10. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, POR TLAND, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1919. WANTED TO RENT We Want to List " HOUSES, FLATS AND APARTMENTS. IP YOU HAVE AST , VACANCIE8, PHONE. HEAVE TOGETHER, CAKE OF NORTHWEST 8TEE0 CO., MAIN 1183. . WANTED By Sept 1, by a eld Organisation. ...... floor race about 850O jq. ft. for cafeteria and rent room for girls, centrally located; perma nent tenant. Plion. East 06W6. j -WANTED A 4 or 5 -room fiinv modern hoiiH - all furnished and garf, walking distance; adultJ people only; rent must be reasonable price. Vitrei. 1Q2 hi 1st at., room X iWANTED To rent nrSurnished 5-ron bunga ..:' low flat Call Tabor 9088. HEAL ESTATE HKACH PHOPKRTt 49 A BEACH HOME, now at Seaside. Or., at beau tlful "Cartwrignt Para." at reduced pncea ; ; $25 to $700; nay in Mali men ta. 6 per cent: soon to be connected by all-pared highway with (astern and scut barn Oregon, which, with proposed 2000- - toot' pier, will ska "trt weight Park" on. of tue moat sttractiv apota on Pacific coast Whit-m.r-Kally Co.. 414 Pittock - block. Portland. Oregon or Inquire r. AC Cola.- agsot 2 Bioadway. 8 id. Oreexm. .- OCt A.N' FRONT 4 room, cottage, with fire place;' partly furnished; Clatsop county; for quick sale, $450. Call Wood lawn 441. FOR SALE HOUSES I $5200 Beautifail bungalow in the cboioeat part - x of Hose City Park, corner lot, atreet im provement all paid, 0 rooms and bath, strictly modemi hardwood floors, furnace and fireplace, usual .builtins, full cement ' -- basement, la find ry trayi, garage; atreet . . improvements all in and paid. TbU will i. not last -long. it na show yon. . 3. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 Railway Ex. Bldg. Main 1094. $4200 NOW VACANT $4200 BIO SALMON BT. HOME 7 rooma and sleeping porch, fireplace, alt built-in conveniences, large built-in cold water cooler, full cement basement, furnace, lot 122 ft. -deep, fruit trees and good garage, hard sur face street in and paid. Terms. - , O. A. WARRINER. HITTER. LOWE & CO,. SOI -3-5-7 Boa rd of Trade blag. ROSE CITY PARK . . BUMiALOW r-4250 located on 4 2d at., near Sandy. Very largo living room, plate glass window, hardwood floor. Iirepiace buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, etc. ' Ileal value. Liberal terms. Let us alioir you. i . A. G. TEEFE CO., : 204 Star St.. near 8d. Main 3002. Main 3516. .Branch Office, 5oth and Sandy. (Tabor 9586). AN UNBEATABLE BARGAIN ROSE CITY PARK - 7 rooms arid aleeping porch, den and sewing , room, 2 fireplaces, 2 toilets, hardwood floors, - full basement, new ' furnace, garage built tit match bungalow. Owner leaving city wants quick sale; $4650 will buy this splendid home, $1000 cash, balance to suit. COE A. McKENNA & CO., Main 4522. 82 4th t.. Board of Trade. , J1AWTHORNE DI8TB1CT . $2100 NEAT COTTAGE $2100 -5 rooms snd bath, gaa, electricity, etc., bet r ter than 50x1 0O lot, paved U. in and paid, j good garage, 2 blocks from Hawthorne car, 3 4 - to Mt. Tabor ear, $500 cash, balance like rent. ). A. WAHRINER, RITTEK, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. . $320(050(0) CASH. . f rotrns and basement, all in strictly fir.-t class condition: nice -lawn, garage, Jots of fruit, close to car; utrcet improvements all iu. 195 Wil lamette bird. Edward A. Brown" 803 Railway Exeh. Main 2693. C ROOM HOME HAWTHORNE CAB 100x100 BEARING FRUIT. A food, substantial ti room home, cement basement, large living rooms, beautiful lawn, flowers and shade trees, all kinds of bearing fruit, . splendid garden. A aacrifice sale at $2750. About half cash required. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO. 212 Railway Ex. Bldg. Main 6752. NEW AND ATTRACTIVE 5-room modem bungalow, ground 75x100 and garage. A pretty little spot among the pines, 100 ft. from hard surface at., about 3 blocks from ear; price $2800; teams. North of Piedmont. - C. A; WARRINER. BITTER, LOWE A CO.. J 201-3-6-7 Board of Trade bldg. VACANT BUNGALOW ' $3250 ALBERTA $3250 Corner 18th and Going St., 5 rooms, flre - place, bookcases and buffet, . floored attic, full basement. 1 block to paved at.. 2 blocks to car. Easy terms and quick possession. C. A. WARRINER, BITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg; LOOK AT 888 EAST AN KEN Y $2300 6 room home, with, large lot. In good condition, bath, gas and electric lights, full ." basement and wash trays, some fruit. Small payment dowi. balance straight monthly installments of $20 and interest. ' " . . J: A. WICKMAN CO. 204 Railway Ex. Bldg. Main 1004. OWN A HOME of your own; let uT build it. W furnish easy payment loans like rent. W .build according to your plans and pocketbock; sketches free; our eyatem. saves you money and voids risks. PORTLAND HOME BUILDING ASSOCIATION. INC 520 630 Henry bldg. ' Main 6199. " $3000 Buys 5 room modern house, fuTfc? ment basement, furnace, wash trays, rooms all exceptionally large. -light and airy, plenty of closet room, atreet improvements all paid; (500 cash will handle. Convenient to 3 carlinea. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 Railway Ex. Bldg. Main 1094. $8000 $800 DOWN WILL BUY I Beautiful 5 room bungalow on b7th, near Stark. Must be sold this week ; has fireplace, Dutch kitchen, builtin buffet, etc. This home must be, seen to be appreciated. Don't hesitate. Our cars at your service. ' BUSINESS SERVICE Main 6797. 317 Henry bldg. EMERSON STREET HOUSE SNAP Gooditi room house, cvment basement, electric . liffhu. good bath, 3 bedrooms, full lnt 50x , 100; city liens all paid; price a snap, $2000, 5O0 cash anil $20 per -month. 608 Emerson, near 10th. Look at ib it s a good buy HUUSSI & BENNETT SIS Board of Trade bldg. Main 7453." FOIISAI.E By owner, modern 6 room bunga low, hardwood .floors, buffet, white enamel kitchen, pantry and bath full basement, fur nace and wash tray. Lot 50x100, hard surface, atreela, with sewer, all improvements paid- 2 . - blocks of Vernon school. H block from Alberta SVi' 134 -E- 21st " N- Phone Woodlawn J194. Terms. . $1400 ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT " 4 large rooms aud bath, electricity, gas, Dutch .- kitchen, full plumbing, nice large corner lot, fine garden; leaving city, must be sold soon; easy terms; real bargain. Phone Tabor 6550. WELL-BCU.X 5 ROOM BUNGALOW". -Old ivory finish. 1L W. floors, fireplace, book . tases, Dutch kltclien. large attic, cement base , ment and trays. Lot 60xlO0; l block from car Terms. Owner, Tabor 6435. - ' , KOOM bungalow, $1750; lot 50x100; house .i a-Po t!?..nd ha b,th nd toilrt located - at 6.30 AV hit man are., Mt Scott line: 3300 cash. - Fred W. German Co.. Chamber of Com f nierce. Open evening and ' Sundays. FOB SALE b room house with bath, modem improvements; in high class section. By owner. , 1 Una' near Lak; 80 acres, well wa tered; some timber. Would consider vacant lots 'pr ear. K-68. Journal. $1750 - ROSE CITY PARK CAR" Modem 6 . . : . . - " ' " IUI1 room- oungaiow. electricity. ' "',;' wmenx. laundry trays, full lot. A real bargain termv .Tabor 8375 or 4307 ' itJLE:Z? lQt2 wi,t.h.3 nmta ""d chicken - house; wood shed; all fenced in;. $500 cash nd in terms $550. .John Baeman. 6910 86th stj 8. E., Lents. : 3 ROOM tent house, on King s Hta.; beautiful view of. city; lights and water. Call Mu SanbxniU Terrace, from 1.0 to 2. 1 Mock f rom 1 n,o THR EE room plastered house. 2 acres! right at Roethe station, Oregon City car' 12 He commutation. $300 down. Mrs Vm! Ray Lawrence. m- PrVB room house. Jot 60x100. bargain; might consider Ford or Chevrolet. Your terms. 80ft East Salmon, or call Ea?t 1890 MODERN 6 room : bungalow: verv i-l.... .a cheap; with good terms. Apply 1034 F r rnthers st. ir o evenings. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN home," i block- chef- nea, .apples, peari. prunes, plums and berries 7 room house; $8000. Seltwood 133.? ACRE, new modem 5 room bungalow- terms cheap. Hawthorne car. Owner. Marshall 3293 or Main 5840. " BIG HI room house, full cement basement, wash KUlingsworth ave. Wdln. 3649. lHlWUUM.il IK U'JI. . cngnn. $760 - ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT ' Coajr; attractive 3 room Bungalow, electricity gas, nice lot. Tabor. 8376 or 4307.. - - . .r S ROOM cottage, with sleeping porch,, gas and electrie light; nice garden. - Woodlawn 822B R SALE Five rooms and xlwing poieh. modem; K00 down. Tabor 7868 - 7-ROOM bouse with furnace, 75x100 lot. aS i paid fory See owner, 1,143 Clinton. BY OVN NEK Completely furnisned 0 bungalow. 1029 E. Broadway. room No phone. i.ocb ssii rsan rim o-room Dungalovv. a bargain. East 2830. PRETTY- little 4-rapm bungalow, close in. 800. 637 Pittoek block. BOOM "burnt and lot: $650. X25V caah. 41$ Stock Exchans. Msia 3270. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOT8F.S 61 ) 42800 Neat 4 room cottage, good-sized rooma, fine bath, handy Jutcben, basement, gas heating system, 60x102 lot with fine shmbbery and ft bearing fruit tree; Hawthorne car: fine locality; $000 cash, bal. mot 1 35002 story Hawthorne residence, located ' 388 E, 35tb, 8 rooms, S bedrooms, : good basement, furnace, fine lot, fruit ' and berries. Take a look. Terms.' $3600 -Waverly Heights, dandy 6 room bung alow, sleeping porch, fireplace, built in buffet, fin kitehen and pas pen- try, cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, beautiful Jot with 4 different : kinds of bearing fruit trees. Possession ' Sept. 1. Home terms. $4000 H room Hawthorne bungalow, hardwood . floors, fireplace, buffet, fine kitchen, full cement basement, furnace, . good lot, garage, 2 bearing peach , trees and berries; st- paved and paid; closa in; : $1000 cash. $05007 room Lanrelhurst bungalow type. , hardwood floors, massive buffet, fire place, bookcases, Dutch kitchen, 2 bed rooms downstairs, 2 up; sleeping porch, located 4 blocks east of park, garage. He this one sure. 1 block to car. Terms. We will be glad to make appointment to show any of the abore and others, so don't hesitate to call. - ' GEO. T. MOORE CO. Main 80 2. 1007 Toon bldg. $4200 PUCDMONT BARGAIN $4200 " $400 DOWN. Unusual opportunity to bny a 6 room, Tery substantial attractive . Piedmont home : living room, with fireplace; attractive dining- room.; kitchen, with builtins; full cement basement; furnace and laundry trays; 3 light airy bed rooms; white enamel plumbing; electric lights and gas; house newly painted gray; hi block north of Killingsworth ; lot is 50x123; garage. Keren hundred photographs of inspected homes in our office for- sale; 10 experienced salesmen with autoa at your service. : SEE . FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BUT YOUR HOME. Abington bldg. Main 1068. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. Rose City Park fiosnie 7 room modern home with lots of nice fruit trees; paved su all paid. Price $5000. Lot 5 Ox 100; east -front: easy terms. Also 0 room mod ern bungalow. Belmont add., 50x108 lot. Price $2350; easy terms. Also 0 room modern bungalow, Kastmoreland add. Fine home. Lot 50x100. Price $3500: easy terms. Also 5 room modern bnngalow in Montavilla add. ; all in fine shape. 50x100 lot. Price $2400; easy terms. These are all food buys, and' we have lots more of good buys. Call and see us. New York Land Co.. 303-4-5 Stock Exchange bldg. Phone Main 7676. ROSE CITY PARK . 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $395t Look here, folks. . You can't afford to pan up this splendid buy. Just think of being able to buy a strictly modern bungalow, in perfect .condition, with exceptionally large living room, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast alcove, cement basement, wash trays, full lot. street and stwer asstj. paid. Very lib eral terms. Hurry. A. G TEEPE CO 264 Stark: st. near3d. Main 3092, Msin 3316. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. Tabor 0588). The McQUIRE SYSTEM makes home buying; easy. You can come to this office and see over 700 photographs of homes for sale, arranged in districts; every one has been appraised: 10 automobiles at your service; some wonderful bargains. That is why we sold over 10x1 homes in Msy. SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BCY YOUR HOME. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. ROSE CITY PARKTCAiT" 6 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH $5250 You will appreciate the real downright value in this splendid home. Finished right up to the minute in every respect. Hardwood floors, fire place, furnace, etc. This is so far above the ordinary house at this price that we knew you will consider it a downright bargain. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark st. nesr 3d. Main 3092. Main 3516. Branch Office,60thandSandy. (Tabor 9588). $1900 EAST OF PIEDMONT- $1000 On Grand ave., just on block east of Pied mont, is a substantial 5 room home, good ce ment basement, laundry trays, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas; $200 down. Unusual opportunity. SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME Abington Bldg. Main 1068. OFPICB OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. .$25W MODERN BUNGALOW VACANT MT. TABOR CAR LINE Here's a r. Isprful- well-built home and a dandy buy. Five nice rooms, beside bath, Al plumbing. Dutch kitchen, laundry trays, deep basement with full concrete walls, large attic. Good neighborhood, right on Mt. Tabor car; Just east of Mt. Tabor. Convenient to school and stores, etc. See owner, Bdwy. 421. Or eve nings. Tabor 3058. qrovelandt park 6 ROOM BUNGALOW $4000 Folks, this Is a real bargain. You would never expect to bny such a bungalow in so beautiful a restricted, district, for so little money. Hard wood" floors, fireplace, massive buffet, furnace, etc.; full lot; 10Q feet from car. Trobably never again an opportunity like this. A. G. TEEPE CO, 264 Stark ft near 3d. Main 3092, Main 3516. Branch Office, 5 0th and Sandy. $2350 Buys beautiful bungalow, newly painted and decorated throughout: exceptionally nice electric light fixtures, large bed rooms, panel dining room and a home much su perior in quality to what is ordinarily of fered at this price;' 5 rooms and bath, with an additional room fbr storage ; . can be used for bedroom if desired; only 1 block from car; lot 50x100. Terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 Railway Ex. Bldg. Main 1094. WE WILL WAGER YOU HAVEN'T SEEN A PRETTIER BUNGALOW In Rose City Bark. This one haa 5 rooms and sleeping porch. The living and dining rooms are really beautiful. Yes, it is modern to the minute. he lot is a comer with shade trees and shrubbery. The price of this lovely home is $4500 with $1200 cash. You'll say it's the prettiest home in Rose City Park. . COE A. McKENNA & CO., Main 4522. 82 4th st.. Board of Trade. 6 BOOMS, SLEEPING PORCH. GARAGE SPLENDID VALUE $4750 Located within 100 feet of car. Hardwood floors in every room. Fireplace, bookcases, mas sive buffet. Dutch kitchen, breakfast fflcove. furnace, sleeping porch, sewing room. All on one floor. Lots of class and distinction. St. assts. included in price. Now let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.r 204 Stark st. near 3d. Mam 8092, Main 3516. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. SUNNY SIDE BIG SNAP Good, 6 room .house, electricity, nice bath, full basement, comer B. SOth and Alder; worth 280O; will sell for $2250. $500 cash and. $25 per month. Photo at our office. GRUSSI & BENNETT 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. $2200 ROSE CITY DISTRICT $2200 You should see this beautiful little 4 -room bungalow. It is a gem. $500 cash. 73d, near Sandy. 