DEATH AJtn FtTtEBALf r.JiitUT At residence, 2S Lgene street, - Awm 1. Mary McCarthy, aged 64 years, moUier et Mm. Edward Barrett - Mr. John '! r)nnt, Ann, Frmrca, John J. and tfa late Michael J. McCarthy land sister of Mr. David Welsh of Seattle. Funeral will be held from the lata residence Monday, August 19, at 9:30 'a. m., theme to Immaculate Heart of Mary church. Will lama arenas and Stanton street, at 10 a. Da., where equina - maa will be offered, .. Friends InvltM. ; Interment Mount Calvary ' cemetery McBntee A Eilcre directors. , . SCOTT-Tlwui WiLiaus 'Scott,' general super intendent of tha Kaunas Flour Mills company, died at the horn of hta daughter. Mrs. H, R. HUB Twit, 633 East Tiyjtith street north. Fri day, August 16, 101. Mr, Scott waa on of tlie best known nn in tha floor milling industry and cam into promtnafloa man year aeo when ha built tha great Hum bolt mill at Minneapolis, Minn. Ha waa 71 yean old at tha time of hia death. Tha funeral service will be held at 10 a, m., Monday, August IS, 1919, from Hol atni chapci. Interment Rive-ryicw cemetery BACHANN August 1. at Psul, Idaho. Albert j i. Beumatuv gd 71 yearn, beloved father of Albert C. and Hugo Bsumann of S Fran-ci-oo, Mr. Alma Onram of Paul, Idaho; and Mra, P-lma llaynea oi Portland. Funeral eerv ice will bo held from Trinity lxitheran church, W imams and Graham avenues, Monday, August 18, at 10 a. m. Friends invited. Interment lies City cemetery. Remains are at A.-,. At Zelley eompany'a parlow. , BAKERAuguet 10, at 675 East Thirteen til atraet north, Mra, Mary Ann Baker, aged 64 yean, beloved wife of 8. W. Baker and mother of Mr. D. K. Watson, Myrtle M. and Dorothy L. Baker of Portland; Prank I Baker of Grace vitle, Minn.; and Louis V. Baker of Fanro, N. D. Funeral services will be held from A. It. Zeller company' parlors Monday, An goat 18, a 2:30 p. m. Friends invited. Interment Boa City cemetery, - ' Trcurnit h familv residence. 4721 Sixty- t fourth stmt 8. E.. August 18. Mary May Tucker, wife of Charkea H. Tucker, mother of tta I. "m If-Wence Fern Tneker. sister of mrA Mnnma "M arras and Mra. Bertha V, Mitchell, this city. The remain arc t the conservatory chapel of F. fi., thinning. Inc., East ai,l. mrtA KU'at A Mat streets. Tha funeral serv ice and interment will be held at Santelie. Csi. KANDLE At the family residence, 60 Fres . eott street. Francis M. Kandle, aged 77 year, miuM of Mm. IJvonie M. Kandle. father of Mra, C. J. liars and Mra, 8. K. Cope land and Faye Kandls of thia city. Tha funeral aervieea will h hlrt ax tha conservatory chapel of tr. s. Dunning. Inc.; Esst Sith and East Alder streets p. m.. i uesoar. August . nraus vttwt - Tnfnnoftfc I !olimM tie cemetery. , ViriAOX In thia citr. August 16. Joseph Nel son, aged 41 year, late of 681 GUdstone - avenue, brother of Mrs. G. A. Bau. Cbarlaa NkHt. Kmrf and Arnnt of thia city. Mra. Agnes Bailey of San Francisco, Mra. Myrtle Towter of Areata.. CaL The remaina ara at FinWa. Montcomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. FliEEUAN In thia city at her laU reaidence 424 "Fourth street, .August 15. Eunice Ward Freeman, aged 68 yearn, wife of Fred P. Free- mn, mother of Roy K. Freeman of Oakland, rial... Mrs. Helen Griffin of Olympia. Wash., and Cecil W. Freeman of this city. The remains are at Flnley'e. Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of f antral hereafter. HALL-In thia city at her 1st residence! TTM East Sherman street. August 16. Annie Halt, saed 64 yean, wife 'of William Hall, mother of Albert Hall of Vancouver, B C. and Mrs. George Hitchcock of thia city. The remains arc at Ftniey's. Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. " . ' ESHOM In Uus .city, August IS", John S. Enhom. age 37 years. The funeral aerviee will be conducted Tuesday, August 10 at 10 ' a. m., In tha mortuary chapel of A. D. Ken worthy sV Co., 6803-04 93d ot. 8. E.. in Lenta. Friends invited. , Interment Mount Scott Park cemetery. FLO JUSTS CLARK BROS., florists, Morrlion st. bet. 4th and' 6th. Phone Main A-1805. Fin flow ers snd floral designa. Wo branch stores. llBERtf " MAKKET FLORIST, 8th and Tara hlil sta. Cut flowers, plants and designs. Sell wood Greenhouse. 649 Kehalean ave. Sell. 1520. ilXfif INT sV FORBE8CO.. flprisU. 8S4 Wash ington. Main 260. A-1209. Flowers tor all occasions artistically arraaked. PEOPLES FLORAL SHOP. 345 Alder. De sign and decorations. Phone Marshall 8B22. . . SWISS FLORAL COM PA NT FLOWERS AND PLANT8 MAX M. SMITH, florist, 141 H th at FUTTMAL DIRECTORS Holman Undertaking Co. ; Funeral Directors TUTJtD AND SALMON STS. Main 607, A-1611: ' ' J. P. FMJEY & S1 - Progressive Funeral . ' Directors ' Main tW-MONTOOMTSRY AT FIFTH A-1800. Dunnlais: & McEntee .Broadway and Ankeny sta Ladv Assistant. - Phones Broadway 480, A-4S58. A. D, Kenworthy- & Co. S. E.. I.ENTS Phone Tsbor 8287. Home Phone D-81. ' F. S. Dunning, Inc. ' THB GOLDEN RULE CNDERTAKERS. 414 E. Alder at Phone East 62, B-6225. B-1888 O HI oIU Mra, Lerch Assiatant East 781 a aWe iWlla UNDERTAKERS. E. Ilth and Hawthorne. McKNTEE as FILERS, funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home, 16th and Everett eta. Phones Broadway 2183. Home. A-2183. MILLEU at TRACEY. independent funeral di rectora. Prices a low as $20, $40. $60. Washington, at Ella. Main 2691. A-7885. DOWNING A McNEMAR, aucoeasors to WUson ' k Rosa, Multnomah at E. 7th, Irvington dia trict. E. 64. . R. W. GABLE sk CO.. BBcoessora to ,Yf. H. Hamilton. 1678 E. Glisan. Phone Tabor 4818. R.-T. BYRNES Kew reaidence es tablishment. 001 Williams avei. Wood lawn 330 i . Breeze&Snook Ta. 12S8, B-3846 1047 Belmont St. A.R.ZelSer Co. g3Sm ave. C-1088. Q!lr-Rr UNDERTAKING CO. O&eWeS A-2831. Cor. Third M. 4163. am day. ElrSireras-B Undertaking Parlors, 44S Morrt raCSOnon strset. Tel. Broadway 26S4. MOirtTMEHTS Portland Marble Works 288 4th st. Opp. City HaB. Neif Broa. BLAI:SING GRAMITE Co U" a7-jRP St. at rtApison 1 LOST AND FOC5D , 81 LOST -Wednesday evening early, between 1st and Ash and loth and Washington sta.. gold buckle pin - with setting on side of four -' small diamonds; especially valued by owner as gift from mother. Finder please phone Miss . Morse. Broadway 1050; liberal reward. LOST -Wed., Aug. 13, on Taytor Ferry road bet Portland and Lake Grove, 300 ft of pipe, amount to $90: driver held responsible. Call Riverview Auto Transfer, Main 6206, A-3110 or Marshall . uu. i LOST 'Last Thursday evening on Ash at, pair of eyeglasses, in case with Henricbsen's f Jeweler! name inside. Finder kindly phone Miss Morse. Broadway 1050. Reward. TRAVELING bag, yeillow. 10x18. left on Mount soon streetcar a rmny - evening, 8 o clock. . Phone Tabor 412 or leave at 4224 83d at , 8. K. Reward. . XUND-Smaa camera, left at Tyrrell Tavern Bonneville on Highway. Will be glad to re turn to owner o description and payment for . the ad. Tyrrell Tavern. Bonneville, Or. . fOST -Keyring wilhTey, probably' between East 7th and Taylor and W. H. MarkeU1. (tore, Ptione Fast 4174. Reward. LOST Indian blanket Thursday night in busi nes district' Reward if returned to postsf fice station, LlpmanWblfie s Co. - . , LOST Package of' kodak films and pictures la a Lipman Wolfe envelope. Leave at Lip snsn aV Wolfe office. Lo.ST Black fox fur Pacific highway. 8aUle Porttand. August 8. Finder notify Miss Gar latid. 1212 Howe st . Vancouver. B. O. - XxiSt Pocketbook, i 830, checkof $3, by widow with sick boy. - Pteas caff East 854. Reward. - NAME price for iafonnatioB recovering Betty, our baht biindle female Boston Bulldog. Call 790 Belmont Phone East 6040. , .