- i ii .i. ' " - - - i ....... .-..y-. ... i ii. ,i .1 .... - r - - v. . : - --.-v- - ' ' ' '-' ' ' ! . r : ; . , Dramatic and Photoplay News Attractively Presented in the Sunday Journal ; . " . T" ; " . , . , . . Society i th oMsprinc of leisure &nd to acquire this forma tbe '-. : .v-r -" -v .'-i ' ?A . . V".. ': AL. A .i,-'.:' 1. a '; ' .tf?. rit't . .? . - ' Man. In society, la like a flower blown In Its native bud Cowper. only raor otiv.o, uUUn. wTucp 1 ttR' eCTfcEtt' 011103 .;. .. ........ , .. .... I , . .,. J,- - . . ' " .. - ' 4 'Forbidden' '' Is Feature Filni at Strand Mrs. -Charlie Chaplin Stars in ; New Lpis Weber Produc tibn; Vaudeville, Too. - THERE'S a peculiar cbarra and an al together irresistible appeal to many of XqI Webert photo productions. These ouatitiea are much In evWenoe In "Forbidden." the latent prodwrtion of the famous -woman director.' .. The picture received it'a Portland premier Thursday afternoon at ; the Strand theatre. - ? : '' " . J ' ' - Mrs. Charlie Chaplin, who was favor 5 ably known to fandom as Mildred Har ris before she annexed the matrimonial prise of fllmdom Charlie Chaplin is star of "Forbidden," and the quaint and demure little lass contributes much to the success of the picture. Henry Wood ward and Fred Goodwin are well known men in the supporting cast. - Billy Rose is a funny blackface come dian and purveyor of parody patter. Mets and Met do about everything In the book. Including comedy chatter, acrobatics, singringv dancing and con tortioninpr. The Guy Sisters are at tractive lasses with good voices and odueated feet. Baker, Vine and Baker please with their singing and dancing, aided and abetted by piano and banjo Harnack's orchestral overture and organ solo by "Ick" Ogden are addi tional musical treats, while extra film attractions are International News and Topics of the Day. THAT it has been a good season for drying the winter's : wood supply stacked up on the parking. to . That a person Is in for a shower -bath if he stands near the edge of the sidewalk when the street- : flushing machine comes along. is. ; That the ice wagons will soon be . converted into coal trucks. to ' to', That some "farmers" along market row never saw a farm. to to That1 you can pay 10 cents for a cup Of coffee at an eating place down the line, and then drop in . next door, if you want to, and get .a cup of better coffee for a nickel, to to ; That next Monday Is Labor day. to to : That over a ; bridge in . Clacka ' mtm county is this sign:- "Walk Your Horse." t , to to !'. That in these aviating days one - would be more Inclined to make a horse-fly. to to I That there are soma fake war souvenirs on "the market. to to : " That a hammer and punch will make a fairly good looking "bullet hole In' a trench helmet. .to to : ' - That we haven't heard "The Star Spangled - Banner" played for some . ' time, to to ; That talk isn't as cheap as It used to be. . " to to i That it -doesn't pay to try to . patch up an old roof. to to ' That near-beer doesn't get near enough. to'yto "! That the arrival, of a new baby is often announced to the neighbors by the family clothesline. to to That the boy -would like to be a man and the man would like to ' be a boy again. J :to:" to f..' r ' That life's a funny , proposition after .all. . ;j. . That there's forest fire smoke In - the - air. to to That the picnic season Is almost over. to to That we've had just about enough 1 for one year, anyway. -: to 1 to - That Borne people will spend 40 : cents' worth of gas to drive out In . the country to 6ave 10 cents a dozen on eggs. i . to to r That the clock in 1 the tower That our time is up. ' - ''to to' ' . Absolutely She Is Not Oh, Mr. Stroller, please do tell us that green eyes is an advertise ment for some eyewash or moving . picture, - ANXIOUS. Sulu Sea Boasts Floating Theatre They say that over in the Sulu sea runs a floating picture palace for the ; enterUInment of Polynesians, Chinese. Borneos, Malays and everv ntiur k of men in that queer corner of the Or-' ientaJ sea. Robert McQuarrie is the manager of the theatre and writes to; tell us that he has been running one production at his theatre