well built eottage with eement base mentfg. sewer, sidewalk. 60x100 lot, chicken hoaaes. etc Easy term. A. H. AKERSON, 420 Henry Bldg. 1321MALLORY AVE. 1 " - : Supreme Piedmont Home. - I $1000 Caab Price $6000. WILL build ' a fine home for the buyer,' ar- ranged to suit, on my sightly lot Hawthorn ave. W. A. Hansen, 404 McKay bldg. 095 E. 2 1ST." ST. N. T room bungalow, east front $3150; terma. rOB SALE LOTS BROADWAY CORNER 1$ . - FOR $250 80x100 on E. 58th and Broadway, no re strictions, at front save rait soaie snap. BITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LAURELHURST lot. lot 2. block 21. located on Pacific street, near Peerless. Clear of all in cumbrance, $1500. This lot is one of the most desirable lots in Laarelhurst Park. Address W. G. Calhoun. 120 Sd are.. N Mlnoeapolia. Minn. - $9 DOWN $9 MONTHLY Splendid 100x100, near new 76th st via duct, total price $360. This property wsa taken by foreclosure and we bave no nse for . , Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. bldg. - " v ; SEE THIS LOT : : One of tli prettiest building sites In Rose City Park. 8. W. corner Gist and Thompson; $1200. Owner Tabor 8825. HAWTHORNE CORNER SNAP 66 2-8x100. eor. E. 01t and Hawthseaa, a real pickup for $1300: act quick. RITTER. LOWE c CO., 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade BMg. ALAMEDA. If yon want a choice lot In this exeiuarr building district get car prices; we have bar gains, Alameda Investment Co., 606 Corbett bldg. Marvh 685. . PORTLAND HEIGHTS Look at S. W. eor. 1 9th and Elm, paved streets, 66x101. lew priee, term. BITTER, LOWE Ik CO., 201-3-6-7 Pnerd of Trade BMg. 87 DOWN $7 MONTHLY 60x1 90. covered with beautiful fig and dorwood. in Irvington Park, 1 block from car; ru-ice $600. Thi lot 1 worth $8DO. Fted W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com, bid. FOJ1-SALE In Columbia Height, oa corner AOxlOO; will sell cheap for cash or terms. woeauvs oeog.-Bunaays or after 9 p. m. 1XR SALE cheap, going away, home, two lots. rran ana seme, investigatav 204 T K. 82. ii mow FOR 8AtE-23xI00, lot is, brock "I. ' Penlnl aula; $100 cash. Alex Gettman, MUwauki. wegonw FOR SALE Lot 8, block 84. Westmoreland; eav. sim waann, sajiwanxte. Oregon. 100100 Df Rose, diy Park, on jwTved-it aasae snw n oner. . tvuin. 2tffta. ALAMEDA PARK Two choice building lota for sale cheap. Phoo Tabor 234. W ILL. pay eash for Alberta lot; cheap; location in letter. J-61T, Journal. LOT on 26th and Emerxmt. near Kiliings - wrrth: chesy C. C. White. Milwankie. Or. FOR SALE Lot ' ta Irvington Park addition'. near 28tb st. Call Bast 4447 Or Wdln. 4179, 60x100. ROSE' CITY PARKtwo blocks to car; clear; $150 cash. Tabor 8581. RTKAL EST ATF. FOR SALE LOTS 16 IRVIXGTON $1700 60x100. E. .-20th and Knott, $1700 Corner on E. 17 th at, all lien paid, 60x100. f-CFOO 75x100, E. 21st and Knot, no bona $ST50 100x100, Ev lbth. clear, sic shad tre. $5000100x100. eorner en Knott, beautiful boRiea. 80 ft blvd.; no lien. LITTER. LOWK A CO.. 801-8-5-7 Board of Trad Bldg. $1200 " ' A ORB TRACT $100 DOWN $16 MONTH PARKROSE Sidewalks, gaa, eieetrioUj. Tweo eure water, finest gardea otl, fir tree. 4 block from Kaodv Mvd and carline. J. I- Hartman Company, T Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th at Stark... Main 208. . $600 LOT FOR. $50 DOWN G 0x1 00 en 11th st near Killingsworth. ae re striction, beat high rent build a temporary heme; good neighborhood, best ear rrio. close to school ; $16 per month on balance BITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-3-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg $$28 BAST TERMS $28 DOWN Half block from Handy blvd. in Parkreea. AH cleared, pressure water, gaa, eleotrieity, side walk a. J. u Hartman Company, 7 Chamber of Commero bldg., 4th and Suurk. Main 208. IRVINGTON IRVINGTON IRVINGTON " Fast front lot on E. 17th st.. 80 foe street, all improvement In and paid; price $1260, easy , terms. - RITTER. IOWE A CO., ?01-8-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE in Metsger acre tracts, 8 lota 60x - 100, in lot I block 41. 