18 THE OREGON . DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY; - , AUGUST 14, 191S f REAL ESTATE . ' F6b SALE HOISKS J 750 O room, 2 ; atory residence, fireplace, , paneled dining room, Dutch kitchen, fin bath and plumbing, S larg bed - , rooms, cement baaemeni, furnace, laun ".4 - dry trays, 60x100, east front lot. fruit - and berries. 4 blks. Woodstock car, ' near 87th at. Terms. 132505 room bungalow, dbl. constructed, large, airy room, full cement bsse 4 . meat, - 50x100 lot, facing east, paved st, sewer, cloaa in, Hawthorn dist -38505 room bungalow in Waverly Height. bath, imt:h kitchen, buffet paTed U., ewer, only S500 cash. 5280 Beautiful S room .house, sleeping porch, , " ; strictly modem, full . cement basement, v full lot, paved St., sewer, fin garsge. 1 ' located in Hose City Park and only I - $4850 szuuo cash, with terms on balance. 8 room house, cor, lot, paved st., sewer, good ear service, arranged for two 1 . families, on west side, , good buy as an investment. ' Autos always at your service. -GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Mdg. ; Rose City Park Home , 7 room modern home with lots of nice fruit trees; paved st all paid. Price $5000. Lot 60x .- 109; east front; easy terms. Also 6 room mod em bungalow, Belmont add., 50x108 lot. Price $2350; easy terms. - Also ' 0 room modern bungalow, Kastmoreland add. Cine home. Lot 60x100. Price $3500; easy terms. Also 0 room modern bungslow in Montarilla add.; all in fine shape, 50x100 lot Pries $2400; easy terms. The, are all good buys, and we have lots more of good bin. Call and see us. New 'York Land Co., 303-4-5 Block Exchange bldg. ' ?'i""e Mam 7676. $3000 EAST OF PIEDMONT 83600 On 100x100 is a very attractive 5 room bungalow-typ home, with garage, dandy cement . basement, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas. fireplace, paneled dining room with . built-in ' buffet, Imtch kitchen; loads of flowers and n rubbery., abundance 01 fruit ana . berrte; garden already in. tiOO photographs in our cffice of homes for sale. SLK -FRANK L. McQUIRE ' . TO BLT YOUR HOME. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. r ' Office Open Evenings and Sundays. BOSK CITY PARK CAR 0 - ROOMS AND HLEEPI.NO POKCH $5250 ( You will appreciate the real downright value in this splendid home.' Finihed right up to the minute in every respect. Hardwood floors, fire place, furnace, etc. This is o far above the ordinary house at this price that we know you . will consider it a downright bargain. Let us snow you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 2164 Stark t. near 3d. Main 8002, Msln 3516. Branch Office, 60th and Bandy. (Tabor 9586). - GROVELAND PARK 1 5 ROOM BUNGALOW $4000 -i folks, this is a real bargain. You would never expect to buy such a bungalow in so besutiful a restricted 4"r'rt. 'or " Utile money. Hsrd- wood floors, fireplace, ma ive buffet, furnace, c. : full lot; 100 feet from car. Probably Merer again an opportunity like this. r A. G. TEEPE CO. 204 Stark ft near 3d. Main 312. Main 3510. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. 5 room bungalow. 50xl0O; 43d and Haw thorne, 337V H room. 30th and Francis, let" 58x150; $3000. 0 room house. 20 E. Ankeriy, iireplaet- and furnace. These homed ar on paved- street in good condition, snd are worth the price asked. Can be sold on terms. Main 5450. 1011 Yeon. Main 0.H8L'. res. READ THE ABOVE ' HAWTHORN E FIVE BUNGALOW Nice 6 room bungalow, 1 bedroom down, 3 Upstairs, sleeping porch, fireplace, oak floors, bookcases, buffet, cabinet kitchen, laundry trays. . paved st. ; liens all paid : 2 blocks from car, on E. 4 2d. near Hawthorne; price $3600; $650 cash, $25 month. GKUS8I A BENNETT, 1116 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW $4250 ! Located n 42d st, near Sandy. Very large living room, plate glass window, hardwood floors, . fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook. etc Heal value. Liberal terms. Let us - Show you. , A. G. TEEPE CO., S04 Stark st. near 3d. Main 3092, Main 3516. Branch Office. 5th and Sandy. (Tabor 9566). 84000 ROSE CITY PARK LIGHT-ROOM BUNGALOW This is one ol the moat oompleU bungalows V have ever seen. . Large living room. French foors. hardwood floors, 4 room 1 and bath down " ami 4 on upper floor, garage. The price of this Ctegant home in $4 900. on term. May we flow you uxiayr -. ' COE A. McKENNA A- CO. - Slain 4522. 82 4th St.. Board of Trad Rids A Honne for : Clear 50x100 lot on 55th ave. 8. E.. 2 blks lit Scott car, and "knocked down" bouse 14x 40-ft will make 3 good .rooms and bath, all , ready to set up (new) ; chance for mechanic te save rent and own good home cheap; house " wonn me money. S00, Terms. $400 yaau. aiun pe'aoiq Deiore Monday. Tabor 6 94 7. A ,U'ME f our own; let us build it - We furnish essy payment loans like rent W build according to your plans and pocketbock; sketches free; our system saves you money and voids risks. . PORTLAND HOME BUILDING ln ASSOCIATION, INC. 629-530 Henry bide. xi.l Kiaa NEAR BENSON pnr.VTrrmrin . Large, roomy 5 room bungalow, furnace, full bast front lot hard surface sts. in and paid; com pletely furnished for $4500; $1800 cash will Sftauuie. r C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. ( 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. TIN E homo iit Sunnygide! s large, 7 room, . modern home at a big snap, close in; all largo, airy room: and on lot 65x100, full base ri.ent furnace heat and on easv terms. Whn yon see it you will say this is a snap. Price .?uuv. tome eariy and see thi-i snap. V ' NEW YORK LAND CO. P03-4-5 Stock Exrhange Bldg. Main 76 76. WR SALE By owner, modern 6 room bunga oa'dwwxi floors, buffet, white' enamel kitchen, pantry and bath, full basement fur nace and wash trays. Lot 50x100. hard surface streets, with sewer, all improvements raid: 2 blocks of Vernon school. Mr - block from Alberta 'iVA. ai" t N. Thone Woodlawn I 1 94. Terms. - WEST-SIDE ' i Good ' 8 room house, full basement, 1 block Tun L macadam str. in and paid. Price -i . " C. A winniwn RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 301-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. - - a PRICE 81400 CASH 8400 ' $20 per month including Interest. 4 room , house, close in, near car. Clean and comfort enable. Beat paying rent Phone Mr. Delahunty. . aftain 1700. Evenings and Sunday. East 2086. 1 1050 4 ROOM bungalow, bath. gas. electric lights, full basement stationary wash j trays, rooms all good sise; hard surface - street; all improvements paid. Terms. ' J- A. WICKMAN CO. , ' E04 Ry. Excb. Bldg. Main 1094 i. $2100 v - room bungalow. like home: 40x120 lot modern plumbing; electric and gas: 4 blocks to I W. A. WRIGHT! 4 IT Abington blda. f - i , paiiwwood 1355. . Main 5988. Rose City Park Car i , KOUMEO COTTAGE. 50x100 . Price $1100 ; terms. $3tt down and $15 er month. Why pay rentrCnent sidewalks, . Bear car. Phone Tabor 5198 : - - $1400 " .J"9 hon8. and ,uU lot. dose to Russell st, tM'm'"rtrict' Also 3 fcOUM bi same district l$IS0O. Easy terms. -n ', W Ai.VKIUHT- 'inAbJngton bldg. llwood 1855. Xfain . Sellwood Main 5988. CvR SALE S room house with bath, modern : i improvements: in high class section. By owner Abo larm, near Lakeview; 80 acres, -well ws tcred; some timber. Would consider vacant lots frear, K-SS, Journal. BUNNYSIDE district 5 rooms and bath ce . ment basement, wash trays, lights, gas water -stood condition: newly painted; block from rar; improvements in; $2500; good terms. 