-yoR nExf-HorsES' "it uyyritMis hep 1 . TOTl REN T 4 room v modern 1 iue. - $ 1 6. 6 0 month; chicken coup, . with -wood and work . t. . (iLl ,,4,. - Oft' mimlfM Pule Greahani line, c Write Boat 2, Box 216, Mliwtullt, UT., -or tn t irouw uuwv von uiivc t.B. XOKTH- tWKTv-HV r.nivruiu LIGHT SERVICE ' Truth and Washington. :' Broadway. 680. 6-ROOM HOUSE for rent to adults. 490 East - 27th st Richmond car. - ' I 916 K, VAUHH.I-4 room, pleasant, homelike profile. story; want rCBWISH F.P HOUSES i ROOM furnUhwi hmwe at Stanley- station, $10 per month. Call Millwood 1714 even ' rngs, or eom out. Eatacads line. 9a far by COTTAGE. 2 room. furnished, gas. electricity. $15, Ht. John cr. m -suantic AIRY ft room house, 8 bd, garage close. Lea. - S34 S. lt st. I flat to bext. T-yFURNisHED i . THREE room with garage. Union avenue BeM Russell; adults only. East 2195. ! 4-ROOM FLAT (or rent; close in; west side. . 55 Fifth st. ""ROOM, large clean flat end store room. Adult. ' 794 14 First t. and Glbbs. furnished flats j at .6lEltX. flat. 03 H eOUTsL Montavilla car. 313 per' month. MODERN room, flat foe rent. furniture for ale: walking distance, past 3441. 1 APARTMENTS rOK RENT j 48 TUB JEFFERY, 2 room fur. apartment. $17 per month : corner Ru-ll and Kirby. bet.. Mit. and WlTl'ams aves. rhone East 1504. BANNER APTS.. 480 Clmj sL. near 14 th. . modm 2 room furnhdied apt.. $18. ; 2 ROOM apartments, firt floor; ery convenient; reasonable rent. 855 Flanders st 1 SUMMER RESORTS 68 MANHATTAN BEACH Furnished cottage with tfn-rlJicc, Kept. !i. Near lake and mountains. Wood lawn 257. ; FUR RENT September; ' furnished cabin at j Cannon Beach. Call Broadway ban. WASTE! TO REST We Want, to List mouses, flats and apartments. if tou have any vacancies, phone, heave together, caue of northwest Hi EEL CO.. MAIN 11K8. jFl HNISHED 1T.AT or apartment, with "1''T- tag porcb, 00 Heights. Phone Bdwy. 2492, Strang REAL ESTATE BEACH PllOPEKTY 4 A BEACH HOME, now at Seaside. Or., at beau tiful "Cartwright Park," at reduced prices; $25 to $700; easjr Installments. 8 jier cent; soon to be connected by all-pared hlnhnsy with eastern and southern Oregon, which, with proposed 2000 foot pier, will make "Cartwright Park" one of the most attractive spots on Pacific coast. Whit merKclly Co.. 414 Phtock blck, Portland. Oregon, or inquire F. M. Cole, agent. 42 Broadway, Seaside, Or. . ' B1'SITESS PROPERTY C6 BUILDING FOR SALE 95x100. 2 story, first-class building for sale; baa 50 spans fo posts; located near Grand are. and Ilawtborqe are. For sale owner. Z-tmg, Journal. . FOR SAI.E HOTSES 61 $4 750 MOST WONDERFUL BUY. 6 RMS?. ALL MODERN AND UP TO THE LETTER. A SNAP. WEST OF LAURELHURST; TERMS. MAIN 4803. Q. C. QOLDENBERQ, Abingtoti Bldg. '35 Years in Portland.' ,995 East 2.1st North 7 room bungalqw. basement, paneled dining room, pared street, 2 blocks south Alberta car, $3150; term. Now rarsnt. EDWARD" A. BROWN CO.. 803 Railway Exchange Bldg Main2 6 93. $1700 COZY BUNGALOW $1700 Neat, clean 4 room bungalow, largo sleeping porch,' fine attic, berries and 0 bearing fruit trees, lawn, fine chicken house, alley, close to Mhool. walk paid. Hawthorne car, easy terms. . Tabor 3268. GRAB IT HAWTHORNE DISTRICT Almost new 5 room bungalow. All street im provements paid. One block to Richmond car. Price $3800. Must have $1500 cash. Phone Mr. Delahunt.y, Main 1700. evenings. EaHt 2086. HERE'S XT DANDY On Glenn are., near Hawthorne. 7 room mod ern bouse and garage, lot 50x112, fruit trees, fine lawn, $3750; some cah. balance like rent. CARSON. ' 924 Chamber of Commerce. Main 48. . . "cash " i j Vacant City 5 room bungalow; hard wood ! floors, buiit-in buffet, bookcases .and fireplace. ,' full basement, furnace, wash trays, garage; 1 j block from car. Full price $34 50. Imperial htel, mum 543. - I $2750 NORTH MT. TABOIt 7 rooms, lot 62x150. nice lawn, lots of fruit, cement walk. 1 block to car; $750 eash, balance $35 per month. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 6752. 31300, Terms," $300 Cash 6 ROOM MODERN COTTAGE Batb. electric lights, cement sidewalk, sewers a'l in and paid. 1 blk from car. Oscar Ather- ton. 1052 East Yamhill St.. . "39TII NEAR RICHMOND CAR LJJS'E Fine l room modern house, lot 20Sx22O. 35 fine fruit trees, grapes and berries, price $6000; some cash, balance like rent. CARSON, 924 Chamber of Commerce. Main 48. CHEAP Modem 6-room hixae in pplendid condition ; d.- irable LTcation ; half block frcru Richmond car. Trxjnire 540 E. 3 6th st. WHY NOT BUILD Get an artistic home by an established arehi ,tcrnrl firm at low cot. We build anything; furnish the money if desired. L. R. Bailey Co., tee , contracting architects. S 924 N. W. -Bank. $1300-EASY tEMS$f8(M) Walking distance. 5 rooms, hard surface. . electricity, gas. plumbing, half block Sellwood car. Easy terms. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCHANGE. . -SOUTH PORTLAND SNAP 7-room house, fine condiiton., gas, electricity, hath, 2 sinks, all furnished with good furniture ; . price $2100. $750 cash. John Singer. 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. . gtfson $300 CASH R. C. PARK CAR Modern 7 room bungalow, in fine condition; fireplace, electricity, gas; full plumbing; large ctoSetj; good basement.: laundry trays, fruit, thrnribcry, rhone Tabor; 430". It ROOM MOIE"N BUNGALOW I,? a no Near 3 carlines, 25 minutes out; lots of bear . ing fruit and berries; .50x100 lot: east front; no "city liens; $300 cash; $25 per month; 6 per cent. Tahor 2934. $3M)7 Snap in Hawthorne. Dandy ri-room bunga low, nearly new. Improvements all in and paid See rhe Tiuick about-1 his Mr. Delahuntv. Main . I.OO. Evenings Bt 2086. IS AIBERTA, by owner, modern 6 ronrnbun galow. hardwocd floor, furnace, full basement, ljt ROxlOO. paved streets, ready to move into terms. Phone Woodlawn 1104, or 1034 'e. 21st st ,N. W'OMKING MAN., save paying hici renti birj a 0 room house near car, convenient Franklin Ilih, fine new-library and school. See owner Bare commission. 330 B. 42d. Hawthorne car! 7 ROOMS and sleeping porch, in LaurvlhuriT: - strktly modern: something swell: Jitooo -.-ono casli, balance like rent. 6 per cenL Jones' - t4-r Stark. Main 5429. I.IKK 4 ROOMS 11 SO fAfTii .$1400 2 bedroom, bath. bt location ' and ear Service, $20 monthly, including interest; no . mortgage. Phone Sellwood 2706. LOOK 4 ROOMS $150 CASH 1400 2 , bedrooms, bath, bMt location and ... rr. service.; $20' monthly including interest. . Ph,one Sellwood 2706. ' ,- KFTY bungalow 'in Warerlyj hardwood floors; .5 large-rooms and finished attic, nice lawn vfnilt and flowers; $1000. cash and terms. Call Ea-t 5770. ! TWO houses 7 and 8 rourus. bath, toilet, gas electricity, cheap for eash if taken soon in . cumbrance on one $12-30. Owner, J. A. Hpla day. Gibbon. Or. ! ' hawttio"rnrc6ttag"e ! S rooms with excellent plumbing. 11 nice fruit tree. &txlOO lot.: improvements in and . $1730; $350 down. Cll Tabor 7463. - BEFORE buying property " or- building! you ahoflld have It surveyed. Nicholas Bros., 716 Oregonian bldg. Main 935$. . . FOR SALE 3 room cottage with sleeping porch. eaf elee. Ugbta; clear' of incumbrance; price "$1860. $400 cash, terms.' 6.. Woodlawn 8229. " t'OR SALE Large' 6 room house, barn. 2 chicken houses, garden; fruit. 5 lots. Phone PRETTY-6 room house. $1800. $200 down acre, 90 minutes out- Main 806. V ROOM cottage, good location;. a bargain. Bdw. T352Q evenings. at 2508. i ., $2000 DESIRABLE. S room bun .-a low, lot 100x100;-Woodstock. ' Sellwood 1335. I . & ROOM bungalow for sale, in Koj City Park, by owner. 608 E. 67th st. M. ! REAL ESTATE ('OH KALK HOUSES f EVERY ONE A GOOD BCT $3000 Hawthorne. Srra. bnnsalow. extra long bring room, fireplace, bookcase, beam ceilings, built-in ballet initcu xitcuen, good basement, fine lot, room for gar- ace, berries, t. pared, sewer, close car and school. $1000 cash, balance mo. $2300 South Mount Tabor. Here the best buy we know of, 7 rm., dbL court d. resilience, built-in - buffet, 4 fine bedroom-, Imtcii kitchen, good basement, 53x100 corner, garage, fruit trees, ber ries, garden,, close grade and Franklin 1L . 