-. - - - iXHTPur.e with 85. Friday aiternoon, Finder please return to B. J. Van AUzea, 838 H Haieht arc- Reward. LOST Black suede -. bag with Greek letters; had some knitting, Lucretia t or Vista ave. Reward.: Main 4108.- -637 Market st - Drive. LOST1 Thursday, miuk ' fur cape, between Haselwood v and ; Campbell , Hill i hotel t hberai rvarcl, ' Photye Main 7084, room 836. : - LOST Female Airedale terrier Liberal reward for Information concerning same. Wdlnv 2094. LOST Block of Swiss cheese, in business cen ter. Call Marshall 1607. " , LOST Wednesday, wire wheel for Overland aute on east aide. Reward, . 1-53, Journal 21 TBS following Articles hava been found on cam of tha Cortland Kail way. Laght sV Fower Co. Aug. IS.- 6 purses, (lasses, book, book, kry, oiDe. rule. 10 caokacss. basket, bag. 3 aait- vases, wire, 1 aunbrella, S lunch boxes. Owners may obtain property at First and Alder. iii KEWAKD for atolen Chevrolet automobile, model 1918, Oregon) Uoanao Kav 8689, factory. No. 95942. right front hub new fcnd sot painted. Sprage eord tirea on rear wheels. U, 8. chain tread on right front and Revere on left reward expires Sept. 1. 1010. Telephone Maia 895. J. H. Perkins, Henry bldg. barber anon. LOST -Garnet brooch, in upper Alhina. . B ward, woodlawa TIB. L8T Cajiary, dark head, dark winga. Mcmtgmnery et. Main 4IS. Reward. 411 HELP WAHTW)-STALE DO TOO WAST TO MA KB Permanent Connections Btewl Manufacturing Concern f Owing to big xpasskiB) -Requires at once Men saperienoed in Ornameatal Iron and Tubular Work. FTJfMTTFH ' POLISHER J SPRAY OPERATOR HAS WEMJEJ DRAFTSMAN Wonderful chance for advancement. Good payWSteady work Open shop. Call 716 ThurraaB Street (224 and Thurmaa.) A.ik fot Superintendent. Steady Employment FOB COPPERSMITHS APPLY BOOM 875 HOTEL MULTNOMAH, 9:80 TO 11:80 A. M.. 2:80 TO 8 F. M., T:89 TO t F. It ; Steady Employment FOB f FirstClass Pipefitters TS ONB OF THB BEST EQUIPPED SHOPS OM THB COAST. APPLY BOOM 878. HO TEL MULTNOMAH, 0:80 A. M. TO A. M. TO 11:80 A. M., :3f TO 8 P. M.. 7:80 TO 9 P. M. THE MEIER A FRANK COMPANY requires the services of: Young man between 18 and SO. for fmfent levator. Stock hnV fat women's wait 4nvMM.a Four bova between a,. i la mnA 1 a ji. livery. As thia is permajsent work, boys who contemplate) coins; back to school atumit appiy. Application received daily. Kmnlirramt n. raau. Sixth Floor, Meier Frank Company. THE OLDS. WORTMAN V KINO STORE re quires tha services of experienced grocery stockman; also wagon boys. Apply superintend ent's office 9 to 10:30 a.' m. $176 PER MONTH tha year annua, the average earnings last year of a number of ourMlesmen over 46 year. Thia year, will be tha biggest yet. "o iperienca necessary; weekly cash advance, outfit furnished Big assortment guaranteed trees, shrubbery sod vinea. Ton eaa do what other ta experieneed men bare dona. Washingtos Nur sery Co., Toppenfrh. Wsah. WANTED An experienced wen drffler with gas engine experience, to take well drill on per centage. Lota of work engaged. ive where ex perienced and age, single or married, and if can coma at once, and phone number. Address Box xo. ptantieM, or. STRAW BALERS WANTED Want contract baling of 330 tons wheat and 2- t!?!w-, N. Swanaon, foreman farm dept. Take Mississippi are. car to Kenton, transfer to Stoekrrt1, car. Ak conductor to direct you. PENINSULA INDUSTRIAL COMPANY. 011 tr roixitna, JT. p W4MT?D SASH AND DOOft iaAfctllNE u,?.nD 8TICKERMEN' FOR DETAIL Mily.yV0.BK; GOOiy WAGES TO COMPE-T.?rNT,MBCHANICS- WRITE TACOMA MILL WORK BUPPLY CO.. TACOtfA. WASH. MEN wanted to carry briquets from trucks to basement; 8 hours, wages from $4.2o to 84.76. Apply northwest corner 2d and Flanders ata.. Portland Gas Coks On. SALESMEN working in the Northwest wanted tp carry as a aide Una a household necessity used in every home and sold by every grocer and druggist. Pocket sample. K-69. JonrnaL EXPERIENCED hardware ealesman wanted: good wages, steady position for the right party; none but experienced need apply; reference required. Levin Hardware & Furniture Co.. 221 Front at WANTED at once 1 or 2 young men between " 17 nd 21. Can at 282 Taylor st. be tween 8 and & a. m. mnA & mrA a n M u ARk: kl. C,K. UV toKT?rk thU "iinlshlng chandeliers. daily, without capital or experience. Write' Gun metal Co., 161 Elm, Decatur. 111. AN . electric line maa to cot 4 trees that danger three electric wires. Owner will pay. Call between 84th and 86th. 1026 Division st. vr-.i ir.ij contractor to build garage who m,M TOraraM uenuu services a part payment - tvtti uu. A BOY or young man wanted for 'delivery and awna-ar fwa sa. a. la . i a - Tr w: "' ;' -"u Freierrea. Call v v uwum re u, VfVtl. . V HANDLING wood. loosing, ry. fare. A-3066. 2 weka '- Bayooasn, 4a Telsphor Main 640S or T . t tiD riici bmu. , ? naniiu - concrete work, at ior o ooura. ui snd rraneia. Wood WANTED First cisM "tailor for Vdis'' jackets and a tan men's tatinf4 ,. 8. Weiss. 128 m 10th st WANTED Man or boy to care for invalid gen- Jleman, good home and pleasant surroundings. Call at Lenta waiting room, Mt Scott line. -i ff wJ,ntd: must understand forg- BeUwood 280" rT 'Mnin AMBITIOUS young man f mschinkal . -itK lHtP: .cla?ft' aOl. momij making FJkC,.T,U "; position, opportunity in wholesale house. Answer fully. G-271. Jour- W ANTED A first clam maa onl. Ain) trimmer, experienced aarage of ioe, Covey Meter Cat V , 21M and Wasliinrten MAN experienced ia hxwiiin. i ! and -k.i. .C- .i. ,ak;""" trad?- Answer feHy. G-272. JonrnaL """" FITTEK S te connect up gas ranges ead water !34 ucnims, permanent posiuon. AddI . Mnnriav. riinHM T . , ' " ' " .--V - w . v. nnQ, W AN llKl Able-bodied boy "or middle" aged man for chores at sanatorium. Outdoor and indoor work. Give phone. V-883. YOUNG man, handy with tuebi carpenter and helper. 1 0 06 Mississippi ave. . CAT7MAKEU wanted, apply.. Mcoh the Tadot, WAN TED Washman. " Vanoouver " lnndry, Vancouver, Wash. Steam W NJJ": L, ElP,nccd grocery clerk"' Consoli 1 .. M'rcntil company, hood River, Or. EW.ERT 1"" otd- on with mechanical -""-J xtemington Typewriter Co. WANTED. Immediately, watchman for duckTakT Apply tlOO. Journal bldg WAN'IKD Boy with wheel. Co.. 239 Pltk felk. Oregun . Engraving W'"iTJ1iAn '"rtfd felting" maehine op. erato. Kiug-Fisher Mattress Co.. East 497 MAN wahted finahelany responsfble""t(rfaairil ,in. O. V. Gamble. Couch bldg. tiTfPirl0?0 to work in a sawmill . -.-.., (i Hand blvd. - r- "-experienced, reliable truck driver, liiuted Maauiaaturinx Cow 911 furfiy bird. lOST A!fD FOtJjrXl HELP TVAXTrD M ALB V. A MERCHANT MARINE Opportunity it presented em f ' FEES TRAININQ ; 1st preparation, for lift was DICK OFFICERS ; and ENGINEERS : ' v at aehools of th U". 8. Bhtpptof Board. FREE COURSE IN NAVIGATION, six week, flu for third mate's lioense or higher; ; open, to men of two years' deck experience ocean or coastwise, or eauavalest fh fisherisa, 1st oat lake, ay or sound. , FREE COUR SB Tlf MARINE ENGINEEB INO, one month, fits for third assistant en gineer's license, son ts men of mechanical and engineering experience, including locomotive and stationary engineers, machinists on marina en gines, graduates of technical schools and marine oilers and water tenders. Navigation, schools at Seattle .and rPorUand. Engineer' school at imverslty of Washington, Meatus. Apply W. I. Olive, Gramba. 