1G THE OREGON DAILY JOURIJAL, PO RTLAND, FRIDAY, AUGUST Z2, VJld. - ROOMS WASTED 8$ . LADY nuli mm ia private family with privi lege of cooking one meal day; 11 possible iu of piano. Z-653. Journal. - . ROOMS AND B OABP II THE MARTHA WASHINGTON, 380 10th. for business girls iidsrtn.dent. Msrshall 1251. - ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY ft ROOM and board in private home, large front room, callable for two, audfln conveniences, just lik home. Call 60 K. 12th N. or phone 8248 y- - ONE or two business ladies may house keep. Modern home in Irvington. mm TSOO. SINGLE ROOM and board. . East 854, 574 K. Couch, WAXTKD-ROOMS ANT BOARD St BOM lb with C. S. family for mother and boy years ear of child maim consideration. Willing to pay well for congenial place. Write, ti'me phone number. AV62. Journal. STENOGRAPHER in bank withes loom and board. Z-6SO. Journal. HOUSEKEKPiyO ROOMS 8 FURNISHED AND IS FURNISHED K FfAT clean and comfortably furnished tingle , housekeeping room with 4 laree windows, hot and cold water In room, easy waixing distance; " prefer one or two adults that are employed dur ing day. Delmonte. 167 Stout at., near 20th and Washington. FUR KENT 1 and 2 room apartment fur r rushed ftr light housekeeping. No objection to rmsll children. 288 N. Sixteenth st 1 OR 4 FURNISHED homiekeeping rooms. 504 East Clay cor. lotn. TRUNKS DELIVERED IN DOWNTOWN D13 THICT FOR 26 CENTS. PHONE E. 6434, housekeeping miosis it FURNISHED AVI) UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY PRETTY housekeeping suite, 3 hi block north of Waahington at. : everything included. 13 per week., 70 N. 14th. Broadway 822 1. 2 FURNISHED H. K. room, ground floor; walk ing distance; private entrance. I'hooe East 13211. 844 E. 2d f S. FURNISHED housekeeping room on firiit floor, private residence, garage. 1117 Market. Ta bor 428. fl)K RENT Light . housekeeping room, near Washington high school, suitable for 2 ladies. Y Call 104 E. 11th st 6HIPTARD district cottages, housekeeping, fur nished, unfurnished, reasonable. Apply 252 Cibba. , $2 ft -FOUR furnished lower housekeeping rooms. 042 E. 27th st. Richmond car to 27th. one block south. TWO neat housekeeping rooms. mostly fur- nished; adults, 1068 K. Wash, st TWO or more clean furnished housekeeping 640 E. Stark st. SINGLE housekeeping room for rent. Clay. 335 FOR RENT HOUSES UN FURNISHED 13 WHEN TOO MOVE. C8E NORTH WESTERN ELECTRIC LIGHT SERVICB Tenth and Washington. Broadway 680. HOUSE for rent, cheap: wood, garden for Call evening. 6014 B 1st ft. 8. B. ule. FURNISHED HOUSES S 4 fC(XJM8. " bath, gas, orehe. Water, light, garage, phone. Marahall 2041 or 80 Jeffer son. MODERN S room cottage. $30. 4707 4 0th it. 8. E. Take Woodstock car to Holgate. FrRNIKHED house, suburb, 6TT Henry bldg. Swank. 0 . ROOM fnrniUed house. 589 14tb and Powell. Brooklyn car. No email children. FLATS TO RENT, U5FPRSISHEU 13 LA ROE front apt. 4 or 5 rooms, fireplace. modern, elec. and gas. 3 blocks south of " T. W. Main 3744. Sunday 1 to 4. Mar. 19 THREE rooms with 'garage. Union are,, near Russell; adults only. East 2195. MODERN flat. 33 60th st . $1 5 per month. Monta villa car. 4 'GOOD rooms, bath, unfurnished, not mod rrn. $18.60 per month. B82 East Taylor. . ; Fl IIMSHED FLATS 60 ROM upper flat, light and water, adults. 727 K. Stark. East 3310. iOR RENT Nice htUe furnished 3-room fhttl 650 Union ave. near Knott. Rent $14.00. FLAT for rent, furniture for sale! ws Iking distance. E. 8441. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 48 TWO room apt. with two dressing . rooms, fine new furniture for sale at a bargain. Central West side. Main 4864. I-""' Rhk 2-roora furnished apartment. $17 per month, corner Russell and Kerby. be tween Mississippi and Williams ave. East 1594. 1! ROOM apartments, first floor; very convenient: rrJK,nt'1 655 Flanders at, MODERN 3 roomed unfurnished apt.. 675 r landers. SUMMER RESORTS S COTTAGE V Rhododendron. 265 Monroe St. a.-bsw, Journal. MANHATTAN BEACH, 4 room furmshed cot- tsge with fireplace. Woodlawn 2657. STORES AND OFFICES 11 RICK STOKE 17x60. cheap. 268 V4 Nrth Kixteenth. Broadway 2332. WANTED TO REJfT We. Want to Last To'uVEANT aASE HONy . MIDDLE AGED responsible couple with best of - . references would lika m C-T prefer with fruit and plenty of ground; will take best of care: no children. H-ai i.,.i FAMILY or 4 adulU wanu to rent furnished , iuima with aarase: 3 aw: best ears, guaranteed; first class refer-cssjfuraishjZ-646, Journal. OR J HOOU furnished house orf"lat; respond . ,, i.?,1 ueM first cl references; no .Its till nnllrl sa si s, m . . A VT.V """ "nueiii tenant; 00. Phone AT 'Yj unfurnished rooms, S adults wet ' "7 miuutee of Washington st Z- UiNTi:nis.i.i t ; : "... Tj "a'" Housekeeping rooms ,...T!hJkl"vb3'v,cIe" ?!"' "" Inference Til: k V Tf f . ' "" " 1 TTiir. . , district nesr school, nt? to exeeed $25 month. Best of care snied. Tabor 4206 Vt'Tr a .. . ' 1 R Jr.monUi" r?Dt in dvauce for modern - .v,m mnurnisneq nouse. Mam 2353 Wtifw!r"Liri,, Ioom- fireplace and bedroo": 1"" 'ng'e gentleman. Z-654. Journa W'ANTEn T. . . ; . . -7- - - wVi ,u"snJ u. K. rooms . in C. S. family. Phone .Sellwood 3356 TVi. prtijr,. '"Wished housekeeping rooms in y C. S. family. Sellwood 3356. REAL ESTATK " BEACH PROPERTY- 4g ' A Sf'-iSi,105'' now Seaside. Or., at bean". rtol $7?reins2neni! 6 S foot S 'Sh0 Z"eh- wi,h PT.od 2000 IS? JST" wla Uextwright pBrk- on, nl. .C?'' 14Pock blck, Portland inanire F. M. Cole, agent. 427 Broadway, geaside. Or. ' ' FOR SALE HOUSES CI OOpjVILL BUY a modern. 6 room bungalow" full basement, full 50x100 city lot; loS' blocks from Mt Tabor carline. Addres owner ' Mo'tt Haisly. Una SUHon. Rt. 3. BoX TWO houses fore, 00x100 lot. garage- two carline: bargain: gas. electric lights, hot w. -V 6 ROOM " bungalow. Richmond distent ; House No. 4828 Clinton at. See? 43dS, also lot 42HX100. Take Libert, bonds. Ow.1 erAJ. H. McMahon, 2606 E. 43dT Tr 53T FU,RLfirBl"i" l" 2 Toom house in Irving" tort Heights; price $1650. some terms; prefer ably cash. Owner. Woodlawn 1329 Dr- HALF ACRE, new modern u room bungalow ' 292r" 'Ma'S- 68140WthO"'' M"luUi I On SALE 5-room bouse, . trisu. 485 East ; j?."-6? 488 8th NT Phone Tabor 8608 - LOOK. ROOMS $1100 - Best car service, good neighborhood, no mort. gage, very easy terms. Sellwood 2706. FOR SALE In Irvington. 6 room house. . firet place, hardwood floors and garage IV'nn Call Woodlawn 187. 1211 Haightave' -OW-ATTRACTIVE modern, double- constructed 4 Eart2838Un,OW: -U?aU only $1800. ATTRACTIVE modern. 5-room bungalow, gVrt reasonable, by owner.. . 614 E. Both 1 OR SALE- Seven room house, one block from ..lJri on corner lot with ee merit block garaze. lu0rs-h. $1700 on terms. 481 Webster st HOUSES, flats and lou for sale cheap by owner Close hi. Broadway 2332. v . ' 6 ROOM bungalow, in Rose City park, for sale by owner 69 E. 57th st N. PRETTY 6 room house. $fS00, $200 down; " u" s - acre, 89 minutes out Main 306. BEAL STATE FOR HALK HOUSES 1 $100 Cash50u8mb z i i .. ' lights. 