The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 21, 1919, Page 11, Image 11

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. Travelers tm S point of Hi. Waited SUUe at
abroad should tak. advantage of nimtjmd Ib
foratstioa and eemee offrrsd tirroaafe The Ore
son Journal Travel Bonn, in personal eharae
Dorse B, Smith. Railroad tickets aad steam
atup bookies arranged. Foreign K-.bao ImmA.
loioruativa Siveo mitdhn passports.
oomimo Kvcirrs
Southwest WutunziuB Ulr. CHeballj. -aogw
Spokane Interstate fair. - Spokaae, Wi4
September I M (. .
Wall Wall talc Wall WaQa. traah.f Sa9
Camber 9 to IS. .
Multnomah Gorntr etr and MannfacUiita
gnaw, September IS to
Yakima Bute fair. Xasima. Waab-, Septem
ber 18 la 20. .
pendlatoo Koa&d-Cp, PandJetoo. Of..-
Ninth Aaoual raetna tntenaoal TjfTastocs
Exposition. Fonlaad. November IT to xa.
rortlana and Vicioitr Tonicht and Friday
(air: westerly winds. .
OrHon Tonight aad rriday fair; senile weeV
r1 winds. ' . ,
Washington Tooisht and Friday fair; cooler
eat portion; moderate westerly winds.
Moderately hi)t pressure prevail, alone tba
AJlantio and North Pacific ooaits, and ever moat
of tha country south of the . Ohio river. Over
tha remainder or Uie country ut pressure u low,
the lowext readings betas la Western Canada.
Rainfall haa occurred in Texaa. Louisiana, Mi-
amiri. Illinois. Minnaaota and Washisaton. The
following heavy rainfall la reported; Abilene,
Texas, 2.02; Ht. Louis. Sfo.. 1.28; Galveston.
Texaa, 1.0 ti. Tha weather is much cooler in the
upper Mississippi valley. In other sections the
chaneee in temperature nave been generally an-
important. Tlta temperature i slightly above
normal over the greater part of tha country.
ltelative hnmidity at Portland: 1 p. m. yea
terdey. 44 per cent; p. m. yesterday, SO per
cent, o a. nvtooay, bo percent.
When going away for tba summer or aa
roar vacation, have Tha Journal follow yon
at tha regular rate of ISe per week, or the
following agents will supply yoo at regular
city rales. t. ...... '. ,, .
" Barriev, Or. Eva C Davidson. 5
Say City, Or. Mrs. T. A. Oillea.
Cannon Beach Kcola, Or. H. T Herrla.
Canon, Wash. Cerl B. Smith, alao Sbjp
herd'a Springe, '
ttarbahti. Or. lira, S. MeKUma.
Crearhart, Or. Jason McCnoe.
ton Beaen, Wash. Ralph Frag. -
Manhattan Beech Mrs. ti. 1. Huston.
Manaanita Beach Kmil G. KardeU.
Neah-Kah-Nie, Or. A. C. Aaderaoo.
Nehalem. Or. Nebalem Proa Company.
Neterta. Or. Mrs. M. T. Cross. ,
Newport. Or. at. 8. Hunt.
Jcea Park, Waab. W. A. Parent.
Reckaway Beach, Or r. P. Miller.
fieaxide. Or. Jaaoa MoCune, Lewis Drat
store. -
Beaview, Wasb TUlpb Pra.
Ten Mile Lake Louia St. ItennSa.
Tillamook, Or. Jobs Phuket.
Twin Jtoeke. Or. 1. i. Van Seyoo. '
Wllhoit 8prin T. W. UcLeran.
