aaa- OCU.i. DAILY JOUlvAL, l-OilTL-AHD, ATUTIDAY,- AUGUST " uJ, .liU . - CHINA OFFERING OPPORTUNITY FOR AMERICAN TRADE American Chamber of Commerce Anxious for Early Settlement of Problems in the Far. East. OPEN DOOR IS INSISTED, ON Appeal Made to Portland Cham ber of Commerce to Lend As ' sistartce in the Campaign That the United States now stands In the best position to lake advantage of foreign trade in China is the state ment of J. B. Porellr secretary of the American Chamber of Commerce in a letter Just received byth Portland Chamber of Commerce, j ' . The only; requisite for the realisation of this business is said to be the early settlement of problems which have "hitherto handicaped the United States In the development of this trade. Piscusslni the political aspect-of the problem Powell says; "America has always stood for the open door in Asia. America's millions. have been dumped into China for years for the education of Chinese youns men and women.,. Ail these efforts will be wasted unless America tabes a definite stand for Justice in the Pacific. -"China, with her great territory which is in excess of the territory of the United . States, may become America's ntatut market in the space of 10 years. Or it may be completely closed to us unless l we . tan to pursue me right policy. n "Aa representatives of American mer chants actually in the field, we appeal to you -to bring this vital matter to the immediate attention of your con gressional representatives, in order that .we' may call for the records and. get TRAH &POKTATIOW - ass Hi EAHSHIP MIRAI XJNE. 5. S. "CITY OF TOPEKA" Sail at 0 p. m. SEPTEMBER 4, for Cooa Bay. Eureka and San Francisco, connecting with steamers to Los Angels and San Diego. Tickets sold to all theso points and baggage cheeked through. Summer .excursion round trip farce to ALASKA arrt on sals nntil September 16, and to CALIFORNIA port nntil September SO. MAKE RESERVATIONS FOR YOUR - y - - VAOATION NOW TICKET OFFICE, 110 THIRD ST. Main 1466, A-3332 Local Fralght Office Eas 4331. PAOIFIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. WHITE STAR LINE Propybsed Sailings NEW YORK-LIVERPOOL CRITIC ....i.s.SEP. 18 OCT, ti C EDBICl. REP. SO KOT. 1 BALTIC .....t......OCT. 8 SOY, 13 - ne work-cherbourg-' " Southampton ADRIATIC ............SEP. 16 OCT. 85 APLAKD ............OCT. 4 NOV, 8 NEW YORK GIBRALTAR NAPLES - ' GENOA CUKTIO Sf!Pt SO CA-JfOPIC ............OCT. 25 Foe retarvatloni and ticket apply to local aoanu or company' office, A. E. Disney. 619 Second A., Seattle, Wash. Phono Main IIS. UCCMPAENIE GENEKALE ThANSATLaNTIQUS Cxaraaa Poatal 9rric t PROPOSED DEPARTURES SnbJeet to Chance Without NoUc " r . NEW YORK HAVRE PRANCE SEPT. 11 LA. TOURAI'VE .SEPT. 18 J-A LORKA1SE SEPT. tt PRANCE ..OCT. A 1CUCUAMBEAV OCT. 14 i NEW YORK BORDEAUX CHICAGO i .SEPT. 1 Fusaxl Bro., Pactfie Ooait Asenta. 109 Cnerry SK. SaaUla. oi any kocal Aoant. If tou are inUreMad Is a tri ' AiaJta tlua aaaimer. raearva. aeaa aaoald be asoSaa foe van soon, aa tbora sr to be fewaf boats tna iaat aeaaoa. and 4a. suisd sj already bay. it ss attar yoa apaae as tta Alaska Steamenl Oa OanaSlan Paalfla Ooaan Sarvleaa. " - Paeifia ataamahip Os. . CAE604 JOURNAL TRAVEU ;EAU DORSET SMITH. MANAOER. . irtia Jaurnal ButMlns ' Portiana. Oraaea Talaphena Mamnall 1ST SanFraiiciiico S. S. ROSE CITY departs if irooir Monday, Sept. 1 From Alnawortb Dock " 2 Fare Isclsdea Berth and Heals ' City Ticket Offlea. td sad Wash. . Fsoae Main Freight Office, Aiasworth Dock -Phone Broadway tSS Sas Fraaclseo A Portland 8. S. XJnea : Astoria and Way Landings Str. GEORGIANA Leave Aider Street Doek Dally, Except Friday, at 7. Retaraing v Leaves Astoria at a p. m. Strs. Undine and Lurline Leave Portland Daily Except Sunday, at 8 p. m. Leave Astoria uauy. except 6unaar, at 7 p. m. - FARE $1.65 EACHLWAY M. llf J Rarkoess Trans, ct, -; A.41S1 STEAMERS Thm Dalles and Way Points Sailings ' Tuesdays. Thursdays, mar Saturdays, 7 A. M. DALLES COLUMBIA LINE Taylor St. Dock. MaJa 8065 LASKA them ' before congress where they may be read Into the minutes.?- i AUSTRALIA COMPLAINS GOODS ARE lXFEIUOn STO SASIPLES Asserting that numerous, complaints are coming from .New Zealand and Aus tralia concerning the -. f.ality of mer chandiee America ' is sending to the Antipodes, the national-, bureau of for eign and domestic commerce has re queued local merchants. Importers and exporters, through their local bureau, to be more careful of the nature of ship ments made from Portland to the South '.t7vi1 i- : . "Merchants and shippers in America are not living up ,to their samples in making shipments, i Goods sent to Aus tralia recently have- not been up to standard and merchants cf the lands in the southern 'part of the Pacific are beginning to place (American merchants in a class with Japanese shippers In not sending goods which compare on a par with the samples offered to make sales. This condition must be remedied." ' This is the text of a. letter received by the local trade bureau of the Cham ber of Commerce, copies of which are being sent to- shippers in Oregon. WOODEN STEAMER DEVA IS , ASSIGNED TO HONOLULU RUN Assignment of the new wooden steam er Deva to the Mat son. Navigation com pany, for the Honolulu trade, I has been announced by the-: Columbia Pacific Shipping company of Portland, local agents for the Matson line. . The Deva Is one of the Ballln type of steamers built at the Vancouver, Waste, yard of the O. Mi Standifer I Construc-r tion company. It is considered probable that the. Peva will take on I cargo in Portland. Hitherto the Matson line, of ves sels, which are mostly steel ships, have been engaged in the trangular service between Seattle, San , Francisco and Honolulu. Several of the Ships built by the Albina Engine & Machine works or this city are now in the the Matson line. -. . service of 15 OFFICERS FOR SHIPPING BOARD VESSELS ARE NEEDED Shortage of available 'officers to man shipping board vessels in Portland has become so serious that Lieutenant, Har old C. Jones, tn charge of the; local sea service bureau, has been compelled to call on the San Kranclsco headquarters for assistance. j The bureau could now place 15 of ficers, -' the 'demand for engineers and mates being especially keen, j The ra pidity with which the steel and wooden ships have been completed and turned ovqt to the operators has caused an un usually heavy demand upon the recruit ing office, notwithstanding that scores of men have been signed on at this port in the last year. Lieutenant Jones says that there are now 14 steel apd wooden ships in this port which are awaiting to be officered. ' 1 STEAMER DOYLESTOWN SAILS WITH BIG CARGO OF LUMBER