80x120. blks. ' 1 ' Woodstock ' ear. - $1150 Cash-iSZ .; '' :i " but extra good snbstan- - !... tial heme. 78Ui nr. f.hsan. . $200 Cash St 00 Hi . rm. apt. now -vacant; mod., built 1 yr., fire-: place ; fine plumbing, bas't; built-in; 3 blka. " a Sellwood ear. $250 Cash-UJTrKSLi. i other conv. ; mod. ; nr. , 43d - and Belmont; fractional lot. $300 CdshzL : rtace, built-ins, - gar ' age, near ' 37th and J la wt borne. G.C. QOLDENBERQ ABINGTON BLLDO. - MAIN 4803. $i$o YEARS IN PORTLAN l $2600 -TWO FOR ONE $2800 On E. 9th st. near Beacon, which is prac tically walking distance, on a 50x100 lot, are two very substantial bungalow cottages of 5 and 6 rooms each, with a full 5-set piece of white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas. The total Diica of this rvrooertv. inclndinz the two houses, is only $2600, or $1300 apiece; son down. $30 per month. The rent will pay for them. Toe couldn't build these houses for $2000 each today. SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BUT TOUR HOME Abington bldg. Main 106B. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. $4000 Here folks, is a truly wonderful bar gain. You couldn't take out any of the woodwork and replace it with any thing any nicer than it already has. Veneered fir mantle with heavy plate glass. Inlaid quarter-sawed oak floors, beautiful buffet, and you never saw a nicer kitchen and breakfast room com bined. ' This home has 5 rooms and bath, reception ball, breakfast room and attic; also garage. We are proud to show you this. Requires $1350 cash. Paved street and paid for. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1094. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW HOME The interior of this bunaalowXis reallv beau tiful. There are 5 rooms and outside sleeping porch; hardwood floors; an artistic fireplace, handsome buffet, ' a white Dutch kitchen;, big mirror doors in one bedroom. You never saw a prettier lot with shade, shrubbery and roses. The price of this lovely home is $4500; $1200 cash. COE A. McKENNA t CO.. 82 4th st.. Board of Trade bldg. Main 4522. $3625 Beautiful doable constructed home on a full lot, pared street, convenient to J it in (Eton car; assessments all paid; 6 rooms and bath with full cement base ment, stationary wash trays, furnace reception hall is hand decorated in oil paint; good sized living room, hand painted oil border in dining room. Owner is moving to McMinnville and has made this low price for immediate sale. J.et us show you. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1094. 2S0O ADJOINING LACRELHURST $2800 Kignt across the street from Laurelhurst. on East Stark street, facing the park, is a substn tial. attractive 5-room modern bungalow, full cement basement, 2 light, airy bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas. Small down payment, balance easy . tentns. or would take mortgage back. Unusual snap. SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BUT TOUH HOME Abington bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. ' MT. TABOR$3600 Beautiful 5 room artistic bungalow, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet and other conveniences, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, furnace. ,fine lot. beautiful lawn and shrubbery, located among the pine trees in restricted Mt. Tabor, garage, hard-surface st., close to car and school, a little gem, for $1000 down. bal. like rent. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. $3250 IRVEVGTON $3230 Right in Irvington. near Tillamook, on a paved street wjth all liens paid, is a 6-roora sub stantial home ; built-in conveniences, full cement basement, laundry tray, 3 bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas. SEE TO BUY YOUR HOME Abington bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. $4500 Beautiul corner bungalow on paved St., in Rose City Park; 5 rooms and bath, with porch across entire front: a dou ble garage, elegant lawn, beautiful shrubbery. This home hss full cement basement with a Gasco automatic fur nace and is a rare bargain. Can be handled with only $1200 cash, J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Tty. Exch. bldg. Main 1094. fits.. S3 11 00 uanay o room, dbl.-const bungalow, fire place, bnilt-in buffet fine Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, laundry trays-, beautiful east front lot nice shrubbery; will sell-$1000 worth of furniture for $600 if desired: pared sts.. sewer. 1 block car. 6 blocks chni- i7nn cash, bal. mo. GEO. T. MOORE. 1007 Yeon Bids:. ROSE CITY PARK- BUNGALOW $4 750 We want you to see this truly remarkable bungalow. Exceptionally large living room. Hard wood doors, fireplace buffet cement basement furnace etc Located in the very best part of ICose City. Owner movina? from Pnrtlanrf must sell at once. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark St.. Near 3d. Main 3516, Main 3092 EMERSON STREET nnrsEnivir Good B room house, cement basement, electric lights, good bath, 8 bedrooms, full lot 50x100 city liens all paid; price a snap, $2000, $500 cash and $20 per month. Emerson, near 10th, Look at it it's a good buy. GRUSSI A BENNETT, 8 IP Board of Tmde bldg. Main 7452 GET SETTLED BEFORE school opens by buy- ln good substantial 7 -room bouse; lot 61x 109. with trees and fruit; near Annabel sta- ti2- Sc!.w.cr ll,ne: churches and libraries within walking distance. Price $2400. Clear of incumbrance; $500 will han- monthly paymenU on balance. Tabor OWN A HOME of . e furnish easy payment loans like rent We .iTJi-i. . " w J pians ana pocketbock '""j 'ri our system save you money and PORTLAND HOME BUILDINO , ASSOCIATION. INO. 629-830 Henry bldg. Main 6199 Hts., $3600 2 lory 6 room residm n fin. - . ' " iaas-w XX VAX WtTI l, large rooms, 3 bedrooms, handy kitchen, full cement basement laundry trays, furnsce. 40x100 east front lot. paved streets, sewer. See this ..ire uvuw wiurv is is oo late. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 YEON RT.nr. '"! SALE by owner. 6 room house at 445 ft ""r S. E. Woodstock car to 42d st . ' f"1". carpets, curtains, stoves, dishes, etc. Gas eerctnc lights., bath. Ixt 60x100 ginsn n'H5' ,octi. 3 blocks from car. IHS; .tMalS03 " Mra- ood' STJNNYSTDE BUNGALOW Close in on 35th et near Tir.r . . I0.0 mod- bungalow- price only $2900; terms, $500 down. bal. S25 ner n w it 7! want this snap; will not last long. W A .X-T Tn TVTin . a i ' . "I"""' t JACUES, 417 Abington bldg. Thone Main KR " -A SNAP 1 ',,omf t haJf price, in Parkside. with Uaalungton park for a playground. -within 100 feet of- the park. Phone East 6667. $2850 ROSE CITY PARK $285 ; Modern 6-room hnnnlnv mm .7 : . fireplace. bookcasea.etricHT -TL2! plumbing, etc.; good basement ' garage, fine lo Tsbo?;655lfr l8aTloe city: sl bargain; terms. : WHY NOT BUILD? T Get an artistic home h n u,.i.i;.i , - . . J0"1 ,tlFm at loS S08- . We 'taiM anything; furnish the money if desired. L. R. Bailey CoV Inc.. contracting architects. J24 N. W Bank' Modern 6-room bururslnw? fnmM ' fii- garage, paved street $4200. Call Tabor 3058.' Q gTltS. "60J TERMS, ROSE. CITY PABK"CAR rilSI" nu0S basement large porches, fine lawn, fruit .shrubbery; must vseU. leaving city; quick possession. Tsbor 8375 or 4SOT . FOR SALE By owner, a nurlv r i'tltt bfrr!n fruit tree; good view; paved -HS ,Vi in- VoT information call Seii- -'Vllllll. - MnCUV. nOIUnl . nn ,A ...11 1 . "" . buying property or , building yon n 7,ld h"e surveyed. Nicholas Bros.. 715 Oregonisn bMg.- Main 9358. - - -; , BUNGALOW. Hawthorne district, $3750. Also ' it sacniice. cjtst 8016 i nrirkr ' i . -. 