TElf F. e
' Si
: J Y 2
Abilene. Texaa 7 I 68 12.02
Baker, Or. 90 4 0
Boise. Idaho S2 0 0
Boston, 11 us. 82 02 0
islesry. Alberta. 84 54 0
Chicaao, IU 84
Denver, Colo. 84 62 0
Z)ea MofaMB, Iowa 86 80 g
IVesno, Cat 108 78 0
Havra, Mont. t) 84 0
Honolulu. T. H. . . . 84 . . 0
Huron, 8. I. 80 82 O
Kansaa City, Mo. 88 88 0
KnoxviUe, Tann. 88 70 0
Los Antelea. CaL .......... 80 84 0
Marshfield. Or. 88 60 0
Medford, Or. 8 .. O
New. Orleans. La. 88 74 .88
Hew York. N. Y. 82 68 0
Noma. Alaska 48 .. .08
North Head. Wash '.;.. 68 82 0
North Platte. Neb. 84 62 0
Oklahoma City. Ok la. 84 68 O
Phoenix. Ariz. 108 78 0
Pitt-burg. Pa. 84 70 0
Portland. Or. 88 68 0
Bed Bluff, Cal .- 104 74 0
Roseburg, Or. 94 '68 0
Sacramento. CaL 98 83 0
8t. Louis, Mo. 84 68 1.28
BU Paul. Mo. 78 68 .04
San Diego. Cal 74 64 O
San Francisco, CaL ........ 88 62 O
Seattle, Wash. 80 66 O
epokana. Wash. 88 60 O
Taeoma, Waah. 80 54 0
Tampa, Fla 90 78 0
Tanana. Alaska 68 .. 0
Vancouver, B. C 72 64 0
Wall Wall. Wash. 92 70 0
Wa-hington. D C 88 70 0
4-UHton. N. V. 78 60 0
rafcima. Wash. . . 92 64 0
'Afternoon report of preceding day.
On Bala at
Business Office, The Journal.
lrur Addict Sentenced Fred Lyons,
Kllleboro. -was 'sentenced to 90 days in
jail by Municipal Judge Rosem&n Wed
nesday for bavvina; morphine In his poaf
session. .Lyons was arrested late Tues
day .Vnifht by s Officers Parker and
Schimp at Fourth and Everett streets,
and a hypodermic needle, three small
bottles of distilled -water, and morphine
were found on his person. In court,
Lyons said he has taken morphine for
23 years. He is 38 now. He has at
tempted to stop the habit recently, and
was in Portland for medical treatment
when arrested.
Pharmacists Honor Sorts A. W.
Kurts was elected secretary-treasurer of
the Portland branch No. fl, American
Registered Pharmacists, at a meeting In
ths Morgan building- Wednesday night.
11 takes the place of J. G. Torrance,
who reslg-ned. J. S. O'Callaghan ,ot San
FVnpi9t.f. srand president of the asso
ciation and president of the California.
. board of pharmacy,' spoke of the plans
and accomplishments of the organiza
tion. - .
Man Sees Things "German spies are
following me around trying to poison
me," sard Carl Stevens, 28, when he
walked Into police headquarters this
morning. He will be'turned over to his
parents for care.
fibepard Ants Bss Lines St. Helens,
Hood River, Bridal Veil, .Cascade Locks
and all way points. Leave St. Charles
hotel on schedule time. For Informa
tion caU Marshall 4381, Main 930. A-3611.
B. P. O. Elks 14f The special meeting
called for Thursday evening, August 21.
1919. to meet brother , Raymond Ben
jamin haa been Indefinitely postponed.
M. R. Spauldlng, secretary. Adv.
Speeders Seataneed Reckless driving
brought L. E. Tokstads a $50 fine and
one day In Jail Wednesday. Tokstads
admitted he had traveled 40 or 45 miles
an hour in his car.
Holders of Lottery Tlekets Fined An
Lee and Sam Kee each contributed $100
to the city Wednesday when Judge
Rossman in police court found them
guilty of possessing Chines lottery
fP . . .1 I!1 ,' ,frv waj
That's the condition of the
man who has us take care of
hfs clothes. Our work is
good -our prices, are lowest.
Suits French Dry
or Steam Clecaied $1.25
Suits Pressed 45c .
Hof f-Man Sanitary System
It Gets All the Dust I
h. e7joy
Unique Tailoring Co. -
;Bet. Washington and Stark
: Near East Morrison St.
tickets. Ah Lee gave up an additional
950 for having n shee.
Cancer, Tamers, Files, FIstsIa, Goitre
No knife and Joss of blood in cancer.
No plasters and pains for. hours or day a
Skin diseases treated by . X-ray and
Ultra Violet ray: Nervous diseases by
Spinal Percussion -and Vibration. High
blood pressure by Autocondensation. Fe
male diseases by Galvanic and Sinusoi
dal currents. Portland Physical Therapy
Laboratory, 412 to 417 Journal bldg.
Portland.?Sewberg Leave Fourth and
Alder daily. :30, 9:30, 11 a. in. and 1,
2 :30, 4 :15. S :30, :30 p. m. ; Saturday
and Sunday, 11 p. m. Phone Main
6106. Adv.
Steamer Iralda for" SL .Helens and
Rainier, dally at 2 :30 p. m., foot of Alder
street. Sunday, St. Helens only, 1 JO
p. m. Adv.
