. .WnliiV. - - W u I . FUNERAL DIRECTORS I Mmzn Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors THIRD AND (ur,VW 8TS. Mala 607. A-1511. - J. P. FDiLEY & SON Progressive Funeral Directors Kafn tWWTffOMl!Rr AT gIyTWrB??l MONCWNT9 Portland Marble Works 269 4th t.t Orm. City Hall. ; Wen Bnm. ,BLAESiriQ GRANITE C? lost am rorsft SI STOLE: 100 reward. -Paige . touring cur, stolen August S3. 1019. Ponland, Or. Oregon li cense. Dealer IS 282. MotJr 116488, factcry 108,150 maroon body and wheels, spot light. I'ichard wind deflators on windshield. slight jl.nt in loft raar fender, four bole right ma iling board, thre bole left running board, Goodyear eord tires, including srre, pedor tor sbont 2300 miles: 350 (or recovery of cr and (SO for arrest and conviction of thief. INDIVIDUAL UNDERWRITING CORFORA , HON. 1 - est n. w. bank bldo. "iliE following r.mcle hare been foam on can of tli Portland Railway, tijrht & Power Co.. - August -'8: 8 punuM, rotary, 2 pms, flashlight, nr. gloves, eoat, pif. wire, 9 packs.. 2 bas ket, 2 boxes. 4 aultcaaea, 1 lunch box, 7 tun brUlas. Owners may obtain property t lint ' Alder iU' . " . LOST The 27ih, on Taylor between 6th and 6th, 5 passenger Chevrolet, .1910 modal, all black; Goodrich hind tire, no spotlight license 18766, engine No. 6833. 4 cylinder, no extra tire ; (25 reward, Phone Broadway 4227. LO ST Thursday evening on Portland St lUierts road; between Burlington and Scap. poose. leather suitcase with name O. L. Lousig mont Return to Coxy Dairy Lunch, 6tb and Want). Reward (5. LOST -Thursday afternoon, tan work bag with initial "L," embroidered on back, containing an tniant'a flannel Gertrude ellp, in tha Park block between 13th and Clay. Phone Mam 4025, or eall 3-8 13th near City. LOST -Brown C, 8. army blanket. Tuesday - morning about 10 o'clock between 6th and Washington and Steal bridge. Please phone Main ' 4 940, 040 Corbett at. Reward.-. LOST -A bunch of keys, between- Common wealth bldg. and Portland ball part, tinder pleas return to Commonwealth bldg., 6th and An deny. Liberal reward. LOST Erie bicycle, painted red; rubber pedala . Taken from Feninsula park Thursday night, August 28. 1919. . Please notify A. C Fries, 1611 Kerby street Woodlawn 6099. ' STRAYED -June 10. buckskin pony; "IT branded on right shoulder. Reward. Phone Morris Brothers' dairy, Ctmu, Wash. Pony seen on MillFlain road last - LOST A pocketbook" with" glasses andlltUe motley in it Monday morning in front of Lewis tor on Mississippi.' Finder pleas return. BOO Boaa at. , sILL partie who took hand bag out of my ma china at Jennings statu in Ang. 23 please forward uma to fcgan House, Albany, Oregon! 'ame attached to bag. - LOST, strayed or stolen. Isnr, whit, male eat) anawera to ntma of Tuffy. Return to S4C Hth st. Hews rd. Mai n 8817. ' "LOST Between East Portland and Estacada, roll of blankets and clothing in black rubber sheet R. Dillon. Eatacada, Oregon. - LOST 21 to 3. gold neck chain, elide am 2 amethyat pendant, good reward. Broad- wa 1886. room 2.H0. Flletlner bldg. LOST Sma.fi black velvet coin purse, contain ing currency Vindar return to 1212 Cianeo Mdg. itewara, f (40 In currency. Call Tabor 6711. Ee- Iwmnl 'ward. LOST Eyeglaaaea, in caws, near E. 12th st, laat Friday night. . Sellwood 1 147. Reward. HOST A crank handle on Terwilliger blvdl Kinder please call Mam 9509; reward. XSD8T- SMALL brown pursff7 Finder 'call Sell wood 8082. Can identify. Liberal Tawad. YOST Sunburst brooch, with ftmall dinmond and pea,rla Bell. 1BT8; rewartl. LOST- Canary, dark head, dark winga, 411 Montgomery at. Main 4965. (6 reward. HELP WANTED-MALE TUB OLDS. WOBTMAIf A KINO STORE requires the aerviaew of delivery boya and boy for helper on auto delivery can. Apply uperintcodent ' office, 9 to 10:30 a. to. l78 PEB MONTH tha year around, tha average earning laat year of a number of our aaleem en over 46 years. This year will be the biggest yet. No experience necessary; weekly cash advance, outfit furnished. Big aoitmwit guaranteed trees, shrubbery and vines. Ton can do what other in experienced men have dona. Washington Nur sery Co., 'f oppenish. Wash. . MACHINE 8ilOIr-l')REMAN (open shop) wanted for Pacific Coast. Must be used to getting work out on a manufacturing basis. Apply by letter, stating age, experience, sakiry required, copies of testimonial, married or eingle. in .firet letter. Write P-820, Journal. FIRST el automobile lighting, atarting -and ignition men ; good hours, wages and some overtitna. Steady wdrk with a bright future fur (oo4 mrn. No apprent.irrs wanted. SUNSET EI.KCTRIO HO., 4 5 K. 8th street. WANTED Boya for delivery department. Ap ply after 10 a. m. Robert Bros., Third gnd Morrison; st ALT, arwind printer, eapabla of managing cwo try office. iood , eruianent poaition for family man. Ona with knowledge of Linotype Ireferrod. Tell all first latter. MX S5U, Jnunisl. VANTED Party to take contract to cut 1000 or more eonis of wood at per cord. Old growth fir. level ground. J. I. II ant- gome r, (Inrhards roatoffice, urrMaros. wasti JAN use a few high class salesmen for best selling proposition ever offered. Big money to be marts u you are willing to work. u J'ine street."': MEN wanted to carry briquets- from truck to basement; hours, wagea from to 4.7A. Apply northwest corner 2d and FUodera ta.. Portland tias : Coke Cw. - . WANTEli Men to sell fife insurance. Must be residents of Clarke county. No experience required. Guaranteed salary. ' Writ A--00. Journal, Vancouver. Wash. I"IRST CLASS slaughter house butcher, also a helper; wages (30 to (40 pr week, including room and board, Frank L. (Smith Meat Co., 2Ui Alder at. ' ' MEN wanted, cnt eordwood at Barton. 20 miles Portland, -Old growth, hillside work, (-.50 per eord. Beeond growth level land. (-.25 per cord. Hagllet. 8057 82d St. Tabor 4S83. WANTED Experienced saleMnau for first class grocery store; state experience and salary tpected. ; T-881. JournaL BOYS for mattress department. Boys for op .hoistery department. Boys for springs de- partmcpt- linited Mfg. Co., 971 Bandy bird. AV ANTED Experienced frltmg nisohine man for night work. Portland Furniture Mfg. " g, B Macadam Tnad. WANTED- Boya over 1 0 ' with ' wheels ; lightl clean, steady work; good pay; fine chance fur advancement. ee Mr. ixwp, o tiak st. EXPERIENCED furnace man, also acetylene welder, steady employment. Apply Nick Ceut, 234 Flanders t. UtiX WAN TU. .with wheel; permanent posi tion. Mut be over 18 years. Northern Pa fl'K: limrwr Co.. foot of Shr'.ock are. STORE repair man wanted; good wages ; steady - joo; must b evperienccd. Leviu Hardware eV Furniture Co., 321 Front. WANTED A few active men to distribute hills at $3 a day and carfare. Apply 8d floor Macleay bldg.. Tuesday morning, Sept. 2. 7 to 8. LABOinrilS wanted, concrete work, (4.50, 8 hours. - 39th and Frances. . Take Wood - (took ear. TWO first chua jewelers wanted, steady work and nmon -wage. A. ti. Myers Co., 203 Swetland bldg. . YOUNG man with packing experience to " assist shipping clerk; must be willing- worker. Unit ed M fg. Co., 971 Bandy brd. ' 5'OUNO man to hsip in mill room. United Mfg. Co., 971 Bandy Blvd. ' AX TED Men u cut wood, (200 required for contract. 404 Ky, Exchange. i'lCK and shovel men wanted, (4.50, 8 hours, 1 th and Glenn av. Take Sellwood car. MAN to work in creamery as helper. Sunset . reamery, 1st and Jetterson. BUY WANTED, over 18 years. Portijuid Fur- FIRST class shipping clerk ; state age, expe- nrnffl .nu ssiary expecxea. uoxa, journal WANTED A'- bid on. a bungalow. CalL eve- mugs. Motel Pacifw. Boom 4 J. ExmniKNCED shirt cutter. Apply at office, Mt Httod. factory, .38 touch at. IlOt.'KE mover,' small house. Woodstock dis trict. X-713, Journal. WANTED Power maciiitie operators. N Utility (Garment Co., 107 1st st. WANTED Uood oar washer. 