6.. Hawthorne car, hard -surfaced street, a well-built, large home, dirt cheap; term. , $25006 rooms 100x100 lot; just think of it, here's a good 0 room plastered house, 3 . large bedrooms, fine bath, baady kitch en and pantry, fireplace, good basement. 2 big lot. 0 bearing fruit tree, berries land garden, lit Scott car at Wood mere station, S blocks school, $500 cash, balance no. I-ook this over. $2500 -5 rra. bungalpw. east Sit. Tabor, dandy living room, hardwood floors, built-in buffet. Kntch kitchen, full basement. 50x100 lot. fine lawn. 14 block ML Tabor car, $500 cash; Don in to morrow. . $8100 -5 room bungalow. Waverleigh Hts.. re ception ball. large liring rm. , fire place, built-in buffet, lrateh kitehen. full cement basement. . laundry trays, 40x100, east front lot. with fine lawn and shrubbery; will sell furniture if desired; pared street; sewer; one block car; a dandy home for beginners, $700 cash, bal. monthly. . GEO. T. MtORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. NORTH IHVINUTON HEAL BUY ' 6 rooms and sewing room, all in good shape, full built-in IWtch kitchen. 1 bedroom on first floor,' 2 ; bedrooms on second, full em-cement batement, half block from car. 2 blocks frem school. Price $2100, $050 ca-sh. balance like rent. . P. A WARRINER RITTKR. LOWE & CO. N 201 -.1-5-7 Board ofTrade bldg. HBEAUt IFUL BUNGALOW Hardwood Floors Throughout $4300 Here, folks. is a home witli every built-in conrenience. Hardwood floors, fireplace, mas sire buffet, Dutch kilchen with breakfast al cove, cement basement, furnace, etc. Street aissts. paid. H block car. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO. 204 Stark St.. near 3d. Main 3002. Main 3516. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. LARGE GROUNDS NICE BUNGALOW Hero is an attractire 5 room bungalow, full semi-cement basement. ground 50x144, nice chicken house, about 8 good bearing fruit trees and abundance of berriei. Price only $24 00. half ca-h, balance long tim-s. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS C. A. WARRINER RITTER. LOWK & CO ' 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade tMg. 3 HAW. SNAPS $3150 5 rooms, BOxlOO, modern, 3 2d st. $3150 5 rooms. $500 cash: firepL, built-ins. $3200 3 roomB, $300 cash. hd. wd. firs., complete. 0. C. QOLDENBERQ, Abincton Bide. Main 4S03. "35 Tears in Portland.' ROSE CITY CAR $3750 6 Rooms Breakfast Alcove. You would nerer dream it possible to - buy such a home, finished like this one, for so little money. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, cement basement, etc. I-et us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO. 2B4 Stark St.,. near 3d. Main 3092. . Main 3516. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy $500 DOWN $300 QUICK POSSESSION Close in on E. Yamhill; good 6 room house, in fine condition: newly painted: fireplace, fuil semi-cement basement, fine garage, hard surface streets in and paki: price $3200, payments al most like rent. C. A. WARRINER ! JFUTTER, LOWE & CO 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. DO NOT PAY RENT This pungalow has large living room, dining room in lone, kitchen with ail built in, laundry tray, two bedrooms and bath; the plumbing is the best- Cherries, pears, grapes, pansies. $1750, $306 cash, balance monthly. West side. 17 minutes car ride. Bloc as from car. .Main t)SS2 evenings. 0766 Corbettst. Maul 5456. ' $2500 EAST MT. T.VBOU room bungalow vacant. Here's' a real nifty, cheerful, well-built little bungalow. Full bmm(, large attic, many ther feature. Right on ML laDor canine best car j service in city. Get biiy. Immediate Ioeiom. Call owner, Bdwy. 4 21. NKAR BENSON POLYTECHNIC FURNISHED BUNGALOW 5 rooms, furnace, full 50x100 ea-t front lot- hard surface streets in and paid Price- $4500. Call at our office and we win snow you comjplete inventory of furniture. C. -A. WAKKINKlt RITTER. LOWE & CO 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade lildc .- KOOMlSEW BUNGALOW. $500 CASH. Brand! new 5 room bungalow, iust finished, on corner lot, no liens to assume, no mortgages, 1 block to iGlisan sL car, jn-t beyond Laurelhurst. S. W. corner E. 56th and Handers sts; price $31.50. $500 cash and $20 per month, 0 per cent; vacant Act quick. ! GRUSSI BENNETT, 318 BoaH of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. ! NEAT BUNGALOW $500 CASH $500 Here ir a 5 room buncalow on full lot with 3 room cottage in rear, steady renter, about 1 00 feet front ear; the whole works for $2600. Can you beat it? Easy monthly payments, i C. A. WARRINER I RITTER. J)VK & CO 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW SNAP 4 large rooms and sleeping porch, modern, hath, toilets, lights and gas; basement, laundry tray: 40x100 lot. paved st., city sewer; all city liens paid; handy to Richmond school and Franklin i high school. It is neat and clean and a real snap for $500; $900 cash, balance like rent. E. ;W. Hughes, 307 Journal bldg. Phoue Main 2858. OWN A I HOME of your own: let us build iL We furnish' easy payment loans like rent We fuild according to your plans and pocketbock; sketches free; our system sarea you money and avoids risks. PORTLAND HOME BUILDING I ASSOCIATION. INC. 529-530! Henry bldg. Main 8199. ONLY $2X30 ROSE CITY PARK Modern, attractive 6 room bungalow, with large Bleeping porch, doable constructed, dandy fireplace,! bookcases, massive buffet, large closets. nice electrical fixtures, full plumbing, gas. irutcn kitchen. good basement, laundry trays, nice big porches. fina location, shade trees, etc. Must sell, leading cityj terms. Phone Tabor 6559. $2850 SUNNYSIDE Cloe to Laurellrant park : beautiful comer with paved street. Good 6-room house. This is a ' choice location and a dpndr buy. A. K. HILL CO. 214. Lumbcrmetis Bldg. $2350.00 for a dandy 5-room bangalow with additional . room for storage. An ex ceptionally lik-e home for the money. Taneled dining room, large bedrooms, nice electric fixtures. A doubly con structed home in A-1 condition. Easy terms. , J. A. WICK MAN CO. 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 1094 $2000 $2000 $2000 You will look awhile before you find any tiling td equal this 6-room modern bunga low, with garage and 50x100 lot, at Firland. on ML Scott car line; owner lea ring city is reason for the sacrifice. $800 ca&h. R. F. Feemster 309 Abkigton bldg. EMERSON STREET HOUSE SNAP Good 6-room house, cement basement, electric lights, good bath, 3 bedrooms, full lot 50x100; city liens! all paid. price a snap. $2000, $50O cash andj $20 per month. Emerson, near 10th. Look at lit -it's a good buy. ' i GRUSSI tm BENNETT. 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 745" $1400 EASY TERMS $1400 3 rooms, part basement, woodshed, electricity and gas and water, 50x100 lot; $400 cash - bal ance easy monthly payments, 1 block from good C. A. WARRINER RITTElt lliWK A, 301-3-5-7 Board of Trade hide. $3550.00 buys a dandy 5-room bungalow, attic'i mu uurninn, stationary tubs, fireplace usual huiltins, street improruments all in and i included in price. An at tractive home in fine condition. Eas terms. J trirruiv r.rv 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. ' Main 1094 $250 CASH$l9S0 as wesv. wygaot, near Denver ,Ave. i.rt, Tt1 ,1th ummer kitehen. pUa terea. tinted, paneled dming room, nice fixtures newly painted oaUide. cement walks around house, block to paved street, north front 4 bearing fruit trees. . $3150.00 buys dandy new bungalow, never I f5 oPiL 5 rooms and attic, hardwood floors fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement. 1 w"n fays. H block to Hawthorne car luy terms. s WICKMAN CO. 204 Railway ExcUance Bldg. Main 1094 REAL ESTATE VOH SALE HOUSES 61 BARGAIN ' - . ONLY ' $2000- . 