t Li i. kJ i. a - . W .... (-i. Kim 1.. 4gt W . W Wit BOOHrSO HOT SVS APABTMEKT8 AXI) HOTrtS FOB WALK it MJYERS Take Notice , - - ROW IS THE TIME TO BU"x A ROOVWO OB APARTMENT HOUSB. V VHlf hH WILL GO UP THIS FALL. 14 BOOMS. $950. NEWLY FURNISHED. - CT.EAJtH UUMR. FIRST TIM IS OF- v fkbauj. .- 14 BOOMS. ' RENT $30. PRICB $900. .$500 DOWN AND EASY PAYMENTS. 12 ROOMS '- RENT $35. LOVELY YARD. PRICED $ 1 WOO. HALF CASH. CLEARS 960. ' 18 ROOMS, YEBT FINE. $UTS. REST 837.60. FURNACE, HVHSBM WATER. 1 4 ROOMS. WHITE TEMPLE DISTRICT. NICEST PLACE TO LIVE. $1300. $700 V DOWN, BALANCE FBOM FBOF1T8. . 19 BOOMS, HOT AND COLD WATER "W ALL APARTMENTS. CLEAKING $100 A MONTH. ,k FBICB $1600. $700 DOWN. 18 ROOMS. RUNNING WATER. FURNACE. ON TWO FLOORS. WHITE IKMl'LK DIS- TRICT. $1050. EAST TERMS. LOVELY LO- CATION. .,. ;;'5 48 ROOMS. WEST SIDE. RENT $78. IN COMB $400. PRICE $3000, TEBMS. . "4(1 'ROOMS. SPENDlD LEASE AT 878 MONTH. PRICK $2760, TEBMS, - - . . T5 BOOMS. $3000 LONG LEASE TRAN SIENT AND STEADY ROOMLNO PLACE. THESE PIECES A HE EXCLUSIVELY-; ; WITH THIS OFFICE ,- AND A KB TUB BEST BUYS OBTAINABLE IN PORTLAND. Square Deal Guaranteed -Get in My .'Automobile " "' AND 1 WILL SHOW TO IT. BRUCE GODDDARD 601-2 Conch, bWt. f Main 4887. : Portland' Leading Broke. HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES IN ALL PABTS OF THE CITY. THE TIME TO BUT IS NOW. BUT FOB LESS AND GET IN THE MONET THIS WINTER., . . TOO CAN'T BEAT THESE 64 room, -white pressed brick. strictly mod ern building; every room ha hot and cold water,, (team beat, telephone and i an ontside - room ; ' the location is cloie in on the west side. - Is netting between $4009 and $5000 per year, and at the price offered almost para for itself the first rear. Bee this if you want a hotel. Frie $6800." terms. , APARTMENTS ' 21 rooms, located close to Morrison- street, rent $100; very nicely furnished and netting ever $200 per month. This has hot and cold running water Jm all apartments and is a cood buy at $8000. SMALL APARTMENT 2 0 rooms, tent $56 with 16 months lease; easy walking distance. Steam heat, hot and cold -water m all rooms, nicely famished ' and nets $120 per month. Price $1000; $900 handle. HOUSEKEEPING 17 rooms, close in, went side; rent. $40; fnrnaoe heat, nicely furnished, netting about $100 per month over expenses. Price $1600; $600 cash, SEB MR. BOWDEN " 1 SOOTT-BOWDES CO. 481 Chamber of Commerce bids. SWELL HOTEL . One ' of the last bargains in a first class hotel of 77 room. . Elegant furniture and beds, bedding and earpet. Now clearing $1000 per month, atrietly modern; long lease, cheapest fnt of any irotel of its class in Portland, $11,600 talks. 68 BOOM HOTEL Strictly - modern brick building, well fur nished, downtown district. Lease at $800 per month, $8000 talks. ' . .30 ROOMS 80 - la .-center of business district, modern brick boilding. long lease, - cheap rent. Come and get thi bargain. APT. house: ' Large brick apt. house, modern and well 'famished, now clearing $800 per month. Can do more. 6 year lease, low rent This can ' be bought with $6000 cash, balance monthly pamoate. NEAT LITTLE APT. HOUSE 30 well furnished apta.. aU three rooms each. - Beautiful brick bldg., strictly modern, walking distance. West side. Price $4600; going- this week. " , , MANY MORE - ' I hare rooming houses, both H. K. and sleep ing rooms of all sizes in all parts of the city. ? COUNTRT BARGAIN I hare small hotels tn nearly all parts, of Oregon and Washington, some are Tery good buy. WATCH" OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS - ' , F. RIERDON. . . . -.r-.j HITTER, ! LOWE A-CO., - . 201-3-B-7 Board of Trade Bldg. T1 ROOMS Lightly furnished. Rent $22. Net Income $40. Hedge, 282 Taylor. BxrsnTEss opportunities s$ W"E - MANUFACTURE a carburetor for Ford -cars which is guaranteed to give double the mileaoe over any other . carburetor eve'r con str H-ted, regardless of name, make or price. Money refunded If 15-day FREE trial does not prove it We are now ready to furnish carnu- retors also Tor Dodge and Maxwell can. wui fur nish them for other car in a short time. En tirely new principle; simple plain tube; not a moving- part;r guaranteed to start in aero weather without heating or priming. Tremen dous demand 25,000 now in use tn Chicago .territory. Reliable, energetic man who can guarantee sales and cam stock of $600 to ' $2000,' depending on demand, can secure ex clusive territory and will easily net $20,000 this year, rio special experience neoesaary. tKAna A. UBWAN. 600 W. Jackson blvd., Chicago. I1U FOR SALE A. small country store and postofflce, 9 miles from railroad, country trade, stock consists of groceries, hardware. - candy and cigars, drug and drygoods: no other store in town, a 2 story building with 8 rooms in rear;, plenty of land for garden; a good cheap buy. Price $8000, part cash. Address LX-881, Journal. LIGHT grocery and bakery on East Morrison st. near Grand aye., with 8 good living rooms In rear. Kent only $16; fine place for lady. Price only $650. . - BUSINESS SERVICE, 81T Henry bide. Main 6707. A DANDY little, grocery store on Albert st, doing a good business. Kent only $15. Price $1000. Have other business. Must sell at 7 ' ' See my " agents, BUSINESS SERVICE. 81T Henry Bldg., Main 6797. YOU can make money representing the greatest thing needed by every home, farm and store. Why not' get busy now and get your share of the profits- FRED W. WOLF, distributor, 327 North Wells st, Chicago. - FOB SALE Half interest in deep sea trolling boat, including ail fishing gear; fish with an experienced txoller. Price $500, $275 cash, balance at end of season. See MUIership, Alder hotel. CONFECTIONERY, soft drinks, lunches, etc Also 4 pool tables, a high class , location, clears $250 to $800 month and will do a big winter business. - Price only $1750. Call room 401 Deknra bldg. ALTO GARAGE FOR SALE Concrete bldg.. 100x100; big storage and . repair business ; also sell auppiiea. gasoline, etc. ; ' Promts $600 month. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. - BEST buy in heart - of city. Confectionery, cigars, tobacco. Hire's root beer fountain and . other large- fountain. $1,700. , Rent $50. A anap. Phone Monday Broadway 1578. A CASH GROCERY Brick bldg., net profits $250 month. ' WUI sell at -invoice and give wholesale' bouse aa ref erences. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. - : . .DRUGGISTS . - All or part of my stock and fixtures for sale cheap. Joe Worth. Belmont, city. WANTED Capable man for partner ia a legiti mate business with a good future. Must te able to Invest: some money. For interview. T 650. Journal. ' FOB IMMEDIATE SALE A good cleaning, pressing and tailoring eh op. doing good ' business. Owner going east and must sell. L-838, Journal. ' - WILL pay $3 per share for Johnson Auto Sig . nal - company stock. ; J. Prince, Box 267. Coldendale, Wash. ; . ; . FOR SALE Millinery atore in country town, good locality. - For information address box 17 8. Woodbarn, Or. FOR SALE Shooting gallery, best location and doing good business. 