PiAaos, fliiG. mtjs.ca I5SIBI. M fcSll 14 ABSOLUTELY perfect. very latent model, "large iiu, - baautifui mhraor Vk:trom, "witK $4 choicest 1 selections, -.including red "! Mccor mecfc, rtchuumao JSelnk, Ara Gtiek, etc. lias bn left with to ell and can b W 'or only 1119. or liberty bond. vThifwiU. prov fern , looked -for opportunity for well to do host where saving rf mower ta Ht 8d floor, gUler iluuc bldg.. entrance 287- Wah InrUtn at. between 6tb ed 4tli U., of tele phono 1123. i tXEDBXBJT GRAND 'PH0 A Kimball in splendid condition. : Hs bee reduced $254 . f rem (enut nn Cora in and try it Liberal term granted. REED-FREJSOil PIA50 MFO. CO.." 43$ Washington Street, Comer 12th Street. ' ' Phone Broadway 750. " FAMILY meeUnc with wiifottW has left for w i to U on. of tho very finest modern style - 'auMi Kraenon, v rich . nijliorsny ease, - coat 8405. Will take k-e than bait actualvatur ; Liberty fcomdj accepted or will Use pijmmiU $12 per month.. Call upstairs EUer Music building, entrance 287 Washington street be . low 6 th. . . ' . ' EE735EEIT"" records, records. Coraaabia grefonolas and Columbia record -eluair. .- Op Wednesday and Saturday evening. - - i THE RECORD SHOP. . 189 s Broadway, between Yamhill end Taylo. NEW type $125 GrefonSa, golden oak case, Jnrf like new; $100, $15 down and $10 pel month. HyU Talking Machine Co.. 350 AMr, i Efc K Vb'eS 'T Uprtgh t piano to reeyooeibl poo- " . , ....... pIC'" ' JMW7. UO!T, MUSICAL INSTRTXMENTS WASTKJJ M CABINET pbonograpli. mahogany finish, and cash or clear tot and eaeh for piano, Eaet $723. - ' WANTED -By reaponeible party, piano to keep In exchange for use of Mine. Phone Main 2291: -- ... i i. .. WllX W $1150 or more tor good upright -piano. Write what make and how old and where can be seen. 8-894. Journal. SELL your pUito. We par cash or sell on small . oommUeion. Brokerage Co., $12 Worcester bldg. Main 8864. WANTED To bay a piano at once. Call Marshall 5700, - ' WlLL trade my equity in a Mifcbell Six for player piano. Bell. 1329. . TYPEWRITERS 77 raj UARANTEKD ' lactory rebuilt typewrltera. "all . aiakee,"- eold en monthly payax-nta. Send lot price bet. .The WnoleeaJe Typewrite tkfc, retail dept., S21 Washington at. . ALL make of . typewritem rented, repaired and . told en monthly payment plan. Oregon Type writer Co., H4 ota u ' TYPEWB1TEKS rented., repaired, exchang-al . Typewriter eopplien. BKM1NGTON TYPEWBTTKR nn BtoIWi .EMINGT0.V No. 10, fine shape Bellwood 8272. Uap. HOTJSK1UM..P POIOUS FOR 8AI.B $8 aTe'FIxe" riECES OH? CSED FTRTtJBE . araong our tremendoos stock of used good. VERY LITTLES USED OVERSTUFFED DAVENPOHT IN BLCE denim. Spaing edge ad bsek.-75. i OVERSTUFFED CHAIR IN GREEN DEN IM, .NEW, but slightly shop soiled, cost $37.30, - for $17.80. USED OAK CHINA CABINET. ROUND GLASS ENDS. S25. I BIO USE1 ICEBOX,; SUITABLE FOR RES TAURANT, $37,50., And thousands of other articles that will re duce old H. C. L. - EASY TERMS; NO 1NTEBEST Qeviartz.' Furniture Co. ' The Big Store , Alii. UNDER ONE HOOF NO BRANCH ' - 'STORES 1 185 First St. " BEifEMBEK TWO DOORS FROM YAMHILL PUBLIC MARKET. DO yon want to asre ion year 'store or range? Weil, come .in and see what we caa do for iron. We hare a number , of leading makes of combination gas, coal and woo&langeg at 5 ' leas than yon can get elsewhere.! S1 11 (01 fTsfTh All Blue Enameled Bridge- irlSS. ;"h.mbi"- $ 1 69.50 '$ 120.00 fRSTes:4" $94.75 Buyyout beater now. It sure will pay you. Our price will talk for themael-res. -V FELDSTEIN ; ' . FURNITURE CO. 174 1st St. Cor. Yannhill t'SED DLNING ROOM RET. The best la town. Solid qimrter&aned oak tab!, 0 vary heary olid anartersawed oak dining chairs, uphol stered in first grade genuine leather. A wonder ful mas&ive butfet and cluoa clrwet to match. This ta.reslly too good to describe. Yon most see it. The best set in town. .. polished quar terxawed oak, as good as new,- The set cost 4 years ago from the old Gernrtx Furniture company $550.0. and would cost now about HUO. Same as new. A bird of a set for $300. Easy terms. No interest. . Oevurt- Furniture Co. The Big Store AL I'.NUKK USE ItfKJP- NO BRANCH STORES , ;-185 First St. REMEMBER TWO DOORS FROM YAMHILL PUBLIC. MARKET Bookcases, Bookcases . ' One drtuble combination bookcase and ' -writing desa ia solid oak, wax finish: a wonderful piece that really must be seen to be appreciated : worth $85. for $42.60. ' Another golden oak combination bookcase and writing desk, with bent glass doer and French plate mirror; this one for $35. One solid oak bookcase with two .glass doors and adjustable shelres, rery plgin and attrartire; cheep at $27.80. Another plain bookcase with two glass doors for only $11.75; easy terms. Mish Furniture Co. 188-190 First t - "'. '. ,1 . -r 25 STANDARD BEVVING MACHINES at a rery special bartaua price, rousm-a quarter sawed osk ease, rary , sliuttle, lifetime uar ante,; An $85 machine for $50. Easy terms and a year to pay. We also, hare a few used aewind machines. One, a nice little enclosed oaKinet machine, for $15. Easy terms. No interest '- .. '-.r .- Oevurts Furniture Co. The 'Big Store ALL, UNDER SB M( KlF NO BRANCH STORES ' 185 First-St. . REMEMBER TWO IKJORS FROM YAMHILL PUBIIC MARK El1; WALNUT BEDROOM SET", alighUy used. Con- uting of Napoleoni bed, tnpi. mirror dress ing table; and eb.iffojn.er to match, all with lieary bevelled plate stfass mirrora, A good coil spring and a dandy felt tnattre-s, and remem 1 ber the muttresis is brand new. Here is a ' splendid outfit for your beet bedroom, and you vcan use it ahiie you pay for C o interest and very aass terms; $157 for th whole outfit. "'.Oevurtz Furniture Co. The Big Store ALL UNDER ONE IRtXiF NO RRANCH STORES 185 First St. 3EMEMBER- -TWO DOORS FROM YAMHILL . PUBLIC! MARKET SAVE J SAVE "-: SAVE . Erery bed eprinMand ' mattress at a big see ing. $46.00 bedTultlfjt consists of the bs 2 ii)ch post steel bed, with heavy fillers. 20 year guaranteed ateel' spring d a fins guaranteed cotton felt mattress, any finish in S'll E.fh bed or size, romplet at. ...... J'TTeiS'Ur : FELDSTEIN ' . FURNITURE CO. 174 1st St. ! Cor. Yamhill , Lwo bjplendsd Buys -1 0x12 genuine Khorasten rug in soft , shade-) of bme, tan and brown, a $75 nig fnr $52.50,. and used only 2 months; l-o a real before-the-wsr Empire Brus-eis rng.- 2 -tone bhie; with floral border, size . SHxlOH, very cheap at $55: alao very cliarming Japanese bedroom mic-, 9x12, special at $6.75 each; easy terms. Mish Furniture Co. .' 