1,7 tU and Alder. HELP -WATTTED SIALl! Loggers; and MUlmei There is a great demand for men iin camps and mills at wages that were never ; paid - before. Snex perlestced men can make from $4.75 . to ! $5.75 per day. Skilled men from $6.00 to $30.00. THE FmXOWTNG W A LIST OF" ROME OF THE HELP WASTED TODAY. SAWMILL WORK 1 JTOTSTINO EN i I N EEB . . 1 SHINGLE PACKER. 1 DECKMAN .,........-...,.. 1 IMViGKK 2 MEN LINE UP TO EES AW. . . i 1 CUTOFF MAS (5 20 - 22e 8.00 6.60 v 6.S0 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 ; 6.00 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.75 6.60 6.60 6 60 50 6.50 12S.00 1 OFFBKAREB . . . 1 IXKJ HAI h MAN 1 TEAMSTER 8 OA HPKNTEB3. ROUGH ....... 6 CARPENTER!' HELPERS ..... . 4 LUMBER l'U.EIta ........... 6 CAR LOADERS 15 YARD MEN 84. BO t 10 MILL LABORERS. . t . . .(4.60 to 1 Vl.A SF.H FEErER 4VBATCHBT SETTER 1 THIMMKRMAX 1 REHAWYEK. BAND 1 MARKER ON CHARfS ........ 1 JiltiHT WATCHMAN MORE JOBS NOT LISTED We ship to camps in the best or . WANTED TODAY 1 IXADINO ENGINEER. . . , - $7.00 1 SWING ENGINEER 40 10 BUCKERS (5.70 t 6.00 6 BET FALL-ERA- ... r. ....... . 6.00 10 CHOKER SETTERS ..(5.75 to ' (6.00 6 CHASERS 6.00 2 DONKEY FIREMEN 4.75 2 WHISTLE BOYS 4.60 1 CAMP BLACKSMITH 6.00 1 LOO RAFTER 6.60 4 CAMP CARPENTERS 6.00 100 MEN TO BUCK OB SPLIT WOOD, WORK OJ THE HEC .TION . . . . , . , . , . . .(4.50 to B.00 WE ADVANCE FARE TO LA 01L4.NDE, OH IO THE PINE MILLS AND CAMPS. This office is run on a square deal basis for em ployers and employes and we courteously soli cit- your OPEN TODAY Service ' 15 NORTH SECOND ST.. PORTI-4.ND. OR. PHONE BROADWAY 67. LEARN A TRADE We are giving a special eourse in automobile, gas tractor, track, stationary and marine, oper ating and. repairing; also ignition, carburet ion and battery repairing, for (75, with a $25 discount to discharged soldiers and sailors. IIEMPHH.L'3 TRADE SCHOOLS. INCORPORATED Scott car at 2d and Alder sta, to S. 20th. Bcott car at 2d and Aider sis. to E. 20. YOUNft men, agea 20 to 85, big wondenware faotory, rnna day and night: no experinece mnured ; inside, clean work steady all winter; will start yon at (4.25, 8 hrg., while learning. Portland Labor Agency. 11 N. 2d it. HELP WANTED MISC. 49 Typewriting, comptometer, bookkeeping and all other modern business courses, v Day . a nd night school. Aiisky bldg. 3d gnd Morrison. Mais 824. LEARN AUTOS AND TRACTORS FIVE DAYS' TRIAL FREE PAY TUITION WHEN SATISFIED We teach auto, tractor, gas cng-.ns and ante electrical work. ' BIG 100-PAGE CATALOG FREE. Address Aden- Auto and Tractor school. Dept. J, Union avs. and Wasco street. Portland, Or. Phone East 7448. . . . Hawthorne Auto School 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. Automobiles, trucks, tractors, machinist trade, oxy-acetyiene welding, vulcanizing and retreading. Special aumna-r rates. Day and evening classes. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKEB BUSINESS COLLEGE. PORTLAND Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalog. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Young men and women wanted. Call 43' Railway Exchange bldg. Splendid opportunity to learn a well-naid profsssoin. Free booklet. Railway Telegraph, Ins-tute. STEEN 3riNG SCEmhjL Bleek's system of ladies' tailoring and dressmaking taught; pat terns cut te meaanre. Phone East 2350. B-$307. 152 Grand eve., near Belmont. BRAKEMEN-FIREMEN. $150 to (225 month " iy; experience unnecessary. No strike. Perma nent positions. Full particulars and application blank free. Railway, Fresno, CaL LEARN optometry and opuoal business, day and evening classes. De Kejser College, Columbia bids. Get cataloffue. . FIREMEN BBAEEMEN (150 (200 monthly experience unnecessary. Writ Railway as sociatif.n. TX-638. Journal. HOIJi.3 BUSINESS COLLEGE Wash'ugton at? 10th;- enter now. day. eve ningall cointnercial branches. Broadway 1821. OREGON LAW SCfioOL. Aiisky bldg. 3d and - Morrison. W. E. Richardson, secretary. Phone Main .77.- GOING East or South ? Household, goods shta iried at reduced rates: moving and packing. Parific Coast Forwarding Co., 403 Hoyt st. Bdwy 703. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAr. srtinftl. Miss Regina- Batkel's private school: indivld nal instruction 122 W Grsnd ave. East 427 MISS MATTLNGLT'S Shorthand. Typewrltirl. g uuaui. zov aatn near Jefzersoo. Main 8S93. HELP WATfTEB FEMALE 1,APABliU young girl or woman able to do piam cossing to Help wiut general housework in convenient nous at liearuart. for September. This also offers iermanent position afterwards. Good wae8. Mam 9528. FEEDERS and folders, hand ironers and press Apply in person, t Troy Laundry Co., E. 10th L1 J. 1KB raus. EXPERIENCKD gjrli for power m-chinas: women to work on mattress fillers. Steady r-iinjuijBiuui. bouu. pay. - timuia illg. ta, Oil WANT a few ladies' with selling experience iui y piesuHuit. : ana proilutDle work, - 221 Pine rt. HIGH school girl to help with housework and c-rs lor ps.by tor room and board and (10 WANTED Woman to work . in n rrm.nr tw in family; must go home at nights. Good vu aian-uau oau alter 2 p. m. GIULH to learn iipuolatering cots. Steady em ployment. United Mfg. Co., 871, Sandy G IKL for general liousework, wages rights BO ijui, ime iu uau17. i sst .1uul). KELT WATTTFTJ TT.M LV. TOTJSO LADIES WANTED. PERMANENT POSITIONS BEGINNERS PAID FROM 8TAT-V -CALL AT THE TELEPHONE COMPANY, f ROOM 801. 6TH FLOCK. TELEPHONE BLDG.. ' PAJSK AND OAK BTS. 1 At Standard Factory No. 2 GRAND AVE. and E. TAYLOR ST. . Power Machine ." ' Operators . TO LEARN ON Shirts and Overalls Mackinaws and , -Overcoats ' $13 PEB WEEK WHILE LEARNING aj uinu t" r trxr , Saturda Half - Holiday r, A JT Jl. IV 1 r. r. , 'x r. , v. , .5 nu . . . . v. ...., . . . h. . . ... nripiKirT w r tiuas i 10 9v nacui LIPMAN, WOLFE .V CO. require the services ef experienced saleswomen for WAISTS, TRIM- KITCHEN WARE! KNIT UNDERWABB, TOYS' AND HOSIERY. .t. Also stock girls, messengers ana marxevs tween the ages of 16 and 18. v' . Apply superintendent a otliee Detween a ana 10:80' in the morning. 10 GIRLS between the area of 16 and 19 to Ahfers and wraDDera. Only those who vtfah to work permanently need apply. Experi ence not necessary, but girls nanng nest edu cation given preference. . Rapid advancement. Apply aupenntenaent 011 ice- oeiween m . anu 10:30 in tlaf morning. lsVMLN, WOLt'B 4k CU. MAKE A BONUS EXTRA TSYnerlenRcel aneratora on shirts, vjanta. over alls, play cults and overcoats; also, girls ex perienced on 2 needle machine. Tore women to do hard sewing on overcoat. We have - very attractive Bonn system put we would like to explain to you. - Apply at office. Mt Hood factory, 233 Couch it. SALES positions for 20 experienced wonts in economy basement store; excellent saiaxy. Annlv snoerintendent's office between 9 : and 10 :80, ready to to to work. . . T -mi m a v rw vn n at l-k WANTED Woman who wishes t. go to the f.. ,ril ainnths to kHD BOWS. for a single man on ranch; wagea . (26 per month, with advance during prun narvesi; modern conveniences. No objection to party with small girl. William Nan, Yamhill. Or. HELP Women and girls to work in cannery at I.ibby. McNeill A Libby's, at The Dalles, Oregon. Tents, wood, lights and water free. For full particulars, apply at Libby's, cor. First and Ash sts., city. - - - .' -. - ' ' '' - 1WO WAITltESSES. ,Hf60 boarA and room: 1 rhmh.rTB-id. 57. fiO : 2 cams cooks. 