1K,,H b2u? for reasonable. Inquire - th t Tabor 8466. . BA'i';JN Mlrn bungalow, near Tremont glSOOi cash or terms. Phono Tabor 2700. . REAL ESTATK FOR t)AI. HOUSES fl 5000 UNUSUAL BUNGALOW HOME 83000 s This is truly a beautiful home, situated' on tne west slope of Mt. Tabor. being lovxue corner, with beautiful trees, flowers, etc. It is very modern, most conveniently arranged and unusually weH traflt; it has low. rambling bun galow lines, large screened-ia porch extends across entire front and aide of the house; has solid paneled tiring roctn with tapestry paper and am art Ule fireplscer leaded glass bookcases, very arueuc music room, hardwood floors, solid pan eled dining room wttn massive leaded glass buf fet; Dutch kitchen,' 3 bedrooms, full cement basement with furnace. Total price includes street liens; only 50OO. Just 8200O less than the owner's former price. Easy terms. We have over 600 photographs ia our office of home for sale. Ten experienced salesmen with auto at yoor service, SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE V TO BUT YOUR HOME Abington bldg. Main 1068. i Office Open Evenings and Sunday. STOP Rir.TlT HFWK i TOU CANT BEAT THESES s ' $1350 Modern 6 room 1 H story bungalow, full cement basement, - trays, builtins, bath, 50x100 lot. Its a foreclosure and ridiculously cheap,' The bouse alone is worth $2500 ; on 534 St.. near division. Takes $850 cash. - $2000 Modern 6 room bungalow at Firland, Ml Scott tine; bath, furnace, built ins, 59x100 lot, with garage, walks and curb. It surely is bargain. $800 cash. - s s - " $2000 Modern 6 room cottage on 32d st. ' close in, fine corner, with lots of fruit; -owner leaving city, real sacrifice; $2OO0, $600 cafli, or might take $500 auto as part. R. F. FEEMSTER 309 ABINGTON BLDG. ALAMEDA PARK SPLENDID BUNGALOW 85100 If you have $1000 cash, we can sell you a truly wonderful bungalow. located on splendid corner in Deauutut Alameda Park; all assess ments paid. You .never would expect to buy such a home, complete with garage, for so little money. Wordds cannot express the true splen dor of this bungalow home. Large living room extending the width of house, hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, comnlete Dutch kitch en with breakfast nook, full cement basemei.t. furnace. Finished in old Jvorr and white throughout. 'Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st. nesr 3d Main 3516. Main 8092. $2350 We sold this house the first day it waa aavertisea. out change or plans by new purchaser necessitates this being' sold again immediately. Newly painted and decorated throughout; exceptionally nice electric light fixtures; large bed rooms, panel dining room, and a home much superior in quality to what is generally offered at this price; 5 rooms and bath with an additional room for storage; can be used for bedroom if desired; only 1 block to car; lot 50x 100. Terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1094. MR. AND MRS. H0MESEEKER1 Just look at this for your cheap homes: 5 room house, full 50x100 lot. Just east of laturelhurst, close to good car service, stores, schools, and in Americsn district,' Only $1500. I have many others from $2000 to $20,000. on which I can quote a homeseeker reasonable prices and terms. J. B. HOTJBROOK . 214-215 Panama bldg. ALA SI EDA PARK, $5500 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 7 rooms and sleepinar norch. old ivory finish hardwood floors, fireplace, fine built-in buffet 3 bedrooms and glassed-in sleeping porch upper floor: hot air heating system. 50 1 100 comer lot garage; pmving liens all paid. Pay $1200 cash and move in tomorrow. This handsome home is in excellent condition. COE A. McKENNA A CO.. 82 4th st. Board of Trade bldg. Main 4522 ROSE CITY PARK 5 Room. Breakfast Nook $3950 A splendid new home. Never been lived in Thorouahly double constructed and modern. Finished in ' old ivory and white throughout Hardwood floors. fireplace, buffet Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement basement, wash trays; full 60x100 lot: assta, paid; $500 cash will handle. Now hurry. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st near 3d. Main 3516. Main 3092 $4750 BEAUMONT 6 rooms and den. hardwood floors, big fire place, handsome buffet furnace heat. 50x100 corner lot. paving liens all paid : this home cost former owner goiluo; we offer it this week for $4750 $1000 cash, balance easy terras. See photo at our office. We have 14 other homes in Bose City Park, ranging in price from aisu to gotrou. COE A. McKENNA A CO., 82 4th st.- Board of Trade bldg. Main 4522. East Mt. Tabor$2a500 Why pay rent when you can own . this room bungalow so reasonably? Dandy large light rooms, hardwood floors, built-in buffet Dutch kitchen, full basement, 50x100 lot with vacant lot next to it fine lawn, block 88th st, Mt. Tabor car; only $500 down, bat beat rent Don t delay. GEO. T. MOORE CO. M07 Yeon Bldg. ALAMEDA PARK DISTRICT A modern 6 room bungalow, located on i 40xl00-foot terraced lot with 10-foot alley fireplace, hardwood, floors, cove and beam ceil ing, all built-in conveniences, fume hood, break fast nook, full cement basement, furnace, etc. This must be seen to be appreciated; $900 will handle; price $3350. See Mr. Chnstenson. The wrong 4lu Henry bldg. Main 1743. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW SNAP Nice large 5-room bungalow, elect, bath basement, newly painted and tinted. Jot 50 x luu, paved st, all liens paid; a fine location some iruit ana garaen; on Marguerite are., near Lincoln; price a snap. $3150; about $1000 casn ana per month. GRUSSI A BENNETT. 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452 DON'T WAIT $550 cash, balance $25 per mo. and int at 7 per cent, buys two lots and 4 room modern bungalow,- fireplace, breakfast nook, bath, near car ana scnooi. race . tzoau. see Mr. Ohristenson, The Brong Co., 410 Henry bldg. aiain in 3. Hawthorne Bungalow One block to car on 43d, 5 rooms, large at tic and basement on 50x100 with several bear ing fruit trees. House is in good condition and was built for a home; $3375 including rurnltui. $500 cash, balance $20 per month and interest oy. UiJ oasco bldg. Main 6456. WHY BE ORDERED OUT?" I have a 5 room cottage with A-l nlnmftlmr 50x100 lot lots of fruit improvements in and paia. l block to school, splendid neighborhood. This can be bought on easy terms, $1800. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO. , 3 6th and Hawthorne. $9754 Room Cottage TERMS $275 CASH LOT 50x100 Li nil g room, very large kitchen, two bed rooms ana oatnroom. Iruit trees, cement side walk, real sacrifice. 2 blocks from Rose City Park car.' Phone Tabor 3196. 5 Room Bongaflow $2500 Here's dandy bargain in a cheerful, well built bungalow right on Mt. Tabor car line. Bo sure to look this op. Call owner, Broadway 421. 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. No agents. $1850 TERMS; 5 room modern bungalow; fire place, buileis, Dutch kitchen, complete bath room. Kuud heater and gas range, beating store, comer lot garage. Owner. 87th at and 46U ave. 8. E. ' ' - J5 ROOM HOUSE s 2 LOTS. $2300. Easy terms. This ia not -a shack, but a neat little new . hou."e. Corner E. 11th near Al berta. Phone Main 667. SUNNYSIDB district 5 rooms, bath, cement basement wash - trays, lights, eaa. ester. -street improvements, block, to car, close to good school. 92500. Terms. 142 E, 45th tt. Tabor 447. - -- e . MODERN 6 rooms, fireplace, furnace, sleeping porch, built-ins. . On Weidler street close to 29th. $3250. ban cash. . Price after' this week $3500. 1219 N. XV. Bank bldg. . NEAT, well built. 3-4 room, new, plastered, bungalow, more lots adjacent; cheap if wanted $1450; term. 245 Kii Patrick. 2 V, blocks wt of Kenton bank, owner. $575 WELL BUILT 3-ROOM COTTAGE 3 Years old : ' -3 : loU : 1 A sniles hv r.vf road from 6c fare; pleasantly located, $275 casn. isoor ii9. u-siv, 4oamai.- : HOUSE and 1 lot $8007lblock 'from car. 3 blocks from main part of Lents; will be on place after noon and eve. : all day Sunday. Wm. P. Porter. 