406 Eleatrla buildinC. 7 th And Seattle. Waah. WANTED Boys over 18 with wheal, light outdoor work, rood oar: also roans: 1 over 18 to work nights, Here's your chanoe to cinch a good steady Job for the winter; also splendid chanoe for advsnbement for those who mate good. Apply to Mr. Loop at S68 Oak rt HELP WASTED MISC. 49 Trnewritinf. Oomcto meter, bookkeeping and all other modern business courses. Day and night school Alisky bklg., H and Morrison. Main 824, ' LEARN AUTOS AND TRACTOBS ' FIVE DAYS' TRIAL FREE PAY TUITION WHEN SATISFIED ' W teach auto, tractor, gas engine and auto electrical work. BIG 100-PAGE CATALOG FREE. Address Adcox Auto and Tractor school. Dept. I. Union ave. and Wasco street, Portland. ut. f none mast laao. . Hawthorne Auto School 463 HAWTHORNE AVK Automobiles, tracks, tractors, machinist trad. oxr-seetrleno welding, vulcanising and retreading. Kpecial eommer rstea. uay and evening classes. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKEB BUSINESS COLLEGE. PORTLAND Enroll any time. Telegraphy, etenoa-ranhr banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalog. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Young men and women wanted. Call '218 Railway Exchange bldg. Splendid opportunity to learn a Wfiifr-paia pror essoin. 4) Tee booklet. Bailway Telegraph Institute. FOR SALE Tuition in PacUio Chiropractic college. Gooa discount lor eaan. ail term begina Bept. 10. 637 union ave. north. Phono East 4217. 6 TEEN EJECTING ACHuuL Bleek'a system of uaieer tauonag ana arsssmakiM tauahti oat terna eat to meesurew Phone East 3869. B-8307. urana ave.. near neimont BRAKEitEN-FIKEilEN, $160 to 6225 month ly; experience unnecessary. Mo strike. Perma nent positions. Full particulars and application Diana tree, railway, jrresne. uaL FIREMEN BRAKEMEN $150-8200 monthly experience nnnecesaary. Writ Railway as sociation. ii.-03ti, joarnsL LEABN optometry and optical business, day and evening eiaasee. lMkiayser tJolleze. Columbia Plug, oet catalogue. ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEACHERS' AGENCY Frank K. Welles. -assu state sunt., mar. a. W. xisnk Dioa. Ttacners placed promptly. GOING East or South f HousehokTgoods shipped at reduced rates; moving and packing. Pacific Coast Forwarding uo.. 403 lioyt st. Bdwy. 70S East side""cc-mmercial schooL Miss Regina Buckel'a private school: individ ual instruction. 122 Grand are. East 437 MISS - MATTINGLY'S Shorthand. Typewriting Hcnooi, a a month. x xt& near Jellersou. Main 8893 HELP WAKTED FEMALE THE OLDS, WORTMAN V KING STORE re quires the services of expertenoed cashiers must b familiar with National Register system. Also experienced beauty parlor operators and experienced saleswomen for waists and many other departments. Apply superintendent's office 9 to J.U:a0 a. m. . - 4 j UPttAN, WOUH dc IXJ. requia tha aerricee of ten girls between IV and 18 year of are to act as cashier inspectors: ex perience not necessary bat all applicant must bo responsible and educated. Do not apply unless you wish to work Per manently steady. l'omtna guaranteed and rapid advancement will be given to those who mak good. Appur superintendent office, between 9 and 10:80 in the morning. - - LONG BEACH. Wash., needs two Aompetent ueicurra, primal Asi a ana oa gmaes $96; intermediate, 4th. 6th. 6th, $90: perfer primary teacher who can handle domestic science up to loth grade. Intermediate teacher to take charge singing. Give age, education and refer ences lint letter. TX-648, Journal. THE OLDS, WORTMAN & KTNG STORE re- auirea tha services of experienced waitressea. Apply superintendent a office 9 to 10:30 a. : tlf xuu are ambiuoua and know how to sell we can place you in a way to earn a handsome income in your territory. State, county or city ngnts for sale with opportunity for repeata. If you are not IOO alive, don t answer or call. w. w. Uo. ZQ4-6-q Kenton bldg., Portland. WANTED A young girl to assist with bouse work and care of 2-year-old boy. May at- teno. nign-scnooi ana wora part time aurins winter, o diocks irotn uncom n. s. Apply & 10 Market tt Phone Main 4075. WANTED GOOD, PLAIN COOK FOR SMALL t'AMU.1; NO WASHING. NO UPSTAIRS WORK; WAGES $55. . PHONE MORNINGS BtU.WlXllJ 93, OR CAL.L. 406 E. 24th ST., 4 STREETS SOUTH OF -HAWTHORN E AVE. WANTED At once, girl or middle-aged woman. Christian preferred, to take charge of houae- wora on term; no outdoors work. Family of 4. Wages $30 per mo. Mra, B. H Reeber, R. 1, cvmt ururs, r. ' LIPMAN. WOLFE A CO. require the services oi a experienced elevator operators. Apply superintendent's oiflce between - D and 10:30 aionaay morning. WANTED Woman or girl to do general housework," 4 ia family; no baking or wasb 4ng; good wages; Albany, Oregon. Call 803 x-snon ave., t-ortianq, or wootuawn S389. EXPERIENCED laundry heln wanti Vi.t. work feeders and folders, good wages, steady employments - uomestic - lannqry, rentlleton. Or. WANTED Girt for lhlht work, not ofice. Steady position, good wage. ? Do not phone. Arply 421 B. Broadway. THE Florende Crittenton Home i help any girl in distreasu 936 E. s ready w Glisan. M- v. car, raist 8io. , ? ; xiru.vvr woman witn good clerical experience to nana i e permanent responsible position in wholesale house? Answer fully. G-278. Journal. WANTED Cook, Sept 18th; references re quired. Write or apply St Helena hail, 13th and HalL - . - , ..... ,. v b,CA;M maid, permanent, good wages, good nome. axiss iatnn a ncnooi. call upper ter race. Westover. Marshall 8129. OPENINGS for sewing machine operators; also , apprentices. Good waasa. Utility Garment y-o.. in? 1st st f LADY to gdide gentleman (of slightly impaired sicht) about the .: city; poeition temporary. B-4 2 2. Journal. - WANTED- -Two markers and one hand-washer"; ; good waiea. Apply Oregon Laundry, B. tb and Oak te. - WANTED- Girl or woman for work. Phone Bellwoed 2469. genet a! house- MAU for small family; no children. - Apply 812 Johnson. o -:: , - - - - GIRL wanted to. assist with housework; good home; good accommodations. Tabor 8699. WAN TKI Women and girl over 16 years, Ore : con Worsted Co., K2 7 th and Umatilla. ESpERTeNCED girl, cooking and general work. Sept 1. Phone Main 1478, GIRL to assist with housework, small house, $ rontnv 44 E. 10th N. , COAT finisher wanted . ua Merchants Trust 'ldg. - men's coats, . "405 WOMAN to do plain sewing reasonably in home. L-8S 9. Journal. APPRENTICE wanted for millinery shop. Apply 787 Mississippi ave. - , t FEMaTE cannery help wanted. Star Fruit Prod- lsS WOe ml HAM tamiiili, ' HELP WASTi: D FI-: MALE THE METER ' FRANK CO. Bequira the service of One experienced department One exoerieneed saleswoman for aHverwan) aaleawomas for georgette One experienced aali partment - for candy de- Three experienced saleswomen, for mOliaery uepanment. x-ermanent wora. , . Four millinery makers. Permanent work. One ribbon novelty maker. One experienced stenographer. One giri for credit office. : Knowledge of typewritui jBreferrad. , Four girls for the billing department Knowl edge of shorthand 1 not necessary for thee position and those able to operate a) typewriter can quality lor una wore . . Three girl .between 16 and 18 for of fie work. jrer our emergency section on the. first floor. saleswomen from that department being . sank to au oepartmenca oi me store, there are open' ings for 20 salespeople, experienced and toex perieneed. Those hsfving general store exeeri ence are qualified for thia department. - There are also vacancies for 10 giri betweeei the aaee ol IS and 18 for appranticw work in us wrapping oepartmextt. ; u The Meier cV Frank Company has an Educa tional Department in charge of a graduate ot Mra. Prince's School of Store Service and Edu cation. Applicant are given a thorough course ia ssleamanahip and all finee of department store wis, a usee uiswucuoua are gives as store tune. Application for the position wilt be re ceived daily. Employment Bureau. Gib. Floor, esW W M llsssa VV YOUNG LADIES : WANTED. PERMANENT v POSITIONS. . BEGINNERS ' PAID FROM START. CALL AT THB TELEPHONE COMPANY. . ROOM 801. 