273 M Bornside. For particulars inquire 28 N. 6th st . FOR grocery or drugstore, well Jocated building, a shelving, counters and , basement G-277. . Journal. -.: STOCK of groceries, tobacco and fixtures r must be sacrificed at once. . Come today. 247 "First st - - - - - :. : r BODA fountain, 16 syrup, iceleae, like new; worth $1000;. terms, or take auto in trade. t-K, journal on tee, Vancouver, wash. GROCERY, notions and confectionM-v. with ing room; rent cheap. T-659. Journal. GROCERY store for sale." Phone Min6340. - 1066 Macadam. - , ' . MY coffee house" and restaurant for sale. Do ing good business. 880 East Alder. HOSPITAL, fine prop, for doctor or nurse. ' In vestigate. X-60. Journal. - - RESTAURANT for sale cheap; good location: have good reason for selling. Cs.ll Bdwy. 235. GROCERY for sale at 8 7 2E Couch ; doing good' business. ' WRl sell building. IF you are looking for business Ioc:1(m n Simma, 481 Chamber Com. Main. 0127, BCSITfESS OFFORTTTjriTIES t$ COUNTRY STORE General store with about $3000 stock., buildings, ground, dwelling 1st connection, all for $6000; gome terms. . MEAT MARKET One of the best equipped la the state la good, town about 600O population. Price with out stock, $5000, terms. Can hare nay part of, stock. - ' .. .. .. . CITT CONFECTIONERY " Loeated ia owe -f too fees -school districts In the city.. Large mechanical school same block. It is also a good place to wve roni-h. Rent with lease $25 per month. Price $2009. SOFT DKINK I hare one of the beat buya tn the eity. Bent $50. Price $1200. ' ' TIRES -' For $0000 I oan put you in one of the nicest businesses in town. Stock at inroiee, good agency, can and see It. INVESTMENTS r I hare proposition where yon wiS net ever 20 on your money and it ia not a gamble. Call and investigate. - WATCH OUK ADS, WT5 GET KESULT8 F. BIERrWN. BITTEB, LOWB m CO.. 201-8-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WE BUY STOCKS LARGE OR SMALL ' , SPOT CASI FURNITURE- General : Merchandise FELDSTETN FUBNITTJRE CO. 174 FIRST STREET. - -s MAIN 4833. EXCELLENT PROPOSITION . WILLA UETT8 VALLEY FLOUR MILL Capacity 75 barrels. Present owner purchased this intending to operate it aa a flour mill, bat owing to ill health has not ' operated as mill but uses the premises as a warehouse and floor and feed store and has installed 15 h. p. motor for - cleaner and chopper . and is doing a ' good business in this line. This proposi tion Is worthy of investigation and community need. Price $6000, and will be sold on terms. See us for further particulars. Metzger-Parker-Fergusoa Co.. 802 Oak street WANT four men who can buy 8 H -ton truck for road work, 16 hours day; 4Q per cent cash, balance 12 monthly payments. . PALACE ! GARAGE ' CO. 12th and Stark Sts. See Mr. King. T"" GOOD GROCERY Oa east aide, close in good location, doing a business of abont $50 day; rent only $30. Here is your chanoe to buy something goon; don't fail to see this. Price, if taken at once, $1650, or will invoice. BUSINESS SERVICE. 817 Henry Bldg. Main 6797. Moving Picture Supplies Agents for Lalley 1000-watt generator for in dependent lighting and moving picture. Com plete lecturer' equipment on works of Christ and Joseph, also comic. Write for particulars. GENERAL SUPPLY A. REPAIR CO., 213 4th st near Salmon. Main 2618. SMALL BAKERY On Hawthorne are. Have brick oven and nice little business. Rent $16. Would be a good place for elderly man or couple. Price $500. Terms. See BUSINESS SERVICE. 317 Henry Bldg. Main 6707. StoreOwnersTakeNottc I have buyers waiting for locations. Do want to sell? List yours at once. Bruce Goddard, 602 Couch bldg. Main 4587. FOR SALE- General merchandise stock and fixture, best part of the Willamette valley. Price is right to any party that wanta to buy a live business. No trades considered. Stock was bought right and will dispose of it right BX-426. Journal. FOR SALE CASH Grocery and confectionery, good location, doing a fine business, about 90 per day aver age; owner leaving city; will bear investigation. For further particulars phone Main 1758. GARAGE PARTNER WANTED-" Partner wanted to sell sdbplies. used cars, gas, etc.. and make himself generally uneful in auto garage. Can make large profits, $1500 required fully secured. Call room 401 Dekum bldg.' CAFETERIA, good location, lease, well eauiDoed. doing $50 a day (can be doubled) , can be had cheap. A chance for a party with own lamuy. lxok u over. - Snap for someone. !- z, journal. 1 WANT men to loin in earaea and auto business. Must nave $5000. Money secured. Big op portunity, big profits. Call 60S Broadway bldg., - 1 . amiHiHy muniing. xi us; a. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED WILL pay liberally for private office with joint ing. What have you? X-73. Journal. A . A . W . . .V tilt. UUUUlllg suitable for gangs snd repair shop: will lea&s . .. , , . ti n M . . lur lci m wi ycar, u-oag, wOurna. HAVE $1000 ia cash. Stt million feet timber claim, well located, valued at $1800. Want a good grocery store. Call J. A. Cobb, M. 9052, MpyEY TO JLOAS REAL ESTATE 57 OUR Installment plan is the beat and surest metnod of psylng a loan. $32.26 per month for 86 months; or $21.84 for 60 months: or $15.17 for 06 months, pays $1000 loan and interest. Other amounts m proportion. We loan on improved city property. Or for building purposes. No commfssioa charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Btartt st. Portland. Or. MONEY TO LOAN. Br Private cartv. S2000 to tSOOO. On improved property: no commission. -839. journal. $4000 TO LOAN On improved farm or approved city property, 6V4 per cent A. J. Brown. K. I. 1 . Box 65, tagie vjreea tjr. BUILDING loan ca eity or suburban property. money savanora as wore progresses, w. U. Beck. 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 3407. MONEY to loan ia amounts of $100 to $5008 on city property. A. H. BELL, rooms 10-11. Mulkey bldg. $10,000 TO loan on farms. No red tape, no delay, no publicity. Willamette Valley Mort- gageunn iximpany, Aurora, vrr. $300. 8400. 6600. $750. $100u and ud at lowest rates; quick action; Fred W. German Co.. 7az cnamber of Commerce. Main 6445. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' contract on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. r.. .lopie, jie inmoermene oiag. $300. $400. $500, $600. $750 and np, low est rates, quick action. Gordon Mortgage v,., vuwiww w bummeree. aoam lo I u $3000 TO loan; city, acreage or farm; personal MONEY for mortgage loans. $500 to $6000, w ami - rreq a. wmiams. V J H 1st st SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO., 222 , Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. $5750 PRIVATE money to loan; will divide. xwnry otug. marsnau 68 SB MORTGAGE LOANS, s and 7 per eent Lonis paiomon at ux, 4 US BeUlng bldg. MOXET TO LOAS CHATTELS, ' SALARIES - $7 PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Phono Broadway $10. 894 Stark Street near 10th, Loans oa diamond, watches, Victrolaa. planoa, kodaks, shotguns, farnitnro. musical instruawBta atid anyuung t faAav ESTAB LI P T THE PEOPLET OF PORT- LAJSD O TEOTECT THa! BOKROWER. City and country warrants cashed for face vah: 1 ... CARRIE MTERS-HEKTIMAN. Manager... Salary LOANS Chattel WE LOAN MONET Oa short notice to salaried or worUngmea oa their owa Botea. Weekly, semi-weekly or monthly payments. Each transection strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDO&SEB. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY ay ,1m liat m liiiiM.iuiiii fn.wii m - etc.. without removal ; - UALl, A.N O KTVESTIGATH COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY . - (LICENSED) 518 Failing bldg DON'T sacrifice yeux Liberty Bond. VTt will Iri ,iui ffnll V.a v. , .. . to date for your Liberty Bonds any Issue will pay half cash and half in merchandise ; the latter may be taken now or later. No discount Tin hmkrmk - mitln. . Tl. S . cents on the dollar and accrued interest to date. 8e the Bond Man, Eilers Music Bkig.. Second Floor, entrance 287 Waslungtoa fit, between 5th od 4th. ; MOSET TO XOAK-CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 DO YOU NEED MONEY Loan made oa entomobflee, diamonds, ptasos, how bold goods or asything of vain. Secarity svsually left in yomr poseearioa. ALSO to SAL ARIED PEOPLE oa their notes without secarity. If your payment to other loan companies or aa furniture or automobile contracts are large thaa you can make, we will pay them Bp, advance yoa snore money if necessary, and- yoa eaa repay aa la small monthly payments to gait your eoa- LEGAL HATF To T)TrT.AY ' BUSINESS STRICTLY CON FTDKNT1AL . PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY tUocaaadt S0t-$0T Dekum bldg. Marshall 8286. WB l LOAN money on pianos and Victrolaa, lowest rates, everything confidential. Address 8-836, Journal. MONEY to loan on diamond, jewelry; legal races; au articles Bern a year; estabnanea laaa. uaa Mara, agg Washington at IOAIf S WAJFTED S$ WANTED $1800 at 6, first mortgage, on cloawia residenee, value $8000, all improve Mcnts in and paid for; no bono.. G-279. jcfimai. WANT $2500 oa 8 lota and small haute. Imngton district; worth $10,000 Ask fox Mr. Famsworth, The t Brong Co., 410 , Henry bldg. Main 1743. SEE OREGON INV. As MORTGAGE COu. 2ai Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. 'MlfAHCIAL 61 LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS. If you must sell your Liberty or Victory bond, sen to oar If yoa oan buy more Liberty or Victory bonds, buy from as. We buy and sell Liberty and Victory bond at the market YOU CANNOT DO BETTER YOU MAY DO WORSE. . , . (No market - Saturday. ) Oa Friday, August 15. we paid the following prices for United States government Liberty and Victory bonds, which were, the closing New York market prices, plus the accrued interest: N. Y. Market Interest Total. 3Hs ........... 0.O .61. 100.51 1st 4s 64.16 .70 94.86 2d 4s,... 88.00 1.08 ' 94.08 lst4tts 94.80 .74 95.04 2d 44s ........ 93.26 1.10 94.36 3d 44s ........ 95.00 .1.81 96.81 4th 4 Vis 93.24 1.46 94.69 Victory li .... 99.78 .92 1w0.70 Victory 4Ks .... 99.78 1.16 100.94 In purchasing Liberty or Victory bonds we deduct from the above pricea 87o on a $50 bond and $2.60 on a $1000 bond. In selling Liberty or Victory bond we charge the New York market price plus the accrued interest. s ASK ABOUT : THE MORRIS BROTHERS "PLAN. . Burglar and Fireproof Safe Deposit Boxes For Rent -MORRIS BROTHERS. INC. The Premier Municipal Bond Hooas. Morria bldg., 809-811 Stark st. bet 6th and 6th. Telephone Broadway 2151. Established over 25 yean. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS CASH PAID FOB ANY ISSUE OF BONDS. FULL MARKET PRICE. LOAN ON WAR SAVINGS STAMPS YOU CAN BORROW CASH OF US ON BONDS AND SAVINGS STAMPS, OR TO FINISH PAYING FOR VICTORY BONDS. SEE E. BURKITT, PRESIDENT. ' OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 212 SELLING BLDG. (2D FLOOR). CORNER 6TH AND ALDER 8T& DON'T sacrifice your Liberty Bonds. We win give you full face value and accrued interest to date for your Liberty. Bonds any issue win pay half cash and half in merchandise; the latter may be taken bow or later. - Mo discount no brokerage, no waiting. This means 100 cents oa the dollar and accrued interest to date. See the Bond Man, Eilers Munis Bldg.. Second Floor, entrance 237 Washington St. between 6th and 4th. - BONDS AND MORTGAGES GiK-edce securities for sale, yielding attrac tive rates. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES for rent at pre-war prices. Yoa can afford 6 safe place for your valuables. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO. W. Q. Buffington, Pres. H. J. Houghton. Sec 284 uaa at, net. 4ta ana otn. 1 WILL l.'UI ANY LIBERTY BOND 99 PER CENT " OF FULL CASH VALUE (All due coupon interest Included.) J. H. KEATING. 617 BOARD OF TRADB. . BONDS BOUGHT SPOT 'CASH SPOT CASH MARKET PRICE CASH for RECEIPTS. We will LOAN yoa money on BONDS, W. & 8., or to make-PAYMENT on BONDS. 7 per eent . - - 725 Gaco bldg.. Fifth and Alder." -CELLARS-MURTON CO. HORSES. VEHICLES. ETC 13 40 HEAD OF HORSES Right off grading Job ; all in fine working condition; can be seen working; will sell any way to suit purchaser; all stock guaranteed as represented; all kinds of harness and wagons; will accept Liberty bonds or approved notes. CROWN STABLES, 285 Front st - PHIL SUETTER. NEARLY new gooseneck wagon, good lumber wagon, 2 good surriesV top buggy, S good carts, all kinds of wagons. BOZ Front st 0NH gelding and one mare, weigh 2800 lbs. Going out of business; also one heifer, 1 V years old. 62d st and 64th are. Sen. 1079. FOR SALE Team,' harness, 2 wagons and im plement or trade for Ford car. Woodlawn 4619. 965 E. 28th st N. $145 Team 2400 lbs., with good harness, guaranteed single or double. 5624 80th st Tabor 6634. NICE bay mare, 6 years old, weighs 1150 lbs.1 for $65. Will work any place. 5 6 24 86 th js t $135 Team mares, 2400 lbs., with good har ness. Woodyard, 8 27 Front st HOitSE and wagon. $1.50 per day; 2 horse and wagon, $3. J. Coben. 540 Front Mam.239f. ONE team, harness and wagon, one single eamelback wagon. 170 E. Killings-worth. DANDY pair of small farm mares; each haa a fine colt 802 Front st. DKAD horses and animals hauled away tree. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. WANT, for cash, I wagon tire binder. Call Woodlawn 4127. FOR SALE Work horse, 1300 lba., 8 years. 51 Shaver at. FOR SALE Team of horses, double harness and light wagon. Tsbor 6485. WANTED Shetland, pony's harness or vehi cle. L-828. JournaL AV A-l 3200 work tenan. 802 Front st LIVESTOCK Si HOGS 2 young sows, about 160 lbs., make good brood sows; 2 lor 570. .6657 8 2d st Mt scott car. NICE Guernsey cow and 6 weeka old heifer calf vt mile soutn wniUord sta.. Oregon Elec uan vose. T-DT t-TT Jt.. I A , . . . - I ' T sK.OJn ubiij "im crnfcj iru vt , u. oeef COWS in exchange; 1 Jerkle Jersey cow and calf . . . , K "Kl T.. ..1. V'l T V' r" 11 , . - I. 1 .' . $55. Beala Kennels. Rose City,-cor. 82d. S blocks south, box 319. walk West. FOR SALE Registered Duroo Jersey sows, with If , , a. R.ulin. Pa. Jt2,l S U. . 1.... ox Aoniaviiia. 8-TEJaR-OLD Jersey cow, nice, gentle and tested. Sou take nor. 1882 Siskiyou. Phone 0-140. ... FINE Jersey cow, fine rubber tired top buggy. Tabor 1301. 4841 86th st. 49th ave. S. E. Mt Scott car. THOROUGHBRED Hornless, Toggenberg Billie tor serrica. 1S6!S Woolsey st. I'hoBe Col. 271 TWO eows for sale, on Guernsey and ealf. one T ..AO k . . . n . r i . ,.f ii,. u,im, it et., di. 40um car. FRE8H cows for sale. 1343 Glenn ae-, N. aioena car. FOR SALE Good fresh eows. ' 510 Kerby t missisfippi car to nusseu st. b. ueorge. MILK GOAT for aale. fin milker, cheap for caaa. iin otanton. FOB SALE Several good, fresh family eowa. r.. riauman, uresnam. Or. MILK GOATS Some fresh milk - goat, kida by mxAM n l.-W. - : YOUNG, gentle S gal cow at a bargain. Wood- wwo cmr, ..q sw i Af aDerty St. ONE 4-year-old Jersey cow, one : 2-year heifer. WANTED At fresh cow, from 6 to grL EXTRA fine milk eow for sale. 1246 Halsey st Fnce reasonable. FINE young Jersey cow giving about 2 galwper day. Merret, Metxger sta. - - -.- FOR SALE A milch goat, fresh ia Oct 123$ Omaha are. Wdln. 1842. WANTED Good Ayerahir cows. Give full particulars tn first letter. B-55. JoomaL JERSEY family cow,' just fresh, heavy xoilker; very irasuuaDia, raras oeixwooq 1 1 I . y FOR SALE Young Jersey eow. 4 years old. tieu iioar lata. - , FRESH Jersey cow with calf. 119 E. 65th north. Mnntavlll ear. can Tabor 7545, FINE cow, 5 gallons per day, 2 mile east of Lenta on .roster road. Box 408. NAN mQeh goat with 4-months-old doe kid, $50. not Kuweit st,. near union ave. BROOD sows for wale. Woodlawn 8 438. WANTED Beef, veal and bogs, Ilox!272o7 $5 60 HEAD JERSEY COWS ' AT PUBLIC AUCTION - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27. 11 I will sell at my farm, 1 mil north of Scap peoaa, my entire herd of Jersey saiik sow, cow sin ting of 67 nich arada Jerseys. $ -registered Jersey eow and 8- regii tared Jersey bulla. These eows are all of my own breeding and my herd has been headed by a par bred aire for 24 years. I will also -sell 20 head of young heavy draft Pereaeroa horses, weight from 1200 to 1600 lb., and 1 registered Percheroa horse, tot which I paid $4500. For farther information address C. D. Minton. sales manager. 702 Spaldlag bkig., or Bert West, owner. Scappoosa. Or. J. W. siognes, forest Prove, or., auctioneer. FOR SALE Two young fresh family eows, on Guernsey, one Jersey ; rich and heavy milkers, gentle lor -any woman to handle; alio two sows and 16 nice pigs, 6 weeks old. - S. T. Lind, 2 miles southeast of Greaham. FRESH Hoistein. 8 years old. with 7 weeks' old heifer oaif eligible to regiatraiioB; also t fresh Jersey, with young calf; good family bone, weight 900 lbs., baggy and harness. Bargain if taken at once, 896 Powaf! st Woodstock ear. FOR SALE A No. 1 heifer, 2 years aid; second house south of 65th avenue on Knox street between . 66th .. and 67th southeast. Tabor 6149. TWO beautiful eows, gentle for lady; young, rich milkers, fresh la thia week. Am going to southern Oregon ; have cows at Columbia staples, gos Front st. Snnday morning. to Saanen, doe - giving milk. $$5; one A. b!J Mi. ca.. 1 if i M.Ku- aitn v eo.w a. c good young milch eows for sale, Hol- iioiu-.en;, - xioistein, - reasonanie price. 2048 Hodgs st St John ear to Portsmouth TWO fin eowa to freshen aooa; also 3 or 4 young brood sows to farrow soon. Call 31-F-4 or address Mrs, G. W. Louden. Vancouver. Bt , box 45, WEANED pigs, Chester White and Duroo Jer sey, also sows with young pigs; fancy regia tered Jersey pigs 8 weeks old. L. V. Halit ininoa at Burlington. unston, route z. 2 CHOICE family eowa for sale, giving good flow of milk. 25 th and Holgsta. Come, see mem. Bncsner. FOR SALE Four good eows, $75 to 4l25. Chilson's grocery, 73d st and 40th ev. lermsto responsible parties. H" yoa want any fresh dairy eowa of any breed. ' at any time, sea Mr. Bruce, at th Btoct yards. North Portland, Or. POTJLTRT AKS RABBITS 7 PrtJ.ETa WANTED We wfn pay yon the highest poesibl cash price for March, April, May hatch pullets, Sny breed. State number and strain. Northwest Poul try Corp.. Lents, Or. BABBITS and chickens. New Zealand and Flemish breeders and young stock, pedigreed and utility; also rabbits for meat -cheap. Have 14 White Leghorn chicks 2 months old, for So. union avenue ear, 862 Tillamook st PULLETS High class r pullets. Barred Rocks. White Wyandotte. Light Brahman and Bhod islands. $1.25 each up. Northwest Poultry Corp., 82d su, 73a to 74tn eve, o. n. BARRED ROCK cockerels; be right for winter now. io to 525. Won 1st 2d, 3d cockerel, 1st cock, 1st pullet, last Portland show. Ham let, 6657 82d st Phone Tabor 4883. FOR SALE One pair young" Flemish Giant rabbits, or will exchange for chickens pound lor pound. Kstas, 128 Farg. FOB SALE, cheap, full blooded New Zealand rabbits. 1103 37th at D. near 03d are. Belt 1875. BUFF Leghorns. 20 f ullblooda : roosters hatched May 2. $3 each. J. M. WestfaU, Nash ville, or. FOR SALE 18 young White leghorn hens. good layers, and one rooster, s l.ou apiece. 4228 76th st o. E. SIX doe with litters and fine buck for 815; or trade for poultry or what have yon I 1. J. Wilson, Jennings Lodge, Or. - FORTSALEBroUera' amPWnite Leghorn chick ens; Base Lin road. Box 629. 1 H miles E. oi aiontaviua. - WHITE WYANDOTTES, fine Uioroughbred hens. 20 small chickens, and April pullets and cockerel. Woodlawn 996 before Z p. m. FOR SALE 22 White Leghorn pullets. 17 White Leghorn laying bens. Call between 10 a. m. and 3 p. m. Tabor 8125. WANT to trade 6 thoroughbred White Leghorn 6 months cockerels for roosters or cockerels at different strain. Tabor 1602. Kennedy. FOR SAL: Edwards strain Buff Orpington and O. A. C. White Leghorn cockerels. Tabor 7482 or 6032 60th - 8. rj. FOR SALE -Soma fine New Zealand does. Come earlv if von want to ret in on thia. 4414 E. 6 2d st S. ,E. Aaabel Sta.. Mt Scott BABBITS Pedigreed Flemish Giants exclusive ly. 829 E. Washington. East 8965. FOR SALE 100 rabbits. Main 6183. 