142 c 45th st. " KIFTY 4 room cottage and sleeping porch, fur rtisbed; 1 block to car.. near Jefferson high and public school; $1000 eash, terms on balance s Call owner. Woodlawn 6204. - XR SALE 2 Jots with 3 rooms and chicken- - house; wood shed; all fenced in; S500 cash and in terms $350. John Raima n. 6810 SotlJ .: at. 8. E.. Lents. CLOSE IN CARFARE GOING UP 67 1 : East Salmon st will fit you. 7 rooms large lot See it Price $3500. East 134 v-. erening-w " - -- t ' - 3BEFORE, buying property or building yon should have it surveyed. Nicholas Bros.. 715 Oregonian bldg. Main 9355. .BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN home. 1 block; cher nea, apples, pesrs. prunes." plnms and berries' 7-roora house; $800Q.. Sellwood 1883. ; 1 ACRE, new modern .3 rooia bungalow; terms cheap. ' Hawthorn . car. , Owner. Marshall FIVE room bouse., lot 60x1 00, bargain; miaht consider Ford or Chevrolet. xour terms. fsU East 1890. EIGHT room bouse, full cement basement wash trays, modern; $3250, $2000 cash. 524 E. KUlmgsworth ave. Wdln. 8649. Englin. TROOM house with furnace. 75x100 lot. " afl paid for. Sea owner, 1143 Clinton. J.OfK CITY PARK Fin 5-roog bungalow, a i- bargain. East 2838. . . iPRETTY "little 4-room bungalow, close InT : $1600. 637 Pittook block. BEAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES t. $ 1 (100 Two room bouse and 0 Iota, each 50x100; terms $300 cash, balance monthly payment. . 2000 live room bouse, lot 50x10; $1000 cash, balance monthly. $8000 Six room modern bungalow ; $500 cash, balance monthly payment. $2100 Nine room house. 2 stories and baso-,- ment needs soma repairs, lot 100X 100 - $2700 New 4 room house am) sleeping porch, lot 50x100, on carlinsv improved street and paid for in fall; will be sold on easy payments. -$C0OO New, modern, up-to-dat residences on . im'Ttned tret, on Broadway; terms $10OO cash, balance monthly. William Q. Beck 21 5 VAILING BLDG. SD AND WASH. $i90 . " $B 900 East of Piedmont On Grand ave., just one block east of Pied mont, is a substantial 5 room home, good ce ment basement, laundry trays, white enamel plumbing, electric light and gas; $200 down. Unusual opportunity. SEK FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BUT YOUR HOME. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. OFFICE OPEN EYENLVQS AND' SUNDAYS. ROSE CITY PARK 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $8930 Look here, folks. You csn't afford to ima up this splendid bay. Just think of being able to buy a strictly modern bungalow in perfect condition, with exceptionally large living room, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast alcove, cement basement, wash aarays, full lot. street and atwer easts, paid. Very lib eral terms. Hurry. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st. near 3d. Main 3092. Main 8516. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. fTabor 9586). The McQUIRE SYSTEM make home buying easy. You can come to this office and see over 000 photographs of homes for sale, arranged in district'; every one lias been appraised; 10 automobiles at your servicer some wonderful bargains. That is why we sold over 100 homes in May. SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington bldg. Main 5156. Main 1068. Ottice Open Evenings and Sundays. FINE BUXGALCW NEAR PIEDMONT Swell, large bungalow 5 rooms downstairs, large attic, room for four more rooms, nice bath, furnace, china closets, laundry trays, full ce ment basement, nice barn for garage; lot G5x 127 H ; no city liens to assume: on Rodney ave.; lot of fruit; near Portland boulevard, adjoining Piedmont; price $4000. $500 cash and $25 per month; vacant, photo at our office. GRUSSI A BENNETT, 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. 5 BOOMS, BLEEPING POttCH. GARAGE SPLENDID VALUE $4750 Located within 100 feet of car. Hardwood floors in every room. Fireplace, bookcases, mas sive buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast alcove, furnace, sleeping porch, sewing room. All on one floor. Lots of class and distinction. 8t essts. included in price. Now let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st. near 3d. Msn 3092. Main 8516. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. WOULD YOU PAY $4 750 for an artistic bungalow? This really beautiful home has hardwood floon in all rooms den. glassed-in sleeping porch, breakfast nook, fire place, every built-in feature imaginable, full hSMtinent, hot-air heating system, garage. . This lovely home will appeal to you- strongly. We mant you 'to see it COE A. McKENNA CO. Ms in 4522: 82 4th St. Board of Tradi Bldg $3000 $800 DOWV WTT.T. RT-V Beautiful 5 room bungalow on 87th, near Stark. Must be sold thi wv h.. iu Dutch kitchen, builtin buffet, etc. This home must be seen to be appreciated. Don't hesitate. Our cars at your service. - BUSINESS SERVICE Main 6797. 317 Henrv bide. 7 ROOM BUNGALOW. 80x100 40u SOUO CASH Modern 7 room bungalow, 5 ''rooms down, 2 up. 80x100 lot. all street imp. in and included in price: bearing fruit trees, close to Richmond car, $500 down, bal. easy. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 6752. 6 ROOM MODERN RI'XP.AIlvv Just east of Laurelhurst good neighborhood, living room with fireolsce. ftOiinn lnt a hnr. ing fruit trees, fine place for chickens, block to car. Price $2400. $300 cash, balance like rem; quick possession. .4UU. THE CROSSLEY-VIGARS CO., 270 Stark st Main 8052 HAWTHORNE CAR HOME lvoxiuo Bearing Fruit. Substantial 8 room home, cement basement large living rooms, all kinds of bearing fruit splendid garden, shade trees and flowers, 1 block to Hawthorne car; price $2750; terms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 6752. $2300 6 ROOM home, with Urge lot. in good condition; bath, gas and electric lights, full basement and wash trays, some fruit, small payment down, balance in straight monthly installments of $20 and interest J. A. WICKMAN CO. , 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1094 TEN DAYS ONLY $500 OR USED AUTO as first payment, balance to suit, lovely 7 room house, with basement, on large corner lot 4 room cottage in rear. See owner. 634 Emer son st. Portland, near E. 17th and Alberta streetcar line, or write E-50. Journal. $202 5 5 ROOM bungalow bath, gas. electric lights, full basement finished and white enameled throughout; convenient to Irvington and Alberta cars; vacant; term. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1004 JUST COMPLETED MODERN BUNGALOW 8 rooms, garage. 1179 E Ankeney, near Laurelhurnt Park. $8500. Phone East 7358. $3150 Buys new modern bungalow, 5 rooms and bath, with attic, full cement base ment wash trays, hardwood floors, fire place, Dutch kitchen, all buiR-ins, $500 cash will handle. Iet us show you, J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1094 FIVE room modern bungalow, fireplace, built-in bookcases and buffet, Dutch kitchen, ele gant complete bath room, large corner lot, garage. $1900. Terms. Owner, 87th st and 48th ave. 3. E. , Tabor 6200, between 7 and 9 p. m. $2500 5 room bungalow, full 50x100 lot. full base ment; modern plumbing; close to st. car line; $500 will handle. W. A., WRIGHT, 417 Abington bldg. Sellwood 1855. Main 508 8 . FURNISHED 3 room cottage, on a business lot, 25x40; price $950: on Alberta st; half down, balance $15 per month. There is a bakery, bar ber shop, meat market and grocery store across the street; would be suitable to build store build ing on. 869 Alberta st $3750 Modem 7 room Hawthorne bungalow; hard wood floors, fireplace, all built-ins. Lot 42x100. A good buy. $1000 will handle. W. A. WRIGHT, 417 Abington bldg. Sellwood 1355. ; Main 6988. WHY NOT BUILD Get M srtistic home by an established archi tectural firm at low cost W build anything; frriijh the money if desired. L. R. Bailey Cw li.e.. contracting architects. 924 N W Bank. NEW WELLBUILT 5 ROOM BUNGALOW. . Old ivory finish, II. W. floors, fireplace, book cases, Dutch ' kitchen, lsrge attic, cement base ment and trays. Lot 50x100: 1 block from car. Terms. Owner. Tabor 6435. 