Steamer Jsssle Harklas for Camas.
Washougal and way landings; dally ex
cept Sunday, leave Alder street dock at
2 p. m. Adv.
Bead and Use'josraal Want Ads reg
ularly. . You will profit enther way.
Phone Main 7173 and A-405L Adv. ,
Had ley A Silver, tailors, make depend
able clothes. 100 Sixth street, corner
Stark. Adv.
Delbert Wlttaer write your mother at
once, R. D. 7, Box 10-A, Parsons, Kan.
Milk Diet Treatment The Moore
Sanitarium. Phones, Main 6101. East 47.
Adv. , .
Halreatttng a specialty at the Market
barber shop. 17 4tb at YamhilL Adv.
Br. E. B. Sparks, chronic diseases,
717 Dekum building. Main 4753. Adv.
Br. Robert M. Parker returned from
the East. 609 Oregonlan building. Adv.
Safety Boxes at pre-war prices. In
spect our vaults. 2S4 Oak. Adv.
Br. Grant Smith has returned. Phone,
East 6810. Adv.
Half Holiday , for
Fair Decreed by ' .y
Centralia Mayor
; .' .t, wsaaasssnwassaaaaawatieaase . r- - j-,-. .
Centralia, Wash., Aug. 21. -Business
will b at a standstill In Centralia Fri
day afternoon, Centralia-Chehalis day at
the eleventh annual Southwest Wash
ington fair. Mayor T. C. Rogers pro
claimed a half holiday.
F. B. Hubbard, president of the East
ern Railway Lumber company and
president of tha Fafr association.' baa
purchased 300 admission tickets for em
ployes of his mill and their families Fri
day. The mill will close down a half
day. : ' - " " ;
Judging was completed Wednesday in
the stock department. The Owl's Golden
Queen, owned by K. L. Brewer of Sat
sop, Is the gnjad champion cow in the
Jersey class, and Felix Majestic, also
owned by Brewer, Is the grand cham
pion bull. In the Holstein class, Mo
desta Ragapple Soldena, . owned by
Harry Hamilton of Forest, waa the
grand champion cow, and Lord Gerbin
Rechella. owned by S. W. Porter of
Eveline, the grand champion bull.
The Fords Prairie grange , has been
awarded first premium for the best gen
eral grange exhibit, second place going
to the Newaukum grange. :
Veteran Eeturns
Bringing Word, of
Euel Bond's Death
.... awawaia i j. . V
Halsey. Aug. L -First definite word
of the death of Corporal Ruel M. Bond,
who was killed In the opening drive of
the Americans on July 18, 1918, was
brought by Charles Mornhenwig, son of
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Mornhenwig, who
has returned from service overseas.
Mornhenwig was in the big drives, in
which his company and regiment suf
fered heavy casualties, but he escaped
with- a slight defect in hearing and a
scar" on one finger. His younger broth
er. Homer, returned recently after ser
vice overseas with a hospital train.
Card of Thanks
We wish to extend to our friends our
heartfelt appreciation of all their kind
ness and sympathy during our recent
bereavement. Cecil W. Freeman. F. P.
Freeman, R. K. Freeman, Mr. and Mrs.
A. A. Griffin.
We desire to tender our heartfelt
thanks to the many kind friends who so
generously donated their services in our
bereavement through the loss of our be
loved son and brother ; also for the many
beautiful floral remembrances. C. M.
Meredith and family.
See Tnrlay Today
Turlay makes good clothes; 421 Fall
ing bldg., 12214 Third st- Adv.
Hill MHUtary academy, Portland, Or.,
the school that gets results. (Adv.)
Deer Hunters and
Deer Eaters Fined
John W. Wells and W. H. Griggs of
Starkey, Or., were arrested this week
for killing deer out of season, and J. S.
Rose, Alvin Burnett and Leonard
Ingham of the same place were taken
into custody for having deer meat in
their possession out of season. Arrests
were made In Union county by District
Deputy Game "Warden J. W. Walden of
La Grande. Each was fined 925 and
94.60 costs by Justice A. C. Williams of
La Grande.
