THE .-OREGON'-- DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 131D; 1G FURNISHED HOUSE 5 "" ROOM furnished bouM. 19 , 4th and Powell. Brooklyn ear. .K small children. : itoGM , furnished bouM. yard. 520 Market t corner 16th. ' F I' ATS TO RENT. UNFURNISHED 13 6 ROOM ilia flat, bath. seros from acheoL (14: wort It 205 K.: 84th. Tabor 1017. LARGE ""droni '"apt. 4 or 6 romm modem. elec. and- 8 blocs south of W W .. 714 Sunday 1 to 4. Mar. 198. THREE room with garage. Union ave., HeJ Bnesell: adults only. Ktit ilM. 4 GOOD room. bath, unfurnished, not mod- em; ln.ow per momn. rt ? - $21 LARGE . 4-room flat, adult. 917 H William eve., after 8 p. m. s FURNISHED FLATS it 6 ROOMS with large sleeping porch, elegantly and completely furnished; rrtiM"vrishjng perfect home to every deUil phone Main 4s64. Will lease for 6 months. Central west td. APLEASANT 4 roonfflat, convenient to Albina, Kenton. St- Johna and Vancouver IndnatiMa. Albina; ire. at Lombard at.. 20 minute to town. Fhon woooawn -U SIC teacher will abara her flat with airl who iiha rtuJ music;, walking distaoc; ref erence. Slain ovis. "ROOM-flat furnished. $48 month. 460 Col lege at., corner 13th- - 'IfnOOM upper fiat, light and water, adult. 727 K. Stark. East 3310. VlaT for rent, furniture " for aale; walking distance. E. 8441. ; . cPRCOM furntshed'flat 624 6th. west aide. APARTMENTS FOR HE5T 43 TWO room apt. with two dressing room., fine new furniture for aale at a bargain. Central went aide. Main 4 BP ITIeTTsTANFIELD. 204 Porter st. odern 2 -room apt., corncrjreasonaaie. minjg. BUMMER RESORTS $6 COTTAGE at Rhododendron. 205 Monro st ' 7.-649, Journal MANHATTAN BEACH. 4 room fnrnlhd cot- tare with fireplace. WANT ED TO RENT : We Want to List HOUSES. FLATS AND APARTMENTS. IF YOU HAVE ANT VACANCIES. PHONE. HhJAVE TOGETHER. CARE OF NORTHWEST XEElaJUO.. MAIN 1193. WK HAVE three clients that desire furnished liouaea from 160 to 8100 a month. These i.artte now at our leading hotels waiting, so if you desire to rent to good tenant get to truchVith onr rental department without delay. Mi Uger-Parker-Ferguson Co., formerly Stanley K Thnmnwa Co.. 802 Oak st rTMltX of 4 adult want to rent furnished - borne Vith garage: 8 sleeping room neces sary: best ear guaranteed; first claae refer ences furnished. Z-64 8. Journal. - W.XTEI 3 unfurnished rooms, 3 adulto, wH tide, ten minutes oi vtaauiag.uH. k. t.oft. Journal. M ANTED Furbished light housekeeping rooms rvt aide, by clean single man. Reference fntr.i-hed. K. .. 7 union ,av. -WANTED 8 mall furnished house ox lower flat by reliable people where children are allowed preferred, near Roe City carhne.East1646. WILL. pay 6 months' rent in advance for modem S or 6 room unfurnished house. Main 2358. WANTED Living room, fireplace and bedroom. breakfast, single gentleman. Z-654. Journal. WANTED Two partly furniahed H. K. rooms in C. 8. family. Phone Sellwood 3856. REAL ESTATE REACH PROPERTY 49 A BEACH HOME, now at Seaside. Or., at beau tiful "Certwrigbt Park." at reduced prices; 23 to $700; easy Installments. 6 per cent; aoon to be eonneuted by ail-pa Ted highway with eastern and southern Oregon,- which, with proposed 2000 foot pier, will make "Cartwright Park" one of th most attractive spot on Pacific coast Whlt-mer-Kelly Co., 414 Pittock blck, Portland. Oregon, or inquire P. M. Cole, agent. 427 Broadway. Seaside. Or. , FOR SALE BOUSES 61 $3150 5Buy new modern bungalow, 5 rooms .and bath, with attic, full cement base ment, wash trays, hardwood floors, .' fireplace, Dutch kitchen, all built in: 8500 cash wUl handle. Let us ' allow you. ; J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 20 Tty. Eeh. Bldg. Main 10B4. 6 ROOM COTTAGE 8200 CASH Nice fi room cottage, electricity, bath, cement basement In first clam condition. Oa Minne Tota avenue, near Killingworth; pric $2000, $200 cash, $20 per month. i GKU88I &? BKNNBTTT a 1 n Board of Trade bldg. Main 7482. J ROSE CITT BUNGALOW i Modem 0 room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace and furnace, full basement, floored at tic; an exceptionally good bny at $4200. about $1200 cash required. ' CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., ' . 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. $975, 4-Room Cottage TERMS $276 CASH LOT 80x100 ,. Living room, eery large kitchen, two bed room and bathroom, fruit trees,, cement aide walk. Teal sacrifice. 2 blocks from Rose City Park car. Phone Tabor S196. OWN A HOME of your own; let us build it Wa furnish easy payment loan like rent We tut Id according to your plana and pocketbock; aketcbea free; our system saves you money and avoid risks. - . , . PORTLAND HOME BOTLDINQ ASSOCIATION. INC. . 629-B30 Henry bldg. Main 51 99. . 8UNNTBIDK BUNGALOW BARGAIN $3260: buy a dandy 4 room bom, newly goo over throughout; 2 bedroom; corner lot ' paved street in and paid--.lor ; full cement - basement Terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 1094. : HAWTHORNE HOME S300O Modern 6 room borne. 1 block from Haw thorn are., full cement basement all street imp. lit and paid; an attractive home for $3000, $1000 cash. . CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Kailway .Kxcnange iaa MALLORT AVE. COTTAGE $1800 Nice 6-room cottage, electricity, bath, base ment, paved street, sewer all paid. Mallory are.. Bear Mason. Price $1800; $500 cash. $15 month, 8 per- cent - GRUSSl & BENNETT, SIR Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. ROSE CITY PARK S room modern.1 hardwood floors, full lot. Improvement in and paid; new, ready to move in; $1000 cash, 185 per month including in terest Scandinavian American Realty Co. Main . . SPLENDID 7 room home. Irvington, hardwood . floors, basement, 2 beds and bath below, sleep ing porch and bed above, lot 76x100; cost more ' tlisu asking. East 273. NEA'P well-built, 3-4 room, new, plastered. bungalow, more lots adjacent: cheap if wanted. 314AO; terms. 245 Kllpatrick, 2 H block west of- Kmiton bank, owner. $576 WELL BUILT 3 ROOM COTTAGE 8 Years old: 8 lota; 'lii miles b paved road from c fare; pleasantly located , $275 rash. Tabor 175. G-279. Journal. SPLENDID 8 room home. Irvington, hardwood floors, basement, furnace, modem, choice location, lot 70x100; worth $2500 more than 1 am asking. Eat 273. HfUfSE and 1 lot $800. 1 block from car, 3 blocks from main part of Lents; will be on place .after noon and eve.; all day Sunday. -Wm. P. Porter.' 6808 05th st. ROSE. CITT IARK new S room bungalow, mod ern, all Improvements in and paid; $2750; . $7i0 cash, $30 per month, including interest. Scandinavian American Realty Co.- Main 6429. LOOK $1850 LOOK I-ook -5 room ' bungalow, toilet and bath ; $850 cash, balance $15 per month, 6 per cent. 200 Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison ft. WEHT SIDE 6-room house for sale, in A-l condition: walking distance: buy from owner and save money. 830 Grant st, between 6thi v- n $2000 WILL BUT a modern 5 room bungalow, full basement, full 60x100 city lot; located 2 Mocks from Mt Tabor, carline. Address owner, Rosetta Hafaly. Lenta Station. Rt 8, Boa 758. TWO bouse for sal.. 60x100 lot garage; two rarhnes; bargain ; gas.- electric lights, hot wa ter and bath. .70S Woodward are. between 20th and 21st : FlX B- 7 room borne. Irvington, sleepin porch hardwood floors, basement furnace, finest ao eation, worth more than asking. East 273. 671 E. SALMON, even rooms, good condition, - large lot, dandy buy. $8300., See it Phone FOR fiALE Equity in 7 room house in inn. . ton Heights; price $1650. some terms; prefer ably eeslu Owner. Woodlawn 1329. , HALF ACRE, new modern 6 room bungalow -tens cheap. Hawthorn car. 'owner. Marshall 3203 or Main 6840. BEFORE buying property or building yon should have it surveyed. Nicholas Bros., fit Oregoniaa .bldav Mam 9866. . .HLETTKN AV JONES, Main 2558. has been changed to Main 6429. LEA V1NG city. rooms, modern, $2200, terms! Nut aed.' V-So3. Journal. 