The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 16, 1919, Page 16, Image 16

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an to Jfight
Creat Americanization Campaign
Half Million Dollars of Victory
Fund Devoted to Cause of
Americans; It Is Announced.
Mrs. Afonzo ; M. Petty Has Been
Placed in Charge of Church's
, Labor in This Part of Country.
An effort is being: made by , the
Northern Baptist convention to blot
out .'the doctrines of Bolshevism
which have grained a email foothold
among the uneducated masses of the
nation, by inaugurating a great
Americanization ; campaign. Five
hundred thousand dollars of the
$6,000,000 recently raised in the Bap
tist Victory campaign, will be de
voted to this purpose.
Extensive work along this line will
be undertaken throughout the logging
camps of the Northwest. Mrs. Alonzo
-M. Petty has been placed in charge
of the work in this area, and is now
busy perfecting plans to successfully
carry it through. Speakers have al
ready been sent into the field, but be
fore the campaign is over it is hoped
to reach every logging camp In the dis
trict, just as the Y. M. C. A. reached
every cantonment (during the war. The
plan includes ' the erection . of libraries,
chapel houses and such other buildings
as may be necessary to carry on an edu
cational campaign. Christianity and
not denomlnationaJism will be the key
note. Following is a dispatch received
from P. W. Ayer of New York, chairman
of the national committee of Northern
Baptist laymen:
New Tork, Aug. 16. An. educational
campaign for - Americanization against
the advocates of Bolshevism Is to be
started by the Baptists just as soon as
the drive for $500,000 to make up the
A 4 AAA AAA A . r -A ,
to.uim.uvu v iciory jiuna, wnicn wui re
sult in John XX Rockefeller contribut
ing an additional $2,000,000, 1s complet
ed, announced here today.
A ' lengthy report on the problem of
dealing with people who are American
born but not American in spirit and
with vun-American aliens has just been
made public by the Baptist Amerlcan
ization committee, of which Dr. C. A.
' Brooks is chairman.
"Realizing ' that most of our aliens
come from countries having, monarchlal
forms of government, where there Is
little opportunity rfor the individual, and
that often there Irs such tremendous re
action against autocracy as to land these
tiMnlff in Bnarrhv. th TlanHsirje rf th
North aim to give these aliens a con-
ception of the difference between liberty
and license, and to teach them that self-
control is necessary to the perpetuity of
our democratic institutions," said Mr.
"We plan to give, protection to for
eigners from exploitation, political, so
cial' and industrial ; accidents in factor-
les and streets ; labor disputes, juvenile
delinquency ; propaganda ; and to give
foreigners a greater interest In the. com
munity and a share in its life.
"The Americanization policy of the
American Baptist 'Home Mission society,
which is to benefit through the present
continued Victory campaign, fellows in
"We urge a conception of Americaniz
ation which will make clear:
."That the objective " is national, unity
for.. world service upon' ths plane of
our highest ideals ;
"That it .is a spiritual and not a me-
l nil k K bnmiub w nuucvcu Lfjr Ilk.
or force ;
"That it Involves mutual responsibili
ties on the part of both native and
Rev. Hugh K. Walker, D. D.
. Lot Angeles, CaL
llttO A. M. !
"A Plain Road and a Bewildered
World" -
, 7:46 P. M. .
"The Rise of Industrial Democracy"
Rev. . T. Allen, Jest Home
From Ferula. Will Hpeak oa
.:- Their Faithful Testimony" Disclosed
mes,aSe from the Bible concerning thi time1 in which we
; live. The eleventh chapter of Revelation made plain.
This lecture has attracted marked attention in other cities..
w. o.
Eleventh Street, Bet. Washington and Alder'
Seats Free
Id ong on oing
Co iHod ern
pastor, slfnspiration
Dr. Byron 3.. Clark;, pastor of the
First United Brethren church, Fifteenth
and East Morrison, getting- Inspiration
from the bid song. " Well. Wife, I've
Been to the Model Church Today," will
take for his topic' Sunday morning "The
Model Church." All within reach of this
church are : invited to hear what Dr.
Clark has to say on this subject. Zn the
evening he will speak on "The Soul's
Anchor." Special music by the .choir.
"Jesus Will Present Tou If." S the
promise with a condition which Rev.
Ira Hawley will discuss at Second' Unit
ed Brethren church. Twenty-seventh and
Sumner streets, Sunday morning. Then
in the evening he will speak on "Guar
anteed Operation."
The congregation of the Third United
Brethren' church, Sixty-seventh street
and Thirty-second avenue, Southeast,
will be given a treat at both mominf
and evening services next Sunday. "The
conference superintendent. Dr. G. K. Mc
Donald, will occupy the pulpit. In the
morning he will hold a communion serv
ice. All Christian people who wish to
unite in this observance are welcomed.
Other matters of importance will have
his consideration. -
Rev. C. P. Blanchard, pastor of the
Fourth United Brethren church, , Tre
mont station, will preach Sunday morn
ing on the subject, "A Strange Fire, or
Two Young Men Who .Lost, Opportun
ity." Especially , interesting to young
men. . In the evening Rev. Clark of Day
ton, Ohio, will occupy the pulpit.
. The las': quarterly conference for the
conference year will be held . at Third
United Brethren church, . Sixty-seventh
street and Thirty-second avenue, South
east, Saturday evening, at S o'clock. All
members of the church are urged to be
in attendance. - The quarterly confer
ence ' will be ' reorganized, - delegates
elected to annual conference, and other
.matters ' of importance Svill be consid
ered. Work Moving Along
Very Satisfactorily
The work at the East Side Baptist
church is reported to be moving along
nicely,, regardless of the heat or the
vacaton period. Last Sunday's activ
ities are reported as being "full of en
thusiasm and vigor." Dr. W- B. HInson
will preach Sunday morning and even
ing, and the Sunday school and Young
People's society will meet as usual.