S1,000,000 Highway
Issue Is Being Signed
Salem, Aug. 21. State Treasurer Hoff
is now signing up the million dollar
bond issue recently sold by the state
highway department to Carston St
Earles of Seattle. The bonds will not be
delivered tmtil after the return of Gov
ernor Olcott from Salt v Lake as It is
necessary that he' affix his signature
both as governor and as secretary of
state. ---..;-.
We're as interested as
you in your pictures
VI i!
- '
Vt3 feMk 1 I
Let us talk over your
K o d a k . results with
The Columbian's ex
perts have used and
studied Eastman
products for years.
And the developing
and printing staff is
trained just as thoroughly.
ProtesttheHigh Cost of Living
i will be held at ;
under auspices of ' ,
of Portland
This is a ital matter. Gobd 'speakers will offer solutions.
If we have a remedy, let's apply it. Come and see for your
self. . ; - '
. , A Fortune la Pigeons ; .
J When O.' N. Davenport's wife was ill
some years ago, he sent to Belgium for
a pair, of, rare pigeons. Then he sent to
France. Germany, and Italy for more
pairs of rare pigeons. Nine days before
war was declared the pigeons arrived at
the Davenport home in San Mateo, CaL
At that time Mrs. Davenport weighed
97 pounds and waa threatened with, con
sumption. . .
Now Davenpdrt has 600 pigeons, worth
anywhere from 840 to 8200 apiece. . He
has improved on alt the rare species and
has a new kiriti of pigeon Which he calls
the Davenport strain. And Mrs. Daven
port,1 who cared for the pigeons, now
weighs 318 pounds and is a perfectly
healthy woman.
"Art expert told me X had the largest
loft in the world and the largest bird.
said Davenport this morning at the
Multnomah hotel. "But I have never
advertised a bird nor shown one in a
show. Until recently I never sold one.
and then only to a personal friend. Some
of my birds weigh 3 "4 pounds. None
weighs less than two pounds."'
Davenport has been a traveling sales
nan for 41 years. His line Is paint
brushes, but he loves pigeons.
. Advent of the Salemites
The hosts of the Salemites seem to
have pitched their camp In Portland,
We have with us today:
Joseph Richardson, deputy state treas
urer, at the Oregon hoteL
W. T. ; Vinton, former president of the
senate, at the Imperial.
W. C ! Stols, fruit juice manufacturer,
at the Imperial..
Benton G. Burdick. now a druggist at
Redmond, formerly member of the legis
lature, at the Imperial.
The Call of the Wild
M. Linnahan, publicity manager of the
Multnomah hotel, left today on a 10-day
vacation camping trip In the Nehaiem
valley. in company with a former
roommate, Linnahan will gather tales
of fish that bit and game that Just es
caped, i
I a a a '(
From the Ends of the Earth
Among foreign guests at ' the hotels
today are r O. H. Saastamolnen, Knopic,
Finland, at the Benson hoteL S. Sasaki,
Tpklo, Japan, at the Portland hoteL
! Back From Trip East
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Royce have re
turned to Portland after a trip of sev
eral months visiting relatives In In
diana and New York. They are re
siding at 332 East Forty-second street.
i a e .
j At. the Hotels
Among Oregon guests at the Hotel
Seward are: William L. Bates, mer
chant. White Salmon ; G. Walter Mor
ton.', dean of commerce. University of
Oreron, Eagene, and H. C .Seymour.
Oregon Agricultural college, extension
division, Corvallis. Mrs. Seymour Is
with her husband. r;-f :" '
" 'Mr.t and Mrs. S.' M. Mayberger. " Me
Minnville, are at the Portland hotel.
Mayberger is a merchant. ?y
The ranknig army - officer registered
at the hotels today Is Lieutenant Colonel
M. F, L. Hardigan, Pull mam. Wash. Mrs.
Hardigan Is with her husband at the
Multnomah hotel. ;
Among Oregon guests at the New
Perkins are: Lee Moo rehouse, Indian
affairs, " Pendleton ; - B. Sohler, stock
man. Wheeler j and P H. Conroy, sheep
man, Shaniko.
Dr. E. Roes and son. Mount Angel,
are at the Oregon hoteL
. George Schmitt. Seward, Alaska, Is at
the Imperial hoteL .
. Ampng Oregon . guests at the Hotel
Carlton are : Mr. and Mrs. Harry Noble,
Marshfield; Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Whipple,
Roseburg; Mrs. Euphemis McCullock.