18S-190 First It. . HOi;SEHOlT oO!S FOR UAtB i r ; : SAVE $50 TO $11 00- Aboni the high coat of famishing yotrf home. come to onr iow rent store QtA BSfh Bed ;JSriri8 ;.-$ii.oo tr-irew Bt ..,..., $22j $17.' lather teat ; Hack-: E fl fi Ml rrs 4. ........... . r ve w Xeatber Seat '"JJVis SPECUf. THIS WEEK - Beautiful Charter Oak Banc in- tSX tatted In your home, tnclud'g jBoils Pi'e e3 $22.50..: $16,00 TRT i'S ONCE ' We will make yott one of pur many regular customers. . - Your old fttraftare taken in on near. WSGHTMAN JOHNSON FURNITURE CO., 88-9Q GRAND AVE. You Reap the Benefit of This Sensational !i Offer We ptirctiaeed a elosed out stock of brand new select Windsor steel ranges at . - a price which enables as to pass them on to you at less than wholesale prices. These range will answer the purpose to your-ntmoet satisfaction; body is made of smooth, hammered steel, lined with as bestos; six 8 inch lids; well ventilated firebox with duplex grates and extra beaey Hnin: 29 iaetl oeren, r us ran teed to bake perfectly; a neat, plain, yet at tractive, range at the astonishing price of $30.75, and remember, they arc brand new. Come while they last. EAST TEBMS - MISH FURNITURE CO. 188-190 First St. TJSET RANGES AT HALF AND LESS .THAN NEW ONES- We bare aver one hundred med rsnces for yon to (elect from, from $25 up. We sell them on easy term and we guarantee them the same as other people do new ones. We also be.ee need gas ranges at very low prices. x on win oe surpnsea now much less yon can ' furnish up for here, after you hare fienred with the Inch tnce up town stores. Call and figure with us. It will surely psy yoa. ' - Gevurtz Furniture Co. The Big Store ALL UNDER ONE HOOF NO BRANCH STOKES 185 First St. REMEMBERTWO DOORS FROM YAMHILL PUBLIC MARKET Overstocked BEDS ..... .$2.00 & up Springs .... 1.50 tk up Mattress . . 2.00 & up Dressers Chairs ..... Dining room 6.00 & up .75 & up .tables 5,00 & up Pacific Furniture Co. 142 First St. BUCK'S COMBINATION RANGES r truly the most convenient ranges ever inrented. Bake in the even with coal, wood or gas. Warm kitchen - in winter, cool in summer. Only one store to clean. We tak your old range or gas range in exchange. Balance very easy terms and a year to pay. No Interest. Oevurtz Furniture Co. The Big Store ALL UNDER ONE RtF NO BRANCH STORES 185 First St. REMEMBERTWO DOORS FROM TAMHILL PUUl.IV MARKET BEAUTIFUL IVORY ENAMELLED BEDROOM SET. comprising handsome drenser. chiffonier, triple mirror, dressing table and bed. elegantly; ornamented and a eery delightful set. This is a sample set and siigw.tl7 shop soiled. Priced originally $223. for $185. Easy terms. We chares no interest. - Oevurtz Furniture Co. The Big Store ALL- UNDER ONE ROOF NO BRANCH : STORES 185 First St. REMEMBER --TWO DOORS FROM YAMHILL PUBLIC MARKET USED WAXED OAK DRESSER. CHIFFON IER TO MATCH, and a dandy used 2-inch po?t genuine bra?s bed.eoa spring and 4o-lb lelt mattress, nd the "mattress is brand new. but a sample. This complete outfit for $87. SO, Easy terms, no interest. Oevurtz Furniture Co. The Big -Store ALL. UNDER ONE ROOF NO BRANCH STORES .1 85' First St. REMEMBER TWO DOOR8 FROM YAMHILL PUBLIC MARKET OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS FOR CESS Over-stuffed genuine leather rocker; never been aed; damaged in transit. This is a regular $85 value for only $19. no, M68-16S FIRST ST., Near Morrison. BEAUTIFUL mahogany parlor aet, eonsUtiag of settee, errp chair and rocker, worth $75, our pi-toe gsz.ao. STAR FURNITURE CO. THE STORE. OF BARGAINS 204 FIRST ST. MAIN 6084 REFtiTGERATORi. family -use, tat quick sale, S.7S. STAR FURNITURE CO. THE STORE OF BARGAINS 204 FIRST ST. MAIN 5084 LARGE selection of tMed ruc in-rii-to-date de signs, $7.50 and up. STAR FURNITURE CO, THE STORE OF BARGAINS 204 FIRST ST. MATH BO4 a rano.. fink he.tr. 'eftok 'afiwi dressers, rotSkers, buffet, extension table, hall tree, bookcase, other furniture. 1008 E. J8tb St.. W. Wood Is WB ZBDl. GENUIKE W'ebster piano,' ' beautiful mahogany case with stool te match, cost 4iiO, lor $Z5, $25 down and $10 month. Hyatt Talking Ma ehuie (Jo., aao Alder. FOR SALE A cook store with reservoir, burin coal or wM and r modern. Inqnire fit Mrs. w. as. cover, ies - 0tb at, N. near linlland. LEAVING city, furniture for 3 room' apt. for sale at a bargain. Party with no children eaa rent apt. reasonable. - East 4062 or call Monday all day. USED Edison Diamond disc machine, malio-aav case: jurt like pew, for $95. $10 down and i v per moiuu. iiyau Talking Machine , co.; 8SO Alder st. ' - REFRIGERATOR, 8-x2-10xl-6, $25. H. C. Wulff . Shaver ? t- near. Craig road. Park nosa. 4 ROOMS good furniture; bargain: also ' chick ens. C Arthur, 70Ui at Cooper, Soath T re- sn ont, sit Bcott ear. USKD EdUcn faaraond diso phenoirraph, oak case. 840. 810 down. $5 an.. Hyatt Talk ing Machine. Co., $80 Aider St. FOR SALE? rl Lang combination wood, coal and gas range. 173 East Vambill at., Sunday net ween a ana o. $10O GRAFONOLA, mabogaay case, u.ied very Kttle. for $75-. $10 down and $7.50 per month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 8oQ Alder. BEAUTIFUL- leather couch, almost sew.' Phone wooatavrn ieo. B ROOMS of furniture; cottage for rent; close in. 552 Morrison , st. FOR SALE Tim furniture of 8 room boa-e. Inquire at 4U3 SUrlg st. "Sloree $85- ESTATE gas range, cid even, usedone t montn. can -Mor.aay, vdln. ao7. GOING east, will sell at bargain, 3 large leather cnairs. -- can aavr. asm. ALMOST new piano, oak case, reasonable. Broadway 4T88. or 584 Flanders st. Apt. -41. FURNITURE 9 racms for sale or trade; closo to schooL Phone Monday, Main 1808. TUREE-qnarter auntie, bed. almost new. ' (10. Wdln. 4783. DANDY oak buffet and Grafonola at a bargain. Wood lawn 1427. 0 HorsFHom oonits for rale Are looking for i Bargains in Fur niture, Rugs, or anything for' the home? " Well. : i make 1 it f your point ? to 'come in and get our. prices.: Our August , Sale is keeping prices down You . will , he surprised when you compare our prices with oth ers. Every article in . our :4story build ing, at. a f great reV d taction. New f ur nishings at very lit : tie difference, others ; ; ask for second-hand goods. 