8TH FLOOR. TELEPHONE BLDG., PARK AND OAK STS. At Standard Factory No. 2 GRAND AVE. and E. TAYLOR ST. . Power Machine . ' TO LEARN ON Shirts and Overalls ' Macklnaws and Overcoats 810 PEB WEEK WHILE LEARNING 44-HOUB WEEK Saturday Half Holiday EXPERIENCED OPERATORS ARE EARNING FROM 816 TO $20 WEEKLT MEIER A FRANK CO. Requires the aervieea af S Expert Manicurist S Expert Hairdresser ' . Beat salaries. Reference required. Apply at once to MRS. BATES Fifth Floor. WANTED Middle aged woman to cook for two or tnree men on ranch; bo laundry: state wage expected. Address Acme Orchard Co., White Salmon, Waah. HELP W ANTED MALE ANTA FEMALE 99 HOP PIOKERS, ATTENTION Pickers ere now wanted for tsa Rmhv ward at. Forest Grove, Or.; 130 acre in good hop: pay ex.2u per nunurea pounas. - we inrnisa ahacks for families; stoves when requested; wood sawed to atove length: clean straw, water ia pined to Abe camp grounds, grocery store end meat market on the grounds. Picker and baggage will be hauled from Forest Grove to the yard free, and those remaining for the entire season will be re turned free . of charge. All former picker and families are requested to come early aa wo will need only a limited number from Portland. B. C, Oglesby. foreman of the- vard. la now at the office and ha charge of regUtration. Come pre pared to sign -up and buy your ticket . Picking ami oegin anons September o. J. W. SEA VET HOP CO. 222 Pittock block 10th and Washington sta., Portland. Or. CARNIVAL AND AMUSEMENT PEOPLE ATTENTION Wanted carnival, amnsememt aiut . ion people in all branches for 8 week fairs commencing Labor day. Sept. 1. Apply after 9 a. m.. Monday. Ausl 18. S2A nbimh'n rit uommerca mag. x'&one Main 6226. , HOP PICKERS REGISTER NOW Mr. B. Stutessmsa win register picker for the " i. 0 7s wim DovToeKsx ox im- dependence at room 4 IS Commonwealth hnilri- i. i.n m ... v . . ' - l . . . ing, 6th snd Bunuide sta. Three week of 8ood picking at 60 per box. Nice elesn camp aruunus wun, store ana good Water.. we will furnish tents, wood, benches . and tables and - HOP PICKERS WANTED lamette . river tHv, Immm mwA -11 accommodations furnished free. Good water, store on farm, excellent picking. W prefer xtcgisier now. Main 84Z. . A. J. RAT A SON, 886 Sherlock Bldg. BISHOP BROS.' yards, near Salem and Inde pendence. 377 acres of fine hnns. AD usual accommodations furnished. Pay $1.20 pet 100 lb We pick up your baggswee at your home and deliver it to ranches free'Of Chsm both ways. Register at 124 N. 6th st, Willamette iwi.y x ransTer sjo. rnone Broadway 404 H A , n.A, wuul -. NrT a - ' - wvm mi yiwansf, miles from Portland, on Oregon Electric Good camp. m itiu pay ex.o per nnnnren. Apply - uv. , nmiM L. WUWH UUJAUa pay yon while learning; gives yon set of ton Is; positions secured. Write for catalogue. 234 pameias sr.. or pnone Broadway 1781. - Een WOMEN, learn barber trade: Weeea while learning, position auarsntemt. Kir 92 m experienee. Oregon Barber Colleee. 283 Msdisne PORTLAND BARBElt COLLEGE teaches tra4e in a weexs; pay wane learning! position guar- sbmcu, o vionen as. WANTED Boys over 16 or girls over is for evening wora. o to V :30, - running errands pm.i wnmni oooas,. Apply to Public Library. WANTED AGENTS Afeiis sig pay and free automobile, in- uouucmsj wonoeniu ' new gasoline saver. punrtu reproof. 5-year spark plugs and ether w sHiw necessities. outfit free. I - ' """snie. Ky. : AGTenTS-200 profit Wonderful " little ' ar- title, something new: aells like wtiitfir. Carry fight in pocket Write at ohm c r. emp'?- aioen huh, wen t Manager. 234 Amsri- i-T "i TislB u you are not wuim 1 w u, auu sail? man vw m tart anywhere; materials cost you 78 cents, re- u iotso. 1 made $220 one day, $1260 mjmi.ii. timiijiwii, s res no, ijst. $40 A WEEK mad aellinc Kellv Uill.a derful- "w oxni ail owl nc tne wan- doings of the race. Many ntcturea. btnlng seller, write quick for agency. Jenkins - . u'imj P., VUH-SSO, 111. STATE, county and i-lf? rirhi.. t. elusive articlea that will net you g handsome fiaoome with repeats. Yon must be 100 salrs- - .'" j us. .-. write or call. w. W, Co., 204-6-6 Fen ton bldg.. Portland AGENTS Wireless umbrella. Ill p., 'nustt s-s?-ii.i' . tie onler thl new est Invention. No inrestment Write for 6 KjLT'Hi: ;"?"' ". Co,. 2309 Waa St. AG?ISr7:i, bour eelling guaranteed watert acu. apron, reeda no Jaunderma. f8", ? ho"- f Dainty, durable, eco nomies). Bit lDOneV. .mnl. f. Apron Ce 123 Camp tLt Dayton. Ohio. AGENTS 88.50 a .day to start a.llUa- est bosiery. Usanatml r . . Bigger money for full tim. , ,,tr. Guaranteed Hosiery Co., 123 Antes st. D ion, unto. - , , - - AGENTS MAKING 6200 WEEKLt. Everyone wsnta It -; Formulas for 20O home made bev erages; book form. .Send It for copy knd ter- "ANTED 6 bright, capable ladies te tra.r.1. - demonstrate and sell 7i. . - -. i ner week. , Railroad . ZZ" ' f ow Goodrich Drug Co-Dept 828, Omaha, KehTi WAN TE! AGENTS CANDX BIO PAY ADYLiilioia MEV WOMEN . -Start erne of our-specialty candy factories In your home, small room, anywhere. We tell bow and furnish everything. Grand epporvunity. CANDY: HOCSF ' 1819 Rsnitesd St. PhilsoVtnhfa. Pa. AGENT 11 an hour. Ne-.r-it kitchen tooL Every woman will us 20 times daily. Eaay seller. - Rig ; profits. Sample free. Thomas Mfg. Co., 1328 Bath st, Dayton, Ohio. SALESMEN WANTED S8 SALESMEN New carburetor for Ford car Simple, not a moving part. Installed in 80 minntea, guaranteed to double your mileage and start Id aesw weather witnoot Jteatxnar or prim ing. 1 6 day free trtai. Our St Louis man old 2000 in 8 months. Salt Lake City man made 81200 In on week. Write U. ec J, Carbhretor Co.. 605 W. Jsckson bird.. Chicago, SALESMEN We. large Cleveland menu- faeturers, have ' a bUh-class,- permanent, money nig proposition for two live specialty salesmen or ex-mercnants. no rovesrmenx n auired. but make more money than 810.000 infested in the average bustnesa. Oommlssion Paid weekly: noaition open now. Address J. L. Roger. Trsas.. Box 176. Station "C." Cleve land, onio. WE desire -the services, of a high-grade salesman who baa had experience in waterproof dom ing line. Straight commission. Territory .Ore gon. Give full details in first letter in order that W. ma be able trt determl&e your quanti tations. Goodyear Waterproof Gc 817-819 1st ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn. If toil ARE a hustler and want an exciusf of aide line for your territory that will net yon s handsome income with repeats, write or call. You must be 100 4 : salesman to connect with as. W, W. Co., 204-6-6 Fenton buiitticx. Portland. SALESMAN Experienced in any line to aell general trade in Oregon, unexcelled specialty proposition. - Nsw features. tjommarcial con tract 885 weekly advance to- producers. The Continental Jewelry Co.. 18783 Continental bldg., Cleveland. Ohio. . - SIDE