The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 22, 1919, Page 15, Image 15

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    Tiil G..-.w J DAILV jUUKn.iL, a Q i.L L,AIiD,
Initial Direct Sailing to London
Marks Mllepost in Develop
ment of Local Port
Twenty Steel Ships Willi Be
Eventually Assigned to Port
land-European Trade.
With the sailing: this, afternoon of
the steamer Eelbeck, the first of the
6 fleet of the Williams, Dimond & Co.
: line direct for London and Liverpool
with a eargo of general freight, and
the announcement that the Shipping
. board had assigned another steel ves
el for late September loading at this
port, Portland's position as a mari
time port Is materially strengthened.
When the Eelbeck leaves the local
harbor she will have on board more ac
tual cargo taken on at this port than
Mas obtained in Seattle, where the
steamer was built, and where the Initial
loading took place. The Portland cargo
consists of canned goods, packing house
'" products, lumber and hops valued at
, thousands of dollars. The money de-
1 rived fro m these products Is new money
which is distributed among the various
concerns interested.
' The sailing orders of the Eelbeck re
quire that she call at San Francisco to
complete her cargo beore starting on
the long-voyage.
Assignment of the steamer Oranl.,9650
. tons deadweight, which w announced
today by Major Cartwright.- assistant
manager of the Columbia-Pacific Ship
v ping company, local agents for the
K operators, is of the same tonnage as the
Eelbeck, and like the .latter, is a product
or Puget Sound shipbulldera
- "Plans for the development of the
Portland-European trade as promoted
by. the Williams, Dimond & Co.,call
.eventually for vthe operation of 20 steel
ships," said Major Cartwrlght. "This
would give bi-monthly sailings out of
Portland, the benefits to local shippers
thereby being apparent. Portland has
never before had such an opportunity of
extending her maritime business to
-Europe" so far as general cargoes are
concerned and shippers should take full
advantage of the chance presented."
, In loading in Portland the El beck has
been afforded the advantage of municl
: pal dock No. 1, where quick dispatch has
- been given the vessel, a fact recognized
- by shippers as being of prime import
ance in toe movement of cargoes.
Completing her round trip from Porfc-
land to the Orient on her maiden voyage,
: the new steel steamer West Munhan. i
Operated for the ehlpping board, by the
'Pacific Steamship company, . is due to
v-r arrive here' early in September. . .
The steamer will first call at Seattle
to discharge a quantity of vegetable oils
before proceeding -'to Portland, says
. yrank O'Connor, general agent of the
chipping firm of this city. Need of
suitable storage facilities for Imported
v oils in Portland was seen several -months
ago by the members of the public dock
: commission, and contracts were let for
'the construction of six big steel tanks
at the municipal pier at St. Johns. Work
' of . fabricating these, tanks has been
completed and the dock commission is
now putting in the foundation so that
the contractors can proceed with the in
stallation of the tanks. With these
n, , rmwimt tin Steawiahfa Companlea. and
can aecura arailable apace on any atnaiar of aay-j
Una, laaulcc rom onr otnce torn
Pitmni eontanuslatins tzarel at hem
abroad, or brinainc their friends or relatirea orer
fron ba old country, ahould take adrantas of
aapeoenced iniormatlon free ol cnarge.
, DORSET B. SMITH, Msnaoae
The JauMut Bioa. ,- Tataphene
Fortland, Oresen. Marahall 19TS.
BEFABTS it irooir .
Saturday. Aug. 23
Frem Ausworth Beek
Fare IaeisdeVBertij a Heals ,
City Ticket Office, Id aad Wash. '
Fseae Hain SU$
Frelgk Offlee, Alaswertk Soak
JPkeae Broadway, tti
Saa Fraacliee A ForUaad 8. 8. Lines
The Danes end Way Points
Sailings Tuesdays, Taarsrlays end
Saturdays, 7 A. M.
Taylor St. Dock. Main 806S
Via TahhM and Raretsnga. Stall end Peaaangee
S are lea Srem San rrenalsce Every ZS 'Daft
umogi as. oo. op new zkalano
ISO OaUfernla at. Sea Franeiaoe ;
Op eiSt atasfttgillg .sad Itellnsd AsascJaa,'
By Fay King
(Former Portland Girt)
Speaking of shell-shock, how.
about snapshots?
dTrilnk of the love that . has
been killed by camera crime!
The sharpshooter has nothing
on the snapshooter when It
comes to sniping a victim.
If one could only persuade
your best girl to realize that
snapshots are like snap judg
ment -not to be taken seriously.
An arm around a blonde's
neck In a two by five beach film
should mean ; nothing in your
girl's life; and the skinny guy in
the straw hat who insisted upon
tanks ready, Portland, it is pointed out,
will be able to- get its share of this
import business.
Further Repairs Will De Made by
Shipbuilding Corporation.
Arrived from Seattle where she has
just undergone repairs, the steel ship
West Harlan has been ordered to the
plant of the Columbia River Shipbuild
ing Corporation, where additional work
will be done on the vessel. The steamer
was built by the local plant and as
signed to the Pacific Steamship com-d
pany for operation as a wheat carrier
for the grain corporation of the food
administration. After local repairs are
made the ship will begin loading flour.
The damage to the steamer was the
result of the' steamer's striking a rock,
when on failure of the steering gear
to work; the craft sheered . out of the
'. Leading of a Portland-built steel ship
with a cargo of lumber from the local
mills was commenced today for the first
time in the history of the port. The
lumber is being put on board the new
8800-ton steamer West Harts and the
cargo Is being supplied by Dant & Rus
sell from the' Inman-Poulsen mill. The
lumber will be delivered in China.
-Units of the Pacific Steamship com
pany which previously sailed from Port
land for the Orienvwith general cargoes,
have carried part cargoes of lumber,
but the West Harts is the first locally
built steel, steamer to be assigned to
take out a full cargo of lumber.
An additional honor to Portland is the
fact that the West Harts Is being oper
ated for the shipping board by the "Co
lumbia River Shipping company, a
strictly local concern.
Under auspices of the Kiwanis club of
Portland, a "seagoing breakfast" will
be served on board the U. S. training
ship Iris Sunday morning at $ o'clock.
The vessel, which will reach Portland
from Seattle Saturday, will be berthed
at municipal dock No. 2, at the foot Of
East Washington street.
The Kiwanis club has been Instrumen
tal in bringing the Iris to Portland, the
special purpose of which is to instill in
terest in the campaign for recruits for
the American merchant marine. While
In port the Iris will be the center for
stunts designed to boost the recruiting
work la this district. Some 80 Port
land boys are among the contingent now
on board the training ship.