Laden with ' L650.Q00 feet . pf lumber, the new steel steamer Ooyleetown, which was built at the Albina Engine Ma. chine Works,' left port early I today for Bombay, India. The cargo wis supplied by W. R. Grace & Co., and the steamer was dispatched. under the local manage ment of the Pacific Steamship company. Cargo for the Doylestownl was fur nished by the Peninsula Luriber com pany." West Oregoa company, and the Portland Lumber company. This is the maiden voyage of the Doylestown, which was the seventeenth and last hull to be completed at the local shipbuilding 1 plant under govern ment contract. The ship, which has a tonnage of 3800, Was launched "during Rose Festival week last Junei CAPT. NOPANDER GIVEN SniP Will Take Command of Steel Freighter That Will Load Lumber. Captain I. N. Nopander, one of the best known mariners of the Pacific coast,' has' been assigned toi command the new steel steamer West I Cheswald. which has been turned over, to the Pa cific " Steamship " company of Portland for operation. Nopander was formerly In; command of the steamers Bear and Beaver, and until recently he was master of the steamer Aurelia, one of . the 1 freighters of the Admiral line.' 1 The West Cheswald will load flour in Portland , for the ' grain corporation of the food administration. The new 'assignment of -the -veteran mariner is the direct result of the sale recently of the t Aurelia toi Peruvian parties. The Aurelia had been for a year, engaged in the general freight transportation business between Port land and San Francisco and way points. West HarUey Launched Another of the steel steamers con tracted for by the shipping board was put into the water this forenoon when the West Hartley -was launched at the plant f the Columbia River Shipping corporation. The steamer, which is one of the 8800-ton type, is the twenty-eighth hull launched at the local plant under government contract. The sponsor for the West Hartley was Miss Irene Wind, daughter of 3. C. Wind, United States steamboat inspector of this district. " ALL ALONG THE WATERFRONT Captain A. J. Storrs, of Seattle, marine superintendent of the Pacific! Steamship company is a Portland visitor today. He is accompanied by A- H. Gardner, chief commissary of the Admiral line. Arrival at Seattle of the.. Portland built steamer ; West Munham, of the Portland-Oriental service of the Pacific Steamship company, is expected now any day. The steamer's real home port is Portland, but owing to the fact that she is bringing a quantity of .vegetable oils from the orient, it was necessary that the ship make Puget Sound before com ing to Portland. The Munham Is the first of the Admiral line vessels on the Portland-Oriental run to return from the Far Bast with general cargo. Headquarters of the foreign freight de partment of the Tacific Steamship com pany of Portland hare been moved from the main offices: on the ground floor of the Railway Exchange building, to room 217 of the same building. Repairs to her damaged keel 'having been made, the new wooden steamer Cve sap will leave the port of Portland dry dock today, and' will load ties for the Atlantic, coast. .The vessel Is operated for the shipping board by the Pacific Steamship company. - I The ' steamer . .West Harland. which was built by the Columbia River Ship building corporation, Ms loading flour at the Crown Mills for the food administra tion. The -vessel is being operated, by the Pacific Steamship company. Miss R. Covington, chief clerk of the sea - service bureau of Seattle, . paid a visit to the local .branch of the eea serv ice bureau today - i Carl . Johansbn has replaced JJlels A. TCielaenf ss -master of barge 'Rufus E. Wood, v . - , i ,. Albert EC Larson- has replaced' S." Ben son as master, of the - steamer Clare mont. . . - ,j - - ; - News of the Port - Arrtyala Au. 30 Rom City. American ateamer, from San Francisco; ceneral and pamenserx. ! Departure Aua. SO Wahkeena, American steamer, I ' from St. Helens for San Pedro; lumbar, i - ' , Kmt It. Meyer, American ataajner, for Saa pedro, via Westiiort;. lumber. i royltown, American steamer, I for Bombay: tcuber. . : : f 3IARINE A I, MAS' AC Weather at River's Mouth . North Read, A as. SO. Sea moderate; wind about 25 miles; ckrady,' light fog; humidity 53 per cent. t Tides as Astoria. SunSay - - High Water I Low Water 5:13 a. m. 6,1 feet 1 11:17 a. m. 2.8 feet 8:08 p. tn. 7.S feat I 0:23 p. ax. 0.9 feet ' DAILY RIVER READINGS STATIONS. 3 1 S? 3 Umatilla . . . Albany .... , Salem ,' Oresron City Portland . . 28 20 ao 12 IS S.ft o.s o.0 0.00 o.oo 0,00 o.oo -1 .8 4.2 f-O.8 a. U.i -) railing. RIYE2 FORECAST The Willamette rWer at Portland will remain nearly etationary during tha next two or three day excel aa affected by the tide, AT SEIGHBORIXO PORTS Astoria, Ane. SO. Arrived at 4:55 and left up at 9:30 iaat viytat Utteamer Roe City, front Ban irrancMeo. Arrived down, at o a. m. ye tTday Bare Si SS. for Ban Francisco. Sailed ac 8 last nignt steamer jonaa Foutsen. for Ban Franctsoo. 8ailed at a. is -Steamer Vol k,. L. Drake, for ban Francisco, towing barga No. 03. Arrived down at, 8 a. ro. Uteamer (JorvalUa. : . , ; - San Francisco. Aug. 30. Arrived at-10 last went Steamer pewtckley, from ?ray Har bor via, Aatoria, for United Kingdom; put in lor- repaira, s- . , ; . Astoria. Ans. 29. -s Sailed at 1 n. m. Steamer Frank D. Stout, from Sa Francisco. for Mnaniam: unt Ilk tnr nrtimrm San Francinco. Aag. 30. (I, X. 8.) Ar rived, August 20. British ateaxner Kabinga, from !e ion. at i :ao p. m.; ilarshtirw. trom Kahului, t 2:50 p. m,; acliooner Sophia CUri-tcn.-"-n. from Noumea, at S p. m. ; Adrefral Dewey, from Seattle, at 3:45 p. m.; llyadea. f rem Kahului, at 4 p. in. : Klamatli, t rum Iau Angeles, at s:l p. m. ; Sowicaley. from 1 ort. land, at 9:50 p. m. (put in for repairs) ; irold Sliell, trom Beaumont, it 10 p. m. Bailed. August 28, Braxton, for New York, at 12:55 p. ta. ; Pasadena, for Albion, at 12:55 a. m. : Ne- eanieum. for Brookinca. at C:25 d. m. : I. 8. Loop, for Seattle, at 0:55 p. m,: fnimak, for SUwarta Point, at 7:20 p. m.; DevolenU. Yo kohama, at 7:40 p.m.; barge Simla in tow of tag Sea fcayle, for Port Ban t-ui. at 8 :fiO p. m. Ban tramuoo, anc. o.- fi. r. a. Ar rived yeeteaday 5S. Whitiier. Port San liuia: ateamer Han Jacinto, Ventura., midnight. Today Arctic, Mendocino, 4:au a. m. ; (jaiitain A. jr. Lucas, Vancouver, b a. m. i British ateamer Tarn aha, Beaumont, via Balboa, S:30 a. m. ; steamer Johanna Smith, ilnrlif ield, J 1 a, m.; Walling, ford, Honolulu, 1 1 :30 a. m. ; caa schooner, Stockton City, Shelter Cove, 11 L m. Sailed Whit tier. Port Mn Itiia, la. m. 5 steamer Clasemont, Portland. l!0 a. m.j Brit. iah steamer Kabinga, for Otlororau, 11 1. m. Seattle. Waah,. Aug. 38. U. N. S.) Ar ned Steamship ' Argyll, from 8a n Franciico, 8.45 a. m. ; Alaska, from I'aeoma. 