The church is undertaking the weekly
Issue of Dr. Hinson's sermons" in tract
form. They are to be printed in uni
form style, so that they may be bound
In volumes.
Rev.. Mr. Hall Goes
To Puget Sound
The Rev. G.' It. Hall of McMlnnvllle,
who for many years had charge of the
gospel boat, "Lifeline," at Coos Bay, has
been placed In charge of the gospel
boat on Puget Sound, and has left Ore
gon to take up that work. Mr. .Hall
has been taking a rest recently, as he
suffered a physical breakdown. The
gospel boat stops at the various islands
and small settlements along Puget
Sound and holds meeting in many places
not reached by regular ministers. Many
services are conducted unannounced.
Vo Speak at Hiffhland
Mrs. E. S. Bollinger of Valdez, Alaska,
will speak at. the Highland Congrega
tional church, Pvescott street' and East
Sixth, on Sunday morning. The sub
ject of the address will be "The Joy of
Service." Mrs. Bollinger is the , wife
of a well known pastor, who is now su
perintending the work in Alaska.
Open During Week
Atkinson Memorial Congregational
church remains open during the week,
through August; where the pastor. Rev.
Elbert E. Flint, may be found. Sunday
services are discontinued on account of
remodeling the building. .The church
will resume regular services the first
of September.
Bible Students y
No Collection:
... n
Rev. Mr. Griffis Will Explain
Power of Christianity and Also
Take Up; Foolish Fads.
The sermon f the Rev. Harold
H. Griffis at ' the First Christian
church on Sunday morning- will be
a study of the symbolism found in
the teaching1 of Jesus, with an ex
planation of the power of Christian
ity to satisfy the spiritual wants of
men. ' l
At the evening, preaching service the
Rev. Mr. Griffis will discuss certain
modern handicaps to the efficiency: of
the church in the forms of unprofitable
controversies. ; personal disputes.' foolish
fads and worthless amusements.
Mrs. 3. F. Faust; and Mrs., C, O.
Kurt2. delegates from the First Chris
tian church to the missionary conference
at Sea. beck. Wash., during- : the first
week In August.1 have returned t with
enthusiastic praise for the Seabeck
meeting- and will make reports of their
observations : and . experienees -4o . the
Bible school on Sunday morning.
Popular Chaplain
To Preach Sunday
The minister at the Piedmont Presby
terian church Sabbath will be Rev. W.
E. Shirey, who has Just returned from
overseas. Mr. Srttrey resigned his pas
torate in Chicago to answer the call of
the V M. C, A. for religious wofk among
the men in France. As a preacher to
men he made for himself an enviabla
reputation, so endearing himself to the
officers and metK of the battalion to
which he was assigned that the staff
made written request to Y. headquarters
for the release of Mr. Shirey from fur
ther overseas service that he might ac
company them on their homeward voy
age. T
League to Be Discussed
The comparative values of the League
of Rations and the Intereharch World
Movement in the building of democracy
will be discussed on Sunday morning
at the Pilgrim Congregational church
by the pastor, Rev. Robert Murray
Pratt. The subject announced is "The
New Patriotism.",
Pictures to Be Shown
Stereopticon pictures on the parables
of Christ will be shown to the Fourth
Presbyterian Sunday school oa Sunday
morning. The pastor. Rev. Monroe G.
Everett, will preach morning and eve
Ninth Sunday After Trinity
Uniform Sunday School ' Lessons
"Christian Miwkmi." -Acta 1:8: 14:8-20.
Golden Text: "Go J into all ths worM and
pretch the gospel to the whole cmuon." Marx
Young People's Topics
Pptint Union "How Do Men Sell Their
Heritae?" Gen. 23:17-34.
Christian KmleaTor "How Do tnen. Sell Their
Epworth. League "Our Relation Toward Oth
ers Toward Parents and Others in the Home."
Ex. 20:12; Epb, 6:1-9.
First Whit Tertnle. 1 2th and Taylor IteY.
William A. Waldo. Preaching by Rer. J. WhH
eomb Brougher, D. D., and Rer. RumeU Broneh
er. 11. "Oreraeaa and Orer the Top"; 8, "Man
or Super Man Are French and German Men
and Women Superior to Americana? '
Eat Side E. 20th and Salmon Rev. W.
B. Hinson. Rer. H. T. -Cah. associate. 11,
"God at Hi Best"; 8. "The Bible."
Third Vancouver and Knott ReT. WHfj
J. BeaTen. 11. "The Influence of the Vn
ieen"; 7:30. "Chooeing the Bert."
Arleta Rer. Owen T. Day. 11, 8.
Calrary E. 8th and Grant Re. 3. E.
Thomas. 11, 8.
Glencoe E. 45th "and Main Re. T. C.
la&lette. 11, "The Paradox of Experience";
7:45, "A Changeleaa Chriet in This Changing
Sell wood Bethany Re. T. 3. Broomfield.
11. 7:30.
Grace E. 76th and A'h. Re. Fred Bttt.
acting pastor. 11, "The Chrixtian'a Sin Against
the Holy Spirit"; 8, "Examination of Our Ab
atract Title, or How May I Know That I Am
Unireraity Park Kbt. B. Lawrence Black.
11. 8.
Swedish ISO, and Hoyt-i-Rt. T. G. Sjolar
Art 10:80. 7:80.
St Johns Rer. Edgar Barton. 11, T:SO.
Highland E. 6th and Alberta Dr. T.
MUllken. 11, 'God tv Human Gods"j 8, "The
Beginning of Rerelation."
St Peters LenU Rer. P. j Beutgea. 8.
10:80. 7:30.
Pro Cathedral lBth and Dark Rer. E. V.