60x60 corner lot. R. F. FEEMSTER ' ABINGTON BUXi. TEN DATS only $500 OR USED AUTO as first payment, balance to suit, lovely T room house, with basement, on large - comer lot, 4 room cottage in rear. See owner, 634 Emer son st, Portland, near E. 17th and Albert, streetcar line, or write E-69. Journal. JUST COMPLETED--MODERN BUNQALOW 8 rooms, garage. 1179 B Ankeney, near Lanrelhnrst Park. $8500. Phone Eas 7858. PRICE $1400 I - -' - CASH $400 $20 per month including Interest. 4 room house, close in. near car. Clean and eomfort w . ,.!J P?in rent Phone Mr. Delahunty, Main 1700. Evenings and Sundav. East 2nftft : -i z : ' room bungalow, bath, gas, electric lights, full basement, 'finished and white enameled throughout, convenient to Irv ington and Alberta cars. Vacant Terms. ., J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 Railway Ex. Bldg. Main 1094 Rose City Park Car toTTAGK, LOT-SOxlOO ,Pr" $llOO; terms; $350 down. Cement sidewslks lien $50; 2 blocks from" car. Phone aoor 5196. . . - . $2450 room well bnUt modern, close fau Go look. 504 Beacon. .Main 4803. t G. C. GOLDEN BERG, ABINGTON"' BLDG. U.W,HT NOT BUILD f ; ... ,tlTsV, hom h an established arehl- fvmh the money if desired. L. K. -Bailey Os. If., contracting architects. 024 -N -W Bank. WANT : AUTOMOBILE X i'mL '" worth $500 W $600 I win .take it cn my tt-rooui cottagn on 32d St.. near Division. Marshall 4188 6 ;ABUE rooms; corner lot; garage: built-iiw; 3150. terms.- Phone East 6770 evenings. BK.k i. rrty or building "" you REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES CI $2100 UNBELIEVABLE BARGAIN $210O On Vancouver are., near Mason, st, X block from the Williams ave. cars, just south' of the Jefferson high school district, on a 50x120 ft lot to an alley, with abundance at fruit' and berries, on a paved street, with liens all paid, is a substantial 8 room horn with garage; living room, dining room, kitchen and 2 bedrooms- on the first floor; 3 bedrooms, white enamel bath, patent toilet and lavatory on the 2d floor;, hot and cold water. - Only $400 down and the en tire balance at $23 per month at , per cent interest. No mortgage or - liens of any kind. This is -Inside property. We have over 700 photographs of appraised home for sale and have many remarkable bargains. : 10 experienced real estate salesmen with autoa 'at your service. SEE - .:':- - 1' " - - FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BUT YOUR HUME. Abinrton bldg. Main 1068. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. MR. WORKING MAN. why not own your hornet Here are some bargains in homes: - No. 1 5-room house, fruit trees and garden, close to good car service, stores and schools, and only $1800. Some cash, balance monthly payments. ; No. 2 2 small houses, 50x100 lot, plenty of Trait and flowers, close to good car serviae, store and schools, and only $1500. Some cash, balance easy terms. These are east of Laurelhuist, in a good American. district, and as dose in as you can get cheap homes. See Miss Wetsler at J. B. HOLBROOK, 214-215 Panama bldg. TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT 1 7-room; $100 - down, balance $20 per month; good location. 1 5-room bungalow, $100 down, " $15 per month. 1 5-room nearly new bungalow, easy terms, 1 8-room semi-modem house on Vernon ave. ; one of the best built houses in the city; very easy terms; close- to car. 1 5-room bungalow and -acre; all in a high state of cultivation; on good easy terms. Close to car and school. 3 and 4 -room house and large for $50 and $100 down. No agents need call. Tabor 1483. or address 8032 66th ave. S. E. FOR A HOME OR FOR AN INVESTMENT. We liave for sale on the west side a duplex house, 2 complete 0-room houses in one, sep arate entrances, 4 fireplaces.- built-in buffets, sleeping porches, Dutch kitchens, 2 basements, 2 furnaces: this place is only 6 years old and , in the finest condition. The appraised val uation is $11,500. Owner needs money in busi ness, anxious to sell quickly, instructs ns to of fer for $8900 on terras of $2000 cash. Your rental will take care of balance of payments. We know of no better investment. COE A. M'KENNA & CO.. Main 4522. 5 ROOM BUNQALOW $3150 $3150 $3150 Ha hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, white enamelled Dutch kitchen, nice reception hall with coat closet; full cement basement that is a real basement 40xlty lot Yes, there is plenty room for a garage, i Bungalows at this price are getting scarce. J. A. HUBBELL 1088 Hawthorne are. Tabor 8892. FURNISHED 5-room bungalow. 50x100 ;' 43d "and Haw thorne, $3375. 6-ruom. 39th arnd Francis, lot 58x150; $3000. 6-room . house, . 20 E. Ankeny, fireplace and furnace. These ' homes ass on paved street in good condition, and are worth Uie price aked. Can be sold on terms. Main 5456. 1011 Yeon. Main 0882. res. ' READ THE ABOVE $2800 ADJOINING LAURELHURST $2"800 Bight serosa the street from Laurelhurst, on E. Stark street, facing the park, is a suo atantial. attractive 5 room modem bungalow; full cement basement, 2 light, afry bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, electric lights .and gas. Small down payment balance eaay terms, or Would take mortgage back. Unusual snap. SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BUY YOUK HOME Abington bldg. Main 1068. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAY. $3200 BUNGALOW. A snap. GarageTrid Overland ear. If taken at once can get for $200O cash, balance terms. Look this up now. Pacific Agency. 514 Swetland bldg. FOR SALE LOTS 1$ $325 PARKROSE LOT EASY TERMS - 50x100; half block to carline, ground all clear; water and gas connections; terms $23 down, 10 month. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4 th and Stark. Main 208. $800 LOT FOR $400 ' 60x100 corner, about 2 feet above grade, east front, some beautiful fir trees: good soil; cement walks in ; 1 block from fine school ; 2 blocks to car; good neighborhood; clear ab-i cfr..t mrA f 1 1 1 a lwin.lfin l. 11 mnAW Jarrett sts.- RITTER. LOWE to CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 50 PER CENT OF TRUE VALUE 1001100 $1200. Go look at S. E. comer E. 80th and Clin ton sts.. and if yon don't buy this property you don't want to make money. HITTER. ,LOWE ft CO.. 201-3-6-7 Board of Trade building. KOBE CITY PARK $600 - On E. 47th st: 50x100,. Yon couldn't survey, clear the land, put in the improvements and pave the street for this money. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade building. PIEDMONT $600 Can you beat this for a pick-up. Out of town owner is sacrificing 60x100 on Moor near Holman. No liens. Act quick. RITTER. LOWE ft CO., ' 201-3-6-7 Board of Trade building. IBVINGTON CORNER SNAP E. 17th and KUcxatat, 60x100 comer, all liens paid; our price is so low we give it only on application. RITTER. LOWE ft CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade building. 200x100, comer, 28th and B razee; must sell; will sacrifice; make offer on all or part See Mr. Famworth, THE BRONQ CO. 410 Henry bldg. Main 1743. PRICE REDUCED $400 LAURKIJ1URST BARGAIN $1100 buys 50x100 on E. Hoyt near E. 33d. You'll have to hurry for this. RITTER. LOWE ft CO.. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade building. ROSE CITY PA RK district. $395, fine lot 50x 100. on 76th, neat Sandy bhrd., $9 down. $9 monthly. Fred Vi. German Co., Cham, of Com. Open evenings and Sundays. BARGAIN 2 lot in good location, hi block from car; sidewalks; cash or terms. Sell wood 2693. ' FOR SALE Attractive lot, E. Hoyt and 67th sts. ; $459: reasonable terms. Sellwd 3054. ACREAGE $7 : FOUR BLOCKS FROM CITY Half acre, in garden and fruit, located at Capitol Hill, close to car, 6c car fare. Oregon Electric. Abo close to Fulton carline, 6c fare. New plastered 6 room bungalow, gas snd city convenience. Graveled street Good bam, ga rage, woodshed, chicken house and rabbit hutches for 800 rabbits. Price SI 850. $800 cash. Personally inspected, John Ferguson. Gerlinger bhlg. - IMPROVED ACREAGE WITH STOCK Over 6 acres, located close to Oregon Electric, 12c fare, county road; all good land, 3 acre under cultivation, 60 bearing fruit trees, ber ries, carden. potatoes, small . bnnssL barn. 2 chickenhousea, well, creek, county road. Price isduu witn 3 cows, bo chickens. 