for over three years. This "theatre" ; Is a converted yacht. With a picture screen rigged on: the forward tackle 'when , heeded, the projection machine on the cabin roof and seats all over the vessel from deck to mast-tip. Mr. McQuarrie has been running a Warren Kerrigan print and wrote asking whftther he might get another picture Nith that same star. He told -how well the. picture had gone in Satong. where It had beea shown five times beforehand where each successive. ,. time the cr d grew in sise. The title of the production are printed in Span ish. Mr. McQuarrie said that he once tried another sort of picture, but H was. tabooed immediately and his. au- ' diences demanded the one they bad al ready seen six or eight time.: XAt that rate , the ambitious producer would lose his ambtsb, ;. , ? ' ks'? V v- , Mr. and Mrs. A. I Clifford, who have, been spending the past aix weeks at Welches resort, near Mt.. Hood, will re turn to the city September 1. I. f 1 , ii ! - MAYO IMETHOT, Portland girl, popular in the past as a "juvenile" in local theatricals, who is returning this sea son from school in the east, to play ingenue parts with the Baker ! Stock company. The stason will open Sunday, September. ' . ' '-f ' " , Verna Felton to s Leads -..,.'--. t At Baker Popular Stock Company Will . Open New Season Sunday, September 7. M ISS VKRNA FELTON. who toward the close of last season's offerings at the Baker theatre was being tried out in stellar parts by Manager Milton Seaman, is coming back to Portland for the new! season to open September ?, as leading woman for the Baker Stock : company. The Initial offering will be "Come Out of the Kitchen." David Herblin . of . the . Morosco staff will be leading man... He will arrive soon from New York city to start re hearsals with the Baker players. Wal ter B. Gilbert will return as director of the company and John Q. Fee, who played leads with Miss Felton, will re turn also, las will Lee Miller, Irving -Kennedy, Billy Lee and Walter Corry, the latter to be assistant stage director. Mayo Methot. Portland actress, who has -been in the east for two years studying at Miss Catlin's school, has been engaged as ingenue. Miss Methot has entertained Portland audiences in the past in child parts and is purely a Portland i product. Claire Sinclair, who played with Catherine Countiss when the latter was the Baker's leading woman and who has been spporting Marjorie Rambeau in her California engage ments this summer, will be a member of the new! company, and orn t Webster and George R. Taylor, already 109 of Play Semi-Made Rompers for Kiddies They re designed in the Baby's Boudoir's inimitable way all! finished excepting buttons and buttonholes, and are stamped in clever kiddie designs for mother to embroider. ney re of linenes and chambrays in the color tones mother likes . best. Sizes from 1 to 7 vears. f We were able to give them this - r .... ..uu. iciiuvcryaraage, wnicn means only that all styles and colors are not to be had in all sizes, but there are so many of them, that the. question will be one of which ones. not to buy rather than which to choose. ! . Many mopier wU ' buy three, .- ' ! . four or a half dozen ; of them, so - - . ttraordinary . are tkey at $1.45. - i P.Exchange'iNa Deliveries V - I vM Phone Orders Every Sale Final . 388 MORRISON How Did Shaking The Head Come V To Mean 4No?' Why don't I laugh when I tickle myself? . . Do you know? There's, a reason. This question and other questions arising naturally in the ' course of the lives of every human being, are to be answered authoritatively, con cisely and clearly, in The-" Journal's series, "The Reason Why ,",t? begin, in an early issue. ' V The questions . and answers have been prepared . and are released to The Journal exclusively In Oregon by the Bureau of Industrial Educa tion, Inc., Washington, D. , C. well known to Baker audiences, will be other members , of the cast. The Baker theatre is being renovated for the new season and new plays for early presentation are being consid ered. . ' - ' The opening this fall will mark the beginning of the nineteenth - consecu tive season of the. .Baker Stock com pany