3J Vi- OGOu DAILY jOUUIiAL,. i'Qll TLAND. THURSDAY, AUGUST KEA L F.ST ATK FOR SALE-HOrSES NEAR LArRELHT'ftgT PARK COMPLETELY tXBXUW BUNGALOW W bar never luted a bar to eqiul this ia a fun tubed bom, a really beautiful ' 6 room bun galow with sjmos in attic for 2 intrtt rooms fire ; place, all built-in conveniences, fall cement base ment. Now ttad carefully:! The lot M 46x20O feet, with apple, peeefe, peat and clierry tree in .full bear.ns ; we forgot to mention the garage with cement rannf; all furniture, rugs, every thing goee with plee at prk-e of $4600; owner will accept 1000 cash If I large monthlr pay ment can be arranged. Now hurry if you want ' to secure a real. rai bargain, - V COE A. McKENXA A-CO., ft a th at. Board, of Trade Bklg. Main 4622. ' r HERE'S' AJ WINNER r New 5 room ; modern bungalow, oak floors. fireplace,. - good plumbing, walla tinted, light fiat area .and window shades. Only $3800; term. THIS LOVELY HOME In High-Clan Residential Section It Positively Worth ! More , Money -But - owner ' is leaving city! - and will sacrifice lit, home of rig fine room! and sleeping porch. .rttietir mid.rn in every (VtaU. If you want good value in a borne, here it ia. Only $5250. : Terms. , " B. F. TO.vn REALTY CO. 7230 Bandy bird. (Tabor 8825. Office open Sunday land evenings. v IMMEDIATE POSSESSION i. LAUBELHUUST COLONIAL - "This ia a handsome colonial 2-tory home in tlie finest possible condition, all room are fln t.lied in Ivory. There are 3 bedroom, bath and glaned-jn sleeping porch on upper floeV. hardwood . floors in. main rooms, French door lehding to living room, an unusually fine fire place, a' high-grade furnace, full cement base ment, the price i $5230; on term. We are tnxiuti to -show von this handsome home. COE A. McKK.VNA CO., 82 4th "st, Board, of Trade Bldg. Main 4523. " BIXBBAUTIES $7000 Betft 7 room up-to-date house for the money in Irvington. jfiKd jt .u.m KmMnlnw t H,-t I v tir-tr-dt j Kom city. - . $4 40tf 5 room bungalow, atrictly modern, corner lot. Mount Tabor. $1700 5 room bungalow with bath, just out of Irvington. " t'OOtl S room bungalow with sleeping porch, fruit, 'alley in rear. ei.'850i. room bungalow, close in. all on ' improved street except one;! term. Call Taylor, lr ii. 2633. Tabor. 2787.; Ka-t 6845, ROSE 'CITY PARK UMES, if yon are looking for a bargain, and one of the niftiest 5 -room bungalows in this district, see ana at once. , Yes, it is modern. ' Tlie street is -paved, the location ia fine. Price vfor quick sale, $4000; reasonable terms. Bee Mr. C'hristenson, . ,StllU, VVVt wv. 409-10-11 Henry bldg. : Main 1743. KOSB CITY , $4000 FURNISHED $4000 o room ana sleeping porcn, i un triut rn im. ) metit. furnace. pav;d streets in. and paid, 50v TOO lot. nit tr-nit. about 1 1 blocks from Handy blvd. ; fall inventory of furniture can be seen at our office; $1200 cash takes possession, balance long time. 1.'. A. WARRlXER KITTEtt. lilttM & CO. 01-3-5-7 Bnard of J Tnyde bldg. ' ROSE CITY PARK MOVE in TOMORROW This is a handsome two story. home of 0 rooms 'and sewing room; large living room, with fire places Dutch kitchen; full q cement basement; buck fruit room; wash trays. Yea, the floors are ltaruwood. .On pared at., close, to ear. This ia a mighty nice home for $4250. Pay $700 down and move in. COE A. Mt-KENNA A.CO. ' M. 4322. 82 4 th st. Board of Trade bldg. " $2000 . Bny . dandy 5 room modern oottage, on Free- oiotit t., 2 Mt blocks from MLssisf niiii ave. car. $2400 Nice o room cottage, lot S3Kxl00. on Minnesota ave., near ("ailing st. 1SJU tor a good 8 roonicjilfty home, fur- in ni. tot ssxiuu, en l r-'-uu sc. SEE ALBERTi 132 N. HTH'bT. t BROADWAY 43S1. WEDMOXf r QUICK POSSESSION 7 room and. sleeping perch, full cement base ment, furnace, .fireplace. 2 wood liCtt, built in bookcase and buffet, full, east front Inc. garage, pared rtrceta in and paid; half block from car. I'ricu I6S0O. term. V. A. WARRINEB ttlTTER, IjOWB & CO. 201-a-S-7 Board of Trade bldg. $360Q)-iH OME$3600 Owner leaving city. Buy direct, save com uuxsion, on 'Irvington carline, 0 rooms, large eUmets, cement- basement, furnace, wash trays, built-ia features, lot 60x100;' full grown fruit trees and berry bimlies. Private garage next door. Wood la o 3700. 035 K. 15th at. N. " UOMK TOR THE OLD KUI.KS $1450 Very heat 4 tm. laatered bungalow; bath, toilet and lava.; concrete foun., small basement: triangular shaped lot; plenty of -berries; located at 7514 47th ave. 8. E. near Pirland; $000 rash,, bat. to suit. Photo at office of F. W. lierman Co., 732: Cham, of Com. bldg. Open evenings and Sundays. BEST BLTINClf I On 32d near Hawthorne ave., fine 6 room modern house, lot 50x11.2: some fruit trees, fine lawn, price $335.0; some cash, -balance likrf rent. . CABSON'i ' 924 'Chamber of Commerce. Main 48. .UAI.LUKl AVE, (JOnAtiK $1800 Nice 3 toonv oottage,, electricity, bath, base ueut, paved street, sewer all paid. Mai lory ave., ar. Maon. Price $1800; $500 caih, $15 .month, perso'nt OBCSSI A BENNETT 318 Board of Trade bldg. j. Main 7452. CLASSY BUNGALOW $4500 Splendid bungalow,' hardwood floors in every foom. Fireplace, buffet, bookcases. Dutch k t telle n with breakfast alcove; cement basement. f uruace etc' St. aist. paid, i It ua show you. - A. t. TEEPE CO.. S4 Stark yl, near 3rd. Main 8003, Main 8516 SACRIFICE $200 equity i for $100. Well built! 3 room cottage, 475, some furniture. 1 ilv.t from p ent fare--by riaved road plt'awintly located. Tabor 17 5 or write G-312, fourna. WHY NOT ,3UILD7 Get an artistic home by an established archi trsnural firm st low cost. We build anything; furnish the. money If deoired.: L. R. Bailey Co., Inc.. contracting architects. 924 N. W. Bank. ,7-room house, fine condiiton, gaa, electricity, bath, 2 sinks, all furnished with good furniture; yiio ,e.ivv. eiuv casn. ; joun singer, aso t liamber of Cosnmerce Mdg.; ' . $3800. Snap in Hawthorne. Dandy 5-room bunga Jnw, nearly new. Improvements all in and paid. See me quick about this.- M r. Delahunty, Main 1 TOO, Evenings East208nt 8 ROOM modern : aronnd TflftiYifi R...,tri ill trit: ".herd isr'vi', paid -, apph-s. pears, cher ries, berries. West Tabor, $600, Terms. Owner. ,w . mvii, asuuc ox. aisj seu mi 4 rukiin bungsjow. IN ALBRTArby owner, modern-6" room hnn - galow, batdwood floor, furnace, full basement. .vaw, si.reeui, reauy to move into, terms. Phone Wood lawn 1194, or 1034 E. 21st St N. WORKING MAN. save paying high rent; buy a a room house near car, convenient Franklin igh, fine new library and school. See owner, rave commission. &3ar E. 42d. Hawthorne car. $300U TAKES this place. -5-room bung., 50"x 1 00 lot, on E. 0th, close in, 1 blk. from car; . st.' imp. all in, $500; cash, balance like ti. 'Sintms, 481 C. of t-. Main 6127 ' UtHlMS'.and Rlteping poreh, in Laurelhurst; strictly modern; something swell; $0000; tDUO caJi,-balance cent. 6 Dor cent. Jmik. L4?t Stark. Main 3429. - LOOK 4 ROOMS $150 CASH : ,$14002 bedrooms, bath, best location and car acrvic. $20 monthly, including interest; no mortgage. Phone Scllwood 2700. I OOK 4 ROOMS $15 CASH- - tllft3 K.H, . car service; $20 monthly including interest. Phoue Sellwood .2700. - MFTY bungalow in Waverty, . hardwood floors : i ... . bum iuMjru aiiic, nice jawn fruit and flowers; $1009, cash and terms. Call - at I - - - i j- TWO houses. 