The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 13, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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Crowell Commission Recemmends
Government Establish Branch
"to Oversee Aerial Activity.
Cabinet Member With Power
Equal of Other Department
Chiefs Favored; Baker Opposes
Arbitration Advised
By Ford; Mingling
With Men on Strike
Tilton, N. II.. Aug. 13. (I- N. S.)
Henry Ford acted, as a self-appointed
conciliator in the strike of the Tilton
optical employes Tuesday, urging- the
men' to return to work. Mingling with
the strikers. Ford agreed-with them that
they should receive higher wages but
advised them to return to work and ask
for arbitration.1. ?'
Ford, with- Thomas A. Edison, also
paid a. visit to a local plant where most
of the endless belts used -on his auto
mobiles are- made.
Iff F
Washington, Aug.; 13. Creation of
the cabinet office, the head of which
will be the secretary for air, Is the
chief recommendation of the Ameri
can aviation commission, headed by
Benedict Crowell. assistant secretary
m ... ...V. i V. 1. n . . Vs -. i t , twl -n
port to the war department.
The report embraces the following
1 The concentration of the airactivl-
tics of the United States civilian, mili
tary and naval within the discretion of
-.ingl government agency created for
4Via nnrnAM and ro-PfitiB 1 in imnortance
. ...... ....Inn ..-1,1. Vi ,1 nri rt m dn1 a
of war, navy and commerce.
' 2 That the agency thus created be
charged with the full responsibility, of
placing and maintaining this country, in
tne front rank of nations in the de
velopment and utilization of aircraft for
national security and in the . advance
ment of the civilian areial transportation
and communication arts.
3 That this governmental organization
be formed in general; as follows:
, (a) A civilian secretary -for air.
b) An assistant civilian secretary, re
sponsible directly to the secretary for
air. ! .
(c) Five of more divisional heads, act
ing an chiefs of subdepartment of civil
'aeronautics, military, aernautics. naval
aernautims, supply and research supply.
(d) An air council- advisory in- char
acter, which shall be constituted by the
secretary for air, assistant secretary for
air, the chiefs of the sUb-departments
and such other personnel as might he
.deemed advisable.
The eeneral Dronositlon of th mission
is to create a new bfanch of ;t!ie cabinet
,to function- similarly to the British air
ministry. On this point. Secretary of
War. Baker, In making the report pub
lic, says :
"The mission has. In my judgment.
.gone too. far In suggesting a single cen-
:ttmlispr1 ftir rrvlfi Armv nnH n a uv
aviators are specialists in the art; both
the airplanes and tike pilots needed are
ot a different type1 from' those needed
In civil undertakings. The pilots par
ticularly neea to he (trained under a dir-
'Ai-on. ttrr-v !lHf.,i. . . i I t . I n.1
to fight singly or in formation and to
'separate In coordination with other
branches of the military service so that
Their efficiency and that of the other
branches of the service depend upon the
most .intense rvnd constant associated
training and a separation of the air
service from the army or navy would
require coordination of their activities
In time of war. whereas, effectiveness in
military operations rests in the concen
tration and singleness of authority, ma
chinery and purpose."
Mr. Baker clearly indicates that the
joint army and navy board Is already at
work reporting on the best means of
creating and maintaining a service and
that since taking up the matter of com-
A Atal . I. - 1 J a ...
v. ufciU(niiciii i l uuuju nave me
cooperation of that branch.
Crop Exhibits Viewed y Experts of
Agricultural College Speak
During Short Stops.,,
British and Yanlropc?
Agree on Roumania
Part. Aite. 19 T V a TV... t- i . i
. ...... M. v .... v. , i I3U11SI1
-and American peace conference dele
gates are In absolute accord in handling
the Roumanian situation, . it was stated
in American official circles here Tues
day. Certain newspaper attempts to
malign the British, and the plans for
the restoration of , the Hapsburg mon
archy in Hungary, were characterized
bv thA umA inniv. am nnralv inml.A
- - .7 .uiucU
General Mine Strike
Given Unon Sanction
Pittsburg, Kan.. Aug. 13. (U.- P.)
Permission to call a general strike of
miners 'of Missouri and Kansas has been
granted by John I Lewis, acting inter
national president of the Mine Workers
of America, it .was learned today.
Klamath Falls, Aug. 13. More than
200 farmers and their families in 38 au
tomobiles journeyed from one to an
other of the numerous- crop demonstra
tions organized by 13. II. Thomas, coun
ty agent, . and W. W. Johnston, field
agent of Oregon Agricultural college.
By 10:30 o'clock the road in front of
the Harry Telford ranch was linedwlth
machines and the demonstration' of a
combination silage and hay cutter by
H.Vatton of the John Deere Plow com
pany of Portland was held.
Results of chopping the alfalfa show a
total increase in feeding returns of from
10 to 30 per cent under varying condi
tions. Headed by Thomas, the farmers mo
tored to the E. E. McClay ranch, to see
a sulphur demonstration on alfalfa. Mc
Clay had applied the sulphurs with a
land plaster spreader, using 100 pounds
an acre, which ,has given him an In
crease in yietd of , three quarters of a
ton for the first cutting.
