The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 13, 1919, Page 20, Image 20

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The People Themselves . Have Suggested What We Should Advertise for the
Go -operative - Sales , Mow On
.The- QjjuujtVSto
Members of Oregon Branch of
Roosevelt Memorial Associa
tion Hold First Conference.
Small Contributions From Gen
eral Public, and Not Large In
dividual Gifts, Are Desired.
Admirers of Theodore Roosevelt
in Oregon and throughout the coun
try will be grtven an opportunity to
contribute to a $10,000,000 fund, for
the erection of a suitable memorial
in his honor. Following a confer
ence at ttie Benson hotel Tuesday
afternoon, announcement of a cam
paign to raise a,uuu lowaru mis
fund in Oregon was made by Edward
H; Brown, -district manager of the.
. Pacific coast for the National Roose
velt Memorial association.
Xr. Henry Waldo Coe ia chairman of
the committee in charge of the campaign
in this state. Thomas B. N'euha'usen has
1 . . t .1 1 T I
ruun 1 1 3. 1 1 1 1 .i.iriMii 211111 1 . 1 1 . -
Senttenich, treasurer of the organization.
Other members are: Mrs. Frederick
Eggert. A. F. Flegai, Arthur I. Moulton,
Dr. Andrew C. Smith, Edgar B. Piper
and Senator George E. Chamberlain, all
-of Portland: Bruce Dennis of Ia
Grande : Mrs. Lawrence T. Harris,
Salem and John H. Smith of Astoria.
A conference of the Oregon-committee
will be held in .Portland September 15.
when plans for distributing the quota to
he raised among the counties of;j the
slate will be laid and a district chair
man appointed. According to the ex
pressed wishes of the Roosevelt family,
no large contribution will be accepted
and opportunity will be riven every
resident in the state to add something
to the memorial fund.
"It is the deBire of the officers and
members of the Roosevelt Memorial ae
Hociation and of the members of the
Roosevelt family that the memorial
erected shall be an expression of respect
and love from the people of the country
and not the . gift of individuals," said
Dr. Coe. "All the expense of organizing
the memorial association and of collect
ing the fund will be borne by William
Boyce Thompson of New York, president
of the organization and a lifelong friend
of Mr. Roosevelt. Every penny con
tributed will be actually used in the
construction of the memorial ' agreed
Just what form of memorial will be
chosen ia still a matter of conjecture,
according to Manager Brown. It has
been proposed that a monument be
erected In Washington. I. C, and also
that a memorial park be established at
Oyster Bay or Sagamore hill, the home
of the Roosevelt family for several
years prior to his death.
The raising of funds will not be a
difficult matter, according to Brown. No
attempt will be made to urge contribu
tions and the purpose of the organiza
tion is solely to afford opportunity to
all who wish to share in the building of
the memorial. Committees have been
appointed in all the states and wide
publicity is being given the movement.
The Washingtoh committee consists of
William H. Cowles, Spokane, chairman ;
Thomas Burke and C. S. Wills of
Seattle: M. C. Moore and H. H. Turner,
Walla. Walla : H. C. Lucas. Yakima, and
George Turner of Spokane. This com
mittee will meet at an early date and
devise means of -raising the $100,000
quota assigned to Washington. On Sep
tember 18, a joint meeting of the Oregon.
Washington and Idaho committees will
be held In Portland.
Members and officials of the Roose
velt Memorial association include men
of every shade of political belief, many
of them opponents of the policies of
Roosevelt during his lifetime. Honarary
presidents are William H. Taft and
tharles E. Hughes ; honorary vice presi
dents, Henry Cabot Lodge, John
Mitchell, A. T. Hert, Hiram W. Johnson
and John T. King.
President. William Boyce Thompson ;
vice president, Wlliam Loeb Jr. : treas
urer. Albert H. Wiggin ; secretary,
Harry M. Blair assistant secretary.
Hazel H. Plate. Headquarters of the
organization are' established in New
Standard Oil Pays
$2000 More Tax
In July Than June
Salem, Aug. 13. A material Increase
In the use of motor vehicle fuel oils in
Oregon is indicated by the size of the
check received Tuesday by the secretary
of states elt'ce from the-Standard Oil
company in pf.yment of he tax on the
July pains of gasoline and distillate. The
July check for $28,761.80 is approximately
$2000 greater than the check covering the
June sales, This represents the tax of
1 cent per gallon on 2,654,864 gallons of
gasoline .and V cent a gallon on 442,633
gallons of distillate.