6 ROOM buijgalow. $1750; lot -50x100; house is plastered and has bath and toilet: located at 6730 Whitman ave.. Mt Scott line; $300 cash. Fred W. German to.. Chamber of Com merce. Open evenings and Sundava. 3 ROOM tent bouse, on King's Hta. ; beautiful view of city; lights and water. Call 1059 Santanita Terrace, from 10 to 2. 1 block from ear. $1800 THREE room plastered house, 2 acres. right at Roethe station, Oregon' City ear 12 He commutation, $300 down. Mrs. Wm! Ray Lawrence. . MODERN 5 room bungalow; very classy and cheap; with good terms. Apply 1034 E. Ca rnthers st. after 6 evenings. WESTMORELAND Beautiful 5 Llrie room bun5ilor: 7nr rtistic; $3300; term. Sell wood 27 0 after 4 o'clock. NEW 5 ROOMS $1850 Modern, 'cement basement: best car service $300 cash. Sellwood 2706 after 4 ocl.rk ' 8 JKtE rooms'; corner lot; garage; built-ins-cament basement- bungalow cottage; $8150. terms. Phone East 8779 eveninw lis . t" v ,ot; 6"- $250 cash. a auMnit. mam ozto. a"" K property. cor., furnished. Owner. Bargain. 1157 Williams av. w-J6.00' boUM at Broadway car. l!L?":J?r own":- . modem, 4 room bungalow Phone Main 689. between 9 and 6 $160 CASH 9 rooms, close la; modern; "lik new, $2450. - Main 803.'. V ,T" wh sleeping porch, gaa and """" nice garden. Woodlawn 822B SOU 8ALE4 Five anodem;. $500 down. Tabot 7868. Jewing iNMGb. BEAL ESTATE i FOB SALE HOUSES - 81 ' $4260 PIEDMONT BARGAIN $4200 , $400 DOWN '' ' Unusual opportunity to buy a ft room vrv substantial, - attractive Piedmont home; living? room, with fireplace attractive dining room, kitchenv with, built-in; full cement base ment; furnace and laundry trajra, 3 light, airy bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas; house newly painted gray; t block north of KiUingsworth ; lot is 50x123; garage. 600 photographs of inspected homes- in our of fice for sale.- 10 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BUT TOCB HOME Abington bldg. Main CI 56. Main 1068. Office Open .Evenings and Sundays. MR. WORKING MAN, why not own your homer Here are some bargains tn homes: No. I 5-room house, fruit trees and garden, close to good car service, stores and schools, and only $1500. Some cash, balance monthly payments. No. 2 2 small houses. 50x100 lot, plenty of fruit and flowers, close to good car service, stores and schools, and only $1600. Some cash, balance easy terms. These are east of Laurelhurst. in a good American district, and as close , in' as you can get cheap homes. Sea Miss . Wetsler at J. B. HOLBROOK. 214-215 Panama bldg. $500 CASH New 5 room 'bunealow on KOxInO lot has fireplace, bookcases, buffet, hardwood floors in living and dining room: 1 block from Hawthorne car and hardsarfaced st You will wonder. J. A. HUBBELL 1088 Hawthorne. Tabor 8892. IT'S NEW AND DIFFERENT THIS CLASSY MODERN BUNGALOW IN BEST PART OF ROSE." CITY PARK Double construction, with heavy damn-nroof paper between walls; fireplace; attic: breakfast nook; oak floors; large plate glass windows. The Duiu-ins mil certainly please you. Finished throughout with 4 coats of ivory enamel. Give us the pleasure of showing you this lovely home. Will sell below the present value and give terms. P. F. Pond Realty Co., the ideal home builders. 1230 Sandy. Tabor 3825. Office open Sunday and evenings. BUYS THAT BEATS THEM ALL HAWTHORNE: 6 rooms an4 garage, paved t., fireplace, full concrete basement, furnace. Price $4000. 8UXNYSIDE Close to laurelhurst Park, beautiful corner, with paved sta. ; 6 rooms. Price $3150. MT. TABOR CAR 5 room bungalow, - full basement and large attic. Price $2500. Call Broadway 421 or evenings Tabor 3058. Ask for Mr. Hill. $7250 LAURELHUHSTS BEST$7250" 7 rooms, 8. P.. large rec. hall, fine den, 2 fireplaces, beautiful living and dining rooms, splendid bedrooms with wardrobes, large closets, cabinet kitchen, quartersawed oak floors, ma hogany, birch and old ivory finish throughout; large front and back porches with cement floors, tiled bathroom; 1 block south of earline; short distance to park ; $a.if0cah, baL terms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., 212 Hy. Exch. Bldg. Main 6752. FINE ,12-ACRE FARM Ixicated near Orenco nursery, 1 mile from station; all in high state of cultivation, very best of soil. 3 acres loganberries, family orchard. good 7 room house with good bath and Dlumbins. large barn .and other buildings; building site overlooks rest of country. Price $4750; terms flOOO cash, balance to suit. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. . 1UWTHORB CAR A' splendid 7 room home, very modern and in fine condition, big fireplace, sleeping porch, hot- eiv heating system, garage, paving and sewer liens paid. If you will pay large monthly pay nients you need pay only $500 down ta get im mediate possession. The price U $0000 and it's wt.rui it COE A. McKENNA & CO. , Msin 4522. 82 4th St. Board of Tradv Bldg WALKING DISTANCE 6-room bouse on 14th st. Jnt north or Hawthorne ave., nice airy rooms 8 good bed rooms, modern conveniences, fine neighborhood, $4250, $800 cash, balance like rent: oulc possession. See large photo of this home in our oiiice. THE CROSSLEY-VIGARS CO.. i 270 Stark st. Main 305S. OR SALE Home. $4250; 7 rooms and 2 sleeping porches, furnace, double fireplace, full cement basement wash trays, well built modern, lots of closets and built-in conveniences, connect ed to sewer, water, gas and lights, garage, 50x 108 lot, flowers, fruit chicken park; desirable nome, ouiit years. fall this week at 1181 49th ave. S. Woodstock car. 1 block west MT. TABOR DISTRICT NEAT BUNGALOW 6 rooms, full semi-cement basement, ernnnd 50x144, good chicken house, about 8 bearing i run trees, a du nuance ol berries. Price $2400 C. A. WARRINER. BITTER. LOWE at CO . 201-8-6-7 Board of Trade bldg. $3000 BUYS 5 room modern home, full ce ment baiement, furnace, wash trava. room all exceptionally large, light and airy, plenty oi closet room, street im provements all in and paid. $500 eash will handle; convenient to 3 carlines. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1094 FOR SALE Modern 5 room house, on 50x100 lot 1729 E. 9th st. Sellwood. FOR SALE LOTS 16 BIG LOT BARGAINS $900 LOTS $300 We are "Closing out the balance of these lot at 3-3 cents for $1 worth. They are located right between Wtl lammette and Columbia rivers, right at Portland's N-W industrial center, convenient to Portland center, Van couver, St John, Kenton, etc You can pay $30 cash. $6 monthly for 30 xlOO; a rare opportunity. Investi gate, act now. We will be glad to show them to you. - Autos at your service, w JOIiNSONDODSON CO. 633 N. VT. BANK BLDG. MAIN 3787. $800 LOT FOR $400 60x100 corner, about 2 feet above grade, east front, some beautiful fir trees; good ofl; cement walk in; 1 block from fine school; 2 blocks to car; good neighborhood; clear ab stract and title. Irvington Park. cor. 33d and Jarrett sts. BITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201 -3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 50x100 LOTS, exceptionally located, just north of Peninsula Park, $300. $30 cash, $6 monthly; located in Portland and convenient to Vancouver and Kenton or St Johm. JOHN-SON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. ROSE CITY PARK district. $3957Tfiie lot 50x 100, on 76th, near Sandy blvd., $9 down. $9 monthly. Fred W. German Co., Cham, of Com. Open evenings and Sundays. 2 LOTS. 74th et. near Klickitat; east front: fine location. Must sell quick; make me an offer. Owner, L-863. Journal. 2 LOTS. 25x100 each. East StTjohns. $"233 ch takes them both. G-2 70, Journal. BARGAIN in 2 lota in good location, sidewalk. -7S vimzm iiom car, cagn or terms, sell. ZK93. 