:- HELP WASTEIJ-FEMALE WANTED Clism-eruuud. T 1 Lownsdale, Apply Meilory kolL UKLP WASTED MALE A TCP FEMALE 2 BISHOP BROS.' yards, bmi Jttka and I-d-pmdrtice, 377. acres of fm bop. All uaj secommodtns ftttntshed. Pay (1.-0 pet 100 It 7 We pick op your btfgai et your bom end deliver It to ranches Im 1 c!iars both way. Register at 184 N. 6tb t. Willamette VsHeT Tnin'T Co Phon; Brotlwr 454. MOl.EB BARBER COLLEGE pax yon while learning; give you kI of toots; position secured. Writs for catalogue, 234 Burnsid it., or phone Broadway 17S1 MEN. YQMEN. learn barber trade: wae w. lea mine, position guaranteed. M ST. z yra erperv-nee. 0rrgon Barber College, 238 Mad'aon. PORTLAND Barber College pay' you while , ' learning give you" aet of tool free. position eTird 3e N. Second st. - WA5TEJ-AOEST CANDY BIO FAY ADVERTISE MEN WOMEN Start on of our apacialfy caDdy faetorie tn your home, small room, anywhere. W tell bow and furnish everything. Grand opportunity. ?. CANDY HOUSE 1819 , Ranstead Kt.. Philadelphia. Pa. - r.ITT7ATIO4 -M ALE YOUNG man desire position a office assistant where there fci opportunity- for advancement; na knowledge of bookkeeping and typing. B 465. Journal. - FUsTflON wanted, ex-service man, young mar ried man with six years' experience driving and repairing automobiles. Garage preferred. East 670X. . VANTEs Work in big hotel, 2 Frenchman, around kitchen. Iuauir 207 Sherman st. fMr Pcillier. ' YOUNG MAN wishes work after achool for room ami board or sinaily salary. ; Z-438. journal. SlfUATION WANTED by elderly man a watch- . man or carefaaer run an me goou iinu. i" preferred. Z-435, Journal. ' . ciff ' fnr nelntins: Inside decorating a spe cialty; by day or contract. O. H. Wood, 268 N. 15th t Phone Broadway 2417. YOTStJ MAN wishes ihjbt work, night watch man preferred, from Hp. m. to 12 p. m. . Kuffler. 226 E. 84th st-,cly. WANTKIl -Contract work for two-ton truck. Woodlawn 5612. WORK after achool for board and room, or small wages. J-16, journal. EXl'EUTENt'KD creamery man desires position. . Call Woodlawn zrvt. FOR PLUMBING, repairing; gas, beaters and stores connected, call Kat 510B. WFRSES ' 0 GRADUATE nurae la prepared to take inralid lady with mean at her prirat residence. Tabor 299. DREST-iiAJSINU 49 iiTi'DiTins'n.fliiini and making of ladies' carment. reasons ble prices; work guaranteed. J. Kcubln, Laalea nuor, tug pu FCRNISHED BOOMS " NEW PERKINS HOTEL . FlflU and Wahinton Street Right in i enter of Portland'a activities. Let ua tliow you our accommodations. Bates 85 per week op. ""HART APARTMENT AND LAUREL HOTEL - , Newly furnished, modern housekeeping and sleen vn rooms. 82.50 up. Second and YamhQL CHOICE room.- furnished or unfurnished, large, hc-aiitiful grounds. 81 lloyt st, Bdwy. 680 8 Kt'HNISHED H. K room, ou per moniu. '260 Chapman. Phone Main 8898. TTrtTrrr. B4TtfIF.NT. Hawlhorne and Grand Starting point special carfor Vancourer. FLBS1SHED ROOMS PBIV ATE FAMILY 70 KVC'EPTIONALLY pleasant room with porch in well furnished borne, especially- fin location and accessible to 8 cartines, walking distance ; gentlemen only. 015 Eliott, I-ui .addition. Kat.J348. " H'KNISHEH rooms; nice, light rooms; nihed. with batb. 2l Fargo street. f I ,AI!;H front room, comfortably furnished; Hill dii-trict; walking dMance. Main I14S5. Nob N ICELY furnished room prirat home, sniubl for 2; walking distance. 815. Bell. 206.. NEAT, comfortable room in private family, rea- sonable. Broadway 1500. tUKNISHED rooms for rent. 1085 Eat 7tlu BOOMS AWP BOABP 18 THE MARTHA WASHINGTON-. 3B0 10th. for business girls and students. Marshall 1251. BOOMS AND BOARD-PRIVATE . 1MI1.T 12 WANT children to "board and care for. mother's care riven, 1085 Oorbett st. .Plume Mar- shall 8883. i "FAMILY -of four adulta would like to board in country bom over week end. B-1236. - ROOM and board In nice home, walking dis tance, 2 carlines, Irrincton. East 5897. ClfilliKEN to board in private amtly. 365 Halsey St.. near Union are. Phone East2449. WANTED ROOMS AND BOARD 89 M.N with boy 12 and girl 14 wonts room and board near achool; not too close in -438, Journal. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 - FURXISHED AND UNFURNISHED UBN ISHED H. K. rooms, one-2 room suite and L single roam above. 820; nice, clean, light, clo-e-in; also 1 single room above, $12. Phone, water and - light free. 380 6th at. Phone Marshall 285. . THE GEM . 1-2-3 room apts. for housekeeping; transient rooms 23c and up; good board by week or month. 065 V 1st st. POWELL and Koine spu., 874 -95 $ Itussell : H. K. apt., 82 per week up; near Al bina' shipyards. Mi-wissippi car. SHIPYARD district apartments,- bouseaeeping. furnished, unfurnished; reasonable. cottage. .Apply 2-2 tiitoba. . ' tw'ta KllRNfSHED honekeeping mom for rent, to women only. 505 J ef tenon st. Main 5-1 85. - . AURORA APTS., 392 H E. Burnside; 2 and 8 room furnished housekeeping apartment. l'l RN1SHED housekeeping rooms. man. 142 H 1st, comer Alder. The Gil- Tltt'NKS DELIVERED IN lMVVNTOWN DIS TRICT FOR 25 CENTS THONE E. B434. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 7$ FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY $241.00 SUITE of 3 clean furnished housekeei tng rooms; ground floor, 2 porches: private entrance, lights, bath, phone, adults. Also base ment rooms, $10; beautifully located. 564 H 6th ; walking distance. TWO nice furnished II. K. rooms with or without garage, very reasonable. 877 E. 8th. Phona East 8769. 3 ROOMS, ground floor, garage, gas, water. . light. Tabor 426. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, $20 per month ; private bath. 544 E. 14th S. THREE Furnished H. K. rooms near Broadway bridge. 831 Larrabee st. East 7801. FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED IS A SNAP 4 nice rooms in private res. for rent with basement. 221 Bancroft ave. South 1'ortte nd. "WHEN U MOVE, USE NORTH - WESTERN ELECTRIC LIGHT SERVICE Tnth and Washington. Broadway 680. RESIHINSIBIJS party will lease or rent untur ; - nished or partly furnished house in good school aiiirut. labor 7-&H. FOUR room house for rent. $S: winter's wood in; chickens for tale: 224 - E. Ash at. Take aiontavuia Depot cars FURNISHED HOtJSBS $$ FOR RENT. 11 room narOv furnished house. . electric lights, .hot and cold water,, batb, large yard, all kinds of fruit; have now 8 boarder?. Parte now renting leaving city.- rent $45 per , montn. . see owner. joraaa . at; take St. Jo,lins ;cr. . 5 ROOM modern bungalow, one acre, garden, garage: lnetzger station. $25 month. In iuire at station Sunday for H. E. Leedy. FIVE .room bungalow, furnished - throughout, garage, no children, references required. $45 ixr month. 921 E. Franklin. TWO room furnished house, rent reasonable to right rty 8123 30tuve,corner 82d at. 5-ROOM furnished "cottage close to Franklin " achool. rent $30. Call Tabor 210. FLATS TO RENT. UNFURNISHED IS THREE rooms with garage. Union avenue near t Russell; adults only East 2195. 