875 ar.d (80 per month; 1 dishwasher, $ 50, board and room. Ladies' department. Portland Labor Agency, 801 Kaietg- ouxg.. ax I vr snmgion street ": ' ' ' ' LOU8EKEEPER wanted for man with 2 boys going to school; middle aged woman pre ferred ; no objection to woman with small child ; ... - .OA - n. mmthT ail rrt n T-n tenr- ill house. Apply Bobt. Butler, Catalmet Wash. WANTED Girl not over 40, family of 2, easy position; no washing or heavy work; time off; wages $30 per month. Call Tabor 4056 between 10 a, n, ana o p. m. neai aenc ana East Main at. WANTED Waitresa for ewuntry eemmercia I lmtel: 8S5. board and room: pleasant sur- mnndincs: all women help: steady help wanted; no boomers need apply. Apply Main 6252- 823 bington bldg. WANTED A woman sntereeted in child wei fare. A gusraate of (90 for 60 days' work with chance for advancement if yon ear to trel. Address . Boom 257, Maltnomah hotel. at once. WANTED Sept. 12. 2 : chambermaid and waitresses combined, also 1 kitchen maid now; references required. Write or apply St. Helen's Hall. 13th and Hall. V WAITED Experienced- lady Ironers, staroh girl, press girl: also Inexperienced , help wanted. National Laundry Co., , E. 8th : and Clay. WANTED Refined woman for housekeeper for the winter season. lv in family. Mooern house. References. Stat wages wanted. Locust Hill Farm, McMinnville, Or. WANTED Ex perienced young lady stenog- rapher. by wholesale bouse, permanent po sition, good salary to right party. ' -G-317, Journal. WAM-U Girl to operate power sewing ma chine : must have solas experience ; steady work and good wages. Oregon Auto Top Co., 14th and Conch sts. WA NTED --Experienced grocery .-lady. Simon's store, 1st and Alder. WOMEN wanted to work fruit aannery; now working ; on pears.: Good waaea . and light clean place to work. East 6096. PLAIN, middle-aged' lady to da chamber work snd ftisvt at the table m boardm hooe lor husband's and self room and board. 521 Savior. GIRLS wanted to operate knitting and. sett ing machines; 'good pay. Apply 31 North fith, .Tantxen Knitting Mills. WANTED Experienced enat - finisher ; will pay $30 a week if satisfactory; Room 4138 Wash ington bldg., between 8(T- and 4th. WANTED Girl for general housework. 295 E. 11th N.. cor. Clackamas. Take Irvington mt Broadway car. GIRL tp help with cooking and general house work on small dairy ranch, adjoining city. Good wages, tic car fare. . Wdln. IH98. ' WANTED Two coat makers, expert workmen, ft week. 8 hours das. Andrews Hrnn . la vrranuo, tr. EXPERIENCED woman for general house work. Modern home, good wagea. - Phone Sell. 2850. . - : 1. - EXPERIENCED girl wanted, cooking aBd first floor work: no laundry; small family. Wages $ 5 0 Phone Main 1478. . - GIRL or middle aged woman to car for two children at once- . Tabor 7008 or 1244 Hawthorne ave. GIRLS WANTED Apply factory, 84 Nlst-st. MIDDLE aged woman to assist wit- light house work. Good home and be as one of plain family. (20 per month. Tabor 2890. EXPERIENCED operator on 4 naedle shirt hot. pleat machine. Bonus paid in -addition. Mt. Hood factory.; 233 Couch at, WANTED Woman to keep house for widower on ranch. H. J. xienn. Brooks. Oregon, or ea.ll A-4 030. Monday. HIGH school or college girl to work for room and board. Tabor 9254. WANTED Lady for housework or cooking; good quarters, pleasant treatment. East 3922. YOUNG GIRL to assist with work. 555 W. Broadway, cor. Lincoln. Slain 5316. A. GIRL to assist with general housework.: Ap piy mornings. 699 Lovejoy. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework in apartment, family of adults. Marsh. 395a. GIRL or woman for peneral housework ; good home, good wages. -ast ioui WANTED Lady for light housekeeping. 1100 ernon ave. WANTED Middle-aged lady to take care of baby at my residence. M-84. JournaL COOK or general housework girl. .617 Johnson st. Phone Broadway 2600. OPERATOR for power maehine. Carmen Man ufacturing C o . , 12 1 4 i - ca da m rjmtl V A N T E I - H id ti le-a sed woman for houaework. 1,007 East 30th N. Alberta car. GIRLS WANTED Portland Paper Bo Co.. 22 Fr-nt ft. " ' " .. . ' WANTED Waitresses, room and board. Mar shall 6070. " :-" ' , . WANTED Chambermaid. . Apply Maliory hotel. 171 Ijewnsdsle. WILL give music'les-ons for sewing, fancy work or laundry. Mam 8918. WfiMAN (emiiloyed or school girl to work for room and board. 284 Main st WANTED Cash girK Apply after 10 a. n. Roberts Bros.. Third and Morrison sts. . OPElLvfOR on dresses; good wages, i Elson, 4534 Wa-h. ANYONE wishing a good position as house keeper 'Writs to Box 2S5. Lebanon. Or. WANTED Diiiiutroum girl. Kenwood hotel. Wdln. 2700. GIRL for" general bou-ework. 730 Oserlou it HELP WANTED FEMALB WANTED WOMEN AND GIRLS. PERM A KENT POSITIONS. WORK IS EAST TO LEAEN, WITH GOOD OPPOHTCNTT FOB ADVANCEMENT. GOOD. FAT TO STABT WITH. APPLT IN PERSON. TAKE BOSS CITT PARK OB M0AVIIXA CAB ' TO EAST 10TB ST.. WALK 2 BLOCKS 80UTH. TROT LAUNDRY CO., K. J0TH AND FBI STS. .. . " - '. 1 ,: - - WANTED TOUNG WOMEN With typing experience preferred. IS YEARS 'AND OVER, for Office Positions with -, . - Advancement. EXCELLENT OPPOBTTJN1TT. Apply to -; - Chief Operator, -Western Union, 6Ut Floor Worcester Bldg., - Third and Oak Sta. THIS OLDS, WORTMAN & KINO STORE requires " cue) services 01 .peisro women in the following departments--lace, knit underwear, hosiery, women's suits. Clovea. . . . -t .- ,, nnH.n.tann Na Also aiiieiwuum wauwtv " - tional cash register system: Apply superinten dent 1 onice, v v iv. ov . a. GIRLS' "WANTED E:PEKreNCE NJ WITH STEADY WORK, APPLY IN PER SON. TA.fc.fc; KOSti t;t i l rns -j; TA VILLA CAB TO EAST 10TH ST., WALK n 01 occo sAn u - TBOT l lfiKDRT CO.. 4.' . VUM f w - - w EAST 10TH AND PINE STS. WANTED Young lady .who understands fin ishing blouses. 403 12th gt. HELP WASTED-MALE 3 M Mt ... , - WANTED Hop pickers W will b. at th St. Charles hotel, 204 Morrison at.. Monday and Tuesday Sept. 1 and . 2 after 10 o'clock, . : . . iv n- BWt mt Unnmir, Will Q .OLT , fwl, .u. WW, " . T pay $1.25 per 100 lb. nd furnish shaeks, tenu a a . a t.1-.s-l.i-.s -inkara m Aft - av. . . -H tt . M. U n ' ' per 10 wm. a. ji-i huh nar-s-hB-n n Ty fa a-.Is fsl-ilsama sa I B1as. pendenoe, SIT acres of fine hopa. AU usual accommodations furnished. "Pay $1.20 pe 100 leu. its pica up jo- D-as-.w . Ti. 1 and deliver it to ranehan free of charge bo th4 . - . . , . rn.mil ... I wars. Hegistes at - i. - Valley Transfer Co. Phone ' Broadway 454 WANTED Man and wife. Dane. Norwegian or Swiss preferred, to go on a stock ranch, who nnderstands stock and general farming. Call 210 Board of Trade. C. M Disinter, wurn niDUCU nfiT.T.EGTB pay yon while teaming; gives you set of toota; Soaltion secured. Write for catalogue. 234 uruside at. or phone) Broadway 1781. fiEN, WOMEN, learn barber trade; wage whiU learning, posltton guaranteed. . Mgr. 23 yn. experience. Oregon Barber Colleg, 83 Madison. l-ORTLAND Barber Colleg pays you while learning, gtves you set 01 wo is ira. s-t-i-seenred. 