7 and 8 tocans hath, toUet. gasT electricity, cheap for An.h if taken soon, in cumbrance on one $1250.. Owner, J. A. HoU tiy, Gibbon, Or. - - ' i; . . SMALL house and lot. . easy terms. Take Vpltol Hiu car to end of line, go west to 3912 Levtna sc. Vancouver Wash. - ROOMS, gas. electrictty. bath; 16 varieties of iruit; lot 1 OUi 100. paved streets. Price $2,o. 580 Dckum ave. Woodlawn 2187 ilEFOKK buying DroDertv : or Hti)!i;n . should : have it surveved. Ni-Kni. via Oregonian bldg. .Main 93S5. -V FUR SALE 3 room eottage with sleeping porch. , ga. elee. lights; clear of Incumbrance; price 1 !3:tt0-..ch' rms, 6 . Woodlawn 3229. FOB SALE Large 6 room housed brn72 Tabor "5814" ' ? ' IT? : aoa I RVINGTON 8 . room home, very attractive in- terior design and finish. Owner. East 2838. PRETTY room bouse, $18u0r820OdownTru acre. 30 minutes out. Main 806. ROSE CTY PARIC-Kine & room huiigalow, a bargain. East 2838. i 5 ROOM bones low for sale, in Rose City Park, .; by owner. ) K. 57th st N. 7 ROOM hous. -1112 E. 47th ! (or sale, reasonable, st- i Tabor 3466., Inquire i REAL ESTATE YOU SALK HOUSES A HRANK NEW Al.BKKTA BUNOAMiW , WHY BUY SOMEBODY'S OLD OUTFIT T -$32pflTERT4S,0' - 1070 K 20TH ST. NO. ' - lnt completed modern S-rocm and sleeping porch,: hardwood floors, plenty built-hw. fuil baseraent, dement floor, electric fixtures, modem enameled plumbing, Dutch kitchen, shades, eta. It's the bent buy ill the, city today. - Open for inpection 1 to S p. m. daily, or phone East 6519 between; 0 a. m. and 6 p. m. for ap pointmrnt. I ''-' STREET LIEN8 PAID. 10-FOOT ALLEY H BMH K TO AI.EKTA CAR ROSE CITY PARK . I Kt'.tCALOW $3050 " $500 CASH WILL HANDLE Here ia nifty, new, modern bungalow, thor oughly double constrneU-d, and a type of bunga low that appeals to the modern housewife. Large living room, hardwood floors, .fireplace, buffet, cement batement, waxh trays, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, etc. Finished in old ivory and white throughout; street and sewer easts, paid. Now let us show you. I A. Gi TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. near 3d. Main 802, Main 3316. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. KtaOM rKOSK CITY FA KK Folks, yra will have to hurry if you want to pick up this genuine bargain. A real classy bungalow, with 0 rooms and Bleeping porch on one floor. I - Hardwood floors, fireplace. , buffet, cement basement, furnace, etc St. - easts. r paid. Bear ia mind, too, that this fet right in the very best part of Rose City. Call 423 E. 50th V, or call; Mr. Ueddes at Slain 3092 or Main d"e A! Q. TEEPE CO. 264 Stark 6L, near , 3rd. LABOR DAT BARGAIN $3500 GOOD S ROOM HOUSE , Paved st, 3 bias, to Irvlngton car ; wide porch, cement steps, etc. I SEE PHOTO at office, and ' be convinced that this bouse is worth more! money. IT IS A HOMELIKE PLLACE with iruit trees, abade and flowers;- full basv meat, wash! trVys, etc. - I - YOLK TERMS CI.HVEV AN I HENDERSON CO. 212 RY. EXCH. BLDG. MAIN 6752. HERE IS YOl'R OPPORTUNITY CLOSE l.Nt WALKING DISTANCE. FULL LOT. $3675.00;! just think of that: $3675. Why. the material alone without the labor it worth that much, to say ""tM" ' tlie hrt. 9 rooms and den and sleep ing porch with fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen. This home is in perfect con dition and a wonderful buy. $500.00 cash will handle. A. WICK MAN CO. 204 Ry. Ekch. Bldg. Main 1094. i ALAMEDA PARK $5250 I- BEAUTIFUL HOME $5260 Strictly modern 7 rooms, 1 bedroom on 1st floor, Ji bedroom on 2d floor, full cement base ment, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, built in bookcases and buffet, paved streets In and paid; 2 short blocks from Broadway car; reason able term. WATCH- OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS I C. A. WARRINER. iRITTEK, LOWE & CO. gQlj-3-B-T Board of Trade bldg. SWELL BUNGALOW, COOK AYE. Fine modern 5-room bungalow, furnace, fire place, all built-ins, cement basement, laundry trays, finely finished and built for a home; lot 50x108; some fine bearing fruit trees, lots of lenall fruits; city liens all in and paid; 10 -minutes' ride to west side; Cook ave., near E. 7th st.. adjoining Irvington; price $4500; $1300 cash,, balance to suit at 8 per cent. I GRUSSI A BENNETT 313 Board' of Trade bldg. Slain 7452. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW i ROSE CITY DISTRICT Very attractive 5 room bungalow with bard wood floors, fireplace, built-in bookcases and buffet, full; cement basement, furnace, full lot, about 1 V, i block from Sandy blvd. ; fine loca tion. Price $3800. $1200 cash takes posses sion, balance like rent I C. A. WARRINER IR1TTER, LOWE &. CO. 201H3-B-7 Board of Trade bldg. $250 CASH, bat $20 per month, buys 2 acres all in cult., good 5-room house, well, barn and chicken house, 2 miles from Oregon City a bargain at $1600. or will trade for house and lot in Portland "and pay cash difference. See Mr. Farosworth, THE BRONQ CO. - 410 Henry bldg. Main 1743. DOiNOT PAY RENT This bungalow has large living ' room, dining room ia one, kitchen with all built in. laundry tray, two bedrooms and bath; the plumbing is yle DeBt- I Cherries, pears, grapes, panaies. i70O. C3O0- cash, balance monthly. West side, 17 minutes' car ride. 2 blocks from car. Main 63Tn"js'&76Corbett st. Main 6406. BUY' NEAR THE PARK On E- 38lh st. is a modern 6-room house with sleeping porch, eorner lot, pared streets. garage, erci Price S4 500; some terms. My v - nKri. nee jur. nristenson, THE BRONQ CO. 4ns-iu-ll jHenry bldg. Main 1743. .j&OOi LAURELHURST . $7500 Nicely located in the beautiful Laurelhurrt, S rooms and sleeping porch, modern . to tlie minute. ful lot, alt improvements in and paid. 1 his is a home to be proud of, about I block to car; torma. , , O. A. WARRINER BITTER. LOWE A. CO. 201-3-C-7 Board of Trade bldg. $2350.00 buys the best home on sale in city at that figure. Newly tinted and painted throughout, new shades, attractive electric light fixtures, bath, gaa, tull lot, close to car. Owner leaving for California. Immediate possession, and terms. I J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 Ry. Escli. Bldg. Main 1004. owN j- HOME of your own; let us build it. We furnish easy payment loans like rent We rul Id according to your plana and pocket bock; sketches free; our system aavea you money and avoids rinks. , PORTLAND HOME BUILDING , J ASSOCIATION. INC 629-630 Henry bldg. M.lr, mas GRAB If HAt WTHORNE rISTBir"T Almost nw 6 room bungalow. All street im provements paid. One block to Richmond car. Price $3800. Must have $1500 cash. Phone lLrL1)el'l""tt' M'n 1700. evenings. East 2086. ROSE CITY PARK 5-room bungalow, block and half i from car, 8 blocks from Rose City Park school, 2 finished rooms in attic, house baa jnst been painted and all room tinted. I can show you a: bargain. $3500. F. Yanduyn, 615 Chamber of j Commerce. Main 1055. ROSE CITY PARK I 6-room bungalow, Weeping porch" fireplace, furnace, oak floors, full cement basement, built in effects, large- living room, good sized bed rooms, 50 it IXJ lot. east front. F. Vanduyn. 615 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1955. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW BARGAIN $ JuO.OO buys S room and attic, fireplace. wwMwa uiuict. run cement nase- u m ana mciuaea in price. Terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 Ry. r.xcn. Bldg. Main 1094. FOR SALE! cheap. lovelv 6 all modern conveniences, nicely arranged, ce ?lf nibaieme"t' fireplace, and also furnace; lot 60x90: some frnit anil herriM- 1..,..4 Broadwsy. Price $8650; $1009 cash will handle Call 525 Aider k r VACAXT MOW. BlftHT TV $2623.00 buys a dandy 6 room bungalow newly 1 m,tu is wniw enamel urrouiiout- idy lot with lots of fruit. J. A. WICKMAV f.ft Main 1094. HERE'S A DANDY On Glen are., near Hiwtbfim,7 mm em house fine lawn. nd garage, lot 60x112. fniit 3750; some cash, balance like rent CARSON. 924 Chamber of Commerce. Main' 48. 