88: Thurman st WANTED 80 Leghorn pallets, March to May hatch. Tabor 8-704. ' - ' FOR SALE 4 cockerels Oregon, 4 months old. Woodlawn 4103. ONE Rhode Island hen. Phone Main 4788. 40S 4th st CLEAN cracked wheat 83.75. scratch 84; cacaiing mean, etc. woomawn s. WANTED iOO White Leghorn pullets. Tel Woodlawn 3878. Adrem 1645 Mm. ave. BLACK Minorca and White Orpington cockerel for breeding in spring. Sell wood 2968. FOR SALE Rabbits: a .bargain. 67 W. Simp son st. wooaiawn 2V. 45 WHITE WYANDOTTE chickens. 2 months old, 60a each.' Phone Milwaukie 96-R. A PEN of thoroughbred Barred Bocks, 6 hens and l cockerel, 14 months old. M. 6450. WANTED 1 doz. Bhod Island Bad pullets. CaU Tabor 1736. - THOROUGHBRED White Wyandotte cockerels. isDor ore i. BOGS, BIRDS. PETS. ETC. 4$ ROSE CITY CATTERY Four studs at service. JacK t rost (wnite). Daylight ' (sliver and Bonny (black Prince). Orange kittens for aale. Phone Tabor 7274. 1250 E. Morrison at OREWOOD KENNELS SENSATION PHX)T n at stud. Weiafat 11 lb-i. A K. C. 260292. Olasiest little male Bcrton terrier out of CHAMPION STOCK in I i nland. See him. PUPPIES FOR BALE ' SMALL DOGS BOARDED MRS. W1I. J, SMITH. Phone East 5009. 874 Haasalo st RAISE RABBITS FOR MEAT W bare Belgians. New Zealand, Flemish Giants, English Lop Ears and White English, all ages and sizes; utility stock as well as fancy pure-bred. Write for prices and catalogua, Kentledge Seed A Floral Co., 145 2d st. Fort- land, or. WANT ED Setters and Pointers. Full partica- lam first letter. Seals . Kennels, Box 31 Route 1, Portland. - " A FEW left first class singers, St Andreas burg strain, tat sale cheap. 449 Magnolia st. Woodlawn ear. GOOD watch dog, English Pit Bull, 6 months old. male.- Phone East 8604. CHOICE canaries at "The Canary Bird Shop. Singers guaranteed. 1151 E. 28th No. C-2217. ANYONE having a pup to give away pleas phone Main 5200 and will call. FOR SALE Male Boston terrier pappy, best of pedigrees. CaU Tabor 8087. DR. M. HOWES, specialist dog and cat; lady attendant Hospital. Tabor 6566. BEAUTIFUL Persian kittens for sale, r Main 6450,- Hillsdale, Or., box 22. PIT bull pups for sale. Tabor 9392. CHOICE singer, reasonable. Bdwy. 1560. AUTOMOBILES ASTP ACCESSORIES U FORD Touring, a dandy, new body and . top, 345 Williams ave., Monday. - 1916 STUDEBAKER in , good condition, two new cord tires.' Phone Woodlawn 3464. ONE lijxhipeed roadster, strictly np to date. For sal cheap. Inquire 2415 Grant st, Vsnconver, Wash. - ROYAL Mail Chevrolet roadster, good condl - tion, used daily.- Good reason for selling. Cood tires, rpotlight " bumper. Wdln. 5605. LaTE 1917 Ford touring, large terinc wheel, foot throttle, good rubber. 1126 . 16th st N.. $450. Call 0 L m. 12 p. m. is ail you need to buy a car here. Several at this price to select from, ail ready to run. PORTLAND USED CAR ; ' 4 STORE Open Sundays & Eve'gs Broadway: at Burnside . Phone Broadway 616 LIVESTOCK Mm..-,.:. AUTOMOBILES A1TP ACCESSORIES 44 Do you know that you wo you Know uiui ;vuu can get a good car for at the Portland Used Car Store? Open Sundays & Evegs Corner, Broadway and f i C Burnside .:- : ." hone Broadway 616 GOOD FORD for $$60 ash, at 1485 Dlvisioa, 1818 SUPER Badaoa, ' ' oord tiras. 62S Aider. Broadway 2492. . 018 CHEVROLET. 3776. Corner , 60th and FOR SALE Brand new auto bed. at b3- gaia. Paoao Tabor 780O. GARAGE for rent CaU at 536 SeUwood blvd. or D-1286. ' CHEVROLET Late model. A-l shape, beet otter before Z p. av take it 245 K. OPtn n MITCHELL, fine shape, terms, bargain, after 6 p. m. week days. 832 East 14th st, N. $88$ FORD, jiuft painted and "overhaulej. with extras. 1916. MarshaU 1692 V6RD car for sale cheap. . Must sell today. 9K xi, w .- LIGHT mix touring tor sal or trade. 181 to E. 18th t S. 281 jsaat 3 1st at JbeO,' 1914 model. - good running order, new tires, jar, jaeger. Main 7178. CHEVROLET, good aonditioa, good tires, wire wneea. many extras, g4ou caan. 84-Koss st. FORD bug, good condition. Snap . at $350. pnone cast 2482. WILL sacrifice Overland, 5-paas.; term.1 1144 v uimms ave.. Apt. 7. -Wdln. 4080. $150 MAXWELL car, also Buick ' roadster cneap. 827 Kront street FOH ' J5.VT Garage, " eement floor, elec trio light 1019 Height avenue. 1918 CHEVBOLETT" overhauled, only $650. Factory Motor Car Co.- Catt for Sam. BUICK 1915 B25 $550 or trad for building material. Main 8087. FOB SALE 1915 Maxwell, just overhauled; 4 new tires; a bargain. CaU Woodlawn 624 2. BED truck chassis, good running order, 8000 miles. 6424 69th ave., at 65th at 8. E. FOB SALE 1912 Chalmers, $300. -' Good condition. Call 613 Meyers st, St Johns. 1918 STUDEBAKEB BIX.' 7 passenger, 6 tire - ana in A-x enape; terms. v -xuurmaa st. 1918 FRANKLIN $1600 cash, if (old befor Monday nlgttt; leaving .city. Owner, Ataia 2288 AM foreeif tn aatl ntv l.l 111? RmV rA- ster, $900 take it Term eaa be ar- rangeo. uiu aiarsnaii XI 2 APPEBSON Jackrabbit, 6 pass., good running order; all good Urea, $185. CaU Monday. 2 nawtnorne ave. 1916 DODGE roadster, good paint and Urea, jsuraaey oniy- 7UV. . zoo Atadiaoa Park apta. 1919 OLDSMOBILE touring car. better than new; been need little over 2 months, , CaU jnaino2o or ovft second. 1916 BABY GRAND CHEVROLET eood enndt tion, good tires; $550 takes it Phone Main one. NICE BUG, electric lights, good condition. $230i Be at E. 11th st garage. 833 N. 11th st Phone East 5072, I OR SALE by owner, .7 passenger Mitchell in first class condition. Wili take used Fcrd in pan payment. fcM 8081. My 1919 Chevrolet eatra tire and equip- mini, nw, (19V, 1292 K. YsmhiU st Bfsin 4007 or Tabor 5778. Hugh Sherlock. 1918 FORD touring, in fine condition, good uin. nui seu at 923 witn terms. 80 www are, norta near numiioe. USA PlfilT a. T K... ' . ... t finft thing yet for bug. Shoemaker. 1652 1817 FORD touring, good mechanical condi- iiuu; wp goou, paint poor. g25. Term. Wdln. 1729. IiYlR H1TC R. K .n.s A " land, model 90: run about 9000 miles. CaU 1917 MAXWELL, speedster, sport model, in soou conaition. o0O. fieed 5-jMua. ear. Bdwy. 1100. 431 Stark st ' DUMP , trucks with work, on easy terma. 8EE WHITE 421 Burnside. - Telephone Bdwv. 521. FOR SALE Automobile. Hedan top, Willi all fittings; in good condition; cheap. CaU Mar- naii ins. MITCHELL SIX. 1916.' 