12:30 a. m i TtMlniido. from aoutheaatern Alaska. 2 a. m. Sailed SteanrJiip Arabia Mara : for Yo-. korama, Kobe, Nagasaki, Manila and Bincn 1 ore, 10 a. m. Arrived, 28th Steamship Aia--hia ilaru from Tacoma, midnight; Hamier lrom Tacoma, 10:80 p. m ; President from Van couver, via Taeoraa. 6 :SO p. la. ; Prutexiiu, fw-m Comoi, at 5 p. m. ; City cf Seattle from HitUheastern Alaska, 4:80 p. m. ; V. S. S. Heather from Sound ports. . Sailed, 28th -Ao-tn for Southhampton, 6 p. m.; Mahnet." for tirimsby, 4:45 p. tn. ; ' Ketchikan. Auc 28. il.' N. S.) Sailed- fc'teamihip Admiral Kvana, south, 11:30 a. XU.l Akmeda, south. 7 p. m. KenaC- Aug. 27. (I. N. 8.) Sailed Ship St. Paul for Seattle. aknik. Aug. 11. (I. N. S.) Sailed Ship Charles E. Moody for Seattle, Nufhagak. Aug. 10. (I. N. 8.) Sallwl fsbi Benjamin F. Packard for Seattle. - Iunzenw, Aug. 28. I. N. S. ) Paaaed in Fteamhip Selkirk lot Seattla, 10 a. m. : Steain nliij of Admiral line, probably Admiral Farra eut for Seattle, 8 a. m. - BeUingham. Aog. 28. (L JT. 8.) Arrived Steamship Catherine U. from Seattlo. : Tacoma. Aug. 28. ! N- S.) Sailed f?teamahip "Seattle Mara for Kobe; Horace X. I alter for San Pedro. 1 Arrived- Steamship Skagway from Seattle. Aug 27. Sailed 8tem-Jiip Providencia for fct-rta Kosalia, via San Francisco. TWO LODGES ARE BY (Continued From Page One) " Tou must not go to war.'- ' "Fine: This is splendid, but a Cat contradiction of his present attitude that nations must not unite to preserve peace and order ; that they must not be so united to say to any single coun try, 'tou must not go to war.' "Mr. President, am I going too far when I appeal from 'Philip drunk ,to Philip sober" V MAJJKIIfB REPEATS ITSELF -.. Referring to Senator Lodge'e asser tion that. the preamble of the League of Nations covenant does not differ essen tially from that of the treaty of Paris from which sprang the Holy Alliance and its wars and that "mankind is con stantly repeating itself." Senator -Owen said : "In other words, the promises made by the treaty of the Holy Alliance hav ing led to war, these promises will also lead to war, because "mankind re peats Itself." ... ? "The obvious fallacy of this argu ment is that the "alleged "purposes' of the Holy Alliance had nothing to do with the consequences- which ensued from that alliance. "War did not result from the virtuous promises made to the people by the Holy Alliance. The Holy Alliance made wilfully, deceitful and false promises;, of . brotherly love and peace in ' order ta deceive the people of Russia, Prussia and Austria and thus prevent them from going Into a revolu tion as the people had done in France under like conditions ; of tyranny and brute military power. - ' PROMISES OF TRAILED tIARS - "Does the senator from Massachusetts really believe that It was the ; virtuous promises' of the Holy Alliance that led to war, or the 'secret' purposes and am bitions of . those military monarchical despots who were secretjy . plotting to rule the world by brute force? There is a vast difference between the promises of an hpnest man or an honest govern ment of sincere well meaning de mocracies, and the promises , of trained liars, murderers and self-seeking des pots. And I feel fully Justified In describing the. Hohenzollerns and : the Hapsburgs and the Romanoffs in these plain terms." . -;; ! "May 1 not be permitted to appeal to the better Americanism of the senator from Massachusetts not to throw him self across the path of human progress and world peace? ' He is not (as he thinks) waging a war against Woodrow Wilson; he is waging a war against the desires and the hopes of all mankind." Going in Airplane ; For Fire Pictures W. Ik Finley. of 4he state Xlsh and game commission, will fly from Eugene Saturday in a De Haviland forest patrol plane to get pictures of the fire on the Mackenzie river. The pictures will' be an educational film, showing the destruc tive effects of fire on bird and animal life, and will be ready for release in about three weeks. Finley will be ac companied by State : Forester F. A. Elliott. - - . Deck;Hand Loses Life In: Willamette River Diving Into the Willamette fixer tor ft swim just after eating supper Friday, Jjouis JKarn, 20, a deck hand on the steamer Hustler, ; was drowned near the foot of Jefferson street, about'? o'clock. His body was; recovered by Harbor Pa trolman Schroeder, who was called to give -assistance. A doctor was called from the Kmergeney hospital, and a pul raotor employed.,: Karn was a son of Mr. and Mrs. C. It. .Karn, route , box 31, Lebanon. - a,-'."!!' " " EXHIBITED OWN N FDR COSTLY GIFTS Diamond Brooches and Tiaras Bestowed .on Sponsors of Ships Charged, to Uncle Sam. Seattle, Aug. 30. (TJ. P.) Tla.r mond brooches and tiaras were be stowed upon sponsors of ships launched . In Seattle .: and the bill charged to Uncle Sam during the height; of the war, when national thrift was - the cry from r coast to coast, according to testim'ony- placed before the congressional., investiga tors here. Although it was generally believed that, shipyard operators . bestowed- the costly gifts ' to sponsors ? at launching ceremonies, G. P. Teane, district comp troller of the Emergency TTleet corpora-1 tion. Informed the investigators to the contrary when he took ,the stand Friday afternoon. , U- He declared that the shipyard people had been permitted to spend JIBuO for launching ceremonies and charge it up lo the government, but that the allow ance was tut to 1 5 00 a launching later. Twenty launchings cost ' the govern ment J30.OOO, Deane testified. Syndicate Forming New Corporation to Take Over Coca-Cola .The Trust company of Georgia is forming a syndicate to offer for sub scription, at about ?40 a share, 600,000 shares of common stock of the Coca- Cola company, a new corporation being formed to acquire the business of the Coca-Cola company of Georgia. The company s earnings for the first seven months of the current year were at the annual rate of about $5,250,000 before federal taxes. The proposed cap italization Of the new company is to be 110,000,000 7 per cent cumulative pre ferred stock and 60O0O ehares of com- mon stock without par value, . There will be no funded debt. To insure the continuance of the present management the 500,000 shares of common stock will be deposited with the Guaranty Trust company of New York under a voting trust agreement for five years. DISQUE READY TO (Continued From Pace One) to show that decent men may yet serve this country and retire with a name which their