4 rooms, large pantry, bath, toilet, lights, gas, hot and colli water; bae luunt; 50x1 0O lot; eight full bearing fruit trees, berries; walk and curb in end paid for. One block from Wood lawn car. (850 cash,, balance tor suit. W. W. JORPAN i with Inside Property Dealers Ground Floor. Henry Building Marshall 02 THE PRETTIE8T BUNGALOW IN ROSE CITY PARK This is a real California type bungalow, the in terior is beautifully finished; the liring room has a fireplace with built-in bookcases; there are two other built-in bookcases in ach between living and dining rooms: liring and din'ng rooms pan eled; beamed ceilings, beautiful buffeta. oak floors, 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch, a full cement base ment; hot air heating system, shrubbery, roses and rines. If you hare erer seen a real Califor nia bungalow you'll fall in lore with this one; the price is $4500; $1200 cash, balance easy terms. COE A. McKENNA Sc CO.. 82 4th St. Board oY Trade bldg. M. 4522. Open evenings. ROSE CITY PARK 6 Rooms and Sleeping Porch. A Bargain $4450. Folks, here is your opportunity to get that 6 room bungalow you are looking for. 6 rooms and sleeping porch all on one floor. And it's modern to the last detail. Located in the very best portion of Rose City. East front. Hard wood floors, fireplace, buffet, cement basement, furnace, etc. A duplicate of this bungalow in Rose City is being held at 650(. Surely, you will see the downright value in tULi tplendid bungaiow home. I.et us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. near 3d. Main 8092. Main 3316. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. A BRAND NEW ALBERTA BUNGALOW WHY BUY SOMEBODY'S OLD OUTFIT? $320TEMS ' 1070 E 26TH ST. NO. Just completed modern 5-room and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, plenty built-ins, full basement, cement , floor, electric fixtures, modern enameled plumbing, Dutch kitchen, shades, etc. It's the best buy in the city today. Open for inspection- 1 to 5 p. m. daily, or phone East 6516 between 9 a, m. and 6 p. m. for ap poivitrnfrt. STREET LIENS PAID. 10-FOOT ALLEY H BLOCK TO ALBERTA CAR $4750 UNPARALLELED LAURELHURST BARGAIN $4750. Very modern, attractive 7 rgom home on full lot. with all rtrect liens paid, good garage with cement runway: living room, fireplace, built-in bookcases, artistic dining room, massive buffet, den, hardwood floors. I Hitch kitchen. 3 light, airy bedroom, sewing room; full cement basement, furnace, good location: $750 down, $40 per month, which includes 0 per cent interest This is a real bargain. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME Abingtcn hide. Main 1068 Office Open Evenings and Sundays. ROSE CITY PARK A Real Bungalow Home $6000 Here is a home way above the ordinary. Steam heating plant. An exceptionally well constructed bungalow with large liring room, finished in white throughout. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, etc. Steam and shower bath. You will never appreciate the real worth of this home until you see it. Yes, it lias a garage. I.et us show you. You probably couldn't duplicate the property to day for $000. A. G. TEEPE CO. 264 Stark St., near 3d. Main 3316. Main 3092. Branch Office. 50tli and Sandy. $1300. ADJOINING EASTMORELAND, $1300 A leal bungalow home, like new and on a full 50x100 lot: has white enamel bath, toilet, lavatory, hot water tank and sink, full basement, electric lights and gas; an attractive lit tiu home and a wonderful buy; Very sightly loca tion. . close to car and school. We have over 60o photcgraplt of hemes for. sale. Autos at your service; $250 dowu. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY' YOUR HOME Abingtcu bldg. Main 1068 Office Open Evenings and Sundays. Buns:a!ow?$2450 Just beyond Laurelhurst. good neighborhood, 1 block to Glisan st. car; living room with fire place, floored attic, 3 bearing cherry trees', 50x 1110 lot: -terms, $400 cash, $33 month (inter est inc.) Homes like this at low price and on such easy tinnfl are mictity scarce. THE CROSSLEY-VIGARS CO.. 270 Stark st. Main 3052. $2800 ADJOINING LAURELHURST $2800 Rigltt across the street from I-aurelhurst on E. Stark st. facing the park, is a substantial, at tractive 5 room modern bungalow, full cement basement, 2 light, airy bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, flectric lights and ga. Small down paymrnt. balance easy terms, or would take mort gage back. Unusual snap. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE' TO BUY YOUR HOME Abington bldg. Main 1068 Office Ojien Evenings and Sundays. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ROSE CITY PARK Pay $700 cash and more in tomorrow. This nice two story home has a big living room with fireplace, dining room. Dutch kitchen: on upper floor are 3 bedrooms, bath and sewing room, full basement, best furnace, paved street; lo cated near car and Rose City Park school; the price is $4 2 50. Hurrv if you want it COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 4th st. Board ot Trade bldg. M. 4522. The McGUIRE SYSTEM makea home buying easy. You can come to this office and see over 600 photographs of homes for sale, arranged in districts; every one has been appraised. 1 0 automobiles at your service, some wonderful bargain. That is why we sold over 100 homes in May. SEE FRANK L. M'GUIRE, TO BUY YOUR HOME Abington Bidg. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. DUTCH COLONIAL LAURELHURST HOME . 7 rooms and sleeping porch, tile fireplace; American, radiator heating system; hardwood floors in b!1 rooms; living room 16x28: dining room 14x17: kitchen 12x14. with breakfast alcove; French; doors between main rooms; fine garage.' This handsome colonial home is prac tically new. The price is $9500, on terms. May w show you this splendid home? Coe A. Mc Kenna & Co.. M. 4522. 82 4th st, Board of Trade bldg. $3150 ALBERTA BUNGALOW $3150 Just Vi block south of the Alberta, car is an unusually attractive 5-roora bungalow. 5-piece set of white enamel plumbing, 2 light, airy bed rooms, electric lights and gas, good attic, street liens paid, just renovated, easy terms. 600 pboxogrsphs of homes for sale. SEH FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME Abington bldg. Main 1068 Office Open Evenings and Sundays. ALAMEDA PARK Bungalow $4750. Folks, here is a nifty bungalow splendidly located in beautiful Alameda Park. Must be sold immediately or property will be taken off the market. Hardwood floors, fireplace, lutch kitchen, furnace, etc. Street liens paid. Let us show you. A G. TEEPE CO. 264 Stark st, near 3d. Main 3092. Main S3 IS. Branch Office, SOth and Sandy. 4 ROOM BUNGALOW $ 1 600 2 good bedrooms, living room and kitchen, modern bath, nice electric fixtures, gas, etment basr.ment. sidewalks in and all improve ments paid: immediate possession; $60O cash and balance $30 per month including interest. Blake Realty Co., 109 over Citizens bank. Phone Tabor 3383 day and evening. $3600-HOME $3600 . Owner leaving city. Buy direct, eare com mission, on Irrington carline, 6 rooms. large closets, cement basement, furnace, wash trays, built in features, lot 50x100; full grown fruit trees and berry bnhes. Private garage nest door. . Woodlawn 8796. 935 E. 13th st N. $43O0-GROVELAND PARK $4300 We want to show you this beautiful modern bungalow - in this . beautiful addition. Extra large rooms, fireplace, buffet, hardwood floors, 50x100 . lot. trees, shrubbery, $1000 cash. It is an Heal home. Dorr't delay. R. K. FEEMSTER, 309 ' Abington Bldg. HOME'POB'THE' OU)mK8 $1450 7 Very neat 4 ; rm. plastered bungalow ; bath, toilet and lava. : concrete foun.. small basement: triangular shaped tot; plenty of berries; located at 7514 47th are. S. E. near Firland; $600 rash, bal. to suit Photo at office of F. W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. bldg. Open veiunca and Sundays. REAL E STATU FOR SALE HOUSES 61 VACANT MOVE RIGHT IX $2623.00 far a dandy 6 -room bungalow, newly finished in white enamel throughout. - Beautiful lot th plenty of, fruit, .Let ua show you" J. A. WICKMAX CO. 