6303 95th f : WEST SIDE 6-roem house, for sale, in A-l condition; walking distance; buy. from owner and eave money.. 330- Grant st, between th and Broadway. ; -.-: OWNER leaving city A 4 room modern bun galow with targe attic on K. Twenty-third, neai Alberta -st Price ; $1800," $500 down. I'll. Columbia 1179. - - - : - - - . .. FOR SALE 5 room bouse, garage for 2 cars, price. $2200: will consider trade for email ear. balance like rent, close to Jefferson high, school. 913 Borthwick st Woodlawn $588. .. -. j? -.- -. REAL BARGAIN New 5-room" modern housed cement basement. 18" minutes out $1850, $300 cash. $20 monthly. Sellwood 2706. A FORD taken as nart navment An A ennm , era house. 7125 63d are. Tabor 2929. BEAT, ESTATE ' ' FOB SALE HOUSES 1 MAGNIFICENT LAURELHURST ROME One of the "show places" of that beautiful homeland, view - of - Laurelhurst park and sur roundings: splendid and very attractive house of S urge rooms and enclosed sleeping porch; hardwood floors and plate glass throughout, large living room, . reception hall, dining room with massive built-ip buffet,' billiard room, all paneled in beautiful mahogany, massive xrrepiace, Dea roonxs. tiled bath, full cement basement,: fur nace, laundry; grounds 100x100 ft, replete with ! choicest shrubbery. - No . house was ever better built or more conveniently arranged. It's one f the choicest borne properties In all Lauret hurst Price $13. OOO; $9000 each required; inspection by appointment only; no information by pjione. TUB CKOS8LKT-V IUAK3 CO., 270 Stark st, - ROSE CITY CAR A ROOMS. SLEEPING PORCH $5250 We want yon to see. this splendid home. , It' truly marvel. Kigbt up to the minute in every respect Finished in rich old ivory and white throughout Hardwood floors, fireplace. - book eases, cement basement, furnace, etc. . You would never dream it possible to buy such a borne for so little money. Let us show yon. ' I A. G. TEEPE CO. f 264 Stark St. Near 3d. Main 3516. Main 8092 '1 FOR SALE LOTS ! 80O LOT FOB $350 50x100 corner, about 2 ft above grade, east front, same beautiful trees, good soil, cement walks in, 1 block from fine school, close to car line. ! good neighborhood, complete abstract fur nished. Glenn tc Jarrett, in Irvington Park. I BITTER, LOWE It. CO., I 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg, A BARGAIN Lot 60x114. with cement foun dation 24x18 and basement tent house 10X30 with igas and water, all for $460: near Mon taviila car line, 2059 UoUaday vie.- cor. 8 2d st Call evenings. . FOR SALE Well located lot in good district; lot 17. block 12. E. 62d st : 4 bloc soutn o Rose City Park carline; $500 cash, or $650 with terms. Will accept government bonds. See it to Tappreciate the snap. ZX-647, Journal. FOr! SALE $1500, terms or Liberty bonds; corner. 100x100: Wincheil lfc wcoisey, oppo site entrance to Columbia Park. L. Campbell, 70S3; Makee are., Los Angeles. Cal. CORNER lot. fruit trees. 2 blocks from St Johns car. bet. Peninsula and carbarns. Box 477C. R. 2, MUwaukie. Or. It'OxlOl east front comer. Thirty-seventh and Tillamook. $2000. C. I). McJonany. 911 American Bank bldg.. Seattle. Wash. FOR i SALE Five good lots, near Werrenton, Oregon.' Apply, Wm. Hatton, 028 Bond st, Astoria, Or. ' 50X100 lot in Overlook, Capital and Skidmore. Pavement, sewer and walks in and paid, price $700: Woodlawn 1111 ACREAGE 67 TUALATIN river acreage, 12.84 acres. 1 miles from Willamette, on Tualatin river: 11 acres bottom, ft H acres cleared, sandy loam soil, fine for vegetables and berries; running water, some ' orchard, house and barn ; big bargain for $1500. $700 cash, balance mortgage, tiioson. 268 Stark st Phone Marshall 12. I 200XCRES, $200 CASH Balance of $600 payable as wood is removed from land. $1 per cord stumpege. estimated 800 cords old growth fir, half mile down grade to Kalama, Wash.; land all tillable and fine soil; stum page alone will pay for land. ! A. w. kstks, aua Mcaiy mag. SNAP Owner must sell an acre in few days Tor cash. leaving country: in Park Rose, on Columbia highway, good location. Address 118 Kussell st K. GARDOCKI, Portland, Or. $65 PER ACRE Alii or part of 76 acres, Clarke county, two miles ! to ' Sif ton and electric line ; good roads. considerable umber suitable for cordwood; terms. F. sB, Holbrook Co., 214 Lumber Exchange bldgV LOGGED OFF LANDS Tracts 6 acres up, located within 80 miles of Portland, on railroad: good soil, no rock, plenty of water; work ; buy on your own terms. LECDDEMANN CO., ! 913 Chamber of Commerce. LF SECTION, $4.50 PER ACRE About 40 miles from Portland, nearly two million feet of timber, estimated 5 ton cases ra bark. (Considerable agricultural land, springs and small icreek. no improvements. i A. W. ESTES, 202 McKay Bldg. ACRE TRACTS, $50 down, $10 mo.; will advance $100 per tract soon. Fine soil, no gravel, Water to each tract Ml 9 N. W. Bank bldg. $1800 8-room plastered house. 2 acres right at Roethe station. Oregon City car. 12 hie commutation. 8800 down. Z-645, Journal. ifllTXCRES at Grovelind station, all "in cuitT vation; buildings, water. M. B. Hoard, R. 1, Hillsboro. Or. 2 ACRES, all in fruit; no house; good well, IK miles east of Lnts. fbone r.st TS8. SUBURBAN" HOMES 79 CHOICE 13 -ACRES Right on north highway. Short drive to rrltv i Excellent noil View of Columbia river. A bargain at $3900. See A. K. Hill, 214 Lum- bonnen's bldg. Brdwy. 421. 4 ACRES Italian prunes. Paved road. New 5 room modern cobblestone bouse. Poultry. Equipment Ramapo station. Estacada line, south to Foster road and lenox ave. $2100 NEW modern bungalow, corner acre, native trees, elec. and water, 4 blocks Lake Grove' station. McFarUnd. 602 Yeon bldg. FOR SALE FARMS 80 ACRES $2000 DOWN Balance time at 7 per cent There are 1 6 acres in cultivation. baL easily cleared: good spring water.! 7 room house,, barn 24x40, family orchard. I PRICE $3700 120 acres. 20 in cultivation, house, barn. fruit. ; "4 mile from highway, $3200. , 40 acres, 4 in cultivation, 6 room house, barn 16x30; fine water. 3130O. 147 acres, 4 in cultivation, 35 acre bottom land some fruit shack, barn, finest spring of water in Clarke county piped to shack. $1400. 40 acres. 6 in cultivation. 5 room house. barn 24xBo, i cow. 2 caves, 1 team, chickens. $1000 CASH Bal. time at 7 per cent 40 1 acres. 14 in cultivation. 4 room house. barn 48x50, 6 milch cows, 1 team and harness, line spring water, all recced, i plow, i buggy, separator. 14 tons hay. $4200. I have 60 more places for sale. I really have the earth for sale. Call and look them over. I I am sure I can satisfy your wants. Woodland Realty office, next to Postoffice. W. L. STRONG Woodland, Wash. YCDUi CHANCE To get this $10,000 farm for $8500., $4500 cash. 47 Vt acres rich Molalla bottom. 44 in' cultivation, team. 2 cows. 2 pigs. 100 chickens, all crops and machinery, for only $8500. Has 2 houses and 2 barns; will make 2 of the best tgnall farm in the state of Oregon. . .. See - ! 8. O.' DILLMAN. 8th and Main sts.. Oregon City, Or. WISHING to retire, will sell my farm consist ing i of 63 acres. 3 miles, from city limits of Vancouver, Wash. Eight acres : onion land. orchard, fruit and walnut trees. 8-room house, bath, hot and cold water; two barns, other out buildings. 3 we lis good water. If buyer desires. all personal property goes with place This con sists of Buick auto. cow, hones, hogs, - chickens, gram ism crop of 79 -tons hay. OOO bushels grain.; etc Place i mile from school and rail road Station. Price reasonable, good terms. Ed La Londe, Vancouver. v Wash., Rt 2, phone 17-F-3. - - ----- 40 ACRES. SO cleared, fair house; will trade fori city property. 