89THJNEAR RICHMONDCAR LINE Fine 8 room modern house, lot 209x220, 39 fine fruit trees, grapes and berries, price $6000 aome cash, balance like rent 1 CARSON, - Chamber of Commerce. Main 48. .CHEAP Modern -roomhoue in splendid condition: desirable lo Irnuire 640 i- o' r irons nicnmona car. r.. 36tb st. - $2000 W modern 6 room bungalow. SOxlOOwitv lvt; lr.r-1 9 full base: blocks from Tabor earline. Addrena owner. Rosette Ha Station: Rt 8, Bog 756. FOR SALE LOTS 1$ 7 TXI W V T llnvfmv " . BL?k 8, Brockton Add.: 80x100: total price $348 This lot waa taken by fore closure and we have no use for it. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. bldg. Open Sundays and evenings. - KOSB CITV PIPIT . Fine lots! on 46th between XUntnn ,mi ni.ki. lots you; all improvements paid; $700 each. . Phone 1 snor 4211. ' - - - FOR SALE $1300. terms or Liberty bonds: .corner, IjOOxlOO; Winchell & Woobey. W nnst7'!K!' ' ?!urabi Prk' I Campbell. 7033 Make, ave., LosAngeles.Cal. ' - FOB SALE 3 large lots, bearing fruit-treesT; close in : material on ground for 5 roomed Easn580P ITUJMC terl,' Ctn- Ten ,tS,f T81. corner. Thirty-seventh and Tillamook. $2009. C. D. McConahy. i 91 7 Anyncart lisnk Wdg.. Sesftle. Wash. FOR SALE One fine Irvington lot cheap. 609 Panama bldg. --w- uu ti or wain. 4179. !it BUY a aienr- full- Mi.. siy, Lents REAL ESTATE FOJl RALE LOTS l WE HAVE 40 choice lots in fruit and berries . at low prices of from $40O to $700. Some are very large lot-and near the Hawthorne car. f'ou caa buy any of these loU with' $100 dow nd $10 per month. , f- New York Land Co. 803-4-9 Stock Exchange BDc.' or eall Main 7674. - Auto to show you; or evenings - Tabor 8232. $1200 $100 DOWN $1200 'Tbr rmmi nlent f mi t ennd street- sea. 1 like rent. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCHANGE. ACREAGE $7 An'' Acreage Bargain 2 . improved acres, H-roora house, telephone, elect, lights, barn, chicken boose, good solL A variety of bearing f rait trees and berries. On paved road, close in. Price $2250; reasonable terms. .My car afc jour service, j See Mr. Chris tensoo. ' i':-" -.---'.'. V . TH E B RONQ CO.V ', 400-10-11 Henry bldg. , - "i 5 s Main 1743. r AIX IN BEABLNO"FRClT i'V acr. located rlose to elctri dort. IS cent fare; lots of trains; all good land, in young hearing orchard; appie, prnne-t, peaclie. pear. K-j-fcll 3 room bone, well. , Price $900. $830 ea-h rmlanw et $20 per mbtth I'erscoallv in spected, i Davis, with John Ferguson. Gerlinger lWg. ' - - - 16 ACRES of fine - land close to the paved highway, west aide. Good house, barn, er - chard. 400 prone trees 1918 crop brought $1400 net; 1919 cherry crop brought $200. Horse, wagon, buggy, harness, plows and other : tools. Some hay and grain, furniture in the bouse, all goes foe the low price of $8800. H eaxb. bat. 7 per cent.- Gibson. 268 Stark st- Mar. 12. FURNISHED ACREAGE HOME 2 acres. located ' on . pavement; 14c com mutation fare: close, to electric depot; gas. city water available; lots of fruit trees, ber ries. Price $3700 with late Ford car, piano, diningroom set, bedroom furnishings.' kitchen furniture, chickens and everything. $1800 cash. Fine place, well furnished. - John Ferg uson, Gerlinger bldg. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE Half acre, with - modern . 6-room bungalow. Good plumbing, cement basement. Gas. Chick en house and bam. Fruit and berries. Clo-e to -ear. Oregon Electric 6 He. fare. $1700 cash, balance on easy terms. David, with John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. " COW AND CHICKENS Two acres, Capitol Hill, all under cultivation. Good bearing orchard.. Gas. - City water. Ber ries. Garden, ;eod 3-Toora house. barn, chicken house. woodUhed. Price. $1050, $650 cash. Davis, with John Ferguson, GeiUnger bldg. . TAKE LOT FIRST PAYMENT 44 acres, half mile from electric line; good county road; 24 acrea can be cultivated, balance iwrtiire: eat slope. located -15 miles from Portland. Good soU. Price 2600. Take clear it a firrt pevment. lng time on balance-John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. SIX ACBES'locateofnear Tigard. All the land under cultivation. 3 - good springs and creek. Close to paved road. Good soil. No waste land. 8mall house, root cellar and woodshed. Price. $2200. 1000 ch. Sea Davis with John Fer guson, Gerlinger bldg. , AIJ. IN POTATOES AND BEANS Five acres located one mile fnm HUlsboro, Oregon. Close to paved ' road. Small house, chicken houe. Well. Price, $1230, $500 cash. See Brooks, John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. ' 1 ACRES, Oregon City line; ail under culti vation, fruit and berries; 4 room house, elec tric lights, gas, well; 1 block from car. Price $2500, $300 down. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. 2 ACRES ONLY 20 MINUTES OUT Land lies level, good garden soil, 8 blocks to station, on macadam road: will take city lot part payment; price $1850. Draper V Calway. 528 Chamber of Com, bldg. - "j ONLY 7c CARFARE , 2 acres, located close to Errol station ; all under cultivation; good soil; close to school; small house. Price $2200, $-600 cash. Brooks, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bhig. 5 ACRES near bard surface Pacific Highway, west side, 5-room new house, barn, chicken house, running water, fruits and berries. Good spring. Price, $1400. Big bargain. Gibson. 268 Stark Marshall 12. 120 ACRES. In Clarke Co.. on Co. road, 1 mile school, fine creek, 2 million burnt big fir and cedar trees; good farm land, $20 an Scree, terms. 1296 E. Salmon. Tabor 8621. FOR close in acreage and suburban homes, see Carson, 924 Chamber of Commerce. Main 48. BEST acre in "Ascot" on Yfll ave; $700 terms. J -5 9, Journal. KITBTTRBAX HOMES 10 ACRES, 5 acres in bearing orchard, modern 5-room house and barn; car station en place; fine road; 25 minutes to Portland; near Ruby stock farm. $6000. easy terms. Jones, 248 Stark. Main 5429. FOR SALE: 100x138 foot lot with smalFhouse. 2 blocks from Oak Grove station. Oregon City car; will sell cheap. Ask for owner, Mr. Turck, at Oak Grove Grocery Co. FOR SALE FAttMS 17 IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR SOMETHING GOODJ HERE IT IS 47 acres, all under cultivation except about 5 acres white oak along the creek that runs through this farm. - Good 8 room house, newly repaired and painted inside and out, good bam painted red, chicken lionse, brooder house, hoghouse, well, 1 act a variety of fruit, different kind of berries. Pacific highway and railroad on one side and graveled road on another side and almost all under hog-tight fence. Located only a few blocks from a postoffioe and railway station of a good valley town. The im- Srovements on the place are almost worth le price asked. Enough water in the creek to irrigate the farm if so desired. Price only $5500; terms $3500 cash, bal. at 6 per cent. You cannot afford to pass this without investigating. E. A. LINDGREN, Savon Land Co., 935 N. W. Bank Bldg. CROP STOCK EQClPSfEVT ?:6 with this fine- 860 acre stock, dairy or grain arm., only 4 miles from Lebanon. Gravel road; cream route, phone in house. Good 8 room house with fireplace, bath, spring water. Fine new barn fun cement floor and new silo; also another large Darn, mac time ry shed and other buildings. 150 acrea bottom land tillable and as much of the rolling land can be plowed with but little unworn nmoer ana pasture, stock m- ciuaea. cows, 23 Head young stock. 