3S N. Second St. BOYS OR GIRLS over school age, permanent position; excellent opportunity. Biggs, Opt. uo. , (ui rtttocx pioca. WANTED Man or woman to sell Roosevelt's lAla. AOaress zs 1 uiioixavu uuus WASTED A6ENT8 CANDY BIO PAY ADVERTISE MEN WOMEN Start en of our specialty candy factories in your home, email room, anywhere. W tell how and furnish everything. Grand opportunity. CANDY- HOUSE 1819 Itanstead St.. Philadelphia. Pa. AGENTS wanted for SafandShur Cleaning and Fir Extinguisher Fluid in bottles, cans and bnlk. 100 per cent profit. Th greatest repeat order line. Big future for right men and women. SafandShnr Chemical Co.. Inc. 607 W. 46th at-, hiew York city. - AGENTS MAKING $200 WEEKLY. Everyone wants it. Formulas for 200 home made bev erages; book -form. Send $1 for copy and ter ritory proposition. Buyer Export Agency, Inc. 447 Broom rt.. w. x. QDIES $2 an hour selling guaranteed water proof kitchen apron. Need- no laundering. Sell to every bom. Dainty, durable, ecoeomicaL Big money. Sampl free. Thomas Apron C, 6021 Post St.. lis y ton, unto. AGENTS Wireless ITmbreUa. I'U pay hustlera $3 an hour to tak orders for this newest invention. Ms investment. Writ, for five style outfit. - Parker Mfg. Co., 2041 WaU St., Day ton. Ohio. : AGENTS $6.60 a day to start, selling newest hosiery. 'Guaranteed to wear 12 months. Bigger money for fall time worker. Write Guaranteed Hosiery Co.. 121 Amen st, Day ton. Ohio. AGENTS $1 an hour, newest kitchen tool. Every woman will use 20 times daily. Easy seller. Big-- profits. Sample free. Thomas Mfg.- Co.. 1821 Bath st. Dayton. Qhlo. TA "I LOU IN G agent wanted. Sell men's madSK to-meaaure suits and oversoats. Earn big money. Only producing agent wanted. ; Fall samples now ready. Leeds Woolen MHls. Chicago, YOU ABE WASTING TIME if you are not snaking 81 O ta ( 1 00 daily ; man or woman, start anywhere; materials eost you 78 cents, re tail for $45. I tnade $220 one day, $1250 one month. CBAYCROFT, Fresno, Cal. ' WANTED 5 bright, CTpableTladiij to travel. demonstrate - and sell dealer, $25 to $50 per week. Railroad far paid. Write at once. Goodrich Drug Co.. Dept. 825, Omaha. Neb. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN New carbureter for Ford cars. 1m . rUmple, not a moving part, installed in 80 minutes, guaranteed to -double your mileage and start in vera weather without heating or prim ing, 15 day FREE trial. Our St, Ixmis man sold 2(oo in ft month. ' Salt Lake Vitj man made $1200- In en week. Write U. As J. Car bureter Co., 605 W. Jeckson blvd., Chicago. SALESMAN under 35 to represent the Inter national Correspondence Schools in Southern Oregon. Experience not absolutely necessary, but must possess unusual energy and determina tion. This is an established territory and will pay right man from $200 to $500 per month. Bond and reference required. S P. Snyder, 191 Broadway, ' - . : SITUATION! -MALE TIE T. P. A destra to secure nnffftlnnt foe iMrvntl erxnerienced LP,liiAf elesmen. Phone Main 4643, A- 1321, or call 330 Morgan bldg. MAN of. middle age, good salesman, qualified to . ntnet the public with confidenc. seeks porition of trust with going concern in any de ferable capacity where duties will keep . him busy out ef doors part of, time ; prime refer ences. W-4 1 2, Journal. BOOF attention I . Leaky roofs raads as good as new with the original Webfoot tar and as phaltum paint. We remove the moss and do the patching. New shingle roofs, $8.50 per square, charge $1 to $1.25. Woodlawn 4451. YOUNG man desires position aa office assistant where there Is opportunity for advancement; has knowledge, of bookkeeping and typing. B 455, Journal. BOY"'WANtS to "work after school and Sat urdays for board and room and small wages or for wage only- Phone East 146 after 9 a. m. Sunday. FOS ITION wanted, ex-service man, young mar ried man with six years experience driving and repairing automobiles. Garage preferred. East 6798. WANTED Work in big hotel. 2 Frenchmen. around kitchen. luauire 207 Sherman -- 0?.r Pointer. YOUNG MAN wishes work after school for room and board or small aalary. Z-438, Journal.' BASEMENT difcina and all ' kinds' of team work done. 1638 Greely st - Phona Wood- lawn 4811. Hammond Ac Kinney. MILLER A O'fiKIJj, cement contrnotors, cess pools and septic tanks a specialty. Phone Main 4224. MARRIED man , at present with a large iocal manufacturer desires change; good reasons; wen reiprrea; own car. j-ai, journal. SITUATION WANTED by elderly man aa watch- man or caretaker with soma good firm. Zsisbta preferred. ' journal. YOUNG . MAN wishes light work, night watch - man preferred, from 6 p. m. to 12 p. m. - j. jkutuer. o js. 34 in at., etty. WANTED Contract work Woodlawn 6612. for two-ton truck. WORK after school .for board .and room, or small wages, j-010. journal. EXPEETEN CED 'creamery man desires position. CaU Woodlawn 2J81. FOB PLUMBING, repairing; gas beaten and stove connected, call East 6108. SHINGLERR When you want ra-hingiing don can woouiawB o o o . CARPENTERExpertenoed, will work in coun try or city. D-427. Journal. 8ITCATIO-ITS FEMAI.15 WOMAN wants work by hour or day, reliable references; bouse cleaning. Woodlawn 4573. UNINCUMBERED lady wishes housekeeping up. ranch. J-t0S. Jaurn-JL S ITTJATT ONS VFMAL15 4 GLuL (Sevres posio'n as atenographer; graduaU ef business coliega. aotna axpenenc. good to letter writing and meeting people; Jaw office . .. - Tf- A. CA 44 . . ... preierTpxi. rnona jg-.g ovj i IDOW $met mi&tom M with daochter . . . c m m A hl.H tin, ,1 city or country. Box 120, MitcheU, Wbseler ceunty. vt. CPERIENCED laundress want work by day, -. A hours. . CaU Sunday nit 10. and evenings after 6, East -7741.- DRESWtAg:ig . . 40 ALTERATIONS, refittini and making of Udiee garments, reasonabi prices; work gaarantd. J. Beubin. Ladies' Tailor, 408 -tush ek Lan bld. , - JTURSES GBADuiTB nurse is prepared to tak invali3 lady with means at her prlrnt residence. Tabor ZOO. OLD PEOPLE have nq one to tak - car of them will do well te .nddresi 1 . eaU Snn- day after 10 a in, 149H First at., room 18. FOR an experienced eonfinemeat nurse, call Wood lawn 1809. - -: FURNISHED BOOMS ' w HABT APARTMENT AND LAUREL HOTEL , Newly furnished, modern housekeeping and aln ing roms. 82.60 np. Second and Yamh-L IiESIRABLE room In 1 modem hom for gn timer.. $10 per month, walking distance. Phone Ea-t 7997. references exchanged. 694 Everett. Marshall 143-. $12 AND $15 PER Light, airy . n. k. rooma. 298 Vk Union av., I pioca stow $2.50 OR $8.00 per Quivt aleeping , room. 3 Vt t,nio av. CHOICE rooms, furnished or unfurnished. r. beautiful grotinaa. 031 noyt H0TEL SARGENT. Hawthorn and Grand. Starting point special car for Vancouver. FURNISHED room, suitable for 2 working girls. 4727 72d at. 8. B. riJHSISHED ROOMS PRIT ATE , - - EXCEPTIONALLY pleasant room with porch in well lurais ea wumo, cspwj m and accessible te t earlinea. walking , distancej ...tin.a onlv. 616 ElioU. Ladd addition. East 8348 TWO connecting or slngla rooms, ateam I.Mtxl inartma-L. close in. 805 11U at LARGE furnished front room, suitable for i or 2. 254 N, 24th at. cor. Northrup. Mar shall 1699.. 1 ' Main va-. FURNISHED bedroom to rent for fentleman: r- cfttin. room if desired. Portia Dd Heights carline. Marshall 2004. FOR BENT Large clean noma, furnished or unr uraisneu, - win .uvu, DID li. i vim sireeu. CLEAN, pleasant, well furnished room, woman employed preferred, walking distance, privi lege of using sitting room. oa nnno-wo FURNISHED room&i nice, light rooms; fur- nished, with bath. e g-argo arree-, $16 LARGE front room, comfortably furnUhed; Nob Hill dbrtwct ; walking qwtanoe. aaam .vo. ICELY furnished room, private home, suitable for 2; walking atstanc. eio. bcu. FURNISHED rooms for rent, " every modern . . . : .