O'Hara. 6, 7:15, 8:30. 8:45. 11, 7:45.
St Lawrence 3d and Sherman Rer. J. C
Hughes. , 8:30. 10:30, 7:30.
St. Francis E. 12th and Pine Rey. J. H.
Blackv- 8. 8. 8, 10:30. 7:80. .
Immaculate Heart nf Mary Williams and
Stanton ReT. W. A. Daly. 6. 8, B. 11 7:80.
. Holy Rosary E. Sd and Clackamas Bey. E.
8. Olson. 6, 7, 8. 9. 11, T:30.
St. Rose E. 53d and ''Alameda Rey. 3.
O'FarrelL- 8. 10:30, 4.
St Andrews E. 8th and Alberta Rey. 3.
Kiernan. 8. 10:30. 7:80.
The Madeleine E. 24th and Siskiyou Rey.
George F. Thompson. " 7:30.-9. 11.
-'Ascension E. 7Cth and Tamhill Franciscan
Fathers. 8. 10:30, TtSo.
Blessed Sacrament Maryland and BlandenaV
ReT. F. W. Black. 8, 10:80. 7:80.
Holy Cross 774 Bowdoin Rey. O. Raymond.
8, 10:30, 7:80. . . . ,
St Ignarin 3220 43d st S. E. Jesuit
Fathers. 6:30, 8., 10:30. 4.
St Stephens E. 4 2d and Taylor Rey. War
ren A. Wsitt 6, 8 .30.10:30.7:30.
Holy Redeemer Portland blyd. and Vancoo
Ter aye. Rev. William J. Derin. 8, 8.-10:30,
730 - . . f. . ' .
St Phillip Neri ' (Paulist Fathers) B. lth
and Hk-kory Rey. W. 3. Cartwright - T:30.
S, 10:30. 7:80. t , j
St Clements 8. Smith aye." and Newton
Serbite Fathers. 6, 8. 10:30, 7:30."
8 acred Heart E. 11th and Center Rey. G.
Bob. 8. 10 :30. 7 30.
St Agatha E. 1 8th and Miller Rey. J.
Cemmlmky. ' 8, 10:30. 7:30.;
St,' Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland and Fall
ing Rey. F. Matthew. 8, 10:30, 7:80.
- St Joseph (German) 15th and Couch
ReT. B. Durrer. 8. 10:30. 7:80. . , i."
St Michael (Italian) 1th and Mill ReT.
M. Balertra, 8:80. 10:80. 7:80.
St Clares Capitol Hill Father Capistraa.
O. F M. ; 8. 10:10.
Methodist Episcopal
' " Church .
s-.-' Multnomah Hotel :
This treat Preacher bat wonderful message
oa the subject:
Beat Male Quartette In the Ctty
Short. Pastor::
prominent iHen Wi $e present
e , , h . n vie' m n n
33. m b. m. warn old ainstitute
Several prominent denominational
workers from the northwest will attend
the first annual institute of the Oregon
Baptist , Young' People's union, to ; be
held at ':: the : Gladstone Chautauqua
grounds, 'August 80 to September- 1
Among the visitors will be the Rev. T.
H. Hagen, director of young 'people's
and Sunday school activities in Wash
ington ; the Rev. W. Earle Smith of
Los Angeles, general Pacific coast di
rector of young people's work : Dr. Wi
B. Ilinson, pastor of the East Side Bap
tist church; lr.-George Holt of Salem,
the Rev. G. L. Hall of McMinnvule,
Dr. O. C. Wright and . Dr. Alonzo M.
Petty of Baptist headquarters Office.
'The institute will be in , charge of
Harley K. Hallgren, ' state president,
who has notified every union in , the
state of the first summer conference. -One
thousand people 7 are expected
Miss Prendergast to Speak in In
terest of Campiagn to Raise
Funds for Their Care.
Miss Janet Pendergast, field work
er for the Pacific Coast Rescue and
Protective society, will speak Sunday
in Brentwood Nazarene and in Glen
coe Baptist churches, in the interest
of the campaign for funds for a nw
nursery Tor nameless, homeless and
abandoned babies. .
Other churches that, have invited
Miss Pendergast to speak are : Grestiam
Methodist Episcopal. August 24; Uni
versity Park Methodist Episcopal, Rev.
J. T. Abbett ; University Park Congrega
tion, Rev. C. H. Johnson; September 7,
Church of the Stranger, Rey. Earl Da
Bois and the Sunnyside Methodist, Epis
copal ; September 14. University " Park
Baptist, Rev. A. L. Black and Septem
ber 21. First Methodist Episcopal. Dr.
J. Stansfield wants Miss Pendergast to
speak in the morning and at the young
people's meeting. ,
The call has been sent to all the min
isters of the state asking them to sej
aside one Sunday in September for the
sake of "God's little ones. the babies
that come under the care of the Pacific
Coast ! Rescue and Protective society.
AH denominations are respondinggener
ously. Bishop W. T. Sumner of the dio
cese of Oregon, whose church is making
& drive for a memorial fund, is willing
to help this most constructive cause j
St. Charles E. 33d and Alberta Rer. 3
Pi O'Flynn. 8. 10:30.
All Saints E. 30th and Gliaaa Bey. Father
Wlllium Cronin. -8. 10:30. -
St Patricks 10th and SaTier i-Ber. Charles
M. amuh. Masses 6:80, 8. 9:15, 10:80. 7:45
- - Christian , . .
First Park and Columbia Bey. Harold H.
Griffis. 11, "The Spiritual Pilgrimage of
Jess':: 7:45. "A Remedy for ReUeious Follies
East Side E. 12th and -Taylor ReT. R. H.
Sawyer. 11.8.
Rodney Ayemte Rodney and Knott II. 8.
MontaTilla E. 76th and Glisan ReT. Her
bert K. Ryder. 11 7:80.