5 ROOM bungalow, la Hoe City Park, for sal by owner U9U E. 67th st W. PRETTT room house. $1800, $200 down; U - aere, 80 minute ont - Main 306. , . BLXCXlOW. Hawthorn distrlcV $3756Tilao - f my Irvington home at sacrifice. East 8015. REAL ESTATF. FOR SALE HOCSES $3000 BEAT BUY in Hawthorne 5 room - bungalow, long living room, fireplace, book cases, bean ceiling, built-in buffet Dnteb kitchen, good baaemeut; fin lot: room for garage; street paved ; close to car and ' school: sewer; $1000 eash. balance month ly. Don't fail to see this -little beauty. $$100-Waverleigh district; S room ' bungalow, - attic, fin fireplace and buffet nandy Dutch kitchen, full basement, laundry tray: 40x100 east face lots pared street; . sewer. WUl sell if deaiied $100 worth of furniture for $600; $700 cash, bal- $3500 Take a look at 88 B. 85th. "Hawthorne distrk-t; dandy 6 room nridcacs, funaut, fine lot. fruit street paved ajxt. paid! full price $8500, $1000 cash. $8600 Mt Tabor 6 room bungalow, . artistic fraieb; aleeping porch, hautweed. i fhjor. fireDlaoe. buffet Dutch kitchens eeaent basement furnace, fine lot wrt- beautiful lawn ami shrubbery ; located smpng the pine trees in restricted Mt Taor; garage; hard surface street: - cloee to, car -nd school; a liUle gem for $10t0 down, bal ance lik renL Better burry. - " $5000 On' acre, 8 room noose. Hawthorn oar line; house is double constructed ; 4 bed room, fine bath, buffet, full cement base - , meat, laundry trays, garage and good barn; fruit and fine grove of trees: 2 blocks to ear, near 67th st A regular farm in tows : very reasonabl terms. Property Shown Evening by Appointment GEO. T. MOORE PO. 1007 YEON BLDO. $2600 TWO FOR ONE $2600 On E. . 9th street near Beacon, which is practically walking distance, on a 60x100 lot are two very substantial bungalow cottages of 6 and 6 rooms each, with a full 5 set piece of white enamel plumbing, electric lights and .gas. The total price of this property, tncludingf the two houses, is only $2000, or,$16f0 apiece; $500 dawn, $30 per month. Th rent will pay for them. You couldn t build these houses ler $2000 each today. SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BUT TOUR HOME . Abington Building. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and gandays." ALAMEDA PARK SPLENDID BUNGALOW $5100 If you have $1000 cash, we can sell yon s truly wonderful bungalow, located on splendid corner in beautiful Alameda I'srk: all ssseits- jnents paid. Ton never would expect to boy such a home, complete with garage, for so little money. Wordds cannot express the true splen dor of this bungalow home. Large living room extending the width of house, hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet complete Dutch kitch en with breakfast nook, full cement basement, furnace. Finished in old ivory and white throughout Let us show you. A. . TEEPE CO., . 264 Stark st near 3d. Main 8516. Main 8092. $2800 ADJOINING. LAURELHURST $2800 Right across the street from Laurelhurst. on East Stark street, facing the park, is a substan tial, attractive 5 room modern bungalow, full cement basement. 2 light airy' bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas. Small down payment balance easy terms, or would take mortgage back. Unusual snap. SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BUT YOUR HOME Abington Building. Main. 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. "ROSE CTTY Car" ROOMS. SLEEPING PORCH $5250 We want yon to see this splendid horn. It's truly a marvel. Right up to the' minute in every respect Finished in rich old ivory and white throughout. Hardwood . floors, fireplace, 'book cases, cement basement, furnace, etc. Year' would never dream it possible to buy sweh a horn. for so little money. Let us show you. . A. G. TEEPE CO, S - . 264 Stark St, Near 3d. Main STUB, Main 8093 Furnished Cottage Do you want a cozy little 4 .room cottasa furnished ready for you to step right in? We have it Fruit berries, basement, cement walks, electricity, bath, good woodhous and storeroom. Be quick if you do. $550 will handle. baL $15 per month. Midway bet Hawthorne and Mt scott lines en 67 th st ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW $4750 W want you t see this truly remarkable bungalow. Exceptionally large living room. Hard wood floors, fireplace buffet cement basement furnace, etc Located m the very beet part of Rose City. Owner moving from Portland, and must sell at once. Let ns show: you. r.- A. O. TEEPE CO.. ''s1 ' 264 Stark St. Near 3d. Main 3518. 'Main 3092 . HERE'S "A ETOMEl POSITIVELY WORTH THE PRICE "' A strictly .modern home of - 8j.fin' rooms and sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, eak floors in all rooms on first floor,, screened rear porch, full lot Be sure to see It. , B. F. POND REALTY CO., 1280 Bandy Blvd. Tabor 8826. Office opea Sundays and Evenings. ROSE CITY PARK, $4650 Take our word for it. This is a good buy:' A beautiful semi-bungalow of 0 rooms besides den snd sewing room, hardwood floors, 2 fireplaces, high-grade furnace, full basement, new garage, built to match bungalow. This splendid home, built 4 years, is in fine condition. Ease terms can bs arranged. You should see this- todsy. COE A. McKENNA A CO., M. 4522. . 82 4th st. Board of Trade bldg; .Can't DoplicateThis -Ton can't duplicate ' this dace in Partlc-d. O.. ar. finmM in mwiH K rnin 1. HI r-kr jfrom paved street. 65 bearing fruit ..trees, small fruit all kinds, roses, shrub; electrte lights and gaa. A country home in the ctty. Owner lear- ing. W ill sell reasonable. Place is paying good interest on purchase price. Call 721 E. 40th st $4200 1 block from Glisan street carline. 100 xlOO -lot; 7 rooms, den and very large re ception hall, furnace and fireplace: : $500 down will handle this exceptional bargain. Better make arrangements to see this st once. -You. must see the beautiful bed rooms to appreciate this house. . J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 1094. HAWTHORNE HOME lOOxlOO; BEARING FRUIT A substantial 6- room home in excellent condi tion, cement basement velvet lawn, shade trees. flowers and all kinds of bearing fruit; price $2750; terms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 12 Railway Exchange Bldg. $250 CASIi$2000 5 room bungalow type, plastered aad tinted,' newly painted outside, -paneled dining room, nice electric fixtures, 50x100 lot, 4 bearing fruit tree, north front EDWARD A. BROWN CO. 303 Railway Exclienge- bldg. Main 2693. HAWTHORNE BARGAIN $3000 Modern 5 room home, within 1 block of Hawthorne car; street improvement in and paid for; no mortgage to assume. If you cava $1600 cash this is a truly won derful buy. Let us show you. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 1094. GET 8ETTLED BEFORE school opens by buy ing a good substantial 7 -room house; lot Six 109. with trees and fruit; near Annabel sta tion; Mt Scott car line: schools,- churches and libraries, within walking distance. Price $2400. Clear -of incumbrance; $500 wilt han dle: monthly " payments on balance.- Tabor 4296. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL $3500 An honestly built 7 room home with fireplace, French, doors between living and dining room, full cement basement: corner lot: street mihi. paid. A good substantial home. Pay $500 down and it's yours. COS A. McKENNA CO., Main 4522. 82 4th st. Board of Trade bldg. $1850 TERMS; 5 room modern bungalow; fire place, built-ins. Dutch kitchen, complete bath room, Ruud heater and gas range, heating stove, corner lot garage. Owner, 87th at and 46th ave. 8. E. WHI NOT BUILD? , ' Get an artistic horn by an established' archi tectural firm at low cost We build anything -furnish the money if desired. L. K. Bailey Co., Ino.. contracting architects. 