1U i b e r t y . -. Bonds accepted. :Jr FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO. 174 1st St. Cor.' Yamhill BUSOI&REIC are in business to save yen money. Come in and let us ahow yon bargain tat new and used furniture never before beard of: 1 Used Davenport CtftTi fflufli for -J' i''J' 1 Buck Range, leg base, gas at tachment and coll ... ....... i 1 Vulcan Gag Rang, 4 -hole, whit porcelain door. 18-inch area. Broiler, la tg TfV ffcni stalled to atub jw.w 1 Ivory Iron Bed ........... 1 Steel Spring. 1 Cotton Mattreat.. ......... 1 Hornless Phonograph, mahogany 45 fl R fT A finish. records a snap iu.v.w Used springs, full size and . $..60 to 89. Used mattresses. $2.00 to $6.00. Rnckers. all ai-M. gl fift ta 812.50. 1 bw Perfection oil stove, 3 -burner, like new. $10.60. t n cm Vr M, AM .K WiMt Rid. fiaVW your iu ana juui iuunw. Call East 6200 and get mora money for your used furniture. , BUSCH & NIZIC 275 GRAND AVE.. COR. HAWTHORNE. OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS FOR LESS Slightly damaged, paint scratched, twe inch continuous poet beds, pxioea greatly reduced to $.S5. , A large asortment of new and used rocker from $1.50 and up. 6 dining phain at $1.75 each. A ,Isrge selection of solid oak library tables tram $8. so. Coal and wood rang with water coil, nicely nickel trimmed, $17. 0U. A lares selection of used rugs from $8, In fiber grass. Brussels and Ax minster. Steel ceil bed aprinn front $4.80. . Papco floor covering 6Se per yard; different natterna to . pic from and as many yarda as you need. Hundreds of other bargain, thai yarn can save mooey on. OWL FURNITURE CO, 166-168 FIRST ST. . Neat Morrison. RDGS: -RUGS - RUGS YOU SAVE From 15 to 25 Per Cent ON EVERY BUG IN OUR STOCK $48.50 IV2 Aimiustr Buw $36.85 $67.50 $54.95 $34.50f41;. $240 $105 WatoaRug. for $4$ $18.50 0o!."nd.F!br: $13.45 $16,50 1y2.?fr,.Rue!.fr: $1 1.95 12 Congoieum .. $15.45 suiuv Kugs FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO. 1174 1st St. Cor FOR PEOPLE WHO WANT THE BEST A very high grado ivory chiffo-dresser, with genuine mahogany top and knobs and triplicate mirrors, three' large and three small drawers, cane panels under mirrors and a handsomely decorated bed to match. Chiffo-dresser alone was $75, yon may have both for $79 or cliiffo-dreaser only for $49.50, Easy terms. Mish. Furniture Co. 188-190 First st "NEW BOUGHT on FURHir 2091! Second -St. Between Taylor and Salmon. Imy--Main 6831 A-1200 Night-Main 6788 A-3051. OWL FURNITURE CO SELLS FOR LESS ' Drop head Singer sewing machiaa with at tachments guaranteed in perfert trder; looks like new; special price, $18.80; other from $12.50, drop heads. ' OWL FURNITURE CO 166-168 FIRST. ST. NEAR MORRISON. OWL FURNITURE Cy. SELLS FOB. LESS Iron beds $1.75 and up Springs ......... Mattreme. . Dressers ........ $1.00 and up $1.50 and up 87.60 and up Chair 8 .75 and up Dining table i,', ....... .. $5.00 and up Center table ............... 8- 75 and up Cook stoves ...................... $9.vo Rockers i ........... . $1.80 OWL FURNITURE CO., 166-168 let St. ,.FRUIT; JARSl ! i . Ecqpomy er Mason, 50c per dozen; coma early, aa they will not last long; bring your basket and take them awsv, owl Furniture -co SELLS FOR IXSS - 166-168 FIRST ST NEAR MORRISON. - FOT'R tmnar gas range, pcial price $12.80. STAR FURNITURE :CO. - THE STORE OF BARGAIN'S 2Q4 FIRST ST. MAIN 8064. ESTEY OBGAN, very fine tone; cost when new . $158; will ba aoW for $82. Perfect condition. CaU or telephone Eilers, 287 Washington- street stain i.' 3 FOR SALE- C.mbiiuUion range. A-l condition. Telephone Monday. Tabor 9207, C-2065, or call iO but awtn .Nortn. 4 HOLE oookstore, beater, dining table, 6 ft yau Monnay. jst c aza t is. ONE oak. dining room set, 1 library table, oak f finish. . 491 East Flanders. 7 LARGE solid mahogany colonial library , table, iron bed, : mat -ess. .Reasonable. East SitOft. OLD W SOLD ORE CO, HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOU R.4I.E Hi MBD-AUGUSir: .-SPECIALS- - 'SligMyUs ia . Houscbold Feiitoe YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD WM. QADSBY & SONS First- and Washington "A BETTER PLACE TO TRADE" Large sise Oak . Refrigerator. CTlOi Value $48.00, now ... 4 a aJ'ea1- Good golden oak finish Kitchen T- e SrO) Treasure. Vain $13.50. now, .. . p.aU' VernU ; Martin Child' Crib. Six i g)k gf 80x54. Value $22.50 .....JIUUUW Slightly -used oak frame Couch, op- ( ' Sffh bolstered in Craftsman leather, now O-t&'Ur Jttel corrtructed oaJc frame Couch. Sfl'T 7S upholstered in Mulberry veloojr, no a? Fin' quartered oak Bnffet, witia Bfflj minor, back. Value $60.00, now 0fiJW Good as new large golden oak finish.. A rfTvfh Sideboard, with mirror. . . ; . i ?labV..... $ 4.50 Almost new Xdbrary . Table, f fB .olden oak finish......... . csra s - 5-oo Golden oak finish ,c!f!?'!r: $17.00 slightly used Fumed oak . Round Extension tg'JB e (flj Dining Table, bargain J4&5.c3vu .T?.". $ 9.50 Solid oak Cbeval Dresser, with larga tgrh (fTf rtirror 30x48 in. ,.;.W.W There are many other big bargain ia Stoves, Ranges, Heaters, Davenports, etc., etc. Call and inspect our stock before buying yoor Household Furniture. WM. GADSBY.&'SONS First and Washington' YOUR CREDlt IS GOOD SPECIALS THIS WEEK Steel ranges for wood and coal, all size, ia good condition: 820 and up. Heating stores, new and naed, for wood, eoal or combinations, at . exceptional reduced prices. Make yoar selection befocw the winter season opens and save money. Gas range as low as 1 1 2.80; many to select from. i Ga water beaters, copper coBs, a low. Good nsed rngs, many to select from. Spe cial reduction this week. We invite yoar inspec tion. We Extend Credit LEVIN - HARDWARE ;& FURNITURE CO. , 221 Front st MACHINERY M FOR SALE -1 Ko.. 2 Mi 18-foot Smith eoncret mixer, steam power, on trucks. ' 1 No. .1 9-foot Smith concrete mixer, on trucks, for electric motor. . 1 , 11-foot Chicago cube concrete mixer, on trucks. 8 h. T. gasoline engine. 1 11 -foot Chicago cube concrete mixer, with side loader, on trucks, no power. 1 9-foot Chicago oonerete mixet. net mounted. FRANK E. HARMAtt CO.. 186 Madison at FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 1 Boilers, Engines MEW and second baad, -boaght and aold. o. . Maotunery Co., COS Gerlinger building. Phone Main 8201. EDISON CYIJNDER LN DESTRUCTIBLE RECORDS We carry full line of Edison cylinder records. Send for catalogue. Three special deraonatrmting rooms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., OW Alder. TEN drophead- sewing ; .machine with atUchmeota, all are in very good condition. Sewing machine rented at $3 per month. Phone luast 35. J. it. Steen. 