sons will never be ashamed to own. PEOPLE ARET JUSTIFIED - : "Second: Having enjoyed such whole hearted cooperation and confidence of the people in Oregon and Washington, I feel It a duty, to convince them that it was justified, "you have been fed orr rumors, insinuations, half truths and whole cloth lies about the spruce pro duction division for several weeks, and I know that in this age of propaganda that you cat? shake the faith of a man's best friend if you hammer on one idea long enough- and nothing is done to refute it. "I refrained from replying to the at tacks that have been made upon me and my associates because most of them have been iso . ridiculous that I could not believe that people would give much credence to '.them, and further I thought it best, to let out all the rope that might be used for subsequent use wherein 1 hope - to bring up a few examples' to others who will perjure themselves to satisfy a personal spite. TOXGTJES. A.RE tT3T BRIDLES "The trouble Is that most of the 'noisy gentlemen have stepped under tne cloak of a congressional inquiry, where they may talk with unbridled license, because their remarks are considered by the courts as privileged communications for which they cannot be prosecuted, except for perjury, which is known to all law yers to be sf difficult thing to prove. Another trouble is that . they are not facing the man about whom they talk, he has no right or opportunity to cross examine, they may, under oath, use such terms as, Inefficient, , Incompetent,' 'favoritism,' 'caar like terms, "wickedly wasteful, without first qualifying as experts and without even having shown an acquaintance with the man - about whom they testify, to say nothing of the mass of information and conditions which actuated him in his (work. - "We all know that type of man ; .he Is the kind who will be the first to Jump into a lifeboat of a sinking ship and then find fault with, the methods of those whij are trying to repair the leaks and save the ship. v CONFIDENCE UNDERMINED ; "But what I started to say was that I had the confidence of these people up here. I want them to give it to the next man who needs It In city, county, state and federal service, and this they may hesitate to do If they are left In doubt on this, spruce, question. ; "The world progresses on confidence, and the more ..of it "e give and take the more rapidly and effectually . we solve our problems. I think we all feel that America has been running too far away from that atmosphere. We have come to a time when it is almost second nature to ascribe improper and selfish motives to the acts of public officials, and our democracy cannot develop or endure under such conditions. "I am here to do all that I cari to correct it." ' Drum Corps Goes East Th G. A. R. Drum corps lf Oregon f-wlll be sent to the . Columbus, - Ohio. national encampment. A numoer oi prominent citizens have contributed a purse of $615 to help pay expenses. Ihe same was collected by Mayor Baker. BUILDING PERMITS E. I Ensliah. erect garage, 410 Boss st. between Inxon . anct Dupont, builder Modern Const ictiorr Co., SO. ' - J, i 1H) ey. erect ganjre. 729 E. 2trt. between Biaraarck find Laiajetta, builder Modern ,ii.truction Co.. 80. -'.' Theodore Rebberg, erect garage. 1&09 E. ISto. between Pes and Lambert. bUiMer same, S50. P HamV erect garage. 900 Milwaukie, brtw'ean , HcJaaU .sad. Hoynolti, builder E. K. Hender n. 0. - , . , ' " -. . C Pfeff. repair residence. 602?. 86th st 8 E.. between SOtU d 61st . ave.. bulkier sajpe ' t5 t - ? J 'johnwn, erect residence, 3703 E. 6th ft. between Tlth and 2Stb avea., S. Ev btulder li. P. Dllloy. 30O. , A. W. Uolin. esect garage. 650 E. Stat-W .. between Alameda and Bra xe. builder same. (300. P A. Ha (a. repair residence,. 1641 K 1 1th, betwe-n Tacoma and, Tenino, , builder Mr Jbnea, $90. :,- ' ' - 1. H. Oiipl, erect garage, 1719 E. IltU, twea Harnej and Sherrett. bmlder same, 'Dor?mas achool, Tepair acbool, E. 4 5 U and Bnrnside ata., Portland Oaa i.X'oke Co., S700. C P. Aodo&Kia. repair real deace, 139 E. COVER M NT PAD ANSWER CRITICS Mi reao. between Albina and Kerbjr, buil U W. Hem, fl75. 0. Y. McLean, twpail residence, 9029 82d rt. S. H , between 89U and 42$ aver, builder r. Am fusion. 9ZS0.- . - W. F. WrigUt. wreck houM.' 0 N." Sti. iiwn jirerttt ana landera, O. . K. . to., tviUU. . . '. Joe Wegser, repair rw4no, 176S E. 11th, bitween ilarkio and Linn, builder K. Quallej, si2oo. : - . ' - -t, i. H. Rearer, repair, dwelling, S91 K. SOth, be tween juroadwar and Hancock, builder' aame, Christian .church, repair ehorch, O ego, br vrtea antral are. ana iximoara, ouuaer iv Earl Bunting, erect garage, S04 E. 41st at belweon Clinton and lvon. builder aaaia. SI 00 : W. J. Crocker, repair dwoUing. . 1905 K. Jlc rrison. betwoeBfiUi and both, builder aame, $173. , - - C'hrtstlan and Miaaionary Alliance, erect ga' rage, 4TJ E. Clay, between E. etti and 9Uu tuiHU-r o. tl. J5atow, sivo. Ida Miekev. erect aarairav 608 5Sth at. N., between iniy rd. and . Stanton.- builder a. Kogen. ;uu. . ' H. C. Balea. erect - garage. 183 Idaho, be- tveoq Cvrbeu and Virgina ava builder aaiua. lira. , . i C P. afunaon. - rooair reidenee. 77T Rooee .velt at, between 23d and 24tb, builder; aame, $75.. . . - '" . : Nancr Bureh, repair dwelling, 10119 S7tli ate. 8. E., between 101st and lCd at., builder U. K. Buroh, (10O. . . ; Corbctt eatate. repair torc. 10 18th. tat pn Washington and Surk, buildpr. William tier.' ; ' Wiliam V. Itaser. erect garaga, 691 Tale, between Finke and .HaTen. builder aamm. $50. Max Stxntield,-erect chicken house. 4988 4 2d at., between 46th and 47th at., builder aame. $100. v N. Brandser. more caraso. 1112' KiHings- w.rtb. between E. 39U and 40th. builder aame. -"o. . J. M. O'FarreU, erect play ahed. 1435 Ala-n-eda. between, E, 53d and 6 til, builder aame, $1B0. ' K. V. Walker.' repair reaidence. 810 W. Fewenden, between Willamette bird, and 8jr rft'Ue. builder I. E. Walker, $30. . Log Cabin Baking Co.. repair bakery. 728 rricoUTer ae., between Fremont and try, 11. O. Power builder. SSO.Ono. ; A. C. Palmer, erect residence, 1S59 Knswlea brtween Lor aha rd and Holland, builder tieorge W. Betta,'lS0O.- Morris Vail, erect TeaMenee. 5715 Slat be tween 07th and 58th area.: builder, aame; $150. Julius Heilbom estate, repair tore, 428 Hoyt su between lOtte and. 11th; builder.- H. C. Hartwiu; $40. - . Edward Kleist. repair bakery. 