Anemic People Need
Blood-Iron Phosphate
Anemic people are usually thin,- pale,
weak, discouraged, nervous wrecks ;
showing that lack of Iron hi the blood is
all too frequently accompanied by a run
down nervous system due - to lack of
phosphorous. Strength, health, vim,
vigor and energy depend almost entirely
on making up this deficiency In iron and
Unquestionably one of the best things
for this purpose is the great French dis
covery known among our druggists as
Blood-Iron Phosphate. Folks who have
tried " it say that one five-grain tablet
with each meal quickly restores depleted
nervous energy, enriches the blood, in
creases strength, vitality and endurance,
and those who are thin -usually put on
pounds of solid .stay-there flesh in a
short time. . ,
T Inasmuch as The Owl Drug Co. and
all other druggists are authorized to sell
Blood-Iron Phosphate under a guaran
tee of satisfaction or money back, every
thin, weak, nervous or anemic man or
woman should give it a trial without
-delay.. :
: Important Blood-Iron Phosphate !
old only la original packages, eostain
Ing eaoagh for three weeks' treatment,
at tlJ per'packa-ffe oily cents a
week Adv.
Wholesome Pastries
Are Possible
Ask MrsGinger how to make them. She is an adept
at pastries, pics, puddings and other -good things. She can
make home life more enjoyable by showing Mrs. House
wife how to prepare delicious food.
Arid does your mayonnaise always come out right? Mrs.
Ginger's does. She says she can make mayonnaise with
eyes shut in no time at all and it is always
creamy and altogether delicious.
Mrs. Ginger's Free Cooking
in the MEIER & FRANK Auditoriufh 'daily beginning at
i P. M. (note time has been changed from 2 :30) , are
crowded. Better come early so that you can sit near the
stage and see everything. This stage, by the way, is a
modern electrical kitchen so attractive and clean-looking
that every woman seems to want one just like it.
Remember the time 2 P. M. daily.
Meier & Frank's : Auditorium,
Breakfast Coats
and Kimonos
Pretty, fluffy things of flowered cot
tons, self-striped crepes and pale pink
and blue cotton crepes. Some lovely
shades of yellow and rose and other
becoming tones and one does need be
coming colors in the morning, doesn't
Trimmed with lace, puffings of satin ribbon
or ruffles of thematerial.
Sketched is a canary color breakfast coat
with big wavering blocks of old blue and happy
looking nosegays of conventional flowers.
Limited number at this special price.
Meier & Frank's : Third Floor.
(Mail Orders Filled.)
Thousands of Tumblers
in a Sale
Two exceptionally desirable groups at substantially re
duced prices:
I - Tisr
A - m I
Set of 6 at 48c
Regular $1.25 dozen plain thin blown
glass table tumblers.
Set of 6 at 74c
Regular $2.50 dozen thin blown glass
table tumblers in the attractive 6-pointed
star design illustrated.
The Largest Stock of Household
in the Northwest
Meier & Frank's Household Utilities Section. Basement. (Mail
Women V White Shoes Clearaway
Save y3 to y2
While Lots Last
Rather than carry over these shoes we have
put such extremely low prices on them, in the
face of rising costs, as will insure their imme
diate and thorough dispersal. There's lots of
white shoe weather ahead and forward-look-ing
women will buy for next year.
At $1.98
White canvas 8-ihch top button shoes with Good
year welt soles and Cuban heels. White canvas 8-inch
lace shoes with hand-turned leather and ' covered
wooden heels. Small lot of sport shoes; Sizes 24
to 7, '. V.. ... .,. ; . . -
At $2.98
White kid 8-inch top button shoes and white
canvas 8-inch top lace shoes with Cuban or mill-'
tary heels. White canvas military oxfords. White
nubuck military oxfords. Sizes 2 to 7. -
A New York Actress
Bought Her Laces"
Here V
for the new lace gowns she will
wear this coming season because
she found just the right kinds at
prices considerably lower than in
the east. Lace gowns are the
fashion; of almost every big so
cial gathering and we are for
tunate in having some beautiful
laces at the old prices.
Black' silk net top lace flounc
ings, $2.50 and 53 yard.
White cotton lace flouncings,
$2 and 3.50 yard.
Meier & Frank's : Main Floor.
thick and J
"Ask Mr.
When seeking full reliable
travel information, consult the
Ask. Mr, Foster Travel Office
On- the Sixth Floor. This serv
ice isfFREE.
Meier & Frank's v. Sixth Floor.
Sixth Floor. ,r
What Do You Wish
to Know About .
Would you like to know -why
184 7 Rogers Bros, silver plate is
guaranteed for 70 years' service?
Miss Wilkinson is a representa
tive of the Rogers Bros, factory
and can tell just, how t847
Rogers Bros, silver plate is made
and why it is better.
Miss Wilki nson will be in the
Silverware Shop un.til Saturday
and will be glad to answer any
questions about the proper use
and care of silver.
Meier & Frank's : Main Floor.
The New Sheet
Music Shop
is ready to supply you with all
the latest popular hits at 5c,
also standard, operatic and semi
classical favorites. Expert pian
ists will play requested pieces.
Meier & Frank's : Basement Bal.
Art Needlework
69c teach for attractive cen
terpieces and scarfs to match,
stamped on white clover cloth.
Why not embroider them during
your vacation?
79c for dresser sets of scarf
and pin cushion to imtch,
stamped for interesting embroid
ering. Pretty for high school
girls' rooms.