7 pas., spar tir. g near new; just painted; cheap for cash. 7204 esth ave. S. E. FOR SALE A Studebaker touring car No. ' 4 1918 model ; first class condition; part cash $326 OVERLAND touring, new tires, motor ui guou couuiuon. tan nignt alter 4 o clock mt oo 7 mwmortii ave. ask lor verge, wi wrn.. w , . j , . II , r.' . ii xa irmiwin iwmn cover ana orank- ease with bottom door. State price. B-427. MAXWELL roadster, 1917, paint good, in fine . mechanical condition. snap at $875 with term. wiiw av. noru hear Burnaids. DCBRUTLLE TOP COMPANY jAITOTDa 9th at Oak. Broadway 1664. DODGE touring, 1917, in best of condition; wiU sacrifice or trade on 1918 Ford, balance terms, 80 Grand avee. North near Burnside. AMERICAN roadster, in fine mechanical eon. dition; good tires, new prestoUte battery and weed cnains. aoo easn. o K. jeasup at i-none A-l i ow 1918 FORD. 6-passenger: 1917 Ford. 6-pas-enger; 1917 Studebaker, 7-passenger: 1918 MaxweU, 6-passenger; Ford bug. See them at leva mam St., vsneouver, waan. PEERLESS roadster; looks Sle a million dollars. Brand new tan top. plate glass win dows. Rubber good. A bargain. WRIGHT PERKINS, 856 BURNSIDE. 34x4 hit FABRIC tire with 6000 mile guaran tee. $87.60. Other bargains. Auto repair ing The Evening Repair Shop, 340-42-44 N 23d corner Raleigh. Phone 'Broadway 3060, 1918 MAXWELL touring, in best of condi tion, tires and paint good; must sell at bargain at $776, with terms. 80 Grand ave. North near Burnside. - FOR 8ALB 1916 HupmobOe; my equity toward 5 room modern bungalow in restricted' district See oT,er. on ramng st. FOB SALE By owner, '19 Chevrolet touring. Ai$. rvf , w v. nuw. am uaa iMm oenx of care. Leaving town. Take Bos City car yi v n tit. 4 vjyy jv. polo Bl. rt. GOOD old . FnnUio 4 cyl. tenxrinz cai in vry cood condition. Tim mn all good. An crr?ptionUy e$j riding and economical car. An gfoing away and must sU it Pric 200. T W :.. a ca a. T i .'Jlin FT.., Pfa. allTlIOH. SECONDHAND AUTOMOBILES ThreTHfina hatrtTflilr In HftaWf AtltM . A Dm(M - m ' - aaajfas, a. UCWIfJ' let and a Doda aedam Call Monday or (-. ... l a . . . ... jw Miniwius oi Aniersiaie Motor to., iwrr-iii iO(H V TWO ChevroleU, 1918, 1916 Overland, elec trie lights and starter; 1914 Overland, Bosch magneto, 4913 Overland. 1916 Ford truck, 1 ton. f 475 - 1 Indian mntnr.t-.l. CK u a muivB jauio avepair o., eatt llelmont. BARGAIN in Mitchell car. 4 cyl, self starter, atrt pump, genuine leather cushions; paint and tire good end a good looker. Thia car haa been in storage for the last two years. Price $550. '43 at ta A It... . COLUMBIA VULCANIZING WORtrft WE REBUILD. RIBBED, BETREAD OR RECAP. WITH PURE RUBBER. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. 326 COUCH ST. A-l 128. 191T MAXWELL, good tires, new battery and la fin mechanical condition. Must be sold, a 1 need the , money. Phone East 6081. BIG . BT - 1 pRii-'cii stock uecu lyars right KO MISREPRESENTATION Covey Motor Car Co. arrro rpTWTivn UPHOLSTERING CO. ' All kind tops and uphot tnn. Of h .n. IWk stairs. Broadway 2017. , FORDSNew. and Used Ford Parts, Ford Service Wm, L. liughson Co. 60 N.. Broadway at Davis. Bdwy. $21. Authorised Font Deelara. . - SURPRISE DAT . ' - - ... ' . -. . . " " -' 'SPECIAL - ' 1918 HAYNES. 5-PAS8.. CHOC COL OR, FULI.Y EQUIPPED WITH CORD. TIRES, INCLUD1.NO ONE EXTRA. FIRST CLASH CAR; WILL SACRIFICE FOR CASH AND TERMS. .- J. H i:rihi - 10TH AND STARK. - BDWY. 8231. SIB r AUTOMOBILES A WD ACCESSORIES 44 GAr-OI.I.NK 22 fKNTS A GALLON, OILS AND -K EASES. PIONEER PAINT l'0.f 18 18T. LATE 1917 snodeTlfaxwen; good condition; $523. 1692 Elmore st CaU Woodmwa 6027. OVERLAND. $326. IsmiUi Auto Co.. Park and Conch sts. ' - ; ;- ' - - -1 9 1 fT"F3ilI Come early. Enough said. Emita Auto Co.. Park and Couch sts. -v; (. BUICK BUG Body alone cost $817. Better - take a tip; Smith Auto Co., Park and Couch. 1918 HAYNEB i-nsawnvt ear, ha been rua little. Price $425. 954 Thurman st. 4-PASS. enclosed coup, body suitable for large auto, cheap or trad. East 170 MARMON "bug aheap, in A-l condition; twe new -cord tire. 827 Front street , HUPMO BILE roadster. ' By owner, $175; run ning order. Marshall. 1072. - - - - FORD roadster, body fine condition; win sail cheap.' CaU Snnday. 726 Brooklyn t , OVERLAND. $250. new tire, in good condition! ' CaU East 6404.: ' -. 1$14 CASlLLAC touring; om looker. . AUTO SALES CO. ... " Ninth and Couch. FORD touring. 1917, iT best of condition, good tire; -will SeU at $500 With term. $0 Grand ave. North near Burnside. CHEVROLET touring. ' 1917, in best of coin dition, a bargain at $650, -soma terms. . $0 Grsnd ave. north near Kurnsi.de. LATE 1917 model 90 T. Overland, must be old Sunday. Boy from owner. ol uk ave. geUwood ear. Bargain. ; ' HUDSON SUPER WlUmak th hump at 40 miles per. . Let a show you. Smith Auto Co., I'ara ana coucn sta. MY 6-paas., 4-cyl. valve-in-head motor . for $1050; used only S months. . Main 7449, or Monday Hardwlck, 53 9 wattingtoa su $150 WILL buy Boo chassis; build y oa owa bug. on v n.. p. unaimera angin. assay for a truck, $130. 1035 Union ave.. North. FOR SALE, ehean. Ford in fin condition. $350 Take Vancouver ear to Columbia blvd. station. go on block north, LOOK. $195, selling for storage, a 4-cyL bug. in A-l condition, with good tires. 384 -First st between Columbia and jeiierson. t..lA...A.t . " i , ' A 1 j bauriiu.aii Dargein, aiqimmw i mechanical condition, and good tire. Laurel Rose Oarage, E. Burnside. near 27th. MITCHELL roadster 4,. in running order. Mak good bug or delivery, $195 take it i Wood lawn 4582. 974 Miesiarippi av. ALTO TIRES W save you money oa aew and nted Urea; vuleanufag and retreading. Valea Tire Shop, 41 Grand ave. Phone ttasa BRING in your used car;., w hav a buyar for it- .. t -- AUTO SALES. CO. - Ninth and Couch. READ! LOOK I 1918 Buick Light Six. new paint brand-new top, seat cover and paint Job; perfect mechan ically. smith Auto Co., rarx and coucn sts. FOR BALE 1914 Hudson touring car with aU practically new tires. This is a real buy at $450. See thia bargain at 490 Burnside at Broadway 93. 1917 HUP, lik new; looks better than a new cart in perfect mechanical condition. E. 1698. ' " i91 8 FORD TOURING . In perfect condition. Looks new and is aa Quiet and powerful a th day It left th factory. For ouick cash sal, $465. East 4671. SERVICE STATION Now located at Ninth f and Everett sts. Broedway 1 142. 1917 OAKLAND Big Six, 7 -passenger. .' Au good rubber. WUI atend any iaspection. Make nice- stage or touring car. WRIGHT PEBKINS. 855 .BtntNSJDE. u OVERLAND,' 6 passenger, model 79-T, newly painted, 8 new tiro, good running condition. $400. DeUno Higbee, Free Methodist camp grounds. Lombard and Tyler at., St Johns. CHALMERS light six, in wonderful shape, brand new leather top, just newly painted a pretty maroon, motor overhauled last week; $360 down and 10 months to pay the balance of $540. Pacific Auto Co.. 523 Alder st Bdwy.- 8411. CHEVROLET Used 6 months, for cash, $750. Call at 166$ East 15th and SeUwood. SeU. 1463, bet 2 and 6 p. m. -- - ' O : " DODGE, sedan, 1918. Only run 3000 miles. Just like new. Extra tire, wire wheels; a bargain at 81800. Some terms. Consider smaller car in trade. Balance terma. SO Grand ave. N.. near Bnrnsid. 