815 Clinton neiween 't)tn ana otn ta.; buuaar, if. - w. Gildermeiater; $000. . , J. Oliten, . erect residence, 687 E. 17th be tween McLaughlin and Haig ; builder, same a Mrs. M. C. Waddle, erect garage, 865 ' E, 25tk between Brooklyn and Tibbetts:" builder, Max Ruehlei $300. Cart Erdt. arect residence, 460 E. 0th at. N. between TUlamook and Thompson; builder, aama; $1500. M. B. Fisher, repair, dwelling, '800 Farragut HDiCi O. ' J. M. AlcConnell. erect refiidanea. -fiOS .PL 25 th N. between Mason and Skidmore; builder. uome 0iuB. ABtm. ; ioouu, Mrs. M. Boitano, repair dwelling. 415 E. 44 th between Lincoln and G rant ; builder, D, W. Prichard; ,150. J. B. Yeon.' repair storea and office. 180 5th si. oeiween Aiaer ana Hunincton; builder, James Moe, $10,880. . . - I. W. Perkins, erect garage, 849 E. Slat between Broadway and Ralaey; builder, same; : Thomas, Kewin, erect woodshed. 711 Sher wood drive near Patton road: builder. W. H. Berkey. $25. Thomas Kewin. rerair dwelling. 711 Sherwood dHve near i'atton road; builder W,. IL Berkey; John Ealo, erect garage, 831 Minnesota are. between Failing and ShTer; builder, aame; $50. F. Mr' tirosliong. erect garotte. 717 E. 27th N. between Klickitat and Fremont; builder, same; $100. Laurelhurst Co., erect residence, 1226 E. Fine between E. 41st and 43d; builder, aame; $5000. H. Walker, erect garage, 137 E. 68th at. N. between GUsan and Orecon; builder, eame; $50. II. Walker, repair residence. 137 E. 68th st. N, between Glisan and Oregon; builder, aame: $66. fireat Northern Casket Co., erect dry kiln, 874 Macadam road between Gaines and I'en noyer; -$1500. F. Yanchenka, erect residence, S7 Eilpatrick between Montana and Minnesota; builder, same; $2000. . William Gregory, repair dwelling, Jf. B. cor. Jasper flare between Front and First; builder, same; $300. J. S. . Harder, repair dwelling. 26 K. 6th N. between K. Burnsida and K. Couch; builder, same;' $100. E. 11. Knhhnhn. arect garage, 672 E. 57th St. N, builder, A. W. Lindell; $75. W. R. Wheeler, repair dwelling, 1714 E. 0th; builder, same; $80. - P. IL Tjmour, repair 'residence, 807 E. 8d between Clsckamaa and Halsey; builder. A. F. Velguth, $100. J. Becker, repair dwelling, 426 Jry st. be tween Union are. and 7th; builder, same; 50. Bay Barknurat, repair residence, 4437 68th are. between 44 th nd 45th; builder, T. C. Cox; $150. John li. Day, erect garage, 435 E. 7th it. N. between Tillamook and Ban Rafael; builder, same; $150. Mrs. Louis Da Carl, erect chicken house. 1919 E. Clay st. between 7Gth and 75th; builder, same; $75. Dr. Ewin. repair shed, . 1861 H Hawthorne avenue between 48th and 4Sth; builder. E. Prichard; $25. ?eai.ty -Associates, repair storea and achool. 28i lamhill between 4th and 5th; builder. David Muir; MOO. George IL Kelly, erect residence. 891 West-Bro.-rO$d10n000 Melind aT,;; ouiWer, Stebinger i M. Nilson, erect residence, 729 E. 80th N between Fremont and Klickitat, builder. John Mayatrora, $2OO0. IL M. Broemser. repair dwelling. 942"5 55th are., S. E. between 94th and 93th eta., builder same. $300. . ' E. E. Aldrieh, erect garage. 254 Ainsworth between Moore and Vancou r, builder same, M. Grimm, erect garage, 862 E. 63d N. between Mason and Sharer, builder. Modem Construction Co., $100. i. V- Kuntn- et garage, 2818, 49th st. S. E. between 28th and SOth avot.. builder. Modern Construction Co., $100. " i Julius Glarum, erect residence, 1611 Westanna between Oberlin - and Lombard, builder same $1000. v ' Flanders Estate & Pioneer Real Estate Co., repair dock. Front st, between Burnsida and Couch, builder, Frank Davy!, $1000. Mrs. Sarah Bernstein, cfjistTuct fence, 224 Whi taker, : comer Second, builder same, $15 , Lewis Investment Co., repair dock. Front'st. between Broadway and 8th. builder, Frank David. Turner & Winship.. erect resHenea. 545 Braaee between E. lath and 13th st,, builder same, $7000. Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co.. excava- tl?2r l0-3,? 61.8t TeV.between-E- 70tl E. 71t, buUder, J. M. Dougan Co., $300. F. G. Walter, repair garage, 785 Franklin fl between E. 28th and 2 9 Lb, builder same, James Pollock, erect garage, 269 Hazelfera Place, builder, E. U Banborne. $18. W. J. Fipenbrink. ' arect garage, 1212 Ankeny between 3 9 th and 41st, builder same. lav. , c- Vogel. erect garage. 73 Skidmore be tween Minnesota and Missouri, builder same, $90 Ella Gregory, erect garage, 937 Rodney be tweea Skidmore and 1'rencott. builder same, $90. A. O. Anderson, erect garage. 864 Michigan between Mason and Shaver, builder same. $90 F. A. Stevenson, erect garage, 659 E. 32d in. between. Siskiyou and Klickitat, bulkier aame, $90. G. D. Simons, erect garage. 879 E. 64th ITEW TOD KT Send Us Your Old Carpets Old Biri and Woolen Clothing; "We Mate Keverslble, Hud.Wovea - Fluff Rugs ,Tiey Wear Like Iron Sar RnsfAVoren All Slzei Mail Orders Send for Booklet Featkers Renoweted ' ' Carpet Cleaning Ixlt Rg-, Steam Cleaned. 91M WESTERN FLUFF RUO CO. $4 ITnlon An, J. East 6516 Phone B-147J ' FARM SNAP! Thia eplendld 82-acre ranch, about 40 cjC "which are In .. cultivation. .House Is -plastered and contains eight largre. airy rooms; has fire place, concrete foundation and base- r ment; five acres of commercial ap T pie orchard, besides assorted family orchard. Barn 60x50 and other out- ' buildinsjs. Improvements alone cost over S5000. Total price S7300, $4300 ' cash. Located eix miles from Beaver-' . creek in Clackamas county in the , Clark's district. Thia la a real snap. Photos at office;- . ' FRED W. GERM A- CO. " - Cham, of Com. Bldg-. -- Open vehings aad Sundays - between Broadway and Haacock. ; builder tame, 190.' i. J, Jergenaen. erect garage, 697 K. 80th st. between Bukiyou and KUckiut, builder game. A. tVHson. erect garage, Tl X Michigan ba- cwsea rremont and Deecn, builder same, fliu. A, K. Nailson. arect garage 10 E. 1'rewott petwsen Maryland and ratton. ouuaer same, riu. W. L Brown, erect garage. 10 liouiuiary re. fcntwee Corbett aud Macadam, , builder aame, (. ' Mm. Elisabeth Haenel, repair rw tidenoe, 1045 E. Lincoln between 85th and Marguerite ave., Duuaer. u. a. uir, gea. MEETIXO irOTICF.R 41 Mid WATER.', OAIOIVAI. and llcnio. . Labor day. Monday. Bept. 1. at Iieek 1-land. By kairvka Council, No. 204, Knights and La dies of oerunly. swimmta;, timn and ' daacinst ' after noon 'and evening. Bring yonr - hincb. Coma v tarty for a fine day's 'outing on the ' river. "U Take Oregon Cifv to Milwankis- or boat at loot of lay. lor street. Bound trip, 23 cent, including ad- riiion ta Dark. No meeting Monday, Bepicm- btr 1. on aeooant of holiday. -Election of of ficer Monday. September 8, Eat Bids W. O. ': hall. Kat 6th and Aklert . . STATEI communication East Cat Lodge No. 155, A. F, A. M., East SOth ' and . OH! : sts.. Monday evening,. Heptember 1, 7:30 se'ohick. Work- in E. A. dearaa. . VLitina brothers cordi ally invited to ttend, - The date of -our bouie eoming will ba " anuoanced by committee . in charge in due time. - " J I. NKLSOJJ. ec.. E. P. MEKTI.