-.kt. no VI a , convenience. - 1 r: i q. THREE nicely furnished rooma fog rest, , 41 N. 21st st NEAT, comfortable room In private family, rea- aonable. Broadway lotto. SMALL sleeping room for rent and also aleep-in- Boech. Main 1520. NICELY furnished rooms, half block from 3 earlinea. at). Moms sr. tw 'OB BENT 2 nicely . furnished rooms. S50 Jackson. CLEAN room, with gas and electricity, on 3d finnr RMj-mahka. 494 Taylor. PLEASANT front room for gentleman, $10 per month. Phone Woodlawn 478. AN alcove sleeping room for two, $10. 1146 - Belmont FURNISHED room for rent 1065 East 7th. TT TTU-r TSTTTPT TtnnftTK - 19 , . , .-' - S ROOMS unfurnished. 4Tl Chapman, cor. sjonncu vreet car. y.uiwm t.w.... BOOMS AKD BOARD BOOM and board for men at reasonable rate. Home style cooking. Grand Ave. Hotel, 334 Grand av. S block south of Hawthorne. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON, 880 10th. for business girls antx atuaenia. - -.rstu m - BOOMS AND BO A RD PRIVATE' - fAJni i . ' .f WANT- children to board and ear for. mother's care given. ; 1065 CorbeXt st t Phone Mar- ehall 8883 WANTED Gentlemen to board and room, Haw- uioihq ,t 1. 1 ... -. FOB BENT -2 H. K. rooms, bachelor - pre- ferred. lzis X,. layior, urai ' NICELY furnished room with board. 2 young . I f.i- 1191 9SOj Iftth at men piwei. .M --. CTtDHKX to board inpriM-U m!ly. 35 ww . -a ..,- rTssisn mwrn. Phnfi Trlt 3446. XI EL 7 B. C vi -a maa W"- - t WAX TED "-BOOMS AlfP BOARD t MAN with boy 12 and girl 14 ,wonU room and hn.nl sear school: not too elos in. Z-430, journal. NICE - home with 'private family deslrei by young lady music teacner, empioyea ; ocsv 01 references given. Ju wooaiawn mi WANTED-A pleasant room and board for nAn and wife in tori-ate fasntly. . Main 4638. FAMILY of four adults 'would like to board in country noma over weea eng. rv-i-o. HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS 8 T-TTT1XISHF.D AND UNKUBN1SHED FURNISHED H. K. rooms, one 2 room suite and 1 single room above. $20; pice, clean, light, close-in; also 1 alngle room above, $12. Phone, water and light free. 886 0th at Phone Marshall 288. . THE GEM 1-2-3 room apt, for housekeeping t transient rooms oe ana np; gooa oosru uy wk month. 085 H 1st st POWELL and Home spts.. 87H-95H Russell st.: II. K. ants.. $2 per week np; near Al- btna shipyards. Mississippi car. FURNISHED room for rent hot and cold water, suitable for someone employ ed. 1 4 7 Park street - Bight down town. r SHIPYARD district apartments, housekeeping, cottages, furnished, unfurnished; - reasonable. Apply 2S Gibbs. ONE FURNISHED housekeeping room for rent, to women only.-' 605 Jefferson st. Main 64K5. --'-' " ' - - " FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, $2 per week, walking distance, phone, bath, large yard. 00 K. 8th St., cor. 01 rj. Btn anq wasn. IL K. ROOMS, no children, 'rent low, $31 AiTEORA- APTS-. 392 Vt E. Bqnuide; 2 and 3 room Tuminneu itoumaepim njim oucui,. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. The Gd- 111 It TI, 11 - 71 rjviiiri aihici. TBt?NKS DELIVERED IN DOWNTOWN DW TRICT FOR 29 CENTS. PHONE K 6434. man. n - it. eomer smtr HOUSEKEEPINO ROOMS J FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY (y'0.00 SUITE of 3 clean furnished housekeep . mg rooms; ground floor, 2 porches; private entrance, lights, bath, phone, adults. Also base ment rooms, iu: neautuuiiy mcauu, , i K 6th; walking di'tance. " : T.RAltX TO rANCE : 1! nrlnU 1 sons. (5: 4 lessons. (2. 603 Eilers bldg.. bet 4 th and 5 th op Wash. Main 6004. ' ' CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms, - free phone, gas, light, water: 6 minutes' walk te Nortnwess oteeij aouita omy. annnu g.n.. ONE large completely furnished H. K. room. . . t j . : ... J 04 A .nil . large ouusiue wmuuwa, .j jmu. 3 BOOMS, ground floor, grscs, gas, water. ngnt is nor e-o. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. $20 per ,n-,h- -rl.., h.th r.SS K. 14th S. HOl'SEK KEEPING rooms for Vent. 1066 ' Cor- bett. - -'hone Mar. . FOR BENT HOUSES UNFUBNISHED IS METEB AV FRANK'S INFORMATION AND RENTAL BUREAU Reliable, up to date lists of desirable vacant houses, apartments and flat with definite infor mation partaining to each. Newcomers to Portland will find this bureau of great value in helping them get properly and Quickly located. ' EIGHTH FLOOR SHACK for rent, water included. 46.50; tent house for sale at E. St Johns. 1214 Ivan no st. lll KtVmiM UHAKIB - V-IUWM v,,v. " E. 2 lit at, N. - Call Sunday between 8 and 14. . tim n r nva nrine. ' -J FOUR room house for rent. $8; winter's wood . . . 1 . OOO., C. A. - V,b. in. cnicaens o. im. 1 Montaniia epoi car. anviiuK.iii. jl :ifc . 11 MONTHS paid up leas en five loom, house luv aaue,, -ix,w . ... .. .,..... .. . . ... . M m m r . (ev enrn, cor, iimnui. g.. oooi 3 ROOM house, 6 lots, en carline, $10 per mimtn. aiarsnai 914 Mississippi AVE., ft room modern bouse; IS UNFURNISHED SNAP -4 nice rooms in private res. fur rent with basement 2-1 Bancroft ave. . South Portland. WHEN YOU MOVE. USB NORTH WESTERN EI.EHTR1U L1CHT KERVIfll Tenth and -Washington. Broadway 680. RESPONSIBLE party will leas or rent unfurl nished or nartlv furnished hnnae in snr-t scliool itne -labor 7J68. 916 F- YAMHILL.. 6 rooms. 2 story; want m an, ounwillf peopiw. HOUSES FOB BE!NT FUBNITUBE FOB SALE SS HOUSE for rent, fur nit nr. for sale. Call 484 xiawxnorne ave. FUBNISHED HOUSKS St - 6CENI0 LODGE COTTAGES 624 Height Terrae m and 4 ' rooms- lars noreh antt fine view of mountain. Hall at. ear nn Marrata to ISth at., west 30 minute' walk te heart Ofeity. - cnesp rent RDnTi a wnnm i.a., - ftjfd'" A4J . ' . .. .wiw wiun wiut qu.ri.T PVIW t .v. lf..,.n. -i,- t. . - . v.v. u, HUWI IS y lUlIIIUim and the rent 1 only $21 per month. M. J. iyv n c o .- 1 , Aoington otag FOB BENT 6 room bungalow with aleeplng nreh nvie 11-.. VMvni.il.rl . - Wmuo,.- carline; exclusive residence district , rant $90 per montn. C4tu Wdln. 4171. FOR BENT Furnished or unfurnished 6-rooa comfortable cottar., eleetria liehta. water- sraa fno bath), bearing fruit tree and berries, rosea, lawn. St John. Phone Woodlawn 2092. . MODERN 6 room home for rent furnished: a reliable couple; no children. $28 per month. 1800 Omaha ave. Take Kenton car. awt off at Derby. ,. . ,. . 7 ROOM FURNISHED -HOUSE 60. Wlllamett- Kl.rt 7r.Tlfll W ,-- fill .-. I... -, t. 1. . -1 M" ... , l.rv. .1 llUlii i V 1MK . SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCHANGE FOR RENT-T furnished H. K. rooms. 2 blocks - front Peninsula , school. 1687 ' Vincent av. wooaiawn zvvs, OR -RENT A modem 7 r. fur. house, eon- venient for 2 small families or on large. 824 -nq st.. near wnitteker. BOOM moiiern him . In - - ---.-, .U vu, ..!.. - Mrfe.. .... . . K v nmy. t Bituoa punas y tor 11. js,. Lieeoy FIVE room bungalow, furnished " throughout, V- A ,hilrln . .. : I . , , r. wwfcq. - w a c.- r ra n a u n. TWO room furnished house, rent reasonable to right party. 8123 86th na. mnur at TIIR E Eroom h ons, 87.50 per month. Mt "r, r iriana. station. 0O4 TOth St. FLATS TO RENT. UNFITMKf ISII B 11 14 decorated modern flat for rent 1025 Virginia street, overlooking river. Take - uiwn sr 1 v GOOD 6 room flat, bath and pantry, gaa and f,ti,al"i l Per BW. 8724 N. 23d It Call Wdln. 8494. THREE rooms with "garage, TJeiion avenue near Russell; adult only. East 2198. -TuAT.for rent. ' llZ i 4t st j ley at" li A . ' FOR KKlNf-T-5-rooxn unfurnished nooer flat 741E. Finest, cor. 22d. Price $15. FOR RENT 5-room upper fist, west aide waming oisrsnco. mia. Wdln. 6146. TWO large H. K. room, two bed, private en tranee. close In. 454 Taylor. Ep6l7larfe clean flat ' arid store room u -.quits, iv v sirst st and Gibb. FURNISHED FLATS (9 SMALL, funu-bed flat, very pleasant, gaa. bath. IflTLTiniTV . ra, . n a , w 011 vtn ave. n. k. MUSIO teacher will ahare hatiip with girl wno wishes to study musts; w3knfg distance; reiereaces. Main OU1B. FLAT FOR RENT 8 rooms partly furnished. Inquire at 1318 Belmont t TaL Tabor 840. FUBNISHED flat H. K. Maaonablil Call oeu. -SUB. A MODERN upper 4 rm flat completely furn ished, piano, gaa, electric. (22.60. Wdln. 400. 