Woodlawn E. 7 th and Liberty Rer. Joseph
u, oya. ii, .
Vernon E. 15th "and Wygant ReT. B
Tibbs Maxey. 11. 7:30.
" Christian Selene
. Lesson subiect: "Sonl " .
First 19th and Ererett (Serrleea tempor
arily held ia Scottish Rite Cathedral., 16th and
juornnoQ. y ii.
Second E. 6 th and Holladay. 11, 8.
Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11.
Fourth VancouTer are. and Emerson. 11.
Fifth 62d and 42d ae. S. K. 11.
Sixth Masonic Temple, 368 Tamhill. 11, 8.
-, oeTentn HolDronk block, St. Johns. 11.
All churches Wednesday, 8 p. m.
First Park and Madison. Preaching by -Bey.
Byron H. Stauffer of Winnipeg. Canada. 11,
"Highest Compliment Ever paid a Man"; 7:45,
"The Man wm Came Back. ' -. '
Sunnyside K. 32d and Taylor -ReT. J. J.
SUub. 11. "The Witness of the Holy Spirit";
no erening eerrioe.
Atkinson Memorial E. 29th and Ererett
Rer. E. E. Flint Serricee dtscontinueS during
Highland E. 6 th and Prescott ReT. Edward
Con-ttct 11, "The Joy of Serrice," by Mrs.
E. 8. Bollinger of Valdez, Alaska.
WaTerley Heights E. 33d and Woodward
Rer. Oliver P. Arery. 11, address by Charles
E. Lenon.
Laurel wood 45 th Te. and 65th at B. E.
Mrs. Ahee M. Handsaker. 11.
Pilgrim Missouri and Sharer. Bey. Robert
Murray Pratt 11, "The New Patriotism."
Finnish Mission 107 Skidmore Eer. Sam
uel Nerala. 6. 7 :80. -
ITniyerdty Park "Hayes and Lombard -Rer.
C. II. Johnston. .
St Johns 8. Iyanhoo and Richmond Roy.
3. T. Merrill. 11, 7:30.-
Danisb-Norwegian E. 23d and ' Sumner
ReT. Ole Torgessen. 11. 7:80.
First German E. 7th and Stanton ReT.
George Zocher. 11, 7:30.
Second German E. 8th and Skidmore Bey.
Henry HsTelganz. 11. 7:30.
Zlon German E. 9th. and Fremont ReT.
3. H. Hopp. 11. 7 J0
' Park rose ReT, P. D. Holfman. 11. T:80.
Swedish Tabernacle N. 17 th. and Glisan
Rer. G. J. Ledin. 11.
" ' Dunkard ',
1 Church of ' the Brethren Borthwfek "and
Brainard Bey. George C. CsrL 11, 8.
Episcopal ?- ' '
Pro-Cathedral "of St Stephen the Martyr
13th and Clay -Rt ReT. W. T. Sumner, bishop.
Tery Itey. i T. T. Hicks; dean. 11, sermon by
Dean Hicks, "Old Theology and the Mew Re
ligion." . , ;
Trinity 19th and Everett Bay. A. A. Mor
riaon. 11, 8. v .-.
St : Darid E. 12th and Belmont ReT.
Thomas Jenkins, rector. , 7:80. 9:SO, 11, 8.
St Marks 21 and Marshall ReT. 3. G.
Hatton. 7:80, 9:45, 11. 8. .
St Andrews Hereford at,' Portsmouth
Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 9, 11, 7:30.
Grace Memorial E. 17th and Weidlor -Rer.
Oswald W. Taylor. 8, 11.' ,
: Good Shepherd Vancouver J and Graham .
Rer. John Dawson, 11, 8.
St Michaels en All Angela E. 48d and
Broadway Rev. T. F. Bowen, Ticar. . 8,'10,
11, 8. - -
Church of Our Savior 60th ave. and 41st
st 8. E. Rev. E. H. Clark, vicar.; 7:30, 11.
Bishop ' Morris Memorial Good Samaritan
hospital Rev. Frederick K. Howard. 7. 9:80.
St Paula W oodmera Ue v. Oswald W, Tay
lor. 4.
AH Saints 23 th and Savier Rev. Frederick
K. Howard. 10. 11. ,. . -
- St Johns Memorial E. 15th and Harney,
Sellwood. Rev. H. Clark in charge. 11. 7tS0.
St Matthews Corbett - and Bancroft Ht.
W. A.'M. Brock, Ticar. 10. 1L.
Ktmnflafleal '.
" First E. 6th and Market ReT. E. D. Horn
achuch. 11. 7:30.
Carson Heights 9th and Hum Rev. F. M.
liaher. 100. 11:80. . - j -
Clay ,. Street 10th- and Clay -IUv. 'Jacob
Stocker. 10:43, "What Our Age May Leans of
Lydia. the First Christian of Europe" (Gorman)
3, service at Altenheim; 8. "Confessing Christ'1
lEng&m). . - - . -
-. - Fro MoUMdist. .
" Central X. 53 th and Flanders ReT. E. L
Harrington. 11, 7:30. x '
First E. Ux and Mill Rev. S. H. Upton.
11. 7:30. - ,. .
- Alberta E. 30th and' Wygant Rot. Alex
Beers. 11. 7:30.
St Johns Kast Richmond and Hudson R
EL IX. Biackmac. 11,7:80- ' '
Sunday : afternoon, August St, when Dr.
Hinson 'will preach. . The Rev., Mr.
Smith will conduct . the evening service,
and Dr. Holt the morning service on
Sunday. Conferences will be held on
Monday morning under the direction of
Mr. Hagen and. Mr. Smith. 'The annual
business session will be ; on - Monday
afternoon. . This will be followed by a
recreational ; period. Preceding the
Sunday evening ; service, Mr. Hallgren
has arranged for eight seven minute
talks from leaders throughout the state.