14 hogs. 3 good mares, full complement of equipment ; 60 tons nay in Darn; 039 tm. wneat, 350 bo. oats. Price for every thing $25,000; or will sell farm without crop, stock and equipment for $60 per acre. Terms $10,000 cash, balance at 6 per cent. A good buy. Come to see it GIBSON A LEAVENGOOD CO. Lebanon, Oregon. ' . ONLY $1750 CASH required to handle this fine 60 acre farm, located only one mile trom Lbanon, in Ina county. AU level clay loam soil, no rock or gravel ; family orchard, good 6 room house, fair barn, good for fruit or grain; cheap at $5250. Term $1750 cash, balance 6 years at tf per cent. See it at once. GIBSON A LEAVENGOOD CO.. Lebanon, Or. 8TOCK AND EQUIPMENT 40 acres. - located 10 miles from Estacada, Ore., Clackamas county. All can be cultivated; IS acres under cultivation. Good fences; creek, veil, good new 7 room house, barn and fruit cellar; orchard, rops, 15 tons of hay, good team, 4 cows, 1 Jiei'er, ' pign, wagon, harrows, plow, mower, rke and everything. Price $3S00. $2300 cash. Brooks, with John Ferguson, Ger rmsvr bMa v FARM BARGAIN 44 acres, Beaverton. $125 J per acre: sur rounding land worth $250 per acre. Scholia Ferry road, lies level and a bargain; : V cash, balance 5 per cent- ,- CHAS. RINGLER A CO., 225 Henry Bldg. YAMHILL COUNTY . , 31 acres, ' located 3 miles from Sheridan, Or.. 10 acres under cultivation, balance timber and pasture. All fenced with woven wire, spring and creek, 4 room house, barn, chicken house, orchard. Price $2000, $40O cash John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. 40 ACRE country home, Vancouver,- Wash., streetcar service passes place, good roads, new T room house, . cement basement, good barn, silo, 25 acres cultivated, , 2 acres fine or chard, bal pasture, fine land; well .situated ; price $8000. . - CHAS. RINGLEB A CO., 225 Henry-Bldg. FOR SALE 33 acres of 1st class prune land. No waste. ' Running water. . ? Some buildings. All fenced. 8 A. cleared. 10 A. partly cleared. 20 miles from Portland, en Columbia river high way, south of Corbett or Washougal. u $200 per acre, - Take M- in trade, cattle or horses. Geo. Butcher. Monta villa. Or. Tabor 4739; . ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE ' To settle sb jstate will sell 360 acrea on the South : Sarrslam. between Lebanon ami Sweet home, where land is selling for $100 an acre and np. - Will take S59 an acre for qutck sale, i Day ton Harris.. 238 West Tyler t, St Johns. vation. 5 acre prune orchard, all fenced. houe, barn, other improvement: $4000. terms. Realty agenU dont apply. ZX-6 52. JournaL -SMALL farm of 16 H acres, 12 miles nut. un Orego Electric 1 Cr acres under cultivation. Inquire Bellevne hotel. 248 Tamblll st 1 7 H ACRES at Groveland station, all in culti vrtion; building, water. . M. U. Hoard.- R. 1. IH!I bom. Or. ' " 20 ACRES $600 , $200 cash down. . 215 Lumbermens bldg. REAL ESTATE1 FOR SALE FARMS 17 150 ACRES. 10A in cultivation, good house, barn, silo and outbuildings. 14 miles to K R. station. 20 acres beaverdam, 18 registered Jersey cows, registered Jersey bull, team, 35 hogs, registered O. L C, 200 White Leghorn hefts; good ma chinery, 60 tons hay, 1000 bu. rats, 60 bu. wheat - Price without stock $100 per acre; with stock and t-rane $25,000. H cash, bal ance S years. 6 tat, S60AQRES ' 40 in cultivation, baL timber end pasture, 6 room old house, bam 70x72. . outbuildings, 3 bones, colt, 6 eowi, 2 heifers, 2 calves, bull. 13 sheep, 2 sows. 12 ehoats, 60 chickens. 10 turkeys. 40 tons - hay, all grain. ' machinery, 310.500. $5500 cash, bal. S years. 6 int. - Have good 10, 20, 40 and 60 acre farms. WeU located. , Priced right ----- S. oJdillmanv ' -.8th and Main St. Oregon . Ossf. Or. 120 ACRES of all good land in valley near a good tows. t good road. 90 acrea in culti vation, balance tember. This is all fine rolling land with 6-room house, barn, outbuilding good orchard. Price $10,000. Will take in good house as part payment 1 have other good valley- farms. - - New York Land Co. ' 803-4-5 Stock Exchange Blk. Phone Main 7676 or evenings Tabor 8232. 60 ACRES ALL EQUIPPED - 80 acres in cultivation, house, barn, H jails to town and R. R.. good soil, ao rock or gravel, all. stock and equipment goes, $$300: tens. Draper V Calway, 626 Cham, of Com. bldg. FOR REST FARMS 14 FARM AND DAIRY 212 ACRES ELECTRIC ' STATION ON PLACE 4 miles from good, large town a in Washington, les than 1 5 miles from Portland. 120 acrea culti vated, balance pasture, some Um ber, 12 acres prunes. 180O bush els oats, 15 acres com, 200 bush els of rye. 60 tons of hay in barn; 4 acrea potatoes,. 2 good ' houses and outbuildings, big barn 40x74, will house 23 cows and 4 horses and implements; full set of farming tools including cream separator, cans, coolers jnd wagons, buggies and harnesses. 6 horses. 13 Jersey cows, 4 fresh heifers, 8 Holstein . heifers, reg. bull, Holstein r.-R. F. Ew tele phone, good water, sprina and " wells, paved road; personal prop erty will run- $4000 and the rental is $900 per year; caa lease for 4 years. - V. H. WOODWARD. HITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. TO RENT TO Nice Bttle tract l.-mUe from Stevenson. Wash., On state highway and railroad, overlooking the Columbia: delightful place to live; comfortable 6 room cottage; fuel, berries and fruit on the place. Water piped from spring. Rent not so much an object as proper care of place. Would furnish some employment in making improve menl"r.,l'eles to answer unless references as to reliability can be furnished. A. I). Davidson. Stevenson, Wash. 45 ACRES to lease for 4 yrsr'peinsl prT)pTrty for sale. N. ti. Hutt. Estacada, Or. R, D. No. 8. FARMS WASTED-REST ORBUY 88 WE ' have several parties looking for improved farms, with money enough to snake a good substantial payment down. ' If you wish to sell and your place is not over-priced, we can STEWART A BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank bldg. "JCREAGE WlVTPn" , Vl r having considerable inquiry for this class of property. If your price ia right and terms reasonable, see Fred W. German Co.. 782 Cham.of Com, bldg.. open Sundays and evenings. IMPROVED farms, with e wlih.i vil Pi00 riht we re pleased to advertise and shdw them. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bids.. Portland, Or. TIM BE It NOTICE OF SALE OF G6ERENTfni BER, GENERAL LAND OFFICE Washington. D. C. August 4. 1919. Notice ia hereby riven that subject to the conditions and limitations of the Act of June 9 1916. (39 Stat. 2181, and the instructions of the Secretary of the Interior of September 15. 1917. the timber on the following lands will be sold September 18, 1919,. 10 o'clock a. m. at public auction at the United States land office at Portland. Oregon, to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior. The purchase price, with an additional aum of one-fifth of one per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time ot- sale, money to be ra turn71 " !le 18 not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber which must be remov ed within ten years. Bids will be received from citizens of. the United States, associations of such citizens and corporations organized under the laws of the United States or any state, ter ritory, or district thereof only. Upon appl' a tion of a qualified purchaser, the timber ca any legal subdivision, will be offered separately before being included in any offer of a larger unit 1.5 8,1-4 W.. Sec 27. Lot 1, red fir 135 M.. not to be sold for lesa tnau $1.00 per it T. 1 8. R. 5 E.. Sec 21, N. E. H. 8. W. . yellow fir 1800 M . N. W. 4. 8? W. M. yellow fir 2200 M, S. W. V4 8. W. H . yeU lo 000 M.. N. E. 8. E. . yellow fir 600 M, N. W. A 8. K. H. yellow fir 1000 m., noc io do som ror less tnaa ai.