4-ROOM FLAT for rent; close in; west aide. 668 Fifthst. ' - - FLAT for rent, 732 hi Hooker it. ,-- 4th at.; key at 273 6 ROOM, large clean flat and store room. Adult.- 784 H First at. and Gibba. FURNISHED FLATS $ : FOUR room lower flat, furnished, 8-3.60". Including lights and water; not over .one child. 411 W illiaina ave. FITTiFOR RENT 5 rooms partly furnfehedl Inquire at 1816 Belmont St. Tel. Tabor 840. WEST SIDE 4 room furnished flat; gas, alec- tricity. hath. Sell. 1370. ROOM upiwr and 4 room lower flat 727 . E. Stark. East 3310. - , F irlsHF.D FLATS 6MALL fn nut lied flat, eery pleasant, gas, bath eictncity, gas water beater, on c run e adult. 141 45th are. ft. E. . APARTMENTS FOB BE5T 43 UNFURNISHED 5 room modern .U outaida room, front and back porch. 561 Glisan. TWO room furnished apartment, first floor, room ana Kitchenette, single rooms. 655 Flanders, LIBERTY Apt., furnished 2- housekeeping room. Telephone i-aal Z296. - RCMMEB RESORTS 68 MANHATTAN REACH Furnished eottag fireplace. Sept. 2. Near lake and mountain. Woodlawn 2657. . SEASIDE One 4 and 6 room furnished cot tage; for Sept. Broadway 1762. . - : SEASIDE On 4 or S room fnrniahed cot- Ur, good for Sept.' location. Bdwy. 1782 WANTED TO BENT We Wanf to L,ist HOUSES. FLATS AND APARTMENTS. IF YOU HAVE i ANY VACANCIES, PHONE. HEAVE TOUETHEK, CAKE Or NOBTHWEST Bikast. co., mai.n naa. WANTEJD To rent, by family of 8 adulte Muali lumnhed house; must be clean and in good rerectabl dutnct, co to graded acnooL J-ZS, JournaL - UK8PONSIB1.K couple furnished flat; rant Marshall 860!. want or 9 room , mmrt- b reasonable. 8E1T. 8 4-5-room clean modern boose, re' sonable; ateady tenant; no cluidres. - Sell- wood 191V. U OK 7 KOOM ho line or flatj between now and win. .u. aj rcuauio pariy.. u-so, journal. Phone Main 1187. H'HXiaHKD FLAT or apMrtment. with Wi ing porch, on Heights. Pbona Bdwy. '2492, htrsnc. ! IMSlbJi lo lea.e irom nwn,r fnr vnir nr more, 4 room bouse and lot in Alberta. Upper Aimna or oeuwooa districts. . frjone Bell. 14 WANTED To rent imaU, neat, auburban home. i-m, journal. t REAL E STATB BEACH PllOPEKTY 4 A BEACH HOME, now at Seaside. Or., at beau- mui oartwrignt trara,- at reduced prices; 825 to 8700; easy installments. 6 per cent; soon to be connected by all-pared highway with eastern and southern Oregon, which, with proposed 2000 foot pier, will make "Cartwright Park" cne of me most attractive spots on Pacific coast. Whit-mer-Kelly Co.i 414 Pittock blck. Portland, Oregon, or inqnlr F. M. iCol. agent, 427 Broadway, Beaide, Or. BT'SINESS PBOPERTT FACTORY site, Waat Hido waterfront, with trackage; bargain. Owner 1421 Northwest 1 ern nana oiag..- ro SALE HOrBES t Willamette Heights (Sfl.tO for a' rerr Ifine'B room, commanding fine view andv-.only $000 cash, balance cast. aiaxsnau ov. F. L.i SB 920 Railway Exclh. OWN A HOME of your own; let us build It Ws furnish easy payment loans Ilk rent. W F-uild according to your plana and pocketbock: sketches free; our system eases you money and avoids risks. i PORTLAND HOME BUILDING ASSOCIATION.TlNU 829-630 Henry bldg. , Main 8199. $2600 FOH a 5- room bungalow, full basement and attic, toilet, bath, hot and cold water. gas and electricity; lot 63-20S. on K. 89th st, ; SttUU cash; balance terms. Ilhone Marshall 829. F. L.i BLANCIiARD -51920 Railway Exch. $00.0. Termis, $300 Cash 5-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE Bath, electric liahts. cement sidewalk, sewers all in and paid. 1 blk. from oar. OSCAU ALDEKTON. 1952 E. Yamhill st. $3900 FOR a very fin 6 (rooms and sleeping porch, on ' Broadway near 28th. This mil modern. $(100 cash, b&L terms. Marshall 829. F. L.! BLANCH ARD : 5 11 920 Railway Exch. A REAL BAubAIN 8 large rooms, plasteredi toilet, gas, sink electric lights, good EtrtetJ la rue lot. Price tiuou; terms 30() cash, month, including interest. balance 1S per lUuma Keaity Co., Grays Crossing.- Tabor 4934 GRAB IU HAWTHORNE DISTRICT Almost new 5 room bungalow. All street improvements-paid. One blocki to Richmond car. Price $3800. Must have $)500 cash. Phone Mr. Delahunty, Main 1700, evenings. East 2086. CiiEA Modern 6-room house in i splendid condition dtsiirabte location; half block from Richmond car. Jr-tuire 54W K. 3lth st. SACRIFICE $290 equity I for $190. Well built 3 room cottage, $475, some furniture, 1 Vt miles from 6 cent fare by paved road; pleasantly located. labor 170 or write G-312 Journal. WHY NOT BUILD 3UI Get-an artistic home by an established archi- tectnral firm at low cost. We build anything furnish the money if desired. L. K. rJailey Co., Inc., contracting architects. 4 w. Bank FOR SALE A room cottage, with bath, eleo tric lights and gas. upstairs floored but un finished, full cement basement, located 2 blocks from Kenton ear, near Peninsula Park, on 50x 10O lot. J-55. Journal. . j, , $2850 BY OWNER Six room cottage, kitchenette, bath, electric lights, lot SUxlUU, locatedj 427 E. 10th st.. between Sherman and Grantt Close In. Cmd car service. Call East -lBlu - : $1650 Perfectly new 4-room bungalow, sleeping iwrch, 6 fruit trees, berries, lawn, east front. walks paid, close to schooli 68th and Powell Valley, Hawthorne car; $200 down, $16 month. viwner, taoor 3os $2850 6 room bungalow, Jot 80x100. lots of i rail, oernea, grapes, garagev clucken house ami runs, near mgn ana graae scnoois, & min utes' wslk to ear. Phone Tabor 5242. TOO FAR FROM CAR f or some oui a real Bargain, good 8 room bouse, complete, bath, etc.: 8 blocks from GU- san. 25 minutes ont; no iity liens. $1280, nu casn. Tabor .934, 8 ROOM modern; ground 90x140; beautiful ' dttrirt: hard j-urface. naid apples, pears, cher- ries, berries. West Tabor, $6000. Term. Owner 1294 E. Salmon. Tabor 8621. May sell my vr luuiu i uaigftOUi J w - - ROSE CITY 'ARK By owner. i modern G room bungalow; full cement baSement; garage. $4500. 1381 Han- ari. uorntr oi OULD. A o-KOOM. -well arran-ed hoti v. inn.-, ; Washington st, for $3000; terms, and you are welcome to see. - Henry fF. Cover, 64 Union are. t none r. 't or- tt 7393, - WANTED -Your house to paint or Paier. Tle better kind oi work for a lair price. No phone jti, -i )' iiit- sru ana Hardin. 122 Shaver street. save money. John $2000 WILL BUY a modern .1 room hnnln- fuil basement, full 60x1 0 city lot; located 2 blocks from Mt. Tabor carlihe. Address owner. ntwi3F, i.eiu eolation, Kt. , rlox 7ofI NEAT, well built 3, 4 room new ulastered bunga low; more lots adjacent, cheap, if wanted: $1450; terms, 243 Kilpatrck, 2H blocks west Kenton bank. Owner. 8 ROOM strictly modem house, fine condition. an tn. -- itawuiorne tar. Inquire 1357 4 8th St., Mt. Scott. tat: nui rive? rooms and bath, cotta ge, 46X 100 lot, peaches, berries, fir trees, paved a., ii,niuyntr.- iin 1 0. 1 CiiMFORTABLhl 5-room shack,' lot 100x120 in walking distance of the Albina car shop. Owner. East 4287. No agents. SIX-ROOM house, corner k; toilet, water gas .electricity. $650. $250i c0 416 Stock eTfhsnge. Mam 3270. lXinLiTl"r,001 hou-e. 12 lots; price gl-UO. $200 cash, bat $20 per month. F. I. Miteh eltiee. Anabel station. Phone Tabor 210. 