8 blocks from Mets ger station. Or. Beat of soil, all in erop : comer lot plank walk on two aid. Price 6125. 850 cash. 83 Pr month at 0 per cent interest on de ferred pay ment. M. C. Stewart. Rt 6, Vsn- eowver. wah. A SNAP $500 cash for beautiful residence lot 60x100, Montavilla carline. by - owner. Call Hotel Congress, room 706. ' ACREAGE 17 f CHEAP ACREAGE Five acres, 8250; 810 down, 85 month y 8 acre of land between Portland and Centralis, on the main Une of 8 railroads ; 1 H to 8 H mile from rood little town; tewmill and log ging camp in immediate vicinity; som of thl land la partly cleared ; running stream ; Some bottom and some beach; this acreage priced from $25 to (76 per acre. Can give yoa any kind of a piece you want ' CHARLES DELFEL- 818 Railway Exchange bldg. 10 ACRES PlTERErJTaolJSE CROP $3600 Located 16 mflee from Portland, land lay fin. 8 acre in crop, good plastered house, painted inside and out good barn and chicken bouse, spring water in barn yard, .weU at horn, all fenced and eross fa need ; paved mad to Portlsnd except 1 V mile. Frio $$600; reason hi terma, -LUEDDEMANW COMPANY. 018 Chamber of Commerce. SMALL tracts of acreage, 6 to 80, near th : city. , Price coording to location and 1m piOvements, I handle only such as I beliav to be well worth the Oriea. I else beliv that prices will not be lower and that now ia the time to secure what yoa want Come In ana tell me what yoa need. I. O. DAyiDSON. 810 Chmber of Commerce. Acre Tracts Close In All under cultivation and com la fruit tree. Half mile from city limit. V carfare. Gaa and city water thi fall. Close to Bed Electric 20 minute out Price 8900 per sore, one third cash. Exceptionally good soU. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. - MILES FROM - VANCOUVER 10 acre, located on fine road, good soil, fair buildings. All good, land, only 60 minute from Portland. Price $1600. Terma on part. Joha Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. 8-10 ACRES 2 mile east Lenta Junction, 1 acre fruit and berries, grapes, currant", 1 Vt acre potatoes, 1 acre sweet corn; land all improved, level, no rock, crop goes witn piare. First eksa condition. House, barn, other oat buildings. Selling on account of sickness. Sec ond house ast of eement bridge oa Foster road. Running water. Cow and Chickens - Two acre. Capitol Hill, all under cultivation. Good bearing orchard. Gas, city water, berries, garden. Good 3 room house, barn, chicken house, woodshed. Price $1960; ,$660 cash, John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. CLARK COUNTY-BARGAIN 1 4 acres, 2 H acre in erop, boose, creek, t city limits of Vancouver, 8 blocks from ea line, on good treet and sidewalk; only $$$00, $600 down, balance to suit . WILBUR F. JOUNO, ; HENRY BLDG. BARGAIN IN BEAVERTON DISTRICT 6 acres, located 4 mile from St Mary nd -H mil to main highway and school; all cleared, small family orchard, old 6-room house end barn, well at back door; land lay level, no rock or gravel. Price $2100, term $1000 cash, balance to nit LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 918 Chamber of Commerce OREGON CITY LINE 1 acre, close in and on .block from sta tion. -All under cultivation, fruit and ber ries. 4 room honse. electric lights, gaa, welt Price $2500, $300 down. John Fergnaon, Gerlinger bldg. $2000 ORENCO ACREAGE $2009 6 acres. 4 mile south of Orenco, all In cul tivation and fenced; good 4 room hooae, gaa for conking and lights, good weU, chicken house and small barn; family orchard; $200, balance to suit rf!TH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCHANGE Oregon City Line Acre tracts, close to Oak Grove. In natural shade trees. Mice building place. Paved road. Price $1000 per acta. Some en anaeadamised road for $900 per acre. Joha Ferguson, Ger- llnger bldg. .