&O per M- - T. 2 S. R. 5 E.. Sec 19, S. E. H fW. iir l.uu.ri., cedar 00 M., N. E. 4 rk W. . ii Acvti oi. , veuar ou si., nemiocg i i M.. N W. S. W. U fir HHH et.e or. hemlock 140 M.. none of the fir to be sold for nwiuis ii.ao per A!., and ncneof the cedar or oenuoca 10 oe sola lor less tuan CO cents per (Signed) Clay Tallman, Commissioner Gen era! Land Office. NOTICE of sale of government timber General I And Office, Washington. D. C, Aug 25 1919 Notice is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the act of June 9, 1916 (39 Stat. 218)". and the in struction of th ecretarr of the interior of September 15, 1917, the timber on the following lands will be sold at 10 o'clock a. m. on Octo ber 9, 1919, at public auction at the United States land office at Lakeview, Or., to the high est bidder at not less than the appraised value a shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the secretary of the interior The purchase price, with an additional sum of one' fifth of 1 per cent thereof, being commis sions allowed, must be deposited at time, of sale money to be returned if sale is not approved' otherwise patent Hill issue for the timber, which must be removed in 10 years. Bids will be re ceived from citizens of the United States, asso ciations of such citizens and corporations organ ized under the laws of the United States or any state, territory or district thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser, the timber en any. legal subdivision will be offered repa rately Before being included in any offer of a tarter Unit T. 41 8.. R. 6 E., Sec. 11 N W N. E. 14 . yellow pine 290 M., red fir 80 M.; N. W. x N. W. . yellow pine 230 M.; M.: N. W N. W. H, yellow pin. 32ft M. ; 8. We H. N. W; , yellow pine 430 M. ; K. E. 14' 8. W. 14, yellow pfne 325 M.. red fir 50 -MilNV WA iV S- K- 'WHO " 860 M.. red fir 100 M.. none of the yellow pine to be sold at less than $3 per M., and none of the JX'1. Jir-.t1.r"! u than $1 ne" M. CLAY TALLMAN, Commissioner, General Land Office. - . FOR SALE 82.000.000 feet of larch. 4,000,000 feet of hemlock' -S68.0OO.OOO feet of yellow fir. ' This tract is close to Portland. REAGAN. 376 Yamhill st 15,000 ft. capacity sawmill with timber. Lais, Molalla, Or. HOMESTEADS 47 TWO good relinquishments, one 80 and one - 160 acres, make offer. ' 914 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SATE OK EXCHANGE, ; HEAL' ESTATE KS FOR SALE OR TRADE for Coos county dairy land. 21-5 acres ia Waldport, Or.. 2 miles from oil well; fine view of ocean and Alsea bay; small fruits, house, good water, $2500. V. Jt Overlander. Waldport. Or. - ' '' GOOD country store; land and buildings; fine location and cnod business: live on fnr nh or good farm. ZX-437. JournaL - EXCHAHGE REAL EST A TV,' 24 1VD far" t'w'fc'r1 gi nnn . ' " "i J i,u worm oz good property, paying good interest, for ranch; would like "I!"' """la or commission. O. W. Met calf. 4517 79th it 2 100ACRES rich alluvial soil, ready-forthe plow; price $6 per acre. Will exchange for improved farm eitr nmneetv.- - ri,tut. 215 Lumbermen's bldg. ... . - $20 PER ACRE r 160 acre improved Eastern Dimos f.m r dwelling or acreage. 402 Blake-McFall bldgi"" LATE model 6 psesenger ear and some cash to trade for small boose and lot close in. Phone Sellwood 717. INCOME city property, exchange for farm. . Claude Cote, j i Lumbermens bldg. : REAL ESTATE F.XCHANGfc REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE- 4 H acrea small orchard and garden, - can be irrigated ; running water h bouse; store building. 80x60 si ore room, 30x36. dining room, kitchen and sitting room on first floor. -1 0 rooms second floor.', with beds, mattresses, etc.;-' also storm? fixtures and hotel range and dishes and another building 16x20 with barn 32x32. Price $6000.' Want 15 or 20 acres of improved Willamette berry or garden larui. No agents. What have you 1 Ben Glenn, owner, Wlrdock. Or. 118 ACRES, - located in Washington county, Oregon, 23 miles from Portland. 80 acres under cultivation. 90 acres can be cultivated. County road. Railroad and boat landing. UooJ large orchard. Berries, bouse, . hsru. . chicken house, well, spring, creek. Price $6490: $250l incumbrance, . Want house, in Portland, might assume. Davis, ,with John Fencuson, Gerlinger viua- 90-ACRE farm, close to Lyle.- Vash.: 40 in bearing fruit, apples, peaches and cherries; good 'buildings, . water piped in house, stock and . machinery, present crop should sell for several thousand dollars; .price $18,000; will consider part in trade, some cash, baL mg. L. K. Moore,' 817 Board of Trade. ' FOUR-ROOM hoae, aemi-modern. clear of all : . incumbrances. large lut, well improved for larger house,, near earline; will assume your re sponsibllity. 77 W. Ainsworth Ave.. Wood lawn 4848. . lOO ACRES wheat land, close to town in Al : bvrta; well improved, fully equipped and les-e on 160 acres adjoining. Price $5000; will ex change for smsll place in? the valley. Claude Cole, 213 Lumbermen. bldg. 8-BOOU modern bouse, 4 room modern house; store buildings, eight Iota with all kind of bearing fruit on- 87th st for farm or land. $10,000. Jones, 348 Stark. Main 5429. PORTLAND lot to trade for West Seaside lot 1105 E. 80th st N. WA5TEB-REAI ESTATE 31 AN OUT AND OUT ' CHALLENGE : We challenge any brokerage office ia s the U. 8. to show a record of bouse sales equal to the following: 579 Houses Sold Since January 1, 1919. 104 Sold One Month. 82 Homes Sold in July. 95 the First 25 Days of August Frank L. McGwire's By Sales Force of 10 Experienced Real Estate Salesmen. Undisputed Record For the U. S. Naturally we need new listings more homes to sell. We have been established since 1880. We advertise extensively, are in touch with the majority of buyers, have a very efficient selling organization. THE McGUIUE SYSTEM get results. Every house listed ia personally inspected, ap- . praised and photographed without -charge and the photograph., of your house Is placed on display in our show room in its respective district If you have a home for sale LIST HT WITH US We will get quick and satisfactory results for, you. SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE TO SELL YOUR HOME Successor to H. D. McGuire Co. Established in 1880. Abington building. Main 1968. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. WANTED At once, any kind of old bouses or shacks at the right price, on easy terms, as I have clients waiting to buy. Li t your city prop erty with us. We win sell theni. NEW YORK LAND CO., 303-4 Stock Exchange. Phone Main 7670. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED Price must be right and very easy terms. We have sold over 400 homes in the last year. If you want action, list with ns. Fred W. tier man Co., 732 Cham, of Com. bldg. Open Sun days and evenings. - - ACREAGE WANTED With some improvements and buildings. TVs deal In this exclusively ; have four autos to show it with, and can sell It for you. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTEH Price raw be right and very eav term- We have sold over 400 homes in the last year. If you want action, see Fred W. Jermsn Co.. Cham, of Com. Open evenlngi and Sunday I WANT a bargain m a fractional lot, with or witltout bouse, south of Montgomery street between 6th and 20th steH-73. Journal. j'A XT TO B UT $2000 to $3000 home; $300 to $300 cash. Give price and location. X-714, Journal. WK WANT a bungalow or cottage in -the Hawthorne-Richmond district $2000 to $2500. till Mar. 413H t WILL pay cash for 4 room house, basement garage, good lot, trees, good roads, sewer. State price. Private. 8-646, JournaL WANTED- 5 or 8 room bungalow, from owner only. Phone Woodlawn 2583. FARMS and city property . bought and sold. Clsurfe Cole, 215 Lumbermens bldg. ROOMMfG HOTJ8ES, AFARTME3TTS AND HOTELS FOR HALE S3 HOTEL BARGAIN One of the few good buys left in Portland, strictly modern brick bldg., 74 rooms well fur nished, clearing over $600 per month; good lease, fair rent: $7000 can do business. 