LINE SALESMEN We have an attrac tive line of - premium assortments for live talesmen. Commission from $5 to $20 per order. If yon want an up-to-date line, writ today, Canficld Mfg. Co.. 4O0S Broadway st, Chicsgo, 111. SALESMAN wanted by manufacturer for strictly new electric specialty, salable te Jobbers and dealers. Large .repeat commission . basis, 8ide line or whole time. T. C Bmith A Co., 153A Cherry st, Philadelphia, Pa. SITUATIONS MALE THE T. P. A. desire to seen re positions' for several experienced elssmen. Pnone stain so a. a- 4321. or call 330 Morgan bldg. EX-80IaIlER. experienced in all branchesV of newsmnet work, would lik tn connect witli a small daily or weekly near Portland; married. E-r2, Journal, EXPERIENCED chauffeur and auto mechanic wlshee position driving and carina tor. pri vate machine, best of reference. V-852, Jour nal. HEAD SAWYER wants job sawing in circular mill up to 80 SI. : Will saw for ao per aay nntil I get established; can fix my own saw. BX-425. JonrnaL TWO men want contract for cutting wood. Call evenings after 4:30. Taylor Apta.. Main nests, room 4. WiKTGD 1 BOO ft- nlvanixed pine lin. over; state amount, sue and price ot wnat yon nave. iexie smtui, tamts, wasn, CFMENT and concrete work of all kinds. Phon Woodlawn 6199. 405 Stanford st P.- B. Younger. A MAN with 8 ton track wanta a lob. . Call East 7904 of 695 Oregon st SHINGLE RS When you want reahingling done can Woodlawn 6200. ANTED General office work, lio experi- eneed in murti graphing. CaU Wain. 228 CEMENT work guaranteed by day or contract J. A. Butler, East 7838 BODFS If yOu want reshingling and. cutter wora done, call Mars nail iuu. WANT position for myself and wife on farm. Have 2 children. 46 Preseott st SITUATIONS FEMALE WANTED In exchange for rent and small wages, charge of apt. house: best of ref. Wain. 6128. WANTED General office, bookkeeping or clerical positions many years experience. Call Be 11 wood 1005. HIGH school girl wairts work for room and board. Catholic preferred. BA-44 1, jour- HAIR dyed at home, reasonable, by experienced lady. Main S7. YOUNG lady wanta position, mall clerk, filing or learn- accounting. Tabor 268. YOUNG woman. position cook, Jewish family preferred. ' B- 481, Journal. . , DBENSMAKIKO 49 ALTERATIONS, refitting and making of ladies garment, reasonable prices: work guaranteed. J. Renbin, La diss' Tailor, 408 Bosh 4s Lane Bldg. HP you ' admire work well done, try Mrs. Bate. 1120 Division at., for alterations, remodeiing uu in., tin u. imuqi g.i nvi v, inwnHBW prices, work guaranteed. Tabor 801Z. NURSES NURSING at confinement cases a specialty. Long experience. jau wooamwn xoue. WANT position as practical nurse. $13 week and housework. Main 6568. . FURNISHED ROOMS HART APARTMENTS AND LAUREL HOTEL Newly furnished, modern housekeeping and sleep ing room, sz.oo up. Becend and xamnilL JZ47 4 . TAXDOK ST. Under new manago- tnent Furnished housekeeping and sleeping roortii. $2.50 AND UP Sinsle sleeping rooms by week or month. 293 H Union are. City View hotel.. 1 block south of Hawthorne. HOTEL SARGENT. Hawthorne and Grand. Btarang point special car for Vancouver. FURNISHED sleeping room, 6 minutes' walk to town. Main 10 86 FURNISHED room, inquire 330 Fliedner bldg.. iota ana Washington, mnnasy 11 to z. FRONT sleeping room. 752 E. Burnaide st. East 8604. FURNISHED BOOMS PBIT ATE FAMILY 78 LARGE front room with dressing room, suitabl for 2 ; also adjoining room, one or both ; iignts. pnone. plana, iss . ua n. near xsoyt Marshall 943. . S"CRNlS"flED aleeplng room. 83.50 per week. .148 13th st. near Morrison. Broadway 2653 or la oor Z07. FURNISHED front room for gentleman; bath and telephone; walking distance; $8, per month. East 794T. '- r THE GEM 665 H FIRST ST. I, 2 and 3 rooms for housekeeping Also transient rooms 25o and up. NICE furnished room, walking distance, in. quiet neighborhood. East 7411. 60S East C-ctsrh. ROOM with private bath, suitable for two em ployed. 147 Park at. between Mofsison and Alder. NICE cool room with bath and phone, walking dmtaneev reasonable. East 717s. SLEEPING room in private family, walking dis tance, gentlemen only.' Main 4441. TWO separate furnished rooms, all conveniences. close in, 887 H Mill st FURNISHED rooms for rent. 83 per week; wala ing distance. 194 N.. 17th t NICE clean room, front entrance. 240 Broadway corner of Mam. phone Marshall I74U. 854 MONTGOMERY, cor. Park. . Urge front sleeping room, vacant Sunday, Main 1339. UNFURNSHED ROOMS' 10 FOR -RENT Three unfurnished aleeping rooms, single or en suite, sou Vancouver, are. cor. Broadway. J ' - CHOICE room, one very large with kitchenette, - specious, beautiful , grounds; references. - 631 Hoyt Bdwy. 68.0. ; . ROOMS AND BOARD 16 ROOMS with first class board; home cooking. Call and see tis. Grand Avenue hotel. 334 Grand avenue. Three blocks sow Hawthorne ave. THE MARTHA W A SHTNGTOW. 880 10th. for - business girls and students. Marshall 1231. - ROOMS AND BOARD FBI YATE FAMILY 72 LivVt,Y front room for Sidy or j gentleman 'n cloyed; fins) - location ; walking distance. 4f3Mi 12tA st ' ' KTlND lady" wishes couple school children to board. Main 1143. WILL board child: good home. Tsbor S704. WANTED ROOMS AND BOARD 19 WANTED Reliable home and board for 100 students.' Hemnaill Trade Mcnools. Incoroor- ated. Apply in person. 707 Hawthsane are. . REFINED y oung woman, educated, wishes room with modern convenienses and board,- in ex- ehsngs for tight housework. References ex changed. " Give full particulars. Box 201, Turner, Or. ' HOME with C. 8. fsmily for mother and by 9 years: care of child main consideration. Will ing to pay well for congenial place. - W-tite, giving -phone number. - X-62, Journal. - . WANTED ROOMS AND HOARD 89 GOOD bom wanted for a refilled little girl of 6. C 8. preferred. Write Esst 87th N. Do not phone or call. 631 K. 87th st. N. HOUSEKEEPINO ROOMS rrnsisnED' and unfurnished THREE, four or five ' extra large newly ' pi? pered rooms, furnisbed er ' unfurnished; city water, gas, garden, fruit, garage or barn, $6. Apply corner 89th and East Stark. Mt - Ta bor (M-T 88th) ear to end, 4 block north, t east .v-i.'--; - ., NICE, clean, largs, completely furnished 3 room housekeeping suites. $3 and $4 per week; free phone, bath, lights, etc. "The Freeport," 230 Larrabee st. corner Holladay ave. East 667. $16 PER month, well furnished, 2H. K rooma. bath, toilet and place to wash; no ebjectioa to children; - also breakfast quarters. 293 Union ave. City View hotel, block eolith of Hawthorn. -" ; - $6 A MONTH up. 8 famished H. K. rooms, laundry, hot and cold water, electric light. yard, ateam heat. Phone East 6039. , 406 Vaa- couver ave. g $4 WEEK UP. completely furnished H, K, suites: clean; baths free, water always hot: save carfare. The Cadillac. 3d near Jefferson. 6 - It OO M 3 nicely furnished for housekeesung. clean, modem, good inccxae, must cell. 24 N, 17th t TWO neatly furnished housekeeping rooms, clean. walkinst diatanee. Eaat Side: resaonabla. jiast T366. 4 HOUSEKEEPING - rooms, partly furnlabedC a 1 8 per montn. call bbz Taylor st TWO room suite, modem. CaUafter i p. m. 410 M1U st. 187 FIRST Photographer Applegate Ists rooms. 293 H L'NION sve., well furnished H. K. rooms. 310 and $15; rilentr fresh air. , itorvt-DU TT tr rooms, gas free, 1st floor. 820 month. 