924 N. W. Bank FOR SALE By . owner, a nearly new ' 1 room house, strictly modern, up-to-date; full lot with &. bearing fruit trees : good view: naved streets and close In. For information call Srfl- wood 1288. V 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. NOW VACANT 8 minutes south of Hawthorn on M-S car near Franklin high, 2 blocks from school; $2600: your .own terms .in reason. Jnouir 4928 84th av., cor. 50th. 3 ROOM HOUSE . 1 2 LOTS. 82300. ' Easy terms. This is not a shark, out neat nttl new houe: Corner E. 11th near Al berta. Phone Slain 667. ' - . - FOR 8 ALE 6-room house, furnished: . orice $1450. 488 Eaat 88th t N. Phone Tabor B6WS REAL BARGAIN New 6-room modern house' Mtnint naBman( 1 S m. ; . ..." a,..,LuwHM j aiunuw OUT,, wlBOV. $300 rash, $20 monthly. Sellwood 270. v T SWtr id AVavr c. " aTT w-v", " "VVJiO A 1UV - ' Bsrt car Mmce, tjood t-eichborhood, no. morlr- arrnaT. Vir 4aUl WVWt Bl 1 vswrel: OTili! FOR SALE In Irrisictoa, ,6 room house, ir- uuicv-. iisvruwoou 1 100m wi nrue 15 00 CaU Woodlawn 187. 1211 Haighti MODERN BUNGALOW of rooms: cash and terms tA ruit ha . .innit i.- .1 .i . . - . ,. . " 1 . - " " -IUt BU . sroens car. -USE tour own plana.' "Ion tar a eiuilM Hm ri, irnish money to build.: Owner, Tabor 7J47,' k TTirrrTYtri.j.JJ ' j ' 1 ';" ' . . constructed 4 Elt838" i basement only $1800. ATTRACTIVE modern 6-room bungalow, gar t age. reasonable, by owner.. 814 E. 80th REAL F STAT IS FOR SALE HOt'SES 61 ,, $5000 -UXUSCAI BUNGALOW HOME- $5000, This is truly a beautiful home, si tasted on the west slope of Mt Tabor, being 100x110 corner, with beautiful trees, flowers, etc It is very modern, most conveniently arranged and onusnally well built; it has low, rambling bun galow lines, large screened-in porch extends across entire front and sides of the house; has solid paneled living room with tapestry paper and an art - til fireplace: leaded glass bookcases.- very artistic music room, hardwoud floors, solid pan eled dining room with massive leaded glass buf fet : Dutch kitchen 8 . bedrooms, full cement basement with furnace. Total price includes street liens; only $5000. J list $2O0O leas than th owner -former price. Easy, terms. - We have over 600 - photographs ia our office of home fof aale, . Tea experienced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE FRANK JL.McQUIRE TO BUY TOUR HOME : Abington Building. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. SOME GOOD HOMES FOR SALE $2700 Modern S room bungeknr. Fireplace, all built-ins. only $600 cash. . $26006 rooms, oa Insley aye., a snap for ' . someone. $500 cash, - 1 $22505 rooms, on paved st. Bybee sve. No mortgage to nnaiile. $19804 roonai, OoxlOO lot., fruit and berries. A bargain, $500 will handle. $2600 5 room modem. 33x134 lot. fruit grape and berries, close in . and bargain. $854 eash. $21504 room modern. 50x100 lot. 1 block to Gliaan street $500 cash. We have homes in all parts of the eity. Auto at your service. Glad to -show you. W. A. WEIGHT AND BEN JACQUZS. 417 Abington Bldg. Re. Sen. '1 85. - Main 6988. MR. AND . MRS. HOMESEEKER1 Just look at this for your cheap homes: 6 room house, full 60x100 lot Just eaat of Laurelhurst, close to good car service, stores, schools, and in American district Only $1500. I have many others from l $2000 to $20,000, on which I can quota a homeseeker reasonable prices and terms. J. B. HOLBROOK 214-213 Panama bldg. V $3250 IRVINGTON HOME $3250 Right in Irvington, near Tillamook, on a paved street with ell Mens paid. is. a 6 room substantial home; built-in conveniences, full cement basement laundry tray, three bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, electric- lights and gas. orfi nmr tour HOME Abington Building. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. TinsK PITT PARK $4200 No, this Is not a bungalow. It is a splendid 6 room home with glassed in sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet, book cases., paneled and. beamed dining room. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement best furnace. 60 xlOO corner, shade and fruit trees. This home was built by one of Portland's .best builders. It is one of the few really good buys in Rose City Park. Easy terms can be arranged. Co A. McKenna Co.. M. 4522. 82 4th St. Board of Trade bldg. " ROSE CITY PARK. 5 Room. Breakfast Nook $3950 A splendid new home. Never been lived in. Thoroughly double constructed and modern. Finished in old ivory and whit throughout Hardwood floors. fireplace. buffet ' Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement basement, wash trays; full 50x100 lot: assts. paid; $500 cash will handle. Now hurry. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Start st nesr 3d. Main 3516. Main 8092. Michigan Ave. Sacrifice ' Seven rooms, with full cement basement bath, bearing fruit etc. located on Michigan ave. near Sliaver. only 1 block from car. 4 block from school, street improvements and sewer - in and pvid: worth easily $3250. and we'll sacrifice for $2500. $500 rah. . Q. Q. McCORMIC CO. 41S FEN TON BLDG. 84 6TH ST. 5-ROOM bungalow in Montarilla corner lot. 50x 100; price $2350; also 4 -room bungalow in Woodstock, lot 60x100; price $1350; also 4 room bungalow, corner lot, on Alberta street nesr Mississippi ave.; price $2200; also a 6 room modern home in Sunnyside with 8 lots, close in and a 7 roan modern home with lot 55x100, it you see any of these you will like them and all on easy terms. Call at 805 Stock Exchange bldg... Third and Yamhill, or phone Main 7676. YOU GO into any REAL ESTATE office and ask for a 0 room borne with den and sleep- ing porch in addition within walking dis- tsnce, full lot, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, piped for furnace, fruit trees, price not to exceed $4000, they will say it can't be done. Yet we have such a home for less: $500 cash will handle. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 1094. Willamette fitSw$2750 Her is a snap. 6 rooms, furnace, enamel plumbing, f. c. bas't, paving and sewer pd.. 33 1-3x66 2-3, vacant Move in. Cost own er $4600. Widow, must sell, "only $550 cash. One chance in 1000 like this. Hurry I Main 4803. - G. C GOLDENBERG. Abington ' Bldg. "35 Tears in Portland." OVER 600 homes have been listed with u for the past two years. We have a number of them still for sale and at the ssme price as when listed. Thst is the secret as to why we are selling so many homes and why our prices are below market Bet ter see us before buying. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 1094. $ II 875, $350 cash. $20 per month. 6 room bungalow, plastered, electricity, gas, concrete basement 50x ,100 foot lot, 3 blocks to car, near Franklin high school, if sold thia week will include $165 Uni versal range, rugs and linoleum. See Mr. Fsrns worth. The Brong Co., 410 Henry bldg.. Main 174 3. " ALBERTA . BARGAIN $2625 buys 6 room bungalow, near 2 caritnes; batks gas, electricity, full basement. 4 bear f. ing fruit trees; very sightly lot; this is ex ceptionally good buy and can be handled on very eafy terms. Call Ti for appoint--4 , merit today. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 1094. One block to car or 43d. 5 rooms, large at tic and basement oreJSoOi 1 00 with several bear ing fruit trees. House is in good condition and was built for a home; $3875 including rarnltur., $500 cash, balance $20 per month and interest 6 . 1125 Gasco bldg. Main 5456. MODERN 6 rooms, fireplace, furnace, sleeping porch, built-ins. On Weidler street, close to 29th. $3250. half cash. Price after this week $3500. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. FOR SAliE 1OTS 16 3 NICE lots, all In garden, on 67 t. nesr Hawthorne car, st graded and sidewalks in and paid, and "water and gas in. A snap for $1000 and any kind of terms. 305 Stock Ex change bldg. Phone Main 7676. A BARGAIN Lot 50x114. with cement foun dation 24x18 and ba-emrnt, tent house 10x30 with gas and water, all for $450; near Mon tarilla carline, 2059 Holladay are. cor. 82d st Call evenings. FOR SALE Well located, lot in good district; lot 17, block 12. E. 62d st: 4 blocks south of Rose City Park carline; $500 cash, or $650 with terms. Will accept government bonds. See it to appreei te the snap. ZX-647. Journal. : LOT ON- PAVED STREET, $410. REAL SACRIFICE. ROSE CITY PARK CITY LIENS $85. ' PHONE TABOR 6196. FOR SALE Five good lots, near Warrenton, Oregon. - Apply, Wm. Hatton, 528 Bond st, Astoria. Or. .-- 50X100 lot in Overlook, Capital and Skldmore. Pavement sewer and walks in and paid. Pric $700. Woodlawn 1111. ' ACREAT3E (7 AT IS. at. aerea- all arood land: 6 acres in potatoes. berries and orchard; good water eystetn: 6 room new bungalow, plastered; good plumbing. Dutch kitchen; good barn and outbuildings; high class place; close to electric station and on good road. Pric $6000. $300 cash. See Brooks, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger, bldg. HOOD RIVER HOOD RIVER IO ACRE. 85fr00 2 miles from town of Hood River; 8 acre of 9-year-old trees in excellent condition, with good crop this year. All under ditch; 8 in. of water with the place. TUCKER -& SHRECK RO 3 Hrjaldina- bids'. TUALATIN river acreage. 12.84 Hrea, 1H miles from Willamette,' oa Tualatin rtver; 1 1 acre bottom. 8 Vfc - acres cleared, sandy -loam soft fine for vegetable -and berries; - running water, aome orchard, house and barn; big bargain for $1500, $700 cash, balance mortgagw. Gibson. 288 Stark it Phone Marshall 12. " "OREGON - CITT LINE. . - Acre tracts.- close to Oak Grove,- In ' natural shade trees, nice building place: $800 per aero; easy terms.- & acre, S blocks from car. Oak Grove, with 4 -room, bouse.- paved street corner; electric lights, gas; price $1725; $800 cash. John Ferguson. Gerlinger- bldg. ACRE TRACTS, $50 down. $10 mo.; will - advance $100 per tract soon. Fin soil, no gravel. Water to each tract. 1218 N. W. Bank bldg. - .:. '. : " ' '.. .? -"S - . $1800 8-room plastered house. 2 acres right . at Roethe station. Oregon Ctty car. 12 He commutation. $300 down, -645, Journal. - RE AT, ESTATE ACREAGE $7 A REAL, BARGAIN. Flv acres.' located five minutes '"-walk from Oregon Electric station ; 12c fare; 2 7 minute out; alii good land. Hi acre potatoes, orch ard, berries, 6-room , ceiled house, papered In side: large new barn, chicken bouse, well, wire fences; soma timber for wood. Price $1879; $800 cash. With team, chickens, garden -and wood. Personally inspected. See Davis, with John Fergnson. Gerlinger bldg. 6 ACRES, located near Tigard; all under- cultl vstion; $ good springs and creek, close to pared road; good soil, no gravel, as rocks, small hoose. woodshed and root cellar. , Price $2200, $1000 cash. Personally inspected..- See Davis, with John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg; SUBURBAN- HOMF.B ' 7$ FOR SALE By owner, 10 acres all under cul- titration. 10 mile from Portland. - orr good auto road, near lake and ajver. 5-rooca house, small outbuilding, dandy fir shade trees, fruit, near school; $8500;:. $1500 cash, terms on balance. Main 5429. Sletten. - 4 ACRES Italian prunes. . Paved road. New 6 roesn modern cobblestone boos. Poultry. Equipment. Aamapo station, Eatacada - an, aontk) to Foster road and Lenox are. ; - - $310O-j-NEW modern bungalow, corner , acre, native trees, elee. and water, 4 bloeksSljak Grove station. McFarland. 602 Yeonbldg. - FOR SALE FARMS 17 80 ACRES $200 DOWN Balance time at 7 per cent There ax 16 acre in cultivation, bat. easily, cleared; good spring water. 7 room house, barn 24x40, family ore nam. 1 1 PRICE $3700 120 acres, 20 in' cultivation, house, bars, fruit, it mile- from highway, $3200. - 40 seres, 4 in cultivation, 6 room house, barn 16x30; fine water. $1350. - v 14T acres. 4 in cultivation, 35 acres bottom land ; some fruit shack, barn, finest, spring of water in Clarke county piped to shack. $1460. 40 acres. 6 in cultivation, 6 room house, barn 24x36. 1 cow. 2 cares, 1 team, chickena. $1000 CASH BaL time at 7 per cent ' , 40 acres, 14 in cultivation. 4 room house. barn 48x50, 5 milch cows. 1 team and harness, tine spring water, all fenced, 1 plow, 1 buggy, separator, 14 tons hay. $4200. i . . I hat 60 mora place for aale. 1 really have the earth for sale. Call and look them over. I am sure I can satisfy your wants. - Woodland Realty office, next to Postoffice. W. L. STRONG Woodland, Wash. ' r HIGH-CLASS FARM Z STRICTLY MODERN BUILDINGS. 4 Hi MDJCS FROM TOWN OF 2700. i ..LANE COUNTY. -66 acres, all highly cultivated river bottom land, completely fenced and cross fenced with woven wire, fine barn with carjecitv for 20 tons hay. 12 head of stock and all farm machinery; cow barn for 20 head, hog house scientifically : constructed . to accommodate 160 head with ! running 1 water. 2 poultry houses .strictly the! finest, garage specially well constructed, work , shop with complete set of machinery of all 1 kinds; equipment consists or 1 sulky plow, way plow. 1 steel roller, 1 mower, drill, fanning I milt 14-inch plow, 12-inch plow, spike tooth j narrow, 1 nsy rake, cream separator, a. gooa wagons, ! feed chopper, potato digger, disc har row, grass seeder, 2 cultivators, Fairbanks scales, abundance small tools. The equipment de scribed is in the very finest condition and will pass for! new. There are 4 good hones. 1 cow. 1 heiferl 20 tons hay. good range, and carpet of best : quality. The. httuse has 9 rooms and ia strictly modern with large sleeping porches, hot and cold water throughout bath, toilet gas lights and telephone. Fine gravel road to place, beautiful lawn and flowers. This place produce an abundance of crpps and can show good profit This place stands the owner $15. 000 but he is forced to sell and will take $12. 000 for the place and give some terms. This price includes stock and Implements ? and alt We have photographs of place that will pay you to see.' C. H. WOODWAgD I RITTER, LOWE & CO., -120-3-5-7 Board of Trad tMg. T" Only bargain of its kind. 480 acres, 320 acres cultivated which is fenced In two 160 acres tracts, 90 acre . already seeded, 140 acres more to seed, balance to sum mer fallow. The: cultivated 820 acre is practically level, no rock or graveL Located 2t miles from Arlington: 4-rfoom bouse, bunkhouse, barn, chick en j house. 9 horses. 4 colts, 1 cow,- 1 calf, chickens and turkeys, header, thresher, drill, harrows, gtlows, wag ons and small' tools. Yours for only $6500. Terms: At least $3500 cash, balance on time at 6 per cent Worth your while to investigate. i E. A. LINDGREN, Savon. Land Co.. 936 N. W. Bank , i Bidg. 82 ACRES 5 mile from Fairdale. Or.; 28 acres nnder cultivation; some good timber, farm buildings and orchard. Price $4000. $500 cash; balance in payments of $500 every two years at 6 per cent 160 acres in Sherrnsn county. Or. Pric $16004 $500 cash, balance 6 per cent 44 acres 4 mile south of Hillsbero, Or.; 15 acres under cultivation. 5 acre cut, ever and in pasture. Farm buildings and good welt Price $5500: $1000 cash. . TUCKER & SHRECK ' " 502 Spalding Bldg. I I 90-ACRE "FORECLOSURE Tour 'opportunity to get a good farm with a fine residence for half price. Read carefully: 90' acres all cleared, clay loam soil, level, no rock or gravel; family orchard; woven wire fence. Improvements consist of a modem 8-room plas tered huse, having aleeping porch, fireplace, bath and toilet; Keewanee water system; 2 barns and other buildings. Only 3. miles from Leba non, on mile to station and 14 mile . to school. A gentleman's home. A non-resident owner's sacrifice 1 at only $6000. $2500 cash will handle. 