22 ROOMS 22 Modern brick, city heat,; hot and cold water, center of west side business district; lease; $2500 necessary. SMALL BUYS All sizes from 8 to 40 rooms, some house keeping, some sleeping. F. RIERDON. BITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg.' SPECIALS 20 rooms, rent $4 per room, location Alder st: furnace heat, electric lights, good furniture, good rugs, neat and clean; price $1600. CLOSE IN EAST SIDE 19 rooms, all on one floor, brick building, sinks and running water in all kitchens; rent only $40, with, 15 months' lease; furniture and rugs are good; clears $120 per month. You cannot beat this buy at $1500; some' term. "SEE MR. BOWDEN, 8COTT-BOWDEN CO., , ,431 Chamber of Commerce bid. LEAVING city; sacrifice good furniture of 8 rooms; housekeeping; fine location; good In come: $450 caeh. Phone Broadway 8166. 26 ROOM brick bldg.. close in. on Washington at. will sell for $1630, easy terms. I am unable to take care of this place so will sacrifice. See my agent Peters, IS N. 6th. - - 1 6-ROOM rooming house for sale. A. Bchortzen. Call Broadway 1278. - BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CO NEAT CONFECTIONARY Brick building, close in, school location, rent $25, lease; doing good business. Price $2000, -' GROCERY STORE $3500 buys a nice grocery and filling. sta tion, rent $30. lease. The price of stock and fixtures are all Uis la necessary, as owner is going on his farm Sept, 1. 1919. COUNTRY BARGAINS. . ( I have several stores, also hotels for sale, in Oregon and Washington. Cell for informa tion. - ' F. RIERDON. HITTER. LOWE -A CO.. ' ' 2Q1-3-.VT. Boerd of Trade Bldg. - ' THIS advertisement will appear under the head ing of business tpix'rturutie. which i really s misnomer, as the chance has been practically eliminated. We are offering for "ale bandome Pierce-Arrew limousine, beautifully upholstered, in first class mechanical condition and painted in excellent shape at a price of 32700. This car win be the class of Portland in the rent service, and to him that hath a pleasing personality, a good mixer and $1360 In cash to invest we will make suitable terms for the balance, get you a good stand and put you In the way of making money. Real cash is essential. T ... THE CHAS. C FAGAV CO.. Inc. ' Phone Bdwy. 4693. 9th at Bumside St GROCERY :..V" SNAP ; . $659 TAKES EYERTTHING. DOING $25 TO $40 A DAT. NO DELIVERY. CHEAP RENT LIVING ROOM. BUST CORNER EAST SIDE, CLOSE IX; CAN BE INCREASED TO BIO BUSINESS. . THIS IS A FORCF.I HAI.M AND A SNAP. PHONE EA8T 2374 FOR APPOINTMENT WITH OWNER. NO AGENTS, . . v -.. - h f'-, . - IF . YOU are considering grocery. . confection cry. pool room, restaurant . business, it will pay you to look over ay Bf . , : , SIMMS, 431 Chamber Corn Main 6127. CAFETERIA SNAP, good location, lease; giod business; for quick sale. - Look it over. 264 I. st. v Good reasons for selling, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 89 GROCERY - SNAP 5650 ' Takes - Every thing: Doing $25 to 4 a Day. No deliv ery. Cheap rent. ' Living room; busy corner, East , Side, close in ; can be in creased to big busi ness. , This . is ; a forced sale and a, snap. Phone r East 2374 . i'o r appoint ment with- owner. No agents. WE BUY STOCKS . LARGE OR SMALL - SPOT CASH ' v FURNITURE ' and General- Merchandise FELDSTEIN FTJRNiTUKB Ott 174 FIRST STREET. MAIN 4033. FOR SALE FIRST-CLASS SHOE REPAIR ING SHOP AT 464 E. BURNSIDE, IN CLUDING 5LVCHINERY; 6 YEARS IN THE LOCATION; ;Kr DISTRICT: tU'ARANTKKll TO MAKE MONEY; REASONABLE. CALL 4H4 E. BURNSIDE. GROCERY STORE BARGAIN, Bet Hawthorne district location, on accouni of sickness will sell at sacrifice for $795. "Do ing a fine rash business. PETERS. 13 N.' 6TH ST. I MUST sell my busy corner grocery store. D you want a snap call Tabor 6081. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 8 TO LEASE OR BUY Warehouse, manufacturing, garage or busi ness property, flee HITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MOXE1 TO LOAN REAL ESTATS 1 7 OUR installment 'plan ia the best end surest method of psying a loan. $32.26 per month for 36 months; or 21.34 for 80 months; or $15.17 tor 98 months, pays $1000 loan and interest. Other amounts In proportion. We loan on improved city property. Or for building purposes. , No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVLNGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION . 242 Start st. Portland. Or. BUILDING loans on city or suburban property, money advanced as work progressed W. G. Beck. 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main S40T. $300. $400. $500. $600. $750 and up. low est rate, quick action. Gordon Mortgage Co., 631 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1370. $300. $400. $500. $750, $1000 and up at lowest rates: quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. Main 644 3. MONEY to loan in amounts of $100 to $5000 on city property. A. H. BELL, rooms 10-11. Mnlkey-bldg. MONEY for mortgage loan. $500 to $6000. 6 and 7. Fred 8. Williams, 92 14 1st st SEE OREGON INY. & MORTGAGE CO... 252 Cnamoer of Commerce. 4 th and Stark. MORTGAGE LOANS. 8 and 7 per cent Louis Salomon A Co.. 408 Selling bldg. $300 TO $3000. no commission. Main 1166. F. H. Deshon, 61 a Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOATS CHATTELS. SALARIES 67 PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS N. Phone Broadway 910. 804 Stark Street.' near 10th. Loans on diamonds, watches. Yictrolas, pianos, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musical instruments and anything of value, , ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF PORT LAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER City and county warrants cashed for face value. - t - - CARRIE MYERS-HERMAN. Manager. DO YOU NEEQ MONEY Loan made on automobile, diamonds, pianos. household good or anything ot value. , Security usually left in your possession. ALSO to SAI. ARIED PEOPLE on their notes without security. If your payments to other loan companies or on furniture or automobile contracts are larger than you can make, we will pay them up, advance ynu more money-if necessary, and you can repay us in small monthly- payments to su your conven ience. LEGAL RATES NO DELAY BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND IAAN COMPANY (Licensed) -806-307 Dekum Bldg. ' Marshall 8286. Sal LOANS Chattel I v. rj Lr.1. siu.ici On short notice to salaried or workingmen on their own notes. W'eekiy, semi-weekly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household furniture, pianos, eta., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA ' DISOtTNT COMPANY (LICENSED) - 18 Failing bfdg. MONEY to loan on diamonds, jewelry, legal rates; all articles beM a year; established since 1888. Dsn Marx. 283 Washington at FINANCIAL (1 LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS If you must sell your Liberty or Victory bonds, sell to us. If you can buy more Liberty or Victory bonds, buy from us. We buy and ael) Liberty and ..Victory bonds at the market YOU CANNOT DO BETTER YOU MAY DO WORSE We are today paying the following prices for United States government. Liberty and Victory bonds, which are the closing New York market prices, plus the accrued interest. N. Y. Market Interest Total ' SHl $ 99.90 $ .71 $100.81 - 1st 4s ...... 94. SO .81 95.11 2d 4 92.74 1.14 98.88 1st 4 Ha 94.84 .86 95.20 2d 414s . . . . 92.88 1.22 94.10 3d 414a .... 94.84 1.92 96.76 4th 4 14 93.08 1.57 94.63 . Victory .3 99.60 1.02 100.62 Victory 4 14s. . 99.52 1 29 100.81 -In purchasing Liberty and Victory bonds we deduct from the above prices 87e on a $50 bond and $2.50 on a $1001) bond. ' In selling Liberty and Victory bonds we charge the New York market price phis tlie accrued interest ASK ABOUT THE MORRIS-BROTHERS PLAN Burglar and Fireproof Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent. MORRIS BROTHERS. INC.. The Premier Municipal Bond House. Morris bldg., 809-811 Stark t, bet 5ttf and 6th Tel. Broadwsy 2151. Established over 25 years. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS CASH PAID FOR ANY ' ISSUE OF BONDS FULL MARKET PRICE LOAN ON WAR SAVINGS STAMPS YOU CAN BORROW CASH OF US ON BONDS AND SAYINGS STAMP. -OB TO FLN 13H PAYING FOR VICTORY BONDS. . SEE E. BURKITT. PRESIDENT. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO., 212 SELLING BLDG. (2D FLOOR). . ' CORNER 6TH AND ALDER STS. , t : """ i tLL BUY ANY LIBERTY BOND ' . - .- at. . -; - - . - 99 PER CENT OF FULL CASH VALUE tAfl due coupon Interest faehtded.) J. H. KEATING. Hjl BOARD OF TRADE DON'T - sacrifice your Liberty bonds; we will give you full face value and accrued interest to date for your Liberty bonds; any issue. Our plan is best - No discount,' no brokerage, no watting, and 100 eenta on the dollar with ac crued Interest to date. See the bond man, , be tween 12:89 and 1:30 and ft to 8. Eilers Music bldg.. 2d floor, entrance 287 Washington st. between 6tB and 6th. BONDS BOUGHT SPOT CASH SPOT CASH --f MARKET PRICE " ' - CASH for RECEIPTS. . We wfll LOAN you money on BONDS. W. . S., or to make PAY MENTS on BONDS, 7 per cent 725 Gasco Bldg.. Fifth and .Alder. ' CELLARS-MUBTON CijJ ' - j i LOANS IV ANTED r!.'yy 19 FIRST MOUTGAGESTor sale. 3509 uo. V. -sH. Desbon. 615 Chamber of Commerce Wdg. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO., 232 Chamber of Commerce. 4 th sad Stark. HORSES. VEHICLES. ETC. 1 HORSES! - . HORSES! Any txe ln.re that ctin he toumt - W'H sell them with or without harness, right off the work. Brown team, 1400 each or better. 7 and 8 years old, with barnasa, $265; pair daiiple grays, 2M0O lbs., mare and gelding. 7 and 8 Teen old. with harnes. $275; pair big draft bones, a little rough, 9 and -10 years old. To 00 to, each. $L'00; a lew 11O0 and 1200 lb. good ranch horses; pair 4 -year-old mules, and some well matched teams weighing from 1400 to 1600 lbs. I am finishing my work and want to sell. - Your price ia mine. Liberty Bonds and aiiproved notes will be accepted. All stork guaranteed as represented. You buy them right out of- hard work. PHILL HUETTER ' - " 283 Front 6t, Crown Stables. TWO teams of horses weigh 2800 and 8000 lbs., one. span of blocny, mare, 2600 lb., suitable for orchard work; a Ho a few other lighter horses, to be sold cheap; sragona and harness, eorner of East 9th and Hawthorne. Phone East 8106. Stork is all guarauteed; Good workers and gentle, - . : . . , 9 HEAD of good young horses, weight from 000 to 1500; age from 5 to 10; all good workers! and gentle; will sell reasonable or trade for cow.i Call at old dairy hero, 20th and Powell Valley road. Wood 'toek car. ' . .. - ! 2450 LB. team. 7 and 8 year old, with gooj; harness: 8 14 Mitchell waaon: best ok workers 4 have no naa for them: sell cheaD. 231 Meade st S. Portlsnd car. ) TEAM of bay horses, weight 8009 It.; good. - live' and hone-t workers (everywhere), gentle for any one to handle: sell very chtsp or trade for a light-car. 990 Powell Vslley road. FINE teamof smaH ranch mares, eacbhaa a line colt by tta aide., atust sell at oaoa, 80 Front st - i $185 BUYS 26004b. team! guaranteed sound and true workers. 863 ; Union ave., near tiarruon. THREE horses, cattle and soma cash to ex - change for good second hand Ford. Tabor 4203.- ALL KINDS wagons, buggies and harness. 803 Ftont street. TEAM ponies, yonng,. sound, gentle and well broke in every way ; very cheap. 327 Front st witiib and wagun, $1.60 per day; 2 horses ana wagon, $3."Jf Cohen. 548 Front Main 220n,j A REGISTERED Perrheron itud for sale or exchange. 802 Front st - . I DEAD" hordes and animals hauled away free. Cal ivoooiawn :v. foruana nenaenng co. $90 TAKES nice 1100 horse, harness buggy. 880 Front st. FOR KAIJ Good, stout team, with or withou Harness. Phone Tabor 64. GOOD 1850 lb. ranch- boras $85. Also bugg ciieap. 880 Front st. v A I t.U Uancl team, liarnesa and wagon. i price, age, weiguy ere. -o l, journal. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Fresh milk goats and 2 Toggenj. burg buck kids, hornless; also hornless Tog genburg buck for service. Address 785 Kenis worth ave. -Phone Sundays. , Sellwood 18 li Week days. Marsh. 279. - - - i FOR SALE 3 thoroughbred Berkshire sows. 6 months old, at 62nd street S. E,, Wood stock car. Call for G. B. Mohroe. Out of city limits. 2-YEAR-OLD Jersey cow, now giving 6 quart a day. Will be freeb in Uecember, JJ y-none 'lspor zwgu. - TWO COWS, 21s ga each. Firt time fre, at your own price. No place to keep them. Wo-mI yard. 827 Front st f 1 3 EXTRA good young cows: 2 Ju-t fre.il and 1 coming fresh soon; eall quick for a bargain. Wood tork car to S'.'.l. 8 blocks north to 761. MILK GOATS for sale. blocksNiortb of BU- Tose station. Estacada car. ' 14 HEAD heavy coar-e wool ismt A. R. Roger. Hillsdale, Or. Main 9426. 2 FRESH S gallon cows, Guernsey and Jersey; priced right 63 E. B4th N. Tsbor B4I SOME EXTRA good fresh cows for sale at 124 riaisey st WANTED -Beef, veal antl bogs. Tabor 3726: POULTRY ATfD RABBITS 17 lOR sal: Two Kufua Red Bucks, good stuck. ready for service WANTED 180 W. I pullet, April or May naicn. state price pantau. The Daisy Babbitry It. F. D. -No. 2, Box 151, Beaverton. Oregon. l. Berttvwhe. - 8. Srnvell. PCLLETS We ofier you Barred Rock. White L Wyandotte. Black Orpington and Rhode Is land lieu pullets l.za to SI! DO according to sse and strain, orthweit Poultry Corp,. B2hd sr.; inrn to ntn n, s r.. WANTED 100 W. L. chickens, year old. lot May pullets. Route 3, Molalla, Or, A. Hogman. . - '- l"OR SALE 400 ready to lay White Leghorn put lew, oi laying hens; all bred to lay stock. 3 A. f. WATTEKHON, The Oalle. or. t-fc. WILL Pay you hlgheet- cash price for April-May hatched pullet, any breed. Noi ye-t 1'miiirv f orr.. Lent. Ore. NICE Barred Rock, laying yearling hen. 1 full- blooded cockerel; price $15.60. If 10 Di vteion. Tabor 7 864. T 12 LARGE bunnies and 5 ,one week old. . Phone Tsbor 6472. i FOR SALE Barred Hot k and -White Leghorn hens; 4 full blooded Orpingtons. ' Col. 1 1 lj4. R. I. RED, Barred Rocks and W. W. L. pull.ts ror sale. 787 Oregon st SILVER Campine - cockerels for sale reasonable; heavy laying strain. 44 78th st S. M. V. cr. CLEAN cracked wheat. $3.75; scratch, tV; ible cacanng masn, etc. tvooulawn B4 20 WHITE Leghorn yesrllng hens, $1.50 each. 6305 42nd sty H. E. Sell. 2470. I XV. L. HENS for sale, 1 year old.- Tabor 9 128. POOS. BIRDS. PETS, ETC. "$ GENUINE St. Andreesberg rollers for sale; fancy bred birds; -have been under 2 trainers. Also female. - Bethina K easier, G resliam, Or. i NUMBER ).-watch dog, one that i gnaraiiteeki. Name kind and price in letter. C. C Light- foot. Aloha, Or. CHOICE canaries st "The- Canary Bird Shopi" Singers gnsrsnteed. 1151 E. 28th N. C-22l)T, XYOUNU psrrot for sale, including cage, $IB, G-284, Journal. . - - ) - AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 1917 CHEVROLET touring, first class condi tion: $473.. Evenings after 5. 526 L Emerson. . - 1 ONLY$365. Ford -touring, good condition; $30 worth of extras. Csll li. 8th until a p. m. Kvenings 289 Ju. 7B . - STTDEBAKER bargains, 1917, 4-eyl.; bett(er than new, $976. Your own terms, or take yonr old-car in trade. Phone C-1221. - FORD Late lSl7, good condition "shock sfc sorbers, Yale lock and other extras. Price $475. Tabor 3139. j STUDEBAKER 6 passenger, A-l conditLm,. 2 -new tires, ak-kness cause for selling. Tef uouv, iiirr wemua- FORD touring, 1918. in best of condition; mo-t sell at a. bargain st $500 with terms. Bu Grand ave. North near Bumside. i FOR SALE Oldsmobile. 5 passenger, model 42: fully equipped, 8 tires; term. Main 81 8 8, owner. LIGHT 6 touring, first ela. condition, fine aunearance. good tires, aaenilee at SBou. V1 K. 7tn t., Kicnmorm, car. CHALMERS roadster, 1017, In fine cotulition. - good tires; win sen at amuv ana give terms, 80 GraQd ave.' North, near Rurnside. -1 . ONE peach of a Hudacn 6. nearly, new tires real bargain at $676. 