The Altamont ranch was the next
stop, and in the shade of old poplars
was spread a wonderful picnic dinner.
Professor Hyslop of the Oregon Agri
cultural college spoke on results of ex
periments with alfalfa in the state, and
recommended the Grim or Baltic va
rieties. . .
O. M. Plummer of the Pacific Inter
national Livestock exposition of Port
land' made a plea for better stock, bet
ter homes and better babies, as well as
for the International show. - It Is sur
prising how little pure bred stock there
is in this country that has been a large
producer for years, he said.
Professor E. L. Potter told of the re
sults of livestock feeding experiments
conducted at the Union experiment sta
tion .nd especially recommended 'alfalfa
and silage. Ke outlined the necessity
and opportunity for breeding ' better
stock to supply the ranges with good
sires. Similar countries have - made
themselves wealthy in just lhls-way, he
said. . V . -' . .
At the Frank McCornack ranch, a sul
phur demonstration- showed an Increase
of over a ton an acre from two cut
tings. ' He had applied "only 80 pourrtis
an acre of the sulphur. Sulphur costs
less than 3 cents a pound in Klamath
McCornack Is one of the few breeders
of pure bred cattle and sheep In the
county. He has good stock and good
feed for them. Another, demonstration
on his ranch showedthat alsike and
timothy far outyielded the native swamp
growth and was better, feed; While this
is not yet weighed up, a conservative
estimate is five tons an acre for one
cutting. This is on diked land reclaimed
at considerable expense and now en
dangered by a power dam upon which
construction is soon expected to begin.
The party next visited the ranch of
II. A. Talbot, a pioneer in this part of
the country in sunflower silage work.
He has dug out a pit silo from a hill
side next; his barn - and has several
acres of fine sunflowers surely good for
10 to 12 tons an acre. He will dig more
silos before another year," as this crop,
or peas and oats, or even farm waste as
weeds when siloed and fed with' alfalfa
hay will carry a lot. of stock.
Prices Cause Mother
Of" Five to Kill Self
Newark, X. J., Aug. 13. (U. P.)
Despondent over the losing struggle
against the high cost of living, which,
she said, kept her five children In 111
health," Mrs. Catherine Wohlford com
mitted' suicide- by taking poison. Neigh
bors told the police Mrs, Wohlford re
cently said "that owing to high prices,
she could "hardly keep the children
alive." -
Highway Pictures
' f mm. ' ' i "
Actual Platinum and Sepiatoned
Hand-Embossed Photographs
Size 5 16x7 Inches 25c 7
Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Kodak Dept.
Owl Drug Store
Kodak Dept.
Woodard, Clarke & Co
Kodak Dept.
Pike & O'Neill Co.
Multnomah Falls "Hazelwood;
Do not hesitate any longer to have your hair permanently waved, Rosenthal Sisters' Beauty Parlors, Balcony
Kerr Fruit Jar Demonstration
Factory demonstrator here all this month demonstrat
ing these improved jars and canning requisites. - , v V .
Household Section, Eighth' Floor.
c "Merchandise of cMerit Only .
Visit the Musical Floor
Pjianos, Victrolas, Stradivaras, records and sheet music
a comprehensive assortment. ' . "
- 1 . Seventh Floor. . -
500 Sets
of th
T? 1
r amous ii.awin
Dinnerwgire in a 3 -Days' Offer
Sale Prices! v
M. Kihowles Chi
Three days in which to buy wonderfully good
American-made Dinnerware at prices that will
enable you to have a whole set where you had
expected but a "start." These sets are in open
stock patterns and broken pieces may be replaced
at any time. BUT they will cost much more after
Saturday! This is the time to buy.
Verona Pattern Blue and Ivory
Tn addition to the Edwin M. Knowles china, we ire offerng an
other chinaware at very special pricings. , The Verona is a con
ventional festoon pattern.
23-Fiece (Pyf QfT 42-fiece
Sets at. pHcVJ Sets at . .
The Edwin M. Knowles China is known to be one
of the best products to be obtained today and since
the war, American industries in cpming into their own
have placed this in the front rank of good Chinaware.
The decorations are artistic and the shapes lovely.
For bridal gifts for your-own use you will save
considerably now! ,
Iona Pattern Blue and Pink
In the same wafe as the Verona. patternS delicate three line
tracery m blue with quaint medallions of blue and pink posies.
26-Piece -
Sets at
Sets mat.
The Mayflower) Shape
with Gold Band and Line
The Mayflower is perhaps 'the most pop
ular shane of all this is an excellent op
portunity to buy when you get
Cumberland Shape
with Gold Band
Highly desirable as to shape and dec
oration these pretty dishes may be bought
French Rose and-Ivory
Set No. 261 ;
Fancy the effect, of softly rose-shaded
Er'Sj1"1 on china ,of an old ivory hue
with French rosebuds in relief. .
, Sets at . .
i n For 42
1U Piece Sets.
Sets at. . .
For 42
Piece Sets.
Sets at. .
Od For 42-
Piece Sets.