2 pig, crop and furniture. $1500 cash. :. Personally in spected, see . Brook, with John Ferguson, Gar linger bldg. CLOSE IN 'ACREAGE On 52ti street near Errol station. 2 acres. all under cultivation. Good soil, so gravel. Clos. to school. . 2 -room house: well, and city con veniences. Price $2200, $600 cash. Personally inspected. See. Brooks, with John Ferguson, Ger- nnger omg. - - . 40 ACRE TRACTS. $26 PER ACRE 100O acres good farming land (now good grazing land), in the mild moist climate of the lower Columbia basin wber stock can grax. the year around. Running streams on nearly every tract- Two to five miles to a port on the river and Colombia highway. Easy terms. . hial-s MAnaifcita, xoi - Wilcox bldg, SIX acres, located near Tigard, all the land can be cultivated: 4 acres under cultivation, 3 good springs and creek.; Clone to good road. Fine soil, no waste land. Small , house,, wood shed and root cellar Prio . $2100, $1000 cash. Personally insnected. . Se Darh. with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg-. LOGGED OFF LANDS Tracts 5 acres ap, located witl'n 80 'mile of Portland, on railroad ; good soil, no rock, plenty of water, .worn nea. By; buy on your own term. - LUEDDEMANN CO.. 918 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE! Twenty acres of land near Battle . Ground. Warfw Most all can b put in rttlMV&tkra r WMk ;vm r.1. i l , , pimes; $700, easy terms. ' Would consult r i nam inw. .v-v-ni. Jotirnsl FOR" SALE 1 acres at Huber, 4 room house. .. ..... 7iTVt)ri1 Vim I t mm 1 1 J . J4 ftlia, tetaa, A, G. Wilnn. Roavarton, OR HEAL ESTATE ACREAGE $7 CHEAP ACREAGE : Five acres, $250: $10 down. $5 per month bay 5 acres of land between Portland and Cen tralis, on the main line of $ railroads. 1 H to tti mile from good little town; sawmills and logging camp in immediate vicinity; some of this land is partly cleared: running stream, some bottom and some bench; this acreage priced from $25 to $75 per acre. Can give you any kind of a piece yon want - --,, CHARLLES DELFEL. , ; S18 Railway Exchanga bldg. 10 ACRES PLASTERED HOUSE CHOP $3500 t ; , Located 1 6 miles from Portia rt. land lay fin. 8 acres in crop, good plastered house, painted inside and out good bam and chicken house, spring water in barn yard, well at home, all fenced and crosa fenced; paved road to Portland except 1 hi miles. Price $3500; reasonable terms. , LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. , : 913 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE or trade. 20 acres, near Vancouver. Wash., on Pacifio highway. Phone East 8069. SUBURBAN" ACREAGE 7$ 2 M MILES from Portland limits. 2 acre, all in cult, all fenced; 40 assorted bearing fruit trees: 5 block to station on electric Una road; $1785. $100 down and $15 monthly. Fred W. German Co., Cham, of Com. Open eve nings and Sundays. " SUBURBAN HOMES 79 ONE -BLOCK FROM CAR ' Six and half acres, located on good road, near Portland; close to Tigard. All fine soil, large orchard, berries, running water. Eight, room modem house, good- plumbing, electric light, electric pumping plant enameled kitchen, nice grounds. An exceptionally fin place, well lo cated, personally inspected.' Price $5000 clear. Might consider a city home. See Davis'' with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bide IDEAL country home. 4 acre on paved atreet, all set to Italian prunes; income in 2 years; fine crops and garden; strawberries; delightful 6 room cobblestone house, jus? built, equipped for poultry; mil east of Lenta Junction, corner of Poster road and Lenox ave. Take Estacada car to Ramapo st, see Brace. FOR SALE Six room house suburban home in Oak Grove, near Oak Grave station ; 1 hi acre, all under cultivation; modem, garage, hen house and stable. F. Haywood, Oak Grove, on Oregon Electric line. Liberal terms. FOR SALE FARMS 17 THIS Fill MUST BE SEEN TO BE ' AIPPtECIATEl : a Containing 540 . acres. About 300 acre are ready for fail seeding; balance 240 here all good land and cleared except about SO acre of oak grove. Two sets of buildings. New tractor, one double disc harrow, one spiked tooth harrow, two gang tractor plows (1 disc and 1 P. t O. ) ; good wagon: mowing ma chine; horse rake: one McCormick binder, and a new tractor ditcher. Three good wells, and one good windmill, and one good gasoline en gine. 54 head good grade Durham cows: 3 calves; aoout io more will have calves within 0 weeks; 1 good Holstein milch cow: 100 head of Shropshire ewes. You can arrange to ouy this tarm with or without stock. Price $40. 000. Can assume reasonable mortgage at OH per" cent. 30 tons of oat hay and 75 tons of oat straw in bams. Will sell all or hair. We are the owners. Address, T. A. SUTHERLAND 6 Mile West of Eugene . Crow Stage. Eugene, Or. 80 ACRE8 7 miles northwest nf Fomfr- Grnv Or 4 mile to school and church, on R, F. D., tele- pnone ana milk route; good county roads, 60 acres under cultivation. 2 acres beaverdam. SO acres timber, new 7 room 'bungalow, large am wnn alio, acre prunes, acres orchard assorted, 2 horses. 6 cows and a good set of farm tools all go for $9500; $5000 cash, bal ance at 6 per cent This is an A No. 1 valley larm. a pargain at tne price.. 82 acres, 4 mile of Fairdale on logging ry. 8 miles -of Yamhill. Or., mile from school "P tore. 28 acre under cultivation. 60 acres tillable when cleared, some good timber, house and bam. good milk house and closed pig pens, family orchard. Price $4000, $500 cash, bal ance $500 every two years at 6 per cent Legal description See. 29, T. 2 S., R. 6 W. Tucker & Schreck, owa SfAbUlXU BLDG. LINN TOUNTTfDAIRT AND GRAIN FARM 160 acre located 3 miles from small town In Linn county. 130 acres in cultivation, prac tically all of which has been in clover th last few years. Land lay so that it drains well; is fairly wen fenced and near railroad siding. 80 acres of timber pasture along creek. That, is a very good bam with granary, wagon sheds, etc, Probably worth. $2000. Several good outbuildings, 6 room house in fair condition. Has small young orchard, ample wood on th place for family use. and is a real good farm. Price of this place, $ 11,090. Can arrange terms at 8 per cent interest For full Ceacnp tion write us. KINNEY ft CO., Dealers in Farm Land, CorvaTil, Or. Home of O. A. C. YAMHILL COUNTT FARM 160 acre in foothills, 7 miles from MeMinn ville; 40 acrea in cultivation, 90 acres seeded pasture, 30 acres fin big fir timber, 8 good springs, water piped to hous and bam. good family orchard, variety small fruit; good out buildings; 7 room house, fair bam, 2 stock sheds and bam full of hay; on H. F. D. and telephone lines. Prie $37.50 per acre. Will sell bay, stork and implements also if wanted. Immediate possession. Good garden goes with place. Schoolhouse on place. Address. Olds ft Lewis, MeMinnville, Or. STOCK, CROP AND MACHINERY 40 acres, located 15 miles north of Vancouver, Wash., One hour from Portland. 20 acres under cultivation and in crop. All the land can be cultivated. Good ' soil. 1 0 acres pasture. County road. New 5 room house, bam, chicken house. Buildings in A-l shape. Price $4750. with 6 cows and 2 calves, good team, over: 50 chickens and all farm machinery and crop, $2250 cash. Personally Inspected. So Brooks, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. FOR SALE- 95 7-10 acres, 40 acres in culti vation; large family orchard. 