Steamer, Heffron Floated
San Francisco. Aug. 22. (L N. S.)
The , United States steamer Heffron,
which was reported to have gone ashore
while on her way from "Vladivostok to
Trieste with some 1200 troops aboard.
Khas been refloated, according to advices
received yesterday.
News of the Port
Arrivals August ZZ
Capinea American steamer, from Astoria, bat
VTeat Harlan, American steamer, from Paget
Departures Aut 22
Eelbeck. American ateamer, for Liverpool and
liondon. general, t '
Daisy Putnam, ' American' ateamer, for . San
Padre, lumber. ' . ''"
Date Matthews. American ateamer, from ou
Helena, for 8a Padre, lumber.
Waathar at Hrrar'a goUl .
Keith Head. Aug. 22. CraUiUons at the
month of the rirer at noont Sea smooth, wind
northwest IS mitea, weather clear, humidity pi
8 a. m., Pacific "Summer Time "
' - I --: .35 a
station. is s rt
aiAlA.lf HlVKH BEAD1NG8 .....
Fmatula-....... ... 23 6.4 M.1 0.00
Albany r.. ........ 2A 0.7 . - O.OO
Salem 20 -1.6 , O O.OO
Orecua City 12 4.S , O O.OO
Portland ...j 18 6.1 ' O O.OO
(-) VaUing. j . - :.
The Willamette rtrer at Portland wffl Temaa
early stationary during the next two or three
days except as affected by the ude, .
Artaria, Aug. 1 22.-Sailed. at 6 last night,
teamer Santiara. for San Pedro. Sailed, at
:20 last night, ateamer Cabura, from Grays
Harbor, fr.r Atlantie coast and trial trip. Ar
med, at midincht. ateamer Wet Harlaa and left
up at 1:30 a. nu. from 'Paget Sound, i Sailed, J
holding your ankle to be funny
should never cause, your sweety
to lose any sleep?
Why waste plates on group
comedy when you can take the
New Tork skyline ? : . ,
Some guys that are too care
ful for post cards think nothing
of snapshots you might be able
to fool a hand-writing expert,
but you' never can kid your wife
that the bird in the brown derby
ain't you, when the clock in your
sock shows up like the timepiece
on the Grand Central Station.
The camera is a great thing,
for views providing the views
are on the film. "
Many a gal would give a lot
at 8 a. m.. ateainer Shaata, for Saw Pedro. Ift
up. it 9 L in., ateainer Capinea, for Portland.
San Franciico. Aus. 22. Arrirad. ateainer
J. A. Chanslor, from Portland. Sailed, at 4 a.
m., taamcr Daisy Freeman, for Portland. Sailed,
at 10 a. m., uteamer Klamath, from Portland, for
San Diego vis San Pedro.
Port Ban Uaia. Aug. 22. Arrlred, ateainer,
Washtenaw, from Portland.
rhinkirk. Aus. 17. Arrired, ateamer Cascade,
from Portland via Balboa, Criatobal and Newport
Balboa, Ana. 20. Arrired, ateamer Braeburn.
from Portland, for United Kingdom.
San Franciaco, Aug. 22. L N. 8.) Ar
rived. Aug. 11 Lakme. Caspar. 11:20 a. m. :
Schr. Lucy, Lifoku, 12:30 p. nu; Atlas, Seat
tle, 1:20 p. m. : Alliance, Mazatlan, 1:80 p. m. j
tug Sea King, barge Erakine M. Phelps, 2:55
m.; Phoenix, Baadon, a :ao p. nu; Broouyn,
andon, 4 p. m.: Spokane. Loe Angelea, 4;35
p. m. ; Carmel, Wills pa Harbor, 6 :la p. m.;
Dutch steamer TJileboet, Mew-Xork, 4:40 p. m. ;
Japanese ateamer Hofuko Alara, New- Xork, 6:40
P. m. .
Sailed, Aug. 21- Oleum, Port Saa Ixiia,
11:50 a. m. ; Admiral Farragut, Saa TMego,
12:25 d. m.: Admiral Dewer. Seattle. 2:25 p.
m. ; French Hotorship Ftorgyn.' Papeete,' S:10
p. m. ; Tahoe, Oraya Harbor, 4:20 p. m,: En
terprise. Hilo, 4:35 p. m. ; Unhnak, Union Land
ing, 4:40 p. m. ; Br. Str. Orator, Vancourer,
4:40 p. m. ; Caspar. Caspar, 5:20 p. m.; Wa
pama, Seattle, 6:35 p. m. ; Santa Monica, Wil
li pa Harbor, 6:30 p. m: Br. Str. Crown of
Ualicia. Liverpool, 8 :50 p. m. ; South Coast,
Creaceat City. 8:40 p. Ss.
San Franeisoo, Ang. 2?. (L N. S.) Ar
rived. Admiral Schley, from Seattle, at 2:20 a.
m. ; ateamer Broad Arrow, from Beaumont, at
4:30 a. m-: V. S. S. Sheridan, in tow of IT. S.
8. Vestal, from afanfla via, ports, at 10:20 a.
m.; ateamer Santa Monica, retained, at 9:30 a.
m. : J. A. Chanslor, from Astoria, at 10 a. m.;
steamer Bertie "M. Hankra, at 10:15 a. nu;
Klamath, from Astoria, at 10 a. m.; President,
from Lm Angeles, at 11 a. m. ;, from
Eureka, at 1 1 :30 a. m. ; British steamer Melania,
from Tampico Tie Balboa, at 11:30 a. m. Sailed,
Daity Freeman, for Portland, at 4:20 a .m. :
Standard No. 2. with barge 91 in tow, for 1
Secundo, at 9:30 a. m. ; ateamer Captain A. t
Lucas, for Vancouver, at 10:20 a. m.; Spokane,
for Lea Angeles, at 10:20 a. m. ; steamer Hrlene,
for Grays Harbor, at 10 a. m.; Homer, for Hants.
Barbara vit ports, at 8 a. m. ; Cleooe, for Pigeon
Point, at 10:55 a. m.
Seattle. Aug. 22. Arrived. 8. 8. Sbimbu from Kobe, Tokohama and Muroran, in
tow of toga Warrior and Fearless, at 13:30 a.
m. ; Cordova, from Nanaimo, at 9 a. m. Sailed.
