in DAY, AUGUoX 1. nn?, e.ta.te frK DALK HUtMi 1 ., A BARGAIN ' ONLY 4 Yoom, large pantry, bath, toilet, lights (, hot and eokt water; base ment; 60x100 lot; eight fall bttnnf frait trees, berries; walk e"nd curb in ml pari for. On block from Wood lawn car. $$30 cash, balance to suit XV. W. JORDAN ' ' urith , . Inside Property Dealers Ground Floor, Henry Building Marshall 602 t SIX BEAUTIES $7000 Best 7 room up-to-date bom (or the money In Irrtneton. $4 850 room bungalow, strictly up-to-date. Bom fitt. . $4400 5 room bungalow, strictly modern, corner lot. Mount Tabor, 11 Too ft room buugakiw with bath, just out of Irrington. : $2900 5 room bungalow with sleeping porch, fruit, alley In rear. $2850 5 room bungalow, close in. all on improved streets except one ; terms. Call Taylor; Ifrh, 2688, Tabor. 2797. East 6845. tltiOO Modern Bungalow $1600 A very neat 4 room bungalow cottage; living room, dining room, convenient Initeh kitchen, white enamel bath, patent toUet, sink, hot water tank, electric lights and If, light airy bedroom, good cement hatement; $200 down, entire bal ance like sent. Not mortgage or street liens. Wni 'twk pr. See FRANK L. McQUIRE - . To -Buy Your Home. AbingtBn building. Main 1068. . Office Qen evening and Sundays. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION LAURELHUBST COLONIAL This la a handsome colonial 2 story home in the finest possible condition. All rooms are finished in Ivory. There are ,8 bedrooms, bath and glassed in sleeping porch on upper floor, .hardwood floors in main rooms. French -doors leading to living, room. A beautiful fireplace, e, high grade furnace. The price of this beau tiful home is $3250, on easy terms. Coe A. McKenna ac Co.. 8f 4th St.. Board of Trade bldg. Main 4 522. $2750 A Ileal Bargain $2750. On Humboldt street in the heart of the Pen . insula, district ia an unuiually well built 7 room modern home; like new, a dandy eement base ment, full 5 piece set of white enamel plumb ing, electric lights and gas, very home like place.' You can't build the house for $8500. Total price $2730. Practically yonr own U-rmv See ' FRANK L. McQUIRE . , To Buy Your Home. Abington building. Mam 1068. Office open evening and Sundays KOBE CITY CAR 5 BOOMS BUNGALOW $3750. We do want you to see this splendid bungalow. It's modern extremely so. Yon will appre ciate the big living room, with the large plate glass window; hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, - Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, etc. A borne ; like this for so little money surely will be sold quickly. Let ns show you. A. O. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark St., Near Third. , . Main 8092. Main 8516. ROSE CITY PARK, $4250 ' - MOVE IN TOMORROW This i a fine type of 2-story house of 7 rooms, big living room, hardwood floors, fire place, hot air heating system, big fall cement basement, wash trays, all built-in features, street paving in; owner asks only $70O cash. Buy this and you'll get immediate possession. COE A. McKENNA A CO. M. 4522. 82 4th st.. Board of Trade bldg. i 5 ROOM NEW-BUNGALOW, $500 CASH " Brand new 5 room bungalow, just finished, on corner lot, no liens to assume, no mortgages. 1 block to Glisan st. car, Just beyond Laurelhurst 8. W. corner E. 50th and Flanders st.; price $3150, $500 cash and $20 per month, 6 per - cent. . Vacant. Act quick. . - - GRUSSI eV BENNETT, ' $18 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. OWNER LEAVING- CfTY. ' Bergain price S3BOU .for quick sale. $3600.00 Buys a dandy 6 room home on Irv ington car. Furntee, wash trays, full cement basement. Tliii home is attrac tively decorated in oil; usual built ins. - 8L imp. all In. . J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg.- Main 1094. 6 ROOM BUNGALOW 1 00x100" FRUIT Nice 5 room bungalow, fireplace, basement, eabinet kitchen, 2 -bedrooms, sleeping porch, gar age, corner 100x100. 0 fine bearing fruit trees", -lota of small fruit, garden, chicken house and run; 1 block to ear, on 44th street S. E. Price $3000; $1000 cash and $25-per month. GRUSSI A BENNETT, 318 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. OWN A HOME, of your own; let uebuhdlt. i lurnisn easy payment loans like rent We ruild according to your plan and pocketbook; akatches free; our system saves you money and avoids risks. PORTLAND HOME BUILDING ASSOCIATION. INU 620-680 Henry bldg. Main 6199. 0LY $2850 HOSE CITY PARK Modem atfractive 6-reom bungalow and large leaping porch, double constructed, dandy fire place, bookcases, beautiful buffet, large closets, nice electrical fixtures, complete plumbing, gaa, Dutch kitchen, good basement, laundry trays, nice big porches, fine location, shade trees, etc. Must sell, leaving city; terms. Tabor 6559. Owner leaving city. Buy direct, save com mission, on Irrington carline. 6 rooms, large closets, cement basement, furnace, wash trays, built-in features, lot 60x100; full grown fruit trees and berry bushes. Private garage next door. Wpodlawn 37 98. 935 E. 15th st N. GRAB IT ! HAWTHOKNB DISTRICT . . Almost new 6' room bungalow. All street im provements paid. One block - to Richmond ear Price $3800. Must have $1500 cash. Phone Mr. Delahunty, Main 1700. evenings. East 2086. $3600 MOINTTTABOR . $ rooms, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fire place, buffet Dutch kitchen, cement basement ..rnS' f4oJ?t. . garage,;. close car and school, $1000 cash, bal. no. V- TMiEJCOr'-lTZe?n-BkJ:' FOR BALE cheap, lovely 0 room semi-bungalow. all modem conveniences, nicely arranged, ce ment basement fireplace and also furnace; Jot -80x90; some fruit and berries; located on Broadway. Price $3650; $1000 cash will handle. Call 525 Alder st west OVERLOOKING THE OAKS Modern 7 room house. 60x100 lot paved street house newly painted Inside and out; price $8-00. terms $1000 down, balance monthly. WRIGHT 417 Abington Bldg. JACQUES Main 5988. Sellwood 1355. i - HERE'S A DANDY On Glenn are., near Hawthorne, 7 room mod ern bouse and garage, lot 50x112. fruit trees, fine lawn, $3730; some cash, balance like rent CARSON. - 924 Chamber of Commerce. Main 48. NALBERtAr by owner, modern 6 room- bun galow, hardwood floor, furnace, full basement . lot 60x100. paved streets, ready to move into, terms. Phone Woodlawn 1194, or 1034 E. 21st st xv. FOR SALE 4 room cottage, with bath, elec- trio lights and gaa, upstairs floored but un finished, full cement basement located 2 blocks from Kenton car. near Peninsula, Park, on 50x vw aw. -oo. journal. WORKING MAN, save paying high rent; buy . 6 room house near car, convenient Franklin High, fine new library and school. See owner, save commission. 330 E. 4 2d. Hawthorne car. FOR SALE By owner; 8-room house in Ir - ington; corner lot 60x100; double garage; paved streets; walking distance, $5500, $2500 . - "i w fwit iwTv.iuaci. r.a-M, A 6-ROOM, well arranged house. No. 1O05 E. Washington st.' for 3O0O; terms, and yon are welcome to see: Henry F. Cover, 64 Union are. Phone East 243 or East 7383. $000, TERMS. ROSE CITYLPABK" CAR ' Cosy 8-room house with sink, gat, baacenent ?lllot ?m .o.uick possession. Tabor 6559. , WANTED Your house to 'paint or paper. The better kind of work for a fair price. No phone J7- ; Dop me a card and save money. . John Hardin, 122 Shaver street $2000 WILL BUY a modern 5 room bungalow full basement full 50x100 city lot; located 2 blocks from Mt Tabor carline. Addresa. owner. naisiy, cents ptauon, Kt 3. Box 75 NEAT, well built 3. 4 room new plastered bunes. '..low; more lots adjacent cheap, if wanted: $14 50; terms. 