1 NICE lot, fine shade trees, cheap if sold quick. jwner, a-mi, journal. FOR SALE Attractive lot. E. Hoyt and 57th sts.; 8450; reasonable terms. Sellwd 8054. ACREAGE 67 IMPROVED ACREAGE WITH STOCK - Over 6 acres, located close to Oregon Electric, 12c fare, county road: all cood land. U mt-nm under cultivation, 60 bearing fruit trees, ber ries, garden, potatoes, small house, barn. 2 chiekenhouse. well, creek, county road. Price $3300 with S cows. 80 chicken. 2 pigs, crop and furniture. $1500 cash. Personally in spected, see Brooks, with John Ferguson. Ger linger bldg. HOOD RIVER. : HOOD RIVER. $400 CASH. 10 ACRES. 8 acres cleared, 4 acres orchard; boase, barn, garage, chiekenhouse. root cellar.- All under ditch. Prica $2300. $400 cash, balance at 6. payables in any amount at any time. TUCKER & SHRECK 601 Spalding Bldg. CLOSE IN ACREAGE On 5 2d street, near Errol station. 2K acres. aQ nnder cultivation. Good soil, no gravel. Clos to school. 2-room house : well, and city con venience. Price $2200, $600 cash. Personally inspected. See Brook, with John Ferguson, Ger linger bldg. 40 ACRE TRACTS. $25 PER ACRE 1000 acre good -farming land (now good g rasing land), in the mild moist cllmat of tb lower Columbia basin where stock can gram the year around. Running streams on nearly every tract Two to five miles to a pott on the river and Cotnmbia highway. Easy terms, CARLOS MAR8TERS. 201 Wucox bldg. SIX acres, located near Tigard, all the land can b cultivated : 4 acre under cultivation. 3 good springs and creek. , Clos ' to good road. Fin soil, no wast land. Small house, wood bed and root cellar. Prio $2100. $10O0 cash. Personally inspected. See - Davis, with Jobs Ftrguson, Gerlinger bldg , r . - : HEAL ESTA'TE ACRRAGK 47 ) 89 AGUES. WITH BUILDING 8 220'0T wmj mtj t. uiua 1 1 uiu rwusoo. aujv to station; I o acre level creek bottom land, balance rolling, several acres cultivated, fin stream eroasee place; place all fenced; good house, barn and ether buildings: fin well and orchard, fine cow and all tanning implements. Price $2200; terms. $1200 cash, balance to suit LCEDDEMANX COMPANY. 1 913 Chamber of Commerce. . FOUB BLOCKS FROM! CITY Half acre, in garden and fruit, -located at Capitol Hill, close to car, 5c ear tare, Oregon Electric -Also close to Fulton earline, He fare, New plastered 5 room bungalow, gas and city conveniences. Graveled street : Good barn, ga rage, woodshed, . chicken house and rabbit hutches for 3UO rabbits. Price $1850, tetUO cash. Personally inspected.-John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. FOR 8ALE 1 H acre at Ruber. 4 toon house, orchard, berries, gas. all garden and pota- tiim; terms, a. j. irnnn. neaverton. . Or, FUH SALE or trade, 20 acres, near Vancouver Wash., on Pacific highway. Phone East 8069. BTjBTitBA?r acreage ? 2 MILES from Portland limits. 2 acres, all in cult. aU fenced; 40 assorted bearing fruit trees; 5 blocks to station on electric line road; $1785. $I0O down and $15 monthly. Fred W. German Co., Cham, of Com, Open eve nings and Sundays. SUBURBAN HOMES 71 ONE BLOCK FROM CAR '. T Sir and half acres, located on good road, near Portland; close to Tigard. AU fine soS. large orchard, berries, running water. Eight room modern house. good plumbing, electric light, electric pumping plant, enameled kitchen, nice grounds. An exceptionally fine place, well lo cated, personally inspected. Price $5000 clear. Might consider a city home. See Davis with John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. IDEAL country home. 4 acres on paved street, all set to Italian prunes ;. income in 2 years: fine crops and garden; strawberries; delightful b room cobblestone house, just built, equipped for poultry: mile east of fntjt Jnnetinn wrar V Foster road and Lenox ave. Take Estacada car to lUmapo st. see Bruce, 1 FOR SALE KARMS 17 FAMILY - -I 1 RESULT THREE BARGAINS Best District, near McMinnville. $60 per acre. 100 acres; BO cultivated: woven wire fences; no buildings; fine spring; wonderful bargain ; good term a. $67.50 per acre. 124.20 acres; over 50 choice bottom, under cultivation, balance very fine pasture; woven wire fences; good build ings, fruit berries, living water, every field; $75 per acre includes stock and equipment; terms. $87.50 per acre. 206 acres. 100 choicest bot tom and upland cultivated; woven wire fences, water every field, large, comfortable buildings; fruit, walnuts, berries; 9 "years averaged $3000 over farm and family expenses; agree on price of stock and equipment if wanted; termv SEE PICTURES AND PLATS HERE OTIS C. BECK, Exclusive Agent 525 Henry bldg. Marshall 6858. A Great Money Maker ! SICKNESS the- only reason this place Is berng offered foe sale at the extremely tow rtgure. Only 3 miles from Castlerock, on. good road. '2 5-room houses, prune dryer, root house, imoie house, large barn holds 100 tons hay, and room for 20 to 30 head of stock, 120 acres, 55 In cultivation. 30 slashed, balance second growth timber, 80 tons oat and vetch hay in barn ' " acres wheat and 2 acres oats and vetch 'for seed. Has several living springs, 2800-lb. team 3 good cows. 8 head yearlings, harness, wagon," hack, mower, rake, disk, harrow, cultivators fanning mill, plows, sprayer. 8100 miscellane ous tools. Everything included $8500. Esti mate of personal property $2880. A rare bar gain for someone. See MITCHELL & RIPPEV 328-329 Henry bldg. LINN COUNTY DAIRY AND GRAIN FARM 160 acres located 3 mile from small town in Linn county. 130 acres in cultivation, prac tically aU of which ha been in clover the last few years. Ind lays so that it drains well; fairly well fenced and near railroad siding. 30 acres of timber pasture along creek. Theie is a very good barn with granary, wagon sheds, etc., Probably worth $2000. Several good outbuilding. 5 room house in fair condition. Has small young orchard, ample wood oc the place for famdy use. and is a real good farm. Price of this place. $11,000. Can airaugo terms at 6 per cent interest For full t'eaenp tion write us. KINNEY A CO.. Dealers in Farm Land. Corralli. Or. Home of O. A. C. 10 ACRES all rich level land and all unoer high state of cultivation, good 8-room plas tered house with 2 fine porches, large barn, chicken, hog and outhouses, good orchard of assorted fruits in full bearing and small fruits, excellent water, mile to school, 1 mile to high school, store and church, 2 4 miles to electric line and conntry town and 8 miles from Vancouver, in thickly settled locality and fine farming section. BEST BUY IN COUN TRY TODAY AT $5500. half cash, balance at t " ; several Hundred dollars worth oc included. crops THOMPSON SWAN, 3d and Main sts., Vancouver, Wash. YAMHILL COUNTY FARM 160 acres in foothills, 7 mile from McMinn ville; 40 acres in cultivation, 00 acres seeded pasture. 30 acres fine big fir timber, 6 good springs, water piped to bouse and barn, good family orchard, variety small fruit; good out buildings; 7 room house, fair barn, 2 stock heds and barn full of hay; on It F. D. and telephone lines. Price $37.50 per acre. Will sell hsy, Etock and implements also if wanted. Immediate possession. Good garden goes with place. Schoolhouse on place. Address. Olds A Lewis, McMinnville, Or. 42-ACRE farm, near Tigard, 9 miles from courthouse, good 6 room house, i 2 bams; most all in cultivation; running water; all stock and farm tools. This is a real buy at $8000. Also 42 acres at Eugene, Of., all stocked and equipped, well improved and a bargain at $5000 for everything, crop and all goes. Also 320 acres of wheat land in Eastern Washington, with 275 acres in cultivation, at a low price of $5000: easy terms, or will trade for a hous in Portland. Call at the New York Land Co.. 303 Stock Exchange blk. Phone Main 7676. STOCK, CROP AND MACHINERY 40 acres, located 15 mile north of Vancouver, Wash., One hour from Portland. 