8i00 TERMS, from owner. Hawthorne dist trict; kt ; -ttxlOU;- 7-roora home; paved utreet. 1251 E. Main st Tsbor B6Q8 S'J kICTLY modern (excetfl dition. i t furnoeV) ' burura- lew, splendid cond 357 48Ui and Lin- ct m, Mt Scott car. i SMALL Capitol HiB ear to end of line, go' west to 3912 Lenna St., Vanconver Wash. atri3: gkllU AtiL. Tlm 'rsps avTyE-BOOM bungalow. East1 Kelly atreet: $3500 furimhed; $3000 unfurriihed- 8500 down. w. -nrir- n Itrr oral.- all TaOOt 1 DO 6 ROOM bangalow, 50x100 footlot. close in. 1 6U at. S.' Partly furniehed. Prir- ftaniiu- terms. - JEast 6779. 2 ROOMS, kitchenette, bath, gas, lights ' tele phone. 2 block. Union .ve. 449 E. Lombard. Woodlawn 1577," ! - -.. , BEFORE buying property or bnildiog yoa should have it surveyed. Nicholas Bro. 715 Oregonian bide. Main 9358 . " FOR SALE Large 8 room boose, barn. 2 chicken boose, garden, truit, S lota, I'hone Tabor 6814. ' i . , - ...-.. IRVINGTON ; 8 room home, very attractive in- y"JMPLaa nnisn. i Owner. East 2838 ROSE CTY PARK Fine 5 roomTung.low."a bargain. East 2838. 1 - - - - FOR SALE Modern aevenrronm house, garage. .UlCUllUH, fittfuv, Ul 91o2. - ' - REAI ESTATE FOH SALE HOUSES Hawthorne : Bungalows - $2500 for S-room. bath, toilet, not and cold water, full basenreBt and attic: kit 40x100, with garage; $500 cash, bal. term. . . $320 for a modern 7-room. with hardwood fleoTs.buffet, fireplace, paved ats.; $1900 cash. bawice terms. - ' - --. ' -i -' . $3500 for a modem fl-room, first floor bard wood floors, buffet, fireplace, uu 4 1st-; $1200 cash. baL tenns. - - - . ' . $3750 for one on Glenn ave., of rooms with den, 8. f ears lot 49x112; garage, fruit, poultry hous and yard! $1500 cash, baL- terms, rbon Marshall 829. f ' F. U. - BlUANCHARD t y51920 Railway Exch. v -$3150 ALBERTA ; . PRICE REDUCED t PAVED STREETS' H roifm, attrsctiv. bungalow, an paved street, H block to car. in "Bungalow Row"; lot 50jt 1 00 ; liens all paid. Haa large - rooms, full ce ment baement, - fixtures, choicex plumbing ; fine furnace; Hardwood floors. artistic buffet, elrctric fixtures, shades, etc House is just like new. - . ' . Now VacantlS Let as show yoa. Don't ask about it." just get into on f ouristrtos You'll bny; the term can be arranged. Phone Mais 4H03. Main 8730. G; C. QOLDENBERQ ABINJTON BLW;. "SS Years in Portland" GOOD BUYS AT LOW PRICES 5 room modern cottage, cor. 60x100 North Albina. Pries $2200, in- fine shape. In 0 room . eottag, Albina, , large lot, price 4 room modern cottage, on ieted St., Al berta at., oor. lot 60x100; fine shape. 6 room bungalow in Monta villa; fine ahap. Price $2350. . 7 room modern bungalow, Monta villa. Price $1850. 4 room bungalow, Mont villa. Price $1050. These are all on easy terms. NEW YORK, LAND CO., 803-4-5 Stock Exchange bldg Autoa to show you. Call Main 7676 or. evenings. Tabor 8232. 130 ACRES 12 MILES FROM COURTHOUSE We ar placing on the market on. of lb. best farms in Clackamas county. This farm ia tocaiea jmit I J. miles Iron Portland on good hard surfaced road; has 5-room hous. Urge barn, 8 good wells, 200 bearing fruit trees, SO at re? under cultivation, bal. pasture and timber This farm is well worth 8200 tr acre. For quick sale- wil tak $148 per acre; $4000 cash u i'Bimir ui, oai. v iv n years. rr.is BUSINESS.SERVICE 817 Henry bldg. Main 6797. $2801awthorne , Dis: 9 room artistia bunmilow. In th shnlnat rrt of F! H7rti a -n - L- t.. l.. 4 a. and sewer all paid; fi&s fnlltbasement, full floored attic; fine furnace; beamed ceiling, bnilt ins; very nifty, standard plumbing, clioice elcc trio fixtures and shades; garage, only 8350 cash. You should hurry on this one. 0 Q. C. QOLDENBERQ MAIN 4 803 MAIN 8730 ABINGTON BLDG. 5 "35 Year in Portland" bungalows; We bave a few buns-lows XMt - aom -iru- in. Prices from $3200 to 84000. One just re ceiving finishing touches. Do not wait nri,- advancing. We can - fit you out with a few good bargains in houses, choice location and! vi i r i , nr-. it win pay you to see us oeiore you ouy. U'ney are gonig fast. MITCHELL .& RIPPEY S 28-29 HENRY BLDG. Main 2.34. Evenings and Sundays East 2916. The , McGUIRE "SYSTEM makea home buying easy. You can come to this office and see over 600 photographs of homes for sale, arranged in districts: .rr-v m, k. appraised, 10 automobiles at your service, some wonueriui oargairt. xnat la why we sold over 100 homes .in May. SEE rKANK L. M'QUIRE, TO BUY YOUR HOMR Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. Irvington Residence f 2000 esxh for ,- t... n . ., sleeping porch. 2 toilets, hardwood floors, fur nace, fireplace, buffet, the kitchen and no- stairs in white enamel; all irT first class condi- tion, facing-east: has aarue. all for r. Min- h ter hurry on this. I'hone Marshall 829. , F. L. BLANCH ARD g 11 920 Railway Exch. Hawthorne Bungalow $42-00 for a very fine up-to-date. 6 room, hardwood floors, buffet, dresser, fireplace, fine lhitch kitchen, in wliite. fine garage; large at tic and basement, $2000 cash; this is one of the most complete and best buys in the city. Owner going in business. Phone Marshall 829. F. L. BLANCH ARD J920 Railway . Exch. GREAT BUY 7-room modern home, one block from 15th sr.. Irrincton car; 8 nice bedrooms and bath room; all white enamel dining room, beautifully paneled, hardwood floors, fireplace, full base ment, furnace, garage, every modern conven-i-nee. paved streets; this bouse is beautifully finished and in excellent shape. Only 34900. Alameda Investment Co.. 605 Corbett bld. Msshs35. North llrvington . 83500 for a 'fine 6 room. 2 story residence in very, fine condition and must be sold, $1000 casrt, oai. moniiuy; now vacant.' Mar-dial 829, F. L. g920 -Railway Exch. ROSE CITY park BrrxriAtiw $4500 A lovely home for some one. 5 rooms living room 18x20, strictly - modern, furnace, linoleum bn kitchen and bath, - water heater, newly tinted, enameled and painted inside and out, paved street. 660 East 85th st. N.- Tabor 7693. FOR SALE ! 8 room modern cottaee and I - im i,nH n iuwauKie, on good auto road, price $2700, some terms. 5 room modern cottage and 3 lots, near" school; MRS. JOHNSON, Milwaukie. Phone 61M, or 65W. $3500 FOR a very fin 7 room bungalow, with fireplace., buffet and caraa-e. nanwi tiMh 2 Mi blocks from Irving ton car; good term. Mar- anau n v. - F. L. BLANCH ARD . g 11 92Q RailwayExch. FOR SALE cheap, lovely 6 room serai-bun-alow alt modern conveniences, nicelv mul merit basement, fireplace and also furnace; lot vvi .suuie iruii ana oemea; located on nroaaway. rnce aooou ; giuuu cash will handle. Ltii o Aiaer s west. - ls CE1TIONALLY GOOD value, modern 8-room house and sleeping porch; full cement base ment; wash trays: everything up-to-date. Must d seen to oe appreciateu; price gs.ou; terms. 