1264 Division. Ta- bor 1231. : - '--' ' MAXWELL . touring, 919. almost new; must sell, a bargain at $1050, some terms, $0 Grand avenue north, near Bumside. - I 1918 FORD, all newly painted, completely over hauled, good tires., extras. ' $575 cash. 6$9 Flit-, nesr Mtlwankie. Call evenrng. STUDEBAKER 1913. newly painted, good tires, in best of condition: a bargain at $873. some terms. 80- Grand ave. North, near Bumside. FORD tooting .1918. m fine mechanical condi tion, good tires; a bargain at asao. with terms. - 80 Grand ave. Nortu.eer Bumside. - I CH EVROLETtouring. 1017, in" good "cortdl tion"; eood 'tires: a bargain at $475. with terms. SO Grand ave. North near Bumside.'- LOOK $195, selling for storage, 4 eylintjeT . bug in A-l condition, with good tires. 284 First at bet CoL and Jeff. - . DODGE touring. 191T1 in fine condition, good tires; will sacrifice at $925, with terms. 80 Grand ave. North, near Bumside. DODGES, tike you want at the trice you. want 404 DAVIS ST., Bear 10th. 1PI FORD roed-ter, excellent condition. $425 Room 2 0 Clifford Hotel VORDS. touring, roadster and bugs. - 404 DAVIS ST., near 19th. f&TsVELGI.V Six. $1200, for sale; good con dition. Main 8964, owner. r"TxDG EHEA IKjCA "ST ESS" 404 DAVIS ST., near lotb. 1918 SUPER 6 Hodsoo- eord Ursa, $23 , Alder Broadway2491 --- - ' zti -4 a''np ar.r. TPBr"'6"rrT'r:iivS" " 1 ! " BU?5s"OF AlJt DESCRIPTION S." v irsvis is., snr lutn. FOR SALE $450. 1918 5 passenger Ford; meclianically perfect. Woodlawn 2715. r FOR SA' K 1919 Maxwell touring ear, phone Mala 6887. i STUDEBAT.ER light 3 pass.; ju-,t like new; a snap; witn Urini. Acme Usraje, 531 Aider, AUTOljORILEH AMI ACCF Sto R I F 4t USED CARS 1918 Jordan.' 6 passenger. 1919 Cole Aevu 8. 4 passenger. 1919 Studebaker 6. 7 paaugvr. 1917 Bulck 8, 5 passenger. 1917 Veil. 6. 5 passenger. . ' IK 17 Saxon 6 6 passenger. . 1V17 Hudson super 6. 7 passenger. , 1918 Studebaker 6. 7 uasMUget, 1918 Suila, 6 ru.sener. 1117 Uaawell.6 paenger. 1917 Ford. 5 passenger. 1917-Dout,e, 6 pawtenger. 1918 Hay lies, 4 passenger. 1U17 liaynes, 6 passeoger. - 1917 OakUnd 8. 6 Mngr. 1W16 Oakland 8, t passenger. It. 8 Stsarna b. 7 ps uar. -1916 Rao Special Job. 1910 Hudson Suier U. 7 pass. 1918 Overland, 6-pasa, 11)18 Maxwell. S paas. 1916 Maxwell, 6-paaa. - IK 18 Ford, 6-pas. 1916 Ore. land road ter. 1D16 Maxwell roadter. Chandler Dispatch, 4-paa ' YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. liberty Uomls taken at lac. value. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS, LEWIS E. OBYE MOTORS CO. . Broadway and Couch, USED CAR BARGAINS Franklin .' Itodge liodge , . $ n,o 875 RflO 6. Ml 4 00 50(1 6.-.0 200 BOO 65U 1U00 Msiwell . . 2 .Buick 4s .$330 and 6 Fords Overlsnds , , , , 10 autos from ...... a l-tou trucks ,,$3tl0 to , , . $500 to , , . $50 to ...$250 to l i-ion tsulck ....,,...,. 12 Ik -ton Gersix - (Jood Terms, 4 LONG A 8U.VA, 462 Hawthorne. REAL VALUES IN USED CARS OUR MOTTO: 'EVERY PURCHASER A BOOSTER" WE SELL ON EASY TERMS OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS 1918 Chalmers, hot spot, 7 pass $1250 1918 Veils, thoroughly tuned up, $.1330 1918 Peerless 8, 7 pass., class, power, speed. Late 191 8 Dodge, like new;' come early. 1014. Velie, light. 4 cyl., equip. .......$ 375 1918 Maxwell, new tires, valves ground. .$ 750 D. C WARREN MOTOR CAR CO. 68 N. 28d st. Mstn '70. ' NEW OVERLANDS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. SOLD ON EASY TERMS BY P. TI. DUNN. AT HIS OWN SALESROOM. 1052 EAST 18TII ST. SELLWOOD 1303. when t5n wnicca; 'EM AND KE.VD 'EM, SEE G, O. t.tUHKR, "THE RADIATOR MAN" builds bodies, repairs ra dii tor, bodies, fenders and all auto sheet metal parts. NEW LOCATION 11TII AND DAVIS. OPP. TIIK ARMORY, BROADWAY 18TB. BIG bargains in used cars, taken in on the Auburn Beauty Six. Below cit AUTO SALES COM PA NY, Ninth and Couch.- 16,000 carried in stork. Our spring old with a written guarantee. Ws give yuu - serrfa-e. 34 N. 15th st. HUPMOim.ES We have three of those famous Hups. Come in and look them over. THE USF.n CAR EXCHANGE. 8. W. coiner 15th and Washington St. WE DO NOT KEEP THE BEST BUYS IN TOWN WK HELL THEM. AUTO SALES CO., N inth and Couch. Sf'RIPPS BOOTH ROAfSTI.R., "With wire wheel and god tire; $1."i0. CARY, 522 ALDKIt ST. . UDWV. 2IWJ. nit; STOCK v Used Cars Vsuc'r NO MISREPRESENTATION Covey Motor Car Co. HERE'S A BUY Model S3 .Overland. 0 ps. touring, in gmd rrml tion every raspect $5 75. To sell today, '"vi needs the money. Terms. See at I'ort land (tsrage, 6th and Taylor. 1918 Overland. 6 tournia. Good as a new car in every wey, Hun very little and na city pavements only. Mnt bo sold today. Owner leaving city. Sacrifice. Term Portland Oarage, nth and Taylor. BUICK roadter. 1918, In fine coudiUon, ne privately, good tires; must sell, a bargain st $975, with. term. 80 Grand ave. North, neaf llnrnslde. ' IKIIKT0USf.'G:CATrr-M61.Ei: In fine shape. Has lot of extra juipmnt. Ree Blllingxley, Broadwsy 217. or Tsbor 5702 evening. . LATE model Veil; new tires) will consider smaller car; Is k land preferred. Weodlswn 1618. 960 E. 87th st N. bet Preacott and Going. IP! 8 fitUlt touruig, tin. cotw!tion,iiewly eo atneled, looks and run like new. 1 xjw iri,- for quick sal, Termt. Bee at Portland Garage, fth and Taylor. CH E V ROLE'S touring. 1918, In bt of comli tion; good tires. Will sacrifice at $750 with term. 8Q tirsnd ave. N. near Burnlfle. FOR SALE Light U'tnton -his toiiHTig, Model 21-A; new top and rubber, first class media o- teafly. Phone- East 6740. MAXWELL touring. j"l7, newlyra"ifS.igod tires, fine cmditlon; a bargain at $B7.", vitli terms. 3 Grand ave. North, near Kurnile. FOR SALIJs- W'lII sacrifice my late model 1918 Maxwell; must leave town. Call Sundays S6 Clifton; week dsys a68 Front st. FORI 1917 touring, in J'nm condition ; good tires', a bargain at $450 witu'terias. 80 Grand ave, N. near Burn-lde. t 1916 CADHLAC t : Elegant-condition; just the thing for 1 stage mn; long, easy "'mi. Mar.hsll 1428. CHEVROLET ch.uw.ia. J917; wiliTnTake a to. A bug; good tires, a bargain at 1375. with 3t Grand eve. N. near Jturn.ide. DUBRUILLE TOP COMPANY ! 9th at Osk. Broadway 1664. HUDSON SUPER SIX Owner left townInl ear for sale. liood- condition throughout Price $13SO. some terms. Tabor 2391. BRING us your car todsy sndrrouriortey tomorrow. Our name is Speed , 404 DAV1H ST., near 16th. -'-' . FORM delivery, pauvl boIy. In tlie bet of chi ditloii; will sacrifice at $450 with term. 80 Grand ave.N, near Burn'kle. ONL Y$385r Ford "touring, good conditionT$ 0 extras. 221 L. fetli nutll 5 p, m,. evening-!. 2 V. 73d N '.''', CliEV RtLET sedsn. f 0 1 rV7TnpTrie7Teondi tion", good tires, will sell at $773, some terms, 30 Grand ave. North, near Itiirnld. LIGHT five-pa-ener Iwtroit In gxxl ootid, tion, very cheap for eash or trade. 914 Chamber of fVimmerc.;. AUBURN Beauty Six, run short distance; rrtnlp ld with eord tfre end bumpers; pri.e rigbts terms. 430 Burnide. Kelly Tire Sales Co. im"9 LIGHT SIX MOON - This ear ia slmmt new and still ha the fac tory guarantoe.( If. jUo., Ms rh: J42S. 1915 1 1 uj -motile, 6 pa- touring, fine condition" $70rt ea or tenn. )lw be rokl Unliy Portland Oarage. 6th and Taylor. BABY' CRAND "CHEVROLET. good "erTdi-ion"' Utely overhauled; painted. Main 3113 eve nings. GASOLINE 22 CENTS A GALLON, OiHTav u t.liEAMLS. PIONEER PAINT CO., 1b 1ST. CHEVROLLET,"""looks and " ru ns 11 k a De w ; '1 9 $700. Tabor 6778. ' AUTO mechanic "will work on your car in lour garawe, K. 7909. - VORD BUG Neat msl,lue. makes 23rl"ne to gallon. Main 81tt8. mo-.s DODGE -Sale or-trade onlS or '19FJrJ touring or sedan. 1070 E. W'ssh. st. FORD ROADSTER for sale ;"$ 7 5 i u r, '' 2r gain; mut sell. ptirm- Wfw.iHsrn atx's. (VwaUlua.a 99 1 olio w lag- i'jS)