in Portland. Contralia Theatre-to-Open Centralla, Aug. t 28. The new Rlalto theatre in the Central building will open next week. . The new theatre will be operated under the management of Rip ley & Rankin as one of a chain of theatres owned in the Northwest by the Northwest Exhibitors' company. It will have a seating capacity of between 500 and 600. ' , . . s Horlick'S the Original Malted Milk. Avoid Imitations and Substituted Them! v to sell far - V $1.45 very low price because they 3ELOW TENTH ... , , , , iww-m w -a. idoyou n JrCNOW f A58WEES TO YESTEBDAT'S ' QUSTIOS 1 Psyche. ' "' 2In Rome. 3 Laws adopted in Puritanical days prohibiting nearly all form of normal amusement, recreation, . etc many of which prevaH to this day. 4 Popularly known as "Billy' Sun day, former baseball professional and now the most conspicuous evangelist tn the world. ; - 6 A room or parlor exposed on three sides to the sunlight; a term used in sanitarium, hospital or 'dwelling connec tions. - r -6 One of the notable engagements of the Civil war, May 6 to 7, S 1864, In which the total casualties were nearly 18,000 killed, wounded and missing. 7 Seven, a chief and six associate jus tices. y 8 A wooded spot, a dell thick with ar-; boreal undergrowth. 9 A dead body, a cadavar. 10 The pyramids ; : the Colossus of .Rhodes; Diana's temple at Ephesus; the Pharos of . Alexander ; the hanging gardens of Babylon; the statue of the Olympian Jove, and the mausoleum by Artemisia at Halicarnassus. SEW QUESTIONS 1 What is the final word in the fa miliar expression, "bright as a new 2 What is a scabbard? 3 What is clabber? 4 What great invention that is used in every household in the making df clothing and all fabric articles was per fected in 1566? 5 What is Mother of Pearl? 6 Who Is General Tasker II. Bliss? 7 What and where is the Qulrinal? 8 Who was Cervantes? 9 Who was nicknamed "Old Hick ory ?" 10 What is a caboose? For correct answers see tomorrow's Journal. Charge Japan With Aiding Widespread ' Traffic in Opium Washington, Aug. 28. (I.- N. S.) Written charges that Japan was not only encouraging a widespread traffic in opium, morphine and other drugs ii China, but was reaping from it reve nues amounting to millions of dollars annually, were filed this afternoon with the senate foreign relations committee by . W. E. Macklin. a medical mission ary of the Christian church, who said he had resided for 33 years in China as the head of a hospital at Nanking, near Shanghai. Senator Lodge, to whom Macklin was introduced by Senators Nelson and Kellogg of Minnesota, ordered the charges read in the record of the com mittee's open hearings. A very short time remains in which to take advantage of Liebes' Annual Summer Fur Sale The time to make an investment is when the price is as low as your judg ment tells you Mt can get. Now is the time to make your FUR selections, for 20 to 50 off before-August regular prices represents reductions that cannot be duplicated. After-August regular prices will be much higher than the reg ular prices that have been quoted during this sale. Fur Coats Dolmans Coatees Chokers Scarfs Capes Exquisite' styles that are months in advance of the mode, and positively authentic for the coming f a 1 1 and winter. Liebes' sale rule of unparalleled generosity allows you to make a selection that will be held in our safety cold storage vaults . until October, upon the payment of a small per cent of its value. ' v Liebes' furs at sale prices are an investment in-which' you cannot err, for there is over a half century of reliability back of the saying; "If you don't know FURS you do know stores." ; Period of Selling at Annual Summer Sale Prices Terminates Saturday Closing Time oar aUbftnr Mr. Porcupine Takes the Two Friends for a TreaU . . JIMMY COON ' was very quick and clever to jump bo swiftly and knock Tommy Fisher over and save Qullly Porcuplne"s life. And Qullly was very grateful, so he tried - to think of some way to show Jimmy Coon that he was thankful. w H So one day he asked i Jimmy Coon and Teddy Possum to go with him as he had something lovely for them to eat, 'the very best 'thing in the world there is to eat." said