1 Balance 5 years at 6 per cent GIBSON ft LEAVENGOOD CO.. ! -LEBANON. ORE. 218 ACRE LINN COUNTY FARM 125 acres tillable, half creek bottom, brack loam soil, 80 acres crop this year, harvesting 60 tonsi hay and other crop which goes with the place. i.2 acres family orchard of assorted fruit; good 8-room house; 2 good barns and new silo. Only 5 mile from Lebanon on gravel road: .R. F. D. ; cream and milk route. Phone in house. , A dandy grain and dairy ranch; ivery cheap at $52.50 "per acre in cluding this year's crop in the barn. Terms hslf cash. Come at once to see Gibson & Lesvengood Co., Lebanon. Or. Y0URC1ANGE:: To get this $10,000 farm for $8500, $4500 cash, 47 acres rich Molalla , bottom. 44 in cultivation, team, 2 cows, 2 pigs, 1 00 chickens, all crops and machinery, for only $8500. ' Has 2 house and 2 barns; will make 2 of th best small farm in the state of Oregon. - , I See 'I, S. O. DILLMAN. 8th and Main sts.. Oregon City, Or. WISHING to retire, will sell my farm consist ing of 63 seres, 3 miles ,from city limits . of Vancouver, Wash. Eight - acre onion land, orchard.! fruit and walnut trees, 8-room house, bath, hot and cold water; two barns, other out buildings, - 8 wells good vjeter. If buyer desirest an personal property goes wjtn place , . rnis con sists of iBuick auto, cows, horses, nogs, chicken, grain and crop of 75 tons hay, 500. bushels grain, etc. - Place 4 mile from school and rail road station. Price , reasonable, good terms. Ed La Londe. Vancouver, Wash., Rt 2, phone 17-F-3. 40 ACRES, 20 cleared, fair house r will trade for city property. 60 acres, 10 cleared, also will trade. 10 acres, $800. 6 acres, $5 00. 1 acre, 'good house. $700. Small' and large homes, stock ranches, city property. Can ar range any terms accessary. Beside, this is good country.; Phone Farmer 87 or writ George seers, rsanay. jr. - 30 acres, located at. Cenby. Or.; 24 ' miles from Portland ; all under cultivation: crop goes with place: good 7 -room house, barn, chicken house, orchard, team and farm machinery; an Al soil. Price 86500. $300 cash. See Brooks. I with John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. .- ; 8 ACRE GARDEN TRACT " Near Tigard. on good road,-6 acre ia cultiva tion, price $1600. $250 down. 1 . DRAPER. eV CALWAT. 626 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FORTY; acre farm for sale; , new barn, new fencing, good water en the place, -one mile north from Marquam: no city property for ex change, j . Price $5000; 1 mile to school and church. I L. Bowman. Box 3. Marquam, Or. 1 280 ACRE cleared. 100 in tmsroreF-$4000 cash or trade, balance of $20,000. 35 year. Let mMtalk to you. Tbm is not aU. No agent D. A. Browne Jr.. Hillsdale, Or., R. 2, Box 820. 40 ACRES in Wa.hougal country, 25 In cnltl- datkm 24x28 and basement cent honse 10x30 house, barn, other improvements. $4000. .terms. Realty agents don't apply. ZX-662. Journal. -SHEEPi ranch, 608 acres, pric $33 acre.' Trade for good houses er other good property or small place, well Improved, or what have you Owners only, H. I, .Box 66, Brownsville, Oz. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 17 . 30 ACRES CLOSE DJ. $3000 Just think of buying 80 acre only IS mile from Portland in th Reedville section, with a 3-rm. house, fruit house,, woodbonse, good sised ' barn, - 8 acre in cultivation, 5 acre slashed and 17 acre pasture, sufficient tree for fuel supply; a nice young orchard in bearing, or that price, and consider th future assur ances for' advance in "trice. Can you afford to overlook itf $1000 will handle or will take Portland residence or lots up. to $1000. Don't delay if Interested. s MITCHELL-- & RIPPEY 828-29. Henry bldg. Main 3584. i r-1 60 ACRES $6000 la) mile from, MoM inn villa, 95 in good tim ber, balance brush pastors, . 60 acres under fence, 4 room house, bam. other '-vmUmfldings. spring water piped to building. Consider small acreage aa part payment if desired. A splendid offer. ' - ' - - MITCHEIX V RIPPEY. 828-2 Henry Bldg. Main 2534. FOR RENT FARMS 11 .. . FOR BENT! ' 38 acres, about 15 acres under cultivation. About half sandy -soil bottom land. Running water through place. Small 9 room house' and awn.n. bean. . - -, .WAKEFIELD. FRIES as CO. . . 86 4th st I HA"E just arrived from the East and want to fent a good farm of 100 acre or mora. Will pay cash and purchase personal property and crops. Owner only. H-H9. Journal. FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY 38 I HAVE a client wanting 80 to ISO acre all stocked and equipped, must b on Al good graveled road, must have Al barn and outbuild ings: also Al - bona; not leas than two-thirds of land under plow, good, spring or creek; no worthless land or inflated value considered. I have the buyers. If your land meets with these requirements, write me' at once. - '.A. G. BENDER, " . feTTTEB. LOWE & CO.. . 2018-6-7 Board of Trade bldg. IMPROVED farms, with or without equipment If priced right we are pleased to advertise and show them. . John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg.. Portland. Or. ' FRUIT XANTJ9 FOR SALE 43 . - FRUIT MEN. ATTENTION THev White Salraon-Lyle fruit district is -unsurpassed. I have to offer 160-acre place, 48 acre -in 7 and 8-year-old apples. . finest varie ties, estimated crop 6000 to 7000 boxes; fine buildings, modern in every way, apple house costing $2000 now being erected; place stacked and equipped; present crop will sell for $16,000. Owner is business man and cannot attend to place. Yon can pay $5000 cash and part of the present fruit crop, making a total payment of $12,000 or $15,000. Price for everything $22,000. L. K. MOORE. 817 Board of Trade bldg. TIMBER 28 NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIM BER. GENERAL LAND OFFICE Washington. D. C. August 4, 1910. Notice, is hereby given - that subject to th conditions and limitatione of the Act of June 9. 1916, (39 Stat. 218). and the instructions of the Secretary of the Interior of September 15. 1917, the timber on the following lands will be sold September 18, 1919, 10 o'clock a. m., at pub lie auction at the United States land office at Portland. Oregon, to the highest bidder a not less than the appraised value a shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of th Secretary of th Interior. Th purchase price, with an additional -sum of one-fifth of on per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be re turned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber which must be remov ed within ten years. Bids will be received from citixens of the United States, associations ot such citizens and corporations organised under the laws of the United States or any state, ter ritory, or district thereof only. ' Upon appl na tion of a qualified purchaser, the timber cn any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being included in any offer of a larger unit T. 6 S-. R. 4 W.. 8ec 27. Lot 1. red fir 135 M.. not to be sold for less than $1.00 per M. T. 1 8, R. 5 E.. Sec 21. N. E. , 8. W. 14. yellow fir 1800 M., N. W. 14. S. W. yellow fir 2260 M-. 8. W. 14 S. W. U. yel low fir 600 M.. N. E. S. E. M. yellow fir 500 M.. N. W. .14 S. E. 14. yellow fir 1000 M. , not to be sold for less thsn $1.50 per M. T. 2 S.. R. 5 E.. See. 19. 8. E. 14 N. W. 14. rir iwuo m.. ceaar uv an., n. is. b. vv. 14 fir 1865 M.. cedar 30 M.. hemlock 75 M.. N 117 1. C W IA t; . fiQK l aa ... t jm ... m . ... wt, m... .m. a c iu.. hemlock 140 M., none of the fir to be sold for less thsn $1.26 per M.. and none of th cedar or hemlock to be sold for less than 60 cent per M. - ' (Signed) Clay Tallman. Commissioner Gen eral Land umce. - SAWMILL proposition for sale, on - railroad. 