6 ROOM furniahnd npper flat, lighu, water and MODERN flv jH VtooUTlU cr. S15 fer nrvttJ AFABTIrf sgyTS FOR RENT 4 " A RiAC s7"TTT? M f Q TTXr r A 3 A D-rvTrvTm - waMSr A It JL X Am nnnan-ll SisKr A . . a . wj! - i-uui sx till; xii, a bedroom, hving room, white Dutch kitchen, white enamel plumbing, woodwork finished in Id; ivory. - Rent (46 per month. Lease 1 year. Th Uda Apartments. 377 Vancouver avenue, iust half hbvk wnrth Dm ri-.- close to river. ;. Open for inspection. No children. HOMELIKE ATMOSPHERE New, never occupied ; living room, dining room and kitchens two disappearing beds, wood work in old ivory, best tanest.rr it IMr .rt.iftHA light fixtures, rw furniture; lust across Broad way onaga at no. 7t Vancouver avenne, half block north of car.: Price $45. furnished; leas for 1 year. Open for inspection Sunday, 10 to 2 p. ra. - No children. McKINLEY APTS. Furnished 8 room apt and one 4; modern: phone and bath; steam heat East 7th and Morrison. Phone East 3100. , - AN attractive furnished residential Apt, 8 rooms . and sleeping porch, $35 per month, including light, water and beat; adults only. 765 E. Flanders. - Phone East 1991 from 0 to 12 Sun- oay. FOB RENT At 847 Market t, one furnished noiuexeeptng room, s.yj per week; one fur nished housekeeping room, $3 per weak; ona --room apartment. t per week. NICELY furnished 2-rooin steam heated apt... .'IT . ft - -...,. , -. - w w ict ..I... , i . ..in j. an aiu v.srv v .t . .- -. -. v. iiiwiiq -mym., -til Kt lauoum ONE three room and one two room apartment. modern, iresniy paperea ana painted, 173 E. fevenm, cor. yamhui. DIED "ApTS- 790 E. Ank.ny at Modern 3 rooma, completely furnished apt., light clean 3-ROOM modern nicely furnished Apt for rent : oss tjonon. Apt 4. UNFURNISHED 5 room modem: aU outside reems, front and back porch. 561 Gliaan. TWO room furnished apartment, first floor, room - "d kitchenette, single rooms. 65 5 Flanders. TWO or 8 furnished housekeeping apt,, adults only. ,849 Union ave. N. LIBERTY Apts., furnished ' 2-3 housekseping rooms. Telephone East 2296. STORES AND OFFICES 11 BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR RENT BUILDING BUILT TO SUIT SEE OUR LEASING DEPARTMENT SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCHANGE DESK room in -private office; use of reception room and telephone. Main 2H93. SUMMER BESOBTS 66 SEASIDE One Gr and 4 room cottages, fur nished, for September; good location, Broad way 1762. - I- MANHATTAN BEACH Furnished cotUge with fireplace. Sept. 2. Near lake and mountains. Woodlawn 2667. WANTED TO BENT We Want to List HOUSES. FLATS AND APARTMENTS. IP TOU HAVE - ANT VACANCIES, PHONE. HEAVE TOGETHER, CARE OF NORTiAWEST STEEL CO.. MAIN 1193. NOT -OPEN ON LABOR PAY MR. AND MRS. LANDLORD W't have parties who want 6 or 6 room 'mod ern bungalows; will pay $33 to $49 per montu and take year's lease. SUBMIT YOUR HOUSES RIGHT AWAY. SMITH-WAGONEB -CO., STOCK EXCHANGE WANTED To rent 4 or 5 -room bungalow, un furnished, clean, good district near carline, S adults; will pay $25 rent per month, with view of buying within year if satisfactory, v W 411, Journal. . BY responsible adults, by Sept 12. about 6 roora unfurnished bouse, close in, up to $$5; will pay 6 months in advance if suitable. J- 50, Journal. 2 OR 3 unfurnished housekeeping rooms or small house, near East 84 th and Francis av.- Phone East 4694 after 9 a. m. Monday or Tuesday. SEPT. 8 4-5-reom elean modern house, rea sonable: steady tenants; no children.. Sell wood 1876. - WANTEi To lease trom owner for a year or more, 4 room house and lot in Alberta, Upper Albina or Sellwood districts. Phone Sell. 014. WANTED By two adults, desirable tenants, houa or flat good repair, good neighborhood, not over $25. Phone Sellwood 2811. ' WANTED to rent a furnished hotel or boarding house in or out of city. R-684. Jon ma I. WANTED To ren small, neat, suburban home. "" Y-784, Journal.' BE A L ESTATE BEACH PROPEUTY 48 A BEACH HOME, now at Seaside. Or., at beau tiful "Cartwright Park," at reduced prices; $26 to $700; easy installments, 6 per cent; soon to b connected by aU-paved highway with eastern and south. ra Oregon, which, with proposed 2000 foot pier, will make "Cartwright Park" cn. of the moat attractive spot on Pacific coast Whtt-mer-KeUy Co., 414 PUtock - bicfc, PortUnd, Oregon, or inquire F. M. Cola, agent, 427 Broadway, Seaside, Or. -'' ; . -" ' ' '-- - "" BUSINESS PBOPEBTT 6$ FACTORY site. West Side waterfront, with trackage; bargain. Owner, 1421 Northwest ern Bank -lost- - FOR RENT HOUSES BEAT. FIT ATE FOB SALK-liOISKS Ti $-200 STOP tilGHT UKHE Don't look any further. You can't dapltcat this bungalow bargain. Just think of a neat, practically new typical bungalow on E. 25th st. adjoining Alameda Park ; has very attractive lines; combination living and dining room; con venient Dutch kitchen; 2 light airy bedrooms; white -enamel plumbing, electric lights Bd gas; good cement basement The total price is only $2200. No mortgage or street liens, to istuMt Small down payment, entire balance like rent at 6 per cent interest. Bee this with out delay. On of our auto will call (or you. BEE - - - - - FRANK L. McQUIRB - TO BTJT TOUR HOME . Ablngton Bldg. Main 1069. Office Open Evening t. nd Sundays. FURNITURE GOES WITH PL ACS (PIANO) $2650 REAL BIG SNAP SUBURBAN HOME IN PABKBOSE Sightly location, 100x150 ft ef ground. A nice 4 room bungalow with atUe. Extra good, large and expensive fireplace. Alt room plas tered. ; Interior not quite but almost com pleted, purchaser could occupy pise, (a present owner la now doing) whll finishing. This is really a bargain. Fruit trees- and chicken houses. Terms, half cash. J. L. Hartman Company, 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 4th and Stark. Main 2'18. $2250 BUNuALOW BARGAIN On E. 7th street, near Bryant, is a dandy C-room practically ' new bungalow with plsaslna Iir.es ; among the cool fir trees, 3 block east of Union avenue and 8 north of the Woodlawn cars. Living room with fireplace; porch ex. tends full width of house, paneled dining recm, builtin buffet. Dutch kitchen.' whit enamel , plumbing, electnq lights and gas. Terms - SEE FRANK L. -McQUIRB TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Office open evenings and Sunday. 1 ONLY $7000 My beautiful hom on a cool, shady avenue tn Piedmont; large living room , with fireplace, musio room, panel dining room, Witlt-in. buffet, all finishing mitered and glued, cabinet kitchen with all built-in eoaveni.nces, cold water ood cooler, cabinet pass pantry, 8. bedrooms, sewing room and bath, 2 toilets, full attie suitable for 3 large well lighted rooms, lull easement. lurnace with hot water coils ; also gas heater, coal bins, cement tubs, fruit, closet, dandy garage cement floor, nice lawn, flower and berries: no agents. see tne piaee lor yourxaii. 