- The. accommodations on the grounds
will Include meals and lodging at about
$1.50 per day. H. E. Cross, who has
given the young people the use of the
grounds, is chairman of the committee
on. camp arrangements. Those desiring
reservations should write him at Glad
stone. j '. .
the caring for the babies of Oregon who
are in need of care. "I will not only
work, but will give to the fund," the
bishop, said. Dr. W. W. Youngson. dis
trict superintendent of the Methodist
churches, said : "Tell me what you want
and with God's help TU do it. The
babies must be housed and cared for."
Others have voiced the same senti
ment. : ' "At Amity . last : Sunday the
churches, held a union service and Mrs.
Adah Wallace Unruh spoke, and as a
suit many pledged money and support.
deception Will Be
Given to Veterans
In honor of all returned war' service
men of the Albina section of the city,
the Forbes Presbyterian church will Jriye
a reception at the church on Fr&ay,
August 22. This is inclusive of all men
who Vere in; any kind of war service,
whether they j are members of the church
or not. The Special guest of honor will
be Dr. C. D. BoDine. who has Just re
turned from ; overseas service - with the
medical corps, r Sunday morning and
evenng the pastor, the Rev. Ward Wil
lis Long, will preach.
Canadian Pastor to
Preach Here Sunday
Rev. Byron H. Stauffer, D., p., of Win
nipeg. Canada, will occupy the pulpit
of the First Congregational church. Park
and Madison streets, for .the next three
Sundays. Dr. Stauffer is one , of the
great men of the denomination. He is
a profound thinker, convincing speaker
and has a pleasant personality. He will
speak in the morning at 11 a. m. on the
subject, "Highest Compliment Ever Paid
a Man," and in the evening at 7 :45, "The
Man Who Came Back" The young peo
ple; will meet at 6 :30 in the Amicitiae
Christian Endeavor.
Lents Rev., S. H. Uoton. acting castor. 2:30.
first E. 85th and Main Rev.
Cox. 11, 7:45.
!' ' Jewish
Homer L.
Congregatioa Beth Israel 12th and Main-
Rabbi Jonah B. Wis. Reform synagogue.
Services. Fridav 8 n. m.. Satnrdav 10:80 a. tn
Conaregationi Aha via-Sholem Park and Clay
in. itaoDi n. ..Aoranamaon, jmoay, 8 p.
Saturday. 9:80? a. m. -
. Congregation Nevah Zedeck Talmud Tova
6th and Hall- Rev. Abraham -L Roaeneranta.
Friday. 8 p. m.; Saturday, 9 a. m. ; Sunday, 10
a. m., reugioua school.
) Lattar Dm Saints
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
-Xi, join ana uaaison: lieoer j. iverson.
musion presiaent; -iv, 7:bo.
' i - Lutheran
St James W. Park and Jefferson Rev,
Win. E. Brinkmaa. 11. 7:80.
St Pauls E. 12th and Clinton Rev. A.
Krausa. 9:30, 10:30.
Our Savior E. lOth and Grant Rev. M. A.
Christensen. 11 (Norwegian), "The Unjust
.Trinity Williams and Graham (Missouri
synod) Kev. j. A. Itlmbacn. b:io. ao:l0
(German) . no evenina service.
Bethlehem Norwegian 14th and Davis Rev.
Wllnelm. I'ettersen. 11. 8. .
Grace English Mason and Albina. ReT. C.
II. Hern hard. 9:45. 11.
Bethel Norwegian (Free ( Wygant and Rod
Bethany Danish Evangelical TJnioo gad Mor
ns Rer. I P. Kioller. 11. 8
St Johns Peninsula and Kilpa trick ReT. L.
Lttdwic. 10:45. 7:80.
Swedish Augustana Stanton and Rodney
Kev. V. . Ogren, 10:45. 7:45. -
laumanuel 19th and Irving Rer. A. T. An
derson. 11. 8. - - -
Trinity (Norwegian) LoTely and Fortune
ttev. b. a. stensetn. 10:30.
Mthdlst Episcopal
Centenary E. 9th and Pine Rev. J. C.
Rollins. 11, preaching by Dr. W. W. Youngson;
8, preaching by Dr. H.' W. Lewis.
Central Vancouver and Fargo Rer. A. R.
Maclean. II. 8.
f Clinton Kelly E. 40th tod Powell Be?.
John Parsona. 11. 7:30.
'Epworth 26th and Savier Rer. J. Stanford
Moore.- 11. S.
- First 1 2 th and Taylor Rer. Joshua Stana
fiekL 10:30, "Making Our Religion Touch the
Ground,! by Rev, Walter Leo Airheart; 8. "The
Kinedom nf HeaTen
' First Norwegian , Danish 18th ' and Hoyt
Kev. Kins uorotng. ii. o.
Garden Home Est. A. B. Calder. 10:30,
7: a. .--
Laurelwood E. 63d and Foster. Rer. A. C
Breckenbury. 11, 7:30.
Lenta Lucien R. Jones. 11. 7:30.
Lincoln E. 6 2d and Lincoln. ReT. F. A.
Ginn. 11. . . I -.
1 MontaTilla . 80th and Fin Bet. Hiram
Gould. 11. 8.
Mt Tabor E. 6 lit and Stark. Bey. E. Olin
Eldridge. 11. 8.
Rose City Park ReT. D. Lester Fields, 11,
7:30. "
t Sellwood Rev. W. 8. Gordon. 11, 7:80.
' Sunnyside E. 8 5th and Tamhill ReT. W.
FJ Ineson. -Il.i7:45. .
' St Johns W. Leavitt and Syracuse Rer. 3,
H. Irvine.' 11. 8.
Sweuish Beech and Borthwick Rev. Abel
Eklund. 11 8. . f -
University Park Fiske and Lombard Bey.