1076 East 26th t. N.. M block, to Alberta -r , ail itiein rl 4 1. wuki.u MAN. save paying high rent; buy - a u room uouse near car, convenient Franklin High, fine new library and school. -'See owner. sarg commission, ooo . a, Hawtnorne ear. I)R SALE By owner ; 8-room house in Irv- ington; corner- lot, 50xlt)0: double garage : paved streets; walking distance, $5300, $2500 casn. oa lance to suit purchaser. East 2568. FOR SALE LOTS v 16 -OR, SALE iu Metier acre tracts, 8 lota 50x 100, in lot 1 block 41. 3 blocks from Vrfs- eer station. Or. Be-t of."oil, all in crop; corner wi, iiia want on two -siaea. Tlce , 350 cash. $3 per month at 6 per cent interest on de ferred .payments. M. C Stewart, Rt. 6, Van couver. Wal - - - - -. . . ALAMEDA. If yon want a choice lot in this exclusive building -district get cur prices; we bave bar gains. , Alameda Investment Co.. 805 rwhstt bide. Manh 635. - f - s B.OSE XITY PARK i - '. Fine lots, on 46th between Stanton and MM. you; all improvements, paid;, $700 each. Phone Tabor 4211. . 100x100 IN Rose City Park, on paved at Make me an offer. Wdln.. 2958. . ALAMEDA PARK Two choice building Iota ipt raieap. I none laDor 234. - WIIJL, iy cash for Alberta lot; cheap; location in Kiurr. -oi i , .ournaL " - LOT-- on- 26th and Emerrou, nar Killings- worth : cheap. -. -: wmte. Milwankie. Or. FOR SALE Lot in Irvington Park addition". near 2 8th st- Call East 444 T or Wdln. 4179. BrSIXF.SS OPPOKTCNITIES 40 ONE of the neatest and clearMat groc. and con fectionery stores in Portland for $1275,, cash; rent only 820; 2 living rooms, all fur nished. Investigate this if you want some thing that is nuking the money.' Fred W. Pnsen, 431-32 "Lumber Exchange bldg. " - IF YOC are considering grocery, confection. ery, pool room, restaurant ' hiuimtu u. -iii pay. you to hjok -over my list. ' - sut-iS, 431 Chamber Com. Main 6127.. CAFETERIA SNAP, good location, lease; giod bnsinens: for quick sale. Look it over. - 264 1st at. - Good reasons for selling. : - 'j , ni SINE" OPPORTI'NITIES 28 : WE BUY STOCKS ' LARGE, OR?SMALL SPOTCASi FURNITURE " and '- General '' Merchandise FELDSTErN FTJRNITTJKB CO. 174 FIRST STREET. ' , i; ; MAIN 4633. THIS advertisement will appear under the hrad ing of UKinem opportnnitiei, which ia really a minomer, a: the chance has been practically eliminated. We are offering for le a handsome Pierce-Arrow limousine, beantifully upholstered, in first class mechanical condition and painted in excellent shape at a price of 82700. This ear will b the. class of Portland in the rent service, and to him that hath a pleasing personality, a good mixer and 81850 in oash ta invest w will soaks suitable terms for the balance, get yon a good stand and put yoa in the way of making money; Ural cash is essential. : - r THE CHAS. C FAG AN CO.. Inc., ? Phone Bdwy. 4693. ; - 9th at Bnrnside Bt. IX) It SALE- Wall equipped laundry, doing good I - business ; hage frame building on tract, about lOOilOO, in good, town in Washington ; $4000. DX-430. Journal. . SMALL stock school supplies, notions, light gro cerJea, H block-from Seilwood achool; aacri fiee. -684 Umatilla ave. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED S TO LEASE OR BUY Warehouse, manufacturing, garage or busi ness property. See . BITTER. LOWE V CO., , 20I-3-5'7 Board of Trade Bldg., MONE1 TO LOAN REAL ESTArS 87 OUR installment plan ia the best and surest :. method of paying a loan. ; 832.26 per month for 36 months; or $21.84 for 60 months; or $15.17 for 06 months, pays $1000 loan, and interest. ,- t " Other amounts In proportion. We loan on improved city property. Or for bnilding purpose. N commission chareed. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. BUILDING loans on city or suburban property, money advanced as work progresses. V. G. Beck. 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 8407. $300, $400, $500. $000, $750 and up. low est rates, quick action. Gordon Mortgage Co., 681 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1370. $300. $400, $300, $750, $1000 and up at lowest rates: quick action. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. Main -6445. $10,000 TO loan on farms. No red -tape, no delay, no publicity. Willamette Valley Mort gage Loan Company, Aurora, Or. MONEY to loan In amount of $100 to $5000 on city property. A. H. BELL, rooms 10-11. Mnlkey bldg. MONEY" for mortgage loan. $500 to tfiOOO. 6 and 7. Fred S. Williams. 2 ti 1st st. SEE- OREGON INT. A MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark: t . MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and7 per centTtlSib) Salomon & Co.. 40K Selling bldg. $500 TO $20O0; some 6 per cent money; no commission. Ward, atty., 407 Spalding bids. $ 36iTO $ 3 00 0, no cornmisKion. Mai n 11 6 ! F. H. Deshon. 615 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO tOA CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS'N. Pbone Broadway 910. 884 SUrk Street, near 10th. Txana on diamonds, watches, Victrolas. pianos. kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musical instruments and anything of value." ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF PORT LAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER City and county warrants cashed for face value. CARRIE MYERS-HERMAN, Manager. DO YOU NEED MONEY Loans made on automobiles, diamonds. Pianos, household good or anything of vshir. Security j nsually left in your possession. , ALSO to SAL ARIED PEOPLE on their note without security. If your payments to other loan companiea or on furniture or-automobile contracts are larger than you can make, we will pay them op, advance' you more money if necessary, and you can repay us in small monthly payments to. suit your conven ience, LEGAL RATES NO DELAY BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY (Licensed) . 300-307 Dektm Bldg. Marshall 3286. Safcuy I.OANS WE LOAN MONEY Chattel On short notice to salaried or workingmen on Oieir own notes. Weekly, semi-weekly cr monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential NO MORTGAGE. NO INDOKSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household furniture, pianos, eta., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANT (LICENSED) - 218 Failing bldg. - MONEY to loan on diamonds, jewelry, legal rates; all articles held a year; established since 1888. Dan Marx, 283 Washington at LOANS WANTED 30 FIRST MORTGAGES for sale, $500 op. F. H, Deshon. - 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO., 235 Chamber of Commerce. 4th arid Stark. S FINANCIAT 81 ' LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS -If you must sell your Liberty or Victory bonds, sell to us. If you can buy more Liberty or Victory bond, buy from ns. We buy and sell UDerty ana v ictory Donas at the market. YOU CANNOT DO BETTER YOU MAY DO WORSE We are today paying the following prices for United States government Liberty and Victory bonds, which are the closing New York market prices, plus . the arc rued interest. r. I . Market interest Total $100.67 S5.rJ3 93.87 95.19 M4.20 96.79 94.85 100.50 3 Ha ......,$ 99.94 $ 73 1st 4s B4.50 83 '2d 4s v . . . . . 92.70 1st 4 Ha 94.30 2d 4 . 92.96 3d 4 -' 1 94.84 1.17 .89 1.24 1.95 4th 4 Us . 93.26 1.59 Victory .. 