THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1919, 16 SITUATIONS MALE tOCNG man. 27 years old. wishes to learn suto repair business; -willing to work hours every ermine atd Saturday sftrrneone for fiance to IMtn the trade. cu WANT TO KKNT completely furnished ranch on snare or nantia un j j; crulsf besis. Reference. II. B. Stone 4839 7'jnd at. W. K. Can pot one or two trucks on the Job at once.' fDorw owi i THla tl tin tn haa vour furnace cleaned and repaired: we do It. J. C. Bayer Furnace Co.. 204 Market st Phone Main 461. COM fETENT bookkeeper wanU work part or ' full time. .Tabor B77. MAN with team wanta worki East 4989. SITUATjgjgEJMALE WANT ED Portion to work" for room, board and small pay. while attending Lincoln high. by experienced si rl . age 20 M -8 4 4 Jou rnal: XlR"iENCEDwoman would like day work Friday and Saturday. Tabor 0084. PBESSMAKINO 40 "ladies ! n,k.,ro;4oVoeoiiorru -ttrirg !t - ...... j l 1.41a.' up. Tenor out-. ' ' ALTERATIONS, retrain euu ., reasonable prices; work J ReobiBv Ladies' Tailor. 408 Bush Lane Bids- " FUBNISHEP BOOMS "HAttT APARTMENTS AND LAUREL. fSewly f-mtoned. modern hk i Jlep" rooms. (3.50 up Second and Yamhill. HOTEL gARGENT. Hawthorne and 1 Grand. Starting point special ear for VaM-oor u UBISHEPB0S PBIYATE NICE, large, light front room. 10 minutes' walk to T Meier Frank a .tore. , Inquire Selling bldg.. room 712. between 9 a. ni. and 4 p. m. NICELY FURNISHED rooms; prirste family. 106 North 22(1 at. M ' AND SLEEPING rooms; employed day time. 1.S 8U IL North, Brosdy243, Nil- large, "airy 3 rooms, furnished ; walking distance. 638 4th. Main 2874. TWO seperste rooms to "let, all conveniences, close Jn. 387 V Mill t. : FURNISHED room with privilege of H. K. 606 E. Market. I'l s'fa TTm hnarrl if desired. Near shipyards. 604 3d at Marshall 1228. i . BOOMS A5P BOAHP 16 THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 380 10th for business gtrla ayd students. Marahallia5l. ROOMS AND BOARD PBIVATE FAMILY ? KIND lady wishes couple school children to board. Main lt4 3. , . ELEGANTLY furnished modern room, home cooking. KastTioo. SINGLE ROOM and board. 574 E. Couch. East 824. WISH to board girl. Refined home. Mrs. Grace Miller. 181 1 Sth at. WANTED ROOMS AND BOARD 88 HOME with C. S. family for mother and boy 9 year care of child main , consideration. Willing to pay well for congenial place. Write, giving phone number. X.-62. Journal. YOUNG man attending trade school will work for room and board. Phone Bart 744 5. HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS 8 FUHN I SHED AND . I'XFtRS ISHFD . FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 2 room suite on second floor, light and sanitary, close in, (19; also single room. (12.50. Marshall 285. 388 Hth st. T4 WEEK UP. completely furnished H. K. suites; clean; baths free, water always hot; sere carfare. The Cadillac. 3 esIferm FRTTY housekeeping suite. - V4 blocks north of Washington at.; .everything included. 85 per week. 70 N. 14th. Broadway 3221. ON E aingle . housekeeping room t'lav. cor. Broadway. for rent. 335 raBC.EH.K. rooms. 179 Stout at., near 20th and Morrison. TRUNKS DELIVERED IN DOWNTOWN DI3 TR1CT FOR 25 CENTS. THOSE E. r.434. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 78 FURNISHED -AND UNFURNISHED 'SHIPYARD district, cottages, housekeeping, fur nished, unfurnished, reasonable. Apply 252 Gibbs. .. FURNISHED front H. K. rooms, suiUble for 2 employed. 294 14th st. , FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED 12 5 ROOM modern house. 20 minutes' walk from St. Johns terminal. 5 minutes from car. Call 4 ' Britol or phone Columbia 4. - WHEN YOU MOVE. USE NORTH WESTERN ELECTRIC LIGHT SERVICB Tenth and Washington. Brosdway 680. HOUSES FOB BENT FURNITURE FOB SALE 88 FURNITURE of 4 rooms for sale cheap, house for rent. Inquire 480 Market at. FUBNISHED HOUSES S FIVE room furnished house, large law i. 600 Clinton, cor. E. 15th st. Richmond or Wood stock car. 3 ROOM furnished bouse. 589 14th and Powell. Brooklyn car. No small children. FURNISHED house, suburb. 517 Henry bldg. Swnk. FLATS TO BENT. UNFURNISHED 18 THREE rooms with garage. Union are., near Russell; adults only. Eat 105. 321 LARGE 4-room flat, adults. 917 H Williams are., after 6 p. m. FURNISHED FLATS S8 THKJM8 with large sleeping porch, elegantly and completely furnished; parties wishing a rfect home in every detail phone Main 4 864. W ill lease for 6 months. Central west side. A PLEASANT 4 room flat, convenient to Alblna, Kenton, St. Johns and Vancouver industries. Albina ave. at Iimbard st.. 20 minutes to town. Phone Woodlawn 2642. MUSIC teacher will share her flat with girl who wishes to study music; walking distance; ref erences. Main 3018. 7 ROOM flat, furnished. (48 month. 460 Col lege st., comer 13th. FLAT for rent, furniture for sale;, walking jrtistance; E. S441. 4 ROOM furnished flat 624 6th. west side. AFABTMENTS FOB RENT 43 THE 8TANFIELD. 204 Porter St., modern 2 -room apt., corner; reasonable. Main 7392. SUMMER RESORTS it v . MANHATTAN BEACH. 4 room furnished cotr . V. tnge with fireplace. Woodlawn 2657. STORES AND OFFICES 11 STORE 5r rent with living rooms, suitable for printing or tailor. Woodlawn 5145. WANTED TO BENT 1 We Want to List HOUSES. FLATS AND APARTMENTS. TP TOU HAVE ANT VACANCIES, PHONE. HEAVE TOGETHER". CAKE OF NORTHWEST STEEL CO.. MAIN 1193. WF HAVE three clients that desire furnished houses from (60 to (100 a month. These parties now at our leading hotels waiting, so if you desire to rent to good tenants get in V-iK-h with our rental department without delay. M tsgerParker-Ferguson Co., formerly Stanley S Thompon Co.. 302 Oak t, .-' FAMILY of 4 adults wanta to rent furnished home with garage; 8 Bleeping rooma neces sary best cars guaranteed: first class refer encea furnished. Z-648. Journal WANTED 3 unfurnished rooms. 8 adults, wet side, ten minutes of Washington st. Z- Journal. WANTED Furnished light housekeeping rooms ease axis, oy clean single man. Bcferences nur.i-neq, . w., 7 t'nlon ave. -nil aus.u a mall furnished house or lower flat oy reiDie people where children are allowed preferred, near Rose City carline. East 1646. WANTED Two partly furnished IT. K. rooms in C. 8. family. Phono Sellwood 3856. REAL ESTATE BEACH FROFEBTT 48 A BEACH HOME, now at Seaside, Or., at hV tlful "Cartwrisht Park.- at reduced prices: (2ft to (70O; easy Install tents. 6 per seat; sooa to b connect ed by all -paved highway with eastern and aoathern Oregon, which, with proposed 2000 loot pier. wUl mske "Cartwright Park" one of the moat attractive spots on Pacific coast. Whit sn et-KeUy Co., 414 Pittock block. Portland. Oregon, or inquire F. M. Uoia. agent. SV hioadway. Seaside. Oregon. ' - " FOB SALE HOUSES 1 FOR SALE 4 room house, near-Broadway car. ... 326 Benton St. : - ; LEAVING ty, 7 rooms, modern. (2200, terms. j Nut sed. V-863. Journal. . ft ROOM bungal-w, iu Rose .City Park, for sale . uj wue o a. aim M, II. REAL ESTATE FOB MALE HOUSES fl SOME GOOD HOMES FOR SALE (2700 Modern o room bancak r. Fireplace, all bailt-ina, only 8500 cash. (28005 roonaa, on Insley are., a ana p for someone. 1500 cash. (22505 rooms, on pared St., Bybe ara. No mortgige to assume. (1980 -4 rooms. SUtlOO lot. fruit and berries. A bargain, (500 will handle. (M00 5 room modern. 38xl5 Ipt, fruit. grapea and berries, close in and a bargain. (850 flash. (2150 4 room modem, 50x100 lot, 1 block to Glinan street, (500 cash. We hare horses in all parts of the city. . Auto at TflUF leniim. filaii to show you. W. A. WRIGHT AND BEN JACQUES. 4 1 7 A bington Bldff, Main 8988. IV-!-, O-ii. . ROSE CITY CAR Bi- l l.Ain- anwh -85250 Probably never again an opportunity Hka thia one. A spienaia none; you u oe immu m it, for its grace of line and interior beanty; you 11 never eipect to see a home like this for (5250. Do let us show you. Naturally, you will be under no obligations; of course, it has hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, etc. Everything the very best. Hurry. A. tl. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St., near 8d. Main 3092. Main 8516. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. ROSE CITY PARK (4200 No. this is not a bungalow. It is a splendid 6 room home, with ghwaed-in aleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet, pan eled dining room. Dutch kitchen. Jnll cement basement, best furnace. '50x100 comer lot, sliado and some fruit. This horns was built by one of Portland's best builders. It is one of the few reaUy good buys in Rose City Park. Pay 8700 down and It is yours. COE A. McKENNA CO.. Main 4523. 82 4th st.. Board of Trade bldg. ATTRACTIVE ROSE CITT BUNGALOW (3800 TERMS (8800 5 rooms, modern from A to Z, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace, about y blocks from Sandy bird; (1200 cash will handle, baL almost like rent. This is a little beauty. 'WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS C. A. WARRINER. RITTEH, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. DO IT QUICK DITCH THE RENT PROFITEERS BE FREE; OWN YOUR HOME It will be a pleasure to show you the pretty modern bungalows we are building and selling on terms or let us build for you on terms. B. V. POND REALTY CO.. THE IDEAL HOME BUILDERS, 1230 Sandy bird. Tabor S825. Office Open Sundays and Evening. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW LARGE GROUNDS 6 rooms and large inclosed back porch, built- in con v., fireplace, cement basement, furnace. ground 100x150. garag. abundance of fruit of different variety, berries, hedges of roses, about 50 ft. from paved st. close to stores, car and school. Price 84500. C. A. WARRINER. HITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. BELOW VALUE Think of it. a 9-room strictly modern borne for only (5000. large rooms, hot water heat, pretty lot with shrubbery. Don't miss this: some cash, balance 6 , H. F. POND REALTY CO., THE IDEAL HOME BUILDERS. 1280 Sandy bird. Tabor 3823. Office Open Sundays and Evenings. NORTH PIEDMONT ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW Here is a nice large lot 75x100 and a nifty 5 -room bungalow almost new and garage in keeping with house: about 100 ft. from hard surface st. Price (2800, (1600 cash, balance long time. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. HAWTHORN E 8-ROOM HOUSE SNAP Nice 8 room house, furnace, firenlaca. 1 bedroom down. -3 upstairs; cement basement, laundry trays; 5 bearing fruit trees, small fruits; lot 4xiuu, paved street and all city liens paid; 1 block to car: E. 81st at. between Hawthorne and Main; fine location; price a snap, (4000; aooui siouu casn, Balance to ault. GRUSSI & BENNETT, 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. NORTH IRVINGTON (21 00 -EASY TERMS (2100 H block from car, 2 blocks from school. 6 rooms- and sewing room, full built-in Dutch kitchen, including built-in wish tray, lull semi cement basement: (550 cash, balance monthly payment like rent. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. (4200 1 block from Gusan street carline, 100 xlOO lot; 7 rooms, den and very largo re ception hall, furnace and fireplace: (500 - down will handle this exceptional bargain. Better make arrangements to see this at once. You must see the beautiful bed rooms to appreciate this bouse, J. A. W1CKMAN CO. 204 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 1094. Can't DupBicate This You can't duplicate this talace in Portl-H One acre close in, good 6 room house, block from paved street, 65 bearing fruit trees, small fruit all kinds. roses, shrubs; electric lights and gaa. A country home in the city. Owner leav ing. Will sell reasonable. Place is paying good interest on purchase price. Call 721 E. 40th st. (3150 Buys new modern bungalow, 5 rooms and bath, with attic, full cement base ment, wash trays, hardwood floors, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, all built ins; (500 cash will handle. Let us show you. - J. A. WICKAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1094. Hawthorne Bungalow One block to car on 43d. S rooms, lane at tic and basement on 50x100 with several bear ing fruit trees. House is in good condition and was built for a home; (3375 including rurnttur. (500 cash, balance $20 per month and interest 6. 1125 Gasco bldg. Main 5456. $3000 Modern 5 room home, within 1 block T f .1 . . . r "i nwuiurao car; street improvements in and paid for; no mortgage to assume. If you have (1500 cash this is a truly won derful buy. Let us phow you. .1 A wiriruiv rn 204 Railway Exchange bldgJ 'Main 1094. (3150 SUXNYS1DE. Close to TjLlirelhltmf nark. lnHfnl with paved street. Good 6-room house. This is a choice location and a dandy buy. A. iv. till.!. 214 Lumbermen's building. SUNNYSIDE BUNGALOW BARGAIN $2250 buys a dandy 4 room home, newly gone over throughout; 2 bedrooms; corner lot; paved street in and paid for; full cement , basement. Terms. j a wtnirxrsM r-n 204 Railway Exchange bldf. Main 1094. FURNISHED 8 room cottage, on a business lot. 25x40; price $950; on Alberta st ; half down, balance (15 per mcnth. There is a bakery, bar- - - ni a a i j siure across the street; would be suitable to build store build- in on. oo AiDeria st 7 ROOM furnished modern bouse, contains pi- - ' wf-w.v. emrinc sweeper and all furniture in good condition. Lot 50x150; fruit trees, winter's fuel in. House is piped for furnace, but has hot water heat installed. Near car. Price (8000. East 1262. C A - 1 1 H T 1 I ' f C OAA. A K , 37 tnrin fmi 1 -.. J I i . . - -. . . .v 1 - m mjh. uani surxace in front, paid for. The ground is worth more CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO. 212 Ry. Exch. Main 6752. Sissn s itnnua titia TT.lf i . cat, aim aunace, gas, electricity, good plumbing, close in. fractional lot (250 down; easy terms. SMITH-WAGONER. STOCK EXCHANGE MODERN rooms, fireplace, furnace, sleeping Sfetf A ereek XiT, .ioV fr?. street, close to (3500 t (258 100x100 (250 One block Woodstock car; fruit trees; best IrrlV S rt-1 a SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCHANGE. SPLENDID 8 room home, Irvingtnn. hardwood floors, basement, furnace, modem, choice location. lot 70x100: worth (2500 mora than a aiuB. CeBH I O , 2p00 WILL, BUY a modern 5 room bunaalow". full basement, full 60x100 city lot; locajted 2 Mocks from , Mt Tabor carline. Address owner. Rosetta Hasly, Ienta Station, BL 3. Box 756 LVl r a , n 2 houses, modern, partly furnished; 2 blacks from carline. phone Woodlawn 6272 or Sell- Wftflfi 1 y3 TWO houses for sale. 50x100 lot, garage- two carhnes: bargain; gas. electric lights, hot wa V,bSV 708 Woodward .v? petweA 671 E. SALMON, seven rooms, good condition. Eastri1864: buJ' 360- 8 t Phone FIVE room house, lot 50x100, bargain; might Cfrt,Sd " .Chwwl terla! FOte-8H1trE,it,r Li J room hoa" Irvtng ton Heights price (1650, some terms; prefer ably CSsIl Owner W)l " HALF ACRF. ,. . 1 . ' . - - , . . . n , O IT . .i " " ".fii w roo a oungaiow; 829T' tu' sift0"1 wner. Oreao km. --noiaa xsrot Tl -M.gsv4 fO0 9. y "7aSSi-r5 ZfJ ,1309. ..... ..., i.j vaia. - .. BEAU ESTATE FO B SALE HOUSES , ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW (4750 1 Can ma uu S2000 cash I Then Jet us show vim this beautiful home. The wnet is moving from Portland and must sell at once. You will appreciate the exceptionally large rooms and the real downright value; the street and aewer assesmenta paid in full. Beautifully located in the very beat part of Rose City; hardwood floors, fireplace, massive buffet, fur nace, etc Most be aold at once. There cannot be any delay. A. O. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark st, near (d. Main (518. Main 3092. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. The McQUIRE SYSTEM makes noma baying' easy. Yoa caa come to this office and see over 600 photographs of homes for sale, arranged in districts; every one has been appraised, 19 automobiles at your service; some wonderful bargains.. That is why we sold over 10O homes in May. SEE FRANK L. 'McQUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME Abington bids. Main 6156. . Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. HROSE CITY PARK. Bungalow (3950. . You won't be able to resist buying this splen did bungalow. It's a humdinger, and more than modern. Exceptionally largo living room, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, cement base ment, Dutch kitchen, with breakast alcove, etc Located, in the caved district of Rose City: all assessments paid. Don't delay. (500 cash will handle. Let us show yoa. A. O. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st.. near 3d. Main 8092. Main 3516. Branch office. 50th and Sandy. MT. TABOR CARLINE 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. VACANT An attractive, well-built home. Large attic. deep basement with full concrete walls; por celains bath. Dutch kitchen. This bargain will not dissapoint you. Don't fail to investigate. Right on carline. just east of Mt Tabor, in good neighborhood. Call owner, Broadway 421, or evenings. Tabor 3058. Ask for . Mr. Hill. Remember, Immediate possession. ROSE CITY PARK VERY ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW 5 rooms and outside sleemng porch, fire- olace. built-in buffet, white Dutch kitchen, fur nace heat, hardwood floors. The lot with shade and shrubbery is especially beautiful. V e have never listed a prettier home. The price is (4500 with 81250 cash, balance monthly. When may we snow you? COE A. MCKENNA A CO. 2 4th at.. Board of Trade bldg. Main 4522. Michigan Ave. Sacrifice Seven rooms, with full cement basement, bath, bearing fruit, etc., located on Michigan ave, near Shaver, only 1 block from car, 4 blocks from school, street improvements and sewer in snd psid; worth easily (3250. and we'll sacrifice for (2500. (500 rah. Q. Q. McCORMIC CO. 4 US FENTON BLDG. 84 6TH ST. YOU GO Into any REAL ESTATE" office and a for a 9 room home wjth den and sleep ing porch in addition within walking dis tance, full lot. fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, piped for furnace, fruit trees, price not to exceed (4000, they will say it can't be done. Yet we have such a home for less; (500 cash will handle. , J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 1094. ALBERTA VACANT BUNGALOW Nice corner lot and 5-room bungalow, full semi-cegnent basement, built-in bookcases and buffet, fireplace. Dutch kitchen and nice pass pantry. Price $3250: (1000 cash will handle. balance easy. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. ROSE CITY PARK (4250 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Large living room with firenlace. hardwood floors lower floor, Dutch kitchen, 3 bedrooms and bath upper floor, high-grade furnace, brick fruitroom, wash trays, street paving paid. Yes, this is a good buy; pay (750 cash and move in tomorrow. COE A. McKENNA & CO. 82 4th St.. Board of Trade bldg. Main 4522. OVER 600 homes have been listed with us for the past two years. We have a number of them still for sale and at the same price as when listed. That is the secret as to why wc are selling: so many homes and why our prices are below market Bct-"-ter see us before buying. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 1094. 5-ROOM bungalow in Montavilla comer lot, SOx 100; price (2350; also 4-room bungalow in Woodstock, lot 50x100; price (1350; also 4 room bungalow, corner lot. on Alberta street, near Mississippi ave.; price (2200: also a 6 room modern home in Sunnyside with 3 lots, close in and a 7 rocen modern home with lot 55x100, if you see any of these you will like them and all on easy terms. Call at 305 Stock Exchange bldg., Third and Yamhill, or phone Main 7676. ALBERTA BARGAIN (2625 buys 5 room bungalow, near 2 earlines; bath, gas, electricity, full basement 4 bear ing fruit trees; very aichtly lot; this is ex ceptionally good buy and can be handled on very ea?y terms. Call us for appoint ment today. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 1094. 7 ROOM HOUSE 2 LOTS SNAP Good house, 5 rooms downstairs, 2 up, all newly papered and painted, electricity, bath, ce ment basement, 4 bedrooms: 2 lots, 80x100 corner; on Interstate ave. or Patton ave., 1 block from Alberta st; a snap, (2200, (500 cash. (20 month ; 6 per cent. GRUSSI & BENNETT 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. EAST YAMHILL REAL BUY 6 rooms, full aemi-cement basement, fine gsrage, hard surface sts. in and paid, 2 blocks from car. Clear of all incumbrance; (500 cash, baL easy. Price (3200. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. (3600 6 ROOM HOME (3600 Owner Leaving City Buy Direct and Save Commission On Irvington carline, strictly modern, with full basement furnace and wash trays, lot 50x103, full grown fruit trees snd berry bushes; may rer. private garage next door. Wdln. 3796. PS5 Eat 15th N. OWN A HOME of your own; let us build it We furnish easy payment loans like rent We huild according to your plans and pocketbock; sketches free; our system saves you money and avoids risks. PORTLAND HOME BUILDING ASSOCIATION. INC 529-530 Henry bldg. Main 6199. GET SETTLED BEFORE (school opens by buy ing a good substantial 7 -room house; lot 61 x 109, with trees and fruit; near Annabel- sta tion;' Mt Scott car line; schools, churches and libraries within walking distance. Price (2400. Clear of incumbrance; (500 will han dle ; monthly payments on balance. Tabor 4296. $975, 4Roon Cottage TERMS (275 CASH LOT 50x100 Living room, very large kitchen, two bed rooms and bathroom, fruit trees, cement side walk, real sacrifice. 2 blocks from Rose City Park car. Phone Tabor 5196. (1850 TERMS; 5 room modern bungalow; fire place, built-ins, Dutch kitchen, complete bath room, Ruud heater and gas range, heating stove, corner lot, garage. Owner, 87th at and 46th ave. 8. E. WHY NOT BUILDf Get an arris tie home by an established archi tectural firm at low cost We build anything: fviiush the money if desired. L. R. Bailey Oo. It-e.. contracting architects. 924 N. W. Bank. (900 3 ROOM COTTAGE (900 3 rooma and 40x115 lot, 11 nice fruit trees on lot Macadam at, Mt Scott district (150 cash, bal. (15 per month and interest. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCHANGE. FOR SALE By owner, a nearly new 7 room house, strictly modern, up-to-date; full lot with 6 bearing fruit trees; good .view; paved streets and close in. For information call Sell wood 1286. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. NOW VACANT 3 minutes south of Hawthorne on M-S car, near - Franklin high, 2 blocks from school: (2600; your own term in reason. Inquire 4928 84th ave.. cor. 60th. S ROOM HOUSE 2 LOTS. (2SOO. Easy terms. This is not a shack, but a neat little new bouse. Corner E 11th near Al berta. Phone Main 567. SPLENDID 7 room home, Irvington, hardwood floors, basement, 2 beds and bath below, sleep ing porch and bed above, lot 75x100; cost snore than aaEing. e st go. NEAT, well built, 3-4 . room,: new, plastered. bungalow, more lots adjacent; cheap if wanted, (1450; terms, 245 Kilpatrick. 2 H blocks west of Kenton bank, owner. (575 WELL BUILT (-ROOM COTTAGE 8 Years old; S lotsr'l miles by ...paved road f rom 6c fare; pleasantly located, (275 easta. t Tabor 17ft. G-279. Journal. , C FOR SALE 5-room ' house, furnished; price (1450. 