1-41 aiauory ave. Woodlawn 8503. THE McGUIRE 8Y8TEM Make horns buying easy. ' You can com ta this office and sea orr 700 photographs of house, for sale, arranged In districts; every ene has bean appraised; ten automobiles at your service; some wonderful bargains. That is why we sold over 100 homes in May. BMi FRANK L. McQUHRE TO BUT TOUR HOME Ablngton Bldg. Main 1063. Ottlce Open Evening and Bunders oTv.NETnra a : v lnttttty Bargain price $8600 for quick sale. $3600 liny a' dandy 6 room hom. on Irv ington car. Furnace, wash trays, full cement basement. This home attrac tively deeerated in oil. Usual built-ins. . -. , n j a i i 14 1 . -4 berries. Terms.. Call Monday; not open Bandar. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1094. HZR.& IS A BARGAIN IN A CLOSE IN nuutus 6-rnnm honae. close in. modern except fur nace, street improvements all In and paid. With a little fixing np such as you can do. yourself this house will bring $800 more than we are asking. Let ns show you and be convinced. - STEWART et BUG-.. SIS Northwestern Bank bldg. 25d6- AttRilV-TTIlTjNOlLTO HOMfe On E. 76th at, close to the Montavtu ear H a neat 6 , room white buncalow: built in con veniences : white enamel plumbing: electrle light and gas; attractive lawn; fruit and berries. See FRANK L. McQUHRE TO BUT YOUR HOME, Ablngton Building. Main 1088. Office Open Evenings and Sundayn NEAT BUNGALOW $500 CASH $500 TTmw la a B room bungalow en full lot with 8 room cottar in roar, steady renter. . about 100 feet from car, the whole works for (2000. Can yon beat itt Eay monthly paymenu. C. A. WARRINEB, BITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-3-5 7 Board of Trade Bldg, ROSE CITY BUNGALOW S rooms and sleeping poroh; strictly modern wood floors, all kinds of hunt-ins; water neater; linoleum on kitchen and bath; newly tinted, enameled and painted Inside and out; paved street AU lor $4590. ,600 E. 55th N. Ta bor 7093. ONLY (SS00 On Market st, on the West Side, close in to the Library. Her la a sis room bouse, the lot alone is worth, more than we are asking- for all of it The house ha bath, toilet, gaa and electricity. It is Just walking distance; tliat'a aU, But the price of this property from its location is the low est ever heard. ' $1000 cash will handle it M. jr. CLOllESST. Abington bldg. ONLY-$4 500. this is In the Rose City Park district A comer lot with a store and liv ing rooms upstairs. , This is a modern-building and in a' first class location for any person de siring a cheap plan to live with a store under neath which will produce a good income. About half cash will handle this. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BUKi. SIXl3lOT5METrb1uTSiow in frvingti Park,' fin ished is old Ivory and white; hardwood floors, fireplace, sleeping porch, cement base tent, . lot 100x100. Price (3600. ' Five rooms in Highland Park, finished In light oak and white enamel; fireplace, ! hitch kitchen, cement basement, lot 60x100; $2600, terms. Owner, Wdln.. 8074 A CHANCE to buy a strictly modern, large f rooms, sleeping porch, view porch, hardwood floors, pool room, steam heat, large grounds, 20 minutes to 2d and Washington. If sold in next 1 5 days ysu can have it for $8000. Cannot be duplicated today at $12,000. Ne agents. See owner. 4 8 2 88 4 th ave. 8. E. 100x100, WITH grape vineyard, cherries and . apples; best garden apot in Portland; 6 room bouse ith large closets, Dutch kitchen, linoleum, gas, electricity; clean and In fine condition; walking distance. Might consider some trade, or easy terms. Address owner, , Room fill Carlton hotel. LOT 100x100, fruit 5 -room modern house, hard surface, $1800. Lot 60x120. fruit, 7 -room bouse, $2600; terms. 4 -room modern cottage, $1850; term 4 -room cottage, $000; terms. 6128 62d st Woodstock ear. "T : ; ' bi7Snap Near Franklin high school, 200x100, 14 full bearins; fruit trees, 8 mom bouse, needs some repairs, all goes for ST200; $200 down, terms on balance. L WRIGHT 417 Abington Bldg. JACQUES Main OHM-. rieiiwooa in on FOR SALE By owner on easy terms, modern 6-reom house, cement basement.laundry trays, furnace, hardwood floor, fireplace, bard sur face street, sll assessment paid; near carline ana scnom. iqh vouch u V-iR SALE One 3 and on 4 room cottag on on lot, numbers 146 and 148 Knott street -near Mississippi av. Gaa and good plumbing. Owner. , 1'hon East 1497. 426 Oregon t '"'''. MODE UN -room bungalow, lot 100x100, 2 blocks from ear, near school... This hom cannot be built - today for price asked; price $8500; $1000 eaab, balance terms. Phone owner, SelL oo, ALBERTA AND BROADWAY CAB A real bargain, corner, 2 lute, fruit trees, chicken rum 4-room house, toilet Hght and gas, term to suit Owner, DID tn. -tn st n. NEW 6-rootn bungalow, will b. ready for occu pancy in about 2 weeks, 1 blocks from ear, near school; price (tlOO; 8600 cash, balance tmhope owner, Sell. 65. FOR. ' SALE By ownerj""- rotsms and sleeping porch, fruit, berries, $900. $400 cash, but ane. $13 per month anil interest Liberal dis count for cash. J224 E. 23d st tf. FfTCrLDING. in good " location, on paved street," prsctieally new.- Pays 10 per cent on pric of $6000; will take half in trade. Lnedde- niann Go., 1 namoer oi i.trnifncrc 4-BOOM not modern house at 224 E. 86tb st, 60x100 lot, plenty fruit, cheap at $800; $300 down, $10 mo. 1892 Thorbum ave. : Ta bor t)3. - i' a " lvn'rT h n . T tr .". A ' ' t.rtr,Sf fl " I12VU aiUlL . V IV- . VJl and bath, near ear, macada m street, half cash. - . (-.11 - A A 2 . SOUTH POHTLAND -8 room bungalow, elose in. lot O-Xiutj; pric. .awv, wiium m w Singer.' 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. HALF acre, small bouse, fruit trees and berries, lsrgs chicken bouse, 2Q mtna. from Portland nn Orernn -.lectric. siain FOB SALE 2 loU, S-room -ouse. water, gas, Mt Scott car stops at door, (800. Wood- SIX room eottage, Richmond district handy to car and ecnooi; sznou, uv caau. uwu, 682 E. 4 1st Tabor 603. 7k V INGTON - Modern B room furnished house. 43T . 15th st. East . 8748. -- ".'""..'.'"";;''' - ;. HOUSE AND LOT with store front, large gar age in rear, on paved street. Price $1250. 6405 82d st Tabor 7172. - V ' FOR SALE by owner, 5 room . bungalow, gas, electricity, Dutch kitchen, full basement, 3ut ner 60x100, terms. 1169 E. 12th N. IRVINGTON 8 room home, very attractive in terior design and finish. Owner, Et 2888. NEW 6-rof.m house on Powell street -cheap fur cash, - Phone Sell. 717. W Ui eU REAL ESTATE FOR 8ALE IlOt'St S l $.330 VVOXIiKIUX'L BA'UGAIN In th. Iwautirui Itif-hmnmi tlialrict on a full lot with abundance of flowers, grapes, etc., is a substantial 7 room home; musio room, hvlng room wiui fireplace, large dlnmg room, eon venient kitchen, 4 light airy bedrooms; elec.trio lights and gas; white enamel plumbing; 1 'j blocks ta th. ear. Vaeiant This nrnrwiTi v slmuld bring $3500, but th. total price is only s.anu. .ivo mortgage or street llsns to aaststne. If ru don't wsnt to live in it you can soil it at quick profit of $S0. SEE FRANK L. McQUIRB 1 TO BUY YOUR HOME Ablngton Bldg. Main 106$. office Open Kventng and Sunday . I (1800 EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN This h the one bargain yon have been looking for. Attractive bungalow home on a large lot; living room, dining room, convenient kitchen, 3 light airy bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, elec tric lights and gaa, gnod basement; large -front porch extends full width of house. Abundance o flowers and ahruba. Owner livaa in South lkota and authorise u to offer same at this remark, able low pric for quick sale. Easy term. On E. 73th st, Jnst north of Gllsan. SEE FRANK IU McQUIRE TO BUY TOUR HOM A Abington building. Main 1068. ; Of fie Open Evening and Sunday. HERE'S AVWINNER ' New 6 room modem bungalow, oak floors, fireplace, good plumbing, walls tinted, light is ture and window shades. 