60 acres. 10 cleared, also will trade. 10 acre. $800, 5 acres. $500. acre, good house. 8700. . Small ' and large homes, stock ranches, city- property. Can ar range any terms necessary. Besides,, this b good country. Phone Farmer 8 7 , or write George Beers.! Sandy. Or." I CROP AND MACHINERt . 30 ! acres, located at Canby. Or). 24 miles from Portland, all under cultivation crop goes with - place; good 7 room house, barn, chicken house,: orchard, team and farm machinery; all Al soU. Price $6300, $30Oe cash. See Brook, with John Ferguson, Gertinger bldg. FORTY i. acre - farm for sale; new. barn, new fenclne. 'coed "water on thi iiluv. . nn. mil. Worth from Mahjtaam: so city-property for ex change. Price $5000; 1 mile to school and enurcn.' - xj. rowmtn box s, sxarquam. Or. FOR 'KENT OR SALE tO-acre farmT stock. crop and. tools. 5-room house. 2 'lane barm- suring) water, 4 miles northeast of Sif ton. 1 2 csilea nort heart of Vancouver, 'Wash, Annie L ilooper. tiruso frame, wash., Rt l.- LIVESTOCK, dairy and milk route, income $60O - per mourn, in to cows, horses, auto, bot-tles,- utenrnLi. silos, corn and - feed est , band. S.-49, journal. 40 ACRES in Washougal country.. 25 in cu ni dation 24x28 and basement tent honse 10x30 house, barn, other improvement. $4000. terms. Realty agents don't apply. v ZX-652. Journal. .. REAL ESTATE' FOR SALE FARMS 17 r 90-ACRE FORECLOSURE Tour opportunity to get a good farm with fine residence for half price. Read carefully: 90 acres all cleared, clay loam soil, level, no rock or gravel: family orchard: woven wire fence. Improvements consist of a modern 8 -room plaewj terea noose, having alee pine poren, iirepiaoe, bath and toilet: Keewaoee water system: 2 barns ana ouier buildings.' only s miles from Leba non, one mile to station and mile to school. A gentleman's borne. A Don-resident owner's sacrifice at only $6000. $2500 cash- will handle. Balance S years at 6 per cent GIBSON A LEAVEN GOOD CO . ' LEBANON, ORE. - 218 ACRE LINN COUNTY FARM " 123 acres tillable, half creek bottom, black loam soil, 60 acres crop this year, harvesting 60 tons bay and other crop which goes with the place. 2 acres family orchard of assorted fruit; good 8 -room house; 2 good barns and new silo. . Only 5 miles from Lebanon on gravel road; R. F. D.; cream and milk root. Phone in house. A dandy grain and- dairy much; very cheap at $52.50 per acre in cluding this year's crop in the barn. Terms half cath. Come at once to see j Gibson A Leavengood Co., Lebanon. ' Or. - ' FOR RENT FARMS 11 I HAVE just arrived from the East and want to rent a good farm of 100 acre or more. Wilt pay cash and purchase personal property and crops. Owners only. H-8. Journal. 45 ACRES to leas for 4 years, personal property for sale. N. G. Nntt Estacada. Dr. H II No. 8. 118 ACRES. 30 in cult. $200 per year. .W. Beegle. Gresham, Or. Phone Greahara 885. FAllMS WAiVTED RENT Oil BUY 38 I HAVE a client wanting 0 to 150 acres all stocked and equipped, mist be on Al nnrf graveled road, must have Al barn and outbuild ings: also Al house; not less than two-thirds of land under plow, good spriifg or creek; no worthless land or inflated values considered. 1 have the buyers. If your land meets with these requirements, write me at once. A. G. BENDER. BITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. IMPROVED' farms, with or without equipment If priced right we are pleased to mA show them. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg.. Portland. Or. - TIMBER NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT Tlil- utn, t,r.x crvA u lA- U OFFICE Washington. D. C. August 4. 1919. Notice is hereby eiven that subject to hm conditions and limitations of the Acs of Inn. s 1916, (30 Stat, 218), and the instructions of the Secretary of the Interior of September 15, 1917. the timber on the following lands will be sold September 18, 1919, 10 o'clock a. m., at pumic auction at ine unuea estates land office at Portland, Oregon, to the highest bidder st not less than the appraised value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one-fifth of one per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must oe deposited at time oi sale, money to be re turned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent win issue lor me nmoer wmco must be remov ed within ten years. Bids will be received f mm citizens of the United States, association of such citizen and corporation organized under the lawa of the United States or any state, ter ritory, or district thereof only. - Upon appl' na tion of a qualified purchaser, the timber cn any legal subdivision will be offered separately before peing inciuaea in any oner ox -a larger nntt T. 6 S.. R. 4 W.. Sec. 27. Lot 1, red fir 135 Al., not to he sold tor less than gl.no per M. T. 1 8.. R. 6 E., 8ec. 21, N. E. A. a W, la. yellow nr ibuu Al., N. W. H , S. W. 14 yellow fir 2200 M., S. W. S. W. H. yel low fir 600 M.. N. E. S. E. U. yellow fii 600 M-. N. V. M a. E. H. yellow fir 1000 al., not to be sold tor less than 31.50 per M. 1.18,8.5 E., See. 19, 8. E. N. W. fir 1900 M.. cedar 50 M.. N. E. A H. W. w fir 1863 M . cedar 30 M., hemlock 75 M, N W. S. W. . fir 835 M . cadir III U hemlock 140 M, none of the fir to be sold for less than $1.25 per M , and none of the cedar or hemlock to be sold for less than 50 cent per (Signed) Clay Tall man. Commissioner Gen. erai Liana Office. SAW'MlLL - proposition for sale, on r,ilrn.H M. capacity and in operation, unlimited sup- yu ui uiawr avaiiaoie, 10 muuon under con tract .on same section as mill, near Portland Address 122 E. 10th at. North: Tel. East 5538! .15,000 ft capacity sawmill with timber. A. X iih. Moiaiia, or. FOB SALE OR EXCHANGE, REAL ESTATE 85 45 ACRES choice land close to Cnnnell station Washington county, Oregon, on good road, will make fine ranch. Cash value $5300. encum brance $1800: will trade for other property, or guv terms, oy owner, siv rf. union ave, FOR SALE or trade, 1 V acres, running water. ' new house, garage. outbuild ines. hard mnr. face, 5 minutes to car. second lmnu v. rn. jumnoD. roster roaa. Hmitb. EXCHANGE -REAL ESTATE 84 FARM wanted, income city property 'to exchange. vuuo vjv. i c , o uum tcj mens oidg. WANTED REAL K STATE $1 AN OUT AND OUT CHALLENGE We challenge any brokerage office In the C. S. to show a record of house sales equal to the following: 571 houses sold since january 1. 1918 104 sold one Month 82 homes sold in jcly tl the first 20 days of august BY FRANK L McG LIRE'S Salesfojce of 10 Experienced Real Estate Salesmen Undisputed Record For the U. S, - Naturally, we need new listing more homes to sen. We have been established -since 1880. , We advertise extensively, are in touch with the majority of buyers, have, a very efficient selling organisation. THE McGUIRE SYSTEM gets results. Every house listed is personally inspected, photo grapbe and the photograph of your house is placed on display in our showroom in its respective district If you have a home for sale, - LIST . IT WITH US We will get quick and satisfactory re- L. McQUIRE TO SELL YOUR TfflV F! Successor to H. D. McGutre Co.. Established in 1880 Abington bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. WANTED To purchase . from owner a bun galow of 5 rooms on the Eaat Side near canine witn ail modern conveniences. Fire place ana furnace, on paved street no liens. mortgages or assessments. Will oav a liberal first payment State terms and price and loca tion. Address k-oob. journal. i ACREAGE WANTED With some improvements and bntldinsa. . TV aeai tn this exclusively ; pave four autos to chow it with, and can sell it for you, John Ferguson. (ierunger Pidg. - SPOT cash and quick deal for real bargain in ' 4. 