7 room house hard finished; one 2 room house, one large barn and fine large chicken house; all cultivated fields, cross fenced; 3 cows, 3 heifers,- 1 roan Durham bull, 1 team horses, 4 hog and lot of chickens. All" tools, wagon and harness. One mile riverfront, 60 tons hay and field of potato and garden. Price $8500. Half cash, balance on time. C. E. Blum, Reno, Wash. Lincoln County Ranch 160 acres, located 2 miles from postoffice and store; good buildings, (mall amount under culti vation, lot of out ranfe; orchard and vegetables. Price $3000 with 30 bead of cattle, horse, sad dle and bridle; also furniture; $2000 cash, bal ance at 6 per cent John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. ; 50 ACRES; 40 acre an cultivation; good 7 ' room , house, with water piped into house, good bam, wagonshed. and silo, All necessary implements: 8 cows, 4 heifers. 2 horses, crops, bearing orchard;' on good road 3 miles from city limits. Will sell all or part Call Tabor 1878; address Mrs. S. Paulson, Fort land. Or., R. 3. . Want ,6 or; 8 Berry . Men to buy- 40 acre of land, each at $30 per acre $5 per acre of which goes into a jelly and jam factory on the Columbia river, 65 miles front Portland. Have 2 buyers, need 8 more to raise mfg. and sell the output For full informa tion address L-84 5, Journal. " CHEAP FARM 6000 . Cords Wood, 1 60 acre, first class soil, lies fine, springs, running - water, some -cleared; old buildings; near highway, 3 mile, from WasnougaL $35 an acre. $1000 cash. Investigate this. K. F. FEEMSTER. 809 Abington bldg. FOB SALE or trade, Willamette valley ranch, , 66 a., improved; good land, close to school, church and town. Owner, F. AC Williams, Turner, Or. -" 6 ACRE GARDEN TRACT Near Tigard; all in cultivation; house, fruit, rfk rrd; price $1500. S on down. DRAPER ft CALWAY. 526 Cham, of Com. bldg. 20 ACRES $600 $1 fare to Portland: $200 down. Claude Cole, 215 Lumbermen' bldg. FARMS "WANTED RENT OR BUY 8 " I I "FARM WANTED A ranch, general farming: will buy stack and equipment, $6000 cash; "will assume debt up to $2000 or $3000. X-60, Journal. JAPANESE, experienced gardener, wants sum . irrigated lands, by good road;, not over . 20 acres, near city. L-840. Journal. WANTED To rent by middle -of - Sept. 30 to 60 sere in cultivation and some , pasture. T-629, Journal.. , - ' - -': ' TIM BER ' : ' : -GREAT, bargain sal of first class timber by widow who wiahe to sell 88.000,000 feot. principally yellow fir. in Lan county near tb railroad. Pric 80 cont caah, term 75 cent.., ' Her M another, so low in price thst people say. "What is th matter with it," and are afraid to spend the carfare for fear that there is something th matter with it. Th matter is this: I want to collect $1000 from th owner snd must sell thst Umber to get tb $1000. About 10.000,000 feet for $3500; a mil lrom th rail sped. Caah only. D. A. Donelson. 447 Sherlock building, forUaad. Oc REAL ESTATE TIMBER S3 NOTICE f sal of government timber, general land offUM. Washington. .- IX C. Jua. 27. It IS Notlf M hereby given that object to th condition and limitation of th. set ' of Jun. 9. 191ft (39 Stat. 2 IS), and th. in structions of th. secretary of the ' interior of September IS. 1$17, th timber os) the fol lowing land will b told Aniruvt 20. 1919. at 10 o'clock . aw m., at public auction at th United States land office st Portland. Oregon, to th. nig hast bidder at not leas than th. appraised vain a snown by this notlca. sal. to b aubjet' to tb approval of th secretary of th interior. Th purchaw prk, . with an ad ditional sum of ona-fifth of on per cent therapf. being commissions allowed, moat b. deposited 'at time of sale, money to be returned if sale is not approved, otherwise patont will torn for th timber; which must b. removed within 10 years. Bid will b received from ettiaens of tb United State, associations of uch citiaens and corporation organised under tb. law of th United State og any state, territory or district thereof only. Upon application of s Qualified purchase, tb timber na any legal sub division will be offered eeparaJUiy ' bofor boing included in any offer of a target unit T. 2 N., R. W.. Sec 11. SW SW14, red fir 510 m.. cedar 65 m., 8W1 8W. red fir 740 M., Don. of tb red fir or cedar to be sold fo tern than $1.60 per At. T. 9 8., B. 2 E.. Sec ft. NK'. NEK. fir 1690 M-. hemlock 27U M., NW hi NE. fir 880 M.. hemlock 160 M.. SEH NK. fir 1770 M.. hemlock 250 M.. BW hi NShi. fir 2390 M.. hemlock '200 M.. NRti NW, fir 6SO M., hemlock 130 M.. NW NW . fir 1760 M.. KE a SEH. fir 1170 M., hemlock 120 M.. SW14.HEt.- fir 16SO M.. hemlock 60 M.. SE SB hi . fir 1190 M.. hemlock 8ft M., 8W hi SE hi , fir 790 AL. NEHBW. fir 1950 M., NW SW14, fir 2100 M.. SE SW. fir 1650 M . SW SW. fir 1250 m., none of th fir to b. sold tor ies than $1.60 per M., and none of th hemlock to b old for less than 75 cents per M. T. 9 8.. R. 8 E., Bee. 25. SW NW. red fir 600 M.. SE NE. rod fir 350 M.. SW NE. red fir 600 M.. none of the re4 fir to be sold for less than $2.00 per M. CLAY" TALL MAN, Commissioner. General Land Office. NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIM BER, GENERAL LAND OFFICE Washington, D. C, August 4. 1919. Notice is hereby given that subject to th conditions and limitations of the Act of June 9, 1916. (39 Stat. 218). and the instructions of thsv Secretary of the Interior dT September 15, 1917, the timber on the following lands will be sold September 18, 1919, 10 o'clock a. m.. at public auction at the United States land office at Portland, Oregon, to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one-fifth of one per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be re tamed if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber which must be remov ed within ten years. Bids will be received from citizens ot the United States, associations of such citizens and corporations organized under the laws of the . United States or any state, ter ritory, or district thereof only. Upon applica tion of u qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being included in any offer of a larger unit T. 5 S., R. 4 W.. Sec. 27. Lot 1. red fir 135 M., not to be sold for less than $l.O0 per M. T. 1 S.. R. 5 E., Sec. 21. N. E. , S. W. , yellow fir 1800 M., N. W. , S. W. . yellow fir 22O0 M.. S. W. S. W. i, yel low fir 600 M., N. "E. S. E. , yellow fir 500 M.. N. Wj H S. E. . yellow fir 1000 AL, not to. be sold for less than $1.50 per M. T. 2 S., It. 5 E.. Sec. 19, 8. B. N. W. . fir 1900 M.. cedar 50 M.. N. E. 8. W. hi. fir 1865 M . cedar 30 M.. hOmlock 75 M.. N. W. S. W. , fir 835 At, cedar 85 M., hemlock 140 M., none of the fir to be sold for less than $1.25 per M., and none of the cedar or hemlock to be sold for less than 50 cents per M. (Signed) Clay Tallman, Commissioner Gen eral Land Office. PILING' and cedar poles wanted. Give acal. O. V. Gamble, Couch bldg. HOMESTEADS 47 OPPORTUNITY FOR DISCHARGED SOLDIERS Can locate you on the best claims in the state that are worth a small fortune, were proved np on; a gilt edge offer; no fee if not satisfied. Mc I lardy, 914 Chamber of Commerce. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 89 ACRES, located near Eagle creek. 40 acre under cultivation. Balance timber and pas ture. Good orchard, bam ' and chicken house. New attractive bungalow, plastered good fences, creek, well and springs. Water piped to house. Good soil. Price $10,000. Take Portland house up to $5000 and some cash. See Davis, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. ACREAGE for sal or exchange for modem home in Portland; 80 or 160 -acre fin wheat land in Sherman Co.. 