245 Kilpatrick, 2 blocks west Kenton bsnk. Owner. ' SIX-ROOM bouve, corner lot; toilet water, gas, - electricity, &$-h 2SQ cash. 416 Stock evrbsnge. Main- 82?0. MODERN 6 room house, near Franklin high, c.irT.Vrt72vrn " ufc,a .rw,t-,? XJlJ?ALEriro,m hue. 2 lots; price $1200. " $200 cash, bat $20 per month. F. I. Mitch- eiciee, dntofi station. - pnone Tabor210 $3000 TERMS. . from, owner. Hawthorne 'die- ' ,ii , . I a n -I .a... w ... - i"- "'iiiiiy ; i -room nou ; paved atreet 1251 E. Main st Tabor 5608. -000rPESIRABLE room bunlowT'lo't 100x100; Woodstock. Sellwood 1335. Look at 995 e 2 ist st n.. 7-room giiow", cast frost; $3160; terms. . REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES I ... LAURELHUBST Boom st fHeeninir Pnrrk S49S0 Folks, iter is your opportunity to get a- real pickup a genuine bargain, in our opinion. This! is on of those - real classy, downright modern Inrellrarst homes; and you will be delighted to find so- complete a home for so little money. Hardwood floors, 4 fireplace, , furnace, etc,' fin ished in white throughout. 1 We want to show thin to those of you who hare looked and looked and coulsm't find what you wanted for the money. . Mutt be sold this week. Owner has reduced price for quick sate. Don't delay don't hesitate. . (ret busy with the phone or send a messenger after ns. St feral of yon are going to be late and downright disappointed, too, when you learn that this ha been sold. Again, let as urge quick action. A. G. TEEPE CO., ; 214 Stark St., Near Third. ' Mam 30 93. Main 881. GOOD B FY'S "AT" LOW"-PRICES" S mora modern ' cottage, cor. 60x!O0, In North Albtne. Price 1220ft. in fine shape. tj room cottage, Albma,. large lot, price $1500. . 4 room modern cottage, on pared at.. Al berta st, cor. lot 80x100; fine aliape. 5 room bungalow in Montavlila; fine shape. Price $2350. s ; 7 room modern bungalow, Montavilla. Price $1850. j . 4 room bungalow, Montavilla. Price $1050. These are all on easy terms. NEW YORK LAND CO.. . 803-4-6 Stock Exchange bldg. . Autos to show you. Call Main 7670 or evening. Tabor 8232. ROSE CITY PARE 0 ROOM, BCNGALOW $4450 Folks, you will have to hurry if you want to pick up this genuine bargain; a real, classy bun galow with b room and sleeping porch on one floor, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, cement basement, furnace, etc. ; st. easts. - paid. Bear in mind, too. that this ia right in the very beat part of Rose City. Call 423 E. 50th north or call Air. Gedde at Main 3092 or Main 3518. A. i. TEEPE CO.. 284 Stark St, Near Third. $2650 Hawthorne Snap $2650 On E. 3 nth street, south of Hawthorne car is an attractive 5 room bungalow en a paved street; living room, solid paneled dining room, buiit in leaded glass buffet, convenient kitchen, white enamel phunbing, electric lights and gas. Modem bungalows at this price and in good district are rare. See FRANK JL. McQUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington building, Alain 1068.- Office open evening and Snndaya. Look at 689 East 37th st N. THEN MAKE US AN OFFER. $4500.00 Asked for this dandy 6 rooms and sleeping porch; strictly modern in every detail; owner must sell this immedi ately. If yon have no machine, call Us and we will gladly show you. It places you under no obligations. J. A. WICKMAN cO. ! 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1094. GREAT BUY. ' 7-rootn modern home, one block from 1 5th St., Irvtngton car; 3 nice bedrooms and bath room; all white enamel dining room, beautifully paneled, hardwood floors, fireplace, full base ment, furnace, garage, every modem conven ience, paved streets ; this house is beautifully finished and in excellent shape. Only $4900. Alameda Investment Co., t 605 Corbett bldg. Msinh 635. . - - ' . $2350.00 Here folks is a truly remarkable , buy. 5 rooms and bath, with additional room for storage. Newly painted and tinted throughout. Exceptional elec tric fixtures, full basement Doubly constructed. Full lot. One blk to car. Easy terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1094. ROSE CITY PARK. $4500 Here is an unusually good buy: A 5 -room bungalow on a 50x105 corner lot. 1 block to car; fireplace, Dutch kitchen. Ga&co furnace that would cost $400 to install; double garage. If you can pay $1250 cash you'd better see this at once. COB A. McKENNA '& CO. M. 4522. 2 4th st.. Hoard of Trade bldg. ROOMY MODERN BUNGALOW, $2300 1 block off East Glisan st. and carline, good neighborhood, living room with fireplace, floored attic. 50x100 lot. $ bearing cherry trees. $2600, $400 cash and $85 monthly. Homes like this at price andirrms offered are scarce.' theVrossley-vigars CO.. 270 Stark st Main 8052. CLASSY BUNGALOW $4500 Splendid bungalow, hardwood floors In every room, fireplace, buffet bookcases, Dutch kitch en, with breakfast alcove, -cement basement fur nace, etc.; st assta. paid. Let ns show you this. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St, Near Third. Main 3092. , Main 8516 . ROSE CITY PARK. $3150.00 Buys a dandy 5 room bungalow with living room across entire front, fire place, usual built ins, exceptionally large bedrooms, full basement wsah trays. Requires 8950 cash. ' J. A. WICKMAN CU. 204Ry.Exth. Bldg. ; ; Main 1094. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS $1450" Very neat 4 rm. plastered bungalow; bath. toilet ana tava. ; concrete loun.. email basement; triangular shaped lot; plenty of berries; located at 7514 47th are. 8. E. near Firland; $600 rasn. DaL to suit Photo at office of jr. W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. bldg. Open evenings ana Sundays. -- Look at 907 East Caru there st $3550.00 For this dandy 3 room and attic: in first clans condition. To look at this means to buy. Lac 47Hxlx5. Imp. I'd. Easy terra. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1094. 1300, -Terms, $30 Cash 5-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE Bath, electric lights, cement sidewalk, sewers all in and fpaid. 1 blk. from car. OSCAR ALDERTON. 1952 E. Yamhill st ! ' BEST BUT IN .CITY' On 3 2d near Hawthorne are., fine 8 room modern house, lot 50x112; some fruit trees, fine lawn, price $3350; soma cash. ' balance like rent ; : i CARSON, 924 Chamber of Commerce. Main 48. $3000 HAWTHORNE Nifty 8 room bungalow, fireplace, bookcases, beam ceilings, buffet Dutch kitchen, good base ment laundry trays, pretty lot room for gar age. psTved sts.. close to car and school, $1000 cash, balance mo. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. " ' ROSE CITY BUNGALOW Mr. Home Buyer, we have a strictly modern 7 room bungalow on 50th st near Sandy. You must see this beautiful, home to appreciate it Price only $6000, on terms. WRIGHT JACQUES." Msin 6988. 417 Abington bldg. SelL 1855. BIG SNAP ' Near Franklin high school. 200x100. 14 full bearing fruit trees, 5 room house, needs some repairs, all goes for $1200;. $200 down, terms on balance. ' m WRIGHT 417 Abington Bldg. JACQUES Main 6088. - Be U wood 1355. TItdbMS. 80x100 LOT " Near 66th at. and Powell Valley road; substantial- 7 room bouse,- 9 bedrooms, f nil base ment big lot S bearing fruit trees, garden, 3 blocks school; 5 blocks 'Hawthorne ear. Full price $2250, -'$700 handles. GEO. T. MOORB CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. 39TH NEAR RICHMOND CAR LINK Fine 6 room modern house, lot 209x220, 85 fine fruit trees., grapes and berries, price $6000; some cash.: balance like rent ; r CARSON. ' 024 Chamber of Commerce. Main 48. t EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD value, modern 8-room bouse, -and sleeping porch; full cement base ment; wash trays; everything np-to-date. Must be seeivtsi be appreciated; price $3000; terms. 1078 East 26th st Jf.. H block to Alberta enr Call Main 8177. CHEAP Modern 6 -room, houne in splendid condition; desirable location: half block from Richmond car. Irnuire 840 E. 36th st. SACRIFICES $290 equity for $190. Well bum. a room cottage. x47a. some fnrnitnr. 1 , miles from pleasantly located, Journal. 