-W. M. M-ACWNlSTsi All roembora' of Iodge Ko. 63, Nil 1333 and 734 a raoueatsd ta nartici- pat in the Labor day parade Monday, Seiitero- X't 1. Machinists will torm on Montgomery M. vnl of 1 2th st Ex-service men are . re quested to appear in -nniform. .Members will lki bring their tiennaut. AO members to hi in line by o'clock, Farads will move at 10 o clock sllajrp. . ' K. F. "iKlST. Captain Biacntnms. ATTENTION UNITED ARTISANS) Excursion trains. Labor day. leave East Water am ad Mar- rison ta. for Kstacada at 8 a. tn. Special train for Fram 'assembly. Bring your friends. Round trip tar ooe. uamttng, games, every tiling. EAffMXLTNOMAHFlonear AssociaOon will meet at. the Grange hall at Corbett. Or.. Sept. 3, at 10 a. m. All members cordially invited. By-CS, C'HKlSTK.SlSX, secretary. HENRY GEORGE anniversary 5ryital LaK . nark. Aug. 31. arcnicea of Oregon Single Tax league, by courtesy of the Teamsters. - EMBLEM JEWJCLKT speclslty; bnttons, pwa, barms, -I soger Bros.. Ial.l83 fn at. KlarriAges.BJrtts, Deaths. ' MARRIAGE LICENSES' Walter IL Quier, 27, F'rineeton. Or..' and Fenie I, Davis, 17, Troutdsle, Or. - ,- f If ib.M 1,,.. ! ' TK X7 B., n . n.l Mattel Bofman, legal, 75 W. Sumner. Eati A. ciison. legal. 1199 ' E. Grant, and Grace E. Short, leeal, 170 St. CUir st, Peter A. Laiczie. 30. 695 Tacoma ave.. and Helen HaUevoat, 2. 428 Hoyt. Leonard A. 1'inard, legal, G2 Rhone, and Ethel Dofflemyer. legal, 2 W. Irecott. George W. Bitter. 28. 945 Clinton, and i Betsy Ingles, 22, 147 S. 12th at. v ! T - , 1 1 w, ' rt., . . . n r-. . Esther Ayers, 22, 403 Stark st- Mobert i. JbOtlns, legal. 107 E. 87th, and Nina Lv Dun ton, legal, 12 8 7 Mviilory. - , Eugene Hicks, legal. 5334 'Rodner. and Battle Uenman, legal. 633 14 Rodney ave. .ei-U . lrvin, UorvalUs, Or., and Kosa Teaktns, 18. 122 Graham ave. Wainer St red. 26. Salem. Or., snd Jennie Vigstol. 22, Hoyt hotel. .,- Furl 97 it. T.vIa. mrxA R..h. Ecgensperger, ii. i234 E. Jefferson. William H. N orris. 29. 1042 E. Grant St.. and Tiola F. Sliagler. 80, 567 E. Taylog. BIRTHS BARBER To Mr.-and ilrs. 1. E. Barber. Barnes road. Aug. 18, a daughter. MANAKEA To Mr. and Mrs. James Msnskea, 402 First. Aug. 6. a daughter. JUHD -To Mr- and Mra. 11. O, '. Judd, 935 t oncord ave., Aug. 17. a son. COHN To Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Cohn. 80 E. 11th. Ane. 23. a son. LUTB To Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Lata. -423 K. Ash. Aug. 24, a son. CUTSHALX, To Mr. and Mrs. W. . Cutshsll, 894 Grand ave.. Ann. 25. sona (twin). lr. James Sproat. LKLS To Mr. sn Mrs. W. E. Eeea, 1178 K. 2Cth. Ana-. 12. a son. - -. JOHNSON To Mr. and Mrs. Joe J. Johnson, 6f74 Maraliall. Aug. 25, a son. DOHSON To Mr? and Mrs. James R. Dobson, Beaverton, Or., Ang. 21. a son. KIKBV To Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Kirby, 600 Mountain bird.. Am. 21. a mm SPLKTTEK To Mr. and Mrs. A. K. BjJetter. TBI Corbett. Ane. 27. a dsnnhter. JACKSON To Mr. and Mrs. i. E. Jackson. Roxhurg station. nn. 2J5. a rtonulit.r WELTER To Mr, and Mrs. Win. Welter. 291 V4 Hswthorne. A nr. 24. dnirhtr. FARNHAM Ta) Mr. and Mrs. G. li. ITarsham, 42Q E. BBth, Ang. 26, a son. DEATHS AT FUKERALS ROOT in iliia city. August 29, Fred W. Root, aged 42 year; beloved husband of Marioria Root, son of Mr. and - Mrs. Frank F. Root. Funeral services will ba held at ntmniiur A- McEntee'a chapel, Broadway and Ankeny streets, Sunday, Augnat 81. at 1 P. m. Friends invited to attend. . Interment at Multnomah l'arfc. cuaie tory. MctiLOIN At" the rmiiien", pin M'"'ppi avenue, Edward John McGloin, aged 1 month 16 dsn; beloved mon of Mr and Mra. Edvinl McGloin. Funeral services will be held at luu- mng & McEti tee's ehapel today (Saturday), at 3:30 p. m. Interment ia family pkt at Rose ity t-ant cemeiery. - SMITH In this city. Augmt 29, Eleck fimi.ll Q r.. W.ln.4 kW..l. . , nannes Otto Smith. Remains forwarded Sun day. August 31. by Pearson Co.. undertaker. Eufwell st., at Union, ave., to Iloquiam. Wash., for services and interment. POTTS Aug. 28, near Kendall station. Joseph P. Potts, aged 60 years. The fnneral services will be conducted today (Saturday) at 3:30 p. m.. in tha mortuary ehanel of A II Kanworthv & Co., 5802-04 2d st. 8. K., itr Lenta. -Friends invited. Interment Mount Scott cemetery. LAN DON Aug. 14. at New York city, Cecil C. Landon. aged 21 years. The funeral service will be conducted Saturday, Aug 30, at 2 p. m., in me mortuary cnapei oi a. -L. Kenwortny & Co.. 5802-5804 Q2d st. S. E.. in Lents, ln- teianent at Mount Scott Park cemetery. SIMMONS At his late residence, 1212 Mall st, Samuel W. Simmons, . aged 80 years. Funeral services will be held at C. L. lurch's funeral parlors, E. 11th and Clay sta., Monday, oepc x, u i p, n, t rienas invited. 4 CAMFILLA At his late residence, 406 East lgtltli street. Je Camfilla. aeed 40 years. Remains at P. L. Lercb, 811 Clay. Funeral notice later. SLOAN Harvey Anderson Sloan, ' Portland Ssnitanum. Aug. 28. 10 Oyuri: fractnra of f.kull. LOUGEE1 Herbert ; G. Lougee, 8816 E. 6 4 tin axis. 3. years ; cancer ot stomach. BLACKBURN-Jeannett Blackburn, St. Vin cents hospital, Aug. 25, 16 years; fracture. SMITH Susan W. Smith. Portland Surgical nospirai, Ang. ZH, years; cancer of rectum. .EE Alian S. Lee, 539 Commercial, Aug. 28, 41 years: carcinoma of itomsrh. HARTEU Wm. J, Harter. 003 finokana ava.. AvkZ. 29. 51 years: Nmium, nf livi. OVERTON Wan. F. Overton. ood Samarium hosmtal. Aua.. 25.-43 vrs: fra ctnra f fm, , OTTEHSTEDT Joha N. Otterstedt, 380 Lom- Kan Ant O T W .. , l ni. " s. Jai tliv CJBL4LW." FI-ORISTS CLARK BROS., florets. Morrison st, net. 4th and 6h. Phuoe Main a-lKOV Ea flow. era and flora! dei-igns. No b ranch storea. - Liberty market flokist, su, and Ysm- hiil t Cut flowers, pisnts and designs. Bell. woodGrenhoua, 64 Nthalata- ave. SelL1520. MARTIN A, FORBES CO., florii'tt. 884 Waslw Ins ton. Mais 28. A-lif.ii Blowers . lu an occasions artistically arranged. PEOPLE FLORAL SHOP. 243 .Alder. -Ps- signs aajq aeeoratlons. Phone Marshall 6022. SWISS FIXIRAL COM PA NT FLOWERS AND PLANTS MAX M. SMITH, flonit. 141 H 6tb at- FUNEHAL DMIECTORS. A. D. Kenwdrtliy - : Co." 6802-5804 02D SZ. S E.. LENTS -Phone Tabor 9267. - Home Phon D-6t. UNDERTAKERS. - R- 11th mrtA'Tt m. ScEXTEE A EILER8. fancral parlors with all uw privacy of a boa, I6tli and Everett sta. Phones Broadway 2183. Home. A-21SS. MILLER 4s -TRACET. independent funeral di rectors. Pricea as low l li tan can Washington at Ella. - Main 261, A-7B88. -VblSQ A McNEMAR. successors to Wilson' - A fioK Mnltsosnaai at . 