152 Grand ave.. pear Belmont. . MUsiiTAT. IN8THDMENTS .- "Tvovrlt.-a. and "Household Goods" sr. separat. claasifi eationa All advertisements of these good, are published under their respective cUMilirannna uiua x-uvaa uisa. GRAFONOLA Grand, electrically operated, ma hogany oaa built like a grand piano), cost new 8860; a bargain for $2C5 ; $25 down and $15 par month. Hyatt Talking Machipe Co., 350 Alder. ; MRAT Mock . 24-in saw. No. 3 sausage) machine, Sterling sheer No. 20. Dayton -compurtng scale,' practically new, sale or exchange. . i -t4U Journal. - ' $12.50 to SIS $SlkjWSS& Gaarantaad W Rent and Repau. 178 8d sc. near YamhiU. Mala) 1848. A-1818 Malt, Hops, Crown Caps Corks, patent bottle stopper, baad ana pov capper, filter bags, thermometer. 91 Grand a DRUGGISTS All er part of my stock and fixtures for. sale cneap. J oe orto, oeimunt, mj. SAFES fTI3NG8AFE-DIEBOLD AGENTS Kxpert won oww. rnt-w ninu PACIFIC SCALE A SUPPLY COMPANY, 46 Front t Broadway 1968. CONN C, B. flat and A cornet, high and low niteh rntnnlvtf! in case: almost hke new, for $40. Worth donble. See it at Eilers, 287 Washington t., between 5th and 4th st; MAHOGANY case Edison Diamond "Dine, style R-80. in first class -condition ' for 0; W) down and $5 per month. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co., 350 Alder st- , . i 20 H. P. 4-cvl. ' engine. Bosch msBneto: 40 h. p. Marine reverse gear; 8 K. W. DelooMt electric plant. : Edison storage batteries. East 1705. AUTOMOBILES, MOTORCYCLES. LAUNCHES aw boats ar. aenaiate classifications. A lares Ssting caa be round under theM different class-. fictions. HKTRRiL used TTkuleles at half nrice. .)so en elegant mandolin and ease, cost new $47.80; caa be had at (2a at Euers, ZH7 WaslungtoB st, below 5th. - CUT FREIGHT RATES . on bonsehold goods shipped East and South, Man ning Warehouse 1 rangier co.. ns ana sseyx, Phone Broadway T03. A-IT 83. TWO black traveling bags, slightly soiled, bar- , gain. Also samples of latest ladia pocket books, one each. Poruand Leltber Co., Washington. A GOOD Edison phonograph and 100 records. all different, for $9. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 860 Alder et - TAKE no risk. Let oar experts move your piano and fine furniture. We guarantee prompt nd careful! service. Phone Mam. 1128. HOT water tank, all sizes, to' good, serricaabl condition. 3t gal.. r ; ,u ga. $j sot Adams t East and Steet bridge. East !, sl-, REED BUGGY: ot $30: good coadiUoti $5 galv. tank for canning, will hold 2-5 quarts. 44 E. JOth st Hi. v , BRUNSWICK Talking Machine, mahogany case, - iike new. $40; $10 down. 85 pee month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co. 350 A Mer st. GOOD canvas tent covering for Ford touring car. reasonable, l is ! wirnisjuppx ve. tele phone wooaiawn io;: FOR SALE SO cases of" Camatioit and "Bor3 en's, full , $6.90 and $8.80; babies. $6.50 and .4(1 box. V-8SO, Journal. fS-LNCH direct current 110 volt electric fan- practically new, for fuel or merciiandise. Y-849. iournat- - BABY bieh chair and bed with wiring. $7, Ta bor 8125. Call between 10 a. m. and 3 p. m. ' ' ' '' Q RAVEN STEIN apples,T - and So." Large r Bradshaw prams, 4c. -BelL- 1835. ' FOR SALE -Two folding bab " buggies, one $3 one $12. , S3t th st Mar. S31. ONE oombinatioa gas range, 90 new, $75, -t CaU . bur Aiperta. - BLUE serge tailor euit, is. $8 or 40. Phone - Marvhall 8555. BABY BUGGY (English perambulator) and medium size Ice box. lOOl Glenn ave. N. 4 II. P.- dragiaw, in guaranteed condition Front st. 285 FOR SALE- 3 burner gas range, good as new. sm canton ave. 11-1239. . FOR SALE Cheap, fine apples, at Dillowa, Ardenwald gt.. at apper. bridge. Sell. . 870. FOR S AXE--Miy CELL ANFOT'S 18 PLUMBING ;: SUPPLIES' If you need any plombing aupTilie aea th. Northwestern Pip Co., before you let your eon, tract, and we will cava you money. - ' Estimate given free. -' Northwestern Pipe i Co, i . .. v--l8T Front at, ; . Between YamhiU and Taylor. . - , fhone. Maia 8681. - Phimbing Supplies - '.BATHROOM OUTFTTS COMPT.ETB . AT SPECIAL LOW PRICES BATHTUBS. LOWDOWN TOILETS CORNER OR FLAT BACK BASINS (complete). PIPE AND JTITIINGS. Get onr prlae before yoa let yotnr aoatraet. We also have Mm. alight- Is damaged goods. , A. L. Howard 1 208 FOURTH ST.. bet Taylor and-Salmon at. FINEST eastern barley, pure aaalt syrap. cholo ost bops, erown cap, capping aaachine (hand and power) , corking machine, patent bottl toppers. - rubber syphon ho.., bottl (larg and amall), hardwood kesa and barreia, filtering bag, and all other article necessary. Wa keep Uttnt at lowest pr.ee. , MAIL. ORDERS SOLICITED. V Malt Syrup & Supply Co. - 1 X03 Tbiro at . . 1 Mala 1108. Portland, Or. ' MOVING' PICTURE ,-, SUPPLIES' Agent for Lalley 1000-watt generator for in dependent lurhtina- and as ovine aicture. Com plete -lecturer equipment on work of Christ and Joeeph.also comics. Write for .particulars. GENERAL SUPPLY at REPAIR CO.. 218 4th st near Salmon. Main 2518. "'" '""'LAMBERT TIRES CHEAP W have a few Lambert Trublpruf tire tho kind that does not puncture or blowout very lightly defects-, in appearance yet as darcbl as any, which we call "factory second." We are selling these at a considerable redaction from regular price. Her i an, oppertaauy to test these fine tires at email cost - Lambert Tiro & Rubber Co., .125 Grand arena north. East 8713. . , ? Knitting Machine Suitable for factory or home: knits cotton or wool, men' or women's, children's or small size hose: knita hoods, satttena. table or lamp mats. etc. This is a- new Gear hart a knitting machine with 6 cylinders, each doing a different grade of gnittag. Btee cwuig si ar rune mmi, in Orafrd ave. Drop Head Singer .........-..$ 1 8-00 Iroo Head Sincer ......... Dtob Head White , $11.04 Drop Head Holis Rotary White. $25.00 Drop. Head Automatic Life New - Home , . . '. . ... ...... .$22.00 Other makes lie to lie. 4TH ST. SINGER STORE. Main 6833. 193 4th st I HAVE silk portiers, sewing machine ( rotary). clock; Paisley ' shawU linoleum and banter oven., antioua chair, best grade eopper wire. woman Elgin watch,- and a few diniea. - Gall Sunday. 544 E. 45th st. N., Rose City ear. FIRE EXTINGUISHER, 8 gallons. 