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 1094 BEST BUY IN CITI r " On 32d near Hawthorne are., fin S room modern house, lot 50x1 1; some fruit trees, fine lawn, pnee $3350; some cash, balance like rent. CARSON. 1 024 Chamber of Commerce. - Main 48. FOR SALE cheap, lovely 6 room semi-bungalow, all modern conveniences, .nicely arranged, ce ment basement, fireplace and also furnace; lot 50x90; some fruit and berries; located on Broadway. Price $8650; $1000 cash will handle, Call 325 Alder sL west. FOR SALE LOTS 4t WE HATE 40 choice lots, all in fruit and berries at low prices of from $400 to $700. Some are very large loU and near the Hawthorne car. Yon can buy any of these lota with $100 down and $10 per month. New York Land Co. 303 4-5 Stock Exchange Blk.. or call Main 7676. Auto to show you. or evenings Tabor 8232. STOP PAYING HIGH BENT by buying and building on lot 13. block 13, Elberta, on E. 30th st, between Wygant and Going, near car, graded street, .cement walk. Worth $530. Price $400 with terms. (Will also help finance house.) C. W. HAYHUHST, 240 Stark st. $7 DOWN. $7 MONTHLY Lot 7. Block 3. Brockton Add.: 50x100; total price $348. This lot was taken by fore closure and we have no use for it Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. bids. Open Sundays and 'evenings. . FOR SALE $1500. terms or Liberty bonds; corner. 100x100 ; -Winchell & Woolsey. oppo site entrance to Columbia Park. L. Campbell. 7038 Makee are., Los Angeles, CaL $1200 $100 DOWN $1200 Three rooms, plenty fruit, good street, gas, hW rent. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCHANGE. Ht'xlOl east tront corner. Thirty-seventh and Tillamook. ' $2000. C. D. MeCoiiby. 017 Ariiiriean Bank bldg., Seattle. Wash. FOR SALE One fine Irrington lot cheap. 609 Panama bldg. FOR SALE Lot in Irrington Park addition, near 28tb st. Call East 4447 or Wdln. 4179. ACREAGE 57 CHEAP ACREAGE Fire acres, $250; $10 down, $5 month buys S acres of land between Portland and- Centralia, on the main line of 3 railroads; 1H to 3 H miles from good little town,- sawmills and log ging camps in immediate vicinity; some of this land Is partly cleared; running stream; some bottom and some bench; this acreage priced from $25 to $75 per acre. Can give you any kind of a piece you want CHARLES DELFEL 318 Railway Exchange bldg. 10 ACRES PLASTERED HOUSE CROP $3300 Located 16 mfles from Portland, land lays fine. 8 acres in crop, good plastered house, painted inside and out good barn and chicken house, spring water in barn yard, well at home, all fenced and crosa fenced; paved road to Portland except 1 H miles. Price $3300; reasonable terms. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. ALL IN BEARING FRUIT 1 acres, located close -to electric depot. 1 2 cent fare; lots of trains; all good land., in young bearing orchard; apples. prunes, peaches, pears. tfrial! 3 room house, well. Irice $900. $350 ch balance st $20 per month. Personallv in spected. Davis, with John Ferguson, Gerlingcr Mdg. 16 ACRES .of fine land close to the paved highway, west side. Good house, barn, or chard, 400 prune trees 1918 crop brought $1400 net; 1919 cherry crop brought $200. Horse, wagon, Suggy, harness, plows and other tools. Some hay and grain, furniture in the house, all goes for the low price of $3800. cash. bal. 7 per cent, Gibson. 268 Stark st Mar. 12. AT NEW BERG One acre, with new 4-room plastered bunga low. AU under cultivation, good orchard, strawberries, chicken house and runways, wood shed and barn. Place all fenced with woven wire. Price, $1600, $900 cash. John Fergu scn. Gerlingcr bldg. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE Half acre, with modern 6-room bungalow. Good plumbing, cement basement Gas. Chick en house and bam. Fruit and berries. Clowe to car. Oregon Electric. 6 He. fare. $1700' cash, balance on easy terms. Davis, with John Ferguson. Gerlingcr bldg. GOOD PRUNE LAND Ten acres, located in ' prune district On paved road. Close to electric depot All un-s der cultivation. Nice level land. Clarke county, Washington. Price, $1100. This property is less than an hour from Portland. John Ker- guson. Oerlinger bldg. COW AND CHICKENS Two acres. Capitol Hill, all under cultivation.; Good bearing orchard. Gas, City water. Ber ries. Garden. Good 3-room house. barn, cbicken house, woodshed. Price, $1050, $650 cash. Davis, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. TAKE LOT FIRST PAYMENT 4 4 acres, half mile from electric line; good c-.unty road; 24 acrea can be cultivated, balance mtore: e'at slope. located 15 miles from Portland. Good soil. Price 2600, Take clear '"t as first psvment. l-ng time on balance. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. LOGGElTOFF LANDS Tracts 5 acres up. located within 30 miles of Portland, on railroad; good soil, no rock, plenty of water; work: buy on vour own terms. LEUDDEMANN CO.. 913 Chamber of Commerce. SIX ACRES located near Tigald; All the land under cultivation. 3 good springs and creek. Close to paved road. Good soil. . No waste fand Sraall house, root cellar and wood-hed. Price, $2200, $10O0 cash. Seo Davis with John Fer guson, Gerlinger bldg. ALL IN POTATOES AND BEANS Five acres' located one, mile frim HUlsboro, Oregon. Close to paved road- Small house, chicken house. Well. Pric, $1250. $500 cash. See Brooks. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bide. 2 ACRES ONLY 20 MINUTES OUT Land lies level, good garden soil, 3 blocks to station, on macadam road: will take city lot part payment; price $1850. Draper & Calway, 526 Chamber of Com, bldg. 5 ACRES near hard surface Pacific Highway, wet side. 5-room new house, barn, chicken house, running water, fruits and berries. Good spring. Price, $1400. Big bargain. Gibson. 268 Stark Marshall 12. FOR close in acreage and suburban homes, se Carson, 924 Chamber of Commerce. Main 48. BEST acre in "Ascot" on Villa ave; $700". terms. J-59. Journal. SCBt'RBAS HOMES YAMHILL COUNTY 31 acres, located 3 miles from Sherdian. Ore.; K acres under cultivation, balance timber and pari u re All fenced with woven wire, spring and creek. 4 room house,' barn, chicken house, orchard. Prioe $200O. $400 cash. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. $2100, 5 ROOMS. LOT 50x250 Hard surfaced road, dozen fruit trees, arbor, chicken house, screened porches, cement steps and walk. Gilbert read. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO. 213 Railway Exchange Bldg..Main 6752 j 10 ACRES, 5 acres in .bearing orchard, modern 5-room house and barn; car station on place; fine road; 25 minutes to Portland; near Ruby stock farm. $6000, easy terms. Jones, 248 Stark. Main 5429. FOR "SALE 100x138 foot lot with small hpuse, 2 blocks from Oak Grove station, Oregon City car; will sell cbeap. Ask for owner, Mr. Turck, at Oak Grove Grocery Co. TIMBER 59 NOTICE of sale of government timber General Land Office, -Washington. D. C, Aug. 25. 1919 Notice is hereby given thkt subject to the conditions and limitations of the act of June 9. 1916 (39 Stat. 218), and the In structions of the secretarv of the, interior of September 15, 1917. the timber on the following lands will be sold at 10 o'clock a. m. on Octo ber 9, 1919, at public auction at the United States land office at Lakeview, Or.,- to the high est bidder at not less than the appraized value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the secretary of the interior. The purchase prioe. with an additional sum of one fifth of 1 per cent thereof, being commis sions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber, which must be removed in 10 years. Bids will be re ceived from citizens of the United States, asso ciations of such citizens and corporations organ ized under the laws of the United States or any state, territory or district thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal xubdiviMon will be offered repa rately before being included in any offer of a larger unit. T. 41 8., R. E..