7 th, Irvinsnoa CU tricc E. 64. ; R WV GABLE 4c CO.. 8uncessnia ttf VV 17 1678 E. Gliaan. - Phcn. T.iw utt R. T. BYRNES :,J?v - igniiiMsiiim mVt, RrPP-yp drnAf H J6, B-254 w -toiaiaawn, 1047 Belmont at. A.R.2eJIer Go. ' LioSioV? 5Wto! rNDERTAKDiO CO. M- 4162. UfiVWCd -232 Cor. Third and Clay. FTJ XEKAt DIRECTOR iiolinan Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors i THIRD. ANT fULMOH ITS. Mala 007. A-1511., - ' ' Progressive Funeral Directors Main MONTOOMERT AT FIFTH A-1660. Dunnlns:i& McEntee Broadway and Ankeny sta L Lady AtsUnt, (--- rnones Kroadwar 4SO, A-49B8. : . - F. S. Dunning, line." - THE -OOLHEN Itt-'LK ITXPERTAKERS. 414 E. Alder St. - Phone East 62. B-622S CHAMBERS CO.. , , , Funeral Director. 1 ' - All the convnfence" of a home.. Wwodlswn 8S06. E48-2B0 KUHngsworth gve, r tri ft? irm rndertaking Parlors. 445 Morri COCSsOU ,o street Tel Broadway a34. 3IOH PBE5T Portland . Marble Works 866 4th at; Om. City Halt Neo Bros. (BLAESiriQ GRAhlTE Cp IOST AXP F0NT tl STOLEN $100 - reward. ; Pais touring ear. stolen August 23, 1910, Portland, Or., Oregon U cente, rtealers B 2J2, MoUr 11645ft. factory ms.iDK maroon nony ana wneeis. snot luint. 1'ichard wind deflectors on wind hleld. alight dent tn left rear fender. lour holes right run ning board, thrre holes left running board, Goodyear cord Urea, including-spare, speedome ter about 230O miles; $ 50 for recovery of car ana sou ror arr ana ennvtction or thler, IN IV LOCAL UNOKR WRITING CORPORA - ,-, . .' .-.. k-. - TION, ... .. 821 N. W. BANK BLIXJ. " .-' THE following artlctes have been found on cars or tne i'ortiana ttallway. Light Power Co., auk . t; a purnes, gmie, anys, s iiairs gloves, shoe, 3 coats, sweater, 2 hats, 10 packag'S, 2 umbrellas, 0 lunch boxes, baby carriage. Owners may otitaln property at rirst and Alder it. LOHT Tbarsday evening on Portland tt ' Bt Helens rond. between Burlinaton snd Ann, poose, leather suitcase with name G. L. Lousia-- mont. Return to Cozy Dairy Lunch. 6th and wan. Hewsra o WIST- Thursday afternoon, tan work bag with uuuat- u, embroidered an back, eontaininv an infant's flannel Gertrude slip,, in the Park block between 1 th and Clay. Phone Mala 5, or caa B2 ISth nearaClay. LOST Brown army blanket.' Tuesdar morning anous lu a-olocgi netwaan Btn and Mashiugton and Hteel bridge. J'teaaa (Lliona Main s tjoroett sr. ltewsrqL - STRATED June 10, buckskin pony; branded on risnt sbonlder. Reward. Phnn morns Bfntnen aairy, c-amas. A ssn. Von seen on jam j-iam roan 4asi. LOST, A pocketbook witfi glasses and llttli mcmey ui it Sionaay morning in front of Lewis store on Mtabissipni. t indsr picas rstura. nuu itoss st. . LOST A wallet containing t'nlted M'atea cit zenship papers. N. Bloomberg. . Will pay $3 rr-MHiu. iri-.ji-f w.,' 40 nurniat sr. LOST---A black velvet jacket; may have been left on the Oregon Electric ear. Call U'oorl- lawn LOMT. Mi-ived or tluu, )-n. whit male cat! answers to name of Tuff v. Return to mr. 1 1 tn st. ttewsrl. .Main BfilT LOST SmaTP black velvet coin pure, contain ing rurrency. inoer return to 1 2 1 3 . Oaxcn niag. Kewara. CBS'T T4bia currency. Call Tabor p7U."Hi; ward. : - LOST Eyalam, In caw, near E. 12th st.. it rrvjsy nig lit. Hellwood 114T. Reward. LOST A crank handle on Terw'llHger blvL Finder please oall Main D30B; reward. LOST A bunch of keys, Sunday Please return aua receive reward. Phone Mam 1108. LOST -Striped silk shirt, hi package, on East Biaej riume r.sit sis;. lt-wsrd. - LOST SNf ALL brown purse. Finder Call Sell wood auaz. tu idenUry, Liberal reward. ANYONE sewing bob-tail cat, gray, with collar. in woouiawu. t-none, rewara, wain, Uo-i. IIELP WAXTKB-JIIAtE MEN WANTED XV m need several aiita sheet metsl workers snd radiator repair men; good wagus; perma nent wore. Apply at oner. BCRNESS & MARTIN, 15 th and Alder sta. THE OLDS, WORTMAN A KINO BTOBH re auires the services of a ihnrnnirhlv ezta- nencea saiemian for carpets, rugs and Taeuum cleaners. Apply superintendent's oHiea, 9 to iv ou a. m. ' THE OLDS. WOSTHAif A KlrvCi STORE r- ' quiros the sarvioes of delivery boys and boys i or ueiiiera on delivery can. Apply superintend- ni oince. v to ,1U:80 a. m. FIRST class automobile lighting, sUrting and ignition men; good houn, wages and some overtime. Steady work with a bright loturt tor good men. No apprentices wanted. .- -' SUNSET EIsECTRIC" CO., , i 45 N. 8th street BET wanted to carry briquets front trunks to biwmenl; 8 hours, " wages from 84. 2w to 4.76. Apply northwest comer 2d and k'lasders su., Portland Gaa 4k Coke Co. WANTED Man and wife. Dane, Norwegian or Swiss preferred, to go oa a stock ranch' who nnderstand.-i stock and general farming. Gall -310 Hoard of Trade. C. Mlminger, MEN wanUd, cut cordwood at Barton, 20 miles Portland. Old growth, hillside work, $2.50 per cord. Second growth level land. 82.25 per cord. Hamlet. 6B57 82d st. Tabor 4883. WANTEDBoy 15 or 10 years old to worl in market Apply stall It, YaoiUUl street Puhiio - Market WANTED Experienced felting machine man lor night Work. Portland Furniture Mfg. to. 124V M Honiara rosrt WANTED Boys - over 18 with wheels; light, elean, steady work; good pay; fine chance for advancement See Mr. Loop, 253 Oak st. " WANTED A man to work on wringers; -must be -steady and good worker. Union Laundry Co.. 2d at Columbia. EXPERIENCED furnace man, also acatyleua welder, ateady employment ? Apply Nick Ceng, 284 Flanders st. WANTED An auto painter; no bouse painter need apply. Pacific Auto Painting Co., 13. Williams ave, Wdln. 2384. HOY WAN"! ED, with wheel; permanent p- tion. Mutt b over 18 years.- ; .Northern Pa el'fc lnmher Co.. foot of Sherlock ave. -STORE repair man wanfad; good waes; steady job; must be experienced. Levin Hardware A Furniture Co.. 221 front MAN handy with tool for furniture repair shop. , Call 888 E. Washington st 10 MEN at $4. 75. 8 hours. Take St. John car to Berkeley nt. Walk 1 Mock north MAN to work in creamery as lielper. . Sunset t?rcawiery. 1 st and Jef terron. : - -:- BOY WANTED, ervee 18 years. Ior"tiand ' tfwi ti i tn re Mfrg. Con 1248 Msoadsm rqad. FlIiST clais shuphig eiark; state ag. exp rienca and salary expected. G-818,- JournaL WANTED A bid on a bunfc-aiow. Call ava nings, Hftel Paciftu. Boctn 45. WANTED" Goed ear washer. 