20 acres under cultivation and in crop. All the land can be cultivated. Good soil. 10 acres pasture. County road. New 5 room house, barn, chicken house. Buildings in A-l shape. Price $4750. with 6 cows and 2 calves, good team, over 50 chickens and all farm machinery . and crop, $2250 cash. Personally inspected. See Brooks, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. FOR SALE 85 7-10 acres, 40 acres in culti vation; large family orchard, 7 room house bard finished; one 2 room boose, one large barn and fine large chicken house; all cultivated fields, cross fenced: 3 cows. 3 heifers, 1 roan Durham bull, 1 team horses,' 4 bogs and lot of chickens. All tools, wagon and harness. One mile riverfront 50 tons hsy and field' of potatoes and garden. Price $8500. Half cash. balance on time. C. E. Blum, Reno, Wash, i 140 ACRES AT $85 PER," 20 miles south from Portland; good buildings, 17 acres in cultivation, 80 in heavy timber 2K million feet) , balance slashed in pasture: srriall creek, on good road; $2000 cash, balance long time a per cent Might consider exchange for Portland property. What have ypuT See - Mntclielll Rippey, : 328-29 Henry Bldg. Lincoln County Ranch 160 acres, located 2 mile from rxutoffice and store; good buildings, small amount under culti vation, lots of out range;, orchard and vegetables. Price $3000 with 30 head of cattle, horse, sad dle and bridle; also furniture; $2000 cash, bal ance at o per cent Joan cergueon, Gerlinger bldg. j ACRES. $150 PER: Heavy first growth saw timber. 8 acres in cul tivation, small honse. number spring i and creeks, on aood roa, about 2 K milei S. i W. Sherwood, Washington county. I Mitchell & Rippey, I 328-29 HenryBldg. 50 ACRES: 40 acres in cultivation; good1 7 room bouse, with water piped into . bouse, good barn, wagonshed. and silo, all necessary, implements; 8 cows, 4 heifers, 2 horses,' crops, bearing orchard : on good road 3 mile from city limits. Will sell all or part Call Tabor 1878; address airs. S. Paulson. Port land. Or.. R. 3. ! Want 6 or 8 Berry Men tn buy 40 acres of land, each at $30 per acre, 83 per acre of which goes into a jelly and jam factory on the Columbia river, 55 miles from Portland. Have 2 buyers, need 8 mora to raise mfg. and sell the output For. fnR informa tion address L-845, Journal. ' - j FORI SALE or trade. Willamette valley ranch. 55 a.. Improved ; good land, dos to school, church and , town. , Owner, F. M. Williams, Turner, Or. , - , 5 ACRE GARDEN TRACT ' "Near Tigard; all in cultivation; house, fruit rork rr.d; prce 81500. 850O down. DRAPER A CALWAT. 626 Cham, of Com, bldg. 20 ACRES $60 H $1 far to Portland; 200 "down. Claud Cole. 215 Lumbermen' bldg. j FARMS -WANTED REyf OR BUai'88 . .. : .. ""FAJAM WAX TED -1 A ranch, general farming; will boy stock land equipment $5000 cash; win assuraa debti up to $2000 or $3000. - X-SO. Journal. ; JAPANESE, experienced gardener, wants Home irrigated land, by good road; not over 20 acres, near city.:- L-840, Journal. . ; - - . t REAL ESTATE i T1MBEK t KOTICE of aaie of government timber, genarai land of flea. ' Washington. 1. C. Jus 27. 19lsW-fioue as hereby given that subject to the-; condition and limitatlona of the act of June . 191B 9 Stat. 21$). and th. tn structioaa of i th. secretary cT tb. interior of September ltt. 117, tho timber on the fol lowing land jwill b sold August 20. 191$. st 10 o clock a. m.. at pubiie. auction at the United State land office at Portland. Oragoa. to the big hast bidder at not leas thaw the appraised value aa aoown toy this "otic, sale to b subject to tb approval of the ecntary of th interior. Tb parcbaa price, with aa ad ditional sum of one-fifth of on per eaat thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time) of sale,' money to be returned if , sate is Dot: approved, otherwise patent will tasu. for th- timber, which most b removed within 10 year. Bid will b received from citizens of tb. United Stat, associations of anch dtiaens and co rvo rations organized under tb laws of tha United Stat -or any tt. territory or district thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchase, th timber an any legal sub division will lb offered separately before being included m any offer of a Larger, unit T. 2 N., U 8 W-. Seo. 11. NW14 SW1, re fir RIO m.. cedar 55 m.. 8W 8WK, red fir 740 IM.. none of th. red fir or cedar to b sold foil lee than $1.60 per U. X. 9 8.. atr 2 K.. See. ft. MS'. KEH. fir 1690 M.. hemlock 270 It, NW MS14, fir 880 11.. hemlock 160 U... BB KE. fir 1770 M-. hemlock 260 M-. BW NB. fit 2360 M.. hemlock 200 kL, NK 14 NWH, fir 630 M . hemlock 180 M.. NW KWH. fir 1760 M.. NEK SEta, fir 1170 M-, hemlock 120 U.. NW4 SE. fir 1630. M.. hemlock 60. M., 8E 'tt SEK. fir 1190 M.. hemlock 10:11.. 8WK SEK. fir 790 M.. NEK SW K. fir! 1950 M..-NWK SW K . fir 2100 kl.. SK K 8VtK. fir 1660 M.. BW K SW K . fir 125U m.; Don of th fir to be eoid lor lea than Sl,5o per Mi., and none of , th hemlock to b old for less than 75 cents per M. T. 9 S , R. 8 E.. Sec. 25. SW K NWK. red fir ,600 M.. SEK. WE K. red fir 850 U.. SWK NEK; red fir ROo M.. none of the red fix to be sold, for las than $2.00 per U. CLAY TALLMAN. Commissioner. General Land Office. NOTICE OFI SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIM BER. GENERAL LAND OFFICE Washington. D. C, Angust 4. 1919. Notice is .hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the Act of June 9, 191S, (30 Stat, 218). and the instructions of the Secretary of the Interior of. September 15, 1917, the timber on the following lands will be sold September 18, 1919, 10 o'clock a. m., at public auction at the United States land office at Portland, Oregon, to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one-fifth of one per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited i at time of sale, money to be re turned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will issue font the timber which must be remov ed within ten. years. Bids will be received from citizens of the United States, associations of such citizens: and corporations orgsnized under the laws of the Lnited States or any state, ter ritory, or district thereof only. ' Upon apples tion of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being included in any offer of a larger unit. T. 5 S.. Kt 4 W., Sec. 27. Lot 1, red fir 135 M.. not to bel sold for less than gl.OO per M. T. 1 S.. . 5 E., Sec. 21, N. E. K. S. W. K l yellow fir 1800 M.. N. W. K . 8. W. K yellow fir 2200 M.. S. W. K S. W. K. yel low fir 600 3d.. N. E. K B E. K. yellow fir 500 M.. N. jW. K 8. E. K. yellow fir 1000 11.. not to b sold for less then cl.oo per 1 T. 2 8.. Hi 5 E.. Sec. 19. 8. E. K N. W. K fir 1900 M.' cedar 50 M . N. E. K 8. W. K fir 1805 M.i cedar 30 M . hemlock 75 M., N W. K S. W. K. fir 835 M.. cedar 85 M. hemlock 140 M.. none of. the fir to be Sold for less than $1:25 per M., and none of the cedar or hemlock tg be sold for less than 50 cents per J.;- ' .'