8. 8. Fulton, for aVaconver, at IO a. m.; Jef
ferson, for Southeastern Alaska, at 9 a. m. Ar
rived, Augu:it 21, S. H. Gorer nor, twom Vancou
ver via. Tacoma, at 9 p. m.; Tomei Mara, from
Kobe and Tokohama, at 7:15 p. m. ; power
schooner Oxmo, from Tacoma. Sailed, August
21, 8. 8. Ardema, for Mew Tork, at 6 p. m. ;
Bng. Genera, for Talara, in tow of tug IAUico
No. 20, at 6:80 p. m.
Petersburg. Aug. 21 Sailed, 8. S. Admiral
Evans, northbound, at 6:30 p. m.
Honckong, Aug. 21. Arrived, S. S. Cyclopa,
from Seattle via Tokohama. and Kobe; Eldridge
from Seattle via Tokohama, Kobe, Shanghai
and Moji... Sailed, August 16. Monteagle, for
Vancouver via porta.
Honomlu. Aug. 20. Arrived, 8. 8. Meridian,
from Seattle.
Astoria, Aug. 21 Arrived. 8. 8. West Har
laa. from Seattle, at midnight. -
Bellingham. Aug. 21. Arrived, 8. g. Nor
wond, from Southeastern Alaska.
Vancouver, Aug. 2 L Sailed, 8. S. Ardmore,
for San Francisco.
Port Townsend. Aug. 21. Arrived, schooner
Alert, from Dunedin, at 2:30 p. m. Passed out:
S4. S. Hahnet, for Newport News, at 6 p. m.
Everett. Aug. 22. Arrived, 8. "8. Asumasan
Mars, from Seattle. ...
Tacema, Aug. 21. Arrived. 8. 8. Goodspeed,
from Baltimore via Aniafagasta, Balboa and San
Franciaco, at 2 p. m.; Horace X Baxter, from
Seattle; Saginaw, from Seattle. Arrived, Ang
ase 22, S. 8. Arabia Maru. from Seattle.
Wilfred K. Senior has replaced F. P.
Waite aa master of the steamer Bloom
ington. The steamer Santa Monica, Captain
Olsen left Thursday evening for Willapa
Harbor and returned to San Francisco
this morning on account of engnie
Laden with a full cargo of wheat of
the old crop the shipping board steamer
Tripp, built by the Northwest Steel Co' J
sailed from the local harbor for Italy
this afternoon, under the auspices of
the Columbia Pacific Shipping Co., local
operators. ? : v-. -'.--v
The pew wooden steamer Cabura,
assigned to the Columbia Pacific Ship
ping Co. as a tie and lumber carrier to
the Atlantic coast, left Astoria Thursday
evening on her official sea trial, trip of
24 hours.
To take on stores prior to her assign
ment for operation by f the shipping
board, the new wooden steamer Capinea
left up from Astoria for Portland. - The
vessel Is one of the Ferris type ships
of 3500 tons and is the second vessel
launched by the George F. Rodgers yard
at Astoria.' .- 1 . -
TICOMA, Aug. 22. Despite the fact
that the Tacoma lodge of Elks has
issued a challenge to the Portland lodge
No. 142 for a baseball game, as yet the
Rose City has failed ?to respond. The
local aggregation only last Sunday de
feated the Aberdeen lodge In a great ?
to 5 game and new they are out for the
EUks championship of "the Northwest.
Members of 'the order In Washington,
are enthusiastic Over the proposition and
they are desirous of seeing a circuit
formed next year. . - "':.
get back a snapshot of herself
in a certain hat, because if that
film ever shows up it will prove
that she was wearing picture
hats at the time she is supposed
to have been cutting her first
And many a judge would like
to sent ence the bird that got a
time exposure of him in a bath
ing suit!
Ah j-the. camera, like many
other evils should be uncork!
onlyamong friends, and then
bearing in mind that all present
may not be on speaking terms
six months from date; and then
your only hope lies in the possi
bility that it may be a bad shot!
topped the Portland Gun club shoot
ers In Wednesday's practice event ttb
a total Of 48 out of SO. C. B. Preston
won second honors with 47.
The scores:
Targeta-U 15 15 20 Totl.
A. A. Schwars 15 15 IS 48
C. B. Preatonf 14
A. A. Hoover ......... 14
F. H Peterson ........ 11
Ik P. Broadhead ....... 11
J. 8. Crane . 11
G. W. Wilson 11
Sergeant Blaine Is
Chatnpion Rifle Shot
Of Military Forces
1 .
Caldwell, N. J., Aug. 22. Making a
score, of 289 out of a possible 300,
Sergeant J- B. Blaine, a marine, won
the 100 yard president's match here
yesterday. By so doing the soldier to
day is heralded as the champion mill
tary rifle shot of the United States
army. (E. Phillips, United States, navy,
was second, one point behind. First
among the civilians was E. M. New
comb, who also won the Major L. A.
Eisner cup. Adjutant General W. W.
Moore Of South Carolina won the adju
tant general's championship of the
'A special press match, for represen
tatives ; of various papers and magra
sines of the country, was .contested for
by 21 newspaper men and magazine
writers; and J. T. - Barton 0 North
Lake, Fla., was first. H. Overand,
sporting editor of a Butte, Mont., pa
per, was second.
Walter Backus Wins
Flycasting Honors
Two : firsts, one second and one third
were won by Walter F. Backus in the
four casting events held under the
auspices of the Multnomah Anglers club,
Wednesday night at the SeUwood park
pooL Backus, who is the Pacific North
west representative to the national cham.
plonshlps next month, will ' leave Port
land within -the next day r two for
Chicago to prepare himself for the big
casting contests. ,:-
Backus won the distance fly and the
light tackle accuracy while A. E. Burgh
duff took the one half ounce distance
bait and John Brennan : won the dry
fly accuracy. Announcement has been
made by Jack Herman, a director of the
club, that the regular weekly tourna
ments wiU be held throughout the winter
and all f nteresetd in the sport are cor
dially ! Invited to participate.' Three
events, one-half ounce accuracy bait.
one-quarter ounce distance bait, and one-
half ounce distance bait, are on the
program for . next Wednesday evening
starting at 9 o'clock.
What . Say the Wild
Waves Now, Morrie?
T, Morris Dunne, life secretary-treas
urer of the Pacific Northwest associa
tion and member of the National cham
pionship committee of the Amateur Ath
letic union has been listening to what
the Pacific ocean has to say for the last
few day a The cares of bis paint busi
ness have hung rather heavily over
Morrie s head since spring and he fig
ures he Is entitled to a much needed
rest. He will return to Portland for a
few days, and then dash back for the
seaside. .