6 cent fare by paved road; : Tabor 175 or write G-312, WHY NOT BUILD? V artistic home by an established arcbi JTrturf 1 Airm low cost We buUd anything; furnish the money if desired.. L. R. Bailey Co.. Inc., contracting architects. 924 N. W. Bank. FOR SALE LOTS 16 FOR SALE in Metager acre tracta, 8 lota 50x 100 in lot 1 block 41, S blocks from Meta ger station. Or. Best of soil, all in cin: comer lot plank walk on two sides. Price $125. $50 cash, $3 per month at 8 per cent Interest on de ferred payments. M. C. Stewart, Rt 6. Van couver, Vajh. ' - ' . -, i -; ALAMEDA. " ' If yoa want a choice lot in Oils exclusite buildiug district (cx our prices; we have bsr- "jri- ,,Al3mi, Investment Co., 603 CorbeU bldg. Maih 635. r 2. -J1 MONTHLY " i L? ' fl'fS ,k.Bre!cktoa 'Add. : 50x1 00 ; total price $348. Thie hit waa taken by fore closure and we hare no use for it. Fra w German Co.. 782 - Cham. : of .Cora. bldg. Open cuwiiji lira evenings. 7 ROSE CITY PARK Fine hits, on 46th between Stanton and Siski you; all improvements, paid; $700 each. Phone Tabor 4211. ' ' EORSALE 3 large lota, bearing fruit trees; t, el"5 m-t.eri1 , around for 5 roomed house: $250 cash, balance terms. Call evenm-n. FOR SALE One fine Irrington lot chean ' G0 Panama bldg. ..... lOOxlOOIN Rx CltT Park Make we an offer. Wdli. 2? .".a paved st. HEAL ESTATK FOR SALE LOTS 18 WE HAVE 40 choice lots, all in fruit and berries at sow prices of from S40O to 7O0. Seese are err laraa lot., and near tha Huihmst nr. You can bey any of these lots with $100 down and $10 per month. New York Land Co. 803-4-5 Stock Exchange Blk... or call - Main 7676. Auto to show yon, or evenings - Tabor "828 2. - - "" ' j FOR BALE Lot in Irrington Park addition, near 28th at Call East 4447 or Wdln. 41T9. ACREAGE S7 FURNISHED ACREAGE HOME ? - 2 acres, located on pavement; 44e com mutation fare: close to electric depot: gaa, city water available; 1 rota ef fruit trees, ber ries.' Price $8700 with late 'Ford ear. piano, diningroom set bedroom furnishings, kitchen furniture, - chickens and everything. : $1800 esvah. line place, well furnished. . , John Ferg uaon. Gerhnger bldg. i . . ' - LOGGED OFF LANDS Tracts 5 acres up. located within 80 asiles of Portland,' on railroad; good soil, no rock, plenty of water; work ; hut on your nwn terms. LEUDDEMANN CO.. ., 913 Chamber of Commerce' 1 ACRES, Or. sou City line; all under culti vation, fruit and berriet; 4 room house,-electric lights, gas, well; 1 block from car. Price $2500, $300 down. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. , - 40 ACRES near Waldport and YaQuina, bay; fine producinc land, good neighbors, nice place to live; price $650; neighbors adjoining land recommend this buy. Alameda Invest ment Co.. 605 Corbett bldg. Marh 635. ONLY 1e CARFARE 2 4 acrea, located close to Errat station ; all nnder cultivation: good' soil; ' close . to school; small house. Price $2200, 860U cash. Brooks. with John Frrgmon. Gerlinger bldg. " '" 40 ACRES $2200. - Four miles south of Mo- lalla, SO acres good tie and piling timber, 10 acres in bruh. For particulars address owner. IL E. Ballantyne, Molalla, Or. 120 ACRES in Clarke Co.. en Co. road, 1 mile school, fine creek, 2 million burnt big fir and cedar trees; good farm land. $20 an scree, terms. 1296 E. - Salmon, v Tabor 8621. lOO'O-ACRES stamp" land in Washington oounty; an ideal stock ranch. t Call Wobdlawn 8972. 5 to 7 p. m. FOR close in acreage and suburban homes, see Carson. 024 Chamber of Commerce. Main 48. BEST acre in "Ascot" on Villa avej 700". terms. J-S9. Journal. StBtRBAS HOMES 81 ACRES $4000.00 21 ACRES 4 miles from Clackamas, near Clackamas river on Clear creek; 10 acres under cultivation, bal ance timber for wood and pasture; 5 acres of cultivated land in Clear- creek bottom and first class garden land, selected orchard, bouse, barn, garage and numerous outbuildings; good well and spring in addition to living creek. ; Fine summer home and grounds adjoining, on hard road from Portland. Land so shaped - that it can be' cut np in smaller tracts if desired. Price $4000 ; small payment cash and balance to suit TUCKER & SHRECK 502 SPALDING BLDG.- -- 10 ACRES, ft seres In bearing orchard, modern B-room house and barn; car station on place; fine road; 25 minutes to Portland; near Ruby stock farm. $6000, easy terms. Jones, 248 Stsrk. Msin 6429. i- SEE US FOR SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage on the west aide, on S. P. and O. E. electric roads. TUCKER A SHRECK. S 602" SPALDING BLDG. FOR SALE 100x138 foot lot with small house, 2 blocks from Oak Grove station, Oregon City car; win sell cneep. Ask lor owner, -air. . 1 urck. at oak Grove Grocery Co. FOR SALE cheap, 1 4 acre. 5 room papered cottage, water piped to house, close to school and station; 81400. airs. Mlznor, Garden -Home, Oregon Electric railway. FOR SALE FARMS 17 CROP STOCK EQUIPMENT go with this fine 860 acre stock,' dairy or grain farm, only 4. mues from Lebanon, urarei road cream route, phone in house. Good 8 room house with fireplace, bath, spring water. Fine new barn full cement floor and new silo; also another large barn, machinery shed and other buildings. 150 acres bottom hvnd tillable and as much of the rolling land can be plowed with but little expense, balance timber and pasture. Stock in cluded. 20 cows. 23. bead young stock. 14 hogs. 3 good mares, full complement sf equipment: 80 tons hay in barn; 350 bu. wheat. 350 bu. oats. Price for every thing $25,000; or will sell fsrm without crop, stock ana equipment tor sou per acre. Terms $10,000 cash, balance at 6 per cent A good buy. Come to see it GIBSON LEAVENGOOD CO. Lebanon. Oregon. EASTERN OREGON WHEAT RANCH 400 ACRES 8UMMER FALLOW 1100 ACRES IN CULTIVATION CaterpUlsr and thrasher, seeders, discs, plows and harrows, kit equipment goes with place for $2000 and 1-3 of crop. Will lease for 6 years. Own er in city now. - C. H. WOODWARD, BITTER. LOWE 4c CO.. 201-3-5-7 fBoard of Trade Bldg. 125 ACRES -FARM 125 ACRES 7 miles N. W. Forest Orove, 2 miles of United By., Mt mile school. 80 acres cultivated, 1 7 acres commercial orchard., Vi apples. H pears. 1 good team mules, 3 cows. 2 heifers, silo, ensilage cutter, gss - engine and all neces sary farm tools and implements, fenced with woven wire, in well settled neighborhood. A No. 1 farm. Price $16,000, on easy terms. TUCKER & SHRECK 502 SPALDING BLDG. 120 ACRES of all good land in valley near a good town, t good road, 90 seres in culti vation, balance tember. This is all fine rolling land with 6-room house, barn, outbuildings, good orchard. Price $10,000. Will take in good house as part payment I have ether good val ley . farms. , - . New. York Land Co. 303-4-5 Stock Exchange Blk Phone Main 7878 or evenings Tabor 8282. - . ONLY $1750 CASH required to handle this fine 50 acre farm, located only one mile from Lebanon, in Linn county. All level clay loam soil, no rock or gravel; family orchard, good 6 room house, fair barn, good for fruit or grain; cheap at $5250.. Terms $1750 cash, balance 5 years at 6 per cent See it at once. ' ' v GIBSON LEAVENGOOD CO.. Lebanon, Or. STOCK AND EQUIPMENT 40 acres, located 10 miles -from Estacads. Ore.. Clackamas county. All can be cultivated; I f acres under cultivation. Gqod fences; creek, well, good new 7 room house, bam and fruit cellar; orchard. Oroiw, 1 5 tons of bsy. good tesm, 4 cows. 1 hei'er, pigs, wagons, harrows, pV.w. mower, rske and everything. Price $35ftO, $2500 cash. Brooks, with John Ferguson. Ger ltnrer bldg - ' SO ACRES,- 65 acres in cultivation; good bouse, barn, - water system, familly orchard: Best of soil. 20 acres in . potatoes, 5 or 6 acres com goes with place. 10 acres good timber. 