1819 LIBERTY1 Sit I have a 1919 Liberty six-which I win sac rifice. The car cost $1760 new, and will sen for $1875, $550 eash. bal. in 10 months. Can be seen at 623 Alder, N. W. cor. 16th and Alder. Ask for "Jake," Bdwy. 8411. USED can at the right price on the right terma and the cars in th right condition. Can for r . W. ADAMS. .;t . With . MOLTZNER WESCOTT MOTORS BDWY. 2898 1918 .OVERLAND 85-4 B. T. Oar ta in -A-l mechanical condition; : Just been completely overhauled and repainted ; car haa been run but 1000- miles; good tire aU around with two extras mounted on rims, with covers. Price $900 cash or $925 terma. CaU up and let'a talk it over. East 4842. F01B: OWNERS- Why trust yonr Ford repair work to wonfa b mechanics wbea we can give yon good, honest work at fair prieea and a-uarantea ail work, ford magneto -recharged by., experta, .. Ford Repair Shop, 280 Front at GARAGES Price on Application. - Beady Cat House MILI.MADE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 1601 Union Av. N. Woodlawa 241$ LIGHT USED CARS 1917 Ford roadster, excellent shape. 1914 Ford touring, only $275. 1918 Dodge sedan. A-l condition. 1917 Kissel 0, new paint new top. wire wheels, cord tires. Term to snit WILLIAM L. HUGH50 CO.. 60 N.. Broadway at Davis. Boadway 821. Authorised Ford Dealer. ANT REASONABLE OFFER TN CASH OB TERMS WILL NOT BE REFUSED ON A FIRST CLASS 1918 STUDEBAKER , RUN 4000 MILES ONLY; FINEST FAMILY CAR IN CITY AT ONLY HALF ORIGINAL PUR CHASE . PRICE. CALL BROADWAY 8281. PORTLAND MOTOR CAB COMPANY 1916 Ford touring, in good condition; $160 first payment and $30 a month; no red tape. 1917 MaxweU. 5 passenger; fine tires. 1916 7 passenger Overland, cord tires. Cadillac 8 cylinder. 7 . passenger; - newly t finished.' - . ... - ' Packard twin six, 7 passenger, in first class condition, at . a sacrifice. . 8EE WHITE 421 Bnrnaide, Telephone Bdwy. 621. SCBPBISE DAT WE HAVE A COLE 8,'16, IN SPLEN DID MECHANICAL CONDITION; FINE TIRES; CAN BR HAD FOB $1250.. CASH OB TERMS. THIS IS AN . EXCEPTION. CALL OR SEE US AT ONCE. J. H. GRAHAM, 10TH AND STARK. BROADWAY 3231. 1917 OLDSMOBILE "8 " touring. . .. .. $1400 1918 Oldsmobile ' " touring ........ . $1 800 1918 Maxwell - touring. ............. ..$750 1916 Chevrolet touring ....,$478 1918 Oldsmobile "6" touring. ...... ..$1250 Hudson B4 .............. . . . ...... . $500 Grant "6" touring. .................. 000 OLDSMOBILE CO. OF OREGON, Broadway at Coach St SUBPBISE DAT , HAVE TOTJ NOTICED THE SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF USED CARS WE : : HAVE ON HANDt THE LOW PRICES'- QUOTED SIMPLY TESTI ' FIES TO THE QUALITY OF SQUARE 1 DEALING TO BE FOUND AT THE J. H. GRAHAM CO., BROADWAY 8231. . 101H AND STARK STS. BEST BOOMS FOB THE LADIESV- You would hardiy expect to find such rare values ' AT, Come and "see for yourself THE PORTLAND USED CAR STORE - en Sundays it ; Eve'gs 1 Corner Broadway and ' Burnside . -j " Phone Broadway .616 $187 AtTTOMOBtLES A5W ACCESSORIES 41 Your chancedon't pass it up A real autoniolbile ready to run, for .. $18?- : - Several to Select From THE PORTLAND USED CAR STORE - . Open Sundays & Eve'gs Broadway at Burnside Phone Broadway 6 B 6 FOR SALE -1914 Ford souring oar; A-l ahap. 954 Thurman t , i MAXWELL touring, 19 7, in tin condition, good fires; a bargain at $675, aom term. 89 Grand ave. .North near Burnside, - KISSEL touring ear, fairly ' food rubber, Per fect mechanical order. Party leaving town. WRIGHT PERKINS, 366 BURNSIDE. OVERLAND, 6150; eaa easily be made into bug or truck; engine Al condition. Woodlawa car tn 22d st; 729 Liberty st FOR HALE 1912 Packard, in fine condition ; $600 U taken at once. CaU 194 E. Broadway. Phone -Kat 1021 1916 BABY GRAND Chevrolet for sale; 5 good tires; leaving city; must sell. Good condition. $47 California 716. ,-'-;'' : FQ"liDl914, very good condition. $230. Can be seen at 988 E. Madison Sunday; after 6 p. m. during week. . - '; OVESLaND 5 pass., good eonditionj. a real bar- gain at $300: easy terms. - Sea Tom,' Oregon Antn Top Co., 14th and Couoh. Bdwy. 4408. MAXWELL 1917. Al condition;. good paint. 6 guod a heel" and tires; must sell; aarfifio $550. 416 E. Morrison st Af4 OLDS 8 touring, mechanically perfect; fuUy Quirtped, 6 tires; Quick sal wanted. Phone Woodlawa 1 tfl H. - ' ' , 1918 -OAKLAND touring. Two tope, , This i . one of the . finest bny in : town. WUI give good tarma. i WRIGHT A- PKItKINS, 858 BURNSIDE. ; 1919 BUICK 0, 5-passenger, mechanically per fect, rua only 4400 mile) most sell, $1500; first eome. first served, .Call at postuffi, Mil waukie, Or. . ' - - . - '- . IF T0U want a used rr at th right price, . eaU Adams, Bdwy. 230 J. v , it 18 CHEtROLKT. goodT'7?. gln. tn fin shape, Thia is a good lookup vr, $675. For ssl or trade. - Terms, See Tom. Vvj.rn Auto Top Co.. 14th and Conch. - Brogw,.y 4408. MUST SELL MY 1918 MAXWELL. 'T-"C R ING AT ONCE. CALL EAST 1962. THiS CAP. HAS BEEN - OVERHAULED.. 'AND HU. I'aiSTRU, FORD roaiLter, 1917, in fin mechanical eoa - dition; good tire, some extras, a bargain at $460, with, terms. 80 Grand ave. North near Burnsiae. .AH paid tor old cars, eeadltloa be ebleeti Paris for aU makes of ears. Oregon Auto El hage, 129 Low d -da Is at 16th and Waabugtoa, I'bo-ie Hroadway 2668 CHALMERS, A-l mechanical condition; good tires; upholstering and top good. Paint job good; a sacrifice at $300. . AwfnUy easy- termer See - Tom. Oregon Auto Top Co., 14th and Couch. Broadway 4408. -- ' LATE SIX CHALMERS Touring ear: fine paint good tire. . CAHY. 622 Alder. Broadway 2493. OLDSMOBILE 8, 7 passenger, looks and runs lik new. machine. In fact, it ia a new ma chine, com and aee it; price very reasonable and wUl give easy terms or I will tak your car in as first payment ' Paciflo Ante Co., 628 Alder t - Bdwy. 8411. ....... FRANKLIN i SEARS "8" - Looks and run lik aewj tire all good; a bargain,- Costa nothing - to look : easy terms. See Tom, N. W. cor. 14 th and Couch. Oregon Auto Top Co., Bdwy.' 44 0 8 . -. ---- - .irBwTfiBJCi1'-. . 1 -, " What Brand of new Hrea do yen prefer T W tive tfaeaa, all make and siaes: also we snake tbe.fsmous O-V-C Double Tread (sawed) tire snd . do sll manner of tire repairing. Oregon Vulcanising Co.. 888-316 Baraaid near Broad way. FBANKLnf bug. rn very fin shape, $878. AUTO SALES CO. Ninth and Couoh. .'. WILL sell a Cadillac, late model in A-l con dition, at a great deal less than it is really worth. Want to aell it today. It yon want to ,w ,uvm. VIWHJ W. 1917 PATTERSON six chummy, like new, cord tires.. ATJTO SAU5S CX). - Niotb and Couch. ' : 18,000 carried in stock. Our springs sold with a written guarantee. W sir yea serviee. 