99.46 1.04 Victory 4i.. 99.52 1.82 100.84 In purchasing Liberty and Victory bonds we deduct I torn tne above prices 37c on a 5V bond and 82.50 on a $1000 bond. In selling Liberty ana victory Donas we charge the New York market price plus the accrued interest. ASK ABOUT THE MORRIS BROTHERS PLAN Our Liberty Bond department cio4ea at 6 p. m. Saturday. MORRIS BROTHERS. INC.. The' Premier Municipal Bond House, -Morris bldg.. 309-311 Stark st.. bet. 5th and 6th Tel. Broadway 2151. Established over 25 years. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS CASH PAID FOR ANY ISSUE OF . BONDS FULL MARKET PRICE LOAN ON WAR SAVINGS STAMPS U TOTJ CAN BORROW CASH OF US ON BONDS AND SAVINGS STAMP. OR TO FIN ISH PAYING FOR VICTORY BONDS.,- - SEE E. BURKITT, PRESIDENT. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO., 212 SELLING BLDG. (2D FLOOR). CORNER 6TH AND ALDER STS. I WILL BUY ANY LIBERTY BOND 99. PER: CENT OF FULL CASH VALUE t All dne coupon interest included. 1 J. H. KEATING. 617 BOARD OF TRADE DON'T sacrifice your Liberty bonds ; we will give you full face value and accrued interest to date for your Liberty bonds; any - issue. Our plsn is best. No discount, no brokerage, no waiting, and 100 -cents on the dollar with ac crued interest to date. See the bond man, be tween 12:30 and 1:30 and 5 to 6. Eilers Music bldg.. 2d floor, entrance 287 WaxhimrtnTi at., between 5th and 6th. - ' BONDS BOUGHT SPOT CASH SPOT CASH ' ' MARKET PRICE CASH for RECEIPTS. We will LOAN money on BONDS. W. S. 8.. or to make PAY MENTS on BONDS. 7 per cent. ' ; 79& le.e-.fv X- 7M.. III - v-fca,i uiu.., r IIIQ Ttllil -UaAJBZe CELLARS-MURTON CO. --.HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC 18 THREE horses, cattle and aome cash to ex t for encMt k ' v4 . 4203. .. HORSE and wagon. $1.60 per day; 2 horses anl wagon, ee. sjonea. .48 Front. Main 2208. FOR SALE 5 - horse, wehrhin- - from 1 IW1 to 1600 lb. East Tth-Grant st. TFM ; ponies, young, sound, gentle 'and. well in every way; very cliep S 27 Front st. F;D horse and animals hauled away tree. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. FOR SALE -Good, stout team, with er without harness. Phone . Tabor 64. 1 . , HORSES i - HORSES I Any i h-Te that can be lutuid W'ill sell them . with or - without harness, right off the work. Brewn team, 1400 ear or better, 7 and 8 year old. with harness. $285; pair dapple grays, 2800 lbs., marc and gelding. - 7 and 8 years old, with harness, $275; pair big draft bones, a little rough. 9 and 10 years old, 1800 lbs. each, $200; a few 1100 and 1200 lb. good ranch horse: pair 4-year-old mules, and some well matched teams weighing from 1400 to 1000 lb. . I are finishing my work and want to sell. Your price is mine. Liberty Bonds end approved notes will be accepted. All atock guaranteed aa represented. Yon boy them right , out of hard work. PHILL 6UETTER" . - - " 283 Front St, Crown Stable. TWO teams of horse, weigh 2800 and 8000 lbs., ' one span of blocky mares. 2600 lbs., suitable for orchard work ; also a- few other lighter horses, to be sold cheap; wagons and harne . corner of East 9th and Hawthorne, Pbon East 6106. Stock is all guaranteed. Good worker and gentle. GOOD ' pair of 'email farm mares: earh has a fine colt by its side; abui a big rovh pair of work bosses; make good gradt. team; al-o all kinds of wagon and harue-w : two , good (urreys; several good carta. , 802 Fiont 2450 LB. team, 7 and 8 years old, with good hameas; 3 ta Mitchell wagon; beat of workers; bave no use for them; aeU cheap. 251 Mead at. S. Portland ear. FINE team of small ranch ma res, each baa a fine colt by its aide. Must sell at once. 802 Front st. . - TWO bay hones for sale at the V, . stable weTgbt about 250O.. U. S. stable. 248 Front and Madison. Age about 10 years. $185 BUYS 2600 1b. team, guaranteed aound and true workers. 865 Union are., near Harrison. LIVESTOCK ss 11" COWS, frenb and coming fresh in a tew days,, rorae extra good Jersey family cow, acme large dairy cows, extra heavy rich milk ers; will sell or trade for beef cows. 1160 Macadam at,. South Portland car to end of Piie,, 3 blocks south to Richardson av., 1 blot- tstinthe pasture. FOR 8AEE Fresh milk goats and 2Toggen burg buck kids, hornless; also bomteas Tog genlmrg buck for aervice. Address 795 Kenil worth av. Phone Sundays, Seilwood 1812. Week days. Marsh. 279. 1'OIt RALE 15 lu-sd of milk rut,. ftoh now. balance soon, all within 1 month; these are all good, choice cows; can be seen' Saturday and Sunday, H mile et of Reedrille, Or.; take S. P. Electric. W. W. MELLAR. FOR SALE 3 thoroughbred Berkshire sows. 8 months old, at 62d street S. E.. Woodstosk car. Call fur G. B. Monroe. ' Out of city limits. . NINE fresh cows for sale or trade for beef cat tle. Take Vancouver car to Columbia bird. station, go 1 Block north. JERSEY-HOLSTEIX. gentle family cow, giving aoout a gai. or good rich milk per day, x-none aisr. i'nee gso. LADY moving to town must sell her fine 2 Vt years old cow cheap. Take Broadway ear to. ois-iyon st,. go a mocks east to tent ' house. ONE large cow. fresh one month family cow, Jersey and Guernsey, lamette bird., near Delaware. one good 225 Wil FOR SALE Eine young milch goat, fresh Sept. 6, also 2 others; thoroughbred Hornless billie lor service. 18(18 Woolsey st. Phone Col. 271 -OB HAl.E A 2-year-old Hol-.tein bull, from gooa stoca. can . Main 7879. OK SALE Two good milk cans, very reasonable price. 9627 60th ave.. Lents. FINE milch goat with kid 1 week old. Front at. 302 WANTED A-l fresh Jersey nad Geurnsey cow, 1IUUUI4SD OW-tl. MILK GOATS for sale. 6 blocks north of Bell- rose station. Eatacada car. JERSEY cow. heavy milker,calf by aide 4 days old. 302 Front st 5 FRESH Holstein cow, must be sold. U48 " s. rc. .onus csr, Portsmouth station. FKESIi 6-gallon cow for sah.. car. 163 E. Winchell st. Take Kenton 14 HEAD heavy coare wool rams $12. A. r Rogers. Hill-dale, Or. Main 9426. WANTED Beef, veal and hogs. Tabor TeT POULTRT AND RABBITS 87 Pt--i.L.iH We ofier you Barred Rock. White Wyandot tes. Black Orpington and Rhode Is land Red. pullets $1.25 to 2.50 according to kv nu iram, .-onnwert rouitry Oorp.. btid rt.. iom to ittn ave. el. r.. .PULLETS FOR SALE White leghorns, Rhode Hand red. Barred it-cs. . n. .Msgnire, 787 Oregon treet " ri V 1 "y y Highest cash price for im-T niicnra millets, any Dreed. North- i-n-,irrv i oiu. l.enf. ore. NICE Barred Rock laying yearling hens, 1 full blooded cockerel: price $15.50. 1716 Di vision. Tabor 7864. FOR SALE Few pair gray geese already mated, also iitms mil n it nn - ....; r j, x- 1 - - W WI'H. --! Journal. BLACK MINORlTA cockerels: get now and get good ones; must make room. 1500 Fiske. Col. 595. W. L. YEARLING hens for sale, also 45 fry. 1500 Fbke. Col. 503. 350 ArRIL White Leghorn pullets. road and Sandy blvd. Osburn 12 BELGIAN hares for $10; 3 months old. .09 iiamson s w. LAYING young white leglmrn hens and year-old pullets. 