1 ;- miles from town on good road. One- of th best farms in the county. Price 3200 per acre. W. W. Wilson Co., 507 Washington st., Ysneouver. Wash. ' ' - FARM BARGAIN r - 44 acres. Beaverton. $125 i per sere ; sur rounding land worth $250 per acre. Scholia Ferry-road, lies level and a. bargain; cash, balance 5 per cent CHASf RINGLER CO.. 225 Henry Bldg. YAMHILL COUNTY 81 acres, located . 3 miles from Sheridan, Or., 10 acres nnder cultivation, balance timber and pasture. All fenced with woven wire, spring and creek, - 4 room house, barn, chicken house, orchard. "Price $2OO0, . $40O cash John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. . 40 - ACRE country home. Vancouver, - Wash.. streetcar service passes place, good roads, new 7 room house, cement base me ot.' good barn, silo, 25 - acres cultivated. 2 acres fine or chard, bal. pasture, fine land; well situated; price $8000. - CHAS. RINGLER A CO.. 225 Henry Bldg. FOR SALE 83 acres of 1st class prune land. No- waste. Running water. Some buildings. All fenctd. 8 A. cleared. 10 A. partly cleared. 20 miles from Portland, on Columbia, river high way, -south of Corbett or WashougaL $ $200 per acre.' 'Take in trade, cattle or horses. Geo. Butcher. Mentavilla, Or. Tabor 4789. 48 H ACRES--7 ' room house, bam. silo . and outbuildings, orchard, 10 cows, 4 horses, good machinery, 25- tons hay, en good road 2 miles from Oregon City; price $10,500. 8. O. Dill man, 8th 'and Main st-.. Oregon City. Or. 120 ACRES logged off land, lays almost level; best of soil. 1 mile off Pacific highway, only 12 milrs from Vancouver. - Price $35 per acre. W. W. WiNin Co., 507 Washlnftoa street, Vancouver, Wash. ' ; 22 ACRES. 19 in cultivation: 6-room house. good barn and all . out buildings : family or-r-liard; good soil; lays well. Price $300O; half rah; 8 miles from town. . W. W. Wilson Co., 507 Wsthington st. VancoOTer. Wash. 40 ACRES, in Washongal country. 25 in culti vation. 5 acre prune orchard, all fenced. houwt. barn, ether1 improvement: 40Oft, terms. Realty agents don't apply. ZX-652. Journal. BARGAIN SO a:cre. 6 in cultivation, balance good timber. 8.000.000 feet, 2 miles from R. It. -18 miles frcm Portland- 20 E. 12th St. : N. "I . - -- i--. --.-'- T--. - SMALL fsrm of IS1 acres, 12 miles out ok Or,-g:ji Electric 10 acre undr cultivation. 1t!-. R'--rn hofl. 24 Tswihill -t. I " A'.'i I'.s ' 1 ;. ; hs,. IIi.1 bsiM. Or, t 4;roUn.i .wtkm. all in eulii ; iiC. nUb U. B. Hoard, It 1, REAL ESTATE FOB SALE FARMS 17 : FARMS ISO ACRES 1J90 in cultivation, good noose, barn, afle and oathuildinga. 1 H miles to R. R. station. 20 acres beaverdam. 18. . registered Jersey cows, rt-gistered Jersey bull, team, 83 hogs, registered O l C., 20O White Leghorn hens; good ma chinery, 50 tons hay, 1000 bu. cats. SO bo. wheat Price without stock $100 per acre, with stock nde crops $25,000. cash, bal ance it years, o tnt 160 ACRES 40 In cultivation, hal timber and pasture, 8 room old house, barn 70x7 2. outbuildings, 3 horses.- eolt. 6 cows. 2 heifers. 2 calves. . bull. IS sheep, 2 sows. 12 shuata, SO chickens, 10 turkeys. 40 tons bay. all grain, machinery, $10,500, $5500 cash. baL 5 years, 5 int. Have good 10. 20, 40 gnd 50 acre farms. Well located. . Priced right. 8. O. DILLMAS. 1 8th and Main St.. Oregon City, Or. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR SOMETHING GOOD, HERE ITj IS - 47 -acres, all under cultivation except about 5 acres whttv oak along the - creek that runs through thi farm. Good 8 room noose, newly repaired and painted inside and out - good bam painted red. chicken house, brooder hoae, hoghouse. well. 1 acta variety of fruit different kind of bcrrjas. Pacific highway and railroad rm one side and graveled road on another side and almost all nnder hog-tight fence. Located only a few blocks from a postoffice and railway station of a good ralley town. The im provement on the place sre shnost worth the price asked. -Enough water in the creek to irrigate the terra if so desired. Price only $5500; terms $8500 easb, bah at 6 per cent -You cannot afford to pass this without investigating. i i E.' A. LINDGREN. Savon Land (Jo., 635 N. W. Bank Bldg. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE To settle u. .state will sell ABO acre an the South Santiam. between Lebanon and Sweet- home, where land is selling for $100 an acre and up. Will take $50 an acre for quick sale. Day- ton warns, saw west Tyler Ht,- St. Johns. FAltMi WAXTEP REST OB BUT 88 WE have several parties looking for improved farmi. with money enough to ntttke a good substantial, payment down. If you wish to sell and yonr place ia not OTer-Driced. we mn aell it STEWART & BUCK. 815 Northwestern Bank bldg. ' We are having considerable inquiry for this class of property. - If your price is right and terms reasonable, see rrea w. oerman Co., lea Cham, of Com, bldg., open Sundays and evenings. IMPROVED farms, with or without equipment If priced right we are pleased to advertise and show them. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg.. Portland. Or. fTIMBEE 28 NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIM , BER. GENERAL LAND OFFICE - Washington. D. C. August . 1910. Notice is hereby riven that subject to the conditions and limitations of the Act of June 0. 1916, (30 Stat., 218). and the instructions of the Secretary of the Interior of September 15. 1917, the timber on the following lands will be sold September 18, 1919. 10 o'clock: a. m.. at public auction at the United States land office at rortiana, Oregon, to toe bignest bidder at not less than the appraised value aa shown be this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the secretary oi toe interior, me purcnase price, with an additional sum of one-fifth of one -per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to b re turned if sale is not approved, otherwise-' patent will issue for the timber which must be remov ed within ten years. Bids will be received from citizens of the United States, associations of such citizens and corporations organised tinder the laws of the United States or any state, ter ritory, or district thereof only. Upon appl a tion of a qualified purchaser, the timber cn any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being included in any offer of a larger unit T. 6 8.. R. 4 W.. Sec 27, Lot 1, red. fir IBS M.. not to be sold for less than t.t0 per M. T. 1 S.. R. 5 E-. Sec 21; N. E. ,, S. W. HI yellow fir 1800 M.. N. W. K, 8. 14. yellow fir 2200 M.. 8. W. 8. W. H. yel low fir 600 M.. N. E. H 8. E H. yellow fir 600 M.. N. W. 8. E. K. yellow fir 1000 14.. not to be sold for less than 31.50 per M. T. 2 8.. R. 5 E. Sec 19. S. R N. W, i4. fir 1900 sf.. cedar 50 M . N. E- 14 8. W. 14 . fir 1885 M-, cedar 80 M.. benlock 75 M.. N., W. M 8. W. hi. fir 835 M.. cedar 85 M. hemlock 140 M., none of the fir to be sold for less than $1.25 per M., and ncne of the cedar or beinlock to be sold for leas than ftO cents per (Signed) Clay Tallmsn. Commissioner : Gen eral Land Office. NOTICE of sale of government timber General Land Office, Washington, D. C. Aug. 25, 1919 Notice is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the act of June 0, 1916 (89 Stat. 218). and the In structions of the secretary of the interior ' of September 15. 