488 East 88th at N. Phone Tabor 8603. USE your own plana. , I have a choice Rose City Park lot and eaa . furnish ' money to build. Owner, Tabor TZf. ATTRACTIVE modern - doable constructed 4 room bungalow; fine basement,; only (1800. East 2838 FINE 7 room home, Irvington, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, basement, furnace, finest lo cation, worth more titan easing, am i a PRETTY 6 room house. (1800. (20Q down; - acre, 30 mix lute out Mam 806, . : BEAT ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES (1 " ROSE CITY PARK. NIFTY. NEW BUNGALOW, (4650. - Very easy- terms. ... Folks, we want yoa to ace this new modern bungalow. It'a yust as nifty, as homelike and well-built as one could expect Intensely modern. - Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, breakfast, nook, etc. This is a real home. Splendid value. (500 cash, balance (40 monthly, including inter eat Is there any excuse for paying, rent? Let us show you, A. O. TEEPE CO.; . 264 Stark at, near Sd. Main 3092. Main 3516. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. BUNGALOW, Hawthorne district. (3750. Also my Irvington home at sacrifice. East 8015. FOR SALE LOTS I( S NICE lots, all in garden, on 67 st, near Hawthorne car. st graded and sidewalks in and paid, and water and gaa in. A snap for (1000 and any kind of .terms. 309 Stock Ex change bldg. phone Main 7676. - : FOR SALE Well located lot. in good district; lot 17. block 12, E. 52d st; 4 blocks south of Rose City Park carline; (500 cash, or (650 with terms. Will accept government bonds. See it to appreciate the snsp. ZX-64 7, Journal. LOT ON PAVED STREET. (410. REAL SACRIFICE, ROSE CITY PARK CITY LIENS (85. PHONE TABOR 5196. FOR SALE Five good lots, near Warrenton, Oregon. Apply, Wm. Hattoo, 628 Bond st, Astoria. Or. FOR SALE This week only, 50x100 lot with fruit Mt. Tabor carline: water, gas, lights on street. (250. Owner. Tabor 6984 50X100 Jot in Overlook. Capital and Skidmore. Pavement, sewer and walks in and paid. Price (700. Woodlawn 111?. ALAMEDA PARK lot. one block from Bwy. carline, from owner. East 8206. 2 LOTS.-25i 100 "each. East St Johns. (236 cash takes them both. G-270, Journal. ACBEAOE 6? CHEAP ACREAGE Five acres. (250: (10 down, (5 month buys 5 acres of land between Portland and Cen tralis, on the main line of 3 railroads; 1H to 3 H miles from good little town; sawmills and logging camps in immediate vicinity; some of this land is partly cleared; running stream: some bottom and some bench; this acreage priced from (25 to (75 per acre. Can give you any kind of a piece you want CHARLES DELFEL, 318 Railway Exchange bldg 10 ACRES PLASTERED HOUSE CROP (3500 Located 16 miles from Portland, land lays fine, 8 acres in crop, good plastered bouse, painted inside and out, good barn and chicken house, spring water in barn yard, well at home, all fenced and cross fenced; paved road to Portland except 1H miles. Price (3500; reasonable terms. LUf DDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. A REAL BARGAIN. Five acres, located five minutes walk from Oregon Electric station; 12c fare; 27 minutes out; all good land. 1 i acres potatoes, orelw ard, berries. 6-room ceiled house, papered in side: large new barn, chicken house, well, wire fences; some timber for wood. Price (1875; (800 cash. With team, chickens, garden and wood. Personally inspected. See Davis, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. AT QRESIiAM 13 ii acres, all good land; 6 acres in potatoes, berries and orchard; good water system; 6 room new bungalow, plastered; good plumbing, Dutch kitchen; good barn and outbuildings; high class place: close to electric station and on good road. Price (6000. (300 cash. See Brooks, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger, bldg. - NEAR CLACKAMAS 5 acres, richest soil, level, all in cultivation, 10 miles from Portland. Price (1000. You will double your money on this. Greatest bar gain near Portland.' Call Mar. 4138 for par ticulars. ACREAGE FROM OWNER Beautiful homesite, acre and a quarter, west side, hardsnrface and macadam road nil the way. Bull Run water, gas and electricity, 5 eent carfare, rich soil, good view, fine grove of trees on part Owner, Main 1963. 509 Cham, of Commerce. OREGON CITY LINE. Acre tracts, close to Oak Grove, in natural shade trees,- nice building place; (800 per acre; easy terms. 44 acre, 3 blocks from car. Oak Grove, with 4-room house, paved street comer; electric lights, gas; price (1725; (800 cash. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. CLOSEIN ACREAGE 1 acres, located close to oar. 6c fare; 55 fruit trees, all bearing; plastered bungalow, city water, gas, good well. 2 large chicken houses. Price (3500, some terms. Personally inspected. See Brooks, with John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. rLOGGED"OBTr LANDS Tracts 8 acres up, located witl n SO miles of Portland, on railroad.; good soil, no rock, plenty of water, work nearby; buy on your own terms. LUEDDEMANN CO.. 913 Chamber of Commerce. 6 ACRES, located near Tigard; all under culti vation ; 3 good spring! and creek, close to paved road; good soil, no gravel, no rocks, small house, woodshed and root cellar. Price (2200. (1000 cash. Personally inspected. See Davis, with John Ferguson, trerlinger bldg. ACRE TRACTS, (50 down. (10 mo.; will advance (100 per tract soon. Fine soil, ho gravel. Water to each tract 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. QUARTER acre, with 4 room house, located 2 blocks from car; 6c fare; Bull Run water, gas, phone; cement basement, shade trees, garden, raspberries; fine place; price (1700, (600 cash. See Davis, with John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. (T800 3-room plastered house. 2 acres right at Roethe station. Oregon City car. 12Vic commutation. (300 down. Z-645, Journal. FOR SALE 20 acre orchard, Spitzenberg and Newtowns, crop goes with place, box 143 Wilbur, Or. SUBUBBAN HOMES 79 4 ACRES Italian prunes. Paved road. New 5 room modern cobblestone house. Poultry. Equipment Ramapo station, Estacada line, south to Foster road and Lenox ave. (2100 NEW modern bungalow, corner acre, native trees, elec and water, 4 blocks Lake Grove station. McFarland, 602 Yeon bldg. FOB SALE FARMS 17 IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR SOME GOOD CHEAP LAND TOU CAN'T BEAT THIS. 160 acres on ' the Lewis river; at least 70 acres river bottom land; some genuine beaver dam. You can buy this for (2000 and on easy terms. This was a homestead, not a piece of waste land bought up . to speculate on. Come in and we will tell you all about it STEWART & BUCK, 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 78 ACRES, 63 in cultivation, balance pasture. not hard to clear; all good land, no rock or gravel; farm house, bam, silo and other build ings. Extra fine water, orchard, on good road, mile from school, 6 miles town. Good team, wagon, harness, 12 cows, 1 bull, 2 calves, 2 sows, 6 pigs, new binder, gas engine and feed cutter, new, cost (400, All machinery and tools to ran place. 20 tons bay, 18 acres wheat and oats in stock. All for (10,500, cash. J. B. ATKINSON, 112 West Sixth st, Vancouver. Wash. ; HERE IS 20 ACRES JUST A NICE LITTLE HOME FOR YOU. Nearly new 6 room house; .spring piped- to house; new bam; 2 good springs and trout stream through place; small family orchard, berries, etc; potatoes, oats and garden, within 60 miles of Portland, near Columbia river on Washington side; 4 mile from store, pee toff ice and boat landing. Price (1600; terms. STEWART tc BUCK. 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. ALL GOOD SOIL 40 acres, located mile from Amboy, Wash., Clarke county, 12 acres under culti ration, bal ance in pasture, 88 acres can be cultivated; creek, well ; good 6 room bouse, barn, orchard, county road, high achooL -Price (750, (750 cash. See. Brooks, , with John Ferguson, Ger linger bldg. 40 ACRES, 20 cleared, fair house; will trade for city property. 60 acres, 10 cleared, also will trade. 10 acres, (800. 6 acres. (500. 