- Sec. 11 N. W. 14 N. E. 14, yellow pine 290 M., red fir 30 M. ; N. W. x N. W. 14, yellow pine 230 M. ; M. ; N. W. 14 N. W. 14 . yenow pine 320 M : S. W. N. W, 14. yellow pine 430 M.t N4 E. 14 W. 14. yellow pine 325 M.. red fir 50 'M.; N. W. 14 S. E, ,14, yellow pine 860 M red fir 100 M.. none of the yellow pine td be sold at less than $3 per M., and none of the re- fir to he "old at less than $1 per M. CLAY TALLM AN, ' Commissioner, General Land Office. ' - ' ' , j 82.OO0.0OO feet of lareb, ' , 4.000.000 feet of hemlock. 388,000.000 feet of yellow fir. ; This tract fat clo to Portland. REAGAN, '378 Yamhill at. 'REAiYF.RTATK - TIMBER NOTICE OF JSALE OF GOVERNMENT TDt , BEK, GENERAL LAND OFFICE ' Washington. D. C, August 4, 1919. - Notice is hereby riven that subject to the conditions and limitation of the Act of June 9, 1916. t39 Stat.. 21$. and tba iiutroetioaa of the Secretary of the Interior of September 13. 1917. the timber on the following land will be sold September- IS, 1919. 10 o'clock a.-m.. at public auction at the United State land office at Portland. Oregon, to the bigbeat bidder at not less than the appraised value as shown by t'-.ia notice, sal to be subject to the approval of the Secretary of too Interior. " Tb purchase price, with an additional sum of one-fiftb of one per cent thereof, being commisaioas allowed, most be deposited at time ot sale, money to be re turned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber which must be remor-. ed within ten years. Bids will be received from citizens of tb United States, associations of such citizens and corjx rations organized under the laws ol the United States or any state, ter ritory, or district thereof only. Upon appl na tion of a qualified purchaser, the timber in any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being included in any offer of a larger unit. T. S 8.. U. 4 W.. Sec 27. Lot 1. red fir 138 M . not to b-old tor less than SI.OO ih-t M. 1 T. 1 S.. R- 5 E.. Sec. 21. N. E. 4. S. W. 14. yellow fir 1800 M.. N. W. hi, S. W. 14. yellow fir 2200 M., S. W. ii 8. . 14. yel low fir 600 M N. E. H S. E. H . yellow fir COO M., N. W. 14 S. K. 14. yellow fir 1000 M.. not to be sold for less than A 1.50 per M. T. 2 S. K. 5 8ec. 19. S. E. 14 N. W. 14. fir 1100 4., cedar SO M. . N. E. 14 S. W. 14. fir 1805 M.. cedar 30 M.. hemlock 73 M., N. W. 14 S. W. 14. fir S3 5 M. . cedar 83 M.. hemlock 140 M.. none of the fir to be sold for less than $1.25 per M.. and ncne of tba cedar or hemlock to be sold for less than 50 cents per IL ... . (Signed) Clay Tallman. Commissioner Gen eral Land Office. 15.000 ft capacity sawmill with timber. I-ai. Molalla. Or. TTT. FOR SALE FARMS 17 80 ACRES - $2000 DOWN , Balance time at 7 per cent There are 16 a?res in cultivation, bal. easily cleared; good spring water. 7 room bouse, barn 24x40, family orchard. - PRICE $3700 120 acres, 20 in cultivation, house, barn, fruit. 14 mile from highway. $3200. 40 acres, 4 in cultivation, 5 room bouse, barn 16X30; fine water. $1330. 147 acres, 4 in cultivation. 35 acres bottom land; some fruit, shack, bam, finest spring of water in Clarke county piped to shack. $1400. 40 acres. 6 in cultivation, S room house, barn 24x36, 1 cow, 2 caves, 1 team, chickens. $2300 $1000 CASH BaL time at 7 per cent 40 acres, 14 fn cultivation. 4 room house, barn 48x50. 5 milch cows, 1 team and harness, fine spring water, all fenced. 1 plow, 1 buggy, separator, 14 tons hay. $4200. I have 30 more places for sale. 1 really hare the earth for sale. Call and look them over. 1 am sure I can satisfy your wants. Woodland Realty office, next to Postoffice. W. L. STRONG ' Woodland, Wash. FA1MS 150 ACRES 100 in cultivation, good house, barn, silo and outbuildings, 1 14 miles to R. R. station. acres beaverdam, 1 8 registered Jersey cows, registered Jersey bull. team. 35 hogs, registered O. I. C, 200 White Leghorn hens; good ma chinery, 50 tons hay. 100O bu. cats, 50 bu. wheat' Price without stock $100 per acre, with stock and crops $25,000, 14 cash, bal ance a years, 6 int 160 ACRES 40 in cultivation, baL timber and pasture, 6 room old house, barn 70x72, outbuildings. 3 horses, colt, 6 cows, 2 heifers, 2 calves, bull, 13 sheep, 2 sows, 12 shoats, 50 chickens, 10 turkeys. 40 tons hay, all grain, machinery, $10,500, $5500 cash, bal. 5 sears, 5 int. Have good 10. 20, 40 and 50 acre farms. Well located. Priced right S. O. DILLMAN. 8th and Main St., Oregon City. Or. CROP STOCK EQUIPMENT go with this fine 360 acre stock, dairy or grain farm, only 4 miles from Lebanon. Gravel road; cream route, phone hi house. Good 8 room house with fireplace, bath, spring water. Fine new barn full cement floor and new silo ; also another large barn, machinery shed and other buildings. 1 50 acres bottom land tillable and as much of the rolling land can be plowed with but little expense, balance timber and pasture. Stock in cluded. 20 cows, 23 head young stock, 14 hogs, 3 good mares, full complement of equipment; 60 tons hay in barn; 350 bu. wheat. 350 bu. oats. Price for every thing $25,000: or will sell farm without crop, stock and equipment for $60 per acre. Terms $10,000 cash, balance at 6 per cent A good buy. Come to see it . GIBSON & LEAYENGOOD CO. Lebanon, Oregon. SMALL FARM NEAR SCHOOL At Oregon City limit. 1 4 miles center of Portland. 14 mile high- and grade schools. Nearly 8 acres. Bottom land, large creek. ' well, large spring with 80 foot fall can be piped to house. Nearly all under cultivation, 100 bear ing trees, berries, 6 room house, barn, out buildings, auto road, horse, cow, sow, about 200 chickens and 80 ducks, all implements, 2 wag ons and buggy, furniture. This place is a money maker. J. C. Corbin Co., 305-6-7-8 Lewis Bldg. FINE MODERN BUILDINGS, ft room bungalow, large modern barn, ontbuild lrgs, 190 acres, on the bank of the Columbia ri-.er. with a grand view of the gorge. 23 acres ru'.der plow, 75 more can be cultivated. Family orcl.ard. well costing $1000, two springs, R. F. D.. one mile to boat landing and to station. Adapted to general farming and to fruit. Also treat itnek ranch. Improvements represented to have cost $11,000. Can sell at $8500; reason rble terms. Photos at the office. 3. C. CORBIN CO.. '305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. 120 ACRES of all good land in valley near a good town, . . i good road, 90 acres in culti vation, balance tember. This is all fine rolling land with 6-room house, barn, outbuildings, good orchard. Price $10,000. Will take in good house as part payment I have other good val ley arms. New York Land Co. 303-4-5 Stock Exchange Blk. Phone Msin 7676 or evenings Tabor 8232. ONLY $1750 CASH required to handle this fine 50 acre farm, located only one mile from Lebanon, in Linn county. All level clay loam soil, no rock or gravel; family orchard, good 6 room house, fair barn, good for fruit or grain; cheap at $5250. Terms $1750 cash, balance 6 years . at 6 per cent See it at once. GIBSON tc LEAYENGOOD CO., I.ehanon, Or. A 20-ACRE HOME 4 acres cleared, practically all the balance slashed and burned 10 years ago. Very easy cleared. I .ay well, the very best of soil; fine view of , the Columbia river, fenced, family orchard, bearing; good ranch boose. 24x30 almost fin ished ; on county road. 1 H miles from Ka lama. Wash. This is a reaL bargain. Price $1000. Terms. A. W. Estes, 202 McKay building. STOCK AND EQUIPMENT 40 acres, located 10 miles from Esfcada, Ore., Clackamas county. All can be cultivated; IS acres under cultivation. Good fences: creek, well, good new 7 room house, barn and fruit cellar; orchard. Crops, 15 ton of hay, good trsru. 