1917, the timber on the following lands will be sold at 10 o'clock a. a. on Octo ber 9, 1919, at public auction at the United States land office at Lakeview, Or., to the high est bidder at not lexe than the appraised value as shown by this notice, sale to be suhteet to the approval , of the secretary, of the interior. The purchase price, with an additional aum of one fifth of 1 per cent thereof, being commis sions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber, which must be removed in 10 years. Bids will be re ceived from citixens of the United States, asso ciations of such citizens and corporations organ ized nnder the laws of the United States or any state, territory or district thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision win be offered repa rately before being included in any offer of a larcrr unit T. 41 8.. R. 6 E.. Sec; UN. W. 14 N. E. 14. yellow pine 200 M., red fir 30 M.i N. W. x N. W. . yellow pine 230 M.; At! N. W. H N."W. 14. yellow pine 32 M.; S. W. 14 N. W. 14. yellow pine 430 M. ; N. E. 14 8. W. 14. yellow pine 325 M.. red fir 50 M. : N. W. 14 8. E. 14 . yellow pine 880 M.. red fir. 100 M.. none of the yellow pine to be sold at less than $3 per M., and none of the re I fir to be sold at less than $1 per M. CLAY TALLMAN. Commissioner. General Land Office FOR SALE 82.000.000 feet of larch. 4.000.000 feet of hemlock. ' 868,000.000 feet of yeUow fir. This tract is cloe to Portland. REAGAN. 876 Yamhill st 15,000 ft capacity sawmill with timber. Lais. Molalla, Or. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, REAL ESTATE - -''' FOR SALE OR TRADE for Coos county dairy land. 2 1-5 acres in Waldport Or., 2 mites from - oil well; fine view of ocean and Aisea bay; small fruKs, house, good water, $2600. F. R. Orerlander. Waldport, Or. GOOD 6-ROOM houe. 3 blocks from AnVbel station: lot 62xl00; lots of fruit . trees ant- berries: $2800; will sell or take good Hup or linick as first payment. Tabor OHOS. GOOD country store: land and building; fine location and good business ; live one, for cash or good farm. ZX-437. Journal. . EXCHANGE REAL ESTATfc. - t DOUGLAS county fruit farm "for- sale or ex change: 43 acres on Pacific highway, 4 mile from Riddle, Oregon; 10 acres in young apple orchard in bearing. 10 acres pasture, balance of land in cultivation and adapted to prunes. A-f beautiful T room house- with sleeping porch. Will tske In part exchange city residence prop erty or a clean stock of merchandise and will give some terms on balance. . - If looking for a ebaneo - to .get to the country, address. Lane luornton. Jennings cooge. Oregon. FOR EXCHANGE 4lT" acres small orchard and garden, can be - irrigated; running water in house; store building. 80x60 store room, 80x36, dining room, -kitchen end sitting, room on first floor. 10 rooms on second floor, with beds, mattresses, etc. t also store , fixtures I and hotel range and dishes and another building 16x20 with barn 32x32. Price 86OO0. Want 15 -or SO acres of improved Willamette berry or garden land. No agents. ' What have yowl Ben Glenn, owner, Winlock, Or. TO TRADE for light car, 20 acres level creek bottom, bearer dam land; running water, 4 mile to school and saw mill, part easily cleared and part piling, timber and hardwood, 4 miles from Am boy, Chelr.tchie valy, good roud. Fenced but no .buildings. Price $1000. - C. McKay, Route4. Box 84. Vancouver. Wash. " ." FOR EXCHANGE OR SALE 81 V4 seres. 1 5 cleared- balance is mifaii timber: 8 room old house, orchard. 2 miles from station, 1 mile to school, Lincoln county, Oregon; good soil, plenty outrange for stock. Trade lor house and lot er good business Wit Mrs. Cunningham, 735 Hoyt st. Main 8305. 8-ROOM modern house, 4 room modern house: store buUdinga, eight Iota with all kinds ef bearing fruit oa 87th st for farm or land. n,"w. jones, z-ta mark. Main 5429. FOR TRADE, $15,000 worth of good property. paying good interest- for- ranch; ' would like eallev. - No inrnt, m u. xf calf . " 45 17 79tbat ' n. - ' 82 PER ACRE ! 15t acre improred Eastern Oreemvi ftna r dwelling or acreage. 4021 Blake-McFall bldg. - LATE model 5 passenger csr and some cash to trade for small house and lot close in. - Phone Sellwood 717. - - . INIOME city prcperty, exchange for farm. lanoe i nw. xim J.vrmoermerw bMg. Vifh TI.AND lot to tnkda kr.Wat w 1105 E. 80th atrM. 1 REAL ESTATE ! WASTED REAL ESTATE St WANTED At once, any kind of obi houses or shacks at the right price, on easy terms, as I have eMTir wsrrmg bn. I.t-t your city prov erty "with us. We will sell them. NEW YORK LAND CO., $03-4-3 Stock Kxeliane, Phone MaJn T87JJ. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES" WANTED Price must be right and eery easy terms. We have sold over '400 homes in the last year. If you want action, list with us. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 782 Chant of Com, bldg. . Open Sup-days-and evenings. . - - , : - ACREAGE WANTED; V With aovne imprnvements and bulldlnga Ws deal in this exclusrrely; have four autos to anew it with, and can sell it for you. John- Ferguson, Gerhnger bldg. ' - . - ' -. I HAVE a psrty with $1000 cash, and two lots,. 100s 100, in Rose City Park., on pared street to appljfc on purchsse price of a nice up-to-date bungalow, about $6000. Phone W'ood lswn 2955. I WANT to buy direct from owner, modern 4 of 5 -room bungalow, on paved street; pay spot leash and make quick deal if good buy. Roe (ikyi Sunnyhle or Hawthorne Phone 10 a. m. to 5 p. m., Broadway 421. No agents. WANT 5-room bungalow cottage, basement in the northeast district $250 cash. H-93, Journal. -.. WANT TO BUT $2000 to $3000 home; $S00 to $500 cash. Give price and location. X-714. Journal WANTE1 5 room bungalow with fin-place. and built-ina, close to csr. Have $1000 csh to make first payment Woodlawn 2955. WE WANT a bungalow or cottage in the Hawthorne-Richmond district $2000 to- $2500. Call Mar. 4138. ' ' I WILL pay cash for 4 room house, basement garage, good lot trees, good roads, sewer. State price. Private. 8-646, Journal. WANTED 5ror 6 room bungalow, from owner only. I'hnrle W-oodlswn 25B8. ; FARMS and city property bought and sold. Clsude Cole, 215 Lumbermen bldg. Bi;8I!ESS OPPORTVTIITIE8 20 Q R O C E R-Y'..;:e . SNAP $650 Takes, Every thing.' Doing $25 to $40 a Day, No deliv ery. ' Cheap , rent. Living room; busy corner, East Side, close in; can he in creased to big busi ness. This is -a forced sale and a snap. Phone East 2374 for " appoint ment with owner. No agents. WE BUY STOCKS LARGE OR SMALL FURNITURE " and Qeneral ' Merchandise FELDSTETN FURNITTJRB CO. 174 FIRST STREET. MAIN 4633." THIS advertisement will appear under the head ing of business opportunities, which is really a misnomer, aa the chance haa been practically eliminated. We are offering for sale a handsome Pierce-Arrow limousine, besutifully upholstered, in first class mechanical condition and painted in excellent shape at a price of 82700. This car will be the class of Portland in the rent service, and to: him that hath a pleasing personality, a good mixer and $1360 in cash to invest we will make suitable terms for the balance, get yon a good stand and put you in the way of making money. Real cash is essential. , THE CHAS. C. FAGAN CO.. Inc. Phone, Bdwy. 4693. Bth at Burnside 8t for sale First-class shoe repair ing, shop AT 464 E. BURNSIDE, IN CLUDING MACHINERY: 6 YEARS IN THE LOCATION; GOOD DISTRICT: GUARANTEED TO MAKE MONEY;' REASONABLE. CALL 464 E. BURNSIDE. IF YOU are considering grocery, confection 1 ery, pool room, restaurant business, it will py you to loo over my list SIMMS. 431 Chsmber Com. Main 6127. SMALL stock school supplies, , notions, light gro- : ccnes, fa oioca irom aeuwooa scnool; sacri fice. 684 Umatilla ave. CAFETERIA SNAP, good location, lease; giod ' business; for quick sale. - Look it over. 264 1st st. Good reasons for selling. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WASTED 8 TO LEASE OR BUY 1 Warehouse, manufacturing, garage - or busi ness property. See r -.. HITTER, LOWE eV CO., " 201-3-5-7. Board of Trade, Bldg. MOKEl TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 .OUR Installment plan is the best and surest method, of psying a loan. , $32.2 per month for 30 months; or " 'i $21.34 for 60 months; or ." $15.17 for 90 months, pays $1000 loan and Interest Other amounts in proportion. : We loan on improved city property. Or for building purposes. " No commission charged. ' EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark st. Portland. Or. BUILDING loans on city or suburban property, money advanced as work progresses. W. II. Beck. 