5. or 6-room bungalow: strictly modern and paved street essential. Rose City, Laurel hurst or Hawthorne. Call Tabor 3058. No agents. WANTED Bungalos, bouses. If you have a - Place to sell I can sell it Phone me and I will call on you, as we have clients waiting. W. A. WRIGHT, 417 Abington Bldg. Sellwood 1353. Main 6988. WANT a 4 to 6 room bungalow or house in ft C P. district Phone me today and I will calL R. F. Feemster, Marshall 4138. WANT a 4 or 5 room bungalow in Hawthome- Kichmond district Quick results guaranteed. R. F. Feemster. Marshall 4138. BOOMING HOUSES, APARTMENTS AND HOTELS FOB BALE S3 ! .. ATTENTIOJfl OWNERS - ROOMING AND APARTMENT HOUSES - f - -' . . T.ist with tm today: we have buyers for roar house. Call Main 6127. SCOTT-BO WDEN CO. " 481 Chamber of Commerce. t0 ROOMS, 2 kitchenettes, good furniture, good condition, choice location, net income i AS. No agents. 195 11th st 1 6-ROOM rooming house for sale. A. Schortgen, Call Broadway 1278.. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES f T GARAGE FOR SALE ,.- , 1 " hare .- one of . the finest and best-navine cloee in garage on the east side, right in one or - our best residence districts; also a number of large apartment houses near by. .. I . have owned and run this place -as a gaarge and new and used car sales agency for over 7 years and can show you it is one of ther beat paying comers on the east aide. .The building i a 95 rby .100 two-story of , first case ceiBuucaoa, ov : loot ' pans. and post making ft - ideal for ;, garage purposes. It is fully eaumped with special wirinr foe dm. electric sign, gasoline pans ' and air system. Price $30,000, $16,000 cash win handle. This is about $7500 wider what it - would cost yon so uupuesie n. tvouia not consider any trade. rw saw 1-7 vwr. .-ooit, journaL ; vuix;anizing shop For sale. Fully eouiuoerf. Leaving Portland. Z-669, Journal. , i I MUST sell my busy corner grocery store. . If yon want a' snap call Tabor 6081. D7 YOU need a place to repair or paint automo- vuo, csu Xanax euoi. 7, BtrsnrEss oPFORTtrwiTrEs WE BUY STOCKS LARGE OR SMALL ' SPOT CASE - "FURNITURE . .. : 1?;. and Qeneral ' " Merchandise 'f FELD8TETN FURNITtTME Ca -174 FIRST STREET. , MAIN 4683. FOR SALE At Oak Grove. 2 acres, partly - cleared; About 65 cords of standing timber; 0 minutes from Oregon City electric depot; fine neaen at tooc of tun, rrtone Tabor 7914. ; GROCERY for sale at872 E. Couch ; doing ora omineas. mil sell buiiaing. FOR KALE Barber shop. 3 chairs, a bargain, $350. - 407 E. Morrison. IF you are looking for business location call Simms. 431 Chamber Com. Main 6127. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED c 8 OREGON BALES CO. fflU, SELL YOUR 8TOCK OF MERCHAN DISE AND GUARANTEE YOU 100 CENTS ON DOT.-T.A K. WHY SEI.I, FOR LESS WHEN YOU CAN RE ALIZE FULL VALUE FOB YOUR STOCK ? MR. OREGON BI S1NESH MAN, IF YOU WISH TO SELL OUT YOUR STOCK OF GROCERIES. SHOES. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. FURNITURE. HARDWARE. CON SULT THE OREGON SALES CO. AND GET 100 CENTS ON DOLLAR FOR YOUR STOCK. ADDRESS 4 75 BROADWAY. PORTLAND. OR. HAVE $3500 cash, 40 acres good land; want gen. mdse.. grocery or variety store, small town. E-69. Journal. MONEY TO LOAN KEAL ESTATE SI OUR installment plan is the best and surest method of paying loan. $32.26 per month for 36 months; or $21.34 for 60 months; or $15.17 for 96 mtonths. nan ttfino lmn mt interest. Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property. Or for building parposes. No commission charged. . ' ' EQUITABLE SAVINGS LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark st. Portland. Or. BUILDING loans on city or suburban property, money advanced as work nroeresaea. W. f ; Beck. 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 3407. MONEY to loan in amounts of $100 to $5000. on city property. A. H. BELL, rooms 10-11. Molkey bldg. $300. $400. $300. $750. $1000 and up at lowest rates; quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 782 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6443. $10,000 TO loan on farms. No . red tape, no delay, no publicity. Willamette Valley Mort- gage Loan Company. Aurora, Or. .- CASH paid for morteages and sellers' contracts on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble, 816 Lumbermens bldg. $300. $400, $500. $600. $7 SO and up. low est rates, qnick action. Gordftn Mortgage Co.. 6$1 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1370. MONEY for mortgage loans. $500- to $8000. 6 and 7. Fred S. Williams, 92 hi 1st st SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 7 per cent Louis Salomon Co.. 408 Selling bldg. - $30Q TO $3000, no commission. Main 1166. F. H. Deshon, 615 Chamber of Commerce. MOKET TO LO AW CHATTELS, SALARIES 7 PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS N. Phone Broadway 910. 894 Stark Street near 10th. Loans on diamonds, watches. Victrolas, pianos, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musical instruments and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF PORT LAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER . City and county warrants cashed for face value. CARRIE MYERS-HERMAN. Manager. DO YOU NEED. MONEY Loans made on automobiles, diamonds, pianos, household goods or anything of value. , Security usually left in your possession, . ALSO to SAI AR1ED PEOPLE on their note without security. If. your payments to other loan companies or on furniture or automobile contracts are larger than you can make, we will pay them up, advance you more money if necessary, and yon can renav rt in email monthly payments to suit your conven ience. LEGAL RATES NO DELAY BU8INESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY (Licensed) 306-807 Dekum Bldg. Marshall 3286. Salary- LOANS WE LOAN MONEY Chattel On short notice to salaried or workincmeh on their own notes. Weekly.' semi-weekly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential IHO UOBTUAUK. NO I DORSEB. ABSOLUTE!! W) SECURITY We also loan on household furniture, pianos. ecs., witnouc removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE , COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY (LICENSED) 218 Failing bldg. MONEY to loan on diamonds jewelry, legal rates: all article held a year: established since 1 888. Dan Marx, 283 Washington st LOANS WANTED 80 FIRST MORTGAGES for sale. $500 up. F. ri. uesnon. i Chamber of Commerce bldg. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO.. 23: namoer or commerce, 4tn and ttarx.. FIWANCIAT, CI LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS If you must sell your Liberty or Victory bonds. ell to us. If you can buy mora Liberty or Victory bonds. buy from m. We buy and sell Liberty and Victory bond at we mareer. - YOU CANNOT DO BETTER YOU MAY DO WORSE We are today paring the following price for United States Government Liberty and Victory bonds, which are the closing New York market prices, plus the accrued interest. . x. juarget interest Total $100.55 94.84 93.93 95.01 94.19 96.63 94.74 100.62 3Hs .$ 99.90 $ .85 1st 4s 94.10 .74 2d 4 ...... , 92.84 1.08 1st 4 94.22 .79 2d 4H-.... 93.04 1.15 3d 4Hl .. 94.80 1.85 4th 4 Us ..... 93.24 1.50 Victory 3.. 99.66 .96 Victory 44.. 