(Signed) 'Clay Tallman, Commissioner Gen eral Land Office. GREAT bargain sale of first Mass timber by widow who wishes to sell 03.000,000 feet principally yellow fir, in Lane county near the railroad. Prjee 60 cents cash, terms To cent. i - Here is another, so low in price that people say, "What is the matter with it," and are afraid to spnd the carfare for fear that there is something; the matter with it The matter is this I want to collect $1000 from the owner and must sell that timber to get tha $1000 About 10.00U.000 feet fox I350O; a mile from the railroad. Cash only. D. A. Donelson, 447 bReriocK ouuaing, fortiana, or. PILING and; cedar tes wanted. O. V. Gamble. Couch bldg. Giv scale. KXCHASOE REAL ESTATE 24 80 ACRES, located near Eagle creek, 40 acres under cultivation. Balance timber and pas ture. rood orchard, barn and chicken house, New attractive bungalow, plastered, good fences, creek, well and spring. Water ptped to house Good soil. : Price 310,000. Take. Portland house up to: $5000 and some cah. See Davis, with John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE for improved farm. 3 houses, lot 70x100. Williams ave. near Go ing, Portland: 8 room bouse, 60x100 lot. Hood River. J. IH. Frary. It 2. Box 84'. Hood River. Or. j DEAL WITH OWNER A fine acre home, adjoining city, for sale or exchange for city property. PHom Tabor 574. TO TRADE 3 lots different parts of Portland .trade for1 machine; coupe preferred; value 1 IOWO. Journal. WANTED rla exchange for improved income property, improved acreage. Owner, 633 Tbur- mn st FARM WANTED: income property to exchange. . Claude Cole, 215 Lumbermen bldg. EXCHANBE what you have for what you want. Graham. 325 Ry. Ex. bldg. WASTED-REAIi ESTATE $1 ! HOUSES WANTED . We specialize in the sale of home properties arid the hundreds of satisfied buyers is the best evidence of lour unexcelled faculties for effect ing quick sale. Owners having home properties for ala will do well to consult us. I THE CROSSLY-VIGARS CO. I SPECIALISTS IN HOME PROPERTIES j 270 Stark st Main 3062. I . SPECIALIZE in house selling. Your bouse will be given proper attention. I have buy- era waitine- for all kinds of houses. -SWATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS 1 . C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-Sr5-7 Board of Trade bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED. 'We are having considerable inquiry for this class of property. If your pnee is right and terms reasonable, list with us. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 82 Chamber of Commerce. Open Sundays and evenings. : ACREAGE WANTED With some i improvements and buildings. We deal in this exclusively; have four autoe to show it-with, and' can sell it tor you. Jonn irerguaon. Gerlinger bldg. SPOT CASH and auick deal for bargain in mod era 4 or 5 room bungalow. Rose City Sun- ny-dde or Hawthorne; paved street essential; no agents Phone Broadway 421 or evenings la Dor auaa. air. iiul . SHACKS lAND SMALL HOMES WANTED Price muvt be right and very easy terms. We have sold over 400 homes in the last year. If voti want action, see Fred W. German Co. Cham, of .Com. Open evening! and Sundays. WANT house, 3 bedrooms neat Benson 1'oly- ' technic: need not be modern. Good neigh br.lbood. Am not agent Tabor 6436. 44 II. 75th worthy I WANT a modern bungalow or cottage in Port land: small navment down, balance on month ly payments at 6 per cent John Malone, Box 163. City. -- HOUSE, not lens than 5 rooms, with 1 to 10 , acres, close to school, within 10 miles of I'trtland. AddresJ L M. erley, Oregon City Rr.iite 5. I WANT a bargain in a fractional lot, with or . without bouse, south of Montgomery street, between -6th and 20th at. H-78. Journal. WANTED About 5 -room bungalow on easy .terms. Co & Forbes, 884 Hawthorn ave. IMPROVED corner lot on 51st aa first pay ment on 6-room bungalow. Apply Taktr 318. WANTETFrmTaerege: houses; have buyers. Claude Cole. 215 Lumbermen' bldg. BOOMTXtir HOrSBS, APARTMENTS AKf HOTELS FOR SALE S3 HOTEL AND DINING ROOM -The best buy in the city for a complete hotel, 185 rooms, steam heat, running water, fine brick building, good location,' 10-year lease, low rent; owner connected with other business and will tab city home and make good terms. . HOTEL BARGAIN Ti One of the best T4-rocn hotels in Portland ; modern brick building, every room well fur nished, nice lobby, good lease and cheap rent, on one of the best business streets in city; $7000 will do businese. 50 ROOM HOTEL 50 The neatest little hotel in Portland for sale; elegant furniture, - new brick building, strictly modern, : clearing ,$800 per ' month; $600v handle. j - ! APARTMENT HOUSES ' One of 145 room. 2 and S-reoat apt.. -fine brick bkiff., well located, walking distance, every thing well furnished, long lease, lea than $4 per room, at yon nave giooo ali and see torn. t- SMALL APAatTME-NT HOUSE L ; 60 rooms, all.3-room apts., strictly modern brick, west : aid, walking distance, neat litu place; 4 woman can handle. Price $4500. -i J"-' . -: SMALL ONES r- - . t have them from to 16 rooms In all part of tha city. )... ! P. RIERDON, 5 RITTER. LOWE eV CO., ' - 201r-5-T Board, of Trade bldg. '-, - " ' I,- ' " BOOMI5G HOrSES, APARTMENTS AND HOTELS FOB HALE i 75 ROOM workingraan' hotel; clean, with lease ; boarders and transient; rent only- $ TIL A snap at $3000 cash. C. E. Osborne, prop. 412 Nv 19th it - ' ' : ' HEADQUARTERS for rooming bouse.' To boy or sell see Garland. 201 8d. cor. Taylor. BUSINESS OPPOHTPHITIES t$ WE BUY STOCKS LARGE OR SMALli ' SPOTCASI- . FURNITURE ; and " . General Merchandise FELDSTETV FURNITURE CO. 174 FIRST STREET. MAIN 4633. - FOR SALE Located In best town and in best country in West, billiard parlors and bowling alleys. Well located and good paying business, doing best pool business in town. Alleys have just been put in first-class condition and the only one in town ; do immeiue business on them ; spot cash b twines, cheap rent. Buy this busi ness in time for Round-Up week. Owner ' is going into different line, reason for selling. R. P. SIMPSON. Bungalow Billiard Hall, Pendleton. Or. FOR SALE CASH Grocery 1 and confectionery, good location, doing a fine business, about $90 per day aver age; owner . leaving city; will bear investigation. For further particulars phone Main 1758. RESTAURANT Good place for man and wife or 2 women ; we will rent this place fully equipped t a very reasonable rent This place is connected with a 30-room house in a good location. John Malone, owner. Main 1503." GENERAL t-Uire rtock and building for sale or ' trade for email ranch near Portland. Will cell stock and lease buildings cheap. LX-841, Journal. DRUGGISTS All or part of my stork and fixtures for aala cheap. Joe Worth. 999 Belmont, city. SHOE machinery for sale; one foot-power fin-. isher, one singer patching machine, one Bos ton jack with 46 lasts; aL-o some stock. Must be soliL Apply 473 Williams ave. IF you are looking for business location call Simms, 481 Chamber Com. Main 6127. BISIJfESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 68 GARAGE WANTED Want hear froip some one having a good garage for rent, or might consider buying H interest with good me chanic. Must be close in and a good location. Write E-72. Journal-.' MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 OUR installment plan is ths best and rarest T method of paying a loan. S32.26 per month for 36 month; or $21.34 for 60 months; or $15.17 for 96 months, pay $1000 loan and interest Other amounts rn proportion. W. loan on improved city property. Or for building purposes. No commission charged EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark st. Portland. Or. BUILDING loans on city or suburban property, money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 215 and 2 16 Failing bldg. Main 8407. MONEY to loan in amounts of $100 to $5000 on city property. A. H. BELL, rooms 10-11, Mulkey Bldg. $800, $400. $500. $750, $10O0 and up at lowest rates; qnick action. Fred W. ' German Co., 782 Chamber of Commerce. Main 0445. CASH paid- for mortgages and sellers' contracts on real extaie in Washington or Oregon, ii. E. Noble. 316 Lumbermen bldg. $30O. $400. $500, $600. $750 and up. low est rates, quick action. Gordon Mortgage Co., 631 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1370. MONEY for mortgage loan. $50O to $6000, 6 and 7. Fred S. Williams, 92 H lit st SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO.. Chamber of Commerce. 4th end Stark. 