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 340T. $300, $400. $500. $600, $750 and np. low est rates, quick action. Gordon Mortgage Co.. 681 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1370. $300. $400. $500. $750, $1000 and up st lowest rates : quick action. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6445. $10,000 TO loan on farms. No red tape, no delay no publicity. Willamette Valley Mort gage Loan Company, Aurora, Or. MONEY to loan in amounts of $100 to $5000 on city property. A. H. BELL, rooms 10-11. Molkey bldg. MONEY for mortgage loans. $500 ta 000T and 7. Fred S. Williams. 02 1st at SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Chamber of- Commerce. 4 th and Stark. MORTGAGE-LOAN S, 6 and7 per cent Louis Salomon A Co., 408 Selling bldg. $500 TO $2000; some 6 per cent money; no commission. Ward, atty., 407 Spalding bldg. $800 TO $3000. no commission. Main 1166" :J F. H. Deshon, 615 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOA!t-CHATTELS, SALARIES 7 PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS N. Phone Broadway 910. ' 894 SUrk 8treet. near 10th. Loans on diamonds, watches. Vietrolaa, pianos, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musical instruments and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF PORT LAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER City and county : Warrants cashed for face value. . . - 'i CARRIE MYERS-HERMAN. " -Manager. : DO; YOU NEED MONEY : Loans made on automobiles, diamonds, pianos, household goods or anything of value, r Security Visually left in your pessession. Ai-SO to SAI ARIED PEOPLE on their notes without security. If your payments to other loan companies or en furniture or automobile contracts are larger than yon can make, we will pay them up, advance yon mora money if necessary, and yon can repay us tn email monthly payments to suit yonr conven ience. - - - LEGAL' RATES NO DELAY " ; ' BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY (Licensed) U '- .: 806-807 Dekum Bldg. MarshaU 8286. ' Salary LOANS WE LOAN MONEY Chattel On short notice to salaried or workingmen on their own note. ; Weekly, semi-weekly or monthly payments. . Each transaction strictly confidential NO MORTGAGE. - - ' NO INDORSEE. ABSOLUTELY NO 'SECURITY" We also loan on household furniture, pianos, eta, , without removal. T , CALL AND INVESTIGATE i COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY fLICENSED) 218 Failing bldg. M9SET TO LO A CHATTELS, SALARIES 97 MONEY to hian on diamonds. Jewelry, "legal rates; all articles beM a year: established since 1888. Han Mara. 2 S3 Washington st 1.QAS S WASTKO $6 FIBST " MORTGAGES for sale. $300 up. F. H. Deshon. 615 C'hsmber of Commerce bldg. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO.. 232 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. FINANCIAL 1 LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS If. you must sell yonr Liberty or Victory bends, sell to ns. If yon een buy' more Liberty or Victory hnnds, buy from us. - We buy and sell Liberty end Victory bond at the market YOU CANNOT DO BETTER YOU MAY DO - - ' WORSE - - -We are today paying the following prices for United Statea government Liberty and Victory bonds, which are the cloning New York market prices, plus the seemed interest. N. Y. Market Interest Total 8Hs i..,.i..$ 0O - ,12 $100.62 1st 4a; ...... 04. SO . .82 05.12 2d 4s ...... 92.78 1.16 03.94 ; 1st 4 14s .... 94.30 .87 . 95.17 2d 4 14 .... 2.88 1.23 94.11 8d 4 14s .... 94.86 1.94 96.80 4th 4 14s .... 93.16. 1.58 94.74 Victory 84 s. . 99.52 1.03 100.53 " Victory 4 4s. . 99.62 . 1.31 100.83 - In purchasing Liberty and Victory bonds we deduct from the above prices 87c on a $30 bond and $2.50 on a $1000 bond. In selling Liberty and Victory bonds we . charge the New York market price plus the accrued Interest - ASK ABOUT . THE MORRIS BROTHERS PLAN Burglar and Fireproof Safe Deposit Boxes for - i - Rent :- - ' MORRIS BROTHERS. INC.. The Premier Municipal Bond House, Morris bldg., 809-31 1 Stark st. bet' 5th and 6th Tel. Broadway 2 1 1 j Established over 25 years. LIBERTY AND' VICTORY BONDS CASH PAID FOR AST ISSUE OF BONDS FULL MARKET PRICE LOAN ON WAR SAVINGS "STAMPS YOU CAN BORROW CASH OF US ON BONDS ANJ 8AVLNGS STAMP. OR TO FIN ISH PAYING FOR VICTORY BONDS. ' V SEE E. BURKITT," PRESIDENT. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 212 SELLING BLDG. (2I FLOOR). CORNER 6TU AND 'ALDER STS. i WILL BUY ANY LIBERTY BONIJ ----- at . 99 PER CENT OF FULL CASH VALUE ' (All du coupon interest inemded. ) J. H. KEATING. 617 BOARD OF TRADE . DON'T sacrifice your Liberty bonds; we will give you full face value and accrued interest to data for your Liberty bonds; any issue. . Our nlan ia best. No dfrcount. no brokerage, no waiting, and 100 cents on the dor with ac crued interest to date. See the bond man, be tween 12 :80 . and 1:80 and to!. Eilers Music bldg., 2d floor, entrance 287 Washington st, between 6th and 6th. BONDS BOUGHT SPOT CASH SPOT CASH . MARKET PRICE CASH for RECEIPTS. We will LOAN yon money on BONUS. W. S. 8.. or to make PAY MENTS on BONDS, 7 per cent '725 Gasco Bldg., Fifth and Alder. CELLAR8-MURTON CO. HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC. 18 Horses 1 horses I Any size horde that can be tuund. Will sell them with or without harness, right off the work.- Brown team. 1400 each or better. 7 and 8 years old, with harness, 8265; pair dapple grays, 2800 : lbs., mare and gelding., 7 and' 8 years o!a,-with harness, $275; pair big draft horses,' a little rough, 9 and 10 years old, io"o iba. each. -8200: a few iiw ana 1200 id. good ranch horses ; pair 4-year-old mules, 'and some well matched teams weighing from 1400 to 1600 lbs. - I am finishing my work and want to sell. Your price is mine. Liberty Bonds and approved notes will be accepted. All stock guaranteed as represented. Yon buy them ngut out 01 hard work. - " PHILL SUETTER 285 Front St. Crown Stables. TWO tesms of horses, weigh 2800 and 8000 lbs., one span of blocky mares, 2600 lbs., suitable for orchard work; also a few other lighter horses, to be sold cheap; wagona and harnWs, corner of East 9th and Hawthorne. Phone SKest 6106. Stock . ia all guaranteed. Good 'workers and gentle. - tiOOD ..pair of . small farm mares; each has a fine colt by its side; also a big rough pair of work horses: make good grade team : also all kinds of wagons and harness two good surreys; several good 'carta. 802 Flont st 6 HEAD of good young horses, weight from 900 to 1500; age from 6 to 10; all good workers and gentle: will sell reasonable or trsde for cows. Call at old dairy barn. 29th and Powell Valley road. Woodstock car. 2450 LB. team, T and 8 years old, with good harness; 8)4 Mitchell wagon; best or workers; have no use for them; sell cheap, 351 Meade st B. Portland ear. BARGAIN $65: Bay horse, 8 years old, 1800 lbs.: brown horse. 1200 lbs., for 1 44. Guar anteed good workers; also two light farm wagons in tine shape. 827 Front st ' TEAM of bay horses, weight ' 8000 lbs. ; good, live and honest workers (everywhere), gentle for any one to handle : sell very cheap or trade lor a ugnt car. vvu yowen v slier roe ft. FINE team of small ranch mares, each haa - tins colt try its aiae. Must sell t once. - 802 Front st $185 BUYS-2600-lb. team, guaranteed sound and true workers. 865 : Union ave., near Harrison. THREE' horses, cattle and some cash to ex change for good second hand Ford. Tabor 4203. - HORSE and wagon. $1.50 perday; 2 horses and wagon, $3. J. Cohen. 646 Front Main 2208. TEAM ponies, young, sound, gentle end well broke in every way; very clieap. 