Qullly Porcupine, and 'Jimmy Coon's bright eyes sparkled with joy, for he loves something good to eat. and who doesn't, only those people who haven't, any teeth or any appetite left? . So Quilly set off through the forest, and Teddy Possum and Jimmy Coon were with him. and they could hardly wait for that lovely surprise. They wondered what it could be and talked about it all the time. Quilly never did care very much for talking and on this day he never said a word. Quilly couldn't go very . fast and his two friends got very impatient, and very tired of going at such a slow pace.. ' . Jimmy Coon began to grumble and he said to Teddy Possum In a whisper, "1 wonder what Qullly baa for us to eat. I'll bet you a fat clam that It is ponly the bark of some old tree that he thinks is good to eat and not another soul could bear to eat." "Now, Qullly," said Teddy Possum, "no fooling! We are awfully hungry and if there isn't something good to eat at the end of this road we aren't going another step !" Quilly'S little sharp spears stood all on end at Jhls speech .of Teddy Pos sum's and he looked pretty cross, so that Teddy Possum swung himself up in a tree until Quilly cooled off a little. "Oh. come on, Teddy Possum, and we'll see It through. Quilly is a good old scout and he wouldnt fool us when we are so awfully hungry." All of Montenegro Is in Kevolt, Says Dispatch to London London, Aug. 28. (L N. ' S. The whole of Montenegro is in revolt and fighting is in progress over a large area, it was announced here today. The railroad between Vlrbzar and Antivari has been cut by the Monte negrins. ' The Serbs are throwing ' large rein forcements into, the country and are endeavoring to suppress the revolt, the war office stated. &6o SS YEARS rUKO MBOAOWAV Manufacturing Furriers for Over Half Quilly set off through the forest and Teddy Possum and Jimmy Coon were with him. ; Qullly felt better at these kind words of Jimmy Coon and he : laid down hi spears and began to be more cheerful. If you have ever- walked in the coun try with anyone who walked like a snail, then you know how hard it was for those two little rascals, Jimmy Coon and Teddy Possum, - - Through .the trees they saw after a while the remains of a fire, and It looked as if people had . Just ' broken camp. Quilly walked a , little faster and shouted, "Now, we're nearly there. Oh, this is the loveliest treat something perfectly lovely to eat." - . You ought to have seen Jimmy Coon and Teddy Possum hurry to that camp. And what do you think they found? Tomorrow Miy Porcupine's Feast, v. Germany Appoints . Representatives; to U.S. and St. James Berlin. Aug. 28. The foreign office has made the following tentative selec tions for diplomatic representatives abroad after the peace Is ratified by the allies and America: For ambassador to the United States: Dr. Haniel von . Haimhausen. For' ambassador to Great Britain: Dr. W. S. Solf. " For ambassador " to China : Herr Radowitz. For ambassador to Japan: Frits August ThieL' " Century who- v , a -..;., . ; ij.ir Biiun HEIIJO t-Brd.dwi, at Taylor. Alexander, "Th . Uatt Wh Know." 8 p. m. - Matinees WeU- - tfAyn and Satunian, 2 p. m. , VaUUKVILLB . ' " PAMTAGES Broadway at Aider. Bicb claM ., raudertUs and ptautoiiiay featurcsr Afurnoon and erining. Program diaugad MfJay aft ernoon, j, v HIPItDHOME BroaUa, at Yamhill. ' Aekar man At Harrlv -raudrvilla and KboUSplay (ea ' turea. AUrnoon and tjigbt. - . ( . MUSICAL COMKDT ALCAZAR Eleven Ui and Morrtnon. .Uinieal Comedy Stock- company In "Prtnceaa Pat." 2:0. 8:20. . . , . PHOTOPfcAYS COLUMBIA Slilh and SUrk. ' Jack Pickford. m -UtU Appenvn a Boy." 1; a. m. to 11 p. in. a ; . - LIBERTY Broadway at SUrk. William Far- uum, in ""ih Lmih htar Hanger.' 11 a. ml .to 1 1 p.. m. . . : v. MA J E8TIU:-Washington at Park. Conitanea Taimadge in 1'ExperuneHUl Marriage." 11a. ' n. to 11 pc m. - 8TKANI Waihlngton betwen Park and West Park. Vautleny. pbotuplaya. - 11 a, m. to II p. in. . , . , , . GLOBE -Blanche Sweet, in "The , Warrena of Virginia." 