Douglas Takes French
Leave; Giants Hurt
New .Tork, Aug. 22. Phil EVouglas,
former Cub pitcher, obtained by the
Giants In a trade for Davy Robertson,
has ; deserted McGraw"e club, it was
learned yesterday. It Is believed he has
goael back . to Chicago. McGraw has
placed him on the ineligible list. Doug
las' desertion at the present time is a
hard blow to the Giants. .,
um, , retrVrwrs
Middleweight Champion to Box i
Holder of Welterweight Honors
in 8-Round Bout Tonight .
TVTEWAkK, X. J-, Aug. 22. (XT. P.)
L Tonight Jack Britton, dean of all the
fighters. will take on his hardest as
signment when he battles Mike O'Dowd,
holder of the world's middleweight title,
In an eight-round Xew Jersey mill. Brit
ton. the welterweight champion, reaauy
agreed; to the match when it was pro
posed to him some time ago and agreed
to let O'Dowd enter the ring weighing
1S8 'pounds, which is the middleweight
r. Experts believe Britton is, for the first
time in his long, successful career, tak
ing a step that may lead him Into defeat.
It is pointed out that he Is meeting a
rugged, hard hitting fighter who weighs
many pounds more than Britton himself
and who may land the knockout punch
that so many others -have tried and
failed with.
Britton. however, insists that he likes
these rushing fighters. Hecontends that
Mike will be easy for him to hit, and he
depends on his speed afoot to keep the
heavier man at his distance. Those who
see in the battle the possibility of defeat
for Britton, however, declare that
O'Dowd has many times proved hi:
ability to hit. fast men and that be will
be able to reach Britton. One smash
from , the powerful O'Dowd arms wonld
be equal to several from the mitt of the
average welter or lightweight. For that
reason they have fears regarding the
outcome of the bout.
In ho class of battlers Is there a bet
ter man than Johnny Kllbane. who
heads the feathers. John whipped Fred-
aie weisn nneiy when that Welshman
was champion of the lightweights, but
after; Benny Leonard had stopped Welsh
and Igrown Into the - title, John also
undertook to defeat him. One punch
ended John's ambitions and almost
Stretched him for the. full count. As it
was, Leonard was credited with a knock
out Victors and John Immediately ceased
to cast longing eyes on the lightweight
crown. . .
O'Dowd cannot win the welter title
by defeating Britton, but he can make
a lot; of money out of the battle. That is
wna is attracting him.
Money also lures Britton, but the
weights are such that If he ahould win
by knockout he would come into
possession or the middleweight title In
edditnn tn Vila ."...,,,"
.Tli. Jready achiered light-L.
Leo Alexander Wins
Wrestling Honors
Battle Creek, Mich.. Auer. 22. fTJ."l'
Leo Alexander, the Russian boy won-'
der.jwon the world's light heavyweight
championship wrestling title here last
night oy throwing "Red" O Brown of
New. Tork two straight falls. Both falls I
were secured with the bead-lock, the)
nrst in 68 minutes and the second in 15
seconds. . -
The championship belt, recently won!
hv CBrown In a. New York tnnrn.rn.nt
and said to be valued at 81.000, was Im
mediately presented to Alexander.
Morean. teath A Hieker. repair bakery. 84-eS
Grand ave. between Oak and Stark sts., builder
am, S840.
Gmns S. Miller, erect feaideeee. 1584 Bar
rage between Timbard sad Buffalo, - builder,
U. MUler. S1U0U.
Charles Wagner, erect residence, 63S 'East
63d N. between Stanton gad Sandy road, build
er. H. R. Kibler. I3S0U.
Mrs. J. Patterson, repair residence, 852 East
SSUi between Boise and Cora, bnuder, u. Ia
HilUoer. S850.
Ieroy Reed.' erect garage. 2071 Thompson
between 82d and 86th. builder same, $28.
M. Ge rti rich, repair residence. 4 1 1 6 70th
1BioM9 41t .
t v irii Vm. entv .
N". between E. Ankeny and Bunuide sts.. build-
er aame. sioo
C. E. Smith, erect enrage. 64 S E. 80th N.
between Braze and Wisteria, builder, F. F,
Burnt. 3400.
1 ':;
xaio oevween lwiwiv mnu
Boston, builder.
William Casidy. 3150.
W. H. Reiohlim, repair roidenc. 2201 Ash
between 90th end 91st. builder same. $50.
Mrs. J. Armstrong, erect garage, sun scnnyier
between ZSUJ ana ouiiaer. jwotn a.
. ... ....
R.TE. Lefferty. erect garage. 631 E. 10th
N. between Knott and Stanton, builder, B. B,
Beat. $460.
Robert B. Beat, erect reaidenee. 927 E. 22dj
N. between Preacott and Skidmore, builder J
same. uu. ..... i.. .1
" John Kternan. repair ahop. 811 N. 16th at J
netween viuunay ana jrengTovv, ouuuer, scni
Future Co.. $200.
Jj. r . scnueie. erecx garage, ton ic,. mini
st-N. between Hancork ana 'iiuamoor, ouuaer.
)"". --. . . .4
lloinlRn -i ranaier uo.. excavaacm ana icmnaa-
Hon. 184 Broadway between Glisaa and Hoyt.
builder, A. C. Meyer, (1000.
Harry Beauchamp. erect wooded. 105
Revere st. between Cook and Fremont, builder
same. S2S. t'
tTnlmin TmnMfmT I .r .MftTlDfM and rnnmaa
C. Hammond, erect woodshed, 1538 Greeley
at. between Buffalo and Lombard, builder same,
J. A. . Kinney, erect chicken boose, 15B7
Westanna between Montelth and Berlin, builder
aame. .
J. A. Kinney, erect wocerjhed. 15T West -
anna between Mooteith and Berlin, builder
e. .-- . i
Sfffi: 'Jf-."?-AWZZ' "Vt'a
45th are.- between 100th at. and city limits.
builder. Walter Ruhl. SIOO.
Anabel Fronun, erect garage, 10005 45th
G. L. Dickie, repair residence. 780 E. 74th
sti- N. between Fremont and KUcUUt. baUder
A? C. Palmer, erect reeidenee. 421 Parragut
between Wabaah and Waahbura. bailder. Georg.
... - n-.. . , k AA . . .
A, OPalmer, 'erect resideae.; I860 yineent
.v. iween Lombard and Holland, builder.
George W. Betta, SISOO.