4 cows. 1 hei'er, pigs, wagons, harrows, plows, mower, rake and everything. Price $3500, S500 cah. Brooks, with John Ferguson. Ger lineer hklg 320 ACRES in Saskatchewan. Canada: choice wheat land, vicinity of Weyburn. Will sac rifice, as I bare interests on the coast., at $35 per acre: substantial payment down- The equipment included at this price, , all in culti vation except 75 acres in 'pasture, with a never failing creek. I expect to make a trip there next week. If interested apply to owner, 387 14 Mill street s FOR SALE 82 acres of 1st class prune land No waste. Running water. Some buildings. All fenced. S A. cleared. 10 A." partly cleared. 20 miles from Portland, on Columbia river high way, south of Corbett or WashougaL $200 per acre. . Take 14 In trade, cattle or horses. Geo. Butcher. Mnnlavilla. fir. Tabor 4739. IX1RD WOOD PROPOSITION 114 mile from Kalama. Wash., more than 800 cords old growth fir, good market, 20 acre of land, fenced; fine soil.-, all tillable when cleared. Fine view of the '-Columbia river. Good home. Price $800. Terms. A. W. Estes, 202 McKay bldg. ' . '- - (,40 ACRES wheat land in Eastern Oregon, 450 acres in cultivation, all fenced; email house, eood bam. plenty of water; four mile to rail road station. , Price $1750 per acre. Will con sider city or ttubwrban pronertv to -4WJO;. long time oyj balance. Bee Rogers, 24 8 Stark st. ; 60 ACRES ALL EQUIPPED 30 acres In cultivation, house, barn, mile to town and R. R-. good soil, no rock or gravel, all stock and equipment goes, $3308; terms. Draper A Calway. 326 Cham, of Com, blda. 40 ACREa. in Washbugal country. 23 in culti vation, 8 acre prune orchard, all - fenced, bouse, bam. other hnin wrmit-T 4000. t-'m'. Realty agents don't apply. IX-652, Journal. , 20 ACRES $600 $200 cash down. 215 Lumbermen bids. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 17 &MAI.L ft rra. of 14 acres, 12 miW out, ua Oregoi Electric, 10 -acres under cultivattou. Inqutre Bellevue hotel. 248 Yamhill st FOR REXT-FARMS 14 "TO RENT TO ' RELIABLE PARTY Nice tittle tract 1. mile from Stevenson. Wash.. On state highway and railroad, overlooking the Columbia; delightful place to live; comfortable 0 room cottage: fuel, berries and fruit on the place. Water piped from spring. Rent not 'so imicli an object as proper care of place. Would' lurnutn some .employment in making improve- i men i a. useless to answer unless references aa to reliability can be furnished. - A. 1. Davidson, Stevenson, Wash. ' 43 ACRES to lease for 4 years, personal property ' for sale. N. U. Nntt. Estaoada. Or, U-. IX No. 8. FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY 88 WE have several parties looking for improved farms, with money enough to make a good sub.Uuitial payment down. If you wish to sell and your place is uot over-priced, we can sell it STEWART & BUCK. 318 Northwestern Bank bldg. ACREAGE" WANTED . We are having considerable inquiry for this clan of proerty. If your price is right and terms reasonable, sea Fred W. tier man Co.. 732 Cliam. of Com, bldg., open Sundays and evenings. IMPROVED farms, with or without equipment. If priced right we sre pleased to advertise and show them. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg.. Portland. Or. FOtt SALE OR KXt'HA.XGE, REAL ESTATE ti 40 ACRES tiinberland 6 miles from Elgin, Union county, for sale or trade; price $800. See owner at Dayton hotel. 1st and Taylor, room 223. ' EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE SI 118 ACRES, located in Washington county, Oregon, 23 miles from Portland, SO acres under cultivation. ' 90 acrea can be cultivated. County road. Railroad and boat landing. . Good large orchard. Berries, house, bam,, chicken house, well, spring, creek. Price $6400; $2300 incumbrance. Want house in Portland, might assume. Davis, with John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. - FOUR-ROOM huuse, semi-modern, clear of all incumbrances, large lot, nell improved tor a. larger house, near carline; will a.vsuaie your re sponsibility. 77 W. Ainswurth Ave.. Wood lawn 4348. 1UU ACRES wheat land, dose to town in Al- oeria; well improved, fully equipped and leaise on 160 acres adjoining. Price $5000; will ex change for small place in the valley, Claude Cole, 215 Lumbermen bldg. 8-ROOM modern house, 4 room modern house; store buildings, eight lots with all kinds of bearing fruit on 37th t for farm or land. $10.0O0. Jones. 24 8 Stark Main 5 420. 210Q ACRES rich alluvial soil, ready for. the Plow; price $6 per acre. Will exchange for improved farm or city property. Claude Cole, 215 .Lumbermen's bldg. CHOICE Judith Basin ranch for Oregon prop erty. What have you? Write U. M. Apple, i-cwistowp. Montana. LATE model 3 passenger car and some cash to trade for small bouse and lot, close in. Phone Sellwood 717. INCOME city property, exchange for Claude Cole, 215 Lumbermen bldg. farm. PORTLAND lot to trade for Wet Seaside lot 1105 E. SOth st. N. WASTED-REAL ESTATE 31 WANTEDAt once, any kind of old houses or shacks at the right price, on easy terms, as I have clients waiting to buy. List your city prop erty with us. We will sell them. NEW YORK LAND CO., 303-4-5 Stock Exchange. T'hone Main 767t.' Wants Larger House Client' has modem 5 room bungalow in good district worth $3500, clear. Wants modern 6 or 7 room house in Irrington or Laurelhurst, $6300 to $7500. and will pay difference. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY 913 Chamber of Commerce. SHACK8ANDSMALL HOMES WANTED Price must be right and very easy terms. We have sold over 400 homes in the last year. j If you want action, list with us, Fred W. Ger- . r, 1 TH't f'ham nt fm Hlt t - Sl,,- days and evenings. ACREAGE WANTED With soma improvements and buildings. We deal in this exclusively; have four autos to show it with, and can sell it for you. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. I WANT to buy direct from owner, modern 4 r 5 room bungalow, on paved street; lay spot cash and make quiok deal if good buy. Rose City, Sunnyside or Hawthorne. Phone lO a. ni. to 5 p. m.. Broadway 4 21. No agents. CASH BUYERS FOR BUNGALOWS MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST MORTGAGE HILL CO., 215 Lumbermen bldg. WANT TO BUY $2000 to $3000 home; $300 to $500 cash. Give price and location. X 714 Journal. WE WANT a bungalow or cotwge in the Haw-thome-Richmoiid district $2000 to $2300. Call Mar. 4138. WANT modern house, about six rooms, in gotxl district: prefer not to go over $4000. Mu-t g"f located at once. II-92 Journal. - I WILL pay cash for 4 room house, basement garage, good lot, trees, good roads, sewer. State price. Frivate. S-6.4 6, Journal. WANTED Bungalow, in Rose City Tark. owner. Phone Tabor 234. Froat WANTED 5 or 6 room buncalow, from owner only. Phone Woodlawn 2583 FARMS and city- property bouffht and sold. Claude Cole. 215 Lomhermens bldg. . ROOMING HOUSES, APARTMENTS A yP HOTELS FOR WALK S3 GOOD ecuntry store: land and buildings: fi;ie location and good business: live one, for ca-sh or good farm. ZX-437. Journal. 16-ROOM rooming house for sale. Call Broadway 1278. A. Schortzen. WANT an apartment house immediately. Journal. B-69S. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 50 WE BUY STOCKS ' LARGE OR SMALL SPOT CASE FURNITURE and General Merchandise FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO. 174 FIRST STREET. MAIN 4633. GROCERY SNAP $650 TAKES EVERYTHING. IOING $25 TO $40 A DAY. NO DELIVERY. CHEAP RENT: LIVING ROOM. BUSY CORNER EAST SIDE. CLOSE IN; CAN BE INCREASED TO RIG BUSINESS. THIS IS A FORCED SALE AND A SNAP. PHONE EAST 2374 FOR APPOINTMENT WITH OWNER. NO AGENTS. FOR SALE -One of the best filling stations and general stores in the city of Portland, doing now between $40O0 and $50O0 cash business m month. No soliciting, delivery or credit; all rash. Reason for selling, owner bought farm ml Im to take charge shortly. Ibis is one of the beat paying businesses in- Portland; located t 863 E. 1 1th L. corner Stephens st. No trade cor4l ered. Joclyn Grocery and Filling station FOR SALEFIRkTTTjASS SHOE REPAIR ING SHOP AT 464 E. BUBN8IDE. IN CLUDING MACHINERY: 6 YEARS IN THE LOCATION; GOOI DISTRICT; i it'AKANTKKiv TO MAKE MONEY: REASONABLE, CALL 404 E. BURN SIDE. GOOD general stock of mereliandi.se. In fine farming district. 