'Only (3800. Terms. THIS LOVELY HOME": IN HIGH-CLASS RESIDENCE SECTIOV IS POSITIVELY WORTH MORE MONEY -Put owner is leaving city and will sacrifice this fin hom of 6 rooms and sleeping porch, strict- -Iy modem in every detail. If yon want good value in a home, here it i. Only $5250. Term. B. F. POND REALTY CO. THE IDEAL HOME BUILEDRS 1230 Sandy blvd ' Tabor 8825. Office Open Sundays and Evening. $450lTBEALftO8E('ITt"lIOME on a full lot on Alameda Drive is an unusually attractive practically new modern home; very artistic lines; reception hall; large living room with fin-place and built In bookcases ; solid paneled dining room; , massive buffet; woodwork finished in old ivory; hardwood floors; con venient Dutch kitchen; full cement basement; laundry tray and furnace; 8 light airy bedroom: beautiful location. Can arrange term. SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BUT YOUR HOME. Ablngton Building, Main 1068. Office Open Evening and Sunday, ssooo B ROOM BUNGALOW ' MT. TABOH $800 down, $20 month and interest, straight contract Hardwood floors In main' rooms, fire place, buffet white enamel kitchen, 3 bed rooms, full basement, laundry trays, big front porch, view of valley and mountains, lots of fir tree in yard. Houa np high with re taining wall is front, i. L. Ilartsnsn -Company, 7 Chamber of Commerce, 4 th and Stark, -lain Z08. $2800 ADJOINING LAURELHUR-f '" Right across th street from Laurelhurst on ' E. Stark atreet facing the park, la a substan tial, attractive, 6 room modern bungalow; full cement basement, 2 Hght, airy bedroom ; white enamel plumbing, electric Tight and gaa. Small down payment, balance easy term er would tak mortgag back. Unusual snap. SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE ' TO BUT TOUR HOME Ablngton Bldg. Main 1069. Office Open Evenings and Sunday. ONLY $3150 for a brand n.w 6 room bungalow with a lot 80x100 ft This property is located practically In th center of th city, on th west side. The urroundlnr are good, do to th carline and close to the river, Thi bungalow -1 modern, has a full cement base ment, fireplace, all porcelain plumbing and ha never been occupied. It is ready to move Into now. Nothing as cheap on th west aid. Only $800 cash down and easy monthly payment. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. (32T5 IRVIN3TONniIME$8lf50 " " ' Right in Irvington, near Tillamook, on a paved ft, With all liens paid, is a 0 room substantial home; built-in conveniences; full cement base ment; laundry trays; 8 bedrooms; white enanial plumbing; electric light and gas. SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BUY YOUtt HOME Abington Building, Main 100$. office Open Evenings and Sunday. $1600 MODERN BUNGALOW , COTTAGE) On E. 48tl street, near 4 ft th avenue, on the Woodstock ear, I a comfortable 6-room cottage, white enamel bath, patent toilet, 1 ra ti r snd gV full int. fruit, eta. Gar. HKEI FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BUT YOUR HOME. Abington Bid. Main 1068. Office ormn evenings .slid Sunday. 12360 Here folk, is a truly wonderful buy, - 6 room and bath with 'additional room for atorsge. . Newly painted and tinted , throughout - .Exceptional electrle. fix tures, full basement, doubly constructed, full lot On - block ta : car, tiasy terms. Call Monday: not open Sunday. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 1094. " LARGE ANb'ljMALTTlToCAES " From $800 and op, payments $100 down to $1000, All are in good location. To prove this. I hsve one on E. 21st N. s 6 rooms, 50x100 lot, with furnace, cement' walks, pavnd streets; two blocks from car. Price $1H00; $200 cash, balance' $10 'pr month. Phone Tabor i486, or call at 92 ,50Uitv. H.- K: FurnisIhied'Modern Home' Six nice rooms, large screened in porch and reception hall, cement basement, lot 63x162, three bearing apple trees and berries, en paved street, near 30th, Thia is a bargain. $3000, $750 cash, balano monthly, 0 per cant Interest. T-680. Journal. $1400 EASY TERMS - $1400 it rooms, part n-isement, wonosneo, wn.r gas and water. BO. il 0(1 lot, itiiu rasn, oaianoe easy monthly payment 1 block from good ear line. - C A. WARRINEB, BITTER. LOWE CO.. -01-8-8-7 Hoard of Trade BMg. "', ' "' HAwtliOHNE AND 43D Five room bunsaiow, built for a home, very well built and good looking, nn lot 60x100, 2 cherry trees, pears, apples, plums and bernea. Price $3276; will sell furnltnre and fiv po. sewion at ones; $000 cash: (20 per mnntii, 9 -per cent interest - Main 6456. 1126 Gssoo bldg. 1243 K. Madison. EosfTCITY BUNGALOW Mr. Home Buyer, we have a trtetly mod em 7 -room bungalow on 60th st, near Bandy. Yon must this beautiful home to appre ciate it Price only (6000, on terms. WRIGHT JACQUES, Main 6988. 417 Ablngton bldg. Sen. J888, " $ r50dS3sKCiT Y" P A RlTCAT660 Modern 3 room bungalow and sleepins porch, electricity, gas, complete plumbing, Duti;h kitchen, nice full lot, garden, ahrubbery. shade treea, quick possession, easy terms. Ta bor 19111. BAKERYlND BESllTENrtB 6 room house and in good condition; comer Jot, paved streets, cement walks; a store room, large Voven, showcases, in fact a .complete hotns and business for (2000; (800 down, balance on terms. Ption Tabor I486, er call at 8938 6Ut ave. S.' E. .-' -'-'.-. " . . ..' OVERl-XKINU THE OAKS Modern 7-room bouse. 60x100 tot, paved street, bouse newly painted Inside and out; price $3800; terms $1000 down, balance monthly. WBiailT 417 Aulogton Bid. JACyULS Main 6988. Hellood185S, "PORTLAND HEIGHT H - . ' lyera. bungslow, all modern eonvenMnrss. 2 lots, level, wttb pvJ streets, en corner. 2 blocks from ear, 74 H block from Alnsworth school. Call" Main 7S94. t .hW (166CASH U. C. PAB.K CAk Modern 7 room bungalow, in fine condition,, fireplace, bookcases, electricity, gas, full plumb, ing, large elosets, good basement, laundry ; tray, fruit shrubbery; real bargain. Ta. 6550. 6R0CM house in Brooklyd-itrlct, close t car shop, full basement, macadam St., side walks in snd paid. Price (1800; $300 rash and $20 per month. Including interest Roc re, 24 9 Stark st Main 6429. 8 ROOMS, fireplace, built-in buffet, den, full basement Corner lot, 1 block from Broad way car. walking d-Unce, east side. Owner Tabor 64 2. iBAIiOAlS" 7 room honae and lot fills! 00 on Bostesa av r 8t John ear. Price $2500; $790 cash. balance term. 404 McKay bldg. - (102 !TE R'if S (3 00DOWN A mm nirtte... lot 60x100. living vtt-ke- a Wirooiris. room for bath: fruit trsawt 2 bl'x-.t Rose City Park car. Tabor 4 807. A SNAP East face cottage nearly new, 60s 100 lot, vacant; can move right in, (2875; part cash. Union Realty Co., 1042 Union ave. N. 1 ' ' ' '' ' - ''-' ' BRAN D new 4 room modern bungalow, never been occupied. 254 Baldwin st, near Van ennvef ave. If interested, call Tuesday; Wdln. 4205. ' . -- WEST Sid 6 room house for sale in A-l eon. , - d it ion. Price Is right Deal wljn owner. 330 Orent M. bet.6th and Broadway, FOR8ALMrodern tfroom house and " loC 60x100 feet Price $3000, Inquir at 107O Corbett at - ' " :i "(OOO TERMS ROSE CITY PARK CAR Cosy 3 room house, basement, sink, gas, full lot fine lawn, fruit, shrubbery. Tsbor 65iW. REAL bargain, only (28l. 8 room, fir : place, etc. $800 will handle. : S.W, Webster, t Jfiun or l issiaaipjn car. 7 lUlOM house for' saJe, reasonable. liiijuiie 112 K. 47th st Tabor 8486. Cook t 175 " E, "soth et. n. 6 room bin. galuw. $2i00, CU Tabor 6108 Tenioii, J