222 MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 7 per cent Louis Balomon ac Co.. 4QB Belling blag., SIONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. SALARIES -67 PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Pbon Broadway 910. 894 Stark Street, near 10th. Loan on diamonds, watches. Vlctrolaa. nlanoa. kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musical instruments Slid aaytiiUiB ol Vila ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OP PORT LAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER. City and country warrant cashed for fac aiu. CARRIE MYER S-HERRMAN, Manager. DO YOU NEED MONEY Loans mad on automobile, diamonds, piano, bonsebold goods or anything of value. Security usually left in your possession. ALSO 'to SAL ARIED PEOPLE on their notes without security. If your payments to other loan companies or oa furnitnr or automobile contracts are larger than you can make, w will pay tbem np, advance yon mors money if necessary, and you can repay us in small monthly payment to suit your coo LEGAL RATES DO DELAY BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY (.Licensed) 806-8O7 Deknra bldg. Marshall 3286. Salary LOANS WK LOAN MONET Chattel On abort notice to salaried or workingmen oa their own notes. Weekly, semi-weekly or monthly payments. - Eaen transaction strictly, confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSES. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY W also loan on household furniture, piano. ate., without removal. CALL AM 1NVESTIOATH COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY (LICENSED) 218 Failing bldg. MONET Ao loan on diamonds, jewelry; legal rates: all article held a year; established gtwwm ve , r- ... . , riNANCIAL fil . LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS If you must sell your Liberty or Victory bonds, sell to us. If you can buy more Liberty or Wrv bom's, 'my from ns. - We buy and ell Liberty and Victory bonds St. the market. XOU CANOT LMJ BtliJSB XOU MAI DO WOHSE. We are ioday naving the followimr nrices forUnited States government Liberty and Vic tory bonds, which are the closing New York market prices, plus the accrued interest . y. Market Interest Vtal. 100.47 3H 99.90 .57 .64 .90 1st 4s 94.06 93.00 .....94.12 93.10 94.80 93.18 99.78 94.72 93.99 2nd 4s . . . . , 1st 4Ks ... .70 1.05 1.76 1.40 .88 94.82 94.15 96.56 94.58 2nd 4K .. rd 4Ui ... 4th 4 Ml s . . . Victory 8 94 100.66 100.89 Victory 4 4 .99.78 1.11 In purchasing Liberty and Victory bond we deduct from the a bo v. price 37c on a 350 bond and $2.50 on a 81000 bond. In selling Liberty and Victory bonds we charge the New York market price plus th accrued interest - ASK ABOUT THE MORRIS BROTHERS PLAN Burglar and Fireproof Hat. Deposit Boxes Tor Kent . MORRIS BROTHERS. INC., The Premier Municipal Bond House. Morris Building. S09-811 Stark at. bet 5th and 6th. Telephone Broadway 2151. Estab lished over bo years. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS CASH PAID FOR ANY ISSUE OP BONDS. full market price. Loan on war savings stamps tou can borrow cash or us on viwrta ivh HSVfv29 u 'r 1 u o a itu iri EIN1SH PAYING EOR VICTORY BONDS. SEE B. BUHKITT. PRESIDENT. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 212 SELLING BLDG. (2D IXOOR); CORNER 6TH AND ALDER ST3. ' 1 WILL JJUI ANY LIBERTY BOND 99 PER CENT OF FULL CASH VALUE , (All dn coupon, interest included.) . H. KEATING. 617 BOARD Of TRAPS. - BONDS BOUGHT V SPOT CASH .SPOT CASH - u. MARKET PRICE CASH for RECEIPTS. W wTO LOAN you money on BONDS. W. 8. S., or to make PAY MENT on BONDS, 7 per cent . x 725 Gasco bldg.. Fifth and AJdaf. - CELLABS-MURTON CO. , LOANS WASTED WANT to borrow $100 for So days; will pay - $ lO bonus '-and interest ana lurnisn go Portland real estate security. B-4I0, Journal. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO. 233 Chamber of Commerce. 4tn na Plant HORSES. TEH1CLEW. ETC 18 WOULD lik to keep.nors for hi board;- excel lent car for reM of year: light work and good care. John Schaeht Boring. Or.. Kt. 8. Box 145. FOR SALE 1 1100 lb, horse, by The. Strelff. 1 mile southwest of Council Crest carbine. UOltSE and wagoa. $1.69 per day; 2 horses and . wagon. $8. J. Coben. 646 Front Main 2208. DHAD hors and animate hanled away tree. Call - Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. LIVESTOCK Si MILCH goat for vak. on Toggenberg and H . Saanen. doe giving milk. $85; on. doe kid H Saanen; . V Toggenberg. 4 months old. . 6130 E. 88th st M t Scott ca r. ' ; IF you want any trh"aalry cow of any breed, at 'any time, see Mr. Bruoe. at tb Stockyards. North PortUnd. Or. FINE Toggenburg . Billy - kid. hornla,: both -n parent registered. First $25 gets him. John M. Mann. 302 City Hall. LARGE fresh 6 gal. dairy cow; rich milk. Guernsey-Jersey. Dandy Jersey also. 55 E. Btth N. Phono Tab) 641. FOR SALE Several good, fresh family cow. E, Banman, Greshara. Or. WANTED Al frewh cow, Phone Si-Hwood' 1198. from 5 -to 6 gel EXTRA tine milk cow for sale. Kt - Price- reasonable.- 1245 Ualsey 3 JERSEY cow. 2 fresh. 29-J. Milwaukie. H. "A. Smith, plioue rOUtTHY A.tP-HABBIT8 $7 PULLETS WJfXTKD W will pay. you . th lug nest possible cash price for March, April. May batch pullet, any breed. Stat number and strain. Northwest Poul try Corp., Lents. Or. YOUNG White Leghorn liens. $1.60 each; Rhode Inland Red Hens, $2.25 each; excellent breed ing and laying stock : also a few pullets. JT. R. MAGUIRE." 787 Oregon t East 1805. 1 50 FEB.. March, April White leghorn pullets, 50 R. I. Red. Barred Rock. White leghorn yearling laying lien.. Ill 18 K. Stark, and 75th. WANTED oOO White Leghorn pullets. Tel. Woodlawn 3878. Adrew 1845 Mt. ave.- fUOKOUiaiBRED Wyandotte cockerel for sale.' -Curtis strain. Tabor 6787. ' RABBITS, cheap; New Zealands. Dutch and Bel ' gians. Woodlawn car.- 42Q Jesaup st DOGS, BIRDS. PETS. ETC. 4$ CHOICE canaries at "Th Canary Bird fihop. Singers gnarant red. 1151 E 28th No. C-2217. FOR SALE Pedigreed llwton Bull Terrier, 8 weeks old. Call Tabor 887. WHITE Maltese puddle puppie 2293. forsal. Main ." WO bull imps; yont choice, 15. Tabor 4495. AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 HUPP TOURING This Hupp is all the class. Has new leather top, plate glass in rear, non-stallabl starter, extra tires and rim. Ixioks like new and runs th me way. Low price of $875. with $250 down, balance 'monthly. If you want a Hupp see this one, 525 Alder at Al AUTO WORKS A PAINT CO. - 525 Alder it " I HAVE a 1918 Olds 8. driven nearly 4000 miles without spot or blemish; brand-new cord tires. Miller; motor and mschinery perfect Owner leaving city, murt disppsc of same at once. For particulars call Broadway 8231, or .Tabor 9232. , COLUMBIA VULCANIZING WORKS WE REBUILD. RIBBED. RETREAD OR RECAP. WITH PURE RUBBER. - ALL WORK GUARANTEED. 826 COUCH ST. A-l 128. 1914 CADILLAC TOURING Soma Looker AUTO SALES CO.. . ".. Ninth, and Coucb. 1919 Maxwell- touring car; cord tires; 1 new spare tire. -' CARY. 522 Alder. Broadway 2492, ,-CHANDLEIt. 7 pass., touring car; good -. shape. CARY. 622 Alder. Broadway 2492. BIG H T0A r-r, PRICES STOCK weak 9 x RIGHT HO MISREPRESENTATION Covey Motor Car Co. AUTO TRIMMING ' UPHOLSTERING CO. All kinds top and uphol stering Stn and Couch. - up ((airs. Broadway 2017. OLDSMOBILE 8; excellent running condition good tires all around. A genuine bargain a S750. Will demonstrate. Taiephon. Malt 0284, from 9 to 5 .veninga, Wdlwn. 3885 or call at 827 Morgan bldg.' OLDSMOBILE light 6. Baa Bwj gold tires; a bargain. - CARY, 622-Aider. Broadway 2492. - VELIE SIX . " I.Ike new; a bargala CARY, 522 Alder. Broadway 2492. "FORD touring, first class shape mechanically. new ton., good tires. This car is a aood puller. $385; $154 down. $23.10 a month. See Tom. Ooegon Auto Top Co., 14th and Couch. Broadway 4 4UK. 1917 MAXWELL, good tires, new. battery, and in fine mechanical.condition. Muvt be cold as I need1 the money. Pbon East 6681.. DODGE, sedan. 