0-lb.r.Bra- auxe. practically new, half price ; moving rac- ture screen for sale cheap or trade for aotae- tl-ing I can use, Call 202 'McKay blag. CHOICE Gravenstein apples. $1 box; also sweet apple cider, plums and -pninea. George Dsvis, River road between Courtney and Silver Springs station. Oregon City car. TAME and wild' blackberries, apples; pick them yourself. Kale and cabbage plants: rabbits. Coiner 89th and East Stark, Mt Tabor (M-T 88th) .car to end, 4 blocks north, 1 east FOR SALE Climbers. Phlox Iris. Will leave in ground until time to plant rMl 26th' aortb. cor. of East Broadway and 26th. Phone East 1828. APPAREL EXCHANGE Ladiea' coats, suits, dresses, ovemna gowns, also. run, nats lightly used; distinctive styles. Reaasonable. Tabor 28. a. TOY; electrie engine. 18 section track. Rheostat transformer; like new. complete, $.50. East 2207. - PRINTING FOOR LESS -6000 Quality envel opes $13 SO. 6QOO cards 89. GO 00 bond let- terheads $12.50. Smrth. Printers, 204 Stark. GOING East or South ' Hoaaeaold goods shipped at reduced rata; moving and packing. facUia Coast Forwarding Co., 403 Hoyt at Bdwy. 703. DRIVE out to th rancbr and get your beans for canning. 60 lb. -' Powell Valley road to Gates, 80 rods south. S. 8. Stsrbard. I URS at sacrifice jjrlBee; small mink, brown wolf, brown fox, double black fox. 244 Broadway. Marshall 4029. FOR SALE 14x18 10-oz. tent Vaughaa draig saw like new ana otner. tool tor ii.ss. en. X-66. Journal. COUNTERS, shelving, ice box, fixture, new awning, etc., of mall grocery store at $49 rtark at- - WE LOAN . money on piano, and Victrotas, lowest rates, efexytluiig confidential. Adilgea o-soi, -journal. WANT to buy v genuine Victrol, must be in good order, with or without records. will pay cash. C-874, Journal. -' REFRIGERATOR. 100 "lb. eapactty. $15; cast iron range, $40, both fine condition.. 855 Graham as.- near Union. fMALT, hups, caps, cappers, cider, pur. Iran punches and syrups lor parties, nances, etc J. H. DeLacey. 293 YamhiU st GRAVEN STEIN apple. 23c per pound. -d-j.. K..W-,. a v r.it.w. u mile east of Milwaukie on lLak road. I.-WE.48TERN STAR pin eet with 12 Kenu- ine pearkii sell for $7. CaU $58 Multno-n-ah t - FUBS Black, white, red fox, mink, ermine set seal coat and other furs, gains. Tabor 2825. Slightly used; bar- SUITS pressed. 85 cents, French dry cleaned! $1. Why pay more t Unique - Tailoring Caw 104 4th t - ONE front door and aide panels, 2 window sash .32x30 (21-oz. glass), 1 bathroom window; a ban:ain, 423 E. 8th st N. GOERZ earners, i7. seven inch F4.8 lena; 6 plate ' holders, pack adapter. ; Less than post of lens. 4 IP Worcester bklg. Main 485. LADY'S adjustable dress form, $10 also a rough seek sweater, $10, A-l condition. Eat 6974. FAIR lady's shoes 4"oubins) . rubber heels. new. $5; cost $12.50; sixe 5B. Enamel bird cage, $1.75. Broadway 2582. GOOD gasoline wood saw and garage, all for $300. Tabor 8391. " 30.30 RIFLE, hew, high' graded chesp. , Board of Trade. TBI? WANT used 5 ft iron bathtub, sink gnd boiler. Hedges. 283 Taylor. Main 25$0 ELECTRIC vacuum cleaning in your home, 85u a rug. Call East I&O8. BLACK BE R R IES on buslies 5c lb; toa of ber lies for $25. Cot 969. " , FINE duck shooting pre Journal. rv, with cabin. B-433, TWO boys' serge suits, size 15, on new. j'iione East 2483. 18-IN. CEDAR wood $"1 and $1.60 a load at milt ' 1350 Macadam st FOR RENT Vaeuuia " cleanen, 24 ' hour day, $1. daUvered anywhere. . Wdia. 1269. I'lGEONS for aale. Macadam. - Phone Main 9840. 106 PLUMBING -applies, wholesale prioaa. Devi Co., 212 8d t . Mate 797. Stark- BAG rug a specialty. Rag rugs and rsg car pets woven in all aizes. Satiwood $211. Cf)T- 2-burper Tsbor 890. . gawline atovc, cheap, $4. UNCALLED lor (allor-mad rait. $12.80 op. Taylor, to Tltor. yen Vk jaurnst-o at 800 BUSINESS cards. 81.00: SOO linea cards. 82.25 Liberty Pnatery, Aider. FOB 8AL&--Che cutter., oaffao null, typ.. writer, firelea cooker. Sellwood S6S. FOR SALE Crab apples. "To per "lb. Phon . Woodlawn 2085. VACUUM eleai old, repsrred, rented, x BaaUey Cat. East 7050. changed, bought RABBJT8, 60o ui.; 22-ft 87. 1010 Belmont - extension' ladder, ONE steel range, one 30-gaflon hot water tank 1(V tu. . ti-lliingswcTin. WOODSAW for sale; season iust starting; $275, Call 75 Grand ave. N. Phon East 1257. INVALID wbe igan arc 1 chair ; for. sale at 949 Mjchr FOR SALE Emit jars, qts. and pts. ' 80th S. : Phone fiber 9822. 43 E FOR SALE 12-foot refrigerator, show rea -enable. 24 9-6th at- SUIT Light check, tailored, size 38: cost $70, sen $8.50. 249 Taylor st B-438. Journal. REFRIGERATOR, used one -bench wringer. Sellwood 811, foldinf AM selling my private library cheap; also kiri- aergartea etinvrs. taast 788.- FOBTSALE- !Ta!ond haudT f unuea in' good condition. Main T169. ' '- - TWO tente, fkxl4; 7x9 camping outfit 6128 fii.ua sfcrvrb, v oousioca car. , COOD icebox, $8; gas oven $1.75.' B'way 3166 SWEET APPLE8 and hjackberries. Tabor 1847, AXXIL'STABLE child' hed. Sell, 865. . ' FOrt S iI.K-MISCELL45rorS 1 - .PEERLESS HIGH GRADE PLUMBING FIXTURES PLUMBIJfG SUPPLTK.S : HOCSB HEATING MAlfcUlALS , ' IRON PIPE - - " PEERLESS HIGH GRADE TOTLET9 ' "SILENT KNIGHT" COMBINATIONS ' v.: . Agent For WM, POWELL, HIGH" GRADE - VALVE AND STEAM SPECIALTIES BOSTON HELTIV'G KMPANT8 , MECHAiflCAL RURRER GOODS ' The Peerless, Pacific Co. Showroom and Salesroom -70-T2 Front t Portland, Or. Phone Mar. 1901. PIPE2 : PIPfilFPIPEl , Cocapleto line cf pip from i -inch to S-inch, PIX'MBING '8UPPUES. Oar lia of pitimbing supplies ia complete. FOR THIS WEEK ONLY w have a special price on bath tubs. toOet. lava tories, cinksjind bsvns. ' f - LEATHER BELTING. Wa hava- few piece of leather belting that wo arill aeil at cost N. B, MESHEB PIPE-CO. , Maht 827T. 229 Front C SPOT CASH PAID FOR TOOLS, SHOTGUNS. RIFLES. TRUNKS. SUITCASES.; MERCHANDISE, FLT1NITURK. Newman's -Exchange ; 128 Ftrat Main, 45. Tabor 67 9". SAVE Hon wiring, lighting flxtur . alaetrieai rpelr togr atppliaa, Third St JOwtrfo Store. $24 Vk 84 at- ai 806b. REPAIR ANYTHING ELEC. . TRICAL quickly and ef ficiently at small cost Work done by licensed man. Work called (or . and delivered. Phon Et 4285. or -Tmmo ' aad Port Orfor eodar. eopper tnmmad: latest designs; factory prtcos. Factory S. GUaaa. hot 78th and 76th. Tabor 808. - ,S-ft oda fountain, white Italian marble' tin fh. oak back bar with larg mirror, and wired for electrie lights; also, 1 1st model, 20 gallon automatic carburetor. Bdwy. 1769 or 218 Fenten bldg. . - 7 - ' , SEWING MACHINES, pew aad second hand, sold for leas; aa areata Xmployed. Oomnlote tin of part tor ail maMee. Machine Teparred and rented. Mam V43 1. KWING MACHINE EMPORIUM ira oa, near xayapr .u --- A SELF-PLAYING oroheatra, with nickel ana slot attachment An instrument full of. pep. Cost new 8900, can bo, had for $400. . -Will tak payments. Bee it at Oregon Eiler Musio House, upstairs. Entraac 1 Washington at Telephone Main 1128. ' Electric Motors i Houaht eok rented aad repaired. W siker Electrie Work. 418 Barn. aid, corner 1 0th. Broadway 7-. SAFES Fir. and burglar proof aafea, sow aad Mcond hand, at righ pxioaa. bought, aaid and exchanged. " N ORRIS SAFE AND LOCK CO.. 108 2d at Phono Main 2018, WAITED To buy one second-hand rock crush' er. in good running condition.