1 acre, good house. (700. Small and large homes, stock ranches, city property. Can ar range any terms necessary. Beeidea, this is good country, v Phone . Farmer 67 or write George Beers, Sandy, Or. CROP AND MACHINERY. SO acres, located at Canby, Or.. 24 mil as from. Portland ; all under cultivation ; crop goes with- place;' good- 7-rooan boase. . barn, chicken house, . .orchard, team and farm machinery ; all Al soiL Price S6500. (800 cash. ' See Brooks, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. CLOSE IN 15 ACRES (700 DOWN About 14 mites from center of town, i Par ing all the way. Nearly all under cultivation. Few trees for wood. About acre bearing or chard. Unfinished house and set cheap build ings, (8760. -J; C CORBTN CO., 805-S-T-B Lewis Md. ' 8 ACRE GARDEN TRACT""- " Near Tigard. on good road, 8 acres in cultiva tion, price (1600, (260 down. DRAPER CALWAY. - 626 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 280 ACRES cleared. 100 in pasture: (4000 - cash or trade, balance of (20.000, 35 years. Let me talk to you. This is not alL No agent D. A. Bronne Jr.. Hillsdale, Or., R. g. Box 329. SHEEP ranch. 608 acres, price $33 acre. i-:- Trade for good houses or other good property or small place, well improved or what have youf Owners only. R. 1. Box 66. Brownsville Or. 11 LOTS, 6 -room hooae, painted outbuildings. new barn: chicken park, house and shed. Price (1700. Address , B. S., Box 401. Philomath, Or. . : - . FOB SALE or trade, by owner,, stock. ranch; - ranee unlimited Tmrtly trw-ked. Phono Wood lawn 5272 or Salfwood 124X . . REAL ESTATE FOB SALE FARMS 17 ONLY BARGAIN OF ITS KIND. 480 acres. 320 acre cultivated which is fenced in two 160 acres tracts, 90 acres already seeded. 140 acres mora to seed, balance to sum mer fallow. The eultirated (20 acres is paactically level, no rock or gravel. Located 2 ' miles from Arlington ; ' 4-roona house, bunkhouse, bam; chick en house, 9 horses, 4 colts. 1 cow, 1 . calf, chickens and turkeys, header, thresher,: drill, harrows, plows, wag ons and small tools. , Yours for only (5500. Terms: At least (3500 cash, balance on time at 6 per cent Worth your while to investigate. E. A. LINDGKEN. Savon Land Co.. 9(5 N. W. Bank Bidg. j FOB SALE AT AUCTION ; Northeast quarter (N. E. . section five (51, township 2 4. south, range 5 west of the Willamette meridian, Douglas county, near Oak land, Or. School close: 16T acres: over three-fourths under cultivation; timber, oak and fir; 2 good wells. 2 good springs, small creek through the bottom land: 6-room house, summer kitchen, woodshed, carriage house, barns, etc.; all woven wire fences and cross fenced, on Pacific highway; the farm is tn a beautiful val ley; R. R. station close to each end of the farm; will be foreclosed August 25 at 2 p. m. ; by the sheriff at Roseburg, Or., for mortgage of (5062.60: the farm is worth over (12.000; only (1000 has to be cash, the balance on short or long time. All information to be had from G. N. W. Wilson today at Imperial hotel 4 to 6 p. m. If you do not meet me in Portland meet me at Judge R. W. Masters' office next Monday morning at Roseburg, Oregon. S BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME. 19 acres, 16 in high state of cultivation; all tillable; 9 acres seeded to meadow; balance in potatoes, com and oats: fine stream through back side of place; fenced and cross fenced; part with woven wire; 2. acres of assorted orchard, mostly apples (fruit clear to owner 1918. (485); igood 6-room house, hot and cold water, large barn on cement foundation, equipped with hay fork, box stalls, room for 25 head of cows, and all necessary outbuiidnigs, including 5 dairy , cows, team, wagon, harness, hack, hogs, . chickens and all necessary farm tools. 1 mile from good town and 2 M miles from electric carline; only 10 miles from Van couver, in thickly settled and prosperous com munity. Price (6300. Terms. THOMPSON A SWAN. 8D AND MAIN STS., VANCOUVER, WASH. 82 ACRES mile from Fairdale. Or.: 28 ; acres under cultivation ; some good timber, farm buildings and orchard. Price (400O. (500 cash; balance in payments of (000 every two years at 6 per cent 160 acres in Sherman county. Or. Price (1600. (500 cash, balance 6 per cent 44 seres 4 Vi miles south of Hillsboro, Or. ; 15 acres under cultivation, 6 acres cut over and in pasture. Farm buildings and good well. Price (5500; (1000 cash. ;; TUCKER & SfiRECK 602 Spalding Bldg. 90-ACRE FORECLOSURE Your opportunity to get a good farm with a fine residence for half price. Read carefully: 90 acre all cleared, clay loam soil level, no rock or gravel; family orchard; woven wire fence. Improvements consist of a modem 8 -room plas tered house, having aleeping porch, fireplace, bath and toilet; Keewanee water system: 2 barns and other buildings. Only 3 miles from 1-eba-rion, one mile to station and mile to school. A gentleman's home. A non-reaident owner's sacrifice at only (6000. (2500 cash will handle. Balance 5 years at 0 per cent .GIBSON A LEAVENGOOD CO., LEBANON, OH. 218 ACRE LINN COUNTY FARM 125 acres tillable, half creek bottom, black loam soil, . 60 acres crop this year, harvesting 40 tons hay and other crop which goes with the place. 2 acres family orchard of assorted fruit; good 8-room houe; 2 good barns and new silo. Only 6 miles from Lebanon on gravel road; R. F. D. ; cream and milk route. Phone in A dandy grain and dairy ranch; very cheap at (52.50 per acre in cluding this year's crop in the bam. Terms half cash. Come at once to see Gibson & Lesrengood Co., Lebanon, Or, 40 ACRES, all tillable. 16 acres in high state of cultivation; 10 acres more very essily cleared, beautiful growth of 10 acres of sec ond growth Red Fir timber, excellent water, some fruit berries, shrubbery, smsll house, bam and other necessary outbuildings, to gether with 1 good horse. 1 fine cow, harrow, mower, wagon, double shovel cultivator. 0 a mile from good Columbia river town on good macadamized road. Price (3000; half cah. THOMPSON A SWAN. 3rd 4 MAIN ST8., VANCOUVER, WASIL : Y(DUt CIANCE To get this (10.000 farm for (8500. (4500 cash, 47 M acres rich Molalla bottom, 44 in cultivation, team, 2 cows, 2 pigs, 100 chickens, all crops and machinery, for only (8500. Has 2 houses and 2 barns; will make 2 of the best snail farms in the state of Oregon. See S. O. DILI. MAN. - 8th and Main sts.. Oregon City, Or. WISHING to retire, will sell, ray farm consist ing of 63 acres, 3 miles from city limits of Vancouver. Wash. Eight acres onion land, orchard, fruit and walnut "trees, 8-room house, bath, hot and cold water; two barns, other out buildings, 3 wells good water. If buyer desires, all personal property goes with place 'Shis con sists of Buick auto, cows, horses, bogs, chickens, grain arid crop of 75 tons hay. 500 bushels grain, etc. Place mile from school and rail road station. Price reasonable, good terms. Ed La Londe, Vancouver, Wash., Rt 2, phone 17-F-S. FORTY acre farm for ssle; new bam, new fencing, good water on the place, one mile north from Marqnam; no city property for ex change. Price (5000; 1 mile to school and church. L. Bowman. Box 3. Marqnam, Or. FOB BENT FABMS 14 FOR RENT 25 acres, about 15 acres under cultivation. About half sandy soil bottom land. Running water- through place. Small 3 room house and small barn. WAKEFIELD, FRIES A CO. 85 4th st I HAVE just arrived from the East and want ' to rent a good farm of 100 acres or more. Will pay cash and purchase personal property and crops. Owners only. H-89. Journal. FARMS WANTED RENT OB BUY 88 I HAVE a client wanting 80 to 150. acres all stocked and equipped, must be on Al good graveled road, must have Al bam and outbuild ings; also Al house; not less than two-thirds of land under plow, good spring or creek; no worthless land or inflated values considered. I have the buyers. If your land meets with these requirements, write me at once. A. G. BENDER, RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. IMPROVED farms, with or without equipment If priced right we sre pleased to advertise and show them. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg., Portland. Or. WANTED TO RENT Farm from 50 to 80 acres ; prefer one equipped. Will pay -' cash or share. Address, box 206. Eugene. Or. care James Hayes. . TIMBER NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIM BER. GENERAL LAND OFFICE Washington. D. C. August 4. 191. Notice is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the Act of June. 9, 1916. (39 Stat. 218). and the instructions of the Secretary of the Interior-of September 15, 1917. the timber on the following lands will be sold September 18, 1919, 10 o'clock a. m., at public auction at the United States land office at Portland, Oregon, to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one-fifth of one per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be re turned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will is-rue for the timber which must be remov ed within tear years. Bids will be received from' citizens of the United States, associations of such citizens and corporations organized under the laws of the United States or any stats, ter ritory, or district thereof only, v Upon appl' Ta ttoo of a qualified purchaser, the timber cn any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being included In any offer of a larger unit T. 6 S . R- 4 W., See. 27, Lot 1. red fir 18S M.. not to be sold for less than (l.(0 per M. T. I S., B, 5 E., Sec 21, N. E. H. 8. W. It, yellow fir 1800 M., N. W. fc, 8. W. . yellow fir 22O0 M.. 8. W. S. W. . fel low fir O0O M.. N. E. B. . yellow fir 600 M-; N. W. . a. E. H. yellow fir 1000 M., not to be sold for less than $1.50 per M. T. 2 8.. B, 6 E., Sec It, 8. E. M. N. W. H, fir 1900 M.. cedar 60 M.. N. E. 4 8. W. fc. fir 1865 M.. cedar 80 M., hemlock 75 M., N. W. 8. W. 54, fir 835 M., cedar 85 M., hemlock 140 M., none of the fir to bo sold for less than (1.25 per M.t and son of the eedar or hemlock to bo sold for lees than 50 cents per M. - - - - : Signed) Clay TaTlman. Commissioner Gen eral Land Office. " - .- GREAT bargaiaaale or nrst class timber by widow who wishes to sell 63.000,000 feet principally' yellow fir. is Lane county near the railroad. Price 60 cents cash, terms 75 cents. . Here is another, so low in price that people say, "What is the matter with it." and are a! raid to spend the carfare for fear that there is something the matter with It The matter is this: I want to collect (1000 from the. owner and must-sell that timber to get the (1O00. About 10.000,000 feet for $3500; a mlla from the railroad. Cash only. D. A. DasteMa 447 Sherlock building. Portland, Or. REAL ESTATE TIMBER, PILING and eedar poles wanted. Give scale. O V. Gamble. Couch bldg. - 15.000 ft capacity aawnull with timber! A. J. Iis. Molmlla. Or. FOB SALE OR EXCHANGE, REAL ESTATE SI 8T ACRES, 1 H xcilea from Davis, Or. ; 4 miles from Banks, 20 acres cultivated, good f room house and outbuildings, good orchard, 150 prune trees, water system, hot and cold water in house, cows, - hoes, farm machinery, blacksmithing tools, etc. Price (7000. Good terms or will trade for lea acreage up to (4000. 160 acres, (14 'miles from Manning on Till amook railroad. 30 acres under cultivstioa, 85 Meres - good timber, bving water and necessary farm buildings. Price (560O. (2500 cash or will exohance for 6 or 10 acres between Port land and Salem. TUCKER &SHRECK 602 jSpalding Bldg. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 54 CLOSE TO CAIt Two and 1-5 acres; Red electric: close to Huber; all under cultivation; city water, gas, paved road-- 2-room plastered house, with sleep ing porch, garage; all good land; fine location. Price (2000 clear. Wants good house and will assume up to"(500 if suited. See Brooks, with John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. WANT LOT FOR ACREAGE 21 acres 1 V miles from Scsppoose, good soil, riving stream, several hundred cords good wood. Will take good lot as part payment; prefer Wal nut Park. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY 913 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE or trade. 320 acres of good Und in Eastern Oregon, all tillable, (10 per acre. Will trade for property in or near Portland or take a good car for part payment, a bargain for cash. Phone Woodlawn 812. 78 West Hcofield. CHOICE Judith Basin ranch for Oregon prop erty. What have you? Write M, U. Apple. Lowistown, Montana. FARM wanted, income city property to exchange. . Claude Cole. 215 Lumbermens bldg. WASTED REAL ESTATE (1 I SPECIALIZE in house selling. Your house will be given proper attention. I bav. buy ers waiting for all kinds of houses WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE A CO., " 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. ACREAGE WANTED With some improvements and buildincs. We deal in this exclusively ; have four autos to show it with, and caa sell it for you. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. WANTED Rungaloa, houses. If you have a place to sell I can sell it. Phone me and I will call on you. as we have clients waiting. W. A. WRIGHT. 417 Abington Bldg. Sellwood 1855. Main 5988. MODERN BUNGALOW WANTED (1000 as first payment; price (2800 to (3500. Rose City psrk. Hawthorne or Mt Tabor. Phone Tabor .5196. WANTED Old houses to wreck or remove. K-68, Journal. ROOMING HOUSES, APARTMENTS AND HOTELS FOR SALE S3 Qet in My AutomobiSe and I will show you any size rooming or apart ment house you want, ranging in prices from (500 up to $80,000. Square deal guaranteed. BRUCE GODDARD. 502 COUCH BLDG. 20 BEAUTIFUL ROOMS. $1750: TERMS. 2 SLEEPING PORCHES; 3 BATHS; GOOD BUILDING AND GOOD FURNITURE; CLEARS $100 MONTH; SPLENDID HOME: DON T MISS THIS. GODDARD. 502 COUCH BLDG. BOOMING house, 20 rooms; nice modern place, strictly clean; elegant Jurniture; White Tem ple district; select neighborhood: a bargain at (140Q. H. W. Garland. 201 3d., cor. Taylor. 30 ROOMS. ELEGANT. (3000 Modern, first time on the market for three yean. Mostly sleeping rooms. This is a dandy. BRUCE GODDARD. 502 COUCH BLDG. 10 ROOMS, 2 kitchenettes, good furniture, good condition, choice location, net income (6ft. No agents. 105 11th st BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 20 WE BUY STOCKS LARGE OR SMALL . SPOT CASH FURNITURE and Genera! Merchandise FKLDSTEIN FURNITURE CO. 174 FIRST STREET. MAIN 4633. MAN or woman with business ability for' treaa urer and business manager with road show playing best houses. Handle your own money; invest (350: one half interest 1852, Journal. SODA fountain. 16 syrup, iceless. like new; worth (1000;, terms or take auto in trade. C. Journal office, Vancouver, Wash. s FOR SALE- House and garage near Brook lyn car shops. Call 805 E. 14th st 8.. or Sell. 1629, GROCERY for sale at 872 E. Couch; doing good business. Will sell building. IF YOU need a place to repais or paint automo biles, call Tabor 6081. IF you 'are looking for business location -call Simms. 431 Chamber Com. Mains 6127. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 68 OREGON RALES CO. WILL SELL YOUR 8TOCK OF MERCHAN DISE AND GUARANTEE YOU 100 CENTS ON DOLLAR. WHY SELL FOR LESS WHEN YOU CAN RE ALIZE FULL VALUE FOR YOUR STOCK? MR. OREGON BUSINESS MAN. IF YOU WISH TO SELL OUT YOUR STOCK OF GROCERIES.. SHOES, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. FURNITURE. HARDWARE, CON SULT THE OREGON SALES CO. AND GET 100 CENTS ON DOLLAR FOR YOUR STOCK. ADDRESS 475 H BROADWAY, PORTLAND. OIL PHONE MARSHALL 887. WILL buy a small apartment house this week. What you have? Call for Mrs. Ott at Mar shall 5464. HAVE(S500 cash. 40 acres good land; want . gen. mdse., grocery or variety' store,, small town. E-09. Journal. . MONEY TO LOAN BEAL ESTATE .27 OCR installment .plan is the bast and surest method of paying a loan. (8-2.26 per month for 36 months; or (21.84 for 60 months; or (15.17 for 96 months, pay (1000 loan and interest Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property. Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark st. Portland. Or. BUILDING loan, on city r suburban propesty, money advanced as work progresses. W. O. Beck. 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main (407. MONEY to loan in e mounts of (100 to (3000 on city property. A. H. BELL, rooms 10-11. Mulkey bldg. (7250 PRIVATE money. Will divide and loan on city, acreage or farms. 625 Henry bldg. Marshall 5858. - . (800 (400. (500. (750. $1000 and up at lowest rates; quick action. Fred W. German r 782 Chamber ef Commerce. Main 6445. CASH paid for mortgages snd sellers' contracts en real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble. (16 Lumbermens bldg. (300, (400. (500. (600. (750 snd up. low est rates, quick action. Gordon Mortgage Co., 63 1 Chamoer oi sjommercc. saaisi so v. urtvev m, !, a&oti to sauon e anoir . . A M A A n (300 TO (3000, no commission. , Main 1166. r. 11. ijesnon, oxo unimufr oi vwuawrei. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO.. 228 v.. . - ,.u , O . k MORTGAGE LOANS. and 7 per cent Los Salomon Co.. 408 Selling bldg. LOANS WANTED . so (1000 WANTED on first mortgage on city res idence property. 7 per cent Interest A. K. Hill Co.. 214 Lumbermens bkig. FIRST MORTGAGES for sale. $600 op. F. H. Jjeshon. via unsmoer oi commerce oias. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO., 2(2 Chamber of Commerce-. 4th and Stark. - MONEY TO LOA N CHATTELS, l SALARIES - (7 DO YOU NEED MONEY. Lvns made on automobiles, diamonds, pianos, bouaghold goods or anything of value. Security osually left in your possession. ALSO to SAL ARIED PEOPLE on their Botes without security. If your payments to other loan companies or on furniture or automobile contracts are larger than yoa can make, we will pay tbem up, advance you more money if neceas ry, and yon can repay an to sava U monthly payments to suit your coa- LEGAL BATES DO DELAY BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. U icenisd) , (06-807 Dekum bldgT O ...',-- Marshall (286, MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, - ' SALARIES 7 - PORTLAND REMEDIAL IX) AN ASSN. . ' Phone Broadway 910. (94 Stark Street near 10th. Loan on diamonds, watches. Victrolaa. pUaoa, kodaka. shotguns, furniture, musical instruments and anytluiag u t ESTABLISHED- BT THE PEOPLE or PORT LAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER. City and country warrants cashed for face valtv .... -.-.. : CARRIE MYERS HERRMAN. I Manager. Salary LOANS Chattel WE LOAN MONEY On abort notice' to salaried or working-men on their own note. Weekly, semi-weekly or monthly payments. Eaeh transaction strictly, confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSED, ABSOLUTELY NO 8ECCRITZ We bo loan en household furniture.: piano, etc, without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY (LICENSED) 218 Failing bldg. MONEY, to loan on diamonds, jewelry; legal rates; all articles held a year: established 1888. Dsn Msrx. 283 Washington st FINANCIAL 61 LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS If you must sell your Liberty or Victory bonds, sell' to us. If you csn buy more Liberty or Victory bonds, buy from us. We buy snd sell Liberty and Victory bonds at the market. YOU CANNOT DO BETTER YOU MAY DO WORSE We are today paying the following prices for United States Government Liberty and Victory bonds, which are the closing New York market prices, plus the accrued interest N: Y. Market Interest Total 3Hs ....,..$ 90.72 ( .63. (100.85 1st 4s 94.10 .72 . t 04.83 2d 4s ...... 92.80 1.06 93.92 1st 414s .... 94.10 .77 94.87 " 2d 4 Vi s 93.10 1.12. 94.22 3d 4 Vis - 04.84 1.83 ' 96.67 4th 4 Vis..., I3.18 .1.48 94.60 Victory 3 00.70 ?.94 100.04 Victory 4 aS. . 90.00 1.19 100.85 In purchasing Liberty snd Victory bonds we deduct from the sbovo prices 37c on a (50 bond and (2.50 on a (1000 bond. In selling Liberty and Victory bonds we chsrge the New York mar ket price plus the accrued interest ASK ABOUT THE MORRIS BROTHERS PLAN ' Burglar and Fireproof Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent -MORRIS BROTHERS, INC. The Premier Municipal Bond House Morris building, 800-811 Stark st bet 6th-6th. Broadway 2151. Established Over 28 Years. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS CASH PAID FOR ANY ISSUE OF BONDS. FULL MARKET PRICE. LOAN ON WAR SAVINGS STAMPS YOU CAN BORROW CASH OF US ON BONDS AND SAVINGS STAMPS, OR TO FIN ISH PAYING FOR VICTORY BONDS. SEE E. BL'RKITT, PRESIDENT. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. . 212 SELLING BLDG. (2D FLOOR). CORNER 6TH AND ALDER STS. DON'T sacrifice your Liberty bonds. We will give you full face value and accrued interest to date for your Liberty bonds any issue Will pay half in cash and half in merchandise; the latter mav be taken now or later. No dis count, no brokerage, no waiting. This means lOO cents on the dollar and accrued Interest to dste. See the bond msn between 12:30 and 1 -.30 and 5 to 6 p. ra. . Filers Mnsic bldg.. second floor, entrance 2 BT Washington st, be tween 6th and 4th. bonds bought spot Cash spot cash market price CASH for RECEIPTS. We will LOAM yoej money on BONDS. W. 8. 8.. or to make PAX MENT on BONDS, 7 per cent - 725 fiasco bldg.. Fifth and Alder. CELLARS-MURTON CO. - 1 WILL UU! ANY LIBERTY BOND 99 PER CENT: v: OF FULL CASH VALUE (All due coupon interest Included.! J. H. KEATING. 617 BOARD OF TRADE. HOBSES, VEHICLES. ETC 18 ONE SPAN of horses, about 2700 lbs.; good workers and gentle; x ouggy nonw aim i nens. Price (50; all in good condition; wsgons and harness can- be seen at wooajaru ouium, E. 9th snd Hawthorne, mono ast oim, 2400-LB. team bays, 6 and 7 years old, with good harness snd Winoma farm wagon for sale cheap, or will take good cow. 251 Mead st South Portland car. GRiY mare, weighs llOO lbs., good worker, sinale or double. $35: a bargain. Woodstock car to 34th st. 5 blocks south. 1040 Schiller. FOR SALE One Uorse. 1150 lb., harness and wagon and Jersey cow ana one yearling swim. 31H Mrtstol St.. at. jonns. UOlibE snd wagon, (1.50 per days 2 horse and , i , .1 v . 94SI wagon. o. .wrn, v -' DEAD horses and animals hauled away tree Call .S'OOOiawn Q. runutwi nnwrnm LITE STOCK (t IF you want any fresh dairy eowa of any breed, at any time, see Mr. Bruce, at th. Stockysrds. .North Portland. Or. - - FOUR-Holstein dairy cows, 1 Jersey family cow. 2048 Hodge st, St Johns car to Portsmouth. BE A UTiFTXdifleTpouy to trade, pig or heifer. W. H. Hunter, Meaverton, r. BROOD sows for- sale. Woodlawn 8438. BROOD sow for fale. Main 7839. WANTED Beef, veal and hogs. Tabor 2720. POULT BY AND RABBITS 87 3"o"FINnB. I." Red pullets for ssle; also 10 ex tra fine R. I. Red hens and 1 .rooster 1 7 months old. Some very nice Reds .and B. P. 4tocks.- mixed pullets snd roosters: all at bargain if taken at once. 0825 Powell Valley road, Portland. -;- - -' . ' BARGAIN New Zealand giant buck, 18 lbs; 8 New Zealand does; 6 young; 1 Belgian hare; also good Hutch. After 2 p. ro., 1719 Division st -H-165. Rear of old school. TfJOVHITE-CEG HOlt N Kens for sale. 1 AT years old, D. W. Young strain. 1847 Hood t Phone Marshall 2585. - - - r CLEAN cracked wheat. (3.75; scratch, 84; cackling masn. ere. vvooqiawn von. FORAOTborouglibred B. L cockerel (3. 