191 8. Only run 3000 n.lles. Just ' like new. Extra tire, wire wheels: bargain at $1800. Some terms. Consider smaller ear in trade. Balance terms. u urana av. near Bnrnside. BRING in your ued oar. w have a buyar for It alto BAi.f.a co. - Ninth and Couch. BARGAIN in Mitchell car. 4 cyL, lf starter, aut pump, genuine leather cushlona; paint and tire good and a good looker. This car has been in storage for tb last two years. Prica $550, 869 Alberta st - BRING in your nsed car, we have a buyer for it AUTO HALES CO. . '. Ninth and Couch. LasH paid for old cars, condition no object; carts for ill maaes of ears: urcgon ast. ci. change. 129 Lownedal at 1 oth and Washingtoa, I'Up.. Hrnadway znw. . FORD runabout 1918. In best of condition. Some extras. Good rubber. A bargain at $47.5. with ternta. 30 Grand av, N. pear Burnilde. MAXWELL rodter. 1917 in bet of wn.li tlon. iool tires. Will sell at Too. with terras. Grand ave. r.esr Bnrnnld. 1917 OVERLAND roadster, not a scratch on it Looks like n.w ear. A bargain. 404 DAVIS ST. 'STUDEBAKER touring. 1018. in good con dition. A bargain at $750. Soma Unst SO Grand ave. ., near Burnslde. ' DUBRUILLE TOP COMPANY fttb t Oak. Broadway 1664 BUICK BUG Electru equipment, new paint first class condition. Marshall llil. Lau evenings. XfAXWKLI. bus. new bedy and nawly Mimed. A bargam at il, wiin lerms. av urana av. near Itnrtslde. G6trLb "EATT ERY. 0 volts, 95 ampiers, good bore, spotlight dash and tU light, 30. Phon WoodUwn 1634. - - FORD. 1918 motor;' leaving1 city Thursday, $323. if sold Quick. Call afur 2 p. m.. Marshall 8471. FOR .SALE A Studebaker touring car No." 4; 1918 model; first clas condition; part cash and term. y oodlswn 1914 FORD, shork absorbers. good shap. 404 iiavii r. IXlRD Uturing for sale; good shape. Be this to day. 48th and E. 3d st lETOU WANT a good car for $100 w bar it ' 404 lAVI!J BT. GA1-OLLNK 22 CENTS A GALLON,. OILS AND -UREASES. PIONEER PAINT Xt.. Ia 18T. FRANKLIN TOURING in good shape, good tires. 404 DAVIS BT. MAXWELL, 1915. $450. Al condition. "TSTL and. Division. . Belt 88S8. UETZ touring, a dependable oar, at a bargasav v 4Q4 DAVIS BT, - 1918 LIBERTY Six, 5 paai., special paint job; run and look lik new Call East 2766. NEW Chevrolet for - sal, XT condition: no dealers. eUwood 2229. 544 E. Igth-sx. R. 1918 5-paasenger Ford ia good condition. Snap at $48Q caatt. , Sellwood 3607. -- OVERLAND light dtlivry, $495, $195 cash. ISO per month. Dunn, BeUwood 1893. fRD delivery car, good condition. $373. $125 eaan, DaL za per montn. vain. 1427, CASH Paid lor used cars. Liberty Aut Ca Third and Main-sta.. Vsneouvar. FORD tounng. in A-l condition; Urms. Wood lawn i4zi. : . v . . AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 A Never Failing Tonic If your system' i the least bit perturbed ovg used car . : CONSULT LEWIS E. OBYE ; The Used Car King Too will find immediate relief la tb followtag prescription - 1819 Col Aero 8. . ' 1 1919 Htiidebsker Big 6. 1918 Jordan Suburban. . 1918 Jordan Sport Marin.. 1918 Htuts 6 passenger. 1918 Studebaker light four. 1918 Stud.baker Big 6. 1918 Msxwell Touring. . 1918 Ford touring. . 1917 Chandler INspateh. .1917 Stephen Silent tlx. 1917 Col 8 Touring. 017 Dodge Touring. . 1017 Dodg Roadster. 1917 Mitcliall 6. 1917 Elgin 6. 1917 Buick aix. 1917 MaxweU touring. ' 1917 Maxwell roadster. 1917 Velie Light su. f ll17 Hutloon Suir sir. 1917 Huproobll Touring. 1916 Stearns 8 Toiirtng. 1916 Reo 6 Touri. 1916-Buirk IJght l. 1916 O.kland . lI6'Hayn.a Light 6. 1916. Chevrolet 1916 Maxwell. 1916 Buirk 6, 7 paaenger. 1916 Ssxon 6 Touring. Convenient .terms to all responsible parties Ijertyljonds' taken at face value : We Are Open Evenings and Sundays LEWIS E. OBYE " . MOTORS CO., at Couch' St. e Our Prices ' , THEN JUDGE. FOR YOURSELF J 91 7 OAKLAND "8M A ' real stunt car that, will Biirpri you tn watch it go. .Well worth $1250. Ourp ric. $1050. 11 911 7 SAXON SIX SoM new in 1918. and fine-runnning car. price $700. II v .nearly n.w tires Others k $850. Our 1918 Chevrolet Roadster We're making special on thlt one. Five new tire, good top and motor tht lia lot of pp, A real buy at $700. Our prlc $625. T RF.n CAR ECH Us Their Cut SELECT ONE OF THESE GOOD USED CARS. 1918 Liberty Six 1910 Cadlllae ' Eight 1917 Old-mobile Eight, 1017 OakUnd SU. 1917 Overland Font. Marmon - Bug. Any of th. a bo v. ear can be bought for a small payment down, balance monthly. THE C. H. S. CO. Distributors Moon and Dixi Flyf. C 5 North 23d st. ' MsrshaU 1428.. 1918 CHEVROLET 1916 OAKLAND 1916 SUPER SIX 1918 BUCK . W. ar. selling lot of 'a. ' Better com tirfy. SMITH AUTO CO. PARK AND COUCH , QARAQES PricM en Application, Reaay Cat Hons . MILLMADE CONSTRUOTIOJf , COMPANY 1661 Union Av. N. Woodlawn S413 1916 FORD rod-t.r in fin condition.' Good buy, $400; $100 flown, balanc monthly. Al AUTO A PAINTTXO CO. 625 Alder st WHEN TOU ar In th market for a good ud car. call at Ninth' and Couch and v $100: car acid at less than cost taken in oa Auburn beauty sixes. AUTO SALES CO., NINTH AND COUCH. MAXWELL TOURINO Novelty saint lob. run fin, low trie 4 $626, with $150 down, balanc monthly. , Al AUTO WORKS' 1917 MAXWELL touring, very fin shap. good tire and can be bouaht for 8520. JTranklin bag; In very fine shape. $878. AUTO SALES CO. . ' Ninth and Couch, WILL sell my 6 pas. Chalmers $6 for $400 .' (worth $750), cash or terms; -has electrto light, self starter, storage battery. Gray A. Davis generator, Kellogg power pump, fin family ear; has had food car and runs lias Dew. ..Call Tabor 7898. BRING la your old ear. w hav a buyer for it - AUTO KAt. Ninth and Couch. CHALMERS, A-l mechanical condition; good tires. Upholstering and top good. Paint Job good. A sacrifice st $300, Awfully easy term'. Ke Tom, Oregon Auto Top Co., 14 th and Couch. Broadway. 4408, IH Df-ON SI'PER-SIX. 1918 model. Just over. hauled and fainted. Will sell at II BOO, witn term i, or consider trade on smaller car, balance terms, ao ;rand ve. J., nr numin. - ESSEX. 1919. touring. Only run 2400 miles. Just lik new. Owner must sell. A bargain t $1650, with terms. 30 Grand av. N., near Burmme. t a yo WE HAVE IT. 404 DAVIS ST. OLDRMORILE touring. T6TT. Tn good ' con- dition. Owner must sell. A bargain at TTS, with terms. 80 Grand av. N., near Biirnxids. . DODGE touring, cord tires, overhauled. This ear is la dandy shape: like new. 404 DAVIS ST. sLTO TIRES W esv you money oa new and ned tires: vnilesniimg and -retreading, vniesa Tlr Shop, 41 Grand sve. phon East 4896. BRING us your ear today -and get your money tomorrow, oar nam. i npeea. 404 DAVIS ST. - ' OVERLAND. 6 pas., good condition; a real bsr- . gain at $300; easy terms. Me lom, uregnu Auto Top Co., 14th snd Couch. Bdwy. 44(. FORD delivery, 1917. B.t r eondition. Full panel body. A bargain st SB 50, with terms. 80 Grand av. N., near flurnstd.. $376 CASH or terms buys dandy 191 T MasweU touring car, ovcthauled and (epaioUd. CaU Et 1962. ' CTTeV HOI.ET, 1117, touring. In g.d eondi; Uon, Good tires. .Will sell at $560, with term. 80 Grand v, N., near Bnrnside. i 9"T9CH EV ROLET ROADTER" for Imnudiat delivery. CaU Mr. Dana. Broad-' way 240. ' ' 1917 SIX CYLINDER. A pass.. Chat mars; me chanically uarfect. Owner leaving citx. Phone Tabor 6681. FCRD truck, 1918. In bt of eondition. Solid tires. A bargain at $650. with terms. 80 Grand ave. N., near Murnnide. 917 'ELIE, good looker, fin conditio. 404 DAVIS ST. CHEVROLET Let 1918, good as new; brand new tire, g7QW. Phon Columbia 584. ' 917 SAXON 6, good condition; a bargain. 404 DAVIS ST. BUICK roedstar for sale; excellent conditio. Call Main 44 86 after 5 p. m. 917 BUICK light ix; good eondition. 404DAV1S ST. 'T&OBtUaed FeUowliy rsi Mi."-