327 Front st DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. FOR SALE Good, stout team, with or without harness. Phone Tabor 64. LITE STOCK 35 FOR SALE Fresh milk goafs and 3 Toggen burg buck kids, hornless; also hornless Tog .genburg buck for service. Address 795 Kenll worth ave. Phone Sundays, . Sellwood -, 1812. Week days. Marsh. 279. TOR SALE 15 head of milk cows, fresh now. balance soon, all within 1 month: these are ell good, choice cows; can be seen Saturday and Sunday. 44 mile east of Reedville, Or. ; take 8. P. Electric W. W. MELLAR. FOR SALE 8 thoroughbred Berkshire sows. tt months old. at 62nd street 8. CL, Wood stock car. Call for G. . B. Monroe, Out of city Hmita. - - . - NINE fresh cowa for sale or trade for beef cat tle. Take Vancouver ear to Columbia, blvd. station, go 1 block north. ;- 8 EXTRA good young cows; 2 Just fresh and 1 "coming fresh soon; call quick for a bargain. Woodstock ear to 82d. 8 blocks north to 781. ONE large cow, fresh one month; one good family cow, Jersey and Guernsey. 223 Wil lamette bird., near Delaware - FINE milch goat with kid 1 week old. 802 Front st ' - -- WANTED A-l fresh Jersey nad Geurnsey cow. Woodlawn 3047, MILK GO ATS for sale. 8 blocks north of B11- rose station. Catacada car. JERSEY cow, heavy milker, calf by side 4 days 01a. uz f ront st I'KESU 5-gallon cow for salt. Take . Kenton csr. 1 63 E. Winchell rt. 14 HEAD heavy coarse wool rams, $12. Rogers. Hillsdale. Or. slain 9426. A. R. SOME EXTRA good fresh cows for sale at 1245 Hslsey st ' -- - -- " - - - WAN TEW Beef. sl and hogs. Tabor 2726. POULTRY A5D RABBITS 87 FOB SALE UK) O. A. C Barred Rock, 12 white leghorn, one fine cockerel. Inquire, Oak Grove station. 2 blocks smith. Fred Hay- wpm. i-none g .rove .'Zi . WANTED 100 W. L. chickens, year old, ot May pallets. Route 3, Molalla, Or. A. Hoffman. FOR SALE 400 ready to Uy Whit Leghorn pullets, 800 laying hens; all bred to lay stock. ' A. P. WATTEBBOM. The Dalles. Or. PULLETS FOR SALE White- leghorns. Rhode . I-land red. - Barred Hock. J. R. Msgnlre, 787 Oregon street WE WILL Pay yon highest , cash price for April-May hatched pullets, any breed. ..- North ve powHry Corn.. Ints. Ore. NICE Barred Rock laying yearling hens, 1 full blooded cockerel : price $15.50. 1718 Ji viaion. - Tabor 7864. . - FOrTSALE Few pair gray geese already mated, also some young ones: very prolific Y-7 35. Journal. 850 APRIL White Leghorn pullets, Osburn - Toad and Sandy blvd. ' .'.- lTBEIX-JIAN hare for $10; t months old.. 809 Harrison st w. 12 4ARGE bunnies and 6 one week old. Phone . Tsbor 5472. - - - LATINO ynong white leghorn hens and year-old pullet. $1.50 each. 787 Oregon st FOR SALE Barred - Rock and White Leghorn hens: 4 full blooded Orpingtons. Col. 1114. TR SALEr-A few layins hens and rabbits; reasonable Woodlawn 2175 SILVER Campme cockereU for sale reasonable; heavy laying strain. 44 78th t. N. M. V. ear. CLEAN cracked wheat. $3. 75s scratch, $4; cackling mash, etc Woodlawn 4844- ' . 37 H'LLKTS We ofier you Barred Rock. White Wyandotte. Black Orpington and Rhode Is land Red pullets $1.35 to $2.80 according to see and strain. Northwert Poult ry Corp.. 82nd et.. 73rd to T4th ave. . K. - DOGS.JBIRDS, PETSe ETC.? 4 GENUINE fit Andreasherg rollers for sale; , fancy, bred birds: have been nnder 2 trainers. Also female. Bethina Kessler, Greshara, Or. WANTED Irish setter or Engli-h pointer bird dog, broke to hunt Cary, 522 Alder. Bdwy. 2492. CHOICE canaries, at "The Canary Bird Shop." ' Singers guaranteed. 1 1 1 1 E. 28th N. C-231T. A yoi'S'G parrot for sale, including cage, $13. -4J-284. Journal. ' - AL'TOMOBILEM AND ACCKSSORIEft 44 COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY The following cars are trades,' taken in on Dodge Brothers' cars and are In first-class me chanical condition: 1916 Dodge roadster; good shape. ......$ 750 1017 Dodge touring; new top; good equip ment . 900 1918 Dodge Sedan; new paint; cord tires. 1500 1914 Studebaker touring; a- good buy at. 600 1915 Paige touring; electric lights and - starter ........,,.......,....., 500 1917 Saxon roadster; run 000 miles., ..' 523 1918 Ford sedan; electric light 700 1918 Grant Six. 550 1919 National touring; "run 6000 miles.. 1050 1918 Chandler touring. .............. 1350 Terras If desired. Open Sundays and Evenings. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY Washington st at 21st Main 0244. . A Few Bargains in Good Used Care: 1918 'Mitchell Light Biz. 1918 Liberty Six. 1917 8ua Six. 1917 Overland . Six. - 1919 Moon. '; - 1916 Cadillac Eight Any of the above cars ean be bought on small payment down and the balance to suit Open' Sundays and Evenings. THE C. H. S. CO. Distributors, Moon and Dixie Flyer 65 N. 23d st Marshall 1428 15,000 carried - In stuck. ' Our springs old with- a written guarantee. We give you service. 84 N. 15th st NEW TIRES Whst brsnd of new tires do yon prefer T We have them, all makes and sixes; also we snsk the famous O-V-O Double tread (sewed) tires snd do all manner of tire repairing. Oregon Vulcanising Co., 333-335 Burnside, near Broad way OAKLAND "." Run less than 4000 miles, with new cord tires-; $1000. CART. 622 ALDER ST. BDWY. 2492. SERIES "O" Franklin; A-l shape. CARY. 622 ALDEU ST. BDWT.2492. 1917 SUN SIX Has Continental motor, Borg Beck clutch, Timken bearings, Remy ignition; in fact every thing is stsndard in this csr . and can be sold for $250 down, the balance to suit C. H. B. Co.. Marshall 1428. 1918 DODGE SEDAN. . CARY, 622 Alder St Broadway ' 2402. Can make immediate delivery tn Maxwells. CARY. 622 ALDER ST. BOWL 2492. CLASSY Overland bug for sale clieap; recently rebuilt: all new demountanie rims, tire, tubes, high tension magnetos, battery, electric lighta and horn: motor perfect condition. Be tween 20 and Z5 mues per gallon; terms., a Tburman. SCRIPP8-BOOTH ROADSTER. With wire wheels and good tires: $650. CARY, 622 ALDER ST.- ; BDWY. 24 93. stW Used Cars fi&'Z NO MISREPRESENTATION, , Covey .Motor Car Co. 1918 DODGE TOURING. Like new, some extras; look at the price, $975, terms, and try it out; terras that are eeyy. 625 Alder st BIG BUG 70 h. p.. 2 or 4- pass, fully equipped, good condition, only $650. 1264 Division st. Ts bor 1231. WILL sell at a bargain Chalmers five passen ger, bestcondluon, self starter, power pump. storage battery, generator, other extras. Price $350. Tabor 7896.- - HUDSON TOURING CAR. Like new. low price. $750; $250 down, bal ance .easy. Take Ford In trade. 623 Alder st A-l Auto Works. FORD I .ate '17: runs perfect, looks fine. speedometer, cut out You will like it; must be sold; $435 cash only. Durkee, 1764 E. 11th. Sellwood car. . BRING us your car today and get your money tomorrow, onr name is speed. 404 DAVIS. Near Tenth. STUDEBAKER 5 paasenger. Just overhauled, new top. good looking car, $450. No. 3' Keeler Apt. Marshall 5752 or Marshall 697, CHALMERS roadster, 1917, in fine condition. good Ores: will sell at $1000 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. frortb. near Bnrnsiqe. ONE peach of a Hudson 8. nearly new tires. .real bargain at sola. jzo ui vision, la bor 1231. 1814 FORD touring car in first class-condition. new tires wttn extras, st s bar (sin. Alain 6169. 665 4th st FOR SALE By owner. 1915 Bulck big 6. in first class condition; 37a cash. T-682, JonmaL - MAXWELL touring, 1019, almost new; must sell, a bargain at glOuO. some terms. 80 Grand avenne north,' near Burnside. STUDEBAKER 191 8newlypelnted, good Urea. in best of condition; a bargain at $87 a, soma terms. 8Q Grand ave. North, near Burnaide. FORD touring 1916, in fine mechanical conili- tlon. good tires: bargain at 8860. with terms. 80 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. CHEVROLET touring, 1917, tn good condition; good tires: a bargain at 4 7-s, witu terms. 