A. C Palmer, erect residence. 16 5T Knewlea
between Lombard and HoilaiMl. BaUder, tieorge
W. Betta.' SI 500
D. W. and Rasa Summers, erect , chicken
boose. 0003 60th are. S. E.. builder aame. $25
- Ida A. Underwood, repair dwelling. 264 Alberts.-
between Willie ma and Vancouver aves..
bnikier. K. KoODer. S250
R N. Baird. erect woodshed. 4421 vjmaHUa
are, between E. 44th and 45th St.. builder
R. E. KWtxing. repair residence. 1414 Oat-
nun. bnilder aame. SlaO.
Penlnenia Beoanty to., eonauues jawn
Kni.sn7.Sl 1 K. wmuwtt bled, be-
twees Faaaendea and New Tork. builder. EL. H.
Panlneuia secunty fje.. eeestrueg naani
wall. Edfawa between Fessendem end New X era.
builder, E. H. Tennant, $400.
' Albert Christoferaon, repair residence, S72
E. 21st between Powell and Karl, bnilder same.
$60. - - - .
John Ratter, repair shed and garage. 485
Monroe between Union and East 7 th, builder
""IL. Dobbins, erect reeSderme. 1125 MaQory.
bwfidar. A. R. Slavens. 83800. -
w xxr v..Um pii ' - ' mam. tit ft
IUiuj ve. between Shaver abd Mason, builder
same. $100.
H. F. Cotton, reoair resMenee. 824 E. S9th
N. between Sacramento and Brass, . buQde
-xruusy lisumvi vua.f wwi. , aj
rxrwnen ooaney nasi vans, smisuer, Jb. ,
BaJreman. 81000.
Thomas Prideaux, erect tent house. Ex-
ceUior between Vaaderveater sad Hickey. bnildr
Tbomaa Johnson, erect - garage. 1194 Cent-
merciaf- between Janet - and , Jeasup. builder
R. G. littler, repair garage,' 137 E. Salmon
between E. 69th and 60th eta, builder. C
D, 1. . lt. erect garage. 1252 El. 17th at.
N. beteaew Totmaa and Tukoa,
Waldrle. 875. '
a, builder,. F. A.
D. J. Gian. erect residence. 1252 E. 17th tt.
J5SreVa,0'B ml IUkWB' uUdr. '.'
vYyei'5 ' . . . . ' ... ... 1.
hetwe GaadstoBe and Corn, bnilder. aame. 3250.
: Mm J., Buchan, mstail (uxnace.
tween William and Rodney, installer. Associated
Ens. Corp.. 8145.
u. . KtUestl Dtnt. met reaiaenc, t
Wekller (wtrcn E. 27th sad 28th Ma. builder
HD, s2oo.
Hi J. Emm, repair garage, T819 624 avv 8.
E. between 77th sad 60th eta, buudar am.
W. S. Phelps. mair raeMene. 920 EL Mor
rison between E. 30th end E. list, builder tame,
. -
Wffllm W. Half, art garage, 1885 E. 9th
between Umatilla and Harney, builder aaaae, $26.
O. W. MrerN repair residence. 4202 74th at
8. E. between 40th and 48d. builder seme. $100.
H Ehlerr. repair residence. 840 Montana are.
between Skidmpre sod I'rwcott. build r. . P. Jp-
en. gzso. -
Mra. Oeora-e Slfridee repair residence. $63$
6th ave. between 86U and 97th sta.. builds
same, (350. -
- jk, w. Taylor, erect garage, o k. ita Be
tween Iron and Clinton, builder tame, $40.
Arthur h jeton, erect garere, loi vienn
are. - N. between Alberta and fcunnner, builder
$80. , - - -
Send Us Your Old Carpet
Old Begs sat Wool a Clothing.'
: We Hake BeTertlble, Hasd-Worea
Fluff Rugs
They Wear Like Xros.
Bag Begs Waves All Sixes. .
Hall Ordsrs-Sesd for Booklet
Carpet Cleanin g
f xls Bags. Steam Cleaned, f 1A0
t4 TJaloa Ave. K.
East 81w Phoneg B-li
Residence property
40x100 feet,dwell
ing and garage, 663
Johnson street. Ad
dress D. C. Wood
ward, 104 2d street.
OREGON lodce No. 101. A. F.
A A. M. Special eongnuniea
tioa tomorrow (Saturday) (evening
at 7 o'clock. Work in the M.
M. degree. - Visiting bratfaren
cordially invited. Bv order of the
w. m. Leslie b. fahukk, sec
f ENGINEERS Locsl 87. L C. S. A
O. E..
joint meetina with local 701. for the recep
I trou of InternaUonal president sneuing, natur-
Ane. 28. Large hau. 3d floor. ia 4th
st. Members urged to be present.
Geo. W.
8tltt. Sec.
BMBLKM JEWELRT a specialty s battona. plaa.
ebamta. Jaeger Bros.. 1 ai-1 a stb at. .
p fa J Statistics
matriacs.Drrtbs, Dzoths.
V. W. Cenway. lecal. Nelson. B.
C, and
fnn V, Metier, hnl 8B4 TamhiTL
uavia aim, 2zi rv. sin, ana Jkaiei
Jobnsoa, legal, 564 Commercial.
wm. 'A. Barnes, legal, eoz tailing, ana iva
Angelo, legal, 673 Tillamook.
Michael Lena.- fatal. Lodi. Cel.. and Anna
w. looser, tesai. atarxet.
Wm. R. Sevens. 27. 673 E.' 71st. and Mar-
Jorie I. Wood. 24. E. 28th and Sandy.
Cnartea ri. Bnntnin, legal. San rTanclsco,
Cel., and Katherine G. Byron, legal. 80 E.
VHth s.
Guv X. McMillan .SB. 1027 U BeTmont. and
Ei.iraa U, Ogden. 21, 268 E 84th at.
Percy M. Jclino. IB 'S3 5 8. JeraeV. and
Marjnne Clark, 20. 31. If. Edison.
John E. KraJsic, 28, 1000 E. 11th I., and
1 Anetta 8.
Dolan, 29, '400 Blown.
Frank O. Brown. 31 10th. and Sylvia
A. Alanedr. 19. 167 16th st
Otto Ridenour. 80. 1181 Glenn, god Myrtle
C. Granbeck,022. 1180 Gieno .
Leuia Bnrda, 27, 108H E. 18th W., and
Bertha Pnkeles. 22. 238 Mead.
PATNE To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. W. Payne. 369
iTolTrMrand Ma A. B. Tpunfc 62
I HaUiey. Aug.v IS, a son
CAMPBELL To Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Campbell,
S 80 Clackamas. Aug. 8. e dauchter.
SAVIN'AR To Mr. and Mrs. Jscob Wm. Sa-
vtnar. 229 Nartllla. Ang - 16. a dauahter. .