'on Columbia high way; 10 mile from Wasco; $25 per acre, or equivalent in Portland property; all in wheat thi year. Phone Marshall 5333, or call 401 Panama bldg. No agent's commissions. FOR SALE OR TRADE for improved farm, 8 house, lot 70x100, Williams ave. near Go ing. Portland: 8 room house, 50x100 lot. Hood River. J. H. Frary, It 2. Box 84. Hood River. Or. CHOICE Judith Basin ranch for Oregon prop erty. What have you! Writ M. M. Apple, Lowistown. Montana, . DEAL WITH OWNER A fin acr home, adjoinin city, fcr aala or exchange for city property, rnoni iaoor zoi. BIG beautiful modem Bossmer home, all clear. casta price. $6500. Trade for . farm near Portland. Mar. 4188. . FARM WANTED; income property to exchange, Claud Cole, 215 Lumbermen' bldg. -EXCflANBE what you have for what you want Graham, 323 By. Ex. bldg. WASTED REAL ESTATE $1 Talk Is Cheap RESULTS IS WHAT YOG WANT 601 Homes Sold Since January 1. 1919. 104 Sold On Month. '82 Sold in July. . By Frank L, McGuire's Sale Force of 10 Experienced Real Estate Salesmen. UNDISPUTED. RECORD FOR U. S. -Naturally we need new listing more homes to sell. W have been established since 1880. We advertise extensively, are in touch with the majority of buyer, have a very efficient selling organization. THE McGUIRE SYSTEM gets results. Every house listed is personally in spected, photographed and the photograph ot your nous is placed on display- in our - snow room in it respective district If - you have a hom for sale. LIST IT WITH US We will get quick and satisfactory results for you. SEE Frank L. McQuire TO SELL YOUR HOME. Successor to II. D. McGuire Co.. Established in 1880. Abington Building, Msin 1068. Main 1069. Office open evening and Sunday. HOUSES WANTED We specialise in the sain of home properties and the hundreds of satisfied buyers is the best evidence of our unexcelled -facilities for effect ing quick sale. Owner having hom properties lor sale will do well to consult us, -THE CROSSLY-VJGARS CO. SPECIALISTS IN HOME' PROPERTIES 270 Stark st , Main 3052. REAL ESTATE. WANTED. We are having considerable inquiry for this class of property. If your price kr right snd terms reasonable, list with us. Tea y, er raan Co., 32 Chamber of Commerce. - Open Sundays and evening. ' - ' ACREAQE WANTED With, some improvement and ' buildings. We deal in thi exclusively ; have four auto to show it with, and can aell it for you. John Ferguson, Oerunger bldg. MR. AND MRS. LANDLORD!- We have parties who want 5 or 6 modem bungalows: will pay $83 to $45 per month and take year's lease. SUBMIT YOUR HOUSE RIGHT AWAY, 8MFTH-WAGONER CO.. Stock Ex, WANT house. S bedrooms, near Benscn Poly technic; need not be modem. Good neigh borhood: Am not agent Tabor . 8436. 44 K. 75th north. HOUSE, not lea than 6 rooms, with 1 t. 10 acres, close to school, within 10 mite f Irrtland. Address L M. Verley, Oregon City, Route 5. WANTED To buy from owner, 6 to 10 acrea. improved or partly improved, with running water. Call 88 W. Preecott st, IMPROVED corner lot on 91st as first pay ment on o-room rmngaiow. Apply 'labor sis. WANTED Farms; acreage: house; liar buyer. Claud Cole. 215 Lumbermen bldg. - . WANTED About 6 or 10 acre, small pay ment down, balance like rent 1370 " ROOMING HOUSES, APARTMENTS - ;,ANP HOTELS FOR SALE it 30 ROOMS on Morrison st, cor. brick bldg., .steam- heat, lease. Price $2800; terms. 32 rooms on 11th St., hot snd cold water. steam beat, rent $125. , Price $3000; terms. . 61 room on 2d st'. steam heat, hot ami cold water; rent $150. Fries $4200; terms. 24 room on 11th at., : housekeeping, fur nace heat; rent $70. Pric $2250;. terms - 1 5 housekeeping rooms,- good loattpn : fine furniture; rent $45. Price $1200, $600 will hsndle. r'- ' - - ' MANY OTHER CHOICES. " : A DEAL- TO MUTUAL ADVANTAGE HELPS US AND HELPS YOU. - ' ' ' BUSINESS BER VICE. . 6791. ; , f ' 31T Henry' Bids. M7?Ta HOUSES, AFARTMEXTS AIUll HOTELS FOB BALIS I UPTOWN HOTEL 63 rooms, strictly modem hotel; ' whit pressed brick and every room is an outaki room; rent $250; lease; steam heat, hot and cold water, telephones in all rooms; netting-over $400 per month; nicely furnished and th beat buy in Portland at the price, $6800: terms. SMALL APARTMENT - 19 rooms, rent only $56. with 15 months' lease; very-close in. west side location; ex cellent furnishing: clears $125 and us of one suite for owner; has steam heat and hot and cold water in all apt. ; price includes $60 worth of fuel and $55 on lease; $240;- terms. SEE MR. BOWDEN. . ' SOUTT BOWDEN, " 481 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 75 ROOM workingman's hotel; clean, with lease; boarders and transient; rent only $75, A snap at $3000 cash. C. E. Osborne, prop; 412 N. 19th sg - . HEADQUARTERS for rooming house. To buy or sell see Garland.' 201 3d. cor. Taylor. BUSINESS OFPOHTTTNITIES 80 WE BUY STOCKS LARGE OR SMALL SPOT CASH - v FURNITURE and General Merchandise FELDSTETN FURNITURE CO. 174 FIRST STREET. MAIN 4633. S.Vkt (HIP Located in best town and in oest country in West, billiard parlors and bowling alleys. Well located and good paying business, doing best pool business in town. Alley have just been put in first-class condition and the only ones in town; do immense business -on . them: spot cash business, cheap rent Buy -this bust. ness in time for Round-Up week. Owner 1 soing into different line, reason for selling. It. Mr. iJiro?i, Bungalow Billiard Hall. Pendleton. Or. FOR SALE CASH . Grocery and confectionery, good location, do ing a fine business, about $90 per day average. Owner leaving city. Will bear investigation. For further particulars' phone Main 1758. GENERAL store stock and building for sale or trade for email ranch near Portland. Will sell stock and lease buildings cheap. LX-841, Journal. DRUGGISTS All or part of my stock and fixture for aala cheap; Joe Worth, VVV Belmont, city. SHOE machinery for sale; one foot-power fin isher, one Singer patching machine, one Bos ton lack with 48 lasts; also some stock. Must be sold. Apply 3 w imams ave FOR 8ALE Bakery In town pf .7000 popu lation; big payroll. Am doing $2000 .per month. Address Jewel L. Freeman. Bend. - Or., box 626 IF you are looking for business location call Simms. 431 Chamber Com. Main 6127. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 89 GARAGE WANTED Want to hear from some one having s good garage for rent, or might consider buying hi interest with good me chanic. Must be close in and a good location. Write E-72.1 Journal. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 OUR installment plan is th best and surest method of paying a loan. -$32.26 per month for 36 months; or $21.34 for 60 months; or $16.17 for 96 months, pay $1000 loan and Interest ' . Other amount in proportion. W. loan on improved city property. Or for building purposes. No commission eharced. EQUITABLE SAVINGS ft LOAN ASSOCIATION 34 3 terk st. Portland, or. BUILDING loans on city or suburban property. money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 8407. MONEY to loan in amounts of $100 to $3009 on city prcpeJy. A. H. BELL, rooms 10 11, Mulkey bldg. $300. $400. $500,' $750, $1000 and up at lowest rates; quick action. Fred W. German Co.. J82 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6445, CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' contracts on real estate in Washington or Oregon, H, E. Noble, 816 Lumbermen bldg. $300. $400. $500. $600.' $750' snd up. low est rates, quick action. Gordon Mortgage i;o.. oai jnamoer oi commerce. Main 44a. MONEY tor mortgage loans. $500 to $6000. 6 and 1. Fred S. Williams. 92 H 1st st SEE OREGON INV. ft MORTGAGE CO.. 223 Chamber of Commerce 4th and Stark. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per cant . Salomon ft Co.. 408 Selling bldg. Louis MOSEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. SALARIES 7 PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Fhon Broadway 810. 