80 Grand ave. North near Burnside. DODGE touring, 1917. in fine conditions good tires: will sscrlfioe st $925. with terms. 80 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. -FOKD cjelivery. 1017, panel body; good tires. A bareatn at 84 75. acme terms. 30 Grand are. N. nearBurnsida. - - ' ' W do - honest auto repairing, all makes of cars: work guaranteed and prices reasonable. Call at 845 Williams ere. FORD roadster, 1917, in best of condition; some extras, good urea. A bargain at az, wiui termi. SO t.ranq are. . near wurnsiae. AUTO TIRES We save yon money en new and used tires; vulcanizing ana retreading. Vulcan Tire Shop. 41. Grand ave. Phone East 4896. FORD truck 1 ton attachment, 1918. in the best. of condition, A bargain at $725. with terms. - 80 Grand See. N. near Bttrnxide. lOrfllEADQCARTERS" 404 DAVIS. Near Tenth. FOB SALE $450. 191 6 passenger Ford; mechanically perfect Woodlawn 271 5. - FOR HA LB 1919 Maxwell touring car. Phone Msin 68$7. BUGS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. 404 DAVIS. Near Tenth. STUDEBAKER light & pass.; Just like new; snap; with terms. Arms i, a rase, B31 Aider. GASOLINE 21 CENTS A GALIXIN. OILS AND -GREASES. PIONEER PAINT CO. 186 1ST. CHEVBOLLET. looks and rung like new; 1$; $750. Tabor OllB. - , . AUTO mecharric will work oat your ear in your garage. K. 7. FORD BUG- Neat machine, makes 35 miles to gallon. Mam ' DODGE 8!e or trade on '18 or '10 Ford touring or sedan. l7o- 13. wash, st FORD ROADSTER for sale: $75 extras; bar gain: snut sell. Plione Mooniswn 8431. 1117 lirtn rosd-ter tn first class shape. $425. dor, $225. Tabor 6603. 1 t FOrLTRT ATfTf RABBITS AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 4 1 ' USED CARS - 1918 Jordan. S paasenger. -"..' .1918 Cole Aero 8, 4 passenger. 1910 Studebaker 6. 7 passenger, 1917 Bulck 6. A passenger.' 1917 eb. 6. 6 passenger. P.".UB passenger. "ua-OB super 6. 7 paasenger. J VI 8 btudebaker 6. 7 passenger, in ! f,tUl' ,? m-r s ioi? v,iwei1' lnger. Si I Jdi.e. 6 passenger. , Js!S HJ,nCT- 4 Pseuger. . . ixii ""nes. 5 passenger. 1917 Oakland 6. 6 senaer 1916 OakUnd 6, paasenger. Itlo Stearna 8. 7 passenger. -1916 lleo 6 Siecul Job. 1916 Hudson Suiter 6, 7-pass. 1818 Overlsnd, 5-pass. 1918 Maxwell. 6-pasa. 1916 Maawell. 6-pasa. 1916 Ford. 6 pais. 1916 Ovsrland roadster. 1916 Maxwell roadster. Chandler Dispatch, 4-pgaa, YOrR CREDIT IS GOOD. Liberty Bunds taken at fses vshie. OPEN EVENINGS AND Sl'NDAIS. LEWIS E. OBYE'' MOTORS CO. Broadway snd REAL TIRE BARGAINS ! All first grade tires, ho seconds. 28x3 smooth, $9.75. , 80x8Vt non-skid. $16. . 82x4 Q. 1)., smooth, $21.55. 88x4 8. 8., smooth; $22 25. 85x4 H 8. S. non-skid, $87. 85x4 H S. H smooth. $81.85. . 86x4 H 8. S., smooth. $82 00. 84 k H. S.. non-skid. $S7.60. 87x5 K. S., non-skid, $46. Save 80 per cent . PORTLAND RETREAD : & VULCANIZING WKS. 420 SUrk st, bet 11th and 12th. FORDS I FORDS I FORDS I 1917 Touring. 1917 Touring. , 1917 Touring. 1015 Delivery with express body. These csr are in first-class mechanical con dition. Terms if desired. FRANCIS MOTOR CAB CO., East 13th and Hawthorne. Eaat 8770. AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTS, CA8II FOR YOUR CONTRACTS. V WE WRITE INSURANCE TO PROTECT - CAR. OREGON BOND At MORTGAGE CO. ' 212 SKLL1NU BUILDING. GARAGES portable and Peraaneal Prices on Application. MODERN CONSTRUCTION. CO. 1E.lltBit East 6114. 1917 BUICK BIX Good shape. . eoH tires. CARY, 622 Alder St Broadway 2492. ' ntMkrns lriTii7 vr.-, Demonstrator, exposed eshaust pipes. 5 good Urea, substantial reduction with factory guarantee. . D. WARREN MOTO CAR CO. 68 N. 28D ST. MAIN 780. AUTO TRIMMING UPHOLSTERING CO. All kinds tops and uphol stering. 9th and Couch. ut Sts Irs. Brosdway 2017. CHANDLER 7-PASSENUKR. '' Fine shape. CARY, 022 ALDER ST. BDWY. 2493. RE0 ROADSTER. Fme condition: newly painted, $850. CARY. 622 ALDER ST. BDWY. 2193. OVERIiND CHUMMY. Novelty paint job like new; wire wheels snd one extra: -cords all around; low price, $825; $250 down, balance essy. 625 Alder street A-l AUTO WORKS. 1917 DODGE touring, $750. Mechanically ex cellent Shinea like a new ear, but fenders and one door have slight dents. 14 th and Alder. Mr. SAVUHiB, Broadway 240, 1918 CHEVROLET, good tireanimiTsTut, new top, A-l condition, some snap at $075. Easy terms. See Tom, Oregon Auto Top Co., 14th snd Couch. Broadway 440. - . . 1918 BUICK SIX TOURING As good aa a new car and looks like it B tire j, etc, HlOv. 14th and Alder. Mr. SAV1DGE. Broadway 240. LATE 1918 DODGE B overslse -tires, new special pantasote with plate glass. Special lenses, $1075. - top. 68 N. 23rd st Msin 780. CHEVROLET touring. 1918. in ' bt of conrlt-t tion; good tires, win saeriliee at too with term". 80 Grand ave. N. near Bomside.- MAX W ELL touring, 1917, newly painted, good , 1 . iu. . U 1 .. . . , r. . uii 1. terms. 30 Grand sve. North, ntmr BnrwioV FOR SALE Will sacrillce my lai. shkisi tk16 Maxwell; must lesve town. Call Sundays $80 Clifton; week days 268 Front St. FORD 1917 touring, in fine condition; good Ures; a bargsln at 8460 with terms, SO Urand ave. N. near Burnside, 1916 CADILLAC - ' Elegant condition; Just the thing for av stage run; long, easy "fm. Marshall 1428. . CHEVROLET ehaasia, 1917; wUl mske a good , bugs good tires, a bargain at $875,. with terms. 80 Grand ave, N. nesr Burnside. DUBRUlLLE ' TOP COMPANY 0th at Osk. Broadwsy 1664. HUDSON SUPER SIX Own.r left town and car for sale. - Good condition throughout Price $1 $60. some terms. Tabor 2891. i'UKll delivery, panel body, in the best of eon- d it ion: will sacrifice at gsav wttn urma. gv Grand ave. N. near Bnrnslde. 1018 FORD Sedan with electric sUrter. Looks and runs like new. Many other extras, 8700. s 14th and Aider. Mr. SAVIDGE. Broadway 240. FORD Late 1017, good condition; shock ab sorbers. Yale lock ana ouier extras, i-rice $470. Tsbor 3189. CHEAPEST-l9i8"Chevrolet touring car in town, $550. New paint gnd seat covers. 14th snd Alder. Mr. 8AVIDOE. Broadway 240. FORD touring, 1918, in best of condition; mu ' sell st a bargain st $600 with terms. $0 Grand sve. North near Burnside. THREE sested Ford bug, shock eleo- tric lights, tire carrier, mechanically perfect 404 DAVIS, Near Tenth. BUG for $110. first payment; fTITTO per month. ' See this before you bu. Tom, Ore gon Auto Tup :., 14th and Couch. TWIN Harley Davidson motor, is detached ami nianled. in 1st class condition. $25. Child's Irrri bJ- hleh diair and go-cart Tsbor 7818. ABIlOTT-DETROiT, electrio UghU and starter. $550. 404 DAVIS. Near Tenth. FOB BALE Oldsmnbile. 6 passenger, model 42; fully equipped, tires; terms. Msin 81 $8, owner. LIGHT 0 touring, first class condition, fine ppesrane. gocd tires, sacrwice at esav. vox 87th t.. Ht-hraond csr. - - - 1918 LIGHT SIX Mitchell. The price Is right. C H. S. Co., Msrhsll J42 - - ' MAXWELL touring. 1918, newly, painted. U . fine condition; good tires. A bargain -' J1,- snme terms. 80 Grsnd ave. N. near Hnmside. FRANKLIN. 6 cylinder, touring; fin condition. 404 DAVIS, esf renin. BI K'K light six to sett. Owner leaving city. Will aell cheap for cash. Call Tsbor 6419. 1918 SAXON .Six Guaranteed in every wsy. , 404 DAVIS. Nesr Tenth. MAXWELL touring, 1818; first class condition. Bargain for cash. Broadway 2294. 1912 Wl.vfbS light some csr. 404 IJAVin. ear 'lentn. - . 1917 DODGE roadster, first class condition. Phone Tabor 2585. MICHIGAN touring, new paint Job. $300. 404 DAVIS, Near Tenth. lHt FORD road ter, excellent condition. $423. . Room 20 llftord Hotel 1918 SUPER 6 Hudson. cord tires. 623 Alder Bmedwsv 24 ny - 1918 STl'DKBAKElt Six. a real suUumik, - 404 UAVis, esr Tenth. . 1018 ELGIN 81. $1200, for sal; good eotv dltion. sla'n 8o4, owner. 1917 BUICK light six, fine order. -404 DAVIS. Nesr Tenth. t Continued Jr"oUwlna; Page)