JAMBS To Mr, and Mrs. I R. James, 900
trartieia, Aug. IV. a daughter.
BCKLEINISG To Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schleia-
ing. 836 Garfield. Aug. 14. a datuhter.
SCHREIBER To Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Scorei.
ber. is 48 lilenn. A us. 19. a eon.
MeDEVITT To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Me-
IJevitt, OlS IS. 00th, Aug. IS. a daughter.
i BURCO To Mr. sod Mrs. H. G. Earco, Jen-
I n'ngs Loags, Aug. 10, a daughter. ;
BOB HM-To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph BV Boehm,
I 6828 44th. A us. 17. a son.
CLARK To Mr. and Mrs. Max H. Clark. 1348
, E. Alder. Aug.. 20, a daughter.
KODEL To Mr. and Mrs. William BL KnodeL
aug. aw, a son.
EDISON To Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Edison, 681
nooa, Aug. :v s eon.
I BBEITHBART To Mr. and Mrs. Henry G
Mremiparr, tzb is. Main, Aug. 19, a son.
nniTlta awn srvenif a . a
I . " .
, 1 "" . '
SMITH lu this city Aug. 21, Marie Smith,
aged 28 yeara.-wife of Carl Smith ef 142
Shaver street, mother of Frances Smith, daagh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs, 3. A. Steaoh, sUter of Mrs.
ChrysUl ConstaaUn. Mrs. J. E. Cehoe, Alia B..
I Claire, Deaa and Maurice B teach. The remains
win te torwardea Aug. zs (Saturday), by J.
IP. Finley as Bon, to Hamilton. Or., where
I aemcea win oe neia ana interment anade.
j BKANDOM At the late residence, 1058 E.
I Salmon St., Aug. isuzabeui Brandon, age
1 TS. Th remains at the parlors of .Breeze A
I Snook, Belmont at 85th. Notice of funeral
- -
WILLIAMS At Fairbanks. . AWa. Ws,
Arthur J, Williams, aged 45 years. The re
main are at Ftnley a, Montgomery at Flfth-
I N vi wJLUr,..
HOBEBT -Calvin E. Hobert. 1210 Milwaukie.
AugjO. 38 years; malignant kidney . ,
I ROLAND Anna Roland. Oregoa 8urgical aea-
I . Pi". Aug. , 21, 38 yaara; valrulag heart
I UUl90-
HXNbAKER- Elmer L. Hunaaker, 329
ler. Ang. 21. 2
2 years: gaatro enteritis.
iartJn - Anderson. Emaanet hea
pital. Aag. 18. 86 years: pneumonia.
HANSEN Pater- E. Hansen, St. Vincent hos
pital. AUK. 18. 80 yeara: -mvoeatdial failum
HAMILTON France B. Hamilton, 419 N.
21st Aug. 20. 86 years: msntiiHi nr linin
1CASTEN Charles C Mas ten, 9X7 Cnioa eve..
a. yqersy aneansm.
i CLARK BROS., florbta, Morrisoa gt. bet. 4 th
and 6th. - Phnn Main A-1S0S. - Sin
ream uorai aesigna. n o pranea stores.
i H . pc-r-T. srr . "w
I "??." MARKET FLORIST. 6th and Ta
I Z JT V" fJrm .?" nd deriaas. Sell-
1 wooe wiwenjioas, vti jnefiaieaa ev. Bell. 1520,
babi a rwiuits uu., fiorsits, B64 Wash-
tnaton. Main 260. A.1SSB
Flower for
all ceaaion artistieaUy aeradged.
rtOPLEa FLOItAL SMOP, 248 Alder. De-
axgna anq aecoratlons. Phone Marshall 8922.
MAX M. SMITH, florist. 141 H 4th at.'
J "'TEE A EILERS, funeral parlors with aU
I a uorat, ira ui averett .au.
1 r""1"" nreeowey zigg, Hon., A-218S.
J MILLER ds TRACET. independent funeral di-'
i v, muwb a.iia. main gsyi, A-7S85,
JJtJVl.U At McNEMAR. oeeeaaora ta IVik
Eos. Maltaomaa at . 7 th, Irringtaa o
Bueeeesora la W n
1 1919 g- ,"" ' Pho Tabor 4 3 1 S.
R. T.BYRNES rSrisf
Williams ave, Woodlwa 820.'
I ' -'sfB aw. .Ave"
I DreCZeSnOOK ,nv t.i
I ,. .
A.R.Zeller Co.il9i 1086, C-1088.
Glrgawgae tmDERTAETNCTCO. M. 16X
KeWeS a-2321.. sJor. Third ta.
ler, aame, S250. I ft IT'S (TIT Undertaking Parlors. 44 Morri
800 Ivy st. be-. I CrlCSUn w rtwf Tl. Eroadwa 28.
I RwesvnM Undertaking Parlors. 44 Morri-
HoSman Undertxiking Co.
Funeral Directors
XUla 607. A-1SIU
Progressive Funeral ,
Dunning & McEntee
Broadwav and Jsnkene att.
Lady AtaiaUnL
Pbenea Broadway 4SO.
A. D. Ken worthy & Co.
ft02-68 8D ST. 8. E.. I.BNTS
rbone Tabor 5267. Hoa Phone D-Sl.
F. S. Dunning. Inc.
414 K. Alder at, Pbone Eaat SZ. B-5225,
B-188 Tk I I A..fle V MnTtarch
East 7il aW. LiCiWII Assistant
UNDERTAKERS, K. sl Ita ana nawtherna
Portland Marble Works
S6S4tb at., Opp. Cit Hall. Wee Bros.
t08T AlfT FOCTTTj tt
TIIE - (oUawina articles have been found oa
- can ot the Portland Railway. Light a Power
Do., Angaat ZV. e parses. 1 " como,
nin. 1 crochet needle. 3 keys. 2 neirs glovea. 1
scarf. 1 hat, 1 lamp shade. 9 packages, 5
Innrh Ixnes. 8 basa clothing. 1 Mir overall.
1 saw frame, pair boy's shoes. J iuitrsjw. 1
traveline baa. 1 grrn. 1 knife. 4 nmbrellaa
Owners may obtain property at Vint and Alder
streets station.