25 M. capacity and in operation, unlimited sup ply of timber available, 1 5 million under eon- tract en- same section as null, near Portland. Address 122 E. 10th st. North. Tel. East 6538. PILING and cedar poles wanted. Giv seal. O V. Gamble. Couch bldg. 15,000 ft. capacity sawmill with timber! A. J. Lais, Molalla. Or. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, REAL ESTATE hi 87 tt ACRES, ltt mile from Davis. Or.: 4 miles from Banks, 20 acres cultivated, good 7 , room , house and outbuildings, good orchard, 150 prune trees, water system, hot and cold water in house, cows. hoes, farm machinery. biacksmithlng tools, etc. Price $7000. Good terms or will trade for las acreage up to 340O0. .160 acres. 3 tt mile from Manning on Till amook railroad. 30 acres under -cultivation. 85 acre good timber, living water and necessary farm buildings. Price $5600. $2500 cash or will exchange for 0 or 10 acre between Port land and- .Salem. TUCKER & SHRECK . 602 Spalding Bldg. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 54 640 ACRES good wheat land. Eastern Oregon, 450 acres in cultivation, small house good barn, plenty, of water; 4 mile from R. R. sta tion. $17.50 per acre. Will accept city or suouroan property 10 fiuim, long tune on bal ance. See Rogers, 248 Stark st FARM wanted, income city property to exchange. Claude Cole. 215 Lumbermena bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 " AN OUT AND OUT CHALLENGE ... We challenge any brokerage office In the U. S. . to show a record of house sales equal to the following: v 571 HOUSES SOLD ; SINCE JANUARY 1. 1919 104 SOLD ONE MONTH 82 HOMES SOLD IN JULT 71 THE FIRST 20 DAYS OF AUGUST BY ."FRANK L.. McGUIRE'8 Saleaforce of 10 Experienced Real Estate Ssle&men For the U. S. ' ; Naturally, w need new listings more hrenes to sell. We have been established sine 1880. - We. advertise extensively, are in touch with the majority" of buyer, have a very efficient selling organization. THE McGUIRE SYSTEM Agets result. Every house listed is persorfitlly inspected, photo graphed and the photograph of your house is placed on display, in our showroom In its ' Tespectiv district ' If you have a bom for ' sale, LIST TT WITH US We will gat quick and Satisfactory r tniu 1 or you. er.D FRANK L. Mc TO SELL YOUR HOME - Successor to H. D. McGuire Co., Established in 1880 Abington bldg. Main 1068. : Office Open Evenings and Sundays. WANTED, at once, any kind of old houses or shacks at the right price, on easy terms, as I havei clients waiting to buy. List your city prop erty; with us, we will sell them. NEW YORK LAND CO., 803-4-6 Stock Exchange. Phone Main 7676. ACREAGE WANTED With some improvement and building. Ws deal 'in this exclusively ; have four auto to show It with, and can sell it for you. -John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. Irice mut be right and very eay term,. Ws hav sold over 400 .home in th last year. If you i want action, see Fred W. German Co., . .. . . . . . t l . . r-m. or - i-Jm tTCinmp imi m'maj WANTED Bungalos, house. If you have a place to sell I can sell it Phone me and - I will call on you. as we have clients waiting. W. A WRIGHT, 417 Abington Bldg. Sellwood 1355. ' Main 6988. r WANT a bargain in a fraction al'lot with or without bouse, south of Montgomery street between 6th and 30th sta, H-78. Journal. WANTED Old : E-68, JoumaL- bouse to wreck or . remove. ROOMING HOUSES, APARTMENTS AND HOTELS FOR SALE it - ' ATTENTION! OWNERS ROOMING AND APARTMENT- -HOUSES List with its today; w have buyers fof your liu Mam ski, ; "; ' '-" ... ar-rvrT.nnvimvrSl net 481 Chamber of Commerce. 10 ROOM8k 2 kitchenettes, good furniture, good condition, choice location. - Bet inooin $85. No agents. 185 11th st . BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES tt WE BUY STOCKS LARGE OR SMALL ;:; SPOT.CASi FURNITURE , - - and , J -' -v.'S General Merchandise FELDSTEW FURNITURE CO. . 174 FIRST STREET.. . - MAIN 483. . MAN or woman with business ability for treas- urer and business manager with road show playing best Houses. Handle your own money ; invest 3850; one half interest L-652, Journal SODA fountain. 18 avruD. icela. like new: worth $1000; terms er take auto In trade. C. Journal office. Vancouver, Wash. FOR . SALE House and garage near Brook lyn ear shops. Call 805 K. 14th st 8.. or Sell. 1629. GROCERY for .sale at 872 E. Couch; doing good business. Will sell building. IF YOU need a place to repair or paint automo biles. eaJl Tabor 6081. - IF yen are loosing for business location call Siram. 481 Chamber Cora. Main 6127. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 88 OREGON SALES CO. ' WILL SELL , TOUR STOCK OF MERCHAN DISE AND GUARANTEE YOU 100 CENT8 ON DOLLAR. WHT SELL FOR LESS WHEN TOU CAN RE ALIZE FULL VALUE FOB YOUR BTOCKT MR. OREGON BUSINESS MAN, IF TOU WISH TO SELL OUT , " TOUR STOCK OF GROCERIES. SHOES. DRT GOODS. CLOTHING. FURNITURE, HARDWARE. CON SULT THE OREGON SALES CO. . AND GET 100 CENTS ON DOLLAR -FOB TOUR STOCK. ADDRESS 475 tt BROADWAY. PORTLAND. OR. PHONE MARSHALL 887. HAVE $3500 cash. 40 acre good land; want gen.- mdse., " grocery or variety store, small town. E-69, Journal. MONEY TO LOAN REAL. ESTATE 87 OUR installment plan is the best and surest method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 36 months ;-or $21.84 for 60 months; or $15.17 for 96 months, pays $1000 loan and interest OVxtr amount in proportion. Ws loan on improved city property. Or for building, purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION 342 Stark St. rortland. Or. BUILDING loans on city or -suburban property. money advanced as work progresses. . . Beck. 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 3407. MONET to loan 'in amounts of $100 to $5000 on city property. A. H. BELL, rooms 10-11. Mulkey bldg. $80O,- $400. $500. $750. $1000 and up at lowest rates; quick action, r rea w. uerman Co.. 732 -Chamber of Commerce. Main 6445. CASH paid for mortgages ahd sellers' contract. on real estate in wasmngton er uregou, a. E. Noble, . 816 Lumbermen bldg 9AA ,AO .KAO St AO ITKA nA -. In.. est rates, quick action. Cordon Mortgage f r.v 1 . , mt 1 a 7 MONEY for mortgage loans. $500 to $6000, 6 and t. Fred S. Williams. 92 H 1st st SEE OREGON IN VI A MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4 th and Stark. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per cent Louis Salomon A Co.. 408 Selling bldg. $300 TO 38000. no commission. Msin 1168, F. H. Deshon, 615 Chamber of Commerce. MONET TO IiO AN CHATTELS. - SALARIES 67 PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS N. Phone Broadway 910. 894 Stark Street near 10th. Txians on diamonds, watches. Victrolas. pianos. kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musical instruments and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OP PORT LAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER City and county warranU cashed for face raiue. CARRIE MYERS-HERMAN. .-.'Manager.. DO YOU NEED MONEY Loans made on automobiles, diamonds, nianos. household goods or anything of value. Security usually left in your possession. ALSO to SAL ARIED PEOPLE on their notes without security. If your payments to other loan companies or on furniture or automobile contract are larger than you can make, we will pay them up, advance you mora money if necessary, and you can repay ns in small monthly payments to suit your conven ience. LEGAL RATES NO DET.AT BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY (Licensed) 806-307 Dekum Bldg. Marshall 8286. Salary LOANS Chattel WK LOAN MONEY On short notice to salaried or working-men on their own notes. Weekly. Semi-wtekly or monthly payment. Each transaction strictly confidential NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSER. ABSOLUTELT NO SECURITY t W also loan on household furniture, pianos, ets., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY " (LICENSED) 218 Failing bkia MONEY to loan on ' diamonds, jewelry, legal rates; all articles held year; established since 1888. Dan Marx, 283 Washington st FTNANCIAT. SI LIBERTY AND VICTOHT BONDS If you must sell your Liberty or Victory bonds, ell to us. If you can buy more Liberty or Victory bends, buy from us. . We buy and sell Liberty and Victory bonds at the market. - - YOU CANNOT DO ' BETTER TOU MAT DO WORSE We are today paying the following price for United States Government Liberty and Victory bonds, which are th closing New York market prices, plus the accrued interest - N. Y. Market Interest Total 3tt $ 99.70 $ .64 $100.34 1st 4 84.10 .73 . 