20 odd miles from Portland, doing good busineJ. and 8 acre. of land with good set of building for rale cheap. Mr. Do, 1 202 Northwestern Bank bldg. : WANTED A live wire with light delivery car for good retail butter and egg route: none but hastier need apply. Phone Col. 283 after 7 p. in., or call 1227 Lombard st. Money maker for-right man. -tutRAGK and rsrair-phop on main highway, clo--to Portland, cheap for quick sale. Price $130". Some terms. Must be seen to he appreciated. f,c Bow. 24" Htark at. Main 6429. - I MUST sell my busy corner grocery store. If yon want a soap call Tabor 5081. IF you are looking for business location call Sfmms. 4 31 Chamber Com. Main 6127. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ! WASTED TO LEASE OR BUY Warehouse, manufacturing, garage . or - bu si nes j ruperty. S RITTER. LOWE- St CO. . 201-8-8-7 Board of Trade Jlldg. MONK TO LOAN REAL EsTATK 87 MORTGAGE LOANS. and 7. per cent. Louis Salomon tt 'o.. 408 Selling bldg. $300 TO $3000. no commission,. Msin 1106. F. H Deshon, 813 Chamber of Commerce. Ol'U installment laa is the best and surest - method of paying a loan. -. S'J.26 per month for 36 months; or $21.84 for 60 months; or $13.17 for 94 months, pay SJ0O0 loan and interest. : -, Other amounts In proportion. 1 We loan en improved city property. Or for building pnnswu. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS LOAN ASSOCIATION .242 Stark at.. Portland. Or. BUILDING loans on city or suburban pr-iperly". money adranced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 218 and 210 , Falling bldg. Main 8407. $300, $400.. $300, $000. $730 and tipTVw"- est rates, onick action. Gordon Mortgage Co., 031 Chamber of Commerce Msin 1370, j $300?" $4 00. $300. $750.$1000 ndur"at lowest rates: quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. Main 044 3. MONEY ii loan In amounts-of $100 to $3000 on city property. A. H. BELL.rooms 10-11, Mulkey bd. SfONEYfor mortgsge"loanr $500 fo" $fl00ft" 8 and 7e. Fred 8. William. 3H IK st, SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE COT22 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. JIONET TO LOA CHATTELS. HA LA Rl EH 7 PORTI AND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS N. Phone Broadway 910. 1 394 Stark Street, near 10th. Loana on diamonds, watches. Victrolas, p'anoa, kodaks, 'shotguns, furniture, musical instruments and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF PORT LAND TO PROTECT HIE BORROWER City and county warrants cashed for face ralue. . ' CARRIE MTER8-HERMAN. Manager, DO YOU NEED MONEY Loans made on automobiles, diamonds, pianos, household goods or anything of value. Security usually left lh your possession. ALSO to 8A! AR1ED PEOPLE on their notes without security. If your payments to other loan companies or on furniture or automobile contracts are larger than you -can make, we will pay them up, advanca yon more money if necessary, and you can repay us in small monthly payments to suit your conven ience. LEGAL RATES NO DELAY BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND IAIAN COMPANY (Licensed) 806-307 Dekum Bldg. Marshall 8286. Salary- 1 LOANS Chattel WE LOAN MONEY On short notice to salaried or workingman on their own notes. Weekly, semi-weekly or monthly payments. Each transaction atrictly confidential NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household furniture, pianos, eta., without removal. CALL. AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY (LICENSED 218 Failing bldg. MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry, legal rates; all articles held a yesr; established silica 183. Ian Marx. 283 Washington st LOANS WASTED SO FIRST MORTGAGES for-ale, $500 up. F. H. Deshon. 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. eUSiTTTRETJoTriNV. MORTGAGE CO.. 232 Chamber, of Commerce, 4th and Stark.- FINANCIAL 31 LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS If ypu must sell your Liberty or Victory bonds, sell to us. If yon can buy mors Liberty or Victory bonds, buy from us. We buy and sell Liberty and victory Donns at me mararx. YOU CANNOT DO BETTER YOU MAY DO WORSE We are today paying the following prices for United Mtte aovernment Liberty and Victory bonds, which are the closing New York market prices, plus tue accrued interest. - N. Y. Market Interest Total 314 ...... $ 99.80 $ .70 $100.50 ,1st 4s 94.20 .80 93.00 2d 4s ...... 92.76 1.1S 98.89 1st 4 Ha .... 94.80 .83 95. 1ft 2d 4Va .... 92.80 1.20 04.00 8d 4 lis .... 94. 8t 1.91 . 96.71 4tli 4 Vt s 98.08 1.56 94 .64 Victory 84s.. 99.58 1 01 JO?-3 vun, 4.. Bii.i2 1.2S 100.80 In purchasing Liberty and Victory bonds we deduct from the above price 37c on a $30 bond and $2.50 on a $1000 bond. In selling Liberty and Victory bonds we charge the New York market price pun me accrued interest. ASK ABOUT THK MOTtltIM BROTHERS PLAN Burglar and Hreproof Safe Deposit Boxes for item. MORRIS BROTHERS, INC. The Premier Municipal Bond House, . , Morris bldg., 309-311 Stark st.. bet. 5th and 6th Tel. Broadway 2181. Established over 25 years. liberty and victory bonds cash paid for any issue " of bonds full market price loan on war savings stamps you can borrow caxh of us on bonds anu savings stamp, or to fln isu paying for victory bonds. ' see e. bi'bkitt. president, oregon bond a. mortgage co.. . 212 selling blig. (2d floor i. Corner th and aldeu sts. EhJN'T sacrifice your Liberty bond!" We will ' give yon full face value and accrued interest to data for your Liberty - bond any issue Will pay half in cash and half in merchandise; the latter may be taken now or later. No dia- . i l. , n n , ititm Xhla means count, w , ' - - - 7 JOO cents on the dollar and accrued Interest to date. See the bond man between 12:30 and 1 30 and 5 to 6 p. m. " Eilers Music bldg.. second floor, entrance 287 Washington st. be tween nth snd 4tn TWiLtTBUT ANY LIBERTY BOND as ': 99 PER; CENT: OF FULL CASH VALUE (AH due con port Interest included.) o J. H. KEATING. 617 BOARD OF TRADE BONDS BOUGHT SPOT CASH SPOT CASH MARKET PRICE. , CASH for RECEIPTS. Wa will LOAN I you money on BONDS. W. .8. 8., or to make PAY MENTS on-BONDS. T per cent 725 Gasco Bldg.. Fifth and Alder. CELLARS-MURTON CO. STOCKS AST) BOyPS S3 FOR SALE 100 shares in the Johnson Auto Signal Co., $150. Phona 687-1, Vancouver. Wash. - -:. ' HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC. 18 5 HEAD of good young horses, weight from 900 to 1500; age from S to 10; all good workers snd gentle; will sell reasonable or trad i 'or cows. Call at old dairy bam, 2th and Powell alley road. VtKid-toek car. ONiyoung team mare for sale. One 191 8 Ford tourine car for sale, . Inquira 1 224 Mears st, St Johns; -get off St Johns car at Midw. ' TEAM of bay horsea. weight 3000 lbs.; good. live and honot worxrrs itinjwmisi . "; for any one to handle; sell very cheap or trade t li.ht car. POO Powell Valley road. - FINE team of small ranch marea. each has a fine colt by Ua siae. i sen a o. Fsant st ' , -. . THREE" horses, rattle and some cash to x ctiange for good second hand Ford.' Tabor 4 203. ' " ' " ALL KINDS wagon, buggies and harness. Fiont street. ' 802 HORSE and wagon, $1.80 per day; 2 horse and wagon. $3j J- Cohen. 64H Front Main -2208. A REGISTERED Percberon stud for sale or exchange. 302 Front at. DEAD horsea and animals ha u fed away free, .Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. $00TAKES nlc 1 1 0O bona, harness and buggy. 880 Front St. . GOOD"1850 lb. ranch horse $85. Also buggy . cheap. 9 r root st SILVER Carnitine cockerel for ile reasonable; heavy laying strain. 44 78th t. N. M. V. car. WANTED Ranch' team, harnesa and wagon. Give price, age, weight, etc. S-8 4 7. too rnal. LIVESTOCK ' S3 FOR SALE Fresh milk goat and i Toggen - burg buck kids, hornless; also horniea Tog genburg buck for aerrlce. Address 793 Kenil worth are. Phone Sundays, Sellwood 1812, Wekdays, JUrjli. 