THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL 20 FRIDAY AUGUST 15, 1913. Portland, or.DGo:; FANCY WRAPPINGS II ARE NOT WANTED IF THEY BOOST PRICES p Portland Housewives Willing to ' Return, to Wartime Bread Rule V . 'r. if Living ,Cost Can Be Cut. deliverywork duplicated Bigelow Says , Prices : Are What -Producer Would Get if He ' Sold Wholesale to Retailers. .' It bread prices must go up. as . Portland bakers insist, are these some of the reasons:. . ' Waste in retail establishments be--- .cause supply exceeds demand? ' Multi-duplication of costly delivery systems? .'').-, p " ' Public's demand for fancy wrap pings? If they are, Portland housewives are willing .to. put a ,4fBt. 'in rising costs by ' advocating the sanie kind 'of bread supply- prevalent;; in wartime. Some, of (hem said so Thursday afternoon at a meeting held in" the public library. They asked other women to help them. ZOXE DEMYERT ; FAVOBED -Wartime handling; of the bread problem didn't put ' housewives to much . .inconvenience," said Mrs. -J. F. Chap- man. chairman. "If costs can be les - sened, we want to see a one delivery system, of bread established, no re " turning "of unused and spoiled loaves, and - a simpler ; method of wrapping. Wrap bread in a sanitary method, yes; but don't tie it up (n ribbon, and em boss the paper. Well carry -our bread from the store Instead of using- dellv- . ery wagon if it means bread stays at - JO cents."- Do Portland consumers help pay for - the 'delivery system that takes bread many miles, awayt The housewives want to. know. - Kvery woman 1 who wants to take a hand in "lowering prices Is Invited to be prenent at meeting at Central library Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Further discussion of H. C. L. is - sought. 1 PRICES . ABE WATCHED Charles A. Bigelow. acting mayor, announced that he has engaged two - men unknown 'to market men, the . market master or anyone else except himself who - will compile a list of market prices .every day, - comparing them with prices offered by cash-and-carry stores. He said he would pub lish the list. ' ' Joel A. Eastman, market master of the public market, concurred in Blge low's explanation of why some market prices were as high as at groceries where much more rent is paid. Regular grocers. .Bigelow and East , man declared. can afford to lower prices on a few "leader" items to - compare favorably with public - market quotations. Loss of profit on these Items is made up on other sales.! Market men Belli only one or two things i In most cases, r they said, and their i prices were enough to give them a fair return and- that's all. ' - BASE 03f WHOLESALE FIGURE "We study the market ' quotations of the dally newspapers." said Bigelow, . "but " many times lately, noticing dls ' agreement In newspaper reports, we have arbitrarily set maximum prices which were less than newspaper - quo tations. " Prices in the market, Bigelow de clared, were made so that the pro- ducer would get as much ai if he Bold i wholesale to retailers.' "Complainants who - object to Jap- - anese and -Chinese selling- in the market , f orgret ; that these same for eigners supplied us through the retail- ers before the markets were estab lished., They didn't come here with the market.", N Salem Airplane Will . Fly for Astorians y Salem, Aug. 15. As soon as repairs now under way are completed, the t locally owned airplane, "Webfoot," will fly to Astoria, where " it will engage in , commercial flying for several . days. - S. H. Green i for cash. Hol- - man Fuel Co.. Main .53, A-3353. Block wood.' short slabwovl. Rock Springs ... and Utah coal, sawdui t. Adv. 2400 Cans Fancy "Preferred Stock" Pork and Beans 15c Regularly 20c ..'-..- ' j. - No. 2 size cans of fancy Pre fer red Stock pork and beans with tomato sauce. Put up to sell forv20c cin. While any of .100 cases remain,: case of 24 cans 3:4 5.- dozen cans $1.75, can I Sc. . ' Meier ft Prank's : Ninth Floor. f: . New Arrivals in i Women's Fall Coats - - : . - ? - . . - .. : . . . - - '" : -i -" ' --';- - f ': r ":: -.i-'i:Uvf : V -. ' -.-"-? . 5 Almost every , day we receive new arrivals in women's coats for Fall and Winter wear. Tomorrow we particularly feature two fine groups of women's coats. At $16.50 -$22.50 ; ; . The coats ai 16.50 are of fine quality .beaver plush in three-quarter length. Belted style, with - large shawl collars and; deep cuffs. ' Fancy figured linings. AH sizes 36 to 46. At $22.50 - fine , nutria plush coats with large seal plush, col lars, and deep cuffs of self ma terial. Made with -belt that can be worn inside or outside. Fancy facquard linings. All sizes 36 to 46. f j : Dolmans $10 In -some instances this price is LESS THAN HALF the original marking. , Gabardine, velours, men's wear serge, homespuns, burella cloth, poplin and tweeds mixtures. Broken sizes. Dresses $8.85 A good selection ' of women's smart silk dresses at this unordi nary price while any remain. Al most every style