894 Stark Strost. near 10th. Loans on diamonds, watches, Tictrolaa, piano, kodak, shotgun, furniture, musical Instrument and anytiu&a J am ESTABLISHED BT THE PEOPLE OF PORT LAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER. City and country warrants cashed for fee valu. , CARRIE MYERS HERRMAN. Manager. , DO YOU NEED MONEY Loan mad on automobiles, diamond, pianos, household food. or anything ot vslue. Security usually left hi your possession. ALSO to SAL ARIED PEOPLE on their notes without security. If your payments to other loan companies or on furnitur or automobile contract are larger than you can make, we will pay them up, kdvanco yoa mora money if necessary, and yom can repay us in small monthly payment . to suit your con venience. - . LEGAL RATES DO DET.AT BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL ';, PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY ILiosnsed) 896-807 Dekum bldg. Marshall 8286. Salary LOANS Chattel WE LOAN MONET On short notie to salaried or worklngmen on their swn notes. Weekly, semi-weekly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDOHSEJi. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY W also 1ms on household' furniture, pianos, tc.. without removal . CALL AND INVESTIGATE . COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY " f LICENSED) 218 Failing bldg. MONET to loan on diamond. Jewelry ; Meal rates; U article held a year; established foe 1888. Dan Marx. 283 Washington st LOANS WANTED ..-: WANT to borrow $100 for 80 days; will pay $10 bonus and. interest and furnish good Portland real estate security. B-410, JournsL, SEE OREGON INV. ft MORTGAGE CO,. 282 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and sunt FlNANCIAI. fil LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS -. If you must sell your Liberty or Victory bonds, sell to m. If you can buy mora Liberty or Victory bonds, buy from ns. We buy and aell I.iberi.v and Victory bonds at the market YOU CANNOT DO BETTER YOU MAY no WORSE W are today paying th following prices for United States government Liberty and Vic tory bonds, which are the closing Sw. York market prices, plus the accrued interest: N. Y. Market Interest Total. 3H ....... ....99.90 .56 100.46 1st 4 ..........94.00 .64 94.64 2d 4 .......... .113.04 .08. . 4.2 lat4K 94..16 . .08 94.84 2d him ...... ...03. 30 1.04 , 94.84 8d4K 94.00 ' 1.75 96.65 4th 4V4 , ...... .93.80 1.39 94. Victory 3 ! .:.. 99.84 .86 100.7 Victory 4 .....99.82 1.10 100.92 In purchasing Liberty 4nd Victory bonds w deduct from the above prices' 37c on a $50 - bond and $2.60 on a - $1000 -- bond. In selling Liberty and Victory bonds we charge the New York market price plus the accrued interest -, . ' - . ASK ABOUT THE MORRIS BKOTHEH3- PLAN .- Burglar and Fireproof Safe Deport Boxes -for . - Kent. . ..- . ' MORRIS BROTHERS. INC.. ... The Premier Municipal Bond House. " Morris Building. 309 8 11 Stark -st, bet 6th and- Sth. Telephone Broadway 2151. Estab lished over 23 year. I WILL J;Ut ANT LIBERTY BOND 99'PERCENT V OF FULL CASH VALUE IAII dn. coupon Interest Included. I . 1. H. KEATING. 1T BOARD OF TRADE. : BONDS BOUGHT 8POT CASH SPOT CASH MARKET PRICE CASH for RECEIPTS. - W. win LOAN row money on BONDS. W. H. SL. or to make PAY MENT on BONDS. 7 per cent. 126 , Uaaco bldg.. Fltth and -Aktet, . CELLARS-MURTON CO: FITTAXCIAT. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS cash paid for any issue of bonds, full market price." loan on Avar savings stamps you can borrow cash ok. us on bonds and -savings' stamps, -or to FINISH PAYING FOK VICTORY BONDS. MEE K. HURKITT, --PRESIDENT. OREGON SUM) a MOMTGAGE CO., 12 SELLING BLDG. 2D FLOOR). 4 CORNER TH AND ALDER STS. HORSES. VEHICLES, ETC. 18 WOULD lis., to keep hers for bis board: excel lent care for rest of yea light work and good care. John Schscbt, Boring. Or.. Rt. 8, Box 145. FOR 8ALE 1 1100 lb, horse, by ThosStreiff. 1 mile southwest of Council Crest car line. FOR SALE -On team, well matched : weight 2500 lbs. r"l team 2800 lbs. 226 Russell at HORSE and wagon; $1.50 per day: 2 hones snd wagon. $8. J. Cohen. 646 Front Mia 2206. DEAD horses and animals hauled away tree. CaU Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. LIVESTOCK 3 EXTRA good young cow. 2 fresh with calf and on coming fresh loon: also good young dapple gray horse, weight 900 lbs.; works every where; harness and buggy reasonable for quick sale, 900 Powell St., Woodstock car. IF you want any fresh- dairy cows of any breed, at any time. e , Mr. Bruce. t th m. i. 1 . Wj &. .!.., , FINE Toggenburg Billy kid, hornless, both parent registered, f irst $25 gets him. John M, Mann, 802 City Hall. - LARGE fresh 6 , gal.' dairy cow: rich milk Guernsey-Jersey, Dandy- Jersey also. 53 E. 81th N. Phon Tbor 64A. FOR SALE Several good, ' fresh family cow. E. Baiiman. Gresham. Or. WANTED A 1 fresh cow, from 5 to 6 gL Phone Sell wood 1198. EXTRA fine milk cow for sale. 1245 Malsey .st Trice reasonable. 3 JERSEY cows. 2. fresh. H. A. Smith, phon 1-J, Milwaukiy. - - 3 YOUNG fTesh cow with calf. 1681 W, Anna t. St. Johns car. POULTRY ArTD RABBITS $7 PULLETS WANTED We will, pay you th highest possible caah price for March.- April. May hatch pullets, any breed. State number and strain. Northwest Poul try corp., Lents, or. YOUNG'White Leghorn hen. $1.00 each; Rbod Island Red Hens, $2.26 each; excellent breed ing and laying stock; also a few pullets. J. It. MAGUIRE, 787 Oregon st East 1808. 150, FEB., March, April White Leghorn pullets. ou it. 1.- lied. Barred it oca, wnite Leghora yearling laying bens.- 1818 E. Stark, and 76th. W'ANTEI--u0O White Leghorn pullets. Tel . Woodlawn 8878,-' Adres , 1648 Miss. av. RABBITS, cheap; New Zealands. Dutch and Bel giarw. Woodlawn car.O .lessup rt POOS, BIRDS, "PETS. ETC. $ frinn -c ... ....t-. "ti,. ...... n i c i. Singer guaranteed. 1151 E. 28th No, C-2217. FOR SALE Pedigreed Boston Bull Terrier, 6 weens old. l .all 'j apor BUST. TWO. bull pups; your choice. $15. Tabor 4405 AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 mm iners Why trust your Ford repair work to would- be mechanic when w can give you good, nonsat work at fair price and sua rant, all work. Ford magneto recharged by apart. Ford Re pa is nop, zhu root at 15.000 earned in ock. Our springs old with written guarantee. W give yoa service. -84 N. 15th at LATE SIX CHALMERS touring car? fin paint- good tire. CARY, 622 Alder. . Broadway 2492. COLUMBIA VULCANIZING WORKS WE REBUILD, BIBBED, RETREAD OR RECAP. WITH PURE RUBBER. ALL WORK - 826 COUCH ST. A-l 128. 1918 CHEVROLET, in fine snap, good tires. AUTO -SALES CO. 'Ninth and Couch. 1919 Maxwell touring car; cord tire;' 1 new pare tire. CARY, 622 Alder. Broadway 2492. CHANDLER, 7 pass., touring ear; good . .shape. . ' . CARY, 622 Ald-..Broadway 2492. BRi f ItmA f..-- PRICES STOCK ?, ss a a B1QU7 NO MlflREPRESENTATIO- l Covey Motor Car Co. -. AUTO TRIMMING ft -- UPHOLSTERING CO. All ku Ida top and uphol stering. Win and Couch. us stsirs. Broadway 2011. FORD touring, first chus stiap mechanically, new top, good tires. This car is a good puller: $3S5: $154 down. $28.10 a month. See Tom, Oregon. Auto Top Co., 14th and Couch, nroadway 44V8.' OLDSMOBILE 8: excellent running condition: good tire all around. A genuine bargain at $750. Will demoniitrate. Tapnon Main 6284. from 0 to 6 evening. Wdlwa. SS83 or call at 827 Morgan bldg. , . 1914 CADLLLA0- touring; some looker. AUTO SALES CO. -- Ninth and Couch. tA..H paid tor old cars, condition a. object; - tart for all make of cars. Oregon Ante Ex- huge. 120 Lownwtel. at 1 Stb and Washing loo. I'bn',. . Hroadway 2609. . ' BRING us your car today and get your money tomorrow. our . name . is speed. 404 DAVIS ST. FORD touring f018. in good condition. Owner . must sell.' A bargain at $526. with term. 30 Grand ave, N . "near Bornside i917"OVERLAND7oadster, not a scratch oa it Look hke new. car.t A bargain. 