2T. - . FOlt sALB-3 thoroughbred Berkahira sows, t month old. at 2nd street g. E., Wood stock car. Call for U. B. Monro. Out of city limits. ' ' ' ""'" -'; ::' '' 4 3 EXTRA oxl yon cows; 2 jo-it fresh and 1 coming frerh soon; call quirk for a bargain. W1 tiifl r to 32d. block north to 761. . 0NEliolstln cow,' fresh; 1 Jerser-Hotsteln com ing tresli. St, Johns car to i'ortstaouth are. 2048 Hodge st. , -: .. ; MILK GOATS for sale. .6 block north ofBir . rose station. Eatacada car. JERSEY COW, witli calf 4 - week oid. $73. V. V.' lniel. 62Q6 4Sth st. 2 FRESH 5 Hon cows, tioeruw-y and rfeiacy; Priced right 65 K. 84th N. Tahor 641. SOME EXTRA good flsaU cow for sale at 1243 Halaey st j WAN TED Beef. aal and bosk Tabor S 72 (5T roi lthy" d kartu FOR SAI.E Two kulu. Ld liuuas. good t ..- - ready for service WANTED 130 W.. U pullets April cr May 1 hatch. Stat price panted. The Daiy Rabbitrv h. F. D. No. 2. Box 131. lieavrton. Oregon. I, n.i'iwh. H. Kcovell 1't I.I.Ei is We ol er you Barred Hock. Wlm Wynmlottes, Black Orpington and Rhode In land I'tsl pullets $1.23 to $2 50 according to Re and strain. Northwest Poultry Corp., 2ml t . 7. led to 74th are. H , K. W A N TED 10 6 : I, chicken., year old. i f May pullet Route 3. Moluila. Or. A. lloginan. Ft ) M H ALE 4 00 ready to "lay hiL7i; wV. pulleU. 8(10 laying hens; all bred to lay stock. A. P, WATTERSON. The Dalle. Or. V fc WILL Pay you highest cah price f..r April-May hatched ptihVt. any breed. North w' I'rmlt rv Com.. I.eut. Or. THOROUGHBRED Silver Caiupine cockerels. Homestead strain; 3 months. Woodlawn 9 1 8. 12 LARGE huutiiea and 3 uue' cek old- 1'lioiia Tabor 54 72. f'OR BAl-i- Hi r red U.ks and While IkI"i hen; 4 full blooded Orpingtons. Col. 1114 U. f. RED, Barred "Rock and W. W. L. pulleij for sah 787 Orezon L cTEAV cracked wheat, $3.73; scratch. $4; cackling mash. etc. Woodlawn 4844. 20 WHITE" Leghorn yearling hens. $1.50 each. o t;'nn m, , ps. r.. nn. - s o. W. L. HENS for sale 1 le.r old. Tabor 012 8? DOGS, BIRDS, PETS, ETC. 4 GENUINE St. Andreasberg rollers for sule; fancy bred birds: have been under 2 trmr. Also female. Bethina Kessler, G realism. Or. AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 GARAGES Portable and Permanent Prices On Application. MODERN CONSTRUCTION CO.. !.. 11th st East 8114. FL AUTO SPnjrr3-CCl- 18.000 carried in stock. Our siirine sold with a written guarantee. W give you service. a is. join st NEW TIRES I What brand of new Ores do you prefer f Ws have them, ail makes and sines; also we make the famous O-V-C Double tread (sewed) tir.i and do all manner of tire repairing. Oregon Vulcanising Co., 338-835 Boruside, near Broad way COLUMBIA VULCANIZING WORKS WE REBUILD. 1UHH1.H. RETIIEAD Oft RECAP. WITH PL' RE Itl'HIICn. al.t. ttiii;!.- G U A RAN TEED. - ; 826 COUCH RT,A-I128 SPORT MODEL VEME Iemnntrator, rMponed exhaust pipes. S good tire, suhstsntial reduction with factory guarantee. D. C. WARUEN MOTO CAR Co. 68 N. 23 D ST. MAIN 780. .AUTO TRIMMING A. .UPHOLSTERING CO. All kind tops and uuhol. steriug. btU and Couch, up- stairs. Broadway 2017 16 HUP touring. This is one of the big cars and if you know Hups, enough lias be.it said. It Is . In first class condition aiuf wl J show for itself. See it st 523 Alder street. A-l AUTO WORKS. CHANDLER fl PASSENGER. Fine shsr. - 1 CARY, 522 ALDER; ST. BDWY. 2 492. REO ROADSTER. Fine condition: newly painted, $S30 CAltY. 522 ALDER ST. BDWY. 2492. LIGHT CHALMERS SIX TOURING CAR Fine paint," good tires. CAltY. 622 ALDER ST. - BDWY. 2402. i SCRIPP8-BOOTH ROADSTER, . With wire wheels and good tire: f6."0. CARY, 023 ALDER ST, BDWY. 2492. l FORDS SEVERAL OF THEM AND AT REASONABLE PRICES. - SMITH 'AUTO CO. PARK AND COUCH I CHEVROLET touring. 101M, in b t ot oiidi llon; good tires. Will sacrifice st $750 with terini. 30 Grand ave, N. ninr Wnrmdde. 1U15 4-CYl.LNDElt Cadillac lor a ital hat gain ae it. - SMITH AUTO CO.. PARK AND COUCH FOR SACe Light Wintoo8lx touring, modetf ,'1-A; new top and rubber, first claw mechan ically, phone East 6749. MAXWELL" touring, 1917." newly painted, goifd tires, fine condition; a bargain at $373, with terms. 3) Grand ave. North, near Buniaide. FOR SALE Will sacrifice my late model 1918 Maxwell; must leave town. Call Sundays 360 Clitton; week days 268 Front st FORfs- 1917 touring, in fins condition; good tires; a bargain at $450 Willi ttimi. 30 Graml ave. N, tie.tr Burn ide. BUtCK BUG Body alone""co"st $317. Our pricj $373. SMITH AUTO CO., PARK AND COH U BRING us your car today and gt your money tomorrow. Our nain is Spei. 4Q4 IA V I H ST., Near I Ol h. FoilD d. lUery. 1917, panel body; s-smJ tires. A bargain at $4 75. some terms. 30 Grand are. N. near Burnslde. .- WE do' honest auto repairing, all make of can; work guaranteed and price reasonable, f frll at '343 Williams ave, FORD roadster, 1917. in -best of condition; some extras, good tiros. A bargain at $42 5, with forms. 80 Grand ave. N. near Burnside. AUTO TIRES We save yon money on new am) used tires; vulcsnizing and r-tr.ading. Vnlon Tire Shop. 41 Grand are. Phone East 4HiMt. FORD truck 1 ton attachment, lOllsT hi tfi be.t of condition. A bargain at $725, with lerar. 30- irnd are N. near Bnmslde. 1918 I.KiHT SIX Mitchell. The price is right. C. H. 8. Co,. Marshall 1428. MAXWELL touring. 1918. newly painted, fn fine condition; good tires. A bargain at $775, "me t-rms. 30 Grand ave. N. nesr Hurn-i.le. 1918 CAIILLAC8 Elegant condition; jiut the thing for s stags run; long, easy terms. -Marshall 1428. CHEVROLET chassis, 1917; will make a good bug; good Urea, a bargain st $37S, witii term. 3Q ' I rand ve. N. near Burnslde. HUDSON .SUPER SIX Owner" If ft" town-arid car for sale Good condition tliroughouu Price $1350, some terms. Tabor 2391. FOltD delivery, panel body, in the bust ni cii ditlon; will racriflc at 450 with term. 30 Grand ave, N. n!r Burn 'Ida. . LEAVING city, 6 cyl. Chalmers. perfe--t con dition; priceii right for quick sale. 065 L.t 4 1st N. Tabor 508 I. ONLY $30... Ford touring, good condition; $M extras. 221 E, 8Ui until 5 p, m., evening i. 289 E. 73d V. CHEVROLET sedan, 191 8. in perfect conditjoilf ' good tires, will sell at $775. some term.. 80 Grand ave. North, near Burnslde. ' Tl "'rLiGHT ""SIX" MOON This car is stmost new snd still has lli fac tory guarantee. C, H. 8 Co., Marshall 142S. 1917 "CHEVROLET louring.' first "claaa" con 11 tioo; $473. Ereninga after C. 826 L. Emeraon- STUDEBAKER bargains. 1917. 6 cyl ; better than new, $973. Your own terms, or take your old cr In trade. Phone CM 22 1. STUDEBAKKR 5 ptwm..f, A-l crm.iTtToJT 3 new tir, tckne cause for selling. Tvl Tabor 685Q, after 6 evenings. FOKD touring, 1918, 'in best"of conditiorTPtuiT-t sell at a' bsrgaln st $500 with terra. s Grand v. North nesr Burnside. FOR SALE Oldsmoblle, 8 paaaenger, model 42; fully equipped. 6 tires; terra. Main 8fw, tok, DODGES, like you want at the price you want. 404 DAVIS NT .NearJ (itK 1918 ELGIN Six, $1200. fur sale; good con dition. Ma'n 3964. owner. BUGS OF ALL 1ES-I( Iff IONS. . " 4Q4 DAVIS MT., Near lUth, 1918 SUPER Hudson. 8 cord tirea. ,821 Aider Broadway 2493 DOtiOK HKADOI'AI'TERH 4I4 DAVIS ST.-, Near loth. GASOLINE 'ja CENTS A GALLON, OILS ANU CltfcAhl . I'lONEER PAINT C(L Ids 1ST. CHEVHOLLET." lwks and "runs" like .new," J19 $750"; Tabor S77S. . I'ORDS. U'Uring, rar!tra and inu. j 404 DAVIS ST., Near 1 Ojh. AUTO mechanic will work on your car In your ga rage. j K. 79Q9. S'ORD ftU; Neat machine, make 33 mil'-s to gallon. Main 81) UH. DOrxni-Sale ofTrad rm '18 or " 1 9l'ori touring or sedan. 1076 E. Wash. st. FORD ROADSTER, for eal-.: $75 extras; har gtw; BinH sell. Phone Wooltawt 84 3 H. FOR SALE $430. J D1 5 passenij. r l ord; mechanically perfect. Woodlawn a 715. FOR SALE JUll ilaxwell Uuring car. I'l.ooa Main 6hT. t 111 cF (CoBUaned urn tulivMluK Fm(