81..50 ech. 787Oregon t. FOR 8ALE 4BIue Andalusian cockerela.beau- Ues. 847 K. 37th ft. FfR SALE reaonable -A few laying hens and' rabbits; Woodlawn 2175. 20 WHITE LEGHORN yearling hens, $1.50 each. 6805 42d st. S. E. Sell. 2470. CLEAjf cracked wheat, $3.75: scratch. 84: cackling mash. etc. Woodlawn 4344. DOGS, BIRDS, PETS, ETC 4$ GENUINE St- Andreasberg rollers for sale; fancy bred birds; have been under 2 trarnera. Also female. .Betbina Kessler, Gresbam, Or. WANTED Irish setter or English pointer bird dog. broke to hunt. Cary, 522 Alder. Bdwy. 2492. - -. CHOICE canaries at Singers guaranteed. The Canary Bird Short, 1151 E. 28th N. C-2217, A YOUNG parrot for sale, including cage, $18. G-284. Journal. WANTED Shetland pony saddle; . P. O. box 437. Tillamook, Or. state price. AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 DODGE TOURING LA l i In fine shape. Has lot of extra equipment. See Billingsley. Broadway 217. or Tabor 5702 evenings. LATE model Velie: new tires; wiO consider smaller car; Oakland preferred. Woodlawn 1618. 960 E. 37th at- N. bet. Prescott and Going. ' FORD roadster, 1917, in best of condition; some extras, good tires. A bargain at $425, with terms. 30 Grand ave. N. near Burnside. AUTO TIRES We aave you musev on new and used tires: vulcanizing and retreading. - Vulcan Tire Shop, 41 Grand ve. Phone East 4S0, 1916 FORD touring car, in first class condi tion. $350. 710 Front st. Call after 6 p. To. Phone Main 8140. '19 CHEVROLET, look like new. run less than wv mites, cheap for cash. Extras. In quire Sunday at drugstore. Milwaukie. Or. FORD truck 1 ton attachment, 1918, in. the beet of condition. A bargain at $725. with term. an i,rawi ave. -. nea-r jsumstoe. CHEVROLET touring. 1918. in b-st of oondi- tion; good tires. Wilt sacrifice at $750 with tem'. SO Grand ave. N. near Burnside. MAXWELL touring. 1917, newly painted, good tires, tine condition; a Bargain at 8575, with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. FORD 1917 touring, in fine condition; good -tires; a bargain at $450 with terms. SO Grand ave. N. near Burm-ide. 1916 CADILLAC 8 ,. -. Elegant condition ; just the thing for a stage run; long, easy rma.- Marshall 142 8. CHEVROLET chassis. 1917; will make a good bargain at $375, with Nnear Bum-tide, bug; good tires, a terras. 30 Grand ave. DUBRUILLE v TOP COMPANY 9th at Oak. Broadway 1664. t'OUD delivery, panel body, in the beat of con dition: will sacrifice at 845- with terms, , 80 Grand are. N. near Burn ade. i , 1918 FORD Sedan with electric starter. Looks and run, like new. - Many other extras. 8700. 14th and Alder. Mr. 6AVIDGE, Broadway 240. FORD Late 1917, good "" condition ; shock ab sorbers, Yale lock and. other extraa. Price 3475. Tabor 3139. CHEAPEST 1918 Chevrolet touring car in town, $550. New paint and seat cover. 14th and Alder. Mr. SAVIDGE. Broadway 240. FORD touring, 1918, in best of condition; must ell at a bargain at 8500 with term. 2U Grand ave. North near Burnside. ' CHEVROLLET, look and run like new; T9"; $75U. Tabor 87 7.. FOEDS, touring, roadsters. T 4I4 DAVIS. ear Tenth. AUTO mechanic will work: on jroor car in your garage. ss. ivw. a , . . , DODGE HEArQUARTER-s 404 DAVIS. Near Tenth. 1917 FORD road ter in fic-t claaa shape, $425. der. $225. Tabor 5603. -- 1913 W'INTON light six, some car. . .. 44 IAVIS. Xesr TentK A CLASSY-bug, like new, $350Tcal - or terms. l-4 34. Jonrnal. . . FRANKLIN. 6 cylinder, touring; fine conidtiyn.' 404 DAVIS. Near Tenth. ' - HORSES. VEHICLES. ETC. AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 ' USED A OTOMOBILES ' TERMS GIVEN YVE WILL TAKE TOUR I.IBEBTT BONDS AT FACE VALUE 1918 Studebakcr .....7 pasecgr. cylinder 1916 Ctevrolet ...... .0 passenger, 4 cylinder 1918 Overland .5 passenger, 4 cylinder 1918 Mitchen A vejaenger. cylinder 1917 Eaxog $ passengrr. $ cylinder 1917 Mitchell ........5 passenger, ft cylinder 1914 Wliite .........6 passenger. 4 cylinder 191T National .....T passenger. II cylinder 1916-Mitebell ...5 passenger, 8 cylinder 1914 Bu.'ck .,6 passenger. 4 cylinder Several Other to Select froa. . USED CAR DEPARTMENT ; MITCHELL. LEWIS A STAYER CCv, ' East First and Morrison. -Phones: East 7272, B-1216. CARS OF THE BETTER KIND Puick Six. - 9 pas., excellent tires, win be here w ednecday for one day ; see this. A snap. - lisby Grand Chevrolet, good tires, good con dition. $650. Clay little bug, newly painted, four new tires, $300. , , . Ford. late model, a buy kt $450. 1910 Ford, with 90 per cent new. $125 worth .of extras. USED CAR PALACE i 61 Union N. . East 7717. USED CAR BARGAINS " Franklin .. .... .......$ 930 Dodge 878 Dodge ,. 800 Maxwell 550 2 Buick 4s .$350 and 400 5 Fords ..$300 to 500 Overland .................. $500 to 550 10 sutos from. .............. $50 to 200 2 1-ton trucks ..,. ...$250 to 800 1 1-ton Buick"..,...,.,.........,. 650 1 2 "4 -ton Gersix f 1600 Good Terms, LONG 4 BILVA, 462 Hawthorne. WHEN YOU WRECK 'EM AND BEND 'EM. SEE O. G. GEKBER, "THE RADIATOR MAN " builds bodies, repair ra diators, bodiea. fender and all auto sheet metal parts. VeW LOCATION 11TH AND DAVIS. OPP. THE ARMORY, BROADWAY 1878 AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTS. CASH FOR YOUR CONTRACTS. WE WRITE INSURANCE TO PROTECT CAR. OREGON BOND it. MQRTOAGE CO. 212 SELLING BUILDING. GARAGES Portable and Permanent Prion en Anpncation. MODERN CONSTRUCTION CO . 81 E. 11th .t East 8114 CHANDLER 7 -PASSENGER. Fine shape. CARY. 622 ALDER ST. BDWY. 2492. 1918 VELIE 1918 " 7 Car thoroughly' inspected and tightened op. Valve ground, tire all brand n a 4r..i buy tor someone. Your car acceptable a part payment, balance easy terms. . v- L'..U: WARREN- MOTOR CAR CO. 68 N. 23d St. Mala T8O DODGE ROADSTER. Good shape. CARY. 522 ALDER 8T. BDWY. 2492.. - OAKLAND '. Run less than 400O miW with .. tires; $1000. CARY", 622 ALDER ST. BDWY. 4f2 SPECIAL 1918 BUICK SIX " Look it over and recognize it tn h.' h . you have been looking for. Will sell thl .r . a very low figure and will give you easy term on it or take your old ear in trade. PACIFIC AUTO C. 623 ALDER. BDW. 3411 SERIES "9" Franklin; A-l shatM-. -ax, oz ii,n( jr. BDWY. 2492. COLUMBIA vTTL'VflZtNG WORKS WE BEBnU). RIBBUD. RRTRRan no RECAP. WITH PURE RUBBER. ALL Wner GUARANTEED. , 326 COUCH ST, A-1128. LIGHT CHALMERS SIX TOUBINO CAB- rrne psini; (KJU tires. CARY. 522 ALDER ST. BDWY, 2492. A REAL automobile at a- Junk price : must sen Bin 1 pass. car. eora tires, spare and spot- lll -,.- 1 . . , . ,. u ,iin runa n m rin,. a car you win De prqud to drive. 153!. tirami ave., .... 1918 OVERLAND LIGHT SIX Run only 400 miles: must sell at one. jiuii. C. G. BLEASDALE. 630 ALDER ST. AUTOMOBILE that runs good, looks good and as mooo . tires. 1'rtlt.r. axau. can von ocat it alio 523 ALDER ST. B-DWY. 8411. 1917 CHEVROLET Tn perfect mechanical condition.- newlv minwt 5 tirea. - C. G. BLEASDALE, 580 ALDER ST. 1918 buick Six touring" Aa good as a new car and looks Ilk. it & tire, etc!.. 81300. 