84 N. lftth st I HAVE A 1918 OLDS 8, DRIVEN NEARLY 4000 MILES. WITHOUT SPOT OR BLEM ISH; BRAND NEW CORD TIKES, MILLER; MOTOR AND MACHINERY PERFECT. OWN ER LEAVING CIT1, MUST DISPOSE OF SAME AT ONCE. FOB PARTICULARS CALL BROADWAY $231. - $826.00. Cedilla bug,' good tirea, a real bug-.- Cash or terms.- 8650 00 . ' Bng, a bear eat speed wagon. If you want a reai oug, see tw. caan or terms. $473.00. Ford touring, new. tires, aew paint, - bargain, Caah or -terma. . : $288.00: . Overland touring, good tirea. repainted.' Snap-. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO., 280 Front comer Jrffenon. . . REAL .VALUES -IN USED-CARS ' Our Motto, "Every Purchaser a Booeter." We sell on very easy terma. - ' Open evening snd Sundaya. - ' -1918 Chalmers Hotspot, 7-p., -6 tire. $1250 1918 Veil "Biltwel Six" ,...,,.$1300 1918 Peerless 8, 7 -pass., reduced almost 60 1918 Overland 6, 5-pass., 6 tire .,',.,,$ 700 1914 .Velie light.- 4-cyL, elec. equip... $ 876 1910 Cadillac chassis, good tires.,.,,. $ 150 1918 Ssxon Six. eord tire ......... .t 800 1918 MaxweU, new tirea ...,........$ 760 D. C. WABBEN MOTOR CAR CO . ' 68 N. 23d t Main 780. ALDER STREET GABAGE 1918 Stndebaker, practically new,.$ 1916 Oldsmobile- touring ...,...$ 1918 Oldsmobil ' touring ........ 1916 Studebaker six. . just over hauled ....... i ....... . .' 1916 Overland touring, aa good a 'B'i W v a." -- "e'w ' Chevrolet touring, perfect condition . TRUCKS OlIC on ton, good aa new Overland a ton, bargain 1916 Stndebaker, panel delivery, .. , 850 down 250 down 226 dowa 800 down 20O down 185 dowa . ..$ 900 . . , 316 . . , 830 642 Alder st Broadway 1723 , , .SU1P1ISE BAY Jim Graham- prom ised the puublic a sur prise in Used Car bar gains. This is the day he has selected , to spring it. We have" the finest 'ar ray off Used Cars lined up at our salesroom tjiat was ever offered in Port land. GENUINE - BARGAINS BROADWAY 8281. TENTH AND STARK . Come Early ArTOMonn.F akd at t- ft 1916 CUKVliOLi: r, new uie. a i i .ti s,J shape; term. 4S08 79tll rt. . irODUB touring, driven 9000 n7ilV;""-i-'.'. -i by owner for cash; evenines. 405 Mmii' -n. FOR SALE tralleUte-morlef""! 0 1 s" ( r rolet; or will trad for late 1919 . i motorcycle. 1015 1omhsrd street, ht, .1. i . i$ OVERLAND. This car is in lute cuu tion; good rubber. A reel good bnv. WRIGHT A PtnKINS. $55 BfUN.-ll'l'. CADILLAC, "8 cylinder, cimpietely ovrtiaun , ana reiiaianea; win tare light car in trade. 8KB WHITE 421 Burnside, Telephone Bdwy. fill. 1918 ELGIN 6. in fine eondlMna. good Urc; . a bargain if taken today. Bdwy. mniU DODGE . aedan, just like new, only run a t thousand mile, used Trivstely; a bargain st $1800 with terms. 80 Grand av. Nona near Burnside. - OVERLAND model 85. Malty worth $800. Sea .thia today at 629 Washington st SAXON, 1918 touring, used Very LtUe," in ' of - condition; owner mut sell; sacrifice st $978' with terms. 30 Grand ave. North near Burnside. - CHEV ROLET touring, 191 S, In the bet of condition, good tires all around; must sell st bargain at $775 with terms. 80 Grand ave. North near Burnsida. 1918 FIVE passenger Ford, in A-l rummm order. Lot of eitrea. Prlci $375. UIJ -. $6th at N, Tak Broadway cat to end of line. ' 191T BUICK . good shape, eord tire. : CART. 623 Alder. Broadway 2102.. FOR SALE Classy Chum my Cole 8, roadster, by owner. AU new tires, 17 model; a tmv for someone. To appreciate value must see ear. Can arrange term. 808 K. Salmon st HUDSdN super-six, 1918, run"very jittte, fui.y equipped, with factory guarantee; will sacri fice at 61950; some terma, 80 Grand" are. North near Bumaide. STUDEBAKEB 0 In perfect condition: can be bought cheap on easy terms. Iklwy. 1814, FORD touring, first class shape mechanic iTv, new top, good tirea. Thia car ia a good puller. $385; $154 down, $23.10 a month, tee Tom. Oregon Auto Top Co., 14th and Couch. Broadway 4408. CHANDLER. 7 pass., touring car; good ' shape. - GARY, 622 AMer. Broadway 2492. . 1817 MAXWELL touring, very fine shape, good - tirea, and can h bought for $623. AUTO SALES CO. Ninth and Couch. A IIAKGAIN Leaving Portland Sept 1, mut sacrifice 5 pa. Alitchell 6, ia fine condition with lino-.t new tire. You get a bargain at $550. For fur ther jrHeulare oaU at 12U 10th at and ask for Mr. liod-on. Thone Main 7.Fi 2 SI. LATK model 5 pasa. 0 cyUndiir car, 2 eTTT tires, 1 new, for aale or. trade; ' easy term-; looks Uke new snd runs lik new; costa nothing to look at this bargain. See Tom, N. W. cor. 14th and Couch. Orgon Auto Top Co. Broad way 4408 WHEN yon are In the market for good used car, rail at Oth and Couch and save fltio. Can sold at leas than cost taken in on Auburn beauty sixes. ' AUTO SALES CO., TU AND COUCH. 1917 ; WESCOTT' touting, years of service In . till car. Newly painted and guaranteed for 00 day. MOLTZNER WESCOTT MOTOHfl. Bdwy. 2398. 629 Washington ft WHEN TOO WRICK 'EM, AND HI-.NU EM, KKK ft. O. GEhBER, "THE RADIATOR MAN" builds bodies, ispslrs ra diators, bodies, ftndars snl U auto sheet metal part, NKW LOCATIOV, 11TU AND IiAVI!, OPP. THK AIlMOflT, BROADWAY 1878. suRraiaa day A 1918 BABY ORAND CHKVROT.KT FOR SALE IN FIRST CLANS MECHANI CAL CONDITION, BRAND NKW . TIKES NO REASON A BLK OFKK It REJECTED; IK YOU WOULD CON - HIDER A BARGAIN, COMK OR CALL AT ONCE. J. 1L GRAHAM, 101II , AND STARK STS. BDWY. 8231. . Get four Car . : Paiited . Special prices during July and August Fords , enameled, $15.00; Cliev n.lets, $20.00. Other ears In proimrtloo. ' " Auto Oppellsed. $fl 00. The pripe Incluil whln AUTO ENAMELING WOItKS. 78 Colon av. N. Pbon Wdln. St. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO. , . j 1818 Ford touring, la .good eonditlon. 1918 Cadinae, 8 cylinder, T passenger, newly tefinlabed. . - Packard twin sir. 7 passenger, completely oterhauled and refinishad. fte WHITE. 421 Burnsid St Broadway 821. BETTER CARS . For Less Money W hav no salesmen to psy eommUlon tn; our aim is to plaoe the used or business iiimn th sam high plan a the NEW car , Our experience ha (aught , us that a ii'c 1 ear haa a certain Intrtnsio value, deperidnnt iinou tlie use which ha baen given it Our pric, a are mad accordingly anil we can ear you from $50 to $150 on a used ear. -Our car have been selling so fat that we hare only the following for sale today: 1918 Ford touring. 1818 Elgin. - 1917 Studebaker. ' 1918 Overland. . 1917 Saxon. : 1918 Overland. 1018 Chandler chummy. , Our low prices will appeal to you. . PORTLAND CARSALES ; : a COMPANY , ; Marshall 605. 6th and Taylor. A FEW BARGAINS Oui; Sunday List of GOOD BUYS 1917 MAXWELL, overhauled and re- tieinted, dandy good condition ,.....$ 600 )91$ MAXWELL, aU ready to go, fin condition ............. ..........t 754 FRANKLIN. aU overhauled . . . . . ... .$1 100 OAKLAND Cabriolet all in good , shape. $ 1 2 S 0 HUDSON REDAN' look lik new. bar gain pnc. . -. C. Le ' Boss AutonmolblS z Company ' . 615-617 Waaahington St PoHiariL