94.83 2d 4 ...... 92.80 1.07 -93.87 1st 4 14 a..... 94.20 .78 94.88 2d 414s 2.0 1.13 ' t 94.03 3d 4 14 ... . ' 94.82 1.84 f .66 4th 4 14 .... 93.10 1.40 ; 94.89 Victory 3s. . . ,.95 1O0.63 Victory 4 14s. . 99.68 1.20 100.88 In purchasing Liberty and Victory bonds we deduct from the above prices 37e on a $50 bond and $2.50 an a $1000 bond. In selling Liberty and Victory bonds we charge the New York mar ket price plus the accrued interest ASK ABOUT ' THE MORRIS BROTHERS PLAN Burglar . and Fireproof Safe Deposit Boxes - for Rent MORRIS BROTHERS. INC ' " The Premier Municipal Bond House Morris building, 809-811 Stark st bet 6th-6th. Broadway 2151, Established Over 25 Years. ' LIBERTY AND VICTOBT BONDS , CASH PAID FOR ANT ISSUEV OF BONDS. 5 FULL MARKET PRICE. LOAN ON WAR SAVINGS STAMPS TOU CAN BORROW CASH OF US ON BONDS AND SAVINGS STAMPS, OR TO FINISH PAT1NG FOR VICTORY BONDS. SEE E. BURKJTT. PRESIDENT. ' OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO 212 SELLING BLDO. 2D FLOOR).. CORNER TH AND ALDER 8TS. DON'T sacrifice your Liberty bond. We will give you full face value and accrued interest to date for your Liberty bonda-r-any issue Win pay half in cash and half in merchandise; the latter may be taken- now or later. No- dis count, no brokerage, no waiting. This means 10O cent on the dollar and accrued interest to data. See th bond man between 12:30 and 1:80 and 6 to 6 p. m. Kilers Music bldg., second floor, entrance 287, Washington it. be tween 6th and 4th. - , - - - I WILL BUT ANT LIBEETT BOND .99 :PER CENT OE FULL CASH VALUE (All due coupon 'interest Included.) J. H. KEATING, 617 BOARD OF TRADE " BONDS BOUGHT , SPOT CASH SPOT CASH ' MARKET PRICE CASH for RECEIPTS. W will LOAN you money on BONDS. W. S. S.. or to make PAY MENTS on BONDS, 7 per cent 725 Gasco Bldg.. Fifth and Aider. . - ' CELLAB8-MUBTON CO. STOCKS AND BONDS 38 FOR SALE 100 .shares in the Johnson. Auto Signal Co., $1S0.- Phong 6 67-Y, Vancouver, Wash. , I.O AN S "WANTED 36 FIRST MORTGAGES for sale. $30O up. F. It-Deshon. 616 Chamber of Cemmerce bldg. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE COT7T232 Chamber of Commerce, 4th and Stark, - HORSES, TEHICLES. ETC. IS ONE SPAN of bora,' about 2700 lbs.:' good - worker and gentle; .1 buggy horn and har ness. Pric $30; all in good condition; wagons and names can be seen at Woodyard Stables, E. 9th and Hawthorne. Phone East 6106. FOR SALE Horse, weight 1050 or 1100 lbs., - suitable for rural mail or milk rout. Ask to see 'Buster" at th Crown Stables, between Jef ferson and Columbia on 1st at FOR SALE One team ' well matched, weigh 2600 lbs.; one team horses weighing 2800 lb. Replacing with autos. 220 Russell st GRAY mare, weighs 1100 lbs.., good worker, - Single er double, $35; a bargsin. Woodstock car to 34th st. 6 blocks sooth. 1040 Schiller. BARGAIN Team of ponies, young, sound, gen- tie and wnU broke. Woodyard. 327 Front at HORSE and wagon.' $1.50 per day; 2norae and wagon, $3. J. Cohen. 640 Front Main 2208. DEADlione and animals hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. ' IilTESTOCK : $ IF you want any trash dairy- cow of any .breed, at any time, see Mr. Bruce, at th Stockyards. North Portland. Or. BEAUTIFUL saddle pony to trail, pig or heifer. W. If. Hunter. Beaverton. Or. BROOD sows for sale. - Woodlawn 8438. BROOD sow for sale. Main 7S89. WANTED Beef, veal and bog. Tabor 2.720. ' FJSULTRYNiy lBBPrS $7 STTtTNE R7LRd pullet for sal; also 10 i- tra fin R. I. Red bens and 1 rooster, 17 months old. 80m very nice. Reds snd B. P. Rocks, mixed pullets and roosters: all at bargain if taken at one. 6825 Powell Valley road. Portland. ; lOO WHITE LEGHORN hen for eala. i H years old, D. W. Young strain. 1347 Hood st Phone Marshall 2585. - CLEAN crseked wheat." $3.75; M-ratch, $4; cackling mash, etc. - Woodlawn 4 844. FOR-SALE ThorouBlibjedR. I. cockerel $3". 723 K. 29th N. C-1314. WANTED W0 White Leghorn pullet. Tt Woodlawn 3878. Adress 1645 Mi's. ave. DOGS, BIRDS, FETS, ETC. 46 A $100 LIBERTY bond takes a beautiful pedi greed Alaska' husky; - if you know the value of this dog take a look. 21,50 K. Morrison. CtiOlCE canaries at "'The Canary Bird Shop." Singers guaranteed. , 1151 K.-28U1 K. Q-22 17. FOR SALE Pedigreed Persian kitten. Call Sellwood 130. AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 (GARAGES Portable and Permanent Price en Application. MODERN CONSTRUCTION CO.. 4 E. 11 that. East 6114. 1917 CHEVROLET touring. This car has been overhauled from top to bottom and can be relied upon-. AUTO SALES COMPANT, Ninth and Couch. 1917 MAXWELL, good tires, neve battery and in fine mechanical condition. - Must be sold, as I need the money. Phone East 6681. DODGE, sedan. 1918. Only run 3000 miles. Just: like new. Extra tire, wire wheel: a bargsin at $1800. Some term. Consider smaller car in trade. Balance terms. 80 Grand ave. N.. near Bumside. - stock Used Cars v. NO MISREPRESENTATION , Covey Motor- Car Co. COLUMBIA VULCANIZING WORKS WB REBUILD. RWBKD, RETREAD OR RECAP, WITH PURE RUBBER. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. -826 f OUCH" ST; A-1128. BRING IN your used ear; we lisve a buyer for it AUTO SALES CO.. ' . : ;. Ninth and Couch. SAXON 6, late model, - in A-1 could ti on ; - must sell at "once. - See this before you buy or you will be sorry. Easy term. He Tom. Ore gon Auto Top Co., 14th and Couch. Broad way 4408; CHEVROLET- 1918 touring, in good condi tion, good tire, must (ell; a bargain at $676, with terms. - so Grand Av., North, near Burnsine. 1917 BCICK 6. good shap, cord tire. CARY, 623 Alder. ..Broadway, 2492. HERE'S A BUY Model 83 Overland; mu-t be sold y tomorrow. Tn good shape every way, $575. terms if desired. See at Portland Garage. 5th and Taylor. 1918 LIGHT Buick 8, in first cl condition. new top. paint and ha good rubber; want $1250 cash if interested. Call ownar, Woodlawn 4478 Thursday. 1918 BABY-GRAND CHEVROLET, good con dition. Spare tire, spotlight splendid condition. $1050; terms. Phone Bdwy. 240. Alder and 14th sta. Ask for Rinehsrt FORD roadster in best of condition, some extras and good tires; a bargain at $425, with terms. 80 Grand Ave. North, near Burn side. MAXWELL touring. 1918. in beat of condi . tion, ;.newly painted, good tires; will sell at $760. with terms. 80 Grand Ave. North, near Bnmsiae HERE is just the car you have been wanting. Hupmonue; just overnauiea 'm gooa (op ana paint Look thia up before you buy. Beaver Garage, 200 Union ave. N. Phone East 804. . STUDEBAKER 5 passenger, fully equipped and excellent condition: 4 new tires; looks like new. Will sacrifice at $700. Woodlawn 5144. X25 E. ,12th t. N. : SAXON SIX touring, 1918, in best of con dition; good tires, win sacrifice at $850, with terms. 