Meier & Frank's : Second Floor.
are a wise provision at all times
and especially so on summer ex
cursions. We duplate glasses of any
Two registered optometrists.
Meier A Frank's : Mezzanine.
Orders Filled.)
At $3.98
. White Sea Island duck 8-inch top shoes with
good leather soles, military and concave Cuban
heels.. 9-inch top shoes with white kid Vamps
and Louis heels., Other smalt lots. Sizes 2 to 8.
Frank's:. Lower Price Store, Basement Balcony..
Cash and Carry Special
On Sale 9 to 12 Only
To Bring Down the Cost
of Living
The Meier & Frank Company Offers
This Co-operative Sale Tomorrow
V Sk f f X 1 P
3UUU i-iOS.
Fancy Sugar Cured Backs
35c Lb.
This bacon will be sold from 9 a. m. to
1 2 m. only it will be sold exclusively on
the cash and carry plan.
Sold only by the strip 8 to 14 pounds
limit one strip to a purchaser.
Xn All-Day Special
(fTrlCi-" The Popular
XlL Shortening
At Less Than Present ,
. Wholesale Cost! '
6-lb. Cans for $2.34
9-lb. Cans for $3.48
' : -' "' ' , 1 ;'- " . ' ; . ' --' - -':
Another big Bringing Down- the Cost of Living
Special for the Co-operative Sales.
Limit 1 can to a purchaser. None sent C. O. D.
.'"'- J Meier Sc. Frank's : Grocery, NinthFloor.
...,...-.... ....... ... . .... f . '.
That is the opinion unanimously enthusiasticatlyv even vociferously
expressed by thousands of Portland men and young men who hvc
sr&red in MEIER & FRANK'S history-making
By this time, were
.-e so disposed,
you so'' for we predi
cted that this
the history of the
ic: Coast. But
tance of this sale to V
words '
DU the monev
Average Present
words that.but awaijt your action to
for every shirt-you buy in-this sale
get worthy, every wayfdesirable, everyday-wanted $hirfts besides.
A DRESS blouse of
black paulette has
the new doubled silk
threads to repre-
sent fringe and jet button
it is hip length
and there is an elapora
underbodice of dark bluj
Georgette. -
FLESH COLORED blouse of Georg
ette has the new very short peplum
slashed in squares and
hound with old"
blue taffeta; the girdfe isi a'rope made of
the taffeta and there isf further enrich
ment by means of Valenciennes in a
"real" pattern.. Largely hand-made.
A DELIGHTFUL blouse: of midnight blue
Georgette is interestingly draped
witft a sash and has Parisrlike hand-hemstitching
and delicious ipuffings and in
sertions of coffee colored lace and chtffon.
A DIGNIFIED blouse of dark blue' tri
colette is . embroid!ered with gray
wool and has circles of Imisty gold work
and braided golden girdle. '
Georgette has long, loose, flaring
sleeves and is emeroiaerea aiscreeuy wnn
et beads.
blouse has -touches
of turqu'oise
short peplum.;
ribboin and the new
FLOWERED chjffon
rette cbjlar. i
blouse, has Pier-
Our $2.50 to $tt0 .white' skirts
will be $1.25 "to $G.23 -tomorrow.
Pique, rep anJ galitea are the ma
terials, j- " ,
- More or less hindled. ' Not all
J Lr
it might be saf
:ly written, "we told
d be. the greatest in
shirt selling avou
rather -we av
buld urge the impor-
- savinjr possibi!
ties expressed ir the
Wholesale Cost
turn thent into
puts money in
dollars your dollars
your pocket and you
Merchandising Mastery
worked this wont er bought 20,000
shirts where shirts were scarce secured
quality where quality did not come un-asked--achieved
big savings where prices
disposed to climb.
Make It Your Gain
Press the. ad van
tage to the utmost.
enough ot these
shirts to have a sup-
handy for many
months to come.
Good Shirts at $1
are the piece de resistance, but values are
as generous through ' the $1.95,' $2.45,
$3.85 and $3.95 groups to the peerless silk
shirt values at $5195.
ACT tomorrow
Meier AlFrank'a : The Store for Men.
Main Floor. (Mall Orders Filled.)
A GEORGETTE blouse In, flesh color
has wide! upturned ruffles of Valen
ciennes and insertions of organdie.
ANOTHER adorable model for dress is
of Georgette with apron peplum of
puffings of chiffon and insertions of lace
.that fooks like real Valenciennes. Largely
finished by hand.
FAR TOO MANY other beautiful new
blouses to! describe. We shall be glad
to show them to you.
S10 to S60 .
Meier & Frank's : Blouse Bhop, Fourth Floor.
i (Mailorders Filled.)
White Tub
V-Skirts' at
sizes in every style, hut plenty of
sizes Jor wornen and . misses in the
lot. They can be worn for the next
six weeks andi will be on handeady
for you to start .next season.
Meier & Frank's Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor.
l -