404 DAVIS ST. MAXWELL. 1918, touring, in best of condl tion. good tires. . Will sell at $776. with terms. 80 Grand ave. N.. near Bnmside. . FORD. 1918 motor;- leaving city Thursday! $325. if sold quick. Call after 2 p. m., Marshall 8471. FORD delivery. 4 917. Best ot condiUbn. Full 'panel body. A -bargain at $550, with terms, 30 Grand ave. N., near Buraslde. 1918 CHEVROLET, fin tir equipment, new top. A 1 mechanically. . , 404 DAVIS- BT. CHEVROLET, IM17, touring. In good onll tion. od fires. -Will sell at. $560, -with terms. 30 Grand ve. N near Bornside. 19T9 CHEVROLET ROADSTER for immediate delivery,. Call Mr. Dana, Broad w 240. .. . ;. -' . 1917 SfX CYLINDER.-6 pass.,. Chalmers; me chanically perfect Owner tearing city. Phon Tabor -6681: ' FCRD truck, 1918. In .bast of condition. Solid tires. A bargain at $650, with term. 80 Grand are.- N.r near Burwlde. i 1XJRD TOURING . Ixks and rnn as good a new. Mechanically perfect A snap at $475. East 4871. IF YOU WANT A CAR for $200, w hav it 404 DAVIS ST. 1918 "FRANKLIN, series -9; 4 cord tires; Ilia condition; ran lik new, Owner, Main 22S. BABY SAXON 404 DAVIS ST.r 1918 SUPER 8 Hudson, ft cord tir. 822 Alder Broadway 2493. 19 17. BUICK light six; good condition. 404, DAVIS ST. GAhOLINE 22. CENTS A OA I.IA, OILS AND (-KEASES. J'lONEER PAINT CO., 1X8 18T. 1917 SAXON 8V good condition; a. bargain. . ... -.. 4 imti nr. SAXON touring car in perfect condition, vary reasonable, terms. "Woodlawn 1427. IF YOU WANT a good car for $100 w hav it - 404 DAVIS ST. MAXWELL. 1915. $450. Al oondiuon. 48U1 - and Division. - Sell. 8328c BUICK roadster for sale ; excellsmt condition. Call Main 4486 after 8 p. m. i . LATE MODEL DODGE 404 DAVIS ST. rd"". Thi and Main sts., Vineoorw. UETZ touring, a dependable ear, at bargain. ana mvu tt-r EOUI- In fin mechanical shape. $350. $126 csrB. $25 per month. Dunn, Bell. 1808. 1914 FORD, shook absorbers, good shape 404 DAVIS ST. rOR RXHr 1910 Max well. Mechanically A-l. Jitll t. FRANKLIN TO'r- Vape, good tire. 104 DAVIS 8T - s-j-amer; auto sprjng-cq -- a gr AUTOMOBILES ANT ACCESSORIES 4 A Never Failing Tonic If font system is th least bit perturbed over used oar '- CONSULT LEWIS E. OBYE , The Used Car King ' You will find Immediate relief in th following prescription - 1919 Col Aero . ' 1919 Stud.baker Big 8. 1018 Jordan KnV ban. 1918 Jordan -rinrt Marine. ' 1918 Prut 6 passenger. 191W Studebaker light four. 1918 8tudbaker Big 6., - 1018 Maxwell Touring. 1918 Ford touring. 1917 Chandler Dispatch. 1917 Stephen Silent six. 1917 Cole 8 Touring. , 1917 Dodg Touring. - 1017 Dodge Roadster. , 1917 Mitrhell ft. 1917 Elgin ft. 1917 Buick six. 1917 Maxwell touring. 1917 Maxwell roadster. 1917 Velie Light U. 1P17 Hudson Super ate. 1917 Hupmobil. Touring. 1 91 8 Stearns 8 Touring.. 116 Reo Touring. , 191 ft Buirk Light 6. . 1916 Oakland tt. 1016 Haynes Light 0. 1016 Chevrolet 1914 Maxwell. 1916 Buick ft.'-T. passenger, 1910 Saxon ft Touring. y " Convenient terms to all responsible parties Liberty bonds taken at ' face value . We Are . Open Evenings and Sundays ' ' LEWIS E.4)BYE ' . MOTORS CO., ' Broadway - at. Couch St.- SPECIAL BARGAINS 1917 OldsmoHI. 8 touring , 191A Oldsmnbil 8 taurine ... . . . .ftlftftft 126 1I8 Maxwell touring, new tire,,..,.. 750 1918 Chevrolet delivery 800 1916 Chevrolet touring ........ f ... , qoo 1918 fildmohile a louring............ J8ou 1917 Ford truck chassis .............. AOil 64 Hudson ,. noil 1919 Henderson motorcycle .......... 300 TRUCKS Buick, t ton 850 Studcbaker, 2 ton 600 OLDSMOBILE CO. OF OREGON. Broadway at Couch. Broadway 2270. MIDSUMMER CLEARANCE SALE ' - Every on worth the money and exaotly as represented. ' Our, moTto, "Every, purchaser a booster." ; .1918 Chalmers Hot Spot, 7-pa.; s Port land car driven 5300 mile. , 1918 Velie, 7 -pais. ; also a wonderful buy. 1918 Telle, new tires, thoroughly bvarhaulsd. 7 -pass. Mitchell, lata model, thoroughly over hauled, swall paint job, cord -tire and tpar. Price right. 118 Peerleaa 8, 7-paaa.j big reduction. 1918 Overland 6, 6-pasa.; $750. Velie, 6-paas. : $400. Cadillac. $2O0. " W sell on a very easy payment -plan. Open evenings and Sundavs. D. C WARREN MOTOR CAU CO. 68 North 28d at Main 780. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO. 1916 Ford touring. In good condition. 1915 Cadillac, 8 cylinder, 7 psngr, newly refinlshed. . Packard twin 7 passenger, completely overhsuled and refinlshed. " Be WHITE, 421 Burnsid Sv. Broadway 621. HUFF TOURING - Thi Huff is all th class has. New leather top. plat glass in resr, non-stallabla starter, extra tires and rim. . Looks tike new and run th. nam way. Low pric of $M75V with $250 down, balance monthly. If you want Huff seo this on. 625Altier t . At AUTO WORKS ft PAINT CO. 1918 MAXWELL TOURING Look sad runs Ilk new. A soap, $725;' $200 down, balance monthly. Al AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO. 525 Alder St . I NEW TIRES What brand of new .tfr da yon prefer Lav. then, all make and alsm: also w. snak the famous O-V-O Double Tread I tawed I Urs nd do all manner of tir repairing. Oregon Vulcanising Co., 3 S 3-8 36 Bumaid nr Broad way. $ M -TON ' dump truck, ready to go to work, . an excellent buy. INTERNATIONAL MACK CORP., 10th and Daru st. 1918 COUNTRY CLTTB OVERLAND Fin. mnalns order, snnd - tints : terms tm.n b. Arranged to suit 'all Mr. Mountain, UANLET AUTO CO. ' ' j Broadway 217. , 1918 8TUDEBAKER touring, looks ilk new, 6 good tires. Good . mechanical ahmncu Ite.al bargain. 404 DAVIS BT. ' FORD 1 runabout, Tfl 6. Tnbest 0 condition. Som extras. Good rubber. A bargain at $475, with terms. 80 Grand ave. S., near Bnmside. . HUDSON SrpEit-SlX, 1918 model, just over- named and J -noted. IV 111 sell at 130, with term 1, or consider trade on smaller car, balanc terms. '30 irand, ave. N., near -Hurnide. HUDSON super, like new; ran e bought cheap. 1 At TO HALKS CO. Ninth knd ti:h. LTO TIRES W. sav. you money on- new snif ' fed tires; vulcsniztng and retreading. Vulcasj Tir snap , 41 rnd Ve. Phon. East 48fe Maxwell ruader, itu? ta bml "of oomli- tlon. Good lire. Will sell r $750. with term. 80 ;nd ave. N.. r.ear Burnstde. 1 1 iir.Oit&tn uwini, j if 1 e. in good con dition.. A bargain at $7ftO.. Som. terms So Grand ave. N., near Bnmside. OVERLAND 5 -pass, (model 83). mechanically perfect $7&0, $230 csh. 85 E. 66th st N. Tbor 854. DUBRUILLB TOP COMPANY vH a Oak. -Broadway 16A4. BUICK BUG Electric equipment. View paint. first class condition. aiarsuau 1121. tail venlngv : - MAXWELL bug, new bedy and newly painuxl. A bargain at wltn tarma. su Orand .- , near ntinrnw- GOULD BATTERY. 0 volte, 95 ampiers, good V. . .. 1. ..K mnA . 1 1 llW. -I UU1U, .Ul 11,11V, V WHI .tftf. W 1 . r. IBS1 DOIXiE owner offers touring 1st 1917, driven 1, J Wf IU1WHI W Mn.ll.lUS BUH after seven. . FOR? HALE 1917 Eord with 'l 91 9 body, a new tires; a snap at $475. 655 East 20t il 0th w. - - " " ' WE do all kind of auto repairing In yosir private garage. Work. guarantMd, $46 Wis. v. East 0643. " ' OVERLAND touring. 1916. motor in fin con dition, new tires, one spar; $500 if taken at once. Eat 8731. CHEV ROLKT tounng, 1918. in good m-.-l.or-ical condition, flood, tire. A bargain at f 7 i5, iOi terms. 30 f;rand ve. N. near rHirnsht. - fe 17 VELIE, good looker, fine condition! 404 DAVIS ST. , BARGAIN in latest model Chalmers touring car; run and looks like new. 'all Tsbor W.4Q. iTlSTlBEKTY SlxT5i.. uncial paint job; ntu and looks lik new. Call East 27HH. NEW Chevrolet for ssii A-l condiTion ; no dealerv Be II wood 2229. 544 E. lth st. 8. 1918 5-pasenger Ford in good condition" -Snap at $4 50 cash. Sell wood 3607. OVERLAND light dtlivery. $4 957"$ -1 65caih. $30 per month. ' Dunn. Sellwood 183. (CoBtUued oa FolUwinf7!"!,"