17th and Alder! HELP WANTED MlhC 48 Hawthorne Auto School tea HAWTBORNB AVE. - Autosaobiles. trucks, tra etors. machinist trade. oxy-acetylcng welding, yulrarriaing and retreading. Special sununr rates. uay ana evening en POSITIONS ASSI'liED EVERT CRADUATE OK BEIfXKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE. PORTLAND Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, hanking, bookkeeping, secretariat JTreeeattaJog, LEAH V TELEGSApIFT . Young T&ea and women wanted. Call 43' Railway Exchange bldg. Splendid opportunity to learn well-naid profsswin, S"rse boukUt. Railway Telegraph lnstituto. ' ' T " HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE Washington at 10tk; enter bow, day, eve- Btng, all commercial branches, Broadway 1821 OREGON LAW SCHOOL, Alisky bldg. 3d and - Morrison. W. E. Riebrd.n, ecrtry. Phong Main T 7. - EOCfeT""laOl?Nf ALN TEAcRERS4 AtikXllt frank K. Wellea, e-asst state snpt. mgr S. W. Bank bldg. Ttaehcr placed promptly. j GOlN'rt' East, of South t Househuhfsovds shipped - at reduced rates; moving and packing. Pacific Coast rorwsrding Co.. 408 Hoyt st Bdwy. 703. " EASl RIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Mias Begins Buck el a pnvala schools Indi VI nal iiutrucuon. 122 Vs Gland ave, Eaat 427. HELP XV A X T E D .M I SC. 48 MEN WANTED. - - ' W are now ready to reccivs pplicatlona .. for ecrohrtpnt In our . - ALTOMOniLE. GAS TRACTOR, i STATIONARY AND MARIS'K OPERATING? AND REPAIBINO onraea. Our. Portland school baa lust been -remodeled and i . now ready for Inspection, i new anacbinery . has been installed. in every dt-iwrunent ; -visitors are welcome. Nsw : claanas, day and night began Aug. 18. Stu dents receive practical training both in the day and night classes, . For full Information call . it Hemphill s Trad School, i Inc. , 707 Hsw thorns ave. Take Mt. Scott nr Hawthorne cat at a iw Amer to r.aat zpth st. " Typewriting, comptometer, bookkeeping and all thef modern businraa courses. Lay and night school. Alisky bldg., 3d snd M or neon Msin 824, LEARN AUTOS AND TRACTORS , flVE DAYS' TRIAL KKEK PAY TUITION WHEN SATISVIED W teach auto, tractor, gs coc oa and ant electrical work. BIG 100-PAGH CATALOG FKElk. Address Adcoa Auto snd Tractor schael, Dept J, Union are. snd Wasco street, Portland. Or. Phone Last 744U. i.- . MISS MATTLNGLT'S8horthsndTtpawritln Achool. 36 a month. 260 14th near jeffsrsoa. Main 8888. - " HELP WAITED FEMALE TOCNO , LADIES WANTED. ' PERMANENT POSITIONS. BEGINNERS : - ,' PAID mOM START. CALL. AT THE ELEPHONB COMPANY, BOOM 601, 6TH FLOOR. TELEPHONE BLDG., PARK AND OAK ST& At Standard Factory No. 2 - GRAND AVE. and E. TATLOB ST. . Power Machine Operators - TO LEARN ON Shirts and Overalls . Mack 5 news and Overcoats ' 815 PER WEFIt WH1I.W I.EARNDtO 44-U0CR WEEK Saturday HaSff Holiday EXPERIENCED OPERATORS ARE EARNLNO FROM 815 TO 120 WEEKLY WANTED ., , Power Machina Operators - . on , ': Overalls and Shirt. Beginners Start at 812. 0O par weak, day work. Experienced operators on ' piece work OMR earn from 110.00 to 637.00 Weesl, . Saturday Afternoon Off. HlHHi'H -WK1S MKG. CO.; . aO.1 Bunwide St. . UPMAN, WOLFE CO. require th. serrlcea of eiDcrtenced snleiwomen for WAISTS. TRIM- KITCHEN WARE; KNll UNDER WARE. TOTS' ANP HOSIERY. Also stock girls, messengers, and marker 0- tween the ages of 16 and 18. Aifly auperintendnnt a oflics between 8 and 10:80 in the morotng. 10 OIRTJI tetween the ages of 18 am) 18 to - act as cshliiers and wrapiers. - Only Uioe who Tt'b- to work permanently need apply. Esp-rl erics not necessary, but girls having best lu cstion givnti preference. Rapid sdranceuirnt. Apily suterlntendent'a ofiice between 8 aud , 10:80 iu thy mwrntng l4,MAN, WOLFE 4k CO. ' : THE OLDS. WORTMAN 4k KINO STORK re. quires the services of an experienced millin ery saleswoman and makers. Apply superindaat'a oHico. to 10:80 a, m. SATES positions for 20 experienced women la conomy bawsment store; exeeliert salary. ' Apply superintendent' offiet kvtween 9 And 10:80, ready to go to work. Jtll'MAN. WOLITIS 4a GO. ." WANTED Womnn who wishes to go to the country for several months to keep houe for a single nan on ranch; wagas 828 per month with amines during prune Harvest: modsrn eonveniencea. No objection to party with smsll girl. Willlsm Nau, Yamhill. Or. HELP Women and girls to work In cannery at I.lbby, McNeill sk lobby's, at Tha lis lies. Oregon. Tents, wood, lights and water frea. .for full particulars, apply at Ubby'a, cor, first and Ask sts city. 1WO WAITRESSES, 0 bosrt and room; 1 ohamberroaki. 637.50: 2 camp enoks, 873 ar.d 3S0 per month; 1 d&hwasher, 850, tx.srd atul room. Lartiex' department. Port land Labur Ageney, 301 Raleigh bldg., 827 Waaliicgum otreet WANTeT Sent 12 2 eliamhsrwaida m! waitraases combined, alto I kitchen maid now : references required, . Write or apply St Helen's Hall, 18th and Hall. - . VANTED Experitnced lady lroners, starch gin, press gin; sio inexpenencao belp wanted. national Laundry Co.. E. 8tb and Clay. ; - ' - - r 5VAffE"D Refined woman for housekeeper for tha winter season, civ in family.' Modern ouse. References, ft tale wsges wanted. Locust . Hill Farm. McMinnviile,- Ore, f - - - Wan f e g'i rf toi operate powr sewing mi - chine: must . have . soma experience: stead wors and good wages. Oregon Auto Top Co., ltn fjia utacn sis. t WOMEN wanted to work fruit , cannery; now working on Dfars. Good wscea and lirl.t - elean placo tr work. Ent 6008. " PLAIN, mi JJla sued lady to do chamber wort "end it at the t hie' in hvar''ine' hon1 lor husband's and self room and board. 521 Havier. ' GiUI.S wanted to operate klrlttitig and se- 2 uig machines; good pay. .., Atiiy 91 -tioith 5th, Jsntsen Knitting Milla. O WANTE1 Experience? cost ilnUher; will py 830 a week if satisfactory. Room 436 Wash ington bldg., between 3d and 4th. WANTED -Girl "for geiieralTf)OUerkTfr IltU N.. cor. Clackamas. Take lrvirurtm or ' Broadway car. ... Experienced work. Modern home, good wsaes. Phn. Sell- 2850. - WANTEDA girl to work in bakery and eon- fertiouery.-cau aaaut 07SU. Bur Bakery, 643 1st at . - ' - -". EXPERIENCED girl wsnted. eookiug and lir-t fiixir w; no' iaunary; smsll fsmil.- Wages 350. Phone Main' 147. " - : WANTED Girl or women to -do tray and dining room work in hospital; give plums. MX-8S3, Journal. . GIRL er miiidle aged woman to care fo two children at onca. Tabor 7808 or : 2244 Hswthorne tie. -- :.-'". . GIRLS WANTED -Apply factory, 84 X. 1st st. HOl'SEKlPftlfrTR. mlddJe-aged Udy, no denr mu..t be neat, clean: call evenlniri. 864 1st, bawment. ' . . HOT-SEKEEPER Middle aed lady, no' ehll- dren; intxt be neat and clean. OaJI evenings. 408 1st St.. ui,tair. SvrA7fTED STiddla-aged fc'ly to Uks car of baby at my- residence. M-R48,' Journal. COOK or general howork girL ; 617 Johnsun st. I'lmne Wroalwsy g')iMj. ' ' - OPERATOR for power roach I n. Carmen Mao. utactanng t.a,. mil Mscsaarn rnsva. WANTE1 Midli-sged woman fur liuuscwork. 1007 Kart aoth H. , Alhena car. ' . GIRLS WANTED Portland Paper Bog Co,; 8J Frmit st WANTED Waitrsuss, room and1 board. Max- shall 6070. CIHL ' WANTED lor light houork. Union ave. , '' " ,; " 1 G1UL fr general houework. 730 Overton at WOMiS COOK; .iConUaacil oa jfc oiiuw)Dir Fa;) -