Apartment House Owners
All the above patterns are open stock and may be added to at
any time at moderate prices.
No. 2J66 --Special $5.65
In the fidwin M. Knowles Ware pattern No. 266 Is an 18 K. gold
band and line design in the popuipr Mayflower shape. 23 "pieces.
.' . ; , : . Sixth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. v
Buy Your Furs Now-
In the Big
A.agpst Sale oiT
Hundreds of women are finding this an excellent opportunity, to save
money on handsome furs. ,
Do you realize what splendid savings await
you In this August bare or rurs nave you
investigated for yourself? :
Hudson Seal ; Coats, Coats
trimmed with squirrel or skunk;
moleskin scarfs, lynx scarfs and nu
tria coats, sealine and other scarfs
and coats are offered at the most
attractive savings I ,
The pelts are of the best the tailoring
and linings are of the finest. If you are
interested in furs, this is a sale you should
not miss!
August prices range from $18.50
to $800 and you can easily see the
savings for yourself by. comparing
the August price on the green ticket
with the price on the white ticket
that goes into effect the first day of
Convenient Terms of Payment May Be Arranged. If Desired.
Third Floor, Lipman. Wolfe & Co."
Notes of the
Fashion by
&the Bagful
"Miniature miser bags of lovely chlf
i fon velvet in all street shades are
quite the smartest things, and are only
Street Floor.
"A Rabbit Skin
for Baby Bunting"
Quite as soft and warm are the coats
for one and two-year-old "Baby Bunt
ings." White Chinchilla, serge or cor
duroy. 86.95. S8.95.
Fourth Floor.
Plaid Skirts
"The Last Word"
Nothing so smart for autumn out
door wear as a handsome plaid wool
skirt. Terra cotta combined with navy
is striking. All wanted . colors.
14.85 to S27.50.
Third Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Sports Jackets
To complete " th costume milady
chooses a sports Jacket of rough weave
jersey in a shade to match. Dashingly
mannish in cut and fit. Priced at
- Third Floor. Lipman. Wolfe St Co.
You Will Save By
Investing In the .
Apguisti ; Sale -of
And not only will you save substantially, bat you will Secure fresh, new,
iinhandled blankets f fine quality.,
North Star Wool Blankets $8.75
White blankets with, pink or blue borders and taped edges to match, 66x80 Inches.
Plaid Wool Blankets $9.25
Handsome blankets-of fine wool In good
weight 66x80 Inches.
Hudson White Wool Blankets
With border and taped edges, size 60xM
inches, K8.95 ; size 70xS4 Inches, 810.50 ;
size 78xl0 inches, 812.95.
Large Plaid Blankets $12.50
"California" blankets with large block
plaid, border and tape to match. 72x84 inches.
'--Other advertised blanket pe
cials continue while, quantities
Second Floor, Lipman, Wolfe A. Co.
Women's Fine
Lisle Hose
Double garter tops and
heavy heeiB, toes . and soles
make these stockings partic
ularly long wearing and
serviceable. Black and white.
3 pairs for 81
Street Floor,
Lipman.' Wolfs & Co.
Have You ;
Tasted V
-A distinctly deli
cious confec tion
with "on almond
filling that furnish
es a piquant sur
prise. - .
Daylight Candy Factory,
Eighth Floor.
New Gingham and
Chambray House
Dresses Just In
"Come-out-of-the-house" dresses we might
say since they are too pretty to remain indoors
all the time.
Checks and plain colors in shades that are
crisply dainty for such frocks.
White organdy at the neck, or rows of hem
titchery or perky pockets add much to their
Fourth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. '
A Timely Sale of
A Clean-up of Broken Assortments
Decidedly under" prevailing retail prices Just the silk gloves
that every woman wants for present wear gloves that will
be perfectly good form and by far the best value to be had
for wear well Into the fall. ,
Hundreds and hundreds of pairs of favored
makes at extreme savings.
Pure 8ilk,gloves, light weight,
in white only,
Black, white and colored Mi
lanese silk gloves, two clasp;
also elbow length silk gloves in
broken sizes.
Black, white and colored silk
gloves with very slight imper
fections. $1.15
t i vi i ' u " Niagara elbow length silk
gloves In black, white, mastic, ,loves ta white, tonj
pongee and gray. ' gee.
The Best Silk Clove
Opportunity Thus' Far .
Street Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Famous Cross silk gloves In'
white only with contrasting
New Oriental Lace Collars
Special $ 1 .50
-Entrancingly feminine and altogeth
er lovely are the new Oriental lace col
lars for round neck frocks.
. i
Four to five inches wide. To be bad
in either cream or white.
Street Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co.'
Women's Glove Silk
Underwear Samples
Vz Off
-"Samples" otherwise we never should have been able to
purchase them at the price concession we did, and you would'
have had to pay in many instances several dollars more per
garment than the sale price. ,
, Irresistibly lovely' underfinery of heavy glove silk that, as
everyone knows, launders perfectly camisoles, union suits
and envelopes. A SALE UNUSUAL! ,
v Street Floor, Lipman. Wolfe & Cd.