- FOR SALE 1 acre, trait, 7 room house. Bull Ran water, lights, gas, barn, chicken coop. Bear school, 6e carfare, fine location, good neighborhood, at Muwankie. , See Mr. Riley at Milwaukie or oa.Il at 649 E. 86th at S., Port- isrKi, alter sioaaay. TWO FINE acre of land 26 minutes' rid on the Oregon Eleetrio railway. 600 feet to sta tion, running stream on the rear, all year. If yoa are looking for an acre home don't mis ing this. Very easy terms, t am' the owner. S-644. Journal. LOGGED OFF LANDS ' Tracts 8 acre np, located within 80 tnfle of Portland, on railroad: good soil, no rock, plenty of water; work; buy n'n yonr own terms, LEUDDEMANN CO., 913 Chamber of Conameroe. ' 2 ACRES NEWBKRG 2 acre, all eleared. sidewalk two aide, 2 block to pavement; make an ideal home. Price only $1500; terms; or take Portland home and assume. F. L. Eddy with Lueddemana .Com pany, 918 Chamber of Commerce. . NEW 4 room plastered bouse, on eoraer acre. $1600, terma New 6 room modern honse on acre, $2900, terms; 2 block Metzget station, G. H. JOHNSON. Owner. Main 6296. . 1 hi. ACRES, cultivated.' eliack, city water, ma cadamised street $3760; terra! On sere fruit, city water, 4 room shack,' , chicken house, barn, $1650; term. 6128 62d it Woodstock car. f 40 ACKKH nesr Wsldport and Yaquine bay; fin producing land, good neighbors, nio place to live; price $660 ; neighbors adjoining lead recommend this buy. Alameda lnyet ment Co.. CcrbeVt bldg. Mar-li 635. 20 ACRES good land, free and clear, to trade for lota, acreage or good auto; might assume mall amount U. M, Jones, 1408 Uawthom avenue. . ' , $250 ' ACRE lauproved 'acreage, 9 mile roruano, $10 acre 160 acre, mfl town, -404 McKAY BLDG. . 40 ACRES $22T0. Four mile south of Mo- lalla, 80 acre good tie and piling timber, 10 acres in brrfJfh. For particulars address owner. H. E. Ballantyne. Molalla, Or. 120 ACRES "in Clark Co-.yCo. road. 1 mil school, fine creek. -iT3TTm--urnt big fir and cedar trees; good farm landJ20 an acre, term. 1290 E. Salmon. TtborV8621 FOR "SALE ' 8 acre at Capitol Hill station, prioe 62C Thi I $1000 lee per acre than real vaid oszs, journal. 60 ACRES, 2H miles from Yernooiee. ia Co- lumbia county; bones, barn, water, acnooi. good road, for city property. J-607, JornaL FOR SALE 2 V, acre arTigard autlon; fiv ' room bangalow, bra and chicken hooae ereea tunning tnrongn lana. j-a. journal. 1000 ACRES stump la ad in Washington county; an toeai atoca raucu. vaj wooaiawa g7Z a to T p. m. 1 ACRE, all in cultivation, at Ryan Station, $1100. $150; bal. to suit or will exchange for hon.". Wilbur F. J to no. Henry bldg. 20 ACRES $600 $200 eah dewn. 215- Lambeivnen bldg. FROM en to five acre extra choice land for - aale. near the Hawthorn line ; eome and see it Amanda B. Dwier, 1860 Division st 10 ACRES rich land near Aberdeen) easily eleared: $73 per acre. Tske good team or auto in trad. Tabor 7828 or X-711. Journal. TtK At, STATU ACREAGE n 40 ACRES, $650. . -. 26 mile from Portlaed, om fine timber, wing and creek, rloee to school and neiulibors $160 eash. baL 8 yars. 6 per rent interest 40 ACRES, $1000 r $$ miles from Portland, oa rock mad 4 aorw In cultivation. 10 acre bottom land, fin creek. This ia a snap. $350 rah. bal to aiW 40 ACRES, $1200 - 22 mile from Portland. 2 miles from Elertrig line, lie fine, Al euU. $200 eah, balance to ait,' .,- 40 ACRES, $1650 -- 89 mile from Portland, 6 acre In cnltlvation, 4 room bonae, bare and other outtmildlncs. good family orchard. One-half eash. baL easy term. 40 A. $1000," Easy Terma 83 mile from Portland. 20 acre almost ready for the plow, fine- for stock. It K. Bl'NDY. 210 Railway Exchange bldg. . . LITTLE TE;-SAL fALLEf LAMiiv. $28 per acre. Excellent for fruit and bee flea. Near new North Bank highway; 400 acres; will divide to tntt purchaser. Terma, Straw berrle yielded $400 per rr this year. -, Write or call on R. L. Fowler, Cook. Wh. Train, boat or automobile road from Portland. ; Furnished Acreage ' Home ' Two aero, located on pavement. 