30 Grand Ave., North, near Burnside. . ' - , AUTO TIRES We sav you money on new and used tires; vulcanising and retreading; Vulcan Tire Shop, 41 Grand ave. Phone East 4898. DUBRU1LLE tZttCyT TOP COMPANY'' i iVVf 9th at Oak. Broadway 18B4. DODGE tnorlng. late 1917..drtven only by owner 9300 miles; Imineoiate -casn aeuvery. vwner, 405 Madison. '-- - - ''-';.".' CHUMMY ELGIN Six; perfect condition; beauty for quick sale; sauu. vwner. . rnon Woodlawn 447 1918 CHEVROLET touring, good condition, a real barcain at $675; terms. Chevrolet agency. Alder and 14th; ' ' $1850, CASH or -terms, buy 1918 Hudson . soeedster. Al condition, cord tlr: no trad. Call Taoor .. MAXWELL touring. 1917, In tin condition. good tires; a Bargain at oio, some larm. $0 Grand av. North near Burnside. VIM tt-ton truck, mechanlcslty fine snd tire excellent; frpe'UHy pncea 400. F1ELDH MtTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. IMMEDIATE delivery of my 1920 Hudson rwtedster. brand new: am leaving city ; cord tire all around, run 300 mile. K 07, Journal. 4 CORD tires, 34x4 tt. trade for 84x4, or sell aheap. A bargain to soma one. it urana sve. N. -.-. ;.. .- WE do honest auto repairing, ail make of ears: work ruaranteea ana price reasonable. Call at 845 Williams ave. . MAXWELL touring. 1917. in fine condition ; good tire all arounc. wiu eu at osu. with teTms., 30 Grand Ave. North, near Burnside. f)0DGE touring, 1917, in beat of condition; will sscrttioe or tnuie on mil t oro. balance terms. 80 Grand avee. Worth near Bnrnaidc BARGAIN in 1918 Hudson speedster, run 6000 . miles, gooa tares. A.L conaiorm. 66, Journal. ; ' OLDSMOBILE 8, 1919. run very little, a bargain.. Take Liberty bonds at fac or giv terms. WHI take Ford as part. Woodlawn 1427. FORDS Sevan! of 'em. Come early. . FOR BALE 1 918 Cleveland. Will sea cheap for cash. rnmw nim OVERLAND 83 model touring; engine and tires be- condition, 847; term. Kast 87-61. IF YOU WANT a good ear, for $150 call Sell wood 169, res. 6783 46th ave. B. E. BUK'K BUG A dandy. Smith Auto Co.. Park and Couch. - . . . . - 1913 CADILLAC, A-l condition. 404 DAVIS ST. 1918 LIBERTY SIX Special paint job. 6 : . -1 1 II. K - - LA IF YOU"" WANT A CAR FOR 200. w hav it. ;44 iuvis or. 1916 STUDEBAKER In good condition, tee new cord tires., Phone Woodlawn 8464. FIVE passenger Mlchigsn. new paint job. ----- - UAVIO Bl. 1918 SUPER 1 Hudson, cord Urea, 823 Alder Breadwar 2492. FRANKLIN TOURING, in good shape, good Urea. 404 DAVIS ST. - - ' - 1918 MAX WELL ' cheap. Makm cash offer. 987 E. 2lt , - - lllJlL3ll AUTOMOBILES AND ACCFSSORIFS 41 USEt CAR CHATTER "Hello, Georg I" "Hello, All" '".' "VVher r'you going. Georfef" , "Iown to Ohy' Used Car Stor." "Whst for?" 't5oin" to buy a used car." ""Thought you just bo't on last week. 'I did." . "Wber is Itf" "Sold it" What lorf " "Two hundred more than I paid for it" "WUere'd you buy Itf . "At Obyos." " i "How much?" 1 "Flv hundred snd fifty." "Psy 'em csshf" "Nope. Traded Liberty bonds." "Does he giv full fac value for bonds? -Yen." "I wonder if he giv any terms'" "Mure- Easiest in town." "Hs be got much of a stock to select from f " "Biggtat in town." . "Say, are -you kiddln' m?" "You know m. At" "What make ha h got on hand?" "Ob. th laat Urn 1 was In there h bad I Buicks ' liodge - ! Oakland 'bevroleia Fords Maxwells Overland Studebakers Elgin . Saxon . Cole y . i Hurisona ; ' . Jordan llupmobile - Stephens I Stutxs Csdillac ( ' ' . disinters Cltandlers llaynes "In fact most' any kind of a ear "you wnt "You 'po be' got all those make now!" "Sure; h buy 'em by the trainload." I "Ho can he Hell 'em o cheap If " "'Cause he' on th East bid's, out of th high rent dlntrict" : "Where you goln'. Al!" "Why, I was goin' over to th West Sid to discount my Liberty Bonds and pay cash for a car. but I think I'll go along with you down to Obyes and aav all that time, anil. Incidentally, save the discount on th bonds. And say. George. 1 bellete' I'll buy a belter ear tban 1 was figger'n on, since he give easy terms, and I can pay for it whll I ride." "All right Al; com en." iVs might add: George bought an Oakland 6 and Al bought a Hucteon super th had intended buying a ford or a Maxwell), and they're both tickled to death with their cars. Com in and get tickled your self. , LEWIS E. OBYE MOTORS CO. Used Car Department 12 Grand Av. N., Near Burnalan. Open Evenings and Sunday. SELECT ONE OF THESE GOOD USED CARS. 1918 Liberty Six.. 1916 Cadillac Eight' 1914 Btudebaket 8lx. Bun Six. 1917 Overland Four. Any of th abov cars can be bought tot 0 small payment down, balance monthly. . 1 THEC.H.S.CO. Distributor Moon and Dixie Flyef. C5 North 28d st Marshall 1125. Lambert Tire Cheap We hav a few Lambert Troblepmf Tires the kind that doe not puncture or blow out very slightly defective in appearance, yt a dirsble as any, which w call "factory see cud.' Ws are selling thes st a considerable reduction from regular price. Hare is an oMKjrtunity to teet these fin tire at small cost - , LAMBERT TIRH A RUBBER CO.. East 2718. 126 Grand av. N. 15.000 -carried in stock. Our T rings sold with a written gusrante. W give you service. 84 N. 1 6th st 1918 SUPER HTX, HUDSON With six cord tires. Csry. 622 Alder at Bdwy. 24 $2. NEW TIRES Whst brand of nw tires do you prefer? IV hav. them, all makes and sises; alto w mk th-famous O-V-C Doubl tread (sewed) tires snd do all manner of tire retiring. Oregon Vulcanixing Co.. 883-833 Bumaide, nesr Urosd way. ; 1917 OAKLAND roadster, ia th very bast of ahaoe and all good tlr: tills ear has had excellent cere, 85; $250 down, bal. av. A-l AUTO WORKS A PAINTING CO. 626 Alder St. 1916 LOZIER touring; cord tlresf tpnesrsnr like new and tn very fine meehanlfal comfHlon. auto sales company. Ninth and Couch. AUTO TIUM.WiNG A UPHOIJITERLSO CO. AU kinds top nd uphol stering, fitu and Couch, up- stairs. Broadway 2017 51UST sell at once. Grant 6. A-l condition; good tire and original paint: just'lik new; do not 'I this np. Easy terms. See Tom. open evenings. Oregon Auto Top Co., Hth and Couch. Broailwa y 4 4H. . CHEVROLET touring, 1918. only run a few thousand .mile, in fine condition; a bargain at $775, . with terms. 30 Grand. Ar. North, near Burnide. . . ' , CHEAPEST Chevrolet touring in town; elm;trie .i.n.r and liaht. motor just thoroughly over- Lhauled; body look worn some ; $35. r lr,il'S Sl,tl''lt - SS .'T'.. ,n. nxivT. FORSALE At sacrlflc 191'9 Stanley steam : er, new paint and first rlea mechanically: will sc'reit gas rsr as psrt paymsut Call morn ings, -7 to 8. SelL 1227. ' : , .- 1918 BUICK - Light six, 6 paeeenger; must be sold tolay. All w want 1 a reasonable offer. Term. See at Portland frsge, fth and Tsylor. jVT8'ORD touring, perfet;t condition, shuck absorbers. Yale lock, siwedometer, new tires; $500; small payments, balance eany. Alder and 14th sts. Ak for Kinehart. 1917 MAXWELL, overhauled and painted, best : bargain in town; $550; terms. A Her and 14th st Ask for Bmeliart . 7- """l 91 9 OLDSMOBILE SIX 8m a new. This car is In perfect shape, 4 4 SO. Tsbor 941. 1918 FORD TOURING $4 60 Look like new. Rune perfectly. Oood tire. A sacrlfic for eash. Eaat 4671. LATE model Overland panel delivery, electric equipment throughout, excellent condition; $50n. Fi'lq Motor l'srq, Wdr and 14th. BRING us yonr rsr today and get your money , tomorrow. Onr nam I Speed. . ... - - 4 04 DAVIS ST. LATE 1917 Dodge tmiriug car, A-l condition, some extras; 5 good tlrea; snap. Tabor 281. 228 E. - . 1917 MAXON Ki touring car for sale at a sacrifice, or will take Chevrolet roadster la trade. Phone Msin 2070. 66 N. 23d at MAXWELL roadster, 1917, in fine condi tion: good tlrea, a snap at $875. with 'terms. 80 Grand Ave. Nrrth, near Burnsid.- " ; DODG&HEADQCARTER3 404 DA V 114 ST. GASOLINE 22 CENTS A GALLON, OILS AND GREASES. PIONEER PAINT .CO.. 188 1ST. 1917 SAXON 6. good condition; 404 DAVIS ST. 1 91 7 CHE V ROLET, In good condition. Marshall 727 after 6 p. tn. DODGE HEADQUARTERS 404 DAVIS ST, HUPMOBILE bug. a bargain. 404 DAVl ST. SEE that Dodge" for sale' 409Madion ; nearly, good a new, snd priced much less: Owner, . (Continued Jr ollovrliigFa-;e) J V