14th and Alder. Mr. SAVIDGE. Broadway 240. ROADSTERS Two of them. A four anda six. both late popular models, 3 pas.; price very 'reasonable and term if desired. PACIFIC AUTO C. 523 ALDER. BDW. 8411. $1250 CASH OR TERMS BUYS MT 1918 CHALMERS HOT SPOT R-PASS. CAR. A-l CONDITION AND REPAINTED. CALL TA BOR 630. - . , 1918 LIBERTY SIX Special paint Job. This ear will 'be sold at a great reduction. C II. S. Co.. Marshall 1428. - MAXWELL ROADSTER Newly painted, new tires, perfect mechanical condition, $660. - C.--U-. BLEASDALE. 530 ALDER ST. STUDEBAKER bargains. 1917. 6-cyt.; better than new, $975. - Your own terms, or take your old car in trade. Rhone C-1221, 1918 MAXWELL Extra equipment. $675. . BLEASDALE, 530 ALDER ST. FOR SALE Cheap. Ford In fine . condition, $300. - Take Vancouver ear to Columbia blvd. station go 1 block north." c - 1917 BUICK LIGHT SIX In perfect'" condition. 5 tires, $11 SO. i C. G. BLEASDALE. 530 ALDEU ST. STUDEBAKER 5' passenger, jnst overhanled. new top, good looking car, 84 50. No. 8 Keeler Apts. Marshall 6752 or Marshall 697. FRANKLIN. $875 .- (. . ' If sold thLs week. . C G. BLEASDALE. 53Q ALDER , ST. CHALMERS roadster, 19f7, fiTflne condition", good Urea; will ael at $1000 and give termi, SO Grand ave. North, near Burnside. 1917 PAIGE . touring ear; new paint; motor is in first class condiUon; 8105O. SMITH AUTO CO., PARK AND COUCH. LIGHT 6 touring, first class condition, fin appearance, good tires, sacrifice at S8SO. SOI E. 87th st.. Richmond car. , ' ,. ; 1018 LIGHT 8IX Mitchell. .' The price I right, - C. H. 8: Co.; Marshall 1428, - ' - MAXWELL, tearing, 1918. newly painted. In fin eo-ditloo aood tires. A bargain at 8776. some terarsr- SO 4rand ave. N , near Burnside. lfcib BTCI'KBAKEn 8". a real aotomobueT ' 404 .DAVIS. Near Tenth. '" GASOLINE 22 CENTS A OAI.ION, OHJS AND bllMata. fIU, rAUIT IAJ.. 186 J8T. i918 SAXON "Six Guaranteed in every way. 404 DAVIS. Near Tenth. 1918 CHEVROLET, better than new; all new tires. $675. - Broad wey 4049,' room 312. BUGS OF ALL DECBIPTIONS 404 DAVIS, Near Tenth. "p! AUTOMOBILE AND ACCESSORIES 41 SPECIAL SALE OF USED CARS - . - 1 " WE NEED THE ROOM YOU NELgb -THE CARS OUR BIO FEATURE FOR THIS "SALE IS THE UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR AM. INTENDING PURCHASERS TO TAKE THE CARS tUT YOURMELVKii AND GIVE THEM A THOROUGH TEST. - v v 1 91 7 Maxwell roadster, new tires, new paint. good uitioi.tring: tn fact, ft looks like new. 1917 Saxon touring , in very fin shape and extra good tires, u 1918 Model 00 Overland. v ThK Is til car that give good mileage on .aa. This car has only be driven 250 mile. j 1917 Chevrolet touring: brand new paint lob and in perfect shape inechatiu-.ltv. 1 9 1 tt c Izier touring; aome ear, sores looker arm can o Dongnt, at a Dig snap. , AUTO SALES CO. NINTH AND COUCH, . THIS IS THE PLACE .YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR ' A CAR WITH A GUARANTEE - 1917 Dodge! toorlng. like new. 1917, Jtuick light 6, touring, best buy in town. . . . s. 1918 Ford sedan; come in and look it over. A light Buick roadster. t , . Ford touring. Baby grand Chevrolet 'light delivery, starter auu eiectric ngnts; a cianay nny. J . 1917 t'hevrnktt Innrins lib- w Model 83 Overland, good rubber; Al con- uiiKin, .sou. j . . 1918 Chevrolet, very reasonable. Buick roadster for $300. 75 Overland, like new very reasonable. - r orn truce, worm drive; this is the best ouy man ever looted at. PARK AUTO SALES CO.. 855 Burnside, (EetJour Gar. ' Special prices during July and August Fords enameled. $19.00; Cbevroleta, $20 00. Other cars in proportion. Autos Oppelized, $6.00. These price include washing. AUTO ENAMEL WORKS. 78 Union Ave. N Pbon Wdln. 4897. NEW OVERLANDS , ' -IMMEDIATE DjELIVERT. SOLD ON EASY TERMS BY P. H.DUNN. AT HIS OWN SALESROOM.: 16.12 EAST 13TH ST, SELLWOOD 1898. CHEVROLET TOURING FORD 'TOURING MAXWELL TOURING OVERLAND TOURING . HUDSON TOURING APPERSON TOURING Take Tour Pick for $450. 404. DAVIS. Near Tenth, Price on . application. steady Gut House MILLMADE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 1601 Union are. N. Woodlawn 2413. 1918 FORD ROADSTER. Hasrler shock, absorbers; good tires. CARY, 522 ALDEH ST. . BDWY. 2492. 1017 BCJCK SIX -Good shape, cord tires. Alder St. Broadway 2493. CARY 1917 SDN 8I . Has Continental motor. Bore M Back clutch. Timken bearings, Remy Ignition jin fact every thing is standard dti this car ind can be sold for $250 down, the balance to suit. C. H. . Co.. AlarstiaU 1428. 1918 DODGE SEDAN. 622 Alder St. Broadway 2492. CARY. BIG STOCK Used Cars VkS NO MISREPRESENTATION Covey Motor Car Co. SPORT MODEL VELIE . Demonstrator, exposed exhaust pipes. 5 good ctrea, substantial reo union witn factory guarantee. 11. t;. WAHttM UOTO GAB CO. .$8 N. 28D8T. MAIN 780. 8CRIPP8-BOOTH ROAD8TER With wire I wheels and" good tires; ' 80 CARY. 622 ALDER ST. BDWY. 2492 $630. BUICK light 9 touring, S good tires, 2 cords. spotlight, bomper. clock, in excellent mechani cal condition, good top, just spent $120 in overhauling, $850 cash for quick sal. Owner, Main 2428. .. ' 1 " ' 1 ' FOR HAI R Hupmonile. 1914 tnodel; just been evernauiea. A nargain. ; -( Studebaker 4. good - as new, price $800, Wwsltock garage, PhonA Seilwood 8838. BIG BUG , 70 h. p.. 2 or 4 t hi, fully equipped, good condition, only 8659, .1264 Division at., Ta bor 1281. . 1917 BUICK "four," ' looka like new; try It. Must sell quickly; $650. $240 down, 10 months on the balance. t PACIFIC AUTO C..S23 ALDER. BDW. 3411. ,..)IHMOBILE 8 " In perfect meclianical condition. 6 tire and spotlight. $1800. C O. BLEASDALE. 30 ALDER ST. BUICK roadster, 1918, lri.,fme condition, used privately, good tires; must. sell, a bargain at $975. with terms. 80 Grand eve. North, neat Burnside. . -, ' , - VELIKSIX, 1917. Perfect condiUon, $1050. EASY TERMS. Will consider another car in trade. PA Ir If" AUTO t . 523 ALDER ST. BDWY. 3411. WILL aeU at a bargain Chalmers five passen ger, best condition, aelf starter. power pomp, storage battery, generator, other extras. Price $350. Tabor 7606. . - BRING us your car today and get your money tomorrow. Our name is HpeAi. 404 DAVIS, NearJTentlj. " CHEVROLET sedan. 1918. In perfect condi tion" good tires, wUl sell at $775, aome terms, 80 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. THREE seated Ford bug, shock absorbers, elec tric llgtita, tire carrier, meenanlcauy perfect. 404 DAVIS. Near Tenth. AUBURN Beauty Six, ran short distance; equip pea witn cora urea ana Dumpers; pru right; term. 430 Burnside. Kelly Tire Bale. Co. IF you want a good 6-pas Maxwell, we hare several to select from. 404 DAVIS, Near Tenth. ' 1919 LIGHT SIX MOON This car ia almost new and still baa, the fac tory guarantee. C.' U. H. Co., Marshall, 1428 ONE peach of Hudson 6., nearly new . tire. real bargain at .$675. 1 264 Division. Ta bor 1281, . ' -z - . - 1917 HIP., special; Fr-ucU grsy..silnt job; good tirt-s end above all merlianireUy perfect. 9 need the cash. Phone Ka t 8l. 1914 FORD touring car In first ciasa condition, new tires - with extra, at, a bargain. Main 6469. BR 5 4th st ' FOR HXIJi By owner,' 1915 Buick big 6, In first elas condition; $750 , cash. T-682, Journal, ' . MAXWELL touring. 