Marshfield, and .Mrs. Erma Island, Mil
waukie. Mrs. James Thompson and Mrs. J.
H. Laycock, Pendleton, are at the Port
land hoteL
Mr. and Mrs.'W. L. Harriman. Kan
sas City, Mo., are at the Multnomah
hotel, guests of Charles S. Harriman,
Seattle. Harriman is in an electric
lighting system business.
J. B. Jamison, timber, Aberdeen,
Wash.. Is at the New Perkins hoteL
A. C Wheeler, lumber, Yacolt, Wash
is at the Imperial hoteL ' -
Among Washington guests at the Mult
nomah hotel are ; Patrick Welch, con
tractor, Spokane ; Robert G. Chambers,
attorney, Raymond, and Mrs. J. C SU
verstone, Mrs. Blanche W. Suverstone,
Mrs. E. Wocktel, who motored Wednes
day from Seattle. ,
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Dutton, the two
Misses Dutton and Ellis Dutton are reg
istered at the Multnomah hotel from
Butte, Mont, The Duttons are on a
motor trip.
Irrigation Bond
Issue Approved
Prosser, Wash., Aug. 2L (TJ. P.)
The 818.000,000 Horse Heaven water
bond, issue has been confirmed .by
J udge frusx- . The issue will Irrigate
318.000 acres on an arid plateau above
Prosser.. r Two hundred miles of tun
nels, canals and syphons will be neces
sary to carry the water from the Cas
cades to the project.
" - Wife Charges Desertion
"Oregon City, Aug. 21. Edith B. Puc-
kett charges her husband, tannd i:.
Puckett, with desertion, in her suit fr
divorce. She asks the custody of ti
minor children. They were marrlei in
Woodland, Wash., in 18S7.
120 Broadway
at Wa&bi&8rtl
. af . . . asE W .
286 Morrison St., Between Fourth and Fifth St.,
ri . ' Next to Corbett Building.
Beware of imitators - aad imitation
sample shops. Look for Big Sign
With the Hand Pointing at 286
Morrison St- Factory Sample Shop
Closing Out All Summer Dree, Suits, Coats.
Dolmans and Capes.
During this sale the Factory Sample Shop will
exchange all sale garments and your money
back if not satisfied within three
days of purchase.
Odds and $ zTgx ffMr3
Ends in' JJ Qssj)
liP'nifafl'e fx .....
to close out "7 ' r
. , . M M : w VVlalflOlf;
at only . . . 1 - Prices
Values to $30. to close out. quickly G mjrjCb
Values to $35, td close out quickly. pG)m?ri&
, Values to $35, at only. . JL dxtJJO
WAISTS .. . $2.95 (
Pure-War Prices oei Ortaj
ainidl Ointag . Stainidi'leG
'. Specialo for Friday and Saturday
GeeiMe $1 Taimkc
The Popular Tonic Q
Pespits) tho raise) in prices on Soaps wo are)
selling at the following low prices i
Palm Olive Soap, 3 cakes for.". . ........ .23c
CuUcura Sosp , . . . . . . . . ....... .v . . . .21c
Woodbury's Soap . . .......... . . . ........ .21c
Palmer's Soap ........ . . 19c
60c Hndnut's Cold Cream ..39c
$1.00 Nnxated Iron ........ .... . . . . . . .89c
GuaranUed SOc, Tooth Brushes, - OQ
Special iV
Revelation Tooth Powder 19c
Pebeco PasU
Cilletto Blades .39c
Durham Duplex Blades ................ .39c
60s Sal Hepatica ...................... .49T
LycUa Pmkham'e Vegetable .Compound. . ... .98c
BOe Saatieoptie Lotion -39c
t doss Aspirin Tablets . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . 14c
$1.60 Squibb' Paraffin Oil. ... .79c
50e Lysol , . . ....... . i .............. .39c
Nature's Remedy Tablets . 1 9c
Danderine, for tho Hair ................. .49c
$1.25 Cadomeno Tablets (for loss of vitality) 89c
Mulso. CocOanut Oil Shampoo .43c
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur 63c
Why Pay Fancy Prices
for a TRUSS?
Expert Tru$$
Fitting from
$2.50 and Up
$1.50 Suspensory Bandage. . . . 83c
Water Bottle
and Syringe
tqsart meld
ed. fall capae.
1 1 y, extra
heavy caage,
tan reiaiereea,
metal stepper,
rapid flew,
alafa table r.
metal sfcsteff.