and color. Nearly all sizes to begin with. t; If I I Women's Silk Waists $3.98 Exactly 100 of these stylish Georgette and crepe de chine waists at this low price. V neck, square, round and collar less models. Beaded, lace trimmed and embroidered waists. All the wanted shades. Muslin wear Only 98c Chemise, gowns, bloomers, petticoats and . camisoles of fine soft finished muslin. Extra spe cial at 98c. Women's -Union Suits 69c Cotton lisle union suits in low neck, sleeveless style with cuff knee. Regular and extra sizes. Women's Summer Vests 35c 3 garments for $1. Women's fine light weight summer vests in Dutch neck, wing-, sleeves style. All sizes. , Women' Good Hose 49c Women's serviceable fiber silk and lisle stockings ,with rein forced heels," toes. All colors. New Fall Millinery Our Lower Price Store Millinery Section is now showing a representative collection of the new and authentic' modes in women's Fall and Winter hats. Tomorrow we feature New Velvet Hats Some of these hats haver Georgette flanges, others are In plain styles. Effectively trim med with feathers, ribbons, flowers, ostrich plumes, chenille, etc. All the desirable col ors. Special 4.49 to $4.9S. . Ready-to-Wear Hats Smart ready-to-wear beaver, hats in sailor, droop and roll brim styles. Turquoise, pink, orchid, brown, navy, taupe and black. Priced $5.98 to J6.98. ; , Children's Tam$ 98c All the wanted, colors, adjustable. With elastic back Great Sale of Boys' Corduroy Suits $8.50 100 of these finely serviceable wide wale corduroy suits in brown. The coats are full back style and have full khaki linings. The pants have taped. seams. Suits that will give the very utmost in wear, at only' $8.50. Sizes 7 to 16. , Boys' Khaki Pants, Pair at 89c t Heavy khaki twill pants in knickerbqeker style With belt loops and pockets. Less than present wholesale at 89c. ''sizes 6 to 16. Shoes $2.39 n s These are the much wanted "kuffer" shoes that parents like for their children because of unusual wearing qualities, r Plack and brown uppers with sewed leather soles. ! Lace and button styles. Sizes 5 Va to 8. pair 2.39. Sizes 8J4 to 11. Pair $2.79. Sizes i 1 to 2. rair $3.29. . . Boys' School Shoes, Pair $1.95 Boys' Tiger" school shoes with black gunmetal uppers and chrome leather soles. Button and lace styles. Sizes 9 ,to 3j4i; pair 1.95. Sizes 1, to 6, pair $2.45. i Many Good Unadvertised Specials Mler & Frank's: Lower Price Store. Basement Balcony. Tra Qjmijty'Sto' Lecture-Demonstration on Cooking ' by Mrs. Bertha Haffner Ginger will Ibe given in bur Sixth Floor Auditorium tomorrow, 2 P.M. r The public is invited to this interesting .series of domestic science v lecture demonstrations. " j . . . r "rri'"ir Meier & Frank's: Sixth Floor. Or POKTLAKO J .Jim QjiAxmr Sto .-Now. Open lOurNew t Sheet Music' SHop This new department is already strongly established at the end of its first week. It features a great selection of popular -hits at t Sc. Others In wide variety at 3oc. 35c and 40C -- , ... . . ' ' Meier A Frank'e : Baement Balcony. Tomorrow Throughout the Store as Suggested by Patrons -We Bring FrshReiiifpe The keynote of thesie sales is: Giving, the people merchandise they ' want at prices they wish to pay. . TONT FORGET the films for over Sunday. We have fresh stocks of the genuine EasU man kind. Pictures should be brought to us for best results in developing and printing. Kodak Shop, Main Floor. V ' . A Sale of Tub Silk Waists $2.98 Until now they have been 'special" at 3.85. They are genuinely useful members of society, equally pleasant companions for household . tasks, shopping trips or picnics. , ' - i Attractive combinations of white silk with black, 'sapphire, garnet and other colored stripes. Just about enough for one day's sale unless every customer wants two. or three apiece. Sizes 36 to 44. Meier & Frank's : Waist Shop, Fourth Floor. Youn Dresses gsters Specially Priced Suitable for School 3.98 to 12 for dresses that until recently were 4.95 to 21. Imagine, Mrs, Mother, saving 9 on one dress! Mostly chambray and ging ham. Some of linen finished cotton. Plenty ' ' of charming shades of . pink, . rose, blue and green, also serviceable combina tions. . hmany are nana-stucnea or and-smocked . and quite a num ber are braided or have leather belts, . . : Sizes 6 to 14 years in the lot, although not in each style. Coats for Girls $12 to $45 Plush coatees made like those of fur are effective at 35. Short dolmans. of furry plush are 32. Cheviot zibeline coats ire warm and substantial at 25. Silvertone cheviot, gray , chin chilla, corduroy and rich striped velours are all included in this cozy wintry family. Sizes 6 to 15 vears. - -Meier & Frank's : Oirls' Shop, Second Floor. (Mail orders Filled.) In Our Toilet Goods Shop We have just received a. new and complete line of the well known Mary Scott Rowland toilet preparations: Rit Dye Flakes. 3 for 25c, pkg. 10c. . Magic Dye Flakes. 