1019. almost new;' must sell, bargain at $1050. some tar. 80 Grand avenue north, nee Aturnmide. STI'DEBAKKR 1 HI 8." newly Plnti, good tire. - in best of condition; a bar gam at $878, some terms. 30 Grand ave.-yorth. nes t Burnside. iiOIKSE touring car "in fine, rendition. $675. SMITH AUT CO.. PARK AND COUCH. SUICK " light a to sett' " Owir Vving ' eity Will aeU cheap for cash.' Csll Tabor 8419. 1915 FORD touring. $(. SMITH AUTO CO.', Park and ISoeeh. . - MAXWELL tourinr, 1918; first rlsss coodiUpn. Bargain for e ah. Broadway 3'-04. 1915 APPEHSON. fine eif. $40. ' '" SMITH AUT CO.. PARK AND COVCn. MICHIGAN touring, new paint job, $300. 404 DAVIS, Near Tenth. STUDEBAKER light pas.; just like new; a wiip; with terms. Acme Garage, 681 Alder. 1917 BUICK light six. fin order. . 404 DAVIS. Near Tenth. 1918 8171'EB Hudson. 6 eord Urea, $32 Alder. Broadway 2492. REAL - TIRE BARGAINS All first grade tire, no second-, , 2mxS smooth, $9.75. 3,0x8 H non-said. $16. 33.4 Q, Dl. smooth. $21.25. 1 88x4 8, S.. smooth. $22 25. 85x4 H 8. 8 , non-skid. $87. 83x4 V. 8. H., smooth, $81.65. -88x4 H H. H., smooth. $82.00, 86x4 H 8. 8.. (ion-skid. $37.80. 87x5 S. 8., non-skid, $46. Sav 80 per cent. . RETREAD & VULCANIZING WKS. '. : 4t Stark at. bet. Ilth and 12th, A Few Bargains In Goid TJaed Cars: 1918 MitcbeU Light Biz. 1918 Liberty BU. 191T Sub Six. . 117 OverUnd Six. 1919 Moon. y 1916 Cadillac Eight Any of the above ears ran be bought oa small payment down and the balance to suit. Opet Sundays and Evenings. C: H. S.X0. Distributor. Moon and Dixie Flyer 03 N. 28dt MarsbaU 142i PORTI-AND MOTOR OAK COMPANY. 1916 Ford. A-pamenger, In fine conditio. , 1917 Maxwell, ft-pasa., extra gntxl tires. 191d Overland. 7-pa.a., gow for rent Cadillac, 3-l., 7-iwaa., newly rf tnishad. TRUCKS. ' 8-ton Standard. 1 -ton Jet fery. 2-ton Federal, l'ackard and Veil, dump trucks. . ' See WHITE, . 821 Bumble. Broadway 62L REAL VALUES IV USED CARS - OUR MOTTO: "EVERY PURCHASER A BOOSTER." Late 1919 Velie, driven eery little; will tell at discount ai d guarantee. 1918 Velie. first class, new Urea," $ 1 850. 1918 Chalmers Hot Spot. 7 -pass.. $1250. 1918 Peerless 8, 7 -pass., class, power, speed. 1914 Velie. 4-cyL. elec. eauip.. 8875. 1018 Maxwell, new tires, valves ground, nsw cattery, giou, OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS,' - -' D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO.. 68 Ni 23d st. . Main T80, PACKARD TWIN SIX Worth $3350. If sold by the first of Septem ber will tak $2850. U. L WHITE, 421 BURNSIDE ST. FORDS I FORDS 1 FORDS I 1917 Touring. 1917 Touring. , . 1917 Touring. ' 1913 Delivery with exnres bodv. ' These cars are in flrst-clas meclianlcal eo anion. Terms w desired. . " . FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO., ; K t 18th and llawtluinie. East 8770. 10.000 Carried in stock. Our ntlmi old with a written guarantee. We glie you os is, 10111 ac. NEW TIRES Wbst brand of new tires do you prefer t We have them, all makes .and ,1r- - ), - -. w - the famous O-V-C Doubl tread sewed) tirssH ana ao iu manner or ure repairing. .Orrgott vuicaniaiug .0., a-o. Burnside, near Urn--way wivto.v mix ' ? Nice shape; will tska small car In trade. CARY. 522 ALDEIl 8T. BDWY 2492 CLASSY Overland bug for sale cheap; ' recently rebuilt; all new demountable rlnts, tires, tubes, high tensiun magnetos, battery, electric lights and horn; motor perfect condition. Be tween 20 and 25 mile per gallon; term. 034 Tburman. Can make ImmedlsU delivery in Maxwells CARY, 622 ALDER ST. BDW1. 2492. AUTO TRIMMING UPHOL8TK4UNG CO. All kinds top and unhole aterina. 9 th and Couch, no, stairs. uroauway .ui 1. REO ROADSTER. Fine condition: newly painted, $830. CARY, 622 ALDER- ST. BDWY. 2402. " BUICK 4-CYL. CHUMMY UOAb.HTEtt ' " 1 e.ou 11 taxen at once. Maxwell touring car. eoad. tires ' -nod me chanical condition, $850. C. G. BLEASDALE. B30 ALDER ST. 7 PASS CARS We have several of them; we are always ready to give you a fair alios ance on your old car. PACIFIC AUTO'CO, 523 ALDER ST. BDWY. 8411. 85 USED automobile to be sol. I st once. These car are mechanically right and reaJy to run. - , C. G BLEASDALE. 680 ALDER ST. 1917 DOlxiE touring. $750. Mechanically ex cellent. Shines lika a new car, but fenders and one door have alight dents. 14th and Alder. Mr. BAV1IM; E. Broadway 240. FORD Iit.: '17"; run perfect, looks fhiel speedometer, cat out.. Yoa will like It: mu-t be sold; "1435 cash only. Durkee, 1704 E. 11th. Seilwood car. - - - WE bat thcheatet Mafwell touring (lfffT in town. Newly painted and seat cover, Mechanically A-l, $450, 14th and Alder. Mr. bATUKJE, Broadway 249. PA I OK SIX'ES Two of themi one lljtht 6, "4 pass., end one big six. 7 pass. Especially . priced fnr Saturday and Sunday's sales. PA CIFIC AUTO CO.. 023 ALDER BDWY. 8411. MAXWELL, 1919. touring; just like new; only run a few thousand miles. Will sacrifice at $976. with terms. 30 Graud are, . near Burnside. - - ' -- . CASH paid for old can, condition no object; oart for alL makes of car. Oregon Anto i.i. change, 129 Lownsdsl st 10th and Wssbingtoa. ruuii, t,vsuwr ww, .-. rmi rA 1 -r. ipis -iwiniiii in iihn t-onoi- tk.n, or win tak your roru rxan)ii of cond 1 1 ion of motor, as first payment, balance . inont'iiy. t in eii. oj. . - BABY GRAND CHEVROLET, good conditions lately overuautea; j nteu. -i,m 3118. to ning. - - ' 1 - ABHiiTT-DETROITT electric, lights and sUrtetJ $580. ' 1 . - , At 404 DAVIS, Near Tenth. 19'i fCIIEVROLET touring,- first "claw "eodU tion; $475. Evening after 5. 520- E. Eroarson . " - " . WE lutvo two g.md Caihllsc-, S and 7 pasM-h-ger. Both in good meclianlcal bape. - 404 DAVIS, Near Tenth. J 1917 -HrpMOBILK- We Mechank-aTly right, A -conl tires $1100. C. G. BLEASDALE. 08O Al.DKK HT, J FORD touring 1916, in fine mechanlral condi Uon, good tires; a bargain at 8850. wit- terms, 3t Grand v. North, near Burnside. ' CHEVROLET tourinri917rin' good condition; good tires; a bargain at $475, with terras, 39 Grand ave. Korth near Hurnlile. A Us Ap TtT mobile 6, IikT new, must sell" leaving city Alouday. - V. E. Snatsly, iiewaid hotel. ' -'1'.J . '--,"" llODGE7osiringr 1917."in"flte cwidltWm."iood tirea; will sacrifice at $925. with terwa. 80 Grand ave. North, near Bumstd.. . - FOBD dt'ilvery. 1917, U'i body; good tirtM. bargain at $4 75. sous -ti ttuu, 30 Grand are. N. war Born 'Ids. . " - - . WE do honest auto repairing, all make of cars; work guaranteed and price Tvasrrnable. CeU at 34 6 William, .v., - - , -:: foil HALE Good trailer, $60. Woodlawn 8612. lODGE8, lika you want at then rice yoa wanL 404 DAVIS. Near Tenth. TRUCKS AND TRACTORS fHUCK with bed 6x10, . ideal - for hsnttne apples, shingles, lumber, wood or farnitur.: mil only short time; an exceptional pargatul t,rmi- 1 INTERNATIONAL -lirir rrr,T : , A 1'iin ami ivavis st FOR SALE A good dlivry car. only $16u. Olll, mA th. ., (Cw-U-AcU oa FoilorTlof Fft l"