S screw pipes,
lafaats' rectal
aad vagi sal.
Begmiany si
fmh-C Douche
Re g. $2 . Fountain
f. smart else, fall
lesgth tsbe, S hard
raeser attaehmeats.
Special at only. ...
Regular $2 Hot
Water Bottle
Made ta eae piece.
Ke seams. S.aart
size. Special at...
Xarge seered
alb, ad Js (table
shield, bard rsb.
bar best pips,
throws whlrllsg
pray. Bellable
aad safe. Begs,
lar 88 qselltj.
Reduce the Hi Cost of Living
iii ii
Buy your Groceries in .quantities and save money.
Read these prices carefully and note the big savings.
Friday and Saturday Only l ( (
Aatoalnl Italian Extra rise OUvs OH for Salads aad Tabls V.
Abselately the best oil tbat meaey can bsy. ...
ANTONIN1 OLIVE OIL Medium glass bottles, each,.........! .85
ANTONINI OLIVB OIL Vk gallon tins, per tin,,,..,.......... 4.25
ANTONINI OLIVE OIL Quart One, per tin.. 2.25
POMPEIAN OLIVE! OIL Gallon tins, per Un ................. . 6.76
. POMPEIAN OLIVE OIL H gallon tins, per Un 2.8.,
POMPEIAN OLIVE Ollr Quart tins, per Un...... 1.60
ALBfiTRS RIPE? OLTVES Medium Ripe Olives, In at tins. ea-.8 .40
' ALBER3 RIPE OLIVES Medium Ripe Olives. In 8 os. tins, ea, .15 .
ALBKRS RIPE OLIVES Large Ripe Olives, in gal. tins. ea... 1.60
LIBBT'S STUFFED OLTVES 5 os. glass, per do., L85 ; ea. .20
JPS Queen Olives 82 os. glass, each .90
' JPS Queen Olives 11 os. glass, each. , .85
- Small White Oregon Beans, per lb 9o
v California Lima beans, per lb........ ....................lie
, " Imported Lima Beans, per lb.... S'ie
DAIRY MAID CORN KERNELS Something new. Made of
Tankee Corn, packed In rich, creamy mllkv Ready cooked for Im
mediate use. . Per dozen, 81.85; each lc
Bay yoer espply sew a Caaasd Goods will set be lower, bat pes
alttiv seareer.
P. 8. Solid Packed Tomatoes, Ss, per dos
AirMtlser Corn. zs. oer dos...,
P. s. Tender Melting Peas, per dos..
Llbbjra Spinach. Zs, per aos......
Libby's Sweet Potatoes, per dos....
, 2.85
2.65 ,
Sugar CfftBW-a??) .Ioa-W $9.65 Cash
Oor famous JUNO Coffee Regular 80o grade at the- special price
'. of ..................................................... 44e per lb.
' Wo deliver. Free of Charge, to your nearest shipping point, or by
pareel poet, JUNO COFFEE at the special price of 4e per lb.
With the guarantee that If this coffee Is not satisfactory wo will
refund tho full amount of tho purchase price.
Orders "Will Be Filled Carefully and Promptly si These Low Prices.
d: c. burns company
. 208-210 Third St, Between Taylor and Salmon '
Special Matt Order Service Write for Bfeatkly Fries Lltaf ember
; Greater Fortlasd Asaertstloa Wheleaalers to Private
. . Families. Hotels aed Bestaaraats
Pbose Stale SIS. A.-16ZS.
Keep the etomach rcll,
the liver active, the boweb
regular, and the breath
will be -weet and healthy.
But let poisons accumu
late in the digestive organs,
the system becomes clogged,
gases form in the stomach
and affect the breath.
these conditions with
Beecham's . Pills. They
promptly regulate "the bodi
ly functions and are a quich
remedy for sour stomach and
Larsaat Sale of Aay Medidae la Ua Wet!!.
- Sold sisaywltaia. la Bases, 1 25c
President Wilson Promised
to Answer 20 Written
We promise to Answer f8 Written
Questions About the CALORIC.
National Caloric Week
August 23 to SO
New Principle
Most practical, durable, comfort
able Truss ever constructed. Made
to measure. Will cure some cases.
Elastic Hosiery and Belts made to
measure. -
Stock Trusses, Arch Supports.
426 Wash. Ht, Bet. Utti sad 121b
Seattls Vaseesver, B. C.