723 E. 29th N. C-1314. - - - ' WANTED i00 White Leghorn pullets. Tel Woodlawn 3878. Adress 1645 Miss, ave. DOGS. Bl BPS. PETS. ETC. 4( CHOICE censrie st "Th Canary Bird Shop." Stagers guaranteed, llftl E. 28th tjo. C-2217. AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 WHAT kind of a Dodge do you want? " WE HAVH IT. 404 DAVIS ST. ' BEST offer takes my .'19 Chevrolet (50 extrsa. used' only by owner. ' Call after 5 p. m. Take Rose City car, 560 E. 68th st N. . -' 191H 8TUDEBAKER. new paint, first clam con dition. "'.. , 4S1 HAVIH nr, 1918 BUICK. light six; all new tire and th best in town. , - SMITH AUTO W)., park ana loucn 1917 SAXON tvix touring car for sale at a sacrifice, or will .take Chevrolet roadster in trade. Phone Main 2979. 66 N. 23d at MAXWELL' rosdster, 1917, Tit fine condl tion; good tires, a snap st (675, with terms. (0 'Gravid Ave. North, near Bnmside.' MAXWELL touring, - 1917. in tin condition. good tires; a bargain at (675. soma terms. 80 Grand ave North near Bunwide. IMMEDIATE delivery" "of" my" 1920 Hudson speedster, brand new; em leaving city; cord tires all around, run 800 mile. E 67, Journal. MAXWELL touring. 1917, in fine condition; good tires all around, will sell at (650, with terms. 30 Grand Ave. North, near Bnmside. DODGE touring, - 1917. in best of condition ; will sacrifice or trade on 1918 Ford, balance terms. 80 Grand avee. Nortn near Hurusid. BARGAIN In 1918 Hudson speedster, run 6000 miles, good tires, A 1 condition. E 64, Journal. ' ' - OVERLAND 83 model touring; engine and tires beet condition, (475; terms. Eai-t 8781. LATE MODEL DODGE 404 TJAVIS ST. FORDS Several of 'em. Come early. SMITH AUTO CO., Park and Couch. DODGE HEADQUARTERS 404 DAVIS ST. 1918 LIBERTY SIX Special paint Job. 6 i good tires; mechanically perfect East 2766. IF YOU WANT A CAR FOR (200. we bare it 404 DAVIS ST. fl 8TUDEBAKEH in good condition, two new cord tires, Phone Woodlawn (464. lirPMQiiLLE bug, a bargain. 404 DAVIS ST. 1918 SUPER Hudson, - cord Ursa, ft23 Alder Broadway 24 HZ. TSTS MAXWELL cheap. . Make ra cash offer. 987 E. 21st N. (CoatlBged s Fliwl ft AUTOMOBIlaES AND ACCESSORIES 4t USED CAR BUYERS LET'S HAVE A LITTLE HEART TO UK ART TALK. HAVE YOU EVER ASKED YOUR SELF THESE ql'ESTIONS? WIIKKK CAN I GO AND BUT A USED CAR THAT I CAN DEPEND ON? ONE THAT WILL WE A SOURCE OF PLEASURE INSTEAD OF A BUNCIl-OF UEUUETKf " - ONE THAT CAN BE SOLD ON ITS MERITS AND NOT ON MIS REPRESENTATIONS? WHO IS THE USED CAIt DEAL ER THAT INSTRUCTS HIS SALES MEN TO STICK STRICTLY TO THE TRUTH WHEN SELLING A CAR? WE KNOW, AND SO DO HKV. ERAL THOUSAND SATISFIED OWNERS TO WHOM WE HAVE MOLD CARS IN THE TAST YEAH. IKIME IN AND LET IS REFER i lOU TO SOME OF THEM WHEN YOU BUY A PAIR OK i SHOES OR A HAT. OR ANY ARTI CLE OF WEARING APPAREL. Villi ALWAYS GO TO SOME RKLlARI.hl merchant who has a la iii. i: stock to select --from, now isn't it more important that you use the same good judg ment when buying an article that represents as much Monet asa good used cak? think a li, these things -over. then come in and we will show you the largest and best stock of used cars IN THE CITY. AND REMEMHEll THIS ONE THING: "WE WILL TELL YOU THE PLAIN. UNVAR NISHED TRUTH. ABOUT AN X CAR IN THIS STOCK. SEE IF THERE IS ANY CAR IN THIS LIST YOU LIKE, AND. BKAK IN MINI) THESE ARE ONLY A FEW OF THE MANX WE HAVE; 1018 Buick 6. 6-psssenger. 1018 Jordan. 6 passenger. 1019 Coie-Aero 8. 4 passenger. 1019 Studebsker 6, 7 passenger. 1017 Buick 6, 5 passenger. 1017 Velio , 6 passenger. -1917 Ha tou 6, 6 passenger. . 1917 Hudson super 6. 7 passenger. 1918 Htudehaker 0, 7 passenger, 1918 Sluts, 0 passenger. 1917 Maxwell, 5 passenger. : . 1917 Ford, 6 passenger. 1.9 1 7 Dodge, 6 psssenger. .. 1918 Haynes, 4 passengrr. -1017 Haynes. 6 paanenger. 1917 Oakland 6, 6 passenger. 1916 Oakland 6, 6 passenger. 1916 Stearns 8. 7 passenger, ! 1916 Reo 6 Special Job. -1916 Hudson Super 6, 7 -pass, , mis overland, b-spass, 1918 Maxwell. 6-paas. 1916 Maxw.U. 5-pasa. 1U1H WnrA K.n... 1916 Overland roadster. : ' 1916 Maxwell roadster. Chandler Dispatch, 4 -pass. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. Liberty Bonds taken at face value. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. LEWIS E. OBYE MOTORS CO. Broadway and Couch. OAKLAND SENSIBLE SIT TOURING CARS BARGAINS 1 slightly nsed 31 R tnndet. with (10ft in extras, for (1050 cash or (1100 terms. Today only. 1 nine months ucd touring ear; tine tires, mo tor, enamel aud leather like new. For today at (975 c-a&h or (1000 term. - 1 34 model, louring car, motor perfect, tire and leather goo Canbe bought for (700 today. Saxon Chummy roadster, 4 pans ; like new ; tires, motor, body and top in perfect shape. An un usual buy at sn unusual price. Sre it before, you buy elsewhere. WILLAMETTE OAKLAND COMPANY 844 Buruside st - j I'hone Broadwsy 82. 'i . - -I PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO. Dependable used cars from a reliable firm. : 1916 Ford in good condition, snap on terms. 1017 Maxwell, 6-pssseuger,. mechanically right with good tires. j 1916 7-passenger Overland. Good rent car. . Cord tires. i 1917 King, 8-cylinder, sport car. Wtr wheevs, cord tires. ' Cadillac, 8-cyL, 7-paasenaer. newly refinisbed. Packard twin six, 7-pawnser, sacrifice. . SEE WHITE, 421 Burnside st - ' Broadway 521. GctYonrCar Special prices during July and August Fords enameled. (16.00; Chevrolet, $ JO OQu Other car. In proportion. Autos Oppelised, (6.00. These price, include washing. AUTO ENAMELING WOHKS, 75 Union ave. N. Phone Wdln. 4S9T, NEW TIRES What brand of new tire do you prefer? We tsv. tbem. all makes and sites; also w tnske the famous O-V-O Double Tread (sewed) tire sad do all manner of tire repairing. Oregon Vulcanizing Co.. ((3-835 Burnside near Broad way. 19 IT AUBURN BEAUTY SIX In swell shape. via urn pvufiii at m nig anap. AUTO SALES CO. Ninth and Couch. , WINTON SIX, nice, shape; will take small ear uau-. iy, mi iuer at, siawy. u.. 2 EXTRA BARGAINS 1916 Grant six. a dsndv in avers narticnl.r (600. (2111 cash: 1915 Carteroar. miin. leather upholstery, good car in every way, $4!iu, (150 cash. 1 am no dealer. Call Wdln, l34. CHANDLER, . 7 pass., touring car; good shape. CARY. 622- Alder. , Broadway 2492. 1914 CADILLAC touring: some looker. AUTO SALES CO. Ninth and Couch. CHEVROLET 1918 touriiigi in good condi tion, good tires, must sell; a bargain at (675, with terms. 30 Grand Are.. North. near Burnside. 1917 BUICK 6, good shape, cord tires. CARY, 622 Alder, Broadway 2492. 8TUDEBAKER four. 1918; newly painted, good tires, in fine mechanical condition; a bar-, gain at (850. 30 Grand Ave. North, near Burnside. 12 CYL. Packard; fine condition. CARY. 622 Alder. Broadway 2492. titli paid lor old cars,' condition no objeet; ca.-ts for all makes of cars. Oregon Aula a.x- ehag. 129 Lowodal. at 16tb and VahMgtow ruo.a Broartwy senna. - CHUMMY ELGIN Six; perfect condition; a beauty for quick sale: (900. Owner, Phone Woodlawn 447M. (1850. CASH or terms, buys 1918 Hudson speedster, Al condition, cord tires: no tri Call Tabor C30. (325 EXCEPTIONAL bargain; Hupmobil So, Al mechanical condition; good tire. Csn be seen at I qrcl Rose Garage, 884 E. Bornsiil. A SNAP Parker D grsde, suto ejector(3 i ease; like new; (00, or will trade. II Norm (d st; cor. Ankeny. - 1919 OLDSMOBILE SIX " Same as new. This car is in perfect shape. (1450. Tabof 941. fHftEEnew 4Wx35FUk nontkid.sTu7eV. On 6-40 Hudson rubber floor mat. Call Maia - 581. 1018 Foii1Pt7urTn4o " Looks like new. Runs twrfectlv. . c,.j tires. A sacrifice for eash. East 4671. FOR SALE Model 90 Overland, in good eondt . Ur,n; (650. Bearer Garaze. 20U inU ve. N. - FOR SALE or trade, 1st mod'! 1 OTV'Cr.Tv"'. rolet; or will trade for late 1919 Hender.on motorcycle. 1015 Lombard atreet. St Johns. 11-13 CADlUAC, A-l condition. . . 404 DAVIS ST. SEE that Dodge "for sale 405 Madison; nearly good as new, and priced much lea. Owner. ' FIVE passenger Micliiesn, new paintJob. An A ntl'lfl u GASOLINE 22 CENTS A GALLON. 6ll..S AMI GREASES. PIONEER PAINT CO.. 1 HH 1 s I . DODGE HEADQUARTERS 41 OAVUS sr. 1917 CHEVROLET, in good"eondiiirT: 7. Marshall 727 after 6 p. .