J. T. Albert 11. 8.
' Vancouver Avenu Norwegian Danish Skid
mot - and Vancouver. : Re. , C. . J. . Bynning.
11, s. -;
a Westmoreland Rer. F. A. Ginn. 8.
- Wiibur Multnomah hotel Rev. Francia Bur
gette Short 10 :30.
Woodstock E. 44 th and ' Woodstock Rev.
L. Cj Poor. . ft. .
- Woodlawn K. 10th and Highland Rer.
Kloster. - 11. 7:46.
District superintendent. Rer. WDliam Wallace
Toungsoo, D. D.. 691 E. 6 2d at M. Tabor 2790.
M. E. South
, First Union and Multnomah -Rer. James T.
Freaeh.. 11. "The Gospel Evangel"; 8, "Tb
Finished GospeL"
, Naxaranw
Fhstt E. JOth 'and Weidhtr Rt. C ' Bow
ard Daria II, 7:30. ,
Sellwood E. 9th and pokiin ReT. Weaver
W.. He.. 11. 7:36.
Brentwood 65 th aTe. and 67th at Be.
Ct". Fowler. 11. 7:80. . '
Uighiand Park E. 14 th. and Xlllingiworth
Rev. W. P. Keebeugh, 11, S.
Scandinavian Rer. J, C. .Brtagedahl. . ll,
f ' Presbyterian
- First 12 th and Alder. Prruhin, h. Tlev
Hugh K. , Walker of - Lo Angeles. 10:80. "A
Htm Road and a Bewildered World": 7:30.
The Rise of Industrial Urmrnri na titm rtlul.
lengexto the Cbnreh,"
Westminster East 17th and li4tnv1ei Km.
Edward H. Fence.' 10:80.
Central E. ISth and Pin. Ha Ort.nrfa It
Pershrng. 10:30, aennoa by ' Rev. I Myron
Booaer of Medford. r .
Caivarv lLtii and n.v as,.-. 1
Meyer. lO-.SO ,-.-
Mt Tabor E. &5tlt iml 1t1: r. TVm.A
MacHenry, 11.- L . - - -.
M uch . Larger N umber Than Was
Expected Are in Daily At
tendance at Sessions.
''The Daily Vacation Bible school
is a greater success than I really ex
pected," said Harold F. Humbert,
general secretary of Sunday school
work in '. Oregon, who has assumed
the principalship of the schdoL Mr,
Humbert thought the school - would
be "grand" if they could secure a
registration of 60,. but to his surprise
84 enrolled the" first day. On Thurs
day the' enrollment was 147, with
120 in 'attendance.
This is the first vacation Bible school
tried in the state. So successful has
been Its operation, , and so urgent-have
been -the calls for similar schools from
various parts of the state, that Mr.
Humbert proposes to organize schools
next . summer all over the state. Sev
eral are to be conducted in Portland.
The school opened last Monday and.
will close thjs coming Friday. It is
being conducted in the St. Johns Evan
gelical church, five churches in that
neighborhood cooperating. The attendance--
by denominations Is very evenly
divided. Mr. Humbert said. Friday eve
tng commencement exercises will be
held in the Evangelical ' church. Spe
cial music will be given, the remainder
of the program consisting of demonstra
tions by the pupils of their work,
Monday, Wednesday and Friday, when
the school meets in assembly, are con
sidered the best days for visitors. On
Tuesdays and Thursdays the classes
meet in regular session for expressional
work and dramatization of Bible stories.
On Wednesday afternoo the school
will hold their picnic at Columbia park.
Friday afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock an
exhibit of hand work will be held. '
The sessions are from 9 a. m. until
noon. One of the features of the chapel
service is - the salute to the American
and Christian flags. The Christian flag
salute is : "I pledge allegiance to my
flag, and to the Savior for whose king
dom it stands ; one brotherhood uniting
all mankind in service and love."
Ijgl . '.
Mr. BlacDonald to4 Preach
The p'uHpit of the Church of , Our
Father. Broadway and Yamhill, will be
occupied at 11 a. m.. Sunday, by Rev.
Howard A. MacDonald. The Sunday
school and evening forum are inter
mitted. The reading room, 346 Yamhill
west, is open afternoons' after 1 o'clock.
8. H. Green mampt tor cash. Hoi
man Fuel Co.. Main 853, A-3353. Block
wood, short slab wood. . Rock Springs
and Utah coal ; sawdust Adv.
Vernon tth and Wygant Rot. J. R. Lands
boroueli. 11, 7:30.
Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett Ry, A.
Hutchinson. Preacsiing by Rev. W. E. Shirey.
11, "Thruosh Shady Lanes With th First Gen
tleman of the Ages." 8.
Fourth First and Gibbs. Rev! Monroe G.
G. Everett 10:30. "God s Highway"; 8. "Dav
id's Definition of God."
Kenilworth E. 84th and Gladstone Be.
rm rj. nacacn. II.
Hope E. 78th and Everett 11, T:80.
Rosa City Dr. Robert II. Million. 11, ad
ores by E. T. Allen. 8.
Forbes Graham and Ganlenbehv Rev. Ward
vvuua lmg. ii, "An Emergency Ministry"; 8.
'The Challenge of the Present World Status."
Trinity Virginia and Nebraska ReT. Theo-
uore f. omnn. 11, 8.
I Ant bel 11, 8.
; MiUard Avenue ReT. W. Leo Gray. 11. 8
Marshall Street 17th and Marshall Bey. A.
. ninni. ii, T. ....... .
: MiJtpah K. lth and Division. 11.
Seventh Dasr Arfvantlxt
Note Regular serrice of this denomination
re iieia on oaturuay,
i Central-E. 11th and Everett L. K. Dick
son. Dae tor. 10. 11:15.