- Address "M, VX-848, Journal. - FPBTflTVBB WAiTTEP 74 iODSEHOLB, GOODS W -want your usedTTirrBrtnra. rug, carpet, stoves and all household goods and will pay th highest cash price. . Our Three' Large Stores enable- -na to dispose of the, good at ono. and therefor we ess pty th , . -- . Top Market Prices ' W also buy aad ell hard war-, tools, port ing goods, teste, bicycles, typewrHera. adding machines and office ar.d store turnitura. Whoa yoa hav. anything to buy, icU or trad ' Call Maln.9072 ' Levin Hdw.Furn. Co. 221-8-6 FRONT ST. ; WE WILL BUY FOR SPOT CASH YOUR HOUSEHOLD , FURNITURE FOB ANY AMOUNT. PHONE CAIJU JVWLL BRING L'STO t ; YOUR DOOR. - NO CHARGR. ,T0R 4 VALUATION IS HIGHER THA!t THB OTHER FELLOWS. THERE'S A REA- ., SON; BECAUSE WE SKI.L TODAY WHAT WK BOUGHT YESTERDAY. PHONR : PHON - Marshall 5981 ' i 185 FIR8T ST. Gevurtz Furniture Co. EMSMLi- 5981 Before You Sell Your Fufniturei See Us w. in in tiMd of afl kinds of naed furnitura. rugs, carpets, ato-os, rsage. -all kinds of old gas stoves and office furniture.and We pay abso lutely top prices tor ma. . Call iwrshall 557-! firl amr buyer will call at onee ith that cash. OEVURTZ FURNITURE ir:! STORE 205 and -207First: St.' Bet ' Taylor "and Salmon ate. 1 ' rate Odd 'Ptaee oe Comrlleta aTnmiahlnca. We Pay Top Cash Prices ' Can Us for prompt, courteous Sendee.- . . PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE "b FIRST ST. v' Mala 772S BEFORE dlap rasing ef your nsed furaitura eail na ur: we are ia naed of ruga, carpets. 4to,M and offloe furnitura. Will buy any - avantit-. W pay top pnoea. ror prompi ana courteous tmUDeM prion gtsrn loot. .T.D L-i T V IT I T I7 Sri 204 1st at. ; ' . , Mala 6084. DON'T sacrifice your turnitura if going east of to Ualifornla. . w can sa. you money oa your freight- in our through car. Fireproof storage. C M. ' Oiaea Transfer It Storage Cc. Si-& iMn. Owl Furniture Co., JSKAR UOkklHOX W. waBt yoar need furuituise. atove. carpM and pianos ; we pay tn nigneat eaan price. 16S and 168 1st st. Call Main 462T, WIGHTM A N-J OHNSON FI'RNITtTRE CO. 88-90 Grand ave. East 7766. Highest price paid for used furniture, car- its, stoves, ranges, etc. we call promptly. f A 42T D-il paid for furniture, stoves, raagaav tfbAj& V carpets, rugs, dresser, etc. Phoaa Mar. 2675. Hartsell rurnltur Co., 41 1st at WANT . HOU8EHOIJ FTRNITUHH WILL PAT CASH. Phone Mail, $333. ATTENTION We pay -eaari for everything "in the line of second baad furaiture Jo aay guantity. call mw 7.8. . - PHONE East 781 when .yau want to aeil you furniture; w will cnat at one an pay yoc CASH. . M. B. JEATEK, 3HO Hwthorn av sTTJHNrTURl! WANTED Will par all "thai n ' ia worth.. Phcne Main $249. Paclfie Furniture Co.. 140-142 1st at AM in th market for furniture from private . Beta only. . 409 H Jackson at . CAIJj U&ll 2111. SWAPS ti WILL exciiaa-e aew Victrola. Brunswick. Grafonola or Edison Phonograph and reconln for organ. Hyatc 'talking uactune to... ao Alder. ' ' 1 - EXPERT furniture repairing, nuholstering. a trea making : - furniture bought, sold, ex changed at M. K," Webster' repair shop, 1105 Hawthorn. Taoor WHAT hare, voii for 1750 enuity modern 6 : room - bungalow honse, lot 50x100, all im provement in and paid i close in, - west of Leu- remnrst - a 1 , Jjarnac ItOTORCYCLE, twin cyL, 3 speed Indian; per fect shape. Will trade fox piauu, - Phone Ta bor 207 or Tabor 3164. WILL trade, ..good team of work horse and soma fresh cows for late model car,, or light truck. 990 Powell st. Woodstock ear," USE of piano for storing, best of care, rrfer : encea if required, 1367 E. Lincoln. Phone Tabor 8398.-- "."- GOOD 6-paas. late" model touring to tcada for horses, cow or ngnt trnea. . fwwu at, TWO. fin -tote Alvador, Or. - What hav you ' S .. .1.. . ' . ' $65 STEEL rang to trad -for high-grade shot gnnv Voodlawn 4618. I'OU sate or trade, motorbnat Rex. value $100 , for a guod Yictrola. Woodlawn 2189, ejlLu v sjriacTiaicI , Weodlawm $791. SWAPS WILL excliaiiae new Victrola. , Brunswick, - Grafonola or Edison phonograph and rtcorda lor typewriter. Hyatt TaUiug Aiaciune , co.. ia Akser. VtnOL trade horse, soring 'wagon aiul harness. all ia fin condition, for foundation cement i work, 1 Murray. 8128 62d at & E. Tabor 1 Have WeU, plug outfit of permanoiH oanap ; neawe oa aoeaie lOOxlOO, waac ato.. oe un, Gas, photw.' water, low rent Want axaoa. ear. Fraakhn tr-fr-eL D-480. JearnaL GOOD a new, S-kol Toledo firelea cooker, or trad for milk goats eaa bo aeea after bunday I St 6404 89tb at., Lents, Or. WASTED MIRCECLATTEOtJH WA.NTF.D People mt Portland to know that! ; ea the hiaiuaat rash txiea. foe second head household goods. No amount too larga or to mail. Prompt attention. N. M. SKATES ' Phone East 2208. 14$ Ruaaetl rt $8 TO $15 FOB SECOND HAND SUITS MEYER, th tailor, pay, .moat for dothmg rid shoe. We rail day or evening, ataraoau ; 229 or 288 Madison. - ' JUNK WANTED - FuTl' value paid for rags, old clothing, old far- CltUre, old macninery, - meiais. ruaoart mw. CAliU HAITI .WANTED JUNK' ofpa, machinery, tools, furnitur. clothing, nattp Is. te - Main rZ7 7 . zza evoai. WANT used clothing. - W pay from $1 0 up I for rim'. nmtA auita and overcoats. w-Call na and you will get th right cash-price for your goods. 16T 1st t. near Morrison, - Mala 788. GOINGeaat or south I Houa-hold good shipped at reduced rates: moving and -packing, pa-i elf 10 Coast Forwarding Gas. 408 Heirs e or Iliad- way 1W3. ' ; - , -- . WILL exchang new Vktrola. Brunswick, Grafonola or Edison Phonograph and records for Liberty . Bonds (at -fr). Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 300 Ald.r. : , , , 1 $70 fOr 2d Hand SUltS J Top price tor furaitura aad trCaka. Mar. 1689. 1 WANTED Second-hand hardware, mechanle' tool and blevclec Will nayhlghMt pnee. 213 Front tj Blttman Hdw. Co. Main 3611. BICYCLE WANTED NEWMAN. 128 1st near Wash.' Main-4495. LARGE size suitcase, must be clean and in rood order: leather Iretrrii. - cau.srvsmng. Tabor 9322. WANTED -To buy 100 to BOO cord good wood. - Stat location, kind" and prtca, will pay cash. L-882, JournaL , . ; " " Vf ANTED Saddle tor Shetland pony: state condition and price Hi Tucker, TUla-1 moos. Jr. . ,. - . - - rwa a ua rr " " nrtJ . a.l Jk -. V. . -. register, acale. -Miil 4495. Tabor 0798. BANTED BIFIm. ahotenna. cameras, le Hocfafield. 85 3d at Phon Main l ONE good at earner trunk or on six, 86. 1i Roosevelt t . ' ' WANTED Second band safe. Stat ia n4 pric and where at T-818. Journal. WANTED To buy stamps and stamp eouectiona! I M-825. JTournal. WAK'TEDSmaU 'electrii motr. " Ptoao -vValn. 8904, Monday. VANTED-TWO marhl eandy slab a candy I stove. Write R. O. Q-. 404 V, Washington. WARDROBE trunk; must ba in, good eoodi- tirm. B-4 21, Journal. , WE DRILL well. Call Main 184$ PERSOTTATi ft A man may be in busia Though not business nan; ,; Unless h get hi. business - From sprue activa) work or plaa, -. Tho greatest asset to a atora L is in value na in service: . As "indifference" of a sales fare:." - Will msk a buyer nerveus, We Pride ourselves ia every way ' In giving you atteatioas - And we make your shopping vleaaant lis needless for to mention. 80 when yoa think of buying Z Remember, vou 11 aav. mora - v- On each fall SUIT, COAT, DRESS AND HAT AT THB PETERSON' UPSTAIRS STOrUS. . 24 Floor Pittock Bloek. ion CHIROPK AflTIC -SYSTEM Dr. MeMahon.. Mseleay bidg., Portland, Or. a ntm .1m 4rem u Mteaw aoa aucat Da' naviaa uniorrairauiy au aw amm w chiropractic elaewber. -with, ol eourse, rnvrtf Bonding dtsarmolntment' in delayed relief. Nea A v.Hius mrm full, aatisfled with my .100 chiropractic philosophy, expenene and auparior adiustmenw. rata nd. filly. resuHa Tenth year in this, dty. Phon. cU or write, 'treat' $15.- SI , 4t AMI MASIllti",. NEW HOME. 647 E. SALMON ST, ATTKTiONl' EYES BlGIITI . Te Antn -Rnbenatein. the veteran optlciaa. returned from service, ia right oa th Job of fitting eye with the bast glasses at mod erate prices." ' - ' ' ' -. ' 226 Morrtsoa t -lmo aiin wt. - M-a. fMarca) Watson, ! wrRe Mrs, Emily Merry. 8208 brvg a,v., Toledo, Ohio. Would appreciate iuformation irota ,,nyv one concerning M ra. nooiy. v PR I'OLLMAN, druglea. atcialitf nt clironui diseases, disease of th tomach,. kidgey, heart, tunes, bowels, bladder. . disMute .of tli. eyas and pars. Many iworn teatiraoniaK CpnsulUtlca free. " Itmrles Institote. 828 Whiogtow blilg. AI-AMiES AT A SAVING " 1 olicit your ptvoa u th basis of cspaMo service. Thousand of (aHafrtd catroos. , Charto -W. Goodman, optometrist. 209 Morrison st. COMtOJT nd get oth your feet fixed wa good for $1 bv-Da. Eaton, the CHIROPODIST 4 hat doesn't hurt yoa; $ -gears in Portland) saaa, free GlobaTheatre bldg., 11 ta ana waan. Bdy 2824. - ca-so vrrsoo uiu.f uis oa vs. Tiroaoway saj, - u - S. SPIRITUALISM, Bv. May A. Price. . Chaa. A. Ohisaoo, Circles oeaaay 2. : Sunday and ' Wednesday 8. Readings dafly. 1J40 Piyiai t. Mt bcott tar. -labor ' uivt e.ervliadr to know that M. W. Iiaria. dentist ha moved to 286 S Warhiugtoa t. over ins wwn . - "MHa. M. I LAMAR, 235 6TH ST. Spiritual adriaef, instrucUun a thf Ujeory of health, aucces. and harmony. SplRil'UAL-SCIENTlFia chuMM. aatiirarhar. monic teugiit earnest student. 4llectUn, F.0. .fiox ail. ' ' . - - - . ; : - ;- MADAM KUGExTE , taaeL aclenrifTc' palanUtry and cardsvm t.iki., no- atairs. SLPERFlX'OtS HAIR, moles, warU. rrraovwi br IO ndl method; trial free. Jo-4. Fialer. 614 Bush -Lane Dtag. , C11 Main vgls. DR. K1MMELL. rhirotrit Virus, bunions, in- grownnall. 27 Alisky bldg., $d n4 Mor- Hson. : rv ' r si 1 taAnfOOiv' it A ' k. i.iv, " ' I MsVamataur. a chiropractor of wide expert- ?n7m M backward aupua. o r ence. a 100 per cent chlropracttc WUltat TlxUk"JZu7k In,ornw"J with highest teatlmo-lats from patioate from 2i"K-. 'a.-,', . .... r-utern atete . toaailiar with bwt adjust- 14th at Washington. Bdwy. S3H0. A-c XJ Aa. A- .w q' r EMb.a s .w, r u-c- a jivuV -svsg--s- a..., ., m - tr- - - , , - Drugieas phy. ; atomault; kidneys, rhumauro, j ALASKA UEHRING IUi-OiCTI.VG CO., d -const Hon, female trcubte. Miri I tribnter eaitwi and amokad fiah. 2 it CUT this out or luck, en4btrth date and 10. for wondful -ovoscope of your ent Ira Hf,'l7 KS7raT-4-"iiri - -.- " . . - ... . . the -t end ha. resamed XiracUcc 0f MrfseuisB vkih. 7 1 ', "' . . -, , , ' , f)R, M. wTTfJAViS ha mvej WdehlaJ offi- irom nrsx ana siomsoo v i bo s m $sn ington street PRIM EDA BALM, formerly called Baku - of Figs, for disease, of , women. .4 E,, f 34 at. neu. ie. rnone mornings. GOITRE, anlsrged glaoda. people cur. tin elves permanently. A. ft iotrachan. AiUis- horo, or., Koute a. OPAI ijfH'Zrir' .X 8-I.Ur4.L5rili" let MR aigr;.ao,l : SaS-itcolh; ; v relief, LADY BARBERS Fac massag.. 8$c; ecelp treatment a speciaity. tia oiMaa,.jaorv eta. CLEANING, preaaing. dyeing, alteratioa. W call and deliver. Th 'Cabinet Mn 182$. FACE- itching acalp, dandrufl relieved. mole, warts removed. Zi r lieln pu DROP a card to M- A. J-SiUs, JCur. Or.. for lvrj uat 01 cnoioe Duma ana plants. ff eaaarurcs. CoosplUtloa FREE. .1 All m i-aWyer 81$ Selling bldg Mrn w99$. - . roTif!ES'- 'v.-is liOTlCE OF MEETING OP MVYiff' jOARD - OF EQUALIZATION V Notice I hereby gives that on Monday, Sep tember 8. 1919, the board of equalization of Multnomah" county wilt attend t the - office of the county assessor, at th eosirt' house. 4a Portland, and publicly examine th assessment roll for th, year 1919, mad eorre-t all errors ia valuation, descriptifm or Qualities of land, lots or othe .property, assessed by the county assessor. And it shall b the doty of w- en intetwated -to prer at th. . time and nlace astoointed. If it shall appear to uch hoard of 4uliza,tkia - that there are any huidi or lot or otlmr property isaasaa twice, jar la- eorroctly - aisn.s aa' to deorriptuM or- ouantlty. aad ia the name .of . person or person . not the owner, thereof. 0 asssaiaei under C beyssid tit actual cash aalo. thereof, said beard may mak proper . correctioo ? the Sam. it shall appear to such board that asy land, tut or oth.r property aaseesahl by the asaessor ar not aesd. such board ahaQ gesea the same at the lull casti vaine toereor. . 