14 com." mntation fare. Close to lectne depot. . Gaa City water vaI1aht. Its of fruit tree, ber ries, nice grounds. Price $8 TOO, with late Ford car. rrtano, dinlne room set bedroom fur niture, kitchen furniture, chickens and every thing; $1 boo rash, Fin place, well fur niahed. John Ferguson, fierlinger bldg. Clackamas River ; Frontage . ',; '. - , ' 18 er, all under cultivation, except small' trip along river. Good soiL Fin view. All fenced. County road. , 2 room house. Thl property close to Portland. , 1'rlc only $200 per aore. Very easy term. John Ferguson. ' Gerlinger bldg. , 8 "ACRES ONLY $1750 ' " Near Hock wood and carline., good wen, fair brn, large 2-s.tory old house; make an Ideal berry farm. Only $1780; good term. F, I Eddy with Lneddemann Company, 918 Chamber of Commerce. - 6PBUItBA!f ACBKAOB 76 HERE'S A FINE INVE8T MBjif." 2 M ' AChi;4 Out Sandy blvd. and up Craig road. Border on OW. R. It. a dandy factory sit since there is a siding on ground; only 25 minute from city by auto and hard road year around. Will mak fine suburban homeaite for pre, ent; ground all eleared but fir trees st en end for hade. Prioe $2500, ft cash. V-710 Journal or phone East 1629. - . ACR EA O R B A CR IFICe' SH eni, all improved; 6 room trangatow. garage and other bnildings; 8H screa spuds! peaph orchard and other fruit and berries, good well, on herd road nesr Portlsnd and 1 hk mile IT? Hed, 'ectrio, Prfce $1600, terms. 404 McKay bldg. . . SUBTJltllAK HOMES ft O!ftY$f200 buy. 10bigc"io?Una';ituateri in the most productive part of th section ff of,.th" eity' Thu in cultivation, th soil ie the best to be found. It is all fenced with a very substantial fencej ther is oti thi land" a new 8 room bungalow with a full eement basement; there is Urge barn, chicken bouse, woodahed and other outbuildings, which are practically new. The buildings alone on thi land cannot be replaced today for a lew price than $4000. The land without the build ing In the high state of cultivation It Is, wliu an orchard of a well selected vsrtety of fruit in full bearing and ether small fruit such grape and berries ln a plentiful eutiply, could not be bought for leas than $400 per acre. All right, it belong to widow who ha no in clination, from health or otherwise, to work the place, and ah offer It at a saerlfle . of one naif iU tm vslus. It Is well .watered. Come around with $1000 In eaoh and w will beh you chang ownership. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. . . - " vw"""' ONLY $7000, and you" will have to go some to beat this Here are 18 big acre of land only 1 mile from the last store from Oregon City on a first class road raved nearly all of the wy. This place Is improved and all of It in cultivation) ther is an orchard of .about T acre of choice variety of fruit ta full bearing. TMre 1 a good farm honse, big barn, chicken bonae. It is well watered, with th finest drinking water to be found. The owner la leaving the State, therefore offer thi at a gvt bargain; everything goes, such ss ma chinery, tool, eows, horses, chicken, etc. ; th fruit erop thl year 1m. immense. About on. .I'rJVj!?" .h,n'11 thla. -.M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BUHL ONtt" $5500 buys all of this, about 1 acre of land, no richer4' to be found on th river road. It is highly Improved, U kinds of large and small fruiu, including a la rue number of Knglish walnut trees in full bearing, grape and berries galore. - There to a 7 room bungalow, modern and up to date ln every particular, sleeping porches, fireplace, beam celling, screened in big porches of large dimension, a double . garage, barn and chicken houses. ' The present owner ha a good reason for selling, on acoount of another buainem which take him from this part of the stste; $2600 will put you Into possession, the balance on very easy terma, - AC ; J. CLOHEM8T. ABINGTON BLDG. DNTTTSSbO will buy thi place7mr modern suburban residence, close in to the bueinese center, out the Capitol highway; 8 -blocks from a station, with 6c carfare, and about the Same distance from a city school Here i a very up to dat 7 room house, doubly and trebly constructed, hot wster besting plant and full Cement basement with a fin furnace. It ha' hardwood floors, delightful fireplace. It ia Mich a home ss you find in th beat city distriut Ther H Ta plentiful supply of all kinds of fruit of good quality in full bearing. About 6AOOO- in cash to what yoa will bae to haeo, Tlie balance easily arranged. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON B1.1K1. ONLY $400d7or a pretty suburban home right at Courtney station on tit Oregon City car line. Her is 1 big sere of land with an abundance of fruR In full bearing, both large and smalL There to at least acre of grape and uce a crop! With It goes a 7 room plastered house, bath, eleetrio hirhta and ... The room ar large and the house is very well constructed. There to a good barn end chicken houe. About $1000 caah will handle it. . . LMinr.nai, awiutu.'v BLDG. REDUCE TilK HIGH COST OF LIVlNST"' 20 acre suburban home. 48 minute by auto from city,, on Paciflo highway, near eleetrio tation, in Washington Co. House, bm, fin running spring of water, never dry. 5 acre In cultivation: 6m timber fir stid eedsr, S acre beavcrdam, asatly cleared. Prioe $4000, V caah. Address V-709 or phone owner East 1629. .- ONLY $2800 and you will have to go some to' beat thta. Here are 2 big acre of land, improved beyond suggestion. Ther are 200 fruit trees of standard variety in full bearing. There to H cnile of berries in row. There is a good 4 room house, bth electric tlgbta,- ate. It location to only 1 mil from tb station; $1504 eash; will tek in exchange a small auto. M. J. CLOHBSHT. Ablngton- bldg. t HAVE some beaulilul one half, one and two acre tract with modem banealow and houaesi ideally located on the Oregon -City and Ore gon Eleetrio carline, from $2900 to $6000 Mch, . el Be 214-215 Panama BMg. ONLY $14 50Wor a good 6 room huuse with 8 lots. 100 ft from the carline oa East Glisaa t, paved all the way to the pise. Ther are cherry trewe and other fruit In full bearing. Thi b the main highway through - Laurel hunt Close to big schools and store. Only $700 ch. with easy monthly payments. M. J. CLOHES8T. ABINGTON BUH1. ONLY $1560 forH acre cf land with a' gooil 8 rsoa bungalow out th Osrdtol highway, ekne to two boiiierarda, clow to the city school and station, wrfh 6c earfsra. This house M new and has atseh convenience a city water. ' gas, ete. About half caah will handle it M. J. CLOKEBSY. ABINGTON BLDG. ' FOB RATE A gwid 10 room limue, alao ' pantry end hath and 8 1-3 acre of land, 8 acrsa of this to good bottom land, located en a railroad in a good litU town, for $2500. Hobs eot thi amount itself, Ralph Hainan. nuxivn, vrr. $760 SNAP $700 " 8 room eottaae. 60xlOO: ail kiiwii trait M berries; kitchen modern, with Dutch cuiboa rd ; chicken yard and house, a Ho barn. See this before 1 P. m., 1st and Alder te Errol station, ask what ears; er Sellwood to East more land and fcrrol Heights. Kchwartx, Sellwood 8120. ONLY $2560 for 2 1-3 acre ef land out thi Capitol highway. You can bav such con veniences a city water, gaa, electric Hghto city chad, 6e carfare, go to it on a boulevard and close to the station. M. J. CLOHESSY, Abing ton Ding. ONLY $1800 for a good 8 room hotno with 2 big lots. Th house Is located rhw in. has all of the city conveniences with fine as sortment of fruit ia.fntl bearing. 750 ca.li. M. J, CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BT.jxi. FOR SAtE 100xl"$S"f.ioklot withsraU houM 3 bkwks from Oak Grove station, Oregon City ear; wlil sell cheap. Ak for owner, Mr. Tutck. st Osk Grove Grocery Co. FOR CHOICE butl'lmx site st MuRnvmah e Mn. Ryan or call Main 4253. , I'S