826 Hall st LARGE U.K. room. 179 Stark at near 20tS and Morrison. Housekeeping rooms, $3 and $3.60 week. 268 4th. on. city halt TRUNKS DELIVERED IN DOWNTOWN DPA- TKIUT rOK 25 tBXTS. PHONE S. n34 HCIUSEKEEFINW ROOMS 78 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY " IMMEDIATE POSSESSION apartment on heights, best borne environment, beautiful view, 8 large rooms, partly fur nished, including gaa, electric light heat and pnone; reierence reqmrea, main 112s. TWO unfurnished H. K rooms, walking dis- - tance, west gomery st sida. No children. 493 Mont- CLEAN. comoletelv furnisbed li- K. rooms. Phone, bath, reasonable rent 621 Kelley. Marshall 8250. Adult only. SHIPYARD district cottage, boosekeeping. fur ttiahed. nafumished, rsasonable. Apply 252 UtDDS. PLEASANT room, furnished complete for sleep ing -or housekeeping, near oatnroom. in quiet home, for men. 461 10th South. 3 LARGE clean unfurnished housekeeping rooms food district: to quiet eoupla. 170 N. lath rt References required. THREE rooms in private home, third floor; heat, lights, phone; employed adults only; about Beotesnber 1. Woodlawn 4788. FOUR rooms in private home, second floor; hot water, heat phone: employed adults ' oniy, Call Tuesday. Woodlawn 4733. TWO light, clean H. K. rooms, $2.60 to $4 per week. 44 Montgomery. 4-ROOM Apt with aleeping porch and garage a -room Apt on first floor. Tabor 426, LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 752 E. Burnaide St. Eaat 8604. BUSINESS lady or 2 may housekeep In modern home, Irvington; teachers preferred. E. 7880 THREE ! nice unfurnished basement rooms, $3 per month. 826 Park at FURNISHED front H. K. rooms, suitabl for 2 employed. 294 14th st FURNISHED tL K. rooms for rent S34 Had st, cor. Broadway. . 8 VERY large modern II. K. rooms. 249 18th. FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED 19 METER A FRANK'S - INFORMATION AND RENTAL BUREAU Reliable, n to data list of desirable recast bouses, apartment and flat with definite lafof rastioa pertaining te each. Newcomers to Portia nd wiO find this bursas of areat value in helping than set properly and quickly iocs tea. EIGHTH FLOB MR. lNlD ' MRS. HOUSE HUNTER i Houses are very scarce, have two or three eat list for Monday. We are getting a -house or two) a Week, but they rent quickly. "SEE THE YELLOW a SIGN." . SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCHANGE, ROOM bungalow. East 66th st Five blocks front Hawthorne ear. Good plumbing. 820 montn. Joan Ferguson, oerunger olag.- 5 OR 7 ROOM house. 4811 S2d st 8. E. Mt Scott line, 1 block north Firiand sta tion. Tabor 4107. HOUSE for rent 8 rooms. 821. Inquire 7 1 61 69 th ave, 8. B. Tremont station, Mt Boott car. FOR RENT For September and October, we! furnisbed modern 6 room home, with garage. on Mt Tabor; adults preferred. B-4Z4, Journal. t"t k a u.tqt oinr FIVE-ROOM COT- iw.viy nijok ua-aAt a. t atp Aoa tfirTTxro'Ve if jar 8EYEN- a aju, utjiy 'w m.-m. a 1 m. g st a iwv ROOM HOUSE, 814 20TH. WHEN YOU MOVE, USB NORTH WESTERN ELECTRIC LIGHT SERVICE Tenth and Wsshington. Broadway 680, RENT 916 E. Yamhill, 6 rooms, being rebuilt Will exchange rent- for board; want refined. bcmelike ronncal people. . 4 ROOM modern flat. $16 1 else 2 furnished housekeeping rooms. $8 mnnth. Phone Ta bor 1697. or call 9 1 1 H Williams ave. ft" ROOM house, gas, electricity, furnace, two toilets; eaat side, close in; no Dors under 16 years. Inquire 600 Kirby st 6 ROOM modern house, beard and room for owner. 1084 Knott st. Boss City transfer to Beaumont. 6 ROOM modern bouse, 20, minutes' wslk from St Johns terminal. 5 minutes from car. Call 414 Driscol or phone Columbia 694. A SNAP A store S-8 rooms, gas and elect. and 1 acre, cheap. Call Main 5965. FIVE room cottage, adults. 60O E. 27th st Richmond esr. FOR SALE or rent by owner, good 8 room house garage, lot 75x100, 10 fruit treea. Ta. 7708. ROOM modern house. $30, W'ilbur F. Jouno, Henry bldg. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 81 6 ROOM house forrent and furniture for three rooms for sale, cheap; 4 blocks of Columbia and Northwest shipyards. A bargain If taken at once. Cell 174 Gibbs st FURNISHED HOUSES PARTLY furnisbed 11 -room house for rent. board, rooms snd apartments, furnace heat bathroom and toilets, furniture for ssla: big bargain, for appointment call naia.fMt. COMPLETELY furnished 9 room house for sale 8760: rent 840 a month. 708 Everett st Phone Main 4841. FOR RENT Furnisbed 6 room bungalow, 883 E. OOtll st on car line, between liarrieos) and ltncoln sta. .No phon cans. LEASE airy corner, four and tire room, fur nished or unfurnished house. . 854 . South First st FOR RENT -Nicely furnished cottage with garage. zoo Fargo st., Williams ave. car. FLATS TO RENT, UNFURNISHED 18 FOR RENT" room modern tiniuriiisiied Oat; good location; upper Albina. 612-60 per month. ifione Eat 7000. ... ROOM clean flat and store; adult. T94 First and Gibbs. THREE rooms with garage. Union ave.,. near Russell; adults only, East 2196. FOR RENT Light airy. 4 room flat; 480 H stnott st. rfloss Marshall- 4Zos. : 621 LARGE 4-rooa flat. adults. . 917 H Williams ave., after U p. FURNISHED FLATS 69 MUSIC teacher will share her flat with girl who wiahea to study nunc; walking distance; ref erences. Main 3016, ATTRACTIVE 6 room flat west side, walking distance: 840. A Ho, eaeeutmnaUy desirable well furnished jrvmgton flat East 2578. $20 MODEBS 6 rooms, wtta garage, near Jef ferson fainh school , ComsssrclsL - Wood lawn 187, Monday. . -i ' -ROOM furnished flkt bath, gas and electricity. on catBne, adam only. 61 41 4 6trt are, s. P. ROOM modem - furnished flat to refined conplo. on Richmond earline. Tabor 152 3. OR RENT Modern fist., furniture for sale; walking dbrtanee. . E. 8441. FLIiNISHED 6-rwm front flat, 320 per month. 404 rirst st. ; , : . . ;- - APARTMENTS FOR RENT 4$ THREE unfurnished apertmente for rent; newly papered and painted ; modem, its is,. 7 til. 9 A mrkA a snnu am . n,r s, tv .hln. 'yard; 'reasonable rent -SelL 128. NICELY"furniabed, 4 room, hstd woodfl oors $45, adult, x-onnoman, iuu ith. - A PA RT M KN T t V O R RENT 43 ACHORA APT.. 392lirE7BuTniJs: 2 sod 3 rTWTI isvnauea r nouseaeiiin3 apartmeata. nutiut eustsoce. - SEAXTtIFULITY YuraUhed, larss, " cioan" U. rt. sii.i0?m-a"1!?- Wk- Todd Apta.. E. A3tb iVICE furnished apartment for reliable couple; no children: walking distance. Csll after 2 p. i. Sunday, 880 H Rosa at. phone East 483. STOREH AND OFFICER II FOR - RENT Elegant suite of offices tn sod- em allO tO data -ftffta fcnilriin Animtkwmnm distrlctr, reduced renul, . iperisl reduction for month of August Call 209 Stevens bids. roons. saain X f o, "BugfN'EsS ykOPEiltY FOR hENT - - SUIl.lJlliO ffVlUT TO BUIT SEE- OUR LEASING DEPARTMENT. SMITH-WAGON t K CO., STOCK ECHANGIX FINE going grocery business along publio msr - ket; long lease; no premium. Inquire 206 ftoek Exchang bldg. OFFICE room, 2 or 8-room suite. Urge and Pleasant, suitable for doctor or dentist, ea eellent location. Tabor 682. SUMMER RESORTS (6 FURNISHED cottage for Sal of rent ;' mooli beach. Phon Tabof 6905. Tila- .5 EOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS 88 FOR RENT 3000 square feet loft space for light manufacturine" space. Fifth and Oak sta. Strong 4t MacNaoghton, Corbett bldg. FOB ' BENT 100x100. upstairs, central loca- tion. B-483t , Journal. NICELY furnished studio to rent part of time to good musician. B-420, Journal. WANTED TO RENT We Want to List - HOUSES. FLATS AND APARTMENTS. TP YOU HAVE ANY VACANCIES. PHONE. HEAVE TOGETHER, CARE OF NOKTHWESf STEEL CO.. MAIN 118$. MR. AND MRS". LANDLORD " " We have parties who want 6 or 6 -room mod ern bungalows; will pay $33 to $43 per month and take year' lease. SUBMIT YOUR HOUSE RIGHT AWAY. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCHANGE. WANTED- A 4 or 6-roora funy modern hotuM all furnished and gas. walking du. tance; adult peepie only; rent must be reasonable price. K. gttael. 162 H -1st at. room 2. WANTED To leas a 6 or 7 room modern i house, .Unfurnished, with furnace, near M, A ear preferred. Others considered. Phone East 3185. - - I WANT -to rent with the privilege of buying, good, modern, 5 or 6-roora buncaloW in Al berta district Phone Wain, 2418. X-68, Joamsl. - - MtSIO teacher ha own piano) desire A of 2 furnished rooms, modern, of apartment; east side preferred. Tabor 6378. WAN TED Before Sept 10, by couple, 4 or 6 room bouse er flat with gang : no- children. Can give refeienoeef L-833, Journal. TO RENT 4 or room furnished house r Cat, with garage, by Aug. 25, by responsible eonple. Phone MsrshsU 1265. WANTEDTo rent ot lease, a farm, with or without personal property, containing 50 to 120 acres-plow land. Geo. Bn-ch, 001 E. Ash. LEASE for one year.' a modern 5 or 6 room unfurnished house, with garage, Irvington district References. Bast 4140. WANTED -5-room bungalow, modern, unfur nished bungalow, 8 adult; references. Sell wood 2604. WANT to rent seven-room furnisbed house. Call East 6884. j OR 6 room furnished cottage or bungalow in Portland or suburbs. Tsbor 8021. WANTED Five or - 6-room - furnished house. Phone East 3812, Monday. , IMMEDIATE possession; small furnished housed Reference given. Main 8933. - ; 4 OR 6 room unfurnished house, 2 adult only; 'permanent Phone 'Tabor 85, tjNFDRNlsHED 6-room house. Eaat 1418. REAL ESTATE BEACH PROPERTY 48 A BEACH HOME, now at Seaside. Or., at bea ' tlful "Cartwright Park. at reduced price 1 828 to 8 TOO; easy installments, 8 per cents soon to b connected by ell-paved highway with eastern and southern Oregon, which, with proposed 2000 foot pier, will make "Cartwright Park" one of the most attractive spots en Pacific coast Whit-mer-Ksily Co., 414 Pittock block. Portland, Oregon, or in autre w. - At. Uois. agent M Btoadway. Saaaida. Oregon. RESPONSIBLE party want cotteg at beach for a lew atonies. Must M , cheap rent B-4Z3 journal. BEACH lot near Oearhart, sell or trade for any Thine ojufnl Call SelL 1823 or write R-S08 Journal. BUSINESS PROPERTY 86 TtSb location - 1 FOR REPAIR SHOP AND GABAnwi On Derby street, in the business district, and leas than a block from the bank in Kenton. Lot 60x103. occupied by cement building 25x80. Price 82760 plus balance on bonded city lien not to exceed $iso. 81oo cash, balance on tuna, '.Bee E. M. Brown with - . , NEILAN A PARKHILL, 919 Lumbermen's bldg., 6th aod Stark sta. FOR SALE-I0USES $2600 TWO FOB ONE $2000" OH E. 9th street near Beaoon. which 81 practically walking distance, on a 60x100 lot. are two very substantial bungalow cottage of 5 and 6 room each.' with a full 8 set niece of white enamel plumbing, electric liahta and gaa. The total price ot this property, Including the tw6 house.' is only $2600. or $1800 s piece. 6600 down. .680 Per month. The rent will nav for them. You eonldn't build these bouse for szvuu eaca today. - ek r-stAK I.. MeGUIRS -TO BITT YOIJll HOUR. AWngton bnildlng. Mafn 1068 OmCE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS IF THERE JS A BARGAIN IN PORTLAND . THIS IS ONB Good 6 room house, olose in an paved street: bath, toilet sink- larae clothes elnaeta, alectrie lights-and gas. cement basement: lot ia 40x100. au street Improvements in snd paid. This is in a. good -district and easily worth $600 or fov more than w are asking, price 82860. If taken at once, we can take 8500 down, and monthly payment on the balance, ' Let show you this. ' v.. hTEWsBT as BUCK, 815 Northwestern Bank bMg, 1800 ' A DJO IN INTsTTSAS T1H5r FTJISr D" liSflo .A real bungalow horns, like new and on a full 60x100 lot; has White enamel bath, toilet, lava tory, hot water tank and sink, full basement electric lights and sas; an attractive little hwme and a wonderful buy; very aightly location. Close to. ear and school. We have over 600 photo graphs 01 nome tor sale. Autos at your service. $260 down. SEE . ' flUiilt U. MCGUIKB, TQ BUY YOUR HOME. Ablngteu Bldg. Main 1088. Office Open Evenings end Sunday. $3600EAST OFPIEDMONT 83605 On 100x100 Is a ' very attractive 5 room bungalow type home, with garage; dandy cement basement; white enamel piumnuig; electric lights and gas; fireplace; paneled dining room, with built-in buffet; Dutch kitchen: loads' of flowers snd shrubbery. Abundance of fruit and ber ries; garden already in. 600 photographs is our oiflce of homes jtor sale. rr.K FRANK I,. McGUIKB To Buy . Your Home. Abington bldg. Alain 1068 - Oil ice open. Evenings snd Bupdays. Michigan : Ave. Sacrifice Seven rooms, with full cement basement, bath. bearing fruit etc., located on Michigan ave. near Shaver, only I block from car. 4 blocks from school, street improvements and sewer in and pvtd ; worth easily $3250, and we 11 sacrifice for 62nIO, 600(1 cash. o. a. mccormic ; co. 418 FENTON BLDG. 84 6TH ST NEAR HIGH SCIldOL " 1 story bungalow. 5 rooms snd slaenins? porrn, targe uviiig room witn Tirepiace 'and built-in effects, dining room, kitchen and Jt nice bedrooms,- cement basement, good furnace. 100x100- corner, 1 block to car, 4 blocks to new KTsnsiin nign. Tine garden, good home en vironment ". Price 83600; $1000 cash, balance like rent . THE CBOSSLEY-YICARS DO. - 270 Stark et - - -- . Main 8052. TltOOMTious, 5 lots, in ffuiand , garden, siuvu; v eaen, 6 room -modem house, new vacant. 82000- $200 cash. '.-','.-' ,7 room modern bouse. 2 lots in fruit and garden, $300(a $30O cash. - . 4 room house, ' acre in garden, f 1600; 200 cash. -z room house, S0O: gZOO each: $3 month. NEIL SMITH, 6514 Foeter road. TbbrM931. 4200 NOW VACAST $4200 - BIG SALMON ST. HOMH T rooms and Sleenine Dorr.h. firertlaM atl bnilVin oonvenienoss. large built-in water cooler, full eement basement, furnace; lot 1 2 2 ft deep, fruit tree and good garage; bard sur- lace eueeis in ana paia; terms. O. A, WARRINEB, " BITTER. LOWE A CO. - 20 1-8-6-7 Board of Trade bldg. $100 0--EASTFPIEDMONT 1900 " On t. ra cd are., rest 1 block - nf ctlT.n.l t a substtntisl 6 room boms, good rement base ment, lanndry trays, white enamel plumbing, leetrie. haute and ga; $2UO down. Unusual op portunity, tiKE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abingten Bldg. - Alain 1068. 01 lv open Evenings and Hundaya- FIVE room house, lot 60x160, bargains 1 -s. might term. consider Ford or Che vTolet . . A our CaB East 18S( 7? P T rHTlTi' FOR MI,l:-llOlM 11 "Qgod momh'buy . f room modem bungalow, jiartlv furnKhfrf, ..;f",!,,t h SarB. price $3tMi. $500 cash, bat. $20 mo.. Alberta. , room modem bungaluw, neat and rVsn, fine Condition, garage, 50x1 00 J corner, $050: terms. . , 6 room cottage, full attic, basement ' mxl era; paved street; eloe tn,' . tNMIr lur- ishd complete, $3200; term, a snsp. 6 room modern bnngkw. Dutch sitclien, attic, basement, 60x100 corner, $i!5(fu; lislf cash, - , 4 room modem cottage, attic, basement, shed for lino, Alberta, 61850; half oah. . Hawthorne. 8 room mortem, clo in: a choice home in a choice location, 34 850; terms. : West aide, room cottage, ft 30 Mill St.. t 16th t. $4T0O; terms. - 6 room bungalow, 1 floor, lOOilOO; paved Street, corner, in Sellwood, $82 50: terms. R M. Oatewood & Co. 165 M, 4th st $1600 Two room hons and 60x100; terms $300 6 lota, . esrh cash, balance 82000 Five room bouse, lot 60x100; $1000 ; . ' cash, balance monthly. 