1 Tabernacle 6th and Montgomery E. H.
c-mmerson. minxer. 11.
i Montavilla E. 80th and Everett Elder X
A. Gerhart 10. 11. . .
; Lents 94thst and 68th ave. Elder W. D.
Huntington. 10, 11. '
St J ohns Central are. and "tftarleston
ciocr a. s. r oiaenoerg. i o, i j. .
I Albina Skidmore and Mallory Elder iu A.
wejer. Jl v, J. a.
Scandinavian 530 Albert Elder a S. Lee.
10, 11. "
Salvation Army
'' CorPS No. 1 243 Ash t Adjutant Frank
Gcnge. 11, 8:15, 8.
Corp No. 4128 H 1st Adjutant Joseph
a, a, n, -r y .. . .
Swdnborln .
J5'.fw Cbnreh Society 831 Jefferson Bey.
William R. Reece. Services discontinued ' am
til September 14.
. . Church of Our Father Broadway and Tam
hill. per. W. O. Eliot Jr. 11, preaching by
uv. iiowara a. Macuonald.
. United Bmhril J
Conference nperintendent Bey. G. E. Mc
Donald. First E. 15 th and Morrison Rev. Rnm 3
Clark. 11, "Th Model Church"; 8. "Th Soul
Ancnor. -
Second E.i 27th and Sumner Rev. - Ira
Hawley. 11. "Ju Will Present Tou If";
8. "Guaranteed Operation."
Third 67th at and 82d ave. ft E. Rev. E.
O. Shepherd. Preaching by Dg, G. E. Mcbonalal.
It, communion service; 8.
Fourth Tremont . Re. C t. Rlanebanl
11, "A Strange Fire, or Two Young Men -Who
ioei opportunity"; 8, preaching by Rev. Clar
ox uayton. unto. -
St John told constitution) 446 Jeasup
Rev. Walter Reynolds. - 10, 7, 8. -
.5 United Evanoalhsal
First E. 16th and Toplar Bt. 3. A.
Goode. 11, 8. .
Ockley Green Willamette blvd. and Gay
Bev. H. H. Farnham. . 11. 7:80.
.: St Johns Bev. A. P. Layton. 11, 7:45."
United lrbytrian
First E. 37 th and Hawthorne Be. IL V.
Given. 10:30. 7:30. --
Church, of the Stranger Grand and Wasco
Rer. 8. Earl Du Bois. 10:80. "Th Opened
Fountain": 8.' "Th Leader, th Way. and th
.End." -
A.enun izv w an zxgnoaro uey. .uorg
If. Taylor.., 11, 7:45.. . . .
- Mlcllanou
: Christian and Missionary Alliane E. 6th
and Clay Rev. John E. Fee. 11, 8.
Realization League 186 6U Rev. IL Ed
ward Mills. 11, sermon by Ralph Thomas.
Christedelphian 621 E. Washington. 16:80.
' Church of God 3 S3. Failing Harry NeaL
Gospel Hall E. 29th and Stark. -
Men a Resort 4th and Burnsid Ber. Levi
Johnson, superintendent 8.
Divin Science Tilford building Rey. T. M.
Minard, pastor.- - Service discontinued during
August :f-:. -y- - -
Universal Messianic 818 Abingtoa building.
" Pentecostal First and Watbington Rev.
Will C Trotter. 11. 8. 7:30.
Glad . Tiding (Pentecostal Mission) 246 H
1st 2, 8, 7:30' week days except Monday and
Saturday. 8 p. m. -
Pentecostal church E. ' 20th end Ankeny
A. W. Smith. 11. 8. -8.
Tolnnteera of America Mission 2 2 4 Burnsid
Meeting every erening except . Monday at 8
o clock, ana unaay, a p. m.
Calrary Tempi E. . 24th and' Broadway
Rev. Dawson .MacCullough. 10:30. 2:80.
Portland Ecctosia (Christedelphian) 4597
Belmont Gaorg H- Tilling, secretary. 11. '
Peniei Mission 268 1st. 8. 8. Jierrioes
each night at 8. - ... . ' " T , ' , ..
Church of enrut is. Ttn ami tinsan. u.
Spiritual Church ot Eternal Light 1340 Di
vision Rev. May A. Price. ; 8. :
First Spiritualist aw 7 in and Uaasalo xter.
A. Scott Bledsoe,. 8. ' ; ,
Second Spiritualist Aliaky hall Rev.
Max Hoffmaa. 3. 8. . . ; : '
father and )on to
Dr. J. Whitcomb Brousrhor, T: TK, and
his son, the Rev. Russell Broug-her, 'will
occupy the pulpit of the White Temple
Sunday- morning and evening, the regu
lar pastor, rr, William A. Waldo being
on his vacation. Prior to the pastorate
of Dr.'Hinaon, rr. Urougher was the
pastor of the White Temple, being
called from here to the pastorate of the
Temple -Baptist church in Los Angeles.
The morning- subject of the two preach
ers ia "Overseas and .Over the Top,"
The evening- subject is "Man or Super
Man Are French, and German Men and
Women Superior to Americans?"
Eeturned Missionary
TovTell Experiences
' !' ".i.i.J; " 'i -
The Hose City Park Presbyterian
church, corner of East Forty-fifth and
Hancock streets, will have a speaker of
special interest Sunday, at 11 o'clock.
This is Rev K. T. Allen, who has just
returned jfrom Persia, where he has been
engaged In mission work for eight years
and relief work during- the entire period
of ve war. Mr. Allen will speak on hia
experiences during- the war, and'thoso
who have talked with " him say he has a
thrilling story. Mr, Allen is welL known
In Portland, where he used to live, and
many of his old i friends will take this
opportunity of greeting him.