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. CIRCX.B ..Ponrth near Wellington. Allc Brady. Hi "The Indwitnictlble Wife." 0 BUN SET Washington and Broadway. "The Turn of the Road." 10- a. m. to 11 p. m. to 11 i. m. BTAH -Washington at Park. .Pair Blnney. In "Open lour Eyes." 11 a. in to 11 p. m. PARKS AND' RESORTS COUNCIL CREST hancing erery erenlng ex , cept Sunday... Sunday afternoon concert. Con ' eeuiona. ' OAK3 AMUSEMENT PARK Armntrong Folly - company musical travesty. Skating, bathing. Gore Resolution. . Passed by Senate - Washington. Auc 28.-(U. P.) The) senate today, passed the Gore resolu tion providing for an investigation of the war risk insurance bureau. BIG POSITIONS AND PAY - EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKEWALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE.POBTLASD Assured a Position ENROLL NOW Day or Night School 1919 . Importation OLIVE: OIL "alwayB freh" Packed in Air-tight, Light-proof Can. . '; Sold Everywherm - 0 mt. Mesker ek Co.'. 1. Simple Wash Removes Rings Under Eyes Portland people will be surprised now quickly simple witch hazel, camphor, hydrastls, etc., as mixed in Lavoptik eye wash, relieves bloodshot eyes and dark rings. One young lady who had eye' trouble and very un sightly dark rings was relieved by a single week's,, use of Lavoptik. We guarantee a small bottle to help ANY CASE weak, strained or inflamed eyes. Aluminum eye cup- FREE. Skidmore Dru 2 Co., 1 5 1 Third St. Adv. ' A guaranteed ' welrht reduction meth od, "safe, pleasant. Brings ' slendernesa, better health and happiness. Get a small box of oil of Icorein at the UruggiaVB. Follow directions. You are allowed to eat sweets, etc. ; no starvation or strenuous exercising. Tour life becomes worth llv in with clearer mind, improved figure, buoyant step, cheerfulness and optimism. Get thin ; star so. Show other this ad vertisement. Adv. . . AMUSEMENTS CHAT NO. T . Pub Ho demand, expressed by scores of patrons, cames the announcement tnvt TMl OAKS wilt remain open Indefinitely. BUT In Armstrone roll Oempany, wlln ts Ms beauty chorus, closes with two now perform ance en Labor Day. Don't mlsa the area Sunday and Monday program. After Mon day admission to the park I fro all day. ' . . . JOHN '. CORDS-AY, RSanaser. COUNCIL CREST PARK ITtm . ntenu: arroiLLla. won II derful .view rides, same and other amusements now tn operation. Uancioc every e veQins except Sunday. Vx concerts Sunday. Aleate aiiui msr HOP A C. C. CAR Too Fiat AMUSEMENTS SECVRK T1CKKTH K4KLT I CAPACITY-HOr8KS HKMEMBKR N - rrm'riiv .. . . . . . . . i KEXT MAT I' HU AY EVKMXO ROADWAY TAYLOtt A TONIGHT, 8.l5AASJ?.w;. rSOUYENIB, LADIES ONLY MAT. TOMORROW, 2:15 FLOOR, BALCONY.. ........15c GIRLS tTNDER 1 ox ADMITTED GENERAL MATINEE NEXT SAT. M?' ACUL8T ts tBota omeo and .Men) ADULTS so children, to ii .;".:;;;:: t5e ALEXANDER "THE JIAN 'WHO KNOWS And His All New SHOW OF WONDERS KVCNINOI 1.00, 7Bo, BOc, 2Bo. want to ooot ory? VISIT THK IPP0DR0T.IE TODAY TONIGHT 0t "DREAMLAND" Beautiful, yunny, Intortalnlna. "A Taste of Life" Miss KTHEL RO BERTS It b Simply Great. "TM E OIRLB OF SK" Bonn and IJaooea BENDER AND HERR, Master Athletic ALP RlfON, Hcotch VentriluquisL STARR AND STARR, Talkster. And as Good as tli Best, QEOR0E LEE MISS TEOOIE BENNET, "I Love That Girrr ITS COOL AT THK "HIP" GREAT ORCNINO. SHOW THI BISTVI IN VAUPIVILH ' At Heili- Thratre BESSIE OLA VTON. Ellsa and Kduardo Csnnlno. James Clsmona and Company la 19141 Dance Creatiuoa. OTHER STELLAR AOTS S 4 Nights Sun., Mon.Tues., Wed -IBs to SI. 4 UsU. Hun., Moo., Tuas., Wed. i nr, to 7oc 1 ALCAZAR MUSIOAL PLAYERS WITH Mabel Wllber sne) Oscar VI man . In the Merry Musical Comedy Princess Pat IT'H ANOTHER "rLOTU BEIXA.1" E. 60s, 7 So, SI. Wed. and Sat, ; Mais., aSo, BOc it. "The Time, the Siaoo and the Olrl" PANTAGES MAT. DAILY 2:30 w " "HER LtyT SHOULDER," ''. A Uusical Comedy Tabloid. a OTHER BIO AOTS S Tbree Performances Daily. Nl-h Curtain at T - and . CIRCLiE FOURTH AT WASH. V TOMORROW MARCUERTTE CLARK In 1 "Three Men and a Girl" Also Christie Oomedy, "dOOO QRACIOUS, BOBBV," ' and a Plctosraph, Dance Tonight! COTILLION WATT V y 14TH AT WASHIJfGTOV f Eestarlna; Broadway ?for V elty Orrtievtra and - W ' Frask Walsh, Slngfr Ball Brarlar 8prlor Vloor Admls'sloa fie and 6e Except Sat. ' ft i..