88000 Six room t modetri bungalow: 5u0 cash, balance monthly pay menu. 8.100 Nine room house. 2 stnrise and bas mer.t, need soma repairs, lot lOox 100 13700 New 4 rooni house and sleeplrg porch. lot 80x100, on earline, improved Ueot and paid for ia full; will b sold on sy paymeuts, 8C000 New, modem, up-to-dste residence, nn improved txeets, on Broadway ; terms 31000 cash, balan montlili. WiSSiam O. Beck 11 D FAILING . BLDG. 8D AND WASH. $3800 NOArrc nsni-iiiv" . ' "feet near Francis avenue, on a full iiSf.10.V .c1rnr- wiih U '" l'd: l a very UK! W'S r?nm """a: "ilt In convenience., TTr nm1 Plumbing; four light airy bedrooms, food basement 20 large bearing fruit trees. r, . . -. ............. . nuuv . r ' 1, "". ,na "ifufuery. uan arranaa terms. Unusual barealn. ln.r iu..ln . SEE " FHANK I,. MeCfTRE, TO BUY YOUR HO.MB. Abintrton Rittlriinv vr. i imte Offic Open Evenings and Sunday. 1 BOOMS AND SLEEPING rOBCil" IN ALAMEDA PARK ...j,.? B,.od,,rn bom I be best prt of the district Has 8 room and un parlor on first floor and 3 bedrooms, slewing porch anj bath on 2d floor. Has full cement bssem-nt. good fumaoe. firrplsce and hardwood floor throughout 60x100 lot. garage, csment run way, all street improvement paid. Prto $7500. Terms, See E. M. Brown with . NEILAN A rARKHILL. - zip Liwrhbermep bldg., 6th and Stark ta A REAL MllGAfN- . . OHH CITY PA UK Comnletal furnUhMl a .s .1.. Ing porch, full cement basement furnace, full --. irau sot, ravea streets in and paid, two blocks from It C. car: nnthlne in tha rfl.irts eaa beat thi for a buy, $4000 assy term. , A. WAKRINElt RrTTER, LOWE At CO. 201-8-6-7 Board of Trsde bide. 6 ft. BU"NGArwToTT6TrfiTri Nice 5 r. bunealnw. fir,r,l.,. hmMmmnmww i. met kitchen. 2 bedrooms, sleeping porch, garage. . corner 100x100; 9 fine bearing fruit treee. lota w iu.u irun; gairien, chicaennous and mn; l.V1 to '. 44th t 8. E. Pries $3000. 81000 cash and $26 per Bio. ... ' GHUSS1 BENNETT, 819 Board of Trad bklg. Main T4 62. WEST EDGE-OF LAffRELHURST Beautiful 6 rra. bungalow, attic, long living rm., paneled dining nn., fireplace, hairlwowi floors, Dutch kitchen. Urge bed r ma., with 2 plate glass' windows, full cement basement fur nace, laundry trays. 60x100 lot 2 bearing fruit trees, garage, st. paved; will sell furnished if desired; price $5000; some terms. GEO. T. MOORK CO., 1007 Yeon bldg. NEAR 1 U RE L! I UK ft T LARGE GROUND AND HOUSE $4500 buy good 8 room bouse' ami ground 100x100 with abundance of good bearing fruit treea, hard surface sta. in and paid, $1000 cash, balance easy. f5. A. WABRINER, BITTER, LOWM A CO.. 201-8-6-7 Board of Trad bldg; SOUTlTTtT. TAB?n $2200 ' A substantial, artistic built 7 rm. Timis. ' Dutch kitchen, builtin buffet, nice living tn, with 4 bedrms., good bath, located on cor. i 63x100, good garage, some fruit hard surfscee St., and near grade and Franklin hUii; a good home for Urge family. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon fcl.Isr. 13000 REAL Hn'UKi S.I (I nil Owner leaving city. Six room house on Irvington car line, 60x103 lot with full grown fruit . trees and berry bushes; bouse strictly modem, . with cement basement and furnace ; private garage next door may be rented. Wood lawn 8798. 935 E. 15th N.' BUY DIRECT. SAVE COMMISSION. 8 RMS. 100x1 00 LOT $4200 Built, for a borne, fireplace, buffet butler's pantry, Dutch kitchen, .4 extra largs bedrms, large closets, large bath,. 2 toilets, full bseemsnt furnace, laundry trays, fine Iswn and fruit trees, located In Jonesmore, 1 Mk, Glla st car. Make spuointmcnt to see this Mondsy. . OKO. T. MOORK CO..J1007 Yeon blds ' MR. HOME BUYER, ATTENTION DT you want a 2 sti-v bouse from $3600 t j 84000. w have a number of home at this prise which are incomparable bar gains. Call and let us show you; term reasonable. Call Mon , not open dun. J. A. W ICEMAN CO. 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Msln 1094 1H -story 6-room House. All Builtin Conveniences. Hard surf see street paid. Close tn car, East 26th st 4 " 62500, terms. HERMAN MOELLPR. 1025 Ha seo hldg, - Main 14)0. Ftirnished Bungalow Flve tootiU. basement and attie. lot BOrlOO. one block to Hawthorne on 43d. $3375, In cluding peved street, $50O caah, balsnrs month ly. 6 pef wnt Msin 6682. 1125 (itws bll(. A CORNER tot with a stor building on Lat Ullsan atreet :tfaer are a rooms overhead the store. This is in a very desirable location for a drag store or any other kind of bu.i is. and the owner can live on the Treratse. Tn price is only $800; half ess'i wi'l hsnTls it. SI. J. CMJHESS T. A B INC.TON B1,IQ. why "Pay rent? Will TI you 60x100 bom sites in Swlnton for 83001 330 cash, balance 84 Per month. You can take your time to build and build anything you want. Act while the opportontiv presents ltelf. JOHNSON-Ion,N CO., 683 N. W. BANK BLIK1. MAIN 8787. rose city "jiisTRiftt 6 rooms and sleening norch. built-in oonv.. flreplsce, furnace, .pared ata In and paid, full lot, 1 blk. bora car. Price $4500, easy terms. C. A. WAHHLNEK. RITTER, LOWE A CO, 1 201-3-6-7 Board of Trade BMg. iVALNUT PARK SNAP T room house. 3 bedrooms and bath on M floor, fine eement bswmnt. fnrnaee and 2 fire places. 80x100 lot on Rodney ave. - Price $4250, See E. M. Brnen with NEILAN SY FARKHILTs. 219 Liitnbermen blilg., 6th and Stark fs. ; ItAlV TTlOli N rf 8 room eottatre, excellent plumbing, 80100) ! lot., imtst. in and paid. This has 1 1 besring fruit trees,- near a good school. Liberal terms, $1960. Hawthorne Realty Co., 8UtU and Haw thorne, 6 ROOM HOUSE 2T50 On E. Main St.. near E. 24th. 6250 cash. balance $25 monthly. Thia is a bargain. Let US show you E. M. Brown with NKIIvAN ec PAKKHUL, 319 I umlx rmens bldg., fiih and Stark its. NEAR S. P. SHOPS 8 ROOMS 2 etory fine residence. 4 bedrms.. fin bath. Dutch kitchen, lot is 84x125, 10 ft, alley, sa rags, 6 bearing fruit trees, berries; 3 biks. Sell. car, 66400, terms. - GEO. T. MOOUK t:0., 1007 Yeon blilx. FOR SALE by owner, a new, eacer-'iouslly wril- mint 7 room nosMs, on a 1 nils 100 corner t er 00x100; hardwood floors, fireplace and built Ins, eement basement laundry trays, paved aU. and sewer. 649 Mason st 'ROSE CITY PARK Strictly modem 6 room bungalow for sal. close to car and school. Tsbor 234. HOUSE" for sale, "new, tnooSm, first " class. IurIhurst district; a rooms: also, of 6 rooms. Possession Sept 1. U-440, Jour nsL 'ROOM cotUxe with sleeping jiotih. close lo' on paved s-.icet. Ffe cf sli Ut-bt Only $2900. $300 cash. Wilbur F. Jouno, Henry - bklg. -'. --. . t'OR SALE 6 room plastered lioit, gas, baHi", electricity, esrave, street improvements- 'l paid, lot 48x120, it blocks to 4 rnrhn, $0 down, sao a niontn. J. si. pms, t ji Jmmmn at. FOR SALE by owner, 6 room bungalow, gas electricity, Iutch kitchen, full ba-M-ment cor ner 60x100, term. 1166 K, 12th st N. kinds of 1 aring fruit, cemrnt waiss. R89 Tsekum ave. Wooilawn 2187 Price 2S00. iOOxlClO 4 ROOM cot Use 19 bearing f nf t trees and shmnliery. I mi 1-st'i. 4 Hocks from 2 earlinmi, $1500. Tatior H 7 .'. . aTTlOOfts" Siou, all isrg rooms, full ba-"miont. on 100x100 corner, with plnnty fruit aiii berries, $3C00. Woodlawq 4471. ROOf cottage, good location, lsrn lot But $1900. $300 cash. WilbucF. Jouno. Iteurv bldg. 10.000 HOME, esst side; Wlil Mil vu eaey terms. Main 1340.