99.60 1.21 10O.81 In Durchasing Liberty and Victory bonds we deduct from the above prices 37c on a $50 bond and $2.60 on a $1000 bond. In selling Liberty and Victory bonds we ehargw the New Y eta. mar ket price pin the accrued interest ' ASK ABOUT THE MORRIS BROTHERS PLAN Burglar and Fireproof Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent MORRIS BROTHERS. INC. The Premier Municipal Bond House Morris building. 309-811 Stark st bet 6th-6th. Broadway 2151. Established Over 25 Years. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS CASH PAID FOB ANY ISSUE OF BONDS. FULL. MARKET PRICE. . . LOAN ON WAR SAVINGS STAMPS TOIJ CAN' fiOR ROW CA8H OP - II A llV BONDS AND SAVINGS STAMPS. OR TO FINISH PAYING FOB VICTORY" BONDS. BEE K. BLKK1TT. PRESIDENT. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO., -212 SELLING BLDG. 2D FLOOR). CORNER TH AND ALDER 8TB. - DON'T sacrifice your Liberty bonds. We will give yon full face value and accrued interest to date for your Liberty bonds any Issue Will pay half ia cash and half in merchandise; the latter may be taken now or later. No dis- eonat. no brokerage. no waiting. This means loo cents on me oouar ana accrued interest to date. See the bond man between 1 2 :30 and :30 and 5 to 6- p. m. Kiiers Musis bldg.. second floor, entrance 287 Washington st, be- weeri otn ana eui. I WILL BUY ANY LIBERTY BOND ' " 99:PER;CENT ' OF. FULL CASH VALUE A11 due coupon Interest included.) J. H. KEATING. 61T BOARD OP TRADE . T"1 ' BONDS BOUGHT T" , SPOT . CASH SPOT CASH MARKET PRICE CASH for RECEIPTS. We will LOAN Ton money on BONDS. - W. 8. 8.. or to make PAY MENTS on BONDS. '7 per cent ; 725 Gasco Bldg.. Fifth and Alder. CSLLARS-MURTON CO. STOCKS ATTP BONDS it OR SALE 100 shares in the Johnson . Auto Sienal Co.. 8150. Phone 7-Y. Visei. Wash. -, ,. IS ONE SPAN of horses, about 2700 lbs.) good worker and gentle; 1 buggy hone and bar oes. Price $50; all ia good conditio: wagon ana narnes can Be teen at woooyard Blames, E. 9th and Hawthorne. Phone East 6106. ' FOR SALE Horse, weight 1050 or 1100 lbs. suitable for rural mail or milk route, Ask to see "Buster" at the Crown Stables, between Jf- ferson and Columbia on 1st st ' FOR SALE: One team well matched, weigh 2500 lbs. ; one team horses weighing 2800 lbs. Replacing with autos. 226 Russell st HORSE and wagon. $1.50 per day; 3 horses and wagon, $3. J. Cohen. 848 Front Main 2208. WANTED A good home for a kind, reliable team. Phone Selhrood 1798. 5, f - - - WANTED Good second hand wagorci State full particulars. Ja. Gray, Hood- Hirer, Rt 4. DEAD homes and animals hauled away free. Call ' Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. LITBBTOCK FOR SALE 2 good cows, 60 White Leg horn hens and 40 White, Leghorn pullets. $1.25 each. Phone Milwaukie 36 R. 835 Harrison st ' ' ' NOTICEIS head choice registered LINCOLN ewes and one, ram for sale; very reasonable price. Call owner, Mrs. Fetterhoff, Broad way 8248. . i 1 HOI-8TEIN and 1 Jersey caw, both fresh; brown Jersey-Holsteln due fresh September 1. 2048 Hodde st. take St Johns car to Ports mouth, i- IV you want any fresh dairy cowa or any breed, at any time, see Mr. : Brace, at the Stockyards, North Portland. Or. ' - GOOD young family cow. reasonable. 60th ave. S. E. Phone Tabor 8400. 6630 MII.'H goat for sale, very reasonable. 88th st. S. E., Mt Scott ear. f 6180 BROOD sow for sale. Main 7889. MILK goats with young kids. 302 Front at WANTED Beef, veal and bogs. Tsbor 2720! POULTRY AM) BABBITS 17 1X)R SALE: Two Rufus Red Bucks, good stock, ready for service. ' ' ' ' WANTED 150 W. L. pullets. April or May 1 hatch. State price panted, .The'Daisy Rabbltry R. F. D. No; 2, Box 151. Ilea verton. Oregon. D. Bertroche. 8. Kcovelt SO FINE It I. Red pullets for sale; also 10 ex tra fine It I. Red Yens and 1 rooster 17 months old. Some very nice Reds and B. p. Rocks, mixed pullets and roosters; all at bargain if taken at one. 6825 Powell Valley road. Portland. ' PULLETS We offer you Barred. Rock. Whit Wyandottes, Black Orpington and Rhode Is land Red pulleU $1.25 to $2.50 according" to ace and strain. Northwest Poultry Corp. 82nd st. 73rd, to 74th ave. H. E. RHODE ISLAND RED chickens. 12 bens and 6 pullets. 6630 59th ave. 8. E, - Phone Tabor 8400. 100 YEARLING W. L. and H, L Red laying hens. Mnntavilla car to Stark, walk 8 blocks west to 1918. ' FINE Buff leghorn cockerel. White Leghorn rooster, 10 'Rhode bland Reds and oilier ehlck- ens. ducks and rabbits. Sellwood 2978. WE WILL Pay you highest cash price for April-May hatched pullet, any breed. North- "we Poultry Corp.. Lent.' Ore. ' . 100 WHITE LEGHORN bens for sale, .1V4 years old, D. Wi Young strain. 1847 Hood t Phone Marshall 2585. CLEAN cracked wheat. $8.75: scratch, $4; cackling msMi, etc.- Woodlawn 4344. TWO 600 egg Buckeye incubators, $45 each. . 1634 E. 12th N. Woodlawn 1485. OLD and young rabbits for sale cheap: Dutch, New Zealand and Belgian. 420 Jessnp st F0R"SALITho"ig1ibfeanSr"L cockerel $3. 723 E. 29th N. C-1314. WANTED OOO White leghorn pullets. TeL Woodlawn 8878. Adress rn4B Miss. eve. BOOS, BIRD S, PETS, ETCV CHOICE canaries at "The Canary Bird Shop." Singers guaranteed. 1161 E. 28th N. C-2217. AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 GARAQES vfiKirj u.,i A liven uu )..iM.v.'ia, - Beady Cut House MILI.MADK CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 1601 Union ave. N. Woodlawn 2418 1017 HUPP., in perfect shape; special paint Job good tires; best Hupp In town. AUTO SALES CO. Ninth and Couch. 15,000 carried in stock. Our1 spring old with a written guarantee. We give you service. 34 N. 15th st 1917 AUBURN SIXi new paint Job, good tire . in fact look like new. . . AUTO SALES. CO. Ninth and Couch. . . , , 1918 FORD touring. . perfect condition, shock absorbers. Yale lock, speedometer, new tires: $500: small payments, balance easy. Alder and 14th ts. Ask for Kinensrt, $1350, CASH or. terms, buys 1918 Hudson speedster, Al condition, cord tires; no trades. Call Tabor 630. SAXO.V SIX, 1918, used privately; good tires; in fine condition ; will consider Ford touring in trade: - 80 , Grand ave. N. near Burn side. IMMEDIATE delivery of my 1920 Hudson speedster, brand new ; am leaving ' city ; cord tires all around, run boo miles, t, o I , journal. VIM H-ton truck, mechanically fine and tire excellent; specially priced $450.. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. FORD runabout. 1917, in fine condition; good tires; a bargain at 4Zo, with terms. BO Grand ave. North near Burnside. i BEST offer take my '19 Chevrolet.. $50 extras, used only by owner. Call after 6 p. m. Take Rose City car. 560 E. 58th st W. CIIKVROLET tourimr. 1917. in good condition good tires; a bargain at $473, with terms. $0 Grand ave. . ftorui near numsiqe. SACRIFICE my 1919 Buick light 6 for $1475 cash. Write Box O. Alii wauaie, or., lor ap- poi wtment Most go. " ' FOR SALE Light Winton Six touring, model 2 1 -A : new top and rubber, first das mechan ically. Phone East 5749. 4 CORD tires. 34x4 hi. trade for 84x4, or sell cheap. A bargain to some one.. Hi! urana ave. N. LOOK $195. selling for storage, 4 cylinder ' bug in, A 1 eonainon, wuu gooa ures.-- zsi First st bet Col. and Jeff. - - 1918 STUDEBAKER, new paint first class con dition. - , , . 404 DAVIS ST. near JOtb. WE do honest auto repairing, all makes of cars: work guaranteed and price reasonable. Call at 34 5 Williams ave. MAXWELL touring, 1917, in fine condition; good tire all around, will sell at $630. with terms. 