1 , . HFNRY E. REED, Cotnty 'Aasewer. '- Poruand, Oregon, August 16, 1VI9. - -i 7co2ICI Sealee) propueala. siiLrr-i-'1 1 of County comtnuisinnen of Ain u . Oregon, aad ecirired "Proposals t . r i ' the folio ring road in Multnomah c- gon. to-arit: Hosiiital med No. Js, (' i wiUiger bouktvard to th county b:"--i on Jiarquam bill, or such of tt at.oy 1 or sections aa lb. contractor may eled ti I upon." will be rrtelved by th Board -of Gomaalaaionera of MoUUismah xnaU-am ,t it Monday. Aacast 5.' 191. and t ; tbelwafter and at that time, at room 201, eom - bouee. Fortland. Or... will b publicly cpeui . aad read. Hrjeefieationa therefor ma b. ta sr t' a affioa of th county cU-rk r clerk of t . oonty court - , Tha lmprovam.nt of ssk road tr which nr bids will be received consists of th. o tm. grubbing and grading of said road ! tn. construction therein of all neecaaary -.rt Dated August 6. 1919. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CJ MULTNOMAH COUNTY, OREGON K. W. HOIT. Cliairraan. RUFUS C. HOLMAN. County Oomoilaaionef. A. X MUCK. County Coaamaion-r. W. A. KATCHEL, Hidinaaier. JOSEPH W. BEVERIDGK. Conntv Clerk. t'NlFORMED night- patrol, aervtc xlt.a strong preteetlnn. All bonded ieau PAO.- INVESTIGATION HUMF.AU. INO -826-26 Oregon Hid 6th aadvOak. , Broadway 8608. AFTER this date, August 14, 11.1571 wTll ni ha responsible for any debt contracted r by my wife. Flot-nee Itamsay. J. A. MAMXAY. 0Mi55JQNAL AND; tUSiNESS D1RCT0RY sirriouts ANTIQUE and ALL KINDS OF FUKMIU-- Btern Salvage Co.. 538 Waahlngtoa at ' t AWB-W8' 8UPPLIK8 " - LKW1S-STE.VGEU Barber' Supply Co.. li . "v. i.u 11 bswm. an. lUit7 m W I"l w barber.', rh.lr and aupplM. Stock of furaUiu. and 'Morrison streets. The Diane to bur - T " V, rvT- BC8UTY PCCIA.LI8T SUPERFLUOUS bair dawtroy forever by time -pi. neeoie metucq. 0U4 eiwetlana aing. i SWANK BOOK MAKtftS DAVIS dc HOLMAN. INC. 100 -d at. huit . Book Manufacturers. , A-3183, Maia 1 88. OARPCT CLKANIMQ Piufff From Old . Carpets - Bag Bugs, All Sice Mail Order Prompt. f Send for Booklet ' 9x12 Bug Steam or 1'rj Cleaned, $1.89. FLUFF RUG CO $4-88 Union v. N. . East 6518. R-14TS. OHIROPRAOTORS . DR. LAURA K. DOWNING, Broad-ay b..a. - Druglaa physician; 10 year ipertsj. chiro. pmctig. electricity, vibratory maatag. nd dit DR. McMAHON, 100 per cent adj-dsUnents i. easy, earefolly, permanent Phone. 81 II . HELENA: W. OOMSTOCK - Chiroi.ractor. $.1 14th at Chronic trouble. Main 8806. 1 COAL AND WOOD WE SEL- IN LARGE OR rii-ALL oi.AK. mavy conntry blab, oak and Cordwnod Star Wood & Coal Co. $46 84 at Main 8019. FOUR foot country slabwoed. partly drilti-- oord. , National Fu-4 Co., East 2041. CONTRACTORS ItAwtllOnNBCONSTRUCTlrt Co. 1 General building and lohbina contractor-. T. I pair work. Estimate furnished. Phon East 83-s. ' DOQ ANO CAT HOSRITAt DR. G. H. HUTUMAN bospluJ, 416 E. 7th si . eornar Grant. East 1847. B-l62,v W ti.g hog and florae. 'f COUCATIONAL FRENCH Won. by a Parisian lady. lao Broadway 2872. DANOINSi JUNGLEK'S DANCING ACADk-il I" yott want to tfanc er learn to d-ae. w! not go to th Urgent and beat school in th ci 1 where the advantages r greater I You m l more good danoer and can praetic with many different expert profeaakinal tescberav Bepai nt , TEN LESSONS 48 - 1 5 P0m bldg. Personal attention. 16 to ilUS.'FLECK'S ACADEMf, 10824 at L. room and ataae dancing; class Tuesday ai- FTiday evenings. Main 2100. Private Iwnv I MOOALlUHT dsn. boat Swan, eveiy Ft of Jeftcrs. Sat night. Main 4748. MUtlO ' lOHOOtt AND TEAOHgatl 6REGON Conservatory (kchool) of Musio -I ,t " voice, noun, harp, etc., for beginners, Inter medlato end diriloma graduate. Spitckal .uuuucr term. 165 H 4th at Morrison. "IN FLANDERS FIELDS," tit okiiei-' beau tiful memorial anna, bv Herbert tliLe. and Meriori. Trotter of Portland, at all mn-ir stni-. iZTd'ARRdiX" DAY, piano, vocal lassmu, praexice piano, i umir oay, an mo. rny. ynaa. PBOF, T. E. LAWSON, 20 yearr eiieri-nc, Piano lessons at your home, 75. Tabor TJjoti. PUR THE FUR SHOP IS NOW OI'L New orders, remodeling la th latest atria. 80$ Sweflind bli-, 6b nd Washington. MAIL AOVf RTI8INO CRANK LETTKU Cf 81. liovsl blilg. Muiu- graamiag. mimeoeraptilng, Msr-hsl) :, (AARBLR AND ORANITS CttANINd ' - - CLEANING . : . nisrbl and granite gravestme and monumeRlt, . Tiirsisr.rs, ,0. Mrssi gllll4. R1U6IO AZZ "BAND for hi- CaU Woodia UliiriAUD STATION E KV A PRI.STtM." "Better Bervire." 851 Oak at Bdwy. I RAINTINO, TINTINQ. 'RARCRHANO' It' Cf.liTtJN, painting, tiiTtTng, pat7eT; i . N. 17th at. lldwv. 4414. Woodiso.. 1. House painting, roof paintiUT aaa, waterprooi paints, BUw, Wdiu, IPTTOO want a good painter rail East ... Painting 1n all its braneht. 854 Hawth.,rr. rSii TJi' I GOLDUF.RG, 60 RATSNT STYORNtY Worcester bidg. Ms in ' PHYSICIANS CaZTLr.r' 17. bladder, rectal, prostatic, famal.. f -i f -in ,ffwtion, high blood p I 1 p- rwirv 1 inm, tnassvisa, 1 -l 1 . 1 I t'ei,4lnre VV- BALTI-'.A to, I . j JrrintBTMjr, ,n(j Oak u. M. I 5. A-l S -:,. SALTED AMD 40H-( D riH ij'tnm"t" Ptun". "r SYORAOS 1 CUT-PKICE .-. Mlag, etc.. Edw.ru i - nnttBr. t . f ftfl nlj pnk TINNERS . Jacob losli . . -T1n.'BheetuoB and llw.f Werk $1$ lt at - : - Phon JUala 1474. TINS RERAIRIMA T INClFV ULCAS I2I.VG CO. 891 A Starg at, b.twea D'-ti a ad jr.-,h. Don't, throw $way your wld tiro., Lt u 1 f IL4VE iow rent; gtiamntei tif rr" Hot's N. 84 aear Steel bridge. (ii em. TRAMSRER AND STORAGE Oregon Trcnsfsr Co. ,'i - Established 1870 .-';' Transfer and KorwardiBg Agents V' STORAGE FREE TRACKAGE "-" ' (Offio aad Sterag 4T4 (.! 3th and ;iian. ... Broadway 121; A-flr- .Willamette Valley ' ,t ' General Tmnsfer and Forwardinr X?r.t TRACKAGE. STORAGE AND ICi. ' 1 124 NORTH BTH ST. . BKOAl'v! ' . ALWAYS HICK THE BKST iio - . GOODS SPE'DJ.Isir Storage, pat"i. s pir- and moving. Horse ud auto rai. 1, ciil rates to ail point. C. 4. PlLifc TRAKSFFK Bl""St " 2d and pine. Broadway hvi, A-lf"''-. Storage -and Transfer ,CIay b. Morse, ir.c. - 428 FLANDEHS STREET WE" MOVE an4shlp piini prnjx-tly. 1 Main 1123. Eilers Music cuuuji:-, 1 floor, - entraac 287 Whuigton auect, L Fifth. ' PACKING MOVING !"('. i, SECURITY STORAGE A THAN s,tK C 0 ft park st. Main S 1 i.. A -!(,, TAKE no risk. Let our esperia luove . piano and fin furniture. M. ana-. prompt and careful service. I'tiune Main 1 . ,, V