Between L.iebes far store and Meter A
Franks, a diamond and platinuaa bar pin. Lest
between honrs of 1 1 :30 and 1 o'clock Wednes
day, Ang. 20. A liberal reward if returned to
Mrs. C. A. Stuart, Hotel Eaton. Wast Pars. St.
flO REWARD for n-turn of female BplU dog;
last in aetarhborbood of MUwankte ana rnweu
no collar. Bees in family 10 years. 728 H
Uilwankie, or phone Bell wood 14 So
XettJtl sense ' of car oarked on Salmon at.
near Fifth, kindly call Marshall 8147 re
garding, blue and white plaid umbrella left ia
oar oy austaae. atonaaj evening r .-
flST l.ree anm of bills In a plain envelope,
on August 18, between V. S. National and
Oregonian office. Reward. Main 4.186.
ttiaT 80-inch . rim for Chevrolet car, two
miles east of auto truck house on highway.
Sellwood 63.
COST A large, black parse containing papers
of value only to the volunteers ei America;
85 reward. Pleas, call East SHUT
fnsT-i-Solid sold tie clasp, on Broadway. Stark
or 5tb. Finder return to Journal and receive
reward. Initials E. R. O.
FOUND A sum of money on west side. Owner
can have same by describing contents and
purse. Phone East 2911 between o and e
FjOST Kit af Ford tools on Williams ave.
between Beech and Broadway. Finder pleas
call Woodlawn 8142 or 8049.
LOST Eatern Star pin, August 20. Phone Ta
bor S6S7. Kewaro.
LOST Monday, btuines dist.. .boy' photo, ia
uniform. Phone wdis. 4Dn, Kewara.
LOST Small marten far neckpiece. Return to
Hotel Portland desk and receive-reward.
WAJiTED An experienced well driller with gas
engine experience, to tak well onu en per-
tentage. LoU ot work engaged. Give where ex
perienced and age, single or married, and U eaa
com at once, and pnon oumoer. , aaarees soz
162, Rtanrield. Or. -
HTWAX. WOLFE CO, reauir the services
ef exneriencad aieht lanitom: good salary, pec
mancnt puiituins; mu.Tt furniah beat of refer
ences. Apply superintendent' -office . between
and 10:80 in. the morning.
BOYS WANTED. 18 to 21 yeara of age By
large corporation, ambitions, of neat appear
ance, who have finished high-school. Mast be
able to drive aa automobile and willing to start
at small salary' with prospects of rapid promo
tion. Answer ia own handwriting: give age. ed
ucation and phone number. V-8S4. Joarnai.
WANT energetic man with- aoo to -buy truck
and tak good contract hauling wood. ' Call
Nrhl. Main 283 or 200 Second at before 1
o'clock Saturday.
MEN wanted to cany briquets from truck, ta
basement: 8 hours. wage from $4.9 to
4.75. Apply northwest corn. 2d sad if landers
ta. fort land ussa tjoa uo.
HARDWARE salesman wanted to work in store.
Must be experienced ; good opportunity for
th right party; non but experience! need ap
ply. Levin Hard war Vo.; 221 rrpnt st.
MEN wanted at Monarch Mills for night shift.
Planing mill rw; dry kiln men and ear
loaders. Steady wprk and good wage to 0owJ
potent men. trrej
Tton Detroit Lumber Co.
WANTKI) Men who want friend to call en
- secretary of th Moose at the Temple, Fourth
and Taylor. Old oeunquent welcome, iieao,
Pap f . - - - ;
WANTED r Toang men with good singing
voices for A leaser Musical Comedy eompany.
Apply at theatre.
WANTED Husky, young man to work ia bag
factory, steady employment. Apply Ames
Harris Neville Bag Co.. Fifteenth and Hoyt.
WANTED A man to deliver and" work in gre
eery. Must be a hustler; good wages. Z-
44, Journal. -
iVBORERS WANTED Concret work, at
$4.50 fox hours. 39th and Francl. Wood
OFFICE boy. permanent position, opportunity ia
wholes 1 house. .
Answer fully. 0-271. Joar-
WANTED Man. with team or - truck at once
to haul cordwood 1U milea at $1.25 per
cord. Smith ak Frome Co.. Donald. Or.
BOT between 18 and 18 -year to ran one-floor
water power levator. Apply at Levitt' store,
4th and Washington. ;
FTJRNlTfTRE repair man wanted, nothing bat
first elae. Scrtnysld Furniture Shop, 994
Belmont, Tabor 8515. - - - -
GOOD canrcnter for finishing, 88 per day.- See
, L. J. Hsgrn at Boring, Estacada ear.
Wanteiw l.x "lieneed felting machine oper
ator. King-l'i t' Mattren Co. Eaat 497.
poll's Flower Shop, 381 Morrison St.
FtJRNITCHE finishers, also sprayer man wanted.
- Freeland Furniture Oe., 970 Macadam road.
Typewriting, cemptcmeter, bookkeeping and alt
ether aaodern wnalnesa courses. Day and night
school. Atisky bid., 3d and Morrison. Male 824.
We teach auto, ' tractor, gas enrts and ant
lectrical work. Bia 100-PA(aB .CATALOG
FREE. Address Adcos Ants aed Tractor acbool.
Dept. 1. Union ave. and Wasce street. Portland.
Or. Phon East 744a.
Hawthorne Auto School
: - 462 HAWTHORNE ATE. '"' -
AatcenobUes, trucks, traetera, mschiniet trade,
exy-aeetyien welding, rulcaaisine and retreading.
Special wasyt rate. - Day-and evening classes.
: r positions asstred
Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography,
banking, bookkeeping, eeretaria1. Free catalog.
- Toung men and women wanted. Call 218
Rail war Exchange bldg. Splendid opportunity
t leara a wellald prof essoin. Free boklL
Railway Telegraph InstHete. '
.Washington at 10th; enter now, day, .Ve
tting, all commercial branches. Broadway 1821.
OREGON LAW SCHOOL. Aliaky bldg. Sd and
Morrison. W. E. Richardson, secretary
Mam 77. ... -
StOCKY " ilOtfNtAbi' '"'TEACHERS' " AGENfi
Frank K, Well, ex-ssst. state aapt.. mgr.'
If. W. Bank biag. Teacner placed promptly.
GOING Eaat or South f Household good shipped
t reduced rates: moving and packing. Pscift
Coast Forwarding Ce.. 408 Hoyt' at. Bdwy. 703.
' Vis Begins Buckcl' private school; individ
ual instruction. 132 Grand ave. East 427.
WlSS MA TtlNCLtrS Shorthand. Typewriting
Bcaoot, ss a monu. zov gta near jafiasaea.
Main 8803. ' -- -
WANT lady to de cookie and kitchen work
' $50 per -month; no washing.- J'hon Wdln.