30 Grand Ave. . North, near Burnside. WHAT klnTTf'a-Dodge do you want! ...... WE HAVE IT -'..'.. 404 DAVIS ST. near 10th. BARGAIN in 1918 Hudson speedster, run 8000 miles, good urea. At condition. a, . 66. JournsL ' ''".' . ' '' . ' " ' BRING us your car today and get your money tomorrow. ,rar name is npeea. . - 404 DAVIS ST. near 10th. OLDSMOBILlf 8,. i919."run very little, at a harsain. -Take liberty bonds at face or tin terras. Will-take Ford as part Woodlawn 1427. 1918 MAXVELL, $575." Call Broadway 2296. 1918 CHEVROLET, new tirea, spotlight $650. 1917 Ford, lots of extra; best buy io town; $460. 474 E. Ash st. 1919 FORD touring car, brand new, equipped $650. A uto Sales Co.. 9th and Concfi sts. SPACE for rent for vulcanizing shop. Armature Electric Works.' 17th and Alder sts. OVERLAND 83 model touring; engine and tire best condition, g4 7 a ; terms. Kaet 8781. IF TOU WANT A CAR FOB $200, we have It t '404 u.rvis ST.. near loth. ----- J918 LIBERTY SIX Special paint Job. S good tires; mechanically perfect. Fast 2766. r&13 CAD1LIAC. A-l condition. , . 404 DAVIS ST. near 10th. 1916 STUDEBAKER tn good condition, two new eoid tires. Phone Woodlawn 3464. 1913 WINTdNTLIOHTSIX,l500.T" 404 DAVIS ST. near 10th. Ii8' StiPEB 6 Hadsoo, ' cord "tires. ' fii Alder. - Broadway 242. LATE MODEL DODGE 404 DAVIS ST.. near 10th. GASOLINE 22 CENTS A GALLON, OII-S AND GREASE. PIONEER PAINT CO., 186 1ST. DODGE HEArKJUARTKRS 404 DAYIS ST. near 10th. WILL sacrifice Overland 6 pass; fine condition, 6426; easy terms. Phone Woodlawn 4036. HUPMOBILK bug. a bargain. 404 DAVIS ST. near 10th: 1919 CHEVROLET; like new, $7o0. Call Main ... 4O07 or Tabor 6778. ... HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC si Hi AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES l USED CAR ' BUYERS LET'S HAVE A LITTLE HEART TO HEART TALK. HAVE YOU EVER ASKED YOUB , SELF THESE QUESTION 9 r . WHERE CAN I GO AND BUY A U8ED CAR THAT I CAN DEPEND ONE THAT WILL BE A SOURCE OF PLEASURE INSTEAD Ok' A BUNCH Ok" REGRETS? . ONE THAT CAN BE 80LD ON ITS MERITS AND NOT ON MIS REPRESENTATION 8 1 WHO Is THE UKED CAR DEAL ER THAT INSTRUCTS HIM SALES MEN TO STICK STRICTLY TO THE TRUTH WHEN SELLING A CA H 1 WE KNOW, AND SO 1 H".V ERAL THOUSAND SATlSk'IED OWNERS TO WHOM WK HAVE JLD CARS IN THE PAST YEA It , COME IN AND LET I'S RfciLU YOU TO SOME OK THEM. WHEN YOU BUY A PAIR OF SHOES OR A HAT. OR AN Y ARTI CLE OP WEARING APPAREL. SOU ALWAYS GO TO HOME RELIABLE MERCHANT WHO HAS A LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM, NOW ISN'T IT MORE IMPORTANT THAT TOU USE THE SAME GOOD JUDG MENT WHEN BUYING AN ARTICLE THAT REPRESENTS AS MUCH : Mo.NET AS A UOOD USED CAR 1 THINK ALL THESE THINGS OVER, THEN COME IN AND WE WILL SHOW YOU THE LARGEST , AND REST STOCK Ok USED CARS IN THE CITY, AND REMEMREl'. THIS ONE THING: "WE WILL TELL YOU THE PLAIN. UNVAR NISHED TRUTH ABOUT ANY CAR. IN THIS STOCK. SEE W THERE IS-ANY CAR IN -THIS LIST YOU LIKE, AND, BEAU IN MIND THESE ARE ONLY .V FEW OF THE MANX WE HAVE, 1918 Buick 6. 5-passenger. 1918 Jordan, 6 passenger. 1919 Cole Aero 8, 4 passenger. 1.019 Studebaker 6. 7 passenger. 1917 Buick 8, 6 passenger. 1017 VrJle 6, 6 passenger. 1917 Seioa 6, 6 passenger. 1917 Hudson super 6, 7 passenger. 1918 Studebaker 6. 7 passenger, 1918 Sluts. 6 passenger. 1917 Maxwell, 5 passenger. 1917 lord, 0 passenger. 1.917 Dodge, 6 passenger. 1918 Hsynea, 4 passenger. . 1917 llaynes. 6 passenger. 1917 Oakland 6. 6 :isenir. 1916 Oakland 6, 6 passenger. 1916 Stearns 8. 7 pesseagsr. 1918 Reo U Special Job. 1916 Hudson Super 0, 7-psss. 1918 Overland. 5 -pass. 1018 Maxwell. 6-pasa, 1916 Maxwell. 5 pass. 1916 Ford, 6-pass. 1916 Overland roadster. -1916 Maxwell roadster. Chandler Dispatch, 4 -pas. YOUR CREDIT. IS GOOD. Liberty Bonds taken at face value. OPEN EVENINGS .AND SUNDAYS. LEWIS E. OB YE MOTORS CO, Broadway and Couch. SELECT ONE OF THESE GOOD USED .. CARS. -1918 Liberty Six. 1916 Cedilla Eight 1914 Studebaker Six. Bun Six. 1917 Overland Four. Any of. the above ears can be hmigut fof a small payment down, balance monthly., THE C. U.S. CO. Distributors Moon and Dixie l'lyet. 3 North 23d st Marshall 1428. -;'-Lambert Tire Cheap W have a few Lambert Trublepruf Tires the kind that does not puncture ot blow out -lery slightly defective in sppesrance. yet as dt-rsble as any, which we call "factory ec rnds." We are selling these at a considerable reduction from regular prices. Here is in opportunity to test these fine tires al ' mli ecst ... LAMBERT TIRE A RUBBER CO., i tst 2718. 123 Grand ava N. 1 Franklin Bug. . 1 Maxwell . . . . , 1 Cadillac ..... 2 Buicke ...... 3 Studebaker ... 1 Ford 1 Overland 2 Light truck . ..,.$.'.00 , ... 7 60 , ... 60l 40H . , 275 . 8.MI sno $300-$iMt Other from . .$U to $1000 LONG A SILVA. E. Rth and Hawthorne. 1918 SUPER SIX. HUDSON - With six cord tire. Cary. 622 Alder t Bdwy. 2192. MODEL 00 Overland; in perfect shape, , $200 down and balance easy, , ..... AUTO SALES CO. -Ninth and Couch. ", NEW TIRES " ' - ' . - .- ; 'What' brand of new tire do you prefer? We have them, all makes and sises; also we make the famous O-V-C Double tread (sewed) tire and do all manner of tire renalrinor. Oreenn Vulcanizing Co., 833-335 Burnside, near Broad way. ... 1917 OAKLAND roadster, in the very bssT'or shape and all good tires: this rsr has had excellent rare, $8SO, $260 down. bal. easy. .A-A ALTO WOKK8 PAINTING CO, 625 Alder St 1917 MAXWELL, good tires, new battery and in. fine mechanical condition. Must be sold. as I need the money,. I'houe East 6681, BRING IN your used car; w bare a buyer for It a i io BAi.r.a to,, Ninth and Couch, .All" 1 III .VI iS ruliilTuri i AUTO TRIMMING A KING CO. . Lns.7 if , ' .All kinds t tops and uphol stering. 9th and Couch. ur stairs. Brosdwsy 2017. SAXON 6. late model. In A-l condition; must sell at once. nee tin before yon buy or you will be sorry. Easy terms. Bee Tom. Ore gon Auto Top Co., li th .and Couch. Broad way 4408. . T$ fl-CHEVROLET, good tires, engine in fine ahape. This is a good looking car, $675. For sale or trade. Terms. See Trim, Oregon Auto Top Co., 1 4th and Coucli. Bdwy. 4408. STL'DEBAKEtt 4. 1918, newly painted; good tires: some extras: will, sacrifice at nr) with terms: consider trade on Ford . touring. bs lance terms. 80 Grand ave. N. nesr Burnside. 917 CHKVTtOLET" touring, a classy little cr in splendid condition: $500 1 terms, Chevro let agency. Alder and 1 4th sts. 917 MAXWELL touring overbsuled and re painted. A-l condition; 5 SO: terms. Alder and 14 th st. Ask for Rinehart LATE 1917 Dodge touring car. A-l emditioa. some extra: 6 good tires; snap. Tabor 231. 228 E. 47th at . DUBUUILLL , TOP COMPANY 9th at Oak. Bmsdwsy 166 4 . AUTO TO FORD roadster, 1917, fine condition, good Ure. most sell; a bargain et itwi witn terms, so Grand ave. North near Burnside. 918 CHEVROLET touring car. Must s " soon: $830. Fielb Motor Csr Co.. 14th and Alder. DODGE toaring, late 1917. driven only by owner 9300 miles; immediate caab delivery. Owner, 08 Madissn. CHEVB)LET7"T916. overhauled, with gl tires: a good buy at $500, with terms.' 30 Grand ave. North near Burnside. "HSoTHiii HEXDQUARf KfifT 404 DAVIS ST. near 10th. H CHEVROLET $600. Hengee garage. lvs b. Tin St.. vaneouver, wash. 1917 SAXON 6, good condition; a bargain. - sot ia ii Bi. near loth. $150 MAXWELL car, in good running order. 2i rront n. FRANKLIN TOURING, in good shape, good UreZ sw I'S'Di m, nesr loth. 150 DOWN, balance easy terms, wiil hamhe 1914 Studebaker. Marsliall 1428, FIVE pasaenger Mirliigsn, new paint Job. 40S TilVln Si'P tn,u I r- CaUaaed vm Aoiiowlne; t