Attorney to Tell
Of His Experiences
At the Waverly Heights Congrega
tional church. East -Thirty-third 1 and
Woodward avenue, Charles E. Lenon, a
Portland attorney, will - speak, , giving
his experiences as a Y. M. C. A. secre
tary in France, where he was in service
for eight months. This meeting will be
at 11 a. m. The Sunday school meets at
9:45 a. m. The public is cordially In
vited to eome and hear Mr. Lenon. r
Chart Will Be Used
To Illustrate Talk
The Sunday - afternoons sermon lec
ture, at- Hope hall, 266H Alder street,
will be -an orthodox exposition of the
last chapter, of the book of Daniel, the
Rev. Walter ; Duff announces. A chart
will be used to explain the talk. Tues
day, evening the Christian Workers "BU
ble class will study the book of Acts.
Arrangements are being completed for
gospel-meetings every night during the
winter season.
Pastor Asks All
Friends to Attend
'A week from Sunday will be the Rev.
James - T. - French's .last Sunday in his
pulpit this conference year, . for the an
nual conference of the Methodist church.
South, opens at Milton on August 27.
Bishop Ii. M. DuBose win presld. ,Dr,
French is -desirous that all his members
attend the services the next two Sun
days, . when he expects to occupy the
pulpit' both morning and evenng- '
Key. Mr Airheart
Will Preach Here
Rev. Walter Lee Airheart of Coupe
ville, Wash., former assistant pastor of
the First Methodist church of this city,
will preach In his former pulpit Sunday
morning. Sunday evening. Dr. Joshua
Stansfield will preach the third sermon
In his Sunday evening series on "What
Christ" Taught."!, Walter j, Stevenson,
baritone, will sing morning and evening.
. Special Music Planned
Special vocal and .instrumental music
will feature the Sunday evening service
at the WHlamlna Methodist church, ac
cording to-aa announcement by the pas
tor; the Rev Alfred Bates. He will
preside and give, the, address.
- - " .' ..... . .
' ' ; Dr. Youngson to ; Preach
Dr. W. W, Youngson, district super
intendent of the Methodist church, will
preach Sunday morning at Centenary
Methodist church. Dr. Karl R. Abbett
will singl Dr. H.' W. Lewis' will have
charge of the evening service.
Rev, Joshua Stansfield, D. D.
PA8T0K. ,
- 10:80 . MKRMOM V
rormar Assistant Pastor at First Onareti.
"Making Our -Religion
Toucfi the Ground"
-' ' 1z:1B P. M.. '
Illustrate Addras en the Lesson.
Third ef 4h 8Hee "What Christ Taught"
f'The Kingdom of Heaven"
. Mr. Walter 3. Stevenson, whose aolo -1
ar ixirawins - large -crowd, will b -'.
th aoloist of th day. Ii will sin:
: iBv Adams) r. ,
(Bx iobnson) -, .
First Congregational Church invites
strangers in the city to hear Dr. Byron
Stauffer, a leader of the Canadian pul
pit His subject at 11 a. m. will be "The
Highest Compliment Ever Paid Jesus,"
and at 8 p. m., "The Man Who Came
- - " ' . ,
Dr. Stauffer is well known as author and lecturer, and for ten yecrs
was pastor of tk famous Bond Street Church, Toronto.
Dr. Hugh K. Walker of Firs
, Presbyterian of Southern Cal
ifornia City to Speak Again.
Evening Topic Will Be on One
of Uppermost Topics of Day
in Minds of Thinking People.
Sunday at the First Presbyterian
church, corner Twelfth and Alder
streets, there will bo two sermons
by Itev. Hugh K. Walker, D. D.,
pastor of the First Presbyterian
church, Los Angeles, Dr. Walker, is
one of the most prominent ministers
of Southern, California and is filling
the pulpit of the local church for
two Sundays; beginning; last Sunday.
The people were delighted .-with him
last Sunday and are looking-, forward
With pleasure to' hearing two, ser
mons from him tomorrow. In the
morning Dr." Walker's ' euoject ' will
be "A Plain Road and. a Bewildered
World.";,:-... .. .".,.' . . . .
In the evening. tat. 7:30 o'clock there
will be an , organ recital, followed by
a sermon by Dr. Walker on "The Rise
of Industrial Democracy and the Chal
lenge to' the Church." In this evening
sermon Dr, Walker will deal with the '
great problems of capital and labor and
the relation of the church to them.
The Sunday school of the First Pres
byterian church will have a" special
feature Sunday In an address on
"Persia" by Rev. 13. T. Allen, who has
been for eight years a missionary in
Persia. Mr. Allen has a thrilling- story
to tell because the territory In which
he was located 'was swept over by the
Turkish army and the Russian army
several times. The missionaries in.
Urumla. the Allen home, were threat
ened with plague and famine and the
sword. Mr. Allen has just returned from
the east. Visitors will be welcome.
Interest Increases
At Grace Baptist
The services at the Grace Baptist
church,. Montavilla, ar bring- kept- up
regularly and the interest is growing.
Prayer meetings are largely attended
and conversions are, reported In nearly
all the services.
-. Rev. Fred Berry of Lincoln, Neb., will
conclude his services with this church
with the last Sunday of August, 'After
a short visit home he will begin his regu- '
lar work as director of evangelism for
West Washington. '
- s
Mr. Boozer to Preach
' At Central .Presbyterian church the
Sunday mornJngt sermon will be" preacnea
by the Rev, L. Myron Boozer, pastor of
the church at Medford. The two Sun
days following Dr. Francis Morgan of
Pendleton will preach. The evening
service is omitted during August.
the modern Isms 1 ot the day, com
pared to the 4 teaching of Scripture
Tomorrow NigHt
(Another Great Bible Prophecy)
Cor. 13th aad West JMorrlios Streets