276. 252 Monroe st. '- -; - . - i
WANTED Girl for licht housework. Geod pay,
roona and board. Can at .151 Laddingtea
Conrt or pnon Tabor. 0734, ;
GIRL wanted to. work in sewing room. : Carman
jiiiraiftcwnns o.. l icie macaoam. :
WANTED Oirla over 16 years. Oregon Worsted
Co., ti. Z7ta sod Lmatiiia.
At Standard Factory
No. 2
. Operators .- '
Shirts and Overalls
. - Mackinaws and
ll lIlinR VVKEK
Saturday fialff Holiday
Tru BSu ;. Biscuit Co.
E. ,6th, and Davis
286 E. 6TH ST. N.
L1PMAN. WOLFE A CO. require the aerrict"
of three girls to work in otlice: iperienet
preferred, but not necessary; must be quick at
figure. Apply superintendent's office, between
9 and 10:30 Saturday morning.
GIRL for general liouMwork. no washing, $50
"per month, good opportunity for good 'r.
looking (or permanent work and good horn.
Apply Mr. Levitt, Levitt's store, oomer 4tb and
NEAT appearing young ladies bvtweeu agra of
18 and 25 for ushers. Salary $15 per week
t start. Satis'setoiy references Toiiln-d. Ao
rly mansger'a of lie. Liberty Theatre between 12
and 2 daily.
W A N T E D Experienced
I help
girl, preaa girl; also inexperienced help
National laundry Co., E.
8th and
EXPERIENCED bag sewers ' wanted. Apply
factory. 84 N, 1st st.
GIB 18 for fist work dept.
140 E. Third N.
kmericaa Laundry,
WANTED Girl, experience not ncceoaery it
willing to learn and want steady work, lord
Wages Willi learning. Apply superintendent l'sl
laundry, 600 K. Morrison.
WANTED An experienced woman for general
house and ranch; wage $50 per month, la
bor 2702.
UDf BARBER wanted at otic, ateady wct.
825 Glinan, corner Hth,
AM) KKMAl.i;
Pleksr are now wanted for the Mesvry yard st
Forest Grov., Or.; 130 sere in good bop; pay
81.20 per hundred pounds. We turniali shacks
for families; stoves when requested; wood sawed
ta stove length; clean straw, water ia piped to
the camp grounds, grocery store and mrat market
en the grounds. Plokera and baggage will be
hauled from Foreat Grov to th yard free, ami
thoa remaining for th entire seaaoa will be re
turned free of caarg. AU f -inner pickers and
familiea are requested to com early a we wilt
need only a limited number from Portland. li.
C Oglesby, foreman of th yard, ia bow at th
office and baa charge of registration. Come pre
pared to sign up and bur your ticket. Picking
will begin about September 6.
222 Plttock block
lOth gnd Washington jrta.. Portland, Or.
BISHOP BHOSJyards, near "Balrm and " Inde
pendence, 377 acrea of fine hops. All uxtsl
accommodation!, furnlihed. I'sy $1.20 pet 100
lb We pick up your bagaage at your borne
and deliver it to ranches free ef chares both
ways. Register at 124' N. 6th st., Willamette
Vellev Trsna'T Co. Phone Broadway 454.
W A N T K 531 a n and wlf aa eareUke ia of
suburban horn, including car ef flower and
vegetebl. gardens, one cow and few chii-kenn.
On Columbia river highway, close In, good
wage and good accommodations. 2-642, Jour-
a I.
pay you while learning; give you set of tool:
position secured. Write for catalogue, 234
Bnrnsid at., or phon Broadway 1731.
MAN and wlf to do janitor work; man ran rti
other work. Apartment In nasement and small
wages. Scandinavian preferred. Call Broadway
2029. 228 N. 20th.
MEN. WOMEN, learn barber trade; wagrs wil
learning, position gnaranteed. Mcr. 22 r.
experience. Oregon Barber College, 233 Madison.
H0PPICKERS "wanted; shacka free" pay 81 .25
per luo. wm be at St. Charles BoUl August
26 and 27. Homer Gouley, -
I'OKTLAND Barber College pay you while
learning, give you set of tool free, position
secured. 8ft N. Swuid at.
Lr Start one of our specialty candy factories in
your nome, smau room, anywnere. vve tell bow
d lumteB vrything. (irand opportunity.
1819 Ranstesd St.. Phllsdelphla. Pa.
RELIABLE mid'lieaged man want position f
apartment house lard tor or aomethtna of
that sort. Small salary and apartment for acif
and wife. H-90, Journal,
WANT TO RENT completely furnished rn-u
- en share or manage on ealsry and P'-'-ceutsge
basis. Referencea. II. B. Stone 443
T-n t, 8. E. '
CONTRACTOR or buildnr, repair or new wm-k.
- R. D. Crow, 441 A-at U CU. buw
Tabor 7982 evening.
Caa rnt one or two truck ea the job at
ice. Phone East 6977.
COMPETENT bookkeeper wants work' part or
full tlm. Tabor 877.
FOR PAINTING and tinting call Broadway
1441 and aare money.
WANTED Poioe aa wstrliman; experlenceJ'.
no lifting. Z-r.q0, Jowrnal.
TOCNG Japanese boy want positioa a school
l.v, Phm Btlwy 272.
ifAN with team wyita work. .Eaat 4 9 SO.
WANTED A riUsmfor a m'ntltar 2l
old wiui 2-mootha-oId baby, a house
keeper or cook. - Phon Broadway 1665 er call
st m Fmrrwfle.
VVAN 1.1 i'ouon to work lot tiww, t'.i 1
and small pay, while attending Lincoln lilab.
by experienced girl, age 20.
JI-84. Journal.
GOOD musician.
Piano and organ
wlllit if
play for gymnaaium or pictur show.
r-aat zit.
GOOD laundreaa would like work Saturdajr. L-1
Why pay 0 to $60 for a new abort coal'
TTi tak your eld coat, rip it np, turn it an i
mak yets an up-to-date abort cost for $10 and
a p. Tabor S013. 1120 Division at.
ALTERA fldXS, reftUing and mailing of ls-t.
- g amenta, reasonable prices; work guaranteifl
J Reubin, Ladies' Talior, 408 Bush A L'
Bldg. -
HOTEL ' , ' ,
Newly furnished.' modern housekeeping and s!e-i
ing room. 82.50 ; up. Second end Tamhlll.
HOTEL SAivTENT. Hawthorne and Gran,!
Starting point special ear for Vancouver.
FURNISHED room in private home, Irvlnfti-
walking distance, near 2 carUuta. 44 1-
8th N. '
SiCELT ' FURNISHED rooms; private fawi
106 North 23d st. ;
TWO - serwrate roona to let, all eonsn.e o -
close la. 387 hk Mill si.