3 for 25c, pkg. 10c. Java Rice Powder, all shades, 45c. x La Blache Powder, all shades, 49c. Pompeian Bloom, all shades, 50c, - Pompeian Massage Cream, 93c, 75c. 48c. Pompeian Night Cream, 75c. Pebeco Tooth Paste. 45 c. Pepsodent Tooth Paste. 5 Oc. Laco Castile Soap, 3" for 65 c, cake 25c. Woodbury's Facial "Soap. 3 for 65c. cake 23c. ', , Cuticura Soap. '3 for 6.5c, cake 23c. . Packers Tar Soap. 3 for 65c, cake 23c. EXTRA! 4 Cakes Ivory Soap 25c -None sent C. O. D. Delivered only with other purchases, jn, the Toilet Goods" Shop. Limit 4 cakes to customer. . ' . Meier &. Frank's : Toilet Goods Shop, Main Floor. 66 Cool, Comfortable land Convenient Lady Sealpax" Underwear In Athletic Style "Lady Sealpax" athletic underwear for. women is cut on figure conform ing lines women will ? admire "them selves in it. Finished with cool, open athletic armholes, yielding elastic back-bands, wide, cool convenient athletic drawers. 'Made with special patented ventilated waist-band which gives f coolness wherS most desired. Each garment is packed in a dust-proof- sanitary container. Made in different materials as; follows: At 1.50 fancy - striped dimity top with plain muslin body. Regular and bodice top styles Flesh and white. Sizes 34 to 44. 1 At 2 -fancy striped and crossbar madras top wtih plain : muslin body. Regular and bodice top styles. Flesh and white. Sizes 34 to 44. ffAt 2.50 plain nainsook top and body. Regular and bodice top styles. Sizes 3 4-to 44. At 3 plain silk mull top with fine nainsook body. : Regular and bodice top styles. Flesh and r white. Sizes 3A to 44. At 3.50 plain silk mull top and body. Bodice top style.- Flesh. Sizes 34 to 44. At , 5 dotted silk - mull top and body. Bodice top style. Flesh and white. Sizes 3 4 to 44." -, . - Meier & Frank's s Knit Underwear Shop, Main Floor." '(Maa"6rder FlUed.) SMirts Last Call I " Tomorrow, at 6 P. M. the Curtain Will Ring Down On the Greatest Shirt Disposal Ever Held On This Coast Our Sale of 209000 To make sure that those who come tomorrow will be able to share in the , v ; values ... , ' .;. -::v . ! ' .. We Have Added New, Shirts to fill the: gaps caused by the tremen dous buying of the four days this sale has been in progress. This means that there is still a good 'selection jn each of the sixgroups. - j Good Shirts at $1 This is perhaps the most talked-of group, but the others are equally won derful values if at 'higher prices: At St . 9 5 there are madras - and per cale shirts. At $2.45 silk and satin striped madras shirts. . ,' At $2.85woven madras and Russian cord shirts. - At $3.95 heavy fiber silk shirts. Af OS riitrA clIV -cViIrr'c Last Chance! ' u2. The Sale of Ties : 'Sale Silk Sox r rl ' '-' offers silk ties of superior quality and work manship at a price which only this store's merchandising mastery : makes possible. Half a dozen for $..50. 43c ' Pure thread silk.sox sub-stanJards of a qual ity that sells for more tha,n. double our sale price. Mercerized double toes, soles and high-spliced herls. Good colors. ; ' . Meier & Frank's : The Store for Men. Main Floor. (Mall Orders Filled.) Ready! New "Society Brand" Suits for Fall Men and young men who like to be at the head of the style procession 'will find these new Society Brand clothes just the sort to keep them there., The designers, wartime restrictions removed, have given their genius full play in creating the new models. The result is an individuality and freedom of treatment that cannot but appeal to the man who desires distinction in dress; Materials Are All-Wool Styles range from the most advanced waist-seam and belted models for the young-fellows to smart two and three-button semi English models for men of more conservative taste. .'' Beautiful imported and domestic. fabrics in handsome shades of brown, green, blue, tan. and gray mixtures, plaids, checks and stripes; ' i ' j Tailoring is Society Brand the last word. Sizes to fit men of all proportions. ' j . We have these fine new Society Brand fall suits for so moderate a price as $40. Meier Frank' :-.V X 1 The Store for Men, Third Floor. (Mall Orders Filled.) For Boys The New MEIER & FRANK v Sampeck Suits are also ready in fine array. The house of Sampeck has sent ' us, for. Fall, suits that fittingly uphold the Sampeck reputation for being "Standard of America" in boys' clothes. As in the case of the men's, so in the case of the boys' suits for Fall, the creative genius of the designers js seen at its best. ,The care free spirit of boyhood is caught in them. They accomplish their purposeto give the youthful wearers a well-dressed look in a natural unaffected way, . ' , . Guaranteed for Service, Too Parents find in these suifii the perfect cpmbination of style, quality and service they want for their boys. . ' . ' New models. New patterns. New colors. ' Sizes for boys 7 to 18 years. V; 'i " ' Sdme are priced as low as $15. ' - T . Meier tc. Frank's': Boys Clothing Shop, Third Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) - -; 1) & 1 1 kurrsToiur or ponruM